2018 Book CyberSecurityForCyberPhysicalS PDF
2018 Book CyberSecurityForCyberPhysicalS PDF
2018 Book CyberSecurityForCyberPhysicalS PDF
Saqib Ali
Taiseera Al Balushi
Zia Nadir
Omar Khadeer Hussain
Cyber Security
for Cyber Physical
Studies in Computational Intelligence
Volume 768
Series editor
Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: kacprzyk@ibspan.waw.pl
The series “Studies in Computational Intelligence” (SCI) publishes new develop-
ments and advances in the various areas of computational intelligence—quickly and
with a high quality. The intent is to cover the theory, applications, and design
methods of computational intelligence, as embedded in the fields of engineering,
computer science, physics and life sciences, as well as the methodologies behind
them. The series contains monographs, lecture notes and edited volumes in
computational intelligence spanning the areas of neural networks, connectionist
systems, genetic algorithms, evolutionary computation, artificial intelligence,
cellular automata, self-organizing systems, soft computing, fuzzy systems, and
hybrid intelligent systems. Of particular value to both the contributors and the
readership are the short publication timeframe and the world-wide distribution,
which enable both wide and rapid dissemination of research output.
Saqib Ali Zia Nadir
Department of Information Systems, College Department of Electrical and Computer
of Economics and Political Science Engineering, College of Engineering
Sultan Qaboos University Sultan Qaboos University
Al Khoudh, Muscat Al Khoudh, Muscat
Oman Oman
vi Preface
This book would not have been possible without the support of many people. This
book is the result of a research project carried out during 2014–2016 at Sultan
Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman. The research leading to these results has
received Project Funding from The Research Council of the Sultanate of Oman
(TRC) under Research Agreement No [ORG/SQU/ICT/13/011]. The authors would
like to thank TRC and Sultan Qaboos University for all the administrative and
financial support. We gratefully recognize all the individuals who have supported
us throughout this research life and helped us in collecting literature and preparing
reports for the project. We would like to thank our research team: Dr. Osama
Rehman (Post-Doc), Mohammed Ahsan Kabir Rizvi, Farhan Muhammad, Rana
Jacob Jose and Ennan Fatima, and M.Sc. students Ms. Amira Al Zadjali (Risk
Management) and Mohammed Al Abri (ICS/SCADA security).
x Contents
Dr. Saqib Ali is currently an Associate Professor at the College of Economics and
Political Science, Information Systems Department. Dr. Saqib is a self-motivated,
capable, and commercially astute IT professional with solid experience across both
business and academic settings. He demonstrates proven capabilities in business
analysis, software development, information systems, management, and imple-
mentation, using this expertise in a commercial environment to introduce innova-
tive strategies and practices that deliver growth and competitive superiority.
Dr. Saqib offers an exceptional educational background, maintaining a high profile
within the academic arena through continued publishing and actively participating
in and leading conferences, workshops, and seminars delivered nationally and
internationally. He uses strong communication and interpersonal skills to network
successfully, develop strong relationships with clients and colleagues, and deliver
engaging and informative course lectures and tutorials that inspire future IT leaders.
Corresponding author email: saqib.ali@ieee.org
Dr. Zia Nadir is currently an Associate Professor and Assistant Head of ECE
department at Sultan Qaboos University. He received B.Sc. (Hons.) in Electrical
Engineering with specialization in Communication Systems from University of
xiv About the Authors
ACK Acknowledgement
ACL Access control lists
AES Advanced encryption standard
ANSI American National Standard Institute
ARM Advanced RISC machines
ARP Address resolution protocol
B-MAC Berkeley media access control
BS British Standards
CCTV Closed circuit television
CERT Computer Emergency Readiness Team
CIA Confidentiality Integrity Availability
CIP Critical infrastructure protection
COBIT Control objective for information and related technologies
COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Tread-away Commission
CPSs Cyber-physical systems
CPU Central processing unit
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CTS Clear to send
DCSs Distributed control systems
DEFP Different forking probabilities
DES Data encryption standard
DNP Distributed network protocol
DoS Denial of service
DRBTS Distributed reputation based trust system
DS Dansk Standards
DSDVV Destination sequenced distance vector protocol
DSSS Direct sequence spread spectrum
EDP Economic dispatch problem
EFP Enforced fractal propagation
xvi Abbreviations
Fig. 1.1
Cyber-physical systems conceptual layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Fig. 3.1
WSN structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Fig. 3.2
Applications of WSN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Fig. 3.3
Security issues in WSN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Fig. 3.4
Attacks on WSNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Fig. 3.5
Attacks on various layers of WSNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Fig. 5.1
Conceptual illustration of ICS/SCADA infrastructure
developed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 91
Fig. 5.2 Responsibilities of IT and OT to maintain and manage the
corporate and ICS/SCADA networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Fig. 7.1 Layers and components in a distributed control system . . . . . . . . 144
Fig. 8.1 CPS classification based on the domain focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
List of Tables
Chapter 1
Cyber-Physical Systems Security
1.1 Introduction
CPS has been presented essentially as a two-tier structure, the physical and com-
puting part. Main activities, which come under the physical parts, are to sense the
physical environment, data collection, and then executing the computing part
decisions. The computing parts mainly analyze and process the physical part data
and finally make the decision. Such feedback will control the relation of the two
parts. Although these two parts (cyber and physical) are essentially different,
however, they are integrated and combined in a way that affects each other by
information (Hu et al. 2012).
Usually the physical process in CPS is monitored and controlled by the other
cyber system. Cyber system is a networked system of a number of small devices
with some other capabilities such as sensing, computing, and communication
(Wang et al. 2010). In its later descriptions, CPS was presented as a three-tier
architecture (La and Kim 2010). Those tiers consisted of an environmental, service,
and control trier. An Environmental Tier: It consists of physical devices along
with the end users, who use the devices and their associated physical environment.
Service Tier: It consists of a typical computing environment with some services
like Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Control Tier: This tier receives a
monitored data gathered from the sensors, which helps to make controlling deci-
sions. It also helps to find the right services with the help of service framework (Hu
et al. 2012). Figure 1.1 depicts a general overview of CPS conceptual layout with
associated system components.
According to the systems theory, a CPS merges the physical space with the
cyberspace by integrating the computing and communication capabilities with
monitoring and controlling information between physical world entities. This will
build a bridge between the cyberspace and the physical space as illustrated by
4 1 Cyber-Physical Systems Security
(Dong et al. 2015). Generally, each physical component has a cyber capability in
the CPS. A CPS behavior is a full integration of the computational and physical
action, where computing is deeply embedded in all physical components (Lee
systems (Wan et al. 2010b). Most of these applications require a high level of
assurance because of the safety requirements (Lee 2008).
The range of devices in a CPS environment may include anything from the most
simple hardware, which are sensors to all high-level and complex computers, and
cloud that manages all systems data and controls them. A wide range of reliable and
compromised networks moves the information and commands from one place to
another in such system. Therefore, a CPS must be reliable and secure, as it is one of
its main requirements (Madden 2012). The system is complex in a CPS environ-
ment since both strict and relaxed operating rules are available in its hardware and
software. For interacting with the physical space, a way to translate the information
to a computational value is required. In general there are four distinct categories of
systems that create a CPS (Madden 2012): They are: Sensors—a device that
translates the physical world to the digital world, Embedded System—a standalone
device with hardware, software, and mechanical parts which do not require a
special thing to operate, however may not be completely useful, High-Level
System—can be a desktop computer or a high-end super computer, which can
perform mass quantities of computations, advanced logic, and vast multitude of
functions at the same time and Physical World—where the system exists and
includes physics and real-time constraints. To understand the physical world more,
a sensor ID is added to an embedded system or to a high-level system. Sensors are
simple devices that require something to read in order to become a useful device. In
order for the high-level system to perform, it constantly interacts with the physical
world and works on the input provided by the sensors. With this, the CPS gets
another critical problem to address which is of the information passing through a
communication channel. Since CPS requires many networks protocols to operate,
communication is not restricted to specific types of networks. Therefore, evaluating
and securing the communication channels in the CPS operations is critical (Wan
et al. 2010a). Security of a CPS includes all the areas of analyzing the computer,
physical part, and all the interactions between them. However, there is a lack of
security analysis that covers both aspects. Both physical and computer components
need to be considered for the security analysis (Akella et al. 2010). Due to the
CPS’s complexity, many properties are required to take a considerable amount of
designing and planning to ensure that the CPS meets the required capabilities to
operate (Madden 2012).
The most critical challenge in CPS is to keep using the new emerging technologies
such as cloud and social computing in connecting the different devices, while at the
same time manage the different types of risks for such technology. Unfortunately,
such risks are also one of the least understood challenges in CPS (Sha et al. 2009).
Security in the CPS is relatively a new area and can be defined as the ability to
6 1 Cyber-Physical Systems Security
secure the data and the operational capabilities of the systems from unauthorized
access (Banerjee et al. 2012). In a CPS, protection of the information is difficult and
therefore security is a critical and complex task. This is due to the nature of the
architecture design where data, communication, processing, and communication
channels are combined (Madden 2012).
Confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authenticity are the basic properties of
a computer and CPSs’ security. Protection of the information refers to the confi-
dentiality and data validity. The correctness is the integrity, and the capability of
using any resource is the availability (Habash et al. 2013), where authenticity
ensures the communication, data exchange, and parties involved are genuine and
unaffected. CPS security objectives are as follows.
Confidentiality This refers to the system’s capability to prevent and avoid dis-
closure of information to the outside unauthorized users or system (Han et al. 2007).
In a CPS, confidentiality is required and necessary but it alone is not sufficient to
maintain the privacy (Pham et al. 2010).
Integrity Integrity refers to the insurance of any data or resources from any
modifications without proper authorization. In a CPS domain, achieving integrity is
the key goal through its preventing, detecting, and deterring deception attacks on
the communication between sensors and the actuators or controller (Madden et al.
Availability This refers that the system should be available to serve its purpose.
This relates to all of the CPSs’ aspects such as processes that are used to store and
send information etc. The physical parts are used to perform physical process, and
communication channels are used to access these physical parts (Wang et al. 2010).
CPS, through high availability usually aims to provide service and at the same time
prevent computing, control, communication from corruptions due to different rea-
sons like hardware failures, system upgrades, power outages, or denial-of-service
attacks (Work et al. 2008).
Authenticity This ensures that the data, transaction, and communications are
genuine. Availability is also important and required for the validation of every party
involved (Stallings 2006). In a CPS, realizing the authenticity in all the processes
such as sensing, communications, and actuations is one of the main tasks for the
processing of the system (Wang et al. 2010).
CPSs are exposed to different types of attacks and the security priorities have to
be defined. Some of the common attacks that impact on the above-mentioned
priorities of the CPS are as follows (Wang et al. 2010).
Eavesdropping In this attack, an attacker can interrupt information communicated
by the systems without interfering in the working of the system. It is also called as a
passive attack in which the attacker will only observe the system’s operation.
User’s privacy will also be violated in this type of attack.
1.5 CPS Security and Cyberattacks 7
CPS security is quite a new area and generally can be defined as the ability of the
systems to allow only authorized access to its data and operational capabilities.
Because of the newness in this area, current efforts in CPS security are focused on
mapping the solutions from existing fields (Venkatasubramanian et al. 2009).
However, these are not beneficial vulnerabilities of CPS, since these issues are
different and securing such systems is a hard and challenging task. However, the
criticality to address the security issues in CPS is huge due to the mission-critical
nature of the CPS applications that will have profound consequences, if they are not
addressed (Halperin et al. 2008). Another factor to be considered for CPS security is
its information sensitivity and detail about the physical process (Banerjee et al. 2012).
Since most CPS systems are not designed for security but for the core func-
tionality, therefore a cybersecurity requirement is not one of the concerns that the
CPS manufacturers include in their original product development. However, as
8 1 Cyber-Physical Systems Security
explained earlier CPSs are exposed to many cybersecurity breaches. One of the
main reasons is the long lifetime of the CPS systems and the rapid changes in
security mechanisms during their lifetime. Another factor is connecting to the
Internet exposes the CPS to different types of exploits and exposes the private
communications happening between different devices. Attackers take advantage of
the open remote connection for the support and operations purposes. In addition to
this, another factor is the continuous lack of personnel training in security area.
Some CPSs’ suppliers may no longer exist and that would be another source of
vulnerabilities (O’Reilly 2013).
Cardenas et al. (2009), discusses the three key challenges in securing CPSs. In
general, having an understanding of the threats in CPS is a challenge to be
addressed and to know the possible consequences of attacks. Identifying the unique
properties of the CPSs and their differences from traditional IT security is a critical
challenge in this area. Finally, discussing and defining the current security mech-
anisms, which are applicable to cyber-physical systems, are limited.
1.7 Conclusion
Operational Technology (OT) uses the traditional IT technology over the CPSs and
embedded advanced technologies to control, manage, and monitor various critical
operational and processing tasks, such as the function of controlling the voltage line
sensors and voltage circuit breakers in the smart grid environment. Moreover, the
OT depends mainly on the sensors, actuators, PLC, RTU, ICS SCADA systems,
industrial servers, and ICT infrastructure to fasten the whole OT’s operations col-
lectively. Although many organizations have isolated the OT from IT for security
purposes, the new trend is still growing to converge both networks, which, as a
result, raise an enormous of technical and security challenges (Proctor 2016). For
secured integration, the various security precautions should be taken to protect
corporate networks, such as building continuously systematic updated information
about the status of the IT network and the security gap which should be filled. Also,
a great care should be taken to monitor and control the whole IT network’s
infrastructure, devices vendors, contractors and models, location, the basic con-
figuration of firewalls, routers, switches, servers, computers, printers, Ethernet
cabling and ports, and wireless access points (Ogbu and Oksiuk 2016).
The composition of this book is to discuss the status of cybersecurity of each
system components of CPSs. The book is structured as follows: Chapter 2 discusses
the importance of risk management for CPSs’ security. Chapters 3 and 4 provide
extensive literature review and security mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks
used in CPS. Chapter 5 presents Industrial Control Systems SCADA systems’
security for CPS. Chapters 6 and 7 present Embedded and Distributed control
systems security for CPS. At the end, Chap. 8 presents the analysis for standards
being employed for CPS.
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Chapter 2
Risk Management for CPS Security
2.1 Introduction
In the previous chapter, security as one of the main factors that need to be managed
to achieve the expected benefits in its different CPS areas of applications is high-
lighted. Due to the nature of CPS, security needs to be implemented at two different
levels, namely, the physical and cyber level. Physical level security aims to secure
the components of CPS at the environmental tier. In other words, such level of
security aims to secure the physical devices and the environment in which they are
in from unauthorized access and/or control. Solutions to achieve such type of
security are broadly related to physically securing the required area. On the other
hand, cyber level security too aims to secure and prevent the unauthorized use of
physical devices. But the channel from where such threats arise is not only from the
physical medium but also from the cyber one. With the proliferation of digital
communities and communications, the security threats from the cyber domain, also
known as cybersecurity has become one of the most important aspects to be
addressed. This is because the threats from such level affect and impact the service
and control tiers of the CPS architecture, thus making them vulnerable and
impacting some of their basic properties in communication such as confidentiality,
integrity, availability, authenticity of communication, etc.
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018 11
S. Ali et al., Cyber Security for Cyber Physical Systems, Studies in Computational
Intelligence 768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-75880-0_2
12 2 Risk Management for CPS Security
In the recent past, there have been a number of cyberattacks which have impacted
the affected parties both financially (Charleston 2017) and reputationally (Manuel
2015). Researchers in the literature have attempted to address such security issues by
identifying the different vulnerabilities (Humayed et al. 2017), the different types of
attacks that are possible, both in the cyber and physical sphere (Humayed et al. 2017;
Giraldo et al. 2017; Shafi 2012; Wu et al. 2016) and proposing approaches to
mitigate them (Wardell et al. 2016) through different methods. While having such
knowledge, methods and techniques are important and beneficial; from a cyberse-
curity perspective, it is also important to understand that having a one size fits all
approach is not possible and workable (Madhyastha 2017). Furthermore, it is also
possible that with a constant increase in cyberattacks, no two cyberattacks may be
the same. They may have different traits which are purposely developed to create
maximum disruptions in CPS operations. Hence, in such cases, the previously
developed and captured knowledge of cyberattacks may not be the only information
and knowledge required to prevent attacks and make the CPS secure.
The term risk broadly signifies the occurrence of events that will lead the activity
toward an unwanted outcome. Even though various researchers, for example,
Waters (Waters 2011) argue that risk should not be always be associated with a
negative outcome, but because of its history of being used in the field of insurance,
risk is most of the times seen as a factor to minimize and manage. Taking the broad
definition of risk proposed in Hussain et al. (2013), in the context of this book, risk
broadly is defined as a possibility of the intended outcomes of the CPS applications
not being achieved due to possible breaches in the applied security measures.
Hence, it is important for such events that lead to risk to be identified and managed.
There are two broad approaches in the literature that have been proposed to
identify and manage risk (Hussain et al., 2013). They are either adopting a reactive
or proactive approach. Consistent with its terminology, a reactive approach reacts to
address and manage situations of risks after they occur. On the contrary, a proactive
approach, rather than waiting for risk events to occur first before managing them,
predetermines what events of risk may have an impact on CPS security and
accordingly develops plans to address them. The difference between these two types
of approaches is as follows:
(a) The reactive approach does not stop the security of the CPS application being
impacted by risk events but the proactive approach does. This implies that the
reactive approach does not stop the CPS application from experiencing dis-
ruptions, loss of revenue, loss of reputation, etc., but the proactive approach, if
done successfully has the ability to do so.
2.2 Risk—Its Definition and the Two Different Ways … 13
(b) As the reactive approach attempts to address CPS security threats after they
occur, it requires more of problem-solving techniques. On the other hand, as the
proactive approach attempts to address CPS security threats before they occur,
it needs the ability to predetermine possible problems and techniques to avoid
As mentioned earlier, the area of security in CPS has been extremely well resear-
ched in the literature. Ashibani and Mahmoud (2017) summarize different CPS
security issues in its three layers of perception, transmission, and application and
propose possible solutions that can be applied at single- and multilayers. Maple
(2017) summarizes the different challenges related to security and privacy in IoT in
different applications such as autonomous vehicles, health, well-being, etc., and
discusses on who should be responsible and accountable for this. Wang et al. (2010)
discuss the major types of attacks to CPS and propose a context-aware security
framework for improving the overall security. The proposed approach utilizes
context as the basis on which the decision whether to allow a user access to the CPS
application is made. Seifert and Reza (2016) in the context of a healthcare appli-
cation, tests the applicability of two architectures, namely, publish and subscribe
and blackboard to ascertain which one performs better against some of the com-
monly known security threats. Machado et al. (2016) propose an approach of
preserving the intellectual property of CPS system by controlling the software
embedded in the CPS devises that manage them.
While the above mentioned works along with others in the literature are
important, it can be argued that the security threats against which they aim to secure
the CPS platform and architecture are known. In other words, the proposed
approaches aim to develop resilience of CPS applications against threats that are
already well known and identified. While this improves the capability of the CPS
architecture to improve its resilience against known threats, it does not provide any
assistance in improving the CPS architecture security against threats that are not
currently known. Referring to the discussion from the previous section, such an
approach of managing CPS security has similarities with the reactive process of risk
management as it can only react to new events of security threats after they occur.
However, they may not be useful if the resilience of the CPS architecture needs to
be improved from security threats that may not be that well known. In the next
section, we discuss some of the existing risk management approaches utilized in
CPS applications.
14 2 Risk Management for CPS Security
Risk management is important and plays a critical role in many fields, for example,
economics, biology and operations (Djemame et al. 2014). It is a process of bal-
ancing the operational and economic costs and allows the IT managers to protect the
IT systems and data of their organization. Risk management process is not for IT
operations only, it also helps making the decision in all areas of the organization’s
functions (Stoneburner et al. 2002). To simplify, a risk management is a process of
identifying risk, assessing risk, and taking decision on risk-based issues to reduce
risks to an acceptable level. Its objective is to support the overall vision and mission
of the organization and to enable the organization in accomplishing its mission(s). In
general, the risk management covers three main processes: risk assessment, risk
mitigation, and evaluation and assessment (Stoneburner et al. 2002).
As discussed earlier, while defining risk, most definitions focus on the uncer-
tainty of outcomes and differ in characterizing these outcomes. Mainly a risk is
described as having adverse consequences whereas others seem to be natural. In
general, a risk refers to the uncertainty of future events and is defined as the
expression of the likelihood of occurrence and the impact even may lead to achieve
the organization’s objective. In IT, a risk is defined as an appearance of the asset
value, the vulnerability to that risk and the threat exists in the organization. In other
words, a risk is the possibility of a risky or dangerous event to occur which will
affect or impact achieving objectives. Risk analysis is required to help in making
decisions about organization’s objectives. Two calculations are necessary for each
risk: risk likelihood or probability and the impact or consequences (Berg 2010;
Djemame et al. 2014).
For any risk management, the significant concepts to be addressed are as
• an asset which is worth value and requires protection,
• an unwanted incident that affects or reduces the value of an asset,
• a threat which is the possible cause of an unwanted incident,
• a vulnerability which is a weakness, error, or deficiency that opens for, or may
be exploited by, a threat to cause harm to or reduce the value of an asset, and
• Finally, the risk is defined as the likelihood of an unwanted incident and incident
consequence on a particular asset.
To explain the above risk concepts, for example, a server is an asset; computer
will be affected by virus which is considered to be a threat for that computer and
virus protection software which is not up to date is considered to be vulnerable.
This will lead to an unwanted incident, which is an access for a hacker on this
server. The likelihood of a backdoor on the server to be created by the virus may be
medium, but the consequence to harm the server would be high (Djemame et al.
2014). In general, there is an essential issue in characterizing any risk and that is
because of appropriately carrying out the following steps in the risk management
process (Djemame et al. 2014):
2.4 Concept and Importance of Risk Management 15
• analyzing the triggering event and formulating an accurate structure of the risk,
• estimating the loss related to every event, once a risk is realized, and
• estimating the possibilities of an event by using statistical methods or subjective
After identifying the possible risks, which is a first step in the risk management
process, the risks are then assessed by their potential severity of loss and possibility
of occurrence. The process of assessing is called as risk assessment. In risk man-
agement process, the risks are measured or assessed and then managed by devel-
oping strategies and controlling their consequences. While managing risks, the set
of actions are defined which are required to manage a specific risk and the actions
are applied as a strategy, which consists of the following measures (Hillson 2002):
• transferring the risk to another party to manage the risk better,
• avoiding the risk and eliminating the uncertainty to occur,
• reducing the effects of the risk, and
• accepting the risk and limiting the consequences of a specific risk.
Many risks have occurred in the IT systems as well; therefore, IT managers must
ensure that the organization has the required capabilities to achieve its missions.
They should identify the security capabilities that will enable their IT systems to
provide the desired level of mission support in order to face the threats and risks.
Defining a well-structured risk management methodology and to use it effectively
can help the organization management to find suitable controls for specific threats
and risks (Stoneburner et al. 2002).
Nowadays, cyber-physical systems are being increasingly seen in most critical
areas; with smart grid is one of the key examples. This development leads to many
risk issues to appear because of the cyber-physical system’s design. When systems
are developed from a Cyber-Physical System’s perspective, the risks of the whole
system will be greater than the sum of individual component’s risks. The assess-
ment and mitigation of these overall risks require the understanding of threats to the
data-processing systems and the damage that results from it (Axelrod 2013).
Managing the risk of Internet and information-rich system is difficult because of the
cybersecurity issues that result from the interaction of cyber and physical process in
the CPS. In addition, the mission-critical nature of cyber-physical systems makes
them more vulnerable to different attacks (Fletcher and Liu 2011).
The process of risk assessment helps in evaluating what needs to be protected. It
is an ongoing process of evaluating the risks and then to establish an appropriate
risk management program for the organization. In information security, for
example, the risk management program should be appropriate for the degree of risk
related to the organization’s systems, networks, and information assets. Basically,
the process of identifying threats to the information or information systems,
determining the likelihood of occurrence of the threat, and identifying system
vulnerabilities that could be exploited by the threat is defined as the risk assessment
(Stoneburner et al. 2002).
16 2 Risk Management for CPS Security
A risk is the degree of possible wrong that may occur in an established process, and
risk assessment is one of the key activities in risk management process. The risk
assessment process is the first phase of risk management. Assessing risk means
identifying the threats, and then determining the likelihood and impact (Tiwana and
Keil 2004). There are five phases involved in the risk assessment process: identifi-
cation, analysis, evaluation, control and mitigation, and documentation (Kumsuprom
et al. 2008). In general, an IT risk assessment helps the organizations in implementing
new business changes and use the information systems to get the appropriate changes.
At the same time, these implementations of IT systems have also exposed to IT-related
risks such as strategic risk, financial risk, operational risk and technological risk
(Kumsuprom et al. 2008). Therefore, IT risk assessment polices and strategies have
been developed to minimize such risks.
Much of the early analysis of cyber-threats and cybersecurity appears to have
“The Sky is Falling” theme (Lewis 2002). “Information security—the safeguarding
of computer systems and the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the data
they contain—has long been recognized as a critical national policy issue” (Cashell
et al. 2004). At the same time, its importance is growing more in different aspects of
the most modern countries.
The risk assessment’s concept has been presented and discussed as a general
methodology and or a specific type of risk in many areas such as grids and clouds
(Djemame et al. 2014). However, the chances of the severity of future risks to
appear could be more than what has been seen today of the cyberattacks and
information breaches. This is because of the dramatically increase in the number of
such cyberattacks in the world (Cashell et al. 2004). These cyberattacks, network
breaches, and information breaches can create complex risks which could affect the
new areas for national security and public policy (Lewis 2002).
Smart grid risk can be defined as the probability of threats that may use vulnera-
bility to cause harm to a computer, network, and system. This will then result in
operational and business consequences for the smart grid. In a smart grid, the
complex functionality of threats and their consequences will make the cybersecurity
risk difficult to measure (Clements et al. 2011).
On the other hand, the smart grid cybersecurity risk assessment’s main objective
is to identify different vulnerabilities and threat risks and then determine their
impact. Ultimately, the resulted outcome of the risk assessment should be used to
define the security requirements and controls (Hecht et al. 2014).
While defining the cyber risk management process for grid systems, it is
important to decide the amount to be spent on information security and how the
budget is allocated for it. Although there is a clear gap in the data and the mea-
surement of capabilities, businesses and government, where strong risk manage-
ment programs can be developed by organizations (Cashell et al. 2004). Many
methodologies are in use nowadays to qualitatively measure the risk instead of
measuring it quantitatively. A common practice is to rank information assets
according to (a) how valuable they are and (b) how vulnerable they are to attack
(Cashell et al. 2004). It is important to focus on the combination of both power
application security and supporting infrastructure security when forming or
developing the risk assessment process for power-grid systems (Sridhar et al. 2012).
It is important to highlight and present the best practice checklist for the smart
grid risk management process. The checklist below summarizes security’s best
practices and controls which are presented by the National Rural Electric
Cooperative Association (NRECA) in implementing risk management (Lebanidze
• provide active executive sponsorship,
• assign responsibility for security risk management to a senior manager,
• define the system,
• identify and classify critical cyber assets,
• identify and analyze the electronic security perimeter(s) (ESPs),
20 2 Risk Management for CPS Security
The standards, in general, are meant to provide uniformity that would ease the
understanding and management of the concerned areas. The businesses find
themselves in need to adopt standards for various reasons which vary from business
requirements to regulators and compliance mandates. The establishments of proper
corporate governance, increasing risk awareness and competing with other enter-
prises are some business drivers mentioned. Some firms pursue certifications to
meet the market expectations and improve their marketing image. A major business
driver for standards’ adoption is filling in the gaps and lack of experience in certain
areas where firms are not able to build or establish proprietary standards based on
their staff competencies (Al-Ahmad and Mohammad 2012).
determined and scheduled for publication. The following matrix shown in Table 2.3
reflects the currently known position for the major operational standards in the
series (Humphreys 2006):
Another view of ITIL V3, service strategy, and service design volume of this
service is based and focused on the definition. Their goal is a new service, and the
improvement of an existing one is based on the design of the matter, not the design
and development of IT services.
A service design is purely based on the technology, but the business and tech-
nical environment addresses the masses in order to negotiate a solution, so the
planned service support is required to take into consideration, the entire supply
chain (Marrone and Kolbe 2011).
This update addresses the evolution of enterprise risk management and need for
organizations to improve their approach toward risk management in order to meet
the dynamic or evolving business environment (Accountants 2004).
Over the years, several risk frameworks have been developed and each has its
advantages and disadvantages. Basically, they all call for a multidisciplinary team.
The discipline requires the organizational assets, inventory risks, define, control,
evaluation, and risk, ending up with an estimate of a magnitude.
Perhaps the most well-known risk framework OCTAVE comes in three sizes.
The original is a full-featured version for large organizations with sufficient doc-
umentation. OCTAVE-S multidisciplinary group can be represented by fewer
people, where small groups, sometimes with business knowledge in particular, are
designed for technical ones. Documentation burden is low and lighter weight in the
process. OCTAVE’s latest product in the series is more of a trivial texture and has a
more focused approach than its predecessors, which leads to the Allegro. The
Allegro at the start of the process requires extra discipline, assets for the awareness,
and visual systems, applications, and environments as containers. The abstract
assessment of the scope of information (such as protected health information), and
the identity and information is stored, processed, or transmitted, in which the
container is needed to assess the risk across. One of the benefits of OCTAVE series
worksheets is to document every step in the process providing templates for each of
the arrangements. These are either directly or intended to be used for a particular
As described in the NIST Special Publication 800-30 NIST framework, it can be
applied to any property that is a normal one. It uses a slightly different terminology
than the OCTAVE, but follows a similar structure. Its brevity and more solid
components (e.g., system) focus on risk assessment making it a good candidate for
the new organizations. In addition, it is defined by NIST that the government
agencies and organizations that work with them are approved for use.
ISACA’s COBIT, ISO 27001 and 27002 are risk management programs for
organizations that require management and security arrangements. Both offer, but
do not need their own version of the risk management frameworks: COBIT and ISO
27005. They recommend repeatable methodologies of risk assessment that should
take place when specified. COBIT included in all of the ISO 27000 series is
designed to deal with security; consequently, risk assessments required by each of
those consistent areas. In other words, COBIT risk assessment as described in the
risk goes beyond safety, and ISO 27005, in particular, is focused on safety,
development, business continuity, and IT operations to include other types of risks.
ISO 27005 NIST follows a similar structure, but defines the conditions differ-
ently. For instance, infrastructure threats, vulnerabilities, and controls are
28 2 Risk Management for CPS Security
considered in the context of the establishment called the move, including risk
identification and assessment, and a risk analysis that discusses the steps and
documents potential risk and business impact. ISO 27005 includes annexes with
other risk frameworks, assessment which are relevant to a particular business, and
apply to quantify risk in ways that depend on the organization.
Different types of organizations are continuously exposed to many kinds of risks.
For example, information technology risks, people risks and process risks.
Frameworks and standards are available in order to help the organizations manage
such risks. However, they need to select the most adequate ones for their organi-
zation and business and use them to address these security risks. The Committee of
Sponsoring Organizations of the Tread way Commission (COSO) framework is one
of the available frameworks that provide risk assessment process within its risk
management processes.
The COSO emphasizes upon the development of a framework that will fully
integrate the management of risk into the organization. The framework assures that
the corporate-wide process is supportive, iterative and effective. It means that the
risk management will be an active component in governance, strategy and planning,
management, reporting processes, policies, values, and culture. The framework
provides for the integration of risk management, reporting and accountability. It
intends to adapt to the particular needs and structure of each organization.
Existing approaches adopt a silo-based view of the threats which impact CPS
security while aiming to increase the resilience of the CPS architecture. In other
words, they consider an inside-out approach while maintaining the security of the
CPS architecture. However, apart from that, there may be other threats (outside-in)
which are not currently known, but when they occur will have the ability to disrupt
the flow of information in the cyber domain. This is logical as new security
advisories constantly come out and if complete resilience against security attacks in
CPS architecture needs to be developed, appropriate methods and techniques need
to be developed that can identify such threats and take mitigation actions accord-
ingly. In other words, there is a need to be proactive against in the management of
CPS security to improve the resilience of the CPS architecture.
The importance of being proactive in areas such as risk management has been
stressed in the literature in many different domains. However, existing methods in
CPS security aim to secure the architecture based on the current known security
threats. Apart from doing that, it is recommended that there needs to a constant
analysis of new threats that could possibly arise and develop actions to mitigate
them. With the huge amount of information being generated these days, one way by
which this can be done is to combine existing CPS security approaches with data
2.8 How Should Complete Resilience of CPS Architecture … 29
science techniques that will enable CPS security managers in the better manage-
ment of the CPS goals. Existing research in the literature (Wang et al. 2016)
emphasizes on the need to use big data analytics in applications such as logistics
and supply chain. But such approaches focus on utilizing predictive, prescriptive,
and descriptive processes. While these approaches will provide insights for the
better management of operations, they will not be helpful in the domain of security
management unless the analysis is conducted on a real-time basis. This is because
one of the main objectives of security management is to take a proactive approach
that analyzes and manages events that may have a detrimental impact on the ulti-
mate goal. To achieve this, real-time stream processing of information is required
by security managers which can then be combined with the traditional existing
approaches for security management of CPS systems that are currently in use.
The modern Web with its fascinating range of tools has become the “laboratory” for
understanding the real-time processing of events. Further to that, a range of tech-
niques has been proposed to mine this information and make sense of large social
and information networks. These techniques fall within the research area of social
and information network analysis (SINA), in which link analysis, network com-
munity detection, diffusion, and information propagation on the Web are some of
the main themes. Using such models to analyze the data allows CPS security
managers to understand behaviors and patterns, and to distinguish information of
interest from expected phenomena from which insights can be generated. Numerous
data science techniques are used widely in the literature, such as network graph
analysis, information capture and analysis on a real-time basis, enterprise knowl-
edge graph, sentiment analysis, and social media analysis. However, not all tech-
niques will be beneficial for every scenario. The challenge here is to identify which
techniques combined with which analysis are the most beneficial according to the
required objective of the analysis, and to use it accordingly.
To achieve the above aim, it is not only important to have the required data but
also to acquire the data in the required format and at the required time. This falls
into the category of data representation, data management, data access, and the
timely processing of information. Appropriate techniques need to be developed that
will enable CPS security managers to utilize the data in the short time frame in
which it is beneficial for managing supply chain risk. Not all data on the Web is
reliable and trustworthy. A key research issue, therefore, is to study the provenance
of data to ascertain its reliability and trustworthiness before utilizing it in the
30 2 Risk Management for CPS Security
2.10 Conclusion
With the increased need of the proper security of the CPS infrastructure from
cyberattacks, a number and diversity of risk assessment methodologies have risen to
help achieving this goal. Many international standards and guidelines from different
parties on risk assessment and risk management frameworks can confuse a com-
pany that is seeking security. However, proper guidelines and standards can be used
to develop an appropriate risk assessment for the CPS and fulfill the security
requirements for such critical systems.
In this chapter, a literature review was done in the area of CPS risk assessment in
order to provide the basic information regarding the available studies and effort in
this area. Furthermore, a list of the most relevant risk assessment approaches for
CPS and mainly for smart grid has been presented. The risk assessment process
helps the organizations in determining the assets that are at risk and to help in
defining the controls to mitigate those risks. The risk assessment process is mainly
based on the threats and vulnerabilities that could cause damage to any critical
An overall risk assessment and risk management framework helps to properly
evaluate the importance of security issues within an organization. Although a quite
good number of frameworks that can be used to perform risk assessments are
available, however, a number of proper and suitable assessment approaches that can
be used in conjunction with these frameworks are very low. However, at the same
time, it is important to understand that for complete resilience against CPS security
risks we need to be proactive in identifying the different adversaries that may occur
and manage them accordingly.
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Chapter 3
Wireless Sensor Network Security
for Cyber-Physical Systems
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have become a prominent technology for many
applications due to its various advantages and feasibility. It has been applied in
government, military, transport, health care, education, business, and environment
applications. WSN makes sensing, tracking, monitoring, and automation much
simpler, effective, and efficient as compared to its predecessor technologies. Due to
its vast implementations and immense potential, it has also attracted many threats
and vulnerabilities along its path to advancement. This chapter reviews the existing
literature and discusses the security issues related to WSN and the challenges in
addressing them.
3.1 Introduction
Research in the sensor network technology had started in the late seventies
(Lopez et al. 2010). The concept of WSN came into being in the late 1990s and
early 2000s, when the technology had matured enough to enable creation of a
distributed network of small size, low-power nodes that can communicate wire-
lessly (Byers and Nasser 2000; Estrin et al. 1999). As research and development of
this field advanced further, the IEEE released the standards that came to be known
as smart transducer networking (Lee 2000). This specified the desired functions of a
sensor node and the technology started to be known as the smart sensors (Lewis
2004). With time, the concept came to be called as WSN. Zigbee standard was later
released by IEEE as a wireless communication standard for WSNs (Yang 2014;
Egan 2005; Kinney 2003). WSN technology is currently being used in a number of
applications as depicted in Fig. 3.2. Just like every other communication tech-
nologies, WSN also has its own security goals, issues, vulnerabilities, and threats.
This chapter conducts a survey on the security issues, attacks, and counter-
measures implemented in the WSN. This survey also considers the importance of
trust and reputation concept in WSN.
The field of WSN is expanding at an immense pace, and that is attracting large
number of researchers, engineers, investors, governments, and most importantly,
attackers into this field. Sarma and Kar mention in (Sarma and Kar 2006) that
eavesdropping become simple in wireless networks due to its broadcast nature,
where wireless medium is inherently less secure. Any transmission can easily be
3.2 WSN Security 37
• Selective forwarding
• DoS attacks
• Sybil attacks
• Hello flood attacks
Attacks in WSN can be classified in a variety of ways. From the perspective of the
attacker type, it is divided into two types, internal and external attacks (Yu et al. 2012).
Internal attacks occur when the attacker gets hold of a node by breaking through the
cryptographic processes and external attacks happen when the attacker is able to
eavesdrop and inject fractional data without being able to take full control of any part
of the WSN. Attacks are also classified based on the layer at which the attack takes
place. The layers are physical, link, network, transport and the application layers
(Yang 2014). The application layer is the layer with most number of attacks. Some of
the attacks suffered by WSNs are classified and represented in Fig. 3.4 (Araujo et al.
2012; Lopez et al. 2010; López and Zhou 2008; Li and Gong 2008).
3.2 WSN Security 39
Based on the description given in Fig. 3.4, various layers and their attacks have
been identified and segmented, while Fig. 3.5 gives a basic understanding of the
various layers in a WSN and their respective attacks involved. The layers in the
40 3 Wireless Sensor Network Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
WSN are divided into five layers named as physical layer, data link layer, network
layer, transport layer, and application layer.
The attacks on WSN are of numerous kinds. Many attacks can be implemented
on multiple layers. These attacks are grouped according to the layers and discussed
in the following sections. The following subsections give a brief discussion on the
techniques used to execute the attacks and the effects of successful attacks. The
countermeasures or defense implemented to defend against these attacks are also
Wormhole (Virmani et al. 2014; Singh et al. 2014; Kaur and Singh 2014;
Jadidoleslamy 2014)
Attack: Results in false routes, chaos in WSN, overused routing race conditions,
change in network topology, the collapse of path detection protocol, and packet
Technique: Transmit information secretly between two WSN node targeted with
false and forged routing information.
Defense: Discovery includes detection of false routing information, detect
wormhole attacks. Countermeasures include multidimensional scaling algorithm,
DAWWSEN protocol, border control protocol, graphical position system, ultra-
sound, sync in the global clock, authenticated encryption of link-layer and
global-shared key.
44 3 Wireless Sensor Network Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
Sybil Attack (Virmani et al. 2014; Kaur and Singh 2014; Yu et al. 2012)
Attack: Causes network ineffectiveness in data integrity and accessibility.
Technique: A reputation system is sabotaged by counterfeiting characters in
peer-to-peer networks. Attacker node manifolds fake nodal identities.
Defense: Detection method is maintaining a low overhead and signal delay.
Countermeasures are the physical shield of nodes with regular change of key.
Sinkhole (Virmani et al. 2014; Singh et al. 2014; Kaur and Singh 2014;
Jadidoleslamy 2014)
Attack: Its effects include traffic suck up, eavesdropping, selective forwarding,
black hole and wormhole attacks, annexure of base station’s position, information
and packet alter, selective messages suppression, route table modification, and
exhaustion of resources.
Technique: The attacker advertises wrong routing information. All data network
packets are drawn to a centralized compromised hub close to the base station to
enable selective forwarding to launch secondary attacks. It traps and hypnotizes
nodes, compels application data packets along the flow path, alters receiving traffic
Defense: Detection includes false routing information of dynamic neighboring
nodes, verification by tree nodal structure visual geographical map. Countermeasures
include hybrid intrusion detection system (IDS), sensor network-automated intrusion
detection system, detection on mini route, probabilistic next hop count, authentication,
link-layer encryption, global-shared key techniques, routing through access restric-
tion, and detection of wormhole attacks.
Black Hole (Virmani et al. 2014; Sun et al. 2014; Singh et al. 2014; Yu et al. 2012)
Attack: Its suppresses broadcast, attracts all network traffic into the false shortest
path thus creating a black hole, disrupts network routing table, decreases network
throughput, network is split, and increases packet loss rate.
Technique: Suppression broadcast messaging to affect overall traffic flow. In a
black hole attack, malicious nodes do not send true control messages. A false route
replies (RREP) message from the adjacent node is sent in place of it with the
shortest path. Hence, message transfer takes place to the attacker.
Defense: Detection methods are abnormal time difference route request (RREQ)
and the required number of packet transmissions (RNPS). Countermeasures are
authenticated surveillance and redundancy, multipath routing, decentralized intru-
sion detection system, and sensor network-automated intrusion detection system.
Spoofing (Singh et al. 2014; Yu et al. 2012)
Attack: The results are network split, overrun of resources, lifetime reduction in
network, shedding of routing data. It leads to threats like integrity and authenticity.
Technique: To take off added network devices to launch attacks against other
network hosts. The attack is done by creating a loop between the source and
destination nodes.
3.2 WSN Security 45
The concept of trust and reputation exists since the dawn of civilization and has been
studied by different researchers in different fields (Hardin 2002; Wright 2010; Ashraf
et al. 2006). Observing this behavior in human beings, researchers have tried to embed
it into the context of information technology. The concept of trust and reputation in the
field of WSN was initiated during the mid-2000s and has been advancing since then.
The previous section provides an in-depth study and analysis of the various
kinds of security issues and attacks suffered by WSN and some of their counter-
measures being implemented in the current times. Although these security tech-
niques have helped the WSN advancement to a much secure state, but the technique
of trust and reputation forms one of the most effective methods of obtaining better
48 3 Wireless Sensor Network Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
security in the WSN. Trust is defined as the degree of belief about the behavior of a
given node based on the past experiences with it. Reputation is defined as the global
perception of a particular node and it is based on the trust that third-party nodes
holds on it (Boukerch et al. 2007). Trust eases various other processor/
resource-hungry and complex security techniques like authentication, cryptogra-
phy, etc., since they can be made hard or soft based on the trust a node has on the
other node. It not only helps achieve a secure relationship among the nodes, but also
helps the nodes in decision-making and promotes collaboration. As pointed out by
Yu et al. (2010), trust is context-sensitive, subjective, unidirectional, and transitive.
It is a vital security measure in this case because it is an inexpensive and effective
solution for the low-capacity devices implemented in WSNs.
The basic parameters of ensuring trust are the trust qualification and the trust
computation (Pirzada and McDonald 2004). Trust qualifications represent the
various levels of trust, while the trust computation defines the method of computing
the trust value among nodes. The scheme, method, or procedure that defines the
various steps and parameters that govern trust and reputation is termed as Trust and
Reputation Management scheme (TRM). The term Trust Management was intro-
duced by Blaze et al. (1996). Initially, at the infancy stage of WSN, the paradigm
was mostly connected to an ad hoc mobile network (Pirzada and McDonald 2004;
Liu et al. 2004), P2P network (Kamvar et al. 2003) or MANETs (Jiang and Baras
2004). The basic steps in a TRM are to collect the trust data, update the trust values,
and to execute the decision-making.
It is well understood from the discussion in Sect. 3.1 and the illustration in Fig. 3.1,
that one of the vital properties of the WSN is its distributed nature. This has been
highlighted in the survey conducted by Sorniotti et al. (2007) which illustrates it by
giving importance to the distributed processing of the data within the network. It is
due to the fact that it makes the communication and data transfer much simpler. It
points out many advantages of the technique and the trust involved in it. The
authors discuss the sensor node failure detection schemes like self-diagnosis and the
group detection methods. The reputation systems and a trust-based framework have
also been studied and discussed. Reputation system by (Ganeriwal et al. 2008)
forms a blend of domains like economics, statistics, data analysis, and cryptography
and this helps establish the trust within the sensor nodes. Another approach dis-
cussed was the Bayesian approach (Ganeriwal et al. 2008) in which the node
maintains its trust and reputation values on the other concerned nodes. Trust-based
frameworks for noncritical sensor networks using cryptographic material (Anderson
et al. 2004), public-key authentication (Ngai and Lyu 2004) and Bayesian and beta
distribution probability (Zhang et al. 2006a) have been discussed. The next notable
survey was by Yick et al. (2008). It provides a broad picture of WSN by giving a
good literature review on its various issues and standards. Localization,
3.3 Trust and Reputation … 49
synchronization, and coverage of the sensors and their security are some of the
major issues discussed. Distributed reputation-based beacon trust system (DRBTS)
(Srinivasan et al. 2006) is used for the secure localization of nodes. The SecRout
protocol (Yin and Madria 2006) is used for packet delivery. The secure cell relay
(SCR) protocol (Du et al. 2006) is used for attack resistance. All of the three
approaches above use the trust system.
Srinivasan et al. (2009) provided a thorough survey focusing on trust and rep-
utation systems. They discuss the social perspective like trust, belief, uncertainty,
etc., in detail and the network perceptive like mobile ad hoc network (MANET)
(Govindan and Mohapatra 2012), WSN, node misbehavior. Reputation and
trust-based systems have been reviewed in aspects of its goals, properties with
fitting initializations, pros, cons and cataloging with an in-depth citation. Lopez
et al. (2010), conducted an extensive and exclusive survey on the trust management
systems in WSNs. Since the field of WSN was well established by then, they were
able to present a list of best practices based on their study and understanding. The
basic steps for any trust and reputation system are to set up the nodes, initialization
of the trust parameters, information gathering, parameter updating, and the evalu-
ation of risk. The steps have been further simplified and broken by them and
explained in detail. An advancement of their survey can be found in the survey
presented by Khalid et al. (2013) in 2013. They conducted an extensive survey
which concentrates exclusively on the trust and reputation for WSNs. The cryp-
tographic technique like a symmetric key with authentication using hash functions
and implemented digital signatures were discussed. The concepts of trust and
reputation observed in human behavior have been implemented into the WSN for
node interactions. The various properties of trust are subjective, asymmetric,
reflexive, partial transitive, and content-sensitive nature. The concept of trust has
been studied and discussed in various domains like p2p networks, grid computing,
opportunistic computing, social networking, e-commerce, and the WSNs.
Han et al. (2014) presented an individualized survey of the nature and appli-
cations of trust models for WSN for detecting unusual nodal behaviors. The
importance of trustworthiness needs to establish trust metrics and preserve privacy
at the same time. Future studies state their enhanced use in other WSN types. Some
of the other eminent surveys are Srivastava and Johri (2012) and Reshmi and
Sajitha (2014). They have individually presented an expounded review of various
trust management schemes which employ indirect and direct methods to compute
trust and identify its main features, pros, and cons and open issues for future
research. Both papers stated that the presence of both QoS and social trust
parameters are essential for trust.
50 3 Wireless Sensor Network Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
TRM is the procedure of managing the trust of the nodes and the components in a
WSN. The current section discussed the various TRM procedures proposed and
implemented in WSN over the years.
One of the earliest TRM related to the WSN was proposed by Pirzada and
McDonald (2004). The paper proposed a trust model which consists of three
functions, trust deviation, qualification, and computation. The deviation was basi-
cally the reputation of the node obtained from other nodes in the network based on
eight different parameters. The qualification scale is in the range from −1 to +1. For
trust computation, a relationship was given which involves the situational trust and
the weight. This brought about the interest of other researchers around the world
into this field. One such work was done by Momani et al. (2007a, b). Momani et al.
took the concept of beta reputation system used in e-commerce in (Jsang and Ismail
2002) and implement it in WSN. Momani et al. (2007b) conducts a survey and
proposes a method to model trust in WSN. This was further developed to propose
the recursive Bayesian approach (Momani et al. 2007a). Momani and Challa (2008)
argue that a malicious node may still be trusted if it conducts seamless commu-
nications while injecting false data into the system. Thus, the data trust was
introduced with the existing communication trust to form an improved trust model.
Then in Momani et al. (2008), they compare their model with another model to
prove that considering just the communication trust is insufficient to trust a node.
Chen et al. (2007a), exemplified the lack of security being implemented in WSN
thus proposing a trust management framework incorporating the tools from
statistics, probability, and mathematical analysis. Thus, it uses a mathematical
framework for trust and reputation. Chen et al. (2007a) also introduced the term
certainty, which defines the amount of certainty in the values of trust and reputation
of a given node. It states the outcomes of positive or negative in deficient for an
adequate decision-making of a scenario incurred in WSN. To build on it, they have
projected at a four-point formula of firstly bestowing a reputation and trust space
which are interconvertible with a clear explanation in this regard. A watchdog
mechanism is used which takes cares of the three parameters, namely trust, repu-
tation and certainty of each node in the WSN. Similar to this, another group of
researchers, Fernandez-Gago et al. (2007), yet again emphasizes the lack of proper
trust management solutions in WSN when compared to ad hoc and P2P networks.
The hitches with its potential solutions in the existing system are considered to be
further enhanced for its usage in WSN. The prominence of a history-aware system
and the role of the base station were evidently explained (Fernandez-Gago et al.
It is understood from the discussions in the introductory sections that the sensors
in the WSN works as a group to monitor and track any object. Also, the TRM
depends heavily on the grouping nature of WSN. Shaikh et al. (2009), in 2009, took
this into consideration and proposed a lightweight group-based trust management
3.3 Trust and Reputation … 51
scheme (GTMS) for clustered WSN to provide faster trust evaluation. Results with
faster memory employing less energy consumption and less overhead for com-
munication with the suitability for large-scale WSN had been obtained. GTMS is
also equipped with the enhanced feature of detecting abnormal nodes at the earliest.
To help the nodes to reduce the burden of computing and updating the trust and
reputation parameters, Boukerch et al. (2007) proposed an agent-based scheme in
2007. It was one of the earliest research which started using the term WSN and
implementing trust and reputation into it. They proposed the agent-based trust and
reputation management scheme (ATRM) based on clustered WSN whose core is a
mobile agent system. Each node consists of a t-instrument that stores the trust value
and a r-certificate that stores the reputation value of the node and a mobile agent is
assigned to administer these values. This tries to tackle the network performance
issue which was neglected by the earlier researchers. By this, the authors reduce the
overhead in terms of time delay and extra packet transmission which was proved in
the simulation conducted by them. Reddy and Selmic (2011) developed on this
method and proposed an agent-based trust calculation scheme in 2011. It eliminates
the requirement of having a high-end resource for trust computations. This tech-
nique was specifically developed for WSNs taking care of the limited resources for
storage, computation, and communication. It uses an agent that collects the repu-
tation of each node within communicating distance in a cluster. This agent calcu-
lates the trust of each node based on the information gained. The authors propose
two different ways of calculating the trust based on the reputation of the node in its
particular cluster, using the collaborative approach. This lowers the computational
work of the node and thus increases its durability.
Since the concept of TRM and the field of WSN are in its early stage of
development, the standard in this field is yet to be defined (Mármol and Pérez
2010). This made the comparison among TRMs a difficult task. Marmol et al.
(Mármol and Pérez 2009) in 2009 have tried to solve this problem by building a
simulator. They stated the fact of the incapability to check the correctness of the
model in order to compare with another trust model. They have proposed a
Java-based trust and reputation model simulator TRMSim-WSN in order to provide
the trust of the system in an easy-going manner. It is a user-friendly system with
various provisions to adjust parameters related to nodes or the possibility of col-
lision in order to carry out customized simulations.
Hierarchical trust management is one of the techniques for TRM. Bao et al.
(2011a, b, 2012) have done extensive research in this field. They proposed an
extremely scalable cluster-based hierarchical trust management protocol in 2012. It
was specifically designed for WSN networks. It improved the earlier researchers’
work by creating multidimensional trust attributes for overall trust determination.
The comparison of subjective trust resulted from protocol execution time and
objective trust from actual node status for validating their protocol design is an
innovative concept. Their application for routing and intrusion detection has
approached ideal performance in flood-based routing and optimal trust threshold
52 3 Wireless Sensor Network Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
respectively. Their trust-based IDS algorithm beats traditional methods. Their future
scope includes providing decentralized trust management and hierarchical trust
management for dynamic WSN.
Trust model gives a complete and comprehensive description of the trust and
reputation implementation and management in the WSN system. Researchers have
proposed models based on concepts that include statistical methods, fuzzy logic,
analytical method, nature-inspired method, etc. The orientations of WSN like dis-
tributed, individual, clustered etc. were considered. This section presents a study of
the advances on various trust models through the years.
Clustering is a method in which a number of similar nodes are grouped together
to form a cluster. A cluster head is appointed by the group, which takes care of the
communication between the cluster and the base station. Based on this concept,
Srinivasan et al. (2006) proposed the distributed reputation-based beacon trust
system. Beacons are the nodes that help the sensor nodes to derive their location,
and DRBTS helps identify the malicious nodes based on its reputation and a
majority voting scheme. Probst and Kasera in (2007) took a statistical approach
toward the trust establishment in WSNs. The direct and the indirect experiences of
the nodes are used to evaluate the confidence interval and this helps understand the
tradeoff between tightness of trust and the resources being used. Dynamic scaling of
redundancy is used to reduce the power consumption. Crosby and Pissinou (2007)
proposed the cluster-based reputation and trust model. The paper pointed out the
benefits of energy efficiency, easier data aggregation, and suitability for high-scale
networks, of this approach. A valuable research had been conducted to understand
the consequences and effects of having a bad node within a cluster or system. The
model helps good nodes to build on their trust value over time and vice versa.
A probabilistic approach is used to build the model. The simulations by the authors
had shown feasible results. This was further developed by Shaikh et al. in (2009).
Localization is yet another issue in the WSN. It is very critical for the sensor
nodes and the base station to know the exact locations of the nodes. This helps to
understand what and where exactly are the data which is being sensed. One of the
earliest papers on this was by Zhang et al. in (2006b) which proposed a
location-based authentication using ID-based cryptography (IBC). Although the
proposal was not exclusive for WSN, it did provide a beginning to the research on
localization. Boukerche et al. (2008) studied various security methods in WSN and
considered them for implementation for localization. Crosby et al. (2011) realized
the importance of localization and proposed a trust-based detection with
location-aware capability. This was a development of their previous work in
(Crosby and Pissinou 2007). The location awareness helps their model to reinforce
the integrity. It was done by the simple technique of analyzing the strength of the
received signals and verifying the location. Based on the threshold for the difference
3.3 Trust and Reputation … 53
between the reported location and the computed location, the decision of the nodes
authenticity is made. A dynamic updating scheme is used which periodically ver-
ifies the locations of their one-hop neighbors. The location parameters are updated
along with the trust and reputation parameters. One of the current researches is by
Miao et al. in (2015), which proposes a lightweight distributed localization scheme.
A three-step localization technique termed as Virtual-force Localization Algorithm
(VLA) is proposed and implemented. The location is then verified using the
received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and a decision on the good node, drifting
node, or malicious node is made.
Kim and Seo (2008) introduced the concept of fuzzy logic into the WSN trust. It
helps to distinguish between the good and the bad sensor based on the trustwor-
thiness and trustworthiness values of the sensor. These values are implemented on
the fuzzy logic relationships and the corresponding result gives the level of trust on
a particular node. Though it brought a new idea into the field, it was untested for its
feasibility. A different idea was presented by Zhan et al. in (2009) by introducing
the SensorTrust model. It is a model initiated for hierarchical WSNs to mitigate
problems mainly concerned with data integrity and it can incorporate robustness as
well. In this model, trust is estimated for children nodes as well. It is a dynamic
memory-based system integrating the past risk history to the current values. The
value helps identify the current trust scenario by employing the Gaussian model
(Fraley 1998). The model is used to rate the integrity of data with the help of
protocol and to adjust to diverse perspective. Results show that SensorTrust pro-
mises to identify the level of trust in WSN against attempts to report false data.
Naseer (2012), explicitly stated the essential provision of security against
behavioral-related attacks, in particular, trust-aware routing for varying types of
WSN circumstances. A trust-based routing framework had been framed with var-
ious reputation systems explaining an in-depth examination of its pros and cons.
Also, an innovative concept of sensor node-attached reputation evaluator (SNARE)
for accomplishing the needs of WSN had been framed to monitor, rate and
responded its components to apply optimized condition for WSN. Geographic,
energy and trust-aware routing (GE-TAR) promised an increased packet flow rate
during the process.
As the WSN and trust became and established the field, energy efficiency
became an important aspect of the WSN. The work by Almasri et al. (2013) is one
such research addressing this issue. TERP (Almasri et al. 2013), is a routing pro-
tocol that takes care of the trust and the energy efficiency in the WSN. It is based on
the destination-sequenced distance vector (DSDV) protocol.
One of the latest papers in the area was by Karthik et al. (Karthik and Karthik
2014) in 2014. They exemplified the critical value of trust to bring about reliability
for WSN. Thus, a framework that evaluates trust mechanism in contemplation to
the underlying system challenges was proposed. The model is based on three major
factors, security, reliability, and mobility, which is an advancement to the previous
work in Dhulipala et al. (2013) in real time. In future, more dimensions such as
accuracy, scalability, and fault-tolerance are planned to be included.
54 3 Wireless Sensor Network Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
The latest research on this is to create a lightweight model which makes the trust
model easier, simpler and faster. For example, Li et al. (2013) proposed a light-
weight trust system for WSN known as Lightweight and Dependable Trust System
(LDTS). The energy consumption is reduced by eliminating the feedback of the
cluster nodes and by implementing dependability enhanced trust mechanism.
A self-adaptive weighted method is used for trust aggregation. These made LDTS
more efficient as it required lower memory and power. Wang et al. (2014) put an
effort to make the computations simpler and energy consumption lower. Either of
the two kinds of trust, direct or indirect, can be computed from the trust matrix,
based on the understanding between the nodes. Based on the algorithm, the decision
is made. The model is a tradeoff between the detection rate and the energy con-
sumption. The research by Singh et al. in (2015) develops this further by proposing
the lightweight trust model (LTM). The model has a dynamic trust-building
mechanism which is also embedded with priority task option. The trust aggregation
is executed using a self-adaptive weighted method and helps reduce the misjudg-
ments. Che et al. (2015) incorporate Bayesian (FranzÈn 2008) and Entropy
(Shannon 1948) in Cluster approach. This model implements the Bayesian method
to evaluate the trust. A decay factor is involved for the trust updating. It is done by
taking care of the node history and the decay factor. A confidence factor is also
involved to validate the trust value. Entropy theory is used for this purpose, which
distributes the weights to the trust values. This approach makes the model efficient
and lightweight since the history gets decayed reducing the memory requirement.
The two most concerning issues of WSN are the security and reliability. The major
challenges to the security of WSN include privacy, environment complications,
protected collection, trust management, and topology complications (Anand et al.
2006). Reliability issue comprises of detection/sensing, data transmission, data
packets, event occurrence (Willig and Karl 2005; Mahmood et al. 2015; Hsu et al.
2007). The challenges and issues in security and reliability are discussed in this
• Assessing Privacy (Kumar et al. 2014; Anand et al. 2006): A sensor network
being a collection of several different sensing and communication elements,
possesses an inherent risk of being individually subject to physical threat which
could jeopardize the privacy of the data it holds. Although the compromise of a
single sensing node does not result in absolute loss of security of the network,
3.3 Trust and Reputation … 55
the system would still have to bear the losses incurred. The challenge would be
to determine metrics based on logical evidence to deliver a probabilistic guar-
antee about the level of compromise should there be an attack.
• Environment Complication (Huang et al. 2010; Anand et al. 2006): For a
sensed value to be meaningful, it is desirable that the location and time
parameters of the context also be relayed along with the readings. This gives rise
to two concerns. The first one being, the exposure of context and metadata
increases the possibility of the attacker deducing patterns among adjacent
readings. Identifying a cost-effective arrangement for nondisclosure of the
recordings parameters would be the second challenge. These issues could
possibly be addressed by introducing breaks between scheduled message relays,
or by formulating an algorithm to add a random delay between transmissions or
by forging the message sequence to mask the legitimate context information.
• Protected Collection (Cardenas et al. 2008; Anand et al. 2006): A conflict of
interest has been observed in the standard security policy as opposed to the
procedure in practice. The policy specifies the encryption of all traffic that is
communicated and that the message should be decrypted only by the source and
destination nodes. This highlights that the communication network should not be
trusted. On the contrary, since each of the nodes through which the data is passed,
should analyze the data, where end-to-end encryption from the sensors to the
base station is not possible. This poses a challenge to develop techniques that
would not compromise security while allowing the aggregation of data in nodes.
• Ad hoc networking topology (Sarma and Kar 2006, 2008): The WSN mostly
uses the ad hoc networking topology. The topology is susceptible to various
kinds of spoofing attacks and link outbreaks. The attacks can be performed on
any node of the WSN based on the attacker’s preference. The attack can
facilitate leakage of sensitive/secret data/information, interference of messages
and imitation of nodes. The imitation attack is easy because of the dynamic
nature of WSN, where each node can be activated or deactivated based on the
requirement in real time. Node failures are common in WSN due to which the
dynamic approach is adopted in WSN. Also, WSN consists of a large number of
sensors. The deployment of the sensor is completely based on the location/
object to be monitored. The distribution of the sensor varies according to the
desired sensor concentration for the given event to be monitored. Thus, the
deployment of WSN sensors is completely irregular. This creates the vulnera-
bility to attacks.
• Topology Complication (Anand et al. 2006; Blilat et al. 2012): The topology of
WSN is irregular. It is obvious that the data contained by the middle nodes is
greater than that by the end nodes. Due to this the issue of data aggregation and
irregular distribution occurs in the WSN. Attacking a leaf/end node yields a
minimal value to the attacker as its effects of disruption and eavesdropping are
small. Thus, attacking a root/middle node is highly beneficial to the attacker as it
can gain significant influence on the network. The attack leads to snooping,
where the malicious node gets hold of the private node data based on the
compensated aggregation performed by the other nodes to balance the
56 3 Wireless Sensor Network Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
compromised node. Thus, the challenge is to hide the routing structure and table
of the network. If the attacker can decipher the routing structure, an attack can
be executed by taking hold of high-value locations of the routing tree. This is
very advantageous to the attacker since a very few nodes are attacked to capture
the complete network.
• Accessible Trust Management (Momani et al. 2008, 2015b; Momani and
Challa 2010): Trust management is established in WSN to maintain a tolerable
level of trust among the node in the network. The most vital function is to
clearly distinguish between the genuine and fake nodes. Energy, memory and
processing constraints of the WSN nodes are the issues expected to be addressed
by trust management approach. The building of trust in the newly deployed
nodes and previously attacked nodes is another challenge faced by trust man-
agement. The judgment on the number of nodes responses to be considered for a
decision-making process is also a complicated task. It is desired to have a robust
and lightweight key management system which could be suitable for the
large-scale network of WSN.
• Wireless Media (Rehana 2009; Wang et al. 2006b): WSN is required to be
portable and low cost. Due to this, the wireless media communication is a key
aspect of WSN. The media used are radio signals like Bluetooth and Zigbee.
The security schemes designed for wire-based communication become invalid
in the field of WSN. Thus, it is a challenging task to devise security schemes that
fit with the wireless characteristic of WSN.
In WSN, the dispersed nodes in different geographical location forwarded all the
collected data to the base station (sink). Due to error-prone nature of wireless links,
in WSN, reliably transferring data from one node to sink is a major task. Mahmood
et al. in (2015) pointed out that reliability of WSNs can be classified into different
levels namely packet or event reliability level or hop-by-hop reliability. The packet
reliability requires that all the collected packet data from sensor nodes transfer
wirelessly to the sink. On the other hand, in event reliability, instead of sending all
the information, only certain events have to be sent to the sink. In hop by hop, the
intermediate nodes are responsible to perform loss detection and recovery.
Whereas, in end-to-end reliability, only the end nodes are responsible to perform
error recovery operations (i.e., only the source and destination nodes) (Mahmood
et al. 2015).
Few critical WSN applications (e.g., combat zone surveillance applications,
intrusion detection applications, etc.) require high or even total end-to-end relia-
bility. Few of them require packet-driven consistency while others only require
event-driven reliability (Pereira et al. 2007). Wang et al. (2006a) and Cinque et al.
(2006) raised a question “whether hop-by-hop reliability at the transport layer can
replace (and even be more efficient than) link-layer reliability at the MAC layer”
3.3 Trust and Reputation … 57
(Wang et al. 2005), without ignoring the fact that a minimum reliability grade is
required by most routing protocols to attain acceptable degrees of efficiency.
The reliability of data transmission in WSN is threatened by several faults. The
power constraints in WSN are forced to use the less power consuming error control
techniques, which may lead to the packet lost or delivery of data with errors
(Cinque et al. 2006).
Abouei et al. (2011) enhanced reliability in transmission of data packets by the
addition of redundant bits in coding stage. The addition of bits helps to achieve the
reliability of transmission, but it may result in consumption of extra power at nodes.
It is evident from the discussions above that the security and reliability form the
major challenges in the WSN of current times. Both security and reliability are to be
tackled from the internal and external aspects.
Externally the physical devices are always vulnerable to vandalism and damage
by attackers. The devices require better physical protection and privacy with
techniques like casing, sealing, deployment at unreachable locations and hidden
placement. The external attacks are subjected to all layers of the WSN. The layer
must be equipped with TRM system, which can facilitate easier and reliable
communication among the nodes of the WSN. The authentication must be bidi-
rectional and must contain the maximum bit length allowed. The access control
levels must be made mandatory and be defined clearly to avoid the access by
unauthorized personnel. The global and the public keys must be refreshed and
revalidated more frequently. The algorithm to generate the keys is required to be the
most well-protected part of the system. The data must be encrypted in such a way
that the topology and the environment are hidden from the attacker’s view.
Internally, most of the time, security becomes a threat due to the betrayal of the
internal employees of the organization. Thus, it is very essential to maintain an
activity log of the current employees and performance of background check of the
new recruits. Creation of awareness of the security issues, countermeasures and best
practices among individuals of the organization requires more attention and ini-
tiative. The managerial, operational and the technical domains of the WSN must
always form an interlink to fight the attacks. The reliability of the hardware and
software must be validated with extensive testing. The testing must also be per-
formed during runtime to verify the integrity of the hardware and the software.
3.4 Conclusion
This chapter provides a detailed survey of the security issues with special emphasis
on the trust and reputation mechanisms. The security issues, attacks, features, and
consequences of the attacks and some of the countermeasures have been discussed.
A systematic literature review has been conducted on the concept of trust and
reputation in WSNs and the report is arranged in the yearly timeline. The future
scope of the concept of trust and reputation have been identified and discussed.
Some of the shortcomings, challenges in security, and reliability are also examined.
58 3 Wireless Sensor Network Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
Although various methods for security have been developed and implemented
throughout the years, based on the literature and its understanding, it can be
anticipated that the trust and reputation mechanism forms the best security tech-
nique for WSNs. This is due to the simplicity and the effectiveness of the technique.
It also eliminates some of the time-consuming and complex processes, which are
almost infeasible due to the low features available in the nodes.
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Chapter 4
WSN Security Mechanisms for CPS
Due to their low complexity and robustness in nature, wireless sensor networks are
a key component in cyber-physical system. The integration of wireless sensor
network in cyber-physical system provides immense benefits in distributed con-
trolled environment. However, the layered structure of cyber-physical system and
wireless sensor network make it susceptible to internal and external threats. These
threats may lead toward financial or structural losses in networks. The chapter is
structured as such to provide classification of layer-to-layer, external and internal
attacks to wireless sensor network and cyber-physical system. In addition to that,
the chapter identifies the known security detection and possible approaches against
the threats for wireless sensor networks and cyber-physical system. Finally, a
comparison of approaches to defend wireless sensor network and cyber-physical
system against such attacks is presented.
4.1 Introduction
Taking from the perception demonstrated in (Wan et al. 2013a), CPS and WSN,
both come under the common umbrella of IoT. Thus, most of the issues and
concerns including that of security are similar. The major difference is that the CPS
is a system at larger scale which combines the technologies of WSN and M2M.
A single CPS could contain multiple clusters and hierarchies of WSNs. Alcaraz and
Lopez (2015), Mahmood et al. (2015) and Wang et al. (2006) accentuated that
wireless sensor network is susceptible to various kinds of attacks. The major point
of concern is due to the limited resources, which makes integration of high-level
security techniques impractical in the low level of memory and processors avail-
able. In addition to that, Li and Gong (2008), Yu et al. (2012), Lopez et al. (2009)
considered that the security issues are related to confidentiality, integrity, authen-
ticity authorization, survivability, secrecy, availability, scalability, efficiency, and
confidentiality. In cyber-physical system, the security issues are not only inherited
from WSN but also has security issues extends to elements like actuators,
decision-making computations and the cross-domain communication, and the
heterogeneous information flow in both directions. Cardenas et al. (2008), Lu et al.
(2014), Shafi (2012), Pal et al. (2009), Ali and Anwar (2012), Saqib et al. (2015)
and Muhammad Farhan (2014) identified that major issues related to security in
cyber-physical system are confidentiality availability, authenticity, validation,
integrity, reliability, robustness, and trustworthiness. Saqib et al. (2015), Ali and
Anwar (2012), Govindarasu et al. (2012), Aloul et al. (2012) identified that the
above mentioned issues leads to various security threats that are denial of service,
man‐in‐the‐middle, time synchronization attack, routing attacks, malware,
network-based intrusion, eavesdropping, compromised key attack, resonance
attack, integrity attack and jamming attack.
The comparison of layer-to-layer attacks between wireless sensor network and
cyber-physical system will be discussed in Sect. 4.4.
CPS and WSN are structured in layered architecture; the layered architecture of this
network is more exposed to vulnerabilities and could lead to incredible harm and
losses due to a number of different attacks as discussed in the previous sections. In
this section, the layers of CPS and WSN will be presented and their various
detection techniques for recognition of attack and providing active or passive
defensive mechanism for the prevention of network will be discussed as well.
68 4 WSN Security Mechanisms for CPS
The physical layer of CPS and WSN is susceptible to different attacks, such as
traffic analysis attack, eavesdropping, frequency jamming, device tempering, Sybil,
and path-based DoS attacks. Table 4.1 illustrates the effects of attack on physical
layer of WSN and CPS with their detection and defensive mechanism. Deng et al.
(2004) classified traffic analysis attack in WSN in two different categories, rate
monitoring attack and time correlation attack. The rate monitoring attack deals with
the number of packets sent by the nodes toward the adversary. The time correlation
attack deals with correlation between the sending times of neighboring nodes. In
addition to that, a threat model is also introduced for the purpose of simulation of
rate monitoring attack by different anti-traffic analysis techniques whereas the
efficiency of time correlation attack is mitigated by introducing the random fake
paths. The techniques introduced by Deng et al. (2004), based on multi-parent
routing scheme (MPR), random walk (RW), differential fractal propagation (DFP),
fractal propagation with different forking probabilities (DEFP), and enforced fractal
propagation (EFP), which has uniqueness that it hides the location of base station
but all these techniques are not practically implemented on any sensor network. On
the contrary, Alcaraz and Lopez (2015) in SCADA networks identified that Zigbee
pro is a more viable approach toward the traffic analysis attack, as it selects random
path for communication.
Jadidoleslamy (2014) and Virmani et al. (2014) suggested strong encryption
technique, systematic access control and advanced encryption as a proposed
solution for the eavesdropping in wireless sensor network. Shin et al. (2010)
conducted an experiment by using one hop clustering for SCADA application by
using the existing WSN techniques. The protocol developed to be helpful to prevent
bogus routing information data and sinkhole attack. The proposed solution by Shin
et al. (2010) is the experimental study of the previously identified intrusion
detection techniques but not viable for heterogonous network. Another threat is
interference in intensive radio signals which has been studied by a number of
authors (Mohammadi and Jadidoleslamy 2011b; Virmani et al. 2014; Sabeel et al.
2013). The authors proposed various solutions to counter the effect of jamming, that
are secure encryption, CRC check, lower duty cycle, higher broadcast power,
hybrid FHSS/DSSS, ultra-wideband, change of antenna polarization, and use of
directional transmission. In CPS, Mo et al. (2012) suggests the use of different
spread spectrum techniques for the prevention of Jamming attacks. However, that
study is not comprehensive, as it just provides the overview of the available
techniques, whereas the suggested model can only evaluate the replay attack
through simulation. Mohammadi and Jadidoleslamy (2011b) studied the network
degradation and damages in the functionality of the sensor nodes by P-DoS attack.
In addition to that, they also studied the effects of P-DoS attack that can be over-
come by using redundancy of network packet data, acknowledge validation of
receiving data, and gray-listing of compromised nodes. Shin et al. (2010) studied
Table 4.1 Comparison of attacks on WSN and CPS
Attack Effects WSN CPS
Detection methods Defensive methods Detection methods Defensive methods
External attacks in physical layer
Traffic analysis Deteriorated network Statistical analysis of typical Multi-parent routing scheme, Statistical analysis Model base data traffic analysis
performance, high packet rate monitoring and time random walk, fractal (Alcaraz and Lopez 2015) by Modbus TCP in Industrial
collision, traffic alteration (Deng correlation attack (Deng et al. propagation (Deng et al. 2004) wireless sensor network
et al. 2004) 2004) (Alcaraz and Lopez 2015)
Eavesdropping pay Reduction in data privacy, Statistical analysis, Systematic access control, Behavior, Shin technique (Shin et al.
close vigilance to Extraction of vital data. Misbehavior detection dispersed processing, access behavior-specification, 2010)
the communication Exposure to adversaries techniques (Virmani et al. constraint, advanced knowledge (Mitchell and
channel Secondary attacks (Virmani 2014) encryption, peripatetic security Chen 2014)
et al. 2014; Mohammadi and solution, strong encryption
Jadidoleslamy 2011b) technique (Virmani et al. 2014;
Mohammadi and
Jadidoleslamy 2011b)
Jamming: cause Excessive energy, Disrupt Statistical information, Secure Encryption, CRC Statistical Information spread spectrum techniques,
interference by communication, Occupy entire threshold for Channel utility check, Lower duty cycle, FHSS/DSSS, encryption (Mo
introducing bandwidth, Corrupt data degradation, Background noise Higher broadcast power, et al. 2012)
4.4 Layer-to-Layer Attacks Between CPS and WSN
DoS attacks pound a target network with False routing information, Multidimensional scaling Behavior, IndusCAP-Gate system,
more data than it can handle Packet restrains (Sun et al. algorithm, behavior-specification, automatically generates
(Sun et al. 2014b; Virmani et al. 2014b; Virmani et al. 2014) DAWWSEN protocol, BCP, knowledge (Kang 2014) whitelists for traffic analysis
2014) GPS, Ultrasound, Global and performs multiple filtering
clock, directional antennas, based on whitelists for
Global shared key (Sun et al. blocking unauthorized access
2014b; Virmani et al. 2014) from external networks (Kang
et al. 2014b)
Internal attacks in network layer
Misdirection Corrupt routing tables, Predicting delay and Hierarchical routing Formatted messages Security metrics to quantify the
Overused Resources (Sun et al. throughput (Sun et al. 2014b) mechanism (Sun et al. 2014b) (Vuković et al. 2011) stealthy attacks (Vuković et al.
2014b) 2011)
Table 4.1 (continued)
Attack Effects WSN CPS
Detection methods Defensive methods Detection methods Defensive methods
Spoofing Network split, Overrun of Secure ARP protocol, Encryption, Authentication Behavior, a SCADA-specific IDS is to
Resources, Lifetime reduction in Kernel-based patches (Singh with MAC behavior-specification, identify external malicious
Network, Shedding of routing et al. 2014; Kaur and Singh Multipath message resend knowledge (Yang et el. attacks and internal unintended
data (Singh et al. 2014; Kaur 2014) (Singh et al. 2014; Kaur and 2014) misuse, Access control whitelists,
and Singh 2014) Singh 2014) protocol-based whitelists, and
behavior-based rules (Yang et el.
ACK spoofing Selective forward attack Secure ARP protocol with Sniffer ARP, MAC-ARP Behavior, Cross-layer defense mechanism
Packet fraud (Singh et al. 2014; kernel-based patches to header, traffic filter, spoof behavior-specification, to combat spoofing in smart grid
Kaur and Singh 2014) detecting passively (Singh detector, spoof alarm (Singh knowledge (Zhang (Zhang et al. 2013b)
et al. 2014; Kaur and Singh et al. 2014; Kaur and Singh et al. 2013b)
2014) 2014)
Hello flood Flooding whole network with Bidirectional link (Virmani Client puzzle (Virmani et al. Proactive–reactive Rate limiting commands should
false HELLO packets from et al. 2014) 2014) jamming (Kim 2012; be given to control devices to
neighbors (Virmani et al. 2014) Da Silva et al. 2015) restrict and limit data flooding
(Kim 2012)
4.4 Layer-to-Layer Attacks Between CPS and WSN
Internet smurfing Complete stud down of victim’s Network link flooded with Attacker’s node is made to Proactive–reactive IP packet filtering, network
computer (Virmani et al. 2014, useless data (Virmani et al. sleep jamming (Kang et al. intrusion detection (Kang et al.
Singh et al. 2014) 2014, Singh et al. 2014) Deactivate IP broadcasting at 2014b) 2014b)
the network router (Virmani
et al. 2014, Singh et al. 2014)
Flooding Exhaustion of resources Complete network slows down Bidirectional authentication Proactive–reactive IP packet filtering, network
Retarded availability (Virmani et al. 2014) (Virmani et al. 2014) jamming (Kang et al. intrusion detection (Kang et al.
Downgraded traffic in WSN 2014b) 2014b)
(Singh et al. 2014)
Gray hole Undetected disruption in the Check time computed b/w Multipath routing Drop packets IDS: barbosa technique (Barbosa
network (Singh et al. 2014; RREQ and RNPS of neighbor checkpoint-based scheme, selectively rather than and Pras 2010)
Virmani et al. 2014) dynamic routing (Singh et al. multi-hop acknowledgement all of them.
2014; Virmani et al. 2014) scheme (Singh et al. 2014; Behavior-specification
Virmani et al. 2014) (Barbosa and Pras
Similarly, the data link layer of CPS and WSN is also exposed to various external
and internal attacks, such as collision, resource exhaustion, traffic manipulation,
eavesdropping, impersonation, wormholes, unfairness, de-synchronization, and
DoS attack. Sun et al. (2014a) reviews the attacks and security protocols of wireless
sensor protocols and provides the basic knowledge and security requirements for
wireless sensor network. The study revealed that interference and corruption of
packet data can be controlled through sending multiple versions of the same signal
are transmitted at different time instants (time diversity) and with error correction
codes, respectively (Sun et al. 2014a). Similarly, Gill (2002) also advised the
utilization of error correction codes for corrupted data in cyber-physical system.
The study provides the theoretical overview of security aspect in network
embedded systems. Mohammadi and Jadidoleslamy (2011a) and Fatema and Brad
(2013) studied the misbehavior of sensor nodes due to repeated collisions of data.
The exhausted nodes due to repeated collision can be controlled through multiple
techniques that are restriction of or limitation of data rate, change of modulation
technique to time division multiplexing and also through identity protection of
nodes in the sensor network (Fatema and Brad 2013). The study is structured to
provide the countermeasures but with some limitations as the provided measure has
not been practically implemented or tested on any test bed. Aniket (2009) ensured
that real-time monitoring mechanism with correlation of event logs helps to rectify
the complications caused by exhaustion of resources. The study can be acknowl-
edged with its results as it includes the design and implementation of device
security of cyber-physical systems. The authors also investigated the effects of
impersonation in data link layer of wireless sensor network and utilized the shel-
tered routing method with small packet frames to counter the adversity of deceitful
data on network. Taylor et al. (2014) utilized symmetric keys for back and forth
communication in their model. The suggested model is compatible with existing
SCADA network and can be integrated partially or fully in any SCADA network.
Mohammadi and Jadidoleslamy (2011a) studied the multidimensional DAWWSEN
protocol to counter the wormhole attack in wireless sensor network. Dini and Tiloca
(2014) studied a framework to counter the attacks of wormholes in cyber-physical
systems. The framework has been tested through simulation to identify the intensity
and grades attacks for a counter defense mechanism. While Mohammadi and
Jadidoleslamy (2011a) studied that strong authentication and time synchronization
mechanisms at data link layer which can be utilized as a defense mechanism for
denial of service (DoS) and de-synchronization attacks. Gill (2002) identified that
de-synchronization attack which can be countered through strong authentication.
Aniket (2009) developed a SCADA security device to facilitate the encrypted and
4.4 Layer-to-Layer Attacks Between CPS and WSN 79
Although the network layer of CPS and WSN is also susceptible to various external
attacks, such as eavesdropping, node subversion, flooding, spoofing, wormholes,
and DoS attacks. Jadidoleslamy (2014) and Kaur and Singh (2014) identified that
strong encryption techniques and distributed nature of processing can address the
issue of privacy in wireless sensor networks. Da Silva et al. (2015) identified that
privacy of data can be obtained by dispersing the traffic over the multiple paths.
This work is based on experimental study keeping in view of existing smart grid
model comprising anti-eavesdropping mechanism for the security of private data in
cyber-physical system. Kaur and Singh (2014) identified the solution for node
subversion attack in wireless sensor network. The study revealed that proper pro-
tocols, data privacy, and restricted access on nodes can be utilized as a protective
measure for node subversion attacks. Mcevoy and Wolthusen (2011) presented a
protocol which can be used to observe the packet behavior and counter the sub-
verted nodes. The study also suggested a probabilistic model which could be
cost-effective in defeating node-based attacks. The model was evaluated mathe-
matically and can be taken as a significant approach toward a low computational
cost model. Sun et al. (2014a) studied the exhaustion of resources due to flooding in
wireless sensor network whose adverse effects is complete network slow down. Sun
et al. (2014a) identified a mechanism based on bidirectional authentication of
packets can be vital to counter the adverse network slow down. On a contrary,
Javier Lopez and Wolthusen (2012) identified that the use of encryption techniques,
key management techniques and delays in communication channel of
cyber-physical system can confront the adverse effects of flooding. Virmani et al.
(2014), on the other hand, suggested that secure ARP and passively static MAC
could control the spoofing in the network layer of wireless sensor network. Zhang
et al. (2013a) identified a cross-layer mechanism as a better approach to counter the
spoofing in cyber-physical system and presents a new McCLS scheme with security
protocols and provided a comparison on Qualnet-based software with AODV
routing protocol without having any protection mechanism. Sun et al. (2014a)
studied a multidimensional scaling algorithm along with global shared key to
counter the effect of wormholes. Alcaraz and Lopez (2015) studied that wormhole
80 4 WSN Security Mechanisms for CPS
attack can be countered through an isolation policy of malicious nodes. The study
provided an analysis of Zigbee PRO, WirelessHART, and ISA100.11a keeping in
view the security vulnerabilities, threats, and available security measures in these
security standards. The study also provided detailed security guideline for attacks
on critical cyber-physical systems. Kang et al. (2014a) studied the application layer
attacks and network layer attacks and proposed an Indus CAP-Gate system that
blocks the malicious activity while accessing from the external network. The
proposed intrusion detection/prevention system required regular signature updates
for its compatibility, but due to limited access to the external network in SCADA,
the system will be susceptible to external threats. Therefore, the researchers need to
address the issue with security schemes to enhance the SCADA security at the
network layer.
dynamically from the set of uncompromised nodes. Yu et al. (2012) studied Sybil
attack and sinkhole attack in wireless sensor network identified a trust-based
mechanism to counter the impact of these attacks on wireless sensor network. The
study revealed that the attack could either be mitigating with trust or the attack
could violate the trust/reputation system itself. The study provides detailed over-
view of available trust mechanism for attacks and countermeasures. The study was
not unique by the means of identify any new approach. Alcaraz and Lopez (2015)
studied that the sinkhole attack and Sybil attack can be mitigated by adopting the
isolation policy for malicious node and by strengthen the key negotiation process,
respectively, in cyber-physical system. The study provides the review of available
security schemes for high intensive cybersecurity but lack in uniqueness to identify
any new security mechanism. Yang et al. (2014) identified the spoofing in
cyber-physical system can be protected by protocol-based whitelist or either by
behavior-based whitelist. The study proposed a SCADA-specific intrusion detection
mechanism to identify the external and internal attack based on a protocol which
can distinguish the malicious activity of compromised nodes. The peculiarity of the
study is that, it has been simulated on a SCADA-specific test bed. Whereas Kaur
and Singh (2014), identified that ACK spoofing can be controlled through sniffing
the ARP MAC, ARP header and spoof detector or spoof filter. Zhang et al. (2013a)
identified a cross-layer defense mechanism to combat the spoofing in smart grid
system. The study suggested a cross-layer defense mechanism which has unique-
ness of providing a new approach toward security of cyber-physical system secu-
rity, and also has the peculiarity that the system has also been simulated for
numerous attacks on cyber-physical systems. Virmani et al. (2014) studied an
identity verification protocol as one of the defenses against for hello flood attack in
network layer of wireless sensor network. Kim (2012) opinionated that the use of
rate-limiting commands through control devices in cyber-physical system through
which data limiting and flooding of devices can be countered in case of hello flood
attack. The study has no hardware legacy and discusses the security mechanism
available for 6LoWPAN in conjunction with IP security with advanced encryption
schemes for cyber-physical systems. The work has no uniqueness as it is only
discussing the available security mechanisms. Virmani et al. (2014) studied Internet
smurfing, flooding, and gray hole attacks in wireless sensor network, where
deactivating the IP broadcasting at network router, bidirectional authentication and
multi-hop acknowledgement scheme, respectively, identified as counter mechanism
for abovementioned attacks in network layer of wireless sensor network. The study
is based on available literature in regard to various attacks on wireless sensor
network. The study has no uniqueness in terms of any simulation or testing the
attacks on any platform. Kang et al. (2014a) identified IP filtering and intrusion
detection technique as a viable approach toward the flooding attack in
cyber-physical system. The research has a peculiarity that industrial intrusion
detection system is developed and being studied for different network layer and
application layer protocol attacks. Barbosa and Pras (2010) developed a
behavior-based intrusion detection system for anomalies detection in smart
cyber-physical system. The study has hardware legacy and leading toward the
82 4 WSN Security Mechanisms for CPS
The transport layer of wireless sensor network and cyber-physical system is also
susceptible to attacks. Table 4.1 illustrates the effects of external attacks on trans-
port of CPS and WSN with their detection and defensive mechanism. Fatema and
Brad (2013) identified that exhaustion of nodes due to flooding can be counter with
bidirectional authentication of a link with encrypted echo back mechanism. Jin et al.
(2011) studied the event-based flooding attack in cyber-physical system. The study
analyzed the flooding attack and its countermeasures on DNP-3 protocol SCADA,
where the study recommends crypto-based solutions for authentication purpose of
exchanging packet data in DNP-3 protocol. In addition to that, the study also
recommends the puzzle-based identification techniques and DNP secure authenti-
cation mechanism for the purpose of authorization in SCADA systems. Sun et al.
(2014a) briefly studied the de-synchronization attacks in transport layer of wireless
sensor network, where Sun et al. identified that through process of authentication
between the layers, the effects attacks can be countered. The study analyzed attacks
on layers of wireless sensor network and also recommended some countermeasures
for these. Kolosok et al. (2015) studied the linear state estimation algorithm to
counter effect of de-synchronization in cyber-physical system. The outcome of the
study based on the simulation for power-based SCADA networks. The study has a
uniqueness that it provides a way toward the direction of state estimation method
for PMU measurement in power-based SCADA networks.
However, the application layer of cyber-physical system and wireless sensor net-
work is also susceptible to some internal attacks, such as non-repudiation, data
aggregation distortion, SQL injection, software tampering, dictionary attack, and
4.4 Layer-to-Layer Attacks Between CPS and WSN 83
cookie replay. Table 4.1 illustrates the effects of internal attacks on the application
layer of WSN and CPS with their detection and defensive mechanism. Sun et al.
(2014a) discussed non-repudiation attack as selfish attack as in this attack the nodes
deny to participate with other nodes. Sun et al. (2014a) identified a proper detection
mechanism for the sensor node identification a viable solution to counter the effect
of non-repudiation in wireless sensor networks. Pidikiti et al. (2013) identified a
distinct approach in which compromised nodes due to non-repudiation can be
removed by the authorized operators. Apart from the discussion about the security
mechanism in SCADA, this study also suggested an experimental model for IEC
60870-5-104 protocol with a security hardener that is actually a single board
computer for the implementation of security mechanism in application layer of
SCADA. Ozdemir and Xiao (2008) provides a bidirectional authentication scheme
to prevent wireless sensor network from data aggregation and distortion. On a
contrary, a two-level hierarchical approach is followed by Shin et al. (2010) for data
aggregation and distortion. The strength of the study is based on the numerical
analysis of the result whereas; however, there are few shortcomings in terms of
non-implementation on hardware. Rietta (2006) identified the approach to counter
the effects of SQL injection through database intrusion detection system based on
anomalies, signatures, or honey tokens. The study has uniqueness that the adopted
mechanism has been tested through static analysis and also by dynamic monitoring
of the model. Where in static analysis, the IDS automatically build the queries,
whereas, in dynamic part, the run time monitoring of queries is possible and can be
compared with statistically build model. In addition to that, a defensive mechanism
is utilized to create a random set of instruction to build events which are not familiar
to the attacker. Xing et al. (2010a, b) and Sastry et al. (2013) identified that software
tempering can be countered through malware scanners and antivirus applications.
Kim (2012) accentuated a strong encryption mechanism for a counter measurement
against software tampering. Wang and Wang (2013) studied that, by limiting the
number of attempt on the user account on application layer, the wireless sensor
network can be cured. Bartman (2015) accentuated the strong password policy and
account locked out procedure to prevent the system from dictionary attacks. The
work provides an introduction to the cyberattack mitigation techniques for securing
critical industrial system and also intrusion detection techniques to secure the
system from cyberattacks. The article has not provided any specific data about its
simulated results and its implementation to clear about its viability. Liu et al. (2015)
accentuated to utilize synchronization session token and time stamping technique to
counter the cookie replay attack in application layer of wireless sensor network.
Pidikiti et al. (2013) also advised to use the time stamping technique in data
transmission protocol of cyber-physical system. The study provides a hardware
legacy to counter the effects of cookie replay in cyber-physical system. In addition
to that, authentication security model accompanied AES (128 bits) algorithm has
also been introduced to enhance the viability of the model.
84 4 WSN Security Mechanisms for CPS
4.5 Conclusion
The recent work integrates the available threats and their available defensive
mechanism for both cyber-physical systems and wireless sensor network. The
cyber-physical system and wireless system are having some potential applications.
These applications are of strategic nature and require proper security defense
mechanism against these challenges. The layered structure, wireless and shared
nature of communication, of both wireless sensor network and cyber-physical
system makes it more susceptible to intruders. The study provides layer-to-layer
analysis of security mechanism available for both wireless and cyber-physical
system. In addition, the emphasis of study was on comparison between available
defense mechanism for both cyber-physical system and wireless sensor network. In
addition to that, a layer-wise table (Table 4.1) is also presented, which summarizes
the nature of attack and their counter defensive mechanisms.
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Chapter 5
ICS/SCADA System Security for CPS
5.1 Introduction
Nowadays, ICSs are used in national critical infrastructure (such as smart grid) to
monitor, manage, and control various critical processes and physical functions,
remotely and in a real-time manner (Alshami et al. 2008). ICS is a general term and
includes many various types of control systems such as SCADA and distributed
control systems (DCSs). In practice, the different media publications normally use a
combination of ICS and SCADA words as a form of operational technology
(OT) research topics (Darktrace 2015).
ICS/SCADA systems are meant to acquire data from various remote instruments
such as pumps, transmitters, valves, etc. and control them remotely from a host’s
central SCADA software. Further, it is composed of computers, networks, and
embedded devices which work together to monitor, manage, and control vital
processes in various industrial and critical infrastructure areas such as oil and power
management. This combination consists mainly of field instrumentation, pro-
grammable logic controllers (PLCs) and/or remote terminal unit (RTUs), commu-
nications networks, and ICS/SCADA host software (Schneider 2012).
5.2 ICS/SCADA Systems Security 91
Smart grid’s field instruments are monitored and controlled remotely through
ICS/SCADA control room (Coates et al. 2010). Also, the power’s real-time data
should be secured and available continuously to provide reliable and best power
management (Gao et al. 2013). For that, smart grid should be well protected from
such cyberattacks (Shuaib et al. 2015). Also, protecting such critical infrastructure
is vital and challenging at the same time because a minimum downtime can cause
many problems. Therefore, smart grid must carefully identify the security problems
of ICS/SCADA systems, the possible attack vectors, evaluate and rank the different
threats, and remediate the possible vulnerabilities (Khurana et al. 2010).
Additionally, understanding the security requirements of the ICS/SCADA sys-
tems requires to grasp enough knowledge about the ICS/SCADA architecture,
vulnerabilities, and attacks, and it motivates attack categories, security challenges,
objectives, and planning to implement the security program. The following sections
will be going to highlight briefly all these concepts.
about any abnormal activities or potential threats to field instruments and ICS/
SCADA system. Neglected, unskilled, and unsafe practices of authentication give
chances to the attackers to gain access to these holes (Kim and Kumar 2013).
An attacker targeting the ICS/SCADA systems are not in one trial but through a
bulkiness of efforts and methods to gather the most applicable and adequate
information to create a great negative cause. The type and complexity of attacking
methods that are used are determined by how much the attacking purpose is vital,
what is the impact level must be achieved to satisfy these purposes, and how much
the ICS/SCADA system is secured. For instance, if an attacker has no harm
objective, s/he might satisfy using DoS. However, s/he needs to go further to
destruct the ICS/SCADA system by manipulating the operational process to
achieve the ultimate damage and harms to the structure, equipment, data, and
human. Then, a huge systematically attacking method will be used (Lee et al.
2015). Dell listed the most methods that are being used to attack the ICS/SCADA
system in 2014 (Dell 2015).
There are many security challenges facing the professionals to protect the ICS/
SCADA systems such as the old and basic architecture designs in which the
security matter is not considered. Also, still the message transmitted internally and
between remote connections using clear text form without adopting any encryption
technologies. There are many applications and servers’ operating systems and
applications that have no regular patching scheme, even some firmware not updated
at all. Another challenge is to secure the remote communication of the ICS/SCADA
components which are geographically scattered such as sensors, actuators, RTUs,
and PLC. In addition, there are several management, operational, and technical
challenges to secure the ICS/SCADA systems, such as vulnerability tracking
problem, standardization of devices and systems, downtime for maintenance,
unsupported OS and applications, exposed to OT network to public networks,
unable to pen-test in production real time, limited time for remediation once inci-
dents occur, share accounts or no authentication within users, and secure the
connection between information technology (IT) and OT (Babu et al. 2017).
There are many objectives to protect the ICS/SCADA architectures such as keeping
the ICS/SCADA systems functioning as much as possible during the most difficult
conditions. This involves creating a redundancy for the most ICS/SCADA critical
devices such as historian servers, switches, modems, and the field instrumentations.
Also, during a failure, the device should not cause unnecessary traffic on the ICS/
SCADA networks or cause extra trouble elsewhere.
ICS/SCADA system should be designed to allow for systematic degradation
such as transferring from “normal condition” with full automation to “emergency
condition” with operators interfere making less automation to “full manual status”
with no automation at all (NIST 2015). Another protection objective is to provide a
systematic and practical way to detect the various security events and incidents. For
instance, security specialists can safeguard the operations of ICS/SCADA if they
can detect early the failure of devices, services exhausted resources such as
memory, processing, and bandwidth that are being used (Ralston et al. 2007).
Furthermore, there are three traditional security objectives for securing the ICS/
SCADA systems which are availability, integrity, and confidentiality (AIC).
Availability is on top of security objectives priority list which is focusing on
keeping ICS/SCADA systems services offered continuously 24/7 when monitoring
and controlling critical infrastructure or life-safety systems. Also, integrity comes
the second order in the list by the ability to offer the operators/controllers the
confident needed to fully trust the integrity of the various physical information that
is received and to take the most suitable actions based on reading feedback or status
5.7 ICS/SCADA Security Objectives 95
ICS/SCADA developer is highly qualified and skilled to create these critical sys-
tems and how to maintain the optimum security codes, and the various instruments
which are installed and interconnected within the ICS/SCADA infrastructure should
have inbuilt security feature for further security improvement and to create extra
protection layer.
Protecting the field instruments (e.g., sensors, actuators, PLC, and RTU) is the
main security concern for securing the operations of the ICS/SCADA system. This
protection starts from selecting the right device with compliance to the latest
security standards. Also, security of field instrument should go throughout its life
cycle: procurement, installation, monitoring, and maintenance. Additionally, field
instruments should have met the core security requirements such as the authenti-
cation, authorization, and CIA (Hentea 2008). Physical security countermeasures
for field instruments should start from providing the applicable secure fences and
gates which must be accessed through the combination of traditional hardware and
electronic locks. Also, a motion detector linked with closed circuit television
(CCTV) is recommended to record and discover any intruder to the remote stations.
Smart grid’s field instruments and ICS/SCADA system must be protected from
cyber-threats by adopting the right and effective countermeasures (Jokar et al.
2016). Protection must be utilizing the best security practices, such as preparing a
formal and comprehensive ICS/SCADA security roadmap and the security policy
should be well planned and adequate including the physical and logical access
control. In addition, the design of the ICS/SCADA security and network archi-
tecture must be adequate. Furthermore, the security perimeter should be well
defined, implemented, followed, and regularly updated. Also, other requirements
are must including regular ICS/SCADA security audits and assessments,
well-designed security configuration, OS and application security, and an adequate
password policy which must be strictly implemented and followed. Security
monitoring techniques must be having high-quality standards and functions. ICS/
SCADA users must be strongly authenticated, and the data traveling between ICS/
SCADA components should be well protected (Chae et al. 2015).
ICS/SCADA control room’s servers and hosts must be well protected from the
logical and physical attacks. Moreover, to provide the optimum availability the
redundancy and high-capacity links between the servers must be established. It also
recommended establishing load balancing and failover mechanisms between ICS/
SCADA servers and network components, such as switches/routers (Kucuk et al.
2016). ICS/SCADA servers should receive the appropriate configuration/patch
management and secure importation and execution of only trusted patches which
will help to secure the ICS/SCADA servers. Furthermore, these servers require a
strong multifactor authentication and limit the privileges to only employees to
whom they need to access (Shahzad et al. 2014). Application whitelisting is con-
sidered as a good technique which must be implemented for ICS/SCADA servers
and hosts to prevent installation and execution of unwelcomed applications (Larkin
et al. 2014). To conclude, the ICS/SCADA servers and hosts should be secured
physically, and logically through adopting and implementing solid access controls
5.8 ICS/SCADA Security Requirements 97
using different tools, policies, and protocols to develop the most secure identifi-
cation, authentication, authorization, and accountability mechanisms (Fovino
In addition to the above, the following subsections will highlight some other
important security key requirements that are needed to protect the ICS/SCADA
To help to safeguard the physical and human assets of the ICS/SCADA infras-
tructure, there should be well-planned electronic and physical security perimeters.
These security perimeters must be able to identify and control the people’s access
that enters and exit the ICS/SCADA facility, specifically the restricted areas. The
electronic perimeters must be able to efficiently track the most current location,
movements, and activities of the ICS/SCADA building occupant and assets, par-
ticularly in the event of any incident that might occur and must be able to respond
quickly and raise alarms in real time whenever it is required (Fielding 2015).
One of the important electronic perimeters is the CCTV to monitor any physical
entering the ICS/SCADA building specifically the control room. In addition, the
type and number of CCTVs are required to be designed and determined by skilled
professionals and security vendors as they are experts at the physical security
countermeasures requirements for the ICS/SCADA infrastructure. Furthermore,
purchasing an expensive or cheap CCTV is not always the practical and efficient,
and balancing the scales of security against money is a tough process that leads to a
confused decision. However, in terms of securing ICS/SCADA components
buildings, it is important to conduct deep research of what type, specification,
capabilities, and the best installation locations. For instance, providing CCTV with
the type of electronically adjustable zooming/pan–tilt–zoom (PTZ) is a good feature
to enhance the monitoring of the physical movements within the organization.
Moreover, the combination of PTZ, security guards active monitoring, and
motion-sense detectors is recommended in hardening the security of ICS/SCADA
firm various buildings and departments (Knapp and Langill 2014).
Proper physical barriers and electronic access control devices must be installed
to restrict access to the ICS/SCADA components facilities. However, high-tech
incorporated solution is more recommended to secure the ICS/SCADA components
facilities well. This unified security package should consist of video surveillance,
access control, and perimeter detection tools that are tightly integrated with alarms
and events raised in process and safety systems for intelligent, and a coordinated
responses mechanism. The unified tool also should occupy with the human–ma-
chine interface (HMI) which give common look and feel results. The HMI is
enhancing the decision-making because both ICS/SCADA control room consoles
and security office desktops have visibility of the real-time events and lead to faster
responds and feedbacks (Fielding 2015).
98 5 ICS/SCADA System Security for CPS
ICS/SCADA servers and network components work together to manage all com-
munications, evaluate and examine the received data, and show the alerts and
events on the HMI workstations (Chandia et al. 2008). Also, smart grid ICS/
SCADA networks are depending on a hybrid of communication technologies
including wired such as fiber optics, power line communication, copper-wire line,
and wireless such as GSM/GPRS/WiMax/WLAN and Cognitive Radio (Yan et al.
2013). However, one of these communication technologies could represent a
potential threat to the ICS/SCADA system (Babu et al. 2017). For instance, using
old remote connection technology such as leased-line and dial-up modems for ICS/
SCADA remote communication with distant field devices will facilitate the
attacking efforts into the critical networks (Byres et al. 2007). These old commu-
nication technologies mostly have got no or weak authentication and encryption
which can be utilized by attackers to gain access to the ICS/SCADA network. For
example, an attacker can access to the old technology modem which is connected to
5.8 ICS/SCADA Security Requirements 99
the smart grid’s breakers, disrupting the altering the control configuration settings
causing power outages and damages various electrical equipments (NIST 2011).
From the above, these communication technologies must be well protected and
secured, and developing a distinct policy is one of the important aspects to pro-
tecting the ICS/SCADA network. This policy describes traffic map or whitelisting
which is essential for better governing the ICS/SCADA network by defining the
data types and all allowed routes. The traffic whitelisting policy will be used to
develop and maintain packets filtering and describe the potential bottlenecks
locations (Barbosa et al. 2013). Also, the network policy should control the access
to the network to protect the ICS/SCADA network infrastructure, by providing the
required guidance to the ICS/SCADA users to their rights and what they can access
and do, for instance, authenticating is required to make sure that the right person
can access the right network’s domain (Valenzano 2014).
In addition, most of the wireless network technologies remain with the default
installation security setting and no hardening implemented to them and, conse-
quently, they will be vulnerable to various attacks. Therefore, network policy
should cover also the security of the wireless communications which should plan
carefully bear in mind the noisy electrical environment of smart grid’s substations
which might impact the availability and reliability of the ICS/SCADA network
(Leszczyna et al. 2011).
To conclude, it is important to utilize network security monitoring (NSM) and
security information and event management (SIEM). NSM is a mean of gathering,
analyzing, and rising the right indications or warnings to detect and respond to
intrusions attacks (Sanders and Smith 2013). SIEM system is similar to NSM in
providing a real-time analysis and performing data aggregation, association, alert-
ing, dashboards, compliance, maintenance, and forensics investigation (Bhatt et al.
Portable media such as USB devices, CDs, and DVDs will facilitate the intrusion by
allowing attacker/hacker to access to ICS/SCADA system from inside the smart
grid environment. For instance, USB stick might contain harmful malware or even
be a booby-trapped that causes disaster to the ICS/SCADA system. In addition,
portable devices are including (but are not restricted to) laptops, tablets (e.g., iPad),
smart/mobile phones, digital camera/recording devices, personal digital assistants
(PDAs), wireless keyboards and mice, and smartwatches. All these devices have
ICT capabilities so they can be used to capture, store, processes, transmit, manage,
and control, the data/applications which might create security threats to the ICS/
SCADA system. Hence, ICS/SCADA system must be well secured and protected
from portable devices by planning, developing, implementing, following, and
continuing updating the security policy for these portable devices. For example, the
policy should not allow any portable to be connected to the ICS/SCADA network
unless it is strongly needed. Also, if it is required to do so, the portable device must
be the first scan with the updated and well-known antivirus and malware application
before connecting it to the secure network. A secure file transfer network zone is a
good practice, so the files can be only exchanged through this network zone; hence,
attaching portable device into the main ICS/SCADA network is prohibited and
prevented risks which coming from booby-trapped USB devices for example
(Alcaraz et al. 2012).
IT department
OT department responsibility
Fig. 5.2 Responsibilities of IT and OT to maintain and manage the corporate and ICS/SCADA
62351 SP SP SP SP SP SP SP IEC IEC IEC 19011 15408 19791
800-34 800-63 800-76 800-82 800-92 800-48 800-100 27001 27002 27006
& SP
Access control √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Asset classification √ √ √ √
and control
Business √ √ √ √ √ √
Governance and Compliance
Certification √ √ √ √ √ √ √
procedures and
Dial-up modem √
Differences √
between traditional
IT and OT (ICS/
Field technicians √
threats and
security controls
Table 5.1 (continued)
62351 SP SP SP SP SP SP SP IEC IEC IEC 19011 15408 19791
800-34 800-63 800-76 800-82 800-92 800-48 800-100 27001 27002 27006
& SP
Multi-connections √
Network √
Patch management √ √
Physical and √ √ √ √
Physical and √ √
logical DMZ
Remote access √
password policy
Security policy √ √ √ √
Segmentation √ √ √
(VLAN or
Wireless network √
5 ICS/SCADA System Security for CPS
Table 5.2 NERC CIP’s standards each describes a security topic that smart grid needs to be addressed
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011
Sabotage reporting √
Critical cyber asset √
Security management √
Personnel and training √
Governance and Compliance
Electronic security √
Physical security √
Systems security √
Incident reporting and √
Recovery plans for √
critical cyber assets
Bulk electrical system √
cyber system
Bulk electrical system √
cyber system protection
108 5 ICS/SCADA System Security for CPS
Today’s traditional electric grids are being modernized with the addition of ICT
technology capabilities, such as more automation, communication, and advanced IT
systems (Yilin et al. 2012). These modernized electrical stations are one of the
implementations of the CPSs, which depends mainly on sensors and digital systems
to allow the power and communication data travel in two-way flows rather in one
way with the traditional grid. This two-way communication allows providing
electricity and information in real time or near time, which makes the power
delivery more automated and creates more advanced power distribution and
delivery networks (Fang et al. 2012). On the other hand, these modernized capa-
bilities of the smart grid have added more security worries, such as DoS, human,
and environmental attacks, breaking the confidentiality and integrity of data, or
even making the power service totally unavailable (Florian et al. 2012). One of the
security worries that most of smart grid ICT and embedded devices are located in
different distance locations outside the utility premises, which make it difficult to be
protected (Tan et al. 2017).
Smart grid should achieve the three triangle security objectives which include
AIC. Availability is meant to ensure timely and reliably accessing to various critical
smart grid operations and services, and failing to achieve that will cause severe
disruption that might lead to different problems such as losing the power delivery.
5.11 ICS/SCADA Systems Security in Smart Grid 109
5.12 Conclusion
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Re-search in Cyber Security, Singapore University of Technology and Design.
Alcaraz, C., Fernandez, G., & Carvajal, F. (2012). Security aspects of SCADA and DCS
environments. Critical Infrastructure Protection, 120–149.
Alcaraz, C., & Zeadally, S. (2015). Critical infrastructure protection: Requirements and challenges
for the 21st century. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 8, 53–66.
Ali, S., Anwar, R. W., & Hussain, O. K. (2015). Cyber security for cyber-physical systems: A trust
based approach. Journal of Theoratical and Applied Information Technology, 71, 144–152.
Alshami, E., Albustani, H., & Melhem, M. (2008). Using supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) system in the management of a diesel generator. Tishreen University Journal for
Research and Scientific Studies—Engineering Sciences Series, 30, 1–27.
Amin, S., Schwartz, G., & Hussain, A. (2013). In quest of bench-marking security risks to
cyber-physical systems network. IEEE, 27, 19–24.
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Chapter 6
Embedded Systems Security
for Cyber-Physical Systems
6.1 Introduction
systems (Sifakis 2011; Ma et al. 2007). The sale of 12 billion Advanced RISC
Machines (ARM) chips in 2014 is yet another proof of the extensive use and
production of embedded systems (PLC 2014). Some implementations of embedded
systems are extended to products like home appliances (Nath and Datta 2014),
automobiles, robots, airplanes, mobile phones, etc.
Physically, embedded systems are small computers assembled with a micro-
processor combined with a small read-only memory (ROM) and some
application-based essential peripherals. The embedded systems are specifically
designed for a desired application. The functionality of the system is programmed
using a code to perform the expected task. The concept of embedded systems was
initiated with the development of the Apollo Guidance Computer in 1960 (Hall
1996). Within a year, embedded systems started its mass production for D17
Minuteman Missiles (Timmerman 2007) and within a decade came the first
embedded computer, the Intel Company and the 4-bit microprocessor. Earlier,
embedded systems were generally reactive systems, performing a single task
assigned with no scope of updating or interacting to other systems. With the
advancement in technology, embedded systems were able to interconnect with other
systems to form distributed and parallel systems (Sharp 1986). These systems were
capable of performing even more broad, effective, and efficient tasks. Later,
implementing the extensive interconnectivity, the concept of everywhere and
anytime was introduced in the 1990s by Weiser (1991) and Davies and Gellersen
(2002). This introduction led to the ubiquity of the embedded systems and they
were termed as ubiquitous systems. Since a decade, embedded systems have also
obtained the functionality to work using the Internet and thus, the term
“Cyber-Physical Systems” (CPSs) have come into existence.
The term CPS was coined in 2006 by Helen Gill of the National Science
Foundation (NSF) in United States (Gunes et al. 2014; Lee and Seshia 2014). Since
then, various advancements have taken place in this field which have reached new
breakthroughs and heights. Just like its predecessor, the embedded systems, it
brought about a broad range of applications in fields like health care (Lee and
Sokolsky 2010), transportation (Wasicek et al. 2014; Osswald et al. 2014), power
(Sridhar et al. 2012; Ashok et al. 2014), control (Backhaus et al. 2013; Parolini et al.
2012), communication (Fink et al. 2012), etc. It is easily noticeable that the CPSs
are being implemented in various crucial fields and thus they form the critical
infrastructures (Das et al. 2012; Miller 2014). Since CPS now forms a key part of
the society, security of CPS becomes a prime concern for their smooth and safe
functioning. The seriousness is proved by the security failures that have occurred in
the past, leading to losses of finance, property, confidentiality, and/or lives. Attacks
on a medical CPS may lead to fatal consequences and death (Talbot 2012; Mitchell
and Chen 2015; Halperin et al. 2008), attacks on supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA) system lead to malfunctions (Zhu et al. 2011a), e.g., Stuxnet
(Farwell and Rohozinski 2011), attacks on transportation and aviation lead to loss
of control of the machine and chaos (Denning 2000; Pike et al. 2015), e.g., Derailed
tram in Poland (Leyden 2008), attacks on public industries like water distribution or
pipeline system lead to fatal components into the system and accidents (Slay and
6.1 Introduction 117
Miller 2008; Tsang 2010), e.g., Gas pipeline in Russia (Quinn-Judge 2002), attacks
on critical infrastructures lead to total cessation to a city or country (Baker et al.
2009), e.g., Hackers cut city’s electricity for extortion (Greenberg 2008), and for the
latest, attacks on a smart grid lead to power cut and losses (Conti 2010). Realizing
the severity of CPS field from the above mentioned issues, security forms the base
of this book. This chapter discusses the concepts of embedded systems and security
and describes its relationship with the CPS and the challenges involved.
The foundation of the CPS was laid by the embedded systems. In this section, the
relationship between these two entities has been discussed. Marwedel, in his book
(Marwedel 2010), clearly showed that the embedded systems are the backbone of
the CPS. The book is completely dedicated to the designing of CPS using the
embedded systems and discusses the requirements, challenges, constraints, appli-
cations, software coding, and all other concepts related to the CPS design. A modest
description on security has also been provided, with discussions on the hardware
and software requirements. Parvin et al, in their research on CPS, recognized that
CPS is built on the research from disciplines like embedded systems and sensor
networks (Parvin et al. 2013).
Lee in 2010 (Lee 2010) described CPS as an intersection of cyber and physical
realms rather than just a union. Embedded systems were no longer to be used for
specific purposes which are designed once and inflexible in its application. The
modern embedded systems forming the CPS are larger systems with more elec-
tronics, networking, and physical processes. He discussed cyberizing the physical
components and physicalizing the cyber parts of the systems.
In 2012, Broy et al. (2012) and Broy and Schmidt (2014) defined CPS as “the
integration of embedded systems with global networks such as the Internet” and the
first step toward CPS is identified as networked embedded systems. The authors
listed out the other technologies like Internet as business, radio frequency identi-
fication (RFID), Semantic Web, and applications like Android, Firefox, etc., as the
driving force toward CPS.
Magureanu et al. (2013) termed CPS as “massively distributed heterogeneous
embedded systems linked through wired/wireless connections” and later as “em-
bedded distributed systems”.
Xia et al. (2011) realized the possible feasibility of the IEEE 80.15.4 protocol in
CPS and thus conducted a performance evaluation for it using two different modes.
They describe CPS as networked embedded systems that bridge the computing and
communication of the virtual world to the real world. The major distinguishing
factor between CPS and embedded systems is the fact that CPS can be a large
system of wireless sensor and actuator network (WSAN) while the other can only
be a system of WSN. The evaluation shows that the default configuration does not
118 6 Embedded Systems Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
yield the best performance and thus CPS requires its own configuration and in the
future, it may require new standards being defined.
Stojmenovic (2014), termed “control technologies with non-networked embed-
ded systems are examples of CPS that are not IoT” and since CPS is also related to
control systems, CPS can also be defined as the integration of computation, com-
munication, and control processes. The current task of the researchers in this field is
identified as building on embedded systems by integrating the software and net-
working with the physical environment.
Battram et al. (2015) focused on the contracts used during the CPS production
and design. The noticeable difference between the two is that embedded systems are
small computing devices deeply planted in the surroundings as such that their
existence tends to be unknown while CPS takes the environment into account and
thus emphasizes its much larger size as compared to the embedded systems.
A clear differentiation was provided by Sanislav and Miclea (2012). CPS is not
the traditional embedded systems, real-time systems, the sensors networks, and
desktop applications but a unique integration of them all. The prime characteristics
of CPS are as follows:
• It has cyber capabilities;
• It is networked at a large scale;
• It is dynamic and reconfigurable;
• It includes higher extent of automation as compared to embedded systems;
• It executes many more computations and commands; and
• It has cyber and physical components which are more deeply integrated.
6.2.1 Transformation
The authors termed the CPS as the networked embedded systems. The paper also
listed various projects being conducted relating to embedded systems and CPS, the
security challenges in CPS and the applications.
Wan et al. (2013) studied the transformation of the technology from the
machine-to-machine (M2M) communication to CPS. They present a broad view on
this concept of the IT and group the CPS, WSN, and M2M under the umbrella of
Internet of Things (IoT). CPS is considered as one of the highest levels of IoT and it
has evolved due to the developments in the field of embedded systems. They
discussed the applications like the cloud computing, unmanned vehicles, vehicular
ad hoc network (VANET), mobile agent, distributed real-time control, etc.
Gupta et al. (2013) studied the potential in CPS and published their work
describing the future of the technologies. Embedded system technology is identified
as one of the major contributors to CPS technology since it not only provides the
hardware but also the software, modeling, and designing tools. The authors also
described the features and some future applications of the CPS.
Gurgen et al. (2013), in their publication on self-aware CPS for smart buildings,
provided many recommendations toward self-manageable CPS. Among those, they
point out that the fundamental research on CPS is from various fields including the
embedded systems. Some of the features like robustness, reliability, dependability,
effectiveness, and correctness are to be derived from the embedded system
In the article by Bartocci et al. (2014), CPSs are termed as the next generation of
embedded systems and the theoretical and practical challenges for CPS are dis-
cussed. Embedded systems which focused on design optimization in the past have
shifted the focus to complex alliance and interaction between the computational
devices and the physical environment and this lead to the formation of CPS.
Lee (2015c) discussed the past, present, and the future of CPS and Casale-Rossi
et al. (2015) discuss the future of electronics and semiconductors in Europe. In
both, the two terms are once again observed to be used interchangeably showing
that with time, the basic embedded systems have been overshadowed and engulfed
by the CPS and now both terms mean almost the same concept. On the contrary to
this, Greenwood et al.(2015) presented a good work to differentiate between
embedded systems and CPS in a clear way. They defined embedded system as “an
information processing system where the end user is unaware of a computer being
present” while CPSs are embedded systems that tightly link the computing
resources to the physical world. The definition for CPS is further elaborated by
Greenwood in the paper (Greenwood et al. 2015).
A good analysis and study on the transformation and maturation of embedded
systems have been provided by Mosterman and Zander in one of the papers pub-
lished (Mosterman and Zander 2015). The transformation is explained in three steps
starting with networked embedded systems to a paradigm shift of the system and
finally the formation of the CPS. The later part of the paper describes the challenges
and the software involved in the design and function of CPS.
120 6 Embedded Systems Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
In 2008, during the initial stages of the CPS, Tan et al. (2008) proposed prototype
architecture for CPS. The authors mentioned that the current technologies of
embedded systems and the cyber-world integrate to form the CPS. The fundamental
gaps between the embedded systems and CPS are explained and the prototype
architecture for the CPS has been provided. Some of the requirements to model or
design such systems are the global reference time to keep uniformity among the
components. The systems must be event/information-driven and qualified to bring
trust among the components and systems. These systems must publish/subscribe
scheme based on the interest and goal of the CPS, control laws on the actions, and
new networking techniques to make these possible to function smoothly.
Koubâa and Andersson (2009), in 2009, provided a connection between the
Internet and the embedded systems. Internet is used to interconnect computers and
share digital data while embedded systems are used to control systems in real time
and a combination of the two formed the CPS. They discussed the concept of
cyber-physical Internet by presenting its design requirements and limitations. The
protocol stack architecture consists of six layers: physical, data link, network,
transport, application, and cyber-physical layer. Some of the challenges faced were
operating these new systems, designing new network protocols, real-time opera-
tions, effective performance, and data aggregation of all the information collected
and generated.
Lee (2006, 2007, 2008) discussed the design challenges of the CPS. The
embedded systems are identified as the basic building blocks of the CPS. To
proceed into the CPS, rebuilding the computing and the networking abstractions
was recommended. Tham and Luo (2013) presented a productive work on the
feasibility of decision-making by prediction for purchasing electricity in smart grid
environment. They researched on the smart grid CPS (SG-CPS) and examined two
optimizations methods and noted that the performance of the predictions was
improved in terms of execution time and memory requirements. For these kinds of
CPSs, they implemented embedded systems based on ARM.
Karnouskos et al. (2014) proposed a cloud-based approach toward industrial
CPS. The advanced features like multi-core processing, threading, memory on chip,
etc., in CPS were identified as some of the major advancements from embedded
systems and fusing cloud and CPS is expected to bring further advancement in this
field. The term they used for this fusion is “Cloud of things”.
To model and control the CPS, Bujorianu and MacKay (2014) proposed a
framework based on complex science. Embedded systems are identified as one of
the predecessors and the basics of CPS have been already studied through this
paradigm. Concepts of modeling, control, and various abstractions have been
Once the designing and modeling of CPS is executed, the stage of validation and
verification is implemented and a paper on this was presented by Zheng et al.
(2014). To understand the state of the art, they used three methods, namely,
6.2 Embedded Systems in CPS 121
questionnaire survey with researchers, interview with CPS developers, and litera-
ture review. One of the questions for the survey dealt with the differences between
the CPS and embedded systems. CPS is found to be a defined by many as
embedded systems that also include network, security, and privacy, cloud com-
puting and big data, which are almost absent. Although researchers used the two
terms interchangeably many time, the developers have a clear differentiation among
the two.
Johnson et al. (2015) addressed the specification mismatch in CPS. They noted
that the embedded systems are getting increasingly complex to evolve into the CPS.
Embedded systems software is still being used to design and build the CPS. Various
research and techniques have been identified that can address the issue of mismatch
in CPS specifications by modifying these software to bridge the gap between the
two concepts. A method and tool have also been developed for the same.
Examining the state of the art and the requirements, Lee (2006, 2007, 2008) pointed
out challenges in the networking of embedded systems, adding an operating system
(OS) into them and the reaction to multiple real-time inputs and outputs to sensors
and actuators, respectively. Some of the tools mentioned are TinyOS and netC. He
presented the four-layer abstraction of the CPS with hardware like FPGS, ASIC,
and microprocessors and programming languages like Java, C++, and VHDL. The
layers are task-level model, programs level, executable level, and the silicon chip
level. He has further studied this field and presented a comprehensive work in the
book (Lee and Seshia 2014). Yet another paper on the tools for CPS was presented
by Zhou et al. (2014). The tools for hardware and software design have been
discussed. The tools for embedded systems are determined as the foundation of
designing any CPS. The tools like ALLEGRO, PROTEl, and PADS used for
designing PCBs have been compared. Other hardware tools discussed are Proteus,
Keil, ARM ADS, RealView MDK, Multi 2000, Quartus II, LabView, and
Multisim. Some of the embedded OSs as mentioned above have also been dis-
cussed. The paper also gives an insight into the network analysis and simulation
tools, since networking is a vital part of the CPS. Tools like Ns-2, OMNeT++,
OPNET, SPW, J-sim, GloMosim, and SSFnet were listed and compared. Other
tools discussed were codesign tools for real-time behavior and domain-specific
Eidson et al. (2012) tried to address one of the challenges in the evolution of
CPS and that was the designing of CPS. They discussed the use of the Ptolemy
software, developed for modeling simulation and design of embedded systems at
UC-Berkeley (Lee 2015a, b; Ptolemaeus 2014), for designing CPS. The PTIDES
extension to the Ptolemy II software is discussed with its application to model
CPSs. The model is an event-driven process and the applications discussed were
that of the power plant control.
122 6 Embedded Systems Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
6.2.4 Applications
Koubâa and Andersson (2009) discuss the technologies involved like WSN, RFID,
ZigBee, mobile phones, etc. which have merged into CPS.
Rajkumar et al. (2010) spotted the potential in the CPS and published their
findings in 2010. They described CPS as the combination embedded systems,
real-time systems, distributed sensor systems and controls. They have described
some of the major applications of CPS in the advanced power grid, better disaster
response and recovery, and various assistive devices.
Osswald et al. (2014) presented their prototype CPS for automotive. They rec-
ognized the extensive implementation of embedded systems in the automobiles
since its introduction by Volkswagen in 1968. They stated that “the embedded
systems are closed systems performing specific tasks and they are now being
challenged by the transformation of these devices into an interconnected network”.
The authors proposed the human integration into the CPS cycle for better
Keller et al. (2014) channeled their research on smart homes, which is again
related to the energy management. They proposed the dual reality approach which
enables the user to perform a similar action in both, physical and virtual worlds by
synchronizing them. They explained that CPSs are network-compatible embedded
systems that are created to form all-in-one solution to a particular problem. The dual
reality approach solves the problems of ease of use, flexibility and interaction
between the two worlds which leads to improved quality of life.
6.3 Challenges in Transformation 123
The addition of networking into the system converts an embedded system to a CPS,
and it is the demand of the current technological age. The networking exposes the
computing and control capabilities to the outside world, which has been confined
within the system’s interiors all these time.
Lee described the design challenges of CPS in 2008 (Lee 2008). The challenge
of maintaining and improving the reliability and predictability observed in
embedded systems has been discussed in previous sections. Another challenge was
the rebuilding of the abstractions which has been discussed in Sect. 6.2.
Maintaining the timing of commands and actions for the system to perform
real-time application is yet another challenge. Bringing an upgrade into the critical
infrastructures requires extensive testing and verification, without it may lead to
catastrophes. In the same year, Bonakdarpour (2008) published a paper discussing
the challenges in transforming from embedded systems to CPS. Some of the
challenges were the scalability, abstraction, fault tolerance, hybridity, and imple-
mentation of formal methods.
One of the major challenges related to the embedded systems is the real-time
abstraction of the information, as pointed out by Rajkumar et al. (2010). Since CPS
is dependent on the distributed network, time synchronization among all the devices
in the system is very vital for the feasible functioning of the system. They also
mentioned that new architectural patterns, hierarchy, theories, protocols, languages,
and tools must be devised to obtain the most efficient and effective CPSs (Rajkumar
et al. 2010).
Broy et al. (2012) and Broy and Schmidt (2014) presented the imminent chal-
lenges of CPS in their publications. To demonstrate the evolution of embedded
system into CPS, the brake system in vehicles is taken as an example. The chal-
lenges for CPS were divided into the technological and social aspects. Some of
those challenges are human–system cooperation, integrated tools and systems,
expansion of the quality and engineering standards, acceptance of the new tech-
nology, economic and research interest in CPS. Broy in 2013 (Broy 2013) describes
the challenges from an engineering perspective. CPS is described as “the combi-
nation of embedded system with cyberspace”. The major challenge in CPS is
pointed out as combining the properties of embedded systems such as real-time,
dependability, reliability, and functional safety with the openness and reduced
availability and dependability of the Internet.
Raciti and Nadjm-Tehrani (2013) recognize the CPS as embedded system when
considering the hardware limitations for higher security deployment as these sys-
tems must be kept cheap to fulfill the large-scale production criteria.
Fitzgerald et al. (2014), in 2014, presented a comprehensive work on discussing
the challenges and direction when transforming from embedded systems to CPS.
The enormous market size of the embedded systems has been demonstrated. Once
again, CPS is described as embedded systems with networking capabilities. The
authors present a good background literature with discussions on the co-simulation
124 6 Embedded Systems Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
of the CPS and the distributed computing. Five major research directions in this
field were listed as modeling CPS, verifying properties of CPS, designing for robust
CPS, controlling the CPS, and ensuring secure and safe CPS.
Osswald et al. (2014) stated that one of the major challenges in automotive CPS
is identified as the large interconnection of various devices in the system, which
was unseen in the embedded systems. The large number leads to extensive number
of possible states of the system and validating each state becomes impossible. Also,
any violation by any device within the system may lead to a catastrophe, which
requires critical care.
The challenges of trade-offs in the CPS were discussed by Anderson and Culler
(2014). The terms embedded systems and CPS are used interchangeably to discuss
various trade-offs in energy budget, storage, radio, flash, power, inter-module
compatibility, and supervisory control.
The energy sector has been greatly influenced by the advancement of technology in
the field of CPS. The novel domain of smart grids is a result of integrating com-
puters for remote control and networking in managing the core components of a
power grid. Raciti and Nadjm-Tehrani (2013) presented a work on smart grid
concerning on security aspect. The authors present security issues in the advanced
metering infrastructures (AMI) of the smart grids and propose an anomaly detector
based on trust platform. They argued that despite having a heavy security level
assigned to the AMIs, there is still room for security breaches and the proposed
technique can help improve the security.
Embedded systems are generally application specific, immensely optimized, and
highly cost-effective systems. These systems consist only those components that are
required for the application, thus they have various constraints which make con-
siderations to combine security features into them difficult. Some of the constraints
are cost sensitivity, energy usage, development environment, peripheral and pro-
cessing power, etc. (Koopman 2004). Despite the above mentioned constraints, it is
very essential for every embedded system to include at least the minimal amount of
security, since these systems are being implemented in all walks of life and a
security attack may lead to heavy losses, fatalities, and catastrophes.
Ricci and McGinnes (2003), in 2003, defined a five-step technique that can
ensure better security of the embedded systems. These steps are to identify the
threat, set the targets for security, assess the risks of security failure, devise
countermeasures to overcome the threats, and finally assure that the countermea-
sures remain effective. The authors also give few recommendations toward
embedded system security. One of the most elaborate studies on the security aspects
of the embedded systems has been provided by Grand in 2004 (Grand 2004). It lists
the security principles provided by Stoneburner, Hayden, and Feringa on behalf of
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001 (Stoneburner et al.
6.4 Security of Embedded Systems in CPS 125
2001), which was revised in 2004 (Stoneburner et al. 2004). Grand gives the
classification of the security based on the attack, attacker, threat, difficulty, product
accessibility, and threat. Just like Ricci and McGinnes (2003), the first step toward
the product design is identified as the risk assessment and management, which gives
a broad idea on the security threats and the measures to be taken to overcome those
threats. Some of the threats are interception (Eavesdropping), interruption
(Denial-of-service (DoS) attack, malicious destruction of a hardware device,
intentional erasure of program or data contents), modification, fabrication, com-
petition (or Cloning), theft of service, spoofing, privilege escalation, etc. Various
solutions to these have also been discussed for product enclosure, the board and
PCB, and the firmware. In 2006, Grand (2006) discusses how hacking could be
used to dismantle, reverse engineer, and modify products to perform various
functions like breaking the authentication and copyright or perform a task which
was never intended to do by the designers.
Ravi et al. (2004) identified six requirements for an embedded system. They are
user identification, secure network access, secure communication, secure storage,
secure content, and availability. Some of the security techniques like ciphers and
hashing algorithms have been discussed. Also the cryptographic techniques like
security protocol, digital certificate, digital rights management, and secure storage
and execution have been listed. Software attacks and their countermeasures in case
of complexity, extensibility, and connectivity have also been described. Tampering
attacks like physical attack, timing analysis, power analysis, fault induction, and
electromagnetic analysis have also been taken into consideration to design a secure
architecture for the embedded systems. The paper was further extended and pre-
sented in Ravi et al. (2004). Since embedded systems are physical devices with
logical functionalities inside, the attacks on them are classified into physical attack
and logical attack. It also discussed the challenges like the processing gap in the
embedded devices, the battery gap, flexibility in tasks and application, tampers
resistance, assurance gap, and the cost of the product, in broad detail and also
examines the requirements.
Koopman et al. (2005) discussed an undergraduate course on embedded system
at Carnegie Mellon University. The paper clearly states that although the research in
security has been around for some time, the research on embedded system security
has been very minimal. Security techniques like authentication and access control,
data privacy and integrity, software security, and security policies have been
Since the inception of the CPS, in 2006, that builds on the foundations of
embedded systems, the research has shifted from embedded systems to CPS and
thus a very few papers are being published in this field. Parameswaran and Wolf
(2008) described an overview of embedded systems security in 2008. The char-
acteristics and the vulnerabilities of general embedded systems have been listed and
explained. The software attack and side channel attack on these systems have been
described with their countermeasures. Some of the countermeasures for side
channel attacks are the masking, window method, dummy instruction insertion,
126 6 Embedded Systems Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
The embedded systems and the CPS are used interchangeably by majority of the
authors around the journals. But there are certainly few differences among the
traditional embedded systems and the CPSs. This section provides an understanding
of the current interrelationship among the two concepts by reviewing through the
various research works being published from the beginning to the current times.
Mueller (2006) in 2006 highlighted three major issues in CPSs. Security being
one of the issues, he pointed its seriousness in power grid and critical infrastructure
and recommended the creation of software simulation for the IEC 61850 standard
implemented on smart grids. The terms embedded systems and CPSs were treated
as the same concept by the author.
Lee (2008), in his paper on the design challenges, has raised questions on
security issues, risks, mitigations, and techniques required for CPS as transforming
from embedded systems. Cárdenas et al. (2008), in 2008, proposed a mathematical
framework to analyze attacks in their paper addressing the research challenges of
security of control systems. The research tries to answer two main questions pro-
posed by the authors and, in the process, proposes a framework which can help
detect and survive attacks. The causes for the vulnerabilities and threats for the CPS
as compared to embedded systems have been listed. The causes are that the human
controllers have been replaced by computers, the systems have been networked, IT
solutions are done using commodity software or protocols, openness in design,
increase in size and functionality, more number of IT professionals around the
globe, and increased number of cybercrimes. The security effort is shifting from
reliability to protection against malicious attacks as the technology shifts from
embedded systems to CPS. The efforts are also taken by NERC, NIST, ISA, etc.,
and the combined goals are listed as creating awareness, and help operators to
design security policy and recommend basic prevention methods. The new security
issues like effects on estimation, control and the physical world in case of an attack
have been discussed and few recommendations have been provided. The authors
modeled these issues by use of mathematics and mainly discussing DoS and
deception attacks. Though it is a theoretical work, it provided a good information
and motivation to many other researchers.
6.4 Security of Embedded Systems in CPS 127
In 2009, Sun et al. (2009) grouped embedded systems into three categories based
on their application, complexity, and criticality. Among them, the moderately
critical and highly critical embedded systems are termed as CPS. The authors
discuss the security threats occurring due to the contradictions between the safety
requirements and the security needs. To overcome this, the authors proposed a
framework to detect the conflicts early during the designing stage. Sha et al. (2009)
put main emphasis on medical CPS (also termed as real-time networked embedded
systems) and their security. The authors suggest that there is a need to reexamine
the existing hardware and software implement into CPSs. Along with various other
aspects, security characteristics must be comprised in programming abstractions.
Since the study of field of security is limited, the authors recommend building a
prototypical CPS model and establish metrics that address errors, faults, and
security attacks. The security gaps must then be verified and validated. The
assumptions regarding the external environments need to be studied in the context
of safety, robustness, and security.
In 2010, Rajkumar (Rajkumar et al. 2010) described the challenges of the rev-
olution of CPS. The intersection of physical and cyber components needs the
enforcement of security and privacy requirements, which would be achieved by
implementing innovative solutions. The possible attacks are to be countered by
developing security policy, intrusion detection, and mitigation. Safety and security
of the CPSs from security attacks and errors are identified as one of the critical
issues in CPS. The physical nature can be exploited by implementing the location,
time, and tag-based mechanisms for security solutions. The programming of these
systems must also include the security features embedded in them.
In their research on smart grids, Khurana et al. (2010) described the security
issues connected with the smart grids. Smart grid forms one of the critical infras-
tructures in any developed country which makes their security a vital issue to
address. Trust is identified an important component for security in CPS. Security
and privacy in the communication between the devices were considered important.
The security management in taking care of the public key infrastructure and
updating the cryptographic keys and key generation were discussed. Some of the
recent developments like new authentication techniques for transmission substa-
tions and SCADA networks, policy-based data sharing, and attestation had been
listed and explained.
Akella et al. (2010) worked on the security of the information flow in CPSs and
presented a model for its analysis. The security of information flow is related to
confidentiality of the data, the aspect of security that the authors claimed to be
neglected by most researchers. The information flowing are the interactions that
take place between the cyber and the physical parts of the CPS. The Bell–LaPadula
(Bell and LaPadula 1973; Bell 2011) model and other related models were dis-
cussed with their limitations and their approach was defined using process algebra
concept. The authors took the applications of pipeline system and electric power
grid to demonstrate the approach. Although the paper is dedicated to security of
CPS, in both the applications, the embedded systems were included as an integral
part of CPSs.
128 6 Embedded Systems Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
The paper by Ye (2015) proposed a security protection design for CPS. CPS is a
technology that embeds the communication and computation capabilities into the
traditional embedded systems. Security is a major issue and the paper gives an
elaborate discussion on it with examples of attacks on nuclear power plant, auto-
mobiles, medical industry, military, etc. Among the security measures, the
“TrustZone” created by ARM was discussed. It sets a separated safety zone in the
processor to prevent network attacks on the embedded system. Another protection
method is creating three subdivisions called engineer station, controller, and APC
server within the CPS. Each implements its security measures in isolation by
examining, tracking, and protecting the system. This technique is generally
implemented in industrial control systems. The bug in the embedded system
development also needs to be taken care of while its implementation in CPS.
In the systematic literature review exclusively on the security of CPS by Dong
et al. (2015), they discussed the various aspects and developments in this field till
date. The safety of the systems was given more priority over the security. The
security requirements of a general CPS are identified as confidentiality, integrity,
and availability. The latest issues are listed as security protocol seamlessness, global
trust management, and privacy protection. The aspect of risk management in CPS
forms a vital part of CPS security and must be researched further to find better
solutions. The security in various layers of CPS was also discussed.
Sridhar et al. (2012) presented a paper on the security of the electric power grids.
The paper discussed the importance of trust, risk evaluation, and cybersecurity in
CPS. The embedded systems are used all over the electric grid systems to support,
monitor, and control the functions within and their protection falls under the device
security sector of the CPS. The remote attestation is an important part of the smart
grid technology. Some of the devices are smart meter and intelligent electronic
device (IED). These devices are implemented using embedded systems and require
ample security to protect it from tampering. A cryptographic sign loaded firmware
for the purpose was discussed (LeMay and Gunter 2012), but its limitations were
also pointed out. The security issues must be addressed very carefully to ensure
integrity of these devices and many recommendations like risk modeling and
mitigation and trust management, etc., had been provided by the authors to achieve
the security.
Liu et al. (2012) researched on the same field to investigate the security and
privacy issues in the smart grids. The security issues within the devices like pro-
grammable logic controllers (PLCs), remote terminal unit (RTUs), and IEDs in the
smart grids arise from the embedded systems. Some security standards and
trade-offs were discussed. One of the cryptography method mentioned was the
6.5 Smart Grids Security 131
AES-CCM 128-bit shared key for encryption of data. For the purpose of malware
attack protection, they discuss the procedure proposed by Metke and Ekl (2010).
The three procedures described are upgrade patch that can be delivered by issuing
public key to each device, hot assurance boot, and all mobile code must be strictly
controlled between supplier and operators.
A survey was presented by Wang and Lu (2013) discussing the challenges in
cybersecurity of smart grids. Millions of embedded systems with computational
limitations combined together to form the smart grid. The computation efficiency
thus becomes a critical issue to enable encryption scheme in the smart grid.
Although asymmetric key cryptography is stronger than the symmetric, it requires
more computations and thus its implementation becomes limited for the embedded
systems. To overcome this, the recommendation is to either increase the hardware
support or make central processing unit (CPU) more power. Authentication is yet
another security measure and it requires high efficiency, tolerance against attacks
and fault, and the support to multicast technique. The DES-CBC and the RSA key
schemes were also analyzed for the same. RSA is still not a feasible choice due to
the computational inefficiency. The three kinds of multicast authentication listed
and compared were secret information, asymmetry, time asymmetry, and hybrid
asymmetry. Several key management systems were also discussed in the survey.
One of the latest publications in this field was by Zimmer et al. (2015), which
proposed and discussed methods for intrusion detection in the controllers of power
grids. The main focus of the authors was the real-time embedded systems in the
power grids that are bound to intrusion attacks. Using the micro-timings of the
systems, the code execution progress is tracked and the possible attacks can be
detected. The intrusion is detected using two ways, by self-checking and by OS
scheduler. This helps detect execution of unauthorized code. The method developed
consisted of three mechanisms named as t-Rex, T-ProT, and T-AxT. The mecha-
nisms were tested on both simulation and embedded system hardware and found to
have been a novel approach for the intrusion detection.
6.6.1 Complexity
The embedded systems market is about 850 billion Euros worldwide (Union 2016).
This shows the great impact it has on the world in the current times. The hardware
being manufactured is getting more powerful every day. Also, the networking of the
embedded systems with desired OSs has become the need of the hour
(Herausforderung and Wirtschaft 2009). This is giving rise to demand in embedded
systems with complex requirements like higher capabilities, lower power
132 6 Embedded Systems Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
Throughout this article, the importance of security has been highlighted. Trust and
reputation can form one of the most effective techniques toward security of the
CPSs. The security aspect of CPSs has been studied by many researchers (Wang
et al. 2011; Kirkpatrick et al. 2009; Wu et al. 2011; Zimmer et al. 2010; Zhu et al.
2011b; Poolsappasit et al. 2012; Sommestad et al. 2009). The trust management is
now gaining attention and has been studied extensively in context of wireless
sensor networks (WSNs) and IoT (Singh et al. 2014; Che et al. 2015; Yan et al.
2014; Reshmi and Sajitha 2014). The authors of this article are working on the trust
management in CPS. Ali et al. (2015) and Ali and Anwar (2012) have proposed a
two-tier trust system that can maintain the security of the CPS. The authors are
working on this trust management technique and trying to bring improvements into
6.6.4 Trade-Offs
Trade-off is a difficult aspect of the CPS systems and requires very deep and strict
understanding of the requirements of a given system so as to make the best possible
balance between various factors governing the efficient functioning of the system.
Stringent security measure leads to more computations in the embedded systems
of the CPS. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the implementation of the
CPS. Thus, a trade-off between the security and the efficiency is an aspect that must
be taken care of, as shown in Liu et al. (2012). Privacy is a crucial aspect of security
and protecting it is a very vital part of securing the CPS. But creating various
privacy levels for the different layers of the CPS leads to energy consumption by the
embedded systems. This is due to the fact that the amount of computations needed
to protect the privacy increases with the increment of the level assigned for privacy.
Since the embedded systems in CPS are generally bound to constraints in the power
supply and energy consumption, the trade-off between security and energy con-
sumption is very important to CPS development. This has been demonstrated and
proved by Petroulakis et al. (2013).
Generally, longer key size leads to stronger security of the systems. But this also
leads to more time consumption and performance delay in the physically con-
strained embedded systems. The trade-off between security and latency thus
requires a comprehensive study and investigation, as provided by Wang and Lu
(2013). Zimmer et al. (2015) also attempted to provide better protection against
attacks by observing the relationship between security and timeliness of the CPS.
The embedded systems that require real-time responses and execution tasks may
take longer duration to perform a task when the security mechanism is made
stronger with more security features. Thus studying the trade-off among the security
134 6 Embedded Systems Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
6.7 Conclusion
Embedded systems are processing units that are connected larger systems through
sensors, actuators, controllers, and communication peripherals (Beetz and Böhm
2012). It has flourished into every walk of human life and this can proved by the
fact that over 90% of the processors produced today are used in embedded systems
(Intel 2016; Twente 2016). The applications are found in field like health care,
transportation, intelligence, communication, control, governance, etc. With the
introduction of Internet, the embedded systems gained further reach to form the
CPSs, coined by Helen Gill in 2006 (Gunes et al. 2014). The transformation from
embedded systems to CPSs has led to various advancements in the modeling,
design, programming tools, languages, standards, and security which helped
expand its applications.
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Proceedings: Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems, Computing Science, Newcastle University,
Ali, S., Anwar, R. W., & Hussain, O. K. (2015). Cyber security for cyber-physical systems: A trust
based approach. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 71, 144–152.
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Ashok, A., Hahn, A., & Govindarasu, M. (2014). Cyber-physical systems of wide-area
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Chapter 7
Distributed Control Systems Security
for CPS
Distributed control systems (DCSs) are one of the founding technologies of the
cyber-physical systems (CPSs), which are implemented in industries and grids. The
DCSs are studies from the aspect of design, architecture, modeling, framework,
management, security, and risk. From the findings, it was identified that the security
of these systems is the most vital aspect among the modern issues. To address the
security of DCSs, it is important to understand the bridging features between DCSs
and the CPSs in order to protect them from cyberattacks against known and
unknown vulnerabilities.
7.1 Introduction
The distributed control systems form the backbone of the modern industries
(Stouffer et al. 2011). DCSs can be found in automobiles, airplanes, large industries,
water management, power plant, refineries, flight management, healthcare systems,
smart grids, etc. These systems consist of instruments that control the processes
while taking care of the characteristics like accuracy, sensitivity, stability, relia-
bility, speed, noise reduction, and bandwidth. To achieve the required goals, DCS
implements physical sensors and actuators that are combined with sophisticated
processors to form a CPS. As it is common in most other CPSs, the security issue is
the most vital component of the DCSs (Stouffer et al. 2011). This is due to the
implementation of DCS in critical infrastructures and other key industries that draw
the attention of the adversaries and hackers. Although various countermeasures
have been designed for generic information systems and CPS, they do not serve the
DCS well and requires a distinctive approach toward security (Bologna et al. 2013).
Also, the concept of DCS security is a new paradigm as compared to the infor-
mation systems and thus it required extensive research and development (Weiss
and can interact with one another to coordinate the smaller tasks for achieving the
desired collective objective (Ge et al. 2015). In each of the subsystems, the
information is exchanged among its components (such as sensors and actuators).
One of the major applications of DCS is in the power and energy sector. The DCS
is implemented from the generation to the distribution of the electricity. Other
applications of DCS range from critical infrastructures to large-scale industrial
applications like water, transportation, health care, defense, and finance (Sandberg
et al. 2015). Some of the main challenges to DCS in the current times are the
communication, control, computation, and security. There is an intense tradeoff
among some key issues like flexibility, efficiency, environmental, sustainability,
distributed QoS, security, and the cost for the services (Ilic et al. 2010). However,
security can be considered as the most vital issue in the DCS (Sandberg et al. 2015;
Knapp and Langill 2014). Breach of security can create disruptions in the control,
communication, and/or computations of the systems. Also, security breaches can
lead to disasters in terms of monetary, information, and property damages. The
modern DCSs are being connected to the internet for the advantages of remote
access, efficiency, and ubiquity. This has led to the annexation of the DCS into the
realm of CPS. Thus, this research concentrates on the DCS from a perspective of
The distributed control system contains various components, layers, and speci-
fications based on the requirements and implementation. The layers in a typical
DCS are shown in Fig. 7.1. The operational layer consists of the control room and
the central computer, monitoring the activity in the system. The master control is
equipped with various servers to store the data and control action logs. Dedicated
servers may be used for Web, video, simulation, and execution. The control level is
maintained by supervisory computers and programmable logic controllers that
provide the control signals to the concerned devices. A distributed network of
microcontrollers that are physically connected to the actuators and other moving
parts forms the direct control level. The plants and all of its working components
constitute the field level that performs the tasks based on the control signals pro-
vided by the higher level to achieve the desired goal.
Designing of the distributed control system is the first step toward building and
implementing a system that can be controlled in a distributed manner. The archi-
tecture of a typical DCS for electrical grids consists of generation unit with its
sensors and actuators, the transmission unit with its gateways, the distribution unit
with its gateways, and the customer section with its appliances (Alcaraz et al. 2016).
All these units are managed using the super-nodes. The current literature shows that
the modern focus is on forming a hybrid design and architecture that can integrate
the synchronous with the asynchronous, physical with cyber, and higher level with
lower. One of the applications of distributed CPS is in the aeronautics systems.
These systems consist of a collection of digital sensors and actuators that com-
municate to each other asynchronously and interact with the environment. In case
of a pilot turning the airplane to a desired direction, the DCSs are implemented. The
multirate physically asynchronous but logically synchronous (PALS) technique is a
methodology that reduces the design and verification overheads by making the
process simpler (Bae et al. 2015). PALS methodology is suited for systems that
have various constraints and are physical asynchronous in their actions but the
logical design of those systems is synchronous so that every component works
together toward an objective.
DCS is also implemented in robotics since robots trying to resemble humans
consist of a distributed number of sensors and actuators. The multilevel and hybrid
architecture is used for communication and control of intelligent mobile robots
(Posadas et al. 2008). The architecture is composed of three distributed parts,
namely deliberative, reactive, and communication part. A communication frame-
work known as SC agent implements the hybrid multilevel and distributed archi-
tecture. The distributed agents run on processors and workstations to control the
mobile robots. The real-life implementation on the YAIR robot demonstrated
effectiveness of the distributed agent in real-time executions (Posadas et al. 2008).
Modeling helps to understand the design and the architecture while the framework
leads to the practical functioning of the model. There are a number of models used
in representing DCS and CPS. The cyber-based dynamic model is a model that uses
mathematical modeling and depends on the cyber technologies connected to the
physical system (Ilic et al. 2010). The model ensures the observability of
the components in the systems by facilitating co-operative interaction among the
distributed observers (Khan et al. 2008). The co-operation is achieved using the
distributed iterative-collapse inversion algorithm (Khan and Moura 2008). The
distributed sensor localization is based on the convergence algorithm (Khan et al.
2009). The model consisted of local sub-objectives that are built using distributed
sensors and actuators. A three-step technique helps attain stability of performance
in the distributed system. The model enables interactive protocols between the
controllers and operators and enables distributed decision-making. The complex
power system operations are assisted using data mining. The model is an initiative
toward managing the tradeoffs between the issues like flexibility, efficiency, sus-
tainability, distributed quality of service, and security. Table 7.2 describes the
various researches being carried on the modeling and design of DCSs.
Distributed control systems must be reactive, maintain situational awareness, and
must have essential feedbacks (Stehr et al. 2010). For addressing the challenges, a
declarative approach could be implemented to avoid the low-level programming and
its error-prone and time-consuming nature. Using the declarative method, the
146 7 Distributed Control Systems Security for CPS
The DCS or networked controlled system is a tight coupling of the control and
actuation of physical processes in a closed loop (Mangharam and Pajic 2013). Its
management requires efficient and smart use of resources and components based on
the parameters being sensed. Effective management facilities sustaining desired
stability and performance of the DCS. The management must be equipped with
robust, reliable, and optimal control to provide the best performance. The current
researches on the management and control aspect of the DCS are listed in Table 7.3.
One of the tools for management of DCS is the embedded virtual machines
program (EVM) (Mangharam and Pajic 2013). It is a program in which task,
control, and timing properties are maintained in the physical nodes of the DCS. It is
capable of finding the best set of physical controllers during runtime to keep the
system stable. Although the EVM provides the optimal configuration for the routing
and task assignment, it is not capable of proving the guarantee for it. Distributed
control over wireless network is another technique of DCS management. The
wireless control network is a tool where the entire network is treated as a controller
rather than each individual node in the network (Pajic et al. 2011). The control
computations are done completely within the network using a truly distributed
control scheme. The network thus behaves as a linear dynamical system. This
system is more robust and stable in times of node failure. The tool also addresses
the security issue by providing an intrusion detection system within its architecture.
The tool lacked application in heterogeneous nodes with variable capabilities.
Table 7.3 Management and control in distributed control systems
The control operations are simple ones, effectivity with complex control operations
was not demonstrated.
In case of the smart grids, the major management issue is the management the
economic dispatch problem (EDP). Economic dispatch is the process of deter-
mining the most optimal output to be generated by the electrical generators to meet
the demand with the lowest cost in the given constraints of transmission and
operation (Zhang and Chow 2012). The distributed algorithm to solve the EDP is
used to replace the traditional central controller. The higher stability of DCSs forms
an advantage over the centralized control system. The basic problem in DCS is the
requirement for all the nodes to reach a consensus over a given issue. To address
this issue, the incremental cost convergence algorithm is embedded with the gen-
eration unit of the DCS (Zhang and Chow 2012). The algorithm also provides a
procedure to appoint the leader in the group of nodes using the node centrality
measurement technique. Each cluster is also equipped with the consensus manager
that provides the interactions between the clusters. Using a three-bus micro-grid,
different network topologies like star connection, random connection, and serial
connection were simulated and studied. The simulations demonstrated effectiveness
and robustness as compared to the centralized control. Although the simulations
proved to show better performance, the results were not verified with real-life
The ever increasing climate change and the urbanization led to the drainage
systems being overwhelmed. This may eventually lead to sewer flooding and
widespread damages to human lives, properties, and environment. To address this
issue, a decentralized and distributed agent-based approach was developed to
manage the drainage system (Giordano et al. 2014). The approach is based on the
gossip-based algorithm (Jelasity et al. 2005) and the PID controlling technique to
realize the real-time control. A distributed system of sensors and actuators is set up
for real-time control. Each node is able to communicate only with its neighboring
peers. The gossip-based algorithm continuously monitors and balances the water
level. Each gate is controlled locally using the PID controllers. The simulation
experiments with the proposed approach showed that it was able to prevent or delay
flooding in the given scenarios. This model was not validated in the real-world
drainage networks.
Security can be defined as to protect an asset from its vulnerabilities and threats.
The assets could be human, data, systems, organization, country, etc. Information
security is to protect information from unauthorized access, modifications, infor-
mation leakage, perusal, disruption, and destruction (Jagadamba et al. 2014;
Felderer et al. 2014; Ansari and Janghel 2013; House 2014). The generic security
issues are integrity, confidentiality, and availability. The CPS and DCS have added
issues of authenticity and validation (Kriaa et al. 2015).
7.6 Security and Risk 151 Integrity
Integrity refers to the trust of truthfulness on the data or resources in the system
(Cardenas et al. 2008). The integrity is the guarantee that the system will perform the
tasks intended by the designer or user. The data and the information present within the
system are vital for the sensing and computing and the decision-making processes.
Thus, the integrity of the data is very critical in any system. An attacker having an
access to the data can easily manipulate the data based on his/her requirements and
thus achieving a physical action which is desired by the attacker rather than the
expected action. In the context of DCS, to ensure smooth functioning, the integrity
must be maintained at the compound, device, and bus level (Rauter 2016). Confidentiality
It refers to the ability of keeping all the information secret from outsiders and
attackers (Cardenas et al. 2008). Sometimes, though the attacker may not be able to
manipulate the data, it may be possible to just sense the data being sent and
received. This data may be confidential and secret, and this could enable the
attacker to take necessary actions against the information obtained for its own
benefit. In case of DCS, the data and the control traffic is required to maintain
confidentiality (Innovations 2014). Availability
DCS and CPS always involve communication between various entities and it is
very crucial to ensure that the entities are who they claim they are. This necessitates
the authenticity that the data and transactions and validation of the received
information (Kriaa et al. 2015). The operating system of the DCS must be robust to
ensure the authenticity and validity of the data, control, and nodes (Sinopoli et al.
152 7 Distributed Control Systems Security for CPS
The modern DCSs use the corporate networks and the internet for its operation.
This has led to an increased exposure to the cyber-threats and vulnerabilities
(Knowles et al. 2015). This is proved by the fact that in 2015, the ICS-CERT
reported 24 times more vulnerabilities than in 2010 times and it was double when
compared to 2014 (Felker and Edwards 2015). There was 20% increase in cyber
incidents in 2015 from that in 2014 (Felker and Edwards 2015). The security issues
and security attacks on the DCS directed to the formulation of the security measures
and countermeasures. The security measures are expected to defend and protect the
DCS from security breach and violations. Realizing the importance of the DCS and
CPS, various industries, government, standardization organization, and researchers
have formulated numerous security measures, standards, guidelines, and best
practices. Majority of the standards were found to be US based (Knowles et al.
2015). In a DCS, the cyber components and the physical components are inter-
connected and due to this, their security becomes interdependent. The security also
primarily depends on the human actions and decisions-making over the system
from insiders and outsiders. The NCSs are subjected to various attacks like stealth,
replay, covert, and false data injection. There is a need to develop tools to analyze
and synthesize the combination of control theory, game theory, and network
optimizations for DCS (Sandberg et al. 2015). Some of the known researches on
DCS security are listed in Table 7.4.
One of the most vulnerable forms of DCS is the SCADA (Teixeira et al. 2012).
This is mainly due to the unprotected channels and the feedback loops present in the
SCADA networks (Teixeira et al. 2012). The model of the attacks on such system
can be viewed in a three-dimensional space with the axes being system knowledge,
disclosure resources, and disruption resources (Teixeira et al. 2012). The system
knowledge is the amount of knowledge the attacker has about the control system’s
core components. The disclosure resource is the sequences of data collected by the
attacker from the calculated control actions. The disruption resources give the attack
vector that can be used to affect the components of the system. This framework is
found to be suitable for the replay, zero dynamics, and bias injection attack sce-
narios. The model was incapable of analyzing other attacks like Sybil attacks,
eavesdropping, denial of service, etc. The cross-layer system model was developed
to study the multi-agent environment and decentralized nature of the DCS (Zhu
et al. 2013). This model facilitates the study and analysis of the performance and
coupling in CPS. A mischievous agent tries to mislead the entire system to perform
undesirable actions used the model to study the attack. The feedback Nash equi-
librium technique based on game theory is used as a solution for this kind of attack
scenario (Zhu et al. 2013). The mechanism is used to compute the distributed
control strategies for each unit of the system. The framework needs to be practically
implemented to validate the expected performance improvements.
An unauthorized and unauthenticated connection within a DCS is another major
security issue. In smart grids, a critical infrastructure, connections may arise at any
154 7 Distributed Control Systems Security for CPS
time, from anywhere, and in anyway. It is vital that a policy is enforced that protects
the smart grid from suspicious connections. Smart grid technology requires high
amount of interoperability in their operations (Miller 2010). Interoperability will
allow the smart grid system to share and use the available information effectively
and efficiently to take the correct design and perform the expected task.
To enable the interoperability, a policy enforcement system is used for trans-
parent control operations in a safe, secure, and reliable architecture (Alcaraz et al.
2016). The policy uses context-based approach, graph theory, and role-based access
control. The authentication is carried out in stage 1, authorization in stage 2, and
interoperability in stage 3 of the policy architecture. The approach was tested using
simulations for various scenarios and proved to be effective. The approach did not
take into consideration of the faults that may arise during the runtime of the control
The safety is one of the major concerns in the field of transportation. Various
researches are concentrated on the effectiveness of the safety measures in the cars.
7.6 Security and Risk 155
It has been found that the effectiveness is the most when the control of the vehicle is
carried out in a distributed manner using distributed sensing, communication, and
decision-making. A model is thus implemented for distributed car control where
adaptive cruise control is used to control every car in the system (Loos et al. 2011).
The model organizes the cars in the vicinity into a collection of hierarchical
modular pieces of two cars on a single lane in one packet. Using the distributed
control model, the car is provided safety at local and global levels. The model was
formally proved in various complex settings to ensure its safety objectives by
providing guaranteed collision freedom from other cars. Some of the limitations are
that the model was not verified in the real-world implementation. The model also
does not take care of the issues of time synchronization, sensor data inaccuracy, and
curvature of the lanes.
7.7 Risk
Oracle Corporation has defined risk as the possibility of loss, damage, or any other
undesirable event (Corporation 2008). PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) defines it as
“the possibility that an event will occur and adversely affect the achievement of
objectives” (PricewaterhouseCoopers 2008). Thus, risk is an undesirable but
unavoidable possibility of occurring of an event and this requires an assessment of
the risks involved in any given system. As the dependence of critical infrastructures
and industrial automation on cyber-physical control systems is growing, many
unforeseen security threats to DCS are unfolding. A DCS may be subjected to many
vulnerabilities, threats, and security issues which may lead to catastrophic events in
the society. This requires an efficient and effective risk management system to
maintain the minimum possible risk in the system. As presented by Cho et al
(2011), risk management is constituted by three parts, namely risk assessment, risk
mitigation, and risk control. It is critical that engineers, managers, and operators to
understand the issues in these three parts and know how to locate the information
they need.
The security metrics of control systems consists of seven risk management
ideals, namely the security group, attack group, access, vulnerabilities, damage
potential, detection, and recovery (Boyer and McQueen 2007). Each of these ideals
consists of principles and best practices that could assist in risk measurement and
risk avoidance. A DCS system based on TCP/IP and consisting of 30 distributed
controllers was successfully tested with the above principles and metrics by Boyer
and McQueen using the mathematical modeling (Boyer and McQueen 2007). The
paper could not provide the effectiveness of the model in terms of component test
count, attack surface, and detection performance. It also failed to present a tech-
nique to provide a quantitative measure of the security risks in DCS. Based on
another study, it was concluded that the risk management process consisted of six
steps, namely context identification, risk assessment, risk estimation, risk evalua-
tion, risk treatment, and risk acceptance (Knowles et al. 2015). A six-step
156 7 Distributed Control Systems Security for CPS
framework was also developed by a different group to reduce the security risk in
DCS (Ralston et al. 2007). It starts with the construction of the vulnerability tree
and conducting an effect analysis and threat impact on them. Based on them,
threat-impact index and vulnerability index are computed and added into the tree to
complete the tree. The current literature shows that there is a lack of practical
assessment methodologies. The future research areas in the domain of security
management could be the component security, real-time risk assessment,
system-wide security assessment, security control efficacy, and the interdependence
modeling. It is also required to find a method to qualify the risk of each component
in the system.
Some of the risk assessment techniques being implemented on CPS and capable
to be used on DCS are hierarchical holographic modeling (Haimes 2015), risk
filtering raking and management (Haimes et al. 2002), and inoperability input–
output model (Liu and Xu 2013). Some of the tools that assist in the risk assessment
are the RiskWatch, operationally critical threat asset and vulnerability evaluation,
Proteus, and the CORAS.
7.8 Conclusion
Distributed control system is closely related to the CPSs. The applications of DCS
range from large-scale industrial applications to critical infrastructures like water,
transportations, electricity, health care, defense, and finance. The issue in this
domain is the intersection of the control systems and the computer security. The
critical structures governed DCS are subjected to both cyber and physical attacks.
This requires robust security protection and systematic risk assessment techniques
to assure the safety and availability of the critical infrastructures. Its importance is
proved by the initiatives taken by the Department of Homeland Security,
Government of the United States. The governments of both USA (2002) and UK
(2008) have created guidelines to deal with the DCSs.
This chapter makes an attempt to study the DCS with respect to the CPSs. The
issues concerning designing, modeling, architecture, and management have been
studied and discussed. The security issue forms the most vital aspect of the DCS
and has been given a great importance in this domain. The current state of the DCS
demands a security and risk framework that can address the physical as well as the
distributed aspect of the system. Since the system functions in a distributed manner
rather than a centralized one, it is understood that each node in the network is given
certain communication and decision-making capabilities. Thus, for security pur-
poses, it is essential to maintain a trust and reputation among the nodes. The
concept of trust and reputation have not yet been implemented or studied in the
domain of DCS. It is required that the future research focuses on a combination of
trust, reputation, and risk management framework that is expected to improve the
security and performance of the DCS.
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Chapter 8
Standards for CPS
standards for the PCB technology. It is obvious that there is no single and combined
standard for each domain of technology while some other standards are on constant
revisions and updating in order to add the latest innovations in IT. Therefore, it is
often challenging for organizations and customers to make an effective choice out
of these varieties of standards.
The increasing growth in CPS domain calls for a set of rules and procedures that
can govern the platform to insure uniformity across the products and services. The
presence of a set of standards would aid in achieving uniformity and would allow
for seamless integration of CPS with mainstream infrastructures. Due to the nature
of CPS for being a result of a cross-disciplinary approaches of engineering,
information, and communication technologies (Shi et al. 2011), it makes it an
interesting subject of standards. In this chapter, we studied different standards
pertaining to CPS and how each of these standards, represented by their issuing
body, addresses various aspects of CPS. The chapter reviews the relevant standards
and attempts to identify the gaps that these standards fail to cover. As per the
findings, the standards that apply to CPS can be classified into three groups
according to the domain they focus on: management, operational, and technical
standards as shown in Fig. 8.1.
• The management standards aim to bridge the gap between business and tech-
nology. These standards encompass three key areas: IT governance, internal
control and enterprise risk management, and service management. IT governance
There have been major efforts by the published CPS standards to address issues and
concerns in CPS. It is also observed that most of the standards discussed in earlier
sections of this chapter highlight concerns based on domains such as techniques and
management of information security, protection of critical infrastructure elements,
and practices governing communication. In addition to addressing these major
issues pertaining to the platform, it is essential that special focus be laid on
cybersecurity. Despite the fact of CPS criticality, there grows a need for a special
attention to be laid on cybersecurity due to the increases in cybercrimes rates and
given the continuous flow of information through CPS which makes it subject to
security risk as opposed to stand-alone platforms (Atzori et al. 2010; Gandhi 2012;
Harrison and Pagliery 2015).
Table 8.2 lists the standards that are in relations to CPS with respect to the
specific areas that each of these standards focuses on. Given the area of interest that
each of the respective standard issuing bodies primarily works on, most of the
standards have been developed based on a single-dimension model solely
addressing their particular field of work. These standards broadly address issues
relating to their domain very systematically. Although these standards have been
developed based on comprehensive studies and research, most of the standards fail
to address the requirements that a multidisciplinary platform that CPS entails.
The organizational aspects of the management of CPSs are very well addressed
by bodies such as ISACA, COSO, and AXELOS. They address best practices,
policies, and procedures for areas such as IT governance, internal controls, enter-
prise risk management, and service management are covered in depth by each of
these distinct frameworks. To have an extensive grip on the managerial aspects of
CPS, it is essential that all of the above be implemented in union with each other.
Operational standards, as discussed earlier in this chapter, are divided into
information and operation technology. Best practices and suggestions with the
operational aspects of CPS are particularly dependent on the organization setup that
the infrastructure is present in. It is also to be noted that there exists a shortage of
standard issuing bodies that address issues under this domain.
The manner in which the standards fall short from well-known organization such
as the ISO, IEC, NERC, ISA, and IEEE is in terms of competency in the isolated
nature of addressing each of the elements separately. For instance, the ISO 27000
standards suite almost comprehensively covers the areas of information security
management and techniques. Communication protocols on the other hand are
addressed by the different IEEE standards. The issue here is that CPS is a vast
Table 8.2 Comparison of standards applicable to CPS
Domain standard (Issuing Management Technical
body) IT Internal Enterprise risk Service Information security Critical Communication
governance controls management management management and infrastructure
techniques protection
IC Framework (COSO) ✓ ✓
8.5 CPS Standards: Comparative Analysis
ISO/IEC 27000 Suite (ISO/ ✓
CIP 002-009 and CIP 014 ✓
ISA.IEC 62443 Suite (ISA/ ✓
P1711, P1686, PC37.240, ✓
802.11 and 802.15.4g (IEEE)
Framework for CPS (NIST) ✓ ✓ ✓
172 8 Standards for CPS
platform of which the areas that the above standards cover are only a subset. The
broad scope of CPS requires a comprehensive and structured approach that
encompasses the varied range of concepts that the platform touches upon. This is
where the framework for CPS drafted by the NIST has a significant leverage over
its peers (PWG 2015).
NIST through their Public Working Group (PWG) widely covered the different
aspects and domains pertaining CPS in their framework for the platform (PWG
2015). The framework aims to allow for a comprehensive analysis for CPS by
establishing a common body of knowledge for the industry to work on. With the
CPS being a multifaceted platform, it is critical that each of its elements be assessed
in detail. As opposed to the other standards in Table 8.2, NIST made remarkable
attempts to identify all the major components of CPS in their framework and has
discussed the platform based on different domains, facets, aspects, and concerns.
Although the framework is at its level of infancy, it has still taken into consideration
the foundational concepts of CPS along with the cross-cutting concerns with respect
to several of its domains. In the context of an adoption of a well-drafted standard
suite(s) for CPS is concerned, the authors believe that the framework drafted by
NIST does absolute justice in addressing the concerns which are most vital in the
success of the architecture. However, there are some important features that need to
be considered in the adoption of CPS. For instance, cybersecurity is a vital concern
for digital assets today and the cyber element of CPS makes the field also to be
vulnerable to a certain amount of risks, given its shared interests.
8.6 Conclusion
Al-Ahmad, W., & Mohammad, B. (2012). Can a single security framework address information
security risks adequately? International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless
Communications, 2, 222–230.
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