Section 5 2. R.A. No. 7941 (Party-List System)
Section 5 2. R.A. No. 7941 (Party-List System)
Section 5 2. R.A. No. 7941 (Party-List System)
VI) part1of2
attaching thereto its constitution, by-laws, It fails to participate in the last two (2)
platform or program of government, list of preceding elections or fails to obtain at least two
officers, coalition agreement and other relevant percentum (2%) of the votes cast under the
information as the COMELEC may require: party-list system in the two (2) preceding
provided, that the sectors shall include labor, elections for the constituency in which it has
peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous registered.
cultural communities, elderly, handicapped,
women, youth, veterans, overseas workers, and Section 7. Certified List of Registered Parties. -
professionals. The COMELEC shall, not later than sixty (60)
days before election, prepare a certified list of
The COMELEC shall publish the petition in at national, regional, or sectoral parties,
least two (2) national newspapers of general organizations or coalitions which have applied or
circulation. who have manifested their desire to participate
under the party-list system and distribute copies
The COMELEC shall, after due notice and thereof to all precincts for posting in the polling
hearing, resolve the petition within fifteen (15) places on election day. The names of the party-
days from the date it was submitted for decision list nominees shall not be shown on the certified
but in no case not later than sixty (60) days list.
before election.
Section 8. Nominations of Party-List
Section 6. Removal and/or Cancellation of Representatives. - Each registered party,
Registration. - The COMELEC may motu proprio organization or coalition shall submit to the
or upon verified complaint of any interested COMELEC not later than forty-five (45) days
party, remove or cancel, after due notice and before the election a list of names, not less than
hearing, the registration of any national, regional five (5) from which party-list representatives shall
or sectoral party, organization or coalition on any be chosen in case it obtains the required number
of the following grounds: of votes.
It is a religious sect or denomination, A person may be nominated in one (1) list only.
organization or association organized for Only persons who have given their consent in
religious purposes; writing may be named in the list. The list shall not
include any candidate for any elective office or
It advocates violence or unlawful means to person who has lost his bid for an elective office
seek its goal; in the immediately preceding election. No
change of names or alteration of the order of
It is a foreign party or organization; nominees shall be allowed after the same shall
have been submitted to the COMELEC except in
It is receiving support from any foreign cases where the nominee dies, or withdraws in
government, foreign political party, foundation, writing, his nomination, becomes incapacitated
organization, whether directly or through any of in which case the name of the substitutes
its officers or members or indirectly through third nominee shall be placed last in the list.
parties for partisan election purposes; Incumbent sectoral representatives in the House
of Representatives who are nominated in the
It violates or fails to comply with laws, rules or party-list system shall not be considered
regulations relating to elections; resigned.
(1) year immediately preceding the day of the the votes shall be entitled to additional seats in
election, able to read and write, bona fide proportion to their total number of votes:
member of the party or organization which he provided, finally, that each party, organization, or
seeks to represent for at least ninety (90) days coalition shall be entitled to not more than three
preceding the day of the election, and is at least (3) seats.
twenty-five (25) years of age on the day of the
election. In case of a nominee of the youth Section 12. Procedure in Allocating Seats for
sector, he must at least be twenty-five (25) but Party-List Representatives. - The COMELEC
not more than thirty (30) years of age on the day shall tally all the votes for the parties,
of the election. Any youth sectoral representative organizations, or coalitions on a nationwide
who attains the age of thirty during his term shall basis, rank them according to the number of
be allowed to continue until the expiration of his votes received and allocate party-list
term. representatives proportionately according to the
percentage of votes obtained by each party,
Section 10. Manner of Voting. - Every voter shall organization, or coalition as against the total
be entitled to two (2) votes. The first is a vote for nationwide votes cast for the party-list system.
candidate for member of the House of
Representatives in his legislative district, and the Section 13. How Party-List Representatives are
second, a vote for the party, organization, or Chosen. - Party-list representatives shall be
coalition he wants represented in the House of proclaimed by the COMELEC based on the list
Representatives: provided, that a vote cast for a of names submitted by the respective parties,
party, sectoral organization, or coalition not organizations, or coalitions to the COMELEC
entitled to be voted for shall not be counted: according to their ranking in the said list.
provided, finally that the first election under the
party-list system shall be held in May 1998. The Section 14. Term of Office. - Party-list
COMELEC shall undertake the necessary representatives shall be elected for a term of
information campaign for purposes of educating three (3) years which shall begin, unless
the electorate on the matter of the party-list otherwise provided by law, at noon on the
system. thirtieth day of June next following their election.
No party-list representatives shall serve for more
Section 11. Number of Party-List than three (3) consecutive terms. Voluntary
Representatives. - The party-list representatives renunciation of the office for any length of time
shall constitute twenty percentum (20%) of the shall not be considered as an interruption in the
total number of the members of the House of continuity of his service for the full term for which
Representatives including those under the party- he was elected.
list. For purposes of the May 1998 elections, the
first five (5) major political parties on the basis of Section 15. Change of Affiliation Effect. - Any
party representation in the House of elected party-list representative who changes his
Representatives at the start of the Tenth political party or sectoral affiliation during his
Congress of the Philippines shall not be entitled term of office shall forfeit his seat: provided, that
to participate in the party-list system. In if he changes his political party or sectoral
determining the allocation of seats for the affiliation within six (6) months before an
second vote, the following procedure shall be election, he shall not be eligible for nomination
observed: The parties, organizations, and as party-list representative under his new party
coalitions shall be ranked from the highest to the or organization.
lowest based on the number of votes garnered
during the elections. The parties, organizations, Section 16. Vacancy. - In case of vacancy in
and coalitions receiving at least two percent (2%) seats reserved for party-list representatives, the
of the total votes cast for the party-list system vacancy shall be automatically filled by the next
shall be entitled to one seat each: provided, that representative from the list of nominees in the
those garnering more than two percent (2%) of order submitted to the COMELEC by the same
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
Petitioners' second and third objections involve Hence, it is in compliance with the aforestated
Article VI, Sections 5(1) and (4) of the constitutional mandate that the creation of a
Constitution, which provide, to wit: separate congressional district for the City of
Mandaluyong is decreed under Article VIII,
Sec. 5(1). The House of Representatives shall Section 49 of R.A. No. 7675.
be composed of not more than two hundred and
fifty members, unless otherwise fixed by law, Contrary to petitioners' assertion, the creation of
who shall be elected from legislative districts a separate congressional district for
apportioned among the provinces, cities, and the Mandaluyong is not a subject separate and
Metropolitan Manila area in accordance with the distinct from the subject of its conversion into a
number of their respective inhabitants, and on highly urbanized city but is a natural and logical
the basis of a uniform and progressive ratio, and consequence of its conversion into a highly
those who, as provided by law, shall be elected urbanized city. Verily, the title of R.A. No. 7675,
through a party list system of registered national, "An Act Converting the Municipality of
regional and sectoral parties or organizations. Mandaluyong Into a Highly Urbanized City of
Mandaluyong" necessarily includes and
Sec. 5(4). Within three years following the return contemplates the subject treated under Section
of every census, the Congress shall make a 49 regarding the creation of a separate
reapportionment of legislative districts based on congressional district for Mandaluyong.
the standard provided in this section.
Moreover, a liberal construction of the "one title-
Petitioners argue that the division of San Juan one subject" rule has been invariably adopted by
and Mandaluyong into separate congressional this court so as not to cripple or impede
districts under Section 49 of the assailed law has legislation. Thus, in Sumulong v. Comelec (73
resulted in an increase in the composition of the Phil. 288 [1941]), we ruled that the constitutional
House of Representatives beyond that provided requirement as now expressed in Article VI,
in Article VI, Sec. 5(1) of the Constitution. Section 26(1) "should be given a practical rather
Furthermore, petitioners contend that said than a technical construction. It should be
division was not made pursuant to any census sufficient compliance with such requirement if
showing that the subject municipalities have the title expresses the general subject and all the
attained the minimum population requirements. provisions are germane to that general subject."
And finally, petitioners assert that Section 49 has
the effect of preempting the right of Congress to The liberal construction of the "one title-one
reapportion legislative districts pursuant to Sec. subject" rule had been further elucidated in
5(4) as aforecited. Lidasan v. Comelec (21 SCRA 496 [1967]), to
The contentions are devoid of merit.
Of course, the Constitution does not require
Anent the first issue, we agree with the Congress to employ in the title of an enactment,
observation of the Solicitor General that the language of such precision as to mirror, fully
statutory conversion of Mandaluyong into a index or catalogue all the contents and the
highly urbanized city with a population of not less minute details therein. It suffices if the title should
than two hundred fifty thousand indubitably serve the purpose of the constitutional demand
ordains compliance with the "one city-one that it inform the legislators, the persons
representative" proviso in the Constitution: interested in the subject of the bill and the public,
of the nature, scope and consequences of the
. . . Each city with a population of at least two proposed law and its operation" (emphasis
hundred fifty thousand, or each province, shall supplied).
have at least one representative" (Article VI,
Section 5(3), Constitution). Proceeding now to the other constitutional
issues raised by petitioners to the effect that
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
there is no mention in the assailed law of any Aside from the constitutional objections to R.A.
census to show that Mandaluyong and San Juan No. 7675, petitioners present further arguments
had each attained the minimum requirement of against the validity thereof.
250,000 inhabitants to justify their separation
into two legislative districts, the same does not Petitioners contend that the people of San Juan
suffice to strike down the validity of R.A. No. should have been made to participate in the
7675. The said Act enjoys the presumption of plebiscite on R.A. No. 7675 as the same involved
having passed through the regular congressional a change in their legislative district. The
processes, including due consideration by the contention is bereft of merit since the principal
members of Congress of the minimum subject involved in the plebiscite was the
requirements for the establishment of separate conversion of Mandaluyong into a highly
legislative districts. At any rate, it is not required urbanized city. The matter of separate district
that all laws emanating from the legislature must representation was only ancillary thereto. Thus,
contain all relevant data considered by Congress the inhabitants of San Juan were properly
in the enactment of said laws. excluded from the said plebiscite as they had
nothing to do with the change of status of
As to the contention that the assailed law violates neighboring Mandaluyong.
the present limit on the number of
representatives as set forth in the Constitution, a Similarly, petitioners' additional argument that
reading of the applicable provision, Article VI, the subject law has resulted in "gerrymandering,"
Section 5(1), as aforequoted, shows that the which is the practice of creating legislative
present limit of 250 members is not absolute. districts to favor a particular candidate or party,
The Constitution clearly provides that the House is not worthy of credence. As correctly observed
of Representatives shall be composed of not by the Solicitor General, it should be noted that
more than 250 members, "unless otherwise Rep. Ronaldo Zamora, the author of the assailed
provided by law." The inescapable import of the law, is the incumbent representative of the
latter clause is that the present composition of former San Juan/Mandaluyong district, having
Congress may be increased, if Congress itself so consistently won in both localities. By dividing
mandates through a legislative enactment. San Juan/Mandaluyong, Rep. Zamora's
Therefore, the increase in congressional constituency has in fact been diminished, which
representation mandated by R.A. No. 7675 is not development could hardly be considered as
unconstitutional. favorable to him.
Thus, in the absence of proof that Mandaluyong WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby
and San Juan do not qualify to have separate DISMISSED for lack of merit.
legislative districts, the assailed Section 49 of
No. 7675 must be allowed to stand.
Narvasa, C.J., Padilla, Regalado, Davide, Jr.,
As to the contention that Section 49 of R.A. No. Romero, Bellosillo, Melo, Quiason, Puno, Vitug,
7675 in effect preempts the right of Congress to Kapunan and Mendoza, JJ., concur.
reapportion legislative districts, the said
argument borders on the absurd since Feliciano, J., is on leave
petitioners overlook the glaring fact that it was
Congress itself which drafted, deliberated upon
and enacted the assailed law, including Section
49 thereof. Congress cannot possibly preempt
itself on a right which pertains to itself.
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
First, the twenty percent allocation - the of a temporary restraining order or writ of
combined number of all party-list congressmen preliminary injunction) under Rule 65 of the
shall not exceed twenty percent of the total Rules of Court, assailing (1) the October 15,
membership of the House of Representatives, 1998 Resolution1 of the Commission on
including those elected under the party list. Elections (Comelec), Second Division, in
Election Matter 98-065;2 and (2) the January 7,
Second, the two percent threshold - only those 1999 Resolution3 of the Comelec en banc,
parties garnering a minimum of two percent of affirming the said disposition. The assailed
the total valid votes cast for the party-list system Resolutions ordered the proclamation of thirty-
are "qualified" to have a seat in the House of eight (38) additional party-list representatives "to
Representatives; complete the full complement of 52 seats in the
House of Representatives as provided under
Third, the three-seat limit - each qualified party, Section 5, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution and
regardless of the number of votes it actually R.A. 7941."
obtained, is entitled to a maximum of three seats;
that is, one "qualifying" and two additional seats. The Facts and the Antecedents
Fourth, proportional representation - the Our 1987 Constitution introduced a novel feature
additional seats which a qualified party is entitled into our presidential system of government -- the
to shall be computed "in proportion to their total party-list method of representation. Under this
number of votes." system, any national, regional or sectoral party
or organization registered with the Commission
Because the Comelec violated these legal on Elections may participate in the election of
parameters, the assailed Resolutions must be party-list representatives who, upon their
struck down for having been issued in grave election and proclamation, shall sit in the House
abuse of discretion. The poll body is mandated of Representatives as regular members.4 In
to enforce and administer election-related laws. effect, a voter is given two (2) votes for the
It has no power to contravene or amend them. House -- one for a district congressman and
Neither does it have authority to decide the another for a party-list representative.5
wisdom, propriety or rationality of the acts of
Congress. Specifically, this system of representation is
mandated by Section 5, Article VI of the
Its bounden duty is to craft rules, regulations, Constitution, which provides:
methods and formulas to implement election
laws -- not to reject, ignore, defeat, obstruct or "Sec. 5. (1) The House of Representatives shall
circumvent them. be composed of not more than two hundred and
fifty members, unless otherwise fixed by law,
In fine, the constitutional introduction of the who shall be elected from legislative districts
party-list system - a normal feature of apportioned among the provinces, cities, and the
parliamentary democracies - into our presidential Metropolitan Manila area in accordance with the
form of government, modified by unique Filipino number of their respective inhabitants, and on
statutory parameters, presents new paradigms the basis of a uniform and progressive ratio, and
and novel questions, which demand innovative those who, as provided by law, shall be elected
legal solutions convertible into mathematical by a party-list system of registered national,
formulations which are, in turn, anchored on regional, and sectoral parties or organizations.
time-tested jurisprudence.
(2) The party-list representatives shall constitute
The Case twenty per centum of the total number of
representatives including those under the party-
Before the Court are three consolidated Petitions list. For three consecutive terms after the
for Certiorari (with applications for the issuance ratification of this Constitution, one half of the
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
seats allocated to party-list representatives shall In determining the allocation of seats for the
be filled, as provided by law, by selection or second vote, the following procedure shall be
election from the labor, peasant, urban poor, observed:
indigenous cultural communities, women, youth,
and such other sectors as may be provided by (a) The parties, organizations, and coalitions
law, except the religious sector." shall be ranked from the highest to the lowest
based on the number of votes they garnered
Complying with its constitutional duty to provide during the elections.
by law the "selection or election" of party-list
representatives, Congress enacted RA 7941 on (b) The parties, organizations, and coalitions
March 3, 1995. Under this statute’s policy receiving at least two percent (2%) of the total
declaration, the State shall "promote proportional votes cast for the party-list system shall be
representation in the election of representatives entitled to one seat each; Provided, That those
to the House of Representatives through a party- garnering more than two percent (2%) of the
list system of registered national, regional and votes shall be entitled to additional seats in
sectoral parties or organizations or coalitions proportion to their total number of votes;
thereof, which will enable Filipino citizens Provided, finally, That each party, organization,
belonging to marginalized and underrepresented or coalition shall be entitled to not more than
sectors, organizations and parties, and who lack three (3) seats.
well-defined political constituencies but who
could contribute to the formulation and Pursuant to Section 18 of RA 7941, the Comelec
enactment of appropriate legislation that will en banc promulgated Resolution No. 2847,
benefit the nation as a whole, to become prescribing the rules and regulations governing
members of the House of Representatives. the election of party-list representatives through
Towards this end, the State shall develop and the party-list system.
guarantee a full, free and open party system in
order to attain the broadest possible Election of the Fourteen Party-List
representation of party, sectoral or group Representatives
interests in the House of Representatives by
enhancing their chances to compete for and win On May 11, 1998, the first election for party-list
seats in the legislature, and shall provide the representation was held simultaneously with the
simplest scheme possible." (italics ours.) national elections. A total of one hundred twenty-
three (123) parties, organizations and coalitions
The requirements for entitlement to a party-list participated. On June 26, 1998, the Comelec en
seat in the House are prescribed by this law (RA banc proclaimed thirteen (13) party-list
7941) in this wise: representatives from twelve (12) parties and
organizations, which had obtained at least two
"Sec. 11. Number of Party-List Representatives. percent of the total number of votes cast for the
-- The party-list representatives shall constitute party-list system. Two of the proclaimed
twenty per centum (20%) of the total number of representatives belonged to Petitioner APEC,
the members of the House of Representatives which obtained 5.5 percent of the votes. The
including those under the party-list. proclaimed winners and the votes cast in their
favor were as follows:6
For purposes of the May 1998 elections, the first Party/Organization/
five (5) major political parties on the basis of Coalition Number of
party representation in the House of Votes Obtained Percentage
Representatives at the start of the Tenth Total Votes Nominees
Congress of the Philippines shall not be entitled 1. APEC 503,487 5.5% Rene M.
to participate in the party-list system. Silos
Melvyn D. Eballe
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
16. ANG LAKAS OCW The foregoing disposition sums up a glaring bit
of inconsistency and flip-flopping. In its
17. WOMENPOWER, INC. Resolution No. 2847 dated June 25, 1996, the
Comelec en banc had unanimously promulgated
18. FEJODAP a set of "Rules and Regulations Governing the
Election of x x x Party-List Representatives
19. CUP Through the Party-List System." Under these
Rules and Regulations, one additional seat shall
20. VETERANS CARE be given for every two percent of the vote, a
formula the Comelec illustrated in its Annex "A."
21. 4L It apparently relied on this method when it
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
proclaimed the 14 incumbent party-list solons object of the Constitution and the legislature -- to
(two for APEC and one each for the 12 other develop and guarantee a full, free and open party
qualified parties). However, for inexplicable system in order to attain the broadest possible
reasons, it abandoned said unanimous representation of party, sectoral or group
Resolution and proclaimed, based on its three interests in the House of Representatives x x x."
"elements," the "Group of 38" private Additionally, it "will also prevent this Commission
respondents.10 from complying with the constitutional and
statutory decrees for party-list representatives to
The twelve (12) parties and organizations, which compose 20% of the House of Representatives."
had earlier been proclaimed winners on the
basis of having obtained at least two percent of Thus, in its Resolution dated January 7, 1999,
the votes cast for the party-list system, objected the Comelec en banc, by a razor-thin majority --
to the proclamation of the 38 parties and filed with three commissioners concurring11 and two
separate Motions for Reconsideration. They members12 dissenting -- affirmed the Resolution
contended that (1) under Section 11 (b) of RA of its Second Division. It, however, held in
7941, only parties, organizations or coalitions abeyance the proclamation of the 51st party
garnering at least two percent of the votes for the (AABANTE KA PILIPINAS), "pending the
party-list system were entitled to seats in the resolution of petitions for correction of manifest
House of Representatives; and (2) additional errors."
seats, not exceeding two for each, should be
allocated to those which had garnered the two Without expressly declaring as unconstitutional
percent threshold in proportion to the number of or void the two percent vote requirement
votes cast for the winning parties, as provided by imposed by RA 7941, the Commission blithely
said Section 11. rejected and circumvented its application,
holding that there were more important
Ruling of the Comelec En Banc considerations than this statutory threshold.
Noting that all the parties -- movants and Consequently, several petitions for certiorari,
oppositors alike - had agreed that the twenty prohibition and mandamus, with prayers for the
percent membership of party-list representatives issuance of temporary restraining orders or writs
in the House "should be filled up," the Comelec of preliminary injunction, were filed before this
en banc resolved only the issue concerning the Court by the parties and organizations that had
apportionment or allocation of the remaining obtained at least two per cent of the total votes
seats. In other words, the issue was: Should the cast for the party-list system.13 In the suits,
remaining 38 unfilled seats allocated to party-list made respondents together with the Comelec
solons be given (1) to the thirteen qualified were the 38 parties, organizations and coalitions
parties that had each garnered at least two that had been declared by the poll body as
percent of the total votes, or (2) to the Group of likewise entitled to party-list seats in the House
38 - herein private respondents - even if they had of Representatives. Collectively, petitioners
not passed the two percent threshold? sought the proclamation of additional
representatives from each of their parties and
The poll body held that to allocate the remaining organizations, all of which had obtained at least
seats only to those who had hurdled the two two percent of the total votes cast for the party-
percent vote requirement "will mean the list system.
concentration of representation of party, sectoral
or group interests in the House of On January 12, 1999, this Court issued a Status
Representatives to thirteen organizations Quo Order directing the Comelec "to CEASE and
representing two political parties, three coalitions DESIST from constituting itself as a National
and four sectors: urban poor, veterans, women Board of Canvassers on 13 January 1999 or on
and peasantry x x x. Such strict application of the any other date and proclaiming as winners the
2% 'threshold' does not serve the essence and nominees of the parties, organizations and
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
coalitions enumerated in the dispositive portions Resolutions should be nullified, but disagrees
of its 15 October 1998 Resolution or its 7 that they should all be granted additional seats.
January 1999 Resolution, until further orders
from this Court." First Issue: Whether the Twenty Percent
Constitutional Allocation Is Mandatory
On July 1, 1999, oral arguments were heard from
the parties. Atty. Jeremias U. Montemayor The pertinent provision15 of the Constitution on
appeared for petitioners in GR No. 136781; Atty. the composition of the House of Representatives
Gregorio A. Andolana, for petitioners in GR No. reads as follows:
136786; Atty. Rodante D. Marcoleta for
petitioners in GR No. 136795; Attys. Ricardo "Sec. 5. (1) The House of Representatives shall
Blancaflor and Pete Quirino Quadra, for all the be composed of not more than two hundred and
private respondents; Atty. Porfirio V. Sison for fifty members, unless otherwise fixed by law,
Intervenor NACUSIP; and Atty. Jose P. who shall be elected from legislative districts
Balbuena for Respondent Comelec. Upon apportioned among the provinces, cities, and the
invitation of the Court, retired Comelec Metropolitan Manila area in accordance with the
Commissioner Regalado E. Maambong acted as number of their respective inhabitants, and on
amicus curiae. Solicitor General Ricardo P. the basis of a uniform and progressive ratio, and
Galvez appeared, not for any party but also as a those who, as provided by law, shall be elected
friend of the Court. by a party-list system of registered national,
regional, and sectoral parties or organizations.
Thereafter, the parties and the amici curiae were
required to submit their respective Memoranda (2) The party-list representatives shall constitute
in amplification of their verbal arguments.14 twenty per centum of the total number of
representatives including those under the party-
The Issues list. For three consecutive terms after the
ratification of this Constitution, one half of the
The Court believes, and so holds, that the main seats allocated to party-list representatives shall
question of how to determine the winners of the be filled, as provided by law, by selection or
subject party-list election can be fully settled by election from the labor, peasant, urban poor,
addressing the following issues: indigenous cultural communities, women, youth,
and such other sectors as may be provided by
1. Is the twenty percent allocation for party-list law, except the religious sector."
representatives mentioned in Section 5 (2),
Article VI of the Constitution, mandatory or is it Determination of the Total Number of Party-List
merely a ceiling? In other words, should the Lawmakers
twenty percent allocation for party-list solons be
filled up completely and all the time? Clearly, the Constitution makes the number of
district representatives the determinant in
2. Are the two percent threshold requirement and arriving at the number of seats allocated for
the three-seat limit provided in Section 11 (b) of party-list lawmakers, who shall comprise "twenty
RA 7941 constitutional? per centum of the total number of
representatives including those under the party-
3. If the answer to Issue 2 is in the affirmative, list." We thus translate this legal provision into a
how should the additional seats of a qualified mathematical formula, as follows:
party be determined? No. of district representatives.80 x .20 = No.
of party-list representatives
The Court’s Ruling
This formulation16 means that any increase in
The Petitions are partly meritorious. The Court the number of district representatives, as may be
agrees with petitioners that the assailed provided by law, will necessarily result in a
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
corresponding increase in the number of party- unconstitutional, because its strict application
list seats. To illustrate, considering that there would make it mathematically impossible to fill
were 208 district representatives to be elected up the House party-list complement.
during the 1998 national elections, the number of
party-list seats would be 52, computed as We rule that a simple reading of Section 5, Article
follows: VI of the Constitution, easily conveys the equally
208.80 x .20 = 52 simple message that Congress was vested with
the broad power to define and prescribe the
The foregoing computation of seat allocation is mechanics of the party-list system of
easy enough to comprehend. The problematic representation. The Constitution explicitly sets
question, however, is this: Does the Constitution down only the percentage of the total
require all such allocated seats to be filled up all membership in the House of Representatives
the time and under all circumstances? Our short reserved for party-list representatives.
answer is "No."
In the exercise of its constitutional prerogative,
Twenty Percent Allocation a Mere Ceiling Congress enacted RA 7941. As said earlier,
Congress declared therein a policy to promote
The Constitution simply states that "[t]he party- "proportional representation" in the election of
list representatives shall constitute twenty per party-list representatives in order to enable
centum of the total number of representatives Filipinos belonging to the marginalized and
including those under the party-list." underrepresented sectors to contribute
legislation that would benefit them. It however
According to petitioners, this percentage is a deemed it necessary to require parties,
ceiling; the mechanics by which it is to be filled organizations and coalitions participating in the
up has been left to Congress. In the exercise of system to obtain at least two percent of the total
its prerogative, the legislature enacted RA 7941, votes cast for the party-list system in order to be
by which it prescribed that a party, organization entitled to a party-list seat. Those garnering
or coalition participating in the party-list election more than this percentage could have "additional
must obtain at least two percent of the total votes seats in proportion to their total number of votes."
cast for the system in order to qualify for a seat Furthermore, no winning party, organization or
in the House of Representatives. coalition can have more than three seats in the
House of Representatives. Thus the relevant
Petitioners further argue that the constitutional portion of Section 11(b) of the law provides:
provision must be construed together with this
legislative requirement. If there is no sufficient "(b) The parties, organizations, and coalitions
number of participating parties, organizations or receiving at least two percent (2%) of the total
coalitions which could hurdle the two percent votes cast for the party-list system shall be
vote threshold and thereby fill up the twenty entitled to one seat each; Provided, That those
percent party-list allocation in the House, then garnering more than two percent (2%) of the
naturally such allocation cannot be filled up votes shall be entitled to additional seats in
completely. The Comelec cannot be faulted for proportion to their total number of votes;
the "incompleteness," for ultimately the voters Provided, finally, That each party, organization,
themselves are the ones who, in the exercise of or coalition shall be entitled to not more than
their right of suffrage, determine who and how three (3) seats."
many should represent them.
Considering the foregoing statutory
On the other hand, Public Respondent Comelec, requirements, it will be shown presently that
together with the respondent parties, avers that Section 5 (2), Article VI of the Constitution is not
the twenty percent allocation for party-list mandatory. It merely provides a ceiling for party-
lawmakers is mandatory, and that the two list seats in Congress.
percent vote requirement in RA 7941 is
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
On the contention that a strict application of the have not really been given by the people
two percent threshold may result in a sufficient basis for them to represent their
"mathematical impossibility," suffice it to say that constituents and, in turn, they will be able to get
the prerogative to determine whether to adjust or to the Parliament through the backdoor under
change this percentage requirement rests in the name of the party-list system, Mr.
Congress.17 Our task now, as should have been President."18
the Comelec’s, is not to find fault in the wisdom
of the law through highly unlikely scenarios of A similar intent is clear from the statements of the
clinical extremes, but to craft an innovative bill sponsor in the House of Representatives, as
mathematical formula that can, as far as the following shows:
practicable, implement it within the context of the
actual election process. "MR. ESPINOSA. There is a mathematical
formula which this computation is based at,
Indeed, the function of the Supreme Court, as arriving at a five percent ratio which would
well as of all judicial and quasi-judicial agencies, distribute equitably the number of seats among
is to apply the law as we find it, not to reinvent or the different sectors. There is a mathematical
second-guess it. Unless declared formula which is, I think, patterned after that of
unconstitutional, ineffective, insufficient or the party list of the other parliaments or
otherwise void by the proper tribunal, a statute congresses, more particularly the Bundestag of
remains a valid command of sovereignty that Germany."19
must be respected and obeyed at all times. This
is the essence of the rule of law. Moreover, even the framers of our Constitution
had in mind a minimum-vote requirement, the
Second Issue: The Statutory Requirement and specification of which they left to Congress to
Limitation properly determine. Constitutional
Commissioner Christian S. Monsod explained:
The Two Percent Threshold
"MR. MONSOD. x x x We are amenable to
In imposing a two percent threshold, Congress modifications in the minimum percentage of
wanted to ensure that only those parties, votes. Our proposal is that anybody who has
organizations and coalitions having a sufficient two-and-a-half percent of the votes gets a seat.
number of constituents deserving of There are about 20 million who cast their votes
representation are actually represented in in the last elections. Two-and-a-half percent
Congress. This intent can be gleaned from the would mean 500,000 votes. Anybody who has a
deliberations on the proposed bill. We quote constituency of 500,000 votes nationwide
below a pertinent portion of the Senate deserves a seat in the Assembly. If we bring that
discussion: down to two percent, we are talking about
400,000 votes. The average vote per family is
"SENATOR GONZALES: For purposes of three. So, here we are talking about 134,000
continuity, I would want to follow up a point that families. We believe that there are many sectors
was raised by, I think, Senator Osmeña when he who will be able to get seats in the Assembly
said that a political party must have obtained at because many of them have memberships of
least a minimum percentage to be provided in over 10,000. In effect, that is the operational
this law in order to qualify for a seat under the implication of our proposal. What we are trying to
party-list system. avoid is this selection of sectors, the reserve seat
system. We believe that it is our job to open up
They do that in many other countries. A party the system and that we should not have within
must obtain at least 2 percent of the votes cast, that system a reserve seat. We think that people
5 percent or 10 percent of the votes cast. should organize, should work hard, and should
Otherwise, as I have said, this will actually earn their seats within that system."20
proliferate political party groups and those who
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
The two percent threshold is consistent not only Consistent with the Constitutional Commission's
with the intent of the framers of the Constitution pronouncements, Congress set the seat-limit to
and the law, but with the very essence of three (3) for each qualified party, organization or
"representation." Under a republican or coalition. "Qualified" means having hurdled the
representative state, all government authority two percent vote threshold. Such three-seat limit
emanates from the people, but is exercised by ensures the entry of various interest-
representatives chosen by them.21 But to have representations into the legislature; thus, no
meaningful representation, the elected persons single group, no matter how large its
must have the mandate of a sufficient number of membership, would dominate the party-list
people. Otherwise, in a legislature that features seats, if not the entire House.
the party-list system, the result might be the
proliferation of small groups which are incapable We shall not belabor this point, because the
of contributing significant legislation, and which validity of the three-seat limit is not seriously
might even pose a threat to the stability of challenged in these consolidated cases.
Congress. Thus, even legislative districts are
apportioned according to "the number of their Third Issue: Method of Allocating Additional
respective inhabitants, and on the basis of a Seats
uniform and progressive ratio"22 to ensure
meaningful local representation. Having determined that the twenty percent seat
allocation is merely a ceiling, and having upheld
All in all, we hold that the statutory provision on the constitutionality of the two percent vote
this two percent requirement is precise and threshold and the three-seat limit imposed under
crystalline. When the law is clear, the function of RA 7941, we now proceed to the method of
courts is simple application, not interpretation or determining how many party-list seats the
circumvention.23 qualified parties, organizations and coalitions are
entitled to. The very first step - there is no dispute
The Three-Seat-Per-Party Limit on this - is to rank all the participating parties,
organizations and coalitions (hereafter
An important consideration in adopting the party- collectively referred to as "parties") according to
list system is to promote and encourage a the votes they each obtained. The percentage of
multiparty system of representation. Again, we their respective votes as against the total
quote Commissioner Monsod: number of votes cast for the party-list system is
then determined. All those that garnered at least
"MR. MONSOD. Madam President, I just want to two percent of the total votes cast have an
say that we suggested or proposed the party list assured or guaranteed seat in the House of
system because we wanted to open up the Representatives. Thereafter, "those garnering
political system to a pluralistic society through a more than two percent of the votes shall be
multiparty system. But we also wanted to avoid entitled to additional seats in proportion to their
the problems of mechanics and operation in the total number of votes." The problem is how to
implementation of a concept that has very distribute additional seats "proportionally,"
serious shortcomings of classification and of bearing in mind the three-seat limit further
double or triple votes. We are for opening up the imposed by the law.
system, and we would like very much for the
sectors to be there. That is why one of the ways One Additional Seat Per Two Percent Increment
to do that is to put a ceiling on the number of
representatives from any single party that can sit One proposed formula is to allocate one
within the 50 allocated under the party list additional seat for every additional proportion of
system. This way, we will open it up and enable the votes obtained equivalent to the two percent
sectoral groups, or maybe regional groups, to vote requirement for the first seat.25 Translated
earn their seats among the fifty. x x x."24 in figures, a party that wins at least six percent of
the total votes cast will be entitled to three seats;
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
another party that gets four percent will be distribution of party-list seats under the
entitled to two seats; and one that gets two Niemeyer method would be as follows:
percent will be entitled to one seat only. This Party Number of
proposal has the advantage of simplicity and Votes Guaranteed
ease of comprehension. Problems arise, Seats Additional
however, when the parties get very lop-sided Extra
votes -- for example, when Party A receives 20 Seats Total
percent of the total votes cast; Party B, 10 1. APEC 503,487 1 5.73 1
percent; and Party C, 6 percent. Under the 7
method just described, Party A would be entitled 2. ABA 321,646 1 3.66 1
to 10 seats; Party B, to 5 seats and Party C, to 3 5
seats. Considering the three-seat limit imposed 3. ALAGAD 312,500 1 3.55
by law, all the parties will each uniformly have 4
three seats only. We would then have the 4. VETERANS
spectacle of a party garnering two or more times FEDERATION 304,802 1
the number of votes obtained by another, yet 3.47
getting the same number of seats as the other 4
one with the much lesser votes. In effect, 5. PROMDI 255,184 1 2.90 1
proportional representation will be contravened 4
and the law rendered nugatory by this suggested 6. AKO 239,042 1 2.72 1
solution. Hence, the Court discarded it. 4
7. NCSCFO 238,303 1 2.71 1
The Niemeyer Formula 4
8. ABANSE! PINAY 235,548 1
Another suggestion that the Court considered 2.68 1 4
was the Niemeyer formula, which was developed 9. AKBAYAN 232,376 1 2.64
by a German mathematician and adopted by 4
Germany as its method of distributing party-list 10. BUTIL 215,643 1 2.45
seats in the Bundestag. Under this formula, the 3
number of additional seats to which a qualified 11. SANLAKAS 194,617 1
party would be entitled is determined by 2.21
multiplying the remaining number of seats to be 3
allocated by the total number of votes obtained 12. COOP-NATCCO 189,802 1
by that party and dividing the product by the total 2.16
number of votes garnered by all the qualified 3
parties. The integer portion of the resulting 13. COCOFED 186,388 1
product will be the number of additional seats 2.12
that the party concerned is entitled to. Thus: 3
No. of remaining seats Total 3,429,338 13 32 7 52
to be allocatedTotal no. of votes of
qualified parties x No. of votes of However, since Section 11 of RA 7941 sets a
party concerned = No. of additional limit of three (3) seats for each party, those
seats of party obtaining more than the limit will have to give up
concerned their excess seats. Under our present set of
(Integer.decimal) facts, the thirteen qualified parties will each be
entitled to three seats, resulting in an overall total
The next step is to distribute the extra seats left of 39. Note that like the previous proposal, the
among the qualified parties in the descending Niemeyer formula would violate the principle of
order of the decimal portions of the resulting "proportional representation," a basic tenet of
products. Based on the 1998 election results, the our party-list system.
1112.CO1 MODULE 6: LEGISLATIVE (Art. VI) part1of2
The Niemeyer formula, while no doubt suitable are "qualified" to have a seat in the House of
for Germany, finds no application in the Representatives;
Philippine setting, because of our three-seat limit
and the non-mandatory character of the twenty Third, the three-seat limit - each qualified party,
percent allocation. True, both our Congress and regardless of the number of votes it actually
the Bundestag have threshold requirements -- obtained, is entitled to a maximum of three seats;
two percent for us and five for them. There are that is, one "qualifying" and two additional seats.
marked differences between the two models,
however. As ably pointed out by private Fourth, proportional representation - the
respondents,26 one half of the German additional seats which a qualified party is entitled
Parliament is filled up by party-list members. to shall be computed "in proportion to their total
More important, there are no seat limitations, number of votes."
because German law discourages the
proliferation of small parties. In contrast, RA The problem, as already stated, is to find a way
7941, as already mentioned, imposes a three- to translate "proportional representation" into a
seat limit to encourage the promotion of the mathematical formula that will not contravene,
multiparty system. This major statutory circumvent or amend the above-mentioned
difference makes the Niemeyer formula parameters.
completely inapplicable to the Philippines.
After careful deliberation, we now explain such
Just as one cannot grow Washington apples in formula, step by step.
the Philippines or Guimaras mangoes in the
Arctic because of fundamental environmental Step One. There is no dispute among the
differences, neither can the Niemeyer formula be petitioners, the public and the private
transplanted in toto here because of essential respondents, as well as the members of this
variances between the two party-list models. Court, that the initial step is to rank all the
participating parties, organizations and coalitions
The Legal and Logical Formula for the from the highest to the lowest based on the
Philippines number of votes they each received. Then the
ratio for each party is computed by dividing its
It is now obvious that the Philippine style party- votes by the total votes cast for all the parties
list system is a unique paradigm which demands participating in the system. All parties with at
an equally unique formula. In crafting a legally least two percent of the total votes are
defensible and logical solution to determine the guaranteed one seat each. Only these parties
number of additional seats that a qualified party shall be considered in the computation of
is entitled to, we need to review the parameters additional seats. The party receiving the highest
of the Filipino party-list system. number of votes shall thenceforth be referred to
as the "first" party.
As earlier mentioned in the Prologue, they are as
follows: Step Two. The next step is to determine the
number of seats the first party is entitled to, in
First, the twenty percent allocation - the order to be able to compute that for the other
combined number of all party-list congressmen parties. Since the distribution is based on
shall not exceed twenty percent of the total proportional representation, the number of seats
membership of the House of Representatives, to be allotted to the other parties cannot possibly
including those elected under the party list. exceed that to which the first party is entitled by
virtue of its obtaining the most number of votes.
Second, the two percent threshold - only those
parties garnering a minimum of two percent of For example, the first party received 1,000,000
the total valid votes cast for the party-list system votes and is determined to be entitled to two
additional seats. Another qualified party which