MT Reference Card

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MT REFERENCE CARD a as | MATERIAL MATERIAL, FACTOR (MI) 500 Ain. (or lower) Qa. (CURRENT = SHAFT DIA. (in. x MF General sels (igh pemneability®) Inclusions in general sels Low permeability sels Inclation in lowe permeability sels + Sees pe 2, 800 Af, wp to 1000 Ain, Current — amperage ME ~ material factor CURRENT = BAR DIAG. (in) x MF Va +b? BAR DIAGONAL = Current ~ amperage MF = material factor CURRENT = [C.C. DIA + (2 « Wall Thickness)] x ME C.C.— central conductor MF ~ material factor MAGNETIC FIELD CURRENT FORMULS LONG, MAG, - IGH PILL PACTOR * Includes cable wrap. M = Ki{(L/D) +2] K = factor (35 000 amps turn) High FL Factor Call - When the cross sectional ‘re of the col lest than wo tines the eros. ‘Setonal are of he pst Beng aspects a P CURRENT = > x MF rT P~ perimeter (in)-(@+b+e+d) EFFECTIVE REGHON OF INSPECTION OBESE CENTRAL CONDUCTOR SHOT. 40 1, The distance along the circumference ofthe part that is effectively magnetized is approximately {our times the eenral conductor diameter. 2, The entire circumference ofthe part shall be inspected by rotating the parton the central conductor. 3, When rotating the part there shall be an allowance for 10% magnetic field overlap. * Pans positioned in center of ci KR (6L/D)-5 1 = Name ferns inthe coil {= Factor (43.000 amps tm) Lent of pt in) = Radia of ol n) = Diameter of pr in) 1L= Length of actin) uma (mp6) = Diameter of par (in) When tbe eos sectional area |Current (any (ofthe cl 10.0 ow times he eos ection aed Ses ofthe pat being inspected. CURRENT FORMULA. LONG. MAG, - INTERMEDIATE PILL PXCEOR NDwi(10 = t) + (ND u(t — 2)/8 (Dh ~NI value calculated for high fll factor coils @NDI-~NI value calculated for low fill factor ceils. i - When the eross etna aes ofthe cl between two and 10 ties the Goss sectional are ofthe pr being Inspected. ratio of the cross sectional ara ofthe coll to the cross sectional area ofthe pal [N= Number of turns in the cai ‘Crates circular i Prods mus be posioned o ensure the magnetic field isa aright angle to the discomtinaty. Amperage requirements 20075 in hk terial 90-118 amps per ina in. of prod spacing 50.73. thick material 100-128 amps pe ines inch of prod spacing Prod spacing ~2 in. ‘nim, 8 i, maximum Effective width sone fourth the red spacing on each side of ne throggh the pro centr. For low or inermediat il factor coil, he longitudinal ld extends & distance cn each side of the cil approximately the rads ofthe coi For cable wraps and high il factor cols, the longitudinal eld extends distance of 9. on ether side ofthe col cee. The pat mas be repostond as required afer each shot o ensue the emis length of the pat is inspected allowing for approximately 10% ‘effective magnetic Held overlap. For longitudinal magnetization, the LD (lenthiamete) rat of the par must be Between 2 and 1S. For LD grea than 15, use Value of 15, ‘When the LID rai sles than 2, pole pices positioned a each end of the par stall be used. Pol pecs re feromagnetc material ofthe same ameter a5 the material Being inspected ‘When the parts low ares, the diameter shall be replaced withthe fictive diameter ae shown in ihe following formula, Day = (A, ~ Ay)? yet eo seco a of he pat ANT ou sol ret of he alo pron fh pa. ‘When the partis elise, the effective diameters a follows Dye = [coy - uy] (Dense ane ofcyndee 1D site ar eer “To detect discontinuities in ll directions, t least two magnetic feds shall be usd, one perpendicular tothe oer. The feds may consist of the following: (a reuse magnetization in two or more directions. () longitudinal magnetization in two or mere directions or (2) circular and longitudinal magnetization. ‘When esting using nonfluorescet (visible) pails the intensity of vise light the part surface should be 100 fte minimum, ‘When sting using lurescent pails the minimum ultraviolet ight fntensity a the pat srface shoal be 1000 Wem. The ambient Hight in the enclosure whore testing is being condocted is? fe maximum. CCommponeats shall be domagnsied to 3 Gauss maximum subsequent to ‘esting uring an AC coil othe DC step down method, ‘The component shall be maphetized inthe longitudinal diction pio to emnagnetzation so thatthe residual field strength can be measured Alternating Current (AC) + sed to detect surface discomtnities only (de ski effec). * used to detect service indeed disconiutesTtgue and sess ‘corrosion cracking) reversal of field imparts mobility to dy powders iret Current (DC) + used to detect surface and subsurface discontinuities. + provides dcepest penton of all magnetic lds + Senrally used with wel magnetic parle methods Half Wave Rectified Current (HW) + highest sensvty for detecting subsurface dsconinuties when + using dry powder + changing OF flips mobility wo dy powders 1 Creates longitudinal 2. Yoke must be positioned to ensue the magnetic lds ataright angle to the dlscontnty 3. Field strength is validated by ling a specific dead ‘weight with yoke [AC 10 Ibe with poe Pieces 24 in pan, DC — 30 ibe with pole pees 2-1 pat. De = 50 Ibs at 46, apr. ‘Test Lighting Utravioet light intensity Daily Ambient light intensity Daily Visible light intensity Daily System Performance Ketose ring Daily Wet Particle Concentration ‘8 hourseach shit Water Break Test Daily Wet Particle Contamination Weekly Equipment Calibration Cheek Gaussmeter reading (Teslameter)zero_ Prior to use Gaussmeter(Teslameter) accuracy Every 6 months ‘Ammeter accuracy Every 6 months “Timer contol Every 6 months Quick break Every 6 months Dead weight test Every 6 months FREQUENCY * Test shall be conducted as applicable. Magnetic particle procedure amperages should be verified in one or more ofthe following ways to ensure the applied magnetic fields are of suficient strength to detect discontinuities: |. Perform the procedure on atest part with known discontinuities (same typ, size and location). 2. Measure tangent magnetic field using a Hall effect probe {gaussmeter. The tangential field strength shall be inthe range of| 530.60 G (Gauss) 3. Utilize formulas on page 1 4. Perform the procedure with qualitative quality indicators, (arificial defects) attached tothe part. * Ata minimum, procedure 1 oe 4 should be performed. General - surface cracks, subsurface cracks® (upto 0.25 in. deep. wi DO) ‘SheeUPlate — laminations open atthe end of the product. Forgings — laps, near surface inclusions, crack, tear, Bars/Tubes ~ seams, near surface inclusions, Castings ~ surface cracks, cold shuts. Welds — cracks, ack of fasion open to surface Processing — heat treat cracks, grinding cracks.

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