Conquest: First Blood (Skirmish Rules) PDF

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Conquest: First Blood


THE PRINCIPLES OF BATTLE .......................13 TERRAIN................................................. 47
A Civilised War ........................................................14 Zonal Terrain .................................................................. 48
Dice ............................................................................14 Garrison Terrain ............................................................. 52
Measuring Distance ................................................ 14 Ruins ........................................................................... 53
Armies, Regiments, and Models ........................... 15
Line of Sight ............................................................. 18 C H A P TE R SIX
The Characteristic Profile ...................................... 18 DRAW EVENTS AND SPECIAL RULES .......... 57
Command Cards ..................................................... 20 Draw Events ................................................................... 58
‘In Contact’ .............................................................. 20 Special Rules ................................................................. 60
Healing ..................................................................... 21

THE TURN SEQUENCE ..................................... 23 VICTORY POINTS..................................... 65
Turn Summary ........................................................ 24 Choosing a Scenario .................................................... 66
Reinforcement Phase ............................................. 24 Choose Forces ............................................................... 66
Command Phase ..................................................... 25 Set Up the Battlefield .................................................... 66
Supremacy Phase .................................................... 25 Reinforcement .............................................................. 66
Action Phase ............................................................ 25 Scenario One – Plunder the Camp .............................. 70
Victory Phase ........................................................... 26 Scenario Two – Desecrate their Colors .................... 71
Scenario Three – Stake your Claim ........................... 72

THE ACTIONS ........................................................ 29 The Lists ......................................................................... 78
NON-COMBAT ACTIONS ......................... 30 Army building Principles ............................................ 78
March .................................................................. 30 THE HUNDRED KINGDOMS .............................. 80
Take Aim ............................................................ 31 Characters ..................................................................... 81
Volley .................................................................. 31 Regiments ...................................................................... 86
Charge ................................................................. 32 Lieutenants ...................................................................... 90
Rally .....................................................................33 Heirlooms ..................................................................... 91
COMBAT ACTIONS ................................... 33 Masteries ........................................................................ 94
Inspire ................................................................. 33 Spells .............................................................................. 95
Clash ................................................................... 33
Combat Reform ................................................ 34 THE SPIRES ..............................................96
Withdraw ........................................................... 35 Characters ..................................................................... 97
Combat Rally ..................................................... 35 Regiments ....................................................................102
Lieutenants ..................................................................106
Mutations .................................................................... 107
C H A P TE R F OUR Masteries ..................................................................... 108
CHARACTERS ........................................................37 Pheromancies ............................................................. 109
Commanding Presence .......................................... 38 Biomancies .................................................................. 110
Retinues .................................................................... 39
Items and Masteries ................................................ 40 THE DWEGHOM ......................................111
CHARACTER ACTIONS ........................... 42 Characters ................................................................... 112
Duel ..................................................................... 42 Regiments ................................................................... 116
Spellcasting ........................................................ 42 Lieutenants ................................................................. 119
Relics ............................................................................ 120
Masteries ..................................................................... 122
Spells ................................................................. 123

THE NORDS .................................... 125

Characters ....................................................... 126
Regiments ....................................................... 132
Lieutenants ..................................................... 136
Trove - Finds ................................................... 138
Masteries ......................................................... 140
Aspects ............................................................ 141
Spells ................................................................ 142
Based on Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings

Rules Adaptation & First Blood Development: Konstantinos Lekkas

Copy Editor: Nick Lingris

This book is the work of Para Bellum Wargames:

Creative Director - Stavros Halkias

Lead Rules Development - Konstantinos Lekkas

Graphic Design - Vangelis Galanis

Art Department:
Othon Nikolaidis, George Dimitriou, Charidimos Bitsakakis,
Giacomo Marzona, Nestor Papatriantafillou

Project Managed by Maria Halkias

Additional System Development: Dimitrios A. Lekkas

Playtesters and a big ‘thank you’ to:

Heath Aldrich, Dimitrios A. Lekkas, Bryan Moseley, Chris Nye,
Mateusz Płoszczyca, Sascha Stand, the Dracon R.D.S. Tester Group
and the Para Bellum Vanguards.

DISCLAIMER: The contents, texts, art, designs, illustrations and other works of this book were created and are the sole
property of Para Bellum Wargames Ltd. and they are protected by international copyright law. The book and its contents
may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, given away, in part or in full, including the first/front and last/back page
illustrations and text, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or
mechanical methods, or used to create derivative works, except for the use of brief quotations in a review, without the prior
written permission of Para Bellum Wargames Ltd, who retains full copyrights to this book. No profit is permitted to be made
by the contents of this book, in part or in whole. Para Bellum Wargames Ltd provides a digital or printed copy of the rules
of this book for personal use only. Any link or similar sharing of the book or the rules must redirect to the original sharing
point of the publisher, on its site or its social media pages. All contents are a work of fiction by Para Bellum Wargames Ltd.
Any perceived slights or images of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are entirely coincidental and unintentional.

Copyright 2020
Para Bellum Wargames Ltd., 48 Inomenon Ethnon, Guricon House, 6042 Larnaca, Cyprus
First printing: Athens, Greece, 2020, ISBN 978-618-84836-1-3
More than six centuries have passed since the Fall changed Eä. Humanity struggles to rebuild
after that cataclysm and the Long Winter that followed.

- With the Hollow Throne empty, the Hundred Kingdoms remain embroiled in internecine
warfare, as the Nobility covets the remnants of the Empire and the Church grinds its teeth at
the weakened Orders.

- To the north, the Nords have finally left behind the horrors of the Fimbulwinter and the rule
of the Jotnar, and have started expanding from their shattered realms. They turn their covetous
eyes to the rich lands of the south, lusting for revenge for their murdered gods.

- The enigmatic Spires exert their power for the first time in eons. Shedding millennia of custom
and practice, the merchant princes seek the wealth of the lesser races, in an effort to break the
stranglehold of power the Directorate and the Sovereign House exert.

- While the clamor of war spreads, the wisest among those living fear the rising of the Dweghom.
Deep in their Holds, they hear the clamor of battle approaching and feel the pulse quicken in
their veins. They are the eldest disciples of War.

- Far to the east, darkness is gathering. The fearless Tribes hurl themselves against the Claustrine
Gates as their lands shrink. Their warbands are unable to contend with the ancient evil that
stirs in what was once the heartland of the Old Dominion...

Wars are fought in the fields of battle; but many a war is won by the deeds of a few brave and
doomed souls, in blood-slick alleys or around burning supply caravans. As the clamor of battle
echoes in Eä’s valleys, the clanging of steel and the crackle of burning wood attest to bands
of soldiers sneaking behind enemy lines to sabotage or intercept important convoys, or the
army’s scouts coming across each other at the forefront.

First Blood is a skirmish wargame played over the course of a couple of hours; it is a fun, fast-
paced game of conquest and combat designed for two players. You will need to have a table
and terrain to play on – whether these will be household items or fully modeled terrain pieces
is up to you. Of course, each player will need to own and prepare Models of an army from the
Conquest range; visit for more information.
The game will be played over a course of 10 Game Turns. At the end, the player who has scored
the most Victory Points will be crowned the victor. Each Turn will go through the five Phases
of Reinforcement, Command, Supremacy, Action and Victory Phase.

The rules that follow

are the basic rules
you need in order to
understand how the
models and Regiments
interact with each
other and the
environment. These
chapters will teach you
how to activate your
Regiments, how to move
them as well as how to
engage in combat with


In the following sections

we will introduce the
basic principles behind
the rules of First Blood.
It may look like a lot at
first, but it will soon
become second nature
to you and you will find
yourself referring to
the rules section less
and less.
A CIVILISED WAR battlefield prowess, a result of “6” is always
a failure, and a result of “1” is always a suc-
War may be a brutal and bloody business, cess – regardless of other modifiers, unless
but playing a wargame shouldn’t be. It is a otherwise specified.
gentlemanly (or gentlewomanly) pursuit, best
enjoyed in a companionable state with as few Re-Rolls
arguments as possible.
With that in mind, if you ever encounter a If a rule calls upon you to re-roll a die, simply
situation in which you feel the rules are unclear, pick it up and roll it again, abiding by the new
discuss the matter with your opponent and result. Once a die has been re-rolled once, it
come up with a solution together. cannot be re-rolled again – regardless of the
If you are unable to agree, weigh up the circumstances.
most suitable solutions and settle the matter
on the roll of a die. Such situations should Roll Off
be extremely infrequent, as First Blood is
constantly updated with errata and FAQs Occasionally, the rules will call upon you and
published on the website. The important thing your opponent to roll off. When this happens,
is not to allow any rule-related issues to spoil you each roll a die – the one with the higher
your enjoyment of the game. result wins. If the result is a draw, re-roll. Keep
re-rolling until there is a clear winner (this is
DICE an exception to the rule stating that you cannot
re-roll a re-roll).
War is an uncertain business. We use dice to
represent that uncertainty, be it the chance of MEASURING DISTANCE
landing a lethal blow or the odds of a Regiment
standing and fighting even in the face of defeat. All distances in First Blood are measured in
All dice rolls in First Blood use six-sided dice, inches ("), and are always measured from the
called D6. When required to roll a D3 or D2, closest point. When measuring the distance
then roll a D6 and divide the result by 2 or 3 between two Models, always measure the
respectively, rounding up. distance between the closest points of the
Models’ bases; you are permitted to check
Making Rolls the distance at any time, so you can always
know whether or not your warriors are in
Most dice rolls in First Blood require the player range before they attempt a particular Action.
to compare their dice roll against a Target
Characteristic. This is often a Characteristic, Within
such as Clash, Volley or Resolve, but can be
more esoteric, such as a Model’s capacity to When a Rule asks you to be Within X", any
Resist Decay. When making one of these rolls, part of that Model’s base must be within X".
you are looking to roll equal to or under the
desired Target Characteristic. Wholly Within
Automatic Pass and Fail When a Rule asks you to be Wholly Within
X", the entire Model’s base must be within X".
If a rule calls upon you to roll a die and com-
pare it to a Characteristic, i.e. a numerical rep-
resentation of the Regiments’ (or Characters’)

AR MIES, R EGIMENTS height (or more!) of a human.
AND MODELS • Monsters are the rarest of all, each with
the raw might to match dozens of other
In First Blood, each player commands an army warriors.
of fantasy miniatures, ranging from shambling
skeletons and iron-willed Dweghom Infantry
to raging Avatara and rampaging Dragons. This
section covers how to arrange those miniatures
in order to fight a battle.

The Army
Simply put, your Army is all the Models you
are bringing to the battle, whether they’re
lowly Force-Grown Drones, mighty Brutes
or anything in between. Normally, you will
use an Army List to work out exactly which
Models go into your army. Whenever the rules
refer to Your Army, they mean every Model
and Regiment in your Army. Whenever the
rules refer to Your Opponent’s Army, they
mean every Model and Regiment under your
opponent’s command.
Each Model costs a number of Army Points.
To select your Army, you will choose from a
variety of Character, and Regiment entries
in the relevant Army List section, up to the
agreed Army Point total.

When the rules refer to a Model, they mean
the whole miniature, including its base. For
the purposes of the game, we treat the base,
however decorative, as part of the Model.
However, very few Models – except for the
largest and most fearsome of Monsters – act
alone; most fight together.


In First Blood, every Model has a Type.

• Infantry are the mainstays of each army –
numerous and dependable.
• Cavalry are tougher and faster than Infantry,
but rarer too.
• Brutes are huge creatures, often twice the

side. Regiments always consist of the same Type
of Model, and usually all Models in a Regiment
share a common Characteristics Profile.
The Leader and the Standard Bearer are two
Models and Size core types of Command Model used in every
Faction and most Regiments, while most
In First Blood, every Model Type has a different Regiments in each Faction have additional
Size for the purpose of determining Line of specialized Command Models. Once a
Sight as we will discuss later on. Command Model is removed as a Casualty,
• All Infantry Models are considered to have the associated bonuses are lost.
a Size of 1. All Models in a Regiment fight together –
• All Brute and Cavalry Models are considered individual Models cannot leave the Regiment
to have a Size of 2. and act independently.
• All Monster Models are considered to have
a Size of 3. T H E L E A DER A N D T H E STA N DA R D
• Models with the Fly Special Rule are BEARER
considered to be 1 Size greater than their
Type would dictate (Flying Infantry are Size Leaders serve as examples for their troops,
2, Flying Brutes are Size 3, etc.). inspiring them to fight harder even under
stress. While the Leader has not been removed
as a Casualty, the Regiment may re-roll one
die per Clash or Volley Action they make, and
All Terrain features will also be assigned a Size. one Defence die for each Action that causes
These numbers can vary as Terrain pieces are one or more Hits on the Regiment.
often handcrafted and unique. We recommend Also, throughout the game all Models belonging
these values as a guideline, but encourage to the same Regiment must remain within 5" of
you to discuss this with your opponent and the unit Leader (i.e. the Leader is considered to
establish the Size of the Terrain before each have a Command Range of 5"). Measurements
battle. for the Regiment are usually made from the
Leader Model, as explained in each Action.
• All hills to are be considered Size 2.
• All forests are to be considered Size 3.
• No n-mi l itar y bui ld i n gs are to b e
considered Size 2.
• Towers and wall fortifications are to be
considered Size 3.

When a Regiment or Terrain stands on another

piece of Terrain with a Size value, simply add
the two Sizes together to calculate whether they
can see or be seen over intervening Terrain.

Regiments & Command

A Regiment is the basic fighting formation in
First Blood. It can consist of anything from one Fig. 1.1
individual Model to a dozens fighting side by Command Range

Some Regiments may also include a Standard
Bearer. A Regiment containing a Standard
Bearer gains the Unstoppable Special Rule
and adds +1" to the second March Action they
execute in each Turn. In addition, the Standard
Bearer counts as a Leader for purposes of
placing Models as well as for all measurement
purposes and rule references. This effectively
gives the unit more room for flexibility.

Fig. 1.2
Command Models


Some Regiments may not have the option for

a Command Model. In such cases, nominate
a Model to serve as the Acting Leader. This
Model counts as a Leader for measuring dis-
tances and Command Range. Use a suitable
Marker to serve as a reminder.


Inevitably, some Models will be removed from

a Regiment as the battle progresses. Casualties
are nearly always removed from the Regiment’s
Rank and File Models. The Leaders are always
the last Models to be removed as Casualties.

There are Actions in the game that require
Line of Sight to the Target Regiment. Each Each Model has a Characteristics Profile as a
Action will describe how you measure Line measure of its ability on the battlefield. The
of Sight if it is required; in cases where you Characteristics Profile is broken down into
require to measure LoS and it is not specified two Categories, eight Characteristics, as well
in the Action, to establish Line of Sight from as a number of Special Rules and Draw Events.
one Regiment to another the following crite-
rion must be met. Name: Militia
• The Acting Regiment can draw an
Class: Light
unobstructed line between any point of
the Leader’s base or torso to the any point of M V C A W R D E
an enemy Model’s base or torso. Regiments
or pieces of Terrain that are of a smaller 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 0
Size than the Size of the Acting Regiment Special Rules: Shield, Support
or the Target Regiment are ignored for
the purposes of drawing the unobstructed
line, as are Models belonging to the same
These are used to streamline interaction
between certain rules.
• Type tells you whether the Model is Infantry,
Cavalry, Brute or Monster. Different Types
interact differently with some rules (do not
worry, we will point them out when they
come up).
• Class is a weight class, graded from Light
to Medium to Heavy. Light troops are gen-
erally more maneuverable, arriving at the
battle early, whereas Heavy troops inflict
and sustain more damage but arrive on the
Fig. 1.3 battlefield later.
The Crossbowman has LoS to the Abomination
and vice versa, as the Abomination is of greater
Size than the Terrain feature between them.

There are eight Characteristics in all, each
one representing the Model’s comparative
strength in that field. Characteristics run
from 0 to 6, where 0 represents an inability
to perform the associated Actions, a 1 is
downright poor, and 6 is amazing! Over the
course of the game, Spells or Special Rules
might cause a Model’s Characteristic to rise
or fall. However, a Characteristic can never
be reduced below 0.

March (M) Wounds (W)

The March Characteristic determines how far Wounds indicates how many damaging blows
a Model can move. a Model can take before a Model has to be
Volley (V) removed.
Volley serves as a measure of the Model’s Resolve (R)
ability with missile weapons, from throwing The Resolve Characteristic gives us a measure
axes to shooting longbows, and even using of the Models’ courage, and the willingness of
mighty war machines. individual troops to hold fast when the battle
Clash (C) turns against them.
The Clash Characteristic describes how effective Defence (D)
a Model is in the press of melee, governing its Defence serves as a measure of physical resil-
likelihood to strike a decisive blow against ience, combining the protection from any
an enemy. armor with the Model’s innate toughness.
Attacks (A) Evasion (E)
Attacks tells us how many dice each Model can Evasion is another Defence Characteristic, but
contribute to its Regiment’s dice pool when one that takes into account a Model’s ability
attacking the enemy. to ignore harm through agility, resilience or
magical protection, rather than endure through
sheer hardiness.

Special Rules
Under Special Rules, you will find a list of
other abilities not governed by the Model’s
Characteristics, such as Cleave, i.e. the ability to
reduce your opponent’s Defence Characteristic.
This is also where you’ll find details of any
ranged Attack a Model may execute, in the
form of a Barrage Special Rule.

COMMAND CAR DS is calculate the testing Regiment’s Resolve. The
total Resolve value is the Regiment’s Resolve
Each Regiment has a Command Card. Command Characteristic, adding 1 if your Regiment
Cards are used during the Command Phase has 6 or more Models and is Infantry, or your
to determine when a Regiment Acts. Each Regiment has 2 or more Models and is Brute
Command Card depicts the following details: or Cavalry.
• The Regiment’s Army List Name, to remind Roll a number of dice equal to the Wounds suf-
you which profile from the Army List you fered by the causing Action. Any results greater
use to represent the Regiment’s abilities. than the number of your Regiment’s Resolve
• An Artistic Depiction of the Regiment to value cause extra Wounds to your Regiment
help you and your opponent quickly identify according to the following table – these Wounds
the depicted Regiment on the table. do not cause further Morale Tests.
Morale Tests Extra Wounds
‘IN CONTACT’ Failed Received
1-3 1
Many rules refer to two or more Models being
in contact with one another. A Model is con- 4-6 2
sidered to be in contact with another Model if 7-9 3
their bases touch.
10+ 4

Broken Regiments
When a Regiment takes many losses, it might
become Broken. A Broken Regiment must use
the Rally (or Combat Rally) Action as its first
WOUNDS AND CASUALTIES Action. When half or more of a Regiment’s
Models are removed as Casualties by a single
Inevitably, during the course of the game Action (after Testing Morale), the Regiment
Models will suffer Wounds and Casualties becomes Broken – use a suitable Marker to
will occur. When a Regiment with a Wounds signify the Regiment’s condition. In addition,
Characteristic of 1 suffers Wounds, remove the following rules apply:
one Model for each Wound suffered. When • Broken Regiments always use the unmodified
a Regiment with a Wounds Characteristic Resolve Characteristic on their profile.
greater than 1 suffers Wounds, place suitable • Receive a -2 Penalty to their Charge Distance.
Wound Markers next to the Regiment; when the
Markers add up to the Wounds Characteristic, Shattered Regiments
remove a Model and start placing Markers
again for any excess Wounds. Wounded Models When half or more of a Broken Regiment’s
always receive Wounds first, regardless of the Models are removed as Casualties by a single
Action that caused them. Action (after Testing Morale), the Regiment
becomes Shattered. Remove all surviving
Morale Models.

Certain Actions dictate that, after suffering

Casualties, your Regiment must test for Morale.
The first thing to do in order to test for Morale,

On occasion, a rule will call upon you to Heal a
number of Wounds in one of your Regiments.
When this happens, the rule will tell you the
number of Wounds it Heals, which we refer
to as Heal Points. If a rule calls upon you to
heal a Regiment or Character, proceed in the
following sequence, removing one Wound
Marker per Heal Point until there are no
more Wounds to Heal or you have run out
of Heal Points:

1) Heal Wounded Models

Remove Wounded Markers from the Regiment
or Character (applicable to Regiments with
more than one Wound per Model).

2) Restore Casualties
Once all Wounded Markers have been removed,
return a Model to the battlefield (if there is
one). If the Model’s Wounds Characteristic
is 2 or more, place an appropriate number of
Wounded Markers beside the Regiment so
that the newly restored Model has 1 Wound
remaining. Then return to the “Heal Wounded
Models” step. Models returning to the battle-
field this way must be placed within Command
Range of the Leader. Retinue Models cannot
be Restored this way.



In this section
we will introduce
the sequence of Phases
that make up
a Turn and set up
the flow and rhythm
of the game.
To keep events moving cleanly, we split the battle itself down into a series of Turns, each
of which is further divided into a series of Phases. Both you and your opponent act in each
Phase, harnessing every ounce of wit and guile in an attempt to seize the advantage for your
stalwart troops.

When a Turn starts, play proceeds through its Phases, and you must complete each one before
beginning the next. Once all Phases are complete, so is that Turn, and another Turn begins.
This process continues until the number of Turns given in the Scenario are complete, or either
you or your opponent concedes.


I) Reinforcement Phase III) Supremacy Phase

• Both Players roll for Reinforcements, i.e. • Both Players roll off to determine who is to
those Regiments and Characters that have be the First Player, i.e. the player who will
been chosen from the player’s collection to activate their Command Stack first.
participate in the battle, but have not yet
entered the field. IV) Action Phase
• Any Reinforcements due to arrive are
placed to one side, and will March onto • Starting with the First Player, the Players
the Battlefield during the Action Phase. take turns activating a unit corresponding to
the top Command Card of their Command
II) Command Phase Stacks, acting with each Regiment in turn
until both Command Stacks are empty.
• Both Players assemble their Command
Stacks, created by players arranging the V) Victory Phase
Command Cards of the units that are
participating in the battle in order to • Check Mission Victory Conditions to see
determine the order of play in later Phases. if either side has won.
• If neither player has won, a new Turn begins.

Regiments are not deployed at the start of the game. Instead, they arrive as Reinforcements
as play progresses.
During the Reinforcement Phase, group your Regiments set aside as Reinforcements by Class.
Then proceed to roll one die per Regiment for each Class that is to arrive this Turn as shown
in the Reinforcement table. This is the Reinforcement Roll. For every successful roll per Class
you choose which Regiment of that Class will be coming from Reinforcements. The rolls
required are as shown below:

Reinforcement Table III) SUPR EMACY PHASE
Now it is time to see who is going to seize the
Turn Required Roll initiative and strike the first blow! You and your
Turn One Light Regiments arrive on opponent Roll Off. The Player whose Command
a 3+. Stack has the fewest Command Cards may add
Turn Two Light Regiments arrive on or subtract 1 from the score shown on the die
a 3+. Medium Regiments after it has been rolled. The Player with the
arrive on a 5+. highest score (after any modifiers have been
Turn Three Light Regiments arrive auto- applied) is the First Player this Turn. If the
matically. Medium Regiments die roll is tied (after any modifiers have been
arrive on a 3+. Heavy applied), you and your opponent both re-roll
Regiments arrive on a 5+. until there is a clear winner.
Turn Four Medium Regiments arrive
automatically. Heavy Supremacy Abilities
Regiments arrive on a 3+.
Each Warlord has a Supremacy Ability that
Turn Five Heavy Regiments arrive they can use in this Phase, once per game.
automatically. Unless otherwise specified, these Abilities last
Place any Regiments that arrive to one side. until the end of the Turn in which they were
They March onto the table during the Action activated and may well turn the tide of battle
Phase. – using yours at the right moment may well
spell the difference between victory and defeat.
Once the First Player has been determined, the
II) COMMAND PHASE First Player declares if they are going to use
a Supremacy Ability. Regardless of whether
At the start of the Command Phase, take all of the the First Player chooses to use a Supremacy
Command Cards for your surviving Regiments Ability, the Second Player then declares if
on the Battlefield and any Command Cards for they are going to use a Supremacy Ability. If a
Regiments arriving as Reinforcements this Turn player has access to more than one Supremacy
and arrange them in a face-down Command Stack. Ability, they may use only one each Turn, and
You should arrange your Command Stack care- must declare which one they are using.
fully, placing the Regiment you want to act first A Character must be on the battlefield to use
right at the top, the Regiment you want to act last their Supremacy Ability unless the Supremacy
at the bottom, with the remainder organized in Ability explicitly states otherwise.
between. You may want to give some thought to
how your opponent is organizing their Command
Stack – as the sequence in which you activate IV) ACTION PHASE
your Regiments can bring huge advantages in
the right circumstances. You may look at your The Action Phase is where the majority of the
Command Stack at any point during the Turn, Action of the battle takes place. Regiments
but you are not allowed to reorder it unless a rule march and counter-march, charge into melee,
instructs you to do so. or fire volleys at distant foes. As a result,
the Action Phase is also usually the longest
and most exciting Phase of the game, and
needs breaking down into more detail than
the others.

The Players alternate their Turns and act with V) VICTORY PHASE
one Regiment at a time until all Regiments
have been activated, in which case the players With the Action Phase completed, it is time
proceed to the Victory Phase and the end to see if either you or your opponent has
of the game. The active player performs the won. If your opponent has conceded, or has
following: had their Army wiped out, then you are the
victor! Otherwise, the victory conditions for
each battle are determined by the scenario you
are playing, and you will need to consult the
The player draws the top card of their Command Victory Conditions section of the scenario
Stack and chooses a corresponding Regiment. you’re playing to determine who (if anyone)
That Regiment is activated for this player Turn. has won at this point. If neither player has
won that game, a new Turn begins from the
Reinforcement Phase.
If the card drawn belongs to a Regiment or
Character with a Draw Event, resolve it now.
If the Regiment/Character is not on the bat-
tlefield, the Draw Event is ignored and not
resolved unless it is a Draw Event allowing
the player to bring a new Regiment to the


Choose a legal Action and perform it with the
active Regiment or Character.


Regiments may perform a second Action.
Choose a legal Action and perform it with the
Active Regiment.

Place the Command Card or a suitable Marker
next to the active Regiment/Character to show
that it has been activated. It cannot be activated
again during this Game Turn.

If desired, you may deactivate your Regiment

without performing any Actions; however,
remember that the Regiment may not be acti-
vated again during this Game Turn.



In this section we
will read the rules
concerning the most
important aspect of
the game, the Actions.
Actions are separated into two categories: During a March Action, no Model may enter
Combat and Non-Combat Actions. Combat within 2" of an enemy Model; use the Charge
Actions are the only Actions that can be tak- Action instead.
en by a Regiment with one or more Models
A Reinforcement Regiment Marches onto
1. March the Battlefield from the Reinforcement Edge,
as determined during Reinforcement Phase.
Your Regiment can only take a March Action Choose a starting point measuring from the
if it is not in base contact with an enemy edge of the Battlefield and then complete
Regiment. If your Regiment is in base contact the March as normal, beginning with your
with an enemy Regiment, it might instead Regiment’s Leader(s). All Models from that
want to make a Withdraw Action. Marching is Regiment must finish their March move wholly
the only Action that may be performed twice within X" of the Table Edge, where X is your
during a Regiment’s activation unless Special Regiment’s March Characteristic.
Rules indicate otherwise. A l t e rn at ive l y, yo u m ay b r i n g yo u r
A Regiment Marches a distance, in inches, Reinforcements onto the Battlefield from
equal to its March Characteristic. If there is any edge, provided that:
more than one March Characteristic present
in the Regiment, it must March a distance • The point of entry is between your
equal to the lowest March Characteristic Reinforcement Edge and at least one
present. Move the Regiment’s Leader(s) first, Enabling friendly Regiment’s rearmost
then move all other Models making sure they Leader. Heavy Regiments must arrive behind
are within the allowed Command Range. a Heavy or Medium Regiment; Medium
Models belonging to the same Regiment do Regiments behind a Heavy, Medium or
not block movement; you may move through Light Regiment, and Light Regiments
other friendly Regiments as long as there is must arrive behind other Light, Medium
enough space for the moving Model’s base or Heavy Regiments.
to pass through. • The Regiment’s Leader nominated as
Enabling is closer to your Reinforcement
Edge than any enemy Regiment’s Leader.
• You end your first March Action no further
towards the enemy Reinforcement Edge
than the Enabling Regiment’s rearmost
If one March Action is not enough to place
all Models legally on the Battlefield, you must
choose March again as the Regiment’s second
Action and move the Models in such a way
that all Models can be legally placed.
If for any reason a Regiment cannot enter the
Battlefield using the above rules, it returns to
Reinforcements and may automatically attempt
to March again next Turn.
Fig. 3.1
March Move

2. Take Aim
If your Regiment takes a “Take Aim” Action,
it adds +1 to its Volley for the next Volley
Action it takes this Turn.

3. Volley
A Volley Action can only be used if the
Regiment has at least one Model with the Fig. 3.2
Barrage Special Rule – otherwise, it doesn’t have Initial distance when selecting a Target for a
a ranged weapon with which to make a Volley. Volley Action is measured between the Leaders,
regardless of LoS (as shown by the red line). As
long as at least one Model from that Regiment is
in LoS and a Leader in Range (green lines), that
Regiment is a legal Target. The Character could
To take a Volley Action, you must first choose not be Targeted, as they are not the closest Target
a legal Target enemy Regiment. A Target is nor within 6".
legal if all of the following conditions apply:
• The Target Regiment must be in range NUMBER OF SHOTS
of the Barrage Special Rule you wish the
Regiment to use. Measure range from the In order to find out the number of dice you
firing Regiment’s Leader to any of the Target will roll for your Volley Action, measure how
Regiment’s Leaders, regardless of LoS. many Models with the Barrage X Special Rule
• The Target Regiment must be within Line in the firing Regiment are in range and Line
of Sight. To Measure LoS, you must draw of Sight of a Model in the Target Regiment
an unobstructed line from any point of the and multiply by X. Take note, however, of the
firing Regiment Leader’s base or torso to any Obscured Targets rule below.
point of base or torso of a Model belonging
to the Target Regiment. OBSCURED TARGETS
• The Target Regiment must not be Engaged
with a Friendly Regiment. Unlike large-scale If you cannot trace LoS to more than half of the
battles where tactical formations allow Target Regiment’s Models (rounding up), or
overhead volleys to be fired at the enemies, the range is longer than half your Regiment’s
such actions in the chaos of a swirling melee Barrage range value, then that Regiment counts
breed danger for friend and foe alike. as Obscured. When firing at Obscured Targets,
• Additionally, in order to Target a Character halve the total number of shots your Regiment
Regiment with a Volley Action, that has, rounding fractions up.
Character must be either within 6" of the
firing Regiment or the closest Model to one ROLLING TO HIT
of the firing Regiment’s Leaders.
Roll the dice and compare the results to the
firing Regiment’s Volley Characteristic. Any
dice that score equal to or less than the Volley
Characteristic cause a Hit. Should a Model’s
Volley Characteristic be a 6 or more, that
Model gains the Rapid Volley Special Rule.

“Multiple Targets” rule to declare the Character
as the secondary Target.

Defence is worked out exactly like during MULTIPLE TARGETS

a Clash Action as explained in the next
pages; Casualties are removed primarily Your Regiment may declare a secondary
among Rank and File Models not Obscured, Target when Charging, if all of the conditions
continuing with Obscured Models and finally below apply:
any Leader Models. • Your Regiment contains more than one
Wounds taken during a Volley Action do not Leader Model
cause Morale Tests. • The secondary Target Regiment has at least
one Model within 3" of a Model belonging
4. Charge to the primary target Regiment and with-
in potential Charge Distance (i.e. your
A Charge Action is the only way a Regiment Regiment’s March Characteristic +6").
can move within 2" of an enemy Regiment and
into contact with it (and is therefore able to MOVING CHARGERS
Clash with that enemy Regiment). A Regiment
cannot use a Charge Action if it has arrived If the Charge to at least one Target was suc-
from Reinforcements this Turn. cessful, you now move the Charging Regiment
into contact with the enemy Regiment(s).
Starting with your Leader(s), move all of
your Charging Models so that they are in base
When declaring a Charge you may only choose contact with a Model belonging to the Target
one enemy Regiment to be the Target of your Regiment, obeying the Command Range rules.
Charge and it must be within your Line of If a Model is unable to get into contact this
Sight. Roll a die – this is the Charge Roll. way, move it as much as possible towards the
Add the Charge Roll to the Regiment’s March nearest enemy Model.
Characteristic. This is the Charge Distance. If If the Charge has failed for any reason, do not
the Charge Distance is equal to or greater than move any Models. The Action is lost.
the distance between any one of the Charging
Regiment’s Leaders and the closest enemy
Model belonging to the Target Regiment, the
Charge is successful. If the total is less than
the distance between any one of the Charging
Regiment’s Leaders and the closest enemy
Model belonging to the Target Regiment, the
Charge has failed.
To determine if your Regiment can Charge,
check range and Line of Sight from any one
of the Regiment’s Leaders to any Model of
the enemy Regiment. Models belonging to
the Charging Regiment do not block Line of
Sight or movement.
You cannot charge a Character without a
Retinue, unless that Character is the closest Fig. 3.3
Target, or you are taking advantage of the Moving Chargers.

Should the charging Regiment perform a Clash An Unengaged Broken Regiment must take a
Action as its second action after charging, it Rally Action as its first Action. If your Regiment
also performs a free Inspire Action before takes a Rally Action, it is no longer Broken.
resolving any die rolls. Remove the Broken Marker.


Some troops – such as knights – rely on the
sheer, overwhelming force of their impact to 1. Inspire
inflict damage on the foe. Once a successful
Charge is completed, Impact Hits are resolved. If your Regiment takes an Inspire Action, it
Impact Hits are only inflicted by Models that adds +1 to its Clash for the next Clash Action
are Medium Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Medium it takes this Turn (and only this Turn).
Brutes, Heavy Brutes, Medium Monster or
Heavy Monster. Infantry Models and Light 2. Clash
Models do not inflict Impact Hits unless
Special Rules, such as Throwing Weapons, Your Regiment can use a Clash Action if it has
say otherwise. any Models in base contact with Models of
Take note of the number of the Charging at least one enemy Regiment. When a Clash
Regiment’s Models in base contact with Action is used, move all friendly Models 3"
the Models belonging to the Target enemy so that they are in contact with an enemy
Regiment(s). The number of Impact Hits Model belonging to the Regiment(s) they are
inflicted is equal to half the Model’s total Engaged with. If they are unable to get into
Attacks (the number of Models multiplied base contact, move them as close as possible
by its Attacks Characteristic). Round down to an enemy Model. Models in base contact
if this is an odd number. These Attacks are with enemy Models – called Engaged Models
resolved exactly like Attacks during a Clash, – Attack directly at the Regiment the enemy
and can cause Morale Tests. Model belongs to. Remember that all Models
Models removed this way should be primarily must remain within the Command Range of
chosen among the Rank and File Models not their Leader.
in base contact with the Charging Regiment Models not in base contact with an enemy
if possible, continuing with those in base Model count as Unengaged and do not
contact and then the Leader Models. On the contribute any dice.
rare occasion when all Rank and File Models DICE POOLS
are removed this way and the Leader Model(s)
survive but are not in base Contact, move Each Regiment Engaged with your own is a
the surviving Leader and Character Models separate Target; you must divide your Model’s
in such a way that they are in contact with Attacks into separate dice pools. Each Model
any Model from the Charging Regiment, from the Regiment performing the Clash that
regardless of distance. is Engaged with Models from a single Regiment
Impact Attacks do not benefit from the must roll against that Regiment; if Engaged
Inspire Action. with Models from multiple Regiments, they
may decide how to split their Attacks, or
Attack just one Target. The next steps are
resolved separately for each Target Regiment.
(see Fig 3.3)

Allocate Wounds to Rank and File Models
and remove Casualties, prioritizing Models
In order to create the dice pools to roll for that are not Engaged, then on to Models
your Clash Action, multiply the Attacks Engaged with the Attacking Regiment, then
Characteristic of your Regiment by the number Command Models.
of Engaged Models.
In case your Regiment is in contact with
Models of different enemy Regiments,
calculate the number of Attacks towards each
enemy Regiment separately. Models in base
contact with enemy Models from different
Regiments may Attack any one of them;
decide before rolling and add their dice to
the relevant dice pool.

Fig. 3.4
Roll the dice and compare the results to the Clash with more Regiments
Attacking Regiment’s Clash Characteristic. Any The Men-at-Arms noted as B can only attack
dice that score equal to or less than the Clash against the Marksman Clones, the Man-at-Arms
Characteristic cause a Hit. Should a Model’s noted as A can only attack against the Brute
Clash Characteristic be a 6 or more, that Drone, while the Leader can attack either
Model gains the Relentless Blows Special Rule.


After taking Wounds, the Regiment now has

to test for Morale, as explained in the Morale
Now, your opponent rolls a number of dice
equal to the number of Hits your Models have 3. Combat Reform
inflicted – the Injury Roll. Any roll that is less
than or equal to their Regiment’s Defence or When taking a Combat Reform Action, move
Evasion Characteristic is a successful Injury all Models belonging to this Regiment up to
Roll; your opponent will decide whether they their March value. Models must end their
will use their Regiment’s Defence or Evasion move in base contact with an enemy Model
Characteristic. The Regiment’s armor or reflexes belonging to the Regiment their own Regiment
have saved them on this occasion. Any roll that
is greater than both their Regiment’s Defence
and Evasion Characteristic is a failed Injury Roll
and causes a Wound. Note that the Injury Roll
is an exception to the rule that any die roll of
“1” is an automatic success. If your Regiment
has a Defence and Evasion Characteristic of
0 (or has its Characteristics reduced to 0 by
a Special Rule), it cannot pass an Injury Roll.

is Engaged with, or as close as possible to that
Regiment’s nearest Model if they cannot move
into base contact.
Engaged Regiments with more than half of
their surviving Models not in base contact with
an enemy Model must use Combat Reform as
their first Action.

4. Withdraw
Withdraw Actions are taken in order to remove
your Regiment from melee. It can only be used
by a Light or Medium Regiment, and only if
the Regiment is in contact with one or more
enemy Regiments.
When taking a Withdraw Action, roll a die.
If the result is less than or equal to the highest
Resolve Characteristic in your Regiment, the
Regiment has made a Clean Withdrawal. If
the result is higher than the highest Resolve
Characteristic in your Regiment, your Regiment
has made a Fighting Withdrawal.
If your Regiment makes a Clean Withdrawal,
it immediately suffers D3 Wounds (even the
best executed Withdrawal is a risky endeav-
or) and is moved towards the Reinforcement
Edge, so that its Models are placed 3" away
from any enemy Models. If your Regiment
makes a Fighting Withdrawal, it immediately
suffers D6 Wounds instead. Any Models that
for any reason cannot be placed this way are
removed as Casualties.
These Wounds do not cause a Morale Test.

5. Combat Rally
An Engaged Broken Regiment must take a
Combat Rally Action as its first Action. If your
Regiment takes a Combat Rally Action, it is no
longer Broken. Remove the Broken Marker.



In this section we
present the rules that
govern the Heroes and
noteworthy individuals
that lead the forces of
the peoples of EÄ.
Characters are powerful individuals who excel at many different things; combat, the magic
arts or godly powers are counted among them.

Unless otherwise specified, in First Blood COMMANDING PR ESENCE

Characters are treated just like Regiments
with the exceptions listed below: Characters who are within Command Range
• Characters have a set of extra Actions. of a friendly non-Character Regiment’s Leader
• Certain conditions need to be met in order also provide the following bonuses:
for Characters to be chosen as Targets for • The Regiment may test Morale using the
Volley, Charge and Spellcasting Actions Character’s attribute.
(see relevant entries). • The Regiment may be targeted by “Command”
• A Character can have a Retinue, in which case Effects (see Draw Events & Special Rules).
they are considered the Retinue’s Leader.
• Characters provide abil ities to non
-Character Regiments when they are within
that Regiment’s Command Range.
When you build your Army, Infantry Characters may acquire Retinues with which they form one Regiment,
and are activated by the Character’s Command Card alongside the Character. Each Character may acquire
a Maximum of 3 Retinue Models, only 1 of which may be selected from their Army’s “Lieutenants” List.
Retinue Models are selected following this table:

Number Combat Tactics Arcane Lieutenants

of Models (20 pts) (20 pts) (20 pts)
1 The Character Command The Character and Confers their Abilities
may re-roll The Regiment Retinue Models gain to the Character
natural rolls re-rolls natural Barrage 1 (8"), or (cost and abilities in
of “6” during Resolve rolls of Barrage (+1) if they the Army List).
Volley and “6”. already have the
Clash Actions. Barrage Special Rule. Max 1 per Retinue.
Each Lieutenant may
be selected only once
per Army.

2 The Character The Character The Character gains

may re-roll has the “Seize the the Blessed Special Rule
natural rolls Day” Draw Event. and +1 Wizard/Priest
of “6” for his Level.
Defence or If the Character is not
Evasion Tests. a Wizard/Priest, they
count as Wizard 1 for
Enemy Interference

3 During Duel You may The Character adds 1

that this re-roll one success when using a
Character Reinforcements Spellcasting Action.
initiated, the Roll each Turn.
Character (The Character
gains either
Flurry or does not need
re-rolls all his to be on the
failed Defence Battlefield).
or Evasion
Tests (choose
when you
declare the

Each Retinue Model has the same stats as the Character who picks them. However, they only have 1
Attack and 1 Wound, and none of the Special Abilities of the Character. When Activated, the Character
gains the abilities provided by the Table, according to the number of surviving Models of that Category
in his Retinue. Retinue Casualties are chosen by the controlling player.

Unlike ordinary troops, Characters have access to powerful items and have mastered rare tech-
niques. These are represented by the Item catalogues (Heirlooms/Trove-Finds/Relics/Mutations)
in each Army List, and the Masteries list contained herein. Each Item or Mastery may only be
selected once per Army. Normally, each Character may only select one Item and one Mastery
from specific categories; however, more details are located in their entries in the Army lists.
Alongside the following Masteries which can be chosen for any Faction’s Characters, additional
ones may be found in their respective Army lists.


Skill Description Cost
Disciplined Characters of Light or Medium Type Only –Command 40pts
Once per game the Regiment may perform 1 Clean
Withdrawal without rolling a die or suffering any
Knowledged (Must have 3 Tactical Retinue Models) The Character 35pts
may replace their Supremacy Ability with any other
Supremacy Ability from their Army List.
Calm Strategist Once per game, the Character may refuse a Duel 25pts
without suffering any penalty.
Eccentric (Must have 2 Tactical Retinue Models) The Character 20pts
may only select 1 Regiment, but they may select one
Restricted Regiment without having a Mainstay
Long Lineage May take an extra Heirloom/Trove Find/Relic/Mutation 15pts

Skill Description Cost
Expose Weakness At the beginning of a Duel Action where this Character 20pts
is involved, choose one of your opponent’s Items,
Retinue bonuses or Masteries. It has no effect during
this Duel Action.
Overkill (Must have 2 Combat Retinue Models) Every time this 20pts
Character Wounds an enemy Character during a Duel
Action, an enemy Regiment within Command Range
of this Character must make a number of Moral Tests
equal to the Wounds suffered by their Character.
Marksmanship The Character gains Barrage +2. If the Character does 15pts
not have Barrage, they gain Barrage 2 (24").
Veteran Warrior (Must have 3 Combat Retinue Models) The Character 15pts
gains the benefits of 1st Rank Tactical Retinue.
Disorienting Strikes Any Character in a Duel Action with this Character 10pts
suffers a –1 Clash penalty during the Duel Action.


Skill Description Cost
Learned in the Occult The Character may purchase one extra Spell from a 20pts
different School.
Magus The Character increases any non-Scaling Spell’s Casting 20pts
Difficulty value by 1.
Cautious Casting (Must have 2 Arcane Retinue Models) Once per 15pts
game, the Character may re-roll all dice for a single
Spellcasting Roll.
Focused The Character may re-roll 1 die during any Spellcasting 15pts
Wizened Caster (Must have 3 Arcane Retinue Models) The Character 15pts
gains the benefits of 1st Rank Tactical Retinue.
CHAR ACTER ACTIONS The following rules apply:
• The Character may not use the Duel Action
When their Command Card is drawn, if they are part of a Broken Retinue.
Characters may choose any Action from the • The Character may not perform both a Duel
In Combat, Out of Combat or Character and a Clash Action on the same Turn.
Action List explained below. • The Inspire Action benefits Characters during
a Duel just like during a Clash Action.
Character Action List
• Duel Spellcasting
• Spellcasting
In addition to its array of sword-wielding
Duel heroes, the world of Eä also includes masters
of the magical arts. The casting of Spells is
In order to perform a Duel Action, the active governed by a unique Spellcasting Action.
Character must be Engaged and an enemy Spellcasting is usable only by Models with
Character must be within 5" (regardless of them the Wizard X or Priest X Special Rules,
being Engaged or not, as is shown on fig 4.1). where the “X” represents the Caster’s magical
The enemy Character then will either accept competence, or Magic Level.
or refuse the Duel. If the Character refuses,
then the Duel Action ends and the enemy Spell Profiles
Regiment immediately becomes Broken.
If the Character accepts, move the enemy Spells have a Characteristics Profile, detailing
Character in base Contact with the active what it does. A Spell’s profile has the following
Character ignoring movement restrictions; if components.
this is not possible, move the active Character
instead. Then move any Retinue Models Range: the maximum Range of the Spell, in
the moving Character might have to within inches. If the Range is given as “Self ”, the Spell
Command Range. Both Characters will fight can only Target the Caster (although it will
in the Duel exactly as in a Clash Action. First often have a benefit on their entire Regiment).
the active Character will roll their Attacks, and
should the enemy Character survive they will Casting Difficulty: Represents the difficulty of
roll theirs. Wounds suffered during a Duel do casting the Spell. A Spell with a lower Casting
not cause Morale Tests. Difficulty is harder to cast.

Scaling: Certain Spells are marked as Scaling.

These Spells are harder to cast when affecting
a large number of troops.

Effect: These are the effects that result from

a successfully cast Spell.

Name: Fire Dart
Range: 16"
Fig. 4.1 Casting Difficulty: 3
Duel Targets Effect: Inflicts one Hit per success. Hits have
the Armor Piercing 2 Special Rule.

Name: Call Fog Scaling
Range: Self
Casting Difficulty: 3 (Scaling) Not all Spells are the same, and sometimes
Effect: All Models in the Caster’s Regiment the Casters need to try harder in order for
count as Obscured against all Volley Actions their Spells to work. Larger Regiments and
until the Character Acts again. Models require additional successes for a Spell
to take effect. The following Modifiers apply
Casting Sequence to the number of successes required based
on the Target:
Spells that cause Hits require Line of Sight, Category / Special Modifier
while all other Spells do not. In either case,
choose a Target within Range of the Spell. With Retinue +1
Additionally, when your Spellcaster is in Character
base contact with an enemy Regiment, that Without
Regiment is the only Regiment they may Retinue
Target with Spells that cause Hits. Spells with a 0-4 Models +0
“Self ” Range can only Target the Caster’s own Size 5-8 Models +1
Model. You cannot Target a Character without
a Retinue unless they are within 6" of the 9+ Models +2
enemy Model closest to the Caster. Infantry +0
Brute /
Type +1
A Spellcaster rolls a number of dice equal to Monster +2
their Magic Level. Each result equal to or lower
than the Spell’s Casting Difficulty is a success. The bonuses above are cumulative between
Normally, if you score at least one success, Size, Type and Character, but not within the
the Spell is resolved. However, some Spells same Category.
are harder to cast, as determined by Scaling.
Resolving the Spell
If your casting Model is targeting a Regiment Should your Model not reach the required
within 8" of an enemy Model with the number of successes, the Spell fails and the
Wizard X or Priest X Special Rule, or your Action Ends with no further effect.
Caster is within 8"of such an enemy Model Assuming you have scored the required number
while casting, they cast the Spell with one less of successes, follow the instructions listed
die, which represents the disruptive efforts of in the Effect. If the Spell inflicts Hits, your
their opponent. opponent now makes any Injury Rolls, Removes
Casualties and Tests Morale.



In this section
we will introduce
how forces interact
with their environment
either by taking cover
in dense forests or
garrisoning vantage
First Blood Battlefields consist of three kinds of Terrain, each offering different tactical advan-
tages and challenges: Zonal Terrain, Garrison Terrain and Ruins. Zonal Terrain represents
an area on the Battlefield that confers specific advantages or penalties, but can otherwise be
moved through without additional rules. Examples of Zonal Terrain include hills, swamps,
rivers, and broken ground. Garrison Terrain pieces represent areas of dense Terrain, unsuitable
for a Regiment to move through in formation, but offer substantial bonuses to warriors who
seek to occupy them. Ruins include all types of buildings and scalable areas that are not fully
enclosed and combine some benefits of Zonal and Garrison Terrain.


Areas of Elevated Terrain, such as hills, allow Normally, intervening terrain of an Elevation
your Regiments to see over other Regiments Level equal to or greater than both the Target
and Obscuring Terrain. The Battlefield is and the Active Regiment blocks Line of Sight
considered to be Elevation 0 unless otherwise unless it has the Obscuring Special Rule.
stated. Certain Zonal and Garrison Terrain Models can trace Clear Shots over other
features, such as hills and castle walls, have Regiments and Obscuring Terrain with a
the Elevation X meaning that they count lower Level. Similarly, a Model making a Volley
as X Size. A Regiment with the Majority of at a Target with a higher Elevation X than
its Models on top of such a feature treats its itself ignores all Regiments and Obscuring
Size as the total of the Elevation Χ and its Terrain with a lower total Elevation Level
own Size (from now on Elevation Level). than the Target.

ZONAL TERR AIN Hindering Terrain
Regiments can March into and through Zonal A Regiment that Charges through Terrain
Terrain. Due to the variety of Terrain that can with this Special Rule does not inflict Impact
be used by the players, we provide a set of rules Hits during that Turn. Medium and Heavy
to choose and apply to each Terrain feature on Regiments cannot claim the Inspire bonus
your Battlefield. It’s important for you and your when charging into or through Zonal Terrain
opponent to agree the types and extents of each with this Special Rule.
area of Zonal Terrain before Reinforcement
Phase, just so there are no surprises. We Water
recommend using suitable Markers for clarity.
A Regiment with at least half its Models within
Zonal Terrain with this Special Rule suffers a
Broken Ground –1 penalty to its Clash Characteristic.

If your Regiment Charges through Zonal Very Dangerous Terrain

Terrain with this Special Rule, roll a die for
each Model that Charges through the Broken If your Regiment moves through Zonal Terrain
Ground. On a roll of 1, the Regiment suffers a with this Special Rule for any reason, roll a
Hit. Brute & Cavalry Regiments instead suf- die for each Model that Marched through
fer 1 Wound. You may not take Injury Rolls this piece of Terrain. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3, the
against Wounds caused by Broken Ground. Regiment suffers a Wound. Cavalry Regiments
instead suffer 2 Wounds. You may not take
Dangerous Terrain Injury Rolls against Wounds caused by Very
Dangerous Terrain.
If your Regiment moves through Zonal Terrain
with this Special Rule for any reason, roll a Obscuring
die for each Model that moves through the
Dangerous Terrain. On a roll of 1, the Regiment Zonal Terrain with this Special Rule allows
suffers a Wound. Brute & Cavalry Regiments Line of Sight to be drawn through it, but
instead suffer 2 Wounds for each roll of a 1. interferes with any projectiles fired through it.
You may not take Injury Rolls against Wounds All Volley Actions that trace their line of sight
caused by Dangerous Terrain. through a piece of Terrain with this Special
Rule count as Obscured.
Elevated X
Impassable Terrain
This Special Rule is commonly used for hills
and other raised areas. You’ll normally want Zonal Terrain with this Special Rule prevents
to grant the Elevation 2 Special Rule as in the movement altogether. Models may not be
case of a Hill or most elevated Terrain features, placed closer than 1" to Impassable Terrain.
but may want to agree a higher value with
your opponent.

GARRISON TERR AIN Leaving Garrison Terrain
The rules for Garrison Terrain are used to A Regiment can leave the Garrison Terrain by
represent features such as enclosed buildings using its first Action to March. Place the Leader
and walled fields. As with Zonal Terrain, it’s touching any part of the Garrison Terrain
important to agree the boundaries of Garrison on the Battlefield, and perform the March
Terrain features before the start of the game Action for all Models from that point, ending
as well as other properties, like Elevation. a minimum 1" away from the Garrison Terrain.
In terms of the space occupied by Garrison The Regiment then passes its second Action.
Terrain features, the rules presented here
assume you’re using Garrison Terrain features Charging Garrison Terrain
4" to 6" in diameter. If using larger or smaller
Garrison Terrain features, you may want to Your Regiment may take a Charge Action
adapt the rules to match your collection. Just against Occupied Garrison Terrain as if it
remember to discuss any changes with your were any enemy Regiment. Measure Distance
opponent before the game begins! from the Leader to the closest point of the
We recommend that Garrison Terrain features Garrison Terrain on the Battlefield, and, if
be placed at least 6" apart and 6" from the the Charge is successful, move your Models
edges of the Battlefield. A Regiment cannot to be in contact with the Garrison Terrain or
March into or through Garrison Terrain. In the Models occupying it.
fact, it cannot March to within 1" of Garrison No Impact Hits are inflicted when Charging
Terrain unless it is seeking to Occupy that Regiments occupying Garrison Terrain.
Garrison Terrain.
Clash Actions and
Occupying Garrison Garrison Terrain
If your Regiment is in contact with Occupied
Each Garrison Terrain has a Defence X value and Garrison Terrain or the Models occupying
a Capacity X value. Only Infantry Regiments it, it may take a Clash Action against the
can Occupy Garrison Terrain and, even then, occupying Regiment as normal. However,
only if the number of Models is equal to or less only half the number of Attacks are dealt
than the Capacity value of the Terrain. Your from both the Attacking and the Occupying
Regiment Occupies an Unoccupied Garrison Regiment’s Models.
Terrain feature by Marching the Regiment’s If an enemy Regiment is completely Removed
Leader into contact with it. as a Casualty, the Attacking Regiment may now
Place the Models surrounding the Garrison opt to occupy the Garrison Terrain for free if
Terrain to indicate Occupation. If the Regiment it could legally do so following the Occupying
has any Actions remaining, they are lost. While Garrison Terrain rules.
occupying the Garrison Terrain, a Regiment has
+X Defence, where X is the Defence value of the Withdraw Actions and
Garrison Terrain. A Regiment within Garrison Garrison Terrain
Terrain can Draw a Line of Sight of 360 degrees
from any viewpoint of the Garrison Terrain An Engaged Regiment may leave Garrison
(such as doors and windows or other openings). Terrain by Withdrawing as its first Action the
same way as a March Action, with the only
difference being that it must March towards
their Reinforcements Zone through the shortest
route. It then Passes its second Action.

Volley Actions and if their remaining March value allows. Models
Garrison Terrain may never change more than one floor per
March Action, however they may Charge at any
A Regiment Occupying Garrison Terrain height as long as they roll high enough (the total
can make Volley Actions as normal, meas- of the horizontal and vertical distances must
uring Range from any viewpoint of the be equal to or less than the Charge Distance
Garrison Terrain. Count the Size of the rolled – move each Model individually as
Shooting Regiment equal to the Elevation X normal, with any Models not reaching base
Characteristic of the Terrain feature for the contact to be placed on the prior floor).
purpose of drawing Line of Sight. However,
they count all Targets as Obscured.

Some Terrain features have sides which allow
them accessibility and to easily place Models
on different floors. As the boundaries of a Ruin
are not always clear, make sure you define them
with your opponent before the game begins.
Regiments with the majority of their Models in
Ruins add +1 to their Defence against Volleys.
Fig. 5.1
Brute, Cavalry and Monster Regiments may
The Drone on the right will move 2”, and then
only ever be placed on the ground floor. Cavalry
use its remaining March of 3” to move to the 1st
treat Ruins as Dangerous Terrain.
Floor. The Drone on the left does not have enough
March to go to the 1st Floor, thus it stays on the
Ruin Size Ground Floor.
For convenience, regardless of their actual
height Ruins have the Elevation X rule, where Collapsing a Ruin
X is defined by the number of floors you can
place Models on plus 1. So, a Ruin with 1 floor Brute, Cavalry and Monster Regiments are
at 3" height, and a Ruin with only 1 floor at 12" strong enough to cause structural damage to
height are both considered to be Size 2, and the Ruins. A Regiment of this Type within 1" of
height difference is just a visual effect with no the Ruins may perform a Clash Action against
relevance to the game. Similarly, a Ruin with the Ruin, counting as Inspired. The Ruins have
12" height and 3 floors is considered Size 4. Defence and Evasion 1 for the purposes of this
For Movement purposes, each Floor is Action, and have a Structure X, where the X
considered to be 3" higher than the immediately represents its stability. A very old wooden
lower floor. First move your Models horizontally Ruin would have a Structure of 5, a stone Ruin
to be beneath the floor, and then vertically 3" would have a Structure of 10 and so on; agree

with your opponent on each Ruin’s Structure Clash Actions and Ruins
before the beginning of the game.
When a Ruin loses all Structure Points, it A Regiment may perform Clash Actions
collapses. Immediately roll a die for every as normal. In addition to moving 3" at the
Model on any floor of the Ruin; on a 1-3 beginning of the Clash Action, a Model may
the Regiment suffers a Wound. Brute and also change 1 floor.
Cavalry Regiments suffer 2 Wounds instead.
No Morale Tests are caused as a result of
Collapsing Ruins. From now on, the Ruin
loses all Special Rules and is treated as Zonal
Terrain with the following rules: Elevation 0,
Dangerous Terrain, Obscuring Terrain and
Hindering Terrain. Remove all Models from
elevated floors on the ground floor as close
to their prior position as possible (directly
below if possible).
Place a suitable Marker to signify the Collapsed
status of the Ruin.

Volley Actions and Ruins

Regiments in Ruins use a Volley Action as
normal; however, Line of Sight is measured
from each Model individually as they might
be on different floors, thus having different
Elevation Levels. Only Models with LoS to
their Target may fire, and at least one Leader
must be able to trace LoS to the Target. Range
is measured horizontally. You cannot fire at
Regiments that are wholly within the same
Ruin as the firing Regiment.

Charge Actions and Ruin

Infantry may Charge Models on different floors,
provided they roll high enough. To calculate
the Charge Distance, measure the horizontal
distance between the Leader and the closest
Target Model, and add 3" for each floor. If
the total Charge Distance rolled is equal to
or higher than the calculated Distance, the
Charge is successful.



This section includes

all the Draw Events and
Special Rules found in
First Blood.
In this section you will find all information on the Draw Events and other Special Rules your
Models possess.
Some of these Draw Events or Special Rules will be marked with the “Command” keyword.
If a Character is within Command Range of other Regiment Leaders, they may choose one
of those Regiments to confer one effect gained by the Command Draw Event or Special Rule
to that Regiment instead.

Bastion: Until end of Turn, the Model (and If it Marches twice, it may make an additional
Models in its Regiment) have +1 Defence. March Action. If not, place it on the bottom
(Command) of your Command Stack. The Character then
takes one Action and ends their activation.
Biotic Renewal: Roll a D6. The Regiment
Heals a number of Wounds equal to the result. Fire and Advance: Draw the next Command
Then, roll a D6 for each friendly Regiment with Card. If that Command Card is for a Regiment
a Leader within 10" of the active Character/ with a Leader within Command Range of the
Leader. That Regiment Heals a number of Character, that Regiment Acts immediately.
Wounds equal to half the result (rounding If it uses a Volley Action as its second Action,
down). If the Regiments affected do not it may take a third Action, which must be a
have the Infantry Type, reduce the Healing March, after the Volley is resolved. If not,
value to D3 and half that value (rounding up) place it on the bottom of your Command
respectively. (Command) Stack. The Character then takes one Action
and ends their activation.
Burnout: Choose one of the following:
• Nothing happens. Flux-Powered: All Models in the Regiment
• All Models in the Regiment with this Draw with this Draw Event gain either +2 Clash or
Event have the Decay 3 Draw Event and +1 +2 Attacks until end of Turn (you choose).
Clash and +2 March this Turn. (Command) (Command)

Decay X: Roll a number of dice equal to the Fury: When determining the number of
Draw Event’s attribute for every Model in the Attacks that this Regiment performs, add +1
Regiment with this Special Rule (roll for every Attack for every 4 Engaged Models rounding
4 Models rounding fractions up if the Regiment fractions up, or for every Model if the Regiment
is Infantry instead). For each roll of 5 or 6, the is Brute, Cavalry or Monster (i.e. for 5 Models
Regiment suffers a Wound. Casualties suffered add 2 Attacks, for 9 add 3 etc.).
from Decay do not cause Morale Tests. If a
Model has several types of the Decay Draw Regeneration: At the start of the Regiment’s
Event, add all the dice together. The Decay activation remove all Wound Markers from
Draw Event is always resolved in addition to the Regiment and restore any Wounded
any other Draw Events that a Regiment has. Models to their initial Wounds value. If the
The Decay Draw Event is always resolved at Regiment had no Wounded Models, return
the end of a Regiment’s activation. any 4 of the slain Models to base contact with
the Regiment’s Leader (Brutes and Cavalry
Double Time: Draw the next Command return only 1 Model); you cannot exceed the
Card. If the Command Card is for a Regiment original number of Models purchased for the
with a Leader within Command Range of the Regiment this way.
Character, that Regiment Acts immediately.

Seize the Day: Draw your next Command
Card. That Regiment Acts immediately. Once
the Regiment has completed its Actions, the
Character then takes one Action and ends
their activation.

Turn the Tide: Choose a Regiment within

12" of the Character that has not yet acted this
Turn. That Regiment takes its Actions. Once
the Regiment has completed its Actions, the
Character then takes one Action and ends their
activation. The next time a Command Card
belonging to the chosen Regiment’s Type is
drawn later in the Turn, place it in the discard
pile without the Regiment performing any
Actions and pass your Turn.

This section includes all the Special Rules found in First Blood

Arcing Fire: If a Regiment composed entirely the Regiment will roll for this Attack. If your
of Models with this Special Rule (or a Character Model has several Barrage profiles, you may
having this Special Rule) uses a Take Aim choose which one it uses.
Action, it may ignore Line of Sight when
making a ranged Attack to any enemy Regiment Blessed: Once per Turn, this Model can
that is within Line of Sight of any friendly re-roll all failed To Hit rolls or re-roll all failed
Regiment. If it does so, it does not receive the Defence Rolls. All Models in a Regiment must
normal +1 To Hit from the Take Aim Action. use this rule at the same time (if they have
Note, however, that the shot may still count it). Declare when you activate the Regiment
as Obscured if the Target is at Long Range. and place a suitable Marker as a reminder.

Armor Piercing X: Enemy Regiments suf- Bloodlust: When you take an Action for a
fer a penalty to their Defence against Hits Regiment containing one or more Models with
with this Special Rule, made during a Volley this Special Rule, and the Regiment is not in
or Spellcasting Action, equal to the rule’s contact with an enemy, roll a D6. If the result
attribute. E.g. A unit with Armor Piercing 2 is equal to or less than the highest Resolve
would penalize its target’s Defence by 2 points in the Acting Regiment, you may choose an
when defending against these Hits. Action as normal. If the result is higher, you
must choose a Charge Action, provided there
Aura of Death: At the start of each Supremacy is a viable Target for the Charge. If there is
Phase, each enemy Regiment in contact with no viable Charge Target, you must perform
Models with this Special Rule suffers one Hit a March Action, and March the Regiment as
for every 4 (rounding fractions up) Models close as possible to the nearest enemy Regiment
of the enemy Regiment in contact with the by the most direct route.
Regiment that has this Special Rule (it may
take Injury Rolls as normal). Brute, Cavalry Brutal Impact X: Enemy Regiments suffer a
and Monster Models suffer 1 Hit per Model penalty to their Defence against Impact Hits
in contact instead. caused with this Special Rule, equal to the
rule’s attribute. E.g. A Regiment with Impact
Barrage X: A Model with this Special Rule Hits 2 would reduce its Target’s Defence by
contributes shots if its Regiment takes a 2 when defending against these Hits.
Volley Action. The Range, Special Rules and
number of shots of that Barrage are given Character: A Model with this Special Rule
in parentheses after the Barrage Special Rule, uses the rules for Characters.
e.g. “Barrage 2 (24", Armor Piercing 1)”
indicates that this Model has a Barrage Special Cleave X: Enemy Regiments suffer a penalty
Rule with 2 shots, a 24" range and the Armor to their Defence against Hits with this Special
Piercing 1 Special Rule. Thus, the Barrage value Rule, made during a Clash or Duel Action,
would be multiplied by the number of Models equal to the rule’s attribute. E.g. A unit with
in the Regiment to determine how many dice Cleave 2 would penalize its target’s Defence by

2 points when defending against these Hits.
Fluid Formation: A Regiment with all
Deadly Blades: When Models with more than Models having this Special Rule can ignore the
one Wound fail a Defence Roll against melee Broken Ground, Dangerous and Hindering
Attacks from a unit with this Special Rule, they Terrain rules.
must add two Wounds to the Wound pool per
failed roll, rather than one. Flurry: This Model re-rolls all failed To Hit
Rolls when performing a Clash Action.
Deadly Shot: When Models with more than
one Wound fail a Defence Roll against ranged Fly: A Regiment composed entirely of Models
Attacks from a unit with this Special Rule, they with this Special Rule can March over other
must add two Wounds to the Wound pool per Regiments and Impassable Terrain. The
failed roll, rather than one. Regiment cannot end its March on top of
another Regiment or Impassable Terrain.
Devout: If during a Spellcasting Action a
Model with the Priest Special Rule is targeting Forward Deployment: A Regiment where
a friendly Regiment with the Devout Special all Models have this Special Rule may arrive
Rule, it automatically converts one Spellcasting as Reinforcements as normal. Alternatively,
failure to a success. you may skip its Action Phase and place it
occupying a single piece of Garrison Terrain
Fearless: A Regiment containing at least on the Battlefield, outside your opponent’s
one Model with this Special Rule ignores the Reinforcement Zone.
“Terrifying” and “Fearsome” Special Rules
of all enemy Regiments it is in contact with. Lethal Demise: Whenever this Model suffers a
Wound, all enemy Regiments in contact suffer
Fearsome: Enemy Regiments in contact with a Hit for each Wound inflicted.
one or more Models with this Special Rule
making a Combat Rally Action must roll a die Linebreaker: When a Model with this Special
and compare it to their Resolve Characteristic. Rule is in contact with an enemy Regiment,
If the roll is equal to or less than their Resolve, that Regiment does not benefit from the Shield
the Combat Rally succeeds. If not, it fails, and and Bastion Special Rules.
the Regiment remains Broken.
Overcharge: This Regiment may take a special
Feral: A Regiment with this Special Rule does “Overcharge” Action in each of its Actions. If
not count for the purposes of determining it does so, place an Overcharge Marker beside
Reinforcement lines on to the Battlefield. the Regiment. When the Regiment makes a
Volley Action, you may discard any number of
Fiend Hunter: Models with this Special Rule Overcharge Markers. Each Marker discarded
re-roll failed To Hit rolls against Monsters. in this way increases the number of shots in the
Volley by 2, and the Armor Piercing attribute
Flank: A Regiment containing at least one by 1 for all shots in the Volley. Should the
Model with this Special Rule can choose to Regiment lack Armor Piercing, it gains up to
automatically pass or fail its Reinforcement Armor Piercing 1.
Rolls. When the Turn comes when the
Regiment automatically passes Reinforcement Parry: Hit Rolls of “1” made against a Model
Rolls, it cannot use this ability to further with this Special Rule must be re-rolled. If all
delay its entrance. Models in a Regiment have this Special Rule,

the entire Regiment is considered to have this Relentless Blows: When this Model takes
Special Rule. part in a Clash Action, each Hit Roll of 1 causes
Phalanx: As long as half or more Models in an additional Hit on the Target.
this Regiment are not Engaged, Models with
this Special Rule have +1 Defence against Resist Decay X: Models with this Special
Volley and Clash Actions. Rule contribute up to X fewer dice to the dice
rolled for Decay Draw Events (instead, if the
Precise Shot: When this Model performs a Models are Infantry, reduce the total dice by
Volley Action, all To Hit Rolls of “1” count the X for every 4 Models rounding fractions up).
Target Regiment’s total Defence as 0. If the Resist Decay value equals or exceeds the
Decay value of the Draw Event, this Model
Priest X: This Model can use Spellcasting contributes no dice.
Actions. The “X” shows the Model’s Magic
Level. Shield: This Model has +1 Defence against
Volley and Clash Actions.
Quicksilver Strike: If this Character is involved
in a Duel Action (whether or not it was initiated Smite: Enemy Regiments count their total
by them or the enemy), it always resolves its Defence as 0 against Hits caused by a Model with
blows first. If both Characters have this Special this Special Rule during a Clash or Duel Action.
Rule, Attacks revert to being simultaneous.
Snapfire: If a Regiment makes a March Action
Rake Attack: Once one of your Regiments as its first Action, all Models with this Special
composed entirely of Models with this Special Rule may make a free Volley Action as soon
Rule has completed its Actions (but has not as that March is concluded as part of the same
performed a Charge, Withdraw, Rally or Action. A Snap Fire Volley suffers a –1 penalty
Combat Reform Action) this Turn, you may to the firer’s Volley Characteristic. This does not
choose one enemy Regiment it Marched over count as a Volley Action, allowing a Regiment to
this Turn, and declare a “free” Clash Action perform another Volley Action as normal. When a
against that enemy, regardless of distance and Regiment uses this Special Rule, it may not choose
being in contact or not. If you do so, half of the March Action as its second Action.
the Models (rounding fractions up) in your
Regiment Attack directly as if in a Clash Spearhead: Regiments containing one or
Action, with their full number of Attacks. more Models with this Special Rule count their
Otherwise, this Clash is resolved exactly as if Class as “Heavy” for the purpose of bringing
your Regiment were in contact with the ene- Reinforcements onto the Battlefield.
my and is not affected by the Inspire Action.
Support: Models with this Special Rule
Rapid Volley: When this Special Rule is used, contribute their Attacks as if they were
each Hit Roll of 1 in a ranged Attack causes Engaged, as long as they are in base contact
an additional Hit on the Target. with an Engaged friendly Model.

Rebellious: All Regiments containing at Sureshot: Models with this Special Rule never
least one Model with this Special Rule must count their Volleys as Obscured by intervening
be placed either at the top or at the bottom of Regiments or Terrain. However, Spells and
the Command Stack. All Rebellious Regiments Long Range can still Obscure Targets.
must be placed together. That restriction aside,
you may place them in any order you wish Terrifying: Enemy Regiments in contact
among Rebellious Regiment Command Cards. with one or more Models with this Special

Rule suffer a –1 penalty to their Resolve Attacks it rolls upon completing a successful
Characteristic (this applies to all Models in Charge.
the enemy Regiment). In addition, enemy
Regiments in contact with one or more Models Unstoppable: This Regiment may re-roll
with this Special Rule making a Combat Rally failed Charge Rolls.
Action must roll a die and compare it to their
Resolve Characteristic. If the roll is equal to Vanguard: On the same Turn that this
or less than their Resolve, the Combat Rally Regiment arrives as Reinforcements and
succeeds. If not, it fails, and the Regiment performs its first March Action to March on
remains Broken. the Battlefield, it may immediately take a single
additional “free” March Action, provided there
Throwing Weapons: This Model inflicts are no enemies within 8" of any of its Models.
Impact Hits regardless of Type and Class.
Wizard X: This Model can use Spellcasting
Torrential Fire: Unless the Regiment is firing Actions. The “X” shows the Model’s Magic
at Long Range, each successful Hit this Level
Regiment inflicts generates an additional
ranged Attack. These additional Attacks
cannot generate further rolls.

Unstoppable Charge: A Model with this

Special Rule doubles the number of Impact



This section contains all

information on setting
up the Battlefield,
gaining Victory Points
and playing the
Scenarios of First Blood.
No two battles are the same. Deployment zones, objectives – even the composition of the
Armies themselves – can vary wildly. To represent this, we use a selection of Scenarios, each
of which alters the form and scope of the battle. This rulebook includes three Scenarios, but
you should feel free to invent your own!


You may agree with your opponent or The players roll off and the winner chooses
randomly roll a die to select which scenario any table edge to be their Reinforcement Edge.
to play. Regardless of which scenario you In First Blood, all Regiments must enter the
choose to play, you always follow through the Battlefield as Reinforcements and thereby
following steps. cannot be deployed before the game starts.

CHOOSE FORCES Fight the Battle

Agree upon a point limit and select entries First Blood battles last for 10 Game Turns, or
from your army list to create a legal force up until a specific Victory Point (VP) threshold has
to that point limit. been reached or a player’s forces are completely
wiped out. Each scenario will specify the VP
threshold and special objectives.
We recommend that you play First Blood in a
3' by 3' battlefield. However, if you decide to Many objectives will require a Regiment to
use larger forces and would like to play a much seize territory – battlefield quarters, center
bigger battle, you can agree with your opponent of the battlefield, Objective Markers and so
to a different battlefield size. on. When such is the case, Models Claim the
Regardless, First Blood should be played with territory for their owner, or Contest for the
heaps of terrain. The forces of First Blood enemy. The player with most Claiming Models
undertake missions that a large rank-and-file within the specified objective range Claims the
army could not; they battle within city streets, objective, as long as they have more Claiming
in dense forests, or abandoned ruins and even Models than the enemy Contesting Models.
dungeon holds. In order to help you determine Models belonging to Regiments classified as
how much terrain should be used, we recommend Light are counted as Claiming only if:
that you calculate the amount of 1'x1' segments
your battlefield has, and then insert any num- 1. They are a Monster.
ber of pieces that is over half that number and 2. The Regiment contains 2 or more Models
a little under the total (e.g. a 3'x3' battlefield if Cavalry or Brute.
contains nine 1'x1' segments, thus between 5 3. The Regiment contains 6 or more Models
and 8 terrain pieces are recommended; a 6'x4' if they are Infantry.
battlefield contains 24 segments, thus between If the Light Regiment does not satisfy one of
12 and 20 terrain pieces are recommended). these criteria, then its Models are Contesting
But in the end, it is up to you to decide how the enemy instead.
you like your fantasy battlefields. To count your Claiming total, add up the number

of Models that are Claiming and consult the
following Table:

Type of

Infantry 1

Brute or
Monster 5

To count your Contesting Total, add to your

Claiming total any Models that are Contesting
using the same Table.



Objective Markers and

Victory Conditions
Place one Objective Marker on the center of
the battlefield and one Objective Marker on the
center of each of any two diagonal Quadrants.

To Claim or Contest an Objective Marker,

count all legal Models within 3" of the Objective
Marker. Each Regiment’s Models can be used to
Claim or Contest only one Objective Marker.

At the end of each Game Turn, each player

gains 1 VP if they Claim the Objective Marker
nearest to their Reinforcement Edge, 2 VPs if
they Claim the Objective Marker at the center
of the Battlefield and 3 VPs if they Claim the
Objective Marker nearest to their opponent’s
Reinforcement Edge.

Game Length
The game ends when a player gains 8 VPs.



Objective Markers and

Victory Conditions
This scenario does not include Objective

When a Regiment is destroyed, the enemy

gains 1 Victory Point. Regiments containing
a Character or a Standard Bearer count as
2 instead.

Each player must include a minimum of 2

Standard Bearer Models in their Army List.

Game Length
The game ends either at the end of the 10th
Turn as normal, or when a player gains 7 Victory
Points; to determine the victor, players add to
their total of gained Victory Points:
• 1 point for each surviving friendly Character
and Standard Bearer.
Should the game end due to the 10th Turn
coming to an end, the player with a Standard
Bearer or Character closest to the center of
the Battlefield is the winner.



Objective Markers and

Victory Conditions
This scenario does not include Objective
Markers. Instead, divide the Battlefield into
four equal segments – these are the Quadrants.

At the end of each Game Turn, each player

gains 1 VP for each Quadrant they Claim.
Models can be used when Claiming a Quadrant
if over half of their Regiment’s Models are
within that Quadrant. If a player Claims 3 or
more Quadrants, they add +1 to the VP total
they have gained this Game Turn.

Game Length
The game ends when a player gains 14 VPs.


Herein lie the rules on

creating your force,
and all information
required for each
specific Entry.
THE LISTS For each Cavalry and Brute Regiment, you
must include between 1 and 3 Models. Simply
Herein you will find all information needed multiply the number of Models by the Model
on each specific Character or Regiment Point Cost indicated in their entry.
Characteristics, their special abilities, and
any notes specific to the entry. Additionally, • If your Regiment allows and you include
you will find a list of Army-specific Items, between 2 and 3 Models, you may replace
Masteries and Spells, as well as your Warlord’s one Model with a Leader for free.
Supremacy Abilities. • If your Regiment allows and you include
exactly 3 Models, you may replace one
AR MY BUILDING PRINCIPLES Model with a Standard Bearer for free.

When building your Army, you begin by select- Monster Regiments

ing a Character. Each Character will indicate
within their entry which Regiments they • Unless otherwise stated, Monster Regiments
may include in their Warband as a Mainstay are usually a single Model.
choice, and which as Restricted. The following
Principles apply:
Army Points
Characters and
Warbands Agree with your opponent the points Limit
you wish to play.
• You must include at least one Character
able to be your Warlord. • Up to 600 points, the game would last for
• For each Character you include, you must an hour.
select one Mainstay Regiment allowed • Between 601 and 800 points, the game
by that Character, and include it in your would last for a couple of hours.
Warband. • 801 points and more, would take up the
• Then, for each Character you include you best part of an evening.
may select either an additional Mainstay or
a Restricted Regiment, as allowed by that

For each Infantry Regiment, you must include
between 4 and 12 Models. Simply multiply the
number of Models by the Model Point Cost
indicated in their entry.

• If your Regiment allows and you include

between 6 and 12 Models, you may replace
one Model with a Leader for free.
• If your Regiment allows and you include
exactly 12 Models, you may replace one
Model with a Standard Bearer for free.


Supremacy Abilities
Each type of Character grants a different Supremacy Ability if chosen as your Warlord.


Redeploy: Reveal one Restricted, or up to two Mainstay Regiments, that are available to your
Warlord’s Warband and are already in the Command Stack, and add them to the top of your
Command Stack.


For Honour!: The Warlord’s current Regiment (and the Warlord himself ) gain the ‘Fury’ Draw
Event and can re-roll failed Impact Hits. This Supremacy Ability is always considered to be active.


The First Blessing: Every Regiment in the Priory Commander’s Warband gain Blessed Special
Rule for this Turn.


Incite Fervour: All your Regiments immediately lose their ‘Broken’ status and gain Devout
Special Rule for the Turn (except for your Priory Commanders and their Warbands). In addi-
tion, for the remainder of this Turn your Regiments cannot become ‘Broken’.

You may include any number of Characters, but at least one Character must be included
as your Warlord.

Imperial officer 60 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Imperial Officer Infantry Medium 5 1 2 4 4 3 3 0 Character

Heirlooms: May have a single Heirloom at the indicated points cost.

Battlefield Drills: May have one of the following Draw Events as a Battlefield Drill.
Bastion 15 points
Double Time 15 points
Fire and Advance 15 points
Fury 15 points
Redress Ranks 15 points

Mainstay: Imperial Ranger Corps
Mercenary Crossbowmen

Restricted: Gilded Legion

Hunter Cadre
Steel Legion
Tactical Available
Combat Restricted
Arcane Restricted

Masteries: Tactical, Combat

Noble Lord Infantry: 65 Points / Cavalry: 100 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E
Noble Lord Infantry Medium 5 1 3 5 4 3 3 0 Character
Noble Lord Cavalry Medium 8 1 3 5 4 3 3 0 Character

Heirlooms: May have a single Heirloom at the indicated points cost.

Weapon Arts: May have one of the following Special Rules as a Weapon Art, representing
either the weapons they are carrying, or skills honed over a lifetime of battle.
Arms Master The Model gains the Cleave 2 Special Rule 15 points
Relentless The Model gains the Flurry Special Rule 10 points
Jouster (Mounted Lord Only) The Model gains the Brutal Impact 2 Special Rule 5 points
Powerful Physique The Model gains the Cleave 1 Special Rule 5 points
Duellist The Model gains the Parry Special Rule 5 points
Mainstay: Militia
Militia Bowmen
Mercenary Crossbowmen
Household Guard

Restricted: Mounted Squires

Court Squires
Household Knights

Retinue: Infantry Cavalry

Tactical Restricted Not Available
Combat Available Not Available
Arcane Not Available Not Available

Masteries: Tactical, Combat

Priory Commander Infantry: 65 Points / Cavalry: 105 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E
Priory Infantry Heavy 5 1 3 6 4 3 3 0 Character
Priory Cavalry Heavy 8 1 3 6 4 3 3 0 Character

Heirlooms: May have a single Heirloom at the indicated points cost.

Order: A Priory Commander must belong to one of the following Orders, gaining the
Special Rules listed.
- Order of the Sword (Infantry only. Cleave 1, Shield, Evasion: +2) 20 points
- Order of the Sealed Temple (Cavalry only. Brutal Impact 2, Fluid Formation, Shield) 15 points
- Order of the Crimson Tower (Cavalry only. Brutal Impact 2, Shield, Unstoppable 20 points
A Priory Commander's Warband is determined by his Order.
Order of the Crimson Tower
Mainstay: Order of the Crimson Tower
Restricted: Order of the Ashen Dawn
Order of the Sealed Temple
Order of the Sword
Order of Saint Lazarus
Order of the Sword
Mainstay: Order of the Sword
Restricted: Order of the Ashen Dawn
Order of the Crimson Tower
Order of the Sealed Temple
Order of Saint Lazarus
Order of the Sealed Temple
Mainstay: Order of the Sealed Temple
Restricted: Order of the Ashen Dawn
Order of the Crimson Tower
Order of the Sword
Order of Saint Lazarus
Retinue: Infantry Cavalry
Tactical Restricted Not Available
Combat Available Not Available
Arcane Restricted Not Available
Masteries: Tactical, Combat

Theist Priest 55 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Theist Priest Infantry Medium 5 1 2 4 4 2 2 0 Character,
Priest 5

Heirlooms: May have a single Heirloom at the indicated points cost.

Spells: Must have at least one Spell from the following list:
Saint's Favour 50 points
Heavenly Blessing 40 points
Fervour 15 points
Divine Sanction 15 points
Holy Fire 10 points

Mainstay: Sicarii
Militia Bowmen
A Theist Priest may not choose a Lieutenant.

Tactical Not Available
Combat Restricted
Arcane Available

Masteries: Combat, Arcane

Chapter Mage 65 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Chapter Mage Infantry Light 5 3 1 2 4 2 1 0 Character,
Wizard 5
Barrage 3 (20")

Heirlooms: May have a single Heirloom at the indicated points cost.

Spells: Must choose one of the Schools presented below, and then must choose one or both
of the Spells from that School:

Kindle Courage 15 points
Fire Dart 15 points
Earth to Mud 40 points
Stone Spikes 20 points
Ninuah’s Tears 30 points
Call Fog 20 points
Seeking Winds 20 points
Guide 10 points
Mainstay: Men-at-Arms
Restriction: May not be Warlord

Tactical Restricted
Combat Not Available
Arcane Available

Masteries: Tactical, Arcane

You may include Regiments as part of your Characters' Warband.

Imperial Ranger Corps 10 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Imperial Infantry Light 6 3 1 1 1 2 1 0 Fluid Formation,
Ranger Corps Vanguard,
Barrage 1 (20")

Longbowmen 13 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Longbowmen Infantry Light 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 0 Cleave 1, Barrage 1
(30", Arcing Fire)

Mercenary Crossbowmen 9 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Mercenary Infantry Light 5 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 Barrage 1 (20",
Crossbowmen Armor Piercing 1)

Militia 8 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Militia Infantry Light 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 Shield, Support

Militia Bowmen 6 Points per Model
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Militia Bowmen Infantry Light 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 Barrage 1 (24")

Hunter Cadre 15 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Hunter Cadre Infantry Light 5 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 Fearless, Fiend
Hunter, Cleave 1,
Barrage 1 (20",
Armor Piercing 1)

Mounted Squires 11 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Mounted Squires Cavalry Light 10 1 2 4 3 2 2 0 Shield

Court Squires 11 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Court Squires Infantry Medium 5 1 2 1 1 3 3 0 Shield

Household Guard 11 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Household Infantry Medium 5 1 2 1 1 3 3 0 Cleave 1, Support

Men-at-Arms 9 Points per Model
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Men-at-Arms Infantry Medium 5 1 2 1 1 2 2 0 Shield

Order of Saint Lazarus 13 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Order of Infantry Medium 5 1 2 2 1 5 3 0 Cleave 1,
Saint Lazarus Fearsome

Sicarii 13 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Sicarii Infantry Medium 4 1 2 1 1 3 0 2 Devout, Fearless,
Cleave 2

Household Knights 55 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Household Cavalry Medium 8 1 2 4 4 3 3 0 Brutal Impact 2,
Knights Shield

Order of the Sealed Temple 65 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Order of the Cavalry Medium 8 1 3 4 4 4 3 0 Brutal Impact 2,
Sealed Temple Fluid Formation,

Order of the Sword 16 Points per Model
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Order of the Infantry Medium 5 1 4 1 1 4 3 2 Cleave 1

Gilded Legion 13 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Gilded Legion Infantry Heavy 5 1 3 1 1 4 3 0 Cleave 1, Support

Steel Legion 13 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Steel Legion Infantry Heavy 5 1 3 1 1 3 3 0 Cleave 2

Order of the Ashen Dawn 70 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Order of the Cavalry Heavy 8 1 4 4 6 5 3 0 Blessed, Cleave 1,
Ashen Dawn Fearless, Shield

Order of the Crimson tower 60 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Order of the Cavalry Heavy 8 1 3 4 4 4 3 0 Brutal Impact 2,
Crimson Tower Shield,


Lieutenants Ability Regiments Required in the

Army / Regiments they
may Target
Armsmaster Command Household Guard
(Requires Noble The Clash Characteristic of the Regiment is
Lord in the Army increased by +1.
- 25 pts)
Count Palatine Command Court Squires
(20 pts) The Regiment’s Clash Actions always
count as Inspired.

Drillmaster Command Steel Legion

(30 pts) Unless the Retinue benefited from this
Ability this Turn, the Regiment gains the
Fury Draw Event.
Errant of the The Character has +1 Attack while Militia, Militia Bowmen
Order of the fighting a Duel Action. The Character
Shield gains the following:
(30 pts) Command
The Regiment’s Clash Actions always
count as Inspired.
Neophyte Command Militia, Militia Bowmen,
(25 pts) The Regiment has the Devout Special Men-At-Arms

Null Mage When an enemy Caster attempts to cast Hunter Cadre

(25 pts) a Spell within 8” of the Character, any of
the Spellcasting dice rolled that do not
come up as a success inflict a Wound on
the Caster. Increase the range to 13” if the
Character is within Command Range of a
friendly Hunter Cadre Regiment.
These Wounds cannot be mitigated or saved
in any way but do not trigger Morale Tests.

Servite Command Militia, Militia Bowmen

(20pts) The Regiment has +1 March and +1

Seasoned Command Men-At-Arms, Gilded Legion

Veteran Unless the Retinue benefited from this
(30 pts) Ability this Turn, the Regiment has the
Bastion Draw Event.

Each Heirloom may only be included in your Army once.

Banners the Order of St. Lazarus.

The Retinue or Target Regiment gain
Standard of Steel 65 points +1 Resolve (to a maximum of 5) and the
These are the challenge standards issued by the Fearsome Special Rule.
Legion of Steel. To have accepted this challenge,
let alone survived, is a feat that gives pause to Armors
even the mightiest of opponents.
Command - Attacks directed at the Target of Armor of Dominion 40 points
this Ability never count as Inspired. Forged using techniques lost among the ashes of
Capitas, these suits of armour were forged blending
Regalia of the Empire 25 points the faith and sorcery of the Old Dominion. The few
The Regalia include a series of items, such as that have survived the Fall are considered treasures
weapons, rods, a staff, clothing, rings, jewels without equal among the Hundred Kingdoms.
and, of course, the Imperial Crown, composed of Enemy Models in contact with the Character
eleven smaller crowns. Being temporarily granted or their Retinue lose the Cleave and Smite
any of them means the bearer has secured the Special Rules while in contact with the
favour of the Conclave and acts in the name of Character or their Retinue.
the Hollow Throne.
Command (Household Guard) – The Indomitable Plate 25pts
Regiment gains +1 Clash. The brutal last day of the Siege of Sieva has been
the subject of study of many a military tactician
Gilded Rampart 20pts and the source of inspiration of numerous trou-
It is said that the Empire was forged not by the badours. Whether he held the eastern tower for
number of men Charles Armatellum commanded, two hours by skill and masterful tactics or he
but by their training and discipline. While all endured the endless blows, arrows and even a
War Colleges carry the same legacy, the Gilded ballista bolt, Commander Ivgar the Steadfast
Legion has set a standard above even that. The has become a legend, his set of full plate armor
impact that the handful of commanders that a treasure of mystifying endurance.
have earned the Gilded Rampart have on their The Character gains +1 Wound and +1 Defence.
men’s drills is evidence enough.
The Character gains this Draw Event: Bakkian Token 15pts
Immediately perform a free Combat Reform While their roots are often forgotten, the culture
Action with the Character and any Retinue of the Hundred Kingdoms is steeped with refer-
they might have. The Character and Retinue ences, superstitions and beliefs that have endured
then take their Actions. since the Old Dominion. Often fashioned after
feathers to symbolize his fickle nature, bronze
The Shroud of St. Lazarus 20 points tokens of the trickster god Bakkus are still worn
This banner still bears the faint outline of St. as good luck charms.
Lazarus. The cloth itself shines with power and The Character gains +1 Evasion.
faith and remains proof to fire and steel. This
Theist relic has become a symbol of self-sacrifice Mask of Eaklides 15 points
and redemptive suffering, much to the anger of Greatest among the storied heroes of the City

States, Eaklides of Tauria could not be felled in The Flesh Cleaver 10 points
honourable combat. When a cowardly arrow When Charles Armatellum walked from the
took his life at the battle of Aella, his death Sealed Temple to negotiate peace with the living
shattered the spirit of his forces. While his body god of the W’adrhûn, he returned with peace,
would eventually be recovered through the and this axe. Carved from a single piece of obsid-
heroic efforts of his Companions, his panoply ian, few are capable of wielding it… fewer still
was plundered and lost. His masked helm has of withstanding it.
changed hands countless times since then, a mark The Character re-rolls failed To Hit Rolls
of excellence… and doom. when performing a Clash against Monsters.
The Character re-rolls Defence Rolls of 6.
The Unwrought 10 points
Weapons Terribly misnamed, as the sword is entirely fin-
ished, this blade has nonetheless never lost the
The Kiss Farewell 30pts heat of its forging. Kept in a stone scabbard, the
Commissioned by the Countess Isidold de Leona Unwrought is a terrible sight once drawn, and
in 481 P.R., this one-of-a-kind crossbow was its hungry blaze has devoured lives by the doz-
designed to make the impossible shot needed for en. Many reports claim that this weapon is not
the assassination of her husband in his office. It unique, but only one of many that participated
has since changed hands repeatedly, sold or even in the Nord Ragnarök, fuelling their hatred for
hired for similar feats. the southern “Fire-Children”.
The Character gains the Barrage 3 (24”, Deadly The Character re-rolls failed To Hit Rolls when
Shot) Special Rule. If the Character already performing a Clash against Brutes.
has the Barrage Special Rule, they instead gain
Barrage +1 and the Deadly Shot Special Rule. Talismans
Range remains unaffected.
Eye of Akelus 30 points
Caledburn 15 points The Akelus, the legendary huntsman, was
The sword of the first Cadeyrn, Arktus the Bear, admired for his unparalleled accuracy and
used to defeat each of the other Breannan Kings tracking prowess. Admiration quickly turned
in ritual duel. While many claim ownership into fear as Akelus was consumed by the Wild
through distant relations, the sword seems to and made prey of civilized people. His Eye, now
disappear and resurface time and again, always a Deist Relic venerating the Beast Aspect, was
in the hands of a worthy bearer. encased in crystal to be preserved.
The Character re-rolls failed To Hit Rolls The Character gains the following Supremacy
and opponents must re-roll successful Injury Ability, in addition to the one they already have:
Rolls in a Duel. Until end of Turn, all friendly Regiments
within 6" have +1 Volley.
Laurean Lance 10 points
Awarded to the victor of the Klaean Trials, Finite-State Apparatus 30 points
Laurean lances are a very rare sight on the field. Designed by the Universita Mantica Molonovka,
Not only must the bearer win a course at the the Finite-State Apparatus, also known as “flux
Trials, he must also turn down the invitation bomb”, encases a stable but sensitive mix of all
to join the Orders that follows victory. four elements in constant flux. When an outside
The Character re-rolls failed To Hit Rolls source of imbalance, such as a spell, disrupts the
when making Impact Hits and gains Brutal flux, the bomb erupts, attempting to re-establish
Impact 2 Special Rule. the balanced state.
Once per Game, the Model counts as a

Sp e l lcaste r fo r purp oses of “E ne my Ability in addition to the one they already
Interference”. Enemies within 8” cast Spells have: Until end of Turn, the Character and
with three less dice rather than the usual one. their Retinue have the Smite Special Rule.

Heraldry of Lion’s Mane 10 points

Following the collapse of the Empire, many of Olefant’s Roar 20 points
the centralized reforms the Emperors imposed Charles Armatellum’s squire was present in all
on heraldry have fallen by the wayside. The but one of his battles, yet only his nickname,
hatchment of the Lion’s Mane, however, remains Olefant, is remembered. While not an official
a heraldic device none but the most reckless will part of the Imperial Regalia, Olefant’s Roar, the
bear on their heraldry, lest they incur the wrath ornate oliphant horn he carried, is kept with them.
of one who has truly earned it. The Character has the Seize the Day
The Character has the Fearless Special Rule. Draw Event.

Lady’s Favour 10 points

Whether due to sheer inspiration or simply the Chapter Scroll 15pts
weight of tradition, few can argue that a knight (Chapter Mage only)
bearing a Lady’s Favour in battle is often driven It is a fundamental law of magic that one can
beyond his mortal limits. only perform works compatible to the element(s)
The first time the Character or their Retinue they are Gifted in. The mere design, if not the
suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On a score of 2+, frequency of appearance, of scrolls which allow this
the Wound is Healed. limitation to be bypassed serves as an alarming
testament to the stiff competition between not only
Arcane Mages as individuals, but also entire Chapters as
institutions, vying for favor and power.
Hopes and Prayers 30pts Select 1 Spell from a different School to be
(Theist Priest Only) cast once per game as an Action.
In a ritual before battle, Priests of the faithful
gather the prayers of their parish and wear
them, long parchments that adorn their robes.
Contrary to popular belief among the skeptics,
it would appear that they actually work, their
power seemingly unlimited.
Once per game, when the Character would
be reduced to 0 Wounds or less, it is returned
to the battlefield with 1 Wound remaining at
the end of that activation.

Elysian Fragment 25 points

These mystical fragments are said to be shattered
remnants of the Shepard’s Palace that crashed
onto Capitas during the Fall. If they are brought
near one’s ear, one can still hear the prayers
of the faithful, trapped in the glass. Breaking
the gem releases these faint whispers into an
overwhelming crescendo of power.
The Character has the following Supremacy


Tactical Arcane
Captain of the Garrison 35 points Death Cult 20 points
(Imperial Officer Only) (Theist Priest Only)
At the beginning of the first Reinforcement Command (Devout Regiment)
Phase, choose one Regiment of Mercenary Gain the Aura of Death Special Rule.
Crossbowmen. That Regiment gains the
Forward Deployment Special Rule. Mystical Wards 15 points
Trained in Trigonometry 15 points Gain the Resist Decay 1 Special Rule and reroll
Command all Injury rolls caused to Models from this
Gain the Arcing Fire Special Rule until the Regiment by the Aura of Death Special Rule.
End of Turn.

Wedge! 30 points
(Priory Commander or Noble Lord only)
The Character exchanges their Supremacy
Ability with the following: The Character
and all Regiments with a Leader within 6”
gain the Linebreaker Special Rule.

Some Character Stands can purchase Spells from the following list:

Name Range Casting Effect
Stone Spikes Self 3 (Scaling) Until End of Turn, if the Caster’s Regiment is
declared as the Target of an enemy Regiment’s
Charge Action, the charging Regiment gains the
Decay 2 Draw Event until the end of its activation.
Call Fog Self 3 (Scaling) Until the Caster’s next activation, all Models in the
Caster’s Regiment count as Obscured when targeted
by a Volley Action. If the Regiment already counts
as Obscured against the declared Attack, they also
gain +1 Defence against that Volley Action.
Earth to Mud 16" 3 (Scaling) If the Target unit wishes to declare a Charge or March
Action, it may only do so as its First Action. If it
takes a Charge or March Action as its First Action,
it may not take a Second March Action that Turn.
Kindle Courage Self 3 (Scaling) All Models in the Caster’s Regiment have +1 Resolve
until End of the Caster’s next activation.
Fire Dart 16" 3 Inflicts one Hit per success. Hits have the Armor
Piercing 2 Special Rule.
Seeking Winds Self 3 (Scaling) When the Caster’s Regiment takes a Volley Action
this Turn, its shots are not Obscured by range, so
long as within the maximum range of the weapon.
Guide Self 3 (Scaling) Until the Caster’s next activation, the Caster’s
Regiment may re-roll all rolls of ‘6’ when rolling
to Hit with a Volley Action.
Ninuah’s Tears Self 3 For each success, the Caster’s Regiment Heals two

Name Range Casting Effect
Divine Sanction Self 3 The Caster gains the Cleave 2 and Deadly Blades
Special Rules until End of Turn, and may immedi-
ately perform a Duel Action.
Fervour 12" 3 (Scaling) Remove any Broken status from the Target, exactly
as if it had used a Rally Action.
Heavenly Blessing Self 3 (Scaling) All Models in the Caster’s Regiment gain the Blessed
Special Rule until End of Turn.
Holy Fire 12" 3 Inflicts two Hits per success.
Saint's Favour Self 3 (Scaling) All Models in the Caster’s Regiment have +1 Defence
or +1 Evasion until End of Turn. Choose when you
cast this Spell.

Supremacy Abilities
Each type of Character grants a different Supremacy Ability if chosen as your Warlord.


Provoke Instability: For the remainder of the Turn:

- All friendly Infantry Models have +1 Attack and their Regiment gains the Decay 3 Draw Event.
- All friendly Cavalry and Brute Models have +2 Attacks and their Regiment gains the Decay
4 Draw Event.
- All friendly Monsters have +4 Attacks and gain Decay 6 Draw Event.


Coordinated Assault: This Turn, you resolve the top three cards of your Command Stack as
one 'go'. Draw three cards, resolving the Actions for each in Turn before your opponent draws
their next Command Card. (These Activation Cards cannot draw other Activation Cards from
your Command Stack. If their rules include such wording, ignore the rule.)


Legacies of the Ark: If the Lineage Highborne is your Warlord, it may select any number
of Mutations, instead of the one normally allowed. It pays full points for these extra choices.


Suppress Survival Instinct: All your Regiments gain +2 Resolve for the remainder of this Turn.

Mastery Of Flesh
Instead of employing magic wielders, the Spires have evolved the art of flesh-crafting to new
extremes. Biomancers and Pheromancers select a Retinue from this table instead of the Arcane

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

As an Action, the Character The Character gains Resist May take an additional
m ay c h o o s e a f r i e n d l y Decay +1 Special Rule. Pheromancy/Biomancy.
Character within 12” and roll (20pts) The Character may activate
1 die. On a 1-2 Heal 2 Wounds an additional Draw Event
from that Character, otherwise per Turn.
Heal 1 Wound instead. (20pts)

You may include any number of Characters, but must include at least one Character to be your

Biomancer 60 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Biomancer Infantry Light 6 2 2 2 4 4 1 2 Character

Draw Event: Biotic Renewal

Mutation: May have a single Mutation at the indicated points cost.

Biomancies: May take one Biomancy.
Harvest Essence 40 points
Grant Virulence 35 points
Unstable Enhancement 30 points
Catalytic Rupture 25 points
Essence Transfer 15 points

Mainstay: Force-Grown Drones
Bound Clones

Restricted: Incarnate Sentinels

Desolation Drones
Desolation Beast

Tactical Restricted
Combat Restricted
Arcane Available

Masteries: Tactical, Arcane

High Clone Executor 75 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
High Clone Infantry Medium 6 3 3 5 4 4 2 1 Character,
Executor Cleave 1

Mutation: May have a single Mutation at the indicated points cost.

Tactics: May have one of the following Draw Events as a Tactic.
Bastion 30 points
Double Time 15 points
Fire and Advance 15 points
Fury 10 points

Mainstay: Force-Grown Drones
Bound Clones
Vanguard Clones

Restricted: Brute Drones

Vanguard Clone Infiltrators
Desolation Drones
Marksman Clones

Tactical Available
Combat Restricted
Arcane Not Available

Masteries: Tactical, Combat

Lineage Highborne 120 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Lineage Brute Medium 7 2 3 4 6 5 4 2 Character,
Highborne Cleave 1,
Resist Decay 1

Mutation: May have a single Mutation at the indicated points cost.

Mainstay: Avatara

Restricted: Centaur Avatara

Leonine Avatara
Siege breaker Behemoth
Incarnate Sentinels

Tactical Not Available
Combat Not Available
Magic Not Available

Masteries: Tactical, Combat

Pheromancer 60 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Pheromancer Infantry Light 6 2 2 2 4 3 1 2 Character

Mutation: May have a single Mutation at the indicated points cost.

Pheromancies: Must take at least one Pheromancy as a Draw Event:
Pheromantic Drive 50 points
Siphon Strength 45 points
Pheromantic Compulsion 35 points
Induced Vigor 25 points
Accelerated Hibernation 15 points

Mainstay: Force-Grown Drones
Onslaught Drones

Restricted: Abomination
Brute Drones

Tactical Restricted
Combat Not Available
Arcane Available

Masteries: Tactical, Arcane

Mimetic Assassin 80 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Mimetic Infantry Light 8 2 4 6 4 3 0 3 Character.
Assassin Flank, Flurry,

Mutation: May have two Mutations at the indicated points cost.

Note: A Mimetic Assassin cannot be your Warlord.
Mainstay: Force-Grown Drones
Bound Clones
Vanguard Clones

Tactical Resticted
Combat Restricted
Magic Not Available

Masteries: Combat

You may include Regiments as part of your Characters' Warband.

Force-Grown Drones 6 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Force-Grown Infantry Light 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Shield, Support
Note: Instead of gaining a Leader and a Standard Bearer, Force-Grown Drones Regiments gain
a Pheromonic Node Model as their 8th Model, combining the benefits provided by both the
Leader and the Standard Bearer. Increase the Command Range of the Pheromonic Node to 7".

Stryx 13 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D
E Special Rules
Stryx Infantry Light 10 1 1 1 1 2 2 Fly, Feral Lethal
Note: Stryx Regiments may not gain Leader and Standard Bearer Models (they always have
an Acting Leader).

Vanguard Clone Infiltrators 16 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R DE Special Rules
Vanguard Clone Infantry Light 6 2 2 2 1 3 12 Fluid Formation,
Infiltrators Vanguard
Barrage 2 (18",
Snap Fire, Deadly
Note: Vanguard Clone Infiltrators Regiments may not gain Standard Bearer Models.

Prowlers 55 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D
E Special Rules
Prowlers Cavalry Light 12 2 2 6 3 2 2 Fluid Formation,
Note: Prowlers Regiments may not gain Leader and Standard Bearer Models (they always
have an Acting Leader).

Bound Clones 9 Points per Model
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Bound Clones Infantry Medium 5 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 Support, Shield

Desolation Drones 14 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Desolation Infantry Medium 5 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 Lethal Demise,
Drones Barrage 1
(20", Deadly Shot,
Torrential Fire,
Armor Piercing 1)

Marksman Clones 14 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Marksman Infantry Medium 5 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 Barrage 2 (28",
Clones Arcing Fire)

Onslaught Drones 9 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Onslaught Infantry Medium 5 1 2 1 1 2 2 0 Flurry

Note: Instead of gaining a Leader and a Standard Bearer, Onslaught Drones Regiments gain
a Pheromonic Node Model as their 8th Model, combining the benefits provided by both the
Leader and the Standard Bearer. Increase the Command Range of the Pheromonic Node to 7".

Vanguard Clones 14 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Vanguard Infantry Medium 6 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 Shield

Avatara 55 Points per Model
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Avatara Brute Medium 7 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 Cleave 1,
Resist Decay 1,

Brute Drones 60 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R DE Special Rules
Brute Drones Brute Medium 6 1 2 5 4 4 30 Flurry,
Notes: Brute Drones Regiments may not gain Leader and Standard Bearer Models (they
always have an Acting Leader).

Leonine Avatara 60 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Leonine Avatara Brute Medium 10 3 2 4 4 4 2 3 Fluid Formation,
Resist Decay 1
Barrage 1 (20",
Armor Piercing 2,
Deadly Shots)

Pteraphons 70 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Pteraphons Brute Medium 10 2 2 4 4 3 2 2 Cleave 1,
Fluid Formation,
Fly, Terrifying,
Barrage 4 (28")

Note: Pteraphons Regiments may not gain Leader and Standard Bearer Models (they always
have an Acting Leader).

Centaur Avatara 55 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Centaur Avatara Cavalry Heavy 8 2 3 5 5 4 4 1 Brutal Impact 2,
Resist Decay 1

Incarnate Sentinels 65 Points per Model
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Incarnate Brute Heavy 7 1 2 4 6 3 4 0 Cleave 2

Note: Incarnate Sentinel Regiments may not gain Standard Bearer Models.

Abomination 145 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Abomination Monster Heavy 10 1 2 10 10 4 3 0 Cleave 1, Flurry,

Desolation Beast 130 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Desolation Beast Monster Heavy 7 2 1 4 10 3 2 0 Aura of Death,
Lethal Demise,
Barrage 12 (12",
Deadly Shot,
Torrential Fire,
Armor Piercing 1)

Siegebreaker Behemoth 175 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Siegebreaker Monster Heavy 6 1 3 8 12 6 4 0 Smite, Brutal
Behemoth Impact 3,


Lieutenants Ability Regiments Required in the

Army / Regiments they
may Target
Assault Command Bound Clones, Vanguard
Preceptor Unless the Retinue benefited from this Clones
(30 pts) Ability this Turn, the Regiment gains the
Fury Draw Event.
Catabolic Node Command Bound Clones, Force-Grown
(15 pts) The first time the Regiment uses a Clash Drones, Onslaught Drones
Action, roll 2D6. The Catabolic Node
inflicts that number of Hits on one enemy
Regiment in contact with its Regiment. It
also inflicts a number of Hits on its own
Regiment equal to the highest score of
the individual D6s rolled. Hits are always
treated as if they have been inflicted from
the front. When the trigger ends, remove
the Catabolic Node from the Retinue as
a Casualty (no Morale Tests caused).
Ward Preceptor Command Bound Clones, Vanguard
(30 pts) Unless the Retinue benefited from this Clones
Ability this Turn, the Regiment has the
Bastion Draw Event.

Each Mutation may only be included in your Army once.

Pheromantic Override 60 points Enhanced Reactions 20 points

(Lineage Highborne only) The Character may Re-roll 1 die every time
Once per game, the Character gains the fol- they are required to make an Injury roll.
lowing Draw Event in addition to any other:
Choose a friendly Regiment within 6”. That Redundant Biomantic Structure 20 points
Regiment may immediately perform a free The Character gains +2 Wounds.
Clash, Volley or March Action.
Adaptive Evolution 15 points
Biotic Wellspring 50 points Whenever this Character's Command Card is
(Pheromancer only) drawn from the Command Stack, roll a D6. On
The Character has the Biotic Renewal Draw a score of 4+ or more, you may permanently
Event. increase its Clash, Volley, Resolve or Defence
by +1 (to a maximum of 5).
Heightened Reflexes 35 points
(High Clone Executor or Mimetic Assassin Adaptive Senses 15 points
only) Evasion Rolls cannot be taken against Hits
The Character has +2 Evasion. caused by this Character.

Cascading Degeneration 25 points Biomantic Plague Node 15 points

Command – Whenever the Target of this (Biomancer or Pheromancer only)
Ability processes a Decay Draw Event of any Whenever a Wound is allocated to the
kind, all enemy Regiments in base contact Character, roll a D6. On a score of 3 or less,
also possess the Decay 4 Draw Event (Decay an enemy Regiment or Character of your
3 if it is a Brute Regiment, Decay 2 if it is a choice within 6" also has a Wound allocated
Monster Regiment). to it. On a roll of 1, all enemy Regiments and
Characters within 6” suffer this effect.
Architect’s Touch 20 points
(Biomancer or Pheromancer only) Biotic Hive 15 points
Command – the Target of this Ability reduces (May not be taken by Lineage Highborne)
all Decay Draw Events inflicted upon them by The Character has the Barrage 4 (20", Deadly
-1 (e.g. Decay 3 becomes Decay 2). Shot) Special Rule.

Cloned Redundancy 20 points Burrowing Parasites 15 points

(May not be taken by Lineage Highborne, The Character gains the Barrage 2 (30", Armor
or by a Character with the Avatar Projection Piercing 1) Special Rule. If the Character
Mutation) already has the Barrage Special Rule then its
Once per game, when this Character is slain, Barrage value is increased by 2. Furthermore,
roll a D6. On a score of 4+, you may remove it’s Armor Piercing value increases +1.
another friendly Character from the Battlefield,
and return this Character to the Battlefield in Command Pheromones 15 points
its place with as many Wounds as the Character (Lineage Highborne or High Clone Executor
being removed had. If this Character is your only)
Warlord, they are not considered to be slain The Character has +1 Resolve.
for Scenario and Objective purposes.

Venom 15 points MASTERIES
(Mimetic Assassin or Lineage Highborne
only) Tactical
The Character has the Deadly Blades and
Deadly Shot Special Rule. Attracting Pheromones 45 points
(High Clone Executor Only)
Adrenal Surge 10 points Command
(May not be taken by Lineage Highborne) The Character gains the Spearhead Special Rule.
When this Character takes an Action, you
may have it gain +2 Clash and +4 Attacks. If Combat
you do, remove the Character as a Casualty
once the Action is complete. Elder 25 points
(Lineage Highborne Only)
Avatar Projection 10 points The Character may purchase two additional
(Pheromancer or Biomancer only. May Mutations.
not be taken with the Cloned Redundancy
Mutation.) Eagle Eye 10 points
A Character with this Mutation changes The Character may re-roll natural rolls of 6
his Troop Type to Brute and may no longer when taking part in a Volley Action.
purchase a Retinue. The Character gains +1
Attack and +1 Wound. Arcane
Sensory Augmentation 10 points Fleshcarver 25 points
When this Character's Command Card is (Biomancer Only)
drawn, you may both look at the top Command When a friendly Regiment receives any
Card of your opponent’s Command Stack and Healing effects caused by this Character,
draw and act with your next Command Card they heal 1 extra Wound.
instead of this Character’s Command Card.
If you do, place the Character's Command Plaguelord 15 points
Card on top of the Command Stack once the Command
Action is resolved. Return your opponent’s Whenever an enemy Regiment in contact this
Command Card to their Command Stack. This Ability’s Target receives a Decay X Draw Event,
Ability can only be activated once every Turn. increase the Decay X value by 1.

Degenerative Aura 10 points

Enemy Regiments in contact with the
Character's Retinue have the Decay 3 Draw
Event (Decay 2 if it is a Brute Regiment, Decay
1 if it is a Monster Regiment).

Ablative Flesh 5 points

The Character ignores the first Wound allo-
cated to it in a Duel each Turn.

Manipulating aggression and instinct to alter the flow of battle.
Pheromancies are treated exactly like Draw Events, with the following exceptions:
- Pheromancies are optional – you only need to use one if you decide to do so.
- Pheromancies must be entirely resolved before proceeding with any other Draw Events
that might apply.

Accelerated Hibernation Pheromantic Drive

Draw your next Command Card. You may Draw your next Command Card. That Regiment
place it on the bottom of the Command Stack. acts immediately and may take two Actions
If you do, that Regiment Heals D6 Wounds. of the same type this Turn, but also has the
The Character then takes its Action. Decay 3 (Decay 4 if it is a Brute Regiment,
Decay 6 if it is a Monster Regiment) Draw
Induced Vigor Event until the end of the Turn.
Choose one: The Pheromancer's Regiment The Character then takes its Action.
has the Fluid Formation Special Rule until
the end of the Turn. Siphon Strength
OR Draw your next Command Card. You may place
The Regiment has +2 March until the end of that card at the bottom of the Command Stack.
the Turn. The Character then takes its Action. If you do, all Models in the Pheromancer’s
Regiment gain +1 Clash until the end of the
Pheromantic Compulsion Turn. Then, draw your next Command Card.
Look at your next three Command Cards. You may place that card at the bottom of the
Choose one, and place it on the bottom of Command Stack. If you do, all Models in the
your Command Stack. Place the others on Pheromancer's Regiment gain +1 Evasion
top of the Command Stack in any order. Draw until end of the Turn.
your next Command Card. That Regiment If at any point you elect not to place a Command
acts immediately, but has the Decay 4 Draw Card at the bottom of the Command Stack, but
Event until the end of the Turn. instead place it back on top of the Command
The Character then takes its Action. Stack, then the Draw Event has no further
effect. The Character then takes their Action.

Manipulating matter and flesh to augment the Spires' creations.
Biomancies are treated exactly like Draw Events, with the following exceptions:
- Biomancies are optional – you only need to use one if you decide to do so.
- Biomancies must be entirely resolved before proceeding with any other Draw Events that
might apply.

Catalytic Rupture Harvest Essence

Draw your next Command Card. If you wish and Draw your next Command Card. If it is a
it is a Regiment, you may have that Regiment Regiment, it acts. For each Wound it inflicts
suffer D6 Wounds. If you do, all enemy with a Clash, or with Impact Hits, roll a D6.
Regiments in contact with that Regiment also On a score of 4 or more, the Regiment regains
suffer D6 Wounds. That Regiment then acts. a Wound.
The Character then takes its Action. The Character then takes its Action.

Essence Transfer Unstable Enhancement

Target one friendly Regiment within 18". That Draw your next Command Card. Until the
Regiment suffers 2D6 Wounds. Draw your next end of the Turn, all Models in that Regiment
Command Card. If the card drawn belongs to a have +4 March, +2 Clash and +1 Volley.
Regiment of the same type, it regains as many The Regiment then acts but has the Decay 3
Wounds. Then, activate the Regiment whose (Decay 4 if it is a Brute Regiment , Decay 6 if
Command Card you just drew. it is a Monster Regiment ) Draw Event. The
The Character then takes its Action. Character then takes their Action.

Grant Virulence
Draw your next Command Card. If it is a
Regiment, it gains the Deadly Blades or Deadly
Shot Special Rules until the end of the Turn
and acts immediately.
The Character then takes its Action.


Supremacy Abilities
Each type of Character grants a different Supremacy Ability if chosen as your Warlord.


Righteous Annihilation: Your Regiments add 2 to their Charge distance until the End of
the Turn.


Elemental Puissance: Your Warlord Tempered Sorcerer gains one additional Action this
activation. Note that this allows them to perform two identical Actions per activation, however
they may must cast a different Spell if they choose the Spellcasting Action twice.


Living Metal: Instantly Heal each of your Regiments for 4 Wounds.


The Enduring Mountain: Your Regiments ignore one (1) point of Cleave or one (1) point
of Armor Piercing from Enemy Attacks for the Turn this Supremacy Ability was activated.

You may include any number of Characters, but at least one Character must be included as your

Ardent Kerawegh 70 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Ardent Infantry Medium 5 1 2 4 4 4 3 0 Character,
Kerawegh Priest 5

Relics: May have a single Relic at the indicated points cost.

Spells: Must have at least one Spell from the following list:
Dismay 60 points
Resolve 50 points

Mainstay: Hold Warriors
Hold Ballistae

Restricted: Stone Sentinels

Flame Berserkers

Tactical Available
Combat Available
Arcane Restricted

Masteries: Tactical, Combat, Arcane

Tempered Sorcerer 70 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Tempered Infantry Light 5 3 2 3 4 3 2 0 Character,
Sorcerer Wizard 6
Barrage 4 (20")

Relics: May have a single Relic at the indicated points cost.

Spells: Must choose one of the Schools presented below, and then must choose one or more
Spells from that school:

Flame Wall 45 points
Fireball 25 points
Coruscation 15 points
Broken Ground 40 points
Roots of Stone 35 points
Rock Shaping 30 points
Eruption 60 points
Magmatic Seep 60 points
Pyroclast 50 points

Mainstay: Hold Warriors
Hold Ballistae

Restricted: Inferno Automata

Hellbringer Drake

Tactical Restricted
Combat Not Available
Arcane Available

Masteries: Tactical, Arcane

Tempered Steelshaper 80 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Tempered Infantry Medium 5 3 2 4 4 3 4 0 Character,
Steelshaper Wizard 5
Barrage 4 (20")

Relics: May have a single Relic at the indicated points cost.

Spells: Must have at least one Spell from the following list:

Unmake Armour 35 points

Hone Blades 30 points
Temper Plate 20 points

Mainstay: Hold Warriors
Hold Ballistae

Restricted: Steelforged

Tactical Not Available
Combat Restricted
Arcane Available

Masteries: Combat, Arcane

Hold Raegh 80 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Hold Raegh Infantry Heavy 5 1 4 6 4 5 4 0 Character,
Cleave 1

Relics: May have a single Relic at the indicated points cost.

Note: If your Army includes at least one Hold Raegh, you may also include up to one Mnemancer
Apprentice Lieutenant (40 pts).

Mainstay: Hold Warriors
Hold Ballistae
Hold Thanes

Restricted: Dragonslayers
Ironclad Drake
Tactical Restricted
Combat Available
Arcane Not Available

Masteries: Tactical, Combat


Flame Berserkers 14 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Flame Infantry Light 5 1 3 1 1 5 3 0 Aura of Death,
Berserkers Flurry

Hold Ballistae 13 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Hold Ballistae Infantry Light 5 2 1 1 1 2 2 0 Barrage 1
Piercing 1), Shield

Fireforged 18 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Fireforged Infantry Medium 5 2 2 1 1 4 4 0 Shield, Barrage
1 (16", Armor
Piercing 2)

Hold Warriors 10 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Hold Warriors Infantry Medium 5 1 2 1 1 2 2 0 Shield

Initiates 13 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Initiates Infantry Medium 5 1 2 1 1 3 3 0 Devout, Shield,

Wardens 15 Points per Model
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Wardens Infantry Medium 5 1 3 1 1 4 3 0 Devout, Cleave 1,
Flurry, Fearless

Dragonslayers 19 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Dragonslayers Infantry Heavy 5 1 4 1 1 4 4 2 Cleave 4

Hold Thanes 15 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Hold Thanes Infantry Heavy 5 1 3 1 1 3 3 0 Cleave 1, Shield

Stoneforged 20 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Stoneforged Infantry Heavy 5 1 3 1 1 5 5 0 Relentless Blows

Stone Sentinels 25 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Stone Sentinels Infantry Heavy 5 1 3 1 2 4 4 1 Forward
Shield, Support,

Inferno Automata 65 Points per Model
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Inferno Brute Light 8 2 3 4 4 3 3 1 Aura of Death,
Automata Fearsome
Fluid Formation
Note: Inferno Automata Regiments may not gain Leader and Standard Bearer Models (they
always have an Acting Leader).

Steelforged 18 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Steelforged Brute Medium 6 1 2 4 4 4 5 2 Cleave 1,

Hellbringer Drake 180 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Hellbringer Monster Medium 8 2 1 8 10 3 3 2 Cleave 1,
Drake Terrifying,
Barrage 10 (20",

Ironclad Drake 210 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Ironclad Drake Monster Heavy 8 2 3 10 12 3 4 2 Cleave 2,


Lieutenants Ability Regiments Required in the

Army / Regiments they
may Target
Exemplar The Character has +1 Defence while Hold Warriors
(20 pts) fighting a Duel Action. In addition, the
Character gains +1 Resolve while in
Command Range of a Hold Warriors

Flamecaster Command Fireforged

(20 pts) The Target gains the Torrential Fire
Special Rule if their Target is within 8".

Herald of Fire The Character gains +1 Clash while Fireforged, Hold Ballistae,
(40 pts) fighting a Duel Action. In addition, the Hold Thanes, Hold Warriors
Character gains the following Ability:
Unless the Retinue benefited from this
Ability this Turn, the Target gains the
Fury Draw Event.

Herald of The Character gains +1 Attack while Hold Ballistae, Hold Thanes,
Magma fighting a Duel Action. In addition, the Hold Warriors
(40 pts) Character gains the following Ability:
The Target has the Aura of Death Special
Herald of Stone The Character gains +1 Defence while Hold Ballistae, Hold Thanes,
(40 pts) fighting a Duel Action. In addition, the Hold Warriors
Character gains the following Ability:
Unless the Retinue benefited from this
Ability this Turn, the Target gains the
Bastion Draw Event.
Mnemancer The Character gains Flurry and Cleave Any Infantry
Apprentice +1 Special Rules while fighting a Duel
(Requires Hold Action. In addition, the Character gains
Raegh in the +1 Resolve and the following Ability:
Army – 40 pts) Command
The Target gains the Fearless Special Rule.
Priest Command Hold Ballistae, Hold Thanes,
(15 pts) The Target gains the Fearless Special Rule. Hold Warriors

Each Relic may only be included in your Army once.

Banners to the enemy as he or she can.

The Character has +2 Attacks while in
Mnemancer’s Eye 50pts Command Range of one or more friendly
Carrying this standard offers a simple and Regiments of 6+ Models.
ironclad promise: the Mnemancers will be
watching. Whether a promise or a threat, whether Arena Champion 10 points
to victory, defeat or death, the deeds of those The Memory Arenas are where Dweghom settle
carrying this banner will be Remembered. amicably their differences before Mnemancer
Τhe Character’s Retinue gains +1 Resolve judges, amicably meaning that duals are not
and the Fearless Special Rule. Before the 1st usually to the death. Be it as challenged, chal-
Supremacy Phase, choose a Regiment in your lenger or both, this character has spent most of
Army to gain +1 Resolve and the Fearless their time fighting their peers in duels and there
Special Rule while the Character has not been is no substitute for experience.
removed as a Casualty. During a Duel Action, the Character re-rolls
failed To Hit rolls.
‘Until We Have To’ 15 points
The Memory of Ordhama, Mother of her Clan, Memory of Stone 10 points
is remembered by all Dweghom. When she Humans confuse Mnemancy with elaborate
informed her following that they must hold record keeping but the true art of Mnemancy
Gheorzmosh the Eldest pinned in the swamps can infuse an object with memories of people
of Ishk, she was asked by them how long. Her and elements alike. Remind a piece of armor
answer is today an order which, when given, the earth it came from and it breaks no easier
cannot by misinterpreted. than the solid rock that birthed it.
The Target has +2 Defence while at least half The Character has +1 Wound.
of its Models are within Zonal Terrain.
Steel Enhancements 10 points
Armors The epitome of alloys created by the Steelshapers,
Dweghom Steel is considered the most durable
The Crown of Ushkelodh 50 points material known to this age, second only to the
The rule of the Flame Berserker Ushkelodh as King fabled Sillubaster. While a full Steel Plate armor
of Ognisros was violent, glorious and short lived. set is a treasure of Kings, Thanes may carry or
The same can be said for all who dare wear his reward their most worthy men with special Steel
onyx helmet to this day. Enhancements.
Command – Unless the Retinue benefited The Character has +1 Defence.
from this Ability this Turn, the Target gains
the Burnout Draw Event. Weapons
Champion’s Horns 15 points Draegbhrud 25 points
One’s worth includes one’s following. This No Dweghom blade is forged as a Draeghbrud,
simple Dweghom proverb is no mere saying. a Dragonkiller. There are only blades that
When a Dweghom is worthy enough to lead, already have killed dragons. Be it because they
a large following will make sure that the most were baptized in dragon blood or because their
worthy among them can deliver as much pain wielders are fueled by the weight and honor of

wielding it, no armor can withstand the might the Dheukorro, this character has returned with
of such a weapon. the head of a monstrosity, proving their ability
The Character's Clash Attacks have the to fight monsters as their equal.
Cleave 3 Special Rule. The Character has the Fiend Hunter Special
Perfectly Balanced 20 points
Unlike the vast majority of weapons forged by The Flame Flickers 20pts
automata, some Dweghom either forge their own “No one knows how a flame’s tongue will move”.
weapons or have them made by Dweghom smiths. This simple Dweghom proverb is inscribed on
They are neither enhanced nor special in some the obsidian talisman in Mnemantic runes.
way, they are simply exactly as they should be, Infused with Memories of Fire, the talisman,
one blow leading naturally to the next. once broken, will flare the user’s reflexes to an
The Character has the Flurry Special Rule. almost supernatural level.
Once per game during a Duel, the Character
Flaming Weapon 15 points may activate this Item. The Character gains +2
Either a salvaged Flame Berserker axe or a replica Evasion for the duration of that Duel.
weapon designed by Sorcerers, these weapons carry
clash with fire and liquid flame with every blow. Remembered 15 points
The Character has +1 Clash and the Cleave 1 The Memory of this one is carved in the mind of
Special Rule. his enemies, even those not Dweghom. It is not
for his painting talent or his poetic eloquence.
Obsidian Grafts 15 points The Character has the Fearsome Special Rule.
W hile few understand the or ig in and
craftsmanship of the Flame Berserker obsidian Remembrance of the Core 15pts
grafts, it is often thought that their unnatural Forged in the deepest and mightiest of a Hold’s
endurance can be attributed in part to these smelting pots and cast from the dregs of a thousand
implants. Similar implants, only partly replicating blades, this lump of iron carries a sympathetic
Berserker grafts, or repurposed used ones can be link to all of the weapons forged thereafter. Any
acquired by those of enough Aghm. sorceries cast on it are applied to those weapons
The Character re-rolls failed Injury Rolls. it is bound to, but the power is too great for
this to last.
Talismans Once per game, the Character may spend an
Action to use this Item. The Character and
Gifted in Fire 20 points any friendly Regiments within 6” of it reduce
Control is not the main characteristic of those the Cleave Special Rule of enemy Regiments
Gifted with the element of Fire. By they trained in contact by 1 point until the end of Turn.
in sorcery or not, in the heat of battle, these
individuals bring their own, often without Arcane
realizing it, and their reflexes flare beyond what is
natural. Invocation of the Shattering 45pts
The Character has the Aura of Death Special (Ardent Kerawegh Warlord only)
Rule and +1 Evasion. It is the nature of the Kerawegh, to hear the
echoes of all wars ever waged, to invoke the
Slayer’s Brand 20 points power of each battle ever fought. But while there
While Ardent have to, many chose to perform the are many wars and many battles, there is one
Dheukorro, to descend to the bowels of the world achievement none but the Dweghom can claim:
and face what awaits there. An ascendant from to have broken the world.

The Character gains this Supremacy Ability Memory of Breath 10 points
in addition to any other one: Until the end Adorned with Mnemantic runes, the character’s
of this Turn, the Character’s and any friendly armor or clothes are infused with the Memory of
Regiment’s Clash rolls within 6” ignore enemy the breaths of the hated creators. Understanding
Defence values when rolling an unmodified “1” the runes is not necessary for any seeing them to
feel an echo of the heat of a dragon’s fire.
Heart of the Mountain 25pts The Character has the Aura of Death
None outside the Dweghom know what it is they Special Rule.
call “the Heart of the Mountain”, even though
the phrase is inscribed in almost all Dweghom MASTERIES
Hold entrances. Some claim it is the relic of the
Dragon they slew, others a core of Sillubaster in Tactical
every mountain’s roots. Whatever it is, Dweghom
can channel their spells through it with great Beastmaster 15 points
difficulty but shielding it from any obstacle. (Hold Raegh Only)
Once per game, this Character ignores Enemy Friendly Monsters within 12" of this Character
Interference and adds 1 to the Casting Difficulty gain +1 Resolve.
for Spells cast this Turn (Difficulty 3 becomes
Difficulty 4). Combat
Graft of Fire 15pts Fuelled by the Furnace 30 points
Grafts made of pure Dweghom Steel and infused The character has +3 Attacks, but for each roll
with Fire instill aggression and strength to one’s of natural 6 they must make an Injury Roll
spells… even as the graft heats with every use, on their base Defence or suffer a Wound.
even beyond endurance.
The Character rolls one extra die when per- Arcane
forming a Spellcasting Action. Each time the
Character performs a Spellcasting Action it Flaming Oratory 20 points
must pass an unmodified Resolve test or suffer (Ardent Kerawegh Only)
a Wound. If the Character dies as a result of The Character gains the Bastion Draw Event.
this Wound, the Spell fails.
Lava Shots 15 points
Tempered Goad 15pts (Tempered Sorcerer or Tempered
To tame the drake progeny of Dragons or the Steelshaper Only)
might of shards of Destruction is no easy feat, The Character gains the Precise Shot
even for the Dweghom and even for the might- Special Rule.
iest Tempered. Specially crafted goads, infused
with the power of Fire, ensure enraged obedience Potent Scryer 10 points
through unparalleled pain. Instead of using a Spellcasting Action, the
The Character may spend an Action to acti- Character may look at the top 2 cards of the
vate this Item. If it does, a Brute or Monster opponent’s stack.
Regiment within 12" gain the Aura of Death
Special Rule until the end of the next Supremacy
Phase. If the Regiment already has the Aura
of Death Special Rule, that Regiment deals
double the number of Hits.

Some character Stands can purchase Spells from the following list:


Name Range Casting Effect
Coruscation 16" 3 Inflicts one Hit per success.
Fireball 12" 3 Inflicts one Hit per success. Hits have the Armor
Piercing 1 Special Rule.
Flame Wall 10" 3 (Scaling) Inflicts two Hits per success. If the Spell is successfully
cast, place two temporary Markers between the Caster
and the Closest Target Model. These two Markers need
to be 5“ apart from each other to form an imaginary
line with width equal to an Infantry Base which must
not pass through any Models. Any Models moving
through that line during their activation are treated
as if they moved through Very Dangerous Terrain.


Name Range Casting Effect
Roots of Stone 12" 3 (Scaling) Target Regiment Receives +2 Defence but cannot
perform a March, Combat Reform or Withdraw
Action until its next activation.
Broken Ground 10" 3 Target Regiment cannot perform Impact Attacks.
Rock Shaping 12" 3 Nominate a Garrison Terrain feature within range.
You may increase or decrease its Defence Value by 1.


Name Range Casting Effect
Eruption 12" 3 (Scaling) Nominate a Model of the Target Regiment that is
within range. Then, all Regiments (friendly and enemy)
within 6” of that Model suffer 1 Hit for every 4 Models
(rounding fractions up) within that distance. All Hits
suffered from Eruption have the Armor Piercing 1
Special Rule. Measure distance to each Model from
the closest edge of the nominated Model.
Magmatic Seep 12" 4 Nominate a point on the Battlefield within range
(even one beneath a Model). Every Regiment with
Models within 3" of this Marker counts as being in
Zonal Terrain with the Hindering Terrain Special
Rule. This effect lasts until the End of Turn.
Pyroclast 12" 3 Target Regiment that is currently occupying a piece
of Garrison Terrain, suffers the Decay 3 Draw Event
on its next activation. 123
Name Range Casting Effect
Hone Blades 12" 3 (Scaling) Target Regiment has +1 Clash until the end of
the Turn.
Temper Plate 12" 3 (Scaling) Target Regiment has +1 Evasion until the end of
the Turn.
Unmake Armour 12" 3 (Scaling) Target Regiment has -1 Defence until the end of
the Turn.

Name Range Casting Effect
Resolve 16" 3 (Scaling) Remove any Broken status from the Target Regiment,
exactly as if it had used a Rally Action.
Dismay 12" 3 (Scaling) Target becomes Broken Regiment. The Spell has
no effect on Regiments that are already Broken.


Supremacy Abilities
Each type of Character grants a different Supremacy Ability if chosen as your Warlord.


Call the Hunt: Every Regiment in the Character’s Warband gains the Flank Special Rule.


Surprise Attack: On your next Turn, both you and your opponent suffer a +2 penalty on your
Reinforcement values (i.e. a 3+ roll becomes a 5+ etc.). Should a Reinforcement value goes
beyond 6+ then the Regiment cannot arrive from Reinforcements this Turn.


Warcry: All your Regiments gain the Terrifying Special Rule until the End of the Turn.


Call the Storm: All enemy Models count Clear Shots as Obscured Shots until the End of the Turn.


Gift of the Einherjar: All your Regiments gain +2 to their Evasion Characteristic until the
End of the Turn.

You may include any number of Characters, but must include at least one Character to be your

Blooded 70 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Blooded Infantry Medium 5 2 4 4 4 3 1 0 Barrage 4 (12"),
Cleave 2,
Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.
Aspect: May have a single animal totem assuming their aspect:
Eagle 35 points
Crow 15 points
Dragon 15 points
Bear 10 points
Wolf 10 points

Mainstay: Stalkers
White Waste Tribesmen

Restricted: Werewolves
Fenr Beastpack
Nefhur Beastpack
Goltr Beastpack
Mountain Jotnar

Tactical Restricted
Combat Available
Arcane Not Available

Masteries: Tactical, Combat

Jarl 60 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Jarl Infantry Medium 5 2 3 6 4 3 1 0 Barrage 4 (12''),
Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.
Aspect: May have a single animal totem assuming their aspect:
Eagle 35 points
Crow 15 points
Dragon 15 points
Bear 10 points
Wolf 10 points

Mainstay: Raiders

Restricted: Bearsarks
Mountain Jotnar

Tactical Available
Combat Available
Arcane Not Available

Masteries: Tactical, Combat

Konungyr 80 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Konungyr Infantry Medium 5 2 4 8 4 3 2 0 Character,
Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.
Aspect: May have a single animal totem assuming their aspect:
Eagle 35 points
Crow 15 points
Dragon 15 points
Bear 10 points
Wolf 10 points

For each Konungyr in your Army, you must include at least one Jarl (and their own Warband).

Mainstay: Steel-Chosen
Restricted: Ice Jotnar
Mountain Jotnar
Sea Jotnar

Tactical Restricted
Combat Restricted
Arcane Not Available

Masteries: Tactical, Combat

Shaman 35 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Shaman Infantry Light 5 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 Character,
Priest 5
Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.
Spells: Must have at least one Spell from the following list:
Blurred Vision 30 points
Mist Weave 25 points
Reshape Destiny 20 points

Mainstay: Raiders
Restricted: Bearsark

Tactical Restricted
Combat Not Available
Arcane Available

Masteries: Arcane

Volva 55 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Volva Infantry Light 5 1 3 4 4 3 2 0 Character,
Priest 5
Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.
Spells: Must have at least one Spell from the following list:
Fruit of the Golden Tree 40 points
Hela’s Caress 40 points
Glory of Valhalla 30 points
Warbringer’s Light 30 points
Aspect of Fenrir 25 points

Mainstay: Valkyries
Restricted: Raiders

Tactical Not Available
Combat Restricted
Arcane Restricted

Masteries Arcane

White Waste Shaman 60 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
White Waste Infantry Light 6 1 1 2 4 2 1 0 Character,
Shaman Fearsome,
Priest 4,
Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.
Note: A White Waste Shaman may not be a Warlord.
Spells: Must have at least one Spell from the following list:
Enrage 40 points
Dominate 30 points

Mainstay: White Waste Tribesmen
Restricted: Mountain Jotnar
Sea Jotnar

Tactical Restricted
Combat Not Available
Arcane Available

Masteries: Arcane

You may include Regiments as part of your Characters' Warband.

Raiders 11 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Raiders Infantry Light 5 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 Barrage 1 (12"),
Flurry, Throwing

White Waste Tribesmen 10 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
White Waste Infantry Light 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 Fearsome,
Tribesmen Support,

Bow-Chosen 20 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Bow-Chosen Infantry Light 6 2 3 1 2 3 1 0 Barrage 2
(24", Precise Shot)

Note: Bow-Chosen Regiments may not gain Standard Bearer Models.

Stalkers 15 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Stalkers Infantry Light 6 3 2 1 1 3 1 0 Barrage 1 (18"),
Flank, Vanguard

Werewolves 60 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Werewolves Brute Light 7 1 3 6 4 3 2 1 Bloodlust,

Note: Werewolves Regiments may not gain Leader and Standard Bearer Models (they always
have an Acting Leader).

Huskarls 13 Points per Model
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Husκarls Infantry Medium 5 1 3 1 1 3 2 0 Shield, Throwing

Trolls 80 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Trolls Infantry Medium 7 1 2 1 2 2 2 0 Cleave 2,

Ulfhednar 15 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Ulfhednar Infantry Medium 6 1 2 2 1 5 2 2 Bloodlust, Flurry,
Lethal Demise

Valkyries 14 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Valkyries Infantry Medium 5 1 3 1 1 3 2 0 Blessed, Devout,
Shield, Support

Blade-Chosen 19 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Blade-Chosen Infantry Medium 6 2 3 2 1 3 2 0 Flurry, Throwing

Fenr Beastpack 35 Points per Model
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Fenr Beastpack Cavalry Medium 7 1 2 6 2 2 1 0 Flank, Fluid
Note: Fenr Beastpack Regiments may not gain Leader and Standard Bearer Models (they
always have an Acting Leader).

Goltr Beastpack 30 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Goltr Beastpack Cavalry Medium 7 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 Brutal Impact 2,
Lethal Demise
Note: Goltr Beastpack Regiments may not gain Leader and Standard Bearer Models (they
always have an Acting Leader).

Ugr 50 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Ugr Brute Medium 6 1 3 4 4 2 2 0 Cleave 2, Fearless

Bearsarks 18 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Bearsarks Infantry Heavy 5 1 2 2 1 5 3 0 Bloodlust,
Cleave 2,

Steel-Chosen 18 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Steel-Chosen Infantry Heavy 5 2 3 1 2 3 2 0 Cleave 2,

Nefhur Beastpack 60 Points per Model
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Nefhur Cavalry Heavy 6 1 2 4 4 2 4 0 Cleave 1, Brutal
Beastpack Impact 2

Note: Nefhur Beastpack Regiments may not gain Leader and Standard Bearer Models (they
always have an Acting Leader).

Sea Jotnar 220 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Sea Jotnar Monster Heavy 6 1 3 9 9 3 1 0 Barrage 10 (16",
Armor Piercing
1), Cleave 2,
Fiend Hunter,

Mountain Jotnar 155 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Mountain Monster Heavy 6 1 3 12 12 3 1 0 Cleave 1,
Jotnar Terrifying

Ice Jotnar 220 Points per Model

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Ice Jotnar Monster Heavy 6 1 4 10 10 3 3 0 Cleave 3,
Wizard 4
Note: Ice Jotnar can spend an Action to cast a Spell as if it were a Character.
Spells: An Ice Jotnar must have at least one Spell from the following list:
Encase 20 points
Ice Armour 10 points
Rime Storm 10 points


Lieutenants Ability Regiments Required in the

Army / Regiments they
may Target

Butcher Command White Waste Tribesmen

(30 pts) The Target receives the Rebellious and
Flurry Special Rules.

Shield Bitter The Character gains +1 Attack when Blade-Chosen, Raiders

(30 pts) fighting a Duel Action. In addition, the
Character gains the following Ability:
The Target adds 2 to its Charge rolls.
Thegn The Character gains +1 Defence when Huskarls
(30 pts) fighting a Duel Action. In addition, the
Character gains the following Ability:
Unless the Retinue benefited from this
Ability this Turn, the Target gains the
Bastion Draw Event.

Captain The Character gains +1 Clash while fight- Raiders

(25 pts) ing a Duel Action, and changes their Class
to Medium.
In addition, before the 1st Command
Phase begins choose a friendly Raiders
Regiment and permanently change its
Class to Medium.

Savage Before the 1st Command Phase begins, Blade-Chosen, Ulfhednar

(25 pts) choose one Ulfhednar or Blade-Chosen
Regiment to gain the Flank Special Rule
and +1 March.

Gothi Command Bearsarks, Ulfhednar

(15 pts) The Regiment receives the Devout Special
Skald The Character gains +1 Resolve while they Huskarls, Steel-Chosen
(15 pts) are within Command Range of a Huscarls
or Steel-Chosen Regiment.

Each Trove-Find may only be included in your Army once.

Banners within 6” of it, count as being Obscured on the

Turn the Character arrives on the Battlefield
Raven Messengers 40 points from Reinforcements.
The Eagle, the Bear, the Wolf and the Raven feature Armors
prominently in Nord mythology. While their roles
are complex and varied, few would challenge that Járngreipr 25 points
the Raven is a creature of cunning and deep memory Found at the bottom of a still smoking crater
whose favor marks the greatest of leaders… or in pristine condition, these iron gauntlets are
the most ruthless. intricately carved with runes of power. Blows
Friendly Regiments within 12" may use the delivered from one bearing them strike with
Character's Resolve instead of their own. tremendous power, but not much accuracy.
During a Duel Action, the Character gains
Fearsome Reputation 10 points the Relentless Blows Special Rule.
Many men have reputations for ruthlessness
and savagery earned across countless duels and Ty Jokull, the Rimeheart 15 points
battlefields. But for a Nord to have earned such Wrested from the shattered form of Aurgelmir,
a daunting reputation… greatest and last of the great Ice Jotnar sorcerers,
Before the 1st Command Phase begins, choose a this unmelting slab of ice has been fashioned into
friendly Regiment in your Army. The Character a shield that absorbs the power of even the most
and that Regiment gain the Fearsome Special powerful of blows by cracking and then refreez-
Rule while they remain within each other’s ing. Should it ever sense weakness in its bearer,
Command Range. however, it will crack and shatter, leaving him
defenseless against his foes.
Coils of the Serpent 25pts The Character has +2 Defence while he or she
Ripped from the flank of a jormungandr serpent, has no Wounded Markers.
blood still drips from this rough banner, imbuing
the unit that bears it with some of the serpent’s Massive Frame 10 points
unholy resilience. While the average Nord towers a head over most
The Character gains the following Draw Event: ‘sunlanders’, there are a few rare individuals
Choose a Friendly Regiment within Command who tower above even them. This height is often
Range. The Character and that Regiment gain ascribed to a long lost Einherjar ancestor, but
+1 Evasion until the End of Turn. whatever the cause they make terrifying foes to
face with a naked blade, capable of shrugging off
Figurehead of the Naglfar 15pts blows that would fell lesser opponents.
Naglfar was the ship of Jarl Vignik Vignarson, The Character ignores the first Wound
who during Ragnarök had been tasked with allocated to it in a Duel.
sailing through the Hreggfjorden under cover
of mist, in a flanking maneuver against Surtr’s Weapons
forces. They were never seen again. After the
return of the Einherjar, on a rare clear morning Vinda, the Dancer 40 points
in Hreggford, Naglfar landed quietly on the Second of the Seven Blades, Vinda is a slender,
shores, intact but bereft of crew or their remains. well balanced and flexible blade that seems
The Character and any friendly Regiment to move of its own accord, seeking holes and

weaknesses in the opponent’s guard. Her bearer the weapon at the apex of its swing granting the
is doomed to slowly lose all sense of humor, and weapon incredible force upon impact.
in time to come to perceive even the friendliest The Character has the Fiend Hunter Special
of gestures as a deadly insult. Rule.
For each Hit scored from this Character's Talismans
Clash or Duel Attacks, roll an additional
dice, and add any successful Hits to the total The Horn of Hjoldgar 35pts
from the Attack. These additional Hits do not ( Jarl Warlord only)
generate further rolls. Hjoldgar the Crazy is a recent legend among
skalds. It is said he pushed his men unlike any
Reyngeir, the God Spear 30 points other, to the extent that when faced with a diffi-
Legend claims that this spear was forged entirely cult battle during his raids, he would make holes
from the heart of a fallen star. Heavy enough on the hulls of his ships. He would then blow his
that only the strongest of warriors could hope to horn to let his men know, a call that they must
wield it, let alone throw it, it remains superbly push themselves further and do whatever it takes
balanced and eternally sharp. to win, for there was no retreat.
The Character inflicts Impact Hits, and has The Character gains this Supremacy Ability
the Brutal Impact 2 Special Rule. in addition to his normal one: The Character
and any friendly Regiment within 6” gain the
Rjóða, the Red Bringer 15 points Rapid Volley Special Rule until the end of Turn.
Seven bright, flawless blades surface time and
again in Nord myth, granting their wielders fame, Mistcaller’s Raiment 25pts
glory and victory, before the curses bound into The shaman Saidran gave his life when the Jotnar
each cause their death. Rjóða, the Red Bringer, of Hel befell his village. Exhausted and wounded,
causes the wearer to enter an uncontrollable rage he dedicated his final breath to invoke the mists
when drawn, making the warrior unstoppable of the north, shielding his people from the giants
in the field. Invariably, its wielders will lose the giving chase. To this day, his bones are clouded
ability to tell friend from foe, killing friends and in a layer of mist, revered relics and prized pos-
family before guilt drives them to exile and suicide. sessions of the Nords.
The Character has the Bloodlust Special Rule Enemy Models performing a Volley Action
and +3 Attacks. against the Character must Re-roll successful
rolls of “1”.
The Broken Blade 10 points
This shattered blade is rumored to be the shard Golden Torc 20 points
of Tyrfing, the blade of the dragonslayer Sigurd. Almost all Nord warriors favor torcs as jewelry
If this is true, the blade retains only a fraction of for it is a simple way to transport wealth that
its former power, for it was once cable of slicing cannot be easily stolen. The greatest and most
boulders in a single blow, and even rumored to successful of raiders go to combat with several
be able to pierce dragon scale. golden torcs around their arms, denoting their
The Character has the Cleave 1 Special Rule. skill and success at their chosen craft.
Before the 1st Command Phase of the game,
Vanquisher of Monsters 10 points choose a Friendly Regiment of the same Type
This massive pale blade was not forged but rather as the Character. That Regiment and the
carved from the massive rib bone of some sea Character gain the Flank Special Rule.
borne monstrosity that washed up on the shores
near Aarheim. Some of the beast’s marrow Heriolf ’s Folly 10 points
remains in the core canal, swinging to the top of This rune-carved, thighbone pendant was the

most prized possession of the notorious outlaw, Once per game, the Character may roll 2 extra
Heriolf Godson. Ultimately his pride got the better dice when performing a Spellcasting Action.
of him: After ransacking a caravan under the The player must declare using this Ability
protection of Angbjorn, one of the last Einherjar before Rolling for the Spell.
to still walk the land, he made the mistake of
bragging about it. The pendant cannot protect Runes of Fate 20 points
one from stupidity. A brave warrior might overcome his fear and get a
The Character has +1 Evasion. true scrying performed on him by a shaman. Most
emerge from such an ordeal pale and wan, refusing
Prize Silver 5pts to speak of it again. A very select few however
A practice favored by many a ship captain to emerge empowered, their fate laid out before them
keep the crew busy and trained is the Prize in a single glorious path… as well as their doom.
Silver. In the long days in the sea, they pin a The first time each Turn this Character gains
coin on the mast, promising it as a reward to a Wound Marker, roll a dice. On a score of 4
any who can hit it with their weapons while or more, remove that Wound Marker.
standing on the bow’s very edge.
Command – The Target may Re-roll rolls of
“6” when performing Impact Attacks as a
result of the Throwing Weapons Special Rule.

Heralds of the Storm 30pts
Any Working of magic is difficult, be it by Gifted
individuals or the Faithful, requiring immense
concentration in thought and precision in method.
Bringing to ghostly life the circumstances that
birthed it, these wands made of pieces of old oak
or drake bones struck by lightning, once broken MASTERIES
summon an aetheric storm that makes tampers
with the mystical energies around them, while Tactical
making concentration incredibly difficult.
Once per game, the Character may spend an The Hunt’s Instinct 15 points
Action to use this Item. Reduce the casting The Character gains the Fire and Advance
Difficulty value of all Spells by 3 until end of Draw Event.
Turn. Spells with a difficulty of 0 and lower,
automatically fail to cast. This affects any Combat
and all attempts to cast, even if a Spellcaster
arrived from Reinforcements after the Item Curse of the Wolfen 20 points
was activated. (Blooded Only)
The Character gains +2 Attacks and the
Runes of Wisdom 30pts Regeneration Draw Event, but may not gain
Inscribed on the bones of mighty monsters, as well any Trove-Finds or a Retinue nor can they
as the bones of defeated practitioners of magic, Contest/Claim Objectives.
the origin and power of these runes seems to stem
from times and practices that predate even the Headhunter 20 points
era that the Gods of Yggdrasil took humanity During a Duel, natural rolls of 1 made by this
under their wing. Character cause 3 Hits instead of 1.

Rune of Shielding 25 points
(Volva Only)
Command (Valkyries)
The Character gains the Bastion Draw Event.

Sacrificial Lamb 25 points

When this Character loses their final Wound
during a Duel, all friendly Regiments within
6" gain the Blessed Special Rule.

Certain Characters have the option of taking
an animal totem, assuming their aspect.

Bear Aspect
The Character has +1 Attack.

Crow Aspect
The Character has +2 Volley.

Dragon Aspect
The Character has +1 Clash.

Eagle Aspect
The Character has the Seize the Day Draw

Wolf Aspect
The Character has +1 March.

Some Character Stands can purchase Spells from the following list:

Name Range Casting Effect
Blurred Vision 14" 3 Target Regiment can only select Targets to Volley
or Charge that are within 12".
Mist Weave 12" 3 (Scaling) All Models in the Target Regiment have +1 Defence
against all Volley Actions until End of Turn.
Reshape Destiny 8" 3 (Scaling) Target Regiment re-rolls failed Defence rolls of 6.

Name Range Casting Effect
Aspect of Fenrir Self 2 (Scaling) All Models in the Caster’s Regiment gain the Terrifying
Special Rule until End of Turn.
Fruit of the Self 3 For each success, the Caster's Regiment Heals
Golden Tree two Wounds.
Glory of Self 3 All friendly Regiments within 12" of the Caster
Valhalla have +1 Resolve.
Hela's Caress 12" 3 (Scaling) Target Regiment gains the Decay 3 Draw Event until
End of Turn.
Warbringer's Self 3 (Scaling) Models in the Caster’s Regiment have the Blessed
Light Special Rule until End of Turn.


Name Range Casting Effect
Dominate 12" 3 This Spell is only effective against Monster Regiments
that have not yet acted this Turn. Target Monster
Regiment may only take one Action this Turn.
Enrage 12" 4 This Spell is only effective against Monster Regiments
that have not yet acted this Turn. Target Monster
Regiment has +6 Attacks this Turn.

Name Range Casting Effect
Ice Armour Self 3 The Caster gains +1 Defence until End of the Turn.
Rime Storm 12" 3 Inflicts two Hits for each success.
Encase 12" 3 (Scaling) The Target Regiment halves its March (rounding
up) until the End of Turn.


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