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Witch Hunt & Prosecution of Paul J. Manafort JR

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Docket No.

23105-18 W - 236 -

The perpetrators, who were led by former FBI Director Mueller and Deputy

Attorney General Rosenstein, were not able to remove President Trump from office

through their failed evil plan, the Russia collusion witch hunt hoax or Mueller's

pseudo-investigation. In early July 2017, just two months after Mueller was appointed

as U.S. Special Counsel, the New York Times published negative stories about

Manafort and other Trump associates. On July 26, 2017, FBI agents raided the

Virginia home of Manafort. This shows that Mueller had all the information necessary

to attack Trump and his associates before he was appointed as Special Counsel. The

time from May–July 2017, was too short to conduct investigation of such scale.



Docket No. 23105-18 W - 237 -

On February 5, 2020, Republicans in the U.S. Senate rescued President Donald

Trump from the Ukrainian quid pro quo impeachment witch hunt that was by the

California political swamp, led by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senators

Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, Congressman Adam Schiff, and their

collaborators from the East Coast, led by Congressman Jerrold Nadler.

Shortly after President Donald Trump was acquitted by the U.S. Senate in

February 2020, the Petitioner came across the Statement of The Offenses and Other

Acts—Violations: 18 U.S.C. § 371 (Conspiracy Against the United States and

Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice), filed on September 14, 2018, in USA v. Manafort et

al., in the U.S. District Court, District of Columbia, Washington, DC. The plea

agreement entitled "Offenses and Other Acts" was signed by Paul Manafort and

Andrew Weissmann, Senior Assistant for Special Counsel Mueller. Special Counsel

Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Rod Rosenstein in May

2017, to witch hunt and prosecute President Trump and his presidential campaign

associates and managers, with Manafort as the main target, in order to derail Trump’s


This plea agreement sounds more like some kind of draft of a novel about an

international mafia formed by former high-ranking politicians from different countries

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 238 -

operating in the developing country of Ukraine, which borders Russia and Poland. The

Petitioner is originally from Poland; he lived there until November 1982. Five years

before he was forced by Polish communist government to leave the country, the

Petitioner lived in southeast Poland, three miles from the Ukrainian border. The

Petitioner is very familiar with Ukraine's history, which is interconnected with the

history of Poland. The large part of what is today western Ukraine was part of Poland

before World War II. Poland was the first country to recognize Ukraine's independence

from the Soviet Union in 1991.

The Petitioner was not surprised to find out that the former Polish president was

involved in Manafort's shady business in Ukraine, after reading the following

paragraph on pages 3–4 in the Statement of The Offenses and Other Acts:

The Hapsburg Group and Company D

As part of the lobbying scheme, starting in 2011, MANAFORT secretly

retained Company D and a group of four former European heads of state and
United States and Europe on behalf of Ukraine. The former politicians, called
the Hapsburg Group by MANAFORT, appeared to be providing solely their
independent assessments of policies of the Government of Ukraine, when in
fact, they were paid by Ukraine. MANAFORT explained in an "EYES ONLY"
memorandum in or around June 2012, that his purpose was to "assemble a
small group of high-level European influential [sic] champions and politically
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 239 -

credible friends who can act informally and without any visible relationship
with the Government of Ukraine."
Furthermore, on page 5, the plea agreement addressed the Polish president:
MANAFORT also used this Hapsburg Group member's current
European Parliament position to Ukraine's advantage in his
lobbying efforts in the United States. In the fall of 2012, the United
States Senate was considering and ultimately passed a resolution
critical of President Yanukovych's treatment of former Prime
Minister Tymoshenko. MANAFORT engaged in an all-out
campaign to try to kill or delay the passage of this resolution.
Among the steps he took was having the Hapsburg Group members
reach out to United States Senators, as well as directing Companies
A and B to have private conversations with Senators to lobby them
to place a "hold" on the resolution. MANAFORT told his lobbyists
to stress to the Senators that the FORMER POLISH PRESIDENT
extra clout to his supposedly independent judgment against the
Senate resolution. MANAFORT never revealed to the Senators or
to the American public that any of these lobbyists or Hapsburg
Group members were paid by Ukraine.
In addition to involvement of the presidents of Poland and other countries in

Manafort's business in Ukraine, the tax evasion issue was addressed in the plea

agreement. This got the Petitioner’s attention because his case in the U.S. Tax

Court is regarding tens of millions of dollars of tax fraud evasion that the U.S.

Tax Court made taboo; it is not talked about in Memorandum Opinion and Order

and Decision in Waszczuk v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2020–75 (U.S.T.C. June

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 240 -

4, 2020), served on June 4, 2020.

Paragraph C, Tax and Foreign Bank Account Conspiracy, 26 U.S.C. §

7206(1) and 31 U.S.C. §§ 5314 and 5322(a) of the plea agreement addressed to

Manafort’s tax evasion states the following:

From 2008 through 2014, MANAFORT caused millions of dollars

of wire transfers to be made from offshore nominee accounts,
without paying taxes on that income. The payments were made for
goods, services, and real estate. MANAFORT also hid income by
denominating various overseas payments as " loans," thereby
evading payment of any taxes on that income by MANAFORT.
MANAFORT directly and through Gates repeatedly misled his
bookkeeper and tax accountants, including by not disclosing
Manafort's overseas accounts and income. Further, MANAFORT
and Gates, acting at Manafort's instruction, classified overseas
payments made to MANAFORT falsely as "loans" to avoid
incurring additional taxes on the income.
MANAFORT owned and controlled a range of foreign bank
accounts in Cyprus, the Grenadines, and the United Kingdom.
MANAFORT directly and through Gates maintained these
accounts, including by managing them and by making substantial
transfers from the accounts to both himself and vendors for
personal items for him and his family. MANAFORT was aware
that many of these accounts held well in excess of $10,000 in the
aggregate at some point during each year in which they existed .
MANAFORT did not report the accounts' existence to his
bookkeeper he following assets constitute or were derived from
proceeds of MANAFORT's conspiracy to violate the Foreign
Agents Registration Act and/or they constitute property involved in
MANAFORT's conspiracy to launder money in violation of 18 U.S
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 241 -

.C. § 1956 or are traceable thereto and/or they represent substitute

assets for such property which has been made unavailable for
forfeiture by the acts or omissions of MANAFORT:
MANAFORT was aware at the time that it was illegal to hide
income from the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) by failing to account for reportable income
on his income tax returns. MANAFORT was also aware that it was
illegal to fail to report information to the IRS regarding the
existence of foreign bank accounts, as required by Schedule B of
the IRS Form 1040. MANAFORT also understood at the time that
a U.S. person who had a financial interest in, or signature or other
authority over, a bank account or other financial account in a
foreign country, which exceeded $10,000 in any one year (at any
time during that year), was required to report the account to the
Department of the Treasury. MANAFORT also understood, after
2010, that the failure to make such a report constituted a crime.
Knowing the existence of his reportable foreign accounts and
hidden income, MANAFORT knowingly, intentionally, and
willfully filed and conspired to file false tax returns from 2006-
2015 in that he said he did not have reportable foreign bank
accounts when he knew that he did, he did not report income that
he knew he in fact had earned, and he did not file Foreign Bank
Account Reports. MANAFORT failed to report over $15 million in
income during the period 2010-2014.
Petitioner understand that Manafort filed false tax return in 2006-2015 and failed to

report over $15 million in income tax during the period 2010-2014. However,

Petitioner failed to understand how the Manafort ‘s crimes of 2006 -2014 and 2010-

2014 are related to President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign of 2015-2016 and
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 242 -

2019 Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo witch hunt resulted in impeachment of President Donald

Trump in December 2019.

How it is happened that during period in which Robert Mueller was

appointed FBI Director 2011-2013 he did not know anything about Manafort’s

international business with the Hapsburg Group, which INCLUDED A FORMER


POLISH PRESIDENT, European Union officials, and a senior Israeli government

officials. However, on July 26, 2017, two months after he was appointed as

U.S. Special Counsel, Mueller ordered the FBI to raid Manafort's residence in

Virginia. This is unbelievable. This fact alone shows that Manafort ‘s and others

were prosecuted and sentenced long time before they faced District Court Judge

Amy Berman Jackson as it happened in California Senator Leland Yee prosecution

United States of America v. Kwok Cheung Chow, a.k.a. Raymond Chow, a.k.a.

Shrimp Boy, a.k.a. Ha Jai., Case No. 3:14–cr–00196–CRB with unofficially or

self-appointed appointed Robert Mueller as a Special Counsel and District Court

Judge Charles Breyer from Northern District of California .

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 243 -



On April 13, 2020, the Petitioner filed his Petitioner’s Opposition to the April 2,

2020 Respondent's (the IRS Commissioner) Motion for Leave to File First

Amendment to Answer Rule 41 of the Tax Court's Rules and Request to Dismiss

Respondent's Motion with Prejudice. At the same, he posted the Plea Agreement

Statement of The Offenses and Other Acts, signed by Manafort, and other court

documents related to the witch hunt aimed at President Trump on Scribd.

On April 23, 2020, the Petitioner received an e-mail with the following

notification from Scribd:

Dear Jaroslaw,
This is a notification that Scribd’s Book ID copyright protection system has
disabled access to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. PAUL J.
MANAFORT, JR. (id: 388651502). This does not necessarily mean that an
infringement has occurred, or that you have done anything wrong.
If you believe that this removal is an error, please forward a copy of this
notification to copyright@scribd.com along with a clear explanation of your
issue. Our team will review your request and will restore content as deemed
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 244 -

Best regards,
Scribd Legal Operations
On April 22, 2020, the Petitioner replied to Scribd Legal Operations, stating that

the posted United States of America v. Paul J. Manafort, Jr., (id: 388651502)

document is an official court document, accessible to anybody on Pacer, and that

Scribd should restore the document. In response, Scribd restored the document, but on

May 12, 2020, the Petitioner again received a similar notification from Scribd

regarding the case. On May 20, 2020, the Petitioner replied to Scribd with the


I am not sure why the Scribd again disabled access to USA v. Manafort (Id:
458054717). In my 4/22/2020 response to Scribd, I wrote: "The removed
388651502) is the official Court document accessible to the public on Pacer.
Document was filed on 09/14/18 in IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT
After this second response, the document, which was linked to the Petitioner’s

Twitter account, was removed by Scribd, and the Petitioner concluded that somebody

was seeing the document on Scribd and Twitter, and that most likely, it was somebody

from Poland, due to the former Polish president's business involvement with Manafort.

The Petitioner did not make a big deal about Sribd’s action, but he reviewed
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 245 -

Manafort’s case to determine why the posted plea agreement in Manafort’s case had

become a subject of interest and why was removed by Scribd.

The Petitioner closely monitored the vicious attacks aimed at Presidential

candidate Trump, which in 2016, turned into an endless and merciless hunt to destroy

Trump's presidency before and after he was elected. After the unsuccessful Russia

collusion witch hunt hoax, conducted by Mueller-Rosentein’s hit squad, the Ukraine

quid pro quo witch hunt hoax became Plan B. It was derived from the USA v.

Manafort et al. case and was used as a tool to remove President Trump from office.

By following the Offenses and Other Acts and other documents pertaining to

USA v. Manafort et al. filed in the court, the Petitioner eventually learned that the

former Polish president participated in Manafort’s business in Ukraine from 2006–

2014. It was not difficult for the petitioner, who is very familiar with Ukraine's break

from the Soviet Union, to determine that it was former Polish President Alexander

Kwasniewski, who served for two terms, from December 1995–December 2005.

Wikipedia provides a good description of Kwasniewski’s participation and

involvement in Ukraine's affairs and Manafort's business

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksander Kwa%C5%9Bniewski).

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 246 -

On 7 March 2006, Kwaśniewski was appointed Distinguished Scholar in the

Practice of Global Leadership at Georgetown University, where he teaches
students in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service about
contemporary European politics, the trans-Atlantic relationship, and
democratization in Central and Eastern Europe. He also teaches a course on
political leadership, convened by Professor Carol Lancaster, with former
Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar.[14] He is also Chairman of the
supervisory board of the International Centre for Policy Studies in Kiev,
Ukraine and a member of the International Honorary Council[15] of the
European Academy of Diplomacy.
In 2008 Aleksander Kwaśniewski became Chairman of the European Council
on Tolerance and Reconciliation, a not-for-profit organization established to
monitor tolerance in Europe, prepare practical recommendations to
governments and international organisations on improving interreligious and
interethnic relations on the continent. The organization is co-chaired
by European Jewish Fund President Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor.
Since June 2012 Kwaśniewski and Pat Cox lead a European
Parliament monitoring mission in Ukraine to monitor the criminal cases
against Yulia Tymoshenko, Yuriy Lutsenko and Valeriy Ivaschenko.[16]
Since 2011, Kwaśniewski has served on the Leadership Council for
Concordia, a nonpartisan, nonprofit based in New York City focused on
promoting effective public-private collaboration to create a more prosperous
and sustainable future.
Kwaśniewski was also involved with the EU talks with the Ukrainian
government about the association agreement with the EU that the Ukrainian
parliament failed to ratify in November 2013.[17] After the Maidan unrest had
installed the transitional government under Yatsenyuk, who signed the EU
association agreement for Ukraine in 2014, Kwaśniewski took up in a director's
post in the gas company ″Burisma Holdings Limited″ which owns licenses for
the major Ukrainian gas fields.[18]
Possible illegal lobbying on behalf of Paul Manafort
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 247 -

In a plea agreement filed in United States Federal court on 14 September 2018,

former Donald Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort admitted to organizing a
group of former European heads of state to illegally lobby, starting in 2011, on
behalf of then-Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych. The plea agreement
describes one of the heads of state involved in this secret lobbying as a "former
Polish President" who "was also a representative of the European Parliament
with oversight responsibility for Ukraine."[19] At least one press report
claimed that Kwaśniewski was this former Polish President.

The Petitioner learned from an article entitled "Former Polish President and the

Ukrainian investigation into Biden" from the Polish newspaper Poland In


investigation-into-biden), that Kwasniewski was paid a million euro by a company

that is reported to be under investigation by Ukrainian prosecutors. However, the

investigation into former U.S Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter's Ukrainian

company affairs began prior to Trump's call with President Zelensky, before he was

even elected. Furthermore, the article in Poland In stated that:

President Trump wanted an investigation into whether Joe Biden

attempted to pressure the Ukrainian authorities into dismissing the
chief public prosecutor Viktor Shakin after he began an
investigation into the company which was employing Hunter
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 248 -

According to reports in independent Russian media, the company in

question is already being investigated for money laundering by
Ukrainian oligarchs connected to former Ukrainian President
Viktor Yanukovych. "Novaya Gazeta" in early October published
materials on the investigation into one of the oligarchs, Sergey
Kurchenko, which conclude that money which had been generated
from illegal activities was laundered through the company and
found its way into the private accounts of both Hunter Biden and
Aleksander Kwasniewski.
"Novaya Gazeta" reports that Burisma Holdings paid 3.4 million
USO to a company representing Hunter Biden, and a million Euro
to Aleksander Kwasniewski as consultancy fees. Burisma was
owned by Mikolyi Zlochevsky who was appointed environment
minister by President Yanukovych. That ministry is responsible for
granting licenses for gas and oil exploration. The company owned
by the oligarch come minister soon became the second biggest such
company on the Ukrainian market. After the Maidan revolution in
2014, Mr Zlochevsky offered Mr Kwasniewski and Hunter Biden
seats on the Board of his company. This helped the company to
survive in the radically changed business climate.
Aleksander Kwasniewski has acknowledged that he has been on the
Board of the company in question since January 2014. His tasks
include writing political forecasts and analysis. He assured
journalists questioning him that he pays taxes on his income from
Ukraine in Poland.

It worth mentioning that in September 2014, Donald Tusk, the 14th Prime

Minister of the Republic of Poland in the post-Soviet Union era (November 2007–

September 2014) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald Tusk), was elected

President of the European Union or President of the European Council. He was

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 249 -

close political ally of Alexander Kwasniewski.

The Petitioner lived in Poland when he was young on the outskirts of the city of

Bialogard (German: Belgard) in northwest Poland. This was formerly the German

territory of West Prussia-Pomerania before World War II. This is also where

Kwasniewski born and lived and where Mueller's ancestors came from before

immigrating to the United States. After World War II, Bialogard was also the

location of a large Soviet military base, Berman Wehrmacht Military Base.

Kwasniewski’s father, Zdzislaw Kwasniewski, was the physician-doctor for the

Petitioner’s family after World War II

As one of the organizers and leaders of the anti-communist labor movement,

Solidarity, in February 1981, the petitioner, together with the Chairman of Solidarity,

Lech Walesa, signed an agreement with the Polish communist government. On

December 13, 1981, the Petitioner was kidnapped in his pajamas by communist secret

police and was thrown into prison, which was labeled as an internment camp. The

Petitioner was arrested in same manner that Trump’s adviser, 67-year-old Roger Stone,

was arrested in his pajamas when his Fort Lauderdale home was raided by the FBI in a

pre-dawn raid involving 29 FBI agents in armored vehicles. On December 13, 1981,

Walesa was imprisoned by communists 50 miles from where the Petitioner was

imprisoned. At the same time, in 1981, future president of Poland Kwasniewski was
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 250 -

the editor-in-chief of the communist-controlled student weekly ITD; he later served as

editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper communist youth Sztandar Młodych from

1984–1985. Walesa was elected as the first President of Republic of Poland in the

post-communist era.

It appears that former Polish President Kwasniewski's joint venture with Biden

and the Board of Directors of Ukrainian Burisma Holding Company and their

involvement in Ukraine's internal affairs with other former European countries'

presidents and prime ministers was an important factor that intensified the 2015

merciless witch hunt aimed at Trump and that the Russian collusion hoax was a smoke

screen to divert attention from the Obama-Biden administration's murky involvement

in Ukraine's internal affairs.



On November 2, 2018, three days after the Motion to Unseal Indictment in USA v.

Manafort et al., Stephanie Lauren Brooker, an attorney from Gibson, Dunn &

Crutcher, LLP, who represented Bank USA (BUSA), filed the Petition and Request for
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 251 -

Ancillary Hearing and Related Relief Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 853(n). Brooker

petitioned the court for an ancillary hearing to adjudicate interest in the forfeited

property and to amend the October 10, 2018 Preliminary Order of Forfeiture of Paul

Manafort’s property, located at 721 Fifth Avenue, #43G, New York, NY 10022. The

fortified property was described as the residential unit (the Unit) 43-G in Trump Tower

Condominium at street numbers 721–725 Fifth Avenue, Borough of Manhattan, City,

County and State of New York.

What caught the Petitioner’s attention in this proceeding was the name of the

law firm representing BUSA and Brooker's professional career, in relation to the

Petitioner’s IRS Whistleblower Claim, Application for Award Form 2011, which the

Petitioner submitted to the IRS Whistleblower Office (WBO) in Ogden, Utah, on

March 23, 2016, Claim No. 2016–00748, which, in November 2018, became U.S. Tax

Court Case No. 23105–18W, Jaroslaw Janusz Waszczuk v. Commissioner of Internal

Revenue Services. This case is about the tax fraud worth tens of millions of dollars

committed by the corrupt administration of the University of California (UC), which is

deeply rooted in the sophisticated $40 billion fraud scheme entitled the "California

energy crisis of 2001–2003." The Petitioner’s case is also about the 14-year long

merciless and inhumane witch hunt that destroyed his and his family's normal

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 252 -

Following the March 23, 2016 submission of his IRS WBO Application for

Award, Form 211, Claim No. 2016–00748, on April 11, 2016, the Petitioner submitted

an 11-page inquiry to Benjamin B. Wagner, U.S. Attorney from Eastern District of

California, to bring criminal charges against UC Regents for the multimillion-dollar tax

fraud related to the unlawful generation and sale of power at the UC Davis Medical

Center (UCDMC) 27-MW cogeneration plant, which had been occurring since 1999.

The Petitioner’s inquiry was entitled “Request to Bring Criminal Charges Against the

Regents of the University of California Due to Multimillion Dollars Federal Tax Fraud

Relating to Unlawful Generation and Power Sale in 1999–2003 and 2012–2013 by the

UC Davis Medical Center 27-MW Cogeneration Power Plant and for Destruction of My

and My Family's Life and Gross Violations of My Civil and Human Rights.”

On April 20, 2016, nine days after the Petitioner sent his inquiry to Wagner,

Wagner announced his resignation, effective in April 30, 2016


his-resignation), and became a partner of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP, in Palo

Alto, near to San Francisco (https://www.gibsondunn.com/lawyer/wagner-

benjamin/). This is also the law firm that Brooker works at

(https://www.gibsondunn.com/lawyer/brooker-stephanie/). Both Wagner and

Brooker worked as a prosecutor for the U.S. Department Justice. Prior to his
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 253 -

government service, Wagner was an associate at the New York office of a national law

firm for more than five years, where his practice involved both civil litigation and

corporate finance transactions. He earned his Juris Doctor from New York University

School of Law in 1986, where he was managing editor of the Journal of International

Law and Politics. He received his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College in


From 2011–2015, U.S. Attorney Wagner collaborated with U.S. Attorney

Melinda Haag and FBI chiefs in order to frame and entrap California Senator Yee and

perpetrate his incarceration. On March 6, 2017, Wagner, Haag, and McGregor Scott’s

names resurfaced in the recommendation letter that was sent to Senators Charles

Grassley and Dianne Feinstein by 127 former U.S. Attorneys, recommending that U.S.

Attorney Rod Rosenstein from the District of Maryland, a key perpetrator in the plot to

remove President Trump from office, be confirmed as Deputy Attorney General

(DAG) for U.S. Department of Justice. DAG Rosenstein then appointed Mueller to the

post of U.S. Special Counsel on May 17, 2017.

Mueller served as a consulting professor and the Frank E. and Arthur W. Payne

Distinguished Lecturer at Stanford University in Stanford, California, where he

focused on issues related to cybersecurity.

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 254 -

(https://cisac.fsi.stanford.edu/news/former fbi director to bolster security rese

arch at stanford 20131105). At Stanford University, Mueller was welcomed by

Christine Blasey Ford, a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a

research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Since 2011,

Blasely Ford has been a professor of psychology in the Stanford-PGSP Consortium for

Clinical Psychology, a collaborative program between Palo Alto University and

Stanford University (https://www.paloaltou.edu/about/partnership-stanford-


U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, supposedly sexually

brutalized and attempted to rape Blasey Ford. The attempt to derail Judge Kavanaugh’s

nomination by bringing out Blasey Ford’s story was an ill crafted, planned and

premeditated attack against Kavanaugh that was only used when other attempts to stop

the nomination failed. The Petitioner is not excluding Wagner, together with Mueller,

Feinstein, and Harris, in the plot against Judge Kavanaugh



It is not a coincidence that two attorneys from the same law firm, Gibson,

Dunn & Crutcher, LLP, Wagner and Brooker, became indirect participants in

Mueller and Rosenstein’s hit squad to witch hunt and derail Trump’s presidency in
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 255 -

an ill-planned coup and to prosecute his associates, managers, family, and Trump

himself. The Petitioner would like reiterate from previous parts that, in May 2016,

shortly after Wagner became a partner of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP,

Napolitano, former Secretary of Homeland Security and President of UC, armed

with $175,000,000, met with President Barack Obama and Vice President Biden to

deliver a draft of "Russian interreference in 2016 presidential campaign Collusion

Witch Hunt Hoax," which was drafted for them for $1,000,000 by Napolitano’s

friends , former U.S. Prosecutors Haag and Scott.

At the end of May 2016, the Petitioner hired experienced attorney, Mark

Schlein, from the prestigious California consumer law firm, Baum, Hedlund, Aristei &

Goldman, based in Los Angeles, to legally represent him in court in his whistleblower

case about tens of millions of dollars of tax fraud. Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman

assigned Schlein, an out-of-state attorney from Florida. Schlein was a former

lieutenant colonel and the Director of the Department of Law Enforcement

(https://www.baumhedlundlaw.com/attorneys/mark-h-schlein/). In May 2016,

shortly after he retained Attorney Schlein, the Petitioner discovered that UC President

Napolitano used her connections with President Obama’s administration to enable

former UC Executive Associate Vice President Judith Boyette to be appointed by

the Secretary of Treasury for a three-year term on the IRS Advisory Committee on Tax
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 256 -

Exempt and Government Entities (TEGE), to take care of the Petitioner’s IRS

whistleblower claim.

The Petitioner alerted the U.S. Tax Court to Napolitano’s possession of

$175,000,000 of dirty cash in his July 29, 2019 Reply to U.S. Tax Court Order

Served on July 9, 2019, Signed by Special Trial Judge Honorable Robert N. Armen,

Re: Protective Order, Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure Section 6103(B)(L),

(2), and (3) (U.S. Tax Court Docket No. 0019), with the following words:

"It is still a puzzle whether Assemblymen Phil Ting and Kevin McCarty, by
ordering the State Audit, prevented Napolitano from using the $175,000,000 of
dirty cash to possibly orchestrate a new 9/11 terrorist attack or to assassinate
Donald Trump on the Presidential campaign trail in 2016."
On August 14, 2016, the New York Times reported that that $12.7 million in cash

payments to Manafort were listed in a secret ledger linked to former Ukrainian

President Viktor Yanukovych, for whom Manafort had worked as an adviser since


From the big picture of all facts and events, it appears that Napolitano, with her

$175, 0000,0000 of dirty cash, and Manafort were the key asset perpetrators were

counting on in eliminating Trump from the political arena, in a similar way that

California Senator Yee was eliminated by Mueller and Napolitano; but something
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 257 -

happened in middle of 2016, that made them take more aggressive action against

Trump and his associates in an attempt to overthrow Trump in political coup.



On February 22, 2018, the Superseding Indictment with additional criminal charges

against Paul Manafort Jr. was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of

Columbia by Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III’s hit squad; the indictment was

unsealed on February 23, 2018



The 48-page Motion to Dismiss the Superseding Indictment, filed by Manafort’s

defense team on March 14, 2018, in the U.S. District Court for the District of

Columbia, outlined perfectly why the Superseding Indictment was a total fraud



Docket No. 23105-18 W - 258 -

By simply reading the titles of the "Argument" paragraphs (listed below) of the

Superseding Indictment, it is obvious that Deputy Attorney General Rod Jay

Rosenstein's appointment of Mueller as Special Counsel was unlawful and that

Mueller's prosecution of Manafort for the crimes allegedly committed by him years

before the 2016 presidential election was an integral part of a witch hunt and political

coup that was aimed at President Donald Trump, who, surprisingly, won the 2016

election, despite merciless attacks by mass and social media that had been going on

since he announced his run for presidency in July 2015.

1. The Superseding Indictment Must Be Dismissed Because the Special Counsel's
Appointment Was Ultra Vires
2. The Acting Attorney General's Power to Grant Jurisdiction Is Limited to
Specifically Identified Matters and Related Obstruction Efforts
3. The Appointment Order Exceeds the Acting Attorney General's Authority under
the Special Counsel Regulations
4. The Superseding Indictment Must Be Dismissed for Want of Jurisdiction
5. The Superseding Indictment Must Be Dismissed under Rules 6(d) and 7(c)
Because the Special Counsel Lacked Authority to Participate in the Grand Jury
Proceedings and to Sign the Superseding Indictment
6. The Superseding Indictment Exceeds even the Authority the Appointment Order
Purports to Grant
7. The Appointment Order Purports to Grant Authority Only over Matters that
"Arise Directly from" the Special Counsel's Investigation
8. The Charges against Mr. Manafort Do Not "Arise Directly from" the Special
Counsel's Investigation
9. The Superseding Indictment Violates Rules 6(d) and 7(c) Because It Exceeds
the Scope of the Appointment Order
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 259 -

10.This Court Lacks Jurisdiction and Dismissal is Otherwise Warranted

In addition to the Motion to Dismiss the Superseding Indictment, Manafort’s legal

defense team filed an additional motion, Paul J. Manafort Jr.’s Motion to Dismiss

Count Two and to Strike the Forfeiture Allegation, on the same day, March 14, 2018,

in the U.S. for the District of Columbia (0033-INSERT LINK).

The Superseding Indictment alleged that Manafort failed to submit a foreign agent

registration form with the U.S. Department of Justice in a timely manner, and that he

failed to report foreign bank accounts and income to the U.S. Department of Treasury.

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), 22 U.S.C. §§ 611–621, was enacted in


Count Two of the indictment charged Manafort with conspiring to launder money in

violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1956(h). In the introduction of the Motion to Dismiss the

Superseding Indictment, Manafort’s attorney explained why Count Two of the

Superseded Indictment had to be dismissed. Basically, Manafort's attorney told the

court that conspiracy to launder money has nothing to do with FARA, and that, as a

matter of law, violations of FARA cannot generate unlawful proceeds. For that reason,

he said that Count Two must be dismissed. Manafort's attorney also demanded that the

Superseding Indictment's forfeiture allegation, which was based upon the money
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 260 -

laundering conspiracy and the FARA violations, were unsupported by any law and

must be stricken from the Superseding Indictment.

The office of Special Counsel Mueller responded to Manafort’s two motions with

the 52-page, Government's Response in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss, filed on

April 2, 2018



This was followed by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge

Amy Berman Jackson’s Memorandum Opinion and Order, which denied Manafort's

Motion to Dismiss the Superseding Indictment and Motion to Dismiss Count Two and

to Strike the Forfeiture Allegation.



Judge Berman Jackson’s May 15, 2018, 21-page Memorandum Opinion and Order,

which denied Manafort's Motion to Dismiss the Superseding Indictment and Motion to

Dismiss Count Two and to Strike the Forfeiture Allegation, was a formality. The fate
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 261 -

of Manafort and Trump's campaign advisors, managers, and staff was decided in 2016.

Berman Jackson's memorandum was basically a shortened and redacted version of

Mueller’s Government's Response in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss, which was

filed by Mueller on April 2, 2018, in opposition of Manafort’s motions. Furthermore,

Berman Jackson's memorandum made frequent references to Manafort's business in

Ukraine. Those references came from the New York Times , Washington Post and other

media; thus, the whole Memorandum Opinion and Order was not credible and sounded

more like an article written by a very knowledgeable writer from an anti-Trump about

Ukraine and Russia's internal affairs.




It is possible that Judge Berman Jackson's had an unofficial direct communication

with Mueller as it took place in the U.S District Court Northern District of California ,

United States of America v. Kwok Cheung Chow, a.k.a. Raymond Chow, a.k.a.

Shrimp Boy, a.k.a. Ha Jai, Case No. 3:14–cr–00196–CRB in which Mueller

communicated unofficially with District Judge Charles Brewer San Francisco. Perhaps
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 262 -

Judge Berman Jackson was advised by U.S Senator Kamala Harris husband Douglas

Emhoff on Kamala Harris behalf .

The key target in the above case was California Senator Leland Yee. Mueller was

unofficially or he assigned himself as Special Counsel, with the unofficial purpose of

taking Senator Yee out of the political arena after the September 9, 2010 Pacific Gas

and Electric (PG&E) natural gas pipeline explosion in Senator Yee’s senatorial district,

San Bruno’s Crestmoor neighborhood, in which eight people were killed and more

than 50 others were injured. The blast failed to remove Senator Yee from political

activities. In this particular case, Senator Yee and 25 others were rounded up by

Mueller’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) subordinates from California. They

were prosecuted by Mueller’s friend and former assistant, U.S. Attorney Malinda

Haag, from the Northern District of California, San Francisco Division. In February

2016, in a Soviet Union Stalin-era-style show trial, U.S. District Court Judge Charles

Breyer sentenced Yee to five years in federal prison. Judge Charles Breyer is the

brother of Justice of the Supreme Court Stephen Breyer. As the court record shows,

Mueller communicated directly with Judge Charles Breyer about what he expected

from the court, in regard to Senator Yee's political activities. Mueller, together with

Haag and Benjamin Wagner, on behalf of the California political oligarchy, Senator

Dianne Feinstein and her husband Richard Blum, a Regent of the University of
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 263 -

California (UC); U.S Senator Barbara Boxer, San Francisco District Attorney;

California Attorney General Kamala Harris; Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, who is now

the governor of California; and other less-noble people, rigged and derailed Senator

Yee's San Francisco mayoral election in 2011. In March 2014, Mueller, Haag, Harris

and Wagner tarnished Senator Yee's attempt to became Secretary of State for

California and rounded up and arrested him and 25 other people to makes looks witch

hunt legitimate operation and portrait Senator Yee as an ordinary criminal and gun

dealer who buying guns from terrorists.

In in copycat scenario, as Yee was taken out of California's political arena,

Donald Trump and his associates and family members' fates were decided by a

plan to take him out of the political arena. This plan was delivered to President

Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in 2016 by the UC President Janet

Napolitano, who, in order to make the conspiracy work, was armed with

$175,000,000. The conspiracy did not work as anticipated. Petitioner in his July

29, 2019 Reply to U.S. Tax Court Order, Served on July 9, 2019, Signed by

Special Trial Judge Honorable Robert N. Armen, Re: Protective Order, Tax Court

Rules of Practice and Procedure Section 6103 (B) (L), (2), and (3) (U.S. Tax Court

Docket No. 0019), described the Janet Napolitano ‘s dedication to the cause to

take care of Donald Trump with the following words:

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 264 -

"It is still a puzzle whether Assemblymen Phil Ting and Kevin McCarty, by
ordering the State Audit, prevented Napolitano from using the $175,000,000 of
dirty cash to possibly orchestrate a new 9/11 terrorist attack or to assassinate
Donald Trump on the presidential campaign trail in 2016."
State Audit 2016–130 was requested by Assemblyman Phil Ting and approved

by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee in August 2016. It took place after Yee

turned himself in to the U.S. Marshals Service on March 25, 2016, to serve a five-year

federal prison sentence, after an almost-six-year witch hunt, orchestrated by Senator

Feinstein husband Richard Blum (UC Regent) with the blessing and participation of

Kamala Harris; Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi; Boxer; California Governor Jerry

Brown; Newsom; California Senate President Pro Tempore Darrel Steinberg, who is

now the mayor of Sacramento; and California Assembly Speaker John Perez, who is

now a Regent of UC. Given his professional background, Ting knew exactly what he

was looking for when he requested the audit to target Napolitano and the corrupt UC

Office of the President (UCOP).

California Assembly Member Phil Ting

Phil Ting, Chinese-American, was elected to the State Assembly in 2012, representing

the 19th Assembly District, which spans the west side of San Francisco, as well as the

communities of Broadmoor, Colma, Daly City, and south San Francisco. Ting was
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 265 -

appointed San Francisco Assessor-Recorder in 2005 by then-Mayor Gavin Newsom,

becoming San Francisco’s highest-ranking Chinese-American official at the time.

November 2005. He now serves as Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, after

having served as Chair of the Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation

(https://a19.asmdc.org/article/biography). However, it appears that Assemblyman

Ting and the State Auditor did not follow up on what happened to the $175,000,000, or

on who was on the distribution list for this tax free cash.

On August 14, 2016, at the same time that the State Audit 2016–130 was

approved by the California Joint Legislative Audit Committee, the New York Times

reported that $12.7 million in cash payments to Manafort were listed in a secret ledger

linked to former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, for whom Manafort had

worked as an adviser since 2006. Most likely, California State Audit 2016–130's

approval by the California Joint Legislative Audit Committee in August 2016, derailed

the perpetrators' plan to take Trump out of the political arena with help of

$175,000,000 provided to conspirators by UC Regent.

As the Petitioner pointed out previously, the only difference between the witch

hunt aimed at Yee and that aimed at Trump is that the in witch hunt aimed at Donald

Trump George Papadopoulos, Trump's former campaign foreign policy adviser;

Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair; Rick Gates, Trump's former
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 266 -

campaign aide and Manafort’s longtime junior business partner; U.S. General Michael

T. Flynn, Trump’s former National Security Advisor; 13 Russian nationals

and three Russian companies; Richard Pinedo, a Californian with a theft charge;

Alex van der Zwaan, an attorney associated with Paul Manafort; Rick Gates, who

was charged with making false statements to the FBI; Konstantin Kilimnik, a

longtime business associate of Manafort and Gates; 12 Russian GRU officers charged

with the hacking and leaking of leading Democrats’ emails in 2016; Michael Cohen,

Trump’s former lawyer; Roger Stone, Trump's longtime advisor; and Sam Patten, a

Republican operative and lobbyist were used for same purpose as 25 people rounded

up by FBI in executed by Robert Mueller witch hunt in 2010-2016 aimed at

California Senator Leland Yee

The judges from the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Berman Jackson

and Emmet Sullivan, are no different than Judge Charles Breyer, who, during Yee's

prosecution case from 2014–2016, threw 26 people into prison for political reasons,

with the blessing of his brother, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. Judge

Sullivan still prosecuting retired U.S. Army General Michel T. Flynn for political

reason , even though the U.S. Attorney General Office wanted to dismiss the case

against him . https://www.scribd.com/document/464100833/01-29-2020-Gen-Flynn-s-

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 267 -

District Court Judges Berman Jackson, Sullivan, and Charles Breyer are no

different than District Judge Garland E. Burrell Jr. from the Eastern District of

California, who, in 2007, sentenced Hamid Hayat, a cherry picker from Lodi,

California, to 24 years in prison (United States v. Hayat, No. 2:05–cr–0240 GEB DB

(E.D. Cal. Jan. 10, 2019)). Hayat was framed and entrapped by FBI Director Mueller's

October 2001 order and was prosecuted by Napolitano’s friend, U.S. Attorney from

Eastern District Court McGregor William Scott. In August 2019, Burrell Jr. released

Hayat, a completely innocent man, after he spent 14 years in federal prison



In 2016 McGregor Scott who prosecuted Hayat shared with Melinda Haag $

1,000,000 they received from Janet Napolitano . Melinda Haag with Robert Mueller

witch hunted and prosecuted California Senator Leland Yee in 2010-2016.

The District Judge Amy Berman Jackson issued her May 15, 2018,

Memorandum Opinion and Order just two days before Chairman Charles E. Grassley

wrote a seven-page letter to Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, outlining his serious

concerns about the jurisdiction and authority of Special Counsel Mueller. On page 3 of

the letter, Grassley noted that Rosenstein’s appointment order omitted sections 600.1–

600.3 of the Attorney General department regulations. The omitted sections included:
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 268 -

(1) grounds for appointing a Special Counsel, (2) alternatives available to the Attorney

General, and (3) qualifications of the Special Counsel, including the requirement that

the Assistant Attorney General for Administration ensure a detailed review of conflicts

of interest issues. More specifically, section 600.1 states the Attorney General “will

appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a

person or matter is warranted.” The omitted regulations do not authorize

counterintelligence investigations. However, the Appointment Order did not otherwise

specify whether, to what extent, or on what basis Mueller had been granted

counterintelligence authority. These omissions and the department’s decision to

withhold a precise description of the scope of the special counsel investigation

obscured how the department was spending very significant amounts of taxpayer

dollars and left the actual jurisdictional limits on Mueller’s authority, as well as how

those limits were determined.



Following the May 17, 2018 inquiry sent by Grassley to Rosenstein, on July 25,

2018, during the second session of the 115th Congress, 13 Republican House

representatives submitted the Second Session Resolution, H. Res. 1028, to impeach

Rosenstein for high crimes and misdemeanors

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 269 -



Neither Grassley's May 17, 2018, inquiry into Rosenstein, nor the resolution to

impeach Rosenstein, discouraged District Court Judges Berman Jackson and Sullivan

from continuing with their Soviet Union Stalin-era-style prosecution as part of the

witch hunt aimed at dually-elected President Trump. This raises the question of what

Berman Jackson and Sullivan's motivations were to act as Soviet Union Stalin-era-

style judges

It is unknown whether it was the $175,000,000 brought by Napolitano to the

White House for the meeting with President Obama and Vice President Biden or

something else pushed them to prosecute political opponents using criminal law.

Napolitano’s $175,000,000 is still an unresolved puzzle because California Attorney

General Xavier Becerra, a former Congressman from 2013–2017, refused to open a

probe to find out what Napolitano wanted to use that money for in 2016. Instead, at the

expense of taxpayers, Becerra filed over 60 frivolous lawsuits against President Trump

and Trump’s administration.

Special Counsel Mueller, for his ill orchestrated investigation of the Russian

interference in the 2016 presidential election witch hunt hoax, aimed at President

Trump and his family and his staff employed 19 lawyers, 40 personnel (FBI agents,
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 270 -

intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, and others), entrapped and charged 34

people, executed 500 search warrants, interviewed 500 witnesses, and issued 2800

subpoenas, all at a taxpayer expense of over $30,000,000. Miller emerged empty

handed from his witch hunt aimed at Donald Trump New York City and Washington,

D.C. (see: Robert Mueller's March 2019 Report on the Investigation into Russian

Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election,


It appears that Flynn, who was besieged by Judge Sullivan, was the last chance

for the conspirators against President Trump to achieve their ill-minded and dangerous

goal to remove Trump from office by coup, blackmail, and fabrication of false

evidence of wrongdoing.
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 291 -




A. The Atlantic Articles.

It was not a coincidence that on September 3, 2020, The Atlantic published an

article by Jefferey Goldberg that was very disparaging to President Trump's, entitled

"Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers'."


died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/). This was followed by Anne

Applebaum’s September 4, 2020 interview with former FBI Chief of

Counterespionage Peter Strzok, who was fired from the job on August 10, 2018, by
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 292 -

FBI Deputy Director David L. Bowdich. Applebaum’s interview was entitled "Who’s

Putting These Ideas in His Head?" and was subtitled “The former FBI agent Peter

Strzok worries that Americans will never learn the full story about Trump’s

relationship with Russia” (https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/09/anne-

applebaum-interviews-peter-strzok/616003/). Applebaum’s interview with Strzok

should have been titled "Who’s Putting These Ideas about Trump’s Relationship

with Russia into Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s Head?" Trump’s course of

business in Russia before he became a presidential candidate was later used to derail

his presidential campaign and to attempt to remove him from office after he was


The witch hunt aimed at Trump caused Strzok to lose his job after 20 years

of service with the FBI because he overestimated his ability as a witch hunter and

underestimated Trump. Goldberg’s article caught the Petitioner’s attention because

in it, Goldberg smeared President Trump with disgusting accusations that were

unsupported by any witnesses or evidences. These Goldberg’s despicable

accusations and smear included that, during his 2018 visit to France, President

Trump allegedly publicly disparaged 1,800 American Marines who died in World

War I in the 20-day Battle of Belleau Wood, that he refused to go to Aisne-Marne

American Cemetery near Paris, and that he called dead soldiers “losers” and
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 293 -

“suckers.” President Trump responded firmly to Goldberg’s smear saying that only

“animals” could come up with such low, unfounded accusations. The day after

they published Goldberg's article, The Atlantic published Applebaum’s interview

with Strzok.

From these two articles, which were published only one day apart, the Petitioner

determined that Goldberg's disgusting smear originated from Applebaum, who lives in

Poland. Since at least March 2016, Applebaum had fed wrong information about

Trump’s relation with Russia and Putin and Ukraine to President Obama’s

administration and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) via The New York Times,

the Washington Post, and The Atlantic. In February 2016, retired army general and

former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Michael T. Flynn, became

Trump’s advisor on foreign policy matters. Flynn had been a prominent critic of the

Obama administration since 2014, when he was ousted from the DIA.

On March 29, 2016, Paul Manafort, a veteran Republican consultant, joined the Trump

campaign as a strategist to help prepare for the Republican National Convention.

According to Wikipedia

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne Applebaum#Personal life). In March 2016,

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 294 -

eight months before the presidential election, Applebaum wrote the following in

a Washington Post in reference to candidate Donald Trump:

"'Is this the end of the West as we know it?', which argued that
"we are two or three bad elections away from the end of NATO, the
end of the European Union and maybe the end of the liberal world
order." Applebaum endorsed Hillary Clinton's campaign for
president in July 2016, on the grounds that Trump is 'a man who
appears bent on destroying the alliances that preserve international
peace and American power.'
Applebaum's March 2016 Washington Post column inspired the
Swiss magazine, Tagesanzeiger, and the German magazine, Der
Spiegel, to interview her, the articles appearing in December 2016
and January 2017. She argued very early on that the movement had
an international dimension, that populist groups in Europe share
'ideas and ideology, friends and founders,' and that,
unlike Burkean conservatives, they seek to 'overthrow the
institutions of the present to bring back things that existed in the
past—or that they believe existed in the past—by force.'
Applebaum has underlined the danger of a new 'Nationalist
International,' a union of xenophobic, nationalist parties such
as Law and Justice in Poland, the Northern League in Italy, and
the Freedom Party in Austria.”
The above fragment is self-explanatory and demonstrates Applebaum's political

orientation and her feelings about Trump and Trump’s movement to "Make America

Great Again" (MAGA).

However, in March 2016, Trump’s populism and nationalism were a not key concern to

Applebaum. Her concern was Manafort, who joined Trump's presidential campaign at
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 295 -

that time. The Petitioner’s briefed t the U.S. Tax Court in his Notice of Objection

provided information about Manafort's business in Ukraine with the former President of

the Republic of Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski, and other European Union (EU)

countries' leaders, who are linked and politically connected to Applebaum's husband,

Radoslaw Sikorski.

B. Who is Anne Applebaum?

The Anne Applebaum’s legal name is Anne Elizabeth Sikorska. She was born in

Washington, D.C. in 1964. She is an American Marxist by heart, and a journalist and

historian by profession. She has written many books and publications about the Soviet

Union, Russia, Ukraine, and Poland. Her ancestors immigrated to the U.S. from

eastern Poland (what is today Belarus), where the Petitioner’s parents lived before

World War II. She has written extensively about Marxism and Leninism. Educated in

history and literature, she graduated from Yale University in 1986. There, in 1982, she

attended a Soviet history course taught by the former hard-core German communist,

Wolfgang Leonhard. One of Leonhard's students at Yale was former U.S. President

George W. Bush, who wrote that Leonhard's History of the Soviet Union was "one of

my most memorable courses." Applebaum spent the summer of 1985, in Leningrad,

the Soviet Union. She was a Marshall Scholar

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall Scholarship), and in 1987, she graduated

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 296 -

with a Master’s degree from the London School of Economics, where she met her

Polish-born husband, Radoslaw Sikorski. In 1988, Appelbaum moved to Poland,

which, at that time, was dominated by the Soviet Union and ruled by the communist

regime that was the verge to collapse, which finally happened in 1989. There are over

1,900 Marshall Scholar alumni, including two of the nine current Associate Justices of

the U.S. Supreme Court. One of these is Justice Stephen Breyer, brother of Charles

Breyer, judge from the District Court of the Northern District of California, who, in

conspiracy with former FBI Director, Robert Swan Mueller III, and U.S. Attorney

from the Northern District of California, Melinda Haag, threw California Senator

Leland Yee and 25 other people into prison in a despicable witch hunt aimed at

Senator Yee from 2010–2016.

In September 2018, during the ongoing vicious witch hunt aimed at President

Trump and his nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who was

accused of sexual misconduct when he was in high school, Applebaum badmouthed

Kavanaugh and Justice Neil Gorsuch on Twitter because they are Catholics and

because they both graduated from Georgetown Preparatory School (also known

as Georgetown Prep), a Catholic school in North Bethesda, Maryland

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgetown Preparatory School). The Petitioner

knew of Applebaum because she had previously lectured him through e-mail about one
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 297 -

of her articles. In response to her tweets about Judge Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch,

the Petitioner tweeted, "Small world, Ms. Sikorska." To this tweet, the Petitioner

attached a link to the open letter that the Petitioner wrote on to Charles Grassley,

Chairman of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, on September 19, 2018, entitled "In

Defense of Judge Kavanaugh and His Family"


and-his-Family). After receiving the Petitioner’s response, Applebaum instantly

blocked the Petitioner on Twitter.

C. How Appelbaum and Her Husband, Radoslaw Sikorski, Are Connected

to Manafort, Who Was Chairman of Trump’s Presidential Campaign
for a Short Time in 2016

In liberated Poland from Soviet’s an communists liberation , Applebaum’s

husband, Radoslaw Sikorski, became a very well-known Polish and EU politician and

a member of the European Parliament

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rados%C5%82aw Sikorski). Sikorski held the post of

Poland Minster of National Defense from 2005–2007, under Presidents Aleksander

Kwasniewski and Lech Kaczynski. President Kwasniewski later did business with

Manafort and with U.S. Vice President’s Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. Both were
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 298 -

members of the board of directors for the Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma

Holding Limited, which owns licenses for the major Ukrainian gas fields. From

November 2007 to September 2014, Sikorski held the post of Minister of Foreign

Affairs under the prime minster of Republic of Poland, Donald Tusk. In 2014, Tusk

was elected to a five-year term as President of European Union Council. On August

25, 2019, President Trump met Tusk at the G7 Summit in Biarritz, France.

Reading about Sikorski and his involvement in Ukrainian and Russian political

affairs, it is not difficult to determine that Applebaum, had first-hand information

about these affairs, about former Polish president Kwasniewski’s former EU

officials, or about Hunter Biden and Manafort's business in Ukraine and in general

Anne Applebaum had access to information regular people can’t access or read

anywhere . Applebaum would have needed this first-hand knowledge to write a

credibly sound fake and disparaging story about Trump, whom she hates and

about Trump’s administration .

D. Anne Applebaum-Sikorska ; Aleksander Kwasniewski-Former

President of Poland; Hunter Biden -Son of Former U.S. Vice President
Joe Biden; Manafort- Former Chairman of Trump's Presidential
Campaign and
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 299 -

The following excerpt, especially the last sentence, from Applebaum's interview with

Strzok is interesting in relation to the events that occurred in the middle of the 2016

presidential campaign:

"A counterintelligence investigation looks beyond whether laws

have been broken, to how people can be pressured. With Trump,
the immediate thing that leaps out are his financial entanglements.
Are some of them improper? Does somebody therefore hold
leverage over him? But Trump, at the very beginning of the
Mueller investigation, had already drawn a red line, saying, 'My
and my family’s financial dealings are off-limits. And if you go
there,' he implied, 'I’m going to fire you.'"
On June 20, 2016, when Trump dismissed campaign manager Corey

Lewandowski, who had worked for him for more than a year, and appointed Manafort

as his campaign chairman, Manafort became a family financial dealing problem, not

for Trump, but for Vice President Biden, whose son Hunter Binder, together with the

former president of Poland, Kwasniewski, raked in millions of dollars from Burisma

Holdings Limited, which owns licenses for the major Ukrainian gas fields. As court

documents show, Manafort did business with Kwasniewski and other former officials

from EU countries, most likely many from President Obama's administration were

involved in this murky business in Ukraine during Obama's presidency from 2008–

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 300 -

Manafort’s appointment of as Trump’s campaign chairman changed

perpetrators plan to take Trump out of the political arena before election day. A

draft of the coup plan, for which Janet Napolitano paid $1,000,000 to her friends,

two former U.S. Attorneys, McGregor Scott and Melinda Haag, was delivered to

Vice President Biden and President Obama by Napolitano in May 2016.

Napolitano traveled to Washington, D.C. in May 2016 with $175,000,000; this

money was provided to her by the Regents of the University of California (UC) to

take Trump out of the running for U.S. President.

To control damages due to Manafort's appointment as campaign chairman,

President Obama's administration, which was still in power in June 2016 caused

20,000 e-mails to be hacked from the Democratic National Convention server. The

FBI launched an investigation. Thereafter, on August 1, 2016, The New York Times

reported that that $12.7 million in illegal cash payments to Manafort were listed in

a secret ledger linked to former President Viktor Yanukovych. Manafort had

worked with former Polish President Kwasniewski and other EU cronies as an

adviser to Yanukovych. The August 16, 201 New York Times article did the job

and resulted in Manafort quitting Trump’s campaign. He became in 2017 a major

target of Mueller and Rod Rosenstein's hit squad in their conspiracy goal to

prosecute and remove President Donald Trump from office .

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 301 -

It is very likely that Kwasniewski or Sikorski helped Hunter Biden get the lucrative

million-dollar contract in Ukraine. Burisma Holdings Limited's board became a

personal problem and family matter for vice President Joe Biden, Applebaum’s

husband Radoslaw Sikorski, and EU leaders closely affiliated with President

Obama's administration.

Applebaum was the recipient of a Doctor Honoris Causa from Georgtown

University, where, in March 2006, former President of Poland Aleksander

Kwasniewski was appointed as a Distinguished Scholar in the Practice of Global


District Court Judge Barman Jackson Berman’s Memorandums and Orders in the

United States Of America v. Paul Manafort Jr., Criminal Case No. 1:17–Cr–00201–

ABJ, U.S. District Court District of Columbia, sounds, in part, like Applebaum's

articles in the Washington Post and The Atlantic about Ukraine, Russia, and Trump. In

the September 4, 2020 article, Strzok noted that he worries that Americans will never

learn the full story about Trump’s relationship with Russia. This basically shows

Strzok and Applebaum's nostalgia about the Soviet Union. Strzok stated that his job

was a lot easier during the era of the Soviet Union.

Docket No. 23105-18 W - 302 -

It the Russia and Ukraine hoax witch hunt could be concluded than if anybody or

anyone meddled in 2016 Trump's U.S. presidential campaign, it was people from EU

countries who did business in Ukraine with U.S. Vice President Biden's son, Hunter

Biden, and others connected to President Obama’s administration from 2008–2016.

Manafort’s prosecution by Mueller’s Rosenstein Hit Squad became a key asset to

divert attention from Biden's activities in Ukraine, and from the endless witch hunt

aimed at Trump for the various reasons outlined in this Notice of Objection


Base on the provided facts and documents, Petitioner respectfully requesting

that the U.S. Tax Court reopen the case and set the case Jaroslaw Waszczuk v.

Commissioner of Internal Revenue Services, Docket No. 23105–18W for Court

Trial as soon as possible. It was initially done by the U.S Tax Court Judge Goeke’s

Standing Pretrial Order Dated August 16, 2016.

Dated September 21 ,2020 _______________________________

Jaroslaw Waszczuk, Petitioner Per Se

2216 Katzakian Way
Lodi, CA 95242
Phone: (209) 663-2977
Fax: (833) 787-3131
Email: jjw1980@live.comBUSSBUSI
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 303 -


This is to certify that a copy of the foregoing paper THE PETITIONER,


was served on September 21, 2020 by Electronic Mail and U.S Priority Mail to:

Trial Judge: Judge Joseph Robert Goeke - U.S Priority Mail

United States Tax Court, Room 331
400 Second Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20217

Darrick D. Sun Darrick.D.Sun@irscounsel,treas.gov , Electronic and U.S Mail

Internal Revenue Services
Office of Chief Counsel
Large Business & International
701 B Street, Suite 901
San Diego, CA 92101

Don Fort, Chief- U.S Priority Mail

U.S. Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service,
Criminal Investigation Department
1111Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20224
Docket No. 23105-18 W - 304 -

William Barr - U.S Priority Mail

U.S Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration- U.S Priority Mail

Tracey V. Giannakoulias
Assistant Special Agent in Charge Complaint
Management Team
1401 H Street, NW
Suite 469
Washington, DC 20005

Dated: September 21, 2020 By:

Jaroslaw Janusz Waszczuk, Petitioner
2216 Katzakian Way
Lodi,Ca 95242
Phone : 209.663.2977
Fax: 209.787.3131
E-mail : jjw1980@live.com

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