Biblioteca Quimica Tomo 1
Biblioteca Quimica Tomo 1
Biblioteca Quimica Tomo 1
Bibliotheca Chemica
Glasgow 1906
~L~ ~t
~~t Ttaîo ~rmtM tyAcMaï.
<L~<5/ <<H~-
Bi bHotbcca b
M.A., LL.D., MOKOOAttV MBMBtttt 0)f TM): tMPB)!tAt. mt-tTAtt~ ACAMMV Ot~ MeotCtMt, n-. ftm«SBU)tG
M<tMN[R Of TMB cmtMAN SOCtBTV MX TtMt HtSTOttY 0~ MBMOtttt AttO YHK KATtftAt. se))tMCM
KtttOOM MXMBM Of THB <oa&)< o'A)tCH&)M«Ht
R8GIU9 fttOtressOR O>
tb<aXMOtt o(
towbem tttwe<eew(t)e
tMe(taMt~oe te
*To the man who aspires to know, no man who has been
the meanest student of knowledge sbould be unknown.'
BooktU~ ChttpM-tv.
DR. JAMES YoUNG,*under whose directions the présent collection
of books was made, was a native of Glasgow. !n his youth he was
set to team a trade, but having entered Anderson's College when
Thomas Graham, ansrwards Master of the Mint, was professor there,
and was commencing those researches which have put him in the first
rank of experimental chemists, he studied chemistry under Graham, and
by a succession of events came to be the originator of the parafBn oit
industry in Scotland. ln after years, when he had retired from active
participation in business, not unmindfut of his own early drawbacks
and difficulties, he established a Chair of technical chemistry in
Anderson's College, which has been incorporated with the recently
created institution catted the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical
College. Furthermore, he erected a statue in Glasgow to the memory of
his teacher, Graham, and he gathered the present library, which he
bequeathed to the Chair which he had endowed.
The collection was begun by himself about the middie of last
century, and it is plain that he took much interest in the history
of chemistry and must have discussed the study of it with his friend,
the late Dr. Angus Smith of Manchester, who also was a collector
and'was desirous of seeing more attention devoted to it. Dr. Smith's
ideaof reprinting epoch-making books and papers was long after carried
out in part by the Alembic Club in Edinburgh, and on a more general
plan by Ostwald, in his series of chemical and physical c1assics.
'Dh Young wasbornonJatyt3, tStt, anddied Maytj, tMg. FordetdbaboutbisM6!
andeMee)r theremaybe consulted thearticleby P. T. Hartoght the~&«MM<y of ~<!<<~M/
/M~ !goo,kii!,p. 3~6,withthereferences theregiven,the obituary
of himin
of the Sodeties
withwhichhe wasconnecter, and a briefestimate
of Mmby
myeett witha pcftmit,in~M!<w<~<M~ /M~ of ÛM~M&~</ <Mtj;pw~Mw,Glasgow,
ii. p. ~t. No.toc.
books of practical receipts and secrets, as they were catted, such as the
author of the RechterC~<MM~<&i~w~, Andriessen, Fioravanti,Alessio,
Lemnius, Wecker, Hugh Plat, Kertzentnacher, Cortese, Schmuck. In
some respects, as in giving insight into everyday practical working,
these books are as interesting and important as any.
The books on pharmacy also constitute a series by themselves,but
as they are,–with one or two exceptions, such as the JM~aM~~ of
Praepositus,/<«~!M~ ~y~ of Manlius de Boscho, Z~w~ ~/c~<.
cariorum of Quirlcus, M'&M!«~wof Gesner.–cotnpafativety recent, they
do not require special notice.
It is an illustration of the persistence of an idea that all through
the eighteenth century to its very close, when most important dis-
coveries were making and entire!y new theories were advanced, the
controversy as to the reality of transmutation-as a fact and as a
theory-was still sustained. At the opening of it, in t~oz, came
the attack by Sô!dner–as it is said-in the 7<w~M /M~- der
~~«~ replied to in the ~~w~ aus <
Fegfeuer der C~~M/<~ Creiting's vindication of alchemy in D~
F~~o~M ./«~f ~~MM, ~30, Lenglet Dufresnoy's Histoire,
t742, which must be regarded as unfavourable; Fictuld's
Stein, 1753, a sort of biographicat dictionary of genuine and
false alchemists, more remarkable for the author's judgments than
for the information supptied the curious dictionary of Pemety,
t7S3' which as in his other work he strives to interpret the
myths of antiquity as Hermetic; Wiegteb's onslaught on the truth
of alchemy, 1777, with Kortum's teamed and rather dexteroua
reply, !78o, and the collection of narratives ahout transmutation
by Galdenfalk, 1784. Then at the close of the century, 1797
to 1790, appeared Gmelin's 6'F, in which for the first time
the subject was treated as a whole, and as an independent branch of
history, without bias, and apart from controversy as to the truth or
reality of any section of it, but merely as a record of events, persons
and books. Ait these, with others of less note, are in the library.
tn endeavouring to construct the catalogue of such a library
as this, which labour 1 undertook at Dr. Young's request, 1 considered
who were likely to consult it and how best it could be made serviceable
for thé study of the history of chemistry. The persons who may
/~7~(7JP</C7y<?jV xvti
possibly refer to it-besides those who actually use the library itself-
are, in the first place, librarians, bibliographers, bookse!!ers, and
collectors of this branch of literature, if there be any such, and, in
the second, students.
For thé convenience of the first group, the catalogue has been
constructed on a more libera! and elaborate scale than would have
been necessary, had the object been merely to make a list of short titles
sufficient to serve as a register for the library. Instead of that the
titles are reproduced in full, the particular copy is described, and any
peculiarities it may possess are noted, other editions are enumerated,
and, when practicable, an account of them, too, is added, which in
many cases has been pûss!Meby inspection of thé books themse!ves.
To the different ctasses of bookmen these details may be convenient
for reference, and for. comparison with other copies. The titerature
is scarce, obscure and almost unknown, and, so far as my experience
goes, while there are lists and enumerations of alchemical books, there
is no bibliography of any part of it.
More particutafty intended for the student, who is concemed with
the contents rather than with the externals of the books, are the notes
which contain biographical and descriptive details and discuss doubtful
or disputed points of chronology, authorship, and other matters. The
authors of most of these books are strangers in this country and are
but little retnembered, or thought of, in their own. Some of them,
however,were amongst the foremost men of their day, conspicuous by
their lives, learning, discoveries and writings. It seemed désirable
therefore,in carrying out the plan had drawn up, to give the student
some notion of the position and authority of the different writers so
far as lay in my power, to refer to the questions which have arisen
about them or their writings, and to the criticisms and judgments
which have been passed upon them.
As it was impossible to accomplish this in full within the limits
of a catalogue, t have endeavoured by lists of authorities, whom 1
have been able to consult, to assist the student further in surveying
the field for himsett In the authorities quoted others will be fbund,
and in these again others, and so the student can continue his research
till he has exhausted the literature, and possessed himself of all avail-
able information at first hand.
xvi:: ~M/oy~c~ <w~<~
The authorities are not att of equai value for while some supply
much sound information, others furnish an irreducibte minimum. Nor
do they always agree as to dates and other matters of fact, which is
a defect, and their criticisms and décisions also are sometimes*at
variance, which is of very little importance but this uncertainty
adds to the liveliness and zest of the inquiry, and stimulates origin-
aHty and independence of judgment on the student's part, for he .must
lay his account for long and sometimes baMng investigation if he
want to arrive at the truth.
1 have also endeavoured to give him some hold upon the authorities
by arranging them as far as may be chronologically. An advantage
is that if they be examined in this sequence, the statements made,
whether accurate or inaccurate, can be traced to their sources, and thus
by careful examination and comparison it can be decided who are
original authorities and who are compilers and copyists. Another
advantage of the lists is that from their extent and the status of the
persons composing them, an infërence can be drawn as to the import-
ance and interest surrounding any particular writer, ifom his own time
to the présent.
AU the rest is for the student of history himself to do; it
is his affair to examine the facts, thé doubts, the difficulties, the
errors to confirm what is correct, to correct what is faulty and
wrong, to throw light if possible on confused and debateable problems,
and to confess his inability to reconcile contradictory averments and
opinions, when the means for doing so have failed him. ïn the présent
work he will find plenty of opportunities for expending labour and
exercising his critical faculties.
Nor do ï presume to think that what hâve said is in every case
correct and final. There is too great a want of agreement amongst
the authorities for any one, at this time of day, to do more than get
as near the truth as possible through the mists of defective records
and discordant results. The brief abstracts and 'accounts which t
have given are therefore liable to such modification, or correction, as
further examination ût the existing authorities, or new discoveries,may
necessitate. There is no weed which spreads so quickly as error; t
can onty hope that 1 have introduced as little as may be in my state-
ments. One, however, cannot escape the common lot, but one can
knowledge what was right in their work has, as far as they are con-
cerned, shared the fate of what was wrong it is not even known that it
was theirs. "The chiefs of other times are departed; they hâve gone
without their famé. The sons of future years shall pass away; and
another race arise."
Let not the modern student of science imagine that he and hie
work will escape the universal doom. His discoveries, Ms theories, the
most récent, the most comprehensive and progressive, sooner or later
will becomemere archaeotogicatdata, to be included, or, just as likely,
omitted, in a historical review of this time. Such, at least, bas been
the rule in chemistry for the last eighteen hundred years, and there
is no sign of. its being suspended in favour of any- ehetn!st of
Thustimesdo shi<t eachthing his turne do's hotd
Newthingssucceedas formerthingsgrow o)d."
tt is this phenomenon which stimulates to the writing of history
and to the antiquarian research on which it rests, the passing, namely,
of the generations with their ideas and pursuits. But change itself is
inevitable,and as the past conditions cannot be recaHedor reproduced,
either in the individual or the race, the most that can be done is to
record something of them.
The history of chemistry, as indeed of all science, is but a succession
of epitaphs upon forgotten men and forgotten discovery. What then
do these men not owe to him who gathers up their works, and In so
doing recalls their achievements, and thus labours to lift that icy pall of
oblivion whichdescends on everything human, just because it is human,
imperfect,temporary, and has to be forgotten to make way for something
else? It was to mitigate that fate as far as human effort can, when it
has to strive with the eternal law and necessity of change, that this
gathering of the writings of bye-gone thinkers and workers was made.
That they were struggling with error-obscured vision towards the light
of reality should cause not neglect of them and contempt for their
shortcomings and failures, but should arouse the Mow-feeHng and
interest of those who at the present moment are engaged in the same
sttuggte, and whose turn for neglect and contempt is coming. Dr.
Young realized this, and the library is bis effort to awaken and foster
such sympathy and remembrance.
7A~KM?</C7V<W xx!
z~~wM~ t~o6.
A. (J.). M.D.
De woadetbaïe Geheymen,van den Groote en Klyne Aatbert, in 3 Deelen.
Gedmkt te Parys, la't Jaar 100,000.
SmaM~ 'Ht!. A,to C inetghM, orpp.3-48 Parttt.. B~.A,
to C d~ [pp.tetf.Pmrt t..
F)wtttC. s)g!.A,toC 44- thetMttwo
teawtaMNfum. MS]; ttetghts.ot-pp.
TMsehap-bcok tcntaiM ttMteMetswithteMtate TheaMt<Mct)stahenmaMy&omthe/%h'<<e.
sifjWtOtMand pat~Mttot. NMhtMCtM MMM x<M)t<« of Mtehad SeotfM. Thé eMcmt b «i))ed
bavehad OtighMiw a but thesebave
beencanceUed atm thétitte-page.
aboveaenefattMeMb. ~M~w~a~~MMMKm~M
for temMne compMnts. The thM b a mh(~.
aiMted. Thoboehh <me~Md),&a)ntts &be MtaeoMcollection «f reeeipt& me~eat, catitMty,
dateandatmottcertataty &bephee.and<M)n !t! phys!ct<tg!cat,etc. ThebookbtMt&MpMthMttoo
hawiagbeensewaapM thetcpaadcMermaiBitt,ef dther AtberMs MesttN «r fMTM. Thé
basbeensoMondersome Mndofte!tr!ct!on. teeetpts eontain nothing ~tinctiwty dtem:ta! or
Send BneS'von Verwaaddung der Metallen.
Set DRBYvorttetBiche ChymischeBUeher,!670tp. 85.
.SMTETZEN (JOHANNwn) CbymischeBScher,t6~t, p. 85.
Bericht von Verwandelungder MetaUen.
~M-ZWEY vortFeaiche ChymischeBâcher, <yM,p. s.
Epistobe DuceScnttatonbas Artis ChyaMee mandatœ.
&? MAGN! PHtosophonnnArcaniRevelator,ï6N(,p. 42;.
/<M~M<a. to the McondJB~<<i!;bat<tf<he6nt~&<M<andthe
Thé &Mf-& MtMspondt ~<<'Mtt~"t«theteMttBtMbew Gtnnao
Send-Schreibenvon dem Stein der Weisen und von Vetwandtung der Metallen.
2 /fZMM7Z4-~2MM~tf
R. Abrahami Eteazans Urattes Chymisches Werk, welches ehedessen von dem
Autore theils in Lateinischer und Arabischer, theits auch in Chaldâischer
und Syrischer Sprache geschrieben, nachmals von einem Anonymo in
~FM~4~ 3
unsere deutsche Mutterspracbe ubersetzet, nun aber nebst Mgehongen
Kupfern, Figuren, Gefa&en, Oe<en, einer kurzen Vorrede, notHgen
Registern, wie auch beygefBgtemScMBsset derer in selbigem vorkom.
menden fremden Worter, ingleichen einigen phitosopMschen Regeln von
dem Steine der Weisen zu Nutz und Gebrauch aUer Uebhaber der edten
Hefmetischen Philosophie, in IL Theilen zum o~ntHchen Druck befotdert
worden dmch Mum Gotasium SchwtU'tztnitgicum,P. M. & I. P. E.
Zweyte AuBage. Leipz!g, in Lankischens Buchbandiung, !y6o.
a*. Titt~ PM&tt,LettersigoedL.N.Debdios,JM. t8, tMS,Verses.Abtaham'tt
addtess<othé Jew<,quomtion ftomUb.!v. &M<,!a aUpp~TeM:Text, pp. M9:
RMi!t~,pp.[tjj. ~DotfmfeeeMdyMMntving~
Mtdeabbettsticaf~K!, expt~tingHemMUC secrets.WQ<xteu«i6<heteMcf<tppMatus
The second part bas the (bHowingtMe-page_:
Donum Ûei SamueMsBaruct), Des Juden Rabbi, Astmiogt und Philosophi,
gebohten aus dem Stamm AbmhMos, Isaacs, Jacobs und Juda, welcher
erlernet das gtû&e Gebeimnifsdes grofsen Meisters Tubalkains aus dessen
Tabett, geftmden von Abrabamo E!eazare, dem Juden. I. N. U. CXI.
8'. 'ntte. ShortMeabuhuy of chemicatwordswithtttteandptr<&c& pp. [Ml. Registar.
pp.[M}. 6 platescontaining
M<sofcbem!ca< apptMtus ia théMM.Tbis, thoagh!t t)MseoMMe titte. pM<nation
and signatures
ts pj-ioteduaifonaty withthép~ecedin~part,andt<antntesat
of AbrahamEttMM's work,beingtefeuedtobyGerva<t!u<!:athepte&eetoPartporthm
An edition, most probaMythe6rM. was pabtithed Of Abraham Eteatar, Samuel Barueh, and even
by Augustinus CnaiM at t?M. !t eon. Gtrwa~M Mnxe~ nothfng seetns to be known.
tahts in PMtt.: pp. ~9], dictionanrhitl.text. m, The main qaes~on ? M to thé aatheaticity of the
index M:
mdex [14): aod
and fat~rt
in~'art dletlow
titte~teM, 87; book. and tt bas to be prcved that tt is Menttcat
index, etc. hs~ The tMe ts ptioted in Md and with that desctibed by Hamet, and not a httr
black, and thé nnptes~oM of Ote phtes eotMted pmdttction writtea to Mtt Ftame)': description.
by J. C. Boeck of Weimarare better tban <hMein There istteertaMmMty. especMytn thesymbotio
thé T?~ issue. ïo one copy wMchï bave <een, whieh can be accouoted for in either way,
the dictMtMty b put after the pfdimtnaty <Mt<ef ptetuires,
but when it is KmembeKd how mad) doubt hMgs
in Part ï., but in another copy u b pbeed at the round the whob Flamel legend, the second explan.
very end of Part H. Amoag the prdiminaty ation b the more ptobabte. Dr. Kopp (jD~
ntattar thé Btst édition bas one teaf comatoiee a ~~<M~, tM6~ il. pp. 3<4-3t7)bas giwenthé wotk
Mstof tt M8$.whlch Cn)si)Mhad tt !a histnind to careful ooMtdemtion. and &<M«fntenMt évidence
puMMh. Of these No. 6 btht tract of a eeMain bas dMwn thé conclusionthat the book it spurioM,
Lucov!cus oxvtus (~.f.), to which GerMdas ttat Abraham Eteatar and Samuel Bameh are
refera in bis pretMe as aMudiag to Abraham suppositittoos po-sonage!, that GeMa~ot la the
Eteamr. ThhteafttomUttd in thé secondediNen. pseadoNym of thé real euttMr, and that the work
The :eeoad édition, howe'Mr. ceataiM et the end )s later thm ïname), and not eatiier than the
of the second P~ pp. ~°<' of 'S6 seventeenth eentaty. WhSe this la most Uketythe
philosophical nues or canons Mspectfngthe philo. correct oondoston as to the book ln iM ptesent
Mpher's Mené. This series b aot & the Bn-t form, Genwius may. however bave based hb
edition. (&!f pRUjOSOPHtStHE Regein.) adaptation on some old Ms., if he did not actually
thé prêtée GerMsiuseives au Mcomt «f thé fepmtt Otte, as he pmtsses to bave donc. There
beok whtcb he Mys etdsted in MM.oaty, eaeetty is a drawing of thé maMac<eof the innocenta
MMght atter, but dMic~t to see Md c<Mtw M e~detttty <~mbo)!«d,&omthé beok of Abt'aham
copy. and he tharefMe had !t p~ntcd. It wasMm the Jew" ln thé UbMty of thé Arsenal, Paris,
thé bookofAbMhnmtheJewthat givcaby Lacroix inLs AloysnAgsel!a Rsxafxxancc,
dtiM.and the work was (Medaboby OftMS,above PatM, i. Art. wi! and again by Lacroix je
mentioned, and by the author of the CUMKU6E~eot~t,)[<~ Mt~pM OM~MMt<n<~)Mt ~6~, Paris,
UNTEMUCHUNG etUeher MineMtien (~.f.t. He t8?t. p. 46<. This drawing la a more daborate
tnes to ateettain the date at whieh Abraham version cf the tame scènewMch is both in
Eteamr <aay bave CouAhed, and the pMtaMe Abraham EteMar's and In MarnN's given wortm (~.f.).
truth of the statement that be drew the n<~ndpia' Without an eiiamioatioo,therefore, of
of the art from the copper tables of Tt&at~&in. odst, ï shontdnot Bheto asseft unbesitatingly
who tfMMmittedhis secrets to posterity both by may that ÛenrasiMwas the aMhor, and did not acmaity
w}tieg and by tymboUe pieMM as wetL Ger. reprint a whole or ln paK. Such MSS.were
VMtws,natMaBy, suppotts the truth of this state. known to Lenglet Do&Maoy (~M. <~ /<t /W&).
meot.and ptowea.ashethtohs, tbatToba!-Cain<m.s ï~a, ?. p. yo), ttnd probabty
the CMt e<)gMter. metaMargbt. Md ehen~tt. !n N~~ ~tM~Mf,
somoare ~0) to be <mmdboth in pabMc and in
the second part there are several tefefente!to these primateMbKM'fet.
copper tables.
4 ~M/M~–PFZMVi<?
A. B. C., t?7S,t. No. u:.
Geschichte der menschtichenNarrheit, oder LebeMbesehte!bungen berûhmter
SchwMzMnsttet, Gotdmacher, TeutetsbMner, Zeichen- und Liniendeuter
Schwanner, Wahtaager,und anderer philosophischerUnholden. Erster TheN
~jD~tWC-~Z)AfO'AV770 s
&? UVES (THK) Of THE APNTS ln A!chemysticai Pbilosophy.
Eines wabren Adepti besondereGeheimnissevon der Alchymie,t~s?'
ADBPTUS FATALIS, Das ist: Geld, spricht die Wett!1 Freyburg gedruckt
An. lyat.
&< KASTELL (C. V. V.), t7t6.
ADMONITIO, Instructio & Ptobatio contra omnes eos qui Auram potabile
extnt pMcessum & tinctumm Lapidis Philosophici un!vetsa!isbrevi temporis
spado pnepafare sibi & a!!is &k6 persuadent & sibi pKqtonunt
&e THKATRUM CHBMtCUM, t66!, v!.p. 382.
Set WARNUNO, Instructionund Beweifs.
& ~JMK~A~M
et PracticaLapidisAdrop.
MONTE(GVtDOMAQNUS CE),Tractatulusseu DescriptioPhilosophiciAdrop.
Seoa noteon Adrop'byKopp,~f ~M<M~,t8M~t). p. 389.
Dialogua inter Naturam et filium Phitosophie. t'abuta dtversofum metallorum
vocabula explicitas.
SeetHEATRUM CHBMtCUM, t6S%ii. p. 85.
See MANGET ChemicaCuriosa,1?02,i!. p. 326.
0. j.), Bibliotheca
Schmiedw (p-e~S) tnimame! theautttef, A~tdtus ex MMhtthecaMgt&RichemwuM. ï?. MHStM!i)
de Vood!~ Thia diategue, <cj:ethw w!th. tmeta AntmtS9t.bttt~hetha'ttMtt)~e<))-recto)rWt,o)'
by Riptey, HothhdM md others was <:<t)ted by whetber ~%idim be a real peMonage, ût tMtety a
Penot)Mwithan tntMduetton, and 6Mt MpabMshed Meadonymof Pet~tus', t do Mt know. Thé font)
Ft'Mcofmth Apud ïo. S&Utiam,"*<&&fMtt Bw. Ë~MitMetM CtMM.
Thé epMeof ~gidt)m te his Meod"N" b d&ted
ALBINEUS(N.), Bibliotheca, tôy~, Part L, p. 78.
-S~ TETZEN(jfOHAMN VOtt), 169!,p. ya
See zwEY vottrea!che Chymische Bâcher, ïys9, p. M.
See also PARABOLA.
See also RATZEL.
~e MONTEHERMKns (JOHANNDE), Explicado Centri in Trigono Centri, t68o,
aig. C~
~~V<~M-4</ 7
Chem:ca,t6S4,p. 97;.
~ENIGMA Philosophicum ad filios veritatis.
A'< also ENtGMB philosophique.
This!s dM~eatfromthéfaM~t ~«~<t /i<«~w<t.
<<ENIGMAPtMtosopMcumde Secreto Phymcotum.
BBNBMcrus(MBBMUs), NucleusSophicus,t6z~ p. 74.
SeeSTERNHALS Ritter K)fe!g,tS9St8;g.G Ht); 1680,p. 7$.
Su MOULUS Pandora,t6o8,p. 968.
Protolume Chimico echeggiante di condupplicati paraphïM!, la Natura non
diuersafe net)& ammetria ddte connaturali opeiationi, entruso l' epilogati
termini spatgind redMndantt babamid remedij, & atcanisati magisteri
nuouamente indagati, & theoricamente esptotati da Gio~an Francesco
AggraviSenese. In Parma, M.DC.LXXVIII. Per GaleazzoRosati, Con
Licenzade' Superiori.
~· tx~1
~y t~l·
The BMt part of thts work is devoted to a HaNer (B<M.JM~y~wA, t7M, Mi.p. t~),
destdpthm of pMeesses and opeMttcM, and a copiedb~Gmetin <C«MMaMe,tM9,M.96?).quotas
4iscMstonupon CBOCMl pfhtciples and de6o!tioM. ~<M~)!eyMM, t~dwa, ï<&), 4* an<t T~/t!~
The second tontaiM p)Mn!MeeMt!eattecdpte, <&M< wf~HM OM<<M<t<t,
Venetfa,108%ta*, both hy
arranged h a!pM)et!eet order. A~mvi.
~M FORTAUTtUM Sdeatœ, t6ty, t6t8.
ThisattthwwMpe~MyGoM~rdAfthtMiM. Kopp. ~A~t~, ,eK. ti. p. 7; butsee<~
Co)Mte<oroftheGyMaMiumatFMnh&tttMaM., 'A~)t<Mt,t6i&
Gatetazeya. Siue Revebtcr Sec~tofum. 1. De Lapide Phitosophotum. ïï.
De Ambico Etyzu-. Ht. De Auro potabit!, & Pomts Pandisi. Authote
Agdco!a Philopistio Gertoano. Cotonite. Apud Petrvm Mettemich, pfop&
AugustmianosAnno M.DC.XXXÏ.
at<. M3rs. t bbatt]. ThisvolumetcntatM tte. pp.aj Moterte
thédeeepO~00e),pp. 3.6 ctt~t)aad oceasSnof théboo)(.
pp. Ptut LtiOMtMtag<~thécontMtB.op.~.ty; eMtdMogueef DMietM<t
pp. t8~. ConMMt!. t paMofthé Gatera<eya,
tnto pp.93.toa; eaNedLa 8
jMchMttM, mbdttided
MIoMptMmm, Mvem K ctioM,pp. t. tndexandËrmtft,pp. ?.
The.fentaMaf: twopatM~fth <htif<ntMduetMydMeptet)tMaot MM~Md~a M
y)tmM. WeMth~ evarpt(et<d!ta thé~Mt«HtbnMtheatst part thétoMxhtMMy
This la considered an atchoatoat book, and b mm, eaMedJcaeMmM. who had wasted bis
ascribed to "G. Agricola Phitopbtfm" by Bo~t yoang subMaMe tn MMrcbmgfor the pMtoMpher'<Mono,
(~<M.C~<x<<-<ï6~. p. 4). who gites "Lapisla aed was <btM)(eoof hk MasMk sud Mqoaiotance,
PhitoscphoMte" as ao attomattw tlde and the came to thé town whetw ÛMtie)WM,and as tack
date. Cotoaiea. !Mt, M'. Boret ia copfed by would have t<met him and toM him hhsonoww.
Du&estoy (~ AiMt~M, {y~t. !ii. Daniel tOMotedMtn and promised that be would
p. Sah whoidentités the author withG. Af~icetathe reveal to Nm thé Mae stont. Mer DMie! and
metaMutKbt,addiag the date t~. Schmieder Joachlmus had Mwt together for aoveaM, Daniel
(Gum. d. Al~kamie.18,32.P. Q(0)co troxnthese d!ed eattoty atthenotitnnMtttMe~ofonohttodKd
wdters, but nta.ket
WtiteM, a~kesaddMonat~Sett~by
addi ivralt
di>~yby McrtMmf
aa<xibiag aad ten y<aM. Jeachtmo: thm conMaitted hi<
thé ~< <<!«cA d ~~Mef<<, K6tn. tS3t teaclúJlg to wrltlag, both for the ¡uldance of othoi,
(y.f.t.eboto Accota thé metathMBist. Noaeof and ln meMOtyof Daniel bhMcM~ This work
th<ae whteKmeattoM thé ï63< editba. and if ft came into the htMds of the writer of
were oot that fe<eteMels made in itse)f(p. !6) to a whoet~r be WM.who had il pdttted. 6.thepr~Me, TMdatet
Mevioasedttion, shcotd Incline to thebeM that now ~wn wttt not suit Geû<~ A~Hech mtdet any
Bofd )Md made mh<ahe tn the date, wMch dfco)MMncee. If Daniel aearMMd se y~M prior
was coptett by subséquent wfitot. Thé aMdptton to t63i, my ln ts~Ct then he was a!ive twenty-five
of the book to GeorgeAgticola. and the statement ye<ttstt<terGtOMeAtjt<co)awMd«td. If the book
by Schmiederthat Agricola had punaed Alchemy was pnMhhed i<t ~531 and DaeM was aUve so
tn hh youth, but that Ms books thottgh pxinted before that time, say in ï4<o. he mMt bave
then dM not attrMt notiee t!Mafter he had become beeoteayetmeMatttMt,pcMiNyMartee)),bd<)m
otherwisedbtmgubhed. willnotstand !nvMtigatt<m. Geo~e Agricolawas bord.
t. The ~ah~ <M~«cA ff' ~NM< is a book of Thé whote stMy seemu to be CctMot)!. Thé
tnbceHmeoM reedpts and treaM verytUghtty of book is not by GeoMB Ae-i'ioht, tt is act about
transmutation and altho iM date be tsï. thé Alchemy, M tbat Scnmftedet's dedwMfonof the
place ptinting is tMt gtven moM Mhdyh was name f~m i~p<t Md <?* meMing the fbttMnate
printed hy ~eaotph at EHmMmt a. The or ")cyîut Mmthness," a nd to that pMduct
CttA~M~ does not treat of Alchemyat ail. but of "pattehotoa" which the a!cheMNB called
is a book of Roman Ctthotic eoaowet~ and "eapatearvi."hoMMnotMen<e. tttheC<!<eMM<y"
be)ie&, and it wu tecommended to be <Medfor te thé ttmtt of a buadred and ten years' study,
converting heretiM. The Lapis PMtMOphcrom travel, méditation, fastroctioa, tt h very Matt far
spoken of is entitety maboMeat.Md<tgni6es faith !tsage. !fSehiNiedef'<&Mte)aenO)abootA$nco!a't
m the Roman CamoHechurch. 3. Thé nomiMtl youthMahihetmcat ffMdies and paMieathMM wore
attthor ie DanM–not G. or <Seom–AgHtota1 coftBCttand the Ga&~M~" wae one of these
~M<<«<M, 'toveroftheMth.'–not~M~M~j, printed ta t<3*tAj~cota at that time was tb!)tY.
'tovefofenquhyotre!eaMh,'as8tbnd<derfiMs it.
4. The auther or editor confessesCfMMymat the thetefNre,
and he had pabtbhedBMayomb.
thé Ar-
titte Is an ingenfous otte, a bait to catch readers, <m««<M,wu settted at atfeady
ChoaafM!,and was a man
"esca in hamo,qao pbces capiuntar," as he says, ofdMnctian for sctMtatsMp.
so that thèse who bay or tettd the book !n the hope Thp bock hMdtymedM «) mwhnoUee, but tt
that they wttt teato how to mahe eoid, thé eotd hM been so pemtMeattyatctibed to G. AxWeotathat
that peAhet)),wN) ned that theyhMe aeqmred ithtaitwtNthattheaeooontitgiveooftMf~oatd
instead a pean ef pfiee)e<svatue. s. The otigin be known, and the MtMenterrors MctMed. Kopp,
of the book ia desMibed h the introductionand however. says (/?! ~&<<iM~,tM6, p. 4t) &at
a~t dMogtte. The author (DanielAgricola),who thèse wo)<s are emtneûMty asefthedto Mm,<h<Mth
was Uving lu Germany Mme years beforethé heis not correct In myfng that the C<w«;)m b &y
date or thé book, after toag study and maMng a G. Ag~eeta but hé auotes Schmieder as to the
gréât aeq))!«Ment<.<(tthé âge of y< Mvened over oMMungof the word (/M~. Il. p. 3~, and does not
a)) thé wwtd and ttaraed he ceoM. Attef an eeem to bave beeo ttwate that book doe< not
absenceof 60 years, he retumed to Germany. A d<at with Alchemyat <tdL
Georgii Agricolae De ortu & causis subterraneorum, Lib. V. De natum eorum
que dHuunt ex terta, Lib. IIII. De natum tbssU!um,Lib. X. De ueteribus
& nouis metaUis,Hb. II. Bermannus,siue De re rnsetaMicaDialogua. Inter-
pretatio Germanica uocum r~ metaU!cte, addito Indice tcecandiMimo.
[Ftoben's dev:ce.] BattHeae,MDXLVI. Cum pnuitegio Imp. Maiestatis ad
Folio. )%.46y[tb)Mk]. todex[s4 Devicet.i]. CM~M.-Basiteaeper
Hiaenymum FMbentem etNia.BpbtophMn
Menne M.D.XLVI.
"1- copy
Thb -u L_t_8 _t. .6_ -t-- Septembtl, l' -t- .o.L.
that ~ .t-
betoaged to Lehmnn. whMe tmns. <epMftte!y,and «mdude they made their
lation of the tracts is tefared to be)ow; It con. Ctst appeamnee la the preseat volume. Thèse
«hx numeroue MS. notes bv him and leaves of four <)'act$were transtatea into Genmm by Ernst
MS. hMeMed. It ts a vety wd)printed book. Lchmann: C.f~'j~~Mw~M
Of theM treatises <he &~M<MM was pnbMthed ~j<«/, Freybet):, t8c6.M. four parts, of which
M Ba<et by froben, iN9 M, tSfo, S' M PMis, part tu. h in two volumes.
*jM'. -S't Gomam.'m 1. G. St~ R~ab)<tr&. Qt}tere4M!NMefHMK)dtectiat:ate~Bati)..isss.
tMe, N*: and by Fr. Au~. Schtntd, t.rober~, fol. Bad)., iM8, fb).. Witteberg.. t6t% 8': ttafSn
lsoo. 8" UaMtation V!oeg., tMo,8' t~s~ a*.
Thé dedtefUotyepMe to the 0~«. Sud. Agricola wrote Mtother titUe ttact: De Ani-
/<n<M~)n i$ <btediM<) that to the Ct A~n! <M«A'~ ~Mw~, Fmbeo, BasiL 154~ 8''
M~xat~<Mt~<M</ M*<ewtt tMS *h<ttto thé ~e WiMebem.. ï6t4, 6°. This <MsMphntod along
/Va«~<t~Mt!«M, ][M6,and that ? thé Dew<< with the ~<'<<t/ and in thé Ilalian tnms.
bau et M<w&«M/o~, tM~. t bave found no tattoeofthesune.
tttdteationof these wt!t!t)gs baving been pttMtthed
Erster Theil Joannis Agricole P. & M.D. Commentariorum, Notarum,
Observationum & Animadversionumin Johannis Poppii Chymische Medicin,
darinnen a!!e Procefs mit fleifs examinirt, von den Irrungen comgitt vnd
mit etlich hundert newen Processen, geheimen HandgtiBen, aus eigener
Erfahrung vermehrt vnd iUustrHt,Auch der rechte vnd warhaMge Gebrauch
der Artzeneyen, mit etlich hundert Historien veîiScirt, Darneben was in
Chinttgiâ vnd AtchimiAoder transmutatione metaUorumdamit zu verrichten
grundtichen offenbahretatten Standes-Personen,Medicis,Chirurgis, Chymicis,
Balbirern, Fetd-Schefen), Ro&~rtztea, Goldschmieden, vnd aUen Haus-
Wirthen hochnutztich zu lesen vnd zu gebrauchen.
<& Oportet sapientiam transferre ad medicinam, &
medicinam ad sapientiam. Medicus enim Philosophus est Dec
Mit R6m. KSysetL Majest. vnd Churf. Sachs. Privilegiis
Leipzig, In verlegung ThonMeSchSters S. Erben, vnd MattMœ Gôtzen. Ged-
ruckt bey Gregorio Ritzschen, Im Jahr 1638.
4*. Pp.[16,iMhtdhgtheportMit aadeas~vedtitte a]6m. Index[6y,ï Mank].
The engraved titte in the firstpart Mas follows
IoannisAgticcttBPahtiniP.& M.D. Cotnmen)arh Et otMervationes,
ta die
Chymbdte ArtMatyJohtmnhPopt~!In weteheo vid e'ew«ttige
MchetMchhundeft~antzne~ Pmet&MdMin Me~dM vndChttDMia wcM
aochAlcbymia cdetttaMmMMÏMte tnetattotmn
geRmdM werden. ANiett Standes
Petwneahodtnutdieh )m!e< Mr)<~uM TheaMe EtbenvndMattbioe
t3 ~C/i'/tCOZ~C~M
See HELLWtG VON),Fascieulus,t7!9, p. 64.
Sendschreiben von ErMarung der Geheimnisseder atten Wettweisen.
Z~ p. 82.
NMari. /Mb ?~o~/a<~< ~i'/<< &;pM/ (~.«A As the firstof thé above tmett opeM with
"N9. P- "3~ (~.c.) quotes: 'Aten~nij de Bohembt an MdMMto Bont~ce VH! ï bave no doubt that
tmet. de Lapide pbUosophice ed BonOaciam thèseentriesre&rto the samewriter. Whether he
octaumn pontfioem;1whM) is quoted <ga!t) Oom bebMed to Bologna or to BoheMia ftm not
NaMWby Botet, ?</<«!&!?!CM~< t6~). p. 8 certam.
'4 ~Z.4AW.S-~MM7y
APPBNDIXad ~c:Horem Radicis Chymt~ intellecum, p. 84.
See BERNHARBU8TRKVtSANUS,Von d6r Henaetischenn PMtoMph!a, <s83.
See BENKARDUSTREVtSANUS,Cbymischc Schr!H~n, ~46 and <747,p. 307.
B!<uctDATtO Secretorum, t6oz, p. 33$.
See HERMETtSCHE (DER) PH!M)SOPHUS,t/o~ p. 304.
THEATRUM CHeMtCUM,t6S9, i:t. p. 721.
CHYMtsCH.UttTERmNSCHKRSonnea.Glant~, t7z8,p. t;3.
Re<hted to the last Mptint b a note dated Gouda, April t, ï~, by tu!t)N a
Ba!b)M. who edited a wtume of atchemM tMoB, Leydeo, tW9, pp. M. whieh
coataiM thé Z~At ~t)~. Thé MM he Mw«rM in Gennaa, and he tMMhtedit tnto
Latin. Wtth the eMeptioc et thé Latin reptint la thé TTha/~w <~<~MOM. ait the
pfecedÏQgMe German.
AtamN de tnsutb Is AMo de UUe.mtrmmed ooh'etSttdoctortbrthehrMthw. F:ct)ttd(/'n~«'-
/< Mx~f~ for his MtverMt haowtedm. S~, i. 6) Mystht~ thé Mthor <MMAtbMMa
-L: cnty&-tbm~ hnown1- aboat u.-himIIIw!<h Mme -CriMMiM.
.111 tMtownXstn t~o,
!430. and end that thé prinHag
appmach to eertainty is that he ttved betweex tta8 et them WMpromoted in t~ta by JohfmnGtof of
nnet t9M or tao3. mat he eMeMdthe Cistetctm RothenbMp. B(eatxe be i$ eoe of thé eteatMt
order at Clairvaux, tau~ht in Pa~. and became wHteM Ftetu!d "Meommendtt Mm <<Mbe~a.
Bbhop of Au~<Bfte.Seve~t works by him, a)t in eeMt" wtMfeMBûnichtm (C<«~<M ~~e~sM
verse, hâve been printed, a !ist of which b givenby C4<t~<~w~. ï~, p. 95) taye: 'Dttc~t <<~a~
BrM in theartMe on AMn in ~M<et~J!a~<& ))t)M)<tN))<t.&pMvecMmtequinmtt<'etwe)n') See
la /)fM6<,FhrN,t8ai, t. xvt.. pp. 3<)6-<M5, wherea~ Schmieder. Gf~~A~ der ~MMXt<,~39, pt ïa8:
wiUbe founda mt N authorities. Ma! doabts the Hoefer, JW~<M <~ OM~, t~, 1. p. 3<e)
amhentMty of the Dicta, and thinks that as they tM6, 1. p. 368. Fer tbepMtMophy of n de
seem to hàve been written o~oaDy in German, LiMe,Me StMd, G<MA~<<t
they must have had some other AhoxMthaa thé ~a/ 1.
M&tnz,tM4, p. ~u.
Alberti wrote a pre&oe to Behr's DictioMty. Systematic MedMMf, HMte, tyt% and en Medi-
He lived from t6t9 M ~7, was one of the most Ott Jttfispntdeace, H«M~ t~a;, edited by Chr.
distinguished physiciMSof Ma time in Germaay, Thoma~M. He WM author abo of a host of
and was a member of the LeopoMine and Berun n academicat dissertattoM on Medidne and related
Societte:. His most notaMe works are those on top!M,of whtch a ttet !s given by tMter.
StbMe, ~x/<<~)<f .Mt~-~)'t/. der )~«M'x~AM Haller, BW. ~M~<M- ~w< t?88, iv. pp. 386-
G<&!M~ tMt, C.37J. <)ot. He abo reSM for t)b !)feto
Mattget, ~M. &r~~f. A~if~~M, ï7gt, t. f. BMdter. JM~M/<M~<<&W<!f~'<Ma~m<~M/.
p. w~thsome reviews. iv. Nr. ï8o.
Sachner, ~<'<M!a<t~ ~'ttM: <~nM<<on Gmdin, GeMM~d~OtM~, t~8. ti. p.369etc.
~<tA~<r, t~j, p. 489. No. !!97. Reuss,JB~e~~M~ <~MMa~t~w!<f«t, 'C6atn<a,
tSf~, p. y (Papers about saht.)
~M<!p<~<JMM<M<t,Part<,Fane)teud<e,i.p~ <M!tM*~ ~"M~ ~MtWtMt, *<M,).p.9)t<h
9S''09, witha )oM )ht ofhit (uaettatfom. Mticte byHtmoh.
DM~ede.MM<n!<t~M~/M~t& HttMer. /~M)a'A < C<'MK<-M<~ jMM~«.
ï8it$t L p. 6y. iMt, tt. p. 1083.
jMnM AthiMon, A<M~«/ JS~< <e~, Hm~M~t~Ma~M~~
p.!S°' ~M~ ~~t~ <tM~' ~M<M f<)~ ~M~, tM4, t..
et Thittaye, B<<!p~~ ~<Wf< t8~. K. p. 8&<MtMeby MagnM.
Atbertus Magnus de Secretis MuUenun Item De Virtutibus Herbarum LapMun)
et Animalium. Amstdodtun!, Apud Henricum et Theod. Boom. A", ï66p.
zt°. !3~ tndex[6,ibtankj. EnMavedtMe.pMe. ThMeie~PMcem!<tm:
tten thé De Sa~rtirIndex
&tM~<h)mp. :o to p.p. t<8.
p. Mto ~x8Gibar ~tgg n~~oxlrfrotnp.
Z~M' ~jt~a&M~~ )[t8 top. MB
tfomp. ::8 x~ t
Da M/M~ ~«<~< from p. ïsS M pt M3. MiaMetScottM. &<~)!#j ~~w,
from sat M 3<t9. Thete Me two issuesof (hh date–cne h dMthttNtshedby b&tiag
ttM-MhM~Mff eMata th th~ptt~fnaOon: 56 for 6s;t3b )<))-9~; tas for ags: t39<
939 <;< for est.
No tracts used to be more popuJar titan those of that they aM not by Atbertu& There is in actual
A)bertu<MMnm<MdMM)aetScottK. Theybegan cttcuMen at the ptesent time a ctMp.boek in
to be pr!nted in the Nth~nth century, and pMMd three parts eontaMng charma, )~ce(p«. sym.
thMttgh a very great number of edKtoM both patMcet and mat;ieal cmet for mu and
~epam<e!y<Mdconjoiaed(as here). for noticesof M)i<nab.att thé suparetitioa of a few centuries
M)!)e<My<!<UttotMofAtbeKu<! sec"Note<on baejt,whieh paMe!under the oMnecf AtbottM, but
Booto:of Secrets" in the ?~w. << ~co'. haa no eoMMcHon with the present book or with
(MtmMe, a ïMa to ~998,ter thé éditions printed by AlbertusPanns. The title f< ~~v<M ~pt~
MachliMa, paper ia thé j4~cAtM<<(<t,t<oadon, ~f e!~t~ ~M&t~ ~Wt/
!8Mt vot xtbf. and for Michael Stotu~, a paper HWf W~tte<Mof
aaat &tct rt%ar M'aa
~~a<~asd A'Tmn~.
read to the AMh~otogtcat Sodety of Gtasgow. lated from the GenaM. It b w!tho<tt phee or
Aprit T5. tM&. Whether or not these tracts are date, and each b)o)Metterztatnps his nameon the
to be a~cribed to Henry of Saxony, a scholar of copier he M)b. Jt is in amati squafe S*,pp. <6o.
Atbertm', as ls donc by tome, tt (s atmoM eerta~a
Collectanea ex Alberto.
SeeMCtNtUS(jANUs),Pretiosa MargaritaNovella,IS46,t&).
LACtMtUS (JANUS), Pretiosa Margarita,f7t4, p.420.
Compendium vom Utsprung und Materia der Metallen.
See ALCHYM<sT!SCH Sieben'Gest:n),tôys, p.209~
THEATRUM CHSMtCUM, t659, ii. p. !33.
Compositum de Compositis.
THEATRUM CHEMICUM, 16S9, iv. p. 8~.
De Concordantia Phitosophorum.
THEATRUM CHBMtCUM, 1659,iv.p. 809.
fiirdie MhereNaturwitsenschaft
und Chentie,t?87, H.p. t77.
IYYY?f lT·
De AlchitMa Opuscula complura veterum phitosophorum, quorum catalogum
sequens pagella indicabit. Cum gratia & PrmUegto Ceesareo.
s.), a. & typ. n.
4". M (3< t'tM)t] 168. Vignette on the titte. On t tM tww thepritttef's device.
RosaMttm PMtosophonM). Secundo Pett AtdttmitBde Lapide PMtMûpMcovero
modo ptrtBpM'ando, eontineM eMetom)eitMscienttœ pmgttMieneo). Cum r!gMA te)
Sigs. A'to Z. a, io feaM; or <E[96}. Vignette, and 90 itytnboticwoedott!
cotoured by hand. MomeMos M8. note~.
CO~hM FmMofbrtt ex OtBcinaCytAMi Jacobi, Mense jMoteAnnotM<~
Thé 6tf!t part contains a dedication to Otto 8. RaimmxhB LuMxs: /? ?~<~«~ eM~ew.
Heiatich, COtmt Mathe, by the pfinM)-CyriMM <?«))<, <M <M<M<M, f. tS3.
1 Aprit t. [~Jso. and the fMMwing o. Afbtotetes: ?Ywt~/«t <&/'r<t<-<&<! lapidis
niaetMcts: ~M/M<!&t&<, t t6~
t. C'a~w~o ~~MWtHW, f. )f. Some of these tmets were fteqaentty prfnted
9. C&MMW B«<~M, f. !$. Meuader each. Thé seoecd part eoMitts enttfety
3. tS~&t &M< t 69. of the ~«t~M, witt) a)t its curions qrmboMcat
Avicenna Z~' <f<M~M! <M/a/&M(M, f. ys. illustrations. tt was one of the n)oMpopular of
R<ttmMndM(MUta): <~M<~«~M<t<M~M thé Ah!hem)«tttteatites. and it h te be found
~<Mt))Mw<<t«<M&, f. 99. in nmaemas MSS. and printed editiom. Set
& &M~t /'M!M<J~-MH,t !0t. )!<MAR<UM.
y. ~<M«<«/<<'W~,y)W/<M,.t<<~M~<
fy«M,t. t3S.
ao ~Z.CM~M-~ZC~KMXy?X?C~
See HEUTME(Der) Atchmist, t7;6.
Thish tdmttcatwiththe of Bow~RD
Atchymtœ Cultor sub spe Benedictionis DMote viuens.
Ste PH!MSOPHtSCHE Schao.BUhne, tyo6.
Alchymia Denudata.
See HSLLWJG (CHRtSTOPH VOM), Fa!cicu!us, tM.
See K. (J. D.),ïyo9.
Alexii Pedemontani de Secretis LiM, mim quadam rerum varietate vtiUtate~
referti, longe castigatiores & ampUotes quàm priore editione. Nam sex
prioribus, septimus accessit ex eiusdem authoris appendice tactue: omnes ex
Italico sermone in La~num conueïsi. lo. lacobo weetcacoBasitiens!Medico
interprete. Basiteae,Apud Petrum Pemam. M.D.LX.
S°. Pp.[<4.aNMk]3M[99,tbtank].
The6n.tedittonofthh Mn:htion WMpdntedsix bco)M.Thé thirdwasprintedbyPemain
atBa<d.byP<!fM!nt~,8vo. Jteontatnsoaty ttcoatftiMaoetsbthbook.
De' Secreti del Reverendo Donno Atessio Piemontese, Prima Parte. Con la
sua tavota per ttouar le ricette con ogni eommodita. In Venetia, Presse
Giorgio de' CauaUt. MDLXVIII.
8*. Ft. Ms. Tawh. &c. [it] a btantt. SecondePtu-te,? 76. T~vo~[&]
Parte Tene% & 4!. Tavob [4.] Thé *ime(te
)< M)etephMM ca<rytne &t<wef w!<b
Mmed Mtdtet)}.amt.thémottomitteM~itm:
'tMe s«f mto,'thé tttote w!<hin
ornàmentat bordet.
The 6rtt part in six boetteof Atexis' work was Graesse, ?~f, t9j9. L p. oMas a pseMdooymfor
originatty pnbtbbed in ttaMan,at Venice, ln t$~ GhotaMtoRMte))),caNed byUMBMeMtAtehentbt.
(or t~?). Thé secondrevited edition appeared Ttb b queti<d la the BrttMhMtNeam C)ttah)gue.
io t~. It Is one of the most &)nous ot the and BedtOMon.who <Mdeenquify iMothé abject,
Mcetpt-books and its popthnty la shown by the was MMNeto conte to any deMte coactusion.
number of cditiom in various languages through At least he admits the dimeutty of detetmtn!ng
which it has passed. Thêta are on record some wMehof the noble FbreatiM famMyof RusceUior
twenty edMons in ttaiian tt was traMhted jnte RusceM might be concealed <mdérthe came. He
F)'ench,abouttwentyeditiM:; Latin, otneedittOM; &bo saw the diaicutties involved in caUtog the
English, seven or eight edittons; Duteh. hittf.a. edition of tssy thé fitst. and conetuded that it
doiienéditions German,a dozpnéditions Polish, must have been paMtahed eartier. BnMet and
Danish and Spanisb. Gmesie both speak of an édition of t~M, Venice.
The reoeipts tue for thé most part medica) Md by SigMm.Bordo~na, but there arediMcuttie!
phartjMeeutieat.and there iBverylittle wMehbeati respectingthat ediaon abc. See BeckoMna, &
direct on Atebemy or on Chemhtty. ~t«<'G<MA&~< << B~«<pM, t7)a, !M.p.
For the ori~in of thé workas told by Alexis i~and L 340, for the RtMcetM.
himiietf.for thé doubts conaectcd with the date Thé fact M, however.M t have shown !n the
and tanmaee of the nrst edition, for an enumer. paper above mentioaed, thé a<o<pt!on of the
ation of editions in Mian and English and for wotk to RuMetM, wM not beM emnNnatiM, for it
an account of the 6rst three éditionsof Wecker': leads to two quite iacomMttbte nwmtives of
tramtation and thetr impertancefor the history of the origin of the bock. and as they both ttece<.
the work. see my Notes on Booksof Sectets," safity emanate from him, if he be the Mthor.
in the 7YN)M<M~<M ~'<4<~wh)M<f&'a~&<:<«)' he must, tn one or cther, <f not in both, have
(~<w, t883, vol. B.. and t~~o (M.S.) tôt. i.. been Mricttyioaeeamte. For my own part 1 have
and paper on Thé Secrets of Atexb," read to seen no ewMencethat RnseeMiWM thé author,
the Societyof AntiquMie:.London. but only the assertion of MM!o, wMch has been
The name ~~<t<e M regarded by semé (~ followedby tate)'writeM.
Kunstbuch des woterfamen Herren Alexij Pedemontani vô mancherley
nutzlichen vnnd bewerten Secreten oder Künsten, jetz neuwlich aufs
Welscher vnnd Lateinischer sprach inn Teutsch gebracht, durch Doctor
Han<s Jacob Wecker, Statt Attzet zu Colmar. Mit Keys. Majest. gnad
vnnd freyheit, inn sechs jaren nicht nachzutrucken. M.D.LXXiij.
8'. Pp.[48]46~ TiOeredandMactt.
Der Ander Theil.
a*. Pp.[7,tMa!&]974[9<.tM!mk].
AnearliereditionoftheGerman translation
by Pernaat Bmd, tMo~ It eoataitM
Les Secrets Du SeigneurAlexisPtemontois. Rpueu, & augmenté d' vne infinité
de rares Secrets. A Rouen, Chez lean Berthelin, dans la Cour du Palais.
C*. ~.675. Txbte,bo,ib)M)<].Imparfect.
~M?-4~M s~
\~A~E~ <~w~&~
Tho~h wMJM~t~H)Mo&cL~t<MNMMo.thts and numerom other MCMt<.«tt th<M «titbns
B~jrM~t ofM~tMmtattoa, priMedM iPMi:in Includea MMhtioo of thé ~')HM<& of Andrtet-
t;73,TtS~t) !MC5n.t6t4 (withoutLand~'t t)M)e), sen (~.f.). Mw!t)ba found tn pp. i&t~t af thé
<M<fagamh t<9t. BMides thé «ctete of Atexia presentetUdox.
GMcMiche Erobet- und Demolitung des durch den SchaU einer thonemen
E!!a8-PoNmoe,&ufBe&hteines ChymischenPabsts angekündigten Fegefeuen
der Scheidekunst samptden abngen auf der Insul Schmahelandau~enchteten
Schantzen. Oder kurtze Wiedertegung des von einem Anonymo ohne
sattsamen Grund und Raison hetausg~ebenen schmâhstichtigen Teutschen
FegeteMetsder Sd)eMet:onst, aufgesetzet durch Atethophilum. Leipzig,
Bey Carl Christian Neuenhaho, Buçhh. in Nordhausen.. 1~5.
8* Pp.t~. TMeMdandMaett.FMntitptece.
This i<a tepty. w a pfeteodedtepty, in <hetoMt oor ccnvMted the -R{~'<r of untruth. Fictuld
cf a spMa~MKattegMy' <" Da SoHMr't Ai~iM evidently did not titte aoy doubt or hMttMtco,
~~MA oder ?!')t~i'«~&M~. eithN'oatt)eM)toftheMe)tdso)'<oe!Ofthe<ectet
~M~. t~ca, ~.f. Thé Mtthor't Mmeb net given. phitotophy. Thé book is ttttefetttttg as contalnlng
Fictuld (~<~&~M<~<, ti. pp. tS-~)) <<t<!n~)y an eaummattonof atehemicat authors. Compare
~peetz the MithM*: Mt~ghtfenwamatN) M)d ~Wit)w<M' <&f P<M&m!~<« aus dem ~B~w<r der
bhme* Mmtbr hming Mtthef wetMtned Atehemy Ct)w<MM~, tyot.
Leben des Paracelsus.
HttRME'nscHKsMuseum, tySz, i. p. nt.
Cuiusdam Epistobe, qute Alexandri Macedonum Regis nomine CMcum<ertur,
interpretatio, abditam Phitosophici Lapidis coatposttionem sapientibus
acutissimè declarans.
Su ARTISAUR!FERJE Votumtna, !6!0, i. p. 24$.
~M CEBBtt,SunmM Peffectioni~ t683, p. 2~4.
GïN~CEUMChmicam, t6~ p. s6t.
(PHtUP),Turba PbUosophorum,t6<3, i. p. 33! i t~ i. p. 40~
ROtH-scHOMZ (Ftt!EDERtCH~Deutsches Theatrum Chemicum, 1732, :!).
p. 937.
~4 ~ZJSM~M?~ ~t~/
Sendschfeiben voa der geheimen Compcmtion des Steines der Weisen.
~w GEBtttt,Chymische SchnSten, !75t, p. 3$?'
See GBBEt!,Commentai aber GeboMWerke, ~99, p. «M.
To Alexanderthe GMat laasoribed the diMowety <MS,H.Pp.<tS9.37t. Thé ~< WM paNMhed
<ttthetombofHen)M~Mdt!)e7M«~~M~ft)~M byJo&chiMTfM~kein bishr!M)<!&t~<Kt
of R*Baco~N
which it contained. Afitteth la ctecHted w!th ~M~a ~~JMM~, EMehen, tee8. Kopp. /?<.
havtng written an epistb to Mm on Alchemy(~<) M.M7.
AjtMTO-rstES). Compate, Kopp, ZMt ~~MH~
Clavis Sapientiae.
Sa nGULUS(BKNEDtcrus),The~ttnad!~ t6S:, p. 3~
i[66b, V. p. ?66.
Alphonso or Alfonso X., &t~e, Ktng of verballyM), howeverthe Meotity b to beotphioed.
CMttte and Léon (ïMt.ïeM "eaosed this book Tf)b tmet ttettts t*; cf the ArhtotctiM ebtxteate
to be OttMhtted from thé A!nbtc tnto bis own MqxatMes a*, of the jjeoeMthtaof minemb,aod
Castillan tongae." It would appear the~Ote that 3°. of the seMTMhmof plants from Minera)*,and
AtfoMowas not Mtntdf the aathof. Thé Arable ofanimats &om p)aat& It la a short treatiM on
book is supposedto be the C/afK <H<t~t<< &t~Me«- eMm~gony,and Dot on tMMmoMtoa. tt b not
lie a<cdbed to Artephfus (~.f.). of which there the sameas that attributed to AtphotMo, Kiog of
werenumefOfMeditions. CompMTSonof the two PoftaptU," iacluded in /'ï~ 7.K<s~<M
tracts sbowBthat they are ident!cat (though not /%MM<<~<S~)t<, London, t6i9.
Hendreich, /*<!«<&?<< ~MMoBM~~&w.1699, Hoe<er,~ïtA~ <&&C~UM~,ta49. t. 383 tM6.
p. Mg. 1.Po
Nicchs Antonio. F~<4<M ~<t)M M'<M, 4o7~as,~M&<ih!FaZ<)M
FeMeius, Bibliot~Ca Lattrra <M~c
arsdi~ st <);~M
<7M, Il. p. 78. ~&Mf, <8s8, i. p. M.
Gtndtn, ô<K~< <~ CAM<~t~r, L &<. Lodea Lederc, ~ït<!<~ /<!AM&~M ~w~.
Schmieder, <?<~&;t~ dsr ~&ttM~&. t8~, p. t%t6,!i.p. 44t.
t4t. Kopp,Z~<«-~M&, t8S6. t. p. )KK.
Centrum Naturœ Concentratum. Oder: ein Tractat. von dem Wiedetgebohmen
Sattz. Insgemem und eigendlich genandt: Der Weisen Stein, in Arabischen
geschriebenvon Ali Puti, einem AsiatischenMohren, darnach in Portu~sische
Sprache durch H. L. V. A. H. Und ins Hochteutsche vetsetzt, und hemus-
gegeben von Johann Otto He!btg Rittem, Char-Furstt. Pfaltzischen Ratb,
Leib-Med!co, und bey der Heiddbe~schen Untvetsitat Professore PuMico.
Gedruckt im Jahr ï68a.
S°. Pp.N67. ThetaMpageb !nMS. ThesigMatOfe! are 4 teMMwtthoat
E-H6in etj;M&i p. in MS. ThistracthMbeeneutoutofaa copyofthe
~&~«<<<~«M, ï7«s(~t.f.andbmd separately.
tt is commended tw Fictatd(~M<<w, 1. ttoy cf a cure worked by Sebastian Sfebenfireand
p.60),and!equotedby GmeMn (<7<~&<,H.p. (p. 6t) witb the narrative of hix mafdet. in which
t~). BesMes AtipaM'stMN,pp. t-aS.thbfragment Thamey<$er<<'J is said to bave bad a hand.
contaiM a)soMartinosdeDd)&, /XM!~M<~M< Lttdta(~e. BW<a<~<« OtKM~; t8?~ Nos.
t~fjt!~(p. 3~ 2MM<~tW /*4~/M~&Kf (p. 49).M "M'9~
exttMttfMM book ~tMf/M~M~ (p.$8),and&
Centrum Natuiœ Concenttatum or the Sait of Nature Regenerated. For thé
most part improperly ealted the Philosopher's Stone. Written in Ambick
by Atîpiti a Mauritanian, born of AsiatickParents; PubMshedin Low Dutch,
.4z/M~zJMo~ is
t694, and now done into Engtish, <696. By a Lover of the Hermetick
That which bath been i& named ahready,and it is known that it is Man.
London, Printed for J. Harris at the Harrow in Little Britain, të~d.
M*. Pp.90. LiMof books,
thereaderla sfgqedE. Nie%notPrice. not to
See CLAIUS (JOHANN), t;94(?).
ALLERLEY Particularia.
Allerley Particularia die handt~fMf zu dehraen.
Sec TRtSSMOStNus(SALOMON), Aureum Vellus, Tractatus iH.(t;98), p. 97.
~M TANCKS(jOACHtM),Pi-OMptuariumAtchymie, t6to, Appendix Tomi Primi,
P. !4S.
See MRÔFFNETK Gebdomisse des Steins der Welsen (t7o8), p. 237.
See [SCHATZund KunstttanMnerl p. t~.
MACA~tN <<irdie hShereNaturwissenschaA und Chetme,t7<4,i. p. 291.
Thé authot-'s initXds
areH.C. D.(octor ?) M.(edi. Sodety.ThéanitetMtmedtcines
are ? beunde)-.
cinés?),and thé tracttowas wfitteam stoodinanatchen)i<atseMe,appMeotty.
Latinand addKsed a FeJKW of the Royal
ALLGEMEINE und Gênera! Reformation der gantzen weiten Welt. Beneben.
der Fatna Fraternitatis, defs Loblichen Ordens des Rosencfeutzes, an &He
Gelehrte vnd Hâupter EumpS geschrieben. jetzo ôf!entHch in Druck
vetfert~et, vnd allen trewen Hettzen commnnici)fetworden. Gedruckt zuerst
Kurtzer Bericht und pambolisch TtactSttdn.
MOULUS (BENEDtcrus),Thesaunnetta, t68z,p. 66.
This aathor b tuppoMd to hâve Nved tn thé and another oit!tted CAttM~~<M el <<'</)'<M'.
Mth ceatmy, but nothiag h known about Nm. fH«t/<t ~<& ~/«t~Mw <M~M<~ ht saidto
Thé tmct Mcrtnted atong ~th KotHty and R. odat in n)amxa'!pt. See Kopp, Die ~~M<m«,
Mtyin thé ?~<Mt C%<M&«<M,Stt)Mb)Mg. te~, tM6, li. p~ 3~, 369.
Prosperi Alpini Matosdcenas Philosopbi & Medici, in Gymnasio Patavino
Medicamentotum simplicium Professons otdiaani, Medicina ~Egyptiotum.
Acoedunt huic editioni ejusdem Auctoris Libri de Balsamo & Rhapontico.
att ~Z~~M~S
UtetJacoM Bonti! Medicina Indonua. Editioaova. Lugduni Bâta*
votum, Ex CMEcumBoutesteiniana, t?t9.
4". Pp.[a9,][Mank]ge<.Mexhyt TMetedmdMac&. 6en):mvhM<md
Prosperi Alpini De Balsamo Diatogus. In quo vetisstma BatsMnt Pbmte,
Opobatstuni, Caqx)ba!s!UNi,& Xy!ob&!sam!cognitio, ptensque antiquorum
atque juniorum Medicorum occulta, nunc elucescit. Lugduni Batavorum,
Apud Vid. et Fil. Corn. Boutesteyn. MDCCXVIII.
4*. Pp.f4]3-44. !de)(~ 1plate.
De RhaponticoDisputatio t~tS.
Jacob! Bontii in Indiis Archiatri de Med:c!naIndorutnLibri iv. t~tS.
_o notrefët-to Che<ntstty,
Pwper AtphMMWM bom et Marostlca near becameProteMOfof BotMy and jMiperieteodeMof
VtceMttla tM}, sMdM <)M<tMn<: and graduated the Gantea at Padua, wrote a number of boo~ on
as Phi).md M.D. at tMm, t~8, went to E;gypt botany and me<Mc!ne, and died at PM)m, Nov. 93,
in ts«e and remained there for <t<tee<yeaM. On <nt6t6 or )[6t7,after becomingqaite deaf.
bis reMnt he prMt!sed in GttMa, and in t~g
Mefddto.~Mf~M ~wMwA<f. t686, p. 995. Kestuer, ~~MaM~ <MtM)t.<t~w, ~40,
TootMin!, ~<if&< t~MtoM <~ ~~t<&t P'J~
M<M<n<M(, t&M, p. got. CMmMt. ~<M~ C«n!Mw. ~M". i. PP.
TomMini, 6f~MM~«xt/'<!<M~t««,~654,pp. 97, atï-Ntg.
!Mt~, ~4<{{M<M!M<~ <M<~<M.Z<.)t<W<, tyS% t.
1390305.441. vdroru~ ernditiona slawrum,
7~<wM~~wt««<w<~«e<t«'~ttw~M, coL 30~
t6M, p. t337. C~ &~<< <<*
MMiMchdU, 1753, t. ).
ContiaB,/<t ««&<MM
anàvrjm eM!Mt
ap*w «t~Met
medkan ~< intro. P. ,“
<<<<<«o,tM?, iL 8, p. 43: n, p. aœ; x. Stoever, ~i'~&~C. ~)M~. tM<t,p. S7.
Hutdttixoa, F«~~Mt ~MM<«t, Loadon, ty<)9,
~x~ftwiMMWF~t~&Mm, x688, Nov. 93, i. pp.M<tg.
1616: Sig. Naw~M. De~merb, ~<-«MMM~ ~<M'~tM <~ ~M<-
G<~M& 0~ Z~~ tf /~«!, I7M. V. p. ~<M,t8a8. i. p. 90.4
387 (short note on his )!<ë); t7«, vi. pp. ~~<t~)M&'<&, P". RmdMttehe.
P~rb, Pmcbucke, i. p. tS9.
a6M9t (tUeand notice of hisMt of <o)-etd!i)agthé Emtt Isensea, C~t&~ der JM!<N<~«, 194~,
MCe«r deathof the <iek) tyM. xvii. p. 969(notice p.!t3&
ofthep)mtsofKgyp<). und Ludwi< C~M~~ <&<-
PhiMppe ~4~M<~r,
MeotfMMComneaus Fapadopotas, Historia
C~o««t<«/'<~t<&<~Veeetth. <7M,t. p. t9. No. t, t9<s, &Tbithye,
p.<Mo. &t& B~ograpAtc' MEdicalc, t~,
~<M~< x8~,5.t.
andn. 34:, No. to8. Bay)e
Nteefm, ~~M<~M, <730, xi. p. 't7<! !y3:t, )0t. &<M~ .&t<M~ <<M&M«<'« <MMf-
p. 99. <a~, t865, tii. p. 321.
~4<<M!f <« die ~M~~e der M«t~ot.
StoHe, Haeso-M~Mt der C~t der ~«<<a.
M<~<t<M~f~ t73):. pp. 97, i~S, 906, aoy, tMt, ii. pp. 8,
6, xg5 'Ma. iiï.
t~s x88e, iM'p..i3o
P- 4y (dipitthéria
?'9. inEgypt).
ALTE TEUTSCHE Reimen von der phitosophischen Màterie.
VïER AUSSERt,BSt!NETeutsche Chemiache Badtte!n, t697, p. 209.
Pfttede~bya noteto thé readerand/<M<~ <tt<<t.
Then!Me<burdMftpoe)M<aMe<t: ~&~x~ t~nes of date t~y (/&~SM<, t?; Th. U.
vira ~««f~M&~A~Mtt; t[. jB<<t<j!Ma< &. p.~)ieMib)t<MM: "TheauthorfsMttnentiened.
~«~<~ MfJ~Mt~t<!<t~<Mt&~<«ud Thé work, MM its ttde, !< puM twaddte, by
AM~~Mm<t~ M<!<~ tt«<~<; ?~<!<Mt</<M whichtime b teeMeisty waMed. Th~y <t<M)'vete
~~«~<M M«t~<M)t der M~Ma ÏV. bas notpecM be bafmedto owent anyone doittg hinMett<)Utt)er
tttt~ bat begiM /'M&~M<t dte <~ ~«w<. tnbeMetbyttMm"(<).
obserwtion enoa theaeold
thèse otd(3erm~an
VtER unterschiedene Chymische Tfactâttan, !77<.
Sa RYTHMt Germani<i
TM< set of vefte! Se a reprint of Ne. !). of the preeeding tracts. It la eeatained if nout.M (t.)
PmdeM, t6cS, p; 963.
~?TBL-~rMf 99
ALTE TEUTSCHE Reimen. C~<~w<~
Atte deutsche Reimen, de prima Matena des Steine der Weisen.
8UCHD5N (A.VON~ ConcordanteChymica,"ChymischeSchH<Ren, t6<o,
p. 95.
&< MESE&(RANZ),Cabala Chymica, t6o6, p. !92.
TMe h M ediMon ofv. Saehten'tMaot.
&? H~DROPHtM~ (StNCBRVs), Der Chym!scheound heutigenWelt, nutsbahre
Schatikammer,!736~p. ~3.
Set fALSCaKR undwahrer Lapis Phi!osophon)m, t7S3,p. 313.
&t OANTZB (Der) Kern der At.Chya!e, 1748.
Thbi<a reprintof No.M. EioetteneL~)rwtt)!ehdi)-geben,"oftheprecedh~
ut efMMM.
ALTE TEUTSCHE Reimen von der weissen Matetia, und ihrer Zubereitung,
:zm Med!c!a MfMenschen und MetaMe.
HYDRopatt.cs(StNCNRUS), Der Chymischenuad heMtigenWett, nutïbahte
Scb&tdtamcMr,1736,p. 26~.
Set FAMCHER undwah~erLapisPMtoMphotom, !7S9,p. 26g.
Thisha <M&MM pottnfromanyefthepMeeding.
~LTE TEUTSCHE Reimen de Sale Centrali.
KUNCKEî.VON~ÔWBMSTERtt (JOHANN), V. CurioseChymischeTtactâtMa,
ALTE VERSE, worinne die Bereitung des PhilosophischenSteines RStze!*wei&
5~ HEUTtGE(Der) Alchimist,!7S~ p. 77.
von Altenberg.
~eMt, t6ïS.
Mutus Liber, in quo tamen tota PMIoMpMa hemetMa, Sgons MetogïypMds
depingitur, ter optimo maximo Deo misericordi consecMtus,sotisque S!i)s
Aîtis dedicatMS,authore cuius nomen est Altm
tï. ii. Sa. Neg:
93. 8: ya. Neg:
Sa. 8ï. 33. Tued.
See MANom'(j. J.), BibliothecaChemicaCuriosa,t7o2,i. p. 03&
T'Msi«tse<iesof6ttBenea<!tMedp!atM,whhcma a ever, to the Mbstmees Mmbctbed, and aoae
word ofexphn&tton, peMfaytM;the pKp9Mi!ooof whMevettothoMOb~nedbytheFtoeeMM.
the philosopher's atone. Thé phtee are partly The &~t edftionof this work appeated at La
symboUc~pa<tty ptctoHat. teptMenttng an RocheUetn t~, ln folio. Barbier (Dtt~MfMtM
alebemlaland is Wit'eengaged in éhemlca1opera- <&f~)M<t)WMt, 16~,iM. Ne. sc~y) bas the Mhw.
tioM, such M MtMimaden,dM)Mcn. <tK))enMtte ing note upon h: L'Mtteat MM~yme,dit Afeete
<eatingof aa~ts, and the etd chemicat ftppMatusis dMMMn~<<& f~& At~o~, ~7,
w<7 welldbphyed. TheK) ls bardty &cme, how. <<t~, t. e, p. 384, pourrait «m Jacob SACLAT,
30 ~Z7'M-Z.<G
"'W'n IY.
sieur DM MA<tM, teqee! demanda un pnvit6ee a~ctibiae it toSautât. May AtMsnotbe meant for
pour ce ntanoiiCtit. ]e crois que le VMituteur e<t « kind of<MMgt!tm of Saut&t?
roLLe n~decin de la Rochdtt, ~rmd <hin<iste Vogt (Ce/tt&jFM /.t~Wt<M ~F-fon«a, M~7.
te notn emprunté .4/<M.fle désigne assez. Qt~mrd p. ~t). mys metety that Sautât was the editor.
(~f ~M~fA~M /.<<!tw ja~wt~j, t86~, i. Kopp ~<Kt<, t886. ii. 3t8) mentions thé
z8a<~) entent this book under AtHMand agtwe!< boo)(, bM Mys Mthing nboat the awthor, and
with Barbier in McnM)~ it M Tollé. Bruttet Lenpet-Du&tsnoy befcte hitn h eqmttysiteM(~/<
(i. 203) atso enters it under AtttM,but ptefers dt la ~t<7. ~<ym~«f, ty~, iii. pp. 68, 9~9).
Epistola de conficiendodivino Elixire sive Lapide Philosophico.
See THEATRUM CHEMtCUM, )66<~ v. p. 8~, in t66t, vi. p. $ot.
Lumen ChymicumNovum. Epilogus Orthelii,
!624, p. t8y.
ta the ~yiw<r<~ &-AM'<<A'xM/, Amsterdam, cvto D. ThcmtB Aquinatis. de tSMe& EMMth
)7oa. this wnter i: placed among thé sophistical nttne<ahum, & ComdM Atuemn! Am*Md)i, de
writers under the heading Ettt-Lt)gen." Thé eo«<Men<todiuina
tmct is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth.and is dated Re~tM6Anetia-, &e. BMre
London, My t4, tt6s. h appeared also fn GosttimmChoHaam. AnnoM.D.LXXXXU.
SécrétaSecretorvtn Rayntvndi Mtiiet Hermetis 8'.
Phit<Mophorvmin Libros TMs divisa. Cvnt Opvs.
De lapide PhilosophicoPerbreve Opusculum,quod ab ignoto atiquo Germanico
Philosopho, pene ante ducentos annos, conscriptum& Liber Alze nuncupatum
fuit, nunc vero in lucem editum.
~M MUSEUM HERMETtCUM, t749, p. 323.
Thisboottis commended
bySiMnerinthe ?~j~f /M<'<- &A~Wf- !?(?.p. ns.
Geistlicher Diseurs und ~ehrachtung.
See AL[.GEME!NE und General Reformation,t78t,p. 123.
AMATEUR de la Science.
See DtCTtONAtRS HERMETtQUf:, t695.
De Sulphure.
Een schoon Tractaet van sommighe werckingen der Alchemistischedinghen.
om Gout, situer te maken, ende oock van aUe catcioneringheder Planeten.
ende andere Materien waeterenende olyen der seluer te maeken,om wonder-
licken daer mede te wercken. Noch een Schoon Tractaet Boecxken, In-
holdende van atdertey verwen te maecken, ende ooc hoemen alderleye Verwen
wrijuen ende legghen sal, Ende is seer goedt ende profijtelijcken,voor allen
SchrijuersSchilders, Conterfeyters,eH andere Stonterders,Oock allen anderen
Liefhebbers der Consten. InhoMende. xxxiiij. Capittelen. Ghecopuleert
ende toesamen ghebracht dorch Symon Andriessen, van Aemstelredam.
Gedruckt toe Reeis, By my Derick Wijlicx van Santen. Anno t~St.
8'. Ff.xxwj. Taf<n.&c.,fr.[4].Bhcktetter.
ThépMtcctfespondtng to thesecondinthefollowing
éditionof t6oo,iswantinginthiscopy.
Een schoon Tractaet van sommighe werckinghen der Alchimistischedingen,
om Goût, Silverende oock van aUe calcioneringeder Planeten, ende andere
Materien, Watere ende Olyen der selver te maken. Item noch een Tmctaet
boecxken, inhoudende van alderleyVerwen te maecken, ende oock hoemen
alderleye Verwenwryven en leggen sa!. Ende is seer goet ende profytelijcken
voor allen Schryvers, Schilders, Conterfeyters en andere Stonierders. Oock
allen Liefhebbers der Consten.
Noch een schoon Konst-boec, seer nutlick voor allen Werclieden, ats Munt-
meesteren, Goudtwerckers, Scheyderen, Goudtsmeden, Schilderen ende
allen Wercklieden, werckende in Stael, Yser, Koper ende alle ander Metalen.
Item om atderhande plecken wt te doen. Om alderhande coleuren te
verwen. Van verguldinghe ende versilveringhe. Ende van werckinge der
Alchimistisschendinghen, etc. Ghecopuleert ende te samen ghebracht door
Symon Andriessen van Amstelredam. Ghedruckt t' Amste)redam, by
Cometis Ciaessz.opt Water int Schrijfboeck. Anno 1600.
8*. Fintbock.K xxvj Secondbook.ff.xxvj.Tafel,<T. M. B)ac)t letter. Cut
at thebottom–thetigtMtUfes andcatchwords beingalmostcttt
Thesecondbookbasa separateMte'page, asfottows
CoMt.Boeck: NienMjûk wtdenAtchiotbtbchen
grontvergadert.Tracterende van
aile grontlijcken
ehebruycMaghe derConsten.NutlijckvoorallenWereMieden, ak
MuntmeesteMn, Goudtwetchets, Goudtsmeden,
Scheyderen, Schitderëendeallen
WercMiedea, werckende in Stael,Yser.KoperendeaileanderMetalen. Ilemom
atderhande wttedoen. Omalderhande
ptechen cot<MMn teverwen.Vanvergutdinge
endeversitveringhe. Endevanwerchinghe derAtchemistisschen
Gheeotttgeertende eensdeelsghetranstateert,door SymonemAndreevan
Niemandt enhaetdie KoMt.dandieonwetende. Gbedn1ckt,Anno!6oo.
Thesefonn twoof a seriesof teceipt.beottsM~M<7.Sac.G&~Mf, teSy-SS,xix.pp.ta6.tM,
intimateiyconneetedwithoneanother.ofwhich! and Il Suppletnent, '803~, xxv.pp. aa~gt).).
havegivenanaccount !na paperentitted Etrty Theycontatnverytitdcabottt tmnsmtttation. 'fhe
TreatMes on Techno!cgitatChemistry(/~a<tM.otde<t k datedt53<andkeatitted~t/<r C~ntMfA
M ~A'ZM?/F.s~v–,4A~M~
See GE8NER(CONRAD),Trésor des remedes secretz, t~
A. wns 1.
Aneau born at n. _1_-L-_u.
in the
Bourges eariy sixteenth whtte the procession was passing the CoMege,a
centuty. He :n~nired such tt reputation as a pro- stone was thrown from one of its Windowsat the
HcieMin Latin and Greett and in PoeMy,that the priest who tMried the <anMe<M. The people
Chair ot Rhetonc io th~ newty~nnded Cottegeat (hefettpoMbroke into the CoUege and murdercd
Lyons was ofTeredM h!m. He accepted it, and Aneau,whownstookedupon as thé instigator, if not
for upwards of thirtyyears to the end of bis)i<e– the actuat perpetnnor of the aMautt.
:M!tedas professer, fn he tMSmade Principat, Aneau wrote a number of books on poetry, and
bM he was ftceMed of taking ad~ntage of the some tKtnst&tioos: Mo~s "Utopie," AtciM's
poshion propa~Meamong the students heretica)
to "EmMems." etc., besides the présent work of
opinions whichit M said he ttequired from hisfirst Gesne~t. tt is ditBcuttto see what induced him
schoohnoster. tt ted to much dissatis<actio)),tmd to tmostate [t. as he had not apparentty any
\Ms nttimatety the occasion of his dcath. On the chemical, botan«~t or medical t)fa!n!t)g.and no
festival of the Holy Sacmment, aï June, t;6~ ptaettc~tncquaintancew!th pharmacy.
~< ~MM<MM~)~ ~«fM~ de La C<Txxdu t77~,ii). pp. aoS~ta, Du Verdier'snotice: he catts
~MtM~</ deDu f~t)M< éd. Jiwigoy tTya, T. i. p. him Barthetemi.
78. La Croix's notice ha e&[b him Benheiemy mcemn..)A'mM~, t733, )t}f!i.pp. tyo-tyy.
~f WESENTUCHEN (Von den)An~ngen der Natur.
ANFANG der Werck der Philosophen.
See NEAUDER (YHEOPHtLUS), Heptas Atchymica,t6zt,p. 366.
Elogia in Theriacam et Mithridaticam Antidotum a MichaeleAngelo Angelico
Pharmacopœo Vicentino ad Diui Michaelis Symbotum pristino candori
restitutam. VicentMe, apud Dominicum Amadeum. MDCXVIII.
Superiorum permissu.
4* Pp.3Z.
4°. Pp.3z.
versesto Angelico
bya number discovered and compounded.This is pWnted
physiciansforthe successMmedicines heh:Mt atongwithhistranslation
ofGaJen's AnthMtaty."
D. 0. M. A. Catatogus Medtcamentorutn Spagyricorum Pharmacopoea
Spagyncœ, Illustrissimi Domini, Domini Comitis Odoardi De Pepulis, in
quo de eorum Vittute, Usù & Dos! agitur, cui adjuncta est Appendix de
CompositioneMedicamentorumgeneris cujuseun~ ad morbosdiversosAuthore
Daniele Angelo, Medicin: D. Dantisci, Typis SimonisReinigeri. Sumptibus
Casparis WsechttenBMopotœ Francofurt. M.DCLXVII.
8'. Pp.[to]ï~ Index[7] Appendix. 65 !ndtxandEn~ta[5].
Forotherwritingsbythis phy.i~ao.seeMetek.ta<; Haller,~«~<-e ~~<M<tM. t~t,
lin./:Md<!a~jiM<M~M. !~6. P.ago; Mmget. so8;
~/M~<f<t&fW/)«n<m ûb~M. iii.t774.i. 4~5;&M.
t. i.
.Ma~-M~,1731, p.«;a-. ty~. aat.
ANIMADVERSIONES Chemicœ quatuor, quibus ars trept x~~ universa tam
pneticè quàm theoncè enudatur. Incerto Authore.
See THEATRUM CHEMtCUM, t66o, v. p. 82!.
and Ptu~eetsas
ttre bothquotedandreference
beAsAut~ndto is made<oFicinus,thistractcannot
ANIMALI (DE) rationali; vom vemttnMgen Thiere undseiner henlichenArtzney.
~MV!RRChymischeTractMein, t6?7, p. 52.
ANNOTATIONES ex variis auctonbus.
SeeDORN(GERARD), Trevisanusde ChyMicoMiraculo,t6oo,p. tzy.
~MTHEATRUM CHEMtCUM, t659, i. p. 776.
.SMMANGET (j. j.), BibliothecaChemicaCuriosa, 1702,!i. p. ~2.
ANNOTATIONS upon the most material passages where the FrenchTranslation
of the Ancient War of the Knights, differs from the German OriginaL
HKRMETtCAL (The) Triumpb, t723,p. 21 (&'J).
ANNULUS PLATONIS oder physika!isch<hymischeErktamng der Natur nach
ihrer Enstehung, Erhaltung und Zerstohirung von einer GeseUschaftachter
Naturforscheraufs neue verbessert und mit vieten wichtigen Anmerkungen
hemusgegeben. Berlin und Leipzig, bei George Jacob Decker, ~81.
8°. Pp.xxxt).Mt. Woodcutof the~M/faCr!~a< Engraved Mdingplateof
Thisi$tméditionof thé~(<<~aC~e ~Mt~t tn thé preface of the presentwork theaothoKhip
revisedtya RosicmciM Sodetywhodaimedto be is Mcnbed M Henverd von FoMhenbntnn.teacher
thétmebtethttnof théaathotandthé on)yt~at of medicme at CtonMUand 'Lattdphysicus' in
heirsofthébook. Thérévision tms requtredon Mortvia, and a member of the seorct sodety, in
aeetHMt ot&spm-hMM thM part wMchhad been which he was caHtd H&mem~ See Kopp, /)?
M.eked to théwot<{.See~«~a C'«~<t« ~MH<~ t886. Il. pp. ao8 (on the 3<~
underKMCHWEGNR (AntonJoseph). Ca/ota ~M)t<~), asatf, 977.
Set HORST Prob)ematumMedicorum
(GREGORtUS), décadesprièresquinque,
Salis& Solis, t677.
Commentanus in Epistolam Georgii Ripltei.
Set STARKRY (oeoRGE), Kern der Alchymie, t68s.
36 ~~<~J~4~'7YZ'<3?~/?/:W
Set SCHWARTZFUS (Anonymusvon)~
ANSPRACHE an die wabren Weisheits-KLinder.
Seev. (j. R.),M.c.,GuMeneRose, No, i.
Francisci Antonii Philosophi et Medici Londinensis Panacea Aure& sive
Tmctatus duo de ipsius Auro Potabili, nunc primum in Germania ex
Londinensi exemptari excusi, Operâ M. B. F. B.
Jacobus Séreniss. Rex Angl.
Numquid ego Antonium puniam, quia Deus iUi benedixit.
Henr. NoUtUS.
MedicinamUniversatem negant multi, sed ij plerumq; id faciunt, qui
ipsam assequi non valent
Hambargi Ex BMopotio Frobeniano. Anno cMaCXÏÏX.
8". ?p.[t6]aosbMMkl
ttMci5A)tthony,orAnthonfe.!sso.t6:3.mtMtised tishedh)t6M. ThomasRtwt!nwMtean<4<~<w<7M
medictoewithoutmticense.advocatedchcntieatmcdi. ak ~Mt«~~<n~. M< /<~AaMa~xM /o~
cmes, and so)dhis Panacea Aurea. He got into CttC!M ?«0 ~</)t<<«'OH~)M/C&!M~~<t/C~, t6<t,
ttouMe \nth thé College or Physicians, and wrote 8" and John Cottawroteanother: CW<: Au.
~M~tnx~ CAf~a- tf~~a~M ~a~ M~M' ~<t<«M.-or An /<«M!<&)ty.-or An ~<M',
Cambridge.16io. !n 1616he wrote Me ~oo/< Ojfford. t~ MmU Sehmi<Kter (C<~M~M<
<?-D~MM</e ~~{f ~<~<t~/M~ <<M~. <~ .~&AM~. 1832.p. 309)quotes another tract twy
ing Af«<tCH<t«t//«< ~<«t<M A'/a~<. 4°, and in him De Lapide /Wt7<M~<Mïx< et Lapide ~Mt
Latin as wet). These are the two tracts whichnre contained in Joh. RhenMtus' Harmonia <M~.
containedin thé pment reprint. A criticism by ~f/-M/<7M,Fntnkfort. il.
169~,8", Dec. No. 3.
MatthewHwynne,Aurum non ~)M-«iw.wM pub.
Borel.j5~M~<M CXfWM!,t6M, pp. 9<, M< Dezeimeris,Z)«<«x;Mtn'~u~~M de la ,W<
Die fw~, iM. i. p. t~t.
/«M~- ~<7~ p.
Bt~~AM B/t&!)t«<f< 1747,i. pp. t6g-tya, or Bayte & Thillaye, Ft«p<t'< JM~ca/f. tSss. i.
ln Ktppt~edition, t778, i. pp. Mt'M;. P. 3".x.
Hutchinson.~«j~n~AM ~~fa, t799, i. p. 13. Z%AMM~)'<A~/&«t/ ~'o{r~ t88s, ii. p. 47.
N«j~«~AK.W<fMa/< Panc)toudtc(i8~zs), p. :&).
Aurum.Potabile,or his receit, showing his way and methodhow he made and
preparedthat most excellentmedicine for the body of man.
~M cun [Cent cinquante trois] APHORtSMES CHYMtQUES, tôgz.
APHORISMI Basiliani.
HAPEHUS(N. N.), CheiragogiaHeliana, 1612,p. ztg.
APOCALYPSE Philosophique et Hermetique.
&e D Le GrandLivrede la Nature.
Kurtzes Hand-BticMein,vnd Experiment, vieler Artzneyen, durch den gantzen
Corperdefs Menschens, von dem Haupt bifs auff die Fûts. Sampt lebendiger
Abcontrafacturetlicher der fumembsten vnd gebrâuchtichsten Kmuttet, vnd
daraufs gebrandten vnd distillierten Wassern, Kmnt vnd Tugend. Durch
den hochgelehrtenQ. Apollinarem selbs erfahren vnd bewehrt. Jetzund von
newem mit vieten Krauttem vnd Experimenten gemehret vnd gebessett.
Sampt dem ExpenmentbUcMein von Zwantzig Pestilentz Wurtzlen defs
Hochgelehrten Tarquinii Ocyori. Cum gratia & privilegio Imperiati.
Strafsburg,Verlegt vnd gedruckt bey Josias Stadet. Anno M.DC.LIX.
8~. Ff.[9]codj[xvM,i bhmk].TMered and black. Numetous
Thereis a Latinversion,"nownfst uattshted Merchtin,
fromthe Gennan," byR.Gocteaius,Francof.t6to, Hendfeicb.
/'<M< ~M!<<M'. têt)?,p.
°' a~.
APPENDIX ad Faciliorem Radicis Chytn!œ inteHectum.
RADtX CHtMt~,t68o.
AQUARIUM Sapientum.
ARCANI Revelator.
.&<' MACNt PHtLOSopHORUM Arcani Revelator.
Mémoiresur l'action d'un Feu égal,violent, et continué pendant plusieursjours
sur un grand nombre de Terres, de Pierres & de Chaux Métalliquesessayées
pour ta plupart telles qu'elles sortent du sein de ta Terre. Lu à l'Académie
Royaledes Sciencesles 16 & z8 Mai 1766. Par M. D'Arcet, Docteur Régent
de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris. A Paris, Chez P. G. Cavelier,
Libraire, rue Saint Jacques, au Lys d'or. M.DCC.LXVI. Avec Approbation
& permission.
r. Pp.tM.
Second Mémoiresur faction d'un Feu ega), Lu tes y &Il Maii?68
A Paris, M.DCC.LXXI.
Discoursen forme de dissertationsur l'etat actuel des Montagnesdes Pyrenées,
et sur les causes de leur dégradation Prononcé par M. D'Arcet, Docteur-
Régent de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris, Lecteur & ProfesseurRoyal,pour
son Installation & l'Inaugurationde la Chaire de Chimie au Collegede France,
le ti Décembre ï~g. On y a joint des Expériences & des Observationssur
les variations du Barometre, sur le Thermomètre, & autres morceaux de
Physique,d'Histoire naturelle & de Chimie, avecune note de M. le Mounier,
sur l'Aiguille aimantée. A Paris, Chez P. G. Cavelier,Libraire, rue Saint-
Jacques, au Lys d'or. M.DCC.LXXVI. Avec Approbation & Privilége
du Roi.
8". P!M3.tM['b'ank].
Jean Darcetor d'Arcet
at the Collegeof Ftance, (tTs~tSot) wasprotessor France. He was Inspecter of the Mint and of the
Régent of the aculty of Gobelins, and was a distinguished technica!
Medicine, and afterwards dtrector M the Stv!~ ehetnbt.
worha. He was the Crst wtMmade porcetain in
Gme)in, C<f der C4MW.1798.09.)).s~ edition, but Darcet in the second, and gives his
iii. pasam.
M. J. J. DM, /M birth-year as !My.
AM/O~NfWf /<! fM~/M ~<AM MttM~& t8~, x. p.
~tr<!Kjf<<t/. <f<4f~, t8o9. Hoefer, A%w</& ~< CA~!& t8«,
Hoefer, ~M/M'~de la C*~< t~. ii. p. ~M · eo). tM.
t969, ii. p. so. He taUs him d'A~cetin the first Cuvier, ~«~«/<~ ~<t At'j~~)~, ,86t. tome
1- Il-
Sammtungeiniger mineratogisch-chymisch-metallurgisch-und oîyktogmphischer
Abhandlungen,des Herm Johann Ardumo, und einiger Freunde desselben.
Ausdem ItatËnischenübersetzt, durch A. C. v. F. C. S. B.C. R.
1778. In der Waltherischen Hofbuchhandlung.
S". Pp.[n] 6-369.Vignette
anda CoMingp!ate&
Arduino (t/t-t-t?~) was protessorof Minentlogy of him .n Em,h. de Tipatdo's
and McMnmgica)Chemistryai Venice,and wrote //«/MtM ~~M w/~ ~~<x. /~&N~«~ af/t ~/< &/
seterai bookson thèse subjects. There is a notice <?<'&.xvi!).. Vin~ia, vol.vii.
(1840).pp. ~6.
SeeKopp,/?~ ~MaM<t8M,il. p.369..
Francisci Ariosti de Oteo Montis Zibinii seu Petroleo Agri Mutinensis Libellus
e Manuscriptis membranis editus ab Olig.jfMobœo. Hafn!œ,Literis Reg.
Maj. & Univ. Typogr. Joh. Phil. Bockenhoffer, !6go.
8'. Pp.79[tb)at))t].tndexM[ab)an)t].
FnmciseusAriostuswas and professer then (pp. 38-76)« dewnption cfeunMteHectedby
ofCivit Law at Fermm. Hephysician
died !n ~9: Otigents thé use of M. Thé workcondude: (pp. yy~o)with
heobeeus. the editor, tMidKssesbis work to thn ptesent&tMnletter fMMAriostmtoDuke BontM
tantous M~etiabecchi.m dedicatiott (pp. 3.8) full dated Becember. )t<t&<.and thé Dntte'srephr.after
of admiration for his vast érudition and for hb which !t thé Index. Thfs is an inteKstiMMcL
kindness to himseif personatty. Then follows Hendreich': entfy (/'aM<<E ~MK~~x~o-,
(pp. 9-t3) a prefnce to the reader giving some '699. P. ~69) !s eurious: A«tOSTt)s/'hM<
aecowt of this mtxerat oit. or naphtha, found et ~n~ttf~, Medteos h~us. De Petreheo vêt
Mons Ziblus, Gybius, or a)ius, in the Modenesc PotnBoteo tract. quem inter tariont Musa:i iiui
territor~.compann~itwith naphtha from tndiaand M-rv~œ /<M<t.-/?~<~M~, & )ud destinasse, nisi
indieatmg cenaitt analogies wxhamber. Thcre is mors intorrupisset. testaMr M;/KA<Mde w~
nejtt a short MogmpMcatsketch-in hatian–of p. 333. Apparentty he did not know
ArhMtM.written by AntonioLibanorimd communi. that the book had beot printed. In the Bntish
cated by Mi~tiabeceht (pp. 13-1?'). The tract Museum Camtogue other editiomare mentioned.
itseif (pp. t8-3e) gives an account of thé oil, and
~Enigmata ex Visione Arislei.
Ste ARTIS AURtFER~ Volumina, t6to, i. p. 94.
See MORGENSTERN(PHtLtp}, Turba Philosophorum, t6tg, i. p. toy.
See MORGENSTERN(PHtUP), Turba Philosophorum, t?so, i. p. <33.
See MANGET(j. j.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, tyoz, i. p. 49~.
Arisleusor Aristœusisknownin connection with the Turba Phitosophorum," of which he bas beeo
caUedthe author.
Hendreich, /~<&< ~~M<&«~<yi.-<?.t6~. Ladrague, ~«M~M 0<tM~; tS-)o. Nos.
~~?' 7io-7'5- This author seems to identi~ Aniteu!
Schmteder, GMAtcA«~&Jt<«. t8M. p. i!:4. and Amteus.
Hoefer, ~o~t~ 1842. p.
1866,i. p. 311, on the Turba. 3~. 35'.
Verba Aristei Patris ad Filium.
Kopp (~M<</<'Aon«,t886. i. p. 96) says that he whose name is erroncoasty written sometinxs (as
bas been unable to find any particulars about this by Manget) Afisteu~.
author, but that he is dif&t~ntfrom Arisleu (~)
J~ TRÂUMEdes griechischen Philosophen Aristobulus, t762.
TmctatuhM de Practica lapidis Philosophici.
See ARTts AURtFER~ Volumina, t6to, i. p. 23:.
~< MANGET(J. J.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, tyoa, i. p. 659.
4~ ~y~7'<E'Z~M.O~.S
Ein Tractâtteh von der Practica des Philosophischen Steins.
See MORGENSTKRN (PHtUP), Turba Philosophorum, t6t3, i. p. jto.
A'~ MOMENSTËRN (PHtUt),Turba Philosophorum,t75o,i. p. 377.
See ARNALDUS de VillaNova, ChymischeSchri<Ren,t~S, p. 337.
Thisisa translation
De Perfecto Magisterio.
~f GRATAROLO (G.),Veneatchemiœ doctrina, ts6!, ii. p. 188.
See THEATRUM CHEMtCUM, t659, i't. p. 76.
MANGET (j. :.), BibliothecaChemicaCuriosa,t/oz, i. p. 638.
Tractatus ad Alexandrum Magnum, de Lapide philosophico oHmconscriptus
et à quodam Christiano Philosopho collectus.
Sre THKATRUM CHNM!CUM, t66~ v. p. 787.
See MCttt.D's
Thesaunnetta, t683,p. 356.
Tractat an Alexandrum Magnum vom Stein der Weisen vor Zetten geschrieben,
und von einem Christlichen philosopho zusammen gelesen.
AMHY~nsTtSCHES Sieben-Gestim,t67;, p. 69 t772,p. S~.
Thisi9a translation
ofthepreceding.Sa AMXAMDM.
Aus Aristotelis Schreiben an Atexandrum.
See Hti.RMKTtSCHKS A. B. C., t778, i.
p. 3:6.
Schmieder (CH<A/<f der ~&~M«-, t88z. p. pupit of Avicenna, and adds that if the name of
tso) has confusedthese wntings. Under the tide, Alexanderthe Great is mentioned in his writings,
T'~tf&z/M<<e/<~(~<~AtA'j<~&f<he has put the it must be ascribed to those who copied bis works,
'fractatus or Traetatutusde practica )amdis," in or to the want of < the tifae. He
tho~f/M~bn' vot.i.,aadthe"TraMatus eertam)yquotes C~M, RMis,and the Th~ft.
ad AtexMdnnn Magnumde lapide" in the ?'&~t<. Fabneias (/?~<M G~e<M,Hambumi. t~ih).
wm C'A<M«-«~,vol. v., as if they were thes~mu. vol.xii. p. 709) fo)to~'s up Bor~chfus givesa
If he had eompared them he would heveseen that tist ofhis works similar to the above, butand
they are quite di!fem)t. As a consequenceof this refereacesto other editionaof the Ars ae~nt and
mistake he mette! another, by omitting the reprint ?T4fe/WM.
in the Artis ~<<B vol. i., of the tract Schmieder, (oMdiug upon Bottichius, gives a
which he caUs: "Practica lapidis phitosophiei," plausible hypothesis of the writer's ongte. He
and quoting ouly the /<&A<wMt (~u<«M, and quotes no authonty, however, !Mdafter thé inac.
Manget's ~A<fa. cumcyhe bas displayed inso definitea ntMter as
The author of thesewritings was posterior to the the an-anging of the reprints of the works, one
Gfeett philosopher. and is now spottett of as the v<ouMeertainty not acoept any viewadvanced on
pseudo.Aristotle. Whether one person wrote them SehmMet~ txtre statement.
ail, whether his namemayhavebetnreattyArbtotte See. for a discussion on the pseudo-Anstotte,
(as Sehmiedcr thinksis possible), or whether he Kopp's&<y<~p'tMf C<MA<cA/< drr C'A<m<e (<869),
assumed the nameto give his works more weight, p. 3s8. acte 4<. andHoefer (~t~mr«~ la CMo~,
it is not easy to dee)de. Borrichius (Cf«~)<f/«j 1866.i. p. 347)who, howeter, fMtwnces<t See
&fam C~<t«'<«M, 1697,p. t~) says that he exptMMton of thé attusions to Atexander. See
was not thé StagMte, but one who te~ned from atso Kcpp, D~ ~MM<«, tM6t il. p. ato, etc.
thé Arabie phUosophetsand who catis bimself a
See PETRUsArlensis de Scudatupis.
Liber Arlomi.
See KtESER(FRAM),Cabala Chymica, t6o6, p. 206.
See suCHTNt (A. VON),"Concordantia Chymica," Chymische Schrif~en, t68o,
p. to6.
Kiese~sis an éditionof v. Safbten'stfact.
~~AM~OMS 43
Arnaldi de Vittanova,Philosophi, Medici et Chymici .Excellentissimi, omnia,
quae exstant, Opera Chymica: videticet, Thesaurus Thesaurorum seu
Rosarius Philosophorum:ac omnium secretorum maximumsecretum. Lumen
Nouum. Flos Florum, & Speculum Atchimiœ. Quibus nimirum artis huius
mysteria etiam secretissima,luculenter enodantur, & quàm maxima licet, &
potest 6en perspicuitate explicantur. Nunc primum ita coniunctim edita,
opera & impensis,Hieronymi Megiseri, Co. P. Cssarei, & Archidd. Austriee
Historiographo. Francofurti, Typis ïoachimtBtathenngij. Anno t6o3.
8°. Pp.120.
The ~M/MM has a separate titte'page and pagination as follows:
Arnaldi de Villanoua, Medici et PMtosopht Eecet!entiss:mi, Speculum
A!chimiae: quo videlicet Artis Chimicae Mysteria et iaN secretissima,
luculenter enodantur, &, quàm maxima licet & potest 6en, perspicuitate
expticantut: Liber, nunc primum in lucem editus, operâ & impensis
Hieronymi Megiseri,Co. P. Cœsanj, & Archidd. Austriz Historiographi.
Francofurti, Ex OfEcinaTypographica Matthia! Beckeri. M.DCIIÏ.
s°. pp.80.
ThereistmedMooofthe~<«M~M«MM-, téog b an entiretynew édition,not the t&M
FnutCMurt),ex officina htetedum editionwithtmewtit)e.pM;e.
pp.76 btank]. Thé
[Anothercopy of the Speculumonty.] Francofurti, M.DC.III.
s*. Pp.80.
Des Wettbenihmten und hocherfahrnen Philosophi und Medici Arnaldi de
Villa Nova ChymischeSchriftten, Darinnen begriBen
I. Rosarius Philosophorum.
II. Novum Lumen.
III. Flos Florum.
IV. Spiegel der Atchimie.
V. Eine Epistel an den Neapolitanischen Kônig.
Worbey zugleichmit angeruget.
VI. Der Prophetin Marien, Moysis SchwesterPractica.
VII. Ein Buch von der Alchimie Geheimnissen, durch Calid den Sohn
Jazichii zusammengetragen.
VIII. Ein Buch des Philosophi Kallid Rachaidibi, von den dreyen Worten.
IX. Ein TractMein Aristotelis von der Practica des Phitosophischen
X. Der Ttactat, so der Weiber-Arbeit und der Kinder Spie! genennet
Allen Liebhabem der wahren Alchimie zu Gefallen aus dem Latein mit
hochatem Fleifs in Teutscher Sprache Cbersetzet, Durch Iohannem Hoppo-
damum. Verlegts,Johann Paul Kraufs, Kayser- und Kônigl. Privilegirter
Niederlags-Verwandter,Buchhandler in Wienn. (748.
8". Pp.[t6.}4tt.[spp.ofadvertisemenEj.Tit)etB<t:mdbhck.
44 ~A~ZZW.y
Speculum Atchym!ae.
THEATRUMCHEM)CUM, !6S9, iv. p. St5.
See MANGE! (J. j.), Bibliotheca Cbemica Curiosa, )7CH,i. p. 687.
Sed THEATRUMCHEMtC~M, !659, i. p. 28 t66o, v. p. 803.
DORN (GERHARD),Trevisanus de Chymico Mitacuto, t6oo, p. t26.
~'f THEATRUMCHEMtCUM,t6s9, i. p. 7S3.
MANGET(j. j.), Bibliotheca Chemica Cunosa, t?tN, i. p. 3~ ii, p. 3~.
This is d)f<cM)t ven.ionfrom the ptecediag. iMgto Mnnget. tn his reprint, i. p. 389, however,
made by AndrensOrtethc from the French,accord. the second paraeMph isonttttcd.
Testamentum Novissimum.
See CKRHAKDUSOoANKES), Commentatio perbrevis et conspicua in Apertorium
Raimundi Lullii, 164:, p. 8f.
Thisis a thM version ttiOerentfrom both the preceding, witha CommentMy.
Testamentum Novum.
&~ ARTISAURtFRR~ Votumina, t6to, iii. p. t7S.
See MANGKT0. j.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, t/oz, i. p. 704.
This isa differenttract front the preceding.
Arnaldus being one of the gtMt authorities then took up the study of Arabie phitoMphy.went
among thé atchemists, his nameis mentionedin fdt to ltaly and retumedto Spain, and was lu fawar
the histories. Special reference,however,may be with James Jt., King of Anngon. Ultimately he
made to the monograph on him by Hauréau in went to Paris and aoquireda great réputationby
//M/<'</<~/<tt~ la /-h!«<, tttSt. T. xxviii. hh attainments. He fell ht(ter)y into disrepttte
pp. :t6.ta6. Besides the éditions and reprints by his attrotûgieat ptediction*.provokedtheecdesi.
enumemted in the présent Catalogue, the AicheMt. astiM and the University,and departed from Paris
cal tfacts are contained also in AnMidus'collected and went under the protection of Frederick of
works along with his medical writings, <Min the Sicity. Summoned to attend Pope Clement V.,
édition of Lyom, tHa. folio, to which is ptefixed who was ii). he embarkedto ~o to Awijfnon,but he
the account of hisli by SymphorianusCampegius. died in the sbip, and wasbuned at Genoa, in 13:3.
By some wntets Amatdus is cs~ted Bachuone. The Inquisition tn t~~ condemnedSHeenerMts
There is some doubt as to which of the Villa of whichhe was guitty.
NoM's he betongedto, but thé batunceof ew!ente His cottected worb were published at Lyons,
is in favour ofhb having been a Spaniard. He '$04. *S3~ Base!, tjB< Lyons, !686, a!! in <Mio.
Mvedin thé thirteenth century, devoted MnMetfto A tist of them is givenby Niteton.
Chemistryand Medicine,Md aftenvardsMPbysies;
Castettanus, ~7<t t//Mt<WKM .M.MK<-<WMM, Ant. BorrichitM,CMtj~M &~<~wet CtMt&omM.
werp.. t6t7, p. t~. !6w, p. t& No. xxii.
Imperialis. ~4u<«at Att/of~am « ~<fMH, PMehiM, De A~fM /<M'«<«t yhtf/a~M,
Venct., p. 8, witha portrait. t7oo, p. gaS–refets towhathe did for<nedfe!ne.
Estevande Villa, Ltts tTMMde <<M~~«<cf<M <& y<M/&r&~M')< i?c% p. ~6.
et<~M-~«t,Bttrgos, t&t7. Pope-Blount, C~u~Mt <<t< tt~m,
Det Rio, ~<.<?tfM<&MMw '<«tFK'wa ~W Sa, Geneva, 1710.p. 4~7.
Lttgd. t6t9. p. <. a. A 36, <,B. J. de HaiMe. ~<!p<t~& <<fmt«<f de ~/&.
Van der Linden, jOt ~~<M MMf<~ /<~af«% Mww, Ait, t7i9, M°–Mtderthé pseudonymPierre
t6y, p. 5t. JOMph.
Boret, AMo~jtaM CAtM~-o,t6~, p. z~. Freind,
?~~M~~)'j~. JLondon.t~6,
Borrichius. jMfM~/to de 0<<M ~tj~~e ri.jpp. aa~, a~t-a. ~&
C4«M~, ï668, pp. t98, t3~. Fabricius, ~M~K'<~<!/.a<tM eM~ ~~Mp
MercM!n,~M«t5M~t<~MeM/M, t6M, pp. ço~z. «/<t«t, t8~8, i. p. ts~.
Conring, /« ~~M ~M&aM ~o~<fc<<0, Z?t<~<&«<ent~<M~, t730, p. 9M.
168?, iii. s6. p. !09 Md Ad. iii. a6, 3, p. M~. Stotte, ~M~A der ~MMtM~ &A!!M~,
Freher, y&<e~e<wM~~JM<~M&/<M«!/etww~, '?! PP. '06, tt?, titt, m.
t688, p. tso~, Portrait, p!. Sto))e, ~t'f~~<~ Of/oAfMy,1736,p. s6s.
~M~Z~My–~A~~ZD 47
Trois Traictez de ta PhilosophieNaturette, non encore imprimez. Scavoir, le
secret livre du tres~ncien philosophe Artephius, traictant de l'art occulte &
transmutation metallique, Latin François. Plus les Figures Hierogliphiques
de Nicolas Flamel, ainsi qu'il les a mises en la quatriesme arche qu'il a bastie
au Cimetière des Innocens à Paris, entrant par la grande porte de la ruë
S. Denys, & prenant la main droite, aaec l'explication d'icelles par iceluy
Flamel. Ensemble le way liure du docte Synesius Abbé Grec, tiré de la
Bibliotheque de l'Empereursur le mesme sujet, le tout traduict par P. Arnauld,
sieur de la Cheuallerie Poicteuin.
Si te fata vocant, alias non viribus vllis,
Neque etiam duro poteris conuellere ferro.-Virgil.
A Paris, Chez la vêtue M. Guillemot & S. Thiboust, au Palais, en la galerie
des prisonniers. M.DCXII. Auec Priuilege du Roy.
48 ~A~MZ'–~M~A~?
ARNOLPHINUS (FRANCtscus),Lucensis.
Tractatus de Lapide physico, seu Summa Rosarii Philosophorum.
/M~M/VA~S–,4~7~ 49
De Jure Atchimise responsum.
Set DtSQUtsmode Helia Artium,t6o6,sig. H7recto..
~M THEATRUM CHEMtCUM, 1659, iv. p. 248.
Thistractseemsto haveescapcdthenoticeof Kopp,whenhe discussed the tegatityof Alchemy
(/?M~&AfmM, t886,i. pp.<47-ts6).
ARTE (DN) Chemica Libri Duo, quibus omnia, que ad lapidis siue pulueris
phitosophici compositionem usumque spectant, breuiter & apertè traduntur.
Quorum prior De veritate & antiquitate artis Chemica: & pulueris siue
medicinae Philosophorum vel auri potabilis Testimonia & Theoremata ex
vanjs autoribus per Robertum Vallensemselecta. Posterior. Ioan. Chrysippi
Faniani de arte metattica: metamorphoseos liber singularis. Item de Iure
Artis A!chemias veterum auctorum & pHesertim Iurisconsuletorum iudicia
& responsa ad quaestionctn An Alchemia sit ars tegitima. Ob argumenti,
tractationis methodtq', similitudinemconiunctnn in gratiam Philochemistarum
editt. Montisbeligardi,Apud lacobum Foillet M.DC.II.
Pp. 5' [' Mmk];[6]67[i Nanki butM40-4!tut dupticatedinthesecond
tractthenumber ofpages)sactuatty69.
Vallensis'historyoccupiesthefirst';t pages, in <6ot thereisnodifférence
between thembut
part. thedate. SeeVALLEMts and!'AXtAMU&
AneditionofthisbookwaspnMished byFoillet
;o ~7X–~?~/W/<?
[Artephii geheimer Haupt-Schlüssel,oder Arteph;: des uhralten Philosophi von
der geheimen Kunst und Stein der Weisen Geheimes Buch.]
Noplace,date,or printer.
y. Pp.t07.t;t,wantingpp.~9.50. Titlein MS.
ThisMAttephi~tracttakenoutoftheedition jaminRoth-Schottt. and printedby ~eh.Paul
of Rtpteys
Chea'K~Wot)<s.ttanshtedby Ben. KftHMs, Vtenn:t.t7s6(y.f.).
Clavis Saptentiœ,das ist ein edles und kosttiches Buchtein vom Stein der
Weisen, welcher genannt wird: der SchtUssetder Grofsern Weisheit Vor
etlichen hundert Jahren in Lateinischer Sprache von dem uralten Mago und
Philosopho Artephio beschrieben, ietzt ins Teutsche versetzt. Leipzig
und Hof, VerlegtsJohann Gottlieb Vierling, 1736.
S"- Pp.4S[tMankJ.ThetMtbtanktea~iswanting.
[Another copy.] Leipzig und Hof, 1736.
if. Pp.45bNM)t].
Clavis Sapientis, das ist: ein edles und kostMchesBüchlein vom Stein der
Weisen, welcher genannt wird der Schlüssel der Grossern Weisheit; vor
etlichen hundert Jahren in lateinischer Sprache von dem uralten Mago und
Philosopho Artephio beschrieben, jetzt ins Teutsche versetzt. Leipzig
und Hof, VerlegtsJohann Gottlieb Vierling, 1~48.
S". Pp.44[4b)ank].
Thisisa simptereprintin thesamestyleasthé~36 edition.
Geheimes Buch von der geheimen Kunst und Stein der Weisen.
See HERMETISCHERRoSENKRANM, t6S9,p. 7 t68z,p. 7.
See HERMET!SCHE (Def) PHtMSOPHUS, !709, p. tM.
Le Secret Livre.
See ARNAULD (P.), Trois Traictez,)6t2, p. &
Liber Secretus, the Secret Book.
See SALMON (WILLIAM), MedicinaPractica, tôgt, p. 433
SeeRICHEBOURG (j. M. o.), Bibliothèquedes PhitosophesChimiques, t74o, ii.
p. tt2.
Clavis Maioris Sapientis.
)6$9, iv. p. t~S.
(j. j.), BibliothecaChemica Curiosa,'702, i. p. ~03.
/M7'N/W~S'7V.y St
Geheimer Haupt-Schlüssel.
~< RtPLEV (GKOROK), Chymische Scht-ifTten, t7s6, p. tos.
Aftephim hM been <t)w&y* regarded by thé was put to death about ttto. or !Mt-z, accord.
atchemists M one of thé n)MteM. By vinue of thé
eMxir he is reputed to hâve tived a thousand and ingtotbnKha))Utan..
ThéClavis /t~w &M~<e i,Mtsfirst printed
tweaty.nve yeaM, a story which hM beeo com. at Pttti<ln t6o~in « NnaMG*,and at Straburg
mentedonbyCotMmsen(7)-~<!MMf<M ~f~ in 169~in M' This work is Mentica)with that
<&~t'A! ~AM~!K<f<t t669, p. 46) b.t'.). asetibed to Alfonsoof Castile (?.f.), who WMnot
PM~(~i.a C~M, t7oS. p..K) thin~ rime the author, howover,but simply caused a tmnsta-
«My hâve thrown in & cypher too <nach to thé tion into Spanish to be madeof an Arablebook.
MMt)be~ Speciat 1 attention basbeen given M hint The ~«~tt was printed at Amsterdamin
and to thé Cvew in a Mhe! of attides by Chev. t678, [6* at Frankfurt. t68~. t9° and was trans.
reut. and GiMe<neister identifies him with thé )ated into Engtidt by "Etreaaem Orandus," and
Antbic poet and atchemist, A) Toghrâi, who printed along with Flamel. London, 16~4,t8'.
Bore!, ~M<'&'M C~<m«t;, tô~ p. Httdji Kh~&, /.<.«<~ &<i!<~s, tS~a.
BordcMtN, Ow~/a~ ~M~M-aM <~M«w~, vi. p. 4, No. MSio. (Atchemica) work by A)
t697t p. M. No. xyi. To~tti.)
Hendtetch, ~<!«&c<'<?~a~A~Mt~o*, <69~, p. Chevreu!,
C&M~<f ~«~M. t867, hiv. pp.64,679;
/M<~a/ <6M&M'<t~, 1867, p. 76~ i86!, pp.
FicMtd, /'H~M' M~ Th. i. p. t6. '53. ~9.644.
~<f)%f<~ G~A~ <?- Aa~~ Ût«M<<,tySs, Ladmgue, &W«<~w OMMt~; t8~ Nos.
pp. 4es, 638.
Gmdia, 0<J<AM~ <&'<'C~«, t~oy, 1. p. aa Oudemeister, Zc~Ar~ der <M~if~«~<~<<t
tM6, ti. pp. 3, ~8. <?~<<rA< 1876, xx)[. p. sgS in an article on
Schmieder, G<<' <<ef~/<Bt<f, 183:, p. Alchemy"). Gitdemeister thinks thé work of
IlS. Artephius is probably identical with an AMbic
WOMenMd, G~~«-~< ~ft~-A-a ~<- originalin the BiMioth&)ueNationale.
tM~TVe/M~~K~r, 1840, p. 87, No. tj;t. (Wasten. Kopp, Dit ~/ot<Mt'<,tM6, i. pp. too. 2:3. ~z
fetd thinks that thé tegen<Mtotd about At toghrai's ii. 34%363.
atchemica) otpenences are )Me inventions.)
&<' ALLGEMmu~
(Ueber) Arxneien.
The Way to Bliss. In three books. Made publick, by Elias Ashmole, Esquire
Qui est MercunophitusAnglicus.
-Deus nobis hœc Otia fecit.
London, Printed by John Grismond for Nath. Brook, at the Angel on
Corn.hU!, 1658.
6°. Pp.Maso.
Some copies are on huge and thick paper and with it. and there is no resombtance between it and
hâve a portrait of Ashmole prcnxcd. Ashmole the book "madepublick" by Ashmote. Thé artide
represents himsetf in the preface as being the ia the ~KgM~M ~~<M~«:<t atso, which quotes
edftor on)y. from Ashmotepre<ace about this book, mahestto
Accotd)ng to Niceron thé présentwork is by an )t))u;ion to Bac)thouse–and on the other hand it is
unknown writer of the time of Queen Elizabeth, verycontemptuous about John Heydon.
and wasgiven to Ashmoteby Wi))i&tnBackhouse, Ashmole (t6t7-Y6<)2)is famous for his tfeen
for pubhcation. This, however, does not tally deti~ht in the acquisttion of knowledge and forhis
with the account given by Ashmole himsetf in thé business tapMity. Hc was an antiquary. hernld,
préface (dated Aprit t6, !6s8), to w!t, that H was astroh~er, atchemist, collector of aU sorts of
writtenabout the beginningof the last (or end of curiosities nnd ranties: a remnrkable mixture of
the former)century," and that an imperfect version shrewdness and what would now be tenned
of it had been got ready for ptiMing whieh the iiHperstition.
world should take for the chttd of one ~~ot~M Under the anagram James HasoMe, hc also
?T4«~<&c/«t. being (by Re-baptitation)eatted the editeda smat) volumecaJJed~~ttM/a~ C4<mt<
Wisa mans C~M<'<t or ~ttM.Ct-M'MM/%y~< or CAyMMa~ Cc<&t<«MM, London, t6~ tz°,
This book is quoted by Kloss (/M/«y/~tM der containing prolegomena, Arthur Dee's cottec-
~-<MMt<WN,Frankturta. M. t8~. No. z6MM,who tions, and a translation of Espagnet's <4~!Mu«(M!.
adds, WiU.Backhoase'sWayto BMs!.puNMrt von His chier alchemicalwork is the M~e/M OtfeM-
Johann Heydon. London, togt." Now Eugenlus cum ~~o«x~<M, London, t659,4* with seweM)
Theodidactus was pretty eertaMy John Heydon. cngravings. Il contains a series of old English
the Rciierucian; for the édition of ?%< ?'<'? poemson Alchemy,with notes by Athmote. It is
)X<m't CtMfa.' or (MMy /A< A'<(. ca))ed Part i.. and in the preface to the pMtent
London, t6t!, which t have, be~s Heydon's work Ashmo)en~reM that he had been prevented
nameon the general t!t)eand on that to the second carrying it any further. No ~nore was pubUshed,
book. but on the title to the third book the author and the first part is now very rare, and diSicuhto
is pven as Eugenius Theodidactus. Them is no get complete. The contents are reprinted by
indication of Backhouse having anything to do Gmelin. <7<~tf~<t~<M/~(t;~7). i. p. 6M.
~~wozjE-,4y'wr ;3
Hendfeich, /~Mo'<ï/<p/~i!/M~w~, t6~9, p. Chatmef! 7~ <w//?~)~MM/<(wo~)',
3<)S. tSts.iii. )).<(!
Wood. <4A4<'«e 0~o<tMnj~, ~9t, i. A!~w ¡ y/t<' ~«~~A<M/ AWMMe~' (Society for the
ii. co). 659, 8X6; /'tt~ ii. p. i~; Kndcd. Btiss, Diffusion ofuseMKnowtedgp), t8~(, m. ii.p.775.
!8t7. iu. eoL 3S4-&t: tSao. iv. p. 3$~, «~oM<<m. Oraesse, ?'~<a' <<e~t~fj ~a~fj. 18~, Dresde,
Nteerot), AMMo/~t (tTgg), xxii. pp. 363.37!. i. p.asS.
JScher, ~<'Nt~'wj Cf/~f/M.Ze.t'/coH, ty;o, i. AXibone,Cn'A'fo~ /)«/<wM~)' &<~
col. ~')<. ~<<fM~<, t8m, i. p.
Ft'<«< F/M<tMt!, d éd. t~S, i. /<<Mat_)- <y A~X'<M«/ ~<~n! i98s, ii. p.
PP. ~03-307. rh's h a full ittcount with a long note t?!! (article by Dr. R. GftmeK).
OMthe present book.
See BURMAN TheLivesof.
(CHAKLKS), Elias Ashmole, and WHJiamLilly,
ASTREA (L') Chimica.
AUFRICHTIGES Echo, oder eine verlangende Antwort auf den 1761 gedruckten
und hier auch beygefugten Bogen Betittelt Aufrichtige Beantwortung drey
wiehtiger Fragen von der Materie und Vorarbeit des eigcnttichen Steins der
Weisen. 1762.
S'. Pp.64. This contains(p. 55)a reprintof the~~<f &'<Aec~<~
AUFRICHTIG-TEUTSCHER \Veg\veiser zum Licht der Natur, oder ad
Tincturam Physicam Paracelsi, und Lapidem Philosophorum.
ZWKYVORTREFFUCHK Chymische Biicher, 1759,p. 33.
For extracts see HERMKTtscHtis A. B. C., 1778,i. pp. 263-267.
Thistractappearedat Nttrnbetg,ty~'
AURIFERE Artis, Das ist, der Goldkunst, Authores vnd An{:mger. Oder:
Turba Philosophorum.
~< ARTISAURtFEtM! volumina duo, t6to.
AURIFONTINA Chymica: or, a Collection of fourteen smaH Treatises con-
cerning the First Matter of Philosophers, for the discovery of their (hitherto
so much concealed) Mercury. Which many have studiously endeavoured to
hide, but these to make manifest, for the benefit of Mankind in general.
London, Printed for William Cooper, at the Pelican in Httte-Britain. 1680.
SmaUnarrow i~ Pp. [M]containingtitle, John Frederick Houpreght'sdedi-
cationof the ~f~i~y~pi~M~~ to Charles U., Contents, To thé Reader. Text,
ppLaya. AdvenbemcBt ofChemicatbooks[4).
This curious and very rare little volume was pro- 7- A Trexttiie of the PhitoMphers StoHe, t<M
baMy<x)mpi)edaRd edited by William Cooper, a BlessedMimna,&c., withits wondrousVittnei.Md
weU-ftnownvendor of Atehetnteatbooks, and the Use, both for the euring the Hody of \tM), M)d
author of the first catalogue of such books in the tnaktnfof preciou! Stones,p. toy.
Hnghtnd. The treatlses contained are the follow. 8. Nie. FtammeH.his SunttnMyof t'hibsophy,
'ng: or Short Treatiseof the PhilosophersStone,
Hermeticum. or the p. t~s.
t. Hydfopyfogmphmn Raym. Lullie's ApertorhMn,or
MetidUc)tWate)-.Hre, translated byF. Houpt~ht. htHe Key exp)&)ningOavicuta,
ail the re-itof his Works,
P' P.K'3.
a. The Pnvy Sea)of Seerets, pMnty discoverittg fo. Secretsdisctos'd of the PMtosophersStone,
thé firstMatter ofthe Phitosophots,p. ~t. p. 180.
3. A stmoee letter eoncernins' an Adept, his tt. A PhilosophicatRiddle of Gold, in Verse,
curious Learningand vaster TreaNtte,from Freder. p. t85.
lek, Dukeof HotMta and SteiwMt,p. $3. n. t~n). Ttevisan'! Epistt~ to Thomas of Bon.
4. Sir George Riptey's t'teati~e of Mercury,and onM,concemiof the secret workings of Nature in
the Philosophersstone, p. 69. the product of things, p. fS?.
Coloursto be observed in the opeMtiottof the n Bern. Trevisat). his short Epistte Dedicatory
GreatWork of Philosophers, p. 99. beforehis Works, to the same man,
6. A plain and tme Description of the Treasure p. 960.
ofTreMUtes, or the Golden Medicine,p. 07. for theAbhefPreparittiottofthoPhitosophenStone,
conclusionof this liook, p. 27t.
AURIUA Chemicus sive Theosophœ Palmarium, a
Philosopho antiquo anonymo,
in chemicis versatissimo compositum.
See THEATRUMCHEMICUM, t6$9, !)). p. 834.
Forremarkson booksentitied'Aunga,'see Kopp,Die~&&<m~. t886,ii. p. 340.
AURORA Consurgens quœ dicitur aurea hora.
See ARTISAURtFERA: Volumina, !6t<~i. p. tt8.
See AUFS't'EtGUNGder Mo~enrothe.
SeeKopp. f~ ~< ;886,ii. p. 389,forbooksetttMed Auront.'
AURO (DE) Potabili Theophrasti Paracelsi.
See FtGULUS(HENKDtcrus), Pandora, t6o8, pp. 275,279.
AURUM Aurse.
See Kopp,~M«-, tM6,ii. p. forbooksentitled'Aurum.'
AURUM Potabile.
THEATRUMCHËMtCUM,t66o, vi. p. 382.
AURUM Vitœ oder Gold des Lebens.
Sec VtKR Chymische Tractattein, 1677,p. 64.
Phamaceuticum Austriaco-Viennense, ty:9.
Aquœ rubeae ad tingendum quatuor'spiritus sublimatos albos.
-S~ ORATAROLO (u.), Ver.B atchenji.u doctrina, 1~61,ii. p. xn.
Set THEATRUM CHEMtCUM, !ÔS9,ii). p. 107.
De Congelatione et Conglutinatione Lapidum.
6<MARTtsAURtFER~t: volumina,t6to, i. p. 240.
6'~ THEATRUM CHEMtCUM, t6SO,iv. p. 883.
See GINECEUMCH!MtCUM,t679, p. $54.
See CBBKR,Summa Pertectionis, !682,p. 24$.
See MANGET 0. j.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, tyo:, i. p. 636.
Von der Congelation und Conglutination der Steine.
See GEBER,Chymische Schriften, t?; p. 3tQ.
~c~ GEBER,Commentaria über Gebers Werke, t792, p. 3~3.
Von der Congelierung und Zusammenfugung.
Sed MORGENSTERN (PH!UP), Turba Philosophorum, t6t3, i. p. 322.
See MORGENSTERN (PHtHP), Turba Philosophorum, t/so, i. p. 39!.
This is the same tract as the prMedmg, witha Steins." It treats of MofM–not of the philoso.
diHerentversion of théname. In the tableof con- phet*s$tone.
tents it is ca)M von der Zmammenteimnngdes
6o ~t~C~AW~
Dectaratio Lapidis Physici Avtcennae F!!io suo Aboali.
THEATRUM CHEM!CUM,t6S9, iv. p. 87$.
MANOET(j. j.\ Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, 1702,i. p.
Anhang der Edâuterung des fysischen Steins vom Avicenna an seinen Sohn
Abo Ali.
&<' SCHRUDER (t\ w.), Neue Alchymistische Bibliotheck, (774, Il. ii. p. :39.
This isa trnnstationofthe preceding.
Epistola ad Hasen Regem de Re Recta.
Set THEATRUMCHËMMUM,t6S9,iv. p. 863.
Tractatulus de tinctura metallorum.
ALCHEMtA (De) Opuscula, !5;o, i. 175.
See ARTISAURtFER~ votumina, 1610, i. p. 260.
&<-MAKCET(j. j.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, )7M, i. p. 626.
This is aho ea))<d'Tractatusde AtcMmia.'
Septem regutas ex quibus componitur lapis Philosophorum.
&<' TRISSMOSINUS (SAt-OMON), Aureum Vettus, Tractatusiii. ~98, p. 2<3.
ERUFFNETEGeheimnisse des Steins der Weisen, f7o8,p. 320.
Set TAtîCKE(jOACHtM),Promptuarium Akhemia', )6t0; Appendix Tomi Primi,
P. 374.
[scuATZ und Kunstkammer], p. 374.
Tractatutus von der Alchimia.
See MORGKNSTERM (PH!HP), Turba Philosophorum, t6t3,i.p.3;). 1.
See MORGENSTERN (PH!HP), Turba Philosophorum, t7so,i.p.426.
This M<ttranstationof theprecedmg.
Kleines Büchelchen vom mineratischen Steine.
Set SCHRÔDER (F.J. w.), Neue atchymistische Bibtiotheck, )774, n. p. tçg.
Thisisa diftefenttranstation.
Avicenna wasa native of Bokhara wherehe was work and byp)easure,andw<sbufiedat Hamadan.
boni in 980. At a veryearty age he had mastered Against Avtcenntt'smedicd system it was Paracel.
the leaming of his time, and devoted himMtfto sus who began the struggle which ended in its
medicine, of whichhe became one of the oractesof overthrow. Possibly a number of the cheniical
thé Middle Ages. He was a voluminouswriter, a \<')-itingswhit:h pMs under Avicenna's name are
man of at&irs. knew the hdght and depth of not reatty by hin). and somo writers put his date a
success and enmity, and after the most briniant century !ater.
and vivid life, died at the age of exhausted by
Thevet, ~f Vrais /'oM~~a<7f<~~<&t/~M«Mt ithe biographical notice is borrowed from Caste).
illustres, Paris, t~&t, ff. 6M~6M~, and a portrait. )M)1S).
Costellanus, ft/a' <7/«t< ~M'</<cor<!M, Ant- Conriaig,/< ~~<'M ;t/aA<Mt/<'</iM//o, t6S7.
verpiae, 16:7, p. t~S. cap. Mt., geg, p. 98, and Addit. ~3, p. t~.
Vim der Linden, ~e &~tt ~<~<«j AM <~e. (Short, but pithy.)J
'637, p. ss. Bonichius, Cc~ef/M &f<~f«M< CA<Nt<cofMm,
/M<A~-«[~)-<-A'jM~Ma,t65t, Pars
Hottfnger. t6w, p. No. xxviii.
ii. p. 4.6t. ~</M<~Kf Of«~e&. PMh, t6~, p.
Horet, Rt~te<A<f<! CAMM<:a, Paris, 1654,p. i Sjz.Herbetot,
Hcidetb. 1656,p. 34. Hendrcich, /'a)«&c<«!B~tfMh~~xM)! t6oo.
Z)< ~~o~<'<t << -f p.
Voss!us, ~o~tM ~)f/~ 3~(andthetefefeaees)..
Il., t6%t, cap. t4, p. )to. Pope-Blount, C<)M«M!CfM~jrttM ~«Mc/Mm,
Vossius, & /%<~M~A«< Z~< 1/ 1658, Genève, tyio, p. ~7.
cap. XtV. joannes Leo Afncanas, DeViris quibusdittM
Thevet, ~f/Mr< <~ /)/<fj <7/«~re~et ~a~at iHmtfibus apud Ambes MMtus," cap. tx. in
~eaMtM <&leurs ~<et, t6yo, viii. p. t6o, and Fabridus, ~<<~4«-<t C~a. 17~6,xiii. p. 368.
portrait. OeM, ~M~ <~la AM~tw, tyaa, pp. 7~
Mefcktin, ~.M<<fM<t« «aeM/M~, 1686, p. 08, ySo. Le
~tVC~AW~AT 6t
Manget, ~W~A~o' ~v~/o~M ~/<<WMM, WOstenMd,Ce~-A/f~ ~<«~
1731. 1.i. p. I!'?'. A~/K~H~ GOttingen.x84o,No. t98, p. 64.
Stolle, <Xj<< der M-t'j<« (?~~7. Hoefer, Wj/M~ de /a CA/m/t,tS~a, i. p. 397;
'73'tP-7<'7' tM6, i. p. g4s.
Xedter, i/M<t~~<t//ftf«x, tyga, i). col. tt< Ibn Khathttan, ~Mtj~n;~<n/
Riagmphical Z)«'e~a<y,
Dictionaty, by
Kestner, <W<f~f/«~<'AM (Mt~M-~f.fMM, t~o, M'Guckin de Shne, Paris, t~, i. p. 440.
P 6s. Kopp, OMt-A~t/fof< C'~m~, t843, i. p. 57 &
Petnts an Castro, /)<<A~'<!
Med;e; /«/</t,
RTt/diti. éd.
Andreas Pasta, BefRomi,ty~a, p. M. Haur~u, jC~la /<4'K'~M&~o/<w, t8so, i.
ChaufepM, A~awaM Z)A'~<Wt!<~/fA~'<jw, p. 366.
Amst. t~o. i. p. s6s. Han)mer.Putg!tatt, ~&~t~)~C<fA<r der
tOcher, <<)~«f~ C<<M.T«-CM. tyso. i.
~nt~f. Wiea, t8s4, v. pp. g68.3<)6.
co). 6<7. Bayle & ThUhye, &<!{M~h'<- A/<M<M/<!8ss. i.
F~/M~wa <4f«AK'<M~<!<Mt A'jceff<t/.
<'MK~, Matfitt, i76o, i. p. a68 A~aM/rn. Phillippe & Ludwig, 6~~<ot/< der ~<M<
Haller, &<~<f<! ~axtfa, t??!, tS?; ii.&tj,. '8~. P- 384&~<tMf)M.
Haller, ~W. C'Atfa~M, t~ i. p. t33. Meyer, G~f~ der BoJa»ik,
~/<M~. Ktfnigsberg,
Haller. F<W.A~. Att~ ~6, i. 383. t8<6,iii. p. t84&N<.
/~<~ M<~Ct~A<fA/<der AM<~ <c«< t~s< Munk, ~/<M~t </<- /W/<M' /M<f< ~~A*.
Paria, 18590p. 3~.
J~tM Antonio. Ct'~c/AfM /~<!<M Sttic)tt.C<K~At7<'t~t'f<&f~7/f/a/
Minhti, ~788, il. p. 6. No. 16. t86~ !i. p. !)3.
Gmetin. (7<A«~<f der 6'~<w« (gives a v.'rong ~«'Af)Mta<~ <'<t<yf/<~A~«< des &«'«fM mAA.
reference, and t cannot 6nd the name Rt au). cales, Paris, t86y, vii. p. ~t?.
Hutchinson, Biographia Medica, 1799, i. pp. Ftgtuet, ~w des~<!f<tMf <7/«~~fj </« .M)~«~if,
t867, o. ss.
t~nchs, /f<aN* << <m/< ~<o/wf, Ladr!tgue,~Mc/~MO«fe~Nt~t<&c~
1806~, p. ):4. 1870,Nos. Cyt~s-
Ertch &Gntber, ~);<M;'w ~~<<Mf~, t89t, Haeser, G<wA&~ der ~M&<)!, Jena, 187~, i.
vi. p. SM.
Sprengel, C<«-~<-A/< der ~w!<~«<M<f.18230il. Kopp. ~</n~ j)MfG~A«-A/<der CAoHM,t87$.
P. 18 L' J.l iii. p. M.
Deteitneris. Ctf/Aw<MM< A<~<«< da la A-UJ Luoen Leclerc, ~fM/«tn'de /a ~MMectXt ~nt~,
c<'<M,18~8,i. p aM. Paris, [876, i. 466.
&'<gM~M<~<4&<S!!&, Paris, Panc)touc)<e,i. p. Himch,&M~M~~ Z~ftftM der A~~tw~~fM.
<<M~<~e<e, t884,i. p. t7t.
Schmieder, G<A/~ <&<' ~&~<mM, 183:, p. 97. Kopp. D~jt/~M~, t886,~M~<w.
Haji Khat&, Z~&<M ~<M«i{'n!~t<~ot<, td. Like Schmieder, Kopp distingubhes the Arablan
Ftaeeet, Leiptig, t83S-38, ~u~ see the index phyaicianfrom the autbor of the atchetnieft!tracts
under Abu'Ati Hosetn &n Abdallah tbn Siné. whomhe catb Pseudo-Avicenntt.
Hmit tsensce, C< <<o'Medicin, i&to, p. Billings.Index. Catalogue t88o, i. p. yts;
tço. SecondSéries, t8f)6,i. p. 8t0.
Von der Natur vnd Eigenschafît defs Azot (d. h. defs Philosophischen
See MRtOt (cr-AUCE), Die Gutden Arch, Schatz und Kunstkammer, t6t4, Part ii.
See ~ENtGMAPhitosophorum.
See AUREU/E Occuttce Philosophorum Partes duo.
On the intenyetMion of this word *Aa)th,' say that t mistrust Schmieder's expttmMtons of
see De Planis Campy. Bouquet <MM/«t/ des plus wordsand names, for t have found ~evet~tof them
<M~ /%«~ C~eet, t&t~. p. 926; Pernety, ~correct.
/Mc~<t<M<« .Mf/~e.~if~x/~M<, 1758, p. S9; For a recent exposition of the word see Stanis.
Schmieder, C<Mctto~ <~ ~~«t~, 1839, p. 907 MdeGu&ita, ~M<j &a- t. /<M
Kopp, /?< ~/<ot~. t8S6, i. p. 30. î regret to &«~~K ~~K!, Paris, t8oo. ~.t~<
B. (A.C.).
De Spiritu Mundi Positiones aliquot.
.f~ MANGET (j. j.), BibliothecaChemica Curiosa,tyoa, ii. p. 876.
B. (J. E.), ie. BURGGRAV
Sanioris Medicinae Magistri D. Rogeri Baconis Angli, de Arte Chymisescripta.
Cui accesserunt opuscula alia eiusdem Authoris. Francofurti, Typis
loannis Saurij, sumptibus loannis Theobaldi Schônvvetteri. Anno M.DCIII.
tn the reissue of this book at Frankfurt in 1620, ~<M<tM <&maMW ~&<MM.p. 17 ~Mft<MH«m
the tMe-page and test of sheet A (<< the SM! <&M'~M.p. <)S ~i!~<ffM<tMM!fA!/)MM~f0.ttf
pages) were set up afresh. There is no other ft~Mt, p. e&t &<M<t &t~/MT(m, p. e8.5
ttinerence betweenthe two editioM. y~tf~Aft Mma f<t<<M'K<M, p. a~! ~'<'e/f/M
The tracts are ~;)f<'<<! ex ~.r/c &M' &<w/eyKm,p. 387.
/«!<-«<M, p. 7; &M~<'<! de ~<~<' ~ftf<W~ de Btmmermenuons an edition Franeof. t6)[a.
~&w Speculum Atchemise.
De mirabili potestate Artis et natune, libellus.
6'MARTISAURtFER~ volumina, t6t0, ;i. p. 327.
Von der wunderb&r!ichen Gewalt der Kunst und Natur..
See MORGENSTERN (PH!HP),Turba Philosophorum, 16t3, ii. p. 426.
See MORGENSTERN (PHtuP), Turba Philosophorum, ty~o, ii. p. $ty.
This is the same tract as the De&); <M wns pabMshed in 1597 along with the ~f~w nT
~f/M. mentionedbehw. It wasfirstpuMished ~A~< and another from the HatnbN)~édition
by Oronce Finé in tMa. then et Oxfordin ~94 by T. M., London. t6s9. tzmo. There isa French
it was revised by Dr. bée, and an editioncontain- traMtation by A. Poisson w les /<p:t
ing bis correctionsandnotes appearedat Htunburg. <
de A~/t~' <&/n'. Paris, t893. smatt 8°. pp.
t6t8, Stnatt 8vo, pp. 80. An EngtM) ttMsttttion 70 M, witha portrait of Bacon.
Oleum Vitrioli.
~M ERÔFFNETE GEHEtMNtSSEdes Stei~ins der Weisen (t7o8), p. 65
Though inctuded in this collection withoutthe Oehl
< des Vitriols." Roth-Schottz'sis a revised and
Author's name, it is the same tract as that given ntodemiœd versionof tbis transtMioa. E. L. D..
below under the title: "Von derTinctur und K.'s is a new translation.
DAtUnT fft
M DARtOT Attrn.-Y Die
Dit mtMttMA~ ~h. Schatz
und tfnnett'a~M~MAf
(CLAUDE), gulden Arch, Kunstkammer, t~tj* 0~ iii.
t6t4, Part
P. 73.
(Wantingin this copy).
Ser V!ER Chymische Tractattem, 1677, p. 22.
Die Practick oder Procefs Rogeri Bachonis de Sole.
See [scHATZund KunstkiHnmer],p. 566.
See TANCKR(jOACmM), Promptuarium Akhemiœ, Ander Bueh, t6t4, p. $66
Radix Mundi.
See SALMON(W!LHAM),Medicina Practica, t~t.p. $8;.
De Secretis Operibus artis et naturœ, et nullitate
Magiœ, cum notis.
See THEATRUMCHEMtCUM,t66o, v. p. 834.
See MANOET(j. j.), BibliothecaChemica Curiosa, t702, i. p. 6t6.
See ~c! De mirabili potestate Artis et natur<e,libellus.
MC<W 6$
Speculum Atchemis.
ALCHEMtA, !;4!, p. 25?.
&c GRATAROLO (c. VeMe atchomœ doctrina, tjôt, i. p. zot.
THEATRUM CHBMtCUM, 1659,it. p. 377.
Set MANGET(j. J.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, t702, p. 6t3.
See SALMON (WtLUAM),Medicina Pmctica, t69t, p. 621.
Though the Latin titteis retained by S&tmoathe <~ ~&~t<w, London, Richard Olive, ts~y, sn)a)t
tract is <n Enetish. It h an iunptiNed teMionof 4°. The French translation Miroir o'
the original. Them is an earUor translation into ~M'<w<,was published et Lyons in t~y, witb the
Engtitb, whichhas now becomerare M< .~M'w other tracts mentioned above.
.SM SCHRÔCER (FR. j. w.), Neue Alchymistische BibUothek, 1774, H. ii. p. <67.
London, printed for W. Thackery, with a repro. "The Famous Historie of Frier Bacon," taken
duction of the vignette, no dMe, 4'. A.F ie ttom an undated edition printed at London by
fours. Btaett letter. This is contained in the E. A. [probaNy Kti~abethAiida]<brFrat)cisGrov~
coKeetionof sepamtety printed tories caUed yh~ is contained ln TbonM' ~o~ ~~M /~M
<m'~ 7W/< ttat-Mt~ CMn'c~ London, ~<MMWM. snd edition, t858. i. p. 190.
J. Roe. No date. 8', pp. 36, with a cotoured Bacon's portrait forms the )ronti:pieee to the
tUuNrationof the fatt of the btMen head, which second volume of Roth-Schoth't f~~M 7T4<a.
is dated tSop. ~«M C'~MM~tM,t7g0.
Hâte. /«~<a)X ~en't ~<M)M'.t ~<~<<~)M Montucta. ~<<M'M ~<t<M)M~~ Ms8. i.
NMmm<t~'«m. Gippeswici.1~6. f. n~. (List pp. 43t.~9.
of Bacon'swork&) Mût~ri. /.< Grand ~~tOjtMt'M ~on'~M,
Maier, .~fM~o/o~«~ee ~iM~, i6t7, p. <t<o. '759. it P. zo
PitSXUS.~~<!A~M ~M/<t t/ff~t~, Brucker, ~f~~a C~~a ~MAMf~. ï?66, iii.
Pansiis, tStp, Tom. i. pp. 366-69(ann. tzS~). pp. 8t7.aa App. vi. pp. 596~.
Naudé, ~~<Mf /<M~/a~<!)~HWM~ ~<<t~tM &'<<<M<<wa, éd. Kippis (!?78), i. pp.
)!'«A-c«M <&A< t69s, p. ~M Engl. 4!6-<t40(a full article).
ttM! !6;7, p. 929. Baumer, jEM/«'<A<eo C~)H<'M,ty8a, p. ~6.
Vossius.Z~ ~~o~t'j ~A'a~ /.tM t6st, ~)'<~w<'C~ </<f~k~< CA<M~ 1- 1785.
p.494. pp. 99. 573tÓ030
Botet. ~HMt<~tt C~xttM. Paris. t6~, p. 38. Gmetftt, <?~««Mt C~M~, t?~, f. pp.
Vossius.~< <'ea/«of ~t ~~n~ Z<M Mt.
7'~j. M«t«t~ A/a/A<tt«f~MMt &*C<Mt. Lucas Wadding, &?-M/o~~O~M<~ A~MM-Mx.
<A7«/M~Z~ t66o, p. no, cap. Mvi. § K: pp. Romœ, t8o$, p. 9t0. (Short noticeand tist of hi<
t79-t9e,cap. xxxv.63: p. 3; cap. cbt. §!3; p. works.)
4tz. cap. )xx. $7; p. 4~ cap. )xN.§8. Chafmers, 7~ GM<Mt~~«g-~A«-<<wa<y.
Bomchitts, 0~< T~pwM C~m'~ jM~ t8t<, iii. p. 98~.
/a/to, 1668,p. t9t. Wood. Patfi 0.<f<M<a<M~, éd. B!bs, t82o. Part
Morhof. ~<&~()M 7~!)MM~<!<«MM ii. coL 986, gtofanpended to the ~~w).
~<~&, Hamb., !6y3, p. tgi. ~M~jt& ~M«'<t&, Paris, Panckoucke (t8ao.
Webster. ?~j~M~H~h:Mt/ :s). p. 473 (Mticte by Jourdant.
'<'77.p. 7. Ersch & Gmber, ~~«)Mt<M ~<!<<~<MM,
MapMs, ~tat.fmo~'Mt Cf~«M, tM?, p. 99. t8et, vii. p. ~;(anic!e by Tennemaao).
Borrichius. C['x.~<M ~<«M Ct~t'wwt, Schmieder, C<W~< d!M-~/<~M~, tSae. p.
!6M, p. ta, No. xvi. t~B.
Hendreich, /'<M<&~ Ffe«<<M~~f< t<oo, p. ~f/MtXZ<<fA< de la .fhm~, t8~, xx. pp.
aa?~~ (articleby Victor Le Clerc)
Letand, C~)~~<~&jM<~<MF~'M<w. Hoefer. ~iM<M~<&la C4<ot<<. )[8~9,i. pp. 368.
'709. 379 t866, i. pp. 390-403.
Reimoano. ~~««M~ in ~« ~~o~oM /< B<<!pM/~ M<M~fM/&,t843, ii. p. 575 (artide
ariam, t709. iii. p. 497 <7to, iv. p. 48~ by Suard).
0'tdio. CMMMx/a~ <& &~[~MM <<j!'a! Kopp, G<<~<< C4«)w, !&t347, 1.pp. 63-
a<t<~«M.1799. i!i. p. !oo. 65<</<tMt~.
FabricitM. FWtf&ht)! G~M, ty~, idu. p. 384. Pouehet. Histoire du .SM«MM/V<t<«t</&tau
). v! c. ix. A<~M < Paris. t8s3.e
Roth-Schott)!,~/A)~<M Ct«t!«e. t797. p. t6. Knight. TM ~)y&* Q~t<S«, ):8~. i. eot.
Bayte, /?«:<<<a«tt~~M/<~Mt<f. 1730,). p. 4!&
Morhof,~'aMM/< t73:. p. t<&~u~. Am<M'<f Biographie G<~<!M&,1859. iv. oo).
Lu<M Waddinf;, ~aMa&t <M<tt~ <t/t~~<m. 8e.Q3(artictebyT~oefer).
Rom<e.t73a, iv. p. a&t(ann. tz66. Nos. t3. !4); mile Chartes, AMtf AMBx,sa rie. j~ Ot<e.
'733. v. p. s' (ann. t~S, No. 97). f~<t. ses/<M<f, Bordeaux, te6t, 8°.
Zedter. M<<M~«/-j~fM!M,t733. iii. eo). ~3. Stodtt. C~~t~4& dar ~<7~A& <~
Fabricius, F~/<f/~<MZ<t/«M «?<<<« <~m<f o//< 1865,ti. p. 915.
~aA't. 1734, i. pp. 430-33. W. Onciten. ~<<MM (Gotha). t866.
Stotte. ~~a~ ~~«~ G<< Louis Figuier, ~T~ <&~&!fM~ tV/M/xt du
'736. PP.398,,,564. J. ~wtt 186; p. t73 (a popular account).
Lengtet Dufn:<noy,~Mct~8: <&/!< /'A<A'~AM L~drague, BM~~h~M OeM~ &M<M~
.<x~M, iii.
t74S,i. pp. MO-H9: p. MO. &~< ~870, Nos.739-730.
Cave, &o~<e< ~«;&<M~~M-«M A<</oW<t Haat~au, ~M~<'< <&/a /'M~~ &!e&M~<M.
~Mt'M, t743. tii. p. tM. !8M.8e, a<~Partie, T. ii. pp. 75~.
Tanner, ~Mo~<M FW/<tMM~~M<nt~. t748, kopp. ~~M~ ««- G~MaM< d~ Ch<M&,iii.
p. 69. (Enumeration of MSS. of Baeon'9works.) '975. P 85.90,
Chaufepie. ~Mw<t« .Ot~<XM<K'~~t/<~t))-, /W<<<w<Mv </ A<a~<M<<t/ F«gM~, ~885, ii. p' p.
1750. i. letter B. pp. 3. (Supplement to 374 (artide the tate
(artide byby
thé iate Pro<eMo)'
&yte'sartMe.) Kopp. ~&A<M~,t886, i. pp. M, Mï, tos
Boerhaave. A!w ~/A<~ C~o~~y. by PP-347. 37~.379.
Péter Shaw, t7.}g,i. p. 98.
O'Tpn oy Cœtum Orientis et prise! mundi triade exercitationum Mtetariarum
repuesentatum, curisque Thomœ Bangl D. et P! Regii Hauniensis inves.
tigatum. Cum S. R. M. Friderici III. specialiprivilegio. Hauniae, Typis
Petri- MoMmgI, Reg. & Acad. Typogr. Sumptibus vero Pétri Haubotdi
Bibliop. M.DC.LVÏÏ.
4'. Pp.[8]M4. TitleredandMach.Cmiousengtaved titte.
The frontmarginsup to p. ~4havebeendamaged
and repaired,but thisha<
entailedthetossof a partoftheengmved
Reimmann says the book was rare in his time. studied there and at Rostoek and Wittemberg.
It does not treat of ehemistry. but of the origin !n t630 he was appointed Professorof Hebrmf <M
and early use of written characters and their signi- CopetthMen.t659, Professor cf Theotogy. Doctor
HcMce. In so far M i<refen to the Caba!a it may ln t653. Libtan~n of the University in t6<6, died
be of use ln elucidating some of the alchemical ayth October, i66t. His works relate toOriental
ideas. There was au edition. KtattM, 1691,4' schotanhip.
Rang was born at Copenhagen in t6co. He
Albertus Barthotinus, De &<M /aMt-KM/fh'~ Bay)e,~«r/<a/M~ ~M/o~t«, ty~o, i.p. 439.
~<)j~tNMM,t666,p. Mo. Stolle, ~«~~<~ sur ~M<~< der 0<AtAF)t<
Witte, D«t~«M Bt.M~Atf~M, 16:8,Sig. Qqq it '73~. P. ?7-
f~M, Ann. 97 Cet., i66t. Vogt, C<tAt/(SWf~A'~<w~-<7«~~ ~F-o<T<M
Hendretch, ~<ty«&c/<e ~wt«<!M~~M', t6$o, p. rardorm, tw. p. Te.
4<M. Clément,~WM/~<M C«twew. t~t, i). p. ~03.
Reimmann~M<<~ ~M ~~«~«M BtMta.~0~~ ~'a~~f~ Z~~<M, tB~o,i. p. sot.
ariam ~M~<n!/«t«t)teM,1709. p. 33s.
Michaëtis Bapsts von Rochlitz Iun!peretum oder Wacholder-Garten, darinnen
zu befinden Wie man aus diesem edlen Gewechse,Wasser, Extracten, Oehl
vnd Salien, durch die Spargierische vnd Chymistische Kunst bereiten vnd
zurichten sott. Sampt gründlichem vnd nützlichem vnterricht, wie die bereite
Artzneyen, !nn vnd ausserhalb des Menschlichen Corners, zu allerley
Gebrechen vnd Kranckhetteh wol vnd erspriefslichen gebmucht werden
mogen. Aus vieler hochgelehrter Ertzte, vnd vomehmer Artisten Bücher,
auch Experientz zusammen getragen, Jetzo aber nach des Autoris (seligen)
Tod vbersehen vnnd in Druck verfertiget, durch loachimum Tanckium, D.
Eifsleben Gedruckt, In vorlegungHenningi Grossen, Buchhândters in Leipzig,
Jm M.DC.V. Jahr.
4°. Pp. [8] 968. Kegiste<-[n][tb)antt).
e'c~M :–TypisGrcfsiat)i& zu EiMehen,
vorlegung BuchMnd)ers
Henningt inLeipaf;.AnnoM.D.C.V.
Michael Bapst was born in tj~o at Rochlits, monlyreported to be a PataceMst, but Schubert
studied at Leipzig, and in tsrt bccaMePastor at and Sudhoffhave shown that he was Mota medical
Mohom in Saxony. For the support of his large man at o)), but merely a compilerof popularbooks,
famityhe opened a school, and besidesfound time having medicine for their atbjeM. and was in no
to write numeroua works, both of a reUgious sense either a PafMebist or a Galenist. The
<;h)Macterand atso on popular medicine and /H«~n'/tfM was bis last publication.
science. He died at Mohom in 1603. He iseom-
Albaro Alonso Barba, eines Spanischen Priesters und hocherfahrnen Naturkün-
digers Berg-Büchlein, Darinnen von der Metallen und Mine~Hen Geneiatia
uad Ursprung, wie auch von derselben Natur und EigenschaN, Mannigfattig-
keit, Scheidung und Fein-machung,imgleichen allerhand Edelgesteinen, ihre
Generation etc. aufsfuhrtich und nutzbarlich gehandelt wird. Anfangs in
Spanischer Sprache beschrieben, und in zwey Theile getheilet. Nun aber
allen Bergwercks-Zugethanen und Bedienten, imgleichen auch andern Ertz-
und Natur-Kündigern, und der Alchimie Beflissenenzu Dienst und Gefallen
in Teutsch übersetzet von I. L. M. C. Mit Chur Sachsischer Freyheit nicht
nach zudrucken. Hamburg, auf Gottfried Schuttzens Kosten. tôyë.
8'. Pp.M !.ta8.
Das Andere?"~ vonder Kunstder MetaUen, worinnendergemeineWegdas
SilberdurchQvecksilber tein machengulehret wird,nebstettichenneuen
solchesdesto besserins W< Mt~en.Anfanos RMukn
im )ah<-t< SmnScher
&pMchbeMhnebcnvon/ro AtoMOBarba,Kunstmeistern, Priestern
d er Gemeine
tnderbt. Berohards Kirebenin der KOnig).
StadtPotosiindem K6nigreich Perutn
West-tndien Nunmehro aberdenLiebhabern tu geMen insTeutseh Oberbntcht
t. L. M.C. Hamburg, auffGottfried
KoMen. gedrucktimJahrt6y6.
Titte[s]t:9.:o4. Ke~ister
[~]. Phteof Apparatus.
Though the présent copy betonged to Jo. Wilh. <twas translated by Johann Lange.
Baumer,yet in bis BfW<o/A<f<t Ot~MMa(y. p.) he thefreaHnabty
mdefMtgaMeeditor and ttonsfator ofso much
quotes the Fr:mc)tfurt editions of tyz6 and 1730 chemicalUterature but he does not say from what
onty. He may have got this copy after thé hmguitgehe took it.
Ft~K's was printed.
-S'FfCOLLECTION (A) of scarce and vatuaNe treatises upon Metak London,
Barba was a native of the village of Lepe in The Mtowing editions are mentioned
Andalusia. He entered the churca and became Spamsh: Madrid, t6~ 4'; t~. 8"; Corduba,
pastorofSt. Bernards at Potosi, in South America. t6M Lima, tSty, 4°.
White there he had the opportunity of studying Engtish; London, to~o. 8*; 1674, 8°; t738,
minefab and mining, extraction of silver and '7~. '7~ M".
ass&ytng.and became very swilfulin thèse bnmches GerntM Hamburg, t6y6, t~ S°! Franckfurt,
of science. He embodied his knowiedge and ex. 'T~. S°; Wien, 174.). by Godar, from
perience in the treatise El <M'e <&/M M</a//M. thé French'739. (pp. [M] 364 M. wuh8 plates) Wien,
publishedat Madrid in t6;o in 4*,withillustrations. 1767,8.
t was kept as secret as possible by the Spaniards, French Paris, t?~ t9' by Hautin de Villars,
but when Edw. Montagu, Kar) of was an
ambassador extraordioary to Spain,Sandwich, made by one who knew Spanish
he obtained a we)t";abridgement
a vols. ta, translated from the
copy and translated two out of the five books into Spanisht~st, by Lenglet Du&esnoy. (the epifitte is
En){)ish 1669. Thé first book appeared at agned G~<~o~ a pseudonym which ne had
London in t67o, and the two together in t6y4. asmmed) La Haye, t?~, t3".
Two German translations Mowed, one from the Gobet as!e<~ that Barba ctaitned the discowy
Engtish,and, long after, another fromthe French; oftheamatgamation process. Becttnmnn
and two in French from the Spanish. The wor): that ~Barba does not make this claim, andshows that
sti)) retains its interest and throws much light on Gobetismistaken.
the praetica)and theoretical viewsof thé tinie. Nothing is recorded as to the dates of Barba's
Joannis Conmdi Barchusen Acroamata, in quibus complura ad latfo- Chemiam
atque Physicam spectantia, iocund&rerum varietate, explicantur. Trajecti
Batavorum, Impensis Joannis Vischii. ~703.
y. Pp. M 376. hdexhtjr'enatajf f[abhMtH. TMeredandbtMtt. Portrait
of'Gode&Mi Jac. Ft).Thomast PNtosophfeet e Medie!'on the reverseof the titte.
Tht< <<t <tMt~t~~o! <~t~<~f tiatT~t<ttVtn afï~, and n~ of Chemistry: Defence of Chemical
sa!ts, pteeipiCttion, Sre, water, eiuth. fenoeMation. Pnnc!pte<against the Perip!He<ics the Vindication
and other chemicat subjects. but ofspecM note aK ofChemita! Principles agaiMt thé M«thematica!:
the ttddtess he gave on his appotnttnent to the the Explanation ot certMn Chemicat Fables, and
CMr of Chentistty h< Utreeht on the Antiquity on the MutebitityofMedicine.
This is a revised edition of the ~iM<~b'e. tt kausen, BarUwysen. <Utof which fôrm occur)
deat~not onty with Chemistry but the lut division was bom at Hont, in Lippe, t666. He
with thé ymboticat pictures is intended to be a studied phfumaey. tmveHed.and aceempMied the
ptacticat tntroduction to Alchemy. He ttdmits Venetian expedition to thé Morea as physician;
that he never actually witnesseda case of trttnsmu. was Lcctor m Medicineat Utrecht, tS~a, KxtM-
tation. but he had heard of such and had seen the Ptofessor ofCbemittry, 1703, wrote tetemt works,
cmciMeaand thé gold described by HettetiM. See one of the most notabte being the ~M~~M
the t698 editiou, p. 4~, and compare the above,p. ~)/<f</M«a'.Amat.. t~M, 8", <<tetwaf<t;publisbed
M ZM~f~At/KaM~t de «ff&M<t <M~ ~WJï«,
Barcbasen (Barcbausen, Barckhauseo, Barck. Utrecht, t~g, an iatensttng toUectioo of
husen, Bat-khusen,Barckusen, Barkhausen, Bar- essays). and died at Utrecht, ~9.
Roth~chottz, ~/M«t<M <~<~<t. i7<7, p. t?. Gmelin. C~ C4<ott<,t?~, ii. pp. 379,
Manget, ~tMi~M &r)~<tfM ~o''<&M<a. 690.711. 7ts.
tMt, li. !<3t.6(eontaint Mt!ewsof his boo)H!). FMhs, ~'<«M, t8c6<9, pp. sot, ato.
Kestner, <MMK-M!< C~M.<f~o~, ty~o, Schmiedcr, C~AM~ der ~/<m~, ~39, pp.
p. St. at9.497, s'a.
Caspar Burtnann, yVa~HM ~M~M, 17~ ~o~« t/ttK'<M~/<,x843,Hi. p. ?j.
p. t4 (givesa )ist of his works). Kopp. f?<w~'< ût<MM~t844, M.p. a86&
Baumer, ~~«M'A-ca C'~M«-a,t?8%p. !tS. ~m<m.
&)'<~<~<3~~«'A/!f <&r~t<irMC%<M<<f, ~8~ Van dur Aa. ~'M~AMet M~o~x~Mt~
Pp.645, 639. AM'fA!<M<fM, t8M. n. f. 0. tt4.
Kopp, At ~/f&-))w. tM6. i. p. t6t.
.S~ HERMETtSCHES A. B. C., <7y8, i. p. 9;.
Le vray et methodique Cours de la Physique resolutive, vulgairement dite
Chymie. Representé par Figures generaies & particulierès. Pour connoistre
La Theotechnie Ergocosmique, c'est a dire, L'Art de Dieu, en l'ouvragede
l'univers. Par Annibal Barlet, D. Med.& Demonstrateurd'icelle. A Paris,
Quadriga Aurifera, nunc pnmùm à Nicolao Bamaudo à Crista-amaudi Delphinate
Gallo philosopho &: medico in lucem edita.
Nihil sine Numine.
Ex Oflicina Plantiniana, Apud Christophorum Raphelengium, Académie
Lugduno-Bat. Typographum.
8*. Pp. )'* Nattk]. Phntin's device of a pair of withoutthe hMKt,
and the motto Labore et Constantia, on thé titte-pa~e. compasses
The volume contains & dedication to Count Rip)ey, ~t- de Mercurio et /~«&.
Hein~ch.Friedrich of ftasstut. and a preface fe. p. GeM~e
6afiog<othe?' ThefoMTMcM.eaBed~ ~<~<t<et ~/<t~o/M TAo~w~ /'<t~.
cr W6eet$,are <-<~<M< p. 89.
?'M<r/<t/M /A«t ~!fA!M<, p. 11. DediMtioMare prefixed to the tast three.
George Ripley, ~tM<<MtOt~o~<~«< p. 33.
Quadriga Aurifera.
~M THBATRUM CHEM!CUM,<6$9, iii. p. 790.
Triga Chemica.
&? THEATRUM CHEMtCUM,!6s9, iii. p. 765.
Oaty the tracts by L<unb!pt<aj:k.etc.. are reprinted, and BanMtMt'ename and
dedieation are omitted.
Bftfoaodwasa native of C[B$tia DauphM. He BefMrdu~ by Mmewriters. He vtsited
was a physicien and ~ehonbtt, and wrote a few haniu~Spain in tss9, he was at Ba~ ta t~s: Ï~dea.
boob. fh«e howBverhâve been enteted under t599: Tef~ou, <6o)[.
erroneou! headtngs. such as Bemudus, Bam. The dates ofhis bttth and death MBunknown.
M~ier, ~~<c/<t <4«~M ~<Mj~, tëiy, p. t68 Haye,t7SS, i. pp. 8a.8y(the Sa~y (thé most detailedaccount
det~ted aceount
(diseuMe!the /MAt~<«M Axte~t~). of Bamtud).
Van der LMen. A&n~ ~Mtw. ~ff~, Adelung, Go~~Mf~~MMaMe~ A~wt<
'637. p. 368. t76t, i. p. yt (taken CrentMarchand).
Horet, &WtoM«'<t CAt~&B,t6s4. p. 4t. JtMaxt f«M!f«~p~ <? ~4/t~eM<, tyS~. p. M
Botrichius, 0~« ~p<Ma C~)xf<f (the Cottttnentatiotttta)~
~ttK~a<A', !6<S,p. tc6. Gmetm. G~~M~A der <~M«, 1797,i. pp. 30;,
MefcMin, ~Mt<&~«M~f<t<wa<t<f, t686, p. 830 3o6,556, SS7-
(ander N. Bamhajdus). Sehmieder, C~~AA-~ der <4A'<«WM, <8~, p.
HendMicb, /~o5~~ ~w«&«~«~<e, t699. =98.
P. x. Ai~nw~Ft~M< OAA'0~, tSs~ iv.coL ~)&
p~l~her, .4llgrureirrxrG~&M.~ftfM,
Meher, ~X))«M<~ xp5o, i.
eo). 795. F<3~<~ 1. p. 23-
LaAague, 0«<w~ ,Sclsuca
A</«x'A<~«fCurieuse, t~t, ii. 438 ~~M~, 1870, Nos. 604,6o~.
(QMte!~<?<M .&MM)tM«~, Lugd. Bat. t<M', PtSMUSFraxi, Cf~t/M~M/.t'~WMt ~~t~ttf~.
a~ and and edit.
and alit UneH.
Urxll. t6M,
x6oa, front
from Headrdch,
Iiendreiah, /e~<M,t%pp. 177, t9<.
prMam&Hy). Stdhoa, &Wt<gnt~~M<t P<t~!«<<&<t, ~894, pp.
PrMper Marchand, Dictimtaire ~Mt/~n' La 4~. '?9. 538. <M.
Chymia Phitosophica perfecte detineata, docte enueleata & feliciter demonstrata
à multis hactenus desiderata nunc vero omnibus Philatris consecrata cum
brevi sed accurata & fundamentali satium doctrina. Medicantentis etiam
sine tgne culinari facite parabilibus, nec non exercitio Chymite appendicis
loco tocuptetata, Autore Jacobo Barnero Phil. & Med. D. Cum Indice rerum
consummatisf!mopublici nunc juris facta. Nonberge, Sumtibus Andrew
Ottotiis. M.DC.LXXXIX.
8°. Pp. [t~J,s6o. Fmntispieee
and8engraved platesof appaMtm.Woodcuts
inthetext. titte redandblack.Wantstheindex,pp.56.
Beuner was 1.vbom M clf.a..
Bbingen :t._
in i64r. m"As ü:A
Vind. .Lt. u·f.
<66y Ht~citium u.
chymicum, Pttav. <67C,
schotarofSennen's, andadherentofv. Helmont's." 4°; SpinttM vini sine acido Lipi!. t67<, 8'.
He was Pro{e!sorof Medicine and Chemistry <tt Ôf the present work there was a)M an édition
Padua, thên M Leipti& and finatty physician at witb mshotz, and Rolfinck,edited by Rcth~ebotK,
ËtMogen, where he dMd in t686. He wrote N'ûmbefg.
severatworks Prodromus windidatum Aug.
MercMin,ZM<<M«M ~«cMt/M, t686, p. 47~. Etoy, ZMc/tMMo~~f/<~<M <~ la AM&<
Conhng, /M M«f«'M<w ~y/o« ~M~ttm !7~, t. p. a6o.
y~/y~t/M, tôey, p 38; Baumer, ~<</«'«'<t C4em~. ty8%p. M.
Roth.SeMM. B~to&M C~et~a. t~?. p. t8. /«f sur C~M~ der jM~t C~ t~e~,
Stolle,~)t~<'<M<t~~Mf~M&)[«der ~«~«tM~cA<« p. 640.
6~/<t~~< t731, p. Gmdit), OM~<04/<<& C~««', t798, ii. pp. t~,
Kestner, ~<MMt<«. G~M.K'cM, ty~ p. 8z. 939.
Lenglet DutreaMy, ~J/M~ de la /<M ~'<y~A& MtM~w/&, t&ts, ii). p. ttS.
/~w«t~, t7~ iii. tt4.
&4/MW-A4~M~7'7' 7S
See CODKX Medicamentarius, ty~z.
Baron, the eider, was bom at Paris, April. t6S6. Paris. Juiy z0, t/sS. Gmetio quotes an editioM,
graduated M.D. in t~to. was Protessor ofSurgery, Paris, 1749, besides the above Bituntef one at
Materia Medica and PhMtnacy. and in t7}o WM Lausanne. t~; and éditions of Pans, ty;8,4',
elected Deaa of the Faculty there. He wrote and Mranhfuft,tyCo,4", are mentioned.
some p~pen: on mediett sMbjettt. He died at
Etoy, ~<if/«)«<ta< //<~Mrxf, tyy8, i. p. e6t. ~«if~t~ 3~~<<, Paris, Paockoacke (t8M-
BtHtmer,~« C<fM&«,1~83,p. ttt.Z. 35). p. ~3.
Gmelin, G!M~M~ der C~ott<, t~, li. pp. 378. Qu~rard,Z~/~<««
Franu ~h«M, xBay,i. p. x8~.
tftay, tBs.
~M. 7<d.
The Magus, or Celestial InteUigencer; being a complete System of Occult
Philosophy. In Three Books: Containing the Antient and Modem Practice
of the Cabalistic Art, Natural and Celestial Magie,&c.; shewing the wonderfut
Effects that may be performed by a Knowledgeof the Celestial Influences,
the occult Properties of Metals, Herbs, and Stones, and the Application of
Active to Passive Principles. Exhibiting the Sciences of Natural Magie;
Alchymy, or Hermetic Philosophy; also the Nature, Creation, and Fatt
of Man; his natural and supernatural Gifts; the magicat Power inherent
in the Soul, &c.; with a great Varietyof rare Experiments in Natural Magie
the Constellatory Practice, or Talismanic Magie; thé Nature of thé
Elements, Stars, Planets, Signs, &c.; the Construction and Composition of
ait sorts of Magie Seals, Images, Rings, GJasses, &c.; the Virtue and
Efficacy of Numbers, Characters, and Figures, of good and evil Spirits.
Magnetism, and Cabalistical or Ceremoniat Magie in which the secret
Mysteries of the Cabala are explained the Operations of good and evil
Spirits; aH kinds of Cabalistic Figures, Tables, Seats, and Names, with their
Use, &c. The Times, Bonds, Offices,and Conjuration of Spirits. To which
is added Biographia Antiqua, or the Lives of the most eminent Phitosophers,
Magi, &c. The whole iUustratedwith a great varietyof Curious Engravings,
Magicaland Cabalistical Figures, &c. By Francis Barrett, F.R.C. Professor
of Chemistry, natural and occult Philosophy, the Cabala,&c., &c. London:
Printed for LacMngton, AUen, and Co., Temple of the Muses, Finsbury
Square. 180ï.
4*. Pp. xv.[t] t?; [t blankJ. Bockii.tQ8[: of bookadvertisementsj.
Md6 plates in Bocki. t6 plates(ofwhich5 arecoloured) in Bookii. Book!i.
containing b asa
Magnetism ~y.titte.
There was an uadated reprint of this book, with MMt~Mtt~<M </ aeftf/<~&t<i~Ay. i8a6, W.
the coloured portndts ofdemotts, issuedabout t~. W. Hennon, phnter and puMisher. Betton, Ma~
Besides a section on Alchemy, th<.re are short U.S.A." tt fs in )a)~e 8°: thé portraits of the
biograpbies of Hermès, Agrippa Albertus,Reger "vesMb ofiniquity," etc., are uncoloured, and the
Bacon, Lully, Riptey, HouMdus, ParMdtus, other illustrations are woodeut or sinXhr repro'
Glauber. Dec and Ketty. Thé coloured portraits dations of the bandsonie engmvings of the
of demons by Barrett–chnstened "Vessets of original. Under his portrait the author is called
WtMh," F~ten Attfets." Powersof E~ etc., F.R.S. that is an encr, for on the origine! title.
may bo comparedwith those in the &MWM/MM' der page (not on the *)ortr.tit) he styte~ Mm$e)fnot
~a~/M G~fMaMtt, and some by KMphazLevi. F.R.S but F.R.C.. brother of the Rosy Cross.
The titte isa fullcnough descriptionof the contents. 't*))epuhtisher ca))s the first editton "an almost
This tMgieat 'en-tout'cas' bas been again rc- cxtinct print." Tt is not quite that )Wt.
printed as ibUows 7X<BM~<~ /A<~f~<
See UVKS (THE) OF THE AUKfTsin Alchemystical Philosophy.
J~ ~J" &<' .M!WM~Paris, PMckouc)<e
guinaswrotethé ?~M«tN<. He WM&nativeo{ 95).
i. P. 57'.
De Transp!antattone Motborum.
662,p. 528.
Barthotinus was one of the most hadacaMfed. But he~ the greatest mistortunt of
men of his tinte in Europe. He accompMshed was bom at ait for a scholar befe) him, for during bis absence
Copenbagen, Cet. 20. t<n6; studied languages a lire broke ont in his house which destroyed his
and phitoscphy there. and then theo)ogy and library and his wntings. He bote this
medicine. went to Leyden in x637, and devoted withheroiccourage, even writing a bookadvenity
himselr to literaturo and Ambic under Satmasius and the king out of coMidennion allowedabout it.
and GotitM. The next couple of years he spent propertyfret from tMe$. In him his
in Paris nnd Montpelier, passed into Italy and Dtrectorof the t6ya he was appointed
stayed three yeani in Pad. University Library and in t67< he
He atteMmtds \Msn)Mte~)a<tge oî the Mghtst Daniah tribunal,
vistted Romeand other p)ac<s,and proceeded to He died after a painfu) Htnesson Dec. 4, t68<~
Naples and Sicily. ta Messina the Chair of Phi). during his tbttrth Rectoritte.
osophy was offcred to him, but he dectined it and Hh worksare almost devoted to ana.
traveUed bad< to Baset in )&t5 and was created tomy Md medieine. His etttinety <<«t<'<M<M'«was tmnstated
Doctor of Medicineby Job. CMpar Bauninus, and into Italian, German, French,
a member cf the Ccitegiutn Medieum. He con- and, by command of the Gfeat and Dutch. Eagllsh
tMttedhis journeythrough fraoce. the Nethertands, Mogui, into
and Gennany, and arrived itome in t&t6. tn t&tT 7 Apart from his medici))ehe was a schotar. a
hc took the post of Professor of Mathematics. in poet in Latin and Danish, M orator,
t&tS of Aoatomy and Medicine. and in !6u was and potyhistorof thé most petsevering and antiqwary
made perpétua! dean of thé Cottegimn Medicun). ous chaMcter. But he was not a chemist
After a btiUiant career thé Mag nominated him hardly a pnannactst. and
honorary protester, to a!tow him time to pursue His nm)e occurs inaU t))ehistories of medicine.
his own work, and he retired to an estate which he
EratmtM P. F. Vindingius, ~<~M Academia
~!«NK<~ M ~t<M Eioy, /)«;<MM~~ jt<'f~ de la ~M~'M.
~o/tMcnttM suis '7M. P. t3S: '778. i. P. ~7°.
f~<MM!/d/<t.t66s, pp. 378.384. Moren, C/M~ /)&A~M< ~j/o~M,
Albert. Barthohnus. De &M /~M<~m< /.t~- '7M. P. '47.
/'<~Mt<mM.t6M. pp. MS-t~g. Portal, ~M~~A/~ttAw&~t&~t
Konip. FW~/A-fa ~M~A~Mt. t67S. p. 88. C~~M,
t770, il. pp. S7t-6o8,&MM.
Mercklin, Lindenius ~<t<w~ t686, p. too<. HaUer, &</M~<a A;/<!«t<;<t, i~, i.
ton. pp.
Conring, </«tt<~<tM ~r~M ~~«Mm H!<t)er,Bldllalkua
y?~, i. pp. 400.
/«~~t687. p. t7o; addit. pp. t~. t?~. <& 905. 408.
Freher, ?)tM/~M ~n~a<j!<<M«~tT<M. Haller, B~o~to CAt~~M, t774, pp. 337.
!688, p. tgoS; plate &t.
Witte. Dta~MM ~t<~<f~c«m, t698. sig. Rm-tx 340.Ha])er. &te<~f<t Me~t<M! P~c~t-a., t~yy. ii.
<w<<Ann. Dec. 4, t68o. pp. 6~~66.
Crenius, ~)«aM<&<<M~j M<7c~M, t6o~- B' ."A' l'.J'
Hutd)iMon_FM~A'~<;o. t~ ,i. .1 s3s.
<7M. Pt. XV: P. g! Chatmo-s. T~tK'w~/F.&tWt&Mca/an.. p.
Hendreich. /'<Mt<~c/<f ~~ta~w~ t~. p. t8!9, iv. p. 7~.
~«p'a~« A/Af~&, Paris, Panckoucke (t8to.
Fabricius. /yM~-M ~<M'<<? /!<t~M«t~<?, ~),PP.S9a<03.
t7a4. vi. pp. ~.<. Sprengef,C<K<4<ft4Af <<<<-
.<r«Mytt<M< t8t7, iv.
Roth-Schottt. ~/<c/Aw<t ChwtM. t?~. p. t8. pp. tôt-t~i &~<MMm.
Niceron, ~M-<Mo<'w ('7!!8), vi. p. t3t (r73t), x. Deteimeris, /?/</&«~M< ~M/<~wM <)'<-la
p.19*' .MMf<-< t8:!8, f. i.p. aM.
Manget, ~/«)~<!if-~ 6'c/o/-m/< /Mf<<t<-<~<w, Hoefe)-,~.M~~ <? /« CMmM.<843, ii. p. 9<o:
t7-)!. 1 i. p. !t~. tMo, ii. p. a4t.
StoOe.t<M7<M~«M' ~<~oW<<&f~AM~~< Kopp, der Ot<M&,t843. i. p. tgg &
6'<< tyjt, pp. a<7.9M, 4<463.48t.48n. Mo. ~<MMM.
jM ~m~~MS~ Btyte & Thillaye, ~'<~<M< ~M<c<tA, ~sj. i.
'73*' P- p-436.
Morhof, ~AM~ tygz. i. pp. t~ ~o, 879. Phillippe& Ludwig, <~t0~ der <4A'«<A'
97~ to?o )<.pp. M~, 343.383.384, o<M. tSss. p. $'4.
Kestner. AM<~«< G<&~«t.~<.r<fM, t74o. HaMe)-,C~~AAf dcr <MMM~, taSt, if. pp.
p. 86.
Jocher, ~~«x<M~ <~a5/)-A-<Mt. t7<o, Bidtm, Oat~ B~Mt/M ~e~to' tB~o, i. pp.
i. co). 8:to. 5d4·573
/~47?~W-M.?/Z. <7~V< 77
Donum Dei.
ABRAHAM UraltesChymischesWerk,t76o,Partii.
Die Gabe Gottes.
See HKRMM'tSCHESA. B. C., 1778,i. p. 61.
Fr. Basilii Valentini, Ordin. Benedict. Chymische Schriften, aus einigen
alten MSten aufs Seitsigste verbesscrt, mit vielen Tractaten, auch etlichen
Figuren vermehret und nebst einem vollstândigenRegister in Drey Theile
verfasset; samt einer neuen Vorrede, von Beurthei!ungder Alchymistischen
Schriften und dem Leben des Basilii, begteitet von Bened. Nie. Petraeo,
Med. D. Sechste Edition. Leipzig, Verlegts Joh. Paul Krau&, Buch-
hindler in Wien, t769.
8*. Pp.[t&t.<mnti!pieceinc)uded]t~t64.t8phte$. T!t)etedatMtbhM:)t.
notes. The frontispiece
b a viewofa
The thttd volumecontains Handgrift'eBaïiMiVatentiai,p. Mj;y.
Heinrich Eschenieuters FOnf Kte!ne TttcMttein, BMitiiSchriftet),p. tcp7.
Jcdoci von Rehe PtrthmhM-und Univettat-Pro.
Cbvh oder SeUBMetder in vo~herhgehenden cets, p. ttt6.
<tioffT[attat)einentha)teo ChMMteren, p. t04<).
Basilii Vatentini Philosophi & Chymici ExperientissimiTractatus Chymico.
PhUosophicusde Rebus Naturalibus et SupematumMbus. Metallorum &
Mineralium. Francofurti ad Moenum Sumptibus Jacobi Gotho<red.
Seyler. M.i~t<AAtA.
r, P~
S'. Pp. 4
p. 64.
On thé titte is a vignette represanting thé sun et faeteotit~. The outer circular spaco is btantt,
wtth the ateben!it<)sign of copper on the nose, and it is eut et equa) distance: on its margin by 3
emerging froma deeociMutar vessel. Round the smatt drctea contaming respectively the words
hm are the words: Fons Benedictas Aq<M:Vivre. Homo AnixMte.Aurum Minerale, Vinum V~eta-
In front of thé ve~Mtis a séné! of concentric bile Ffomthe centre space procoed three radiât
citcubr spaces, the centre one conttuning the spaces to thé inner margin of thé outer cireutar
signs of thé 4 etonents and in thé space round space, and Otuated between the smaller c!pe)es
it thé words Natura, Ars, Semett; the neitt con- above mentioned. Théuppef Mdia)space contains
taining thé words: Solutio contrit, et coap)!atio thé word Spiritus and the symbol for Mercmy,
SpMt),solo a&efit modio and thé next Mu'acu- that to the tett hand the word Anima and thé
lum naturee in subtili perficitur Médium qui symbol ror Tartarus, that to the right the word1
inaeott totum perMet Auerte Muonà totnbmtibitib~
~¡II' ~m p .r.
Corpus. and the symbot for Sulphur.
De Occulta Phitosophia. Oder von der heimlichen Wundergeburtder sieben
Planeten vnd Metallen, Fratris BasUtjVatentini, Benedicter Ordens, neben
einer TaSet der gantzen Philosophischen Weifsheit. Jetzo zum andem mal
in Druck verfertiget, Durch Johan. Tho!den Hessum. Im verlag Jacob
Apels, Jahr t6ïi.
a", pp. 64.
The 7'<~Mis wanting.
Fr. Basilii Valentini Ordin. Bened!ct Via Veritatis oder: Der einige Weg
zur Wahrheit, wie er solchen ehemals beschrieben hinterlassen Nun
aber um dessen F&ttreOtchkett willen denen Liebhabem der Wahren
WeHsheitzu Dienste den Sendivogianischen SchnHtenmit beygefuget durch
Friederich RothScholtzen Sites. Nümberg, bey Joh. Dan. Taubers seel.
Erben. 1718.
8*. Pp.~.950.
S* MS.notM.
Pp.223-250.MS. ote&
Extracted fromRoth-Schottz's
Aphorismi Basi!iani.
HAPSUUs(M.N~ CheiragogiaHet!ana, t6M,p. ~t~.
Auret!œ occultas philosophorum partes duo, GeorgioBeato interprete.
SeeAUREH~B occultae.
L'Azoth, ou le moyen de faire l'or caché des philosophes.
See R!CHEBOURG 0. M. D.), Bibliothèquedes PhilosophesChimiques,!74t, iii.
p. 84.
Brevis appendix & perspicua repetitio aut iteratioin librum suum de magno
lapide Antiquissimorum.
MANGKT (j. j.), BibliothecaChemica Curiosa,170~,ii. p. 422.
Claves duodecim.
&~ ~Mf SummarischerBericht.
Les Douze Clefs de Philosophie.
.Sa?MCHEBOURC (j. M. D.), Bibliothèque des PhilosophesChimiques,t~t, iii.
8o M.SVZ/~ ~MZFA~TYA~~
Liber duodecim Clavium.
MANGET(jr. J.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, 1702, ii. p. 413.
ZwMfr Schüssel, dadurch die Thüren zu dem Vraltesten Stein vnser Vor&hren
eroNhet, vnd der vnerforschliche Brunnen aUer Gesundheit gefunden wird.
See ~/<M<'Summarischer Bericht.
[scHATz und Kunstkammerl p. 641.
TANCKE(jtOACHtM),Promptuarium Atchemis, Ander Buch, t6t4, p. 64!.
Von dem grossen Stein der Uralten.
See [SCHATZund Kunstkamme)'], p. 6to.
~< TANCKE(jOACHtM),Promptuarium Atchemtœ, Ander Buch, 1614,p. 610.
Liber de Magno Lapide Antiquorum Sapientum.
Set MANGEl:(J. j.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, 1702, ii. p. 409.
Von naturt!bhen und übernatürlichen Dingen.
CHYMISCH-UNTERIRDISCHER Sonnen.G!ant2, tyaS, p. 43.
Practica, una cum xn clavibus et Appendice.
MAtER(M.), Tripus aureus, t6t8.
~< MU&EUMHERMETtCUM,1749,p. 376.
De prima Materia Lapidis Philosophici.
MANGET(j. j.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, t7oa, ii. p. 4~.
SM SCHOLER(CONRAD),GrCndtMche Aufslegung und warha~e ErMarung der
Rhythmorum, t6o6.
See MEtSNER(LORENTz), Gemma Gemmarum Alchimistarum, 1608.
M~sner'!isa reprintofSchNer'swork.
Summarischer Bericht von dem Lapide Phitosophorum.
ELUCtDATtO Secretorum, !6oz, p. 3~9.
This inctudesthe tracts ~m~'o~t <&<-~<x&<-<jMand ~~eM ~Mit~e J! ~M/aM.
Urallen W~j<-<CM <«~ &<M&~or C&Mf ~M<.
Ein kurz Summarischer Tractat
[SCHATZund Kunstkammer], p. 6to.
See TANCKE(jOACHtM),Promptuarium Atchemiœ, Ander Buch, 1614,p. 6to.
tnctudesthé tmcM ~m t<<M ~«w« Skin der Mnt&<M ~Oa ««j)! ~~A~<t ~M:M/,und der
~~t/ p. 6to. t<)!~n<~K~ B~taxot aller G~)KM«<~</t<)t~<t
Die .eM~&)!fw/, <nrA ~& 7X)~M< su danr <M' p. 641.
GLAUBER(JOHANN RUDOLPH),Teutschlands WohMahrt, Fünffter Theil-
Amsterdam, 1660, p. 20 or, 7<<,Prag, 1704,p. 649 (in Part v.).
Sa OCCULTAPHtLOSOPH!A, t6t3, p. 52.
Testamentum Chymicum.
~M T~EDATrifida.
AscnbedbyKoppto BasiliusValentinus.
Triumph-Wagen des Antimonii, nebst Theodori Kerckringii gelehrten
ROTH-scHOi.TZ (FRtEDEmcH), Deutsches Theatrum Chemicum, 17:8, i.
P. 653.
A~ K~jBWTWM. 81
BasiliusValentinus Redivivus.
RedivivusFr. Bailius Valentinus.
OAi 1 ~NTONtUS;.
Thesaurus Absconditus, in Agro Dominico !nventus: Duas comptectens
Partes. Quarum vna est deuotarum Precationum, & gratiarum Actionum.
Altera piarum Meditationum, & Exhortationum sacrœ Scnpturœ verbis
totaliter contextarum. Eruebat eum R. P. Antonius B&tt, Bened!cttnus
Anglus. Congregat. Ang)ican:e Monachus.
jM?T–MMM~ 83
BATT <(ANTONtus).<w«'~
Leetaborego super eloquia tua, sicut qui inuenit spolia multa. Psat. ï t8.
Parisüs, Apud Petrum Rocolet, BiM!opo!am Regium, in Palatio.
M.DCXLI. Cum Priuilegio Régis, & permissu Superiorum,
M°. Pp.[tz]a$t. to<tex[7].
andreligious andnotaboutChemistry
meditation, or Atcbemy
Caspari Bauhini Basil. D. eiusdemq. Academ. Anatom. et Botanic. Professor.
Ordin. De Lapidis Bezaar Orient. et Occident. Cervini item et Germanici
ortu, natura, diSerentijs, veroque usu ex velërum & recentiorum ptacitis
Liber hactenus non editus. Basile~ Apud Conr. Watdkirch. Anno
8°. Pp.
8°. aM. tndex,
[~ a88. tadex,eetc.
[to]. 33sepamte ptates.
sepamte ptates.
Hendreich mentions an edition Bas ï6ss, 8°. WOrtetnbefg. He died Dec. ~tt). t6M. He
BauhinMS,son of Johannes Bauninuï, fanmus wrote works on anatomy and especiattyon botany,
smfeon, was born at Basd in t~so [others tj,6o], and was a translator and editor. He published nn
studied at fadua and MontpeOier.and was sacces- edition of thé .S~if/<t of Varignana. His son,
sively Pfofestor ofGree):. of Anatomyand Botany, tohanoes Caspftr, was no !eM distinguished than
and finally of Medicine in his native place, town his father and grandfather. For a note on thé
physician, and private physician to the Duke of betoar stone see under W)TT)CH(JOHANN).
Witte, /ff«)M F~~t~t'~M, x683,Sig. U 3 Portai ~f<ot'M<)M~oMM'~<<f/<! C~t'nf~M,
recto. Ann. s De&, ï&t4. tyTOtii. p. to<, etc.
Mercklin, ZM<&N~ ~/<MW/M,1686,p. t~o. Ha))er, ~W«)~«M Fo<'<t««'a,tyyt, i. p. 36~
Hendreich. /'s<t</f<<?/~a«<<M~a<yK~,1699,p. Haller, B<t~A<c<! j<MnA)m«'a,tyy~, ). p.
Job. Jac. Scheuchzer,A'OMt/.«~tt<! Ai'/w/«r<! Haller, j?<</«~«'« ~</«t'M<f/n!f/«f, tTyy, ii.
~~f~~c MDCCIV., Tiguri, 1705,pp. 48. p. a~s.
Manget. /M/M/~a &efMm jMf~o~m, Heriiog, ~~<'<<t~<;f<n'<-<F, ty~S, pp. 183, a~,
tygt, 1. i. p. ~46. t6a.
StoHe,~7~~ t«f /o~<
der Alediciiiischeie Gmelin,Ge<tA<~<der 6~<'Mtf,ty< i. p. 334.
f?<<t~M/, t73t, p. e6a. etc. Hutchinson.M J7~< ty$9, ii. p. ~3?.
Niceron, <)<i'Mc/'M.t/gs, xvii., p. MO. Chalmers, ?~ Mm<'ra/~<!ft~«-a/~<tca<
Kestner, JM«~«' <?<<<~MC~, ty~o, i8ta,)v. p. 180.
p. /<«!~e~<'< ~«:&, Paris, Panckoucke (tS~o-
Chaofepië, A'oMM'aa /)tc//f)t<t< AM/<< aA i). pp. 47-M.
tyso, p. YM,(tetter B). Sprenget. ~irfA~ ot! ~M/< tSzy.
,~Gcher,ANgerruints =750, i. p. 63.
~c/~f/ft-~M'fM, 1750, 1
863. ri
Dezeimeris, D'I'
/)M/K'«t<!<f<' H."
~ 'J~r/~c </f /n
K)oy, /?~/fM««n' ~M/<yK<- de la J/~&f~«', ,)/<Ma-<M<, t8a8, i. p. 3!
'755, p. '4" 1778, i. p. !!8y. Bay)e et Thiihye, Biographie ~t/f, i8~5,
MOt~n,/.< Grand Dittionnaire ~/0~tff; t7SO, i.p. 308.
ii. p. tôt. G .V.L, J ~t<~«!,
Haeser, C~t~M~Ader
U J.o.' t88t,
88 ii. p. 57.
&~ THEORtK(Die) und Praktik des Gold- und Sttber-Baums, tySy.
ForthéoeMneneeofthe word'Arbor.' B<mm,'nnd 'BaMmgaften'in the tittes of otchemica)ttoots,
see Kopp, Dit <</f~w«, tS86.ii.pp.375.378.
Chymie Expérimentale et Raisonnée, Par M. Baumé, M&!tre Apothicaire
de Paris, Démonstrateur en Chymie, & de l'Académie Royale des Sciences.
S4 ~~M~–F~MM?7?
Bibliotheca Chemica, adornata a Joan. Wilhelmo Baumer, in Academia
Giessena Medicinas Professore Primario. Giessae Apud Joan. Justum
Fned. Krieger, Acad. Bibliopolam MDCCI.XXXII.
o8'. tPp.[M]
rp~txjtto. AbnefbutMMfut
tt6. ~t iefbut MMfut
one bibMogmphy.
Ritum'if was born at Rehweiter, t9th Sept., and pTMtMM stones, on underground hydrogmphy.
was Professor of Medicine in 1748 and of on fMmtaim,on fitotogicaf subjects, and on
1 hysics in 17~4 at Erfurt then in tyôg Professor medicine, anatomy, surgery, literature, etc., and
of Medicine at Giessen. He died there, 4th Aug., was author of Mtements of Chemistry, Giessen,
t~M. He wrote numerous treatises on minerais :y83, 8°.
Weigel, G~<M<<njj der ~e«t«t und a«~!Mt<!<</« ~«~-(Mm der C~ft)~ Z<<n!/f,
C~<MM,t777,i.p.346&~<m. t8o6~. pp. 3:4, S49,
F. W. Strieder, <?~(~&~ < ~n<tfA<M ~NM~M ~M~o/f, Paris, Panckoucke (i8ao-
G</<Af«)t und ~ct~~</&f G<MAt<~<,iy8t, i. s~i).p.6~.
Gmelin, C~<:AM~/<
der C4<m< t~'ty~, vols. Deteimens, /)~<M«xa/M
» Hiilorique <&
W~y~M de /<tla
ii. and iii.. Aw~t. ~MM~M~t8t9, i. p. jaa.
Meusd, ~<~<cc« t~fw~t lys~Mtt&ootw~o~oxH BayleThi)~ye, Biographie~~«-o/< t8«, il.
?'f«/NAM .S<-ArWf/< t8o9. P.t~-
MM?CW–FA~ 8$
Herrn Bayen kônigl. franzosischen Staabs. und Ober.Fetdapothekers
Chymische Untersuchungen über das Zinn, und Beantwortung der Frage
Ob man sich ohne Gefaht zu okonomischen Gebmuche der zinnernen
GeS&e bedienen konne ? Auf Befehl der Franzosischen Regierung bekannt
gemacht. Aus dem Fmnzosischen übersetzt herausgegeben und mit
Anmerkungen begleitet von D. Johann Gottfried Leonhard), onënd!chem
ordentlichen Lehrer der Pathotogie und Chirurgie zu Wittenberg und der
Chursachfs!. okonomischen Gesellschaft Mitgliede. Leipzig,bey Siegfried
Lebrecht Crusius. ~~84.
.8". Pp.
.8". Pp.x:i.,SM.
Btyen (t~S'ï~S) was a chemist of gréât in- acid, etc., etc. His <~«t~~t CMmf~tM~.edited
eenuity, ortginahty, and ditigence. It b daimed by Parmentier and Malatrot, were published at
for him thMhe was the first to observe thé iacfeiMe Paris in tMS. a vob.. 8".
of weight due to caMnation. though he did JeM Thé originat of the above appeared at Paris in
Rey Mt jastice he m<tdeinvestigations on rocks ty8*.
and tninentb, and minerat waters, mercury, nitric He wasa member of the French Institute.
Gmelin, G~JMeta*<&~C~t~. tToo, iti. p. 797. Quërard, ~a /«<'< Z<7/A'<!tfe,t8:8, i. p. :M9.
A~«~w <&/«~7«/ (Sciencese~themstiques F«jg~a~M Mt~ff</&. ~843,hi. p. 337.
et Physiques),An. Vt). <i799)'i'- P- '44- Aa«M~ ~f~t~ C~f, t8s9, iv. col.
Reuss. A~am Camm«<~tfy<«~ Ci~~M, 865.
t8o3, pp. a. !:t6. Poggendortf, &'<A<K~<~M:/K' Ha,7d.
Fuchs. ~t~ew, tCo6-o8, pp. ~o~,4<7.~~o, !«f~<~«<&,1863,i. col. tt~.
A4 ~6-/?FC~P~
Colloquium Spiritus Mercurii cum fratre Alberto Bayrs.
See F!GULUS(BMNKDtcrus), ThesaurineUa, t682, p. uo.
~'<'fTHKATRUM t6$9, iv. p. 4~7.
Auretiœ occutta:
Johann Joachim Bechers, Mcd. Doct. und Rôm. Kays. Maj. Cammer. und
Commercien-Raths, Chymischer Glücks-Hafen, oder Grosse Chymische
Concordantz und Collection, von funSzehn hundert
Chymischen Processen,
durch viele Mühe und Kosten aus den besten
Manuscriptis und Labomtoriis
in diese Ordnung zusammen getragen, wie
folgendes Verzeichnifs ausweiset,
Nebst einer neuen Vorrede, oder Bedenken von der
Herrn Georg Emst Stahls, Kônigt. Preufs. Hof-Raths, und ersten
würcklichen Leib-Medici, wie auch Prssid. des
Ober-Collegii Medici.
Neue und viel verbesserte Edition. Mit KônigL Pohln. und Churfûrstl.
Sachs. Privilegio. Halle, 1726. Verlegts Ernst Gottlieb Krug, privile.
girter Buchhiindler.
4". ''P. M 8M. Register[z8] 2 blank. Title red and black. Portmit.
.<. editionappearedat FrancMurt t6~. Becher'sCommentarius Dberdes MenteSnyders
4. The preface is dated London, ~4 March, Schrifften, roS.
Spiets.Concordant): Oberdes
Part 1. NuysementsSal
Coeteste. xa6.
pp.. tt6.
gleichsamcin ~="
Comnieticarius B" ~cid~M
U~'dJ'~rd~Bcmardum,p. 1. p. r~r~
,? PhijosophechesGutachten über die
l'hilosophische T.ncturim trucknenWeg. p. a:. 'PaftXX..Append!x:
BechefsChyNscherRosen.GaMen, p.79o.
D. Joh. Joachim Bechers, Remis. KayserL
Maj. Rath &c., Chymischer
Rosen-Garten, Samt einer Vorrede und kurtz gefassten Lebens-Beschreibung
Herrn D. Bechers, zum Druck befordert von Friedrich Roth-Scholtzen.
Numberg, bey Johann Daniel Taubers seel. Erben, Anno 1717.
8*. Pp.~6. TitteredandMackwithavignette:ahMdoutofad<)ttdsqueeaMaa
bunchof gmpesovera goblet.
Therewasan editionin iyta, Svo.
Natur-Kundigung der MetaUen. Mit vielen curiôsen Beweifsthümen, natür-
lichen Gründen, Gleichnissen, Erfahrenheiten, und bifshero
AufTmerckungen vor Augen gestellet. Zu Erhaltung der Wahrheit,
Erlâuterung der Spagirischen Phitosophi, und Gefallen der Liebhabern.
Verfertiget durch Johannem Joachimum Bechem, von Speyer, Mathematicutn,
Medicum. Lege totum & Relege.
Esdrse tv. c. 8. v. t.
Edisseram autem tibi similitudinem Esdra. Enimvero, sicut sciscitanti
Terra dicat tibi, se gignere perquàm copiosam quidem humum
fictilibus Parvum autem Pulverem unde Aurum Fit, ita se habet pœsentis
sévi Negotium. [Something eut out.] Franckfurt am Mayn, In Verlegung
Martin Hermsdorns. An. t~og.
8'. Pp.[t4Jj47. Résister[37]. t~ntispit-ce.
~FC~ËW 87
See AGRtCOLA (CEORG), Bergwerck Buch, t6:t.
PMHpBech, or Bechius. a native of Base), be. mining, and edited works on philosophy and
came pmfes!!o)-thereandtaught Latin andLogic. medicine. HediedSept.<o..
He wrotea commentary on Virgit and a book on
Mercklin.Lindenius ~<w~<M. t6M, p. gn. Kestner, ~M'~f ~<-&~M.t-/«'M, ty~o.
FtBher, 7~<M M~-em B~~M~ Clar. p. 08.
< '?!. P. "~48. <8cher,~~M~ C<<w.w<M. ty~o, i.
Hendreich, /'<«<&~<sF~UM~My«-<e. t699, p. cot.888.
47=. Herzo~,
Herzog, ~~««t
Alluna ~a«~c~,
Rauricar, 1778,p.
1r¡8, e69.
p. 262.
Morhof. Polyllisll1r.tyga. u. p. $!, §9.
De Unguento Armario.
&<- 1662,
6z, p. ;t4.
DanielBecker, the younger,bas his name spelled Hc wrote a few medical dissertations, and is
usuatiy in this way. Witte is not conostent, forthe geuerallyreg arded as thé author of the tract on
fathers name he htM spelled Beckenis, whitethe the WeaponSatve, though it bas been assigned by
son's hc spetts Beckhents–which is the converse some to bis fMher.
of the common ptactiee. Mercklin gives a short biograpbicat notice with
He was bom at KCnigsbe<-j:,Jaouary s, '6~7. the date of his birth t&)7,and yet he put: in thé··
His tather. withing him M have aMbemtéducation, Ust of his works, the "Medictts Mictocosm<a"
sent bim to tt&ve) in 1646. He visited various which was puMished at Rcstock in Yëzz,and thc
Universities in Gennftny, Wittentberg. Leipiiig, "Ue Cuhnvoro rm~tMo Observatio" which
Jetta, Altdorf, tngobtadt, Tttbingen, went to ttppeitnxt at Kanigsbem in of 1636, without (x'it)g
France and Haty. and graduated at Strasburg struck by the incompatibility the dates. Thèse
it) t6sz. He next visited Holland, and when he niistakes are copied without correction by Manget
arrived at Kiinigsberg was made extraordinary and by Moteri.
ptofeMOf in thé Medtcat Facutty in t6s3, and freher has in his notice given Beckorvery gréâtt
ordinary protessorin t6ss. The Mtectorof Bmu- His list contains the writings of both
denburg appointed hit)* to be his physicien in fathur and son, but with no attempt at discrimina,
1663. HediedJanaaty 6 (others Feb. 7),to~o. white tion.
hc wasrecorofthe University for thésecond time.
Mercktin,Z.<~<<<'«'M ~M<f<«.f. !686, p. 23o. Moréri, (?f<MMf ~'<o/M<f< ~<'fA)~«< ty~9,
Freher, y.4M~wMYirorum <<&/MM <a~«M, ii. p. 903.
<688,p. t~oy. aller, ~/«t/~<-<t /M<~Mt«<B /w~<f, t779,
Mango, Bibliolh«a ~<<tf<fc< <MMMWK<M, iii.p. 98.
!73t, t. i. p.9~7. Fuchs, ~«~m, 1806-08,
t8c6~8. P
p.. lt4z-
Kestner,~M!~«MM<&/<A/<)' t~.p. F«y/M ~<M«-<t/<l'aris, 1"anckoucke (te:o.
Jocher, ~mt<M<M (?<'&Ar/<'H-A<tf~,17~0, zs). P. 99
i. col. 90!.
Historische Beschreibung des Preussischen Messerschluckers, wie Er nicht
allein durch einen Schnitt des Messers befreyet,glücklich geheilet, sondem
nunmehr ein Weib gefreyet, vnd zu Landsberg in Preussen seine Wohnung
genommen, sich auch bifs anhero frisch vnd gesund befindet.
Nebenst seinem Natürlichem Contra&yt vnd des verschluckten Messers
eigendticher Gestalt vnd Lange. wie auch Erôrterung FUnNzehen
Medicinalischer Fmgen. verfertiget durch Daniel Beckhem D. vnd
92 F~C'A~F~FC
Versuche den Gebmuch der FSrberrothe beim F~ben zu vetbessern.
Mancberlei,t~St, p. a~t.
Bedencken über die Frage, ob die Transmutatio Metallorum mogtich sey?
uee awaaa-~aessva.aa. (FRtEDERtCH), uDeutschesTheatrumCheniicum,ty~o,ii. p. 87.
Bedunann was born &t Hoya, ]tune 4th, t?39. One of the boo)<sby which he is best known
He went to GCttingen to study theology, but took which shows his wide reading and exceptiona)
to mathematics, natural science, économies, and knowledge and retains its value to the present
modem tanguages, of which he eoutd read tca. time, is his BeyttKge w Geschichte der Erfin-
He visited the Netheriands in tyCe. and in 1763 dangen.' tt cameeut in sepamte parts at Leipzig
wentto St. Petersburg as a teacher of mathematits between the yean 1783 and t8os. aftent'M-ds in
and physics. This post he resigned in 176~, 6ve volumes, i786-t8os. There was an Engtish
stopped in Sweden and Denmark for a year. translation made by William Johnston. of which
became professer of phito~ophyat GOttingen, and thesecond edition was publishedat London. tCt~.
in t77o professor of ecoaon)ics. In bis teaching 4 vols., 8", a condensed edition at London in
he embraced the whole Md. and tecbaology may t8:3, a vois., S", and a reprint of the larger work
be said to bave begun with him, as it washe who (but with certain omissions) by Bohn, 1846. in
gaveititsname. tntTTyhewrotethenrsttottbook z vols., 8". It isa mine of information direct and
on the subject. and was the author of numerous incidental, and atthough it is cf a technical
elaborate ~vorks on technology and economics. character it is written ia so pteasant a style that
He died at Gôttingen. 3 Feb.. t8tt. it reads almostlike a romance.
Joh. Steph. Pfitter, M'twAem~ C<'M~/<«- &<j~AM ~M<-a/<, Paris, Panckoucke (t8ao-
C<KtM;~<van der t/<t)f<~nM<<MGM/M~, ss). p. !oo (article by Jourdan, with tm of
t/M. ii. p. 171,337; tSzcL iii. p. !oa. works).
Meuse!, ~t~/a4~ ?<jtA/< c<at~t Kamtarsch, C~M<< der JT'~<«'/<yA. 187~
der <<~</<<MM~<t ?<!<(~<:&'M ~<:A~~</&f, 1796,i. p. 864,etc.
pp. :o6-M9(List ûfhis works and portraits). Daaâe Bio
~Wt<«M Dett<t<< Bt<if~t!~t'<,187~ ii. p. 338
(articte by Kannarsch).
Tyrocinium Chymicum e Natures Fonte et Manuali Experientia Depromptum.
Autore Ioanne Beguino, Regis Eteemosynario. Hac Secunda Editione ab
ipsomet autore quam diligentissime recognitum & auctum. Colonise
Apud Antonium Boëtzerum, M.DC.XII. Cum Priuilegio.
94~. Pp.[t4, a Nank]to;. [sbhmtt.]
Tyrocinium Chymicum e Natures Fonte et Manuali Experientia Depromptum.
Autore loanne Beguino, Christianiss. Regis Franc. Eteemosynario. Hac
postrema editione ab ipsomet autore quam diligentissime recognitum &
auctum. Coloniae, Apud Antonium Boëtzerum, M.DC.XV. Cum
~t* Pp.[t4.zb)an)t],tM. [sbtMk.] [Vignette
ThisedidoaandtheNovum~.«MM out
<m~««ta brought Parisnn éditionof the ~MM~/.MM~
of Sendivogim (g.f.) wereissuedjoiattywith CtywKow M int6o8. Onthisaccountit M
generaltitte page.dated: CotoaifB, Apud At). sometime;
said that thé Tyrocinium
was first
tonMm Boëttefmn, M.DC.XVU. Beguinus pubtished in t6o8.
BELLUM Equestre.
Ste THEATRUM CHEMtCUM (t66t), vi. p. 5:9.
ThisisnotthesameastheMn< JP«<<~t~.
BELYE (JOHN),Ang)us.
TRACTATUS DUO CHKMtC!, t6~7, p. 3.
~M G!thECEUM CHtMtCUM, tô/O,p. 495.
Ofthb peMonnothingseemsto berecorded. doing.By Schmiederhe is called Belias,but
Schmiederputs himin the tz.~tb century,but t~re)MdBorhchius!!ty)chimBe)ye.
withoutgtviagany reasonor authorityfor so
Bore!. t6s4.p. 44. C~~
Schmieder, der ~M~f, TSgz.p.
(.f«~ &)'t~e~<mCAfatwaot, ~30.
p. B7,No.xxxviii.
Liber Aureus de principiis NatUïœ & Artis Das ist Ein Güldenes Büchlein,
so da beschreibet me die Metallen in den KMtHen der Erden, durch die
Natur !n jren Mineren geboren, vnnd daraufs die Wissenschafftder Primas
Materis, oder Lapidis Philosophorum erlernet, vnd durch Kunst moge
gubemiret werden. Mit Anhang folgender Tractâtlein: I. Definition
Alchymise. 11. Der Phoenix. III. Ein Tractâttein, aufs Fmntzôsischem
ins Teutsche vbersetzt, das gantz deutlich lehret, die M. L. zu erkennen,
vnd zur Perfection zu bringen. Avthore Liberio Benedicto. Fmnckfurt
am Mayn, In Verlegung LvcaeJennisii. Im Jahr M.DC.XXX.
8*. Pp.[t.7]8.t6o.
Nvclevs Sophicvs, oder Aufslegung in Tincturam Physicorum Theophrasti
Paracelsi. Darinnen die rechte wahre Materia oder subiectum Philosophorum
CathoKeum,auch defs gantzen Wercks, so wol der alten Philosophen, als
defs Theophrasti newe corrigirte, rechte vnd eigentliche Préparation gezeiget
wird. Sampt einem andern vnd sehr nützlichen Tractat!ein Cabalistischer
Weise vom lapide Phitosophorum beschrieben, vnd den Veris Chymie
96 ~EAŒCr~.S–E~y~
[Another Copy].
8'. Pp.[t6]<34[M]. ThéCMttwoteavM contaiofMMbpieee titte.
Thésaurus Processuum Chimicorum. Oder: Schatz Chinuscher Processen,
welcher von denen vom~hmsten und gelehrtesten Medicis je und allezeit
secretirt, dem Autori aber schrift'tlich communicirt worden, fast in allen
Kranckheiten dienlich und nutzlich zugebrauchen, Worinnen auch noch
andere curieuse Medicinische Heyt Mtttet und Konst StucHein begriffen,
Nicht soivohlen denen hohen Liebhabetn der Edlen Chimie, ats auch
andern nothleidenden Krancken zum Besten vorstellig gemacht wird, von
Adolph Christoph Béni!, M.D. Nümberg, Verlegts Johann Adolph und
Johann WHhetnt Rennaget. Druckts Johann Emst Addbu!ner. An. t? ï5.
t'. fp.tHJ!?'!
t. Pp.M~. !.fa;.ïMat)!t.J
BeM was physictan of USenheim in Fmnconia twm~, NOmbas, tyo?. a'. Fictatd does not
and is said to hâve eoUeeted médiat mther than know who be M,but condemns him as an arcb.
chemicalseo~t!. Very little KenMknown about Mphbt whose wortf!. 'Sudet-Schriatea' ho ctth
him. !n addition to thé above works Gmelin them, shoutd be bmn!, etc., etc.
mentions as by him ynM/a/M~<&<<tM~Mf<f.
Lenglet Dufresnoy,. ~~M'~ la ~</M~M 1690.4*,apparently hisacadémie dissertationuodar
~~t~w<. !74*. i". P. ~9. t'M il. Stahl).
Gmelin, <<< ût«~, 1799.iL p. a~.
Hctutd, /«~, t?53. p. 40.
tMter, A'f~fa ~«a/c~K-e. t774, i. p. 745. Ladrague, &'M<W~t<t Owfo)~; &M)MM
Haller. FW~~f! ~<r~<M 1788, &'c~ 1870. Nos. MoS, t633.3<t.
iv. p. 84 (quotes De ~/<'«~<!f<7Me, AItdon. Kopp. Du ~M«K(€, tM6. t!. pp. 3S7.
Disputatio Inauguralis Medico-Pharmaceuticasistens lapidem Lydium
mentorum bonae notae regni mineraHs quam auctoritate et consensu
gratiosissimae facultatis medicae praeside Carol. Augusto à Bergen, med.
doct. et prof. publ. ord. eiusd. fac. h.t. decano promotore ad cineres colendo
pro gradu doctoris legitimo modo obtinendo D. xxt. Decemb.
et respondens Carot.'
H.L.Q.S. publico eruditorum examini subitcit auctor
Christian. Brumbey, Anhaltino-Bernburgensis. Francofurti ad Viadrum,
Litteris rnjupp'
i-.tnens Philippi ocnwttuzu, Acad. Reg. Typ.
Schwartzii, ~n.<*u.
4". PP.
4'. Pp.M~.
Cart AugtMtvon Bergen, son ofthe Prcfessor J. AnaMmy.Botany. Th<Mpeuti<a.and Pathot~yin
GeorgvonSergen.wasbcrn nt Franttfurtonthe Oder. thé Univemitythere. He wrote workson :peei6c
AumM11(«thets.t~).t704- He attendedschoo)M)d m~vity. thermomMty. optics, meteoMtcgy.
we)t M
the Universityin hisnative ptaee, and thentn~-eUed tticity, and other phytic&tphenomeM. MHe
at Leyden under Boer- oa anatomict) and botan!cat suMects. WM
spent a couple of years etected a membef of thé Leopotdine Acadony in
hnaveand Albinus, went to Paris nnd Strasbar~.
and in !730 retumed to Fmnttfurt, visited Berttn, tMz. and wa! tt memberatM of thé Academy o<*
and tookhis degree at Frankfurt iu Mt. !n t?~ ScSncesat )3er)in. He<i!edatFranMurto.O..Oet.7,
he was appointed KMmordiMry Professor of !~9. Ha))ercatb Mm Mater oHmamioM."
AMtomy. and ultimately became Protissor of
Bttchner. ~f~<w'«' Nature C«nM)~<f<M Me<Me).j~.MfON<~ Ma t?~
~Mtt ~a~*<" ~at~M~ (t8«a.i6).
~j/~o, t755. p. s'S. ~o- p75.
Hatter, AWMw!&'AM«-«.t?~ p. e~. Fuchs, ~~t~c~M j&f C~)t< Z</«~t~
Ha))er.F«</«'<t ~~wx"t '77S. M-P-"9.. tSo6<8.pp.z7S.S4. Paaekoudœ ,“
Haller, ~'Mc~f~ ~t~M, !K7, il. p. ~aMtf ~~M<t/<, Pans; (t8eo.
/)~/«'x«a~ ~i~/or~<~ <~ «' ~MMM~, at). i~ p. t58 (artMe by Jourdan, witha list of hii:
x 8, 1. P. 319. dbsertatittM). At
Gmelin, G~MAA* der C4fM«f.t798. ii. p. 6~0 ~<.Deteimeris. f<'<<MMaf~ ~Mon~tM
799. i'i. P. 3~. tSaS, p. 3S9.
98 ~/?C~V–F~MMf.4/V
Torbemi Bergman Chemin Professoris et Equitis Aurati Reg. Ordinisde Wasa,
Acad. ïmp. N. C., Regiarumque Academiarumet Societatum, Upsal., Stockh.
,utriusque, Londin., Goetting., Berol., Gothob. et Lund. Sodalis, Parisinœ
Correspondentis, Opuscula Physica et Chemicà, pleraque antea seorsim
edita, jam ab Auctore coMecta, revisa et aucta. Vol. t. Cum tabulis
œna:is. Cum Privilegio S. Elect. Saxoniœ. Holmiae, UpsaM~& Aboœ,
In OfficinisUbranis Magttt Swederi, Regg. Acadd. Bibliop. MDCCLXXIX.
8°. Pp.[6]xvi.<tn[t]. Bplates.
Vol.t). UpsatKe,MDCCLXXX. LitterisDirect,Johan.Edman.
6°. Pp.[6]s~ 9ptates.
According to Pct~endor~thiseditionshoutdcontain6 vols.,t7yo.S4.AceMected
editlonby HebeMtreKwas at Leipligint~M.
Torbem Betgtnann Professor der Chymie und Ritter des Kôniglichen Ordens
von Wasa, Mitglied der Kaiserl. Academie der Naturforscher,der KonigHchen
Academien und Gesellschaften zu Upsal, Stockholm, der beiden Londoner,
Gôttinger, Berliner, Gotheburger und Lundener, Correspondent der Pariser,
Kleine Physische und Chymische Werke. Ersten Bandes erste
Mit einigen Kup&m aus dem Lateinischen ubersetzt von Heinrich Tabor
Med. Doct. Frankfurt am Mayn bey Johann Gottlieb Garbe 178:.
S'. Pp. [a]. t.a70. ErstennaodesZweiteAbtheitung: TitteM. Text.pp.
97~.548.a plates.
Thesetwopartscontaina translation ofthefirst tyS!:to ~90. Thé EngHsh
volume oftheLatinedtt!on of t~. According to byDr.EdmttndCtttten tM~htion\vMmade
Poggendorff,Tabor'stranslationextended from
Traité des Affinités Chymiques, ou Attractions Électives; Traduit du Latin, sur
la derniere Édition de Bergman. Augmenté d'un Supplément & de Notes.
Avec des Planches. A Paris, Chez Buisson, Libraire, Hotet de Mesgrigny,
rue des Poitevins, No. 13. 1788. Avec Approbation & Permission.
8'. Pp.[8]~4 [a, a NM~. gtaNes. 4ongravtdpht<Kt.
Kalte Gesundbrunnen durch Kunst zu bereiten.
See ALLGEMEtN niitzticheschemisch.physikalisches Manchertei,tySt, i. p. 98.
Warme Gesundbrunnen oder Bader durch Kunst zu bereiten.
~«' ALLOEMEtN nutzncheschemisch.physikaHschesManchertei, )78t,i.p. ~3.
Von der Luftsaure.
See ALLGEMEtN BUtdichMchemisch-physikaliscbes Manchedei,t782,ii. p. 60.
Ueber die Zerlegung der Wasser.
See ALLGEMBtM nützliches chemisch-physikalisches Mancherlei,~82, ii. p. t57.
La Farmacopeao' Antidotario dell' eccellentissimo Collegio de' Signori Medici
di Bergomo, nel quale si contiene il modo di comporre i Medicamentt
hoggidlpiu vsitati nelle Spetiarie. Tradotto dalla Latina nella volgarlingua
Per D. Tito Sanpellegrino Cittadino di essa, e Spetiale. Con trè vtilissime
Tauote, vna delle Compositioni t' attta de' Semplici, & l' vltima de i Pesi,
& Misure pertinenti all' Arte. In questa vltima imprefsioneassai migliorata,
& con ogni diligenza corretta, & emendata. In Brescia, AppressoBartho-
lomeo Fontana. i6z8. Con licenza de' Superiori.
4*. Pp.[4<]35t bT. Afewte&ves
damaged.Vignetteofa fouatain.
See MOMTE.SNYDERS (JOHANN DE),Tractatus de MedicinaUniversati,tôyS.
Bvsome his nameis,writtenBerlich,
by others Berlig. He Witstheauthorof a dissection,Z~
Jena,t6~C, 4°.
Fuchs,~<~ff/~«o)derCttOtMt;~~<7~< Ladmgue, ~t~fc&M~«< 0«f< &&)tf<j
t8o6<e,p. 166. &r~ tSTo,NM.m6.ty, tt~, tûaa~.
(MARIE),La Chimicacaritatevolee facite,r682.
Thisi<thenameat theendofthededicat!on.
Von der Hermetischenn Philosophia, das ist, vom Gebenedeiten Stain der
weisen, der hocherfarnenvnd furtreMichen Philosophen, Herren Bemhardi,
Grauen von der Marck, vnd Teruis ein Buch. Item, Dicta Alani, Darinn
j~MM~M~DM~y~~MM~VM? tôt
Des Hn. Bemhardi, Grafen von der Marck und Tervis Chymische Schrinten,
von demgebenedeyten Stein der Weisen. NQrnberg 1~47.
8°. Pp. [!oa,.inc!uding
the frontispiece
whichisin foureontpartmenM] gooM.
't'itteredMdbtadt. MS.note.
ThedMferencebetween thisandtheothercopyisthedate.
OfBerohardus' collectedWorks severatéditions t~;97,8°. TtM)cttiu!'
fultereditionin four parts
areeaamet&tedbySChmiedBr: in Freocb.Anvers, appearedM Leipzig,i6o5.8°. CasparHom's s
'S~&8; in German, Strasburg,!574,8*; t~M, edttion,N(tmberg,t&t3.8<i7i7,8°andtheabove.
TraMté de La Nature de l'Oeuf des Philosophes. Composé par Bernard, Comte
de Treues, Allemand. A Paris, M.DC.LIX.
a'. Pp.64<
Thiswasissuedalong~th Basilius Valentfnus'LesdouieClefs" and"AMth,"andwasprintedby
Des Herrn Bemhards, Grafens vonder Mark und Tervis, Abhandlung von der
Natur des (phitosophischen) Eyes. Ein hermetisches Sendschreiben. Aus
etnem uralten und hôchst seltenen, noch nie gedruckten lateinischen
Manuscript,den Ehrwürdigen Weisen zu Gefallen, und andern Liebhabem
der achten alchymischen Bûcher und besonders der Bernhardischen, mit
mogMchstemFleisse ins Deutsche Ubersetzt, und mit einem Vorberichtund
Anhang von des Verfassers Schriften und deren verschiedenen Lesarten
begleitet. Hildesheim, im Verlage der Schroderschen Buchhandtung.
S°. Pp.tta. Thereisa goodaccount ofTrevisanintheintroductionandnotes.
[Another Copy.]
De Chymico Miraculo, quod Lapidem Phitosophiœ appellant.
DORN(GERARD),Trevisanus de Chymico Miraculo, t6oo.
y~ THEATRUMCHEMtCUM, t6S9, i. p. 683.
Of tM<wor)tthm was, accordingto the ~y. an éditionof 1~3.
Bericht von der hermetischen Philosophia.
See Et.uC!CAttO Secretorum, t6o2, p. t93.
TabulaSmaMgdina,p. 900.
This isa repnM of ToxitM* edition.
Drey Bücher von der Hermetischen Philosophie.
Ses HERMETtSCHE (Der) Philosophus, !7o% p. t9j.
TabulaSmaragdina,p. atg.
Commentarius über den Befahardum.
Std BECHER(JOHANNjOACHtM),Chymischer Glücks-Hafen, t7ï6, p. t.
Fontina Bernhardi Revelata.
Le Livre de la Philosophie Naturelle des Metaux.
Set ZACHAtRE(DENts),Opuscule tres.exceUent de la vraye Philosophie naturelle
des Metaux, t6f2, p. tyo.
~M RtCHEBOURG (j. M. D.), BibHothèqu6 des Philosophes Chimiques, 1740, ii.
P- 3~.
La parole délaissée.
DIVERSTRAITEZde la Philosophie NatureUe,t67:, p. 97.
RtCHEBOURG(J. M. D.), Bibtiothèque des Philosophes Chimiques, t~o, ii.
p. 400.
OftMï Met Schmiederquotesan edition,Paris, t6t8, 6". Fora Germantranslationsee be!ow
H~aat <~«'~a)H.
KtESER (FRAHZ),CabalaChymica,t6o6, p. 177.
See t'tGULUS (BENEDtCTUs),Thesaurinella,t68a, p. 42.
Tractatus de lapide Philosophorum.
TRACTATUS duo Chemici,<647,p. !6.
CtN~CEUM CHtMtCUM, 1679, p. 503.
Treatise of the PhUosopher's-Stone.
i~nuA T rifida~atnt)t.<<,
mn<m Chimica,t674, p. y97.
'0/4, p.
This German transition
is a GenMMtrans!atio M)oof Laparole
f La delaissée.'
This Bemhardus. Count of Ttevigo, Trevisanus, statemenM of dinetent writers, and after two
or Graf von der Marck und Ter~tt, was bom at )'eafx' tabour "hb eyes were opened,"and in
Padua in uoô, and from the age of fomteen tH) t~S): he not bnty succeeded in n)MdMthc MotM,
thé end ot bis life was given over entirely to the but in mitMng !t with a)t its virtuesin the most
study of alchemy. At first he worked according cxatted condition. He died in t~~e.
to the directtoM of one authority and then of He tells the story ofhis. adventuresin his book,
another until lie spent nearly au his fortune. Z~ CtoMM,e~MA<jA~Mt<t </ d~<!<«t«m.
q))atret)edin conséquencewithhis family,and was Schmieder. ) i know not why, Mof opinion,that
no neMer his aim thao befbre. tn t~sa, when bc he wrote originally in French, and that his works
was 46, he began to tmvel in hopes to find some weretMnsttttedinto Latin and Cennan. His work
adept who woutd instruct Mm. He went every. 'De chemia,' is, however, extant only in Latin,
where.but though he foundemhusiasts and cheats and of it he quotes <eveta) editions,which,how*
ptentifu),he found no philosopher and no phi)o- ever. 1 have not chedttd, vit. Strasburg,t~
sopher'sstoee. tnt~e.aHertwentyyeaM'wander. Baset. t<83; UrseXee.t;o8: FtanMurta. M. to~s,
ing, he retumed in poveny to Rhodes, and once COmbaeh's édition, Geistnar, 16~7,etc.
more he tried a netv plu. He eontpated the Lists abo are givenby Gmelin.
104 J~?A~/?Z~:r~~4A~y
TheM i< some difBtuhy m deciding wbether subject by what is there said, that the book was
the Mme Bernhardus dénotes one persan or two; eomposedby "BeraardosapientisstMo Phitotopho
whetha- Bernhardus Trevisanus and Bernhardus & Comité Tarvisino ont Treverensi, qui acquisivit
Trevirensiaare identical or not. Thé problem is et subjugavit Comitatum Negensem in Germfmia
not a newone, for it occars in the earliest editions per banc artemoreciosam et nobitem." tt would
of thé works passif under Bernbardus' name, almost require Bernhardus' own perseveranae to
and )<)the above edttion of Caspar Horn't he arrive at the truth of that statement.
points ont thé confusion about the author. tn Thé simplest solutionof the puzde. apMMatty, M
the work ~<< printed withthat of toassumethat thereare twopersoM. oneGermantbe
PMUxMiraadulanusin t$98, the along conBict!ngnames other tMtian. Hoefer, withoutMycifcumtoeutton,
occuf. ThtB.onpp. t~andiQ, hei5ca)M"Co<!)es Mys thM ail ptBvjotMwriters have contoundedBer.
Trevitensis & Naygensis in Gennanift." On p. t~B nard de Tteves and Bernard de Trevise,and his
the namegiven is C~Mes de Tresne in Genmmia." évidente fbrMserting this is that ina MS.inthe Bib-
and the ietter addressed to Thomas de Bononiais iiotheqtMNationalethere bia copy of thé' Response'
dated ftom TnstM!, xa May. t~ But ia what to Thomas de Bononia, signed BernnntM Cive
fo)iow<mentio)) isnMdeof "ComM deTrewisb"<tnd Trevirensis.tgBs. tt was first printed by Robertm
Veridieuj!Tarvisinus and Cornes TarvisituM." Vallensis in the second edition of Morienus
In the Mb-titteof the book, hotvever. he is once Romanus' tract <*<Afdtallica, Paris, !~4, with
more ttesimMed "Trevirensis & Naygensis in thé brief tiHe. BentardiTtevireatM ad 'rhott~m
Germania. !<)the German edition ofToxites. de Bononia mediemn Regis CaKttt Oetaui Rea.
n8e (~. f.), he ts caUed Otafvon der Matk und poMio." fhh wouldteem to cônHn))what Hoe<er
T<!rvis.wncrea!imhe ffench tramtationsofthe quotes, but it does not at ail agree with thedate
y~t'e~aA~t~~t~C~ heH"Comte t~. For Charles Vt! of Frattee onty came to
de Trêves. AUentMtd." the thMne in ~83, and if Thomas de Bononia
By Hellwig (~~«~.f. tyi$, t64) he is were his physician. then he and Ms friend
called Bernhardus of Trier, and p.CaMnieus at BernhardusTrevirensis must have been weMovera
Regenspurg. hundred veats of age when the letter was written.
Caspar Horn (sec his Vorrede, D ~<'A'. M that they must have po~seafed the Mooein its
&at. tM6. <7~7),futty teatiïed the confticting perfection,not ouly for the metalsbut
titles. and though he put on his tittepage "Graf for conferring !ot)g )ife.transmuting
The likelihood,however,
von der Markund Tervis did not attempt to soive i! that Chartes VtH. is bere an error or t~sprint
the problem. !n tySo, in the German translation for Charles V.
AbhtMdktn:vonder Natur des (phi)o!ophi:chen) Bernard de Trevife, on the other hand. wasborn
Eye!" (A3. WA'). the two statements are set in t~o, and bis works as given by Hoefer are r
morepositivelyagainstone annther Dièsesttratte De Chemin t)e chemico tniracuto Tra!cMde la
und hochttsettenenoch nie im Druck erschienene nature de t'oeuf des philosophes: La parole
lateinischeManuscript unter dem Tite) Traetatm detaJMëc; and De la philosophie nature des
· GenerosissimiDomiai Bernardi, Comitis, MarchitB metattx. Hère Hoefer, bowever, ha:! faUen into
TrevisanM. de Natum o~ta, das ist, des Herm thé vcry mistalte he blames in others, for he
Bernharth, Grafens von der Mark und Tervis ascribes to Bernard of Trevise the tract of the
(which thé editor adopts), oder wie Hermann. Philosophieem!. whichis according to him as~goed
Condeesyanuswill, Grafea von Tresne und Nay. to Bernard of Treves, who Mvedhalf a century
gens (welchessein Vaterland gewesen seyn soU or more eulier.
und nicht MarchiaTrevisana)." &c., &c. Hoefer's solution ha~been accepted as conclusive
The questionthtrefore is whether the author is a by Ladrague, and Kopp has also referredto it,
German, Bernhardof Treves or Trier, or Tresne but without expressinghis agreement.
and NayMns. or whether he is an ttaHan, of the The conclusion of the whole matte)- seemsto be
MarchiaTnMMaMorTarvisana. and the confusion that with thé data at present at the hii'Mrian's
and difBcuttyculminate in the French edition of command a defitMtesetttentent of the question bas
Déni: ZMbaife's Q~.<~&, Lyon, ~574. "Avec le not been arrived at. Whether we accept Hoefer's
tmicte de vetteraNe Docteur Allemant Messire exptanation or some other, difficulties stiU remain,
Bernard Comtede la Marche Tteuisane" wherebe so tbat it is perbaps best M put aH thé worksunder
Kern! to be both. But in the concluding para. Bemhiurdus. and specify in each case whether it
graph of the iubretaidwork <r<o!x~~t~t (p. Ma), professes to be by Bernhard of Treves or of
quite another complexion is gtven to the whoe Trevise.
Johann the M GrSmngen.and '750. i. col, toas. Her~og.~M
profMsorofMathematies ~H(~,M?8,p.3M.
BESCHREIBUNG des grossen Geheimnisses des Steins der Weisen.
See v. 0. p.).
BESCHREIBUNG (EtNE) von der wahren Tinctum Philosophorum, eines
autons Anonym!.
See MOLLER Tem:o Re!iquiam)m
(PRtEDRtCH), Atchymiœ,!6!8,Sig. Dvij.
BESONDERE Curieuse Entrevue in dem Reiche der Todten zwischenden Welt-
bekannten <}oM-MacheM,dem Grafen Càjetan: und dem bertihmten Baron
von K!ettenberg, von welchen der erste in Ciistrin an einem mit goldenen
Lahn bescHagenen Batcken des ordinairen D:ebes-Ga!gens,in einem von
dergleichen Sto< gemachten Romanischen Habit gehangen, der letzte aber
auf der bekanten Berg-VestungKônigstein enthauptet worden.
In dieser erzehten sic einander aUe ihre sonderbare Lebens-Begebenheiten
gantz aufrichtig und machen allerhand ReHexions uber die Alchymie und
thre Wiirckungen. Zu haben in Hamburg, Hall, Leipzig und Numbetg,
Anno t~t.
4*. Pp.64ineMingthe frontispiece.It depictsthetwo menconversing in a
garden.with~tues orApoUo and Minent. VentM. Man:.Jupiter,andSatum,and
Mercury a ymg owrhMd. to symbothethe se\-e)~mMats.In thé
and anotttcrwitha retortandreceiver.In tbe
MMu<s t!a furnacewithit crutiMa, middtebetweet)
m oneccmeris a gattowsshowingthéfateof Caetano, thé
background intheotherisa
showingthatof Kiettenberg.
Kopp(Die~M! 1886) basgivenanaccountof JohannHectorvonKtettenbMg andof 'tano.
BESTUSCHEFSCHE (DtE) Stah!tinktur.
Aceordingto GmeMn (C<< CA<.mt<vicino.HennbUtdt,Liphitrdt.Wtnterberger.
t799.M.p. 79°)œm! personsinvestigatedthis Fr.Buthoix.
preparation the above. Klaproth,Buon.
David Beuthers, Gewesenen ChurfurstL Sâchsischen Probation-Meistets zu
Drefsden, und Philosophi Adepti, Zwey rare Chymische Tractate, darinnen
nicht nur atte Geheimnisse der Probier-Kunst, derer Ertze und
derselben, sondern auch die MôgHgkeit der Verwandetung, der geringen
Metatten in bessere, gar deutnch gezeiget werden. Ans einem atten mren,
von Anno 1514, bifs 1382, geschriebenen Bûche zum ersten maM in Druck
gegeben. Deme beygefuget dièses Autoris Universat, oder Vo!tkommener
Bericht von der wahren Alchymie. Mit a!!ergnadigstem FrivHegio.
Leipzig,VerlegtsJohann Christian Martini. Anno 1717.
'o6 ~~</7W~/?-C~~A
~'M" Régler [ta].
VoH)<om)nenwB<irteh<.pp. TMeHedaMd
Mention i! medeofao édition of Leipzig, ~4,8*, and t))eauthor H etToneoustyea!)ed DanBeather.'
[Another Copy.]
~«vM<~t Copy.]
)(8 wtultilig.
Beuther's M~«wM/ ??<<~/yA<MM<~f-&n< used them t-eettteisty,negtected his duties, and was
6rst appeared at FtanMurt, t&3<.ln 4", and arrested. tried, and eondemnedto the
agnin with the titte M«f<fM/ «~ /'<t~M«/a<~ ultimately ioss of two Nngets and perpetuai imprisonment if
<t~t«<')t dil M'rM«M~/t<~~Ma.M~' ~a/A'/< ho did not disclose the proc~M for mahing gold.
M <;<~ t~.jf A7~ <&t~ ~<A~~ wM. Hant. On promisiog to do so ho wasallowedto work in
burg, t7t8, 8° but the N~ (p. 6t9) Mys the laboratory once mott, bat having on one
Halle. otttMton sent his as~iMMton a message,he took
The /<A'e)t~ it is sud by the editor, was WMfound unconscious on the assistant's
copied by a pupit of Beuther's out of hh private poison, and died almost immediatdy.
books and was never pnMMhedbefore. te hiM return, Thé sMty was to)d by KuncM in hi< post.
bœn accordingly doubted whether or not it is by humously ~~tMM<M«MC~Mwxt,
Beutber,and Kopp onty goes the tengttt of mying Hamburg, pubHshed ~t6 (and chap. xII. p. c68.
that the book ~pp~red under his name. and Hamb. t~e?, ehap.1799), xt). p. (~.f.), after.
David Bêcher tived m the sixteenth cottury and WMds repeated both by thé
was an assayer nt tho mint at St. Anuaberg. opponents of suppcrteM and
atehemy, and judf~d severely by
Having obtamed some transmuting powders, he both.
7<'«/~<t ~%M~ <&f ~<~<-«<'<M~ J709, p. what is jestand what is earnest. Bat did he eter
t00. know?t
C«~<f~ Mt/~j~M~ ~Mn!/«< Adetong. C~;&~ der <M««;A/&~<~~bt<
1703, e. t. § to. In thM account Beuther is said t?~. iv. p. 40~.
to have got hi<t Tincture' from a cardinal, At~KW M~«< die ~M~MM, t78o,P. M<.
wM-reas,according to Kunckel, he found it con. Wiegteb, ~tt/ot-t~A-A'A~f </<&~ der
ceated in a wall. ~/<-<M<«',Weimar,ty~g, p. Mb.
Roth.Schottt, &</M/A<'<-a C~~M'e, t7~, p. ~s. Gmetio, Geachichte <<M- C~M~(t7<)7).i. pp.
Die ~~M<! /<M,g~-<4/f~M. t/3~ p.
Jacob ~<M~<&~<MM~C~~Z~/e/& Fuchs, ~t~~MBt, <8o6~)8.pp. !s6.t58, Mz.
'7~ p. '9. Schmieder, G<~MA~ <~ ~~M~, t8~. p.
~<<M /«< t744. p. 309.
Baumer, BWt~Aftt C~~M, t/S~p. 90. 3r5.
Lad]'ague,&Wc~«<o«M~;&j~ Oammf.St,*n«jS«rètes,
&y~<~ Mf (:M~<A/)' ~M~<t C«m~. t870, N<M.~58-
pp. 947, 499. 6M. Adelung complnins thattySs, tMs ~°pP. ~M ~/<<M«f, t886, 1.pp. !<t<htas, M9:
account )s so ironical that he dcea not know Il.336.
Kurtze Auslegungdes Fontinteins oder vierdten Theils Bernhardi.
&<-BERNHARDUS TREVISANUS, ChymischeSchrititen,1746(t?47),p. 273.
Johannis Bickeri Dreisani, Catti, Medici Ossatiensisin Misnia ordinarii,Hermes
Redivivus, declamns Hygieinam, de sanitate vel bona valetudine hominis
conservanda, In qua omnia ex antique sapientiœ fontibus, Hippoetate,
Gaieno, aliisq; Gî~ecis& Arabibus atque Latinis deducuntUT,cum Chymia-
trorum principiis & Paracelsi dogmatibus vëris conjunguntur & methodicè
desctibuntur. Giessae, Impensis Casparis Chemlini & Antonii Humm.
Anno M.DC.XII.
8°. Pp,[!~ht btankj480[miMUMbensdfor 482]. The titte is eactMedin a
woodcut border.
F/cAr~pF2,z/ ~7
This work Is not about Atchemy, but about t6~<hp. 47) quotes thé same édition Hanovhe
Sanitation. Kopp(~M~/<;A«tM,ii.p.366)me)ttions npud Conradum Eifnduot, t6M. Biekeratsowrote
aneditton, Hanao, t6M, but seems to thintt frcnn C~a ~/<WMt ~M!<M, Wittebetgte,
its somewhat nusleading nM)e that it is an t6t7. Hendreich (~M< ~n!~<~<«~< t<99,
book. Bcrd (~A'e CAtM~e, p. ~69) speMsbis Mme BikeMt.
BÏFOLIUM Metallicum.
D. 0. M. A. Anton. Gttnther. Billickfs De Natura et Constitutione Spagyrices
emendats. Exercitatio. HelrnaestadI, Typis heredum Jacobi LucI,
Impensis ZacharieeRaben. do I&cXXIII.
4°. Nopagination.Sig&
)(! A-Gln tours [=pp.60].
AntonI Guntheri BiHichI FrisI Archiatri Oldenburgensis Observationum ac
Paradoxorum chymiatricorum Libri Duo: Quorum Unus medicamentorum
Chymicorum praepatationc: Alter eorundem usum succincte perspicuèq;
explicat. Lugduni Batauorum. Ex of6cina Ioannis Maire. clalacxxxt.
4°. Pp.[MoJn.t73[<]. ThetMe-page is entirdyengraved.
Thessalus in Chymicis Redivtvus: Id est, de Vanitate Medicinae Chymicae,
Hermeticae, seu Spagirica: Dissertatio Fundamentalis ex ipsismet Artis
Chytn'cœ proceribus Quercetan!, Beguini, Crollii, &c., deducta, abs
Antonio Günthero Billichio, Illustrissimi Principis Oldenburgensis Archiatro,
accessit Anatomia Fermentationis Platonicoe Apodictica & Paradoxologa
eiusdem Authoris. Francofurti ad Mœnum, Impensis Johannis Beyeri,
Typis Rote): M.jJU.AJb.
Casparis &otetn.
lypts t~aspans M.DC.XL.
Pp. [t6]gt8.
Anton GOntherBHKchittswas a native of East He wrote the following in addition to the above
Fnestand, bom in thé latter ha)f of the sixteenth
eentuty. He studied medicine under Henniag De <~<M fAtXtM-tWKM ~~Mf~/M'J ~«M/<t
Antistess. professer at Hetmstadt, pMCtisedat etM~M. Bremen, t6at,8vo.
Jeven), and was privatephysician of the Countof ~~o~tC in am~a~t~~MM ~«cjr <!«e~M«M
Otdenburg. He was < AngetM Sala, yMMbot tM ~M,e)'/<~e/a' e/~f~jMM f<MW~t~t7,
whotn be defendedfromsome ~ttactts made upon Leyden, iCzz, 6r.
Mm,and had a cootmvetsy\v!th Péter Laurembttg. ~j~~t<'<tM~<~<M~aramt)'<j~ <~<w/<!<<t~!<M
He was a good chemXtMd a ctear expounder of el w)M<t<t~«tc~~M Ptlrs ~otfr«~~«, OMen'
fftcMand principtes for which he is tommended. burg, 1624. 4".
Of thé 'ThttMh~'editioM of 163$and 16~3are A<~t jEt«~<< t~/t~K: f~y~t~, Bronen,
mentioned. '6~. 4°.
Bore).~K'~h'<N ûbmtft!. !6~4,p. 47. Kestnet, ~/«<ïe<)Mt<~«G<&A~<H-~<.t<c<Mt. t74o.
MereMin,Z««<!m<M ~MeM/<M,1666,p. p. tt3.
Conriog, /< t/MtMMax!~t~M /Mftt<<r<t«t. Baumer, /M~/M/~«-<t <*<}««&< 1782, p. 13.
/n/~M/«~, t687(ScheUia)t)<ner'sAddit.), p. t~ &f/M~M«' C<M<~M~<'<~fAM<~t CA<MM,~yS~,
Hendreid), /'«<M<<<t~:)t<&x<a~M, t~ p. P.S63.
Gmdin, C4<wM<r, 1797, i. pp. ~j,
titaht, ~t!/3/~ C«/<t~a ~~r t<M&«
«M <&)K ~<gMM<t<<M ~~«n'. t~tS, pp. tg-t~. Puchs, ~f<~<e~««w C~M<<M ~7~~t/«~,
Roth-Schott)!. <f«M-<t. t7~. p. 99. 180608, p. tso&t'w.
Manget, ZM/eM Scriptorum AM<«'<-««t. Phillippe & Ludwig, G<~<M~e <<f~-<4/<t~
tMt, ). p. 3M. t8'g, p. 48~.
StoUe,~a&<7«<j~ M~~M/< <&<- ~i'<&t«Mc~M Kopp, /)«f~&~e!M. t896. ii. 334 (for the con-
C</<:M«<.t?3t, p. 783. troversywith LitUfembo~).
Alchimia Nova, Das ist, Die Gûldene Kunst, Oder Atter Künsten Gebârenn,
Sampt dero heimlichen Secreten, vnMhliChen verbo~enen Kindem vnd
Früchten. Von allerley Alchimistischen vnnd Metallischen GeschâSten,
to8 ~M?ZZ/F/A'AW<~
BirMtoh. who under the contrncted (?) pseudo. translations of medicfdworks from English,French,
Mymof AdaMith Ë&Mwrote or edited aevera) and Latin. He also paMished an edition of
works, b caMedby some Adam MeteMornnd by Wienner's ~/<f~- ~f' ~785(~.f.). He died
others Adam MtcttMt. If these persons are at, Leipzig, ut J(u)y. t8[8, though the ~«~<~AM
identical,th~nBiThhokwasa physietan,bom Nov. AM~MA-says M Ptrettin.
~46, ~t Prettin, pmctised at Leijmig,wrote am not quite convinced, however,that Birk-
some books and dissertations on phy!tco-n)edicat ))ob! bore ituii<!erent)y the nante Michael or
subjects, a guide from Cicero for thc better writing Melchioras Kopp impfies.
Latin in connection with medicine,and made
F. A. Weiz, Z)o<Ff/<< ~a<:Aj<<. !~e, p. 20. PoggendorH, &<j~'a/&n<'A-/<7/<Mr<t<A<~ ~yeN~*
Meusct.Da~&«'/< 7'A/a~. t~, t. «;M<~«<:A.1863,i. col. &ot.
Fuchs, ~«naM der MtNt<'N'&<t /.<7/<T<«, Ladragtte, &<«< OMM~ ~c<'<ot«
1806~8, p. st~- ~«- tSyo, Nos. MS.ïta4, !46& ~tt, t5t8.t9.
~<t)~n~« .W<<)«!&,Paris, t'anckotteke (tSao- Kopp, D« ~/(~M<<, t886, i. p. itoti !i. p. ae)
9;), ii. p. <<6. :i. p. 9M, etc.
Schmieder. GM<AM& ff«-<4&~MM,ttge. p. MS-
F/–FZ~'A~M~~r 109
Tres Tractatus de Metallorum Transmutatione. Quid singulis contineatur,
sequens pagina indicat. Incognito Auctore. Adjuncta est Appendix
MedicamentorumAntipodagricorum& Calculifragi. Quce omnia ad bonum
publicum promovendum nunc primum in lucem edi cutavit Martinus
Birrius, Philosophiae& Medicinfc Doctor, Practicus Amstelodamensis,apud
quem Medicamenta ista reperiuntur. Amstetodami Apud Johannem
Janssonium Waesberge & Viduam Ettzei Weyerstraet. ctalocLxnx.
8*. Pp.[t5. xb)Mh]tïo. a MMth.
Thisvolumecontainstfaetsascribedto PhUa. ~««x~c/tf ad ~f~MMW C~/f~«M,p. st and
tethesDe~o~m ~AMK~Ott,p.t Bt~M FonsCAcm~a- M<7M<~A«f,p. 88.
[Another Copy.]
in Amsterdam,
Birriuswas phytHctfU) who expefimentedin Chemistryand exMMted eettam
MbstmcMMMod~fwbe ttMefiKes
Morhof.De ~a/A'wt 2)'o~M«/<tA'< /<M~/~K/f/~ /'<M~fo«M~Mo~f~ ~/<t/
J~~Mo,1673,p. M. t73*.P.3°.
C ~f~~ der M.pp. M.
BomchhM, <~<j~~ ~<<~<)!! Cton~WfM,'8.Gmelin, C~MM. ):798.
~697,p. No.txMi.
Die neue HeutigesTages gebtâucMiche Scheide-Kunst, oder Chimia nach den
Gründen des fUrtreaichen Cartesii und des Alcali und Acidi eingerichtet
Durch Steph. Blancart Ph. & Med. Doct. und weltberühmter Pract. in
Hippocrates de Veteri Medicina xxtv.
In des MenschenLeibe sind bitter, salzige, süsse, sauere,herbe, fliessende
und andere unendliche Dinge.
Hannover und WotSenb~ttet, Verlegts Gottfried Freytag, Buchhandi. Im
Jahr 1697.
8°. Pp.ï79[tt]. TMeMM)< andred. 3 woodouts.
t7t8. 'nus is a book of PracticalChemistry,
published 1678.8*.
Neuscheinende Praxis der Medicinse, worinn angewiesen wird, dais aile
Krankheiten eine Verdikkung des Bluts und der Sâ~te sind, und blofs
von Sauer und Schleim entstehen: Ein Werk von grosser Curiositat und
Nutzbarkeit, dergleichen niemahlen, so lange die Wett gestanden, an das
Tage-Lichtgekommenist Anitzoaber wegengrossen Abgang der Exemplarien,
wieder aufts neu gedrukkt und abgetheilet in Drey Theile, herausgegeben
durch Steph. Blankard, Med. Doct. und Pract. in Amsterdam. Aus der
Hottand. in unsere MutterSprache abersetzet von G. H. W. Med. Doct.
Hannover und Wotnënbutte!, Verlegts Gottfried Freytag, Buchhândter.
9*. P~y6& FmntispieceaotindMded. Titleredandblack.
Thisis nota bookaboutChemistry,butaboutPracticalMedicine.!t appearedin Latin,AmsteL
tM{.8*andinGerman, Hannov.ï68~,8".
<0 ~M/'?–M~ WEN
Idea Chemiae Bohmianœ Adopta:, das ist ein kurtzer Abrifs der Bereitung
defsSteins der Weisen, nach Anteitung defs Jacobi Bôhm. Wie auch eine
Schutz-Schrifîtwegen Bôhm, und seiner SchriRten. Amsterdam, Anno
ta*. Pp. tao.
The ptetentworkb desehbedM an exM&ot Koppspeaksof an editionMAtMtenhM).
fromthé wriungsofthé 'Teutoniephilosopher' :mdofseve)'a!othe<tMbsequent)y. t68o
in wbich!< brMy described
the ptepamtbnof
Jacob Bôhms kurtze und deutliche Beschreibung des Steins der Weisen, nach
seiner Materia, aus welcher er gemachet, nach seinen Zeichen und Farbe,
welche tm Werck erscheinen, nach seiner Kraft und Würckung, und wie
lange Zeit darzu erfordert wird, und was insgemein bey dem Werck in
acht zu nehmen, deme noch beygefùgt eine Schutz-Schriftseiner Schriften.
8*. Pp.9'[s.!istc
Pp.9: [;. listof
0 chemicul works].
Anew édition ofthéprecedingwortt. Schmieder1747éditionsonty,andadds ittannothâvebeen
m refer)rtnj;
? thiseditton
eaM:théamhorJohann. withMr.BShm'swinthathcbasbeentmnsfonned
JacobBChm or BOhnte (t~t-t~), théshoe. intoa ~o!dspyer. Hewas&dreameranda spHt
makerof GOrtitt,'Teutonicm Phitosophtts.'wit<isee)-j but goM maker–certainty not. Hisdark
thé authorof tt numbero{workson mysticat tikethoseof thécftbaUsts
\vrit)ngs, andtheosophists,
theology.He wasnot M atchemist.but he tumedthéheadsof thé Atchembts. so thatthey
emptoyed atchemica)
phrMeo!ogy and imageryM dreamedtheirSystem intoit.'
ittmtratehbretigiousvtews. Thechiefbookonthéconnection of BShtne with
Thé rniherofthe~y/n~qaotes thé t6ooand théAtchemists is thatbyG.C.AdotfvonHaf!eM.
Witte,/~«~M Ft~t/A&M)t,t688.Sig.U~ Adelung,G~A«:A/< <~ A~~A/M~t~a<
'M'/e !8thNov.,tc~ Le<p2ig.1786,ii.pp.!No.a~s.
Cw~«/<M &o~m C~<'MKt<~<m, Enichu. Gruber,
'6g7. xi.pp. tyo.~6. ~«««')!< ~x~/t~M~, tS~g.
Paschius. Df A~f~/xfM<'M 2Tw/<~M. Schmieder, Gf~«~/c <& ~&)taMM, ~39, p.
1¡OO, p. 361. 546.
jB~&<~«y iH. ~M/o~'aM /<7<'f- Vaughan. ~«MM ttM'/A ~<j. 16~6,ii. pp.
e~Mm~<w?TM<«~)t. 1709, pp. 418-430.
Roth-Schott~ &M~«'<tCt~««t, ty~, p.3& ~techt<X'J<<~AM~ ~t'«M!
Morhof, ~W~M~,Labeete,iy~, i. p. o: ii. t866,iii.pp. e69~o&
p. t66 tii.pp. S5. G.C.AdotfvonHartes:./<!jh~~atxMMMf
Zedter,t/Mf<fJs/.Z<)-<&m, 1733-
ty~. iv-col.3;6.
iv.cot.3S6. ~/<M/M, Bertin.1870,8".
Amo)d,~~<M. eo<~ ~t/M~M/e~M,ScbatT- Ladrague, &</M/ O~fa~ &~<t«'j
tKMMeo. 1741,Tom.H. pp.as8'a9:t,etc., etc. &<-<~Mt, tSyo,Nos.9.40.4T-<6, ï!$. POnjer. G ~fAM-A/e <&~ C'JMMWotot A/oa~.
LengtetDafreMoy, ~ïf~~e <~/a /%Aw<~h<~~M~~« ~«7<<f~~~MA'<M. t99o,i. pp. t8o-
~tMx<f<«f. Paris,~<t!L!ii.P.ta~. 103 Ensti~h transtMion. tSay, p . Mg.
Bruct<er, ~on'o eW<t'M /%<< Lips. Oassen,/<tth~~toM. &<x~<~ ~t< ~'«
'7~3. t~' i PP.60~-706andvi.p.?89. /M~<M M~~h;. t88~.
Al&mein«r,,eieàp*n.~ xicon,L
eipzig Kopp,Dt<~&A«H«,!6M, i. p.9M;ii.p. t9i,jM.
t7SO, Mon! Carritre, /%t~~M<-A<- t~MX.
Rtf~f M)-û~et~~ <&<- AM~yN C~<w~,tySs, ~At«t<H~<&r ~t7)«<~)MM~~ 1687,sndEd.,i.
pp. SM,&t9,6?o. pp.3M.4to.
"s ~<3JB'/M~~
Etementa Chemiae, quae anniversario labore docuit in publicis,
scholis, Hermannus Boerhaave. Tomus Primus. Qui continet Historiam
et Artis Theoriam. Cum Tabulis Aeneis. [Vtgnette.] Lugduni Bata-
vorum, Apud Isaacum Severinum. M.D.CCXXXII.
4° ''P.[M]896(~3.4wat)ting). index[40]. typâtesf~dofphnation!.Plate6 wanting.
TomusSecundus.Quicontinet Opemtiones Chemit~.
Pp-MMS. Index[46].
byBowhtmve'ssigtmmre outhéversoof thetMepage
ofvol.x. Thereissaidtohavebeen an8°édition
of thesamedate.
Hermanni Boerhaave, Philos. et Med. Doct. in Academia Lugduno-Batava
Medicinœ Professoris Celeberrimi, Academ. Reg. Scientiar. Parisiensis et
Societ. Reg. Londinensis Socii, Opuscula Omnia, quœ hactenus in lucem
prodferunt. Ea quidem prius sparsim edita, nunc vero in unum collecta
atque digesta. Horum Catalogus sequente pagina exhibetur. Hag~e-
Contitis, Apud Johannem Neaulme, M.DCC.XXXVIII.
4'. Pp.Mt
4. Pp.Mt39['b)itn~
*JV ~m*J.
No. V. in this collectionis the address De anatomy, and medicine. One of bis most lm.
Chemia suos errores expurgante,' which he dc- portant Works is the treatise on chemistry, which
livered when he became professer of chemhtry at WM based on notes of his lectures, but was
Leyden, at Septr., tytS, and in which he shows ~ftMrwardsrevised by himietf.
that the vagaries of the alchemists, the théories of The earliest fomt of the work has the titte:
fermentation and effervescence, the fixing and ~<'«A'M~ </ ~.f~'M~~ <~<m)~. Pah!iM,
weighing of fire, the Mtd and alkali theory in t7Z~, 9 vo)s., smaJt
physiology and mediefae–a)) the errors that thé Jn Engtish there followeda tnmst&tton: ?<«
chemistsof one periodfellinto-have been corrected ~M of C'~M~~ by Peter Shaw and E.
by the subsequentinvestigations of chemists them. Ommbers. London, tM7,4° sd edition, London,
selves. <?*t, a vols. 4* 3d edition, London, 1753.
Boerhaave(t668.t738) W!Mprofessor of medicine he ~t-NM/f~~C~m~ appeared at London,
and botany &omt7C9,!md of chemistryfrom 1718, '73~, 8°; andttnotheMmnstationbyTim.D~Mowe,
at the university of Leyden. He was the most London, 173$.a vo)s.4'.
distinguished teacher of his time, and a man of A German transtation, 'mm?.rf&t<& der
immenseand varied teiM-aingin tangages, philo- C~m«, 3 Th. \waspublished at Bertu). t76a. S*.
sophy, theology,mathematics, botany, chemistry,
Stolle, ~n~/K~Mf ~e/-« M-Mat~A'M <<«!<<~Mt<e ~.tM~M)t<t.At<<)f~,Mf«t'«'<<!t~t<<~t0!<
C<f<7, tygt, ~a~t'M. /~iM~ af/MfMj. Lugd. Bat., t8ot, pp. a8-
Kestner, ~«~tnt~~ GtM~<M.Z<<;oa, t/~o, Fuchs, ~o~'M<M, t8o6-o8. p. 9M.
p. tM. ~~n<~t< «!<:<t&, Paris, Panckoucke (t8ao-
W. B~ton: An <:tc<'r~< and H~-<7. ~). PP. 3*3-335.
M~ H. BM~AaaM-, London, 1743; and édition, CMn'ers, y~ C~<Mt/ &<!f/«-<f/~an',
tM& !8M, V.p. <t~.
Chaufepië, ~VeMf<<'DM-/t<wMt'~~<'o~M, Hrsch uod Gruber, ~ft')M ~Aj~~
!750, ii. (letter H), pp. 337-3S5- 1893, xi. ayt.
Eloy, ~<'<<~<tM<~~u/<~«< </<la ~M~~<-t' Sprengel, G<cAt<:A/< ~~M~an~<, tSsS. v.
'7H.PP.'59-'75:'778.P.370. P. 99: & passim.
/< <t<wand ~«!<fo/ Biographical /~«MM)y, Deasimens, Z)MA<<!<~ ~/<~«< de la /MK&.
t76t, ii. p. ay. ctw, t898. i. p. 495.
Haller, ~/<~«'a F~)t«-<t, t77!t,ii. 96. Matthijt Siegenbec)!.G<~4tA<M/jder Z~
Hatter, ~f&o/~a Anatomka, 1774.i. p. 756. ~K!pffAec/ van A<!M'<~f~<t'~ M tSM tSM,
Haller. ~M«/~a CAt'n~M. t774. i. 583. Leiden, t8~a.
Baumer, ~tMM/A«MChemica,ty8z. p. 34. Hoefer. < la Chimie. t~. ii. p. 376
Haller, B<M.~«<MMa'~BfM«! iyM, <v. p. T4a T86p.ii. p. 368.
& The whole of Lib. xii. has Boerhaave's Kopp, Cet<< <&<'C4<M~,~843, i. p. tm &
name. ~Mt/m.
Wtij;d, ~'M/<t<NM~ M<fC~MM~M&A«<Mtf«~, Van der An. ~&Mra<!4M<A H~M&~A<a-Ader
!788.i.p. eoe. A~f~M~. t8s<, U. ii. p 726 (and refetenco).
De Chatmet, F«;p~MfA H~o~/MAx~ der &
bftyte Thithye, A< .)/~m~, t8s<.ii.
~Mer/atti~tt, ty~S-tSoo, ii). pp.iKt~o. P. '39.
Hutchinson, A'<~n<~e ~M'<~a. 1700, i. pp. p. ZV<t'M<MMW
139- Idncyclopldiqusdes .St~tMt
/?t«y<~<~t« Selsruar /WA'.
St.toi. cales, t869, x. p. t<.
)on. Wilhelm Te Water Marratio <&M~ Ladr~gae. ~A4«< 0«fa~; &«a«xj
&c~ t870, Nos. 596, Mt$.
JM~NO.M/A~/? ug3
D. Job. Bohn, Professoris in Academia Lipsiensi Publici, Dissertationes
Chymico'Physieœ, quibus accedunt ejusdem Tractatus, de Aens in Sub-
lunaria Influxu, et De Alcali et Acidi Insufficientia. Lipsiœ, Apud J.
Thomam Fritsch. 1696.
S'. Pp. [t6] s~ Index [aa].
Appendix Processuum
.y. Ch~tn!corum in Jo. Ftanc. Vigani Medultam Chemiae.
See VïSANt (JOH. FRANC.), Medulla (ChymKe, t7t8.
Bohn, or Bohnc, was born at Leipzig in 1640, opposed to the )atrochetn!<atschoo), and he laid
studied them and at Jena, MaveUedwidely,gradtta- the foundation of a scientiCctreatment offorensic
ted &t Leipzig in t<6j, became pwfessor of medicine. Every one speaks of Bohn in the
itnMomy and then of thempeuties, filled severttt M~tMt terms.
académie and protessionat posts, was the senior Betides the /)<«<~a/<w~ he wrote ~t'f/t'A! ad
ptcfestûï, camed on a tearoed correspondence. Z'. ~&M /~jr</e/~M de Akali &*<<<'«)? <<M<~t.
and published a numberof workson medicineand cientia /M ~H~</<eft«« ~Mf/<~MM/<M«~ ff~yfftMtt
surgery and on chemistry. But the course of <t<t/M~!«t<M ~««~w~itM~c. Lipsiee, i6yt. 8°.
chemistry delivered in to~ wa? not publisbed, <)!M<7aA'~<f/'4yj<co-Ctym«'<z<<< ~~M ~~<
much to StaM't regret, as he considered it superior lunaria t'<'< L!psie, 1670. 8', both included
to Rolfinck's. He celebrntedhis golden wedding afterwafds in the ~ffM!s/MWM.
on so Jany.. !7t8, and died Dec. t~ of tbat year. Of the /.<M~-A!<t<wM there was an edition, Lips.
Ofsuventeen ehiidfen but two survivedbin). '68& 4'.
He was a dlstinguished physiologist, and was
Merdttin. Z~M~t«t MMM~ttt,t686, p. ~44. HaBer, ~te««M C~wyhM, t~y~, i. pp.
Hendreich, Pandata ~<!<M<M«~f~ 1609, ,< <4w<iMttM,ty?~, i. p. 497.
p. 6a5. 403'S'U
~'Sta& G«&~« <t~-<~< ~?, E!oy. ZXcA<M)«:<~ ~&/«~«< <&la ~aMw,
von <&<M ~«M)M/< ~tf~t~f, tyt8, p. tg (French t776. i. p. 369,
translation, 1766,p. 6). Ha)ter, &&«tAt<M~~MM)M!/~M~<?, ~77$,)ii.
Roth-S<JtotM, JMM<~««'<!C~<M<M!,17~ p. 90. pp. 87-9! (contains a list of his acadetnic disserta.
Manget, ~~&o«<!f<t Sf~/f~nw AM~M~~MM, tiens and laudatory notices of certain of his works).
tygt, i. p. 343. who ca)isMm Déçu! Academiae Baumer, F~ea C~MtM, t/Sa. p. !4.
LijMieMbeximittm.' Fuchs, RljN!rll1riumder <~M<J~<M/.t/«f,
Stolle, j4«&t~~ tur Mt~~te der JMit~MoM~t t8o6~8. p. t68.
C~~A~M~, tM*. P. 500&~tM~a. Spreoget,G~~< der Mlldidn.
tItr ~of&M<, ISa¡'.
tSay, iv. p.
Kestner, ~MtMaMfAMC<M~<M.~«wt, ~740, IM&A&~M.
Bayte & Tbillaye, F<<< ~/<MtM~ t8;s, i.
Jocher. ~~<fMt«'<MtC</e~/<H.<~<"t, tyy), P.539.
col. ttoo. C~<-A«A&'
'~ser, der ~& ïMt, ii. p. 303
Boerhaave, A&/MM Studii Medici, 1751. i. &~<M~'<M.
P- S~S.
Et~ia De Vem Antiqua Philosophica Medicina, Scripta à M. Ulrico Bollingero
ad Dn. OsvaldumCrollium,Medico-chymicumfelicissimum,&c. V
Medicina Instaurata, or: A Brief Account of the true Grounds and
of the Art of Physick. With the Insufficiency of the Vulgar
way of Preparing
Medicines,and the Excellencyof such as are made by Chymical Operation.
Whereto is added, a short, but plain Discourse, as a
Light to the true
Preparation of Animal and Vegetable Arcana's. Together with a Discovery
of the true Subject of the Philosophick Mineral
Mercury,and that from the
Authorities of the most Famous of Philosophera. As also some smaU
to the Preparation and use of the said Mercury, in the dissolution of Minerais
and Metats, for a Physical Use. By Edward Bolnest, Med. Lond. Also
an Epistolary Discourse upon the whole, by the author of Medela Medicinae.
London, printed for John Starkcy at tne the Mttre
Mitre within Tempte-Barr.
Temple-Barr. t66$.
S*. Pp.[3i,tb)M
S*. Pp.[31,t Mank],
t ~t [t bianh].
Hattt);bus a slight variationon the titte
H~II,r hne e QI:lw .n7.t_
his titte, httt in comptetin~
ChemiamedrcfnaiHuïttatm,or thé nue grounds ca)js it t6os, instead cf 1665. thé imperfëct d«te,
and pnnciptesoftheaMofphysic]:, t~xtdon, t66<, The nuthor of the
8. rht date is imperfectly printed, the 6 being 't" Discourse" was Marehamont NtedhM)
or Nedharn. HMte)-atso mentions a Latin version,
a)) but omitted. Gmelin. followingHaller,
"0 o 88U,U" \date.
repeats without
Auront Chymica. Sive Rationalis Methodus Pnspat~ndi Animalia,
& Mineralia Ad usum Medicum. Quarum P~eparationum benelicio ex
illis fiunt eHicacissima,tutissima & gratissima medicamenta ad PKeserva-
tionem & Restaurationem Vitœ humanœ. Authore Eduardo Bolnesto.
Med. Reg. Brit. Ord. Hamburgii, Impensis Johannis Naumanni &
––a"'– Wolffii.'"<j't675.
8°.8°. Pp. Titteredandbhc~
[fo~t~. TitteredandM<M)t.
The EngUsh edition was pubtished at London. By Hendreich hc is called BonxstU! and on);
the above edition is mentioned.
Reyond thé enumemtion of his lyooks,
boots, nothiag Haner quotes, betidM thé abov~ en edition in
seems to bave been recorded about BolnestnathingThé Latin of t~a. as we))&sthat in English, but is of
Eaghsh preface is dated from QaMn-street, near opinion that the workis a good deat enrlier.
Gund.ha!), London, March 26. t6~a.
Hendreich. /'<HM5!~«f~Mt«<<t. ~699. p. Gmelin, (?<'j<<&<-C<t<w«', 1797,i. p. ;to.
664. AHibone. 0/f/~a~y &~<< jU~n!<e~ t8m,
Roth-Schehz. &~to/A'M Chemica, t~ p. 31. i. p. 216 (mcre)y Mys "Professiona) works,"
/a<-«< ~~o!'j /'n~-oM//j &WM~c<B ~<t//«;<f, Lond. t66s.ya).
'73% p. 3t. mentions the t07< edition on)y. ~<Mof)' o~A~/M<M/~<i&y. i8M, x). pp.
Haller, ~SWM<A<'M B<<aa&<t, 177!, i. p. e6<. tS9-!64 <aft'cfe on Marchamont Needhitm. by
HMten AW<«/~a ~afth~ ~K~tT~, ii. C'.H.Finh).
P.377! t779,p.3~.
-SM ANTtDOTAR!UM Bononiense.
BONTIUS (jACoaus).
Medicina Indorum.
See <tt,rtMUN
~KUSfJtft~, t/t~.
Jacob Bontius,son of Gttard Bontius. proftMor also to botany and natwrat history, and <VMte
ofmedieineat Leyden, was born there, and not at severat works on thèse sublects, t)t of which are
Rotterdam, as is said. tn t6a7, he went to the MiHconsidered of vahte. The species ~e</M was
East andtmvdfed in Persia.India and java. where nMMdafter him. His death bas been ptaeed in
he lived forsomeyean acting as chief physician to
the Government. He studied the diseases t6jt, but he seems to bave been ative as Iate as
of the t&ta.
eountry and their treatment, but devoted bimsetf
M. Petri Boni Lombard! Ferrariensis Physici & Chemici excellentiss. Intro-
ductio in Attem Chemin întegfa, ab !pso aurore inscnpta Marganta Precio~
Novella. Composita ante annos plus minus ducentos septuaginta. Nunc,
multis mendis sublatis, cômodiore, quam aotehâc, forma edita, & indice
rerum ad catcem adomata. Montisbetigatdi. Apud Iacobum Foillet
9< Fp~)99
< Pp.[30)398. tnd«[Mj.
~e. tnae* t*i'J.
The work profeMeato have beea written ia Boni Lombardo Fettareae of the present work.
1930-3$ at Pola ia httia. The author was a Theso accounts, however, obviously do not talty.
aster of Arts, was convinced of the truth of !n the British Museum Catalogue this work 1s
Alchemy whichhe defendedfromthe attacks made Mcribedto Piotro Buono Avoe~ See the note
in his t!me, and maintainedthat the real way had on LAONtUS.
been shownby Geber. Gesner, followedby Morhof. The <<Mt edition of the Margarita was edited by
makes him eotewatwitb Lully. Natari ea)b Mm LacinitM, Veniee, Aldus, tS46. 8'; tbeteafter.
in one p)aee .<~<e<: f~). but in another Nombetg. t~s4. & Baset. t57a, 4": Strasburg,
~foMOM~which presumablyts a slip. t<o8, 8".
MaMuchetti,however.drawing from app~eatty The /? &e~/<' omnium <MM~y~)x <&"<'b
good sources, eath Mm Pietro Antonio Boni, sayï contained ln LacinhM' collection,BMet, !S7!<.as
he tived in t4M. was a ohyiician who was sHtttd weUas his ~B~f/o. An English translation trom
in phitMophy and took delight in Alchemy and the edition of tM6, with a pfe&Mty notice, was
wrote A!/<o«<M) ~Mt'~At «M/M!,whichwas nMde Arthur K. Waite: 7~ Attc
inetuded in LaciniM*collection of tj,46, and bas Cw~ ~f' A /~<!<tMce)t<entMFM<<~MM~and
been criticised by Hoefer, because in thé first m~~ ~~M<t ~&~ /A' M<W~ London,
chapter he provesthat a)chemy not true, and in t8M, 8*.pp. xi. [t MMk] 44"[3].
the second that !t is. He is tdentieat with Pietro
N<u!ari,Z~~t ?~)!MM<<MM ~tt < is99, pp. B~fc~ ««- G<<<~M<~f M~w C~ ~78$.
Bo!e). Bibh'aihaca
~<<«-<! Ch~ttufca,):6st.
CM~«. t65q, p. 50. >,5i6.. Gsukishfs ~M'
Gmetin. <<<t/<' dsr C<<~&,)t?o7,
Cltsmfs,lm, i. pp. 5S.
Morhof, A<!t/e/tnM TT~ttMMf&t~ow. 56.
~<~At, ï673,p. Ht. Tirabosch:. Storia <& Z<<'<!ttw<Mf<t /<<Mt<t,
Hendreich, At<«&f<<~<!<M&<t~<~< t6~, p. t6<)7,V. parte i. p. :tM.
6g Schmieder, G~AM~f dsr ~&~< tegz, p.
Roth~cho!tz, B«&)/A<f<!C~«< 1?! p. 3;
Lengtet Duttesnoy, ~M/M~ <~la ~M/M~t< Hoete)-,~M' <&la C4o«t<, t84a, i. p. 4M
~ftw<h?«<, 174%i. p. aao iii. p. MS. t866, i. p. 436.
MMMeheU),G/t&n<'<M-t'<f//<t/x!, ty6s, !t. parte LiMitague.~Mf~M~ OttMt~; &K<t<w<&~<M,
iii. p. ï637. t8M, No. Moi.
BaMaer. ~A«a C<«a«a, <)'89,p. !t6. kopp. Die ~M&, tM6, il. pp. MO.374.
See LACtNtOS(JANUS),Pretiosa Margarita Novella, tS4~ M. 13:.
.S~ LACtNtUS(fANUS),Pretiosa Margarita, t7t4, p. 323.
BibliothecaChimica. Seu Catalogus Librorum PMtosophicorumHermeticorum
in quo quatuor mittia circiter, Authorum Chimicorum, vel de transmutatione
Metallorum, re Minerali, & Arcanis, tam manuscriptorum, quam in lucem
editorum, cum eorum editionibus, vsque ad annum ï653. continentur. Cum
eiusdem B:b!iothecœ Appendice, & Corollario. Authore Petro Borellio
Castrensi, Medico Doctore, Parisiis, Apud Carolum Du Mesnil, via
Iacobea, ad Insigne Samaritanœ iuxta Sanctum luonetn. Et Thomam M!y,
via Veteris Enodat!onis juxta terminum Pontis D. Michaëtis, sub Scùto
Hollandico, M.DC.LIV. Cum Priuilegio Régis.
94'. P?.[Mj~6.
De Curationibus Sympatheticis.
SYMFATHKTtCUM, t662,–, p. 526.
Borel was born M CMtres about t6M. studied Ahregéde ta Vie de Descartes, Paris, t6<6,8*
medicine at Montpellier, and began praeticc a<
hn~iish, London, ][6?o,i6*.
Castres in t&tt. In 1653he went to Paris, and tn Bestdes thèse ha teft a coMidembtenumber in
about t6<<twas appointed physician to the king. manutcnpt which were nevef
During hts whole Me he had Mdentty pursued the speak of those whieh he had phtoned, published not to
but had onty
studyof natural history, chemistry, optics, astro. partiaUy executed. Among them weM some M)
nomy,antiquitits, philology.bibtiogmphy: hecot. the of Chembtty. and one cannot but
tecteda rauseum,and wroteseveral books ofwhieh regtetbistory
that the author was unable to completeand
the most important are: them. Th<y would have contributed to
Trésor de Recherchestt Antiquités Gauloiseset publish
our knowledgeof the subject.
Ftan(oises, Paris, t6~. t* Mpnnt, Niort, t88t. There is some doubt as to the date of Boret's
2 <ots.,8". death, some place it in ~t, but otheK in t68o.
Antiquités de CMtMS.Castres, 1640,8'. BoMt was a man of
UbierMtiones Medico-physM~ Castres, ï6M, umvearied eaergy, and comprehensive knowledge,
femafhaNe insight into the
Parts,ï6~, 8~ subjecM he discussed. His ~c/A-M
Hortus seu tu-mMnentahumsimptidum, was the «Mt of its kind, and though it C~«-<tlabours
Castres,t666, 8°. under considerable defects, and is in)Berf<:ctin
Discours proavant la PJtuaMtë des Mondes, exécution, it b not withoutits useeven now fortbe
GMe*e,t637, 8'; in Engtish,London, 1658,t66o. older literature, and is familiar to thosecontemed
I5°. with it. There was a of it in the same she
Tractatusde vero
tet~Mpii inventore His- andstyle, Heidetbe~. reprint
toria, Hagae-Com., t6M~4- !di!!eu!sed Bore~)i<e and works in a monogmph
Obsarv&tiooummicrMtopieanxnCentttria.HaMe. read to the PhttoMpMMt Society of GiMeowin
CMn.,ï6j;6,4*. ~897. ttisnotyetpttbthhed.
Epitre a Messieurs Les Savans et Amateurs en Chymie. Pour servir de
Réponse à un article des Elémens d'Histoire-Naturelle & de Chymie de
M. de Fourcroy; suivie de plusieurs Mémoires,sur des opérations nouvelles
& curieuses en Chymie. Par M. le Baron de Bormes. A Bruxelles, et
se trouve à Paris, Chez Hardouin & Gattey, Libraire de S. A. S. Madame la
Duchesse d'Orléans, au Palais-Royal,numéros 13 & t4. M.DCC.LXXXVII.
8°. Pp.[4,ffOMhpieœ !nduded],145[t Mmk],9 <bl<Hog
Bormeswrote"D<couwet<es surl'ethermarin, ~A!Mt, Gmelin,G~t«~~ der CtottM,
fait par rtatermededu tiac." Reuss, ty99.!ii.p. 4~t.
/~KM CMtOtM/ttA'~am, t&<), C~~M, JP~
Hermetis, ~Egyptiorum, et Chemicorum Sapientia ab Hermanni Conringii
animadversionibusvindicata per Olaum Borrichium.
Devteronom. xxHt. v. vn. No!! abominari ~Egyptium.
Hafhie, Sumptibus Petri Haubotd!, Reg. Acad. Bibt. Anno M.DC.LXXIV.
4'. Pp.[t9]448. !ndof[8J.
plateoffetortstroma Greeka!chem!cat
Folding MS.,p. ts6.
[Another Copy.]
at p. ts6,andthededication.
twoissuesofthisbook,fort h~veMN)othercopieswithout
~o~/c~r~y t<9
Olai Borrich!! MetatHsehe Probier-Kunst deutlich und kurtz beschrieben.
Verteutscht durch Georgium Kus. Kopenhaven, bey Daniel Paulli, Kon.
Buchhand!. Anno !68o.
8°. y4(misnumbered
Olai Borrichii Conspectus Scriptorum Chemicorum Illustriorum, Libellus
Posthumus eut préfixa Historia Vitse Ipsius ab Ipso Conscripta. Havniae,
Sumptibus Samuelis Garmanni Bibliop: Anno MDCXCVII.
*t' Pp.
4'. ~f- L"-¡"
M 48.
Otufor Ole Borch, better knownas Oh)M Borri- He had controverses with Deusing and others,
chius, was bom at Borch, Ripen or Rypa, in ttnd especiftUywith Conring as to the age of the
Juttand, in t6z6 went to tchool et Rypa, and in Hermetic art and the science of thé Egyptiens.
t&44 to thé University at Copenhagen. He tra. His death occurred at Copenha~en, in tooc~after
ve)M for six years, and was appointed to great suftering. His works on thé history of
thé pfofesN~ship of Botany and Chemistry at chemistry are stiJl of use. He contributed various
Copenhagen in t666. Hc was a man of great aitictes to thc 'AeM HafnienstiL' His portrait
aequitements and leaming, a poet, critic, philo. is prefixed to the Mb part of Koth~chottz's
sopher, chemist, botanist,physicitm–a pofyhistor. ~<M~f<t CtMHMft,tyay.
Erasmus Pauti f. Vindinpus, A~a /<<'<t<~M JScher, ~<iF7/MM<t(7<M<'<fM.~<.)f!<eM, t~so, t.
/yaM«M'~ <? A<M /ttM/~M MM col. ta6o.
~~Bt«~ HMtttte. !66s,p. 43! (mefetyft note). Haller, /M/K'~f<! FfAt~fo', !][, i. p. 5330
Albertus Barthotinus, ~~M .DMtWMM liber Ha))er, /~<<c/A<rf!C~<f«'~M, t774, ). p. 377.
~~«M~, t666. p. Il 1. Htttter, ~<Wtf)/A<ra t774, i. p. <tos.
'rhom~ BafthoUnus, /tA't&W<!<! /)a/«~« Ktoy, Z)~/«'M~<' //M~f~ <~ /a jMMrcwf,
~«M~~tt 2WjM~<«<!t ~r., Hafoiae, 1666 Dis- t77S, ). p.417.
sert. Il. p. 40. Ht))er. ~/M<c/~« <t/<*</<f</«~ ~n!c/«'<?,1779,iii.
Merctdia, ~t'<t<&«MM Maam<~«~, 1686,p. 8~8. p. 11~(!~naccount of thé controversy with Conring).
Conring, /? t/«f~M/<m ~f/fM /H5tf«'«t. Baumer, ~W/«/~a C~m«'a, t~Sa, pp. t. 67.
/<t/<y~, t687, cap. iii. §ii. §*?. ti6. A~'<r.CM'A/fA/< der A~<*n<CAf/Mf,<78~.
~<fAt~<t/-<t«, Lips., 1607,]tvi. p. ty9. (A pp. 550-1.
noticeot the Ce«~<«t.)). Gmelin. (?e;cA«'~<~«' C~MM,x798,ii. pp. t6
Hendreich, /'«'«/«*/<?F~M<~<~fy~<c,[60~, p. ttg (list ofpapers) pp. a~6, ~40,zyt N75(" Doci-
66<. mastice meta))ice," Hafn., t677, 4', and the above
M/a'~A'f/a' yw~K~aM ~~<'<M«M<m as translation).
<~<u<'tt<)M M~~ott, VratMa~fe, i/n, pp. 376-04 Hutchtnson, Biographia ~fo'«'e,· t799. i, pp.
(sutobiogmpbical sketch
(atttcbiogmphica! editedy ~yede Kost- !<g-Mt.
gaatd). Fischer, <7~A' </< tSoa, ii. pp. t66,
Paa)M Vindingius, "Oratio
"Omtio Funebris in exc<s- exces. aot t8o4, v. pp. a~t, z6t. 364.
sum OM Borrichii. pubtici dicta d. m. Fuchs, /f<f~«/M, t8o6, pp. t~t (Disserta-
Novemb. an. MDCXC." Pfenxed to Olai Barri- tions). 166, t6e, 178, t8a, ~04.
t~M /Vj.<t<«MM.t ~tf ont/Kta<~/<<-<t<~MK'<F, ed. ~<<<~ ~/<~«M/<,Paris. P~nekouctte (t8to-
Severinus Lintruptas, Havni<B,tyts. s;),ii. p. ~Ot(article by Jourdau).
Roth-SchotM,F<M<M<M CAamtM,t/ey, p. 33. DMomeris, ~?~~<'x<««'~ ~f/o~M <A' la
Bayle, /)<'<'<«'«< ~M/f~M, t~go, i. 6t8. /MMKWC,tSgi. ï. ii. p. 4M.
Mancet, F~/<c~«'<! ~MM ~!<&t~, Schmieder. CMc~ff~ <M~~~&'<M'f,tSga,p. 4ZO.
'731, T. i. pp. 37t-490(reviewtof hi! worM. Bayie & Thillaye, ~«~M~t~ ~&'fa&. 1855.
Stolle, ~M~'K~~tf*' Historie<&~ ~ Mt/MM/o P.477.
C~/<rA< 173!, pp. 2$o.26&300,6o3, 894. /?tC/&'M<«tt~
~<~&<&~M< jM~WM~t-
Niceron, .Wmct~, 173:, xix. pp. 44-<8. <*a& x869,x. p. to~.
StoUe, ~«&< Mf ~M/~< der 6<MfA!<<, Kopp, ~t~t~e «tr <?<t<Atc~<der CtotM't,t66~,
'736. PP. 88. 8~ ~3. i. p. 94,&~f.f<e<.
Kestner, ~«««tj~f t~M-~nMM, t~o, Ladrague, ~M<M OKM~;f, F~w~
p. <3S' -SM/<t, t970. Nos. Mgt.M.
Dtfresnoy, ~tt~tM oh la Philosophie
Lengtet C. F. BrictM, jOM~t Bt~f~~ /~jttt«<t, 1888.
~<'nM/~M, 1742,iii. p. M?. ii. pp. 500-508 (the chemieat section by S. M.
MoXer, Ct')Htf«! /<~a&t, !/44, i. p. 60; iii. Jëtgensen).
pp. $6~.
Medicina Magica Tamen Physica: Magical, but Natural Physick. Or a
MethodicalTractate of Diastatical Physick. Containing the general Cures
of att innrmities And of the most radical, fixed, and matignant Diseases
belonging, not on!y to the Body of Man, but to aU other Animal and
Domestickcreatures whatsoever, and that by way of Transplantation. With
a Description of a most excellent Cordial out of Gold much to be estimated.
PuMished by Samuel Boulton, Salop.
Ars non habet inimicurn nisi ignorantem.
London, Printed by T. C. for N. Brook, at the Angel in Comhi!, t6s6.
8". Pp.(8]!9~ [3pp.advertisements.) Cutin a littteandMMbppLt8;r.89.
[Another edittonj, London, t66~.
imperfect.Thisisidenticatwiththépitceding.exceptin thed&M.
thetwoEngHsh editionsthereis onein Mochoft~M~. t?~, L p. ~M) Mn« that
Latin,t66&8' [Watt, &~A<~<~<! ~~<MM<M.MaxweH's bookoa Sympathy hasbeentaitenin
t8&h'39~)- part6'omBoutton'~Seeaisoii.pp. aM.30$.
The Philosophieal Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; Abridged,
methodized,and d disposed under the General Heads of
Physics Natural-History
Statics h Chymistry, and
Pneumatics Medicine.
The whole illustrated
Iinstratani miti~
with llThtac
Notes, n·nnteinfnn
containing ihra
the ir,5nrnvn
Improvements made in
the several Parts of natural and experimental Knowledge, since his Time.
In Three Volumes. By Peter Shaw, M.D. The Second Edition, Corrected.
London Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, at the West-End of St. Paul's;
and T. Longman, in Pater-noster-Row. M DCC XXXVIII.
4°. Vol.i. M )dHi.rtMemk]73o[3]. FineportaitengravedbyVertus,ty~a,fther
Kerseboom–i plate. Vo).
ptate. ii., xx.
'Voi.ü., 7~6.ictt platxe.Vol.iïi.
xx.7aô. phtes. Vo. iii.[q~xv·
M)[v.[t [i b)an)[]i.-i~
MichMf Faraday's copyw:b bisbookplateandpassagesmarkedbyhim.
Experiments,Notes, &c. about the Mechanicat Origine or Production of divers
particularQu&Kties Among which is inserteda Discourse of the Imperfection
ofthe Chymist's Doctrine of .Qualities,Together'with some Reflections upon
the Hypothesis of Alcali and Acidum. By the Honourable Robert Boyle,
Esq; Fe!tow of the R. Society. London, Printed by E. Flesher, for
R. Davis Booksellerin Oxford. t67s.
o. Thisvolume
tua votutue ts is not
notpageu but the
connnu)ousty, but
pagedcontinuously, thediSerent tractshaveeach
difterent tracts haveeachaa
sepamte tMe-page
tMe-page andpagination,
and pagination, asfollows
as t)Uow's:
Générâttitteand ptefiMt,pp. [61. (These two tracta were trai)s!ate<!iato French.
Advertisementsrelating to the Miowing Treatise, See ttECUEtt,d'expenencesj.
pp. 9t [t bhntf]. Advertisements about thé experimenMand notesa~
Of thé Mcchanica!Origine of Heat and Cold. relating M ChymicatQaa)ities, pp. 7 (1 bhnk].
pp.MioSf'Manh). Ofthe Imperfection of the Chymist's doctnaeof
Experimentsabout thé MechanicatProduction of qualities, pp. so (2 btankT.
Tasts.pp.M[tbJan!tj. ReHecti~nsupon thé Hypothesis of Ateatt and
Odours, pp. 3~[! b&n)tj. Attdam, pp. 38 (2 MankJ.
ChymistaScepticusvel Dubia et Paradoxa Chymico-Physicacirca Spagyricorum
Principia, vutgb dicta Hypostatica, prout proponi & propugnari sotent à
Turba Alchymistarum. Cui Pars pr~mittitur alterius cujusdam Dtssertattoais
ad idem Argumentum spectans. A Roberto Boyle, Nobili Anglo. Editio
secunda priori emendatior. Roterodami, ex OHicinâ Arnoldi Leers.
t3' Pp.[98]3~. E~mvedmk.inetudtd.
Experiencescurieuses sur les Saveurs et sur les Odeurs.
RECUEti.d'experiences,'679,p. 12$.
SpeciminaHistoriœ naturalis & experimentaHsaquarum mineraHum.
VALERtUS (NtCOLAUS), Tentamina Physico-Chymica,t699,p. 58.
ThéMMtM) editionwaspublishedatLondonin t68&& 11ShortMam(<:ts Cwthe
Natural. E)tpenment)d Historyof MineratW~teM." and in Latin,London,t686.M".
it tisrmiewed
tt intheActa
rmiewed in ~n«&7<<w,
the ~f/e ~n«~7<'<~«t,).ip5,
).ip5, iv.
t68s, p.
iv. p. 587.
Boyte (t6~.t6$!) bas had his tifi: and works reOectioM. Lists ef his writings are given by
discmsed from various points of view. See the Hendreich, Watt, Posgmdorff, and others. t-'or
)ife by Birch, prefixed to his collected works; estimntes of his work see J. K. Fischer, Pomen.
that in thé B/<jm~M Af7<Ma«-eand that in thé dorff, George Wilson, Krsch u. Gruber, A))ibone,
û<~«MM~y~/Va~MMa< ~«~t/Af. Kopp, Moetër, Thorpe, and other WtiteMon the
His collectedworks wen: published at London, history of Chemistry and t'hysi<s. Oneof s
t7~ in fivevols.tôt., and in t7yt, six vols.4". An most curious works connected with thé present
editMttin L~tinin a series of unnumbercdvotttfnc'i subject is thc tract: "Hbtori<sd account of a
in 4°, appearednt Genew withoutdate, tMttduring Degradation of Gotd made by an anti-etixir, a
the latter part of thé seventeenth century. Thc strange chemicat narrative," as he cortecttyterms
ntost iMerestin~book9 howeverare the separate it. 11was published at London in te~S, in t68o,
volumes m 4. or 8° in whichhe publishedorigin!t))y and t739, and was translated intoGerman.
his discoveries, discussions. speculations, and
Tobias Magirus, JS~NymeAj~ffm C~t~taw. /!<<~M(/A«'~M~tM~ Paris, Panckoucke (tSao-
t6S7. p. t~. M). ii. p. 480 (exceUentattide by Jourdan).
Hendreich, /'a~<<f<?<c /<t<&tyff«', !6~,Wood. ed. B)iss, tSao. Part fi. col.!(?.
pp. ôça~M. Ersch &Gruber, ~~MM~~~ffr/<M«'. 1894.
jPM~<&~)'«)~<M)~&~«M. xi!,p. 160(article by W.Ma))er).
t7~o,p. :7S.
MangM, &«~«-a 5~'<er«<tt ~tA'~ttm. 'rhomson. ~fA~y~C~tM~p', tSgo. i. p. aog.
t73ï, i. pp. 4t5'457- Dezeimeris, Dictionnaire ~/<«< <& /«
StoUe, ~MM/m~ w~- /&/«M-<<&y(?<'&A''M/. ~M~c~. tSgt. 1. fi. p. so*.
1736.pp. 5~3.s9s. Hoefer, ~u~f< de la CA< t&tg. ii. pp. ts~-
KesttMr, ~MMM~A~ C~<'a-<.rtC!'a, t740, t8s i86p. ii. pp. t46-t77.
p. i~o. Kopp. C~~<<* < C~mM. t843, i. pp. t69-
~<t!/A<a ~<<tM«t~a,t~~S,ii. p. 9t3 and éd. tya & &tXt.
Ktppts, t?~ ii. p. 493. B~yte & Thillaye, &'<g~AM ~&&M/< t8~5,
J&eher, ~f/~fNM<H~~M~M'~rM'
,~dcher..·Îffgernrinss i. p. 473..
i. col. t~ty. Cap, /'<K<~ ~<~a/A<f/h'H<' servir f~M-
Boerhnare..4 A~f ~'<A<~ e'A<mM/~)', /<M~a!M.Se«<~<M.
by P[emi4reS6ne, t8y, pp. tgt.tyQ.
Peter Shaw,t?~. i. p. $s. AHibone,C~/<'<f<'<y,t8so. i. p. âge.
Hittter, ~<M<)~<-t:/~<t/t«M, i.
[771, p. 5(7. George Wilson. ~/<~)i<'M««M<. t86a, p. 16S.
Hatter. &«~4<es ~tatt/ONUM, t774, i. p. ;0t. Poggendûrtf, F/<y~<Afj!fA-/<M'< ~<M<
Hatter. &Me/AN:aCA//W}{Ma. !f<M<~tt< tS~g. i. col. ~67.
1774, i. p. 369.
H)oy, ~~«'WM/M' W~on'yac tK /« J/A&~t', Hoefer. La <tM<< «tM~pt~Af FK'jp~M<
t77S, ). p. Mt. <~ j«/c)t</«&t< 1865, pp. S9~°'
Haller. ~/MAt«-a .t/i-~M<M:/'n«~t<t, t776, i. Kopp, Di, ~«/tf«-~n~ der C'~m~ in
p. ~t !7M. tC9. M<Mr<M ~f<. 1873,pp.i3'40&~<K««.
J. B. F. Carrère, t.'<t&<« des Ouvrages Kopp, ~<< sur M!t<<~< der <~<M«.t8y&
~<f les&Mu-«t<«~<t~, ty~, p. t6. Nos. 99, iii.pp. t63-t89.
Poggendorff, C<«-<&<ttt, t8y9.0~466.
30. Ftscher.C<Mt«'~ < ~~<tt, t6ot~ 8 vob. Z)~/«MMr)' of National Bt<j~ t&86. Vi.
~MttM. p. nS (article by Miss A. M. Cterke).
Watt, ~«a
Brilanni~a., t8t9,
1819, Authors,
Author5, Thorpe. &Kt~ <« ~M<M-<M/ C~o*~)y, t8i)4,
t43~. pp. t-ey; snded. t~oz, p. t.
De Alchemia Dialogi II. Quorum prior, Genutnam !!brorQGebri sententiam,
de industria ab authore celatam, & figurato sermone inuotutam retegit, &
j9M<7F~O <~
a.istawuvvv (GtovANNt).
,vsvrnW ut. C~w~.
tn the tract /Km My<:the authorbas tried to canous and varied hnowtedge. but huomovago,"
discover the substance by which the pMharch! by which, judging from hls further remarks, he
probably means? persoe brilliant but without
?pro)o~edtheir)ive!. Kopp~BraccschiwtM
physician from Orci nuoviiMthe Bmcian dis. tteady appHcattOo. No dMaits are given of hls
trict, towards Crema, which is more probable than tife. He flourished in the mtddte of thé sixteeMh
thitt he was Prior of the "MguttrteMChorherren of century.
St. Segoud. CM~ndo catb him a man of
Van der Linden. De & ~<~M /~< dito, Leuglet Dttfresnoy, ~<'f~<~ <&la ~'A</ot<
t6. p. :«. ~~<Wfyw, ty~e, iii. p. !:8.
Hore). ~/M/A«-<t CA<m<ta. !6M, p. S'- MMtUcbetU,û~ ~<<yt <<*//o/M. t~s, vol.
Kônig. B)Mo/A<'<-9 velus< <t<~a,1618.p. t~o.ii., pweiv. p. t966.
MercMin.~M<~a<M< ~K<wa~j,t686, p. ~6. ~<n~ <«)' <?<~<~< <&fM~Mt CA«tt< t~Ss,
Cocmndo. Libreria ~wfM~. t6~t, Parte i!.p.p. 6~.
~5- Wage!, ~5t'<t/«'<t(~sur ~(pMMwa &~<&.
Hendreich.~<!K<&c~~nt~M~~a', ~«<t~,tySS, i. p. M~.
t699. p.
Fuchs, ~W<~<t(M. tCc6<8, p. &t.
Manget. F~/«'<'<<e<t&t)~~ ~~K«/-MM, Schmieder,C~<-A<c~<' <<aMM~, ~a, p. :t6o.
t73t.t. i. p.tS7.
l' ,r~. · Kopp, 2M' a.<4<M<M«,
.p, t886, !i. p. ,y.
c.w, 390.
A~MtM~MC«f<t~;&<~M< !87o.No.~339.
Pharmacopoea Bremensis.
Zachanœ Brendelii Med. Doct. & Prof. PubMc:Chimia in Artis formam redacta,
Ubi prseter Methodum addiscendi Chimicas facilimam, disquisitio
curata de iamosissunapneparatione Auri Potabilis instituitur. Editio secunda
correctior, & auctior, post obitum Autoris, Consilio Wemeri RoUmck Ham-
burgensis Phil. & Med. Doct. Practicœ & Ch!mi{e Professoris ïterum luci
tradita, cum ejusdemprœtatione. Jenae. Sumtibus Johannis Reiffenbergeri.
Anno M.DC.XLI.
y. 'LIOJI?
X. Pp.[i6]~5[[bhnh.t6].
First edition. tena, t&.jo. There were others: The author was Z. BretMMius the
AnMtet.<6s9, t668; Lugduni Hat., t6yt, iS*. bom at Jena, tS99, M.D. there in t6!y, younger.
The preient edition oft&tt was a)soissued with at Weim<trand othor and was uttimaMty
thé same titte but dieferenttvarranged. and in. protiesMrof medicine ptaces, at Jena, where he died in
ctudfng besides the name of the priater: 'Jeftse, '~38. '3'h J'e (Jaty, Witte).
TypisBhsii Lobe«steinssumtibttsJohMnMRoffcn'
bergeri. AnnoM.DC.XU.'
Van der Littden, De &~<j .t~a-M /<~t <~<«, Mange), /M/<<<-<! &o<-«m <M!<<&afeM,
~37. P. 46~ (editionof t~o). t73t, 1. i. p. 470 (copied from MereMin).
Bore!, &<<A'o/<<'<:<t
CAMM~t,t6~, p. ~2. Kcstner, ~<t~< C<<t.~tT<c<t, ty~o,
Mercktin. ~M<<KM<M t6S6. p. M~e
/<«<wa/<f~, '45-
(editions of t6y), ï6.ti, t6yt, MM!
w ith Beguinus. JScher.
~~i'mMt<t<~<7</<)'~o<. t~o,
AttMt.. t6s9, tô6e). i. co). tgCt.
Witte, CM~M ~<yn~~&«t)t, t6M, Sig. Mm. Haller, /<o~«:a ~Ma/eM~ea,t~ i. p. 3~3.
sM~c, Ann. t~Juty. tSge. H~ner, B~/M/~t! /t~MM<f ~nM/KN!,!777, ii.
Hendreich, /'<t<f~/<c Nf<t«<t)y«'<f, tû~, p. p. 3t8-9 (Haller has canfMed the fatber and ton).
7:2. Ëtoy, /?tc/«)t<a< ~«~M /« ~4&<-o«'.
Zeumer, ~s /jt<< t'e t7?a. ). p. 446.
a~H&Mta/MMM fM-<«H< jcna, t7tt, îbmnter, &<oM<c« Clumica, tySa, p. t~.
C)!tMisHi.[Med.],p.36. Gmelin, RM<'A<< der <~t«~<, ty~, 1.pp. 344,
Roth-SchotH, &«'<! C~<M<0!, ~7, p~33. 6c4(adds Amst, t6y:, 8* Francof. )[686,4'~J.
Fach<,~<<t<M, tSo~oS,p. tz<. A'<WM/& ~<~Mt~<-G<M~/<t963.vii.eo).320
~tM~~AM~MM<t&, Paris, Panckoucke~890- (aodthereteMnces).
9;), p. sas. Poga'endorff,/Mt!{Mt~~<'M7<M'a<t'«A'j
johiMtnesGtnther, /AM« /~b«~ett M~cA, 1863,1.coL t~a.
<7<tK~~AM/~e tss8 )[8s8.Jentt,<8s8,
p. tao.
Varie Phitosophontm Sententim perveniendi ad Lapidem Benedictum
See THEATRUM t6;9, iv.
CHEMtCUM, t6;9,
CHEMtCUM, iv..p.p. 330.
The authors eited aM Atbertus Magnas, Ray- stated by Vander Linden, so that the Identification
mundus LuUias, Geber, Thomas Aqutnas, Para. of the two authorsbad taken place a hundted years
ce)<us. beforeMaoget.
The present tract was ctigiaattf publisbed with Subsequent writers are not wry dear on the
the<bt)owit)gt)t!e: Mbjeet. Fâche Mehbet thé 'Fattago pbHoso.
'F<tnwgc'Phi!<Mophorum:hoeëst,Vàti!Mbd!, phorum' to 'AndrcM Brent~M. aus Padua,' so
Processus& SententtaePhitosophontm.pervetoendi tbat be may hâve ideatified thé two, but on the
ad Lapidem Phitosophicutn.seu Beneaictum. other hand he passes over thé trandations in
Per AcdKeaa) Brentzium. D. Mpub. ChantbenNt silence.
Patat. pro tempore Medicum ordicatium. Gmet!n gi<es a soooewhat different complexion
fAmberea:, TypM Mlchaelis Forsteh.] Anno. to thé the tittbjeety eatMngh)M'Andréas
sub~ect bycailing hïm Andreas Brentaxan
MDCVr.' TtMre was another edit1on: Amberg, !<a!itn by bitth, who ptomut~ated bisBrentt, opimons
t6tï. tbMy in Gennany,'and, fctUowmgRoth-Schott):–
Thcte are three, if not fou)- peMont, whom, who,however. designate* him Andreas Brentius-
under the name of AndreasBfMttos or BtCMJm, a!agns to him another alchemicalbook: Haod.
there b a possibllity of confusingw!thone another. grin Raymuedi LuUii sunt einem
Of the most notableof them,a tk~tch i<given by Cespritchi,-0)n Stein der Weisen t6o6.
MaanMheHi, who styles bim 'Andrea Brenta. t6tt, t6t6, 8, which t have not met with. Here
Padovano.' though he mentions atso the forms them is no sumestion of any connection with
BtBnt!us and Brenzim. He wams hk Maders, Brenta or Bteethi&the scholar. Colourb lent to
however, against ideoti~ing him witb 'Andréa Gmelin's<brmby the Latin Brentius, which might
Althamer Brendo, etetio ottmfnontano,' who is point to the name being Brenei or Brentio, and
known by some theotogicatwtitiot; and is certainly beloeging to a different person attogether from
qutte dit~rent. Brenta Nûtnishedin the middte Brenta.
of the NfteeMhtentury, studiedthe Humanitiesand The ascription of the Marragophitosophorutn
philosophy, andio made translations from Hippo- to Brenta seems to be a mistahe.bNt there is no
crates. pnnted the Efteenth,and early years of satidactoty évidence beating on the question one
the sixteenth centuries, for whieh see Hendreioh, wayor another.
Haller, and Hain. Matzuche! enuMieratesthese A book on précautions to be observedduring the
translations, and says that the Farrago phit. ptague. by Andreas Brentius, ~'M printed at
osophoMm,' printed in the ?~«:<~m C&mtf<f«t, Amberg in t6o6. Whether or not it was by the
is ascribed tohitn by Maneet, but adds, we bave author of the 'Farrago philosophorum' am
not found any other wnter who catb Mm the unaMe to décide, but considering the date and
author of the said work.' place of publication, the probability M that it
Manget, however, bas here onty followed his emanated fromhim.
ctNtOtn of copying wbat had been printed ntty In the British Museum Catalogue a)t these
years earUe)'by MeteMin,who hadfound it already authors are kept distinct.
Vau der Linden, De &M~/u ~~& /t'~ duo. &)'~<y<«~' Gt~tfA~t&~M&t~t CX<MM, 1785,
ï6y. P. M. p. ,J.,,1.
Bore). ~<r<t Ctt'M< t6~ p. se, 93. 0595'1'
Gmetin, G~A!'<~<'< der C~M~,
c.'J.' tyoy, i. p. S!3.
Mer<~dio,ZMMMM~<~of< t686. p. Fuchs, ~<<w<t der C'AMW<fot<~ ~«/<ya<«~.
Hendreich,a«<<w/<cF~M<<a< t6oo, p.~sg. t8o~o8, p. toi.
Roth*SchoKt,B<M!<~«'aCAoxtte,179?,p. gg. Hein, ~<~<<t<m B~~j~M!, t8<6, tSgt,
Manget, JKMfe~M<!&'H~/en<M AMt/MM-~m, No&3778,-3779,867t.
tMt, t. i. p. 47t. Schmieder, Cf~eAH'~ <~r ~/6~o!M~,t83e, p.
Lnglet Duffesnov, //M/~< la y~~w~M
~i!fm<«<, ty~, iii. p. t~. Ladrague, .MW~~M OntM~ &-M<fw
MataueheUi.G~ &~t~<~ <<M'<t, t~, vol. il. &e~!M, 1670,No. too3.
parte iv. p. eo<a. Sudho& Bibliographia ~MMt/~a, t8~, p. 47%
Haller, BtMoX<t<~ ~«~xa- ~e~t~, tyyC, and ~eo, 6oo,for reprints.
i. pp. <3. ~5.M, 8):, 89, M, 360.
See MKMORtA,t794.
'26 2MFM')'MCy<?F/S7M
(Die) verlohrne PhilosophischeBrie~Tasche, t7<8.
§Aut hie aut nusquam.§ Elucidarius Major. Oder Erleuchterunge vber die
Reformation der gantzenweiten Welt, F.CR. aurs ihrer Chymischen Hochxeit
vnd sonst mit vielandern testimoniis Philosophorum, sonderlich in appendice,
~OrOF~/M?–MO~C~/7.y/~ M?
Secreta AtchimiœMagnaliaD. Thomœ Aquinatis, de Corporibus supercoelestibus,
& qubd in rebus infenoribus inveniantur, quoque modo extrahantur: De
Lapide minerali,animali, & plantali. Item Thesaurus Atctumiassecretissimus;
quem dedit fratri suo Reinaldo.
Accessit et Ioannis De Rupecissa Liber lucis, ac Raymundi Lullij opus
pulcherrimum, quod inscribitur Ctavicu!a & Apertorium in quo omnia quœ
in opere Atchimiaerequiruntur, vemust~ declarantur, & sine quo, ut ipse
testatur Lullius, alij sui Libri intelligi nequeunt.
Opuscula studiosis artis secretissim~, ut summè necessaria, ita lectu
Opera Danielis Brouchuisiiartium & Med!cinœ Doctoris.
Cum Pï!6fatione D. Ioannis Heurnij.
Editio Tertia.
Lugduni Batavorum, Ex OfticinâThom~e Basson. clo.Ia.cxn.
8*. Pp.7it'Mank].
8". Pp.71ft Mank].Fotding
F tding phte ofaa farMee.
phte of farMee.
An editioo, Cotonice, !~M, 4to, is mentionedby Daniel van Bme)thaia:n, is spoken of as a re-
Schmieder (GwAt~~ t&f ~«<:t<«t«.t8~, p. t~). nowned physician of the sixteenth centmy, and
and by Kopp (ZW< ~<MM, tM6t ii. 3y) ffomMan- that isall that is said of him by Van der Aa, Ft'o.
~t, ~/«'~<M! &~«M<M ~M&<M'«<«, t73t, t. ~a/~MeA t~c~if~Ax~ der A~<&y/a«<&«, tM;,
P. 479- )!). p. 1366.
128 ~/?~<M'~4AW-F~<7<S'AMr~
Tmctattein vom Blut der Natur.
~<e KUNCKEL VON LOWRMSTERN (JûBANN), V. Curiose Chymische Tractâtiein,
This is quite di&Mnt from a tract of the sanie p. 3~) «têts to an édition, Wittenberg, t6y8, 8*.
name enteted under sCHWAttfZFtM (ANONVMUS &<CRUMMST(CHRtSTOfH).
vot)). Roth-SdtotM (Ft~«M<M C~MM, tyay
BUCH (DAs) von den Antangen der Natur und Chymischen Kunst.
.SM SCHRÔDER(F. Neue Atchy!
w.), Neue
(F. J. w.), mistische BibMothek,
Alchymistische BibMothdt, t~yz, !i. p 237.
t~yz, ï.ï. !i. 237.
SchrMer says this aaonynMUS workcomes from <~Mt«t j«MW~!a~e<;
a&yHO< GeMMMtai,t647. Itis
the same coUectionas that from which thé tmct menUoned by Ladrague, F~M<M~« 0«M!
by FenMtM N taken, namelyComb~t's TVat~~t &'<M(!<t
~ec~&et,~870, No. t5o6.
BUCH (DAs) Chymia, welches beschreibt den Tractat des bochsten weges der
Sa TANCKE PromptuarlumAtchymiœ,Ander Buch, 16~4,p. 69.
BUCH (DAS) der <heiWôrter.
ttmn/. C~~M~
Bocho)))wasbom M Betnbuts:. a~ Dec.. 17~. of tho Atademia HMune Cunosomm. He died
studied ptMmxftcyat MegdebMg. ptMtMed as a at Weimar, t6 Dec., ty~.
phannaost invariousphcet, fu«t6ttatty MWettMr,1 Bachob was <t teamed, dittt:ent, and eM~getic
whereha livedfor !e<en years. During that time man, and made many coMributioM to thé titem.
he lenrned chemistry. and having t~so~ed to Mte of medicine, chemtttry, and ptmnnaw. He
become a pMciM, went in <y6i to Jena, whefre tmadated works from TEogtish, Ftenc)). ned
he won hit degreein two years. He retumed to ttatian, and pubthhed numerous papers on
Weiiiiar, opeaeda di!penony, practised medicine, chemhtry, nxnefalogy, phMmacy, minetat water:.
and became the phystcian of the reigning prince etc., in thé joumab and the prtxeedings of
and Bergmtb.' tn ~769he wasetecteda member sceieties.
H~er. BtM<~«f<t&~<!0<M, t77a, Il. p. 60~. Gmetin, C~<'< C~M~. t~. iii. /<M~'M.
HAiier,~A~A~a Ct~~M". '?7S. PP. S&f. Fachs. A~att'tf~. t8o&o8. p. 353 &~«M.
587. ~MC~a~M ~M~<< Pari!, Panckooette (t8e<~
Metset,~M Cf&f 7~ea~, oder 95), iii. p. 33.
'<n-«'~ /<<<-M~yn</j< ~A~i'&< Letngo, Poggendortr, ~~a~M-M'M
'79°. i. PP.478-481. «~r/~Mf~, t863. i. col. gz8.
An~yse des pnncipa!es Eaux Minérales de la Savoie Par Mr. Le Docteur
Pp.<tt$4M. Extraeted
ofthéTann Academy,
De la Pierre Hydrophane du Piémont Par Mr. Le Docteur Bonvoisin.
4°. Pp.
4°. Pp.47S'497. Fromthe~MM'yMoftbeTm1)tAaM!emy,t?84~s,w).i.
47S"t97- ~Mm i.
thé ~MOt'~ oftbe Turin Aotdemy, t?&t~s, w). i.
Buonvtc!noor BoovoMnwas a doctor of Medi- which he communicated M the Academy. Thé
cine. in practice at Tttdn, and a membcr of dates ofhb birth nnd death are not tecotded,but
thé Academy of Sciences. He engaeed n) the he M<ednt the end oî the ei~hteenth and be~nning
anatysMand exMoinationofmittemts,thé fMutb of ofthcttineteeothceOtn~cSt
Reuœ. ~<r/c~<tM ComotM/a~M~, tSog, pp. ~M'~et der ~t< &~<«&~ /<<<t~, Copenhagen,
Sy,to~, ttt, ti6, t<9. t~t. tago, ii!. p. gz~ (titts of his works).
Qu&Md. ~) ~-e)x'< ~.t/~attw, t8t8, i. p. <66. Poggendortf, F/<A./<7<n!fM~j ??<
A. C. P. Cattisen. ~&'«'«M<~ &~t~/&r. te&~t~MfA.t863, i. col. 349.
Bufghardt W!Mborn in t?os Reichenbach. appeiutd thé présentwork, and MbMquent éditions
He was sent at the age of ao to an ftpothecaryin 0ahtenmnemtedMo:
Il .= 17, gt~ ~748: withadditions,
Friedland for chemica)nMnipu)at)on,studiedmedi- t7S<t with additions by J. Cbn. Wiegleb, tySo.
cine, gmduated in <730at F rankfurton the Oder, ln ty36 he began a collection of scientific and
:mdtr~veHeda grefttda<). He pmctisedin BfestM, medical obœntttions entitled A~<&'ff~t«x .S~M&t.
wrote papers on medicaland surgicat (opies, and <'cf«)Mm/«~s, which was continued to ~a, ia
anerwitfds in t743 was a teacher of mathematics eight parts, and contains papent on m~rtt
and physics nt the RoyalCollegeof Brieg. waters, satt!. etc., etc. He also published obser.
!n 1736 he published ~<t~A«Ket, or ex. vations on Seignette satt, Breslau, t?~, 8°. He
cursions on the Zothenberg,inwhich he describes seems to have bad some hetief in transmutation.
certain plants growing there. !n the sanie year Hc died at Bteshm!n iyy6.
Hirsching, J~5fWfA ~M«t<ttfA-<A<m<j~ Fuchs, ~<t<M der c~e~M ~tA!fM!/«f,
~<'M~ 1754.p. t<). t9o~o8, p. z6o.
Haller, F~/M'A4~<! Fo/a~M, tT/a, ii. p. z68. Midicale, Ptuis,
/!K}Fy<M A&i/«'<< ffls, Panctmueke
Pauckoucke (t6ao-
Haller. ~Wt'~A't-a Ot~~M, t~s. ii. p. 193 SS).M. p. 87.
(Mrgica)papers). Poggeadatff, B&g~o~MMt'/t/~w~~ dand-
Baumer, /c/~<! C~a, tyS:, p. t!9. <B«r/~?<f~.1863,i. col. 346.
Gmetif:, CM~~A~ derC~MM.ty97, ii. pp. 369,
ST".485. S9S.773. 775: '799, P. '&
BÛ.RLEIN (jAcoa).
Disputatio Medica de pernicioso Paraceisistarum Hoptochnsm&te.
~< THEATRUM SYMPATHETtCUM, 1662, p. 624.
Haller quotesa dissertation,
ds ~'m/~M<NfJae.Burlin,possibly
JK~MMMM &M<<t<tt, AM.166~, by~M'f~~Me~w/tf~, t7y9, iii. p. 1~4.
The Lives of those Eminent Antiquaries Elias Ashmole, Esqu!re, and Mr.
William Lilly, written by themselves; containing, first William UU/s
History of his Life and Times, with Notes, by Mr. Ashmole: Secondly,
Lilly's Life and Death of Charles the First: And Lastty, the Life of
Elias Ashmole, Esquire. By Way of Diary. With several oecasiona!
Letters, By Charles Burman, Esquire. London Printed for T. Davies,
in Russel-Street, Covent Garden. MDCCLXXIV.
Pp.(?)[' bhnk]399tt]. Potttaits
of LittyandAshmote.
Ashmote's diiuy containedln this votume was t7t5, with notes and continuation by Ashmote
pob)ished in 1717 (B. M. 6t~, a u): LiUy's in (B.M. i4t8, at6), and ctbercditioM tbUowed.
Iatrochymicus, siue de Prseparat!one et Compositione Medicamentorum
Chymicorum artificiosa Tractatus Duncani Bornetti Scoti: In quo
methodice, perspicue ac breviter, quidquid ad latrochymica pertinet,
Candidatis Medicin~eac PhUosophœ interioris aperitur. Studio ac Opéra.
Ioannis Danielis Mylii, Wetterano Hasst Medicmte Htppocmttca: &
Chytmcœ Candidati nunc pnmum in lucem editus. I?mncofurti Typis
Nicolai Hoffmanni Sumptibus Lucse lennis. M.DC.XVI.
4*. Pp.[t3] tts[t bhtntt]. With thé auto~Mph of "Johann Baptista Grofschcd)."
PtcfMMdthere is a poem to Bm'ne<by RtphMt Eptinus (ftc/o~- Egtiuus) t~nius (~.f.).
C. (Ë.), D.M.
Ueber aUgemeîne Arzneien.
See MAGAZtM furdie hahereNaturwissenschaftund Chemie, :784,i. p. 291.
areË. C.,andthatD. M.denoteDoctorMedicinM.
C. G. H.
~ef H. (c. c.).
C. (H. D.).
Wahrhaffter und in der Natur gegründeter Bericht von der Generation und
Regeneration der Metallenzu dem nach dem truckenen Weg, auf Danielis
Georgii Morhofii Epistel an Joe!etn Langelottum, durch H. d. C.
S*. Pp.t;[tbhnk]. Witttoutptaceundprinter.
WahrhaHter und in der Natur gegründeter Bericht von der Genemtion und
Regeneration der Metallen auf Danielis Georgii Morhon; Epistel an
Joelem Langelottum durch H. d. C. MDCCXVI.
.S~ ROTH.SCHOLTZ (FRtEOERtCH), DeutschesTheatrumChemicum,1728, p. 33..
C. (J.), <%wM~~<t.
Das Gebeimnifs der hermetischen Philosophie.
[Sendbrief an] Den Lieb-
habern der Hermetischen Phi)osoph!e.
CHYMISCHES t747,p. 80.
C.(J. E.).
C. (L.), M. Combach (Ludwig).
See SCHR&DER(F.j. w.), Neue AlchymistischeBiMiothek,(772, I. ii. p..59.
C. (P.).
Georg Phaedronis Arcana.
See TENMEL (ANDREAS), Chymisch.Spagynsche Artzney-Kunst, 1736.
C. (R. H.).
See HOLLANDUS Curieuseund rare
(tSAAC), ChymischeOperationes,t7t4.
C.K~< 135
pRACTtCALeonis Viridis, t6t9.
C. .r".
(W.), Cooper (William).
ets Reveat'd,
Reveat'd, t669.
Of William Cooper, booksetierat the Petican!n AuntomtnaChymiea. t68o.
Little Mtain ln the latter ha)f of the seveMeenth Cottectanea Chymica, te&L
centuty, t hâve found no biogmphttat nMict. Ali Geber's Wortoi. t68&
that one Mtt toter is that he was devoted to Wm. Simpson. Zymotogia Phytic&[t6}o].
Alchemy, wrote on it, Mamhted tttatises deailng The C<a~M was issued by Msetf in a thin
with tt. edited coUeetion: of tracts upon it, and pMnpbtetin 1673.not pM;<d,and it appeared atso
made the publicationand sale of booksabout it a a)onz with the /~&ft~M'< ~t~A of tëyg. tt
specialty of his business. But independentty of coM&teof Engtish bocks sotety, and it may eon.
Me commercial sMe of the question, ae mustbave tain some five or six hundred entries on a rougb
been htOMctfa heen coliector of KngtMhtreat!ses catcutation.
in the Brst instance, but without negiecting those Besides it. Cooper issued other Hs(s. appended
in other ianmages, for he tells us that he not only to his various publications, and as thèse appeared
had most ofthe English books for sale, but many at taMrdates, they sometimes contain books which
of those enumaratedby Boreh eoa)d not be !n the original CMahtgue. To do
Among the books edited and paMMted by him justice, therefore, to Cooper's knowredge of tbe
them are the Mtowhtj;: Mteratureone must include these tisU as supple-
Philaletha, Secrets R.e<eal'd,t669. taentat to the Catalogue. Making neeessaty
Thé PhHosopMcaiEpitaph, të~g. allowances for the period, the Catalogue Is very
A Catalogue of ChymitM Bootts. t6ys. weUdone, and is an advance ln detail and precise
Riptey Revivd. 16~8. informationon Boret's~MM~M«a.
41io.1'.aVD (NICOLAUS).
CABALA Chymica.
See tHESER(FRANZ),t6o6.
See GRASSHOFF(JOHANN),Aperta Arca Arcani Arti6c!ossuni, 1687,p. t ty.
GRASSHOFF (JOHANN),PhitosOpt[Ma .Mtomonts,
Philosophia Salomonis, 17530
17530p. 103.
p. 103.
This tract with its iOMtmtion is induded of ~<'<'m/<f<, 1742, iii. p. 34:) speaks of Cabala
course in thé repnntof GMaihoH'sbook by Manget C4yatK'< Hantburgi, i68o. 8°. It may be an
and in thé ?XM~«<MC'~<Mtf«<M. earlier édition, but t hâve no means ofdeeidioR the
A work entitted C'a~~ C'Ay~KM a~ ~aoMj'iM~ question. Borrichius, who also quotes thc <68o
yt««tt«t «;m~<~< Hamb.. 1684,8*, is mentioned editiou (C<t<M~<'c/M Scriplorum CtMMMcnt~ tû~y,
)B thé 2! ty8~, p. 636, but t do not know p. 40, No. t.x))).), mys it is more MeM for
whether !t bas any connectien w!th the above or advanced studeats than for beginners.
not. Lengtet Dutresnoy(~<~f< <~la /%<'&«!~&
CABALA, Spiegel der Kunst vnd Natur: in Alchimia. Was der Weisen vralte
Stein, doch für ein ding sey, der, da dreyfach,vnd nur ein Stein ist. Welches
allen muhesetigen liebhabern der Kunst zu Ehren, mit hitn' Cottes, so klar
ats ein Spiegel furgestett Dauon vil bi&hero geschrieben, aber wenigen
bekandt. Gantz offenbar mit kurtzen worten, der gantzen Warheit, durch
dise beyligende Figuren, erktâtt, vnd an tag gegeben. Durch einen vnbe.
kandten, doch genandten, wie jhm das Signet in diser ersten Figur zeugknufs
gibt. Gedruckt zu Augspurg, bey Dauid Francken, in verlegung Steffau
Michelspachers aufs Tyroll. 1616.
4*. Signatures
A,Bin fours. B4isNM!t. FcurengmvedsytMbcticalphtes.
Cabala, Spiegel der Kunst- und Natur: in Alchymia. Was der Weisen
vralte Stein, doch fUr ein ding sey, der, da dreyfach, und nur ein Stein ist.
Welches allem mUheseligen Liebhabem der Kunst zu Ehren, mit Huttï
Gottes, so klar ats ein Spiegel <urgeste!t: Davon vil birshero geschrieben,
aber wenigen bekand. Gantz onenbar mit kurtzen Worten, der gantzen
'36 ~M~-C~JM~
Warheit, durch dise beyligende Figuren, erJdârt, vnd an Tag gegeben.
Durch einen unbekandten, doch genannten, wie ihm das Signet in diser
ersten Figur Zeugnuts gibt. [Vignette.] Gedruckt zu Augspurg, bey
Joh&nn t.~uuttci~
~ututu Schultes, Mt in Verlegung
ven~ung Joh: Weh Buchhandter. 1663.
4". SignttttttesA.B3infbut&
4". Si~MttttesA.B3in<but& B4(b)Mh?)isw<mttBg.
P) hw<mttt)g. Four
B4(b)aah?) Foo)-engrav«!syn)bo)i<!a)ptatM.
engraved symboM ptatae.
as the CMt
Kopp quotes édition. one of Augs. same plan be followed in the editionsof t7<Mand
burg. '6t5. und M edition witha Latin title, t6t6. iyt6, Michelspacher woutd thereby be made<t<ew
which was reprinted without the author's name at years mote than a centenatrian.
Leipzig ln tTo~, and M Augsburg in tT~ and The plates are (deMie&tin three editionst have
t7t6. tn the OavaMff Catatogue there b a seen, but each impression if: wone than the one
German edition, LcifMie;,tyo~. Besides thé pte. before it.
sent two éditionsof t6t6and t663, there is a third, If the above be correct, then the editor or author
Aussbafg. 1690.smaU 4° 1 bavenot <eena Latia u!ptobttMyidentieat with Stephan MfthehpMher.
version. a phyMoattfrom thé Tyrot, ftuthcrof M anatonti'
Kopp assigns the bookto cal work called /<M< wtK-MM~~tMM, s. t.
Ha name appears on the StstMicMspMhefhiaMeM:
plate as the pointer, with plates. quoted by Vander Linden,
butit seems also to be contaiaed in a moacgMm
on the same phtM, and it is to thb p<M~My Merchtm, Manget, <mdKestner.
that MetuM says bricay that the plates contain the
allusion b tnade in the tftte. The dedicatory whote operations, to the sMtM eye they are
epHttBto Dr. Johann Remmelinof Ulm fs signed tavMhing: but to thc Ignorant onty 'Bohemiun
bv Steftan MMtebpaeher from the Tyfc~ in vtttages"
côurse of which he states that tbe Bathor*:name
i! indicated in a symboHeatway in the tiact. In Bore)wr)testheputat!veauthor'snaMeStephnnus
the successive éditions the date at the end of this SpachenM,Tirolensis and quotes the 1616
ed)tion,but att the other authoritie: including thé
epMe isattered to suit the year of pubtication so owner ofthe name himself, spells il Michelspacher.
that we get the years t6t;, t66:), and t6ao as those The onty edition mentioned by Gmelin is that
in which Michetsp&cherwrote the letter. If the dated: August Viadet.. t6s~, 4.°.
Van der Linden, De &t ~<!<&<'M<&e, JScher.~%mt~/«M ~/<f<<~M. !7<t, iif.
1631.p, 436. cot. ~t.
Boret. RM&~c<! Ctox«M, t6~, o. atg. Fictatd.
/'w~<!a'tt, Th. i. 60.
MereMin. Lindenius ~««M! tMt6, p. 98~. <K3, p.
Gmelin, C<M~<- t~r <~a.M. tT~, i, p. 624.
Roth.Schottt. ~M'o/~<t C~mKa, )7a7.p.36. Ladmgue. B'M~OaM~&&f~M.
Manget, F~/M<'Aero ~it~ftfM ~/MM<~<m. !870, No. tZ~p.
tMt, U. i. p. 33& Kopp, û<e ~&< t886, IL p. ~30.
Kestner, ~MiM«t'aM~ C~Mf/M~ 1~0,
p. 5~.
Philosophia Magnetica in qua Magnetis natura penitus expMcatur,et omnium
qtMe hoc Lapide cernuntur causfe proprite aBërunter: Nova etiam Pyxis
construitur, quae propriam Poli Etevationem, cum suo meridiano, vbique
demonstrat. Auctore Nicolao Cabeo Ferrariensi Soc. Jesu. Ad Ludovicum
XIIL Galliarum, et Navarne Regem Chnstianissimum.
Fetrane apud
Franciscum Suecium
Franciscum Sueciumsuperiorum
superiorum pen permissu. 1630.
F')tioinsi)tes,pp.[t6]~t9.!t aeif j~aj. engM~ea nue-pttge.
Thero is an édition Colon., 16~, folio,of which The present
Thé work was
was tons
there is a copy in the British Museum. presentwork long subsenuent to
subséquent to
Gitbert's. whoseviews on certain points hecriticises
Cabeus was born at FerraM in 585, at thé age and tries to systématise. He was thé firstM notice
of 17joined the Order of the Jesuits, was dectrieat repulsion.
of Moral Phitosophy and Mathen~tics MpMfessor
Parma, For the early history of magnetim the most
beoune a preacher in several ptaees in ltaly, went
to GeMKtas teacher of Matbematicsand died there important work is the privately printed volumeof
notes by Prof. Sylvanus P. Thompson. issuedwith
30 June. t6s<i He wrote atso a eommentary on the Knghsh translation of thé work ~<MM/<of
thé Meteorologlca' ofAri<MtÏe. Dr. WtMiM)Gilbert ofCMchester, toot. smaUM.
AtegMtbe, ~~<e~<t<! &~<M ~<-«-t Fischer, C~ <~ ~~t, t8<a, ii. p. 244,
j~«_Antvefp.. 1643.p. 35t. &~M~tM.
Witte, /)MW~)M&'<!gM!~«at, t6M,Aaa ï M~o, Badter, ~~Jï~~M ~tMM'w <&la CoM.
3ojm)e,t6~o. ~M- ~/û<M, Liège, t8~3, t"' Série. p. ~(Mys
/a«)t Z~~A'f /M~M«t~«~A!~ ~/a//«' Mwasbornim6«3).
'73~. ?. 3~-40. Pogeendorfr. &'<~<<Mt<<7<«-~ /y<w<
Morhof./'<)~t~ef, 1~39,u. p. ~oL tt~f~a~. t863. i. coL 355.
Zedier. ~'«M'~fa/MM, t?~, v. co). t~. PoggendorN, C<~<~eAA' der 1879,p. 986.
Jocher, ~~«~«t~ C<&~<!tH-M<«, M~o, i.
~C~A~/M' tg~
Alchimy Spiegel: oder kurtz entworNene Practick, der gantzen Chymischen
Kunst: neben Anzeig, welchedarzu tQgtich seyen, oder nit: Was fur ander
heMUche treHëntMeheKünsten daher entspringen Wie der Alten mit
seltzamen verdunckelten Reden vnd Wortern hievon beschriebene Bûcher
zuverstehen: Vnd darinnen sonderlich der falschen Atchimisten Betrug
entdecket wird. Alles in zweyen lustigen Gesprachen verfasset: Vnd
das erste vor diesem aufs dem Arabischen von Roberto Castrensi in Latein,
Nun aber sampt dem andem so newlich Lateinisch beschriben worden,
in vnser Teutsche Sprach vbergesetzt, Durch Theophilum Csesarem August.
Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, in Verlegung Vincentii Steinmeyers.
8'. Pp.n& TMeMdaadNach.
P. !!&.
t. tt6. (,<MttM<M!
Gedruckttu UMT
M Ditrmbstatt, BalthasarHofmann,
bey Balthasar
(tbstatt, bey Hofmann,in
in Ver-
tegong VineeMii
tegongVineentii imJahr
Steinmeyers, Chrtsti
JahrChrt! t6i3.
'The preface is dated tsw. which points to &a (pp. S&t6) is an anonymous dialogue "von der
earlier édition Kopp mentions one of «95, and KuMt Alchimisterey," between Chrysophilus and
adds that the book was o~en reprinted,but says Theophtastus. On p. 86 is a woodcut of a waXed
nothing of thé author. It is in twoparts. Thé city, with the ftppeaHtnce«f & tattUe going on in
Htst (pp. ï.t-8~)k a tmnshtion of the dialogue, De the douds above it a common enough medieval
/~<M%M~t!~M<M/<t/~M«ascribedto MORtttMUs portent or vision.
(y. ttaMtMedby Robertus CastteMis thé second
Lenglet Daffesnoy, Histoire <&A! /W&«~~ Gmetin, G<.MA<~< der Chemie, tyw, i. p. <t<)9.
~M~M, tM9, ii). p. tga Schmieder, Cetc&'c~ ~&A«)M<183!,p. 9~3.
~y~ -.1 der nviw.r.
Aa~n* a,rworw,
C~)~, .&l't
!78s. asv~syyrcc /?«
Kopp, ~<~«x«,
m.anwuc, t886t
aaw, aa.H. y.p. ~sg.
P. S97.
P. S97.
CALCINATIO Metallorum.
THEATRUM CHEMtCUM, !66t, vi. p. 5S9..
Strictlythis isa section
ofatractDe<4<<~ byGMDO
Mt&fe/'AM~. M MOUTtt
Q.D.B.V. Etiae Camerarii, Medic. Doct. & Professons in Academia Tubing.
Extraord. Acad. Cas. Leop. N. C. Colteg. d. Hector III. Dissertationes
Tres, exhibentes
I. Spintuum animatium s&tum natutatem, et P.N. occasione experi-
menti Be!no'Bohn!an!.
II. Spiritum D. BoyHt fumantem obviaque circa ipsum phœnomena.
III. Usum et abusum potuum Thee et Cafre in his regionibus.
Praefatioque&damde Nuckianis Mercurij injectionibuscontinet. Tubingae,
Impensis Philiberti Brunnii. Typis Joh. Conradi Reisii. Anno MDCXCIV.
9°. Thétractshavesepiurate signatutesand paginationtitte,dedieatiott,
and verses.pp.
pp. ~ej; TfMtt.
[!6];TfMt pp. &t;Ttact!t.
t.pp.6a; pp.~S;Tract!!ï.
Ttacttn.pp.~0; pp.62. ~nM;Mtit. TractsIl.
and Ut. hâve been transposed inthe
in the
transposcd Hndingbinding.
CamerMhts. t~w~bom 17 TT~
Feb., 16/3 f.~Lm~
(t6~), ~tat '~n~î–
Tabin. ~:< disseMat!cns. T..
In ~ft~.t~ t. ~<~
TOHo~en he made expentnents
betonged to a <hmi!yin which thé art of heat. with atnmonium sutphde, which he ca])s tbe
mg heredittMy. He became a distinguished fuming spirit of Boyte,"though it was in reaMty
professer at TOMmBen.phyddan and eoundHor )<no\vnto if not discovefedby Seguinus. Atbrecht
of thé Duke of Wartentbwf:, a member of the von Haller was one of his students, as he MnMetf
Académie NatUta: Cunosontm hem t6œ), and tells us. Cameranm died 6 (8) Feb., !~4'
wa:; the author of nmneMus me~ett tnsuses and TOMagen.
t3~ M~MJP/<~4~4~B'4
Sec thé following (or other membersof the Hat)ef, ~/«'«h!<o ~<t<t<Kt«t<t, t774,i.i. p. 748;
family, for CMnetWtUs'own iife,and forbis works t il. p, 760-
and dissert~ttons Hatter, Zf~M'~tt C~<'n<t~o, t774. ). p~ a8.
Roth.S<:ho)t!,~~<~fM C~mMe, tm?, p. 36. Moy, ÛK<t'CMt«!<~ ~!J/W~M </<!la ~Mi~<W.
Manget, /KMM~<< &<'<t<m ~itA«'~tfM, 1. SIS,
t73t, ii. pp.7.93 (contins reviewsof bis works 1778, P. Hattor, A~~wo?
&'&wM~t /'yaf~<'<f.t/M, !v.
and a Mpnnt of his ftaem) oration by thé then p.9a.
Rector). GmeMn, Cc~~O' f~ C~f, ~98, il. pp. 355,
/e<~ ~«f/f/t& /at«t F~tC~M ~<e/~< 638, 763.
ty39, p. 40 (reters to his DissertationesT~mi- F«~~M' ~<M<~<.
Mldiçalt, Pads. Pl\nckoucke. tM.
Paris, t~nckoucke. iii. p.
nenses," Tubing., t~M, ~717, 8°). tM (an exceUentllst of Msdissertations).
~c/<t f/o-~Mt~tte ~M<&Nt«? /V<!<Xnc Sprengel, Ge«:A<cA<f der <<~«y~!M<ff,tSay, iv.
C«~<M<M'<Mt, Norimb.. <7~o,v., Appettdix,pp. tô~- U' uü
t7$. P'D406,
DMeimens, D'
Z?«r«<M«<M~ ~r/e~yM <<A!~M/<-
Kestner. ~M~t~Mf~ <y~~<a.<~tf«t, ty~o, «Xf, t8~t, t. ii. p. 6og.
p. t68. Beyte < 'rhtUaye, &<g~~ ~M~a&. tCss, ii.
JScher, ~m<<tM C</<t<.A<<«'<M<,!?;o~ i. p. t77.
col. tM<. Fn~)t~M< CA~!&, t8ss, viii. col.
Mtchner, <<«t<<<'w(~ 7Va<«~tCe~fM~~w~
~tj/frt'a, t7SS. P. 479. Mo. '9~. &MK'««<:<MJBt<yf<~<~a< du &~<MM<MMt'
rorud. /yM<Ct«<&f~<t<t/emM~<&jb ûM~< caler tSyo, xt.j). ~8.
t770,!v. p. 9t~. ~Mp'm<<«< Am/jf~ Biographie, tS/C, Mi.p. 7<9.
Hn!te)r,~M/A<f<t FoAMMa,tyy~,i). p. tg. Bitungs, /<Ca/e/< tMt, )i. p. 6:4.
Thomas Campanella Ord. Prsed.De Sensu Rerum, & Magia, Libros Quatuor,
[In quibus Mundum esse vivam Dei Statuam, omnësque illius partes,
partittmque particulas Sensu donatas esse, alias clariori, alias obseuriori,
quantus ipsarum sufficit conseru&Honi,ac Totius in quo consentiunt, pro-
batur. Ac Arcanorum naturaliumrationes aperiuntur.J
Correctos & Defensos à stuptdorum tncotarum Mundi calumniis per
Argumenta & Testimonia Diuinorum Codicum, Naturae, se. ac Scriptune,
eorumdémque Interpretum, scilicet Theologorum & Philosophorum, exceptis
Athe!s.] lure potissimo dedicat consecratque. Parisiis, Apud Ludovicum
Boullenger, via lacobaeâ, sub signo sancti Ludouici, prope sancti Vues.
M.DC.XXXVI. Cum PrivilegioRegis.
artMat thétop of the
4*. Pp.[t6]93 M9[t Manit).Kngrxvi~of Richelieu's
CMMpancth was born at Stilo in Calabria, 5 wcre printed, but :t targe numbor exist or existed
Sept.. !s68, tx~ame a Dominican,and won much onty in mMUMcript.
famé as a disputant. He had ~roat learning, a he present work b dedicated to Cardiual
po~erM mentory, and a lively tmagination. aud Richelieu. It does not dcat with Alchemy, but
strov<:to start so maoy newnotions ttt PMosophy describcs a kind of cosmology or speculative
and Medicine that ne was accused of magie, physies, in course of which he tries to prove that
.n))cism. and cven treason, was impnsoncd in evefyth<ng is possessed of feeling. He diseusses
Naptes in tS99. and continued there for Eveaod thé settses. the iotettect. the tout. immorMtity,
twenty years. besides being occasionally suMected physiognomy, anima mundi, the externat wortd,
to torture. He was liberated by Urban Vfn. in sympitthy and aMipathy, magic. it
1696,went to France in t6~, received a pension, FJtst edited by Tobtas AdM)!, appeared M
and died at Pans. 9<st May, t63o. Frankfurt, t62o,4°, with a fine engravedtitte-page.
His writings were vo)un)ino)M,many or thctn Another notable work of his is the 'Cttitaa
Sotis.' the description ofM ideal State.
Joh. Valcntin Andréa:, ~/AoA~«t C~<j/<a<t«, Witte, Diarium ~<;gMt~e«ot, 1688, Sig. Oo:)
1619.p. M. r<f/< Ann. *6M.
Janus Nicius Krythneus (Giov. Victor Rossi), Km. Sal. Cyprianus, ~s </ PA<~eM«t y/wm.
A«af<~A«a /<M~x<t<M<<M/««H ~/wM' vel C<tHt~<!M<<e, Amstet, iTM, S*! t7<t9.
t~att/axA ~<~<M-f«M, Lipiia!, t&tg. i. pp. 4t'~3; Pope.Btomtt, CaM«~t<~M~!«M~«/c/'MB. 1710,
tyiz, i. pp. 4t-43. p· 43~
Crasso, ~t<'M<'<t< /< Venetia. Jo. Fabricius, ~y~c FW<M~<? ~MfM<!M<c
!cec. ii. pp. M3':t<t6,witha portrait. /'< 1719. p. 470: /'a~ tyaa, p. 434-.
~MA<<c« A~o&<aM<!et Apparalo <t~/<
Toppi, f/~tnAt Quetif & KchMd, &f<~tT< 0~t«M ~f~<a!.
~o<tf«t< /</<oe~t Napoli, t6y9, p. 9M. /<~t«w,ï79t, ii. pp. 50~59;.
M~S'ZM-C~A~6~ )~
~f~Tj~~i~t-t~Y (THOMAS).C<w/MM~.
~An~t ~WMMMtptt*
BaMhtMen.~AM~'M'O~'w~ww Ktoy, C~MM~ie ~<~n'~«< <~ la ~MMw<M<,
~M~/e~M~, t793, Dissert. «!. p. 439. t778,Lp.S20.
Stolle, ~ttM<«~ sur W~o~ < C</«M«/. Tiedetnaan. C~< /'«/M<~AM,
'7~, PP. 404, M9: 1736, pp. 4at. 4m. s<7. 577. r1Q6,v. p. ~2..
7S9, Md~<M~ pp. tS*' '7~. x86. '~sdie~ ~~tf~ <&< i8ot, i. p. 98.
Niceron, ~MM~ ty~, vii. pp. 67-86; t~t, TiMboscht, ~t~M della /~<a/MM //a/«t«<
it.Mt. t8ta, vii). p. t64, &c.
Morhof, /'o~ ty~t, ii. p. a~, &e. Watt, ~'MfeA-ca ~<~«))<f< t8t9, i. (authors),
Zedter, M«t«'je/t. 1733. v. co). <t;t. t87f.
Kesmer,~Mi-<&'<-MM'AM C~/«Wt.Z~.)-&w<,t?~o, Ersch & Grubar, <4/~NM<M<~«yjM<~<Mt<
P.'69. 1826,xv. p. 30.
Arnold, ~'< und A'f'~MA~, t~t, Rixner & Siber, /.<~ «~ Z.&t/'M<M«/<pM
T)).iii. c. viii. §37 (T. il. p. 400). <<~hx~- f~ vi. Heft, Sukbacb. t8~.
Vogt. C'e/a~~ /wa)M ~<~KM. Ed. Sprenget. G< der ~~t<~<M<&. t8a7. iv.
tert. t7~, p. tM. p. z6. 01'
n: '1. de /a ~MMc-
ChMMp~, Â~Mwa« j!)<~<<MMtaM'< A<<ef, Daieimetis. C«-/K'M<!a~T~/c~tfe
!yM, Letter C. p. 94. ~M, t93t, t. ii. p. 6t0.
Ffevt~g. ~M&f/e /<W<nt~<tyso, p. t93. GrHsse, /.<M«<A «Wf <t/~«t~'«" /.<~<b'-
Mener, ~~pMXMtKtC<&A~«*Z<«~t t?~ i. ~f~~ t8s! tU. pp.689.9~ 9~. 989,twa t
col. i6o![. t8s3, ttt. ii. pp. 3~ 6yt.
Morëri, /.< Grand /)«'A'of<Ma~t~MA~ ~;9, StOcM. C<M~ der ~</M~« Millel.
iii.p.toS, «~ 1866,Hi.pp. M3-366-
BnMker.~M<~ C~tfa /W/c~ !766,!V. Panjer. (7<&A<'<' <MA~ /?<<MM-
Ii.'p. 107; x~ vi. p. 824. ~</<'j~<- seit der A'~i'~M~ i[88o.i. p. 75and
jSh.Mttt~~chtQckh. ~<~««~'« w«<Z<~M. )n the Magtishtmnstation, t887. p. tôt.
<tfcA<Tt'<«)tj~t< <<WM~~ G<&Aft<)t,Leip~, t766, Morit Carrière, Die ~/M<~&M~ M~aM.
t"*Stnn)!)tttnK.z*Edit., pp. 66~9. <t&t«<tx~der ~<M<t!WM'«/, 1887, a* Au8. a"
Haller, ~Wf/AM~ <4«<~c~<-e.t?74, -Il- i. p. Theil, pp.
rr oztS-~6.
Directorium Summœ Summarum Medicinae, ad administrandum divinam
Medicinam seu Lapidem Philosophorum in œgntudtnum cura.
~M ULSTAD(PH!HP), Coelum Philosophorum,
~PH!UP;, UoeMm 163o, pp.
phorum, t63o,
rhttOSOp t97-23o.
pp. tçy-zgo.
The author b jtMt mentioned by Jucher (/< and consequentty it does not appear in Gmetin and
m~<t (M~tM.~jtfMM. t7;o, i. col. 1609),bnt Schmiedcr.
nothing is added to thé )mre fnct that he hvedin It was known to Bore), ~M<~(t e'A«/«<:«,
thé t7th centtuy, and wrote thé above book. His '6:4. P 55.
tract Hnot qooted by Ha)teror L~ngtet DuftesMy.
lacoM Camntae Cuneatis Doctoris PhUosophi, & Medici Decadum Medico-
physicarum Liber Primus De Natum Auri Arte Facti, & num sit Pharmacum
cordiale. Retum varietate, nec passim obuiorum, obiter, vel omnin~
pM6te)'m!ssorum explicatione Philosophis, & Medicis gratum, & necessarium
opus. Ad Sereniss. Principem Subalpinorum. Sauiliani, Apud Christo-
phorum Strabellam. 1623.
W' Superiorumpermissu.
4". M. ja.aNttntt.]
4'. Pp.Ma88.
Book which gives an account of a case of The present work b mentioned quite tully by
hydfophoNa, is refened to by Hatler, but the Borel, by Lengtet DufrMnoy,and by Gmdin.
author of the ~<~ opines that )t b not a topic JSoher prefeta to call him CM-~n~, and quotes
an artist wou)dke F ) pteseat coUectionof tracts.
There WMan early edition of the présent work,
according to Leapotd, Sevill. 16~3,4'
Borel, ~AM C~~M, t6M. P. 56: T6~6, Portal, ~Me~ de M<M/<M)!<a CMftf~,
iy?o, U.p. <MO.
~<~ Z«~<'&~ /'MMfwm<ttA't/M~<M'~</<t//K~, Hat)er, ~Mt<~em ~<t<<M<<fa,tT~, i. p. 3~0.
iMa, p. 4t. Hatter, ~M~«a Ct~t~Ka, )[?74.i. p. 3M.
Lengtet Dufresnoy, /f<M' de la /'A</<t< ~<y~fM~- G<~tMt~~<~<Mt~ Ct<M~. tySs.
~M~M, tMs, ni p. Mt.1. p. 608. J- C~m«,
tocher, ~etet''Mt GMM~<M./<~<m,t~s", i. GmeUn, C<teA«:tMt <<o' C. t?~, 1. pp. $09.
col. t663. SM.
&? GRATAROLO(G.), Verae Atchemiœ doctrina, tS6t, p. 264.
THEATRUM CHEMMUM,!6;9, iii. p. t88.
Nicolas Antonio c~)b him Camvantes, and styles him Anonymus, ~t~/K'a ~~to ~M,
Mataiti, t?M, ii. Nova Appendix, p. 40~
Hteronymi Cardani Mediolanensis Medici De Rerum Varietate Libri xvn.
Adiectus est capitum, rerum & sententiarum notatu dignissimarum Index.
Cum Caesareœ Maiestatis gratia & pnuHegio. Neq; deest illud Christianissimi
Galliarum regis, ut uersa pagina indicat. Basi!eœ, Anno M.D.LVII.
Folio, in sixes. Pp. [M]707[t Naak] M. NameMM smattwoodcutsia the text.
SomeMS. notes. Vignette of Cardan. agtd.49, dated i~, on the titte-page.
<W<hM.'–Ba$i)e<B,per Henricham Petri, Anno M.D.LVH.
This treatise is reprinted in the third volumeof Cardan's Collected Works, to vots., Lugd. 1663.
in fo)i<t.
t42 C~/M~M)
Of this person the accounts given are somewhat Helmont. His books are for thé most part of a
he translated Crollius'
vogue and not attogether concordant. He 's ca!!ed medico~hemica)chameter;
C)U'ditue!ususually, but in one pt&ceGmetin stytM ~M/M CA<M«:a, Nttrnberg, t68~. Mdwroteatacd
him KfU'dihtk,&ndin Mother i he ofeommen~ry on it: ~AM' edited e~MMf~~«~
were ttat'M. and speaks of him speadiM; most of ~~M<)~tA< /~<M<. 8'; works by Min-
his tife in Germany. On thé other hMd he ca)h dererus Hartmann and Ercker, and wrote oa thé
himsetf Comes Patatinm/stadied in HoUand in phgue. on mediciM,etc. not
t663. and became Doctor of Philosophyand Medi- 'Ute date of his death is given, but !t may be
cine. After this he spent some time m Maim, in about t66o, as bas been suggested.
Fmnkfart, and in Uannbstadt, and 6nat)y settted According to Petneus. CEnMucKH was a name
in Narnberg, where he was appointed phyticiao to assumed by JOHANNHARPRECHTcharaetetbtic (?.f.). The
the Duke of Wurtemberg. He was a beUeter in author of the Bo'<M!? indatges insome
raittery over the "ma<ter key" of the "worthy
Alchemy and Astroto~iy.the doctrine of signatures
and thé ptanetaty tnnnencet in Medicine and Kardiluk."
Phannaey; and he had a great esteem for Van
Mercktin. ~t'~&~tM ~w«!<M, 1686,p. M. Haller, ~~<~M ~MM'M! ~t~~e, t?79, iii.
RothScholtz. ~/«~<a C4«)~m, tyz?, p. gy.
Manget, ~«~teat &M ~<'<&<f~M, ~ner. F~<i4< Chemica, tTSa.o. MS.
G<w~«-~ der ~<~ C~ t78s,
1731,1. Ii. Po35-
Kestner, A&~tn'«~~ C<&<.tt<f<M. t740, pp. ~3 637,6<3.
P. J77.. tSmetin. G<'jaS<A«der C~~ 1799. il. pp. as.
Jëeher, ~<<M«<M C~~fW-ox, 17~0.i. !16: n~3,254-
col. 1670. FuetS. ~x~<~t«M der <~<MMtt<~ ~</<M!<Mf,
Fictuld, /&<, t7M. Th. p. Th. J806-08,p. J60.
ii. p. 46. ~<MM~A~~<t&. Paris, Panckoucke (t8eo.
F<t~M ~&~<at <o-~
"tritus. & ~e), iu p~ t~û.
ty6o, Neue Vorrede, Sig. 03. Schmied<~J~Am'M'. tS~.p~n.
0«M~; .MM<~
Haller, ~to<A<M &x&a, i~t, i. p. Me. Ladrague, ~<My«
Ë)oy, /X<;<MM<«< ~Ht~M' de la AM&)!M<, Sur lies, tSyo, No. 6t7.
1778, t. p. 5~.
Su BEMWERCfcund PfoMer bOchtin,!533,C29.
A~ ALCH!M!A, das tst,
ALCHtMtA,(tas alle rFarben
ist, âne amen zubereyten, t0!3,
zuoereyten, n6.
t6t3, p. "o.
!n the tMtt of the &~MW~ M!<:<UM
his ~/& ~<<<-)t. M~Mf~M~)'<e". ï5~_M)d
name is given ~/<<~M, tnough it b GUbertuson subsequent edMoM. FeMuson, 'Some Eafty
the titte-page. ~4/<<~Mseems to be a misprint. Tteat&esonTEchno~MtChemMty. /'w~t~
This trMt was also appended to Kerttenmacher's /&e/ <~ G~w. 'M8, m)[.
coUectionof receipts entitted :–~4&<M~a, p.'43.
C~M-C~~M t4s
Qufestb, an arte metaH& permutari possint.
(KARL), D isceptatio FPhilosophica,
UtSCeptaho tgy.
Philosophica, p. t$7.
Carerius, or Carrerius, miscaHedalso Caprerius to, the above cannot be thé correct date of his
M)<tCatnrerim. and CaterrM, a of Padua, was binh.
bom tn ):st3, was deeanas oftawyer the Unhtershy and Thottïh not professer he kept up bis inter.
bishop of St. AndMiB. He decMnedthe professor- course with the students. and wrote diMertation:,
ship of Law to leavehim more tdsttfe for study and of whichthe prêtent b one.
for bis church duties. He, however, relinquished KditioMof the above tract, Padua, t~ 1579.
these, and devoted hinHetf to wrtting the histoty BMd, ti&t, «Sg, 8*.a~eenttmemted.
of Padua. ln the latter part of bis life he was There is an edttion "Pm«tY)i,L. P. Excude,"
engaged in disputes and lawsoits, and died of t. i Mank},~9. tt ls not dated, but the
apoptexv eo August, t6~. The inscription oe epistte Mdated t~yo. Tt)Xseems to be reatty the
his Mmb says that he died in his 78th ymr. If first edition.
Tomasini, //AMMa<x Mn' ~/o?M, ~630, Lengtet Du&etnoy. ~t'~ot'M de la M~fm~~
p.363 (with a portrait).. ~MMW~t. t749, ii). p. tM. 1.
Boret, ~<a <%<'«<&<<6M, p. 56, p. 57 JOcher, ~m~<!t <~M~<a.)~x, t~o. i.
(under Caterru). cet. t6~.
F~eher, ?~AwM f~tww <f~«~WfW~a)KM-KM, ~M<- C<!tc~<-&'<<~< C4<«f, t/a~.
t688,ii. p. K~, and 47. P.541.
Witte. ZV<t!?<~ ~~M~, 1688, Sig. Y a2
t688, GmeMo.
G~~Mef~-C~f, t7oy. i. p. 998.
M~ Aan. zoth August, t6a6. Schmieder,Gw~<at~ <<M'~&<. tS~, p. 994.
Papadopolus, ~C/~o Of~m~ /'aA!M' jHe catbhtm a professerat Padua-but he h not
Venet. tyzô, ii. p. aSa, No. ccii. tnduded among them by Tomasini, GfM~~M
/a~ /.«~<& /)~n'MM ~<t-f/<t/ ~~<!t~)t)fM.Uune.~6s4.4°.)
'73~. p. ~t.
Johann Samuel Carls Zeugnufs von Chymischer Storgerey, sonderlich in
neuen Exempeln t. Panacea TaM. a. Antimonii. 3. Solari. 4. An:mati.
5. Vegetabili. 6. Spiritu Mundi & Acidis dutc!ncatts. Erwiesen aus
Chymischen und Medicinischen Gründen und Er&hntngen. Stunt einer
Nachrede von Fatis Chymicis. Franckfurt und Leipzig, Bey Johann
Christoph uopner,
~nnstopn Gôpner, Buchhandter
Bucnhanater 1~33.
8°.Pp.[t) 5]t7oM
Johann Samuel Cart, son of johann Emest Car), MMUMof theosophy. He wrote <t work, /.<!<A
wasborn M Oehringen in t~6. He went to Hatte /~<M ~t&H~M~~m&at'~&M.t ad oMt'tMe~t.
and studied medicinewith Frédéric HoahtMn and tt/MM tJ~MtMM~~<t0~<~ <&))M<M/~t)«&!<M <
Staht. and obtained his licence in ~690. He then ~7~ F~neof. a. M. 1703,S*. He showed
became physician of the Count of tsenburg- the MeMityof natural, artMdM. and antimonM
SMtbem of the Count of Wittgenstein. and in tittMhar, at)<tgave its contposition as 6 parts of
t736ofthe King of Denmark. He died tgjune, mereury to t M Mtphar (~. ~<ad. A~ C<
t737, at Mdtdon. in Hobtein. He was one of thé t7t9, pp. 379-4<'3),and wmteapaper: Lapis ae
most devoted and distinguished pupils of StaM, htum pro rMOWtionetabomtomehemid in et ad
whose tectures he edited, and he wrote a number schotMnmedicam' (~<t. ~~A WaAC~ 1749,vi.
ofwortMin support of Staht's doctrines, but ho is App. pp. Ho-nS).
aceused of having mingted with them a certain
Roth-Scholtz, &'AA'<~a-aC'A<M<<-< ty~, p. 30. P'uchs, J?~f~«M </< <:4<atM<Ni<<t /<y<w,
Manget, &W<M'A<'fo &~<wwM .')~m, 1806~)8.pp. Mo. M?.
J7311 Ii. p. -A J9«!tM~< M~<<-<!&. Paris. Ptmckoadte (t8ao-
AddMng's~!t~&M<~ to JCchefs jC~c~M. as),iM. p. t6t.
/<t~ Z<<~oA&/M~ ~MM<M- ~/< De~tmeris!, ~M<-&<'<!<!<~<~M la
/&< "739.p. 4t. ~<&&<M,t83<, ii. p. 6N.
Haller. ~<<-« C4~~f<;< P' !i4. PMtUppe &Ludwig. &A!e < ~f.
Haller, B«/~A«-<! ~MM«-A<Btyys. ~w~. ~œ
~pf~w ~«/j~ &<~a~&. t8?6, iii. p.
iin Gescâichtcdsr CA««K,i?$8,
Cksmit, xq98,ii.
ü, pp.
pp, ~67.
s6¡, 7:9(artidebyHiKch).
S8~ Mf, ?tz. HMser, ~oMi~ < C~~&)t/<!<&r ~<~)Ma,
Meuse), Zo~t der vom /<t~ ty~o ~MtSoo t38t. H. p. Mo.
Mft<M«M<t7~«/~<M &;A~i' Leip<)&t8o3, Hitseh, .NKip~ ~.f~M <&f A<~t<«~
ii. p. as. M!Mx<&<t ~< tM4. i. p. 6&t.
Kopp. Die ~&<<M~,t886~i. pp. 69, M.
Carmen etegans (de Lapide Ph:!osophonun).
See THBATRUM CHEMtCUM, t6;t), !t). p. 763.
'4~ M~/M–c~T'~M'jM
CARMINA. Confinued.
Carmina aliquot germanica cum versione latina.
See THEATRUM CHEMtCUM, t6S9, iv. p. 2~.
Jo. Friderici Cartheuseri MedicinœDoctoris Ejusdemque in Regia Academia
Viadrina Prof. PuM. Ordinarii PharmacologiaTheoretico-Practica Ration! et
Expenentie Superstructa in qua Medicamentorum 0<Hcina!!un)usitatiorum
Praeparatio,Natura Modus Operandi, Vires atque Usus Medicus perspicue
describuntur ac solide explicantur. Cui accedunt Etementa Chymite
Dogmat!co-Experimenta!!s, ac Tabutse Formutamm Medicarum. Venetiis
Apud Dominicum Deregni 'in Via Mercatoria sub Signo D. Antonii.
MDCCLVI. Superiorum Permissu ac Privilegio.
4°. Pp.viii.336.
ThisbookwtMpublishedat Be<-))t)
la ~45,and <770in8°,andat Colognc,
t~, f.
Jo. Friderici Cartheuser Med. Doct. et. Prof. Pubt. Ord. tabu!œ Formuiarum
MedicarumPMescnptioniinservientes. Venetiis Apud Dominicum Deregni
in Via Mercatoriasub Signo D. Antoni!. MDCCLVI. SuperiorumPennissH
ac Privilegio.
4'. Pp~M.7t['J.
Thisisunifbnn withtheauthor's
t nts?unffonn withthe author'sV&t~
7'<htnwtMo&~< !twnspuMished MHaMe, t74o,
S'; .748.y.Pnu.hf.
S* t748,y, Pnmhf. a. a. d.
d. Oder,
Oder,<< 8* 8* ty66.8'.
Cartheuserwas bon)at H&ynh) Stolberg in t7a~. Hc was a memtjer of the BetHnAcademy, famed
He was a doctor of medicineof Halle, and from for his knowtedgeof Botany and Chemistry, which
ty~o to t7S9 httd the chairs of Chentbtrytnd of he combinedin his chemica)eitamfnatMttof ptants.
Pharmacyand Mateth Medicaat FrM))tfurta. d. 0. Ne directed the attention of chemistt to various
to whichwereadded that of Anatomyand Botany. vegetaMeproducts. He died in ty77.
and afterwards cf ThempeMit! and Pathology.
fïaller,BiëliathrtaBola~ica, t?~,
Hatter. )!. p.~o.
1712,11. otÎ99. Deteimens, /)~/o~a~
P.910,Pp.6~. ~H~M de la ~~&
Haller, AM~~M ût<M«~M-a,t~& ii. p. 3~~ «w, tS~t, ii. p. ~o.
Haller, j8t~~A<M~<ta<<w<M< 1~7, ii. pp~!~8, Bayte & TMttaye, ~<!p~tM ~W«s~, 18~5.i~
Ëtoy, /Mf<M<«<tMt ~MA~«f de
Historique <&la la JféWeciue,
.<f, MMfppe & Ludwig. C~M/f <~ <4~
J 718.. P. 551. t8& p. gSo.
Baumef,&M<'< CAMH~-a. !78a. p. 38. isth-Lileratixkes ~<
PoggeodotOf, ~«~<<fM~'<~<M Hand.
Gmetin, <e<M/< Ct<~&, ty$8. ii. pp~
&n~. 683, etc. 2M<<&))M<j&<«<~M' des ~<MW~At ~Mt.
Meusel, ~.t/AM <~ M~ /<t~ t7;o bis J800 M/tt, tS/t, jdj.n. yot.
M'~<<M« Z~«~AM&~<-M'j/< tStM,il. p. 54. ~<m<M< /Mt~4M, !v.
t8yb, p. 36.
Fuchs, /a<t ~fM~~t ~/<M/Mf, Hitteh, ~<~nt<M~<f jMM~oa der ~twm.
t8e6, p. a6e &At~'m. ~t<<M ~<M/<.t8&t. i. p.674.
~Mfr~t'< ~<!W<a&,Paris, PanckOHctte(tSao- Bittin~s, A«&.)'.C<<t/<f, t88t, ii, p, yaS 2nd
25), ?. p. t7< Séries, 1898,i!i. p. 186.
Lapis Philosophicus, sive Commentarius in octo libros Physicorum Aristot.
in quo arcana Physiologiaeexaminantur. Auctore Jeanne Caso, in Medicina
Doctore Oxoniensi, & o!im collegij D. Ioannis ibidem pnecutsons Socio.
Accedit in Fine Ancilla PhUosophias,seu Epitome in octo libros Aristot
Physicorum,eodem Auctore. Cum Indicibus locupletissimis. Francofurti
ad Moenum, Apud heredes Andreœ Wecheli, & Anton Hierat. M.DC.
8°. Pp. M, inctudingtheengraved plate.e Mank]to68. Index[93,
otannj. <mcxm fnuosopnxB «o. <nae;
AM))!aPhitoMphi<B:8a. !ndeitM.t'nnter'tdetice[t).
This conxnentMyonAristotte deabwithschohMtic one or two medfeat papers, but his ehtef titeraty
subtleties and metaphysteat vi~ades, and hm workconsiMedofMntmentanesand Mn-books on
nothing to do with thoseof Alchemy. Anstotte. cf whiehthe présent isone. !t was Htst
John Case was bom at Woodstodt, entered printed in Case died a~January, t6oc~ and
St. John's Cotte);e.Oxford, in is~t, was B.A. in was barted t~ao.
in St. John's CollègeChape).
t~, M.A. in !57a, and M.P. in t~ He wote This Joannea CastMmust not bc confoundedwith
~~i? t~ttUMO ~tJKtBKt&lf~H/.
(GABR!ELDK). UC7tMttt<C< tt.
Castaige, tteccrding to Lengtet Dahesnoy.was and Almoner,and is caHed Abbé General de Saint
a cotdd&' and atmoacr of Louis Xtt! "whieh. Rufs de Va)en<~and Sainct Tien de Sau, and
for a cordelier, was nearty M good as a b!<hoptiet{. Conventadd'Avignon."
But accordlng to the documents pte~xed to thé Thé tract &'0~ /W< ~~M~ dl Aw~maux.
m~ettt work he was actuafty cho:en bishop of was pubtishedM Paris, t6<t, 8" ~~m~M~~
SfdMcesta succession to Antoine Plchot, by thé <&la AW«M ~/</<<~«< Paris, t6tS'
)fing. He WMalso Dr. of Theotogy, Couotittw
Lengtet DuttStnoy, ~M/f<tw <& /<t/At«}M~ GteeUn.C<~AM~ <&<'C~M~, ~797, i. pp. ~04.
~M<t~M, ty~, i. p. gM iji. p. 139. 568.
Httttet, ~<oM~e AM~~jhw/ 1777,H.
t~. ii- Ladra8ue.F~/«~<)y<«'0«w~
p. "'T-r. iii.
4~ ..mtyy;),P" r"p. teo. t870, No. t6tS.
Historia y Magia Natuml, o ciencia de filosofia oculta, con nuevas noticias
de los mas profundos mysterios,y secretos del Vniverso visible, en que se
trata de animales, pezes, aves, plantas, flores, yervas, metales, piedras, aguas:
semillas, Parayso, montes, y Valles. Por el Padre Hemando Castrillo de
la Compara de Jésus, natural de Cadiz. Donde trata de los Secretos
que pertenecen à las partes dela tierra. Con Licencia. En Madrid,
Por Juan Garcia Infanzon. Ano t6<)2. Acosta de Francisco Sazedon,
Mercader de tibros Vendese en su casa en la calle de Atocha junto à la
Santissima Trinidad frente de la casa de los Fucares.
Tittewithina border.
Pp.[M]34~[t6]. nuewtMtnaDoraer.
4'. Pp.[K]~M.
Ferdinand de _II~ ,I~- _a..e .0 1"\t_- D_- ..tI- L'I.
CMtriOo,a native of Cadit, was ~636.< Triguaro!, Diego Ferez de Estupixa,
adm!tted in 1609M the Jtsuits at thé age of t6. t&(9. 4°. tn thé Btitish Museum there are both
Ho profesed theotoey for ft toog time, and was the btter of these, and another édition, Madrid,
rector of CMorta. He died M C~suna, at Nov., 16~, t' This is a treatise on co~nx~ony, the
t667. at <m advanced ~e. ApparenUy he wMe etements and otttumt history, but not on Chemistry
onty this one book ~jf/<t AWf«M/ f f)M'<t orAtchenty.
tt~a. Printem Parte. Triguems, L'KttupiM,
JOeher, <4~<~M« C~eMiM.«'<t. ty~o, Baotter, ~M/M<~M <<M~f~Mt~ ta CtM.
col. ty~ ~tt&f'm.t, Cinquième Série 1859, p. ta6.
Antonio, ~<Wf<t<M ZK~M A~MM,~83, i. 1 Noteson Bocks of Secrets, T~~M~M </
p. 379(qwtes Part ). in the t&t9 editton only). ~tiHhM&g&w~ &~< C/fh~w, t8M (N.S.),
CATALOGUS Manuscriptorum ChemicoAlchemtco-Magtco-CabaMsttco*Medic&-
ayasw-vuwvuw u.a.v No Lplace [Vienna]. MDCCLXXXVIU.
6°. Pp. ïxvi. 3M)
3~ 6? [t btanttj, 8.
Kopp refers to a simita~y titied catalogue, Zweites Veneichniss etniger Fabneks-AMicM,
W!e«.Gtafh<-d.J.t7S6. xiv..)fxiU. Anhang, )ott)i..xxvt.
As bis copy contains only pp. and Anhang Cod!c<s MM))scr<ptiAlchemici. 3-263.
pp. 12, pMun!!tb)y it w<tsthé first Issueof the Codices ManuscriptiChemici, 964-3to.
catalogue, in the f&ttowingtwo years entatged to Codices MagM, t'~s-
theabwe. Codites Cabatistici, Astrotogici. Geom<tUtiei,
Geomatttivi, etc.,
As it stands the above contins the foUowing 46~7 (t Nank).
separate tbts DmdtMtter imChemisehen Catalog, t-
TMe-teaf. Druckfeblerim Magischen Catatcg. 6-7.
Vorrede,i.-v. DntddeMer imCabatistitchen Catalog, [t]).
Erstes Verzeichnissvon cinigen Aromeyen, Appended to some of thc entries are notes
v!i(;!i. refemng sometimes to thé author, sometime!: to
thecontetKsof the MSS.
Kopp, ~« .-<~m«', t8S6,ii., p. 3:t3. LadMgue, F~/fK~M~w 0«M!
~<M< tSyo, No. 543.
Ali Pu!i, Centrum NaturiB Concentratum
P. S6.
CENT-CINQUANTE-TROIS AphorismesChymiques.
CENTRUM NutUMBConcentmtum.
Mercurius Triumphans & Hebdomas Ectogarum Hermeticarum. Vnà cum
Commentariis Acroamaticis et Mysticis. In quibus de vnica, vera, summa,
& antiquissima Philosophorum Medicina dissentur, Libris XIÏX. Omnia
Studio & Opéra Arioponi Cephati Eutopiensis. Cum Gmt & Priuileg
Cœs Maiest ad Decennium. MagdeburgiExcudebat Andreas Seydner
Epoch:Chr: M.D.C.
S'' Pp'.M '44. Thé vignette
rep~sentsdraMn in a lirewith thé motto:
DuraMMon et nonPenre. Thededication
to Rudolphtt. is signodM.C. M. U..
Copus,M<d!c:nœ théAuthor.
Apotetesmats Philosophica, Mercurii Tnumphantis, de vera, et summa
Antiquissimorum Philosophorum Medicina. In quibus Elucidatio & Clauis
totius Operis. Labore & studio Arioponi Cephati Eutopiensis. Cum Grat
& Priuileg. Cres. Maiest. ad Decennium. Magdeburgi Excudebat Andreas
Seydner. Anno M.D.CÏ.
4°. Pp.[ye]. Thé vignette
o is thédragon as Move,
tgon as withthentotto:Aut
above,w)ththé taceant
ntotto: Aut taceant
aut discant.
Borel. ~Wto/A~a C~</<-<t,t6~t, p. 58. &f~ MfG<K-f~/<! f/~ A<M<~Ct~ t~,
Mendttin, ~«h~Att M'«<tt!/«j, t6s6, pp. 8?,?86. p. <M('a Latin poem, with expositioM of <nystitat
Lenglel Duffesnoy. d5r la /%<A«~«! and thtOMphicténor.')
~<~<. iy~t. iii. p. 133. Kopp, ~&j~M!«-,t886, M.p. 366.
Traité des Metaux, et des Mineraux, et des Remedes qu'on en peut tirer;
Avec des Dissertations sur le Sel & le Soulphre des Philosopes, & sur la
Goûte, la GraveMe,la petite Vérole, la Rougeole & autres Maladies avec un
C~/MM~–C~M-S? )$i
An édition of t?t3 is quoted h) /w<~ Z< patient. a NeapotitM, who was ht thé Bastille, he
/'M<~MWM and Gmetia fo addition to the above took up his cause and tvrote a ntemotr ln bis
quotes another, Paris, ty6o, 13*. defence to the King. tn thé course of this ho
Joseph Chambon was born at Grignan, in Pro- made certain teSectioMon the Duke of Savoy and
vence, in t&t?, in t6y8 was Doetorof the Facutty the Dukeof Butgandy. and he hirnseif was sent in
M Avignon (of Aix, eecofding to Df~eimerit), conaequenoe to the BMOMe,where he temained
settied at MaKeittes, WMob)ige<tto te&ve it, and twa years. He then left FMi:, retumed to MM.
went to tMty, to Genaeny, and M Poland, whete s~Uœ, and was made phystcian to thé GaMeysby
he became phyaician of thé King, John Sobieski, the help of thé Caant of Gtignan but in t7os,
with whom hi remained ti)t t<MfitSB ot Vienna. havittg &))ed <o NMe the ))<eof the Countes of
Wishfttg to tnow about thé adhérents of Paraee)am GfrimM),who was attackad by tmattpox, he thttw
and Van Helmont, ht journeyed to Holland, up Ma ttppointment, and Hvtd ? tetirement with
crossed M England, and thence to Rt~nee. At Ms brothe<, who was dean of thé Chapter of
Paris, through the innaenee of Façon, ne Mcehtd GrigMm. He M'asaat attve in t~. He wrote
his tfoentiateship,and ptactised withgreat reputa- /'r~<~ <&/Mf n!~)~ d la M~&n'«<
tion, but on (Meountof the Facutty not aceepting ~~t~t«, Ptu-is, 3 pMts, ïyu, ty<4, tyt6respee-
his promise about the useof secret reniedies,hewas tively, M"; ty~o, ts*, and oneor two dissertations.
not made a doctor. Having been asked to visit a
/<M~ t«~~ /t~<MM jN~<'<<Of<C
~/<fA!Mf, ~<jpn!~ ~AMtn!&,P~ri!. Panekoucke (tS~o-
'73% P- 43- a$) iii. p. !!t3.
~~ot~- de la ~M~~
Dttffesnoy, QueM~d,7~t~<!«« ~<ttH~; tS~o, M.p. tt?.
~~M<~«<, t?49, ii). pt !34. Deeeimen!, ZM<«Ma< ~Mt~M <<?la ««M:-
Gobet, La ~w&Mj ~<t<<!Ajj~/f~ du ~<y<t«<M f~. t83f, J. il. p. 6<e.
dt ~!<< tM&ii. p. &td. JV<K««~f t8M.ix. col. mt.
&~a~<~ C<&<~t/<,
Haller, ~&/«~<f<t ~M-t~M' ~788,!v. /)«!<'M)t«<t)~ ~fM~A~M da &~< ~W-
pp.9*4,9ta. xv.
M~, ~874, p. lot.
Gmetin, C'M~«~/«&<'CXf~< <yo6,ii. p. 356.
Pharmacopée Royale Galenique et Chymique,par Moyse Charas, Docteur en
Médecine, ci-devant Démonstrateur de l'une & de" l'autre Pharmacie au
Jardin Royal des Plantes. Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrigée & tres-con-
sidétaMement augmentée par M. L. M. de t'Académie royale des Sciences,
& Docteur en Médecine de la Faculté de Paris; avec les Formules Latines
& Francoises; le Tarif des Médicamens, & un Traité extrêment curieux
sur les Eaux Minorâtes. Tome Premier, Contenant la Pharmacopée
Gaténique. A Lyon, chez les Freres Bruyset, Libraires, rue Mercière, au
Soleil & à la Croix d'Or. M.DCCLUI. Avec Approbation et Privilége
du Roy.
4". Pp.xtt.4~
Extntensmved dtte TMeredandblack.
TomeSecond, Contenantla PhannacopeeChymique.
P~viii.44t~7& [9b)mh.] Titleredandblaek.
de Fmtice.
Pp.Ta. Fivep)ate$ofapparatas.
Mespt Apparatus.
Thé éditions of this <Mrh enamcrated by thé (tôSg, Stotte and Weige!). Acording to Maaget
MMiogntpheMMe numemas: t~ris, 1679, t6y6, the book was tr&a<httedittto <nMylanguages, even
!68) < t6y6, t6ea, tt~, in 4*; Lyons, t6$3. into Chinese, for the use of the Emperor. T))e
and thé présent, 17~3,4*. !< was tnuMtsted into Kngtishversionwas published in tS~S, 4*.
Latin: At<tH!M«~<M ~'<t, Geaewf), <684, 4*
De Chemia Sen!oris Libellus.
See ARTE(De) Chemica Libri duo, t6o:.
[Another Copy.]
Chemia in Nuce.
CREYKleineSchriften,t~S, p.
CHEMIA Rationalis, das ist vernunfftmafsigeAnweisung, wie vermittelst der
Spagyrischen Kunst, aus den drey Reichen der Natur die itziger Zeit
gebrâucMichstenArtzeney-Mittel bereitet werden soUen. Welcher beygefuget
ist Prax!s Chimiattita, oder kurtzer doch deutlicher Unterricht, wie die
vornehmsten Kmnckheiten des menschlichen Leibes, aus ihren Ursachen
und Zeichen sattsam erkant; und mit vorhero gezeigten Medicamentis
gtucktich curiret werden kônnen. AHesnach den Grund-Satzen der neuen
Philosophie ausgearbettet, und aus den Engtischen, in das Hochteutsche
abersetzet, auch mit nützlichen Registem versehen. Franckfurt und
Leipzig, Verlegts Johann Justus Erytropel, tôpô.
S*. Pp. [~] 304 ~70. Titteredandbhd<.
[Another Copy.]
This is a traatise on phannaeeutica) chemistry. but hâve not seen thé origina). It M not from
tn the 6f!t part is contained thé nrethods of W. Y.worths C~fm&M~ yttMMm~ <A< f«M<&).
mahing different prepM'at!oM of animal and ))MM/e/~««& C%)~<&< London.
ve~etaHe sobstantM for medicaluse. The second 8'.
t692, a*. An ediuon,tS~,
xdgs, edinon, J697,ofoCthis
thht t~tter
latter wodt
work is
emuneMte:diseases and the medicines withwMeh mentionedby CmeMn(6!M-~A~<&fCh')MM.ty$9,
they are to be tteaMd. ii. p. ~JL but he give<the auDtcr's name etron-
!< purports to be tn<ns)atedfrom the English, eoastyosW. H.Wcrth.
t;4 <ME-(~Z~
Das Buch von der Kunst Chimia eines ungewissenAuthors.
MORCENSTERtf (PHtUP), Turba, )6t3r t. p. 504:
See MORGENSTNRN (PHtUP), Turba, t7so, i. p. 6t2.
Thisis thétranslation
CHIMICA (La) del Gusto e deM'Odorato o sia l' Arte di comporre facilmente,
e con poca spesa i liquori da Bere, e le Acque odorose con un metodo
nuovo per tare i liquori fini senza acquavite, Traduzione dal Fmncese.
Firenze, MDCCLXXXXII. Netla stamperia Bonduccianacon Approvazione.
8°. Pp.Yii.[tbhu)k]9)
8°. 21w. u6 <Ktgmveu
Pp.Mi.[tbhu)k]a8e. engmved
The author of this workis <-attedAbbé Poncetet, Pr<sam!tNythe ttatiao tmnshtion was made from
and Père Potyewpe, so that bis nathe appears atso that of 1774. Thé Punch édition whieh t have
as Poty carpe Pontetet, and he wasbora at Verdun, seen b entitted A4'«t<<' CW<M/< C< <<e
but nothing dse is said about him. He wrote a f0<&nt/, par M. G. P<tri!t,tS!?, s
tntct on thunder, x766, and one on wheat, tTTp. vois., S°.with M plates. TM! )s an eatatged aud
Thecresent WMt:appeared under the tit)e Ct<M& much tutered édition front thé above, but there
du GMM <&l'odorat PM!s. 1755.S° new are pMMtaphs remaining which show that thèse
editions, Paris, tyy~,8° Puris, iSoc~a vob. 8'. of two booMoaty dMef by the French edMon being
which there is a copy in the British Museum. modemMedand improved.
Quérard. La ~<tw< /<~nt< t83& vil. p. z6t. A~M~ FA~MtM C~<!r<?<i', t866. x). cot. 735.
~Kj~t~AM <yM<M'ft</&. t8~3, xxxv. p. 3~0: or, Pom;endor<r, ~<gw~4Mat.&7<'M/~A« ~<
/of. no date, xxxiv. p. 45. a~Mn~A, t86~t,il. oot. 496.
Le Tresor de Tresors.
<0/M-CM?KMA~~ t$s
Chnstophon Parisiensis Elucidarius. Das ist.ein edles BucMein vont rechten
Grund, Mittel und Ende der wahren uhralten philosophischen universal
Medicin. ffir etlich hundert Jahten von dtesem authore beschrieben, jetzo
aber in einer weit bessem Teutschen version,ats für 40 Jahren geschehen,
in Druck verfertiget. Hamburg in Vertegung Gottfried Liebeze!ts, im
Jahr Christi, 1697.
8' Pp.
8*. MS.titte'page,
to~-MS. M! tMe-page, MS.nnotes.
M&. otes.
Thb is a fmgmcttt &oma copy of the M!~ aufs- farit, !6m S*. There M Mt édition of t!M<<f<
f~M«' ?ta<MA<6~~f-A< FiiM~M'~(~.f.). ipart, lowhlcl1lU'f:
part. Ktwhfcbarc added tr~mtsby
tt~cts by Raymund
Dufresnoy mentions ~/acM!/tM«t ûtAM/~< liait J610,8"
Das Pontische oder MercurM.Wasser der Weisen, aus Philosophischen
SchnS~en denen Sôhnen der Kunst onienttich vorgestellet, von Chrysogono
de Puns Uranopotttâ.
Aurea Vellera Sunt ïn Colcho: Hylealia Dona.
8°. Sig<.A.B,inelghts,or pp.[t6J. Withoutplaceandptinter's(MUMe.
Pontische oder Mercurial.Wasserder Weisen.
See ROTH-SCHOLTZ (FRtEDBRtCH), DeutschesTheatrumChemicum,t728, i. p. 39t.
To the sameanonymous writerthèseare abo Slatua/~M</M/M ad /«MtM ~~«-n/a~M
Cyno,rura <«'<M liacturais
caeje#ica <«tW~<t/fJ«
<«tt~<MfJ« tW.
<<tea«, 1689.
1689. t".
Ftctutd. ~'n~M'M. MM, Th. ii. p. tt8 (catb Gtoetin,0<U!e~MMAder C4<M~,ty$8, ii. p. t~
him an Engti~tman, a soph&t and no phMoMpher, L~drapte. ~W<MM~t« 0«Mt~: &~<
and says bis tract is of ne use). ~<M, <87o,No. 996,
Bo'~<~s~C<j<:A&A<t<~A(t~~ C4<jm~,178!, Kopp, ~&/tA)tott~. tM6, ii. 340, ~t.
Tractât, t733.
The person concealed under this pseudonym is Leipzig in tySg, with a Ust of two hundred Rosi.
the aumor of a rather notable work entftted erucKtobooks. Nothing is reported of the author;
/)/<f/f an die A'e~K<i4/~ Ft-<M<tt<A<~<~t even to thé writer of the Ms actual mune
07~<M <&~ <?<V<&<t«t H~ ~<Mjbw«/Mt. tirst was m)known. On the three occasions when he
published ln tyt<~ and afterwards reprinted !tt refers to the ~/Mt<f and its author the com.
Carditudus* ~~<~ <M/«~e <t~tf Mtf/Mjtox, niendation and admiration are edged with the
t7M, in Chn<toph Hetbig's <~f</v<t/«M<f ota~-o. double meaning which makes the verdicts of the
<rAym<t<e, 1711, and J. Ott. Helbigs ~«~aM ~y/Mything but compliments.
/A~Mf< t7t<t. A new édition was pubtished at
Fictuld, /<«/<. tygg. Part i., p. na. Ktoss. BW«g'T!A« <<f~' ~f//«<!7< t&)4,
F<y~'<«<'C<«<f/«'« C~K, tyS~, No. 9433.
pp. ~o, 6so, 68t. Ladrague, ~<c~«< 0~t'a/~ .S'wwM
Gmelin. C<~«-~<eder C<««~, t~, ii. p. 331. ~<<Mf<,tSyo, N09. t<3t-39.
Kopp, /)M ~&~Mt«, t886, ii. p. aos.
See BUCH(Das) Chymia.
CHYMI~Ë Aurifodina IncomparabiHs quam recludit Prtetudium Prosimetricum
magicarum noctium sortes SibyHiniBChymicœ Vanni Granatum erutum,
Authoribus immortalibus adeptis eu! subjungitur Commentatio de Pharmaco
Catholico. Lugduni Batavorum, Sumptibus Autoris, 1696.
t' bhnk] 3.39~(tM,
` for 99~).io engnwngs.Cotnntcntauo,
[t] [3
[t] bhM:l tt engravtng.
[3bhnki 1engravlng.
This is a reissue of the ~<~<w<f/-<KMa<: &t!MM« in /M/NW is on f 3 w/c, and on the
~?«:/«M<taM C~M/M/M Sa~t0!/«~w ~«itM~ revefse is the /<&<t<Ma<ad ~<t /<~tw<«M<<.
Mundi ~pH. AtMte). ï666 (~.v.). The engrMed CAc~fM~<4<&«<w (in red) and
The only différence !s in ttte first sheet. The the engmved plate Chorus At//a«~~<X!t of thé
Snt leaf of it b btank; the b new, older edition have been omitted.
~K~e~M~c~ <s?
CHYMM5. C~'M~.
Roth-Schottz,F~<M~<M <~<-w~-<t. tMy, p. 4t. of hundred nrnrtMof fine geM. The 7~fKOt
Ay/~f<)<rC<wA«~A~<~ C«M~, t7S<. C~M~ttM seems M me more ptodactiveaftontitM;
p. &M('an exceOeM go!d miMtOr thé mintof!Menas to its contents and v<ttue').
of Hermetic science; it beati! anxuntty n coupte
See CHYMt/K AURtFODtNA, f696.
CHYMICAL Dictionary.
Sel F. (j.), A New light ofAtchymy,etc., <674,p. 303.
Sel C. (J.), C~w~M.
Der wahren Chymischen Weisheit OHenbfthTun~ das ist; getreue und
aufrichtige Entdeckung der Materie, welche genommen werden mufs, wann
man den wahren Weisen-Stein Lapidem Philosophorum Tincturam Univer-
salem machen w!tt, aus vielen Tbeophtast!schen HandschnBten, vorbin
nienMthtenin den Truck kommen, mit gantz deutlich. und klaresten Worten
angezeiget, dafs es Marer nicht seyn konte. Auch wegen derenjenigen
welche in denen chymischen HandgnSen noch nicht sonderbar erfahren
seynd, mit sonderbarem Unterricht und kurtzester Unterweisung der
nothwendigen Pfœpatationen vetsehen. Alles denen Liebhabem der
Chymischen Weisheit zu GefaUen in offenen Truck gegeben von J. J.
Chymiphilo. Getruckt im Jahr !?2&.
a*. Pp.[8] 9t9 [t4, t Nank). Ti<)efe<tand black. Engmvedplateof the
[Another Copy.]
beeneut off.
Gmelin followed by Schmieder and by Kopp tmnMMtation made at PrM~e. a&d that wttnessed
says this book WMpnnted at NOmbet-g. This M by Helvetius, the cmious Nstoy of Gualdus, and
not stated in the ftho~acopy, and no pt&oe!s given some other MrtativM M)d a thlrddesefibes décep-
either by FietuM or by LadragtM. The fonnef tions ptaetited by M~c&Ued adepts,
writer condemas the book as 'tauter SopMst'sche ] bave followed the authorlties in calling the
QueMchetey.'ofeept the epistles of Gualdus. author ChymipMtus, but 1 am !od!ned to think
The book containsa chapter on the antiquity of that this is a mere epithet, and that the init'ak
Atehemy, in whichFetef~nceis made to the Gteek may represent the authot's name.
akhemisM; another contains an account of the
/?« ~t&M /w< ~<~m, t73o, pp. Schmieder, GMfAM/«&<M«)tM, t83a, p. 51?.
ty8,98S- Ladmgue, ~AMMfw Ot<M!~ ~&w<
/'t~M< MS3. Th. ii. p. 59. &<~<M,tSyo. No. t43~
-P- <<tr0-n-
Gn)e)in, C~;A<M/< _n ii. p. 307.
<Bt~, ty~S, Kopp, /&~M&. 1886,ii. P. uv--
Chymischer Monden-Schein, worinnen nicht allein
wahre Subjectum PhHosophi~ sondern auch wo solches angezeiget wird, das
zu suchen
und dann wie solches pr~pariret werden
soll; Auf ansuehen und bitten
eines sonderbaren guten Freundes treulich
aufgezeichnet, der erbaren Wdt
bekandt zu machen und drucken zu lassen
erlaubet, von einem Der die
Wahrheit nicht lâugnet, verbergen will, noch kan. Franckfurt und
Leipzig, Bey Johann Friedrich Fleischer, ~39.
MS.~ote~ '~°~ '"SM~nt theend. Wantsthéfrontispiece.
AbouttheMthotshipof thistractsee~rEtNBERGt!N.
Chymischer Monden-Schein, worinnen nicht allein
wahre Subjectum Phitosoph~ sondern auch wo solches angezeiget wird, das
zu suchen sey,
und dann wie solches pnepanret werden Auf ansuchen und bitten
eines sonderbaren guten Freundes treulich
aufgezeichnet, der erbaren Welt
bekannt zu machen und drucken zu lassen
erlaubet, voh einem Der die
Wahrheit nicht taugnet verbergen w:H, noch kan.
Franckfurt und "P~'ë.
bey Johann Friedrich Fleischer, ~44.
p~S~ not
doublepageandIS a
Chymischer Monden-Schein, worinnen nicht allein
wahre Subjectum Phdosoph:œ, sondem auch wo solches angezeiget wird, das
zu suchen sey,
und dann wie solches prœpM:ret werden sott. Auf
Ansuchen und Bitten
eines sonderbaren guten Freundes treulich
aufgezeichnet, der ehrbaren Welt
bekannt zu machen und drucken zu
erlaubet, von einem, Der die
Wahrheit nicht taugnet, verbergen will, noch kan. Franckfurt und
Leipzig, in der Fleischerischen Buchhandlung, iy6o.
p~ ~e~ forms
wnlkingis uncertaïn.1go myn is quoted
by K.p,, Dit ii.
sunllght, P.390.
Chrasis, t78S. p, 67i-
C~tW~VE~–<~t~.?C~. t~9
Akkumisttca, das ist: ein wunderbartiche seltzame, vnd bewerte Kunst, auts
Mist gut Arabiscb, Türckisch, vnnd Reinisch Goldt, jha auch das beste
gedigen Silber zu machen. Wider die betragHche Alchimisten, vund
vngeschicktevermeinte Theophratisten [w], von einem sondem guten Freiindt,
(so durch dise Fantasey betrogen, vnnd zu nâchster Armut gerahten), allen
HochvetStSndtgen zur vermeidung diser falschen Kunst, gantz notditrntig
beschriben: durch M. lohannen Claium.
Weil jetzund fast in allem Landt,
Die Alchimey nimbt vberbandt,
Das mancher wirdt dardurch verfürt,
Wie man wol an Exempeln spürt,
Hab ich zu Spott der Alchimey,
Bschriben die grofs betriegerey.
Gedruckt zu Amberg, durch Michael Forster. Anno M.D.XCIIII.
Sig.Aj[=pp.81. MS.MMMoM. 4 pp. Thedateis pmttyoNiterated,
ttt~y wt~t~ttt. ;44~a. ~"uliUl uucc.
This is in vetse and contains a recommendation
Tkic ie in vwras nw.i ..n..wi.w. 8 .a..vt. ;A~t.111.1. 0-_1.1_ u 1'I"t. .I!
durch AJetophitum Pan-hesieMem." The Hrst
to fanners to spread stable and byM manureupon part seMM a teprint of thé present poetn: the
the fields. and Claius then proceeds to trace the second part contains <m exposure of and waming
profit that accrues thereby to the crops. to the against the tricks offmadotent atchemists.
tMÛe, to the pcattry. to thé orehMd, and so at Johann Oaius, bomtMs. was a nativeof Henberg
last to the owner. tt is a bdef sketch of rural in Saxony, Rector at GoMberg. then at Notd-
economy. htmsen, and in ts?4 pastor at Bende!eben inThur-
Kopp quotes an edition of MOhthttUMn,!6t6 ingia. He was a Hebrew Scholar, and made
"AMMmMtMa-das ist, die ware Gotdkunet. a<M seveod translations into that ianguage, amongst
Mist dNtth sefne Opera~on vnd Procesgut Goldt others of thé Gospets and Epistles, Leipzig. isy8,
M machen, Wieder die betnegtiehen Atchytnbten a<te)rwMds,1~86, ln the fonn of a tettagMtt,
vnd vngeschidtten venneinten ThtophKtstisten Germaa, Greek, Latin and Hehrew. He is the
von Herm Johanne Chjû beschrieben. Neben first also who compittd a complete Genoan
angebencktem Speciat-Bericht–MenftigMidMnsur grammar, of which édition!! of ts?8, ï&)4<and
NaehtMhttmg und Wamung ~usammengehracht t65t are mentioned.
WeMhM,~KMoM<M~Mf<M. 1727.!ii. p. g6ï. GmeMn,Gt«-A/<<C&'M~ <797. it9.
Morhof, /'o~~o/, ty~t, 1. :v. c. ScamMB)-,GM«M<< der j4&Afmt<,~39, p.
«~- ~'j/c~ der4.67, p. ?s<.
Stolle, <4x/<~ &M~ 35a.
17e p. ua. .iMM<<M/~H/j~ Biographie, t8y6, iv. p.
Jaeher. ~Mt<MM GcMf/M.M/foa, M<o, 970.
). eot. t~7. Kopp,~M /<MtM<f. tM6, i. p. 937.
CMA~M-CT~~M t6t
ALCHtMtA (De) Opuscula, tssc, i. t~
-K~ ARTtS AUMPNtt~ volumina, t6to, p. 288.
MOMENSTERtf (PHIUP), Turba Philosophorum, !6!3, i. p. 389; t~o, ). p.473.
Sec MANOET (j. j.), B;bHoth<c& Chemica Curiosa, tyoz, H. pp. ï47,877.
t)t the German translation it Il also caUed/)~ Fictald, /W~«, t~M, Th. t. p. 63.
7<Wt<&~&<t/w<y<tt, and it sometime~appeau LadMgne,M'A~<'0<w<t~«'~&~<t/M,
'M(terthe<brmC/<MM~ t87C.MSMt9.
Bc)richit)&Cf<M~ &< Ct~&~M,
'~7. a3. S txxii.
The Natuml History of Nitre: or, a Phitosophtcat Discourse of the Nature,
Generation, Place, and Artificial Extraction of Nitre. with ïts Vertues
and Uses. By WjiUiMo Clarke.. London; Ptinted by E. 0~ for
Nathaniel Brook at the Angel in ComhiH, neer the Royal Exchange, t67o.
8*. Pp.[t4]93.
8". Pp.[t4]9g. ['Maek.
[tMwk.].j impenect,WM)ung«t.
Wi)tiam Ctattte was bom at SwaiMwyke, near where hl died,24 April, t6&t. Morhof cails him
Bath, about t&M~.Hia univ~ty tomse was tahen Royatphysicien.
in Merton Cottage, Oxford, where he gmduated Haller Meotioasa medieat tmet
B.A. t66t, M.A. t66z, and was etecte<t<eUowof him, but the tteMiseon nitre b thatappiMe~tty by
whic he
Mertonin t663. Heafteirwafdsstudied medMoc, is bett known. tt was tMnda«d by tcto Latin:
and took the degree of M.D., and, MttMa)!'in Bath, ~<t/xM!/M~Mwxt Frankturt, t6ys. S°t
pmctised hit profession there with the greatest London, t~. 8': Hambmr~, 1675,S*.
success and esteem. tn spite of strong induce- Long Mevtoasto Cht~e's, a tfMt oo nitre had
ments to continue there, he removed to Stepney. been pubtished by Thomas Chatonar, London,
t~fh),smalt 4*, )EM M.
MtrcMin,/t<<M~ HM~M/M.t686, p. 3~. ÏOcher, ~~«<tn<t G~A~M.<a~ ty~
Manget, ~M«t64«'ON'~MtMmt <MN~f~t<M. t73t,
t. ii. p. 60. HaBe~~!M<Mit<M ~<M<'M~< t~y, i!. p. m~
~M~Z«j~& ~odiMMtM~MoM~e <)«~<t/~<f, Etoy, ~f~~oM~ JV~M~~ <& & ~HM)~,
M<)rho! t~e, ii. p. <t<n. Hatter, ~&/jfo~M ~MM~<B ~nM~'«t, ~77~ i~
Kestnetf.~M~c G~M!M.M<M«, ty~o,
p. aoo. weod, .~«M O.fM~tM, éd. NiM, t89o, iv.
co!. ~33.
Gabrielis Clauderi, D. Medici Ducalis Saxonici, Academici Curiosi, Dissertatio
de Tinctura Universali (vu!gô Lapis Philosophorum dicta). In qua
r. QuidHaecsit. a. Quod detur in Rerum N&tum; an Christiano consul-
tum sit !mmediat&in hanc inqvtrere 4. è qva Materia &: 5. qvo modo
préparer per rationes, & Variorum expenentiam perspicuè proponitur;
aliaqve curiosa & utilia, huic analoga, adnectuntur. Ad Normam Academiae
Nature Cunosorum. Cum SerenissimiElectorisSaxonitePrivilegio. Alten-
burgiapud Godo&edum Richterum, t6y8.
4° Pp-Maya. tndexM.
edition Atteaba~i,<668, 4*, bmen.
doned.anda repriat &M'<MM« ?Y<Mro totheMitiehmofAkhetnybyAthanashtsKircher.
AnotherteptyWMmadeby B~AUWBMSTKttt (s,)
<<~o~ NMimbefKte, 1736.Thish:A tep)y (~.f.).
Gabrielis Clauderi, des berühmten Medici Dissertation von der Umvetsat-
Tinctur oder dem Stein der Weisen, in welcher Was diese seye 8. ob
sie in der Natur gefunden werde, und ob einem Christen nutztich seye,
selbe zu erforschen; 3. Aus was für einer Materij und 4. wie sie bereitet
werde, durch Beweus-Gnind und Erfahntngen beschrieben wird, deme
t6z C~MM~-C~~
CLAUSIER (J.-Loms). ·
QUtNCY (JOHN), 1749.
Le. Cours de Chimie d'Estienne de Clave Docteur en Medecine, qui est le
Second Liure des Principes de Nature. A Paris, Chez Olivier de Varennes,
ruë S. Iacques, au Vase d'or. M.DC.XLVI. Avec Priuilege du Roy.
8'. Pp.MtMM.
CZ~C~MS' 163
Baumer nscr!bet M him a wortt M~M~M <<f the ptesent ûwt <&<~<a~. Thé author must not
A~!<M«, Pari$, t63S,S*.and Weigel quotes another be MentiM withGMton Claveusor DuttO, which,
work, ~«M~f t.MM~~ /A<&tf~~M<<<Mf71!t~ s indeed, seems to ba a misnomer. He was author
/w~t de la Nature par Clave Paris, abo of a work ~!M<&M'M
t6~t, 8°. whM) m(f{ht be fm earlier edMon of tw<t~,Paris, <635,S*.
Boret. ~~«~<-« C'~M&a, t6M. p. 6ï ~56, Weiget. ~<'«Mjr sur a~M~w< &A-
17:~ t. pp. tsa, tM.
/S<~ ~<<~Mt ~M~~M ~/&'<np <w~< Fuchs, A~H'~Mt'Nfx <M' <~m~A~ ~/<Ht/M)-,
t~M, p. 44. tSo&<8,pp. t33. t40.
C~~<s, <y89,p. :t. Ladrague, ~w.&~M?M Owa~, -MMMM
&~<M, ttyo, No.to8t.
Clavicula Hermeticee Scientiae Ab Hyperboreo Quodam Horis Subsecivis
Catamo Consignata Anno cla lace xxxn. Marburgi Sumptibus
Phit. Casimiri Mulleri, MDCCXLVI.
<f. Pp.90.
Clavicula Hermet!cse Sc!entMs Ab Hyperboreo Quodam Horis Subsecivis
Cat&tnoConsignata. Anno cïacIccxxxH. 1786.
La Clavicule de la Science Hermetique ecrite par un Habitant du Nord dans
ses Heures de Loisir. L'An MDCCXXXII. ~786.
S*. Pp.76. L&ttnMdFteneh onopposite
TtMMXmnothef éditionin Latinand French, P. Mortier,t7S<,sm.8°. pp. 73.quoted
byLadrague. t cavenotseenft.
Ladrague,CW<e<~M Ott* &~<xt& t8yo,Nos.t47!*j~.
CLAVIS Philosophorum.
'64 C/i~.y-CZOZ'
CLAVIS Thesaurorum.
NEANPKR (THEOfHtLUS), Heptas Alchymica, )63t, p. a6t.
Augenscheinliche Erktârung aller und jeder Parttcubtnt&ten, Rtrnembsten
Handtgriffen vnnd Vortheylen ad conficiendum Azot Philosophorum
CLIÏÏ'. Aphorismes Chymiques.
CLUÏ. Aphorismi.
Nützliche Answeisung über Bas! Valentini Chymische SchriMen.
~<' rrmtUaummt.nt!
ncnt una acuin
SchMten, &c.,t738,
tten, &c., No.ii!.
1738, No. ii!. p.
p. 63.
Fmnciscus Clinge was a Prussian privy-coun- einigenWahrheit, in Ertbnichung der verborgenen
cillor, but 1 have failed to get any detath about HeitatichMten der MMUt,"/M. t~t. O".
him. The author of the /«M~ ~&~«tt<t speaks of
Otherthree tMCMbesM<Nthe above were written him M eiMettcnt,and says no one bas better
hy him FftywiHige KMadang zur Anweisuo); insight into the composition of the metals than he,
in det WithteaChymieoder Phibsophiahemtettca. and in order to silence carping ctitiesquotes a long
<7<z,4° Ein nchtiger Wegweiserm der pasage ftom CMnge'srepty. Kopp mcrety men.
Wahrhcit in Krforsehung der verborgeneneinigcn
He<n)- tioM the "Riehtiger Wegweiser as by a Franz
lichkcitender Natur," t)etih), tyot, 8*; "Antwort Clinge, and adds that it must have been feviewed
an Theodomm Candidum, wegen des CtavctB by a tertain Cluver, pfobabty DeMefCtOvo- of
famettse Charteque, wider den Wegweiser mi' ScMeswig. because of Clinge puMished trepty
Roth.SchotM.ZMAo/A~M0«at'M, ty~r, p. 43. Kopp. D« ~/<M<'<, t886, ii. p. 384.
Z?M&~tSp!&«/e<t~/i'~<«n)~«!. t730,p. 3t&
Responsum ad Positiones de Spiritu Mundi quod in se continet Reserationem
Tumbae Setn!ran)idis.
See MANGKT (J. :.),
u. BtMtûthecaChemicaCuriosa,t7<M,ii. r.p. 880.
:.), BtNtûtoeca~tten
This paper ntst appeared in tho ~MtX//a<t«tof son. but by Ktstner–and this seems more accuf&te
the Academia Namne CuriMorum. Ann. 4 and 5, –thé brother of the preceding. There itthe nothing
unoMtd in two brothers baving sm)e
Append. pp. a6$-38o,Lips. t~. very of
Thé nameof thé aothor occutss abo also M
as CneuHe)
Cneuffei Christianname. He WM physician the Bishop
and Kn<Bphe). There are two persons of th)!t of Ermeland, and of Michael and John nt., also
naine, and the identification of them requires where Kingsof Pohnd. He died in t6Q9at Marienbttfg,
aMention. he was burgomaster. No sepamte works of
They were both bom at Bauben, and lived, onc bis seem to bave been issued, but a number of
in thé earlier. the other in the latter ha)f of the dbscrtiHionsby him arc printed in the proœedings
seventeenth century. Andteas, the dder, was ofthe Ac&demtaNattmB Curiosontm. Witte and
physician of WtadistM tV.. MtdoforJohn Castour, MettMin (copiedby Manget)have run the two )nen
two tnedica) together, and put the works on gout and fever
kings ot Poland. He wrote one
works, on gout. !&t3; feveH, t6ss etc., and his along with thc dissermtions undcf one headiog,
death took in the at atthoagh therc is an interva) of twenty years
place on 24 Dec.. t658, camp
'l'horn. betwœn them. The prefent paper is by thé
The younger Andreas is called by Jocher thé youngcr man.
Metc~~in,/<t<&Mf'M~MOtm~, t686. p. 42. <M(thee)der): t779.iii.M4 (the younger! Haller
Witte. Diarduxf ~«M. ï689, sig. Mn)m. ad experienced the dimetity of di<ttngu)shtng
4 ~f~ Ana. 94 Dec., 16~9. them).
Maaget, ~t~M! &<'<'«~ ««?<<M<~M, Ëtoy. ~f/«M<M< ~u~~ ~~Ma;~
t7}t,t. il. p.Sy. t778,i. p. 671.
~<f~f<<' der ii. pp. ay,
Restner, ~~M«'w~ C~f~<f/<<<, !74o. Umettt), CtemM.1798. 9t7, z6o.
C~A~t.«'<M. t?s<~ 1. Fwhs, N<~<t'«W-('«)M der tAoMMfAct~<M'<
coi. i8o6<8, p. t47, t76, t/S.
JfJ11.. BtM<~A<ca~a~<M&a,t??!,
HaSer, 569 <<~s
(calls B~K~e"' M~~<!&. FMS. Ptmckouckc (1820-
him J. Andr. Cnoeffel). as), ii<.p. Mo.
Ha)ter, B~<! Analomica, 1774. i. p. 6*3. pp, #9 kopp.
Alckerorie,tM6. Il.
~'t<4A~w~, ii. p. 3ô0
360 (Cnolfel
Haner, ~~«~~<t <~tMS<f<t. t774. i. P. 343-ii. detjdngete).
Haller. F~/«)~<-<t ~~MM<B ~<t6«-. t777,
Baron was bon) ut fM:s in Aptit t686, and had got an <stab)ishedfooting. Thé )ists of these
graduated doctor of medicine in t~to. He was are mtetestinj;. His death ocomred 28Joty. t7<8.
professerofsufgery, materia medica and phumacy, He was the author of a fewmedica1dissett&ttoM.
and in 1730 the Faculty of Medicine etected him and he must not be confused with his son, who
Dean. which oMcehe hdd tiH 1733. Dunng this bore the same name, )ited tyoy-tyS?, aod pub.
pcriod he endeavoured to compiete the Fftcatty t!shed&<ona<terab)enMmberofworhs.
Library, and it was by his cMe that thé présent Thé CK<M- was 6rst published in ~33. then in
work was compited and puMished. This Pharma-
y4!\4. '758. 4° at Pan<t. and 1760, 4*. at
copœit belongs to a time whenehen)}<!atmedicine< FtanMtM.
Portal, ~/M/<t<M
<ib/M/oot~ <<de la <wxM, FMf~~M
,t/.Mt<-a&,Paris, P&aekouctM(18~0.
t77«, v. p. 80. ~).i.P.5<'3.
Gmetin, C<K<«~ <&<'C~<Mt<.t~, ti. pp. 378, Quefard. La AtM<!e/&< ta! i. p. t8<.
4t9. 7S4. PogBendotfr, ~M~~AMtA-~My~~ ~M~.
M<< tMg, eût. M~.
<~Z)/CB-C<?~Z~ t6y
COELUM Terrestre.
Hermippus Redivivus, sive Exercitatio physico-medica Cttriosa de Methodo
raM ad cxv. Annos prorogandœSenectctts per Anhetttum PueUarum, in
veteri Monumento Romano deprompta, nunc Artis medicae Fundamentis
stabilita, et Rationibus atque Exemplis, nec non singulari Chymite Philoso-
phicae Pamdoxo illustrata et confirmata Autore Jo. Henr. Cohausen, M.D.
Senectutis Marcor dissolvi profecto non potest, succurri tamen, ut quam-
plurimum producatur. Galen l.d. Marc. c. 5.
Francofurti ad Mtenum, Apud Joh. Benj. Andréas& Henr. Hort. Anno 1742.
8". Pp.t~9Q.
8".Pp [*~jy~
This work wii3 translated into Gennan and thé tnmstator, in the C~/M~tty ~V<t/«tH<t~
published Soran, tysg, 8*. F«!?re~. t8M. viii. p. 373. Md a Mst of his
Thé KngUsh version was made by Dr. John works a given by Watt, F~A<~hM<!/~t/a'HM<o.
Campbell, ~<w< ~f~tfM'M.- cr ~f At~'f tSt~, (ttuttton) t98w. and in Kippis's /?«~«f
7W«o~ wer 0/<<<<Mand C~tw, London. F~~MK'a. t79~, Mi.p. ao~.
~748. smatt S*, pp. [6] ta~ This is a rnre book. Kippisputs thetint edition ofCatnpbctt's version
The second edmoa, London, t749. S'. !n the in 17~3.which secrns a misprint for ~748.and the
/?<<w ~f<~ there is a chfmennK eMptv second in 17~9. He treats the translation a$ if
article on the prolongation of tife. in which this it werean oriptttd work ofCampbeM's.
book is noticed. There fs a notice of CampheM
tohMn Heinrich CohatMenwas bon* et HMM. ctheM. He was t teftnMd MM, and a tathw
he!)nln t66&studied et FfMtthtrt e.d. 0., graduated mtMcatwriter.
t<99. settted at MOnttef,and becftmethe phy<Man TheMweMtevemt CohemseM.and Haller wams
of thé Mshop :n ty~. He died M MaMtw, t3 hisMaderagaiMt confoundinf: them. He Mm<etf,
Jtty, t7$e. He wrote a good many wor~: two however, ts a )iM)ebit vague and seems to mix
z~iost the use of Mu(f, ooe tga!mt Ma, and them.
Adet<mg's~«~ to JOchet's ~M. Watt, B~Mt~AMe B~/aM~<t, ~p, i. (authors)
~VMM ~a ~w<&)w, Mp~.tMS. MenMjun. eM/.
P. M.373 (a tevtewof Ai~w~M ~~f~). JM~<<<t&,
/?<Mti~A~ Pat!t, Pandto~e (i8M-
M<uset, tE<.tf«!M <wM/Mb' ~50 t8o« 9;),iS. p. 996.
tw~t~ ?~M/<~« &A~t~a*. tSa3. ti. pp. ~«'~tf, London, t~, v!i. pp. 64.
teo.t6~. 8?.
POrta!, ~t~ <&/'<<M~M«« <M <r«~<, EKch&Gntber, ~~««~ ~~< t~8.
xviii. p. M?.
Htt!)er, ~<'<~«-<t F<<«, t7y:t, ii. t~, 435. DeMimert~/)<t<~«<M<~e ~ït<~<« de &tMidi.
6$6. f~ (tS~t), !.)!.?)!. N43~4.
Ha))er, F<MMt<M
BidllotkasaOt~w~e, x~5, ii.
Ckïrurgka, ~.s, ü p. t~.
x Z'~KM~MtM«t<tfcw, t8d4, wti. p. S33.
H«Me)-,~W~a ~w/t~o. My, ii.p. B~MMa~~t~&~t~s.U.
Etoy, C&<BM<m~~«~M <<f &JMM&cM«-.p. t~o.
tMa. p. M. ~<wf//< B~M~jM~ <M~w~f. t8~6, xi. col. 67.
et; ~~<t<f<t ~ï<w~.
Hatter, 1788,iv. ~<M'Mt</<M«!M'M~At'<, lft?6, iv. p. 3M.
p. 26!o /M«MM«t~<'~Mîy«e <<tf&<K< /??-
C<H;A«~~ C~w. ty~S,ii. pp. 34$. tt< t8y6,x~ii. p. 6~8.
~M,703. t88e. iii. p. 949; and
CtXthNtH,yX<C«</)!{M!~MM/D&~<M~, ScHcs,t8o&Ht. p, 7~4.
t8t3, ix. p. SIS. HiMch.CMjM~M'M'~M~ttt~M <&y~ftW~T)!.
jpM<<M ~~M!t, t88~, ii. p. 48.
Cote (t6to?.i6]ro?) Msattanstator and editot of record about him see the D<<«'«a<y</ ~t/«M!a/
a number of mediottwortts. For wtMt)itt!ei! on ~<~< tMy, xi. p. 263.
COLLECTANEA ex Democrito.
COLLECTI Processus de Lapide Philosophorum prepatando, a))isque secretis
non vulgaribus. Oder von der Zubereitung des Steins der Weifsen, und
andern mren Kunststücken und Gehetmni&en. Nebst einem Curiôsen
Wetn-BQchtein. Jenee, Apud Joh. Bielckium, BiMop. Litteris Krebsian!s.
8". Pp.974['3. bhmk} 3 smaUw<x)d<NHs
COLLECTION (A) of Scarce and Valuable Treatises upon Metals, Mines, and
Minemts. ~ontKtmng,
~imctats. Containtng,
t. Curious Observationson Mines and IV. The Common Way of Refining
the several Mioemts produced; Silver by Quicksilver. With some
with plain Directions and Rules new Rules added for the better
for finding them in all Countries. Perforoance.
II. The Art of Melting, Refining and V. An Invaluable Discovery of aU
Assttying aU Sorts of Metals, Sortsof Mines from Gold to Coal.
whereby any Person at a smalt Also, The Compleat Miner, with
Charge may try the Vatue of such the Liberties, Laws and Customs
Oars as shall be found, either by of the Lead Mines within the
Ru!e or Accident. With Instruc WapentakeofWirksworthinDerby-
tions for Sorting of Oar. shire, in Fifty Nine Articles,being
!II. Real Experiments, to try whether aUthat were ever made.
any Piece oner'd for Gold be true VI. The AU ~f Dyalling, or Levelling
or counterfeit, what Colour any Grooves, greatly desired by att
Berry, Leaf, Flower, Stalk, Root Miners: Being a Subject never
Fruit, Seed, Bark or Wood wiU wrote on before, with an Explana-
give. With an infaitible Method tion of the Miners Terms of
of preparing Cotours, which shall Art, and several other curious
neitherstain nor fadelike Ordinary Particuhrs.
Being, A Translation from thé Leamed A!baro Alonso Barba, Di)?ectorof
thé Mines at Potosi, in thé Spanish West Indies,and thé Observations of
several ïngenuous Persons of our own Country, fbunded on many Yeats
Expenence. The Second Edition. London: Printed for J. Hodges, at
thé Looking-Glasson London-Bridge. 1~40. Pnce bd. 35.
tff. Pp.[t6]3t9[pageofadveni<eme))ts~
dmHhng tnercuty.
The present édition contains: Barba, ~<< Hout;hton'!CM!)M~MM~<tt London, in 1681,in
~/e<"&,Uoott pp. ï-isa. Book H., pp. Mg-t~; <6*.
Gabriel PhtM' /?u<:<M~<y <t// je~ JMM«, The em édition of the pretettt collection was
pp. t~'i~tt and Thomas HoMRhton'sA)~; ~ffM printed by Oliver t~yne at London in < ia°,
/« TT~r~ < C~to~&a~A~tXf,with a separato under thé titte: << Z)M<oM~y ;«</<WM«Mt
U<)e.pMe,pp. :ht3'3t9. The others run on con. y~tUM~: VM. <y ail .MMM< jM/tM <t~
tinuo<a!y. jM«~nA.~ONt ?< Gold /f M< CM/ wiok
The Hngtishtractation of Barbit's ~<'<<Mf/<& /c~A~ M /A<&<<M<~ Mr. (7a~<!<f/a//«.
was made by thé Earl of Sandwich, and editions This N not correct, however, for it contains the
appeared at London in t6~o, !6y4, small 8°. (see tmtists of Barba and Houghton M wet) as that of
BARBA (A. A.). Phttes' Dt«wt~y was published PhttM. tt WM reissued itt x739, ta*, and then
as a thin small 4° tract in 1639 and t6y~, and came this secondédition in ï?~
~2Z~.M<)~-C<~<~ t/t
L'Idee Parfaicte de la Philosophie Hermedque. Ou t'ABregë de la Theorie
& Practique de la Pierre des Philosophes. Seconde Edition. Augmentée
d'Obseruations pour l'Intelligence des Principes & Fondements de la Nature,
& de !a~Philosophie Hermetique. Avec vne Meditation sur les Mysteres
de la Sapience Diuine & Humaine. Par M. I. Collesson Doyen de Maigné.
A Paris, Chez Herué du Mesntt, ruë S. laeques, la Samaritaine.
M.DC.XXXI. Avec Privilece (~ du Roy.
S*' Pp. 55N. Thesecont)tmcthas es aa MpMtte
stgmtUfM, end
pagtMUiontto, a BtMk]79[t].
First edidon, Paris, t630. a*. TbM editton. bysome venxe, pp. 90. Ladtag<tequote$tt trepnnt
Païb, t7~, a*. Appended to thé thiM tditioo h of thé tMMft édition made in RtNtitt, t?88, 8°.
a short tMct eMtttted Songe de auteur,' Mtowed pp. 70, without the Mme «f the place or pnntet.
Ïdea peifecta PhHosopRMeHermeticœ, seu Abbteviatio Théorie & Pmxeos
Lapidis Philosophici observationibus aucta.
CHEMtCUM, t66t, vi. t40.
Co))essonca!b hinMetfa native of SaiM.Uitiet-, he knew it, beeausepersons of <tfstinettenreftMe<tto
aud Lengtet Dutresaoy says tttathe ofhMd to teach become hh papib. NetMng seems to be known
the <eeMt,but apparentty tt was Mt betiwed that abouthin).
Bord, C<M«MM«M CAt'ott'M,i6M. P. 6t t6~, Gmeiin, C<~M/< der C~MM,t/M, i. p. soy.
p. 6t. Schmieder,C<~M~ <&~M~. t83a. p. 385.
LeMgtet DufreM<M,~t<<<~« <<</« M</M;~M Ladm~te, ~MMM~M Owa~; ~~<ww
~!M!t~ MJ.
t7~9, tgy. ~«~!M, t8yt~ NoB. )[t39.34.
See KtESER CabalaChimica,t6o6,p. 383.
COLLOQUIUM nuncupatorium, interloquentes Bonus et Lacinius.
(jANUs),PretiosaMargarita,tyt4, p. 5 (in German).
.i.. (Lwwtc).
NUVSEMENT (JACQUES DE), Tmctatus de vero Sale.
See PERRARtus,
See PERRARtus, Chymische
Chymische Abhand) lung.
LudwigCombachwas the son of Johann Cont. was held )n great esteem by Count Morit and stitt
bach, an architect, andbrother of Johann Combach, more by Wilhelm V. and Wtthetm VI. He died
professor ofTheotegy at Mat-but~. He was born 5 May, t6;y. ~uM67 yean. otd. He edited the
at Wetter, 5 May. tg~ and after schoot went to works of George Ripley, Casdt, t&m. 8'; the
Mtubm'g. He MM<fMtutor to thé Baron pMtent tractate of Naysement, C~set), t6st. S*;
v. Bahten. He $tad<edMedicine, andyoung atonf with Leyden. t~i, ia*: thé 'Ptaette~ Med!e&' of Ort.
the son of Hemaun Wotff, H<Me Leibmedieus," Maroldus, t6y), and wrote 'ThretMdm m
vMted fans, Mentpet)!er, Geneva, ttah', and obitumMaurtut Hass. L. heroicoCarmine Sctipta.'
graduated at Pa<hM. On htt retwn to Hesse !n t~.
t6M ht sueceed<dH. WotCfas Liebmedicus,' and
Borel, ~t~<~<M GM««<a, t6s4<po Foehs, ~<t~o~0<nt dsr ~t<Mt<~<« Z~~M!
Strieder, C~w~t~M~'AiM~t~M <<t t8e6<8. p. t4&
und &i~b~ C~aM~, GStting~, 1789. ii. Kopp, /? ~t/~M~. t8M~i. p. 997.
pp. !<69.:t6~.
COMPOSITUM de Compositis.
CONCORDANTIA Philosophorum..
KÔNtenCHE HERMETISCHE Special-Concordanz, ~23.
Della TramutationeMetallica Sogni tre, ~99,
pp. t69-23t.
CONCURSUS Philosophorum.
De Morborum remediis Magicis & Unguento Anoano.
axmfAtmttt~um~ ttu'
p. 6*3.
Conring wasborn at Norden in East Friesland, many on medicine, pMoMphy, nahitat science,
9 Nov., t6o6. When ho was nve yearsoM he was history,!aw, poehy, antiqaities.
attacked by the plague, but he recoveted after a TTtebook which qxcMty coBcenMthe Mudent
long iMnest. !n bis earMest years h<showed ~reM of the histoty of Chonbtty h enttthd:
t&pttdty for teaming, and ln <6zo studied at ~~at ~~&~wm «H!<~&*«eM /'<MM~t&iMt<e<
Hèlmslltdt for thMe years. He went home for a ~MMM~Hdm«&dii, t&)8, 4* t~bed and en.
short time, and tn toa~ proceeded to Leydea. largtd, 1669,4*. As was to be expected from an
devoted Mtnsetf <o Theotoay and Medicine and Ar&totdhn and a Gatenbt, be was opposed to thc
took thé first degrees in t~. He went bMk to PMMtMMs, and refused to aeknowkdge ttte
He]nMtëdt.was a pointed to the Chair of Natural exbtenee of an Egypthn Hennés or of Beyptian
Philosophy in tegt, and in t636 received the medicineor chembtry. He was in ten) ontiei)~<t
degree of doetor )h phttoMphy <md <nmedMne. BonrieMm,who M~ted in the MH~aity of
He was next trans<ertedto the Chair of Medicine, chenmtty on the poan<t ef thé Gtredt mantMtnpts.
fwactised witb Meeess and was made private Thé state of this questionat the presmt time can
physiciao and comtdttor of thé princess regent of be judged of .by a MMidetation of t)M Leyden
Mestand in ty~ Chrbtina of Sweden tned to Papytus, thé Kbefs Papyros, Kopp's &f and
induce Mm to remove to that country, but after thé Mstorica)writin~s of Berthetot. !t is another
some cons!dentUoo refused totcaveMétmsSdt, iUmuatitmof thé of
vanity dcgmatinxg.'
and in consequenceof this resotution the Dute of Anotherwork of Comng't) ofmueh wttte <brthé
BmMwieh oonterted on Mm the chair of law. stmty of medicine and the conMCMd sciences
He thereforestudied jurisprudenceand bis tearntng <tunnj~his ttme. which b repeatedty qMted in the
mdjudgmemt were m much reqae!t in the settle. notes of the present work is his /« t««t<~MM
ment of manyimportantdisputes. ar/~t <<M~<tM /)t<t~tf«e, Httnmad:), t6.M,
He died M Dec-, t68t, whh the réputation of 4'. eotarged by his, and
being the most learnedman of hisdmein Gennany. pabB~hedfttHetmstttdt,tMy, 4*.
Hewas a protincwriter, and he produced a mutti- MbcoHectedworkswerepuNbhed at Brunswidt.
tude of dissertations and books on a!i Mrts of ï~t. 6 vob. fot., witha )? by Schmidt.
subjects inctudine one or two on chemistry, and
FM~iag. ~<t<;A<t~< HetoMtadt tMt. Reimmann, H'f~ot < F~M~ tx
MeniMtn, Zt'M~w ~«ot«!/M, te86. p. 407. ~M<<t<a /~<<M!WeM <<oM'7~<Mt~. tTop. p.
Conring, /« Mt<~f~<M« <t~<nH CM~aM 05 t~M, v. p. ~6. etc. tytg, vi. t<~ etc., etc.
/<t<~<r«e&,t687;SehethanMner*s Addit, p. n6 (There are numefOMrefarenee!to CoMing in M!
(controveny with BomeMu!) about Hermetic various capadtles).
chemistry). Heontamt, /<M~&.ly~, H. tib. p, 93.
Witte. D&t~«f)t Bt~~t~M, t69a, sig. SsN, StoMe, ~<«&~<t«f~<t~<<<MtAnM~.ty9y,
$ ~«'o. Anno toNa,Jan. ita. t~ 797,etc.; ~736,p. y6~.etc., etc. ~«~ p. 34&
Buddeus, /f ~tM~ijt~, tyga, t. GmeUn,G<MM<~<&yCt«M~ ty~. t. pp.asû.
p. 940 (coMMWsy with Bonfiehiw).
Manget. &WM<Fa &M~-<M<t ~<<~<~t<M, Msdkoram, Bt'M~'AM &M, t8t$, (authets}.
t73t, t. ii. p. ut. V~tt.
Stolle, <<~<<«o~M«-~<j/< der ~~«-<<t)w~M T'«x~M~MM~, Pa~b. Paodtoudte (t<M-
<?f/<!< t73t. pp. 988, a89. etc., été., etc. ~). p. 3t3(tbt ofwHtia~).
(numerous [eteMnee!:). Spten)! CettAM~ t&t-~wt~t<a<&, t~y, iv.
Niceron, ~MM~M, t~. xjjt. pp. 949.986(tist PP. 77. ~t. M}.
ofeot whttMg:). DezeimeWs. ~<«<t~ ~M~<M <& la
Zed)e)-,M«'«n'M/-Z.<fMM, M~. vi. aot. Nt& ~M<t<M,~t. t. ii. p. 6~8.
Kestner. ~MMMw'Mt~<MM~«.Ze<<w, tM<x Bayte& TMhye, &<s'M~< ~M<<<, tS~ i.
Jacob Btucker, &biM~M~ <& DM<«at~ ~~ppe & Lu<!wig.&~t&~ <&~
~<t<w~ ~y, p. t~, with twopoMtatt*. 18sS.
techef, ~iM~<«~ C~M~t~w, ïy~ ). Fj
p. H. Matx. "Xw
~SlHnnr, "2ur EritMMnm):
i~ri der anutiehen
det ~süichen
co). tos9 (tist ofwriting<}. WM<sMt)keitHermana CondnK~ <<~<M-
Htoy. /)t<-A'~<t«<'M //M/<M-< <&de la ~~«~M,
Midaim, j~xftM'O~M~f H~Mr~/i~M GW/<«~«.
'7&5.i. P. aK (a mère note) t?~, i. p. 69?.
Brachpr. W~M't! CM/&a /t< ~76~ iv. ~~««w ~<Mt< ~&MnM~. iM. iv.p. 4~6.
p. 3~4. J9~tM)M~ ~M~i~ &fM<M~
Hatter, &« ~«M. wt. L p. 484. <'«~t<876,x!!t.p.6s<~
Ha)!er, AWt«MM'<! ~e/«M«a, 1774,). p. 3~ Haeser. 0<MaM~<r<&f ~<t«f)t<«n< !Mt, ii.
H<tt!er,&«~«fa CA~wyAs, <774.i. p. 347. pp. )<4. 386.
Haller. /<«MM<t ~M«<ïc<)<<t ~<te< t~yy, ii. SHMogs./~<A-.Ca/a&jj~ t88a, iii. p. gMj and
pp. &)3~< (list of bis wriOngs). Séries. tS~, Mi.p. 8~
Baume)-,~<Mo/A<Kft Ct<wt3-<t,
ty8a, p. M. Hitsch, ~)-/AM< <&r~wrn<M<t.
&)'<nty<M~û<~AM/<-1~'AMt/a CA~ t78~, <~w~tf~, &<K~
~88~,!i. p. 67.
Gasparis Contareni Cardinalis. ampliss. philosophi sua etate pMestantissun!
de Etementis & eomm nuxttontbus libri quinque, cum indice copiosiss. nunc
primum in lucem aediti.
Scipionis Capitij de prindpijs rerum poema.
Non satis una tenet [Z~N~] ceratas anchom puppis.
6'M~e'<?/'z~' t~
In geminam anchoram,
Fundabat satis Aon!as una anchora puppes,
Dum tantum Ausonns musa nataret aquis.
Nunc quum PaHadite sutcunt maria omnia naues,
Visa q una parum est anchora, facta duptex.
Lutetiœ Parisiorum per Nicolaum Divitem, uia sacerdotum, ad d!uœ
Genouefes,sub .a. insignigemitMB
a, anchoMe. Cum PnvitegtoRegis, 1548.
9°. Ff.
9°. Ff.[8][t.8]9-!t9[tbhnkJ.
[8] [t.8] 9-"9 [ï ~J. MS.notM.Thedevicei<twocMMede<tchot!.
MS. n<
WMHht ucMCVtm-
GaspMoContarioi,orCont<treni, them, De /< ~M~Mr, ~<~ ~</M
oftheo)df«n)i)yofthM nam~wM bon at Venise in ~e< wh!ch b said to have beeo written in one
~83. Hebemn tite study of Latinand Philosophy night, he was attacM by Cyriacua SpMgenberg
ttMM<MMt SniMtedat Padua. HewnsdeeptytMHedin in hh book H'~ ~~<M. ST?)-~
Latin, nu eloquent and fnteMieeotman; and acted AO''M~M~ KMehea, ts~t, 4' though heecm.
MVeMtiM Axtbassadw to C))M-tMV..apo~thm mends thé book on thé Ma~Mmeyma Goveftt-
he otcupied for llve yeMS. He was made a ment of Ventce, Paris, t~, 8°. Botet cab Mm
Cardiaet tn t~ !<) i~t h<was sent by P~ut A)chimi<B scnptot," but is not eon'eM.
ttt. as !q:Me to the Diet of RMisbon,and after- Hewesthé onde(?) ofMg; Contareni, author of
wards M Mcma, where he died in MM. He was Il MMW <<M&/&t«)~C«M<~w, a cotteetten of notes
buried at Venlcc in thé Church of Santa Man& and data on a Vttrietyof toptcs.
dell' Orto. His Ottnmfousworks were collected ContMeni': tife was wntten by Giovaxni de kt
and puMbhed at Paris <n tS9t, foi. For one of Casn, "ditftitety and withoutdate*
SteidMMM, ~/<a «/~K'x~ et ~~«MtttM, A A~w ~~&<&M~ce< /A<-N/jf/~N/A
Ct~o~ quinto, C~M~ CoM~~a~tV, t~, f. att CfN/tfty,London, t703. p. ~o.
t~w, &c.(Mographica)notes). mcot. Comnenus Papadopotus, /~AMM C~M-
Pttoto Giovio.Z< /)w~iM<M~~ej/< <Ba!f/< tw~K M<M~ /'aA«'<'«~,VenetBStt~, li. p. ~7,No. tittofiv.
/<<t<~«K<&gli ~<iK'M~<</%<M<U~ <a ~<<&«, NieenM,~Awo~f, Paris,tygg, xxt).pp. 33"'3<
Venetia, !~8, p. ato. focher, /f/~)n!!<t~<t Ot&f~ <7so. i.
PttotoGMVto,~<<t H'n'n«<t~<~«7/M~~M, eo).ao7it.
Basit. ~77, p. t!8. and portrait. Freyta~, ~<~o~ ~iM~'M, 17; i!i. p. 939.
J. M.Totcanus, ~«t //< t~yS, p. 56, No. TtMbOMhi,~~<-M<&&t/< /M<M,
XCti. Firenze, teoo~.Vît. t.o. 996.
Boret, BWM~M Ctox~. t6M. p. 66; t~ Watt, F<M<M<«a~<!<w& t8t9, i. (anthoM),
p. 63. n~,3u.
Freher, ?~t<a~w<~t'it'WMMF<'K~</H'wC~. M~<MM<'N<,
~f<~<'<!«~ t9a, !x. p. m.
o<T«M, t688, p. 30,
~fo~ibe~'ga~ and plate a for his ~)MW<<t~<<W~)~t<' C~&-<<. t8;6, xi. col. 646.
portrait. FefgUMn. "Notes on Books of See~eM";¡
Du Pin, A<M<f~ Bibliothèque des ~«~tt~ rM<ua<-<t<<M ~~hco~ F~M~ Glas.
<!ff/(<t«M~<Mf, &Mons, t~og, T. xiv. p. t6t or in ~Mf, t8oa N.S. i. p. 49~.
Methodus, qua omnes humani corporis adectiones ab humoribus copia vel
qualitate pece~ntibus genttœ, tuto, cito, et iucunde Chymicè & Gatenicè
-S<'<? (JOHANN),
(JOHANN), PraxisCh
Praxis Chymiatrica,t64y.
~ymtamctt, to<t7.
This tract, though appended to bas Florence in t6to. 4' but as the dedicxtion to
a separate ay.Utte and paginationHattmmn's,
(with four tb)d. Robert Dttdtey, Étrt of Warwick, ls dated Pisis,
ing tables). The author was the son of Thomas Id Ap~hs, M.DC.XX. there seems M be some
Conmcchums whose 2~t<~ ««~~e he, along dherepanev. Vander Linden&Meroklinquote an
with his brother HonHius, publisked in t6û& a éditionof rtorence, t6~. but not one of t6t9,
papit of H!eronymus MercttfiatMof whom hc and say that itis appendedta Myt)MS'~h~<M«~<~aM
edKed the /<o<«' FrMoof.. t6M, ~)~f< Fnmct, t&<9.S*. This M MohaNy
&)., and professor of Medicine et Pisa. Bcre) ths edMoa referred to by Haller, who however
and Kestner say the ~i~o~M was priated at ottts thé author Matc<s Antonius CorMtch!t))M.
Vander Linden. De &H~/« /M~~ /:<~ duo, Kestner, ~Mt~H'a~ 6~«.Z<.)r&o<t, ~~o,
'637, pp. M4 and ~<). p. Mo.
Bottf, &W«M!~M CM~~a, t6M. p. 66 t6s6. JOchtr,
~~j!M~«<t C<M~M.«Wjt, t7<o, i.
p~63. CO).9MO.
~«&M ~'wcf<t/M,x686. pp. 778 HaUer. ~WA~~t ~M~MM' ~/<t<B,
and MMt. 1779, ii.
Manget, ~<4<M ~r~~«t <Mt~M,
)[73ï,t. M.p. ny.
~<MA~Z/M'-<M/<3P<M/?'B' ~9
See MOULUS (BENEDtCTUS), Thesaurinetla, t68a, p. 69.
ARTtS AURtf~R~E Volumina, t6to, i. p. 349.
.S~ MORGBNSTERN(PH!MP), Turba Philosophorum, tôt 3, i. p. 47$.
MANGRT0. j.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, 1702, ii. p. !6;.
See MORGKNSTEM(PHtUP), Turba Philosophorum, ty;o, i. p. $78.
'n~ German tMels Die refonnirte Alchymieoder BestntNtmgder Machen Atchimistett."
Mater, .j~ ~«~M'M'. Ffctufd,/<< !7!3. Th. i. p. 63.
BotirtcMos.CcM~M &~c~m t6t7.C~«M,p..t<6.
Ladrague, 2M~MMyM O~w~; .iM'«<
t697. p. 03. 0)0t)[i. & t8~ No. t0!9.
I secreti della Signent Isabella Cortese, ne' quali si contengono cose Minerali,
Medec!na!i, Profumi, Belletti, Artifitij, & AkMmh con attre belle ci1riosità
aggiunte. di nuovo ristampati, e con somma diligenza corretti. In
Venetia, Presso Luc!o Spineda. _r_ !6zg.
8°. Pp.[t6]zo6[a!
_a. Vignette.
Other éditions mentioned arc Vcniœ. 1561 (the <~yf«~M, Hamburg, i; ~96. 8*. Fmnttfurt
first),t56$, H8~ t649, t677, 8'. There isatsoaa a.M..tS~.S".
Germontmo~iatton M'f~~ifw ~<m~A< ~')!&tj/<' Thé authoros is caliedCortesa,Cortese,Cortesi,
«<t<< M~Xttffe~M~in ~/fA)'<M, Medicix tM<< but hnve not met with any account of her.
Roth-Schott~ ~MaMMs C~<-< tyay. p. 48. Sprengel, f?~ ~~My~f~f~, iSay,iii.
Len~tet Du<ttsn<y, ~<e of~ la fA<A~<~M
AiffM<<M. tMS, ii). p. t~o. Haeser, Ctt<&«-~< <~ ~/< tMt, ti. p. 9M.
Haller, ~~?)~~4eMA~M<f<t.1771. i. p. 3~ Fert~Ma, Notes on Bcoim of Sectets."1
HaUer, ~«~<M CM~-K~M)!. tTy~.t. p. 967.ii. 7'.r<t~o<<~M<~/Ar ~<M&j'!M~ S«:&~ C/<M.
Ha!)er.~<-<t ~~&&<t-, ty~, ~< 1883.ii. p. a~a t<Qo.N.S. i. p. Ms tS~, Ii.
p.ï96. p.3~.
Gmdia, Gf<~M~~<&<- CA<MM, 1797, i. p. 303. Die ~A'~m~, tS86. ii. p. a36.
Geschichte der kanstl!chen LuA, zweiter TheiL'
ALLGKMKtNnutïtiches chemisch phyatkat!sches Manchertei, tyS:, ii. p. t.
Thé dhsertMion on &etMotB a!i was SMt (?) <-MM<t&-M/< AtgenMr. ty?6, 4*, Pars ii.,
pubUihedatStfMburf;:Z'M<)'rA~<H/<<M~ t???.
Gme!m,G<~M/< <<H'CA<MM, ty~. i". PP.3'7, 3~, 369,3~.
!8o C<?Z/~A~<?-C'M.S.?J?f.~4~
Léonard! Cozzandi Brixiant De MagisterioAntiquorumPhi!osophorum Libri vt
IMustnssimoac Omatissimo Hippolito Fenarolo Dicati. Genève. Apud
Samuelem de Tournes. M.DC.LXXXIV.
ta". r~
<a. ~t, t umtmj, btaok]~n.
491. ~t~ t m!M)Kj.Title
[t46.bhtott]. redandMach.
i merea ana Dfacx.
Couando was born at Brescia,became a monk, ancient schools of Philosophy. tt was analysed
and devotedhimself to history and MpMhMophy. and reviewed in the ~<<« /< in a
of which he was, for some time. pfOMSser. Tomanner comptimentaty to the author. Thé
eMbtehim to pursue bis own studies he withdtew mviewef states what little he knows about hhn
ioto the country and Hnatty went into the moaa~. and tellsus that thé book wu first brought under
tery. wherein t<9t in thé 74th year of Ms age~he his notice by Stolle. From the fact that tt is not
was stitt wntiner hooks. He bas teft a number ofi teferred to by Morbof. Moller, and other writers
works on history aad phitoMphy, in ttatian and in on pMosophy, he infefs that the book is rafeand
Latin one of wMcbis a short Utenuy history of Mute known. There if! a copy ln the British
Bn~cia. He had nothing to do with alchemy orMuséum.
chentistry. This book oontains an accouat of the
Bayle, ~<wf<M't <& ~aM~M' A-f, Stolle, ~&«<~ t~ ~<- der G<&)At-~«,
Juin, t6S;. p. 637 (reviens thé present work). '736. Pp·
PP. 353.
<<fAt/%M<ttf~<~mw,Halle, t7t6. ii. p. 3190 )8cher, ~MM<~ C~fA~«.~<T<~M, t~~o, i.
x7~ 3t6t.
Joann. Andr. Crameri Elementa Artis Docimasttcœ,duobus tomis comprehensa,
quorum prior Theoriam, posterior Praxin, ex vera Fossilium indole deductas,
atque indubitata Experimentorum, summa cum accuratione institutorum, Me
firmatas, ordine naturali & doctrina apertissima exhibet. Editio altera,
emendatior, ac tum in Theoria, tum in Praxi, ab Auctore ipso muftis modis
aucta & locupletata. Pars Prima Theoretica. Lugduni Batavorum,Apud
Conradum Wisho< et Georg. Jac. Wishoff,Fil. Conr. !~4. Cum Privilegio.
8*. Pp.ft~]s66. Index[a8). PantA)tem.Pfactiett,pp.[<8]38&
Anfangsgründe der Probierkunst.
FRtEDRtCH <t~M~t/,
AUGUST), '/y<t.
OMmerwas born at Quedtinburg. Dec., tyio. a hundred years earUer said that he was jastty
Hetaught assayingat LM<ten!m<!Tandonforsome reckoned among the best writers on the subject.
yaxs and was finatty CottnciMo!'for mines and He published h)s Z)~m~«t at Leyden, 1736,and
meta))nrgyat Blankenburg, from ty~ to i~yj. ~&m<aA[~f<MD<<t)M<«~<Lcyden, t~% 9w!&,
He died of dropsy at Berggiesshabet, Dresden, 8". Thé Kng)!sh translation at Loadon,
6 Dec., t77y. Thete ts a &voontblt notice of him t~t and edition, t7&<,8*. appearéd
The Gennan ttansh-
ln the ~M<~« /~m/~< ~<!pt!~tt, where he is non was made by C. E. Gellert and publishedat
eattedthe greatest assayer of his time. and Baumer Stockholm, x746,8", and Leipzig. 1766,S*.
Haller,~/M/~« ~tc~mtj'o. 177~, p. y~s. Meuse), ~<~hM der w~ ~it~' ty~o ~'f t8oo
Eloy, &~<Mw< ~t/c~M <&la ~H&M<M, Mtf<M~M<t~«~<'A~A' t8o3,i!. p. t87.
1778,). p~ysy. Fuchs, ~<~f««tt der t~~M'j~e lt//<!M!~f,
Bamner, ~t~to~a CX~ottM,ïy8<, p. 69. t&x5~8,pp. 2<6,<tt~.
Cre))./<«~~ der C<t«H«,ty86,M.pp. 3?6-3&t. Kopp, G~K~f der Otfw~, t644. (i. p. 4~;
Gmetin,C«t'AMr~ft)4'~CAsM/e.t~9, !!i. p. $6, &c. t8~7. tV.p.
~<<H«'M<~<«~f~ ~«{~~A~, x876,iv. p.,549.
Das aus der Finstemits von sich se!bst hervorbrechende Licht, in drey
Ita)ien!sch6n Gesângen nebst seiner AusI~gung, wonnnen das Gehetmnits
des Steins der Weisen, nach physicaHschen und vemanMgen Grunden
deutMch vor Augen geleget wird. Aus dem Fnnzosischen Qbersetzt von
C. F. K. M.D. et P.P. Langensaba, t?~. in Johann Christian Martini
8*. Pp.[t4]~c.
CM~M~~–CMM~rn? ,8,
Das aus der Finsternifs von sich selbst hervorbrechende Licht.
HERMETtSCHKS A. B. C., !779, )i. p. to6.
t~ Lumière sortant par soi-même des Tenebres, poeme sur la compo&monde
la Pierre des Phitosophes, traduit de t'ItaUen avec un Commentaire.
See RtCHRBOURG (j. M. u.), Bibliothèque des PhHosophesChimiques,~4!,
p. 322.
p. 3:2.
The original Italian poem b in three CMxoai of édition teveueet augmentée de CMtt.aphorismes
7,8, and to ttan~M respectiveiy.and the tMe runs chymiqttes,"was pabMshedby d'Houry at Paris in
"A i Mti Sapienti si dlscorre tewiotmente sopra <69a, t9. 1 bave not seen it. Thé tmnslator
la ccntposMone della pietra de PMosoph! di says that he (MMt tMthh))(about the author.
Fnt MaM-Aotonb Cta~ethme Chinese.' t do Thé tmn<)Mionand ectnmentMy, but not the
Mt knowtfH WM paMtshed se tely, but h was ttaitMt, were teptinted twRichtbûttrg(q.v.).
printed face to face with thé trench tMMtatioa. ThetmMiMisteteMed <<t by TetthMwfthgntte.
Thé commentator, describinff hM long continued fui thanks to thete~ned Mandater, and the authct
labourin tf~ng to ondentand the wtttingï of the is eaUed by Mm Fmtet AntoninsQfMsdamius.
phitoMphets. says that an anonymous MB. in Thé prêtent German veMionis from the Fteneh.
MiM Mt mto his hands end. <!ndlngit tMtMty but seemingly not from the edition of t687. For
written, he transtated it and added Rn exposition instead of gt~ne the assigned author's na<nea&i<
so that its light shoutd be diffused M widely as appears thefe. the Gennan translator, C. F. K.,
possible. Of the author he knew nothing except quotes it from Tollius and at the same time ttan.
bis MagfMn, so that the name appears to be a scribes il incorrectty as MarcusAntoninus Cn~
made up one. The Commentary was apparentty talamius."
writtenin Latin, but this version t have not seen. Both umstatioM are induded by Kopp among
1t was translated into French, with the ttatian alchemical books with !ight for their title, but he
poem inctuded. and WM pnNbhed withthé tMe has not ooticed that one is translated from the
La Lumiere sortant par soy même dœ Tenebres other, and he makes no allusion either to the
ou ventabtt théorie de la Pierre des Philosophes ttatian verseso)' the reputed author.
Paris, L. d'Hoary, t687, )~. The second
Lengtet D<ifresnoy,~~< de la Mt/M<~t'< Ladmgae, ~M«~~M OotM~ j~
~w, ty<ta,ih. p. aas. .&!<~M,1870,N<ML
Tollius,~a~a ~o~<M<<~ tt~M~7. Kopp, Die /< tM6,ii. p. 38~.
''7S. P.7~
~t~~Hf~j\l7 ~M<K/. CM~w<~
Gme)in,CM~M<'«<M'CA<m~y99,iM.p.3c~etc. DeMimeris, ZM~iKOMM~ <M~~)~ la j<hM..
Reuss, ~t~~o~N~ CfMM~/O~MM; CA«~M. <tt<i83t,t.i:.p.ei!6.
tSo3. pp. !?. 98. ~88. &'<i~4«t/MWMt~, tS~ lx. p. 4S~
FHdier. C~<< d,, ~t)'
der vob. vi., vii.. viii. A~~<f/~ ~«~p~e ~t~< t856, xt. col. 38t.
t8os-c8,M~ttm. Po~gexdora, ~m~w~.A'nf~t ~<t<«/.
?<h! Raf~t<~ ~«/<M/ oa~ ~<-a/ /o«~M/. <t~/< te63, i. co). 49&
ïSt?, ifit).p. (review of bis expetiments on the des ~'M<M Atldi.
effect of toaics. etc., on the cohesfoa of animai m~. t8! xxii. p. 733.
abre. The reviewergtves a brief MtimatBof the !ii. p.
Billings,/)«&-x.Ca<a/<g'M~, teaa, ~d
Mthor's workin ~nem)). p. MM.
Watt, B<M«~<M~AMMMM,t8t<). i. (ftM<hOM), Ser!e<, !)ii.
it~Sr. Hitsch. 2M<g'~w~ ~<o~ der ~fMt-f<t.
.~<<n<~<~t~, t88s, !i. p !03.
~apn~«t ~M~/<-<t/<, Paris. Ptmckouehe,(!8ao. ·~Drctioaary ~`National Br~rapdY, T"8» xiil. p.
i". P. 3~ P-
~HHii~irt~ (JOHANN
J~UHK~uy. C~M~.
duced thé change of titte from whM stood h) thé tonner and it h MMomthat both tMe< are attottd.
MS.mt7~thityeoot<ttMove)rtd. TheaUeMtion Thus wMte GtMKa mentioM ooty thé tbnnef,
must have been made &hnost M once and thé Fûeba, Schmteda-, and Kopp Mem to )MOWthé
~Mt~!My titte tn<Mt have been quicMy cM- ttUter atone
ceMed. 0)- thé coptes withdfftWtt from etremMion, Bestdes thé ww!a) in thé ptesent catatogMe
for that form b certttinty far teM commott thftn C~Ming puNished Hannematm's comatenMry on
D<~ ~<b<p<< /<M~/i~' ~/<t<a. 1 h:tve seen E~paRnets FM<-A)~«M~<t ~M. to wMch
sevetat copies of thé latter, but onty one of thé h* preatted tt teMned pK&ce. TaMn(~a. ~8, t.
Rcth-Schett~ B/M'~era C~~tfa. tTay, pp. ~oxH 2TM<<<e~ &)M~ t8c3. M. p.
4*~4* af6.
Rcth~ehotM. Dt«/«'~ 7%«t<~<m C~fMM'xw. Fucta. ~<M< ~M~~M M<<
1730* P' ~7* 1806-08. p. 25t.
Ftemtd. ~f~ t7S3, Th. i. p. 64. Sehm'Mer, û~A~/< <& ~/<at<'M<< t:3<. p.
HMtet. jBM~Aw~ ~M&M<c< t~. H. p. tS. M3-
A'o~«it< «~'«af~ <~ /<<M~, ~8?, p. M. Poggendorfr. ~<A'~m~ ~<M~-
Gmdin, C~~AM~ <~ 0~t< !79S. !i. pp. a<MM)Mt, t863, i. ceL 4ps.
3~4'3~5* t-~dMpte, BW~A~M~ <h«w~; &t<*tf~
/<w" L p. 55 (inteMst. &'< !e~ N<t. t4M (withoxt thé mMhor's
ing notice of Creillng).. name).
Meuse), JL<MjhMder fOM /t~ ~50 ï8oo Kopp. ~/<AMH~. )!86. i. p. a44: H. p. 3&a.
[Another Copy.]
L Copy.]
Osvaldi Crollii Veterani Hassi. Basitica Chymica continens. Philosophicum
propnâ laborum expenentià confirmatam descriptionem & vsum Remediorum
Chytnicorum Selectissimorum é Lumine Gratiœ & Naturœ Desumptorum.
In fine libri additus est Autoris eiusdem Tractatus Nouus De Signaturis
Rerum Internis. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio S. Cœs. Maiest. Francofurti,
Impensis Godefridi Tampachii, Anno M.D.C.XX.
8*. Pp.336hy, t b)Mk].Pp. t77-t8odn)ppe(t.Mo~Mtepeated.Ttactattts
de S)gn«toris-pp.
M< Index[98]. Ëtegi& de ÂMiqaaMedicina VMciBoHinget~,
&c,pp. t6. TueTractde Signatum has&sepamte title,included
appearedat Genevn,
të~t,8*. Againt6~8,8*,withthéMtesofHartmonn &~ichaetis.
D. 0. M. A. Osuatd! Crollii Vetemni Hassi Basilica Chymica Continens.
Phitosophicam propriâ laborum expenenttâ con6nnatam descr!p~onem et
usum Remediorum Chymicorum Se!ect!ssimorumé LumineGratiseet Nature
Desumptorum. In fine libri additus est Autoris ejusdem Tractatus Nouus
de Signaturis Remm Internis. Cum Gratia et Priuilegio S. Caes. Maiest.
Francofurti, Impensis Godefridi Tampachij.
t*. Pp.[ï6] 983. tndeitM. Tractatusde SignatutisintemisMrùm,pp. [<<,
t bhnk],80. Index[t6] E)egiaUeVemAntiquaPM)«Mp)))ta MédianescripMà
M.VlricoBcMtMero, etc..pp.a~. Thé titlepageh!anefabomte tymbotic
witJ)portraitsof Hermès.ModetusandLullyononeside,andGeber,R.Bacon and
Pmacebus Ot theother. Thisundatedéditionisa teissne ofthatof t6o9,withsome
modifications a reseeniu poems theend. Sheet basbeenreprinted;it
the at a a il
containscatch~'ordsnotintheeartierédition,theinnerUtMs ot thebordergodewnto
thebottom the tMe-page alsoisdiSefent.Sheetbbisthesameinboth;butce has
a)sobeenreprinted withcatcbwords and bordefing linesprotOMged:thepoemendson
tC4<w<c HMtead of o:~«~e, andtheregister, imprintanddatehavebeenomitted.
--rj.j Copy.]
!t want: thé aengt~ved
wttnt: the ttgmved titte.
The F<MM<wChymica eonsisMof three parts tn Eag)M) it appears as ~'fyt!/ and /~w/<'M~
an admonitorypreface, in whichCrollius dtscusses C~MM~, in yA~w yi~a<< London, t6~
thé doctrines of Pnracelsus the pfMticat part, ftmatt folio. BMfdesCroUitM'At~/Mo it contains
whichX reatty a trfatiM on phannacy and them. Hartmann's /*M!<~<w~C~'M<
peutiM: and the trcfUise on Signatures. Thé The 'Admonitory Prdaee,' made English by
remarb made by Oonrine and tw Schc!hammer H. Pinnel,' was published in /A~Ay Nejormtd
are not much io commendation of either Crollius a~/x~~w~~ Ait~f/'n~tMft ?t<!fM<M, boodott.
or hia book, but it 'n<tst be Mmembered thnt '6S7.<°1
Conring was opposed to Paracetttisand his system 'n)e ?Tr).a/w~<a~~(wh)ch is dated t66~)
and his followers. may souMttme: be found separate from the
Siolle notices thé work <avot<ntNy. The 'Ad. jBMt'/M!. lt is noticed by Paschius when tracing
monitory Prêtée' and P~rocebus' vtew<ineenerat the history of Amuletsand Talismans.
are sewre!y crittctztd by Liba~ius in his ~«MM Croll, or Crollius, was bom M Wetter in tj8o,
/t<A«<~<~ )t<w<f,t6t5, pp. 3!.87, <bmtfne part studied at Marburg, Heiddberg, StrMbutg,
of his ~nM//t- A~~M~M ~/<<f'f ~~aa. Geneva, tm~Ued, and became phyachm of Prince
MKMCb~t&oyw*,q.v. Christian of Anhnit.Bentber~. in medicinehe was
On his Chemïstrysee Kopp. ttn adhèrent of PMMebtts, and invented sevcntt
A Gennan tntnshtion, atteted from Hartmann's, remédier. ThefiMtédition of the B<tM'/M-<t C~et!'«!
y.f. \VMbrought out apin «t Ntimherg in t684, was published at Fntndtfurt, t6o8 again in t6o9.
byJohMn HiskiM.Card'tucfm.wtth&commentar)'. and aftenvattis in numerous editions. CtoXitM
thé French tnuMdation was executed by J. died in t6o~.
M<(rce)de butène, Lyons, t6z7,8°.
MMo~er, ~«~m«f<« M~w A<!<<<'« v. p. 4~4 (Pedigree of thé CroU famity) v. (t~) p.
t~/<fv. p. t48, and &M' ~r. i ~jM/.l. 966 (notice ofO.C.).
Vao der Linden, De ~~M~~t~t'~ //M~< ~y/n~ ta~ <7M'~fcA/~ der ~<!it~«Chemie,ty83,
1637.p. 378. PP- 5'7.59''
Bone).~<<'a! C~&t!, t6~t, p. 68 !6~6. PP0.5117,S91i. Weige), ~'Mt/t't'/e~ .ta~xur <?/~tWfM<w&~M</f- Scheide.
jh«M/, t788, i. p. t40.
hëreUio, ~,M<&~<M ~«'M/tM, t686, p. 8~9. Gmetfn, C«~M~<*der Ct<w<M, i.
t7$y, pp. 900.
Conring, /« </w'«~~f<!<~ ~~M ~~MM~m
/<t<nt~<&~t68y, p. t$~, p. 3~4,p. 37~ Rqkrtorliemder chemije,4e»
FUch! ~«~«M ~<at)'J~<« JM~«f,
Witte. A~M, <688, Sig. G4 t8o6, p. M.
twA'. Ann. t6o<). F~M~~ ~/<M<-< Paris, Panckoucte (t8ao.
l'ascbius, ~fM /«tw««t Trattalus, tyco. =5). P- JMS
pp. <t<tt,
~03. 'J': .L' D' J' Sprenget, C<f~«~/<! ~<~M<~H~<&, <8:)7,iii.
ReimfMnn, ~i'~<~ ~M«' ~«t/~MM' t« die P. 528.
~<~<t)))t /M~w~<!<x<&w ?'<w~'Af<, 1709, Ersch
& Gruber,<4~iH)M!'w.&M~M~<Mw, yàtopddit. 1829,
p. xx. t6<)(shortarticle by Baur).
Roth~chottt. Bidliolksra e~M«M,
jBMM<~<M Chssaica,~tM7.
48. ThonMon. ~<J<<My<j~CA«M~)', tSgo. i. p. <74.
StoHe,~M&«<~</<f ~M ~M'<&f/ttw~< Kopp, G<~«'~ <&' C~<fMtf,!643, i. p. ttz&&
f;Mtht~M/, t/gt, pp. 693, 780. /'<t~«M.
Kestner, ~<AH«tJ<-«f C<<«tr<fa.vMc«, ~40, Ladrague, jB<M/~M ONttr~ &MN<~j
P. ~33* &f~/<j, 1870.Nos. tsoo.t6oo.
DufMsnoy, ~'</e<M de la /%<?o~«'
LenRtet /~A~6MM~w< /fA~ ~~<M'~A«',tByo, iv. p. 6<~t.
/~r<a~«~, t749, !h. p. 143. ~<«Mt<t<t<t1t ~~A~tW~f <t'J&MW<Vt ~)/tW<-
JScher, ~<M<aM 0<<M.)-«'<'«, ty~o, f<t/M,1870, xxiii. p. ~ot.
i. col. 9:t<~ Haeser, Gf~t~Mt der ~<«o'x, tMt, ii. pp. 99.
E)oy, jM~<H!~< ~'M'<~«~ de la ~/<Mof<'w, to8, st5, 06.
'7,M. p. 967; <778. M)!ings,/)«A'.v.<*a/<t/<~< tSS:, iii. p. Sar and
Bfmuter,A~/M<~rai.p. zy8a, p. to6.
736. t?89,
~~««M, toG. Series, tSo8, iii. p. tOM.
Sttieder,<3n<«~/<M!«M«~<<tf~<M f~<'M7- Hirscb, Ft<ifre~t/~M y~'Ah'a der ~~t<
~<< &tb~M< &~K~ Gtittingon, ii. (t~Sa) ~t~<f</<'<t ~< 1885.ii. p. Tu?.
LU Vayvl.
De Compositione Medicamentorum, hod!emo aevo, apud Phannacopotas,
pasam extantium: et quo Artificic eadem recte parari queant cum
t88 C/?OA~F~?&WG/~–MM?~E~
CROSSET de la Haumerie.
D. 0. M. A. Accipe, quod sentitur, antequam discitur. Michaelis Crugeneri,
P.M.C. Chymischer aufgewickelter Gebrauch und Bereitungseiner Elixiren,
welche zu heilsamer Cur der vornehmsten und bekantesten und aus ihren
dannn beschriebenen Ursachen und Zutatten entspringenden Kranckheiten,
so dem Menschlichen Leibe von Fuis an bHs auff die Scheitel, begegnen
kônnen: Zu erhattung des Lebens, langwieriger Gesundheit, und zu
C7?M?A~M t89
verhOttung des Liebes und Gemüthes Beschwehrung dien- und nützlichen,
Dem beygefiigt ein besonderer PMto-Medico Chymischer Anhang, oder
kurtzer Tractât, in welchem gelehret und gehandett wird, worzu der Mensch
von Gott dem Herrn tuchtig erschaffen sey. Item was M verrichten kan,
und was er, wenn er von Gott zu einem Philo-CbymtschenMedico beruffen,
nothwendig kônnen und wissen soU, Datbey werden etliche wenige doch
besondre nutzbahre und tieflnachdenckliche Medicamente ersehen, und
nebenst einem zwiefachenRegister, so wohl der Cap!tom eaTum~, sectionum
a!s der rerum & verborum allen Liebhabern der Warheit und der rechten
Hermetischen Artzney gefliessenen m Nutz und Gefallen an Tag gegeben.
Augustin, lib. 8. de Trinit.
Nullus reprehensor ibnhidandus est amatori veritatis. Etenim aut inimicus
reprehensurus est, aut amicus: Si inimicus insuttat, ferendus est:
Amicus autem, si errat, docendus est, & audiendus.
Drefsden,in verlegungChristian Bergen,gedruckt in SeyffertsDruckerey, t66!.
4*. Pp.[36]:!43.Register,
D<O.M.A. Michae!isCrHgneri,P.M.C. NeuvermehrterChymischerFruhMng.
Dasist sonderbarer Medico-ChymischerTractat, sambt einer Astrologischen
Continuation. Die Gewâchse zu samMen, und zu gewissen Kranckheiten
recht xu bereiten. Darinnen insonderheit kürtzlich und treufleissig dar-
gethan wird, welches nicht allein irrige Meinungen und fatsche Procède,
sondem auch im Gegentheil,richtige, kurtze und waare Procefse,mit sonder-
baren Handgrinen, auch beygefugtem Gebrauch und Nutz gewiesen wird
Alles mit hochstem Fleifs, eigner Ertahrung, und mühsamer Erforschung
observiret, probiret, demonstriret und beschrieben vom Autore in Drefsden.
Vornemlich allen Liebhabern der Warheit, und der rechten Hermetischen
Artzney geniessenen zu Nutz und Gefallen. Welchen vorher gesetzet
Informatorium Medico-Chymicumoder Untemcht, was ein recht Chymischer
oder Hermetis,cher Medicus sey, und was von ihm erfordert werde.
Augustinus 8. de Trinit.
Nullus reprehensor formidandus <estamatori Veritatis Etenim aut inimicus
reprehensurus est, aut amicus: Si inimicus insultât, ferendus est; amicus
autem si errât, docendus est & audiendus.
Nürnberg, In Verlegung Wolngang, defs Jungern, und Johann Andréa:
Bndter, Anno M.DC.LIV.
4". Pp.[t6]~8S[t9,1 MMth].MS.note:
[Another Copy.]
[Another Copy.]
D.0. M. A. Michaelis Crugeneri, P.M.C. Chymischer Sommer. Das ist
sonderbarer Medico-Chymischer Tractât, darinnen insonderheit tmrtztich
und treuSeisstg dargethan wird, wie die Gew&chscnach rechter InSuentz,
und rechtem Mais defs himmlischen,recht eingetheilten Zodiacizu samblen,
und dann ferner Chymicè und Astrologicè recht zu praepanrenseyn, so wo!
rechter Gebrauch und Nutz gewiesen wird. Alles mit hochstem Fleifs,
eigner Erfahrung, und mithesamer Erforschung observirt, probiret, demon-
striret und beschrieben vom Autore in Drefsden. Vomemlich Allen
Liebhabem der Warheit, und der rechten Hermetischen ArtzneyGeBtssenen
zu Nutz und Gefallen an Tag geben.
Augustinus 1. 8. de Trinit.
Nullus reprehensor formidandus est amatori Veritatis Etenim aut inimicus
reprehensurus est, aut amicus. Si inimicus insuttat, ferendus est
amicus si errat, docendus est & audiendus.
Nürnberg, In Verlegung Wolffgang dess Jungern, und Joh: Andrew
Endtem, Anno M.DC.LVI.
4'. Pp.M 435ft b)M){,to]. Tableat p. 97.M<tthé fotdingtaMein redand
black,p. t8i.wHtbefoundinCrUgeer's
C~MJ<'&Ca~o&M.&?. actes.
[Another ~upy.j
~ummct Copy.]J
CrOgner, or Crugener, aourished ~bout thé trestbe. GoMt~. t~, a" in German, Frkf. a. M.
midd)e of the seventeenth tent'try, )ived in Moa.S*. B~Hesthoseabovementionedhewtote
Dtttden. and was a chemist and a otedica) prm.
titioner of the Khoot of the îiUro.mMhematicians atso CtfMtjit~~ y~MM~MM, DtMdett, Nambefe.
tôso, 4° ~j/~«eNt«t ~orM, Osnabrtidc. t6M.4':¡
or tatto-astt&nomttS. He detised a number of ~i~Md. t6y.t,4'; Ct~<Mh!f~
medicinesand speei6es,in pMticu!a)'thé materia and e~f H~M~.tMtt it isaquesMon if thé
perhta," ofwhieh ht gives an account in a sepamte hst two were nctaaiiypuMished.
Reimmana, ~'«t&<<t<M' &t <&< ~M/o~n'eM /</<n!. Hatte< &W<MA«;a ~M~wN<a'. ~779,iii.
fMat <&w 7~Af«, Halle !m Magdeburg, t~tg, p. Mj.
vi. p. S9'< GmeUn, G<-j<:AM/< CA<M~,tyay, i. p. 693.
RotË~dMttz, Ct<fM«M,t7~, p. SI. ~&<&'<t&.Palis, PMdtoucke (t&o-
~<~<xM<-At ~«~a~
ft Kestner,
IS~II 0<&A~<a.~MM<t,ty~o, :;), i!i. p. 3<9.
Kopp, t8S6.ii. pp. 379,39:.
c~CA~-cwMr '9'
t~KUuM&H ~tCHAE~.(MtCHABL). Coa/MM~.
The materia pM-tata.' which the fnwntor sold The materia porht~' heMdMMiM isnot to be
for 949. the ounct, and about which a good deat confounded with the 'ptrttKed sait' of Proust,
has been written, is, according to some, 'Anti. which wu investiMtedby Sebeete and described
monium diaphotettcum,' appfn-enttythe oxide of ta Cfett's C4<'M&a//Mfwa/, t~t, i. p. no
the meM). Thé question was dtM)~ed in an (Et)g)ishMndation).
ttcademic dissertation by Péter Gericke (~JM) HaMwquotes thtte editions of thé tract on tbis
and Arthur Cot<t<tdErMting (~.) /MMf~a~ Mpic tn German Hudissht,t66~, S° Ratisbon,
~~<!<<n'«/<<t, Hetmttadii. ~37 (or t~S. for 1676,S* t679,8°.
the date ts Munred),<t*. and me authorities there
Kerner, y<M C~<a/n'<-<t, 1618, Se<!t. !v., Weige!. C~«~) <& ~<w<t«~ a~~MM~~
si Pa~w/<~ CA<M~,)77! Il. pp. 53!, ~h 8 'p~.
Kctb,~~t/M~M~C~M&, ty~t, p. :M8. FudM, At~Wt~MM <A<'M< ~</A'/w/a',
ve, J5'/tMM/« C%)WtM',t73t, li. pro' tOo~oS, p. t47.
Theatrum Morborum Hermetico-Hippocraticum seu methodicx morborum,
et curationis eorundem dispositio multis elegantissimisproblematis ac
Hennet!cœ medicin~ flosculisHtustfata. Opetâ & studiô D. Davidis Crusij,
Cnmniccnsis,Philosophi & Medici. 16!$. Erfurti typis Nicolai Schmuck'j,
Impensis Johannis Episcop. B:Niopo!<e Erfurtens
S'. Pp.[t!. i bhnk]949. Index[8]. Appendix [tz] [3bhnk).Foldingtable
contalninga sterne of diseates.
and Patt: t6t6. Erfurti. TypisMccMenanb,tmpenst!Johaanishpiscop.
ODftOpOxC.t'p.~Oj.KKt. tn<te)t[n,ïb)ank].
mu'st~t.tuftu FoMingtaMewithanotherschente.
This parthMa
hM a separate
separate t itte,
s ignatures,
titte,signatures, andpagination.
The notices of Crusius are rather discordant. not a niunicipality, so that there was no burgo.
Accordingto one account he was bom at Crin). master.
miMchau uear A)teobutS, 39 Januaty, !<8$, StoHe is right so far as the t688 votume of
graduated master of ans ~t Erfurt, MMdied at tena Wltte's /~M~m is concemed. But thete was
and other universities,and becamc M.D. of Base) another part issued in t~t, and Crosim' name
it) t6o~. He practbed pnvatety at Erfurt, and may posstbtybe in it. t havenot seen thispert.
declined many oHiifs to become private physician By BoMt there is quoted alsoa DanielCrusius.
of various princes. He accepted, however. the author of "MethodiM PbMc~ peripatetico-Her.
Hen'" met!Medetine&tio,Erphord.apud Hirtmer,t6t7, in
at Erfurt. His death took place on t~ Juty, t&tc.. 8'
Another version is that he was a native of Whether Daniel is a misprint for David, or
Grimme, private phyiician of vartoas princes and whether they are distinctauthors, a))) uaabte to
counts, and buigomaster of Erfurt. This is décide.
atSnned on the authority of Wittes ZMMt«M Lengtet Dafresnoy,followedby Gmeiin,fe<}Mto
~M<)M. but Stolle remarks that therebnot DtmMon!y and his book.
a word about Crusius !n that work, and fanher Van der Linden eatk bun CtiMniceMM.and
that there is evidencethat Erfurt at that timewas mention! the yx~/reat ~~en~onty.
D. 0. M. A. 1 Cruxabsq; Cruce Das ist: j Wotvermeynte) Defension,deren,
inter t Mundi calumnias blühenden Teutschenj Gesellschaftad S. Sanctum1
Genannt Vom Rosencreutz. [Vignette.] Autore V!to del Capo dela bona
speranza. t
Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed no-) mini tuo da gtoriam.t
M.DC.XVH. j1
No p)aw,
pi=, printer, or pubtisher.
« ~h~' J The ~nette is a Mcon standing on the winged Earth
batt. with wr~th in .ts beak. and an open bock in it! right toot. and thé motte:
Gloria Virtute Paratar.
~~J* ~.R<'si<:nie~ tmct of whieh Boret ~(~<
& ~83. pp. 83.4,
~,<-<, 7,)sp<a)~ of MS. Md by K)< ~M~<
lt is mentionedtd~o in,6M.
~t~nfp.aa <«- F~a5' )8<n. p. tS~, No. z<t99.
CRUX Symbolica.
Symbolica Crux.
See MANGRT (j. j.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, i7o2, ii. p. 840.
~t-tn&t~t (DANtEL),
\t~AMiC,~ i66o.
Cutpepef. bom t6i6 at London, was at Cam- vety successM mimuat. He wrote a number of
bridge in 163~,and was !t goodschotar. He was medicat books, and bis bard work !ts a pmctitioner
appreoticed to an apothecaty, in t64o he set up as and author injured his health, and be died in Jan.
astrologer Md physieian, and was much esteemed '653.4. aged 38.
inmeWtercapMtty. HistfRMtationoftttaPhM- His portrmt is in the 'UMt Legacy.'aad in the
matopmia of the Cettege of Physiciattsexcited their DirectMy,' or naMhtion of the Phannacopoeia:
indignftion. His Engtish Phyaieian,' tS~g.wasIl
Haller, &M/A«M F<a«-a, tyyï, i. p. ~y; jP«<tMa<t<M' ~<<<~<' a~ ~<tM Midi.
t772, p. tso. ca/M, 1880,xxiv. p. y4.
Haller, ~/<«/<4«M~~«Ma' ~f<t, t77g, iii. Haes<r. G<~<f~t~,«, t88t, ii. p. ~6y.
p.8(se<eMtwcrks). Btttings, /x<&t-CtA!~M, t889, iii. p. eey and
The C<K<&Ma)t'j A~«M~, t797, txvii. pan 9, Series, t898, iii. p. ioM.
p. 563. Hirsch, ~<~pa~AM<A<! ~.nA)a der At~
Hutchinson. B~MM~M8iu~rrrpAiaM~M, Medira tyoo,
tygg, i.i. p. su.
a3q. ~Mt<&« ~<ft«', tSSs. il. p. tt~.
Chalmers, The C<'a<t/B~nt&4M<t/~«-/<c/MtT, ~<~MK<uy National B~n?~, tM8, xiii. p.
t8t.h xi. p. t3o. 286.
Watt.~&wK<-<t, 1819, i, (<mth«R) StdneyPeel, "Nichohs Ct)!peper, soldier,phy.
9?6< s!cian, xsttctoger, and potiudan," A~'w~
~«tr~tf ~t/<'<<)&.Paris. Pantkoueke (te~- C«/a~, London, te~S, xliii. pp. 755-763.
~).iiï. p. 36~.
Cultor Spagincœ Medicinœ.
Sec ZWKYschône Cbymische Tractâttein.
C~Zr<M-<~W7<?.S'F <93
GrandUcher Spagyrischer Wissenschaften Cultor.
Set COKt.UMPhitosophorun),<739.
CURIEUSE Anmerckungen,
DKnct~ Med:c<B,
CXXX Gmnd-Satze.
· See MUNnERTund dreissig Grund.Satiie.
Z'. (M. C. ~)-Z)~Z~ t9;
D. (H. V.).
D.(R. E. J.).
Elias der Artist, eine Abhandlung von der h(inst):chenMetallverwandlung.
Sa SCHRÔDEH (FRtEDRtCHjosRF WH.HKLM), Neue AtchymistischeBiNiothek,
t77', l. p. '8t.
Le Grand Livre de la Nature, ou l'Apocalypse Philosophique et
Ouvrage curieux, dans lequel on traite de la philosophie occulte, de t'inteMi-
gence des hiéroglyphes des anciens, de !a Sociétédes Freres de ia Rose-Croix,
de la transmutation des métaux & de la communicationde l'hommeavec des
êtres supérieurs & intermédiairesentre lui & le gt~ndarchitecte. Vu par une
Société de Ph. Jnc. & publié par D. Depuis ï, jusqu' A
t'an t)'oo. Au Midi, et de l'Imprimerie de la vérité.
8°.;[tb bHUM~J.;[tbhu))<]. Woodeut.
"OettVK!d'un Imbécile
ou d'un m&UMis p)<H. of hennetictenMwhiehit cotons h a mete
s<u)t,"fa L~trag~'s comment{~KM~M~ syaonymy.Att)te end are reeeiptsto prodace
ÛMW~&t<'«ts<T~<t, tSyo, No. 6ot). reconeUtethingt <twattrto so~enmettts.the
PotaNy. !t see)Mto buaMttttetMHtat
Mecuot <tnd'wot).
of Motionand tntnsmttMtion. Thé dittionary hmpofU~,
Samuelis Da!ei, M. L. Pharmacotogia,seu Manuductio ad Materiam Medicam
in- qua Medicamenta CMBdnaUaSimplicia, hoc est Mineralia, V~etabith,
Animalia eorumque partes in MedtdtMB Officinis usitata, in Mèthodum
naturalem digesta succincte & accurate describuntur. Cum Notis Generum
ChamcfensticisSpecierum Synonymis,Differentiis& Viribus. Opus Medicis,
Philosophis, Pharmacopœis,. ChifUtgis, &c., ntiHssimum. Ad catcem
t96 MZF–M~ÛZ<?
adjictuntur Indices necessarii. Quarta Editio, Indice Ga)!ico, Germanico,
J ~o! ~x~, t) M ï< ~a)<~}. Hipp. Lib. I. Aphor I.
Lugduni Batavorum. Impensis Joh. Arnold. Langemk. M DCC.XXXIX.
4*. Pp.[4]vii.[5) .m[st).
4.PP.M~[5]4M[5 ;tj. FinePwmitofD<t)e.
r <net~tntan o<Mue.
Samuel Date, son of a sitk.thrower. St. MMy. portrait of him in oit is in Apothecaries' Hatt ¡
Whttechapd, wasbombetween t~C and <66o. fn an enpMing of hin<at 78 years of âge is pre.
t674 he was apprenticed to an apothecary. 6)[ed to thé present edhion. and there is one
pMCtisedM a physician and apothecary M BMin- by Venue in thé third édition which is KpM.
tree, in Hs~ex,in t686, was a diligent nMUtatbt, duced !n the Jotuna) of Botany. Date died 6
botanist, and phat'macotogist,<md !t man of no Jttne, <73S),and WM huried at Boeking, nentr
mmtt teMning and acautrements. He t<M a Bmintree.
friendof Ray, thenatmaust, and Sir Hans Stoane, Thé /ta<'o/<<e w<Mfim publisbed at Lon.
contributed papers to the Royal Society, and, don in tô~, 8° again with a supplemenl in t?o$
besides the /'A~~<!<'p/<tp<wrote an appendix to and ed., t?!o; wd éd., t?~ Md!tioMwere
thé History aed AntManiat of Harwich <Md printed abroad: MnemiB. fyoy, ïy~: Lugd. tht..
Rovercouft.bySbts Taylor. containing an accoant tygo and the above.
of the natural history of the locality. Il was t'he /t<t/'Ma<'c/<~a is still quoted as <Mt
pubtished ia t~go, and agftin in tygz. His authority on the introductionof certain substances
herbariMmis now in the British Muséum; n as ftntgs.
wav.vvsav (VINCENZO).
[Another Copy.)
Cotjtat VmcenM Ratutoto was bom at Venico Varese near Como. He a'M a member of thé
6 (ora6) Cet., tM8. He was a weatthy prophetor tnstituto Italiano and of the Société Mian&, and
who tookM «etiveshate in thé ewats which )td M occupied Mmsetf with the bfeeding of theep, the
the Mt of theVenetiM) RepuNic tn '797. becamo production of st)k, manufacture M gmpe sugar,
a membefof the gréât Coune!) of the Cisalpine wootogy. and wrote on thèse andcUMreeonQtmc~
ttepabttt, th«t mueh ln Paris, was gotemo)' of subjects. Hc was the author also of a work
DMnmtiafor ttve years under Napoleon, and ~w«/<' ~<! ff~M <<h'MMMMt«, Veneda,
fioaMyrethtd M)d ttved privately on his estate at 1795. He died at Varese n (t3) Dec.. t8t9.
Gntellil, C~eAM~ <&f CA<M~, t799, pp. cent Dattdo!o." in AW~~M t/«<«~w/A </<'
~90t C<«~. NouveHeMne, t8M, )cd. p. M.
~ttérard, laa~)M«<~
HYana /<7~t«r, x8go.ii.
!ïl~raixr t~, ü. p.
p 3S<.
38r. PoggcmtorOf, ~«~M~«<~Yt~'a~M<~<t ~/«~
MaMMexBonafous, "ËtogeMstcdque de Vin. «Xi~M?M<A, t663, co).s'7'
Die guldenArch, Schatz vnd Kunstkammer, in drey thei) vnderscheiden. îtH
erstenwerdenaufsführlichverhandlet drey Gesprach von Spatginscherprepara-
tion vnd zubefeitung der Artzneyen. A!s warumb die nicht allein von den
Vegetabilibusvnd Animabilibus, sondem auch die von den Minerabilibus,
hergenommeneeintzele Medicamenta anderst ats bifsherovon den Gallenisten
beschehen,soHenvnd müssen pnepanert werden, vnd dann auch wie selbige
pnepmtion recht vnd wot voMbtachtwerden solle. Im andem vnd letsten
Theil hat der Kunstbegierige Leser vieler ats der fumembsten aufserlesenisten
Phitosophorum,Medicorum vnd Spatg;corum (sic) Geschn~en vnd Bücher.
Allender Chimei Liebhabem, sonderlich den Jungen angehenden nutzlich zu
lesen. Durch M. Claudium Dariotum bestellten Stattartzt zu Beaulne, in
Ffimtzësischer Sprach beschrieben. Nun aber insonderheit der Kunst
Liebbabemins Teutsch mit sonderbarem fleifs vbergesetzt,durch 1.A. M. D.
Den Catalogumaller TfactSttein findt man gleich nach der Vorred, deren
ettichemit Figuren gezieret Getruckt zu Base!, In verlegungdes Authorn.
Pp.tao]. 3~(fo)r307)[tb!an)t].
<9S ~/?/<?y
JohMMMSDaustenii Angti Rosarium secretissimum philosophorum afcanum
comprehendens. Geismanœ,Typis SalomonisSchadewitzSumptibusSebaldi
KôMets. M. DC. XLVII.
8'. Pp. tM /i'M<!M'aM,pp.3.!CO.~< PP.Mt.ttC.
GnMtm quotesanédition:~c.M< O~w/w. Hamb.!67j,,8*,andin the/</<m/
!< 1697.
[Vis:o ejusdemJohannis Daustenij, AngH.]
s.).&a. 8'.<KM9.
This!sa fragmentfroma copyofthe/</<~<< ~«~«-C~ 167~.
Rosarium, in welchem das allergeheimeste Geheimnufs vom Stein der Weisen
See ALCHYMtSTtSCH Sieben-Gestirn,).67!,p.99.
ALCHYMtSTtSCH Steben.GMtirn, J772,p. n9.
Sieben-Gestirn,t67~,p. 200.
Sieben.Gestin),t772<p. 231.
~< GtN~ecËUM CHtMtcU)), t679, p. ;48.
&<' J.), Bibliotheca
0. J.),
MANOET0. Bibliotheca Chemica
Chemiica Curiosa, <i.p.
t/o:, <i.
Curiosa,t702, p. 32<).
Of thb writer oothinf: is known with oertetinty. phrase. Boret quotes a tetter said to have been
His aarne appears ns Dastin, Dastyn. DMtyne. addressed by htm to Pope John XXII., but some
DtMtMein.Musten, D~ustin, and whHe most sitting and entichm woutdbe teqmfed before such
writers, probably copying one another. pmce h)m a document cottM be Mcepted as evidenceon? 1\
e~rty in the fourteent ctntury–t~tt.t~t~ and~ito, question of date Ilikethé present. If genuiae it
are dates which havebeen Msigned toMn) his wutd suit the eartier penod above mentioned.
works, and ca)t him contemporary of Cremer Bord, furiher, catb him Cardinal St. AdniUMs.
and–Mtson puts him nt thé t~ioning of but that statement seems to bc due to bis having
the siMeeuth ceattuy. Athntote WtUof opinion confused Dausten with thé person to whom hc
that his work wos "«tfned into ExRttshvenie by wrote a dediotttott ptettïed to one of bis t[MM.
some tater phitesopher for in his days we meet Lengtet DuCresnoy, however, goesof fuithe)', and
with no such t~aned English." But he proposes says that after examining the t&t cardinals he
no date etther for the oHgimt et for the para. couMnot find this one among them.
aoo MMT~-M ~MCA~
~W- 6<w/M<
Others tew him a montt who reducedhintMtfto bis MSS. with the ptaees wherethey are ptesefved
poverty by bissearch for transmutation, whiteBâte b gtv<Mby Tanner.
and Taxno- and Pits dec!Me hint to bavebeen the Maiet's statement (tMt Dausten teftbettind Mm
v<ityforemostetchemistof his tone–TiMner says Il MMidereMe CheMi<a)t tMet, whMt Jaous
"AMMMnistictBartis iBtate sua primus, et lit LacittiMbath put in hh CottecHoM."eouM not be
AagU&magister unicus"-in which cMe Ashmote checM by A~hmote,M he bad not been «Me to
thinks thM if hewereto~ter of so much tefuntMg see Lacintus' /W&M ~it~~At 't<w<<t,wMctthe
as they confe!;MMto be, and hi: poverty wereaot supposedtn!ght be the hook <<M<nM, cor e<Mtdhe
voluntary, he might have tMtvanced MtnseMto say whith ofDaasten's writingswere printed thwe.
riches whea he pteased." Thé aame of DausMa does not oceur ln that
ScvMat works appeM under his name in the coHection, and it is not eMy to idenUty any
notice given by Pits and by Bore!, and atistof witing by him, which.basides. n<t:ht poss:My
have been taken fmnt a MS.
Maier, ~M~& /<«~M <Mw~, t6M, p. d<8. Rmetin, 0<MfA<f~~C4< <707.i. p. 53.
Pitseus, ~<</<0~ /~tt.M <~ ~MM, Ritson,. F<<M <t C<a~< <~
f6to, i. p.S~t.
Ashmote, ?~<t/w//< CX«M«;«M~ttM't&MM, ~~M*Lo))don.t8o%p.<8t.
Schmieder. <XM)aM<<et«M«',tS3t. p. 164.
t6<,e.p as?, and Notes, p. 472. Hoefer, /MMM~ Ct««&, te~ L ~4*0; ¡
Bon-). Fw~At« C~M~t, ~M. p. 73. i.
t666j p. ~M.
Men:fd!a,Z.<'«<&m'M wMt~<M, ~6M. p. 569. ~<<!<'MM~MttMK~/A,t8; x. ?..<$'.
MornehitH,C.'o.w &«<M ~<'«t«v<-MM, <VM<MMf ~<ty~t«' C<'<t&, t%j;, xiii. w).
t6~, p. ay, No. xxi:v)i. 14?-
Roth.Sehottï. ZMM~t<MCA<M«M,tyM. p. u. Eadmgtte,BW~~M O~~t~ &f~
Fabnciut, ~WM/A~« /.a~« ~~<t <( ~%M & t8?o. No. 786.
«'/«/< t?34,Lib. iv. p. ?. Kopp, D« <M& ii. pp. 340.3M. 376.
Lenftet Du&esnoy, ~~o< <& A~w<t/ F~nt/A)'. tM8, xiv.
i. pp. M?. 468; lit. p.~t<&M)~«; /)tf<«'M<)'
/tM3. t4~ p. 89.
Tanner, ~M/<f~<< ~<7<«~~<«ra, ty~S, Me.~«~ B~e«w<? &«~-M~. cdited by
p. zt9. R. L. Poote und Maty Bateson (Anecdote Oxonf.
FiettM, f/< t?M. Th. i. p. 64. ensia), 1902.p. i<)6.
Godfridi Davidis, Unnensis, PMLet Med. Doct. Sereniss.Blect.
Colon. &c. &c. Ducatus Westphalici Medici, Discursus Medico-Chimicus
De MedicinaMagnatum.
Sitac. c. 38. v.
Disciplina Medici in conspectu magnatum collaudabitur.
Tremoniœ,Typis Johannis Fridenci Ruhtu, Anno M.DC.LXXXÏ.
S'. Pp.
y. h MM'tt] [ M)tjo [t. t Mankj.
Nothing is ttoownabout the author, ex~pt that &cciebenitotsMedicis Maenatibuscotnmendttatur
he was a physiciattat U nna. i<tWestph~titt, wbeaee and thèseare grouped under certain classes.
catled Unnensis, and bad aj~a~ G«wM«tM, Att Deaureeetectota!) putveM.
David David, a lawyer, Md "Coasut Unnensis." Fhe book therefore contains semé curions
This book. which appears to be <tt)that he h'stotttat matter, and is an a)mo!t unique one on
wrote, contains a Pnetoqoium and three t~rtMes. the :abjea.
Thé Pnctoquium is a Short history of a)t the Haller, followed by Gmdin, gives the phc<t of
deities, Mngs, nobles, and other persons of ntt)k publication as Btemee, tMt. Such simuftaneou:.
who hftvepfMtised or patronised medicine. publication is not impossiM~ but it seenM more
Art. 1. DeMagnatttmMedieina.quMMMMHtttes probaMethat Bremœ is a nilsprint tbrTrentoniœ
vel ipsi pfwpMwe vel tituto condecorare dignati whichbesides may have been a !eM<ami)iarname.
sunt. am not aware of any other mention of such an
Art !t. De Medicameotis, quae virtute &precio édition.
MeroMin,jUa<&M<«t ~«)M<«j, i686, p. jgt. Ha))er. F~/«'f<t ~~MtCMa!~t~!<<M<t, 1779,
Mmget, ~~M<t<! &~cwM A&<E~WM, iii.p.. 49~.
t7M, t. ii. p. t6: Gtnehn, C<t~Mt<<<&<- il.
C~mM, !798, p.
Kestner, A<M«M<«t<~Ct~oa, <7~,
p. ~43.
Commentaria in Idasam Medicime PhHosophtc~ Petri Severini Dani, Medici
incomparabilis & Philosophi subtimis: Ad faciliorem difficultatumenoda-
tionem, quœ in ipso, propter Lectoris in Philosopha Veterum parum forsan
J&O~ eot
(SAMUtL),tô~ t667.
Menas Hieroglyphica.
~M 'rHËATRUM <6}9, ii. p. 178.
Rogerii Baconis AhgH Mptstoh de See)fetis Operibus Art:s et Nature et de
Nuttitate Magiae Opéra Johànnis Dee ad sensum integrum restitua
Nunù veto cum not:s quibusdam partim :ps:us Johànnis Dec,
partim edentis.
ROTH.scHOLTx(FRtEDERKH), Deutsches Theatrum Chemicum,)732, iiL
p. 387.
~<t <!&? BACON
John Dec WMborn at London M tuty. !<3?,was thisotnce. HehadatreadytriedtobepurgedfMm
odttcatedthe!Band M ChetnMfbrd. and entered St thé chMgecf being a conjurer and 'inwcator of
John's CoUege.Cambridge, in i~ was B.A. in divet! and he once moreapplled in t6o4 to King
'&. and 'S~S-6. He was one of thé
Mtowsof James for justification front the accusation. He
ongMKU Trimty, and taught Greek. !n coaM not bave gone to a worse person for this
t547 he visited Hotiand. and on his retum brought purpMe. and h)s rcqaea was Mfosed when the
Mme astronomical instruments whieh he gave to rcya) Wttch-hunterknew the nature of his studies.
Trinity. Thereaftef He left Manchester,retumed to
M Louvainand went to Paris in t~oand hved inpoverty tilt his death it) Morttake.
where he
taught MitthemMics. He returned to ËnKtan<tand tëo?.
fhe nMt édition of the /MM<M
shortlyafter he was tried on a charge of attempt- ~V<Ci!f~t«t
was printed by GuliehnusSilviusit Antwerp,
ing to poisonQueenMary. He was acquitted Mtd x5fit,
set at liberty. tn ~6a he went to Antwerp to with. pHti))rs,Mmbob, mottoes, and in the ornnte
arrange about printing the ~«<M ~«n~HMKa, thé 'Menas' itsetf enetesed in an ovifbtm n:.
proceeded to Venice and hter to Ptesb~g ut eeptacte. Thé boo~ is dedieatedto thé Emperor
Hun~aty, M posent the dedication copy to the MModum U.. and there is a!M a tetter tothe
bmpetw. Maximilian IL, and on his return to printer to whichhe is reqoested to set up thé book
e."g)and he explained thé tneamng of it to Queen fn M close an imitation of thé maa~tscript as
Elizabeth. She seemsto hâve had a partiality for possiMe. in so far a; the diagmms,marks,
Dee nnd his otctttt science, for <he had capital
with him more than once and he)d interviews
fetten, and so on are concerned. Appatentty
attached importanceto suchdetails,as they formed
with hiM)about it, but-like Cornelius Agrippa-
Dee not morepromises of prefenneat than actua) p~Mof the significanceof his symbot.
Therewasa repriat Francofurti,Apud ïcanacn)
appontments from those who had Mch in tMr Wethetum & Petrum Fischerum tionsones, tmi
gnt. When he was unweU,however, the Queen It a smalt 8* pp. tey [t Man)<]
sent her own physician to him. lu ~74 the Queen in which the
visited him at Mortlakeand wasshown bh mainc dfagranMandpeeut&ntit!. of printing are retained.
Othenvise tt js very plain; the tiUe'pMe bas it
crystat in ~77 he wentto Windsor to deliver his meagre reproductionof the MoM.s.'tmta devoid
vtews on a cornet whichhad appeared, and again of ornament and is unattMct~ Copies of thèse
in tsyS he was consultedabout the Queen't heaith editionsare extremelymre. ln the British Museum
and was sent to Gennany M disctMsher tymptonM
w<thphysicians there. In t~So he receivedanother Catalogue thereare three copiesof the t~ edition
visitfrom the Queen, and in t~ he was busy with onh', none of that of t~t or any other apart front
the atteration of tbeCalendar. Dee's as
ait atchemist brought himinto contact repatation
with Edward says (Dr. Dee's û<a<y,p. that it was
or and for frequentty printed, but thcM are thé only editions
Kelley, Tatbot, a couple of years they t bave met with. He aho says that he tried to
carried on experimentsand ))esaathoseconfeMnces
mth spirits which were recorded and published exp)a)o the meMing of the tract in a paper to thé
Societyof Antiquanes. t do not knowwhether or
long aherwards by Merie Casaubon in t6m. in a not that per waseverprinted.
folio v olume. Thé édition of Roger Hacon's~<<t with D<e's
and no.MonBrTheywento<!fincofnp<u)ytoCmcow.
were they gone than a tnob broke cotïcct'OM and notes was fint (?) pMbMstMd:
'nto bis houseat Mortlakeand destroyed books and
instruments. Dee tried tofindfavourwith Rudolph "Hamburgi, Ex BibUopotioFrobeniano. Anno
cb.t~.cxvm." tt fonnsaa little square oettKo,
Il. and Stephen of Poiand. but to no purpose.
P~ 80, with an "<Mr<S!i tothe RosicrucianBrother.
They went to Prague, then to Erfurt and Casse), hood. There followedan Eogiishversion Fritr
and at last to Ttttbaa in Bohemia. tn K8&he Baconhis Discoveryof the Mtradesof Art. Nature,
dedtned the oCerofan appointmeat in tttMm, and and Magiek. FaithMty ttaMhted out of Dr. Oee
contintted his spiritual conferences. FioaMy Dee own .P~y and
and Kelley parted tompany in !SM.89. beforein English.
KeMey London, Mnted tbr Simon Mitterat thé Starra in
returned to Prague and bec came on to England, St Fauh ChaMh-yard, t6~o." tt is a ~n~))
whereho wasonce more favourablyreceived by the nfurow duodecimo, pp. [t~
Queen. tn tS95-?6he wasiastattedat Manch~ter [? of book adver.
as warden ofthe CoUege.but he did not suceeedin tt~ments] [t teaf.bhnk ? wantin:]. Both of theM
editlonsare extremelytare.
Z?~Z/C7~ ?3
Ashmote, ?~<<'«<t C'~<~<M ~?A«aM«M, F)tC)M,?<<'nH«t <<f <M<~M ~<<
t6o. p. 478. 1606-06, p. 56.
Boret, ~/<~<tN CA«M«a.[654.
C4emica,t6S4- p. P- 74-
74- Betoo, ~M«<&)<<t a~ ~.<««, tSoy, ii. p.
Mofhof, Z~ ~MfA!<tt ?~<MMA!<M« (itboutDee's ~A~
/C/<t, 1673,p. t54. Chatmer:, TT~ G«!Mfa/W<{p~<M<'a/M«~.
A'<!M«~<t~<cA, oder y~M/M ~M/' t8t3. xi. p. 378.
&~t~<~< t7oa. pp. to~, tt4. Mrseh & Grubef, ~~<w ~<~M«',
ThonxM ijmith. ~<? /wof«M<Mm<~<~7fM. 183~. xxiti. p. 3:9.
~<)~<M <tf<M<(mf/~ftWM, London, t7oy; 4* 8chmie<tef, C~<r~'<< < <4/f~<w«',tSj!. pp.
No. viif. pp. t<a. 3<'3.306. 308.
Niceron, AM<w<~M, tya?, i. p. 345. A Ce~MtM ~tt-M~<t~«(~tt<~f!!jrn-~
~< ~'<<)« /N~~ /tA'M~'a, t~go, p. a< ~MM<'< A'<~t~ Edtted by J. 0.
93· f9q HatHwet) for the Hbtoriett Soctety of Setencc,
ko&~ctx)!M, Dtah~ MM/~w <<tW<m. t&tt, p. aa
'73°. Mi.P 735 &*W- (PortMitMfrontispiece.) D'tsMe)), <4iM««/HM l1f .Ieraltlrl, t&<i,iti. p.
<!ed)er,M~<t~~«!<M.f<c<w, 1734. vti. col. 3<M'. t8o.
Weidtor, #< ~j/ww~ t74t, p. 308. MactMy,/M<'MM'~ At'MO~/<f«<y~«/«<'
Lenglet DufrMnoy. /f/~ <)!f r~<w<~i/<: Nf/tMMOj,tS4<, iii. p. tt~, t8~t, t. p. t~e.
/f. ~49. ). t~p. 3M, 3.M. 473: iii. mbd!n, B~<M)t<!<t&!t,t9p, p. (sketch)msed
;j.!46. ,£ upon Hearne' remarks in s édition of CXwM'fe
TttnMr, /f<W/e/~«
/J'u' n" l'l'"
~~7<W!'<:f-<~f'~«M, 8 /~M~ G~/<Mt«'<f~,Oxfbnt, t7s6, ii. p. 406).
)t.Mit. ,j\£' 7%<~ffaA' /)Miy Dr. /~i« Da. edited by
~~a~'tt B'
~~t7««M«'«. t/~o, ili.
'l' 6
p. t633. JtMtes Orchard HaMhveU,for the Camden Society,
JOcher. <<<«~HM ~~<<f/<w~ tyso, ii t8da. 4".
co). 64. W<t<<«'M~M//< t8~9, )[. p. 967.
Morëri, C'~t~</ ~«~«M«a<~ /y<'fA'/v~, Rosé, ~<A~tf 0<'a~a/ ~Hj~'<AM< ~«/w«<
t?~9. P: 7* vu. p. 43.
Ktoy, ZMr<«MMM/~f /~<j/M< <<f /« ~W<&~M~, t8M, JVc«M'M'/fM!~< (K'«~MA,t8;5. xiii.col. 347.
t778. !). p. t9. Cooper, <<M<M<B CtK/<t~<'<~<M~, t86t,ii. p. 497.
B~Mj~ sur G<KA<~< A&t<'M< C~ttM~, PoggetMtor~ &tg7M/<t<Mt.Af~A'
493- ~W~Mùt. tS63, i.cet. ~34.
Ad<tung, <?<f<~<<'der ~/i'/<~A/«;< .V«< LadMgue, ~/«'j'«< 0«u<t~; &t~<t«
ty8p,vi!.p.t. 1. ~e~/<!t, tS/o, Nos. ~M, Mp.
Kippb, /M<!{~M ~~7aow<'< t~3, t'. p. 39. Kopp, Die ~MM, t886, !i. pp. 930,93.t.
Gmelin, G<~<~& der C~<H~, tT~y, i. p. ~tt ÛK-KMttty of National Bt<gM! t8S8, xiv.
(does not knowthé différence between John and p. 97t (article by ThomMnCooper).
~nnur Dee).
DEFINITÏO, das ist Eigenttiche Beschreibung der vortreMichenund verbor.
gerien Kunst Atchimte.
SeeBENjîDtct'us(HBERtUs),LiberAureus, <63o,p. y6.
See HMRMETtSCHH (Der) PHILOSOPHUS. t/og, p. $4.
D. Joh. Christ. Conr. Dehne Stadt. und Land- Phystkus xu Schoningcn. Versuch
einer voUstandigenAbhandlung itber die sctmrfe Tinktur des Spiefsgtaskônigs
und ihre grossen Heitkrafte nebst der Art, aus andern Metatten âhnUche
Tinkturen zu bereiten. Hetmstedt verlegts, Johann Heinrich KuhnMn
Umversitats-Buchhândter. ttyyp.
Umversitats-Buchhândter. ? 79.
s". Pp.{8jt~6.
s". Pp. [Sji~.
Oeh))<!was bom at Celle. beeame a phyaciM, pitpcrs on chentica) sobjett! which appctred in
and wj: itppointed Stadt- and Laxd-Phystkus) at Creti's C~w/~< ~<n/w~Vw~A ~M~tM~/y.
SchSningot). ln the principaltty of WoM&nMtMet.(.'A«t(t~cA<:t/OM~M/, etc.
where he died ht Juty, ty<)t. He wrotc severit)
Gn)e)it). <7eM~M' t<f/- C4~~< t?~. iii. pp. t~f/w~M T~M&c~t &ib'~<!f/& tSo~, ti.
4?5"t97. T~S(theabovo worh),78!, TSg. p. 999.
A<eme), /~M«'/< der tw/< /<tA<'t~~jo CM i0oo Pog):endor<r.
_n.01.[863, i. eo). s<6.
DËLARVATIO Tinctune Phitosophorum.
&< LBONHAR& von Altenburg.
Volumen Primum Deliciarum Medicarum, Chirufgicarum et Chymicarum,oder
curieuse Anmerckungen, darinnen sich diejenigen, welche Medicinamund
~4 ~M/(~Z~MMC7~
by a native of Coth). PMmeM!'s tmttMationwitt t~ Democntus, see my own pers in thé f<i!w«~ft
pubtished et Ptuhmin ~79, and ~msteitiMed ~ttt /M~A<fo/ &~9', Gta~gow.
thé date atteKd to t~M. One copy of the t~ Te thé tist thete given fthootd be added othef
edMon is tmowxand about a <h)ïenof the issue0 MO copies of (bc ~$73 Padtm édition, one in thé
ttyg. The édition of ty!?, tike thé othetS, israre Unitmity Libmry, Cntcow, uocut if' thé engins)
'tT)e tfMMMtonwas printed as a supplement « covets; tmd tmother in thé LibrMy M Mm~ch.
Miii&tdM'<Miaww~7~, Colon., t~z, ~73, t<74 Compare with one MoUter the renMM-ttt 0))
nnd Kopp reprintedit ht hb/M/jt~'e~Coet~~ Democritus made tiesp<ctive)y by Wieeteb (~tt/or-
der C4<M~,tMo. pp. t37-'43. Thé Gfeetttext a <W~< M</<~tf<*«~ < ~AwM~, tM7,
it exists in St. Marfs Libnuy~t Venie' pp. !?6~) end by KMtttm (A~M t<M'~p*/
was prtnted by BerthetM in hisédition of the G~eet <Mf ~AA<M~, 178$, p. 7&~
nlcbemists. Pan<, tM8, 3 vots.,.t". For 'Tu<nba Semimmidis' see notes under that
For an exhaustivediscussion of att thMhas beet tith:.
m. a.
Trevisanusde ChymicoMiraculo, t6oo,p. <67.
THEATRUM CHEMMUM, t6S9, i. P. 7?6.
MANGKT (J. J.), BibliothecaChemicaCuriosa,<702,ii. p. 36).
Summaria declaratio eorum, que dicta sunt hactenus ex Democrito, per
DORN(GK&ARD), Trevisanusde ChymicoMimcuto,!6oo,p. <94.
THEATRUM CHEMMUM, )6;9, i. p. 792.
MANGET (J. J.), BibtiothecaChemicaCuriosa,tyoa, :i. p. 367.
Geber Redivivus, das ist WarhaffHgePractica des Steins der Weisen,
welche der KSnig Geber klar in seinen Buchem, jedoch Stuckweis,
zerstreuet, hin- und wieder beschrieben. Hetnach von einem Philosopho
in Ordnung gesetzt, und Late!nisch vor etlichen Jahren in Druck ausge-
~at~en, Jetxo aber verteutschet, und mit fruchtbaren annotationibus, und
abgek(!rtzter Praxi, Beschreibung von dem Mercurio Philosophorum, wie
auch mit einem Appendice u~ Corollario vermehret worden,dem gemeinen
Nutzen zum besten ausgegeben von Arsenic Bachmiele Densinger. Im
JahtrChnsti, 1683(?).
94". Pp.S7tïb)Mh}.ThédateispMttyeuto9.
See D. D. K. DestiMir.Kunst.
Chymischer Probir- Ofen, darinnen aHe Procefse und HandgriNe, die in
Johannis Agricote P. & M.D. Commentarijs und Notis, Ober Johan:
Poppij Chymische Medicm enthalten, und von ihm, (D. A.) f{tt gmsse,
geheimé, und gantz newe Kiinste ausgeru(!en werden, Ein jeder absonder-
Hch, nach denn Principijs Chymicœ Artis examiniret, erôrtert, und ferner
tam Ratione qvàm Experientid, auch zum ôfftern, aus
D. Agr. eigenen
Worten, heU und klar erwiesen wird Dafs in gedachten CotnmentMijs
und Notis, nichtes newes noch Geheimes,das etwas wehtt, sondem vielmehr
Alte verlegene Waarenund Sachen, die bifsweilen nur von ihm etwas ver.
andert, verkehret, ja ont mehr verderbet ais verbessert worden;i Nebst
vielen groben, Handgreifnichen,schadHchenErroribus und Contradictionibus
zu finden seyn; AUen Liebhabem der wahren, unverfilschten
insonderHeitaber deneh, die von sothanen fatscheh, Chymischen
nicht wollen verftihret seyn, wie auch denn angehenden Studiosis dieser
Kunst, hochnützlich zu lesen und anzuwenden, Mit sonderlichemFteifse,
und nicht geringen Vnkosten abgewartet und an
Tag gegeben durch
Georgium Detharding, Bürgem und Apothekem in Atten Stedn.
Felix, qvem faciunt aliena pericula cautum
Gedruckt bey Georg Gôtzken. In verlegung Jeremise
Mamphtasen, im
Jahr t648.
4* Pp. [!&] 3~ [miMMmbeted for3~} !nde<:[37,t btan~
[Another Copy.]
Antdttioaofth~WMtt, at Stettinin t6s6.4°.is MentioMd
pabKshed ihLeupoM'~ p~~M.
Kurtzer Diseurs vom Auro Potabiti, was es sey, vnd was es
an sich haben mu&,dadurph man das Fatsche von dem.Wahren
[Another Copy.]
tmpenect, Wfmting
wfmung thétitleand
tne matter(sheetA).
nue ant pretitTmmfy
Thc pnseediM controvetsiai works are ditected two are identified, and another GeorgeDethardittg
against thé writings and views of Johann Agfieota h deMtibed hy MmM tMng hehveett 16~ and
(~.f.) and Au~tMtus Hauptmant). They are of t747. who wasa txember of the AcademiaNature
interest M a entieism of theories and of modes of CwKMonttt),and the author of a greM number of
prepanuion. Mademic <)i<ser<tHiom! on medica) Poegen.
Little seems to be known of the tmthor beyond dorlf takes this viet~alsn. Theretopics,
were be~des a
whathe hitMctf tetts)M,namely, thnt he was Court GeorgeChristopher, a GtOfaeGMtnvand a Georee
ApothecMyin CM Stettin, ftouhshedta the mMdte William Detha~ding, so that some Mteotionxis
of the t~th century. and wait devoted to ehenuxtry required not to confase them, MpeeMty M the
~nd iitchenayfrom his youth np. On the authority second name is sometimesomitted. t suspect <hM
of Jc6meke, Jocher has distinguished hint from the present man did not write Mme of thé hoo)c;
MOther person of the sanie tmme who tived in and )mpen. attributed to him by tMer biographen!
Stralsund, and nf)erw:)nh went to Gustrow as who have not observedthe datesof pttMitationwith
town physician h) f68o, nnd who Hïote soma suMcientMtenttot), but the confmion b verygréât.
medlcal works and a LMin-Gfech yocabatary for aud am not ai at) certain that the MhwixR
students of surgery. By jourdnn, however, these refetences apply to thésame perse)).
Sympathetici Pulveris Examen quo superstitiosa ac fraudibus Cacodœmonjs
implicita Vulnerum et Ulcerum curatio in distans, per Rationis trutinam, ad
ipsas Nature Leges expenditur; subversis Cure SympatheticaeFundamentis,
ab Illustriss. Comite Digbseo, nec non D. D. Papinio, & Mohyo, positis.
Autore Antonio Deusingio, Med. ac Philos. Doct. Illiusque in Acad. Gron.
& Omt. Prof. Prim. Cetsissimi Principis Gubernatoris ac ProvinciaeArchiatro.
Groningœ, Typis Johannis CoMenY,BiM!opo!<e& Typographi, t66z.
M". Pp.
M". Pp.[M] 660.
Anton Rcasing was bom in t6t9. He bad a he heM pMtëssotshipsM Harderwyjtand Gfoenin-
long tmining, and was a man af gttat teanttng. gen, whetehe waserettted D.PM)., and uhimatety
He studied o)Msi<sand philosophy et Hardentyk, becametector. He died et Gtoenjn~en in t<66, in
and at Leyden nmthemMics,Arable under GotMS. his Mth year. He wrote namereus works on
and also Persian and Tutkish. He then passed to medicine, anatomy, physiognomy,coonopaphy,
medicine, graduated in tëy, and begtMpractice in MtMnomy, physict, Mmrttt M:Mty. pM!oscphy,
t63& He w&9cMef pbysiciM of the Duke of and a number of ccntrowrsia) tracts, MpecMy
Nassau. After pMfe!S)ngmathem~cs at Meurs, wtthDeteBeeSytvim.
Z~A~-Z~ZOC~ ~09
MetettUn,~«<&M~M~<MM/M.t, tM6, p. 63. Hatter. ~W/M<w ~Mf~< t?~. i.
Freher. ?'<«t~H<a<ft~wa~ ~w~~e c/a~wM<w, p. 389 (projected édition of Avtcenna) t777, !i.
t6M, p. MM, and ptftte64. p.101.
Whte, JD«Mt'«iM~<M~KWM,t688, Yyya~<o. <?f~t'< der C~m<'< t~. i. p. 79:
t<66 (no other date laglven. but D~using was <!ti<i (contruversy with Dû te BoeSylvius).
<obe (hen S4 years ofage). ~'a~~f Médicale, Paris. PtmetMMctte(t8M-
RMh-SchotM,~MM'oM~tt f~MMa, t7!t7, p. ~), M),p. 461.
Manget, ~/«'<it<~a F<T~<'<«)M~<f<&wnM, Sprenget, Gf~A~A~ der ~«n~, )t8ey,iy.
'73*. ii. P. '7'. p. t8y.
StoHe,~«M~My~<M~ der ~MtM)t~~ Deteimeris, .D~/«MMMw ~M/c~w de la
<~M~M/, t73t, pp. z0o~y)7. ~Mf<&M' t8M. Il. i.p. 8~
M<eton, JM~Mt~t, !733, xxH. pp. N4-43. Bayle & 'Mttaye, &'<~nt~«- ~MM- t8ss. i.
Foppens, ~'MM<M /~&«-a. t739. i. pp. 7t-?5. p. ~3.
Kestner, ~/<!<~t'«w~ 0<'&Ar/M-<'«, ty~o, ~o der Aa, ~'<< H~~e<~
p. 947. /V~~<t<t<~fa,1858. iv. p. t37 (and<e<etences).
J. F.We!dte)', ~<!wM ~/MM<axM',~t, p. 470. PoKgeodoWr, ~K~w~M<oM?<t'<!t'M<t. ~e~.
tOche)-, ~%iM)t«<~G~M~<M.«'e<t, t75t, «i. M~M< t86g, t. col. ~6t-
co!. 9~8. Bmings, /M<&<.C<a/< t8~. Mi. p. ~t end
Ë!oy, ~~an~~ ~A'~M <& la ~< Séries. 1899, iv. p. ~79.
tMS. P- t *77S-Il. P<4' ~)!t'/«W«!~ ~<&%W des &M~M ~<M'
Portal, ~M~<~ <~/'j<<a~M<~~<A*la C~'<-M~, M/et. 1883.xxviii. p. 4<3.
x7yo, P. 6~. Hitsch, F~'<~Aw&'j ~.)t~<! << ~~wy<t.
Haller, JWMe~o ~<eM&a. t??~ i. p. 434 ~Mfot Amie, tMs, il. p. tyo.
(a longaccount).
DIALOGUE CHYMIQUE de la Pierre physique.
Duel des Chevaliers.
DIALOGUS (Ein) vom Stein der Weisen, PMeceptoris Georgii, und Alberti
Discipuli; darinnen der vierdte Theit des Grafen BemhMdi, von der
Practica Lapidis Philosophici ausgeleget und erkiâret wird.
CHyMtSCH.UNTERïRMSCHER Sontten.Gtantz, t7:8, p. 333.
BERNHARDUS TREVtSANfS,Chymische Schnfiften, t746(!~7), p. 2t2.
DIALOGUS inter Natumno et Fitium phi!osophMe.
See MANGET(J. J.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, t702, ii. p. 3:6.
TheophrastischePractica, t6<8, p. 396.
A Chymical Dictionary explaining hard places and words met withat in the
writings of Paracelsus, and other obscure Authors.
See F. (J.), A NewLight of Alchymy, etc., !674,p. 303.
It isa translation
DICTIONNAIRE Abregé des Termes de t'Art et des Anciens Mots.
(j. M. D.),Bibtiothèquedes PhilosophesChimiques,t7M, iv.
P. S?o.
Judicium Philosophico- Ethico- Chymico-Medicum de it!a Veteri toties jam
ventilata & necdum resoluta Controvetsia An detur Lapis PMosophorum?il
Et ejusdem indefinita in Morbis tam praeservandis quàm curandis Virtus.
Leviter mots a praenobiti& excellentissimo D. Jacobo J. W. Dobrzensky de
Nigroponte Phil. & Medic: Doctore, ejusdémq; in Univer: Pragensi Professore
Extraotdinario. Acnter defensa (Tit:) à D. Joanne Friderico à R&in ad
Stermoll & Radelsegch. Inclyti Ducatus CamioHas, Causarum Aulicarum
Provincia!it!mque Assessore. Germanè id est candidè forma Epistolari
conscriptum à Didaco Germano Phitosoph & Medicinss Doctore. Anno
8*. r~~ MM)tJ.
Pp.(23. bhottj.
Compare Dobmnstty'~ tract on the /M<rf< toeMione<! byGoetia (<?~M<Ot<x~, ty~S,
A'M~ Mt<M~'M&Naturale. This was direeted P- 3~)' but hc das not supply the author'! reitt
the beMeffnthe pbi!Mopher'! stene. it is
<tt!MMt name. ~'<ny. tyt~, p. ~t.
~tt.<~tm-<mt ~UHANM WOLMANG).
(JOHANN *tU)~fUAnu/. C<W/MW~.
DienheimwasDoctor of Laws and of Medicine, where in their presence thé stnMt~)' tumed Mme
and was PMf<sor at Ft~yburg in BMisgau. tn !e:t<tinto gold. 'rhe person who is reported to
t6o3 whtte returning from Rome, he met a Mtow have done this was A!examte)r Seton, known
tMveMer, with whom hesaited fromZurich toBMet. as the Cosmopolite. It is one of thé most cir.
tn thehtter place, after getting hold of Dr. Jacob cunutfttttMty tMu-nttcdépisodes in the history of
Zwinger, they went aU three to a gotdsMith's, tr~nsmutatton.
PtMhins, De tttWt~/~t)' ?'n!f/«~J, GmdenMk, ~«MM/w~ f<MNte)~ «& ~Mo!f~
tToo, p. 343. T't-tMfMM/aA'oM~~AxA/M, t~. No.
BibliothecaC~at/fft, t/s?, p. ;6.
Roth-SchotM, A~KM M'<'«~f~<f~ ~~<<a~. ~89, p. tua.
Dt<~<<<t[p'«/M~<'r~/<'Ayy«<<t. 1730, p. :K)6. Gntelin, C<«-~ der C<<MM. t?~, i. p. 5~ i
Kestner, ~Mi'~<a'«~eA<~ 0<A<<jf«rM, t~o. t~9, ii. p. 4.
Oc~AM~ der Alchemie, tSg~. p.
p~jticher, All~rtmcisesllelthrten·lexFcorr,
llpmeiiteç Crelehi-ten-Lexiton,z75%
ty~o, ü, 337.
eo!. tt6. Die ~0))M. tM6. i. p. M il. p. 338.
HeMer,FWt'fa ~<<'<'M~ ~af/«t?, 1~77,li.
De Genemtione Metallorum consenm am~tiss!mi philosophorum ordinis dis-
putabunt Prseses M. johannes Zacharias Platner, et Respondens David
Gottlob Dietze, Stolberg, Misn. D. Aug. Anno MDCCXVII. H. L. Q. C.
Upsiee, Uteris Andrese Martini Schedii.
4". Pp.46)
4". Pp.46[t.ibtank).
Theabove h not quoted in ~«~ /~i~~Mt~ tnMMad metaUa e(M!enda eencessoeotMmrrent)-
~<<~< ~/<<f<f, t73:. p. 47, but another bus, von Aettern und JOngern !<))Fetde. S.p. 4*,
appeenunderhb name: Disputatio JMtismetat. Erford.17'J7.'
)ici de jure Seniomtus metattici, metfttHcotisin
Of Bodies,and of Mans Soul, to discover the Irnmortality of ReasonableSou!s.
With two discourses of the Powder of Sympathy, and of the Vegetation
of Plants. By Sir Kenelm Digby Knight.
~"X~ <~W' ~M! Myoo
KttTafO~fHoict 8w<tTOf<R'<K,
Af~ T~: ToC<!À<W ~<}<r<M:;
Ammae naturam, absque totius natura,
SufBcientercognosci posse existimas?
Plato in Phaedr.
London, Printed by S. G. and B. G. for John Williams,and are to be sold
in Little Britain over against St. Butto)phs.Chureh, M.DC.LXIX.
4°. !*P.[55.Nank] 439[tMank] [to] agt [t blnnk]. ThesecondtMati-ie
Wocdquoteseditions:Paris. t6~. fol. Lon. Rosswrotea rep)yto Digbyin 7~M~t-<M/
don, ~6~8.t66&and 1669.aHin 4*. Atexander7~MM<wM, London,t~, 4°.
Aufserlesene,seltzame Phitosophische Geheimnüsse und chymischeExperimente,
wie auch sonderbahre und zuvor nie eroffhete Artzneyen, Menstrua und
Alkaheste, sampt dem wahren GeheimnUis das Sal Tartari Buchtig zu
machen: welcheatte von dem WoMgebohmenHerrn Kenelm DigbyRittem,
und weiland Cantzlern Ihr. Majest. der alten Kônigin von Engeland, mit
vieler Mühe und Fleifs xusammengelesen, und bifshero nach seinem Tode
verborgen gehalten, jetzo aber dem gemeinen Besten zu Nutze ans Tages
Liecht gebracht worden durch Georg Hartman. Aus der Englischen in
DIGBY (KZNELM).Confinued.
die Deutsche Sprache zum ersten Mahl übersetzet von J. L. M. C. Mit
Chur SachsischerFreyheit nicht nachzudrucken. Hamburg, AuffGottfried
Schultzens Kosten, 1684.
8'. Pp.[9)26~[tt].PottmitofDjgbyonp[~ ~MparateptatesofappMaHM.
[Another Copy.]
[Another Copy.]
Vermehrung des Theatri Chimici, oder der eroSheten Thür zurn Heimtigkeiten
in der Scheide-Kunst.
TheatfUH) Chemicum,tyoo.
Digby wasborn tt Juty, t6o3. At thé age of t~ En~tM) by R. White and pxMishedin t6s8. M".
he accompaniedhis retattveSir J. Digby, whowent pp. (a Nank, to) t~z, [i, 3 bhnki The second
as ambassador to Spain. ln i6t8 ne entered edMon, correctedand augmentedWlththe addition
WorcesterCottes, Oxford,and there probaMywas ofan Indexwas pubiished &boin to~S. but it was
inocutatedw!tha tancy <br(heOccutt Sfienees by entirely reset and is quite differentfrom thé 6r$t
bis tutor, Thomas Alleu. He teft M t6MMdwent édition. The third eduion was pubtishedin t66o.
once more to the Continent,an in 1622was Main the fourthin t:66.t. tn my "Notes on Boob
at Madrid, and was thctt présenter to Prmce of Secrets," written before t had seen the <iMt
Charles («fterwMds Kjnj; Charles t.), and the Kttgtishédition or any noticeefit, 1 suggested that
Duke of Buckingham,withwhcm he returRed to the Frenchédition m~ht bavebeen regardedas the
Enghnd in t6s3. and was ttnighted a <ewdays first. and that thé English translation might have
)ater by King James t. at Hinchtnbrooke. been caUedthe second editioo,though it was the
!n tM7-s8 he went on a filibusteringexpedition fi~t ofthe tmosietion.Th&t,hewever,WM incotroct,
to the Mediterranean and destroyedthe Frenchand for there is reaMya Bfst Engiish édition, although
Venetian ships at Scândenton.and returned the it is vervmre. tt is curious that thé author of thé
tbttowingyear. HMtuto)'~booksand MSS. having article in the ~«'/«MMr)' a~ A~<K'a< &'<;pn~A)'
been left to him, he presentedthem in 1639to the shoutd havemode pMCticsttyt)Msanté statement
Bodleian Library. On the death of bis wife in that the second' édition of 16~8is the only oae
t6g3 he withdrew to Greshim Cottege and spent known aad Mprobably the on;iMt.
two years in retitement, occupying hi)n$etfwith BesidMthe édition of t6~, the Û<M'«M<in
chetnieatexperiments. Aftersome difficultiesand French was published also M Pttris :tt t66e, t6St
ttoubhs connectedwithhis religionand politics,he La Haye, 1700. tyi!; Pitri!, t~: Utrecht in
was attowed to départ to Fnmceand white there t68i in Dutehin thé ?ThM~Mt~M«<x,
published in t644his treettia:"Of
»' Bodies and of Leetiwarden,t6o7, Amsterdam,t7Z?; tn German,
the tmmortauty of Man's Sotti." Frankfutt, t66~ ~rd Ed.), t7oo (5th Md.). Thé
In 16$! Ëvetyn witnessedat Paris some of his literature on thts subject, whiehis very extensive.
chemicMexperiments and attended the tecHiresof wasdescribed by me ta a paper t~ad to the ArctMa-
Nicholas Lefebvre,whoafterwardssettJed in Lon. oiotricatSocietyof GiMMW.
don. In )t6s8appearedthe lectureon the Powder No account of Digby's s chemical expenments was
of Sympathy heteUs us, beforea dh. published by himseff, so far as 1 know. They
tingaished audience at MoMpettier. After well the were probably conducted in M empiriea)fashion,
Resto)~t!onhe retumed to England attd was and thcy either faitcd of their expected result or
received. He continued hb expérimentât work Digby wasnot able to interp<etwhat they did lead
and was on the CoMnci)of théKwai Societywhen to. Anyhow ho cannot be chosed witheithcr thé
it was incorpoMted in 1663. He died tt June, experimental pharnucists, the sdentitic chentists.
1665(bat Witte says tt J)t)y. 165;). or even thealéhemists of his tinte. What tem&iM
'Fhetectme oa thé Powderof SympMhyappeared of bis experimentallabourswas publishedby Hart.
at Paris in 1639,and it was tmndated at once into mann, hMopet-ator, in x683.
Witte, JOMWeMM<{pt~)MMM. t688, Sign. Uuu Kestoer, ~MM'<tt«~ Cf&tb~K.KWt. ty~o,
3 verso; Ann. July tt, t6M. p. Mt.
Roth.SchotM,&W<'<~f<'C~mtM, tya?, p. to. ~«~«! ~</a~«tMf, t7SO,iii. pp. t70!.tyt4.
Bayle, ZMf/oaM~e<Mf/«r~M<<<wt<~w, ty~o, Chaufepté, ~f~MM" 2)~/«MM~ ~M< <
Ii. p. 290- <~<y<«.tyso. Letter D, p. =4.
'K~<~<&/<&WMM~i4<M' ~f&t//«-< tocher, ~&«s<<<t« e<&e! 17~, M.eot.
1731.p. 41. Haller, ~/«)«<c<t /<<M<e«)tM, 1774, i. p. 473
Zedter, M!«'<~M/et"<, ~34. vif. col. 808. (nobilis tir, sed credulus).
=!'4 Z?/C~t~-Z?/P/'F~
Verbessemng und Vetândemng der MetaUen: nebst dem dazu gehorigen
Experimental-Beweise,wie ein ehrMcherMann, ohne Dienst und Amt seinen
Unterhalt vor sich selbst jederzett erwerben Mnne: vermehret, und mit
einem zureichMchenRegister versehen. Voneinem unpartheyischenLiebhaber
der Wahrheit. Franckfurth und Leipzig,Vettegts Johann Leopold Montag,
Buchhandter in Regenspurg ~736.
8*. Pp.M .}M.Register
[76]. Thetitleis printedontwoteavesoftheat« sheet.
Vttœ Animalis Morbus et Medicina. Suae vindicata origini disquisitione
Physico-Medica,quâ s!mut Mechanismi & Spinosismi de~menta funditus
deteguntur, & Rathemat!cà evtdent!& ex sanœ rationis circulo deturbantur,
& integrum universi motus Systema conçinnis vinculis nectitur. Auctore
Christiano Democrito M.D. Lugduni Batavorum, Ex Officina Lucht-
manniana !?tt.
manntana !7tt.
8~. P,
80. Pp.t6o.
Johann Conrad Dippet, or Christianus Demo tbis day by the oi! which bean) his Mme and
cntm, M he eaited MtMdf (not Chttstiaous which was obtained by the distillation of bones.
DippeUtM,as he appears h Amotd': W~We) From thé investigation of tbis oil by modem
was born near Dannstadt in 1679or t6/3, studied chemists some of the most important diMowerïe~
theology at Giesaen and SUMsbafg, medicine at have taken their rise. lie was a voluminous
Anuterdam, and graduated at Ltyden a man of wnter on theotogieatsubject& TTtoughbeMserted
brUtiantpowers and of originatvtews, but auch M be should Mveto t8o8, lie died in t?~.
did not gain him any good will, of agreeaMe Whether or not he N to be considered an
mannent, but véhément M his writings. On "iHmnitMUed~matic," or a man of "no nxed
account of his opinions he led an utMetdtd H<e, chatacte)-"as regMrdsbis phitosophyand theolo
being now ln HoXand, then i)) Denmark, Sweden, must be teftfor tndtttdtMteomideMttbn. Mate)-ia6
and back to (!en!tany. He worked at Chemistry for arriving at a conclusion will be found in the
withconsiderablesacKSS,andbels remembered to foUowing.
Fabricius,Historia B<«)~Aa:«fe~'«'«M<t, lyM, Adetung's mère narrative, not to attach bis own
iv.pp. 463-460(under Chri!tim''s Democritus). value to his comments and opinions. He quotes
Roth-Scho)~, ~M<M<M CbM«'a. 1727,p. too tives of Dippet by Aettermaan and by HofmMa.
(note on hbp0)rt)ra5t). and for hls works Strieder's account of thé teamed
Buddeus, /t<%M<< ~<j/<f~'K«&~<t, 1730, !i. men and authors of Hesse).
p. nos. ~mf G~)t~<:A<!< der &~<)t C~MM,ï?~,
D« B~w7«)~iy~&~)'MMt, ï73o, pp. az6, PP-4.S6. M3-
99<. GmeMn,GaeA«~!f<& der C~'&, tyg8, iï.pp.3~g,
Chesiie, !7o8,ii. pp.320,
Kestner, ~M'~f~MtAMG<<x-~<.M<w, ~740, 330. 3M. 37*. 3~. 4~3: ~799. M'. '6 (gives Mm
p~as6. some praite as a chemMt).
~<~cA«t-und A~/t<M~M, t74a, iii. Schntleder. G~tMa~ der <<<Mo)M<. t8~. pp.
p. Mt. Se. 486. ~t, Mn,<io (a not anfaYouraNe notice).
Joche)', ~tMHMJ CMaMM-Z~'MW, 1750. PogMndorf~ ~M~a~t6&.K<tr<t~t~ ~<M<<-
CM.t49. )M&wA, 1863.i. co). ~76.
Fictuld, ~~Mf.~<t«. !7S3,Th. il. p. $3. Lad[ague.F<Af~~MOM'<&«'w<M~
Haller, ZM~M<t<M<4<t<!<<'xt<~<. 1777,it. p. St tSyo, Nos. 79-63.
celebris chemicus et beterodoxushonio '). Kopp, Z~ ~<M«</<, 1866, p. t3S (describes
moy, Dittionnaire ~M/~W <&la ~iM'<Wf, Dtppet'sintercour!e with Caëtano. He refersalso
t778, !i. p. 6t. to articles on Dippel by Kart Buchner in v. Rau-
Baumer, /?<M<<A<M C&'MKa, lySa, p. 36. mer's ~tt<<Mt«<<tyitft~~acA, 3 folge,ix. jahrg.
Strieder, Cn«<Ne6MM'fM~u~~t C<'&&~& ta;3, p. aoy, and by Gostav Baar in M~Ajf~f~
und &t~/<~ CMtAt<A&, t~, !)i. pp. S$-t3.s. /t/«~& ««' <«t<~<X AÏ.~«t<«<a~,
Adetung. Cf~«-~ der ~~«~« A~t-A~. tB~. No. t?, p. 377).
*7~p.3t4. (ttwou)dbewe))whi)eaceepting
DISCEPTATIO de lapide Physico, r668.
DISCURSUS Philosophicus.
Ste QUADRATUM ALCHYMtSTtcUM ALI pun, Centrum Naturs: Concentratum,
p. 49.
[nithUedJ. F., butwhetherthesedenotethe nioetyyeatseartierthan theeditorofZ~~
authoror aot dots notappear. Aayhowh. M ~M.
Johannis Dotsei Tractatus novus nunquam antehac editus de Furia Podagne
Lacte victa & mitigata, propriâ experientiâ conscriptus. Amstetodami,
Apud Janssonio Waesbergios. MDCCVII.
Dolée, or DoheM, was born at Hofgeismar, tn thé JB~fM~t~ of thé Academht Naturœ
8 Sept.. t6<o, studiedat Heidetberg.travelled. and CuriMorum there are one or two chemico-physicat
becamea doctor of medicineof HeHetberg, tôyg. papors by Mm. He wrote M ~<y</<M xt«<M)t
He wascouncillorand physidan of the tandgt&ve of ~j<w-~M<:<«M, Fr~neoRitti, t~ AnMt.
Hesse-Casset, decanusperpetuus of the CottegiNm !6S8. 8" Venet.. t~i. 1695, 4'; co)!ecte<twortM.
Medicum, Manbet of thé Academia Naturae FnutM :yo.}. Ttiis cootaios poMmit and a
Curiosorum, t~Jtme. t68o, and Fellow of thé btogmpby by Christian FrmchoM Pauttin! (y.f.),
Royal Society. He died in tToyat Casse). but thé Mogmphy has been consideredMo omate.
Manget, /HMM~<-<t~c~/e~~ ~M<<et. Thomson, ~<~<'n' a< ~< A'<!)<a/ &<c<)', t8ta,
t73t, t. ii. pp. t86.i9:. (P. tôt contMns a review Appendix. No. tV. p. xxix.
of the present work.) Panckouette
A~rM~M ~<M<M/<,Pans, (t8ao-
Stolle, ~a&<<«<~M«-~~M der ~<&t't<< z~), in. p. ~oa.
Gf&!A~<t<,*73'.P. 3M. Sprenge), G«eAMA/<' <&~~~t~~aA, tSa?, !v.
/<«/0&t~Ot&<')Xt<~ si6liothear
B«/«~<<«? ditelaiticie,
~t/<W«f, P. 3M-.
ed. BrOckmann,173:,p. 48. n: J. /«
De~ettaens, /)Mt<fM<M<t<~ Il
~&~<yM <<*
BQchner, ~M.&a«<cA'<«~'< Ce~Jo~/M .<<-<w, 1834. !t. i. us.
~M/one, t7ss, p. ~70. No. gt. Bayle & Thinaye, F~ff ~M~~a/if,t8ss.
Porta), ~fM<o<f< def~«~t!m« <&/<!C5<f«~M, ii. a~
t770. iv. p. 37. Poggendotfr,
~«g~AM~fran~~ /~M<!f.
~tt< <& ~M~/M, M~<«cA, tSCg.i. to!. ~86.
t778,)i. p. 77. Haeser, C~~aM~t~<& ~Mt~'M, ï8St, M.p. 380.
HaHer, ~t~teM<fo A/M«;<«<a~~M/&tc,t770, iii. .C«-<<<WM«M~ Fw~/<~A~ <&<&t<~<-<:tAM/t.
p. 0\06. tsa&t,t8&t, xxï. p. 36~.
G~s.~tMM't.)~ C<&<t Hirscb, ~p-c~ /f~mt der ~nw~
M«o'&?~ C<t<AM)M<, 1783.i!i. pp. 169-tT9. ~M<&<t ~ftA, t88s, ii. p. aoo.
GnteKn, G<~A«~<C~jx«', t7$8, ti. p. 138. BiXinp, M!Mf-C<«/<gt«', znd Sénés. t8~, v.
p. 46'.
Lapis Animalis Microcosmicus. Oder, die hôchste Artzney, aus der Kleinen
Wett des Menschlichen Leibs. Sampt einem Tmctâttetn vom Vrin oder
Harn des Menschen. Strafsburg In Verlegung Georg Andreas DothopHën.
8°. Pp.[t6]8o.
~OZ~O/P6W~B'ZZ/ a!9
~e-ORO ~Nu«e:AS;. C~ ~brb%09$e.
The publisher it also the cotnpiter of this stna)) At the end of hb preface he a<)<afor bitberto
collection of observations Mpo)) animal products unp)ibti<hedchemieattracts, as he was minded to
and upon urine (cMeBy),and of the saltsand other bring out a sewnth volume to Zetzner's TX~~Nt
substances ob~inaNe(rom it. Thé tn)thor!.from CA~M&«<w. That intottioa was novercarried out
whose works e)[<wpt!are made, are toh. St<nry. so far M i know.
cius, Martin Schmuck,Th. Kester. Riptev,Samuel t~dM~e.MytMOKt'a~.SMoMM.S~t~M,
Norton or EdmundDean, AraaM of illanova, tSyo. No. t97t.
Basit Valentin. PMMebus. P. J. Fabert Conr.
[Another Copy.]
Thisisa translation
of theC~M.
Commentaria in ArchidoxorumLibres X. D. Doctoris Theophrasti Pat&cetsi,
Magni, Terquemaximi Philosophi ac Medici prœ cunctis exceUentissimi:
Anteà nunquam in luce data. Quibus accessit Compendium Astronomie
Magna: eiusdem autoris, in amp!am Operum eius dectamtionem, etiam
Latinè priùs nunquam editum. Per D. Gerardum Domeum. Cum locuplete
Indice. Cum gratia & priuilegio Cœsareœ Maiestatis.
80. PP-M538. tndex[36}hbtan~.
beginsat P- a titte-pageincludedit) thep~).
name,butdoabtk:sChristopher Corvinus.
Congeries ParacetsiceeChemiœ de Transmutationibus Metallorum, ex omnibus
qute de his ab ipso scripta reperire Ucuit hactenus. Accessit Genealogia
Mineralium, atq; metallorum omnium, eiusdem autoris. Gerardo Dorneo
interprete. FmncofurtiApud AndreamWechetum. M.D.LXXXI.
s". Pp-~M
<< FMt'cofurti
Hxeudebnt AnnoS~httisM.P.LXXX!.
[Another Copy.]
TtM/Mc«'<Ma~<tM fan~/jt' goes ffomp. M6 ints8<),8°,andwasMandatâtIna
tna contmttd
Mthee~tWMpuNMM<!sepM!ttety<ttFt'!mkfitrt intoEhgtishbyJ.F.(~.f.).
Ttevts&nus de Chymico Miracuto quod LapMem PhUosophie appellant.
Dionys. Zechanus Gallus de eodem. Auctoritatibus varijs Pnncipum huius
artis, Democriti, Gebri, Lut))!, VïUanovani, confirmati & illustmti per
Gerardum Dorneum. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Cœs. Maiest. BMiteiB,
Typis Conradi Watdkirchii.
iypts ~onrao wmaKu'cnu. Anno cla lac.
8°. pp.tbtant
y. Pp. t btanh]t98[4Uantt].
mj tgc umnKj.
The tracts in this cottcctioxare thé <b)towicg ately describing the ~«xe~t/a ex /%)Mt//e M if
BernhardusTrevisanus, De Alchimie Liber, p. r. they formed a commetttary on Déni: Zaehaire's
Dionysius Zecharius, Opuscututn PhitosophxB tract.
N&mrtuisMetallorum, p. 49. Gmelin (Gf~tf~ CAtMK,17~, i. pp. 60.
AtMotatttqtKedam ex Ntcotao Flamello, ny. 6t) seems to have misunderstood the tMe of the
Test!Hïtentu<aAmaidi VittanoMn), ïz6.p. <metMeiven both ia this Collection (p. tt?)and
Atiœquiedam AnnoMtionesex VMusMthoribM! in the 7<Ma/~tMW Chemicami,i. p. 7~8. The etror
p. 1~7. wasnpparenttyintroduced by Manget.ofe~tettng
CoUeetMM~qu<B<hm M ttnUqtM Seriptcribta, Ftotnet <4~~<r~ as if they were written upon
p. t~a. Denis Zachaire. See note on Zachalre.
ex Democfito,p. t6y.
CoUtct&ttea Gerard Dorn flourished in thé latter htttf of the
Summaria Dectannio eontm. qusB dicta sunt XVLceotury at Frttnkfurt a. M. He wasa devoted
hactenus ex Democrito, per senigmata, p. ï~. adhèrent of Paracelsus and defended him6'om the
Thé Nrst édition is that of BasA 1533,S°. attMks of Erastus and others. whilehe himsetthad
This collection was reprinted in the ?'AM<M a controversy withJacques Gohoty. He translated
Cto~MMt, t6<N,i. pp. 773-901,and again in t6~, severatof the works of Fmacebus into Latin, and
i. pp. 683-794; but although in the table of besidcs those in the présent collection wrote a
contents taey are rnn together Hmccurtttety,the good many other*.
mistake is not made in thé book itsetf of detiber-
Van der Linden, De & ~<~<J, /< ~o. Baumer, ~W«~A<t<tCAoMtco.!?&), p. M.
'63?, p. "78. Af//i~ sur <!Me<4<fA/< der A~A<~M C'A«M'<, ty8;,
MercMin,~<a<t<~ f«OMf/< t686, p. 350. pp. M8.508, ~77.
Roth.Schottz. ~M/A<c<t Chemica,t797, p. 8 Weiget, &«&<M< zKf a/~OtMtxM &~«d!f.
Stolle, ~a/< sur ~/M/< der G~/t~!«7, ~«~. 1788.i. p. ta~.
'7~7. p. 539- Gmelin, C«dh'<rA/<' der C~~tK, t797. i. p. i6~,
MMtget, ~tMte<A<~a ~r~~ /Mi'</M-o~w)«,&c.
t73!, t. !i. p. t~. ~<f}~y~A«' ~MMt<-<!&. Paris, Panckoucke (t8tû.
/<Mt~~~0&<t Prodromus~<~M~«~/Mf~«-~ 95~ i". p. S'
t73<, p. 48. Schtnieder. C«~t'<<!<&f<4 &<<?«,!839,p. 3~.
Kestner. ~k~ft~et~ (~/<<x.JLef~M, t/~o, Poggendorff. F~iS!M~tKA-/<<fe<'tt<;A« ~/o~.
p. 963. !«&?K<it, t8$3. i. co). $96.
Lettgtet DufresnoY. ~u<«~ la /~M/<M~M /)/<M'~a< At~A~f~ du Sciences~<~t.
A<'<-M~M<,17~, ). pp. 384, 4~: iii. p. tjo, & <w&j,t88t, xxx. p. 402.
~MO. Kopp, /?? ~/ot<-M!t. tM6,i. p. Mo:ii. pp. 344,
81", Cn'~o "'It., .L: ty~, iv. 3~' 3~3.3~g.
.1" /~</M<<c,
pars i. p.673. Sudhon, A'Mx~~Mt ~'<M'<-< BerUn,tS~,
JOchef, <4<~cot<'<'MM G</<~)'/M-)r<~M, t/~o, il. i. ~tt«)M.
col. t9~ Biiiings,
/«<<M--C'ot/e~Wf. and Series, t8oa, iv.
Fitttttd, ~hi~Kr-M, t7S3, Th. ii. p. 54. P. 477.
Haller, ~«'~«-<t A~~tt-M~ ~«r~a', t777, ii.
p. t68 (Hfdter tMdvertentty catb him C<).
Robert Dossie geôfnetes LaborMonam: oder entdeckte Geheimnisse der
heutigen Chemisten und Apotheker. Aus dem Englischen Obetsetzt.
Zweyte mit Zusâtzen vermehrte AuNage von Johann Christian Wtegteb.
A)tenburg, in der Richterischen Buchhandtung. t~3. "<? f
8*. Pp.M
4~ Reg)Ster[9].
Of Robert Dossie Mttteor nothing seems to be bm-g, t7<So;and the above, Attenbot~, tySg, by
tecottted. He \v))s nnapothecary in London, and J. Chn. Wiegteb.
the date of his death is given as zo Feb., tTyy. /~«w/<t o~ B.t~~tBt<i)/e/C~oe~~y. London,
He helped to found thé Societyfor the encourage. t7S9,avob., 8°. German translation, Attenbun;.
ment of arts, manM~cturts and commerce, which t762. e voh.. 8*. An édition of ty6g b mentioned.
first n)et in t?~' The works ascribed to hint are ?~<e?y and ~«f~'<'< c/ <:A~w?<M/~<t~M<t<y.
the <bUowing London. t~ët, 8°.
~<t<f~!<<~ylaid London, !7$8,8*. Trant- Papers in the Memoirs of Agricultureand other
tated into German hy G. H. Kcnig!dor<ef, Atten. OMonomioat arts. London, tyëS-tySt.
/?M.~–D~F.MjEZ 293
Cornelii Drebelii von Alckmar in Nord-Houand Tractât oder Abhandlung
von Natur und Eigenschant der Etementen, ingleichen des Donners,
Blitzes, Hitze, Katte, Windes, Regens, Hagels und Schnees, &c., so sich in
der obem und untem Region erzeigen und wozu sie Anlafs geben. Deme
vûtgefûget einige MeMtcwNrd!gkeitet),80 man hin und her von diesem
weisen Mann angetroSen, nebst einem Anhang von der Quint'Essenz oder
gten Wesen in allen drey Reichen der Natur. Und einer Zueignungs-
Schri<ït, von dem Primo mobili oder erstbeweglichen Dinge. Wie auch
Herrn Edmund Hallei Erxehtungen von denen Winden, zusammengesamm-
let und herausgegeben von Polycarpo Chrysostomo. Leipzig, verlegts
Johan Sigmund Straufs, Buchhandter in Ho<K 1~23.
8*. Pp.[~8]to6. [Listofboo)t$, etc.,5, <bhnk]. Title«Ktand btadt. t wood.
eat. a engm'e<fteav<s.
Hattey'stmctottthew!ad6beginsonp. 6~withNseparato title,butthésignatures
and pagination areccnti~uous.
Cornelii Drebbeli von Atkmar, des sehr berUhmten Philosophi und ftirtreniichen
Adepti, GrSndtiche AuSosung, von der Natur und Eigenschant der Elemen-
ten, und was die Ursache dafs Donner und Blitz, Hitz und Katte, Winde,
Regen, Hagel und Schnee, fich in der obern und untern Region erzeugen,
und worzu selbige Anlafs geben? Mit einem Anhang und klaren Beweifs,
die von so vielen gesuchte Quint Essenx aus allen dreyen Reichen zu haben,
auch herrlichen Dedication vom Primo Mobili, sambt andern Knen Physica-
lischen Fragen, von einem Liebhaber der Hermetischen Kunst herausgegeben.
Franckfurt am Mayn, verlegts Margaretha Gertraud Isingin im Jahr Christi
Abhandlung von der Quintessenz.
SeeSCHRÔDER (?R.j. w.), Neue AtchymistischeBiMiothek,~72,1. ii. p. 2$t.
Deux Tfaitëz Philosophiques
I. De la nature des Elemens.
ïï. a.iv
aa. De aala ~IW'V&.&
de la Philosopl Naturelle,t6~,
hie Naturelle,
Philosophie t6~, p.p. t7;
Drebbel was bom at Alkmaar in Northern credited,though inaccutatety, withthé inventionof
Holland in tsy~. Thoxgh onty <t peasant he was the themxMneMr. He diseoveted, in part aeci.
wealthy, but in the wars lie was taken prisoner dontatty, the Mfe fonned when a tin sa!t is added
and )ost his property. On being set free he came to tocMoea], which was used for dyeintr sotriet,
to Lcadon, where hedM in t6~ He coMtntCted and as an alchemist he was in communicationwith
a submrine boat in which he saited from West. Rudotph Il. In the present work on the<)entents
minster to Greenwich, and he seems to have been he describesexperiments to iUustmtethe formation
an iageniotNttttchaaician and tmJter of apparatus. of thé wind.
and t elever optician, and he bas been even His tmeM were written in Dtttch, <utdpriated
Q. D. B. V. Disputatio I. De Metallorum Transmutatione, et imprimis de
Chrysopoeia.oder Goldmachen, Qvam Ex benevolo Indultu Ampliss.Facult.
Philos. in Acad. Lips. Posterioris Disputationis vice Pro Loco in Eadem
conseqvendo, Die II. April. Anno Christi M.DC.LXXIII. P. P. M. Joh.
Gabr. Drechfsler, Gymnas. qvod Hatf6 Horet, Colt des. Lipsice,Vypis
Tiduœ (w) Joh. Wittigau.
4'. Pp.M
Q. D. B. V. Disputatio II. De Metallorum Transmutatione, et imprimis de
Chrysopoeia oder Goldmachen, qvam Superiorum indultu, préside M. Joh.
Cabr. Drechtster, Gymnas. qvod Hâtée Soret, Col!, des. Pneceptore suo
sincère colendo, P. P. Abraham Christophorus Platz, Lipsiensis,Phitos. Stud.
Die III. April. A. M.DC.LXXIII. H. L. Q. C. Lipsiœ,Typis Vid~
Joh. Wittigau.
4". Pf~M.
4*. Pp.[16].
M. Gabriel DrechfslersCurieuser Tractat von Goldmachen, aus dem Lateinischen
ins Deutsche übersetzet von M.M. Drefsden und Leipzig,Bey Johann
Christoph Miethen, 1702.
a*. Pp.
Pp. 44.
This b aa translation
Thisb tmnstation of
of both Drechfsier's
th Drechfsler's
both dlsputations.
Drech&ter of Wotckensteinwas a Mag. Philoso. subjects as Hebrew pottry, David's harp, the
Theol. and teachertn the gymnasium )MgMge of bnxe!, etc., etc. He died ao Oet.,
at Halte. Besides the above, he wrote on such 167?.
~~C~S~Z~–~EK M$
Drey euneHse bifsher gantz geheim gehattene nun aber denen Liebhabern
der Kunst zum besten an das Tagcs-Licht gegebene Chymische SchriSten,als
I. Nicolai Soteœ Philosophische Grund-Sâtze,
II. Herrn C. L. v. L. Chymischer Catechismus.
ÏIÏ. CXXX. Grund-Sâtze aus dem Toscanischen in das Teutsche ubersetzet
von einem Liebhaber Philosophischer Geheimnisse.
Franckfurt am Mayn, auf Kosten eines Liebhabers denen Kindem der
Weifsheit zum Nutzen wieder gedruckt ï~~g.
a*. Pp.4<t. WgMtteof Dee'sMonMH!tfogtypht<ft.'
[Another Copy.]
PMIosopMaChymicaTnbus Tractatibus comprehensa. Quorum senem sequens
pagina indtcat Opus doetissimutn, et nunc ptim~m int~rum in htcem
editum. Auctore Gastone Dulcone Chveo, SubpKMMe Ntveînetui G<tHo.
ColonieeAUobtogutn. Apud Ichannem V~non. M.DC.XIÏ.
C'. ['& t'<] f' Mank]94[a Naak].
ThethMetnu)«Me: To thèse are a<Med C<MM<Mt <&eM~, whieh are
1. ~)ia <~<y~<~ ~~<M<~a~<'<<f<e~«t the tbundtttioa of the whcte work, and FeoMM*
JD~. Mc«M<M J5tMM<«<W, epMe. pre&ee,
<fM'<M<<t~At<M~/<<~<'M~, Mdmateiaat MnoMioM.
~M~tt<<~<<~«MMt~ ~My/CA<y<<e. Other editioMof thé ~a, NeMM. tsgo, S*
t!. ~~<<~ ~~e~~ ~M/< Geaew. tM8< Unet. t&M; of the <<~<~
~MM<<~ <W<KOt< ~<M « MM/W<!&! ~i~a<M)M. Neven,
<M«ftM<-«!, Urset, t~ot; FtMk.
~MM~~ furt, t6M: in Ftench. Fado. t~. M*: Gemxm,
H!. jDf <Wt w<MMt<&x« ~<<~MM~2~<&t HaBe, t6t7! &' w~ n'< NeMts,
/iM<~M«. o~t~ '59~
Apologie Chtysopoeite et AigyfopœMe advenus Thomam
~M THEATRUMCHEM!CUM,!Ô59, )i. p. 6.
eartyâgehe M<Hn!)to hâvetakenatsoan iateMt treatise on mhMtat wt«M and otbar wttinM.
'n chembtty. Havine read K~stus*attackon Alter such a mistahe one tsa ttttte douMttt of Sx
PM!tcebM. he wrote thé above Md
puMtshed !tat Neveu)n ~90. h<~<a.w~dedicated Mtmacy of Gobet's vtew<on this subject, and J
have not been aMe to check them by M&Mnee
tothé DucdeNivernob. andinit he cattsMmKKto the edittona he quotes,
GastonDucto,withthédate,Catendscf Apn!, that what he says ls ccffMt,but 1 have assumed
and have givea the
GobetsaysthatRoth-Schottt <Mtho)f's nome as Dttctû. !t may be observedthat
iethécatyonewho although Ladrague quotes Qobet't cptttiott. he
has gMen uucto'; namecon<ct)y, but he seenM adheret to the <bnn Dut<;o.
to hâve madea ntbtake,for in Roth.Sehottt's Hoefer admits of Dt<&«Mna a
&o~<;<tthéprésent wnterappeats underC)aveM.corruption <t/«f. the posslbUity
ln whicheMe an t!ehea&t
andthepeMOt)whoisenteret)underdxC)os9ourishettMS. !h the of the A!sea&thy DuetMmay
a bMndfed tater.and besid~)! catM hâve been LtttfMy
Domtntc. and is years
wett)tMwna<théauthorof a There h by the pteseat person.
M mention ofthe date ofhb death.
Borel,&'M'«~mCt~Mo,ton, p. & Gmettn, Cea-Ate~ < CAo~t. tM?, L p. 307.
~<«/~a C~S-.t. ~~97.p.4~.
Roth.Scho)tt, Fuchs, ~< ~oww~ Z.
Lendet Du&Bsnoy. ~M~t' <&/<t~<&mAtttrt8o6~8. p. 99.
''P-.?. 3'S.474 "P. i~t. Schmieder,
Gobet.~M~<t~<M ~<t~<i~<«t ~K~<t«Mf Hoefer; ~<t/<7<!f<-At~<f<<M'A.
fb ~t CM~t. <<,)a, t<~t. ~996.
H. cn~t f
~M<t<Aa-s t869. :).p. H8.
Raumer. C~w'M,tySe,p.89(G<uto Ledntgue, ~MoM~M OM'a~: ~<M~
Du)coC)!tveM). t870, Nos. ~8.963.96$.
~t-a~Mr<~<-A!~«~MA</wC/t<«~,tya& &<(uderpGi ~lckemie, rt>tt~i. p. ,r,ç; Ii. Po343
PP.57°.59!. (~
DUELLUM Equestre.
.S~ THEATRUM t66t, vi. p.
D.. Philippi J&c. DutteH),ReipabMcœ Me~ingensis, Physici Senioris, Demon-
stratio S!ncera, de Alchimistarum Vanitate, oder Aufrichtiger Beweifs der
Eitelkeit der Gotdmacher, da selbige ohne Grund vorgeben, mit dem Stein
der Weisen nicht nur Gold zu machen, sondem auch mit dem Menstruo
Universali das Gold radicaliter zu solviren, und mit denen Gold Tincturen,
theils fast alle, ja sonsten incurable Zustânde zu cunefen, theils den
Menschen vor Kranckheiten zu praesetviren und zu einem hohen Alter
zubringen. Welchem beygeiuget ist, eine Anweisung und Information, wie
ein Mensch, durch observirong einer guten Diaet, und Gebmuch
einiger gar
wenigen aufserlesenen Medicamenten, ohne die Gold-Tincturen, sich gesand
Z~T'T~f-D~Mt/MMT'S' 2:9
DUTTEL (Pmup jAcoa). CC~
conserviren, zu einem hohen Alter gelangen, und vor allerhand Arthen
Kmnckheiten, auf das môglichste pMeserviren,und sein eigner Medicus
sein kônne. Augsputg, ZuCnden im Mertz und Mayrischen Buch-Laden.
a*. pp.
a*, Pp.[M.] 98. MS.notes.
[4.] M5.
1. [<fj
[M.] 98 notes.
t bave xot Mtceeeded!a 6nd)ag at<yth!n~about !M!tf (~A'c~oM- &<M, t/Tit, il. p. t8t)
this author. He b not mentioned by writere on qwMe~bybatte): 7~a<M<~MW&t<<<A!~<M
the history of alchemy. His attack, however, on A«&&,August. VMe)., 17:9, 8°.
~tch~my & such M UMompmn)binRone that i< Thé présent author must not be confused with
merits c~nadwatiot) iaerder to kart) what a con. AI. ). ufUtet. author of a /<«~<M de <'<f<
tempotary considcred the weak points of thé <?<MMM~, Afgent!n., ty67, 4° quôted by Gmelin,
pufMh* (7<'MtM<rder CAoM«, ty<)8, ii. p. yot.
mntwava anm DE ~nu WvnsvavawjACOBUs), Luminare Majus, t;66.
For this work Durastantes bas coatnbuted a de Voluminibus, & <n RhetOtiea, & in Poesi,
dedication to the Senate of Macerata, indices, and & in Dialectica, & i« Phitosopbia & Medicina
a cotMae~tMyon M&nUm'text tam TheoritB,qx~m praxios, à se conscriptis. This
He bdonged to Ju$t!aopoUs(C~po d'Istria) but ettwneretion is reprinted in thé present work,
have not Mcceeded in finding aoy défaits of his f. t~. after M$ "Encomimn in nonnullos Mes,
ii<B. He Houfbhed in the middle of the s!)f<eeMh Picenos.MacerateoMs.Sanctoiustanos,et Medicos,
centmy and was a votuminousauthor. A tiot of et PtxumacopsBOS, et ViKM.*
bis writings is contained in bis ownwork Libd!)N
Van der Unden. 0< & xt~~j MM duo. Addung. Supplement to JOcher's ~~M~<w~
1637.IL!J$1. G~Zs~t~tMt.
MercMin, JU<M~wM~«ctM<w~, t686, p. so~. ~V<t<f«/&F«! <Mt~r<t&,18~8,xv. col. ~43.
MMgM, ZM~fo ~<<a-««< <M«)&<«-«<K, ~M<tO<t<Mt<~ <fer&'ïOK~ ~)H.
113!. J. Ii. P. SI05. M/M, tS8.t,xxx. p. 678.
Ha!!ef, ~&<<~<a ~MN~f~M'~MM~c~~777, ii.
pp. 164.
(JOHANNRUDOLPH),La première partie de t'OBUvre
GLAVBER Minerale, t674.
~e BBCHER(j. j.), Opuscula Chymica Rariora, t7<9<No. Il. p. 63.
Sendschteiben an die wahren Schüler Hermeds.
~M HERMETtSCHE (Der) TnMMpb,t76;, p. 224.
See HBRMNnscHES A. B. C., )[779,iit. p. tS.
Set HERMETtSCHES A. B. C., t779,:ii. p. 6t.
s~M. l, a readingof DivesSicut s
Sanctus f e.SanctDisdier.
DYRRACHÏUM Philosophicum.
&c. ~t
E. C. D. M.
E. (H. v.).
So von verschiedener Art, ganz neu erfundene und bewâhrte Kunststucke zur
angenehmen Unterhaltung und Zeitvertreib für junge Leute, und andere
Liebhaber vonH. v. E. Zweyte verbesserte Auflage. Augsburg, 1~8.
In Verlag C. F. Bürglen, Buch- und Kunsthândter.
< Pp.s9[sMank]. TitteredaadNock.
J7Wt <t<crcu tmtt utHM<&.
I have not found the dIIIeof theprevious edMon. lions given are very curious,considering the date
It isa collectionof trivht experiments,without any of the book. Thé author can bave knownnothing
speeM phnt or end !a view. Some of them wiM 1 of the science of the time. Does H. v. E. stand
sùcceed, others eeftainty wi)t not Thé explana. for Hans von Ettner?
Oleum Antimonii Die Fixatio, sein Quinta Essen.
DARtOT (CLAUDB),Die Gulden Arch, Schatz- und Kunstkammer, !6t4. Part ii.
P. 293.
~M ERÔFFNKTKGEHEtMNtSSKdes Steins der Weisen (t7o8), p. ~79.
Respeeting the name of thb perMn it may bc ca))ed Eberlein, and in the text OberMn but
obsen'ed that in the contents of the books he is which of these is thé correct form 1 donot know.
Domus Sapientiae, in qua dies festus agitur à Sote Theotogico. sive acta
illustriom Angelici DoctorisThomœ de Aquino, Ex ord. S. Domintd.
M.DC.XCIV. Graecij,Apud Hœredes W!dmanstadij.
3°. Sigs.A.D.ineights.
ThisisM& andelogeofThomasAquinas, anddesnot trefate
to chemistry
D. Gottfried Einsporns MediciVratislauiensis Beschreibungeiniger sonderbaren
chimischen Versuche nebst einer Antwort auf die Frage Zweysporntsche
Widerlegung seiner PrOfungder Lehre C. G. Kratzensteinsvon Diinsten und
Dâmp~n. Erhngen ï~gï. Zu finden, bey Gotthard Poètsch, Univ.
~-yy f, ~.tu.ttj.
Elias Artista mit dem Stein der Weisen.
Wisset ihr nicht, dafs Jehova, der Elohim Israet, das Konigreich über
Israet dem David gegeben hat, ihm und seinem Saamen, mit einem
t770. Noptaceorprinter.
4". Pp.M4[abhnk].
on the the7-~
Smamgdina, and formachaptervii.of the work.
Das Geheimnifs vom Sa]~ ats dem Lebensbalsam und dem Schatz aller
Schâtze, oder des Salzes gôttliche Eigenschaften und seine Wunder.
wirkungen zu freudigemund langem Leben. GottUcher Weisheit zum Lobe
auch zur Verhenrtichungdes himmlischen Salzbundes und den Menschen
zum Vortheil geschrieben von Elias Artista Hermetica. Getreu nad) der
Ausgabe von !7~ erneuert. Stuttgart, tMs. Verlag von J. Scheible.
8°. Pp.t<8[t49.!6o,SchdM~Ca<ah)gueofmyst!c«tboo~]. Tltle redandblack.
ThisMa different
workfromthe preeedi~. It édition
~t~ bmenttonedbyLadMMe.AMf~
70. cx
and (roma mysticalpointof vlew. The 1'/70
Geheimnisvom Salz.
See HERMETÏSCHËS A. B. C., < 77%:v.p. 47.
ThistOMisM ofsomemodiftedextractsfromthepreeeding.
Disquisitio de Helia Artium.
E~M~-SLM~M~? 2~
In Verlegung Peter Paulus Bteul, Kunst- und Buchhând!en).
[Itn Jahr
ta". Pp.[MincMiagthe ffontxpiMel307. [1 blank.] One engraved
T)Mlowermargin the date beeneutverydMe!~bSg.~
wataini..K piate,
The Curious D:stit!atory or The Art of Distilling Coloured
Liquors, Spirits,
Oyls, &c., from VegttaMes, Animas, Mtnemts, and Metals. A
hitherto known byfew. Containing many Experiments easy to
perform, yet
Curious, surprizing,and useM: relating to the production of Colour%Con-
sistence, and Heat, in divers Bodies which are Colourless, Fluid, and Cold.
Together with seveml Experiments upon the Blood (and its Serum) of
Diseased Persons, with divers other Collateral Experiments. Written
in Latin by jfo.Sigis. Etshott. Put into EngMshby T. S. M.D. Originally
Physician in
Ordinary to His Majesty. London, Printed by J. D. for Robert Boulter,.
at the Turks-head,over against the Royal-Exchangein Comhit,
~p.t% T. S.isThomas ~of~Ct.
plant,p. 63. Sherley.
Bn.& which
De Phosphons Quatuor, Observatio. ~06. Editio Secunda.
Jenae, prostat,
apud Henricum Christoph. Croekerum, Bibliopol.
S*. Pp.M.
y. Pp.[8]. cune
The four variethsMt: HxMphorusbononieMb;¡ ~° he ~~s appointed Phy~tho
Phosphore Ba!dotni PhMphonts smaragdinus ¡ and BotaniM to Frederick William, etector of
Phos boru Mgutans. wMch was exhibited by BrMdeobutK. He was a tnemtter of the Academia
KMfn. NatWM CufXMorum,~674, to wh:ch he communt-
Ëbhottï was bcm at FfMkfmt et. d. Oder, a6 e&ttdsomep~pets. HediedatBcrUn.aSFebntaty,
At)go:t, 16~3,studied medMneat W!ttenbet~ and 1688..
Kënigsoe)~, tntvetM. and padNated at Padua.
Men:)d!n,~t<t<~«<MfM<eM< t6M, p. 689. Bachne)-. ~M<<< .M< C«W««M'WM
Witte, ~3«!t<M ~M!pM~«'«m.!688, Ann. Matt. ~ta, MM, p. 467. No. M.
16m, Sig. Aaaaa 3 w/o ()ist of writings). HaMer, ~W.<e~<aF<~<t<t<S. t~t. {. n. et6.
D«M<<.Il. ~f<0~tM AM«a~<« ~'W~M~t~tM Haller,
VohMMOvi., BefotM, 17~6. pp. 1.5 (thern ~i~. r~ 4S7.
Hatter/F~M/a Ct<c«. t~ t. Me.
is a short sketch of KtshotM'slite, and a pottMtt ot
MmM a frontispieoe to thé volume). Nw. ~<& ~~M <&'& ~i~<.
t778, t{. p. 137.
Roth-Scholtz,~M«/Aw<!Ot~K&t, tM?. p. 61. Hatter. ~W~~M A~~M-w~e. Mm. Hi.
MensM, ~<t &~MHt; ~~«~M, P'JE~
t73t, t. i!. p. <n.t. Beckmann.&<y. «~- 0<w~~ Af ~~«.
~Mc~ <f<fA<M~awA<a
M«- j~~fx. t?9t, iii. p. 5M En~tish tM~htica. t8td,
C<~tA~t' 1731, pp. &to.t'- M),p. aat.
~t«~ /~c&< /'MX&tM«MFtMe~MM'~<a~ Cmetin, <!<M*t<~der C~Mtf, !?99, Il. pp.
't6.137. at8.
t~. ii. pp. yo. etc. Fudts. ~t~~tn). <~ <)t<w~A«t JMM<M<«~.
ZMMer.t/ttMWf~M~, ty3t, v)u.cot. 930. tSo& 151. t8o. taa.
Kestner, ~<<MMH<<«0<Mf<et. t)'<)o, F.K!?~~ :M~<!&, Paris, rmctMndM (tSao-
p. 979. !)'=9.
Dutiresnoy. ~f~~
Lengttt <&/<! ~<'&«~~< D&~Mas~ W~<~w<&7a jMM~.
~<H~ '[~49,p. 330 <tM.~834, tt. i. p. aoo.
JOcher,~~<M<~t Cf/eMot-f~o~, tyy, il. Poggendotff, F<<!{« ~«x~.
col. 331. M~/<~f~,!.66o.
ELUCIDARIUS Artis TmnsmutMonœ ]
Metallorum Summâ Maior.
See CHRtSTOPHORUSParisiensis.
ELUCIDATIO Secretorum, das ist, EtMamng der Gehetmnussen, wie der Lapis
Philosophorum funden, vnd die vhiuersat Mediein erlanget w:tdt, durch die
F/.M~MTVO~F~T~FTT~ 939
LibeUus duodecim aquarum.
GRATAROLO (G.), Vene Atchemia* doctrina, ~6t, iL p. 209.
-S~ THEATRUM CHKMtCUM, t6s9, :n. p. 104.
C'~w«, 1654,p. S~;t6~6,p. 8<.
Liber de Lapide Philosophorum.
V!ERn<itdicheChymischeTractat vomSteinder Weisen, t6t2, Sig.!v~f/c.
Set ~ENtGMA.
ENIGME PhHosophique.
8ENDtVOG!US Cosmopolite,Nouvelle Lumiere de la Phisique
naturelle,t6:9, p. 66.
ENTDECKTEN (Dm) Requisita Realia.
ENTZELT (CHtusropH).
De Re MetatHca, hoc est, de Origine, & NatoM Corporum
MetaUteomm, ~apidum, Gemmarum, atq} ~Mtrum, quee ex Minis Muuatur,
teruto, ad Medidno usum deserutenttun!, Libri III. Autore Chnstophoro
EnceHo SduetdensL Cum pnu:!egM Imper. Franc. Apud Chr. Egenolphum.
Fivewû«deun. Thepaeiot.
is 'rregttar. The coi!Mioo b the same as thé ta F there Metwo
eiftra doubh kaves. but that in G i: WMtit<6'. Hfottowfng.
is complete. Thb edttion b
Md.ted, bM ? pM~ that ~tst. This copy ~ts ~ich eontMM
)e(ter M dated t5;ï. Vignette of the attM Md beMt. but aMetM~h.
~oa's from theb~Mtp~.
design MtwMtg.
De Re MetaU:ca, hoc est, de Ongme, & Natam
V&netate, Corporum
MetatMcomm, Lapidum, Gemmarum, atq; a!taruta, quœ ex Minis ennmtur,
rerum, ad MedicitMe usum deseru!entium, Libri IH Autore Chn<tophoro
Ence!:oSaIuetdensi. CutnPnuitegtoImp. Ftahc.ApttdHteMd,Chr{st<a<tt
Egenotph:. M.D.LVir.
f in with two eitt~ douMe featex. G8 w:th M MtHt
Mding )eaf. H8. but 4 Md 5 M~in one, Ho Q (n eights, R?. hMt
or PP. ['& tb)Mk].z7t [t bhnk. nad )Mt leaf (btank?) wmtingt)œf The MMk(?) wntiM;
papnattOB~ ~s
uregu«u. Ft~e wooocuM. fnotctf
Dve PHMM'9 déviée
device of an attar and a
yegu M. aa woodc~ upcnit HamEge heaM,M'.<°
Vignette. contaiM Metanehthon's letter.
KMMM,ËinMtd, En<e)iMs.EobditM, EneeMus. Mehncbthon's feqttMt M)d to have mhted thé
was a native of Saatfetd in Thuringia, and Hved:n work at once thé uadated édition, which,pK).
the 6rst hatf of the sixteenth contury. He was baMy ftota thé tadate ofthe tetter, i< Muatiyepohen
rector M Tangenaande in the Marett,andpastor at of as of tMT. Reimmaoe, whodoe! oot
0!terhaasen. Hedied~March,tsS6,inhMsixty- œem to mwe )tnownofan however, undated edit!<mat
SMthyear. He wrote a Chronide of the Old thinXs that Egenotph did not pnat thé book at!, tM
MMdt Btandenburg', printed at Magdeburg, tSTq, '557.. Compai!son. howewer. cf thé two hMes.
and again at SfdMwedet, 1732. and one or two Md thé better style of thé MtdMedctte, wouM
other works. He isssid to have been a doctor of indace me to fegMd it as thé cartier.
Medicine, which seems doubtht), and wrote hh ~MSï. aad, po~My,
Aa édition of iMt is~eatioMd :n t&e
Httte book on metab. PhiMpMelanchthon Mw MMMM<MJPtfMMfM, theM is one
hlm a strougletterof recommendationto t~eaotph, io dMed
(bypoth<itica!ty) in thé Mtish Mmeum, Md it !s
the printer at Frankf'urt, dated 19 AugaM,!«!. quoted by Stone and by Kestner. !a <tttthèse
urging Ëgeaotph toprint the book and commeMt- c~es it h doubt!e:s thé undated édition to whieh
)nt; thé author for his diligence and for having attMion h made. Thé book waa iadmM in thé
inserted matter in his ttcati~e which was to be
found nowheK'etse. OM~ /t~ < 'a.!f~OW<!~M« OM~tM~M.
Fraahfmr), t6o8: wretched G~rmaotMathtion'
Egen~ph appears to hâve eompt!ed with BedHnatMta!b it.
Gesno-, ~t~M/Aa-a M ~</ao«-~ ~< Lenglet Dufresttoy, .N~MW <&&t ~Mitf~~
~er/<u«tM ~tfo~MM, M83, p. tat. A~M~M, ~43, :i<. p. «s.
Van der Lindea. Df &M~ ~A~ < jecher, /<MM~)M., d~MM. Mec.
<6~, p. 98. )i. cot. 343.
Bote), Bidl'rotAasa
BWMt«:aÛC i#arfta,t6~f.
M~&-< I654,P.p. 8S-
8;. Boertma~, ~i'~c~M ~'< éd. HMtef
MercMin.~«<&x<«tt~< !6S6,p. ty6.
Y76. '75~. '79 (Hatier quotes an édition. FMacofurti.
Reimmann. ~N&<~)~~ ~M/<w/<!)W tS77. S*. possiMya misptint for t~7).
aWaMt&Mf ï~a~M~a, tTop, iii. p. M;. ~tHer, AMo~~ i. p. 3.6
Roth~cho)tz. JM/<<~M C~~Mt. p. 6~ ("De U~ QuetciM," in Lib. in. cap M.r- p. j".
Manget. ~~K~<t<t &M))t ~M&i)~ ofthetMytdMon).
ï73t. M. p.99t. Gmetin, G~~<«< t&f C~m* M~, i. n. <&<
Stolle, ~«/<t~~ sur Historie ~MM~ùatM (quot~both éditions. t~i.~My).
<<<&tA~<'<. ïyM, p. Mt. BectmMmo,~y/f~ t~ GM<.4&~
/<M<~~<a~&t~<<~MM~«~<M)~<it/~t. <Mf~et. t~. !V. p. 3~; Engtish trandatioe. tSt4.
iv. p. t6.
t7M~hof, xy~a,ii.
Palyhirfor, tyga, Il- p.
~o). ~MM<t« f~~A< B~t~ t8~, vi. p.
Zedtef, MtH~'ja/.Z~fmt, MM, vii!. col. ~303. 155.
Kestner, ~MM~M~~ G<&<-).t&a<
p. 97~(quotes the editionsof mt, ~7).
EPISTOLA de MetallorumTransmutatione.
&<! MORHOF (D. G.).
Beschreibung aHerfumemistenMineralischenErtzt vnnd Betgkwercksarten, wie
dieselbigen, vnd eine jede in sonderheit, jrer Natur vnd eygenschaStnach,
auff alle Metalla probirt, vnd in kleinen Fewr sollen versucht werden, mit
erklâmng etlicher fürnemer nützlicher Schmeltzwerck, im grossen Feuwer,
auch scheidung Gotdts, Silbers, vnd anderer MetaHn, sampt einem Bericht
defs Kupffer saigems, Messing brennens, vnd Salpeter siedens, auch aUer
saltzigen Minerischen proben, vnd was denen allen anhengig, in fantTBiicher
verfast, defsgleichen zuvom niemals in Druck kommen. Allen Liebhabem
der Feuwerktinste, jungen Probirem vnd BetgMeuten zu nutz, mit schonen
Figuren vnd abrifs der Instrument, trewlicbvnd Seissig an tag geben. Au&
newe an vielen orten mit besserer au(sn!hrung,vnd mehrem Ftgurn erklârt,
durch den weitberuhmten Laxarum Erckern, der Rom. Kay. May. Obersten
Bergkmeister vnd Buchhalter, im Künigreich Bôhem, &c. Mit Rôm. Keys.
May. Priuilegien. Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, durch Johan
Feyerabendt. t~S.
FoMoKMtMfsH'bhntt.~nting]. T:tteredandb)aet(.Wantsf.a.
Folio f.Il.
ci apparatus,
41t wooilc;uts
etc., inthé
teM. Vignette
text. ofa
of taboratory.
Aula Subterranea Domina DominantiumSubdita Subditorum. Das ist Unter-
erdische Hofbaltung, ohne welche weder die Herren regieren, noch die
Vnterthanen gehorchen konnen. Oder griindliche Beschreibung der jenigen
Sachen, so in der Tie<!eder Erden wachsen,als aller Ertzender Konigtichen
und gemeinen Metallen, auch tUrnehmsterMineralien, durch welche nachst
Gott, alle KUnste, Ubungen und Stànde der Welt gebandhabet und erhalten
werden, da dann fBmemHchbierinn gelehret wird, wie sothanige Ertz und
Bergwercksarten,jede insonderheit threr Natur und Eigenscbafftgema&,auff
alle Metalla probirt, und im kleinen Feuer versuchtwerden,nebst ErktSrung
einiger fOrnehmer nützlichen Schmeltzwerckim grossen Feuer, Item Ertz
scheiden, bochen, waschen und rosten, auch Scheidung Goldes, Silbers und
anderer Metatten, ingleichem KupNer seigem, Messing brennen, Salpeder
sieden, destillation der Scheidwasser,und ihrem Brauch, auch zu nutzmachung
anderer mineralischen Berg- und Sattzarten. Vormals durch den Welt-
berühmten und gantz TeutscMand zierendenHerm Lazarum Ercker, weiland
der Romischen K&ysert. Majest. Obristen Bergmeister auffs treulichste
beschrieben. Anitzo aber, wegen Abgang der Exemplarien au<!s neue mit
vielen nützlichen und nohtwendigen Stücken und Secreten, so entweder
Herr Ereker ûbergangen, oder nach der Zeit inventirt worden, und andem
Notis über S. Erckers Text mercMich vermehret, zusambt angehângter
Au&tegungder Terminorum und Redartender Bergleute,Probirer, Wardeinen
und Müntzmeister, deren sie sich was ihre Profession belangt, zu bedienen
pflegen. Ein sehr nutzlichund nôhtig Werck vordie Herren der Bergwercke,
Berg'Râhte, Ertz- und Artzneykündiger,Probir-Discipetn, Laboranten, und
alle die mit Metallen und Mineralien umbgehen müssen oder wollen. Mit
môglichstem Fleifs gestellet und au~gefertiget, durch einige hochverstandige
BergwercksErfahrne und Liebhabere. Franckfurt, In Verlegung Johann
David Zunners, Buchhandters. Gedruckt bey Paulus Hummen Se). Wittib.
Jm jahr M.DC.LXXII.
Folio. Pp.rt4, ineluding theengmved P. RiUan, datedt~~l~a [4].
The engntved t!ùe b: 'Auhtsubtemtaeaa)i4s PtobierBuchHenmLaf'anTMthers,'
andIsdatedt673. 4twoodcats ofappiurata! i
etc., n thetext.
The/«/<~iM /M<t~p<e ~)&<W<t<~<: is byCbnsttMus Berwardus,and hasa
Interpres Phraseotogite Metatturgicae.OderEr)<Mn)))g der Mmembsten Te~
minorurn undRedettrten, welchebeydenBe~gteuten, Puchem, Scb!t<ettMm,Probirem
undMOt)Mmei<tefn, & Benennung ihterProfession Sachen, Geteugs,Gebaude,
WetcttScbafTt,undtnstntntenten gebrKuchtidtsind,wienemlich solche
Deotsthenzu verstehen.Nebenstangehangter kurtzenDeduction defstaMicheo
BererechM undatterwoblhergebrachter
Gewonheit, betreffenddenBauderBergwercke,
aan tMsWeisemanMtotichsur LehnschaHt einerZeche,Masse,Gegendmm oder
Kuckufsgelange,und derenhinwieder~ertustig werde)t0nnen.Auft'e)rthei)to
.H<ichsUSN. FOtstL CommissionMMfnen durchdenEdlenundHochgelabrtcn Herm.
ChrhtiMUtn Berwardum, J. C. &AMess.Jud Meta). AnitMaber, cum venh
Fotic. Pp.36.
Folio. Pp. 36.
ContidettnK thé tmportmce of E~e~er'streatise menthttheFteet. Thepn:fMei!dateda6Feb..8},
Mis remafkaMe how tittto i$on record about him. and the book waspubfished in 1683. Thete!s a
He was iMpector'eenetat cf thé minet of Hungary, copy ttt the British Muséum, It was reissuedwitb
Ttansytvama. and the Tyrol, whieh position he thé date attefed to t6M, whichwas <&cMd by
he1d under three ccMecttttve emperors in the substitutiof! V. for Il. ta thé original date
sbtteenth 'ceottuy, and be ca)b himseif of St. MDCLXXXnt. The inKtted V. b aot ln tine
Annen Betgk withthe other figures.and as, in the cfmywhtch t
H~bodtwas higMypHtedatthe tfttte, tbr it bave, <!)etitte ia mounted on a guard, presume
was a record of pMcticM expedecee, and was not either that the whole tMe )e~fis a cancer,or else
burdened withthéoriesand hypothèses. that the originaltMe page waseut from the mt of
The Cnt édition was printed by Geofj: Schwaftz thé sheet to enable the Mtetatioatn the date to be
et Pfigue. ts'<t. in Mto. SuMequeat editions nMKte. ï bave not been aNe M compare the two
appeared nt Frantfturt a. M. in i;e<~ the above in titte pages,as there b not a copyof the f666issue
)! t6ao, ail in Mo. ln the Musont.
Thé work was enlarged and entitted Aula Thé English édition is smaptuoMtyprinted with
~a~<r<va<Ma, and Wts puotished in t6ya as aboyé, large engraved capitals, and tt bas a portMit of
ï6&t, 4*; tyoa. fol. and the above, ty36. fol., Petms and "<)4 sculptures" of appaMtu: and
caBed thé 6fth édition, If tbis mean thé N~h of opérations- Thèse have been re-enpaved on
thé Aula there must be another édition which 1 copper (the odginab are on wood), witha change
have not noticed ln the lists. of costume )n the operatoM &om the sixteenth
The EngUsh tMmtation was made by Sir John ceatuty to that of a hundred years later with a
Pettus, and Is headed /<* ~«w, a punning eoresponding tossof vigour and teatism.
titte, wbiçb, as he expiains, refers to hb impriMn.
Roth-Schottï, F~'e~<r<' C~xMM. tyay, p. 63. Gmelln, (!M<~«'A~ der CX«!M,t?9y, i. p. 364.
Zedier, MKt~«/t'~f<M, i?M. col. *5'4. Fachs, ~f~K~ der otMM'« Z~~a/«f,
/< /.0~< fM<AWMM~&<it<f<f~/<ï& t8o6.o6, p. M.
'?3S' P- S~ ~Mg~AM ~<M<ta&,Paris, Panchoneke (tSeo.
Lengtet Oufresnov, ~f/<~< tle de la P/WJtJj/Ii,
~4<f ~). tv. p. 4&
jffqwdiifitt, ïy~a.Z742
/&fM~«& iii. t<6.rS&
iir p.P~ Thon~son,~M/~y <~CA<M&/<y. ~830,Lp. aas.
Jocher, ~%MM«K~ G~M-Z&wwa, ty~o, ii. <<<Wx< /3f«/~A< F«gM!/M&,t88~. M. p. 9t4
coh 376. (under Erker).
~MMtwa C<«~<t, tySa, p. 6j.
EREMITA Anonymus.
Salis et Solis, t677.
EREMITA Suburbanus.
ERLOSUNG der Philosophen aus dem Fegfeur der Chymisten. Das ist:
Rechtmafsige Retorsion, im Nahmen der Philosophen denen ohntangst
ausgeflogenen drey Laster.Bogen entgegen gesetzt durch Ihrer Herrligkeiten
Fiscal. Das Jahr zuvor, ehe das Fegfeur angeschuret ward, t?ot.
but sameas printedthe
,Feeeuerituif. SeesSLNOtR.
T~t~-Usetf. SeeSÕLDNKR.
An amusing pièceofvitoperation. QuitepossMy suspect this last phr<Mehas a doaMe meaning. He
by SoMner himself, the Mthor of &e /Mr thMugh the/
He points out that the /.ta!/<-«~ wns printed (H go~ pitmgMphbypan~ph.
and entttMesthe judgmeats paMMon thé dmerent
Amstentam, "viettoiehtimVoigttaade." t7oa, was chcmtsts,
M)d at Fmnkfurt ta the summer of t~t. and in !t is quotedby Roth-&:ho)H!,&W&<A<'e<t
September of this year. "vert<!gt wQtdeaist. ï1 C~N«'M,
tW. P.63.
De 0!eis variis Arte Chymica destillatis.
(jOHANN),Ptax:S Chymiatrica, !64?, p. 397.
hymiatrica, !64?,
T'h<M~t~.<t~H-t. 307.
There !sconsidemNeeonttMionabout thisanthor itt w&phto- asttgn~ thé \wr){ ~<
M~chtin. fottowad by Manget, enters the work to Burggtavius. but refers to Kntestus.
under Ernesti, and quotes an édition Fnmcofttrti. M~-«m
who appears both with and without the Mme
apud Caspantm Rote)iun). t634. 8', but not the Burggravius, and in both M that of thé
one above. He also ttreats Emesti M a different author of the ~<«<MH, places and in one as
per'!onfn)ntJotMnne~Hrne9t<NButMrav)us.tnthc editor cf Drebbel. But Lengtet thehis
British Muséum catalogue EmeMthM a sepamte tndex, p. g&t,gives a ctuss refiiteaoeto Burggra.
place, ediuons of t&}7,y. S*.and t690,<b)..
are enutnenKed, and theret68a. is no aross referenceto
wus. and yet uader that heading OMitesMr~Hfi
tn the thepnnetpit) name.
Burggravius. medical historiesand bio. The exphnMion then seem! to be that the
pspaies eitn find no retetence to a Johannes Mthor's name was reaUy Ëntesti, and that for
Erne!t!. and on the other hand this treatise is some reason he received or adopted tbat of BaM.
ass'med to J. Burggravius by Bord, Lipenius, grav. The présent tract, therefore, is ideaticat
JOcha-. Lengtet Dttfresnoy. but not by Haller or wnh that whtchIs mentioned in the note under the
Gmehn. As if to complete the conMsioa Borel latter name.
Borel, a~Aa-tt C'~M~t, t654, Do. o. °°. 88, Lenglet Dufresnoy,
~S. PP.5'=, 84, ~47. /W~j)~M!
~M~~w. ty~a, ii). p. !<&.
Upenms, j6W~/A<-<f<t~«!/MAM«-e. t6m, p. 3ti. Jocher, ~m«<Mt <M~.M.&)~w,
Mercklin, Zot~w~ <-<nw~ 1686,p. tM. ~m. H.
col. t~t.
Manget. BtMc~M ~< ~M~<
t73!, t. ii. p. ZM.
ERÔFFNUNG der Thüre des KonigUchen Pallasts dafs sie sey das rohe
Antimonium und Materia Secunda Lapidis Philosophorum, welche vor
denen mit Blindheit geschlagenen verdecket, und von denen Weisen unter
doppelsinnigen Reden denen Unwuîdigen verborgen gehalten worden, anjetzo
aber au6s klârste durch gründliche Erweisung aller Welt wieder dargestellet
wird durch einen Untersucher dieses vortreflichen Geheimnifses, der den
Nahmen <uhret des VortauNers. Drefsden und Leipzig, zu finden bey
Gottfried Leschen, ï~ïS.
8°. Pp.[t6] t6& Theauthor'sanagfamb Zehsipst.
Roth-Sc))ottz,~«/.fc/ C4<m«M.tyay,p. 64. LadMgue,&WcAMy«<0<tMt~&<«!M&~<&t,
Ftetttld,~aM~-S~a, ty~g,Th.i).pp.ï~o.t. t8?o,No.t~gS.
Rty~~M~ <?<M~~M<der<Mt<fM ex<«<&,1785,
Philosophisches Vater-Herz.
248 JTJ?0~7'S~</A~–F~<4G'A~7'
Funf kleine Tractâttein welche et in dem Closter Schwartzbach in Franken-
Land Ao. t~. den 6 May gefunden, und sie wiederum im Closter
MarienzeH, in Thüringen, Ao. 1489. den 10. Octobr. verborgen, letzlich
aber Ao. t6y:. wiederum sind gefunden worden. Sammt dem darzu
gehorigen SchtOset.
ChymtSch< te Schnf~en,
Schn~en, 1769,
tyôç, p.
"II. "L_ p. 993.
Gattus EtschenrMMer.eccordingto Fictutd.may Gallus KtMhentreuter,says he was of Ratisbon,and
béapoorguide,butheis aninnocent commred with added some new a1chemicalsigns to the hermeth:
Hemnch, for bis iudgnteaton
thiswork is that it dtctioniuy, and reters to the works of BM)!i)M
ts pureLOgeo."~M~S'&t~, ty~. Th.ii. p. Vatentinnu and to Cmhu-ohts' <~<uet</<t~<(<t~<!M
60. Hoefer(~M~n:fh &CA~M~, t~a, i. p. e~m~.t in unum corpustf~f/«, FtMcof. t6t~ 8°.
1866,i. p. 4~) appatenOy confusingMmwith
Enchiridion Ph~ioe Restitua. In quo verus Nature 'concentus
plurimfque antiqaaePhitosophiee errores per canones & certas demonstrationes
dilucidè aperiuntur. Tractatus alter inscriptus. Arcanum Hermet:<NePhilo.
sophis opus In quo occulta Natu~ & Artis cirea Lapidis Philosophorum
materiam & opetandimodum canomcb& ordinatè fiunt manifesta.
opus eiusdem Authoris anonymi. Spes mea est in Agno. Secunda editio
emendata & aucta. Parisus, M.DC.XXXVIII.
at' Pp.t4a[abhn~
The Arcaaumbasa separatetMeandpagination
~f~"S"! HenMtica)Philosophiee ln quooccultaNMUtœ
& Opus. & Artiscirea
Lapidis Ph~phwum materiam operandimodumcanonicè& ord!mt&aam
manifesta.OpuseiusdemAuthorisAnonymi. PenesNos Vnd& Tagi. Secunda
Editioemendata&MCM. Parisits,M.CC.XXXVt!
La Philosophie Naturelle restablie en sa Pureté. Ott l'on void à découuert
toute l'œconomie de la Nature, & où se manifestent quant!té d'en-eursde la
Philosophie Ancienne,estant redigée par Canons & demonstrations certaines.
Auec le Traicté de t'Ouurage Secret de la Philosophie d'Hermez, qui
jM~~c~sr 249
Espaptet's history is neariy as gréât an Arcanum he had perused. The author wu ooneeaiedin the
as that of which he bas attempted the reveiatioe. anagram, but was beti~cd to be Don Janus
Though by the majority of wnten–if not by a!t– Espagnet, a seeator of the pariiameM of Toutonse.
he seems tobe quite well known, ho b stitt called !a t6&t, when BottichiM met the MB, abo a
"Anonymm GaMus," and thé books ascdbed to senator of Toulouse, whowas about of
him appear under thé two phn~M Pênes nos âge, a straight-forward,te<traedtmm, shtyyears MM~chem~
unda TagT' and "Spei: meaest !n AgntL" which whotty devotedto the study of Raymund Lully,
pMS for aMgMms ofMs name. It tnay, however, he asked himIf hls father had been an (Mtept,and
be as wëit<o note that the ana~t'aMSare by no, had pubM$hedthe bock. He received no Mtis&c.
means strict, tf "Joannes d'Espa~net" be the tion as <othe first point, whether becau<ethe son
form of the name opeeMedon. For the former of did not knowor would not tell Bottidtim leaves
these conMiM the letter «, wbich is not in the doubtfnLbot he admitted thé second. ln this
name, and on)y two des,wM)ethe oame bas three. account Bottiehiusis <ottowedby Fttchs.
Tbis disetepancy is taMMyactuMwtedgedin Roth- Ait other writersstate that tmpitgnet was ptest.
SeBt)!tt's reprint, where it Is Mid: "Anagr. ein u dent of the parliament of BonteMx; town-
mutât. Berrichiustays that Don Janm H$pag- president Schmiedercalls him, 1 presume,
net" can ht taken out of the anagram, wM~, or bead of the town council, who adds prowst, that he
certainty, can be, letter for letter, but then the followedGastonClaveusas a defenderof alchemy.
n:nne never appeam in that form. Thé other Nothing morels on recordabout bis iite.
transposition is ewentarther astray, for it wante a There are variousopinions as to thé authonhip
d and an n, and it ha<an m wbichdoes not appear of the books. Bore! iQformsus that some tSnaed
in the at
aatne ai). that the ~«<~t<r<<MM was not by Espamet, but by
Apart. hMfeveir, front this there andwam «f another whowas caOed 'EqtM tmpe&th,' or 'te
unaoimity a: to Kspagnet's identity and !M to chevalier imonal,' whieh he admits he bad
the MKhoMMp of the tracts in question. diScutty in betieving. Bordehius also saysthat it
Borricbim gives a very citcantstantiat account. was a question whether he was author or editor,
He cottMMKbthé /4~<!«MM~<~))M<&o'~A~at<'W<fand thé doubt turns up in Bayle, Lengtet Du.
0~<« ai the wiscst, most open and free trom fresnoy, and others.
obseuntiet a)td dcaMe mea~ngt of att thé works Hoefer hotd: a d!Nerent opinion on thé matter.
:;o ~MG~T-~T~CA~WJ~y~?
ESPRIT Mineml.
Send-briefan Wilhelm GmtMo!um.
BKRNHARDUS ChymischeSchtiOften,
TRKVfSANUS, t746,t747,p. ~98.
VaYVaaMNi~ri7Vay~/i1r ~VlIYYVO'. C~/M~
Gallus Etuhenreuter was a physician ot Rtttis- mantam cetebte~sunt, AnjeM. tS?! B". Mpi$.
bon, in the sixteenth century. He wrote: tola ad GtataMtum," !n Cya~tw/aC~m~'«, FMnc.
"<~x~)t~mM', <ea C«)cu)M Item t6t~. 8*,and Ftaoe. t~So, 8~.
<pc[~Mn~<t,seu pttftium drachmae dosis Argent. Fictuld says he was M.D. and chemist at
'569." S*. "De natura, vMbtM)et effecttbtM Scblettstadt. He eondemas this epistlo as "poor
batneontMt& sfHubrtum fontium qui per Ger. stutf" and hoMowquiH.<«teing."
Van der Unden, De xtc~~ ~M duo, KMtoer, A<i'<<&«n~~C~M~'M, 1740,
'63?, p. t68. p. it/S.
BotBt,B<A«'a CA~M~o,t6M. p. 89; ~s6, <<~jH~<M 0~«w,
JCcher. tys~ B.
p. 85.
Mercklln, ~«of~M, t6a6, p. M6. Ftot~td. ~n~M)-.S~<, MS3. Th. !i. p. 60.
Manget, A'M~<f<t &<e <t«'~a~< Haller. &a ~<M< ~w/x: ~7, M.
'73't I. ILP. P. '73-
M!chae!is EttmuNeri, PhHbs. & Medic. D. hujusque in Alma Lipsiensi Prof.
Pubt. & Ptactict o!!m per omnem Europam celeberrimi. Opera Medica
Theoretico-Practica,Mich. Emestus Ettmu!terus, Filius, Phitosophtœ & Medi-
cime Doctor, Anatomiae& Chirurgie in eadem Academia Lipsiensi Professer
Publicus Extraordinarius, & Illustris AcademieeLeopo~d~n?Nature Curios-
orum Collega, innumeras,quibus hactenus scatuerunt, mendas sustulit, htutca
supplevit, luxata restituit, superflua delevit, novosque ex Manuscriptis
Paternis Tractatus addidit. Cum Privilegio Cfesareo, Regis Polon. &
Etectoris Saxonici. Francofurti ad Moenum. Ex Officina Zunneriana.
Anno Christi M D CCVIII.
Folio. Pp.[36,including
theengtwedtitte]!OM. T!tteredandMack vignette.
Tomus Pant. [a]noS; ParsIl. [a]848,Index[Mo] t ptate,p. s43-
MichaelEttmttMerwas born at Leipzig, 96 May. mtMber of thé Academia Natnme Curiosorum in
1644,studied phitMOphy,mathematics,and medi- ~670, and in t68t ho was created professor of
ane thereand at Wittettbet~. graduated in phito. botany and smgety. On 9 Mafeh, t683, bis death
sophyin t66t. and in ï66g pursuedchembtry and ocMtTtd) accot<tingto some it was due to a hectic
pharmacyunder MïchaeMs. fn t666 he started on fever, according to others it was caused by a
a long tour in ttaty. Ftance, England, and chemiefd expenment. He was the author of
Holland, and was going to spend some months numerous wo~s, e!peei<d)yonpharmacy cottected
there whenhe was summoned home,whereHponhe by bis son Michael Emst EttmUller,who prefixed
graduated Dr. Med. m Leipzig the day after bis a lite of his father addressed to Lucas Schroedt.
arrivai. He now devoted hlmself to practieeand ptesident of the Academia Natutœ Cutiosorum
to study, wrote numerous dissertations,became a in ~703. It was reprinted by Manget
[Another Copy.]
Mânes Poteriani, i.e. Petri Poterii Andegavensis Consil. ac Med. Reg.
Christianissimi Inventa Chymica, anxie bactenus desiderata, secundum
mentem Autoris etaboranda ex Autoris excellentissimi textu combinata,
exhibente editione Francofurtensi With. Richardi Stockii Anno M.DC.LXVI.
adjunctis enchirisibus accuratissimis, producti à Joanne Christoph. Etner,
PML& Med. D. Sac. Cœs. Regisque PoL Mtis. Mtis Consil. & Archiatro.
Francofurti & Lipsiœ, Apud Haeredes Michael Rolachii.
4°. Pp.J<to}. At théea<tit )s sfgned: Pomanhed. )tz Nov. Aani t689.
Jcano. Chf.Ëtae)-,D.C.&M. R.
TMséditiontsnotdated,but it mattbesttbsequ~tt
to theother.
D. Joh. Christoph. von Ettner und Eittritz, Rôm. K&ysert.und Kônigt. Cathol.
Majest. Raths, Vade et Occide Cain, oder Geheund schlage den Cain todt.
Franckfurt und Leipzig,Bey Michael Rohrlachs Wittib und Erben. ~4.
a*, pp.70.
~4 ~TT~B'yj~/Ky
Mt m~-t~ \junAnr<(JOHANN ~ttKtSiUfK
CHRtSTOPHVON~. VON). -n" ~«'<~<
Then: is some confusion about the authorship and Eckart, in Roth~chohz. but the author him.
of these writings. Qmetin draws a distinction self M<Nthe form Eckhart and
between HaM Chn. von Etner," author of thé' Edtarth.
A feaMn for making a distinction between the
~<MfA<M. and "Joh. Chtfph. Ettner," whom he authors «f thèse books
credits with the works which appeared under the respeettte dates of may be founded on thé
those of KchMh
pseudonym Der getreue Eckhard," and Kopp appearing in the publication tast years of the seventeenth
fottows ûntetin in thus distingulshingth<Mewriters. century, and thé ~e~/<~ not till or tweaty
however, thé aMthwcaOs him. yeaM after. So far as one eaa see,M!?,
~fCMïtoph, not Christian, so that so far as that ta no author of thé name of "Christian," however, there
goesGnMhn'sdbtincuon !sut)<bMded,and Fuch~ the books emanate from <HMt<~M
CMtsthé author of the ~~A<M "Joh. Chph. von with his own nameand those "CM:toph." both those
Ettner u. Eitefitt." Roth.SchotMand SehMieder with Kckarth'
have the name Christoph onty, but they Beyond what is said ofhitn on the titte.pMM of
do not his books there is very little tecorded. Stridter
ouote either the ~twAMt o<-the ~A Of<-«t' he was bora at Glogau, and seems to have
Cain, so that theyare of no assistancein this dm. says studied under Boha and Ammann at Leipzig amt
culty. at Kon!gsberg. Jochef descrtbes
JScher caMshim Christoph, and ascribes other possibly Mm as
a practltioner at
works to him. as is done by Haller atM Der philosophy and Augsburg who was a doctor of
medictne. counciUor and chief
MtK~~< C«c~, Augspurg, t697, 8*; Der physiclan of the King of Poland at Posen, and
f~t<~<M CA.n<tMM.Augspurg, t~s, 8°; Der was a knight Md co<mcMo)-of the
Mt~wM~MA~e ~~A<'< Leimis. t7ao, 8'- jttdgtn~ ty his boo)M he seems to haveEmpeM. been in
Augspurg, ~3. F; Der N~w~ ~~m< active coaHtetwith aUthe medical, pharmaeeuticat
t79S, 9*. Ettner wrote also F~«e~«-< J./t'a<'M!~ and chemical quackery of bis time, and on that
«a~a/WM, t?oi, S": De /'<~i< Brestau, ~693. account bis writings are of somevatue.
4' and Satires, and Gmetinteten to the examina. Strlcker tema)~ that heisao intetesting medical
tioo of the Eger Spring by him. writer from a MMote of viow, and bis works
Rûth-Schott~ it may be remafted. c&ib one of are quoted by Gfitompoint in his Di<tionMy for the
the author works "Mnt)att<!etterChytaicus"-but words he MppUet.
under C. Ettner (p. 6s). erroneously "enOarmer At the Mme time he b re<e<redto by Creiling
ChymtCM, which apparendy is a conMon with (ZV~ ~aMp'&Mw /«)~ ~&AyM<a)as a tMne
the enttafvter Marcktschreyer."As for thé pMn- wttnest of the of the red and white stone,
doaym. it appelas ËekhMdt, Ectthard, Eckhart, seeing that he reatity had haadted botb. He was then
residtn~ at Breslau.
Roth~chottz. BWt'~tM CA<MKa,tMy, pp. 6t
7-pp.o'. Gmelln, Gf~&~<d!M- C~atM. ïM8, ii. pp. M!,
(EckhMdt).6s<Ettner). 3M. 772 (and Index).
CM~<&&M. t7jo. p. ~33. Fuchs. ~~<~<~aot < f~~iot ~&
Manget, B~~<t ~<~«M Madicorma,
173!, t. ti. p. atotdiscuases the Mentityof~M~M 1 Schmiedcr. d".
G<w<4<fA~<<'AM<&,/I/tlttmù. ~83~,p.
witb ~~y-Mt. Wilhelm Stacker, "Dr. Ettner's medtch.ischt
Stolle, ~<tM/m5f <~ //M/<- der ~M~c~M~ot Romane." V!rcho~ <4w~
C~<tM«A tMt, p. 6. ~<t~t<
Anatomie tM6, xxxvii. pp. t3t-t39 (an in.
ji3cher. .~MM«Mf Gslshrlen.
C<&~<'<f<)-& t7<o. yS,p~,).
ü. teresting notice).
co).418. Ladrague, ~Mf~M~<- <?M~u~; ~t~~MM
Fictuld, /< t7S3. Th. il. p. M. &!e~/(M,t8yo, No. 136):.
Haller, ~.M/to~a &)/<!)!«-«,177~,!).
~<<xA«a CA<rK~)fM.t~ i.n.pp. et. BiU!ncs./«)!M.<e&~t«, ~883, iv. p. 380; and
~7~ Sénés. ioco. v. p. t&t.
HaUer. Hitsch, &'<AwAM /)t<~OM < ~~M~-r<t.
~~feM~ G«fA&A/<<&yACA<<C~<«, tySt. ~M<&a <<<~t&, ~88$.ii. p. 3n.
p. 66a. Kopp, D& ~&~<))tM,ï886. i). pp. 3?y, 39s
HaUet, ~Mt~~a
8,'ét~W:« ~if~~tc
Md /«&w. ~787,tv.
X787,iv.' (Hans Christian Ettner) p. 3~ (Joh. Christoph
p. 137. Ettner).
ETWAS in Nichts.
Set CHYMiscHES Etwas in Nichts, t7Z2.
EXAMEN Alchymisticum.
See PANTALEON, t6?6.
EXPOSITIO EpMtohBAlexandriRegis.
ART<sAURtMM Volumina,t6to, i. p. 945.
EXTRACTUM ex CimbaloAuteo.
Triga Chemica,t~, p. 37.
THEATRUM t6S9, iii.p. y8t.
F. (/) ~7
Josephus Westphalus von der Goldtinctur der Weisen aus den MetaUen mit
Anmerkungen von F
!774,t!.ii.p.f. r.
F. (A. C. v.).
F. (J.).
AGRIPPA (HEtNMCH CORNRLIUS), Three books of Occult Philosophy, t65î.
F. (J.).
A New Light of Alchymy taken out of the Fountain of Nature and Manual
Experience. To which is added a Treatise of Sulphur. Written by Michael
Sendivogius /.< Anagrammatically,D!vi Lesch! Genus Amo.
Also Nine Books of the Nature of Things, written by Paracelsus, viz.
Generations Renewing
Gfowths Tïansmutation of
Of thé J
Transmutation Natum! n.Thtngs.
Conservations on
Life, Death } Signatures 1}
Also a Chymical Dictionary explaining hard Placesand Words met withal
in the Writings of Paracelsus, and other obscure Authors. AH which are
faithfullytranslated out of the Latin into the EnglishTongue, By J. F. M.D.
London, Printed by A. Ctark, for Tho. Williams at the Golden Bat! in
Hosier-Lane. ï6?4.
a*. Pp.[t6]35t[tHM)t(l
PMMebua* tract andthé C~m<<'a//V~oMrFhaveeacha t:t!e.p~e,iodmied
in pa~aat!on.Thtrewasanéditionofthisbookin4*.Lcedeo,
!nthé t6~o,pp.[t6]~7
faj t* "<j t~ t~j.
F. (J. J.).
Der Hermetische Nord-Stem, oder getreuer Unterricht und Anweisung, wie zu
der Hermetischen Meisteïschaft
rschaft zu gelangen, nebst
r gutheMiger Watnun~
F. (jr.j.). CM~w~.
und Ermabnung, wie sich vorhero jedenaann woht zu prüfen habe, ehe M
sich untetsteh~ dieser so grossen und geheimenWissenschaftzu untetwerfen.
in (bssa uniti chare ignés,
heraus gegeben von J. J. F. Sac. C)Bs.Reg. M. C. A. Liebhabet des
Geheimnufs und wahren Weifsheit nebst einem Anhang, handlend von der
ewigen Weifsheit oder Magia, und sechs Tmetâttein Philippi Aureoli Theo-
phrasti Bombast ab Hochenhetm.
I. Psalterium Chymicum seu Manuate Paracelsi.
II. De Tinctura Physica.
III. Apocatipsis Hermetis.
IV. Thesaurus Thesaurorum Alchimistarum.
V. Coelum Philosophorum.
VI. Secretum Magicum.
Frankfurt und Leipzig, zu finden im Krausischen Buchladen.
8*. Pp.
f- ).")~o-
Appeaded to the<tactMM<&r<tM~M ~<~M~ had ccMsion to point out, &WtjF~;«t
<Mw~ ,P'. '~7. ~~m~ 'MM<<<f 0<M-<~t<-a, Part 1.. t877, No. tt.
M'<*yM~. See Dit ~M~tf<. t686.ii. 3~. for books
For thé PameetsasitemsMeSttdhoer. ~'Me. namedKopp.atter the north ~tM-and others,
M~M ~t~t~/w!, ïS~. p. 64t.No..t6a. This writo- tan hanUy be J. J. Ferber, whowas
Thé nrMeateonectionMcapedthé noticeof a dectated
Meok(T'A~t~tM fa/wf</jt<t. oppoeent of alchemy, and wrote a Mper
tSyC)M 1 aga!Mt it ln the St. Petenburg Academy. ~!S
was aftenwd~prinMd at BerUn,tyM. if,
~M D!SCURSUS PhHosophicus.
F. R. C.
See v. 0. R.),M.D~GmdeneRose,
Von dem medicinalischen Auro Potabili, an den
gro~mâchtigsten Fttrsten
Carolum II. von Grofs-Britannien,Fmnckreîchund Irland Kônig, Beschirmern
des Glaubens. Ein in der Ptaxi gegttindete Etzehlung, durch Albertum
Othonem Fabrum, Sr. KônigUchenMayestât Medicum ordinarium. Concedirt
und zu drucken zugelassen den ~9 Januaru, Anno
167~ Roger t'Estmnge.
Aus dem Englischen ins Hochteutsche ubetgesetzt, und ist zu bekommen
zu Franckfurt, Amsterdam, und Dantzig. Bey Henrico
Wilmsonio, &
Bartelsonio, Anno 1677.
4". Pp.~[tMattk].
M~ ~'?' was P~Mi~tdwitha Latint)th:-De Auro PotaMU
M~ Mt~n!~ Fmnc~&
FS~ SMt.
Fabrum S~L~~T' '~M'"< perA)beMum Othonem
Reg.Maj'~ Med.Ord. Lteensed Jan.en. t6?*. RogerL'Estrange.
Printedfor theAuthor,in the OldMaeeMarthe PMt&M~'St~
SmaU 4', pp.16.T&
“ EaS~h'~Mon is Mid to bave been pab. Faber was in practice at LNbeettln 1641.then he
Ushed at London,
~674. 4', but constdering
date of the tieence in the wentto Hambwg. next loto the Sa)ttbach-Mat!ee
thé precedingthat seems to service in which he was physician both of court
me (hmMM. A Latin edit&n. Frankfurt, ï6y8,4~ and camp, and anatty to England, where he
is <~Mtd. H b .n the Bhtish Museam. ft was was appointed physidan M Charles Il. He
remewed io the .Ë~M~~ G~<z for i6?û. died at London in :t~8. He wrote two tmcM
HaUer mentions an édition of the German, Amst. fe~K<MMX XMf&tC<t<-0, Altona, t<&)
167j. 4". Sueh a German édition seems somehow Md the tbwe.
to be Improbableon aecoant of the date and ctace
of publication.
M~jM–~f~'F ss9
Pharmacopeea Hermetica Das ist: Wunderreiche Tugent vnderschiedtichen
Artzneyen ats Tinctoren, Essentzen, vnd Etixirien &c. so Melchior Meifsner
Chymicus in Kitzingen elaborirt vnd bereit hat. Durch Jonam Fabrum
PMt. ac Med. Doctorem p. t. Physicum daselbsten beschriben, vnd zu
jedennannigtKihensonderbahren Nutzen bevomb ins B)st: vnd Hertzogthums
Francken gehorigen Inwobnen) in Druck gegeben.
Domine aperis manum tuam, & imples omne animal benedictione.
Psat. 144.
Gedruckt zu Wirtzburg, bey Elias Michael Zinck.
8°. Pp.[9J3&.TheLiceMeisdated:He)-MpoM,MMa)tiJ,At)aot6M.
!t MMa!)Mnoticesofthevirtuesofcertainsecretremedies'henneticattyprepared
butthemodeof prepnration
is notgiven.
Acutissimi ac celeberrimi Philosophi Petri Johannis Fabri Castrinovidarensis
Doctoris Medici Monspe!iens<sOpera Reliqua volumine hoc posteriore
comprehensa; cum Indice dupHei,altero Capitum, altero Rerum ac Verborum
locupletissimo. Libros in hoc Volumine eontentos exhibet pagina quarta.
Francofurti ad Moenum, Sumptibus loannis Beyeri. Anno M.DC.LÏÏ.
< Pp.[t6jt<~
<y. [)[bhnt ): tndex[a4].
Pp.[t6]t09)[)[bhm)(]: tndexf~].Vignette.
Thétmts eontainedinthisvotumeaM Another édition of this second volume was m)b-
Hercuies p. 1.
Piechytnfcus, lished by Beyer at FmnMurt in t656,4*, pp. t<pj.
HydMf~aphmn SMgyncum,o. 8j. Propugnacuhtm,' pp. yt [t btMk]. tOM [t btaattjt61
PtBdttBC~s[orAfebymista] ChnstiantM,
p.!!o?. !ndex pT. Thé nMt volumeof the collected watts
SeetetaQtymiea,p. 336. was puNMMd by Beyerai FtMtkftMt.!659, t' pp.
Mytothedum Spa<yr)Mt<!).p. 5C& [98] 740[~tl Prcpn~MCtttMm,'yt [t biankt
PaMtditMtSpa~yneom, p. y~a.
Sp~t)dca,p. 9~9*
Des scharSsinnigen, wettberuNenen,und unvergleichlichen Philosophi Petri
Johannis Fabri, der wahren Artzney Doctoris und weyland Stadt-Physici zu
Montpellier, aUe in zwey TheiJe verfassete Chymiscbe Schriften, dannnen
im ersten Theite enthalten.
I. Die Universal.Chymie oder Anatomie der gantzen Welt, das ist, aller
darinnen b~nSënen. Dinge, neben einer beyHuiEgen klaren Information,
<tas die Natur eigentlich sey, wieund woraus sie alle Dinge in den 3. Reichen
producire, ettMthreund erhalte, ingleichen wie, nach Imitation derselben, der
Lapis Philosophorum durch die SpagyrischeKunst verfertiget werden mNsse.
II. Die Universal-Weifsheitoder Anatomie des Menschen und der Metallen,
worin die gantze Medicin, nebenst einer Entdeckung aller Kranckheiten und
der Pathematum derselben, durch die Spagyrische Kunst renoviret gezeiget
wird, nebst beyge<ugten sehr vielen nûtzHchen Arcanis. AntangUch von
Epistotœ aliquot.
See MANGET(j. ;.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, 1702, i.
p. 304.
Manuscriptum Res Alchymicorum obscuras extraordinariâ perspicuitite
explanans. E Musseo Gabrielis Clauderi.
See MAMGET(j. j.), BiMiotheca Chemica Curiosa, t~M, i.
p. a~t.
Send-Schreiben von der VorttefRichkeit der Chymischen
Schnnten Petri Joh. Fabri.
..v.-vrar ~awsuaia,a\.avasr,
(FRMDERtCH), 1Deutsches
JW Theatrum Chemicum, t~o, -–t'y li. p. ~t.
P. J. Fabre, a native of CMtdn~ttdary in Lan. ~sywKM. TotoMB.t6~, 8" ~/&cftMX
guedoc, was bom in the latterpart of thé s!xteenth 'WMM. Argentorati, tô~s, S"; ~~o!M<tn<&.
century,and!ivtdtt))t6so. He~stphydciMM /<&~W, TotOMB. ï&t$, 8°: M<t Z%
his native phee&nd at He was also <eA<t«<M~
a voluminouswriter. butMontpellier.
his workhas been judged by Conrad ~«w, Nambor~, t?a<. 8",a tmMMon
HM-tMhetof bis on the obsemity
'MmvountNyby different eritics. of Atchemy addfesed to KMstte FtederMt. Dutte of
Of the above.mentionedworks ~t</c Ot~f. Holstein, and printed at Namberg, 1690,
<MM«tappeared: To!ose, t~, A~~aM
Ben-t. ~WM/~e CMBtt'fo,t6~ p. $!. Gmetin. G~j~tf~ der C'A<M&,t~, ). pp.
MefcMin. ~<)t~«M ~aofa~, t686, p. Sot.
Roth-SehotM.BibliothecaC~tM, t~. p. 68. Fttths, ~<w'«M <~ ~~m&<-A<x /)t~M-,
Roth-SchoUï, De«~~ T~ C&en~M, t80~o8, pp. tt0-!t9.
'730. p. S5?- ~«!M ~iM<fe&. Paris, PancttoudM
MMget. &WM/A«-a &<M(~ (<8M.
A<<<M~<))t, 95). iv. p. 87.
ï73t, t. n. p. Sptenget. G<M<.M~~ der ~4~M~x~ iv.
/<t~ ~M~iM~a/eat, tSsy,
'73~. P' Mtmitdef.<!«f~~< der ~&A<M~<,tSga, p.
Kestner, ~M'<&~w< ~A~/<«-<~«~. ty~a,
p. s36. %<< Mx'Mf~A, iSss. xiM.p. a~
Lenglet DufrMnoy, ~r~M~ la ~MAtMtM- A%)~~ ~s~<& <MM'A'. tSsa. xvi. eo!.oM.
~~< M~ n.. p. is9. (tn T. i. p. 48r he Kopp. ~i! sur G~j< der CA<
makesone of his s<Hyremarks &bcat Fobre.) tM$. i. p. 18.
tacher, ~MM<M<tGt&A~M.tfott. tym, :). L«dtag<te, ~)M~w 0«M~, JMM~
co. 471. &MM, t87e, No~ itoo-t.
Fictuld, ~7S3- Ii. p. /K<;MoMa~ J!)t~/<« <~ ~<<<<Mitt
Haller, ~Mc/~ftt ût<n«Tn't-a,ty?~ i. pp. aSa, M&i. 4&meSérie, 187?, i. p. tï (catb him MW. Jean.
Eioy, D«-/«')M<< ~M/~w la ~A&t-tw, Pfen~.
Bi)t)np. /~M-.C<<!A! t883,iv.p. ~63; md
!778, )i. P. ~76. Séries, t~eo, v. p. ~M.
Baumer, jMM~o-a C~M~e, t7S! p. t6a Hinch, .&'<~)~M~tM Z~.M'~)t < «M'<
Cfttrtre, Ca<a~t(e des OM~~M sur ~MiMt~M
~~M'.W~M~T ~t~ t88~.ii. &.392.
ty8s, p.No.94. Kopp. Z'« <<&~<M<< t88&, if. p. 3~, etc.. etc.
~4M/C/~–ZC~ a6t
Probier-BScMein,darinne grtindtichet Bericht vermeldet, wie man alle Metall,
vnd derselben zugehôrenden Metallischen Ertzen und Getochten eia jedes
auff sein EigenschaBten vnd Meta)! recht probieren soL Defsgleichen Lehf
vnd Vnterricht, der rechten Probier Oefen, Gewichten,Capellen, vnd Flüssen.
Zu sampt angehângtem Bericht, aufs der H. SchnNt, vnd Erfahrung durch
die Proba, was vorzeitendie alten Patriarchen, Rômer vnd JOden,zu Babylon,
Jerusatem, vnd an den Grentzen derselben Lânder, vor vnd nach der Gebutt
Christi, M& zu dem 1569. Jahre, fut Gewicht, Schrot, Kom vnd Geprâge,
zu dem a!ten MStttzen gebraucht vnd genommen haben. Allen Müntz-
meistern, Wardienen, Probierern, Goldschmieden vnd andern, so mit Silber
oder Gekornt handeln, sehr nützlich vnd dienstlich Vnd jetzo zum andem
mal in Druck verfertiget,vnd mit fleifs corrigirt durch weylandt H. Modestin
Fachsen, Fürstlichen Anhaldischen gewesenen Muntzmeister, vnd Wardien
zu Leipzig. Leipzig, In Verlegung Gottfriedt Grossen, Im Jahr Christi
8*. Pp. M 936[errorfor a371. RegisterM. ft, <~&~ex:Leipzig,
Btdtuoktdm'cb.HieMnymumRamchem. !mJahj-CtMisU:M.DC.XXtt.]
FoMing ofa~tM~ec.
romtHg pmw furnaoe.T~)uc
n~t ~nu u UHMHt.
Modestin Fachs, Fachsius, Fachsen, was master record of any edition betweentbat and thé présent
of thé mint of the Pnnce of Anhfdt, and in this one. After )t others are reported Le)ptig, tC~S,
bock he givesa sMtem of assayinB. lt musthave tô~t. t6y8, t66o, t6!(~ Amsterdam,t66). In thé
been found aseM, for Baumer te!eMto it beingin British Museumare copies of i~s, ~669, 1678,and
its nineteenth édition. The book was printed at 1689.
Leipzig as eafty as ):59~,but 1 have met with no
Roth.SdMttt, C~o/~«t CA<MMa, ~797,p. 71. GMdint C«<«!'A/<der Ct<at&, 1707,i. p. 365.
/Mt~ /~«&& /'n~'<M(f~/«!~t<«B~<B, Fuchs, ~~t~W«M der <t<jot</< Z<~Mt<«f,
éd. BtOchntan)),~3% p. ~3. i8<)6~8,p. 96.
B~umer,~MM&eM CXM<<<'e, t?8z, p. 66.
Mundus Aspectabilis philosophice consideratus. Authore R. P. Josepho Falck
societatis Jesu, serenissimi ac potentissimi principis D. D. Caroli Alberti
utriusque Bavar. Ducis et Electoris &c. ot!m confessario. Augastœ
Vindeticorum. Sumptibus Martini Veith Bibliopol. & Consort. Happ&ch!an-
orum. Anno M DCCXXXVIII.
Fo!io. engnMed
Pp.[Mj458.s engmved phtes.
This !s a ttreatise on general physies, cosmo- did not hold this post very )ong. for he died in
mphy, b and physiology, but not on chemistry. April. t7g7. of apoptexy. It is narrated that be
Tbete a chapter on Alchemy(p. toy), to which )iad just seen the first page of the present work
artheMOpposed. when he was seized.
Thé author wasborn at Ftobufg. in SwiMethnd. He wrote a work on the density of liquids, and
in t6So,studied at Lyons. Paris, and Rome, where one or two upon pointsrelating to the CatendM.
hejointd the Je.)tit& He was <eat <oFteibatg in This author must not be confused with J. P.
the Bfeisgau to teach philosophy, and then to Falck who Hvedfiftyyean later, and wrote about
teach mathentatics at thé Universityof Ingolstadt. Rusaan manttfMtures.
He was tutor to the children of theTEhictcf,but he
BMhef, ~~Re<JM~Mt&j A~fat'M <~ Com. Valentinus Rosinants. /<w<«A:t/<<~M<t~
~x~ de /<')tM,Liège, 1854, t terneS~tte.p. teo. <<f<<f, t~Sa,iii. p. t39.
Gabr. F~MopiiwondeîMchermenscMtchem Leben gewisser, vnd seht nutdtchet
Secreten, Drey Bttcher.
I. Von allerhand Olien, Cerotten, Vnguenten,
Pillulen, vnd Electuarien.
II. Von aHethand Weinen, vnd gebmndten Wassem, zu vnderschiedlichen
Gebrechen vnd Schwachheitendienlich.
III. Von etlichen sehr nutzUchen Secreten aufs der Chymia.
Allen Liebhabem der Künsten, vnd sofgStttgen Hau<svâttemdienlich zu
tesen, vnd nützlich zugebrauchen. Vom Authore selbst in Italianischer
Sptach publicirt jetzund aber Teutscher Nation zu gutem in vnser Mutter-
sptach vbersetzet Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, tn Woiagang
HoHfmannsBuchtruckerey: In vedag ChnstoSs le Blon Im
Jahr t64i.
8*. Pp.474*R'~erfaa.tbhmkJ.
[Another Copy.]
Wants thé
Wants thé Utte-page.
!L 5_v_ v
Gabriel cr GabneUo Fatoppia. FaHoppio,!a!. ] By certain authorities he M sud to bave
hptus or FaUonptus. was bom at ModeM. 1~3. ) e. 1beenbcrn ta t~~e. but this seetMtobe ioaccuttue.
He WMa pupit of VesaMm.tmvdted &)&
wide!y, of Thé present work on eeetets b zenetatty
beeame adisunguished ph)rsicmnand atMtomtM,
whtch subject hewas appomtedprcfesïorM acknowtedged M be spurious. Neverthdess t
Padua, went through sevend editMM ttatme, t<66, ts?8
ln tsst. He died M Padua, t~. in bis 39th Gennan.
<s88, t6~t.
CastethntM, M~ /nKm ~<<t~n<M. t6t7. Zedter. Mtttt~&Na,
p. eo6. M~, jx. co). t8).
MetehiorAdam4 ~f C<t-Mo<M~,M Kestner, A~&~wA~ C<f~&)t.<-c«, ty~o,
JMM~Ms, ) p.a8$.
t&!0. p. MS. Lenglet DuffBsnw. ~/ww At /t~<M~<«'
Jacobus PMtip. T III
TomasiRu:./M<~«M Hw~fm Wf~w~ iMa, iii. P. t6t.
~MMMtttM ~.Mf<M<ft, Patavil, t63~ p. 42. and ChaufepM, A~eMM M-<t<~
portfatt. ~~fMM «
Van der Lindea,
Llndell. D<
J), &t-jMM,j MedieÍs tibri
IUri duo, CW~M, 1750,!i. tetter F, p. tt.
Striplis dU(I. !8cher. <<%<)tMMM C<Z.< t7so. )i.
'637. p. t6o. co!. SM.
Ghitini, ~< cT~.MMt Leoerati,
crffuomùti /.«<~a<t. Venetia, ~<!M~H~7
BoerhMve, AMM, éd. Htdter.
t&y. p. 67. '75'. PP. 9?, "59. '77. <7~ ~9'. 43S. M (Mte
Tomasmus. CMttto~M /'a/«fM<tM.t6M. P. 76. MM!works); < pp. ~87. y&t (in mb: eh&Mtgicis
Mctddin, Z<tt<&fttw MaeM! t6e6. p.3n. openbus gtaviisimus vir, dexterrimus MatomMus,
COnrint;, /a </<ttt«rMM~~ox A~~M anatomes professer, & chitwgns MtertMMus),
/~<~M~[M7. pp. 163.!t66 pp. 135.9tt. 977. 856.
Freher, y<t«:<f«m~t~at~m.
1686,il. p. t953; portrait. plate 56. E)oy, ZMc<&<MM< ~M <M~<:M<
'7S5. P. 6; '778. ii. p. tog.
Placcius, 7%!<!<n<M ~ttewmen«x <'</o~. Morëri, /?~«<MM<!)'t)!
~«m, t7o8. in the sect&n: De Z< ~a~ AM/ah~M,17~
F~udonym.s dettetis liber, p. ~78 Scriptoribus v.p. 30.
(quotes an Portât. Histoire <&/f<M/<mt« « /« CAf'rM~,
edition, Ventce, ts~, and states that thé author
to have been Joannes Booacius, not '77?. PP. ~.589. etc.. etc.
Hatter, jC<M<~<!f<!~MawM. tWt. i. p. 338.
Falloppio HaUer. ~<! ~«-a.
Pope Btouat, Censura C~w~m t~. L p~t8.
~«~~M. HaUer. ~<~ < t~
*7M. P. 59~. AM<M<M ~M.~&<z
Tester, ~t ~~M des ~xj~j Savans, t~M, p. Hatter. '43'
~M~, }i.
gr> S~x:us, OwMMj~a /.<'&Ktf~M.M8e, iii.
Ffand, 7'A<~MA)~ ~.fMt, t~ a vo)s., a8<; 637. op.
passim. Ctuirere. des
lU' C<t/aA~<M Om«'a~ Mf
Papadopotus, Historia Cv<Ma<MM G /'<Mt. ~F< ~{~w&j. iy8s. p. 43. Mo.96.
Venet. p. Me. No. Mi!. Gmetin. C?~ <&f C~aMf. ty~, i. p. 303,
R«th.Scho!M.Btt&a C&'mM. tT~, p. ya. 33''35'- ~8, iv. p. 396; ~t. x. p. HutchhMon, AM&a, i. pp.
~tceron, a«~MM ty~.
Manget, ~f~o~ra S~«Mto. ~~MwjH, 29xlz.,n*,
Aikin. G~w~/
Generai iv- 21-
t?3t, il. p. a:s. B~ogrqp
~&g~Ay, tBog, 80. p.
Ttraboschi, .S/M-M<&/& ~~M<<«~ ~a/M)M.
8<oH~~«&«t<t~fjM!~f,Mw~~ t t8to. vii. p. 694.
<~<t~& !73t, p. 4~6,etc. Andres. Z<< e~pt« ~f<yr<t~ < f<«~<~<Ma&-
/a~ Z< f~-<MKM N~A~<ûe Mf~Mr~. <!?«< /~&fM/«f<t. t8t6, vi. pp. n, t8.
'~3?' P' ~«!?M~M ~M&f&<t&, ParM. PMdtouctM!(t&to.
Doug!as, ~«~M ~«~ S5),tv. p. tH.
ed. sec.. Lugd. Bat. t?~ p. tt~.
MZ~OP/W-M~M 363
Sp~Me!, C~~M~<
et, escàkàie
der <<fMt~<Mt<&,
t8<7, ~VeMM/~e
x8t7, ~~M< C~a~ t8~8. )Mti.col. 66.
)if.p~ D~<owM~< ~t~~a~tM <<
DeMimetÏt, D«<<c«a$~ <<</< eB&t.
t 4ème S<Me,t% i. p. <<y. il.
/MtM«'tM,t8M, i.p.973.~M<~n'~ Haeier, C<j~M~M«M'M'<«w<,t88t, p.~8,etc.
Hoeter.~S&~</< AtC4<MM,t~. M.p.tgi) Seties,
Billings,~Ce~M, ):M3, iv. p. sM: end
Ë)tch &Gruber,
~MWMM< t~co, v. p. 46~.
it!t.p.aM(~ F.W.The!t~.&«~/<~MM, t&t;, t'arts).
FeirmMon. Notes on Books of SecfeM,
endn-, ?'m<M~«'M~&M/<<
Bayte et Sss.i. ~<C/<t~Mf,
P.XM. ThH~ye, ~<;?~~M tMg. i). pp. t~. as*.
,u. J. HiMeh, ~<M~A«Mt Z&t~h'~ '< ~w'-
F«!M~M Mt&~Mf~. xitt.
1855, p.360. t
M~<M<hx ~<f, t89$,ii. p. 335(attideby Baesef).
FAMA Ftatemit&tis.
~<e ALLGBMEtNE undGeneralReformation,ty~t.
[Another Copy.]
FASCICULUS unterschiedlicheralten raren und wahrenPhilosophischenSchntften
vom Steinder Weisen.
See HELLWtG (CHRtSTOFH VOtt), t7t9.
Johann Faulhabers, Vlmensis Mathematici. Zweyvnd ViertzigSecreta, welche
er in defs H. Reichs Statt Augspurg oft'entlichzu afRgieren,vnd mannigHtch
M~~F~-Mc~y~ a~s
zulehren von dem LobUchen Magistrat gnSdige BewttMgungerlangt hat.
Im Monat Octobris, defs !6<ï. Jahrs. Gedruckt zu Augspurg, bey DauM
Francken, Im Jahr Christi, lôaz.
4~. Pp.[~
4< Pp.[M, 9b)an)tj.
Tbis does not treat of alchemyor chMtistty, but deeply skitted. Buthe was iavotved !n ntyMxfsm,
la a brief enmnetation of "Ms mi)'aa)tetMnew was&betieverinthé oa<nenc<t< cabala, and )oNhis
inventions, iitieocesand secretsof various mathe. time over RosicnteiMiimand goMmaking,andwas
HMtica) and other wonderM arts never before a disdpte of Valentin Wefeet. He dted of thé
beard of." phgueMt63S. Hi!poftmit«gtvenbyBoit!Md)<s.
Faathaber, bom at Ulm 5 May t~ a man For other writings connected witb Faulbaber
of ei(tttM)ntit)a<y dit and labour, was Mt see C. eUTKVMtUS PB BRUSCA,JOMANMM RBM.
antbmetMan M Ulm, andwfoteanumberofwortM MXUNUS, and LKOKHARCUS SUTORtUS.
on arithmetic and mMbetnaths tn wMchhe was
BehMtdtts, C'M<<«<«<<!<' mnda /<Mt<M< t<r- Bmckef, HistoridtM~a Att~ t?<6. tV.
<?-«« ~w~'MMtt «~ phte mma. )!. 9M.
Arnold, A~~M. «<«!AMtf~cM'M, t~t, ii. ËMch &Gruber, <<MM~«< ~to<M~M<(, t~.
p. :t43Crh. ii. B. xvii.C. xvii. § sa). xliL p. 83 (a long a<countby Gartz).
JCchM,~MM«t <<M~M.&M, tM<%ii.
[Another Copy.]
wantiagthé Lextcon*
Imperfect, Md SummMMchet
Phihdetha Illustratus, sive Introitus Apertus ad Ocdusam Régis Palatium, novis
quibusdam An!madversionibusexplanatus. Cum nova Ptaetatione qua Vita
pariter ac Scripta, tum edita tum inedita, ~Eytenœ! Ph!!ateth<6 breviter
exponuntur. Accessit his Nanatio de Vita et Scriptis Starckii, nec non
On. Doct. Becheri Pantaleon detatvaMs. Opera Joh. Michaelis Fausdi,
Medtc. Doct. Re!quepub!ic:6Fttancofurtenas ad Mœnum Physici Ordinarii,
In Collegio Curiosorum dtcti Theophili. Francofurti ad Moenum, Sumpt.
Job. Phitipp. Andrew. Anno M DCC VI.
tndex ~6].
The prefaceby FatMtiustreats of Starkey and bis /i'<wtMM~'~<- y~At~Aî ~ir&t~/tM~/e~,
works. That by Wedet diseassM brMy the history )*'tankfurt,tM8 and t?~, a".
of Alchemy and of Phitatetha, and Lange's <dM Johann Michael Faust o)' Faustius was bom et
deals witb hbtofical exantptes of poNtMOtsof the BMet, 8 JM~, tMg, was physician at FfaeMurt
stone. a. M., <m<!dttd there 7 October, t~cy. He was
Thé work coadudes with Becher's /<f/<wM Mceivedinto thé LeopoMiae-CatoUniM) Society, tg
<&/<!n'<aenti<:)!mofGas<nan(~.<). Schmieder AugaM,t<99, under the nameot Theophttus.
niemions ooty a German veMion of the above:
Leag!et.C<t<M$tMy,~<~et~ de la ~tt~x~A~ Argent. t688,4' by J. M.F<mstHH. la he ideaticat
~ifM~~M, ~49, i. p. 485 iii. pp~t6t. t6z. with thetditor ofArtM~~aM.
BUchner, <<ct<&mt« ~<tr<~ C'«)-KM<~MM Gmdi<t,0<~«'~ <~ ÛtfMt~ <MS. Il. p. gM.
~<t, t?M' P-179' No. t94. Schmieder,C<< <&&a~& t8~, p. St4.
Hatter, &?«)?:<'<< ~a<t/«MM<t,1774,i. p. 790 Ladtat~e, ~/tM'~<f<OMM~<'<«MM~MM~,
(quota) a w<tfk M~ *t«p)tt< de Stematatiotte, t870, No. MM.
Kopp, ~~M(w< tSM. ii. pp. 338, 368.
See GEBt! Summa Perfectionis,t682,p. 278; t?}!, p. 330; )79:, p. 368.
See DONZKLU (cmsBPPK),Teatro Fannaceutico,t?~.
He editedttMworkofDontinicod'AutHo:
sacra/tM<fM~<m~ ~M~~<<M~o
~tw~ ~a~t.~M/c, NapoM, t~g, 4*
(josEPHUs),Le R!chea:edeMaRt<btmataFarmacopea,tôyyi
Fratris Fermni Tmctatus Chemicus excellentissimus,hactenus in principio
et fine plusquàm dimidia parte mutilatus, & corruptissimè sub corrupto
E<!et&tiiMonachi nomine aliquoties publicatus, nunc ex MS. exemplari
Dn. Nico!ai Maii, Augustiss. Imperatoris Rudolfi secundi &c. quondfun
Consittanj, !nt~:ritati restitutus & philosophorum atiis stneer~communicatus.
Ge!smanae, Typis Salomonis Schadewitz. Sumptibus Sebaldi Kôhlers.
Pp. ~3' This toLiea section
Combach'ss Coueetion
De Lapide PhUosophotum secundum verum modum formando, Efferarius
Monachus ad ApostoMcumquendam scribit.
~f GRATAROLO (CUGUELMO), Vene alchemi;e doctrina, <s6t, i). p.
THEATRUM CHMMtCUM, t6$9, iii. p. ~3.
This)<onlyan extractfromtheTttACTATUs.
Ein sehT fartretHicher ChimischerTractat an den Pabst geschrieben.
LANGE(JOHANN), ChymiscbesZweyblat,t674.
~M LANCK (JOHANN), Des HochgelehrtenPMtatethœund anderer auserteMM
ChymischeTractSttein,~748('749~ p. toy.
FERRARIUS. Continued.
Chymische Abhandlung fur den Pabst n&ch einem Manuscript Herrn
Nicol. Majus, zum ersten mal etgâmet und in Druck gegeben zu
Geismar im Jabre tô~y von L. C.
SCHRÔDER (F. j. w.), Neue Alchymistische Bibliothek, tyyz, L ii. p. «,9.
This is a translation from the 7'nM<«A<t
<t/~M< and publishedat Getsmar in t&ty. See the Latin
~~ft jt~&~j, edtted by Ludwig CombMh, version above.
Thesaurus Philosophie.
See GRATAROLO(GUGUKLMO),Verse alchemtiB doctrina, t$6!, ii. p. 23?.
~M DARtor (CLAUDE),Die gulden Arch, Sthatï vnd Kunstkammer, t6t4, Part iii.
-~––- ,– “––––
CHEMtCUM,!659,-y) –iii. rp. !5!.
!teins der Weisen, t7o8.t7t8, p. 606.<dEuieKNt)S. the < latter, that lit about the beginning of the thit-
is SMposed to have been an h~ian, an abbot or a teenth centttty. am not sure that this b quite
of FertMa, and to bave Hoonshed about conclusive.
i Eventsof bis Me and the date of bis
!!<x~ the date taSo put <0ward by Lengtet <
death are <ttU(t
unknown, butthe worksascribedto
Dufresnoy beingdeemed too late. Thé amMtnent Mm are Mj{My praised byFiettttd and aK teeem.
for the date MMted by Borrichiusis that, s!ocehe mended to txginnets," acttx'ding to that writer's
quotes the Turba, Geber and Morienus, but not fonnutiL
Arnaldus or Lullius, he must hâve Uwd prior to
Maier, ~'MMt ~<~e ~M!'<M<, t6t7, P. 389- Fictuld, Pn<K<<M, ifsg. Th. i. p. 71.
Borel, F<~o<~<! CAt<M«t,t6s4. pp. M. Gmdin, C~fMf~ der C<«)M~.t7w, pp. 56~.
Bonichius, Coxj~f~ ~)t~n«<t CA«~M~~KM, Schmieder, CM<'A<~<t<&f<<M<<<, t8<t, p. tM.
1697,p. <4, No. xxi. Hoeht-, ~)M<~<<& CM~e. 1949.1. p. 363
Manget, &'<&<'MK<t &n~t<M ~<&<-<'fHM. i866. i. p. 407.
t73i. ii. p. ato. Ladntgue,&W«~~wOMM~: &«'!«t&ct«<t,
i~eegtet Dufresnoy. ~M/c~ <&la ~M~~« 1670. N<M. 74$~.
~-m<< ty~a, t. pp. MO, ii). pp. 43, t6~ Kopp, ~M<~&A<M«,t886, ii. p. 3~.
(josEPHUS),Le Ricchezze della RiformatoFannacopea, 1677;
Ses MOKBïus(GorrnuED), Neu.angez<iadt hellbrennendes Feuer, t68o.
Philosophischer und Magischer Feuer-Stab.
Büchlein von dem Stem der Weisen.
~'< MONTEcuBtTt (v. DE), Dreyfaches Hemetisches KteeNat, t667, p. 373.
P&ob Giovto, /<M~~M< ~e<&«)<? & ~< Rfeytag.~<t<9Ht~ ~/<<w~, !7~a, pp.
~<~«M<&MM~<wea Venetia. 4os'4'< tM3, ta&t, I360¡ ~s5. m.
t36o; t755, M', pp. 88-5,
t558, p. 93. 405'410;
K0.4.3~.36t,~87,t. 2.
W~b~j ~M~M~, Moteri, 95/.<'OM!)~<~tMa~<t~/<~w, ài$IWM 1759,
v. p. 148.
J.M. TOMMMS, A~M /A! tW% P. a6. xxltvilü.
iv. t?6t, t.
1. p. 134,pl.
P. t34, pt.
No. xti. (wea)ts~h!s'<nbtevicorpmtaoamptMn< MviM.No. iv.
fMMnfant't. Bradtet.
~<~<<!<~<&<!/&~«f, t.
AMt<M c«~~<t/« ~n~<~ ~M- :7~· iï. pp. at7, ara3i x7~.
~ttt)M<<f~<M~MNM)W, K9~, i. pp. tM-T<7. IV, ?' i, ~°'pp. 48-5S..
CMMUM~ Haller, ~&~<t ~«<!AWtt<o, ~4, p. t<t.
p.'yi. Sax!as, O~tM~M~Ma/~t~<M<. tyyy, Ii. pp.
C~o ~Atj~H~~o ~t'«~ 480, 593-
W~<«/<<ttt <Mt<f~~W <~MM«MMMMf. Oo~A<ot«der 0<a!<'f, t~y.
GmeHn, p.
orran, 1650,!llate Eee 3- 150.
Bore), 2M~m~<!Mt C<&<Htf<t, t6~ p. 04. B~)e, C<<fAt'<~ <Mt«!Mt M~~A~. ttoo.
Vossius. De Mt~ttB ~it~jh:««t ~a~ Il. Pp..18-11, tfix.336.
Lfder, t66o, pp. te~ 367. A&!n, C<<MM!/2i&j~ t8c3. !v. p, 8<
MettUin, Mt<&x«Mt<xM'<t<M, t6M,p. 783. Fochs, ~<~t<M < <A<j)!t~~<M ~fn!
MachtM, ~~WM~MM <~<&<«M, <687,p. ~40. tSc6<8,p.y.
MoHet.~MtMtfM~W~A!,t6M, pp. 698, foo. 'nrabMCh~
~Ma <&& ~~fn!/x~ /t<HM.
Pope Btaunt, Ce<uMf<!~MMO~ox /)«<M~M. t8c9.VJ.ii.pp. 367.399.
tyio, p. 409. SdMntede)-.6<MA&~ der ~Adt«M~, 183~, p.
FabncitM, ~K'<e 2M~M<tM~ 7!<t~<)t~ <3S-
~'a~tii.,i7t%p.iQ$. EMcb& 8t Gmber, Allgs>xstasA' klop3dis, t8<6.
Gruber, /<%M«<~< t9a6,
Schethon). ~MMM<« /«Mn~<<p,tyas, pp. xliv.pp. M8 (dabûMte article ~<M'<&<~ by Baehr). ).
t8.t36. W!!h. Rad. Weiteawebet, M~M«.M
Fabneius, JKt/MA~MO~M, tir96,)dU. gM. ~!M<tMMT~ de ~o ~t«~w«M.' Prague, t8;~
NiceMn, A<«WM, ï?aa, v. p. 214; t~gt, x.
B~<~M< st/)««tMt~. t856, dv.
iïaïc~rrsslls,tee6. m.
xlv. p.p.91.
&tddeus, Cte~M ~tAw~ /'M~ Noutrells ~pa~Me
A:«M&!t Biogrrxpkis<Mt~!&,
G6nfraJe, ~8, xvü, tcL
tB~8,xvii. eoL
'73'. ? 3?ï.
Stoue, ~<t&t<MO}fsur ~~e~ jM~&~tt~~ SMcM. ~~M&<~f!M&M;~<&t~!f//<.&~w,
~A~Mt~<, tMt, p. <ya. t866, M. pp. tH.t6?.
Morhof. /'<& 1132,i. P. 07 (!. i. tt. 3), i. LadmgtM.&<M~MO«M<i~ &M<KM&M~,
p. 970(t. 93.~h M. p. 39 (M. i. 7. ~): R. p. 1870. Nos. Mo-t.
MO(ft. H. 10. t) ht. p. 5~5 (tM. v. t. 3); iii. p. Franeh, D~<~«a<t< &<M /'<M&«~M~<M,
~8 (Ht. v. t. 7). "CM. P- S37' II> .d.l'
Fttbncius. ~WM~~ A~'M ))te~<e «t/foM- Z!~M«Mat~ ~)~<Mt~< "IU"
&~«~ Midi.
~<t~. t7M, Ltb. pp. 496-7,Mtn Supptemento <-«~, 4tme S<He,tS/S, ii. pL8&
Mamii, pp. t6; Haeser, G~~MA/<<& ~Mtdx. t88<. ii. pp.
Zedler, M<t<~MAZ.<.)-~<M, tM& ix. coL ee& 70. t6o.
Stolle, ~«M«~ <f~ ~~<~<~ G<~MM/, /M~.)f.O!/<t&j~ isa~, iv. p. $66;end
'7~. PP. 3M,4?5.40~49S. SefiM, tQt<o.v. p. ~6.
KeStMT. ~MM«tM~« 6~M!<«-Z<.rKW<, ty40, Kopp, ~< ~&A<otM, tSS6, i, pp. t88, BM,
P.9Q6. a$!t.
Hetmann Fictulds Abhandlung von der Alchymie und derselben Gewnsheit.
Ethng t7g4' verlegts,Johann Carl Tetzschner.
8°. Pp.E6~sa6.
WKnhementioned thistractin thef~ ty~ Th. p.7;, it wasstill inM8.
Azoth et Ignis, das ist, das wahre Elementarische Wasser und Feuer oder
Mercurius Philosophorum, als das einige nothwendige der Fundamen~
UranSnge und PnndpMnttn des Steins der Weisen. Aureum Vettus oder
Goldenes Vtiefs was dassetbe sey, sowoh! in seinem Ursprunge, ats erhabenen
Zustande. Denen F;t:is Artis und Liebhabem der Hermetischen PhHosophte
dargelegt, auch, dafs darunter die Prima Materia Lapidis Philosophorum,
samt dessen Ptax: verborgen, erofhet von Herman Fictuld.
Leipzig, bey
Michael Blochberger, t?4$.
S* rp.
o. Pp.[4,inctoding the
;<),tttctuatng tn fMMhpiece]
-“–,––J~yt- 379[ï).
ir n·ue.a.n.
JLadïagtie,<MO<w.&<t&t. ~'teee<!wa! founded by thé Dake of Bm~t~y who
'~S; ~WS- poNeMedthé stone. ;n hCMUf of thé a!chemica)
TheM is a note on 'AMth' by Kopp. ~< art. He gives (ehap. ii.) a tbt of amhoM who hâve
~<M~, tM6. i. p. y.
ftctutd Mse<n that the onttf of the Golden writteo atchemicat tteathM entitted 'Thé Golden
[Another Copy.]
[Another Copy.]
Hermann Fictulds Chymische SchnHten, darinnen von dem Stein der Weisen
gehandelt wird. Nebst Herrn D. Johann Samuel Carls, Pruaung der wahren
und falschen Chymie; und einer Nachrede von Fatis Mit einer
kurtzen Vorrede ans Licht gestellet durch Fnede!tch (sis) Roth.Schottzen,
Hetrenstadio-SHesium. FMnck<urt und Leipzig, bey Johann Christoph
Gôpner BuchMndter in NNrnbetg. ï?34.
6*. Ppt[8]<3o.
6*. Roth.Schott~sM ~M on p. ago. TtUered
Ppt[8]<3o.Roth.Schott~santMonp.ago. TtUeredandNaek.
and Naek.
!n thh capy the subsidhty tMe: Das «Me which do not appeM in the totteethM),was ap.
&c.,bas been put 6nt, beforethe genetat pnrently canceMedand that in tbe p)recedh)gcopy
titte and the ptdintinmy matter. Thé posent sebttitMtett for it. ln every other fespect thé
ee"eMt tMe. t~iaring «< it does to <!M'ttdntracts edMoMatreMentica).
Hermetica Victoria, das ist: vollkommen erfbchtener Sieg und Triumph, des
Welt-beruffenenund gMchwohtverachteten Herma'Phroditi, über die gantze
Schaar der Gôtter und Patronen des Metallischenund Mineralischen Reichs;¡
da& er, und nicht dieselben, die prima Materia Lapidis PhitosophoMt«sey.
Unter einem im ttaum gesehenen Reïchs-Tage und daselbst gehorten
Gespniche vorgetragen, und zum Druck befoidett durch Herman Fictuld.
Leipzig, bey Michael Btochbetger, 1750.
8". Pp.~4.
Der Mngst gewünschte und versprochene Chymisch-Philosophische Pmbier-
Stein, auf welchem so wohl die SchnSten der wahren Adeptorum ats auch
der betrügerischen Sophisten seyn probiret worden. Wodurch einem ieden
Sucher der Weisheit der rechte Weg gezeiget, und hingegen alle In-w~e
entdecket werden, so dafs er nunmehro gar nicht CeMen kan. In zwey
Classen verfasset von Hermann Fictutd. FtM)ck<u)tund Leipzig, Bey
Michael Blochberger. 1~40.
6°. Pp.tt9, !nd)!d:egtheFronth~eee.
ThistcaM!ns ontythétint partor ttass. t havenotseentht second
Der !angst gewünschte und versprochene Chymisch-philosophischeProbier-
Stein, auf welchem sowoMder wahrhanten Hermetischen Adeptorum ab der
ver~htischen und betriegerischenSophisten SchnCten sind probirt und nach
deren Werth dargestellt worden, beschrieben in Zweyen Classen, darvon
die Erste bereits herausgegangen,gegenwârtig aber von dem Authore von
neuem übersehen, corrigirt und von seinthero zu Handen gebrachten
Authoren vermchret. Die zweyte Clafs aber hinzu gefBgtworden ist Durch
Hermann Fictald. Franckfort und Leipzig, Bey Veraci Orientali Wahrheit
und Emst Lugenfeind, t?~.
f. Pp.~Hanh.M~t?~ TitteftdandMftek.
Thefirstpart basa separate
DestangstMw0n$ehtea ut)dMMpMchenen Chymhieh.PMtoscpMtchtn Probier-
Steinshrite Ott~ Zweyteund vennehrteAuaMe.FrMeMbrt
The«CMM! partbasa longtideeommendng
DestâagMeewa<MtMea und ~Mproehenen Probier.
SteinsZweyteOa<s, FMttcMort. ty;~Chytnbeh.PMMophbthtn
Pp.[;)[~t]93.t?t[i Nank).
Des !ângst gewOnschten und veMprochenen Chymisch-PhitosophischenProbier-
Steins Erste Ctasse, In welcher der wahren und Schten Adeptorum und
anderer wardig etfundenen ScbtMen nach ihrem innerlichen Gehatt und
Werth vorgestellt und entdecket worden, durch Hermann Fictuld. Dritte
AuBage. Dresden, in der Hilscherschen Buchhandtung, 1784.
8'. Pp.
y. Pp.vM.t6tM
vi i6tM.
Besides thMe anotha' édition is quoted ~&t. intermediate ia FictuM's opinion between thèse.
He divides the philosophers into two classes, the tt is not atways easy to see Fictuid'a principle ot
true and genuine adepts, who are pious souls, If he Md tmy and it woatd oot be
tovets of their neighbour and of pottenty, some of dMeutt ? apply to his chtict:ms Md Mt!ma<M
whom bave written works of édification, some some of thé aepteciMoty te<nM!mhe appMts to
suitaNe for beginoefs, but others not. Among othets. Tte nchnest of his yoeabahfy !n ab<Beis
these worthy mea Ficluld humbly places huMe)!. an abiding sourceof !nterest and ediScaUoo. Hf.
Thé seconddMs conNstsofMphist!. «tob.deceivers in turn, is Mt spated by a fMteww inthe ~xiMf
whosebooks should be bumed. Tttete is nothing /&f ~«'<t~H<Mn
Hermetica Victoria.
SeeHERMETtSCHKS A. B. C., 1779,iii.p. 971.
Turba Philosophorum.
HERMETtSCBES A. B. C., t779,iv..J.p. tS.
Nothing is reeorded about F!cm)d's lite, but bis Schwester Agos' appended to JOo~«? /~M«
nameand worksare famlliarto most writers on the fc.f.); HennetiMher IMumph-Boeen &e.nemtKh,
subject, and the ~n~«f.~<«<t Msometitnesquoted CabbfttamyMhaMt)M6, und OccmMoeeottissime.'
andtecommentted as an authority. whieh :t t<not. According to Kopp (~~ ~jt<M&, t886.
Doabttess someof the information hegives ia it b il. p. 367) theoerMtt who printed under the
con«:t, but he bas m~te such erroneous state- pseudonym of Fictuld was peatty ca))ed Johann
meats m mMMtswhieh can be chedted, that he Heinrich SchmHt von Sonneaberg. who is not
is quite unMtiaMein those where no check een be to be confused with Jobana Georg Schmid(y~.).
appMed. But in the HKMttnrtscHMA. B. C.. 1779.U.p. M,
Besidet the above workshe himself enumerates the .P~'M~&i'/t isascribed to a BaMn MeiMMtf,
Gt!pt<(Ehtwischendem KCnigMMCMund seiner without tatdng My notiee of Fictuld. Whfch of
/~yX~y6'M:M 373
Pandora Magnalium Naturalium Aurea et Benedicta, de Benedicto Lapidis
Philosopb. Mysterio. Darinnen Apocalypsisdes Hocherleuchten Aegyptischen
Kônigsvnd Philosophi, Hermetis Trismegisti; vonvnsennTeutschen Hermete,
dem Edlen, Hochthewrem Monarchen vnd Philosopho Trismegisto, A. Ph.
Theophrasto Paracelso &c. Verdotmetschet: wie auch Tinctura Physicorum
Paracelsica, mit einer Schonen Erklerung des auch Edlen vnd Hocherfahmen
Philosophi, Alexandri von Süchten, Utnjusqae Medicine D. Sampt Seiner
At- V. S. angehengten 3. VnderschiedUchen Tractetlein, so vor nie gesehen
worden, wie auch Anderen Ejusdem matenœ Corottariis, wie sie nach der
Von-edt Specifiret (~) werden: Allen Filiis Doctnnœ Hennetiec zu nutz
vnd gutem jetzo publiciret. Durch Benedictum Figulum} Utenhoviatem,
Fr: P. L. C. T. T. P. M. E. D. T. P. D. G. N. Getruckt zu Strafsburg,
inn Verlegung Lazari Zetzeners. 16o8.
9°. Pp. 999 [t. t bhnttl. t woodcut. The
vignette !s a s!x.myed star.
oreteis thesymbot for the mysarethéastronomictd
tinandMercury, symbols
forgold,sHwr,copper,tettd, irot). Thé bookcontains theMowingtracts:
Uber ApocatypteM Hermetis.ThM.PMtMebo, Rexubeseu Canonesa)!quotPhttosophMde
supremo MundiSectcto. p. t. LapidePhitosophiee, p. ai6.
DeVeraMedicina AttxandHa Soehten Etegia, tMettttteia vonLapide PhitMophorumAnonymi,
p. t7. p. a3<.
Dlalogus,AlexandriASuchten. p.49. RythmiGennanici vonditMmho~enTlnctur.
Ex tibfo de tribus Facultatibus AlexandriA werdtAnoaymi Authods, p. a6i
Suchten,p. tM. DeAuroPotaMM TheophrasuPM'aceM, p. 97~.
ExplicatioTinctuneàPhysicorum TheoptM'Mtt Vonder Km<R vnnd Wafdmngauchfechtem
PamceM,abAtejfandroSuchten, p. !43. nutdichem GebmuchdeshertUchea AMidettso
manAuramPotabite netmet,p.t~.
Rosanum Novum Olympicum et Benedictum. Das ist: Ein newer Gebene-
deyter Philosophischer Rosengart, darinnen vom aller weisesten Kônig
Salomone, H. Salomone Trismosino, H. Trithemio, D. Theophtasto, &c.
gewiesen wirdt wie der Gebenedeyte Guldene Zweig, vnnd Tinctarschatz,
vom vnverweicktichen Orientalischen Baum der Hesperidum, vormittels
Gôttticher Gnaden, abzubrechenvnd zu erlangen sey: Allen vnd jeden Filiis
doctrinte Hennetic<e, vnd D. Theophrasticœ Liebhabem zu gutem trewlich
erôShet in zwen Theilen. Pars Prima.
Iamb!ichu& Deus in Cce!oest, revelans mysteria
Quicquid habemus boni, habemus profunda & abscondita.
à Sole, vel ab ipso, vel per alia.
274 j~C<~MS'
Pet Benedictum Figulum; Vtenhoviatem, Francum; Poët&m L C. Theo-
logum Theosophum; Phitosophum; Medicum Eremitam. T. M. Ge-
ttuckt zu Base), in verlegung des Autori$, Anno ï6o8.
t". Pp. M83[t btank]. DiagfMM in the text. Titte red and bhtck. The
vignette is a toje mishor tree with the metats as ttowers, sunnounted by thé sun.
Rosarii NoviOtytnpM et Beaediett. Pars Altera In sich hatt~t e!n Buchmit
Capiteln, Lauteatii Venmtœ Veneti, Medictnte Doctoris. &c. Aa&dem Latein vertiert
vnnd trewlich vetdottnet~chet,in voset Teutsehen Spmch vor nie gesehen. De Lapide
Benedicto Philosophorum, 'S'~ Benedicto Fiptto. Vtenhoviate, Franco,
Poita L. C. Theotogo TaeoMpho Phitosopho, Medico. Kremita. D. T. P. D. G. N.
Getruckt zu Basel, in verleguag des Autons. Anao BetteDtCtt R~k & MMbtft
Gmt!<e& bonttatts, &c.
~°. Pp. [ts, i blankl tïy M [t NMk). The vignette i; a a~Nfein Rotttao dn~.
The chronogmm stands for t6o8.
FILET (LE) d'Ariadne, pour entrer avec seureté dans le Labirinthe de la Phito.
sophie Hermétique.
V:r impius non cognoscet: & stultus non intelliget hœc. Ps. gr.
A Paris, Chez Laurent d'Houry, ruë S. Jacques, devant ta 'Fontame Saint
Severin, au Saint Esprit. M.DC.XCV. Avec Privilege du Roy.
M". Pp.[8]ty6. [30.9.LbtofChemieatboots.] Woo<teu<s
Thisissaidto be byDudoorDutco. Uisnota trMshtionofReibeh~nd'~
/xt ~na~~ (~.f.).
Corona oder Kron der Artzney defs furtrefnichen, hoch vnd weytberBmbten
Medici vnd Wundt Artxtes Leonhardi Fioravanti von Bononia. In vier
sonderbare Bûcher vnterscheiden
In dem I. wird gehandelt von allerley vnterschiedtlichenZeichen naturHcher
Ding, beneben vielen schonen vnd bewehrten Secreten der Medicin vnd
Das II. zeigt den Weg vndKunst allerley nutztiche vnd heylsame
zu componieren.
Das III. handelt von der Atchimy defs Menschen vnd der Mineratien.
Das IV. vnd letzte hait vnd verfasset in sich viel schone
vnnd Medicinalische Discurs, so sampttich einem Medico zu wissen, hoch
von nôhten.
Ersttich neuwlich in Italianischer Spraach von dem Autore selbst in Truck
verfartiget. Nunmehr aber in vnsere hochteutsche Spraach mit attem Fleifs
versetzt. Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn bey Nicolaus Hofimann, In
Verlegung Johann Berner. 1604.
8°. Pp~.tbtMtk]~. Register [ttgl
Leonhardi Fioravanti Medici von Bononia, Physica, das ist: Experientz vnnd
I. Von Erschaffung defs Menschen au& den vier Elementen, dessen Com-
ptexion, Eygenschanten, Sinnen vnnd KraHten, Gesundheit vnd Kranckheit,
vnd den vier Jahrzeiten.
~y~4~V7V j:yy
II. Von geheymen niemals erhôrten Experimenten der Chirurgy vnd
III. Von manchertey Kranckheiten defs Menschen vnd deroselben Cur.
IV. Von allerhandt Alchimistischengewissen vnnd probierten verborgeneu
(~-) hohen Stücken.
Jetzund aufs dem Itatiânischen ob seiner vnsagtichen Fürtrefflichkeit,
Hochheit und Geheimnufs wegen ins Teutsch vbersetzt. Getruckt zu
Franckfurt am Mayn, Bey Anthonj Hummen, In VertegungJohann Berners.
8". Pp. [8}. 440.M e)fw for 469. Register[to]. Tit!ered and black.
FioraMMtiwas a nativeof wherehe was diuenes médecines nouueues de grande eBicace,à
born in the earlier part of Moma
the Mtteenth toute sorte de mendie. auec ta manière de kt
He studied medicine and practised in centmy. Patermoj J vti)e<à chscun qui s'en wudm tervir.
from tS4~ to 15~ went with the Spanish Heet to jyttiquer: Tmdeitea d'ttatien eo FfMp)it, par M. Ctattde
Africa, retura to Naples in '[555-wcnt to Rome, RocaKtApothet!HfedeTMyes.'
Venice, aad Botogna. where ho was made doctor A Paris. che< Piètre Cavetht, [PriMter'sdeviee.] rue S. taeques
and chevalier.and HM!tycount. He publisbed a ài t'M~u de Ftorence. t;86; S*. pp, [t6]
number of workson nMdicine, which along with [7, 1 bhmk]. a~
their author bave been severety txtndted by some 1 /«tM'<<M/«~<t ~)mm<M, V en. 8*.
modem etitic~ but the treatment of his writines t<~ t~9a,
~<t~~< tA'MMt'a ?<M~ M~. ib. ts8*, t6M.
otherwtsetbaahiMohcattyisfutMe. MomwntiwM 8*: < ï699.S*.
a chemist and pbannacbt, and in hispractice put /.a C~ Venez. 1~, tsM, t~S) 1676, 8°
tMbaunded ttust in bis &ped6ct. The batsam
which goes byhis name, and whiehwas in use t)H Thé CM~tA~ was MaMhMedinto Engti-ih
a compaMtitety recent period, is very eomptex tmdtXtNMted: 1 London, t~Sa, <nM)t 8*,pp. ft6]
mixture, but he abo describes the preparation of '4" )<]-
certain definitecompounds. Thé CAt~~Mt was vim Ofanstated
transtated bytohn
by lobn Hester
Between t~&tand uSa he and pttbtuhed:
of which various éditions puMbhedMmewortœ,
are quoted by thé 4".PP. Loodon, tseo, 4", a. p]&t, ~696.
for t
M. 't7 (~ tt8). [g, btMtkj.
authorities, and some of which t haveseen. Thé CtMwy~ and ~?<tM<M«~ &en«. «tona
/.0 ~< ~~M<f tOt~Mt~ with seveM)other méditât Mets. were printed in a
Venezt&, twx, 1609.i~. a)tin 8'. smat! 4'*votMme in t6~ at London.
Il <-<M~f)!<~« <~ .S~t~t ~MM<ta/<ttt/o~ta alla Under thé tMe of ?~ «!)~</ /M/. there was
)M<~<aa, «n!~M a/<A«)tt<t,ib. ~s64, tS7t. puNished M London, !n tsy~ a tnutshttion of thé
'!8'. '~9$.SM'. '6~0. t&(o, Turin, 1580,y. ttaet ~<m<~ <&~ ~f~, Venez. t~ t~t,
<<<n/M-<~M/<. Ve)tet.t<o9,8°: 1571, *57S<S°'
'573. 8' t5M. t6~. 8. A French version of thé ~<-cA<cWMnmde by
The French tmadatioa which 1 have !een is Gabrid
entittcd: Chappays Af<<r Mttw~</ <~ a~ «
&M«<xt,Pans, ts84. t~6,8°.
Les Caprices de M. Leonard Fioravanti Botog. Fioravanti diedat Mogna, 4 Sept., t~M.
nois, touchant la Médecine qui sont plusieurs et
Boret. ~/Mf~<! C<<mM<t, t6M. p. 9S. ~~<~M ~M«'< Paris, Paacttouehe (t&M.
Job. Crato a Kmftheim, C'<MM<~r«#< <<B~M. 93). iv. p.
/o/<M-<!(M.<MMKMM/<M<t /<M j~M. t67t. i. p. so6 Sprenge), G<M<«:~ ~~<<&, te~, iii.
( 'Fiot-a~attE,nebuto pessimus,qui Venetiis ejectus P.535-
est1. Sc.hmhtder, <:<K-AM~der ~M<j~, tSge, p.
Conring, /« ~<t<f~!a< ~~<-<tM
/«<tt«ft<f~e,t6e7, p. 90. Huefer, //<'f~ttf <&~t CM)~. 1843,ii. p. tm;
Orlandi, A~<w<~t Sft-~W &)/«~ ty~ !869, ii. p. t~.
p. t<)o. Emh & Grober. ~~m~tw ~<y~f.& t84<i.
~ïe<A«M CA<mt<o, ~i~, p. 77. xtiv.p.9(<tftMebyThei)e).
Maaget, ~AfM &ot~m ~MMw~ttt. Bt~~M- <Mr~ t8<6, xiv. p. Mo (article
1731. ii. P.287. by Chaameton).
/a~ ~'«~f /<M ~~&'<~z /M'/a/~<M'. ~o«w~ ~«jSM~AMC~A~&, ~858, xvii. cet.
t73a, p. $4. 739.
Xedter, M««~< '7~, ht.col. Q6t. Poggendortf, ~«~~MA./<~tWj~ ~o~-
Kestner, M-~M~~ Ct~w, t74o, M~<~< 1863.i. cot. 748.
P. 300. Ladfagut, N~/tf/~M OM«!< &t«t«t
~%)!a«-tw< C<<«. t7so, il. &fF< 1870,Nos. t6o<).!a.
col. 6!
Haller, ~/M/A<«t Botanica, 177!, i. p. 3~9; 4&me Dtc~Ma~w~M.K~M~~fca~M,
Série, tS?~, )i. p. 3ta.
1772. Il. p. !'7.J. HMsef, G«t<tfjt~<a~t<-«, t88ï, ii. pp. tta,
Hatter. F~/M/~a ~«<<'M~<t. t774, i. p. Mn. '95-
tM!er,<. CA<< !7M. P.~S; Hirsch.Nt<~e~~A« /<~<At)tder ~</w~<
'775. p. 6oo. ~M<&a~t~, tMs. ti. p. 368.
HaHer, ~/&<M JM'~M<B /<w/M~, tTTy, ii. BiUing! /<t<&.t.C<<!A~ t883. tv. p. 983; ad
p. tAQL (One of thé Crst in Italy to use chemical Séries, tQoa,v. p. 80~.
n)edtc<nes.) FergtMon, 'Note! on BootMof Secrets,'
H!oy. /M<r/<mt)«tt~ ~<a<- /<t ~~Mw~. 7'MM~MJM~<e/~M()'C~MKW.
t776. <i. p. 3~. t8a3, ii. pp. t9t, 95! t89o. N.S. i. p. 4~0.
Fuchs, ~tr/~WM ~mt.«:~ ~~M<«<
t9o6~8. p. 54.
&< ARMAU)US de ViUanova.
Eberhard Heinrich Fischers, Kônigl. Preufs.Foister in der GrafscbaftMannsfeld,
Bfandenb. Antheib. Albertus Magnus der Andere. Das ist Geheimnifse
der Natur und Kunst vor alle StSnde, als fur KOastter, Jager, Oekonomen,
Profesionisten, Handwerker &c. zum Besten aus eignen Erfahrungen auf-
gesetzet und mit nothigen Registem hemusgegeben. ln zwey Theilen.
Ahona und Leipzig, bey Johann Heinrich Kaven, ~97.
< EtsterThei). Pp.[~, tndadittga phKeoap.M], aoo.
Xweytwan<iteM<efTh~t[M]i[89. WMtspp.[tt.t6]b)an)<
FefgaMn,BiMtogmpMca) oa BootN ot Pt. iv.,T'~McAo'M
Secrets,' ~M<~~t<*<a/
~«-C~Mf. t990.N.&f. p.3)t.
FtSCHER (L~vtMOs).
I. N. R. ï. Beati Do. Levini Fischeri. M.D. De Aurea Auri Tinctura sive
Veri auri Potabilis Medicina Comment&nus} qvô & genuina ejusdem ptœ
paratio ac usus spectabtMsiatimatur. Brunopoli. Literis Henrici Kesleri.
4'. PP.
4'. [6]<&
There were editions of the above publisbed in Ce ~M&M!~M(tt~« <«a/<!p't, withoot ptace,
t630, t&tg. ta*,~thcttt phMe and pnntet't name. <6~ !°
To Mmotherworks are ascribed by Mefddin 0< t«M <t<~f <!j~/M ~iaw<~<~ ff~
Cc~M <w<<t«~~«!&, HemipoU,t6s6, fol., wtthoot ptace ttd date, 8".
t68o~8'. CompMeGttE, «<«!&<~o~<et«.
MetcMie, jM<d!aMW ~MMt< ï686, p~ 799. Manget. ~/M<t<c<t &n~MMt<ot ~~«~ox,
~t. t. it. p. ~S.
Des berChmten Philosophi Nicohu Flamelli Chytnisehe Werke, ais
t. Das gûldeoe Kleinod der Hierogtyphischen Figuren.
<. Das Kleinod der PMIosophMe.
g. Summarium Philosophicum.
4. Die grosse Erktâtang des Steins der Weisen zur Verwandelung aller
$. Schatz der PMIosophMe.
Den Liebhabem der Kunst aus dem FranMsischen in das Teutscbe
übersetzt von J. L. M. C. Zu finden bey Johann Paul Kraus, Buchhândter
in W!eon. ïy~t.
6'. Pp. [6] 3–~0 [s bbak). FMntbpteee with < subjecb. 3 engraved phtes
with 7 atbjecM. Foldiog plate. TMe red and black.
A&erthe above title la anotber title in two tompmrtmentsspecifying t. Das Buch
der HieMgtypMMhenFiguMO, Nicolai F)Mne))!, and a. Das wtthrMte Buch des
geNhtten GtteettischenAbts Syae:ii, Vom Stein der Weitea.
Between pp. tt9.3 la another tMe-page: Das Kleinod der Phitosophiaeoderdas
Ohft'Ntt der Begierde NicoM Ftfundtt ein vonremich Werck, in we)che<nverfasset
ht. dieOfdnung und Manier, welcheder votgenmnte Ftamdt inder Compositiondes
Werdm der Natur gehatteo bat, welche unter teiaen HieMgtypMsehenF)guren sind
versteeket. Aus ememalten MS. An. ~t.
Pp. M~.tM contait)a tist oftttehemieat beoto.
This édition is oot meotioned bv Roth~chottï, fMM Roth.SehcM& Lange's traMtatien appeared
Sehm!edeir, Bamoer, GmeMn.or Fuchs; thé last )M <3, Mtd there to Mid to be M editten by Rcth.
two quote an éditionof Hamburg,t6St, appateotty SchMMinii'go.
z8o ~Z~
Le Désir désiré.
See MCHEBOURG (j. M. D.), BiMiothèque des Philosophes Chimiques, ~40, ii.
See SEMDtvootus (MtCHAEL), Cosmopotite, t6:9,ii. p. ïn.
MOETTARto Medicinate, !s6?.
R!CB'rrARto Fiotent!ao, t7S9.
Jhesus Nobis Omnia 1 Rosa Ftorescens,contra F. G. Menapiicalumnias. Das
ist: Kurtzer Bericht vnd Widerantwort,auff die sub dato 3 Junii toi ex
agto Norico in Latein, vnd dann folgends den tg J~ obgedachtes Jahrs
Teutsch publicirte vnbedachte calumnias, F. G. Menapu, wider die Rosen-
2~ ~<~AWA~.y-~z~t's/?
Clavis Philosopha et AtchymmeFluddanee. Sive Roberd Fluddi Armigeri, et
Medicinae Doctoris, ad Epistolicam Petri Gassendi Theologi Exercitationem
Responfum. In quo Inanes Marini Mersenni Monachi Obiectiones, querel-
eeque ipsius tniustfe, immeritb in Robertum Fluddum adhibit~, examin&ntur
<ttq:auferuntur Seuerum ac altitonans Francise! Lanouii de Fluddo Judicium
refellitur, & in nihilum redigitur: Erronea Pnnctpiorum Phi!osophis F!uddanae
detectio, & Petro Gassendo facta, corrigitur, & eequa!i iusUttœtrutina ponder-
atur ac denique sex tUae Impietates, quas Mersennus in Fluddum est
machinatus, s!ncene veritatis fluctibus abtuuntur atque absterguntur.
Super omnia vincit Veritas, 3 Esdr. 3. n.
Francofurti, Prostat apud Guilhelmum Fitzerum. Anno M.DC.XXXIII.
FoUo.Pp.8?[t b)M)h~VignetteARoïyCrosswiththemotto DatRosamel
Discursus de Unguento Armario.
SYMPATHET!CUM,16 t66:, p. $07.
Robett Ftudd. or de Ftucttbus, of Webh descent, Ho was a bdiever in astrotogy. atchenty, sym.
was bom at Milgatehoase, ln thé parish of Bear- pathetic eûtes, and he iatroduced the PatMogia
sted. Kent, in tS74- He eMeted St. John's DtemonhMa,!n whith at) dheiMesare asenbed to
CoUœe, Oxford, tmt, and graduated B.A. in evit spM« toeated in the four qMrters of the
tM&.M.A.!n!j99. rbenti)te)n<MtofthBMho!M's carth. He is be<t )(nown,however, as thé meM
o the time be ttaveHed on thé continent, and six thorough-eoinp supporter in thb OMmtry of RoticrM.
years etapsod, during wMch he visited France, cmnismof whieh a detimcepMSt: under his Muée,
Spain, ttaty. and Germany. He had aeqaited a atth<wt:hits ttuthentMty hM been dcabted.
t<now!edB'eof chanbtty and posiMy of medicitte, He died at Londoa, S Septembe! t637, Mxtwas
and on bis return ho became a member of Christ buried in Beanted PtU'ish Church.
Chufch, Ot[<<t[d,and gntduated in medMee in Hb works were puMfshed et Oppenheint and
ï6o~ After sevem) tm!ts he was adniitted to thé Ft&nkfmftby différent pemons between thé yetUt
Couege of Physiciansin ~609. t6ty and t~aL in <bMo.Thqr eontain a number
He practlàed ta London, and was MgMy of eancus tma etabomteiittMtMtioeswhieh mo<t
esteemed and iMty MtcceMfat, and this &ct have entajted no Mm))amoant of hboor oa thé
appMeMty temtdMwhethe)' the exj~tanationgiven author. Be~des thèse, whith tmm te a eertaix
ot tt by Futter be cotreetor not. exMnta eoMeeM!weseno, there are the foMowiog
~4 ~XM?~
~v. Continued.
f~M~e ~Mua&a, Gou ~38. smatt foUo.f[: Ad<na MetcMor Bitkboh:), Leiptig, ~78~,<owbieh
[4) iM:
152; Engtish
i6g8, /~t7~
smniltolio, Semter puMttbed ~«~~ M /<tf/<~« <~<
Lcndott, )6<9,Sg, smsil
Mio, pp. [6j. 300; thé ~'A««~r w ~«<&f< &'Att/<< /a~ <<M~*<u~.
Londou, o(
crittcbm t6~Fbster's~mM.~eofw~tLondon.
6 l~oo; the ~M~ Hn))e. t?8s, S", pp. P') xYiii-xMii,
'63!. 4°. pp. jt&j, 56), entitted ?~ ~<fj<~ 3t9.
~<u<4~/'w<~t ~otMw, on<<t~<<< <y ~t~ for w ThtfAtAf~~<p~M!f«~<:M ta ~«M ~m <?<'
tf~'W <ttmt~<~ M'~M/m!.&t<,London, 163~ M~/< ~<M~<t!Ï. <~M'~a, 11. <<if Mf~,)(t. de
smftH4', pp.[!) blank, 6 t~. 68 trattslatcd into fMM~W/ttW~. Cui <'W<~M<A!<f n<'««~/&<M~tWAtC
Latin: A.M al ~~t~MMa.MM, f<&)'M /)t~<<t M'/&~
Gouda, a <'n<« ~<M«tf~~ (MtfttA) 4 ~a~ tM~
~<<~< <'<M<Mn'<t, ~)M~~</A<f)Kde ~<'<M ZM/aw. Oppenheim, Anno CbrbtVt MVuDo
Ctwe tMJ~M~XM «j~mM <Ma<-M~ <M~ffK!M, Vtta (t6t7). 4, pp. ï36 fa Man)<T,which Buble
t<ty</tt<Mt*"M' ~)ff<<Mf aMw<M<< a~ww. says was edited by Michel Maief. This and
Lugd. Batavorum, t6t6. S*. the preceding aM seemingly not onty the mrest
/ft~/M <<<!f«th<t /a<<t<<M 5<~<&</<j of Fiudd's wor)«. but among the mmst of Utemry
<t ChfftdMm<<MM, Lagd. Rat~vomm, 1617. curiosities. There is &bo thé trestise which he
MM)) t'. pp. tsë Germn tnuMhtton &<«~- pubtishett under thé pseudoaymofjoachia) Fririu:
~<t~~ ~<fA/A'<7 der ~~«~tt<<t<~«~. NMMMMM ~<MMM,FtanM., t6z9. foL, whtch is
~A~ <M<Mf/~<w ~<&«~ ~M (Le. ioctuded in the coUectedworks.
-SM (DENtS), Von der mtii)
natürlichen Philosophia, t6o9, t773.
Georg FcrbMger was bom M MeiMen. <m<t &f~t/~ .«tm<M from Genn&ninto Latin, BM)),
Mw~ds thé dose of thé ttxteenth centmy tived M ï67S. <°, M weU as MsM)r!c&t works by facto
Basd. He wM <Madhèrent of PacMe&U! and Giovioand Gtticciardini.
MuMhted AtetfMdef von Sachtea's TM<~<t/A
MercMin, ~<n&)«MMM<fo/<M. t696,p. 8t6. JOchcr, ~a«~<t G<M~e< ty~o,
Reimmanh.~M&~tH~ <~ ~ïf~~tM ii. col. e'~
<&~r y<«<t;~tt,ty!3,Mv!. p. j7&
<!M'«)!t &!)'C<MM6t& <<i~&M CA<'M!<t~S.
Manget, ~/A«ih'<a &en«M ~~«-on<M,
ty~t, ii. p.309. ~chmiedcr, G~tA~~ <to' /t&A< tS~, p.
K~tnef, ~&~o~jNi<~ C~Z~f~, ~740.
p.3o6. Ladrague, F~/t'a~M O~M~ ~tx)«M
&<~MM,i8?o. Nos. 930~3!.
.SM TRÂUMEdes gr!ech!schen Phitosophus Anstobutus, ~ô:.
F<M«e<who M said to bave been descended tnatundiMon Cook'ssecond etfpeditioo.aod hating
from a ScotMXM). who had teR during thé waMof eaccepted it he joined thé "ReMtuuon" ia Juty,
Cromwell and settled at Danzig, was bom at t77a. 1 Théexpédition retumed in K?s. and a few
Dirschau in Ëast Prusia. M Octt t?eo. tn bis month~ n tatef FoMtef had pt~pMedhis report on
earty yean he was negtected. but m t
~43 he was thé botaey. But disagreements subtequenttyarose
sent to schoct !H MMea Werther, next to Berlin, as a to the wrMng thé ~MnaHveof thé voyage,and
and ln t?<n to the Gymnasium at Joachimsthttt, his t portion was Mttimatetytejeeted. and he was
where he showed an aptitude for hmguages. tn )retu<edr the cMt of the p)ate& For his work he
t74S t)e went to Ha))e. His father wbhed hint receiMd
f no eoMiderMion from the Govemment.
to studylaw, he hitmett ptefened medicine,so by but h his ment was rtCM:n))Mtby the U<)iwen.!ty of
way of compromise he studied theology and Oxfotd, C which made him a doctor of eMt hw.
acqttit<d sucha kaowledge of it and such a MhtnR At /< thb time hi; NiMmeeswere so low that he was
for it that he thought of entering the Church. Md put je priton tbf debt. He was teMewedfrom his
in t7S actttatty beeame pt<stor M Nitssenhuben pdebtst) in !y8)[ by ttedertdt M. of PnMsia, who
nea<- Danag. Witbout neglecting h! duties he o~ated o him&cottocitto)'and appointed him to the
studied !ntthaMatic! history, phHosophy, <md chair <: of naMMtMstotyat Hatte, whfchhe occMpted
natural history,whieh last iMpired him with a wish for
fc eiehteenyeare. He «bMined the dt~ees of
to trave). tn thé meantime,as his <an)i)w expenses d
doetor of pMoMphy and of medicine, and was
were teere~ing more mpid)y than his fnceme, hc head
h ofthe botanic gardea. HewM notmcceMM
accepted an offer to go to Russia to superintend as a a M':twetor teMheff tttxt ne devoted hima-tf
new seUtement~atonga part of the Votgft. On his mainly
n to traMtating Mrrativea of tKtve)~and to
fetum to St. PeteMbarR he presented a feport thé Il studyof history and of technotogy. He died
whichInducedthé GoMfft)n<et)t to ask him to draw ~December,
o 1708.
up a code basedon thécivil code of the Germans. Fonttr was a man of immense know)ed~eof
From Russia he went to England, where he natura) n Mttory. and of eMneous power of work.
pubtisheda translationtnto Kngtiïh ofLomonosov's He t was fMaitiatrwith seventeen tanguases. a)t of
~M~ ~a and some other works. He whichhecoaM
w speak and wdte. He !s said, how.
fefusedoe~rstogoasapireaehertonondaandto e'
ever, to bave had MOgh tnanneMand a veryheen
Ma<ytand,and for a unie tiMd at Warrington as toogne,tc to hâve b<eoextfavagMt and fond ofp)ay.
teacher of French and Gennan in thé Dissenters' wh!ehw thtewhim often into Snaneiat ~ttatts. M that
schoot. He pMied to the Episcopat schoot, where poMiMy
p someof the comptants made him
he taught French for some yeaM. An oHer to go were w not withont foundatioa. but a)tagatMt
the same
to hdm haviog faited, he had to support himsetf!n FoMter
F h to be fentembeted as one of the dis.
London by Wtittng and translation, but after tixgttMhed
ti natUMtistsof the eighteentheentmy.
eighteen mooths be was ofteted thé post of
AMn. C<n<M/~t'c~ t8«3, iv. p. tôt,) (Mt A~M~f~'<;pMMh)~CAM~ tS~e, xvtii. p. MO.
article). Poggendorti.- ~agra~hiscï~.l:leranxhu fifaxd
Meuse),/?<M~<~My/< yif~Aat~ Mif ~<Mt~e m
<&<<.M««&)t ~K<tfA<«&t/ iii. pp. ~f)«6M 1863t
>aa~r~t, 1. Col.115-
jSM~A-A- F~~Mf. tSyS, vii. p.
430.439. t< <attid. by Aifted Dove).
Fachs. ~<~<WKMM«ier<M~~Ot ~«~ /M~<MM&?~<tM<&< ~tt'«t<M A~t.
tSû&oS.pp. 4<6.soQ, ~s. $96. S38. f< 4ee)eS~rie, !8?o. iii. p. 666.
Thornson, A~c~y a'' Royal A)cK~ )[8M, CM~fMe~ ~vaA<MM/ ~«gM~ ïMo, x)f.
Appeadmiv. p, )iv. a7Feb., t77~. p (coatainsa notice of the son j. G. Adam
~«~~b<- jMM~<t~,Paris, Panchou~e (t890. F
Forster, and a <ëwnotes on thé father).
:d. Iv. pp. t99-9o9(eitcettentartide with long list Wilh. Sehtader, G~M~Mo der ~M~~< M<t.
of bis wntings, by Jourdan). M
MW/~M ~M&, t8M, i. p. 409, S37,
Ench &Gntber, .<</&)MM~M jB«a'jM~< )[847,
He examined various vegeMMeproduct<, and conpkte M possiMf. white in their detivety they
showed that plants contained atbamett, and ex. were dMngui~hed by a bdHianoy and ontMrieat
pMned the formation of ether, but bis most Mrvowwbich have never been <urpMsed. Thèse
Important investigations refe)Md to animal sub- !ecturesare pmcticaXyconttttned in hh ~f
stances, the study of which had never been so CoxtaKMWMCAym~M. t8ot, tï vot& S*,which
systematically «ttdertnken p<e*iott<)y.Foufcroy's h thé bestMcouM of thé state of thé tcience M thé
cxtmorditMMYitctMty fmd energywefe )Mt exhMsted time. as his Mticte in thé ~~<
by bis multitudinous reseafchM and his labours is of thé gt~test M)ae for thé h!story ofoxM<«~<w
it m thé
connected with organisation of education from the eighteenth <'entuty.
first ~radeto thehighest. HewMbetidMprotessor MeWMa membet of thé Committee atonff with
of chemistry at the Jardin des Plantes, the Ecole BcrthoHet,Gttyton.Morveau, and t~vohter. which
Polytechnique, and at the Facultyof Medicine.and wm appointed M dmw up thé method of chemicat
he sparcd no painsin MaMnKhMeMwesMctearand notnendature.
Carrère, C<<«f 0«tM~ M~- Poggendor~ jM~~K~ ~a«~-
les ~o~ <a«t~< tyS;. p. M'. (Fourcroy's tc~~wfA. 1863,i. co!.789.
classificationof minemt watera) RoyatSo<:iety's/«<&< ï86C. ii. p. 677.
Fuchs. ~qt~cW~M der ~etw~a /.<<Mt~f, Hoeter, /~<~< <~ Cto~, t86o. ii. p. ;ss.
t8o6~8. pp. Mt, ~o:. 508.0. S4<. Kopp, ~<e ~~tt~e/M~ <~ ~«M& Mtder
Qt~tard. La /'ht<Mf ~t/~attif, t8~ iii. p. t~S. w~wt &<~ ta?!, pp. 6?. M. t~a, 903.9t3, got
Kopp, C<K~~ < atMttt, 1943-47, ). p& 306. 39%400. S'7.
9~4-3~0,«Aw<M. ~~A'<tN)«M« &MW~A~«< A< &<< ~<Mt.
Ërscb & Gruber. ~/&MM~)M.a~~M~'f.
dvii. pp. 89 9. (by F. W. Theik). ~48, M~ 4&ne Série, t~, iii. P. y~ (long !bt of his
~M!f/-aA4M M<Mef< 18~6, xiv. p. ot. HM<ef. Gf~ <&f ~if<«. tMt. H. pp.
A~<M/& Bt~a~t't GAA'o&, t8~, xviii. cols. S,,>
338*3~g. 739. tC8t, v. p. ï!:8; and
Cuvtef. ~/<f ~tM'<w~«<t.t86t, i. Seti<s. t~oo. V.p~ toog.
PP. =99'33S. Hirscb. B~~A~t-Ac ~.)- <~ ~M«-<
~~M ~M~, t88s. ii. p. ~tg.
De Sympathia
1 et Antipathia Rerum.
SYMPATHETICUM, 662, p. 650.
t662, 650.
Though bis name is attached to the Dias. and Waspremierphysician of Pope P&utHt., who
cordMm FmcastonMmm' Fracmton) cannot bc atsoappointed him to be physician to the Council
ttgarded as a chemist or phanoacist. Hh &me1 of Trént. TowMdttheendofhistifeheretiredto
tests on his sMHin medidne, whicb gained him his estate in thé neighbourhood of P&dtM–othets
the epithet of thé successM,'and on his genius as say of Verona-where he died of
a Latin poet. Mathematics and astfonoMy were AugaM.t;;3. HewasbttnedtntheChurchofSt. apoplexy, 6
also sabjects of study, and he was one of the Muphemh,at Verona. Astatue with his portrait
prominent men of the most brilliant em in the in bronze was erected t& him at Padua, and
modem history of Kahr. He was bom at Veronaanother mhseqaenOyat Verona.
in 1483. and at his btrth his lips were so nearty He WMtebocks on phitoMphica)subjects, oneon
closed up that it wns necessary to have them astronomy, and poems, which bave t<~Mvedthe
opened by a surgeon. He was an infant ln his hppmva) of ail competent o-iths. His coMected
ntother's arms and escaped anin)NtBdwhea she wasworks were pubtished at Venice, t~s. 4°. His
hitted by Ughtninc. Aher a caMtut éducation by treati~e on SympathyMd and on Con-
hisfather he went to the Universityof Padaa and Mg!o<ts UiMaseappe<tredfirst Antipathy
had a distinmished career, being appointed to give at Lyons. tsso. tmd <ss<, '6*. Venice, ~~46.4".
lectures on Logic at the age of nineteen. He was /t<o pp. 351. i Manh
OoMtta,Patav., t/ïS, wfth portrait from
present ~t various engagements betweenthe French the fadMa bronze.
and Venetian troops, occupied a chair at Friuli,
J. M. Toscanus, //<Mt. ttyS. p. 73. Mefhof,~t~iMA'r. T7t4 ('73~), f. p. to6< (t. vii.
Van der Linden, De .S~M jM~t~t duo. 3< ~)-
t637. p. :Mp. TeMer,Z« J~iM du ~MttttMt&tMM, t~ïs. i.
imperiaiM, A/«M-«)!<~a«t /~tMM-<nM,p. t6$.
t<!40.pp. tg-tS (with portrait). Freind. 7Tt<Hisiory ~7~6, Il. p. 369.
Ghitini, 7~a/n' <<«<M~t /.«?/<<. Venetia, &&M<MX.
t6~. i. p. ita. F<r!ed.Otto Mendten. De M&f,M< j~y~j
x Boissardos.
t~ùi~us,~ F~~e~M
Bfblfotksca C&t&MM~ea.
Cha x6So. «M~t/tt~M ~~M<<M< ~)'M<rf<
t6<o, Mat«M«~Ï<),
Plate Pp. 1. Li 17'1,",°.
MercMin. ZM!<<f«~~«OM/)M,!6M.p. ~SM. MaNet, Hnwtft //&<j<fa/o,P<t~ &<B«dh,tygif,
Freher, 7T~<s~-mn t~~w~H <MN<t'~w~<WM)x, PP' .337*347 (W'h a pottndt.meda)).
t688. MM: pl. S5. Manget, JKt/~AfM&<~«~ ~«MoM,
Conring, /x «attWM~ Artem ~M«-<MM i7M. ii. p. 306.
introductio, t6~. pp. toy, ~M; ïy, 9tt. Stolle, ~«&<ï(/<t~ <&&t«~A<K
A~«t~<MM /MM)M, t7«3, <,p. 9? A, p. t0.. C<~A«<. M3T.pp. ~37-139. M6.7St. So*.
Pope B!ount. C<-<MWt! ~&~t'<MTt<M ~aMo~tM. Niceron, ~<oM<~t, ty~, <viL pp. a6~.9y&
'7' p. S< Zedter, M«~t;«!«M!mt, 173~,iï. coL t<o~.
MMz «~~O! ~<MfM)«&!Ot <~<N<&~<XOMMt <M- Kestner, AMM~~e~ <MMr~t.Z~:[~<M,ty~o,
M/ttt<W«M <~wttM, Vrattsta~a:. ~tï, pp. g.t& P.3<
~~C~7*<M<?-<~MAC/i~V~~G 389
jather, ~)Mf<x~ (&/<Mn<t;t!«~ tyso, ii. Sprengel, Ctff~~ der <4~«~M~, t8a?, Mi.
co).<96. p~
Ktoy,D~~<M«a~ A~~w <&/<t/<~< Ueteimefis, /W~<w<te< ~M/<~e<r o5:At ~Mif.
'7~ P. 367.~77! M.P. z6b. t/w, tSgs, il. p. 380.
Mct~n,t.< GMtttM;HMf)M~At'~e~w, t~t), Libri, //M/<ant des Sciences A~~MtAywf en
v.p.a83. /<
~o/«, t&to, <H.p. too.
MatthiiB, C<'«~o~~tM~<<tfe< CA~Xt. Ench & Gntbe)-,~<M B~6/~<M~, tS~e.
Aj~Mtft,t/~t. P. ~48. Xt
ittvii. p. taofaftiete by F. W. Theife).
fOftat,W~O~ <&/M/CMM <<<« C4<~MFf<, Bayle & Thillaye. ~«ip~~M- /)/<4~<t&,t8ss, i.
ty~o,i. p. ~96: v. p. ~8$. p. 1$&
tMer, ~t&~<<c<t ~e<tt)tt<e,~7y~,1.p. 976. ~f!p'<~M Univerreils, t8~6,
M~~M<<, x856, xiv.
xiv,p e~8~.
A~t~/Ar Bt<o~« CA<<t/<, t8j8,p. xvhi. sCp.
Hatter. ~'Wf~~ .4u'a, t774,t.p. M9.
Câirur p. 4ï8.
Hatter, F<M~~<M~i'~c«M' ~~<F, tyy6, 1. hoggettdorff, 8iogmpkitth-titararrircker
PoggeMdodf, B«~'H!A-<<~a!'w~j' Nand.
p.SM. «<
«~~wfA, t863, i. wt. 786.
HMcMnson, ~Mp~AM~if<~«,179~,i.pp.3~<). Dictionnaire ~0<<!f< <&tScien«s ~M~-
AiMn.C'M<fa< B~n~Af,!8o3, tv. p. t07. M 4&n)eSérie, < iv. p. 1.
Tintboschi, Non" <~<M ~<<nt~<~a /~a/«MM, Haeser, CeMA~M~f~MM~'M, t88t, il. p. tga.
<8M.VU. if. 476,559.644- Billings, /x~Ca~<jsM~ tM<), v. p. tgs: and
pp. 4?s.
Chatmef~7~<C<iM~/&<sM)M&s~B<~M<ny, S'
Sed~ *90<t.v. p. Mta
tSï4, xv. p. ~7. Hinch, JTtM~At'K~'i /.art&')t der Ao-M~tagfM.
~«gyM~t<~~)Mfa&,PM'is, f ~nctMMctte(t8~o' <~
des /<<ft<!f,t8es, ii. p. 420.
9$).iv. p. aM (art!c!eby R. I)esgenettes).
tf\t~t\.o~o~<Jf (AapAHAM VON). C~
Ffanettenberg, Lord of Ludwtgtdorff in the widc ftnd leamed correspondance.but woutdMcept
principality of Oets, a Sileslan noNetoan, was no officesbecausehe thought they woutd lead him
born on his estait. 24 June, t~og. He appears into nMoy <!M. He tubMquentty teturned to
under various pseudonyms: Am~eas Friedtebius. mdwigsdorfritnd died there :< June, t~~
FratteiMUi!de Monte S. FrancMcus Montanus. One of his book*is entitted:
Etysius, and wroteseveraibooks of mystM import 'rrium virorum chymicorum. ttcmtiehAaMtdei
and a )i)c of BOhme.of whom he wasa devoted Fried~bii. D. Rebentrost~ und G. Keilings
follower. He had no tBspwtfor contusion or for CoHettaMM. de Bismutho. das ist etliche Mte
the communion, and ha~ng quarrelled tvith the Chymiœbe t'roce&se. Dnadeo und Letptig.
priests he wcntto Danag. wherehetHMenterMined ~t8. 9".
by the mathematician, HeyeUm. Ha <a~riedon A 'fhere is a copy in the BritMt Museun).
Placcius. ?*~<M ~«.myato~M ~«~«fM. FieMtd, fn)M~ t~M, i. p. 70.
~M~, !7o8,in the section entitted 'DeScriptonbus Brûler, W~-M C~A'fa /<f~a'. t~, !V.
l'seudonymisdetectis Liber.'p. 3~. yo6.
i. pp. 695,/Wt'<<!
Roth.S<!hottt,&Wfc~~ ~m/M. !7:7, pp. 8t, Hatter, ~<AM<Mt/~t<f<B, <y~, ji.
toa. p. 6~9: tyy<),iii. p. <t0t.
Stolle, ~a/<'</«~ ~w ~/o~-M C</<<7. Gmdm. ~<<-1/< Chtmit. tyoS. il. pp.M,
'736, p. 57~ (wrote more systen~tieaiiy than =69: t799, iii. p.
BOhme. but to follow him thé reader must bc a !'uchs, A~~t~ <&ffA<M<~<« M<~a<Nf,
theotogian, mystic. chemist and caMia )). t8o6<8, p. t<)9.
ArnoM, AT/if-~y- ~M<w/t, t~~t. Poggendotff, &<gy<t~~A.MA<'aWjr~ ~<t~.
Th.iii. c. ix. g§t6, t7, t8, t9 (Ton), ii. p. ~to); tt~<M<-A. tMg, i. col. 789.
Tt). iv. n. xificii.§ 7S(ton), ii. p. oo~). Ladmgue, &Mto~K<' &MW<
Vop. C<t/«/<~j ~M~fN.CnVtfM ~w~Nt &'fn' t870. Nos. a (1),
(t), 17.
ty. 54,78,
~), ?8, 108"4.
toSa~t. 1708.
A'<«'~M, ty~, p. 284. 1796.
tacher. ~M<«<-j C~<fa-<a-~M, t~o. ii. ~mw~w/~K<M4<'&<!?/a~«'. t878, vii. p. M3.
cot. 722. Kopp, /?M~~<-M<f, t&6. il. p. 397.
Prœtectiones Chymicte, in quibus omnes (ère Operationes Chymicœ ad vern
Principia et ipsius Natune L~es rediguntur, Oxonii habita, Johanne
Freind, M.D. ~Ed. Christ. Alumn. Amstetodami, Apud Janssonio-
Wœsbet~ios,M DCC X.
8*. Pp.
8*. Titkredandbhck
[t6] 93 [3 pp. ndvertisentente Titk
Pp.[t6]93[3pp.a<tver0sementt]. red and bhck
Freind ~ns bon) at Crougittoa, or Croton, in thenes on the Crown, and Ovid's ~Mf~oM~ht~.
Northamptonshire in t6?s. wasedatated at West. Subsequently he devoted himsetf to Medicine,
minster school,and in 1691 wentto ChristChurch, MmmunicaMdseverat papers to the Roya)Society.
Oxford, and sHK)!cdunder Aldrich. At first he took the degree of Bachdor «f Medicine in 1703,
wns distin~ished as a classical scholar and he and published his book ~~MMe~a, whidt bas
cdited /Eschines against Ctesiphon and Demos. been considered a remarkable exposition from the
~wa~avt. C~y~w~
iatM-fnathematM or meehanieat point of view. the f~A'f~M an appendix. Besides the above
t n t~o~hewas appointed to theChair of Chemistry, of Amsterdam, t?to, there is another, tyi8, M*,
and delivered lectures thereon in thé Ashmotean and Paris, tyty, 4°, ty~~ The EngMth ttuaslation
Muséum, and in tyo; went as army physician to bas the fottowingtitle:
Spaia with the Eari of Peterborough. Afterwards Chymicat Lectures: in which almost at) the
he proceeded to Rome where he met Bag)M, <he Opemtions ofChymistry are redneed to their True
expounder of the above-mentionedmedical theory. Principles, and the Laws of Nature. Read in the
On his return he wrotea vindication of thé Earts Muséum M Oxford, 1704. Byjohn Freind. M.D.
conduct. printed at London in t7f6, 1707,and in Studentof Chrfst-Church,and Ptofessor ofCbymb.
[709 Mpearcd bis Lectare~ on Chemistry, whfch try. EngtMxtt by J. M. To which is added an
werecnticised by the Leipzigjournalists. to whom Appendix, contttinin~ the Account given of this
he replled severely. tn t~tt he WMin practice tn book in thé LipsickActs,together with the Author't
London and betame physician of George was Remarks thercon. London, printed by Phitip
etected FeUowof the Royat Societyin t?t9. and of Gwillim,for JonahBowyerat thé Rose in Lud~ate.
thé Royal College of Physicians in t~t6. ta t~M street, ~7~9. pp. M M"'
he was sent to Fariiamcnt by Lnunceston, and in Another éditions mentiooed: London, 1790,8*.
ooMeq~~enceof thé vigour with whichhe cxpre~scd with thé ~MM~~<t. The lectures (or mthe)-
his viewstMttantogcwas taken of thé ~uapendox of the hypothesh of attraction advaMeed ln then))
the- Mabeas Corpus Act and he was sent to thc were cntioised by Le Mort, and t~rcind's fepty was
Tower, t; Mat~ch,t/ag. !n June he found security, publisbed in the ~t/<a~«K:/ yntMMf/tCM, No.
and ln Novembe)-was tibetated. Df. Mead to Ms 33t. pp. 3:0-349, for july, August. and September.
credit was his cautioner, though they were not on tyti, and repnnted in the t/ta edition.
Mendty tenn< Uunng his imprisoument ho wrote The ~!<M~ /*AytMtn two volumes appeared
a work on thé StnaX-pox addressed to Mead, and at London, ). tyat, ii. tM6, 8*; tys' a Latin
sketched thé plan of his history of Medicine. This translation by t. Wigan,London, ~34; a Freach
work established his reputation. and in 1797when ttMs!ation by Stephen Pomet, London, i?! 4°.
George Il. came to the throne he appointed Freind It is a ctasiica) work and is still of ~uthority.
to be physician to the Queen. He held this office e!peciatty for théGreek medicine, for whiehhisearly
however onty for a fewnmaths as he died e6 July. tminin~ tn Greekstoodhim in good stef)d. It also
t7z8, universnlly regretted. He was buried at was keenty criticiMd by Le Cterc, and a consider-
Hiteham, in BacMnghamsMre,and his widowand able controversy arose over it, though the author
son were ta)<enin chargeby the King. himsetftooh no part in it.
The /t~/K'/«t <ono)? appeared in 1709, His collected works io Latin were edited bv
and the second editioo. London, tya6, 8°, pp. ~6] John Wigan. London, 1733,M. Venice, ~33. 4<
t77 [t btank, 3 book advertisements, t Mank], with Paris, 1735, 4°.
De Unguento Armario.
~– ~t~t~v~
OttM~<~tfm~<~VM~ tUO ~<~p. <~vy.
)662, <5o9.
Thero are two persoM of this name. doctors of Van der LMen. Thé above tract is
medicine. One, born a( Perlebergin the Priegnit~ from hi! A~f~Mt' reprinted
Fnmcof. !6t6.
tSS?. studied at Frankfurt en thé Oder, Oottittgen. MerdtUt), by Mme confusion. bas
Vtenna, Mtd Bttset, gmduatedM t~d<M, and wrote thé crédit of ArnoMFreitaK, ot' Emmerie)<, phtc<~ it to
a work on the An<uogybetweenthe Macro. and tS&t. &Mn tsSp Professof of Medicineat bHelm. om in
MwocMm. He died in t6M(t66y) at Ratisbon. stadt, wtM resigned thé poa, howe<er.and wrote
Theother. born at NiederwMetit) the duchyot some méditât Mxt feUgtotMbooto. KeMaet hM
<-te<e,30 Oc<. ts8t, studied at HdmstMt. was this mbtafte by ptaciat! it under Amoid
Professer of Medicine, phyoeitmM the BMMpof Mpeated not tneotiomne'it ttnder)o<Man at ail.
Osntbractt, finally went to Groningen on ttceouot Ftett~gMMt
KMtMt h eopied by Jochtr, but ifth<~ had att
of his religion,wasappointed Professerof Medicine, coMa!ted thé ?~M~<t< for thewsehes wouM
pmttised and died, S Feb. t&tt. lie was op hâve Men that thé aathor's name WM they and
to the doctrines of PaMeett<is, and emnmedia a thé source thé A~-A /M'< Amoid Joannes.
conlroversy with Sennenus about them, aad wrote !a t6t4. FteitM died
a number of wortM on Medicineennmerated by
Van der JLinden, Ce &n~< t!K'<Mc<t ??< HttHer,~WcM<'m /Hi'<<MM<c ~~<'< ir~Ty,ii.
t637,p.a?o. p. tS~-
Metddit), /.M<A'a<~ WMM<M, t6S6, p. ~3 (for Chatmers. ?~ OM< F~t<~«/ ~<-<«)aa~
JoMnex), p. 89 (for Arnoldus). t8i~. xv. p. ïtS.
Freher, 7<tM~t<MfttWMo«)T«&<m<f/<t)Wft<itt, ~<!Fr<)A«-A~MA-. Pari% Panckouotte (t82o.
'CM. p. 1371, portrait. p). p. tgSj. portmit, a;).:y.p.s67.
p!. 6~, ~J Deteitaeris. /Kc<t<wt<ta<« A~<< /a
Bttyte. ~<K'MMf AM<~w< tMo, iv. pp. t~w. ta~, I!. ii. p. 397.
t9M (Art. SBNMKttT). et
)<ay)e Thitiaye, ~<<t~< .MM~A', t8~ i.
Manget, FW«7/~<! .S~<MWM ~~(~-«Nt.
t73t, 1.ii. p. 3~6. ~«~y~& MM~M~, ï8~6, xy. p. 183.
Stotte. /?<?& der<~<a
««- /?M-/«MMW ~<t~&«< <~ &teH~ jM~ft.
G«ttA~t<, tygt. p. ayu. SeHe. j[M% vi. p. ~8.
Kestner, A&<<tet<!t'~<<t <!</<t~<at. !7.)o, ca~, 4eme
BMin~, /«<<e)-.C<t~/< 1884. v. p. t86: and
p.3<6. Stues, t~oo, p. t07t.
toeher, ~~oMtXM
Alig,.i.. C<&MBt-K-o)t, M<;& i7So, j).
iL Hirsch. ~«j~t~wAM ~)t'~<Mt <~ A<~or<-e-
co!. ~iM<<<w ~f: tS8~,ii. p. ~g<t.
Matthiee,Catt~~M~'M/o~tt-ntM CA~<t~
~~M. t76t, p. 505.
The Art of Distilladon Or, a Treatiseof the choicest Spagyrical
Expérimenta, and Curiosities, performed by way of Distillation. Together
with the description of the choicest Furnaces and Vessels used
by Ancient
and Modern Chymists. And the Anatomy of Gold and Silver with the
chiefest Preparations and Curiosities thereof, together with their Vertues.
In Six Books. By John French Dr. in Physick. To which is added in
this Fourth Impression. Sublimationand Calcination In Two Books. As
also, The London-DistiHerexact!y and truly shewing the way (in words
at length, and not in mysterious Characters and Figures) to draw a!t sorts
of Spirits and Strong-Waters, Togetherwith their Virtues, and other Excellent
Waters. London: Printed by E. Cotes for T. Williams at the Bible in
Little-Britain, 1667.
4*. Pp.[t6]aso. Contents M. Woodcabinthetext.
TTtt /~n<&M.fM~- bas separate
paginationandthe following
The London-DMHe)-. exacttyMd t ruly
shewingtheway(inwordsat length,and
not in mysteriousChmtctetsand Figures) to dmwal1sortsof Spiritsand Strong-
Waters:t~wh.chb added theirVert~ withAdditions exoellentWM~.
London,Printedbyb. Cotes,forThomas many
Britain,ï66y. Wittiams, Signofthé BibleInLittle-
< Pp. H 43 M. Woodcut in the text.
[Another Copy.]
~~C~–M/A~ 303
Ein Freund, deme die W&hrheitbewust ist
294 M'~M~KC'~<7
Ein Freund der edlen Chymie und Metallurgie am
grttnen Hartze.
A'«'CON-ETEUSSENSUS ChymicorumDe Rustici Minoris PartieMtan,!7tS.
Set EtNFÂLNGER iedochdeutlicher Unterricht von der Luna Compacta,
Ein Freund und Untersucher der NatQrUchenund Hermetischen Wahrheiten.
See UNVORStCHTto (Die) vertohme PMtosophischeBne~Tasche, t73&
FREUNDLICHES SEND.SCHREIBEN, eines Adepti scientie & artis
Hennedcœ, an die so genannteDuumviros Hermeticos Fœdera.tos, anlangende
Deroselben Schrift'l:eRt
vor einigen Monaten aus Engelland nach Franckfurt
gesendet. Weifsenfels,zu finden bey Joh. BniMen, F. S. Hoff- und August.
Buehdr. lm Jahr Chdsti ~84.
M'. Pp.4:t[6bhnk].
Ste ROLFINCK (GUERNBR), Dissertatio de Tartaro, 1660, 1679.
(Another Copy.]]
Both theM worksare in the OawoffC&tatoe' wish of thé admiriog editor of the /A~M~<<<<~«
and Kopp quotes Licht des Lichtes but 1 hâve A. & C. (iv. p. 75):–0 gëtttich weiser Bruder.
not seen them elsewhere, and have not found any dein Zengats Meibebisans Ende der Zeit tmS~en
notice of the author. There is onty the fefveMt The authcr's name appears atso as Fteydau.
L<tdKtpM,/?~/M/O~t<&<«<W& Kopp, /)~ti~<aH', t8<t6,Ii. p. 389.
t870, Nos. t3~.s.
A. B.C., t779, iv. p. ?j;.
Fuchs, bom at tena. ao Aogt. tTCo.was son of Gftmher, and Po~gendorif. tn connection with
Georg August Fucbs, Phi). and D. He was thé history of chenusuy, however, be eompited two
apothecary at Bitrget, near Jena, tTS? was worhsttinofuseandvaJue: ~ff«'A<M«!f6Mt<
privat docent !n the medical faculty, and tySg ytc~/t&fC~<«<«~«tZt~/ct~~f und t~~fZ~tt~f~a,
exttwordiaa<yprofesser of medicineet Jena, and Attenbttg, tySs, 6° and ~f<~y/or<«Mder ~<m<.
afterwards superintendent of the Mytum. He died j~a M/~< tw/<49-1f. C~. C~K~ M tSo~<a
M Augt. t8t3, at BCrget. He made numerous oMtt~. <?~tM<~<!)y <?< Jena, 1806-teta,
dtemica) investigations. puMhbed separatety, 9Bde.
mostiyatjena. AMstoftheseisgivenbyMeusM,
Meusel, ~u ~f&< 7~«&eMt«~,~y ~<*«'<'M Gtnther, jMM~<t /~&~wit <&~M<<-
~&<t ?h<&f~~ &A~M'/& t/ao, il. M~t<~y~M t~s8 ~s8, JeMt, t8s8, p. t~3.
P- y58· ,&& J Poggendor~ /)M~Mtit.t~~t~Mf<<:t ~t«~.
Gmetin, <&<f~M<'der Ci~m~, ty~o. ii' pp. a<&«< tM~. i. co). 8t.t.
S40-M" 67'. &M. T~&MMMtM ~«tt~~M~«e <<M~<M/MM<~<.
<'aA' 46meS<c, t88o, vi. p. ~48.
Theoria brevis de Lapide PMtosophico.
MOULUS (BENEDtCTUS), ThesaunneHa, t682, p. 300.
FÜNF Curieuse Chymische Tractâttein, in welchen die atterdeuttichsten
Ausdrücke derer, so jemals, ats wahrhaafHge Kunstbesitzer, von dem so
sehr beruffenen Stein der Weisen geschrieben haben, anzutreSen sind.
Nebst einer Vorerinnerung von J. W. Frankfurt und Leipzig, bey
Johann Georg Efslinger. 1767.
8°. Frontispiece,
title,and introdMctory
The Svetrtt<:M
t Hcuvc tractshaveeacha
nitYeeaon a mte-page
tttte-Mge aoS tepamtesignaturesand r-t.
M Mtows
are as
They Mtows
J. R. V., GMdene Rose. pp. 88. Joannes Mdenctts Hetwttus, ViMtM AuMM,
AttonymusvonSchwarttfuM,Brunoea der Weifs. p~(induding the ftontbptece), [t.tgl ~-80.
heit und ErctctnnMifs der Natur, pp. 47 (including See under thèse nimtes t'eMectMy. Thé first
thé ffontispiece),[t btftntti three tract!!we[e issued together in t7c6 in DttEV
DM Blut der Natur, pp. (induding the CUKtEMECMVMtSCHZ TttACTXTt.Nt)~). Thé
frontispieco),[! Maak]. tirontiapieceis the same ln both tûMectionswith
~OMMsda Monte Raphaim. Vorbotheder modificationsns to deMtb.
Mofgen-Rothe, pp. (incladiag the ffoMtbpiece).
FÜNFZIG von versch!edener Art, ganz neu erfundene und bewahrte Kunst-
G. (C.).
G. (F. A).
Das Phitosophische Auge in der Chymie, den so tange von den allermeisten
in Blindheit des Verstandes vergeblich gesuchten Lapidem PMtosophoront
oder Stein der Weisen zu sehen, und so viel leichter zu finden, der Richt-
schnur der Vernunft gemâfs, mit Zurathezielang und Gegeneinanderhaltung
der bewâhrtesten, von dieser Sache in Druck ausgegangenen Philosophischen
Schriften,zur vernünftigenPrüfung und treuhertzigen Warnung, bey m<Msigen
Stunden gescharHet von F. A. G. Jena zu finden bey Theodor Wilh.
Ernst Guth. ty~ï.
r- Pp
8'. '.M?'.72-
The name of the author et this ttact is not impoMMSwho claim to posscss or to be able to
ntCMioaed. F!ctutd (/~<<M. tym, Th. ii. MMe ttte phUosophets*stone.
p. 3=) critMsMhim seve~etyM beingtottower of The bock is iust mentioned by Kopp (/)«-
that 'Mch.Mphbt' t'hi)atetha. The boott. how. ~/<A<M~,t886. ti. 38:) and by Ladraxue (~
ever, mattes but passing attustoo to that pMsoo, /«'<M!'«e 0«M< &&<M~ <S~~<'t. ttho. No.
and the most importaot chapter b that in wbicb t46<).
the author gives a datsification of the cheats and
[Another Copy.]
[Another Copy.]
G (L.).
La Lumière tirée du Cahos, ou Science Hermétique du Gtand-Œuvre
Philosophiquedévoilé. Par Mr. L. G* AArnsterdam. M.DCC.LXXXIV.
'4'. PF*39t'J.
~t". Pp.'39t'].
For the occurrence of the word CAtat with an forgotten that the titte of Baron Chaos was eon.
alchemicnt signifieMee see Kopp, Dit ~4&A<'M~, femsdon Rfchthausen, an alchemist (Bayer. 04<i<Me
i8S6, ii. p. 3~, and forworks in thé tttte ofwhich w~ ~&*f«Me~f M<&<v)'te&. ~«m &m<!)M«&)t
the word oceurs, p. g$t. Nor thouM it be /<tM.MM~, 1883.p. 36).
G. M. B. D. S.
~C RAMX CHÏMt~, t6So.
G. (P. M.).
-Sa: HOLLANDUs (JOHANN tSAAc), Opera, r6oo.
s~ <7~~A'W–<j~4Z.Z~
L'Antidotario di Claudio Gateno Pergameno Interpretato da Michelangelo
Angelico Vicentino. Nel quale si contengono i due Libri de gti Antidoti,
quello deUa Theriaca à Pan6!i<mo,il Trattato d'essa à Pisone, & il Discorso
de' Sali Theriacali. Con l'Indice delle Cose piu notabili. In Vicenza,
Appresso Domenico Amadio. M DC XIII. Con licenza de' Superiori.
8'. !'p.M~(tt
t'p. M x3xtt NMk,M,9 MMkJ.
Galen '.o"attention tos".
paid special materia medtca Thé of Gaten thé
position M greatest physician
and pharmscy, and wrote the présent and some of dastieat aMiqutty atter Hippocrates and the
other works on the subject. He must not, how- most Mue<ttiat during the Mtddte Ages, is so
ewer, be hdd responsible Mr the comptieated pre- unquestioned. and his system formaso distinctivea
scriptions whichwere in vogue taoo or 1~00years part ot the history of medicine that it b hardly
tater. and which led to the controverniesbetween to référencesto the Hteratore.
the so-ca))edGalenic physicittMand the futvoeates neeessaty give
of chemicalor spagync' nanedies.
CMMHMus.<~e /~tM<~M A&<<«;<«M,t6<7, Porta). /M'M' de <*<<<M<f)MM et de CA'n<
p. tM. ty?o. t. pp.76-93: v. ~.sSa, &c.. &c.
VM der Lin<ten, ~~M ~i- daw, H~)ter. ~MMM<'<<t ~Max~a, t~t, i. pp. tn.
t63y, pp. tM.Mt. tao.
Renatus Charterius, 'Vita,' preaxed tohis édition HMtet, &~<o«<t~ ~«o<Mw~t, t774, i. p. tb;
of Gaten's Worits,fMit, ~63$. t ii. pp n6-72o.
MetcMin, /.txd!e<t~ ~'«wo~tH, t68$, pp. t<3. ~uller, H&tter,jStM~ft~M
Bi lio~a CA<~ty~.
Cbirur,fica, t;~4,
x~q., i. p.85.
ï..p. !$.
Saxtut, 0)t<wMf//fo/< /</<ttt~tMNt,!77$. i. P.317.
Conrieg. In <~<M~m<!< ~~M /Mf<<K<!))t HaMet, ~t<~t~t A~<Nf<xjB ~n!<«'<z, t~,
/«<Mt<ee/«',tMy, p. 48. &c.. &c. i. pp. M9.Z73: )(777, il. p. 43~ (thé présent
Fabricius, ~/«Mi4m'a Oneot, t7o8, iii. pp. '?9. Itntian work).
S90(~!t<«)« CA~&«<H, by fh. Labbe). ~if-a~Mt ~M<MMa<f, Paris, PandMuette (t8M.
Pope-Btount, C!'«t«M CeM~'orM~ ~«~on~ ~). iv. pp. y~-3~<. article by A. L.. Marquis.
Genev. 1710,p. t63. Sptenget, Ce~«~A' der /<~)M~<t< te*), ii.
BaKhusen, De ~i'<fMM<eorigine et ~pww pp. igs-tyô.
~Mf<f<ft«<'<t<i,tTtg, pp. a~&~ô. Dezeimeris.~Mf/<~MMat~ AM<M~M<<ett
Freind, 7'~ ~nAw-)'of /'A~ot c~. '83<, Ii. pp. 43<t-47<.
C<t&tt<e ~tMMo~ ~MfA~~<!4 CM/«<y, Bayte & Thithyc, B&g~~ ~~tf~, ~5. i.
i7as-a6, /att<a!. pp. 11-'{9-
Le Ctere, ~~<~ de /<!AM&fOM,t~so. p.660. PMhppe & LtMiwtg.
pPP&i14pe Ludwig, C<M~<-A<e
Gsstkichte dcr ~th!
Manget, JKM«M~Mt&«M ~<&<M«t. laSS.
<73'. 1. PP.3i<-4~g. (MMget has reprinted thé PP·W.37~·~tM~
Datetabet~, dkt &~«t ~MM/M,
long tifeof Ga)enby Renatus Charterius.)1 ~670,i. p. 9C7,&c., &c.
StoMe,~/«/<w~ sur ~M~f~ der ~Ma~eMM~t Hiteser, CMcAM~ der 3/<&<«, tSy~, pp.
<<«/, t73t, pp. 85~0, &c. 347-3~. etc.
Stolle, ~/«'/«~ sur ~M~n< der <!</<!A)'A<t<, FiRUter. <<M.~MM<t </&<t (de /'<<«/<-
'736, pp. 380~0. S57-58. ye~), t877, p. 366.
Kestner, ~~&«tMf~<t ~e&f~ttM, t740, ~<f~<it<n' ~«~<<M <&f&<«<x~ tM<&f<.
p. 397. U TV. <1.' m~, t88o~4&meSérie Vi.p. ~oo.
ChaufepM. ~<MW«t« ZM«<ena«tM' AMAM'~M, BiUings,/«&.f.C!tAt/t;s!M,t89~, v. p. <49; and
8. Séries, t~ot. vi. p. t~.
Jfacher,/<t««t<Mt C<&A~<s.~<~ea, t?~ !). Hinch. ~<~<Mf<f~ Lerikon <~ <<neyr<
eot. 839. ~M<A'o~y~ t8s~. ii. p. ~w.
~MtM ~«~« ~<~<. ed. Haller,
Boerha&ve. ~7/<'<7fM~<t sur Ce~Mt~ <&f ~!f</«~«a~
t~St.~MMXh ft! A~/«nf<Mt<MtA<i'«t,!pM, i. p 3 (note on
Etoy, ~3~tm!<t<M~~&)~«<
kittoriqae <&
ds ~t
la ~&&t«K',
Mldaixe, Gtden's name by Wm. CrBncn).
'75!. 3So '778. ii. a~
Reise nach der E!nôde St. Michael.
MM~- MEHUN (JOHANN VON), S Spiegel der Alchymie, 77!, p. 33.
See THEORET!SCH und praktischer Wegweiser zur hShern Chemie, !?73, p. t3!.
Friedrich Gallus describes how (inding aeci. said he was bom in t46e, which made M<nnt the
dentatty a tract by Pamech-us in a chapet m thé time of Ga!)us' vMit140 years of age. He diedi))
'rhuringian forest he ~'as led M wisita hermit who ï6oo.
dwelt in the solitude of St. Michael.'who claimed Whether this is a eafrative ofan actual event. an
ftinship with the noble <~mi)yof Traatntnnnsdoff, aMegoty, or a mere romance, it is di<Bcuttto say.
and who was a master of the deepest philosophy. There is noindicationas M the author.
He showed Gallus thé pbttosopher'sstone, and
Roth~chottz. ~W~~M CA<M<M. KM, n es. Ladrague, Biélio»èqw Ouvarof, &kn«,
Flctuld, /< t7M. Th. i. p. 85. LitdjMf~ue,
& tSyo,
~WM~~MNo!. ttN.ttt~. OMW~
Schmietter, C<«-~ < ~&jt<M~. tSM, p. Kopp, D<'<~< t886, p. Mt.
GANTZE (Der) Kern der AI-Chymie, das ist Eine Efteachtung der schwartzen
Finstemis dem Mercurio philosophorum der atten Weisen, den rechten
Glantz zu geben. Nach einem attcn Exemplar so im Jahr t$8o. in
Strafsburg von Johann Faust gedruckt, nun aber denen Liebhabern der
edlen Chymie zum Besten, ohne Versetzung eines eintzigen Buchstaben, aufs
neue wieder aufgelegt. Hamburg, ~48.
S". Pp. t6 [3, i Nan)<]. Etched vignette of an eagle, by Fetter of Jena.
This tract !s in venie. It is a reprint with some modificationsof the "AMTE
DZUTSCHB RS)MEN,de prima Materia des Steins der Weisen." ~.f., and begins-
after some ptdtminaty ve)~eï–"Eine treue Lehr wiUich dir geben."
Gebri Arabis. Chim:cse cum Correctione, et Medulla G Horni. M. d. Nor.
Lugduni Batavorum Apud Arnoldum Doude. 1668.
This )sfollowed by a Ny.titte
Oebri Ambb Chimie sive Tntditio summœ PeWectioniset)n<t!g!ttio Magisteni
tnoutnetis Mois emendata. à CMpate Hornio Medico Reip. MonhcfgONb. Aeeessit
ejtMden<Medulla Atchimia: Gebncœ. Omnia Edita à Georgio Horn!o.
M* Pp. [t~, t btank] (for a~) [i b!an~. Eoentt'ed titte, coMisting of a
Mackman wM it shie)d,hetmet, and hnce, from which BotH a pennon thé
ttfst tine. Behiod the Cgate Ma pa!mtree, at thé fbot of whichcrouchesbeanng
a tiger or
)eopMd. At the botton) is the impHaL
Gebri, Regis Arabum, PhUosophiPetspicacissim),Summa perfectionisMagisterii
in sua natura, Ex BtNtOthecseVaticanas Exemplariundecunq; emendatissimo
edita, Cum vem genu!na~; delineatione Vasofum& Fornacum. Deni<};libri
Investigationis Magisterii & Testamenti ejusdem Gebri, ac Aurei Trium
Verborum UbeUt, & Avicennœ, Summi Medici & acutissimi PhUosophi,
Mineraliumadditione Castigattsstma. Gedani,Apud Brunonem Laurentium
Tancken. Anno M DC LXXXII.
8°. Pp.[9~.t Mank.eugraved titleinctuded]
~6(sltouldbe i!?:, becatMt
have beendfopped inpuging).
droppedin ptgmg).9ptates of "ff*
9 ptates of appaMtos.
Besidts the SunwKt Peffectiottis, Liber investi. Authofis
ignoti. Phitosophici Lapidis Sécréta.
gationis and TeettumeaMmof Geber, this volume metaphofMdescrihentis Opuscutum,p. )t6t.
contains: Mer!in)Attegonn, protUadiMimutnphilosophici
Liber Trium Verborum KattMacatMmi. p. 93~. idis AttMum pet~ctë continens, p. a6$.
AviceM& De Congelatione et Congiutimttionc RttehaHibi. VeMtdiMti, Rhodiani, et Kanidis
Lamdtmt. p. ~s. PhitoMphontmRegis.Panaram, deMateda PMto-
Atsoeetted AvtcennfBMineralia. Mphici Lapidisacmissitnt cottoquentiam fragmen.
CujusdKmKptstotMqute Alexandri Macedonum mm, p. 970.
Rej*h nomineciMumtertu)-, tntefpnitatio abditam FaustusSaboeusad Lectorem, p. 978.
PhttosophM lapidis, compositionem sapientibus
acatbstme dec)arans, p. 9~.
Geben des Kôniges der Araber, scharffsinnigen Philosophi und wahren Adepti
Curieuse vollstândige Chymische Schriften, worinnen in den vier Büchern
das QuecksUber, Schwefel, Arsenicum, Gold, Silber, Bley, Zinn, Kupfer,
Eisen, &c. Oefen, Instrument, Sublimationen, Descension, Destitt&ttonen,
Calcination,Solution, Coagulation, Fixation, Ceration,Test, Cément, Feurung,
Schmeltzung, &c. ferner deren An~nge, Ptâpaîationen, Essenzen, Salze,
Alaune, Atramente, Salpeter, Salarmoniac, Vitriol Antimonium, Botus,
Cinnober, Glafs, Boras, Essig, &c. abgehandett werden wie auch das
Testament, Güldene Buch der dreyen Wôrter Kallid Rachaidibi, und andere
Chymische Tractâtgen, Summa, die ganze K.unst die unvollkommenen
Metalle, ats Kupfer, Zinn, Btey, Eisen, &c. in VoUkommene, a!s Silber
und Gold zu verwandeln das ist: wie man Silber und Gold machen
soH, enthalten, Attes aus einem uhratten MScpt. genommen, nach dem
vorhandenen Exemplar in der Vaticanischen Bibliothec eingerichtet, mit
gehôngen Figuren und Register versehen, und an Tag gegeben von
Philaletha. Wienn, verlegts Job. Paul Kraufs. t~t.
S*-~P' [~h Frontispieceinchtded) [4, advertisemenulT)t)ered and
bhch. tg woodeuM in thé teM,most of33:
whichare copiesfmmthe eartyfolio
edtMOtMof Geber'sworks.
This éditioncontains the Mtowing works donier. Von dergeheimenComposition des Steines
Gebers Summa, in four bootts,p. t. derWeiscn,p.it37.
Uas Buchder Dreyen WCtterK!tU!dRachaidibi, Eines unbdmnnten Autoris Geheimnifs vont
p. ~36. Stein der Weisen,p. a66.
"d"bi VeradiMt,
dian' Rhodiani
RL_.1'" undd Kanidis
K 'd" Merlini AllegorievomStein der Wei&en,p. a?t.
der vortreatichsten Wdtwei&en des Kôniges in Geber: DasBuchder UntemMhung, p. ayy.
Penien, StOcke von der Materie des Steins der Geber: Testamentoder tettte)' Wit&, p. yo.
Weiseo, p a~S. Avicenna: Tractat wn der Congelation und
SendschteibenAlexandri des K9nige$ der Mace- Conglutinationder Steiac, p. 3~.
Faustus SatxMsan den Léser, p. 330.
Commentant uber Gebers Werke, wodurch aus ihm selbsten wie auch aosvielen
andeten Schriftstellern Materia Proxima Lapidis Univeisatis sowohl a!s aller
Partikutar-Arbetteneiwiesen wird. Wien, 179:.
8*. Pp.[<t7.1
bhnt] 369[i bhu))t].
TheHacMin thb éditionMeidenticatwiththose donier. Vonder geheimeo Composition desSteines
in thééditionof t7<t, end areas Miows der Wclsen,p. ejM.
Geber,Sttnxna,iittour tmotts,p. t. Eines MnbetcantttenAutoris Geheimnifs vom
Da!Buehder dreyenWOnerKaMidRitchaMibi. Stein der Weiteo,p. gM.
p. ~ye. MerUniAttegorievom Stein der Weisen, p. 306.
VemdianLRhodi&ninnd KMtMi). Geber: DM Bmb der UnteMuchang, p. 3~.
StUekevon der Mater d<'sSteins der WeiM-n. Geber: Testamentoder )eMterWitte, p. 336.
p.a86. AvicenM. Tmetat von der Congestion und
Sendschreiben Ate~ndri des Kënigesder Maee- Conglutinationder Steine, p. gS3'
fauttus SabeeMan den Leser. p. 368.
The works afe Ue inventionoveritatis sett petfectionk meM).
De investigationeperfectionis metattomm,p. t. toram, p. M&
Summa per&cttonis metattorum, tive perfeoti De ForMdtmsconMfuentth, p. 9)9.
maghte)~, p. M.
See CRATAROLO(oucuELMO), Verre Atchemiae doctnna, t56t, i. p. na.
The works are Summa )'etfectiom:. stae pertect! magisterii,
tnvestigationc perfectionis metaMorum,p.
t ta.·De p.De «ntatis Biue~~ionis,
ït8.inventhme p. :8¢.
pertectioma, p, i<4.
Liber Fomacum,p. ~M.
Liber investigationis nMgisteni.
See GtMjECËUM CHtM!CUM,t6y9, p. t6~.
See MANGET(j. J.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, t/oz, i. p. 558.
See unddr RICHARDUS ANOucus, Correctonum, t~(. t37: tS96, t t37.
ThbtKtct hentit!ed in the boo)t Des Kaniges des grOsteSeMetmnbeetiHèn, so anef Efdett sein
GebeMautsmspanienBuchderHeytigMtsoer mag: vnd desien sien die Veeetianer hoch
selnem Sohn m !iebvnd nut<!geseMbea, dMinnen tahmen.
The Sum.
Set SALMON(WILLIAM), Mcdicina Practica, t69t, p. 33$.
La Somme de la Perfection.
See mcHEBOURO (j. M. D.), Bibliothèque des Philosophes Chimiques, t740, i.
p. 8$.
MAtfGET (j. J.), Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, !7<M,i. p. ;6z.
Geber Redivivus.
ExercttatMnes perbreves !n Gebri Libms duos Summ~ Pertëctionts.
De Lapidis Physici Condtttombus Liber. Quo Gebri & Raimundi
LuH!i methodica continetur expUcatto. t69s.
Hitherto it has been the custom, not a ntissinç for a long time. The description given
Uttiverst) one, to ideotify Geber withthough
thé Ambiftn ) Hatn is tnerety copied from that in the Hnetti
alchemist Uschnbir. Ben Hayyan. If this be by < (or he répète the mistake in thé date.
correct ait thitt is nceessnry is M produce proof Catalogue,
Me never saw a copy, and the book is passed
of the identity by exhibiting the connectionof their over
< by Copinger,so that neitherhashe corneacross
respectivewritings. Then what is known of the a« copy Mywhere. It is qaoted by Denis, Maittaire,
biot!raphv of the Arabian willof course serve for Ponœr, Brunet, and Graesse -but they give no
that of Geber. The results of investigation so fa.r deMte
< information about it.
have not ted ta any Mtis&ctoryresult, for there The bookis a smaU 4', without place or printer's
are sevend different notices of usch&birwhich do ) name, but printed ln Jtttty. tt h ? Roman letter,
not agrée, and whieh hâve caused HaiMmer-Purg~ et ·, iinM to thé and the betbfe me has
sta)! to stv that his biography is overshadowed by t6 ieaves. Thepage, book has nocopysipMttttres. catch-
considerablecontradiction and obscurity, and have words, or numbers. The colophon,
)ed Steinschneiderto adt hint an atmost mythicat capitals, runs thus printed in
personage. There seems, however, to be no Opus Maximi Phitosophij Ac Régis tadiae Ge)i
reaMn for doubting that he )hed and wrote the beri Foeliciter Hic Compte) tum Eat Ac
atchewic~ treatises enumemted in some Ambic sunt) Anno!esuChri!ti.M.CCCC
book~ of référence. According M the A'</<<t/- j !nwesj UU. NonasAttguMi.)
~M~< (toth century) he was born M Tarsus. Two or thMeof the paMgraphs refer to atchemy,
hved at Damascts and at Kufa. and died A.H. but the bulk of the book consists of secrets bascd
t6o, that is A.D. 776-7~7. Other accounts which on thé 'oceuh' properties of certain substances.
make hima native of Harran and flourishingin the and it ctoseiyresembles the style of the Magie of
third century of the Hegit-a,or an apostate Greek, KM-MMS.' there can be no doubt that this is one
or a native of Spain. have not the attthonty of the of thé very rarest of books.
narrntive in the ~ï~-<f/ which is adopted by The ehemitat whting!! of Geber. with whichthe
Hammer-PurgstaM. preceding bas nothing to do. passed through a
Accordingto nativeaceoxnts he wasa votuminous numberof éditions. Besides those in the pKsent
writer. and did not confine himsetf by any means collectionthere are the following. The first is ln
to alchemy. His writ!ngs on this subject have Roman letter, printed between i~o-t~So M.
been long known by Mss. in AtaMc preserved at saysRome. t~M), withoat number or marktaof any
Leyden and Paris, and probably in other tibMries. kind. tt contaihs K tM, as-a6 tittes to the page.
The contents of thèse MM. however were not h meatied a 4', but the copy before me has the
readily accessiMe until they were pubMshedby original manoscript signatures, and they are in
Bcrthctot in tSog. Rome, pnnted from a the Vatican
As a resuttof his examination of them Berthelot eights Marcellus Siiber, no date, !~$o.ïs~ 'Msnm))
hM corne to the conclusion that the Latin worksof by of which there mère two issues at least
Geber hâve nothing reatty to do with the Atabic ~quate8',
Stmsburg, tp8. ïseo. t53o(?), i~t. alt in folioi
wotks of Dschabir, but that they are considerabty Nuremberf!, t~. 4 (with other works) Venice.
htter. tS~, 8'; Nuremberg, t~. 4* (with other wortts):
1fthis viewbe correct it opens up an entirety new (t56s!?); Batet. ï<79. T'; Strasburg. !sa8. S°
question, forif we know but tittte about Dsehabir. (i&)o,t!t');(i67o?). ThMe are in Latin.
of Geber weknow nothing at ail. except that he Thé German translation prinled in the same
cannot be )ater than the fourteenth century, seeing style, and with the same illustrations as in the
that his name occurs in Mss. of that date. But Latin, Stmsburg. i~ao. tsso, folio; (ts8t?): t&tt,
to his nationality, to his exact date, to the origm of a": Fmnttfurt,t~M. 8" Vienna, tM3. S*.
his name. there is no clue, and a stili more dimcutt Tttere are two tfanstatioM <~ that by
thing to account for is the dearnem of the wrttings Richard Russell, London, to~S, Kngtbb, and with a new
ascribed to him as compared \vith those of bis title-page,t6a6; Satmon's version, t6û9(asabove),
presumed coatemporariesand of many of those in x~
SMceedtngceMunes. TheFrench version was not printed by itself,
~fheeartiest printed work with a date bearing but inthe ~/M<~M<, ï6~, toyS, t~t.
Geber's nameis entitled ~J A~~a~M. There Besidesthèse prtMed éditions hâve met with
was a copy in the PinetM coMeetion,ox~~ severnlM&copies both on paper and vellum, of
M'/t~MtMMM, as it is called. but the date is mis- varions dates, some of them as early as the
printed 'Ut. Nonas Augusti.' A copy Is men. fourteenthcentury. They are ail in Latin, except
tioned in thé catalogue ofthe MuseoBorbonico. one in ttatian. in which language, so &r as 1 om
and there was one in Count Mac-Carthy's sale aware, there is no printed édition. Numbers of
which brought $t fr. There was fbnnerty ont in Mss.are preservedin the tajge )i6raries.
thé Ste GénevièveLibrary at Paris, but it has been
Thevet. lss Vrais /'<w~-<M<f M~ <&<~at. Spachius,A~M<Kf/o~ .S~M~ ~/«&'f<M-Km,
MM <«.~w, t58~. f!3 ~<<–74 f< (The *?'. P.3~
is of a
portrait givenThe personage whoseveryexistence Nfuari, T't-a))!M/<t/<<MM
~/o//tM ~<!gMt'
)S doubtM. biocraphy is equattyreti&Ne.) iS99.P.'39.
CEAM 303
Maier, ~)'MMt~«~<F~i'<Ma~t6t7, pp. eot-907. GmeMa, 6M&~ ~C~xn~, x~, t. p. ts, &c..
Naude, ~<M~/oM&f G~t«~M<to~M &e.
Ma~M~f de ~<~<. t6as, p. 360: HngtMh Hutchlnson, F<'MW~<t ~MM~M.t799, t. p. 349.
tfaudattoa, t6S7, p. t6~. Aikin, C~M~t/F<'<!pw/ 1803. iv. p. 349.
Léo Africanm. ~/M<wZtmftt~ )[6}z,p. M9. BecknMoo. J?M'<~f ew~ <7<M~M&< ~<)f<
Van der Lindeo, ~M~jr ~MM/<'<t A~< duo, <&t~t, ttos, v. pp. 97!, s~S; MngttthtraaOauon,
~637,p. t6o. <8t4, iv. pp. g?}, M'
Conring, De Hmtldiea A/~tctwt, t6~8, pp. 360. Fuchs, ~<~m« <&~ ~w~<~<t ~'«tn~tt)',
37Z.3: 1660.pp. 404, 40$. t8o6.o8,pp. tt.ta.
Bore), BnhoJAsca
i3orei, FM<'<t«aCt~M, t6s4, p. 102.
Clrixtfca, 1654, !oa. Andres, /?</f 0)~M <~ <%xt /~<!Mt~M,
Roma, t8t3, < p. M~.
et MW~<!J f~~«M, t6~ p. <9t. Chalmers, MeÛf~MM/~Kj~tt~O~~M~,
Bordchitt% UWH<</'n~MM CAo~M-Dis. !8t<, XV.p. 366.
~f/ft/tc, t668, p. tso. &o. Krscb &Grabct-,<<<w~<' ~<~<M<~M. t8t9,
Thevet. ~/< //M <7/M~ ~ww Ii. p. 417(article by H&mn)e)-).
AeotMMde leurs ~«~ t6w. i. p. eM, and por. Rees, ?M Q'~AMfM. t8t9, xv. n<t<w<.
t!n(t. (Thh portmit is dt0etent from that in the /~<i!M!<' ~i~aA', Paris, PaMkooctM (tSito.
1584 cduion.) as), iv. p. ~6p.
Romthhx, ~M~/M, ~<!S)'~«'~a~ CAa)t«<M«t Hrande, 'Genem! v!etv of the Progress of
~MX/«t MKf&a/<t. 167~,pp. ~87.~t3, 433. Chemical PhUosophy,'Disaa'tation pMËxedto the
Merchtin. /.M<&«MJ~)'M<w<t/t686. p. ~ty. 'Supptemtnt' to thé ~<~<&a ~'<7<!«~<t.
Rorrichutt, CM~'<:<t<t&f~cn«)t (.«~M, t8!<t, p. 6. (Aftertvardspnnted ln h)!~a<t~a/</
t6Q7.p. t3. No. xvtii. CAeMM/~f. London, t8~t (p. 6), and tS~, i. p. vi.)
HerMot, ~W/o/A~e <7~«&t~, t~. p. 38~. Hain. ~~<W<n &'M.~a~A~M. tSsy, t. ii.
A<w«.~< «&r ?~<f/~A-~ /i<sE/i-w~-P.439. Nos. 7504, *750S.
<<ff&A<t<<t.~M~,t7<M.p. M- t~ornson, Â~ ~M/<~ ~C~m~j', tS~o, i. pp.
Roth-Scholtz.~t'M/~a CAe~tKa,t~y, p. 85. t4. tt6.
/<!<~/.<'«/0/<& /W~~MJ ~~&'<e ~<<'<C. 'On Atehemy and the AtchemiïM,' FrMer's
7 3 p. $7. A/<MMf, tSgt. fiLp. ge?, &C.
Annales T~~Mt/AM, 1733, i. p. 33!.
MaiMMre. Schmieder, <M& der <</c~)M'<,tSy. pp.
Xedtet,M«MM<t/Z~.Mfe«,ty3S, x. col. ~74. 86 g3.
Kestner, ~M<M«~~ C~M~«.)-«~«, t~~o, H&i: Khetfa, ~~<Mt F~M < <
P-33~- c~<M&<«M, ed. Ht~et, t83M8s8, t.-vii.~t~ttw.
Cengtet Dufresnoy, Histoire <&la Mt/o~M UuntM,~o~ ~«<<! /W&M~e <A<<t<~<«,1637,
~r<~<<?M, t?~ i. pp. 74, 464; iii. pp. a6. 33. p. 13; tS/S, p. t4! Rammabbet~'s tmnshtioa.
x64, 170- '83?. P.
K)oy, /3/<'<'<t<!<t~~<'t/<~M de la ~'f&'f!«< Davy, Works, t&)c.iv. p. ? vin. p. gM.
'755' P- 395 '77~' P- 3~°' WtistenMd, C~aiM~ der ~~<XM ~~&
CMin, M/M/t~'t! ~~tp<~<<j~<!«<!~fft/ïW- und A~t/Kt~w~, t8~o,p. tz. No. as.
M~, Matriti. t76o, i. p. 433. Hoe&r, ~tAM~ dl la CA<M«',t8~, i. pp. 309-
Haller, &'<t/«'<'e ~«a/iMMM!,!777, M.p. 740. 3a3 tS66, i. pp. 326.340.
O~f~t <<e&MM~f /'<</<~ éd. FMJMde Saint rbn.KhtHittan, ~t<j~<<-< ~Mc~<M<t~ed. De
t-'ond&Gobet, 1777, pp. 3*8,68; (note on Geber Stttne. Paris, t843. i. p. 300.
nnd thé atchcmists). Kopp, <MW~«'A/< C'Af<aM, 19~3.47,i. pp. ~t-
Wiegteb, ~M/<'w<r~~A< ~M«MM<-A«~~ $6. etc. ii. pp. z4-6, etc. Jii. pp. tyo-ty~. got.
~/cA<Ma&, t777. pp. toe, so6, 368. 303. etc., etc.; iv. pp. t~.ty6, etc., ett.
Baumer. F~/«~<M Chemita, t78z, p. 7~ (calls W. Il. Bhck, ~<w~~«f C<!&~<'
him a native of Sevilleand alludes to the obscurity ~MiMM~tjMt ~«M~~ «X<0 M<)<W~ </
of his wrMngs). O.K/cn~ ~/M~ <4~)~<'&, t&tS, ~ftMf'm.
R. Watson. C4<m«-a/Bssays, 1784.i. p. T7. Htmxner-Pufgsta)), ~<t/«~u~«'~ der
~M sur C)!~«;~ der ~A*~ Chemie,!78s. ~4tio~ t8~, ii. p. 185; iii. p. ~3.
PP. 3S. °9, 484. 575. 576.<8t. 608.6!M.630,67t. Pouchet, ~t/ot'M des .S«'Mf~ Naturelles au
N)co)as Antonio, F<M~<'0! ~<<MM ~~WM~t, t8M, p. t8z.
t7a8, ti. p. 950. Btyte &ThiISye, ~«g~~ ~MC6<t&.tass, i.
Weige), ~M&t/M)!~sur <t/~xMH«MScheide. p. 94-
~«)M~1788, p. t99. PMMfppe & Luttwig, 0~& der
~WM<A<Mf<o~M«a, London, x789,p. Stg, t8<s. PP. 80. ?8. soo. S°', 96t.
No. t378a. Figuier, 2,'<M Il & 1856.
Denis. <<«<«!«M j~hip~A~-o~M &
8111' /cj~<M.
~fm~/MM,t78o, Pat: i). p. <69. A~M<<4~C<M~&, t8~y. xix.col. 789.
A~fAm* t«tYa<i~/<Mf/</<A<'«t&, t78o, pp. BntMt, JMtfHf<< du ~MMt<, iMt, il. col. t~t6
S<~"3. 'M, 246, a53.5S. (copied from Pinelliand Mac-Ciuthy).
Abu 't'feda, ~«Xtt~j ~M~caM, edd. Reishe & Graesse, 7't~f de ~tt~M MtM, <<?:, iii. p. 40
Adler, Copenhagen. t79o, il. p. 93. (from Pinelliand Mac-Carthy).
Metfger. ~~< <'«<'<- ~jj~M/Me&w /.<7<~t~x. Fergason, 'Geber* in ?~ JMc~<~f, t86?, p.
~< <Mt<~e<x, t7oa, p. «t. 7".
WiMteb, G<f<~A/<' H~MM und der LadmgMe,~W&A~<'<?atM'<c«)«'M&<<t,
~<yfK<M<M~n tt der CA<'M<e ~< <<ffd!<t&MM!~ t87o.NM.~<68.
r8~ Nos. 66a.668.
o«/<v< <M/. t793, pp. 89, t33. 207 (bnsed on ~/<M, ed. Ftoege).iS/t.
BMgtnan). Steinschneider, 'Die toxieoJMisehen Schrifien
Panzer. Annales 7)j~v)!~& t7o6, iv. p. to, der Amber bis Ende xii. JahrhHadetts,' in Vir-
No. so (from Maittaire and Pindji) p. t~, No. chow's <<~n' /<?' At/~A~M~ Anatomie wrtd
;t4t t7~8. vi. p. us, No. 783. ~<t«'~{~, !~t, it.p. 364.
304 C~~B~-G~a~&S
7~ ~tf&ff &t~c~<t<~<t,tS~t vi. p. ;59 <a~, 4ème SMe, tMt, vti. p. t<~ (anide by
(«rtMeby Ferguson). L. Lecfen:).
Kopp, BN' t«r CMfiM<~< Ct<Mt< Hh~M~M~~y~MW~-
DrittesStOd:,tSM. pp. t3-5~. (Thisis thofuttest .p'<t<<e<t<4<e«,t88;, ii. p. SM<MtMebyA. mneh).
extftntttccountofGebet.) Kopp. /<~A'AOMM.):886,t. pp.ta, 96,163.205.
LucienLecterc,~M/et« </<~t ~M<f~M~4~t~, 9)6. M} ii. pp. i8t, 9~0,gM;~97. Mo,3~. 347.359'
tS76,1.pp.70-77,303(<brhkdbcip)es). ~<tw< ~</<e<)t<K'<t//'A<<M<~m. éd. WMte.
Figuier, f~f &tfo~ <WMt~(du Moyen tM8. p. 44 (Gebw h not nteatiooed ie thé !8ts
Ag'').t877.p. }0. editton).
~<<)~(t ~M/<t<t~a, t879, x. p. t9~. Borthetot. /w<t<M d /<& A CM<<t«-
(ahMeby Fergttson). <<?~a<wj du ~~Mt < Pah!, 1669,/<w««.
~<<o<r«<!t'M' j~t ~<t'e*<Ctt
~<t<y</<~f.~e< A< BeKhetot, ~tt CA)M~au MyM Tome iii.,
L'AJchiMtieAmbe, !8~3.
[Another Copy.]
CHYMtSCHES Lust-Gitrttein, t747, p. !7.
GEHEIMNISS von dem Leben und Vennehrung aller Dinge, oder: Reine
Wahrheit der Hermetischen Philosophie, nebst dem darzu gehorigen
Hermetischen SchMsset, entworfen von einem Liebhaber der Chymie.
Drefsden und Leipzig, 17~8.
8'. !'p.~o. (2 Mank? wanting.}
FictuMMysthattheauthoft~kesthepMosophers nctuM,/M«-<0«, tM3.Th. ii. p. 67.
literally,M that those worksare sophistical. Ladf!tgte,«'«~O~f<t~;&<MOM~
Fictntdoughtto know1 [870.No.1466.
einiger und Adepten,aus derVertassenschaReines
alten Mannes. Erster Theil. Leipzigbey Christian Gottlob
Hilscher, t78o.
8°. Pp.M t9y[tofboobtntvetthements].
The pMtcsooheK
The P'P!'eK and
and adent<:
adepts whn~ et.M<.M«~
whoseMtreB are A.–.–
here:n toatmned are the fcHomng: Arcanumarcanomm <tr«mnsimam. p. M.
lilustrissimi Principis Americani nomine Ho)d.
Lapis Ph<tosophuntmest Mater matt
M~n attantm, q~tom MM.seititetquœdam s i
t' ?" Sal MaffiM~ cuncta
seMogentm. toa.
Auus eam (n uxorem eanM)~ ad Sextemm ~teta)Mf!)Aunih)thtget)!p.
Mam cothxet. ~net ducat Arcanum. Dieses h<ttder Pater JesoitMum
Fitium. RoMCœ)i & Pin. mit NantenKicoM. besessen. tït.
gueOtoe rernB dmssimum,p. t. Diesen U))tvena).Proce<: p. hat ein sterbender
~tonii Term F. R.C. Proce~M se<MtMimM
de Rep).trath Virtute &in SoNumria Comom CapucinerMment getiebten Confmtri mit Minem
Btut untenehttebeo. sub Sitcmmenta
potentm, p. 47. !)intertMsen
P. t5o.
!6Mtii&LiUenhetm F.R.C. Processus de MRxtMm
Floribus ~Ethefiscaptandis singulatis. p. 58. ptiecipaa MagistmUs qua Sa) Diuinuni
i1foc«ms Anonymi cujusdam de Matera dmo. Mych~tun) acquiritur, <Mius Inuentor Princeps
ttca, P. oa. Philosophus
MarCnt de Dene. eines MayMindtts.aus der sine pariW4 P. 160.
Stadt Y'~ Mystenum de Urina, daraus eine Tinctur tu
und wahren Adepti vener. machen, mit welcher andere
ab))M F.R.C. Pfocessus singularis de Materia Gold ven*Mdehwo-den. p. 173Metallen kSMen in
Chaotica, p. 67.
FRANçots ~& Cbemische
DE), ~uouHin~tc fftMosopnte,
Philosophie, t796.
Gehtw was bom at GOrMt)!.i Nov., tyst. He history, phy<m aad and
GenMn ~eonsideMMe omnber of ûan~ted
MudtM )aw, and took bis doctomte. eh~mi~ty, into
Mve mathe. the very best
maocat tectares M Leipzig University &om t~. wo)1«of the writets on
aad WM aam-wfMd: coMncfttor and asesMrof thèse mbjeets.
the He published a ~f)!jht/~A<f
Superior Court at Leipzig, when! he died, t6 Oct.. Leipt.. 4 vok., 8°, to whichtwo supple.
'7S5. t767~s.
mentary vo)u<ne:were added.
OtringMateiMte he dewted himsetf to natumi
Wotï, ~M C<A~ ~<t<-A)M,Leipzig. tySo. ~M.'t< P<Mi<.paackoucke (l890.
Otto, /hMt der 0~-AtM~.t. SA~~er. v 1. 95). tv. p. 375.
M.p. 409.
P. ô& ~,)t<
MeaMt. ~t- WM /<:Af t?so Mt teoo ,5 iV. tM~.~<jp~W<w.,io~
i. col 867.
<wjA~w~ ~<&M 7~<M&<~i't/< t~ jv. p.
Z4~w«<t<~ <«y<M &t«tfM ~~<.
M~, SMe. tMt, V)!.p. M:.
Bama des Lebena,das ist: GnindHchet Bericht vom
wahrhaMgea Auro
Potabili, wie ingleichen vom Wunderbahren Stein der Weisen,oder Grofsen
Etixtt derer Phitosophen &c. a!s der Hôchsten
AReZney. &c. durch Friedrich
Get&tern, von Freyberg aus Schlesien, Medic.& Chymicum.
Syrach. ii. 8. Du solst nicht urtheilen, ehe du die Sache horest
Erkenne es zuvor, und straSë es dann Lats die Leuthe zuvor
ausreden, &c.
Autf Vertag Veit Jacob Treschers, Buchhandt. in Brefslau.
Jena, druckts
Nisius. t683.
Joh. _J.
8-. FPp.64.
8°. Pp,4
About GeMer t bave foundno morethan whtt !a thetMeofthe ptesent work.theword AReZney
hes)~ on the above, that he was of Ma play onArzeney. and Area is <ned earth
Freyberg in Silesia, and was a physician and from
which the mnttme ~<M<~am &)<ttis obt&tMd.
Besicles wrote: liorrichins thtnks that this red earth is the resldue
<wM t~n~ A~~a ~«.~ M&t/
illo Sapientum ~~<W<~M <Mt)~< <&wm/4. after the distillation of green ~tnc). t~ as
MW/<t~ cotcoOxr. Thb is not unlikely. He
~<P, fa-~f~
t<t~ ~tM~-M- NM~
~M~~ <!<<MM waseajtaged with the substance, since inevidently
the titte
tum ~f. of thé /'<aM<-«t/.<!MMhe quotes the œaiema or
~OM. und y~m~, Jena, tM:t. M~m ~M/.MM got1 trom the initiais of the
BûtfiehhM.C~j~~ ~<n~~at Qt«tt~<~xm from the true, M aMenic from sugar
t6M, o. 4<. No. txv. candy,"etc.,
~)th.Schott& Chemica t7~, p. 88. Gw&M/<
F!cMtd. /<S/<t,t. ~~txt- <f~M~ CA< t~.
t~, Th. iL ~pouM PP· 530, 634.
outMa vjab of vitriol upo,n;:n,t}~
senbNerwho bas written such absurd follies and pp.Gmelln,
30.l',euAfihte der Cbsmie 1798 ii. p. s6
'whint.whaoM Mnothing coatd be more <botish. (quote!a't689edit!o~aëoofthe'abc'
He bas not the smallest notion of the Hermetic 0< M~,
phttMophy, and his Aurum potabile is as dif~reM ~<t, t~ No. tt09.
~<~«, ,8!6. ii. pt. ~8.
J/7 386.
Ghtsmacher-Kunst, t6y8.
GEISTLICHER Diseurs und Bettachtung.
und General Reformation,t~h
GELBEN (Vom) und Rotten Mann, ein Phitosophisches Werck und
~w MBLCHtOREpiscopusBrixiensis.
De NatuKe Divinis Characterismis; seu raris & admimndis
indiciis, proprietatibus rerum in partibus singulisvniuersi, Libri II. Auctore
D. Com. Gemma, Louaniensi, Regio Medicinae
professore. Pecutiarem
d'~MM-~A~M7V<)~ ?9
Specutum utriusq; luminis Gratte et NatuMB,das ist, Spiegel beyder Liechter
NatûrUchen vnd VbematMichen: datinnen, durch hut<f der edten Kunst
Chymise, neben erktarung der Natui vnd Eigenschaftien der 7. Metallen,
so sie zum theil fûr sich selbst, zum theil g~eae!nimder haben.
M.e MiMt~Mtm (THt!OPH!LUS), Heptass ~ucnymtca,
neptas Alchymica,<M),
p. 403.
This tit)e M~ees pmeticatiy with that of the Theauthor styles himselfDoctor of PhMoMphy
onmttu edtttpn of Ktt. as t~en by Murr, to thé aed medicine,and physiciM of the townBenM)ehn
words: "siobeaMetaNen"; thon in thé earlier tntheMMfnate.
edMottitmMthus: "cte.diettntfetwetMte Lehre HaMet ?~)ma/<! /a/w~~<<a. MMpmr.
chrbt). ReUeton ans dent Licht der Natur abge. t6o6, 4, quotes
Mdtt wi~d." And Mmiradds tenomousty Wer CHMf. quite by Samuel GeMteKbMger. !t )& of
verkelmthier den RotenttreuMtMten Uafinn?" pMsiMe that th~e may be t~o
but itis ttho pMsibtethat one or
Roth.SctMtb! quotes the edttioa of Dannstadt. ~~pMpte.
omor M thé nMaet sa a mbadM. thé otiKi)) of
t6tt. 9". as weHas <hb MprintofNeMdet'
NttuMtàp the t6tt edition was published by whMtisobvMMeMugh. WhMtofthetwobthe
conect form t am not ptcpMtd to say. but fn the
S~ professes not to know the Mthon Ppe'c"~ the aame b d!stMcttyG<at<M<)Mwef.
WhBttM)-TMtde Mt thé M. <~m some one eise, t h&veMed to Hhda notice of Mm.
or wrote it MnMe«,Ffctatd doe: not dMeuss but
bis judgment ls that it b MphbtieatrtgmMote."
RotMchottt. F~M CA~ tya?. p. 89. CmeHn.C<tf~MA/<der C~otM, t~. i. p. S6t,
gcMM. tMt Th. 68. note s.
HaUer,~WtC~OM A~&~ jt~ !i. Mun-, M~ tM~M M' der ~jM.
p.3$t. *wo~' und du ~efNMt~w~.t, <8e3,p.M.
UmstândUcheNMhncht von den berühmten Bestuschewschen
oder sogenannten Lamottischen Tropfen.
See ALLGEMEtN nuhiich~nuhiiches chemisch.phystkaiisches
chemisch-pit–j- t.ttun.m;tM,t,
Manchertei, t/e<,
<782, tt. p.
p. j~<.
·r~_ _e.u.
Thé authcr of this Mportwesbon) at Cotbem tu He wrote severalworks eoataining the resuttt.
Pomeranta ta t/~S (Meuse)),or at WachbotïhMenn gMgmphica).
in phyttiMt, anthtopotogicat.etc., of bis
Pomemnia, Dec., to t~. St. He was M ap~e. MatekinRusste. ttMsbtedCMMtedt'sMineMtcgy.
cary atSteadct.weM Petersburg ~.77~ and contributed papers to the Academy of Scienoes
travelled about in Russia at the request nf the
Acadetny of SdentM. was made A~unct of the
saliand its purification,anatysh ofRxMiaacommco
the water of thé
Atademy ht t776. and in tySg member. !n tMQ Neva,examinationof RussiM nMrbtet.examination
hewM made Ra~hm tmpenfJ 'KotteeienMth' of potashe!, on thé transformation
He died at SL Petersbum, butthé date ofMs death eMeedony. and of gypsum into
is ~ve)) Mttioudy: M Noy., writings on économies.
Nov.. tSM; and
~0«., tSoe.otd style.
MeuseLZ)at ~t 7'<Ma', a~. ~.n'~< Reuss,~~wM <~«MtM/<t/
'A'f~~ &<<K<<<t< 7<M</MA<ft (Chemin).
&M. ,706. 1603,pp. 60. oS,&c.. &c.
Pt~8ot.ix.p.4t4. A~tt Acta ~«~«t&B &M~M
Gmettn.Cor~ C~jOM.ty~ iii. pp. lmerialis
~n~/</<M~. tSo6.xv. p. M.
398. &e., etc. Poggendorff, ~M~.
«<!r<S?t~. tMg. col. 8y6.
Alexis. Count of R!umin.Bestushev.was bom at anddied M Apn), ~66 (not in
MMcow in t693. He had been raised to the werestruckln commemoration ~69). Six medah
htxhe:t digmtiM of the empiM. when he was The dn)g desctibed in the present paper was
depnved of them att and e](it<din t7~8. Recatted chtoride 0? iron, though it ~s eaOe? a gold
'4 Ja'Y. t76t. hehad bis ptocerty KstotEd, and MnetUM, and it mademther a
wasK)tMMedinthe<e<!atE. W:thmantye!t~y dtMnbed by teverat ebemtsts.commotion,and was
he carried h<mse!fboth in fortuneand miaortm!~
Gme)!n,C~ <&t-Cto««. tMn, jj,. “. ~00.
Kopp, C«tA~Mc der Ct<~<, IsS.iv. Kiuys)[en!,Z))'t~mMetf<w<At~
p. &«M~ <-<&t du Médailles tOn.
~&~&Mf~, Gand, 18~, i. c.p. ."7
GEORGIUS, Pneceptor.
Kurtzer Bericht von Uhrsprung, Krafït und Bereitung der Rohten ComHen
und fumemlich derer wahrhaB~enTinctur, wie selbe m(isse beschaffën
G~?CA~V-CJS~4~D 3tt
D. Carl Abraham Gerhard, Konigt. Preufs. Ober-Berg-Ober-Rechmmg~ und
Ober-Bau-Raths, der K6nig~ Acad. der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, und der
KayserHcheoAcad. der Naturfotscher MitgHedes,Beitrage zur Chymie und
Geschichtedes Minera!te!chs. Erster TheiL Berlin, t?~. bei Christian
Friedrich Himburg.
$*. fPp.[6)3ç*
P.M 394. optâtes.
Mit~. Kupf'rtatctn. ty?6.
Mit~KupfertaM)). ty?6. Pp.
[~ y)o.
Gerhardwasbornat Lerchenbrunn,near Liegnitz. 'dissertatio' was on thé garnets of Silesia and
in SHesia. t6 M Feh.. tyga. was a doctor of Bohemia (the pyrope), FKmMf. ad V. ty6o. 4*.
Medicine, Md MM to be privy councinor for and theteafter bis principal work tdtUedto min<
finance, war. and crowa huMhin Prussia; tom. a!cgy. on which he paMahed numerous~searchts.
ntissaryforthé adminktrationofmines andsntdthtg But hc also wrote on HtobRy, medidae, botany.
wor)M, in t7M eouncittor for minittg. He was materitt medica, naturat hbtoryand chemfitty, and
etected a member of several learned and scientiBc ttanstated scientifictntve)s.
soeieties. Hedied&tBerUo,9MM<:h,t89<. His
Mefse). ~M ~< 7~ft)MMt<~< ~.t~~a F~p'<« ~/<<«;<tA',Paris, PanctMUcke(t8ao.
<&~~'M ~M:M ?T't</f<<t &</<t/f/ 1796. 95), iv. p. 393.
ii. p. 536: '&"< p.4'6. KtMh M.Gmbor, ~/&~B«<WjB<«y<t/t~M&, )8'
Gm~n, Geu~eickte dtr Chemie, t~,
Gmdin, 6<w~A/«~CA<MM, ü.
xyg8, pp. 474,
~yq, !x. p. 476 (Mtide by H. Daring).
6ot, &c., &c. PoMendorfr. FA!M<A.7<<fn;r/~<.t /)~
Reuss, ~<<r««w C«MJWt/«/~Nm (Chemia). t~MOt, x863,i. col. M~
1803. pp. 7~, '74. !9~ Hirsch. ~<<;s~~M<et ~.f/~< A<n'«va.
f, ~~&, t88s. )i. r.p.
Commentatio perbrevis & perspicua in Apertorium Raimundi Lullii, verorum
PhHosophorum facilè Principis. De Lapide PhHosophorum. Cum adjectâ
Intefptetadone Testamenti Novissimi, Amoldo de Vittâ Nova, attributi.
De eodem Lapide Autore Johanne Gerhardo D. & Medicinse Pmeticae
Professore publico & ordtnano in Academiâ Tubingensi.
Rom. r. Invisibilia Dei, Creatutâ~ Mundi, per ea quae facta sunt,
intellecta, conspiciuntut.
Tubingee Typis Phitiborti Brunnii, Anno M.DC.XLI.
S°. t'p.M96.
Johannis Gerhardi D. Exercitationes perbreves in Gebri Ambis Summi
PhilosophiChemici Libros Duos Summœ Pedectionis Cum Annexa Anatysi
Partis Ptact!cœ Raimundi Lu!ti in Testamento. TuMngaB,Typis Johan.
Alexandri CelJI & Impensis Philiberti BrunnI.
8'. Fp.90t
[Another Copy.]
W&ntsthez blank
The confusionwhich exisu the petson not thé 'Extmctum.' Gmelin <)<totes:t.Conmd
or persons cafted Gerhard is regarding
foundevenin Bore). Gerhard on caJts ~Mx pMftMor M T~bingen,
who was their <=<en')WMy. Under Jonnnes and assigns «M att the precedingworks,both the
Gerhard he puts ~w/iMt CA)'MMt<-t<nt Extractum' and thé others.
j'«'a«M, and under J. Conrad Gerhard (.'M~w~ Fuchs adds to our hnowtedge by cftttmz J.
without anything mott. This is different front ConmdGerhard a doctor of phnosopM,physteian
what appears on thé above titb. to the Count of Hohenlohe, and 'Physicus* <tt
MercMin has two diMinct entries: under t.
Conrad Gerhard are put EïtMctum Oehringen. He keeps the cmnes distinctfront one
q)B6S- another. patting thé Extractum' and Tr. de
Hoaum and Tractatus de Chymiatria,'
Basii. )[63t under J. Gerhard Uecas ChymiMna*under J. Conrad Gerhard and the
quœs. othef four uader Johannes Gerhard. thus simpty
tionum 1643'; 'PaMcea Hermetica.'t~o; MtowittgMercMn.
'CommenMtio. in Apertorium R. La))ii.' 1641 On the other hand, Schmtedtr, copy!ng from
t'.xerdtationes!n Gebri LibtM,' <63!. Gmetin,knowsofj. CoMadChMhMdoMy.catbhim
Roth'Schottz makes the same allotment,with the profestor of medtcine at TOMngen,aed considers
omission altogether of the 'Traetatus de Chy. himthe author of the ~<~a~M)x, and of the Z~<-<M
miMria; Baumer mentions J. GerbardtK only, and A~~<7<< <a C<M<!MO! as wett.
cat'j him medtcat professor al Titbmgen. and
cred)Mh)mwith thé same four writings: 'Decas' « Kopp, however, calls J. Gerhard the Tabingea
Pfo<essorand the author of the &r<~At<«M<r~ in
Panacea,' 'Commentatio'and'Mxercitattones.' but C~n~t. He was fourtimes Rector.
<?D-G~.y~M ~t3
m..fRtmj\ <<W~.
CUNRAO). ~f~«7!!(
~j~tt~fi" w~<
Bore!.~W~M~M C~<M«'«,!6M' PP-M3. <66. MatthhB,CMji~'<N~<«s .t/ff~p~MM~4w«'.
Merchti!).~M!M/M~«wa/«j, tM6, pp. sy, <9.t. /i~M.ty6t,p.~8o.
Motb.Sthott!, ~W~M CA<'m<<-<
t?: p. &). HtHtmer.~/M/A<-f« Ct~MMo.<?). p. 96.
/««~ /<<f /~f<~W<Wf AMM<ft?
J/<«-<< Qtnetin,~«:At'tA/<~<~CA~M/ ty~?, i. p. ~t8.
i7ga, p. 58. FMchs,A~~fM'foM, t<o6)pp. «3. tgs.
W~/< dela /t<7«t<« /f~w/~y«~.
UutresMy, Schmieder.Cfa:At<< t&f ~~<Mtt. ~93:.p. 953.
tM9. M. pp. 67, tyz. Kopp. Dit ~M~<H«-,tS86. ii. p. 330.
Joon Phitosophise Occuttae, sive vera methodus componendi magnum
antiquorum philosophorum lapidem. Auctore Magistro Claudio Germain
Patisino, Doctore Medico Vniversitatis Parisiensis.
Nihil est tam absconditum, quod non aliquando tnani~estumfiat.
Pansiis, Apud Edmundum Couterot, via J~cobψ, ad insigne boni Pastoris.
M.DC.LXXII. CumPriviligio Regis.
8'. Pp.[s9]98[t,tb)an)t].
Icon PhHosophiœOccuttœ, sivevera methodus componendimagnum antiquorum
philosophorum lapidem. Auct. Magistro Claudio Germain Parisino, Doctore
Medico Universitatis Parisiensis.
Nihil est tam absconditum, quod non aliquando manifestum fiat.
Rotterodami, Typis viduse Arnoldi Leers, M.DC.LXXVIII.
M°. Pp.[48]46.
Abbitdung der gehetmen Filosofie.
See SCHRÔDER (F.J. w.), Neue AlchymistischeBibtiothek,~73,1. i. p. 280.
Icon Phitosophiœ occuttœ.
5'~ MANGET (J. J.), BiblietliccaChemica Curiosa,!7o2,ii. p. 84$.
CAfM&«, t6~4.p. 104. Gmelin,C~/c~ derC~e! ~98, M.pp.!9.
Boniehtm.C~j~/M ~f«m Ct<<«M, a46.
K~. p.47. ~<c/A<!«! Schm!eder, C<!«-~< <&<~MM. '83~,p. 4~.
KOM.Schott% Ct<M&<t, tyay, p . $o. LM)fague,AWMM~M<?<(fat~&«WMù<f~M,
LengtetDu&tsnoy. ~M<t de la ~<&~«* tSyo.No.to86.
~~MM~M,ty~, MJ.pp.7;,96,t7z. Kopp./?~ ~/<<M~t8M,U.pp.344.353.
GERVASIUS (Junus), Schwartzburgicus.
See MBtfMUi (JEAN), t<tvr<?8des Secrets de Medecine.
~mtUO Livres
~CAN~, Quatre M.VLC.
Conmd Gesner was born at ZMch in t~t6, in was publisbed at LyotM by Batthfmr Amoattet.
the very poorest ciKUtMtances,studied at Stras- t55$. smaltmentionedin
4" 1557.8°. and abovein ~9, an
burg. BoafSM,and Paris, and on bis retuifoto his edttton not theCatatoguM.
native townhad to take a poorsituationlna school. The !taHantranslation was puMishedat Venice,
He next went to Base), studied medicine,epent tS6ot8*.
three yeMS in L&usaane as CMfesMr of Gteek, Thé EnRUshtr<tM)at!onby fréter Morwyngwas
studied medicine furtho- at MontpeOiet'.took thé ftrst printed by John !)ay at Loeden, t~, m 4*.
d~reeofM.D. in Base!, and wasappointedto the The édition of ïs6< is printed page for paee but
profeMonhip of EthiM and Phytic: ht Z6nth, an not Hnefortine, wifb that of 15~0. An ediMonof
office whichhe he)d for tweaty.tbm-years, at the i<64 is quoted by GtacMn <Ge<<;AM<<, i. p. 34~);
same time pt!tct!s:ng medictoewith sueceM. He but 1 havenot seen il, and it is probablyau error.
died at ZMch; x3 Dec., t~, of the ptague,in his tn D!Min'M<~ T)~. ~a~. iv. p. yt. No. t$~:
49th year. p. t(~. No. t)44 p. t39, No. aot6. éditionsdated
He was a m<u<of the gteMeMeMHMand of tespectitety t~ t~. "SM. aM dMcribed. t
extMordtMry d!Mgence as is obvioas from thé hâve pot seen M edluon of tsys. <mdit is men.
quality aad amount of the work wbich he teft tioned ootyon the sMength of Herbert'snotes.
behind end which procured him the title of the The booh !s interesting as a tMord of the
GemaaHioy. He~w)? bocks on aUbtanchesof Chemistry known by Gesner, thé of gtt&test natur.
Natural History especMty on anhaatt, collections alist, potyhistcrand Mbuogntpher Msti<ne. !<
on sut~tty, minendogy, botaoy. on phiMogy, deats wlthdistiOttttonand is the foKtMaa'ot the
tetU-niM, phitosophy. mediMoe.and the ptesent books of Glauberand French, as it is the successor
work JB<~«M~<M&c~<!t, and he was the &st to of thofe of BniMwitke and Ubtadt. It gives an
compile a univetsat catalogue of boo)a whiehwas account of plants to be dbtiM (withdrawings of
pttb)t$hed in tM5' and went through seferat them), of furnaces and other <tpp!)Mtus,and the
éditions. There M no more notable man in the methods of gettiag the virtues out ot ptants,
history of teaming and of stience in the sixteenth animais, and minerab, and thetr usesin eCëetinf:
centwythaaGesne)'. cures. It evinces considerable tax'wted~e of
fhe first édition of thb famousbook apptafed ptacticat pbannaceuticat cheMistty <n thea pntc-
anonymotNty.or pse<tdonymcusty,or ratherto Ëvony- t!<ed, espedaJtyM tho aMhor ttdmfMhb waot of
mously, at ZaHehin tSS~ unhnown most shi!tio theaK. hcotttains same eingoht)re)tted!es,
of the MNiogmpher% whousuatty quote that oftM4 and somecurionsideas.
as the <t<t. The 6tst édition does not eoatatn tn ïs69t afterGeMttf's death, a second part was
BeMon't met. Subséquentéditions are: LM'd., prioted ai ZfMchby FMMho<~r, in 8*. tt was
AmoaMet, ~5:4: Losd., Vineent. M55: AmMtet, edited byCaspar WoMro]' Wolfius, andno tnyster)'
tSM Venet. ïM6 Logd. t<sa: Ftaneof. t~8: is made mit of Gesner being the author. tt was
Lugd. t6M; M. et a., withFMsehoyef'ttdenee. reprinted at FtancMM, t~8. The Gennantrans.
Brunet mentions an édition. ZMch, ~558. The lation by Naschetef was tiRt pubtbhed at St.
Gennan ttaMtation appeared at Z<trid)in 1535. Gallen, t~3. 4*. The abowedittoa of t6o9 is a
tcBa. t~ t6o9. t~eprini.
The Heneh tMMtatien, by Barthetemy Apeau,
3'6 c~A~
GESPRACHE des Eudox! und Pyrophi! uber den Uratten Ritter Krieg.
See HERMETtSCHE(Per) Triumph, t7o7,p. 57.
See HERMMtSCHtt(Der) Triumph, t76$,p. $7.
GESPRÂCHE (Ein) zwischen dem K&nig Mascos, seiner Schwester Agos und
einem Hermetischen Lehr-Jun~ von dem Stein der Weisen zu femerer
E)'!arung des Chaos und der Arbeit.
FICTULD(HKRMANN~ Chymische Schrifften, t734, p. t99.
-rmssMOS~MUS (SAMMON),Aureum Ve)!us, t598, Tractatus iii. p. Mo.
See TAMCKt:(jOACHtM),Promptuarium Atchemiœ, t6to, Appendix Tomi Primi,
See [scHATZ und Kunstkantmerip. 3$!.
Sel ERÔFFNETEGeheimnisse de$ Steins der Weisen, tyoS, p. ~n.
3'8 6~'?'MMË–G/~M.
Nuova Minera d'oro di NaMOGirolami. Nella quale conviae, & e<Ecacissime
ragioni de' Scntton famosissimisi dimostra, L'Arte Chimica esser veUssieM,
e con la Piera HtosoBeà potersi fat l'Om. Con le risposte à queMic* hanno
scritto contm tal' Arte, & alle obiettioni, che si possono far' aH*Auttore
ilquale à pieno manifesta la grandissima potenza, e gti matautgUosissimi
effetti det vero Lapis Philosophorum, e la natura, todi & eccellenze de gli
Alchimisti. Opera veramente piena di vaga, e beUa dottnna; a i Ï~tton
<MP<?Z~~f/–<?/ 3t9
ditetteuote, & vt!!e & a gti professofi d~t' Arte necessaria, & opportune.
Con Mvitegt.
Virtus Secuntatem Pant.
In Venetia, M.D.LXXXX. Appresso BMezzoBareMi.
Pp.[8])<7t[M.t mwaanp
4. fp~ajxi~M. MM)(~ Vignette.
De Tinctura Autea, sive Medicina fere Umvetsat) ejus Materia PMapamtione,
viribtts, & usu: in motborum ultionem, ad vitam longam. à Gerardo Gise,
PMt. & Med. Doct. Divenorum Principum, Comitumque Archiatro, Diceceas
Monasteriensis Medico, & Consule uttra 25. annos primario Glatis sue
anno 8~. noti6c&ta. Warendorpii,Impressum à Christophoro Nage tyo<t.
Reimpressum Bonnse t~8. à Leonardo Rommerskirchen, Serenissimi
Principis ac Electoris Colon. Typogr. Aulico.
6°. Pp.[6]8o.
Thesecondtractis a OeniMn absuactofthe pMtedtag.
T!aetmaAurea,oderMedMna &tè UniveM~tb: ln )t<ehfenth~Mhwthf~n
darehgemeinen MitteinMMtenvorinctttabet.e~MJttnen ntttzUehM
gebmuehen. Durch GetMdmn Gite. PM).&Mttt.Dect. VMerfQnttich.und
pSMteheaPetsohnenLeib-undLanft- Med!emn, auchabw as' J' aNh!<!)-
)me<~enJahr <eine!Attendeo KnMaten MMnT~Mt
uad sdttMaigefH0)<rpuMHft. tm jtthr t?~ WaMndottf:Getrueht bey
ChtiMoph Nege),1~8. ZuBonngetntehtbey I~ooMdRommeKkifchen. Chafa.
De Tinctura Aurea, sive Medicina (ère Universati ejus Materia Ptsepafattone,
viribus, & usu in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam. à Gerardo Gise.
Phit. & Med. Doct. Divetsorunt Principum, ConcntumqueArchiatro, Dioecesis
Monasteriensis Medico & Consule uttra ~5' annos primario ~Etat!s sure
anno 8~. notificata. Warendorpii,Impressum & Chnatophoro Nagel, ~704.
Reimpressum Bonaae, ï~8. à Leonardo Rommerskirchen, Serenissimi
Principis ac Etectoris Colon. Typogr. Aulico.
tf. Pp.[6]8&
ThiscontalnsontythefirsttMet,not theGennanatsMet.
Novum Laboratorium Medic<~Chynncum. Das ist: Neu-emChete Chymische
Artzney- und Weïck-Schu!,in drey Bûcher abgetheilet; Das erste stellet vor
eine kurtze, doch deutliche, Unterrichtung aller der jenigen Stücke, welche
zu der Grund-Lemung, oder Theorie, dieser edlen WissenschaUt nothwendig
eTfbrdert,und verstanden werdenmùssen. Das zweyte entdecket die ûbuchen
Kunst- und Handgriaë, vermittelst welcher alle n~tMiche CôrpeM, des
Vegetabilischen, Animalischen und Mineratischen Reiches, Feuer-kanstig
bereitet, und in ihr subtilstes Kra~.Wesen gebracht werden; samt bey-
geMgtem Bericht, wie und worzu ein jedes, so wol in der Medicin, ats
Chirurgie, nutzlich gebrauchet werden soU Das dritte begreiSet, in dreyen
unterschiedlichen Abtheilungen, m sich, hundert und neun Chymischeund
geheime, so wol aitgemeine, a!s sonderbare Geoâfs- und Heil-Mittel; Welche
aus den besten und beruhmtesten Authoribus zusammen gelesen, und a!so
erstescaatsin Frantzôsischer Sprache vetabfasset worden durch C. G. Anjetto
aber, wegen seiner sonderbaren Nutzbarkeit, denen Liebhabem dieser Kunst
zu lieb, in das Hoch'Teutsche ubersetzet von Johann Marschalek Austriaco,
Medic. Licentiato & Chymico. Deme beygefügt ein Anhang, handlend
von dem Grund und Erkanntniis der Natur, der Etementen, und aller
etementirten Dinge, wie auch von detsetben Gebâhrung, Ernâhrung, und
ZerstOrung Nürnberg, In Verlegung Michael und Johann Friderich
Endtern, 167y.
8°. Pp.~} 666(r3, r MMkJ. Eagràvedtitle,6 platesor appâtât~ Wants
pp. 46~64.
[Another Copy.]
Wants9 platesofappitmttM.In<erted
isa viewofthehotbathsat BotdteMtda.
[Another Copy.]
Wantsthe ptates.
Christopher Glaser was bom M BMte, came to and exaggemtion of an un&vouMbte jadgmeat
Paris, was demonstrator to V~itot, Pm<eMorof upon Glaser. As it is one.sid«t it con.
Chembuy in the Jardin du Roi. and was Apothe. stderaNe iustiScat!on before it can ftqttiM!
be accepted
cary to thé King and Dnke of Orleans. For a He was )nvo!ved in the poisoning case of the
short time he was thé teacher of Lemery, who Marchionessde BrinvitMers,and was sent to the
atterwards succeeded him, nnd Lemer/s KpMted Bastttte,but as there was nfthiM agatMt him he
dissatisfaction bas been the fituse of the p~Ming was liberated. There seems Utt)e doubt that the
Joannis Rudotphi Glauberi Philosophi & Medici Celeberrimi Opera Chymica,
Bûcher vnd Schrifften, so viet deren v.'n ihme bifshero an Tag gegeben
worden. Jetzo von neuem mit Fleifs iibersehen, auch mit et!ichen neuen
Tractaten vermehret, vnd vmb mehrer Bequemlichkeitwillen,in diese Form
zusammen getragen, sampt ein darzu verfertigten voHkontmenen Register.
Mit Churf. Sachs. ats Vicarii, Re!chs-Pnvitegtb. Franckfurt am Mayn,
In VerlegungThomœ.Matthtœ Gatzens. Im Jahr M DC LVIII.
4'. Pp.[a<tj~74.9 p)!M<s.
CoMinNatioOperumChyntieonm. M.DC.UX.
4°. Pp.[ïs]444. tt)dex.&&[t8].Engmvedptate.
The Works of the Highly Experienced and Famous Chymist,John Rudolph
Glauber: Containing, Great Variety of Choice Secrets in Medicine and
Alchymy in the Working of Metallick Mines, and the Séparationof Metals
Atso, Various Cheap and Easie Ways of making Salt-petre, and Improving
of Barren-Land, and the Fruits of the Earth. Together with many other
things very profitable for att the Lovers of Art and Industry. Translated
into Engtish, and Published for Publick Good by the Labour, Care, and
Charge, of Christopher Packe, Philo-chymico-Medicus. London, Printed
by Thomas Milbourn, for the Authour, and are to be sold at his House
next Door to the Gun in Little-Moorfields; by D. Newmanat the King's-
Arrns in the Pouttry, and W. Cooper at the Pellican in Little Britain.
Fûtio. t'p. [M)440(wantspp. t77-t84). Il. [4] Mo. t! (wants49-s*).
Index~tt, t Nank]. n phtesof appamtusandpMeesses.
Fumi Novi Philosophici, sive Descriptio Artis Desti!!aton& Novœ; nec non
Spirituum, Oleorum, Florum, aMoruoque Medicamentorum illius beneficio,
(acHimâquâdam & pecutiari via è vegetabilibus, animalibus & mineralibus,
conficiendorum & quidem magno cum tucro; agens quoque de illorum usu
tàm chymico quàm medico,edita & publicata in gratiam veritatisStudiosorum
3:4 6~~M&M
Operis Mineralis. Pars Prima. Ubi docetur sepamt:o auti è sHMbus, arena,
arg:ttâ, aHisque <bss:bus per sat:s Spintum, quae alias e!:quari nequeunt.
Item Panacea sive Medicina Vniversalis antimonialis,
eiusque usus inventa
& pubticata in gratMun Studtosorun) artis Chym!cœ
per Johannem Rudolphum
Glauberum. Amsterodam:, Prostant apud Joannem Janssonium. cb loc t.).
8*. Pp.todexMbbbM))~.
Operis Mineralis t'M) secunda, Be ortu & O~tte OfOnimn Metattontm &
M~nem))um. quo Mhtet McMith fM- A«m ptodtteantur ex & TeM Mrpm
sibi mœtptant & m~tMct <ornta formentm-. In gmti<tmAqua diligentium N<mMœ
scntmorttm. conscnpta & in tucem ed!t~ a Johanne Rudotpho Ghubew. LatMtstt
donata. Amstefodami,Prostant apud Joaneon J)MMM))!tun, cto tac Ut.
Pp. 47[t bbak].
MineMtisPars te~tt, in qua Titulo Comntcatarii in tibethm RtMeets,
<~œ)umfhttosophontm sive Liber Vexationum dictun), MetaKonttn tr~MmuUtionesin
genere docentur.cum Appendice specia)em eantm processum, ut & eorundem
euquahûnent, exptotatjonem,separationen). aUMque netMtanas operationes demon.
strante. In verttatis testimonium conscripta & puMicijw<s facM a
Utaobem. In Lahnmn tdioma e)t Germamco coavena. Jeanne Rudotpho
Amstetodami. ''°'
S*. Pp.tMJabhmtt].
~T''eit. D~nnnen voter derExpMtation vber defs RttaceM
m~tS~ Cœtum
HOcMeia, Phitosophorutnoder Liber Vexattcnum genandt. der Metallen ttan~
mutatMnes in génèreedebret. mit einë Anhang vnd Zagab. darin auch dersetbe Specia)
A~Stm~S<r Seigerung, AbtreibuaK, Scheidmg vond Andefen daniu gehSrigen
Arbeiten be¡iilf'en.
Pp. ï83 [i btaak].
Reprinted at Ptagte, 170~,sm. S*.
[Another Copy.]
This copy h mueb iMnxed.
-0-0 etticher Johan-Rudolff
III Glaubers SchriMen.
~M tôt
Glauber was bon) at Karlstadt in t6o3or t6o4. against Farner, who had worked!nhis
Ha saya he <«as~br<Mghtapin- Ftanconitt; but had Mme under sotemn promisenothbomtory. to reveat
nothing h recorded aboat bis early life. He was what he had learned, and yet atterwards p~bMshed
not edacated M any university,and it does not them M bis own and ridicutedGlauberbesides.
appear thnt he was trainedas an apothecary, but Between and t66t most of his larger wortœ
he wns fond of experimenting, and ho travelled appeared. )t6s3 Then his heatth gave and he was
much trying to Snd a philosopherwho wouMput laid up for a coupte of years,way. but in he
him on the hght tines, nnd he frequented the published one or two othef books, but tëcg netthor
taboratorifs of princes where he found proc<sse< thèse nor others wMth came ont subsequentty are
enough but no f~nttt. At the s~mc time he so etear and satisfactory as their predecessors.
studied the writings of thé phitosopht: and Glauber Imd never been succetsfu)in matting
discoursed with teamed men about the 'secret eveH a moderato competency and at thé ctoM!of
lire' of Artephius or théproper agent, but atways his life hisefforts to retrieveh!s fortunesfai!ed Mm,
found that they understood)ess Mitthai) bintseff. and, in a etate of poverty, he diedat Amsterdam.
But after long and ftuittess labours he admit; His death is ptaced by some in 1657, 1668, and
that he hnd no tuccess inattemptine:to perfect the t6~. Goos van Vreeswyc)t,however, gives so cir.
tuetab, and he thtrefote M-Md hts attention to cunutantial an account that it is difncuh to te)cct
moto attniMtMe results,though he never ga~e up it. lie says the date was the 10March, 1670,and
bis belief in transmutation. he helped to wrap him in his windingsheet thé
During his {oumeytnMhe visited Sa!tburg, funeraf was at 3 o'dock aftemoot) tn thé Wester
Vienna, Cologne, Base).Fmnkfurt.and KiMingen. Kerk. The question was asked then as tt has
before he settled in Holland. He was in his atit often been sixcc. what weatth and honours he had
year. say too~ or '635. when he M'asat Vienaa, Icft for his (amHy. To this Vreeswychmattes a
that he made the discoveryin a minera) spring of repty, the sutn of which is that the wea)th he )e~ is
thé satt whieh bas dnce bontéhis name. tn thcse to be found in his writhtRS.
various places he must havespent fort years ofbis Adetune bas accepted this date. whieh is further
tife, ~athering by readixg.observation, and most confirmed by thé preface to Le Febure'scftemistry
tabonoas tria), the pbytica). phamtaceMica). published in t6yo, where he is spoken of as if he
ehenoca), geoiogict), minemlogical.and techno. were stiHative.
toeicat knowtedgewhch hesabseqaEnt)y.)mMtshed. During his lifetirne he published some thirty
fn t&t8 he went to HoUand and took up bis separate treatises. He himsetfsayi!,howevef. that
résidence in Amsterdam where bc founded a they represent not a tenth part of his discoveries
Hermetic [nstitute.' and pubtished his first book and secrets. He was a keen observer, a per-
Fum; «fft /~<7<ij<M<, tfanstated into Engtishby severing and successfulexperimenterand inventer.
Dr. John French Lon~oa, ~65*, 4' and into He was anxious to promote techuology and the
Fteach by Du TM), Paris. ):6so, 8°. This is industrie prosperity of his native country, but by
eertainty one of thé mostremantaMe books on his coMemporaries. and by Adelung a centaty
chemistry of the setenteenth century. Later on, later, he was regarded as a dreamer and a
!n t6s6, he had to ntaitea stand against the charlatan. As a matter of fact hewas <ar ahead
appropriation of his methods and discoveries of bis time in some of his économie~view&
Bore)./KMf<<e<! CXttttct, i6s4< p 'os. Stolle, ~~«~oy «~ ~~We der~M'~«~<
van Vreeswych &'&w)!~tfM< ï6&). p. tiy. C<~tA~<< t~t. p. yi'S.
MerckMn,Lindenius ~~Mt~M, i696~p. 673. /<t~ /<'«~<< ~'rM~MMM~'MeAh'<'a'
Btéliotheeoe Aielailictr
Conrine. /M «'««/-M)« ~~OnM~Mtmo! '73", p. sa.
/M/n~«f<<f.t68?. pp. 37t, 38d. Moritot, /'<M/ t7M (ii. a*. $8. t), ii. p. 4~
Stah). 0<«~f<t<to<t«~t tt)tO)«~~t<:«-M«Mc<t~wNt Lenglet Dufresnoy, //M~«-< dela /%<7«t<yM<
e«<M~ /t<&M !6~ reprinted <~<f~rM/«m ~/<<<~«<, t74s. i. pp. 4to. 481 Hi. pp. 175-177.
CA)'ZM«t.~)~M~«M<<<M<M, tj'~0.p. 394. tCther, ~<M«M<!tfM<fAw.<'<&)M, ty~o, si.
Reinxnattn, .&'«/«7M~ <xdie ~!<«tM /<t- co). MM(a list of bis writings niereM.
riam derer 7~«A<A<«,ï7t3, ti. p. yot (a )m<:tB note). FictuM, /~fM~&'«)t, t?~, Th. u. p. 68.
Stahi, Z<<<!M~ <:«&<)t&)t. g~ </MS~<!</ Hatter. FW~/A<fa ~/tM«a, i~t, i. p. 4$~.
t'fH</<fM~t~f<to<t«/<«~'«~M««, iyt8,p. 17; French E)oy, /?~w«M'~ ~ïf/<Mtyt« <&la vM<'i~f<H<
transtation, 1766, p. 8. x~8, ti. p. 356.
C&micd,tl27, p
Roth-Schohz.CtMttM.):y3}'.pp.Q3.o6. Haller, ~MK'/A<MtJM~<~M«t<B ~n)t<M<f,tT~o, iii.
Manget, C~A'c/~tt &n~fMm ~~«w-MM, p.a4.
t731, t. ii p.475. ~umer, ~<</t<<t C~<~<t, ty8a,p. ty.
33~ d~M~-CZ~M
Fabii Glissenti Brevis Tractatus in quo de Lapide Philosophorum Moraliter
Disseritur, Latinitate donatus à t~urendo Straussio, Med. D. & Prof. P.
Gisse, Typis josephi Dieterici Hampelii, AcadémiesTypogr. cto lac LXXI.
< Pp.[M)n5[tbhu)h].
[Another uopy.j
[anomer Copy.]
Glissentior Gliscenti was born at Vestone in the The /?M<M\M OMM/t ? is a sort of Danceof D<ath
district of Brescia. devoted hifnsetf to medicille, and the illustrations in whichthe Death skeleton
and graduated at Padua. He practised in Venice appears in numerous fonns are interesting and
with great saccess. and had thé repuMtionof being valuablefor conceptionand execution.
oneofthe foremost physiciansand philosophers of The book xceording to Lenglet Dufresnoy.
hb time, a man of great ability and leaming. copiedby Gmelin,appeMedagain at Venice,t6<
The present work with a separate titte.pnge: 4°. They both quote thé t59<édition of the ~ww
/!f~ ZV«/A!/<' «</ y<m~ *M~<M«t/<~<<&< y«a/ r.r<A! bat not of the Z~t~ e«'~t/ï. Besldes
fMla /~f/nt <?~'<~oyf was puMished atong thesehe wrote phy; and other works. He died at
withhis principal treatise DMtMTt xM~<<wA~ </ Venicein t6tt according to CMïattdo, but in t6M
<&/«< del M< in Venetia. MDXCVt., iecordin~ to others.
4°. and is the last tract in the volume, ff. 566.~96.
Ghitini. y!M/~ ff~wat~t /.</&~t/<, t&t7, ii. LcHgtet DttfresnM'.~~e<~ <&la /'MAt«~M:
p. 74. ~f<T)t~<~t~,ty~s.iii. p. i~y.
jS~/M~fM C4«~a, t654, p. MS (tatb
Bore), Eioy. /Mf<«W<Mt~*&M la ~&
himCassenti). '778, Il. p. 357: t7M. P. 41&
CoMan<to,A~MtWa~y<Mi-<e)t<t. tCç~, p. 78. ~O'~y"' G<MM««fo'tt e~ot~. 1185.
Papadopolus, W~<MG)'~)«:~M/'<<K'Mt, t7:6. p.0~4.
ii.p.ayj. No.ctxxxv. C<«A«~&der C*<ettt. t7~, i. p. 298.
Roth-SchotM,jM~/M<&M C~MtM, t~y, p. !4& Schmieder,C«.<<t<<tf&<h'«t&, t8M; p. aot.
Zedler. M!t!WMA~M<m. tyas, x.. te). t66: Hoeier, ~~«/~ <& ~tow. ie<3. Il. n. t~t;¡
(ptaces his death in ):6M). t<6o, H.p. 196 (eaMsMmM. Gllssenti).
GLÜCKLICHE Erober- und Demolirung des Fegefeuers der Scheide-
kunst. t~og.
Allgemeine Geschichte der POanxengifte entworfen von Johann Friedrich
Gmelin, der Arzneykunst Doktor, dieser und der Weltweisheit onenttichen
Lehrer auf der hohen Schule zu Gottmgen. Nürnberg, bey Gabriel
Nicolaus Raspe, 1777.
8". Pp.[t6]53~[tbhnk].
numerous fora neweditioo.
us. notes,appareetty
3~ (?~Z/(?0~y
Tractatus de Magnetica Curatione Vutneris citra ullam & supetstitionem, &
dolorem, & remedij applicationem, orationis forma conscriptus,à priori tum
ob rerum & causarum, tum exemplorum etiam augmentum longè diversus
Accesserunt enim antiquissimorum Sophorum, Rhagaelis, Thetelis, Chaelis,
Satomonis & Hermetis Periapta & Signaturae,quibus, quousq; & qMantutn
sit habenda fides, simul indicatur.
Lege, intellige, judica.
Auctor Rod. Goclenius Med. D. Illustris ac CorentissimaeMauritianœ
phys. Professor Ordinarius. Marpurgi Cattorum, Ex Officina Rodolphi
Hutvvelckeri, Anno claloCIX.
ts". Pp.t6y[t blank].
Tractatus De Manetica (sic) Vulnerum Curatione.
Synarthrosis Magnetica.
JfHt., ~j/.
Thé author was born at Wittenbe~ aa Augt.. and entMfsedand published in tcco. Thereupon
t~73. He studied at Marpafg and at Oopenttagen eMUtd a controversy between him and Roberti
and fMtua. Md wasere&teddoctûrof «tedicinoin who was opposed to the salve. Goden!us never
t6ot, oo which occasion his thesis conta!ned an gave in, but continued writing on the subject for
exposition of the PanMebian System. in ï6o8 he sevetatyeats.
became pro<eMorof physies at Marpurg, of med!- He nbo wrote on M)j{M'y,
and chiromaney,
cine in t6tt, and of mathematies in t6<3. When astrotogy,
and simi)M' topies. on mcdtcine. The
he was ~ppointed in t6<)8be detiveted thé prêtent treatise on ehirotnaney, Crst puNished in t~~y,
discoure on the Weapon.~te. which he fNiMd was protmMyhis thesis as MedieinteCandidatus.
334 G'0(XJ~V~(?MZ/C~
He enlarged and publisbedit in x6o3. and ttg~io attention of the patmbts of.the present day. He
at FmncMUft in t6o<t,in whieh hc himsetf calla died3Man'h,t69t.
it the third issue. At Marpurg in <6t~ it once Cwe must t~ taken not to confuse him (as bas
more appeared. tt is idcntical with the <6o8 been dot<e by MexMin. Manzet. and B<tyte&
edition, <ut exeept the tifM two sheets,wMeb have Thillaye) with hH ~ther, Rudolphus Gocteotus,
been atten'd. Othor editions quoted are of t6<8. who WM pro(iMsorot tome M Matpms. wote a
t6at. t668, n)) in smnll 8*. lt mxy be worth thé prédisions number of dtSMrtMiotM, and died at
Marpurg in <6!t6.
Bofet. JMW~A<MCAt'wtfft,1654,p. tos. ~<j~<«' ~/<4)~<-e&, Paris. Panckoucke (teeo.
Mercklin, /.««~~M<t<wa/M~, t6S6, p. ~9. 35), iv. p. 465.
Freher, 7~M~<w f/<WMM ~~</t'«~ f/a~~f/M, Spfenget. ttOfAKa~<<ff <<«N~MM< <6ay,
t6M, p. tST~, p). 79. iv.p.a74.
Witte. ~Mna~ A'<t!~t~MMt t6Sa, Sig~. Q 4 D~/«MM~ A<j/<~<Mde la <M~-
twjf, 2 Mar. !&)t. '83<. U. fi. p. $70.
Manget, JB<M~«'a S~&M ~~fr~at. Bayte &Thittaye, &<)~-a~~ <M~f'!&, t8; i.
ty~t. t. i). p. 48$.
/<M~ ~/</CMf ~MX/~MW~/<M<M ))K'/a//M~, ~p'~M Mt<'M~/&, t8$7. xvH,p. 6 (atOcte
by Deseenettes).
iSo~of. /'<< t?~ (if. 3. t. 6). li. p..tss. ~/&tm<'<w~<i)M~. t86<t.
Zedter. Ma~Mna/<n«M'. <n5, xi. coL 39. 1.KMch&G)ruber,
tjtxt.pp. (article by KOtbt.
Kesmer..MM<w)<tC~ <<<)'/<'o~, t~~ Poggendotff, A<jpi~Mat-/</<~tn'M~ Hand
p. 349~ <e(!<-<~«<-A,!86A i. col. oto.
<<nt!tM~ C<<m.~j'<w. tyy~ )i. Haeser, G<Mt;A«-~der ~M~«-<«.tS8t, U. pp.
C<M. tOgt.. 110,346.
Freytag, Adparalus ~V/MWMH,tyss, iii. pp. /)<e<t<"taa~
/r<M)t7<j~~ des &~<M ~<M.
;M.tC&. <-a/ 4ème Sëne, t8e3. ix. p. ~t.
~M/MM~t /)M/ma~f/aC~t~'e~«',
Portât, Biitings. /M<t'a/M/<y<M.1884,v. p. 46~: and
t77o. ii. p. 338. Series,t~o~, vt. p, a?~.
Hn))er. jS%<M ~a/oxt~, t~. i. p. ~77 Hirseh, A<ip'<<KA~ ~.f~a der ~nM~vo.
'777. P. 747- ~ew~ ~<~t<< tSS~.)i. p. 582.
Hioy. /)/<«')!«<!<r<historique de la Ifldecine, Ferguson, "Hôtes on books ofScefets," 7~t<t.
<tf//< < ~<.t<~<j; &KM~ GAtjSpKo,
Stneder, <~t«t<f~«M«a~~Mt<(?~Af~H tSoo, N.S. ii. p. 4.
~</&&CMM4<< t7&t, iv. pp. 488-soo.
und ans der Erfahrung erwieseneWahrheitdes Gotdmachens,
Harmonia Chymica, de Novem Lapidum Phitosophiconim Attificiesa Pre-
paratione et Usu. Das ist, Chymische Harmoni von Neun Philosophischer
Steine künstlicher Zubereitung, Nutz vnd Gebrauch: Von neuem, nach
vietjahrigen Laboribus erfunden, vnd aufsgefertigt,auch aMenKunstliebenden
zur besten Nachrichtung, ordent!!ch, vnd mit hoehstem Fleifs beschrieben,
mit glaubwürdiger Philosophorum Zeugnussen approbiret vnd in Druck
verfertigt. Durch Andream Goldmayer, Guntzenhausanum Francum, Comitem
Palatinum Csesateum,vnd Farad. Bambergischen bestelten Mathematieum.
Gedruckt zu Onoltzbach, durch Johan Lentzen, in Verlegung defs Autoris,
Anno z6S6.
4'. tT.L'
4. Pp.M69M
Goldmnyerwas bom in t6og at Guntcnhausen. him a Count Palatine. He died nt NOrnbefg. in
He studied at Altdorf and StrMburg, declined a t6~, !n thé greatest destitution. His published
professorship of MitthemMics at Altdorf, and works consist of astronomical and Mtmtogica)
settled at Nambet~. where he lived by writing catcutatiom and descriptions.
caJendaMand casting nativities. Ho foretold his The présent work is not inctuded in the lists of
own death and that of Gustavus Adolphus of his writings.
Sweden. Thé Empetror. Ferdinand 111. eteatcd
336 6'(M.7W~ KM-C.MM
Jfehov~ Adspirante Gratia Desuper! EAA4'OÎ'PA4'TÂsive Cervi Descriptio
Physico-Medico-Chymica, in quA tam Cervi in genere, quam in specie ipsius
partium consideratio Theorico-Practica instituitur, ad mutti&num usum
praesertimMedicum, omnibus ferb Corporis Humani Afïectibus ceu Panacea
apprimè conveniens: Secundum Leges ac Methodum Academiœ Naturœ
Curiosorum elaborata. Mu!tisq; Medicinœ Secretis instructa à Johanne
Andrea Graba, D. Urbis Territoriiq; Erfrurtens. Medico Ordinar. & Collegii
Nature Curiosorum Collegâ. Jenee, impensis Viti Jacobi Trescher, Bibl.
VratisL Typis Johannis Nisï, Anno 1668.
y. Pp.3M[37.3bhnk].
wr wr.]. TitteMdand bhctt.
Graba wns born in 16~ at Mulhouse, though Some of the authorities quote a t66yédition of
some say M Erfurt. He studied at KSnigsberg the present book, and Kestner even goes the
for six years, settted io Erfurt as a physician, length of conecting the entry in the ~<~<e/A«'<t
whereupon ensued a dispute with the other ~t'fMM~f!of this t668ertition) He says: "Jet):c
phystCtaMfQrhispt&etisingwtthouttKtepee. Finally 1667. 6. nicht aber t66a. wie in Bibliotb. Rivin.
he became a gmduate of Giessea. He went to p. <t8. stehet." He did not think there could be
MuHtouse.and had another dispute which ended both. There is no error more commitablethan
in )&w.s<tit for<&hmny. He died there in 1669. that of denying the existence of an éditionwhich
He was an eartymember of the AcadémieNaturœ one hM not seen.
Curiosorum, bemgadmitted in t66;[, and hewrote
some tracts ott méditât subjects.
MereHin, Z.<M ~Moea~M,Norimb. t686, Haller, ~~A)/~a ~MfteM<e/~</M-< tw.
5x~ 5!5- ii. p. ~06 t779, ;ii. p. <
Witte. ~<<~M, t688, Sig. Ccco Htoy, Dictionnaire AM/i~M <~ la ~~<
3 ~~o, t66<). t778, )i. p. yy.
Manget. &'</«M~~ ~'<n~/c/t<Mmedicoram, Gmetin, <ttt~< <<f)-Cliemie,GSttmgen,~798,
Genev. ty~t, ii. p. 500. ii.
Motschmann,B)~n<M<<)!~t! fM/<M«!/< tM<, Biographie ~M«-<!&,PM-is. Pauckoucke (t8!K<-
p.389. as), iv. p. 509.
~~tfMttoh-~ Gt&~&'<<~o!, Jena, DeMimeris, Z)<~<)«~a<~ /<M <& la
1740. p. 3~6. ~/<&~<. Paris. tSas, )!. ii. p. 609.
jacher, <4/)««'a<t ~MMMt./I<.«<o<tLeiptig, PhtMippeu. Ludwig, <?<A&A/< <&<-~<oM~<
t7«~ il. coL ttoS. JetMt.1855,p. 468.
Baetmer, ~<a<<OMt<? 7V<t/ane Ct~-MMa~~ /<MtM<t~ <<«y~&~«< du &~)tjM ~<W.
~M/cr~. Ha)~, t7ss. p..t&t. No. aï. caler, 4eme Séné, <884,x. p. 964.
Mntthia!.CM~c~f<e~Mf<«Ma4~)t<t- Hirsch. /!&g!r~M ~<m der ~n'o~r.
/0~t<-<M, t76t, p. 7~6. ~M~ce ~<~t<f, t88~, il. p. 6t6.
Ha)ter, ~KMMoM~He/o~Ka!. t~4. i. p. $63.
Bilder der Wunderkunst und des Aberglaubens. Mit Berticksichtigung der
sogenannten Zauberbuche)- von Albertus M., Dr. Faust, Paracelsus, 'ntthe!m,
Agrippa, u. a. m. Herausgegeben von Dr. Kart Gt&bner.
6/~AVF~–~M~~W 337
Ein sonderliche Chymische Re!se vnd Hauts Apoteca, sampt au&f!ihr!!cht:n)
Bericht, was fur Vnterscheid zwischen der Gatenischen vnd Paracelsischen
Medicht sey, vnd wie mit denen aufs Ëdetsteinen, Mineralien,Metat!en,
auch frembden vnd einheimischen Balsam, Gewurtzen, Btuten, Samen vnd
Fnichten, nach Spagtnscher Kunst bereitensubtiUteten, Tincturen,Essentzen,
Oliteten, Extracten vnd Saltzen, durch Gottes Segen, die Gesundheit ein
lange zeit erhalten, Vnd dann auch allerhand gefahrtiche Kranckheiten, ohne
sonderlich purgirn, mit kleiner dosi, subtiler masse vnd wenigen Trôp8e!n
gantz sicher, lieblich vnd anmutig von mannigtichen selbst curirt, auch
ermelte Artzneyen zur notturm auff Reisen, in einem besonderm Kasttein,
füglich fortbracht werden kônnen, 1.a. laborirt,experimentirtvnd beschrieben.
Durch Georgium Graman, Phil. & Med. Doctorem, an jetzo GrafHich-
Cleichischen Leib- vnd Hof Medicum in OhfdruK
8*. Pp.[4o]t6& [y.tbhntt].
CoAt~M Gtdrue!ttbeyJoachimMecMeM Erben.In VerlegungJohan.Birckners,
to HaMer
According thiseditionwasprintedat To the above éditions of the present work
and therewereothtt-sat ScMeusitigcn,
Ahrdruff, Addung adds Jena, t&~ t6yo, and ca!ts that of
ï67<).Hcwroteatso/K~ ~w<t
tôy), der<t<fM~«tô~ thé 6Hh edMjMt.eettutied, and he apetb thé
tM~M'~<f< Hatberstadt, i6t7,~°. iutthor'sname Grammano.
Hatter, /iM/«M~a ~<'<&««!-~<«'<y, 1777, ii.
p. 470. lôskers
~M<ff ~I!lgemeirten
~p'xM~MM<~Mf/<M-&!r<a', xyBy,ii-Mt.
ty67t ILcol.
Responsio M. loannis Gramanni Meilic! et Philosophi Erphurdensis, ad
~poy~~tafct quorundam Antichymistarum,in qua csetens catumniisrefutatis,
Imperfectio artis Gatenicœ ostenditur, atq; gloriosa illa ostentatio de tunda-
mentis optimè const!tut!s, & firmissimis rationibus demonstratis muttisq;
seculis comprobatis, tedaiguitur.
Iacobi 3. Quod si aemulationem amaram habetis & contentionem in
corde vestro, notite gloriari & mendaces esse adversus Veritatem.
Non est enim ista sapientia &supernis descendens, sed tettena,
Plato de Repub. Veritati irasci nefas est.
Erphordiae Excusa typis Pistonanis. AnnoDomini M.D.LXXXXIIII.
-t". Sig.A.D!)<fours,
jbuts,t.E z.z. or,
or,pp. [35,tt Manh],
pp.[35, Nank],
Ein Philosophischer vnd Chemischer Tractât: genannt Der kleine Baur-
Bifshero lang verborgen, auch aufs mifsgunst von etlichen hinderha!ten vnnd
verfaischt Nun aber ex Bibliotheca Arnspurgensi Reverendiss. !)n. Emesti
Electoris & Episcopi Coloniensis gantx vollkommen herfûr gebmcht. Von
der Materia vnd Erkantnufs defs einigen vnd wahren subjecti universatis
Magni, & îllius pneparatione Welches aHen l'incturen der gantzen Chemia
vorgeht vnd aufs dessen Geist a!)e ding der Weît Universaliter entspringen
vnd herfur fliessen. Sampt beygefiigten Commentarijs loannis Walchii
Schondorffensis (~). Darinnen aller rechten philosophorum eygent!iche vnd
bestândige Meynungen, in einem Compendio vnd kurtzen begriff, mit
wahren nattirlichen fundamentis vnd gantz verstandtlichcn grunden demon-
strirt, vnd allen Doctrinte Mijs fur Augen gestellt werden.
Auch angehengter Epistel ad Cunctos Gen~antae Philosophas.
Spiritus Mundati & fixi sunt praesenti<sima medicina Corporum alterand-
Strafsburg, In verlegung Eberhardi Zetzneri Buchhândlers. Anno M.DC.XIX.
8*. Pp.[t6]376(~.3hhn)f].
[Another Copy.]
Ein Philosophischervnd Chemischer Tractat. Gênant Der kleine Baur Von
der Materia vnd Erkantnufs defs einigen vnd wahren Subjecti Universalis
Magni & illius Prœparatione. Sampt beygefiigten Commentariis Johannis
Watchii SchomdorSensis. Vnd in dieser andem Edition ist das Supple-
mentum vom griinen Vnderzug beygedruckt. Darinn xu finden wie das
Particular zu machen, neben dem Procefsvom Universal. Auch angehenckter
Epistel ad cunctos Gennanias Phitosophos. Strafsbutg, ln verlegung
Eberhard Zetzners, BuchMndters. Anno M.DC.LVIII.
8°. Pp. M 368. !t)de)t[<3,tb)<Mk].
DerMeineBaur,pp.~.43. Apostrophead cunctosGenonniee
Commcnmm, pp.44-354. pp.3s8-3&.t.
Supptomentum dem grOMn V ndeMug,
pp. MhtcidatioT esMmenti
Aperta Arca Arcani Artificiosissimi oder defs grossen und kleinen Bauers
ErôCheter und o<!enstehender Kasten der aHefgrosten und Mnsttichsten
Geheimnu<sender Natuf, beneben der rechten und wahrhatïHgenPhysica
Naturati Rotunda, durch eine Visionem Chymicam Cabalisticam gantz
verstandtich beschrieben Und einer Wamungs- Instruction und Beweifs
gegen alle die, so das Aurum potabfte ausserhatb der Tinctur defs universal
Lapidis Philosophiciper se in weniger Zeit zu verfertigen, andere (SbcHich
persuadiren. Hamburg und Stockholm,In Verlegung Gottfried Liebezeit,
Buchh. Hanau, Gedruckt bey Abraham Aubry, HochgrâN. Hanauis. Hoff.
Buchdr. Anno M DC LXXXVII.
S*. Pp.[tt)z36. Woottcut:"FigumCabatistica." TiUeMdaodMaek.
Tbit is oneof thevariationsupon thé anonymous tractbyGrassboff calledDer
~<~ &!x<f. This édition contains Der ~WK A««f, p. t ~.t/ My«' j~~taj:
Der <M~ FaMf,p.67; Ca~/a C'~)'m«M, (withaR.figure) K~tOtto~.
p. tt?den /<t~n!«'.
Am<und &ttw~ p. aoa s ~~M MWt C.,p. aa8. Therewasan
éditionof the ~~May fCo?. SeeWARNUNG.
Geheimnifs der Natur des grotsen und kleinen Bauers, in welchem die Materie
und Erkanntnifs des einigen und wahren Subjecti, Universalis Magni, &
illius Prœpatatio umstandMch beschrieben wird, samn)t beygefugten Com-
mentariis Johannis Walchii SchorendorCensis. Anno M DCC XXXÏ.
S*. Pp.[!6]&t:557(<br3~)[H].
CergrosseBauet,pp.1~4. SnpptemoMum vondemgtûnenUntenug.pp.
Bauer,pp.1-43. 3S5'357.
Watch'sCommentaria überdenkieinenBauer.
Der grofse und kleine Bauer zwey phitosophische und chymische Tractate
von neuem aus Licht gesteHet. I~eipzigt744.
S°. Pp.[8]tt! Thetext merelywithoutWalch'sCommentary.
Philosophia Salomonis oder: Geheimes Cabinet der Natur und Kunst des
Weisen Kôniges Salomons eroShet durch den sogenannten gtofsett und
kleinen Bauer wahren Besitzern des kôniglichen Steins. Augsbutg t?S3'
bey Johann Jacob Lotters sel. Erben.
8". Pp.t~jao~tNankJ.
8. Pp.[t6]ao7[tb)ank}TTiUerednndMttch.
tue rea ana omcx. Woodeut.
Dergrossc&ttter.p.t. r. Phitosophici, in wenig Zeit per se tu verfertieen,
Lilium inter SpinM Der kleine Bauer. p. 59. und ïu bereitensieh setbsten, und andere tStithUch
Cabala Chymica.p. toz. &sinistre persuadiren und mrnehmen,p. tyy.
Wnmung, Instruction, und Deweifs gcgcn a!)o Zwei RespoMvon den F. R. C.. p. zoo.
die, so das Auram naMerhatbdus Procefs. This !s a [epnnt of the ~M/e ~tfM Arcani
und Pratpftration po~bitc
tinetur des Univerx<ds.pidis ~r/m~<, t687.
Hore), &<M~<! Ch'M~t, !6~, p. 6j. Semtef, M</«~f/< &!M/f«t~f Mr ~<
Witte, ~«MWM A~M. t686, Sig. T der ~o~t~f~t~, t?8~ t. p. 67 tTSy, ii. p. 6t.
f<f~, t6aa. GmeU)), ( ~jfA<M<~ a«' Ct<«tM,ty97, i. p. 498,
Botriemu:, C<w~M< &r~f~t<M C~<M~~«7~, soo Sor.
1607,p. 35. No. liv. MtMT. Mf/'<< tC<<M M~fM)~ der ~'MM.
A~~<t ~it~m-A o<~ y~<M~ ~e~M~ ~<M~<-m«< /«M<«ww)/e'M, tSftg, p. 39.
<<f~&<&~< !7M,P. 87. Fuchs, ~<<<M'<M~ <M<J<~M ~</&'<-«/«<
Rotb-Scholtz, ~w«X'*«;<tC~tt'fa, ~797,p. t:6. t8ù6.t)8, p. Mit (onde)'ChottotaMNM).
Die ~<&~K~w<./MM~ ~~jMM, 1730,p. Schmieder, C~M/< ~st~M~, tS~a, p. gst.
JScher, <?/~<w<«M(f'<o'<'< !7S<~ Ktoœ, ~<'M'r<~t<! der /~«m<tc~ 1844,
co!. HM. p. tC4, No. 3S°6' and P- ~°' ~M'- RetpoMtim
FictuM, /<f~ tTM. p. Sa (enlls him t Fratres R. C.. t6t8, of whichoae of the authors
ChortotMsœusand GtM!ho&r). i Heennannus Condesyanus(sic).
<«~ ~~K-~ o!~ A~~H C~w, t/Ss. Ladraguc, ~<W<M <?«f<t~ ~Mmtyj
p. 59t. o. 607 (comparesthe study of thèse books &M. 1870.Nos. t!~6~,
Secrdla. tS~o, le. 1~4r'4a.
by "«Mptsofthesecoxd grsde totheperusUby b Kopp, jMt ~Mf~ u.
tSM, 930,339, M3.
adepts of thesecond
the couotry.Mksof suchboohsM
grade" TiU
to the
Dr. Faust, and Fh)kBnri<tet).
Vene Atchettie Artis~ue Metallicae, citra Aenigmata; Doctrina, certusque
modus, scriptis tum nouis tum ueteribus nunc pnmttm & fidelitermaiori ex
parte editis, comprehensus quorum e!enchum à Ftsefattonereperies. Habes,
amice Lector, admiranda utitiss:ma(),multa, quœ hactenus occultata, & udud
sepulta iacuerunt quorum editionis rationem in Praetationead philosophos
Chemistas paucis intelliges. Basileae M.D.LXI.
Folioin sixes,pp.[15,t Mank]a~(,~99[t MM)t].
C~~a Basileae
per HenneMm Petri
& l'etrum Annosalutis
PerniM), bumMae
Chrysorrboas,sive De Arte Chymica Diatogus, i. Practicft Ma~istri Araaldi de VUianova. ad
sic.*5~. quendMn l'apam, ex Mbcodicto, BreviMiustibrontm
to!tt)ois ttmccschi, cui titulus est
Oiafogus Â)chytni{B,h.p.73.
Lignum vitte, in quo etiam Gebri Philosophi ex. Alberti Mttgni Ratispooettsiseptscopt deAfchy.
p0!ttio Mceincta coatinetur, i. p. 3. ntia tiber iotegernntus, )i. p. 76.
ln euxdent Bracetdmn) Gebri interpretem, Scriptum Aibetti super Arborent Aristotelis, )i.
Mitnxdversio. amhore toMne Tautadano. 1. p. 47. p. 102.
(The author is called Robertus T~uJMtanusin the Raymundi Lu))ii De veri lapidis
title of thetract.) compositioMe,ii. p. 104.
Gebri Opent: De investigtt'one perfeettoms, i. Ats intcllectiva ejusdem super Lapidem Philo.
p. nz. sopbonm),ii. p.tta.
Gebri Opem SutOtnapeffectionis.i. p. ti8. Pt'act!eaet<tsdent, iL p. M?.
Gebri Opem De inventione veritatis sive per- Idem de mtentlone AtdxmktMUta, ii. p. t~.
fectionis, i. p. *&}. (Doubtfuttntct?)
Gebfi Opéra Liber Fomacum, i. p. 193. Ejusdem Summa,ria lapidis CoMidemUoet eius
Roeerit Lachonis DeAtchemiatibetitM! cui titulum abbreviation ii. p. t~6.
fecit.Specutum Atchemia),i. p. Mt. ËtusdMtt LibeUus utiMmus de Mefct<n&solo,
Richardi AngMci Libdhts Mpt Xt~mt, cul ii.p.t<:3.
titulum fecit, Con'ecton'ua, i. p. 907. Liber expertmentorum, ii. p. t74.
Rosarius minor, p. Me. t~utchemmum opus de traosmutat'otte métal.
Liber Secretoram Alchemiae compositU!! per lorum, il. p. t7.s.
Catid. filiumtatichi. i. p. 933- Capitulum wtde magnum ht <dbedtne,& om-
Loci aliquot ptacticœ ex Gebero (tec)Mtt) per nibus nobilius, ex libro qui dicitur PhihMOp))<M
toannen BntceschumVreeanum, f. p. a~a. t))irabi)b.ii.p.!8o.
Liber de Magni lapidis Compositioneet Opem- Liber Mercuriorum Raymundi Lumt, il. p. t8g.
tione, Authore adhMcincerto («t-io caUed De Intentio summaria, auae aliter dicitur Reper.
Alchemia), il. p. torimn. vaide utilis ad tntetHgentiamTestamenti,
Sententia loannis Baptistae Montant, de sub. CodiciUi& aliorum tibrorom Raymundi Latti), ii.
tinMttone, if. p. 35. p~ ï8<.
Rosarius phitoMphetum Arnaldi de Vithtnov!). Anstotelis de Per<ccto MagistcrioexquMtum &
il. p. 35.. integemmum opos, &c., il. p. t88.
Novum lumen eiusdem vel attetius, il. p. 60. tJ!be!)us duodechn aquarum, ex M)roEmanneHs,
Epistola Magistri Amaldi de Villa nova super ii. p. so~
Atchymian)adregem Nei'pot'tMum, ii. p.Luminum 65- AqmB rubeea Avicenna: ad tingendum quatuor
Liber perfeet! Megisteni,qui Lumen spiritus sublimatos aibos, ii. p. &en.
nuncupatur vocatur etiam F)os norum Kttxinontm varia compositto modus, il. p. <so.
Araatdt de Vittano~a, tongè tOtfecUor & meliot Joannis de Repescissa liber de tcnfecticne ver
hactenus imprécis, il. p. 67. Lapidis Philosophorum, ii. p. sï6.
(GucuELMo). _'V~t't'
De timide Philosophorum secunduM verum TrachtttM de MarchiMita,ex qua fit Etixir ad
ntodmu <orm!MdoEfferanitaonacM, il. p. 93~ album Ycfissimum,ii. p. z~
The$aunM Phitosophiee,ti. p. 937. Caput de M)<:!ttch!tt),ii. p. asS.
Pmxis univetMtts Magni operis. ex Raymundo, Qmpstio m Lapis philosophicus valent contra
x. p.948. ii. p. 9~
De lapidis philosophorum forttMtionc epitogtM. pcstetn, doctim de MetaHomm
Yet<M)::pisto)!tdo<:tits. MetallorunitMteria,
mat", &
)i. D.248. artis i)t)i( p. 363,
Magistri Odomari ad disciputum, ti. p. Practiot Caravantis Htspani, ii. p. a&t.
a49. Lapidis PhitoMphfciNomenetatttnB.& UuMnM
AtCMtumPbit<Mophon)m.ut ex Saturno fadas Gratarolo co<)ect!B, ii. p. 96:.
a(tnun perfectam, ii. p. 3;o. loannis AttretiiAugurelit
Pcrfeett SalisconMtMMis ChryMpœKctibri iii.,
pNeparatio ad hpidem eiGeronticon Liber i., il. p. a6g.
philosophorum. ii. p. 950. Regimina Attis, ii. p.
Historiola Antique de Argento iu aurum vefso,
il. p. asz.
[Another Copy.]
There wasa reprint o{ part of the above colleoion by Pertta. BMHea-,t~e, -intat)9*.pp.
9 blank]; 6og (1 blallk. 941 [t6] 6M[30.
~M~«~ ~tMvov~tt~
Lapidis philosophici nomendatura.
ALCHEMt~ )56), ii. p. 265.
Doctrina, '<t"J'
The tract on nomenclature was tmns)ated into <~ j«~/a/t~M physicis. &*f..
Hngtish and pubtMKd in H. P.'s A'<T<7'<t)/<~f of Argent. 1567.
/~<' /~7c~o~ ~~M, London, t&sa, p. 65; t~ut So Niceron quoting front bis epitaph gives the
tt)t author is misnamed GmtacoXe.' date [6
GffHMo)o was a native of Bergamo, where he year, and April, 1568. he being in his nfty-Mtondd
Strieder gi\e5 the saine date. Hc points
was born in t~6. Hewent through thecustontary ont. however, that iu thé /Mo~am <fM~a~<m
tnuniug, and then tumed his attention to medicine. M'M. Frn. t6tz, Grntarolo is said to have died
Having acquired a Mdng for PmtësMntism he oo t6 1~64. in his seventy.fourth year, whkh
settled ln ËMet in t~, and remaincd there ti)) would April,
carry h)s birth back to t4;o. for wbich there
t56s. when he was summoned to Marburg as is no authority, as in the abovo inscription ))<:is
professor of medicine. He, however remained said to have dted in his fifty.iiecond year.
only a year there, and retumed to Base), where he Thé dates given by thé (tiffeMnt authorities do
practised medicineand wmte severalworks. The M)tatatt agrée.
date of his death is ghen Mrioustyby the (!tf<erent His works tj-cat of médiane, on the strenethening
authorities. Nigidius, Fteher. Boissard, Jocher, of the metuory, rural economy, wine, Marpurg
Bayte give the date as 6 Moy, t~. As University, the hot springs in RhiBtia, &c. He
that afe theses published by hmton Mayagainst
t56a, edited thé works of t<ernatd of Trevism, Pietto
and the works of Pomponatius and 9ofWtthetmus d'Abano, and a Praxis )~«M, which htst however
is doubtfui.
Petrus Nigidius, ~'A'<t<weM~M«t tocher. ~t/~Mt~M G<&M«t.tMfM, tyso, ii.
.t/a~a~MMt'</<t<<;)M-~MM, t~t, p. 34. cot. 1:37.
Spachius. ~M~M'/aA~- &c''«M /t/a//fo~<m, Matthia:. e'tw~n!(~n'<Bj/<'or«Mn<M CAtOtto.
'59*P- 30&< /<gT'<w,
Boissardas, Iconest~nMM'~K/<<t/~Mc<~<~«MM Haller,176!, p. t3g.
~W/~ectt A)~t~«-< lyyt, i. p. 33~.
t//M~~ t~<-a'a'~<!t~. tm9, iv. p. ti6. Haller. ~<~o/~<-<t ~M~~M, 1174, j. p. zo8
Bond. A~a C~MKa, t6s4, p. toy. 1777. P. 735 (medical works only).
Quet)<!tedt.M~«~/ttNt virorum, H&Uef, Bibliotheca ~/f~<f<~a)~~w<«~, t777, ii.
t6M, p. 3M. p. ïos.
1686. p. <?6. /)M/MM<M<)ie~M<O~M de la A~&
Reusner. Icoues,1687,
. vüj
vsrro (portrnu). t778.ii. p. 380.
Freher. 7~«M t<n<~<)!t<w&7MMM~<MWMt, Herzog, ~/t<a<tAt<ftT< t7y8, p. t~.
t688. i~. pl. t6. C<-<f~<~<H<Aitt~AMC<&A~)t
Tetsstef, Les ~~<-j du ~«xt<M<t~aM~, t7t<. K~Stritder, &~</ÏtA/&f GM~M~, tySs, v. ppt 60-66.
ti. p. 3Kt. Gmelin, C~~t~/< C4oHM, ~797, t. 399.
Fapadopotus, ~ft~ot-MtGyMXfWt Patavini, t7a6. Hotehinson, ~«~M~AM ~~«-<t. ty~, p. p. gyz.
fi. p. atg. No. M. BoMno, B<<< o«~M'a /'M)Mo«/<M, i8M, i.
Roth-Schoh~ ~~A'«<4~<tC4<m&< 17:7, p. 157. p. ty~. No. iM7.
Bay)e,/M~MXM~ ~M fW/~Mf, ty~o, Schmieder. C<<< <&y ~&A~t«, t8M. p. «t.
ti. p. s~t- Hoefer, ~tf/o!M <&la C&tmM, 1843, H.~ M
Manget, ~o~ex Medicorum, i86~, ti. p. t3;.
~73*' i. P. ?7. BiHings, /«&C<<)M, t8&t, v. p. 555;
x884, MS; 2nd
meeron, jtf/m~<% tygs, xxiti. p. 354' SeriM. tt)0t. M. p. 4~0.
Kestner, A~<ScmMt~ ~/M~x.~e<«, tT4o, /?A-~<MM<KMM<t<fAj~i~<f< <&j .&M)tt<:t ~MW.
P.ÏS9. <a<«, 4&me Série, t884, x. p. 330.
Eengtet Du&esnoy. ~M<tnn- la M<~«~~<< mrsch, ~Mah~ Z~nAwt der ~iw~t.
~'<-w~M. ~9. i. pp. a8~. 986,473; :ii. pp. 35, ~t<&)t ~4<~«, ï88s, il. p. 634.
178. Kopp, Dis ~~mM, ta86. fi. p. 349.
C/M~Z.-C~~AWû~?' 343
Fontina Bemhardi Revelata. Oder: has, den Filiis Artis und dem Publico
zum besten getrcutich erônnete konigtiche Wunder-Baad des Grafens
Bernhardi von der Marck und Tervis; worinnen die heUg!ânxendeSonne
ihren Purpur nicht nur ableget, sondern sich auch, nach volligerAbsterbung,
in einem unsterblichen Phocntx und unzeistôhtHchenSalamander wiederum
revivisciret und von neuem belebet, In ganz reetcn- uod zuvertastgen
Gedancken über die Bereitung des Steins der Weisen verofJ'enbaretund
der kunstbegicngcn Wett, ohne aïïe hieroglyphische- und oenigmatische-
oder duntde' und verborgene Redens-Arten, vor Augen geleget; da dann
derselben zugleich gründlich und deutlich gezeiget wird t) Was die
phitosophischc Materie eigentlich sey, 2) wiesolche zu erlangen, 3) worinnen
der Phitosophën ihr Magnet, odur anxtehendes Mtttcl- und sogenanntes
undeterminirtes Universat-Subjectum- 4) ihr Regulus hermaphroditicus-
5) ihre VennaMungSaturni, Martis et Vencris- 6) !))r grtiner Low- 7) ihre
Saphtrische Blume- 8) ihre Columbae Dianae- 9) ihr Aquila und Mercurius
duplicatus eigentlich bestehe; Auch to) wie die radicalis Sotutio Solis et
Lunae geschehen- n) die philosophische Materie in das Ovum physicum
eingcsetzet- 12) dieTinctura universatis ad corpora humana sowoht-a)s ad
metalla, elaboriret, 13) die Projection damit verrichtet- und endlich 14) in
infinitum multipliciret werden soll. Nebst einem Anhang verschiedener
philosophisch- und cabballistischer Briefe. Allen Suchenden zum Trost,
und denen Freuden der Alchymie zurn guten, herausgegeben von Carl
Herrmann Gravel, H. F. H. B. L. R. einem eifrichen verehrer der wahren
Hermetisch-philosophischenScienz. Erlang, druckts und verlegtsJohann
Carl Tetzschner, bey der Universitât Buchdrucker, 1750.
S*. Pp.ft.9~) t36. Re~sttt M. Symbolicfrontbpieceindudcdia the
GRAVENHORST, Die Gebrüder.
Aus dem Glauberschen Wundersalze wahren Schwefe) hervorzubringen,ohne
Beihülfe des Feuers.
~M ALLGKMKtN nützlichescheinisch-
nützliches cbemisch-physiklllisches Mancherlei,tySt, i. r.p. tS~.
-t'iiU&lIiI\I&Q i.aa,y
This is a reprint of one of thé few tracts pu))- rcd ahnn, and Brunswick green (oxychloride of
lished by the brothers. The sulphur was obtained topper), of which hc was thé inventor. Hc died
by aUowtng a pteeeof wotmwoodto putrify m a &t Brunswick, 14 April. Yy8t (~69, Fuchs). The
solution 'of HtMtber'ssalt. 'n)e cause of the younger brotho-, Christoph Ju)iMS,was born at
séparation was aceounted for on the pMos'st'c Brunswickin t~gt. He was m companywith his
hypoUtesis, which was quite tompetent for thé brother, Md carried on the worksb)-hin)se!fafter
purpose. Msbroth~'sde&tb. HehxmMtfdiedM Brunswidt,
Of the two brothers,the eider, JohMn Hcinrich, !yJan<Nry, t794.
was bom at Bnmswictt,M Oct., tyt?. Besinning thcy had & methed of ccating iron, copper, and
as a dcrk at Celle hebccamebraver, travcllcd to bMM, with tin which was the bestat the ume.
improve his educafion,and began business along They puMkaed a few papers on tho substances
with hisbrother as a chemicalmanufacturer. Hc they tMnufftttured, Brunswick.t~Mtd Hveshort
was the Ctst to start thé mattingof Sal ammoniac papers on Brunswickgtreen, t~t.tyye.
io Germany in !7S9.and to prepare Gtattber'ssait,
L. ab Indagine, r~/MM, t??!. p. 3 (against Meusel, /~&M twe ty~o t8oo t«M~
Gmvenhorst). A-~< ~<f<-AM~<<r. t8<tbiv. p. ~4.
Gmetin, ~< C& 1798,ii. p. 586: Fuchs, ~c~<~«M der <~t~M Zt/A'if,
'799. "PP. =4. 53.89'- 1806.08,p. 544
Pott, Ft<M. Kopp. der
CtM-Atot/f C~ott/c. t84& :i). pp. S4û,
Cret), A~.~A&~t~M, iv. p. ?8.
ReUS!,/?<<t0< C<'))!<MMA!<t«M.6'~<NM<t,309*PoggeadMN, ~«~r~&~A.~nMM~ht ~<M~-
t8o3. P '5'. to<'w~«fA. t86~, eoL 9~3.
344 C/?EG'<M/6~BV~
Syntaxes Artis Mirabitis, in Libros Septem digestae. Per quas de omni re
propoMta,multis & prope innnitis rationibusdisputari, aut tractari,onmidmque
summaria cognitiohaberi potest. AuthoreD. Petro GregodoThotosano ï. V.
Doctore, nunc in noua Academia Lotharingica Pontis Camassonijprofessore
Virtute Duce, Comite Fortuna.
Lugduni, Apud Ant. Gryphium. M.D.LXXXIII. Cum priuilegio Regiœ
t6*. Pp.[t6]tso[9 bhmk]. Gt/phius' en)b)eM
SyntMCttnArtisMirabilisAlterTomus.ln quo,omnium«iteatiMm&artium
traditaest vndefiteitim)st!usartissmdiosu!
mttones&cpitonte, de omnibuspmposMs,
ornamenta ramsimaproferre. Lugduni, M.D.LMXV.
Pp.ms5. tn<te)t[M3,4btank]pp.89.tMfuefoMiog. Aphteofthe~nds.
Commentaria in Prokgomcna SyntaxemnMirabilis Artis, Per quam de omnibus
disputatur, habeMrque cognitio. Authore D. Petro GregorioTholosano I. V.
Doctore, nunc in noua Academia Lotharingica Pontis Camassonijprofessore
Virtute Duce, Comite Fortuna.
Lugduni, Apud Ant. Gryphium. M.D.LXXXIII. Cum priuilegio Regiœ
Pp-304.3~. btanh. Index,&c.[63,t Mank].Gryphius'
Commentaria in Syntaxes Artis Mirabilis. Per quas de omnibus disputatur,
habeturq; cognitio, in Libros VIII. digesta, In quibus plum omnino scitu
necessaria pro Utantm explanatione tractantur: quorum Etenchum habes
proximè sequenti pagella. Auctore Petro Gregorio Tbolosano1. V. Doctore,
Professore & Decano in Academia Lotharingica Potimussana. Tomus L
Lugduni, Apud Ioa. Pillehotte. Sub Signo lesu. ts8y. Cum priuitegiis
Qesareee Maiestatis, & Christianissimi GaUiarum Regis.
8". PpL~M.
Tomus! t~. Pp.tt6]93o[6)t«t[3bhnk]. tndex~gbh~]. Folding
TomusH!. !<) acutiMima*, vOMm~ & sublimestractatiMM de Deo
tCtinentur ts8y.quo 34[abh)t)<].Index[&t).
TomusUH. ParsPp.~8] 7In
prier. quo. tmctationcs de Angetis,
Anima:continentmr. Pp.[& a bfantt]937b Na«)<].Parsposterior.De ïmnMr-
talitateAnimaiUbrittes,pp.[ya]46~[4 btMÏ].
GtegoritMwas a lawyer,doctorandprofessorat bookson law, and he waspoMea.edof *ast
Cahors,thenat Toulouse. andfinallyat Pontà erudition, as t~yte says. Ht diedin t~s. His
MoMMon in Lorraine.He wrotea numberof books do notdeal withalchemyor chemistry.
Borel,~M/At:~ Ct«x«-<t6~(.p.toy. JSthef.~ ~w<M~ (Me~ot. t7<:o, Fi.
Bayle,/?&/t~«t~)' ~<~M et <m/fy«<t~o, co).n6S.
Zehen der edlen vnd kôsttichen Artzneyen, die aufs den fûmembstenStucken
zusuNmen vermist,vnd auff Chymische Art bereittet, zu mancherleyKranck.
heiten dienlich in vnderschiedlicher Form sicher zugebrauchen, schneller
Würckung, vnd lieblich einzunemmen sind. Vnder welchen den Vorzug
bat Theriaca Coelestis Qvercetani, oder der Chymische Theriac. Neben
C~C~MM~ 34$
Proteus Mercurialis Geminus, exhibens Naturam Metallorum, id est, Operis
Philosophici Theoriam & eiusdem praxin,siue CompositionemLapidis secreti
per Philosophorum sententias & authoritates elucidatus. Quod darius ex
titulis vnicuique tmctatui pnetixis, cuiuis legentifacile patebit. Per Johannem
Baptistam Grosschedeliumab Aicha, Equitem Romanum, Phtiosophum &
Chymicum. Francofurti, Sumptibus Lue~eJennisii, Anno M DC XXIX.
9". P.p.195[1blank].
348 C~~C~E~~Z
(JonAON BAprtsr). C<w<;MM'
BoM), ~'M'o~tt O/M~, t6M, p. !o8. Fictuld, /& t7M. Th. i. p. 8$.
MerctUo, Z&t<&<t<'«tfTM~M!~ttt,
t686, p. say. Gmtth),CMfAtf~ der C&M~, 1797,i. pp. SM,
Roth-Scho!(t,/M/<'<~ofeM<M«'<t,tTzy.P. 169. 569.
Manget, ~A'<~«« &M/A'~M /Mmf«'<)~<M, Schmieder, C<w~«~/<<</<~<w«. t8~a, p. 377.
1731. t. H. P. S~. Hoefer,/e<y? de la CA«w~, t843. )i. p. 337:
/<M~ /~t(~<'t~ /tMMM F<W<A«'<?M~tt, t
tM~. fi.p. gto.
~73~tP*~3* LttdmgtM,<'<KeOM'ar~<'«'M<'M&t~/<'t,
Cengtct DaTt~noy. ~M/M~ de & M~~M t
tftTO,No. !OM.
~i~'m~y~ t~e, iii. p. t?9. Kopp,~<f ~m«-. <886,ii. pp. 338.368.
GROSSE (Die) Argtistigkeit derer sieh der Satan bedienet bey der wahren
Alchymie um die unverstandigen Sucher des Philosophischen Steins in alles
zeitliche und ewige verderben zu stürtzen, zur treuhertxigen Warnung und
besser Anweisung entdecket von einem dessen Wahl-Spruch ist:
In Christi Horto Dantur Thestun Maximi Pretiosissimique.
Erfurt, zu finden bey Augustino Crusio, t~t.
ta". Pp.4~Mat))[].
See by the suneaothor Kurtzer und grdndlicher Unterricht vomw~hreHTrutck Gotde.
D. 0. M. A. Philippi Grulingii Stolbergensis Medici Florilegium Chymicum,
hoc est, LibeUus Insignis de quorundam Medicamentorum Chymicorutn,
utpote; Essentiarum, Mag!sterion)m, Extmctorum, Salium, Tincturarum,
Florum, Crocorum, Oleorum, Spirituum,Ftecutarum, Batsamorum, Aquarum,
Pulverum, &c. verâ Frœpi~atione, recto Usu & certa Dos;, multis exemplis,
observationibusq;illustratus, & tati ordine dispositus, ut in cumndis morbis
cuilibet Medico cumulatè sufficiat.
Cato, Utilium rerum scient'a non est premenda, sed per manus tradenda.
Lipsiie, Impensis Gothofredi GrosI Bibtiopotœ. Anno M.DC.XXXÏ
ta". Pp.M.t7<
ta". v t no.
Pp.M 476[s7, bhn)t~
Gru)ing.o)'tM)ing'mstxM-nint~93<tt The above is thé first edition of tho
Sto))jerg in the Harz. He was coorector M Nord. and it appefu~d agaia in t&u. t66s. 4°. )n thèse
hansco, studied medicine at a tator âge thau mention is n<ade ofper~ittn bftrk.
Hsua), and rendcrcd f)istingt)ished service to Nord. CN~t/mMKm <~fMM//<'f-~M-M~/<iM<-M«t ~M/MT'a
h~uscn in t6:6 during the plague. The year ~Mo, Lips. 1638. entarged with other six
foOowinj; ho scttted at Stotbfrg, nnd became thé 'centuna' Northusœ, t669, Lipsiœ, t668, 4
Count's phyMemn itttd RUrgemMster. He died in Tho others are <nedica), nod do not refer to
t6&7 (!<66), aged 7~. He wns the author ofr chcmistry. Hisconecte<)wor)fs:C~~<0~<tM/M
xevem) works. ~<«~- T~mof ~j/n~/M, Lips. t68o~ 8°.
Van der Linden, De Scriplis ~Mf~ ~M <<?< Haller, ~M.fc/&-f<t <M~M<e< ~M/«-< 1777, ii.
McrcMtn. ~.<'«<&/«M~M~<t/«~, 1686, p. 912. Ëfoy. ~«M<M~ ~/<~)M
hii,ique A la Midetine,
Witte, /?/<<f<w &<syt!~b~a<, !688. Sig. Yyya ~«'
'77S. 'i. 3~.
verso, Ann. 1666. ~<t'< /<~i~aA!. Pnris, Poncttoucke (t82((.
Mnnget, /~Wfo/<<M ~OM<et ~«&'<-erKM, !;), tv. p. sa8.
173!. 1. ii. p. 533. Sprenget, Ct~«~/< der ~t-ta~t~ tSzy, iv.
Kestner. <M'<<(c<Htt<-<et G<M~ot-Z.<)-<«)M, <7«). p. a88.
p. 364. D. ,J'
Dea-intens, Z?<f//f~M/~ i"J' ~M/<t~M* ahJ /a
1 .t~
Ouftesnov. W~ot~ de /<t Mt/fjc~M t
Lengtet Mw. tSgs. n. ii. p. 635.
~<f/-m/«< t74Z, ih. p. t8o. Phillippe & ï,ut)wig, C~~«-AA der ~WA'AM-,
Mauhœ. Co«~/M //M/<t/t<r ;tA'<f<<)x <~w<)- te<s. p.
/< t76t, p. 578. Hirsch, ~M~r~Aw~ ~.f/A'MLexikon <&
der ~f~~f.
t' Je f~aM/oMtt-f~f /<t t.Xw«- ~~</M ~< t88~ ii. p. 668.
t77o."i.p.~3. /?M/M/<MaW ~'<Ky<<Mt'~ des &<<Mt<XJ ~~f-
Hnller, A'~t'/A~'e ~/<t«~, t77t, i. p. 562. M/ 4&me Série, tM6. xi. p. ~9.
TractMem vom Blut der Natur.
See also GUMMERT
Christoph Grummet was KuncM's assistant in his tract, Pour Nilro <M&f j?/M/ der A~r.
Dresden, and in the belief that Knnche) h:td dis. Dresden, 1677, té/S. S*; with a
covcftx) transmuuttion was fmnoycd that ho hadj vindication, Leipzig,Wiftenber~,
x679, 8°; and he wrote Sol
not perceived the process, and then:upon proceededd M~M f~t&, Rothenburg, t68~, tB' against
to stander Kunckel in a way which caused himn Orschall.
much trouble. KtUtcitet gave afterwards Mt )) BrutOtnet andWcige) that gives thé authors name as
says thé form Grummet is due
account of thc nûair. Grummct attacked him inn to a
C/M~Ë'?-CMM/0 3s'
Kunche),jMw)t/~«a<C~tt~M, t7t6, p. Weijget, ~M/<t~og' <~a/<p'w< .y&M<MaM/,
606;tTM.p.<e6. ). p.
~Mt~<e)n</««~~<4&~)M/<t,ty~ p. 990. i?89,
Gntetin, 3M.
Mw~fA~~C~M/f, t~, it. p.zS.
~t<'<~ ~M~aMM
/~<~<Vt/j Fw<~«'<e~&!f/«//Ma',B'uetM,/?<~<~<)«M <~ <a«j!fA« ~a/
'73*.P-63. t8o6~)S. p. t86.
&y<~ MfOM~ffM' ~f A&tfMt
C~~ tyS~, Schmieder, <i!Me<M~~ <<?'~M<f, tS~, pp.
PP.3S4.M3. 4S'?145+~w
f~opp, ZV<' o.
U. ~t<fBO!He,
~&~s& !eeo, p. gyz.
!M6, 3~.
See HUNMRTund dreissig Grund-Satxe.
GRUNDTLICHER Bericht, was die warhafftige Kunst Alchemia jnnhattë vnd
vermag, tn Via univcrsali et particulati.
See DARtOT (Ct.AUDK), Die Gulden Arch, Schatz- und Kunstkammer, t6t~, Part i;.
P. '63.
See KROFfNETEGeheimnisse des Steins der Weisen, <7o8-t7t8,p. 479.
{~Schretben des Gualdi an ï). C. von R. und an Herrn N. N.]
See CHVMtPHtLUS (j. ;.), Der wahren chymischen Weisheit 0<!enbahrung, t~M,
pp. t0<t-!43.
Gualdi, Guatdo, Gualdns, Fridericus or Ludo- man of Middleage, though he asserted that he was
vicus, is constdetedau tM)ian by some, by others Mttchotder, and the portrait apparentlvepresentcd
a German with the Mme Friedrich or Ludwig him M hc then was, though it must have been
Walter. painted more than a centuryprevioosty.
Hc wns tesidtnt at Venice in t68o or 'ntenMTativeittotdwithmriotMembettishmcnt!
and though he madeno show he wasable thercby, to )MS)st but there seems to h&~t bcen some fondation for
a nob)e fam!)yto put mines,which they were unable it, as the existenceofa t)er«)nwiththèse pretensions
to cafty on, MUoa pMtpetouscondition. A matuat was curfentty reported at the time.
iM)inM!on:pn<ngupt)etwc<:n himand thedaughter. Thé prose of thc romanee is furnished by thé
but the obstttcte to their union lay in his not work quoted by Gmdin Der enthrvte Gmtidus
belonging to the samectass of society. This was sivefDd. Gualdus ex se ipMmendaciiet imposturne
got over, however,by his giving or Icnding to thc convictus. des !st. MHfMichcjr Beweifs, dafs
RepuNtc n tMgesum of money which seems to dnsjenfgc,was von einem 400 Jahrigen Venetian.
have confared on Mm the requisite tank, but ischenEdetntanne und seiner Medion vorgegeben
nothing moreis KCMdedeither about thé tnMriage wird, mehrfar eine Fabe) ohwahrht~o Geschichte
or thc money. Gualduswas known to posscss a tu halten." This seons to tMtvc accompanied
smaH but very 6ne collection of pictures. Thé GtncUn's oopy of the CM)MBMtM<<aM (see thé
noMem&n,Meordhtgto another t~ctOttnt.a painter following),but t have not met with it.
and critic, eMMuMaR thé coltection camt! upon a CtMM'MMHt'tt/M~ einer Mf/~fM~ C~fm~AM
portrait obvioustyintended for Gtmtdus, which he ~m!&-< Af< <M~< Mf <<T<Mm</< MMf.
M once recogniMdas the work of Titiitn. who died /MW'f<'<~ .&!M«MMM /M<<f~WM Gt«t/</M,~/a Z<A-H
in tS76. Gualdusdid not deny the fnct. but gMe aa~~oo~ /~f ZM~~«'~ Mojf/~t&<~« fce~w~,
no explanation. and feft Vcniee thc foitowing a)t<~~&<t'~ ~«fA ~4~M t688. <t< t'etK~~ tu
morning, so that thé mystery rettmixed unso)ve<). ~At ~te<~<'«. Augsburg, tyoo. t! Pp. [60,
Nothing more washeardof him. but he is aUuded !<tctudmga portrait of G()a)dus]M [s bhoM.
to in the CoM/tUtder M~t, t/S!), as being still This is said to be tmnstated &om prectous KngMsh
aUve,and nearty 600years old. When he was in and ttaiiiM Mi-s. Thé second part contains the
Venice, a couple of centuries carticr, ho see<neda letters to and from Gtmtdu;,above mentloned.
~i'n-<t ~t/~M<-A <!t&~?«!<A< /%g/M~< one, and he speatts of two persons of the same
.StA<Me.~t<M<, tyoa,p. tta (refers tothe pteceding name.)
book, and discmsMthe probabitity o~ Gtmtdu? ~~M~ Mf Cf~MA' <&rA~<ntO~MM, tyS~,
story). p. 502.
/)«! Bde
BA~~tw ebarnelun~/er
/«<t~ .~A~Mm. tTgo. p. a6e.
Alckyania,:y ada. Cc~H-~ der Ct«M<f,i~ ii. p. 33~.
Lengtct DNfrBsxoy.w'c~K <A'la ~<m~~ Schmieder <!<MAt<'A<«~M~M~.t83a, p. 464.
/~MX/~< ii).
tM9. p. t8o. Figuier, /A'A«MM les Alchimistes, !Ss6.
MMt<«~M Redivivns, F.rtgllshtrans.
~~wftM, Engtish trnns· p. !7.
lation. London, tM~ p. e~. ?~ ~*«t«:M«rM<t:,
Jennings. t870,p. ~3(adapted
Fictntd)..PM'M«-.&<M, t/~g, Th. i. p. 86. from Cohauseo).
(Fictuld's account do<snot taUy with thé current Kopp, Die ~4/fA~/Mf,t886, p. tôt.
352 CM..O~E--C~W7W~?
GÛLDENE (Das)Ftu<&
Hortulus SanitatisAmoenissimus. Hoc est de Tuenda et ConservandaBona
Valetudineomnibus Literatis et Peregrinantibus Libellusaccommodatissimus
& maximènecessarius, in lucem editus cum Indice locupletissimoa Simone
6'MV77MM-C</M.M?' 353
Alchymia Ratione et Experientia ita demum virititer impugnata & cxpugnata,
vnâ cum suis &)!actjs & deliramentis, quibus hommes imbuMnârat: vt
nunquam imposterumse erigerevaleat. AuctoreNicolao Guibefto,Lothatingo,
Doctore Medico. Item de Balsamo, eiusque iachrymasquod Opobalsamum
dicitur, Natura, Viribus & Facultatibus admirandis.
Sapientum finis, Saptentttecommunicatio.
Argentorati. Impensis Lazan Zetzneri B!Miopo!œ. M.DC.IIL
8'. Pp. [t6]t&t. Zet!!ner't
emblem withthemotto Scient!~
Thétract deBtttMmo !ssepMMety pagedandbasa sepamtet!tteandsignatures
so thatit mightgobyitseM–except thatit b mentioned
De Batsamo.eiusqueLaehrymae, quodOpotahmmu))) dicitur,natura.vidbm&
admitandi~.PerNicolaum GaibenttmDoctoremmedicum LothwWogum.
Guibertus was bom about !S4rM St. Nicolasde ofthe Cburch. He Mtumed to his native country
Port in Lorraine, studied medHae and eradaated and !ived at Vancoateam. H<tviog comptetety
aboutttyo. HetraveMed<br)nanyye<(rs in France. chMgtd hisvicwsand coasidenn~ that tmnsmuta-
Spain, haty and Germany. and practised in CMtd- tion was impossibleand that thé pursuit of it led to
daranteand Rome. He ai 6rs<betieved in tfan$- poverty end M-ant, he wrote his books against
mutationand workedin thé labomtoryofCardtnttt Atehemy, and ct<t)c!sed his <bnner friepds who
Granvelle,viceMy of thé two Sicilies,and for thé bdie'<Mta it. He <Medat VancMteaTSabout t6so.
Cardinalof AM~bu~ tfMStated German works by In addition M thé above he wote ~tK~te <A'
fMacet~us into Latin. !n Naples he was assoo. XMt~<X~t <&M~~Mt <W~'MM?0)!~ M~t-
nted with Baptista Porta and PMtnenti. tn t57$. Bt«'!<t<r,Ftaneot ~597. M* and ~<A/
under Pope Gregory X!!t., he was appointed ~/MM)t&<M</<t~/<M'M«t <fa)MM«M<~<e/n!f<
iMpector-~eneM)of dru~gisM'shops in thé states <t~<M/,TuUi. toï~ 8*~
SchencMM.~«/&'<-< ~MÏM,p. 4t6. Noy. ~Mtf~ ~MM~M <&la MM'~M.
Van der Linden, DI Seriptis ~MM~. <~«'. t~S, u. p. 398.
1637.P.370. &)'«~-G~o'At< <&*~<~ C'A<m&, ~8s.
C~M&a, t6M.P. ïo8.
MereMin,~<«&x~ M~eM~M,t6s6, p. 834. Adetang,~f~t! x« /~A~t.
Roth-Sehottz, ~~ft<M CAatMM,H~ p. t??. GMf~M~~œ, t7S7, ii. cot. ]t6j'g.
Manget, &W&<A<M&W~M'wot iloran Ati'«&~w)«, F~~ ~H& PaH:. !~ncttûacke (t8ao.
tTgt. t. ii. p. St& as), h. p. s~).
/<M<~ /<t~M:t /'<~x<KMW<M 2MMM~ ~M'/a/M~, Sehmiedw, C~M~ <<o-/t/MMt«!, t8M. p. 3S?.
1 P.~3· Hoefiir. <&/<! 0;~))~, !S43. H-P.
Morhof. /M~< t73~ (i. 5. a. t~), p. 938 M.
tS69. p. tM.
(De MunMnis poculis dtssertatio, Fmncof. !S79' M<~n~t'< MMMfM/&,t8<7, XYiii.p. 8~.
(~8'). ~«M<f//<~<~t!~ G/<~&. 1850~Mdi. eo).
K~MtMT, A<<~)~ Ct&A~M,-1 t740.
P~geadMf~ B~n~M~a'Mrù~t ~</
Lengtet Dnfresnov. Histoire de la ~&M~~ <aiM~<f«A,~863,t. tût. 07S.
~M~~M, t74s, ii). p. ï8t. Hirseb,~ww~'n'~t ~Mo)t der ~nw~iM.
Jocher, ~~««t~ ~M~'Jt-w. <?j,o,ii. <&a t88j;, ii. p. 693.
co).M& J~<M!«xa~ <a~<W~M <<M.MMMM<t/~<-
HaBer, ~&<t<at F<<!<M, t~t, i. p. 390. <
<'<!&4tme S<t!e,T98&,xi. P. 4;
354 C6V~CMW~/?y
De MineraHbus Tractatus in Génère loannis Guida Semon:
Patritij Vottt.
terrani I. C. aetate sua ceteberrim!, Libri Quatuor;
~M SENDtvoofus (MtCHARL), Tmictédu Soulphre, t629.
GULDEN (Die) Arch, Schatz und Kunstkammer.
Theophori Gummertens Treuhertzige NotiScation-SchnBt von Ursprung und
Ende, das ist: Von der Generation undVitrification derer Metallen, Mineralien
und allerhand Steine, mit angehengter Beruhrung der Universat-Matena
Lapid. Philosoph. aus einem einigen,geringen, iedennan bekanten, und doch
unerkanten Dinge, sambt andern raren Cunositaten, &c. Wie solche von
dem Authore durch Gottes Gnade und unermüdeten Fleifs seithero unter-
suchet, und bey viel hundert Proben im Feuer und sonsten warhaaUg
befunden worden, &c. An aUe redHchgesinnete Liebhaber der Edlen
Chymiae, bey dieser letzten fast ge<ahïHchenZeit, wohlmeinend abgelassen,
<?<MT/?r-G<y?'~4AW 355
0<!enbahrung ( GottHcher ) Majestat.
The above tMe is printed in large lettersin the middle of the page, and isenelosed
by four cmamentat Unes. Abovethé tille iothe Mtowing ·
Augustin. de utititate cn~endi. ( Nemim duMum est, omnes homines aut stutt<M
aut sapt-jentes. Nunc autem sapientes voco, non cordatos & injge.fntosos homines,
sed eos quibus est, quanta in esse homini potest ipsius hominis Dei<(:nnniN.imt per.
cepta coznt-)Ho atd; bute cognitioni rintai& mom ) congfuunt.ji
To Me tfniMerNdeof thé titte. priMed perpendtcataMyatoxg Y g thé
tbo page
Mat.fMn.inPEt.) (
An!<)M6 tonna intia)aet <tM*) (
na soHs diviniscognita. 1
Parac. in Phitos. Sagac. lib. (. cap. a.)1
Der Philosophus soll das am erMen betrachten, von wan.(nen derMenseh komme und
den andem den Eckstein legen. Dem-jnach der Theotogns, damit or wisse, was der
Leib und das tBdt)the ) in ihm und das ewigesey, damit er denselben nicht MtmTeut&t
wet-{damma. Und der JanM, damit er wisse wie der MeoMhnicht eine Sax My
sondem eine edle Cireatur,damach ihn wisse ais einen MenKhen, nicht ab ein Kaib
M uhfthei!en. Und der Medieus soU die$en An<ang auch wissen,da& ef ihn nicht
wieein Vieh In dte) Fteiseh.Baack gebe, sondern bedencke GSttMche!Badnift) ftcbt.
w!ederA)'tHteyta!tM<ah)'en. )1
Oo the dexter side of the title also pr!nted petpendicatartyalong the page
Benth. sup. CMt. Ser. 41.)J
DMna soet, & aM e)tperti$)1
prorsus inoognita qu<Bj
This t!Ue4<afis followedby thé Rtenchos CaptMm,' and then by the other Hy-titte
ONenbahmag GOttticher Majettttt, Darinn af){e!e!get wird W!e Gott der Hèrr
an<angt!ehBiehallen seinen Geschopfen mit Worten und Wetcktn geofR'nbahMt.und
ttie er atie seine Wercke. der~ben Art. Eimnscbaft, Kmft und WOfdmng in tturMe
SchHM artUch ter&saet. und solches alles dem etsten MeMchen,den er Mtbst nach
seiner Bildnots ge':chanen, Obeneichet Weiches dann M& débet gelanget ist Hie-
bewir fast vor &. Jahren anf ~et<!t)ti~esSuchen ediret, und anieto. weiNso rar und
theuer, dafs auchein Exemplar vor 30. 40. Thatr. verkaufft, und fast nicht M erhaiten
gewesen, nunmehr gleichfais auff so vMtaMges Begehren, sonderlichfer Gnaden.
hungerige, WeMteit-Mchende.KuMt.begierige. Gott-tiehende und himMMsch.EesinMe
Kinder Gottes wieder au<ge)eget. und Mrar abo. dafs es nicht nur nach nehager
Revision von sehr vielen und grossen HMpt.Druck-Fehtem gebeMett sondem auch
mit angeMgten unterschiedenenAnmefetcuagenvermchret.
Without date, ptacetmd pnnter's name.
< Titte pp. M. Etencbus Cap!ta<nM second tMe and preliminarymatterho],
TeM, $30, Index [~J; Teitt s~, !nde!t[aSj.
3S6 C<7?W~AW-G~y~
Aus dem aufrichtigen G!aubensbekenntn;fs,1728.
See HERMETtSCHES A. B. C., !779,ii. p. ~t.
(C. <?.). (~.). 357
Eines wahren Adepti besondere Geheunaisse von der Alchymie zutn Gebmuch
und Nutzen denen Liebhabern herausgegeben und mit Figuren er!autert
von C. G. H. Drefsden, bey Johann Nicolaus Gerlach t~g~.
8*. Pp.[t9]9/& Index [so]. t~SyntboHcatengmvingsofChetnicat Opérations.
This anonymous treatise is divided into ton 9. MafMtitMFicinus, Vom Stein der Weisen, p.
books with distinctivettttes ~83.
t. Mercurius redMvtx, p. t. ro. Nuy<ement, Tractat von dem wahren
a. Catholicon Phystcotum, p. as. geheimen Satz der PhitoMpben. und a))gemeine<t
3. Venus V!tr!o!at& née non Mars Vie. WeU~~te, p. agj.
toriosu!, p. 43.. tt is thetetOfe neither more nor less than a
4. Elixir Mu Medicime Vitai, p. 63. translation of SamuelNotton's tracts, f,.v.
S. Satumus SatttMtus. p. 8~. Compare VigitantitM de Monte Cubiti, /?~
6. MettunorphosMLaptdum ignobitiUM,in Gem. ~c~ ~~Mf~Mf~ ~,<w~ NOmberg, t6~,
mas quasdam pMttotas, p. tt?. whieh txctudes the tracts contained in this volume.
?. ÂtehymiasCotnplementumet Perfectio,p. t.M. Orthe présent workthere is a copy ittthe Outaroff
8. Auslegung der dunklenWSrter, &c., p. t63. cotteet!on.
ï~dragtte, ~/t<~M?M 0«M~ .Sc/Mt~ ~<M, tByo, Ko. t~.
H. (E.).
Ein ausfuhrHcher Tractat, von philosophischen Werck des Steins der Weisen,
durch eine Jung<er E. H. genannt, Anno ~74. geschrieben. Samt einer
gründlichen Untersuchung und Entdeckung, der Art und EigenschaNt des
Gotdes Worinnen nicht aMoin die wahre Materie desselben wohl vemetnMch
entdecket, sondern auch die Handlung seiner Bearbeitung treutich angewiesen
wird, imgleichen die Tabula Smaragdina Hermetis in vielen, auch sonst
noch einige tunckle Sprüche der Philosophen, sonderbaht gedeutet und
erMâhret werden. Dabey &ngef[iget: Ein Catalogus Librorum KabatisUcorum.
Hamburg, zufinden bey Gottfried Liebezeit, t~oa.
8'. Pp. Mwntaiatng the titte, on the reverse of whiehts the intetptetation of thé
"AmadHMin&PMutum.and pfet~ce pp. 3. thé first tmct pp. 45-98,the second
tfact and pp. ot)-i(a, the catato~uo of cabatistic books. The second tract bas a
titie-pagewhtch repeats the second part of the above titte.
We are not infomMd who thé lady WMwho in t&~8.and was then translated into Engtish. The
tS?4 composed the pfMeat )itt)e<mct. Thé second Ctttatogt~ Wts reptinted by Semter, and thé
i! aiso anonymous. The list of cabalistic aad present work !s quoted by htm. The <mthorMS,
)nag!c books contains the tittes of 69 Mss.which however, was unknown to him he thinks it is .t
were on sale at Leipzig in t6t~ for t6ooo impérial. tnmdation from the French md the other tract
Amongst other ttemstt cont~M: No. s&.Magia from the Latin, which wi)) bethefound in the
KinmMdi: (Me), a <amousbook of magic which 7T4<<t/~<M CA«<&w~,attboagh two versions
was aftenvatds edited by Rivinus and printed in diOfetwtdety from one another.
Sentier. Mt~t<'<t<f.M~&t~&<t ~M<w<'< Ladrague. ~«~«~ 0<MM~~ &'«'<MM
t&f /?eK«~«<~ t?66. i. p. n<t; '7~7. p. Ss. ~~7et, )87<~No. t~ga.
358 (/. C.)-~4C~~
Des Hermès Trismegists wahrer alter î<faturweg. Oder: Geheimnifswie die
grofse Universaltinctur ohne Gtâser, auf Menschen und Metallezu bereiten.
Herausgegeben von einem achten Freymaurer 1. C. H. Mit vier Kupfern.
Leipzig,bey Adam Friedrich Bôhme. !~8a.
9'. Pp. Vit).[!. t b)!M)(].
~CM~c~1785. Ladrague. FfM~~f OMM~; ~'<XMj
P' &< tSyo. Nos. 645.6~.
H. (L. C.), P. T.
&< HE!,LW!Q (CHRtStOPH).
The first, tyM; the second, 1791; thu fourth, ~«t<f<BMœ papers in the A'«M!~c/o
A~ens Ct<fM!«~wm, beforethe Natur.
'~S. Hagen wrote also Gr~<&j/«' der C4<-«M'<.fonchtnde Fratnde'at in
KaMKb~, t~, 8". A dissettiHionon the water Mtdin Mherj«un)a)s. Ber)in. CntU't~~a~
at Thom, in Latin, Regiomonti, !y88, t"! in The author was bom at K6ni(sbem', in Dec..
German, Kônigsberg, 1789, t'; Z<Mt«:& der t749.MdwMHo&pothe)Mr. Hebecameboeent
~~M<to'.Ar<MM/. KOnigscet?, ïyyS, S*.t~8t, t?8a. i77S. extmerdinMy Professor. t~; ordinary,
/MC~4/~ 3$9
t788.inthéMedieatFacxtty int8o~h eWMtxade and a graud~on. both chemists. and a nephew,an
MMterof Armand int8oyPM<eMorofCht)))i!tt'y.
engineer, wwe ail nativesof Komgsbefg.
Physics. N ttMra)
in théUoiveKJty inthe PhUoMcbica) Thé /.<f«-~ der ~~M<~f A'M<~had great
FMMtty 9 Ma)-ch, there.H e dMM inHuenceon the att in Germany.
KSni~bere;. tS~ Hise)der bMthcr
C.B.Wcige), der<T/~M <ftt<<
~77.ii. (~tOM. M,f<~«t~«t' t8~. il. p. 6.
<7yaN<&~ /M et des /)<<4At<7~ qui consacrent leur
<M~M C~.
GmetM),Gf~M&t&F-~nt~ t799,
S.pp.988. Poggendortï, A<~M/A<j<n<f //<
WfM<M<tt,t86~ 992.
~<<~«<tt f~M~«</.<</< ~<<«t'«< Z~«~A< A<~n~ t! x. p. ~o
t8o6~8,p.~6. < (atticie by Ladenburg).
~<i~~M Paris,Pânettoucke
(ttzo. BMtiags.//«~.v.C)&t/<(t, t8&), v. p. 776; md
<S). Cw<4«aM- Series, tgot. vi. p. <80t
Kopp, <~OtMM'.f. t8~,¡ û<~M/««ttn' ~'<~<<~M< !)t.des &t'<a<M~t- C~t~e~<-<- cales, t886. ~étnc Série,xti. p.
PhiMippe&Ludwig. <4~et~, Hirsch. ~'«jp~Mw~ Z~~<M<der ~fo~
PP- B~omMMt~/Wt~M
'~j!' 23% &~<TJ <~<&M <4</t« «/&<-Za7«t ««<< t~f. t8M, ttt.
K!uy9hen~ P.'3.
Epistola de quatuor Lapidibus phi)osoph!cis,materiam suam ex minore mundo
See SKttDtVOGtUS (MtCHAZL),Epilogusin Novum Lumen Chymicum Orthelii,
<624,p. t77.
-jet. THEATRUM CHKMtCUM, t66),
vi. p.
p. 497.
Thé authoritiesseem disposed to accept without Mealso founded the momstery of S. Wipertuson
dentur the statement that thé author of this tract the Bode (now dXsotwt), which is said tobave M
wasthé HaimowhoHoufMhediu thé ninttt century. to the building of the netghbounmgtowu of Qued-
ABeordtngto thé accounts hewas an Angto~MCt), liaburg. !nto )t he introducedBénédictinemonks,
a connection of Bede's. a pupil of Atcuïn'sand a who had been formerly pupils of his own at
schooudtow and friend of Rhabimus Maurus, and Hirschtetd, and made his school Mend Rh&banu!,
itBenedittiaeMonk. HebMaMereadcrofthtotogv Maurus provost, after he had been driven out of
)H FuMa in 89~. in 839 teacher at Corbey and t-'u)d<tby thé refractory monhs there. Of the
Hitschfetd. but not Abbot, nnd in 840 bishop of monitstoy nothing reuMumexcept the tiny but
Hatberstadt. crypt of the cbufch, now enclosed by
He entrustedthe admixistmtion of the cathedm) impressive
<trange of fium buildings.
M an officerattted Ruodger, whosc résidenceand He placed a fine tibritty in thé cathedMt Kt
propefty near Hatberstadt gte~vinto the viHMe<f H~tbet&tt)dt.but it plobably perbhed in the6te of
Ha)m or Hoym. ffom whteh the noble ftnoMyof tï79. Haimo died at Hatberstadt, a? (eS)March,
von Hoym ntay bave been deriwd. 1
360 /M/4ZZjS~
üfüf·iV, Cc~~w~.
Erzehtungen von denen Winden.
&'< DRKBBEL (coRNBUUs),Tractat oder Abhandlung von Natur und EigenschaHt
HaMey. son ot a so~p-boUer, WM born <n Secretary ofthe Roynt Socitty, t/t~-ft, Astfonomef
Haggetston, 99 Oct., t6~,6. His famer<sts on his Roy!t), !7t<),und toreigt) AMociatoof the French
iM.tronomicfdwork, but he wroteone or two papers Academy. t/a?. He died at Greenw:ch, t4 JM..
on ehemieat sabjeett, .ts on the s&)MeM of the sea. i7~,aged86.
He was protessor of geometry at Oxfofd, tTO~'zo,
Roth~ehottz, ~<~<'<~«! Chemica,tysy. p. t8t. Wood, ~~<t<B O.fCMt'MtM, ed. BMss,tBiM~iv.
~~r<MMa Bn7<MXtM,1~7, iv. pp. z~ col.
Mof~n, Cn!~Z)<c/~««<!<<~e/~«<, tys<), '~A~~M/<.<y< ~< ~~«- ~48,
v. p. 497. ~<tj~<.
Ha)ter. B<MM«M ~M/!fM«'< ty~, il. p. tes Grant,
~fj/<My /f<'a/ ~j/w~om)', t8jB,
('cetebris tnathentMicus cempfmam urinatoriam p. IM,&~)MMm.
descripsit'). AOibone, C~/M/ ~<~y oj ~~M
Adelung, ~t~<y .<«. /M-~< ~.t/fy~ t85~ i. p. 7?t.
<M&MMt.<w«, y87, ii. col. t7~6. Kh'yskens. Des~fMm~ff//<Mf.M dans les~f<afj
Aikin, C«MMt/~<g;~t/, tSott, v. p. zt. <f/ /.MArts et des ~<~<t</&~ <tMtM<~Ot~ leur
Chatmcrs, TM C<)MM< &<ip~Atfa<~'MM«!~)', &«t/<«' ïSs9. ii. p. 10. yt. Dt'wMfy of National ~<j~<~)', tB~e, xxiv.
Roes, 7~ ~~tCc, 16!$, xvii. M~. p. M4.
Princelijck Gheschenck, of Tractaet der Medicynen. tn 't welck natueftijck
en grondich de Loflijcke en wytberoemde Konst van Ghenesinghe, de
krachten van aile Cruyderen ende ghevvassen, ats oock Gommen, Hersen,
Olyen, Extracten, Wateren, gheene uyt-ghesondert. Mitsgaeders de Com-
positien aller Medicamenten, en de Remedien teghens atte Krancheden, en
Fenynen, die het Menschelicke gheslacht vooïvatlen, verhaett vverden, en
by ëxperientiegoedt bevonden zyn.
Hier is een Tractaet van de Alchymie voor de beminders Theophrasti
Paracelsi by ghevoegt. Eerst beschreven door den Hooghghe!eerden ende
Experten Medicijn Nicolaes van Halteren, Dienaer des Godtlicken woorts
binnen Hornaer. Ende nu tot eyghen kosten in 't licht ghebracht, door
lohannem à Porta. t' Amstetredam, By Ian Evertsz. Cloppenborch,
Boeckvercooperop 't Water in den vergulden Bybel, tegen over de Cooren-
Beurs, tëg~.
4'. Pp.[8]t9o[abhn~.
PM&cebus' Tfa)~,p. t~. HaHer(~M~~a ~<'<~f~<~ ~a</<«t,ty??,ii. p. <t6)quotesthisbook,
Vom gemeinen Wassef a!s dem besten Fiebermittel.
See -&.I'
.d OEMEL,Universal-Wasserdoktor.
John Hancoctte, D.D., an En~tbh cteojynxm, tysz, 1723. tyad, 8*; t?~ 8'. tyya; Freach
Rector of St. M<u-Karet'<, Lothtmry, pMbendiu'y translation, by Nteeron Ttattë deîvetttttmMMn.
of Canterbury, chitpMa to the Duke of BedfoM. ates de t'eau commune, t'af)!, ty: ta' 1~30,M°.
had studied medicine and was n great edvccate He is commended for his accumcy !tt the statc-
for the use of water in tever. On this subject ment of facts but he deprived them of their value
he wrote bis book Febrihtgutn magnum, or by hb inferences nnd criticisms of othersviews.
common water the best enre for h&vets. London.
Etoy. /M~«MM<M'~ ~M/<<f< d!t &t jM~/w, Haeser, C~c~tct~t&fA~ tMt, il. p. 648.
W& i). p. 446. BiUtnga, /«<<f.)'.C«~A~~<1884. v. p.6t5: and
AMibone, Ciiiital Z?/<-<~M~ ~/HA Series. t~Ot, vi. p. 7!)4.
~tOM~w. !85$, i. p. TSt (mentions ~ot<
*&c.' t6<)7.t739. butnot thé present tract).
Cato Chemicus Tmctatus quo Verae ac Genuinte PhHosophiœHermeticœ, &
Fucataeac Sophisticœ Pseudo Chemiœ & utriusque MagistrorumCharacterismi
accurate detineantur. Hamburgi, Apud Gothofr. Liebernickel. Literis
Brendekii. Anno ïôoo.
ta". Sigs.AtoDintwetves, or, pp.[~. t Mank].
anonymously. Moller it to Hanuemano,
assigns and Koppandotherauthorities
Cato Chemicus.
.S~ MANGET(j. J.), BibliothecaChemica Curiosa, t~M, i. p. 368.
Nova & Accurata Methodus cognoscendi simplicia Vegetabiliajuxta triplicem
G &
cognitionem t.GMtnmaticam. Pb'l h.
z.Phitosophicatn. Med'
3.Medicam.{. Chemicam.
Neotericorum Philosophorum & Medicorurn propriisque principiis super-
structa, & cunos~ adornata. Autore Johanne Ludovico Hannemann, Med.
D. & PhitosophMeNaturalis Prof.Publ. Ordinar. in Alma Christian-Albertina.
S. R. I. A. N. C. Collega.
Die rechte Hand defs Hochsten kan alles endren. Psal. t.xxv!t. Vers. xi.
KilonI, Literis & Sumptibus Joach. Reumanni, Acad. Typogr. 1677.
4*. Pp.(2,z btank]~48.
Joh. Ludovici Hannemanni I). & Phitosophiœ Naturalis in Illustri Christian-
Albertina Professons Publici & Ordinafii: Leopoidinee Societads Co!œ
Nestoris II. Ovum Hermetico-Paracekico-Trism~istum. Commentarius-
Phitosophico-Chemico-Medicus, in quandam Episto!&tn Mezahab dictam
de Auro. Et Historia Philosophico-Chemico-Medica de eodem metallo
nativo & artifidati. In quo et ro8. Quaestiones Cbemice ab Excellentiss.
D. D. Morhofio propositae ab Autore solvuntur. Omnia, juxta adopta}
Patacebicœ & Ecteeticte Phitosophiaeprincipia. Una cum Fasciculo Eptsto
tarum ad quosdam nostri Secut! Medicos Celeberrimos, & Appendice
Apologetico. Francofurti, Impensis Friderici Knochii, Anno M.DC.XCIV.
8*. Pp.[M]44o,z8[t4.:b)an~ J.
Epistola,p. t. to8Qua:stiones,
p. a~t.
364 MAWJSM~W-~AE~t/.S'
&e DtGBV (KRNELM), Aufserlesene,setbame PhilosophischeGeheimnüsseund
Gmelinseemstoastdbethe Endisbversionof t68t, ?* Mgby'sSecrets,tendon, tMt,9*,and
théabovetoJohnHartmann.A ddungquoteshM(heitbove<mnshttion:Fami)yPhysiMian,Lottdo<t,
woths:P~erverandfestorerofheatth,London, tô~, S'.
Adelung, und~dfxtM~O).M
~bf<M<tt<t~' Gmclin,C~tfAM-~
derC'~«f/ t7~6,i. p.
/t ~{ptx~'a~ <at~a./<.)tfc. tySy, !i.
ïohannis Hartmanni Medicinae Doctoris et quondam Chym!atn<ein Acadetnia
MarpurgensiPfrotessonsceteberrimi, Principtitnque Hass!œ Archiatri Pnu(!s
Chymiatricaedita à Johanne Michaelis, Phitosophias & Medicinae Doctore,
& Professore ibidem extraordinario: & Georgio Euerhardo Hartmanno
Authoris Filio. Huic postremae editioni adiecti sunt propter a<Bn{tatem
materiae,tres Tractatus noui.
ï. De Oleis van!s Chymicè distilatis.
II. Bailica Antimonij Hameri Poppij Thallini.
III. Matci Cornachini D. M. Methodus, quae omnes Humant Corporis
aBectionesab humoribus copia, vel qualitate peccantibus, Chymicè
& Ga!entcè curantur.
G~nevae,Sumptibus Petri Chouët. M.DC.XLVII.
& Pp.[]M.~t. ïndex~].
366 ~~TW~AW-AMJ?~
Demonstratto veritatis doctrinae Chymicae. Aduersus loan. Riolani Com-
parationem veteris Medicinae cum noua, Hippocraticre cum Hermetica,
Dogmatise cum Spagyrica. Auctore Israele Harveto Medico Aurelian.
Hanoviee Typis Wechdianis, Apud Ctaudium Marnium & hseredes loan.
Aubrii. MUCV.
8'. Pp.
8'. Pp.M3M.
A))thnt 1 havefoand recorded about Harvetus t! century, was a partisan of chemistry.andwrote in
that he\va! a native of Orleans, tived «t theend of de<ence of it against Riolanus and the PMis
thé sixteenth Md begtnn!ng o( thé ;e<Ntteemh Faculty, who had condemned the abatt, not to say
~y~-jMM~MM 367
Antwort an die LobwOrdigeBruderschant der Theosophen vom Rosenkreutz
undGénérâtReformation,t~St,p. 99.
Qmetin,C~K<M& der C~<w~,ty~, p. ;6~, Hfuetmeyer'snMnek notmentioned Ktctt,
note. anditdoesnotocearinthe.Mw/v. by
De l'Art de la Verrerie. Oh l'on apprend à faire le Verre, le Crishd, &
t'Emait. La maniere de faire les Pertes, les Pierres pr~deuses,la Porcelaine,
& les Miroirs. La Méthode de peindre sur le Verre & en Emait. De
tirer les couleurs des Métaux,Mineraux, Herbes & Fleurs.
Ouvrage rempli de plusieurs Secrets & Curiositez, inconnuës Jusqu'à
present. Par M. Haudicquer de Blancourt. A Paris; Chez Jean
Jombert, prés les à
Augustins l'Image nôtre-Dame. M. DC.XCVII. Avec
Privilege du Roy.
M*. Pp.[t6}6M[s,tNaatt].8plates.
Theteban EngUth tmo~aMoo 'ThéArtofGtM<, London,t6$$.8*.towMchWM
addedanappendix onmtddaggtM~t~. Neweditionofthe French,Paris.tyt8,in
woparM,M*. Thisis a Mptfnt ofthét697tditioa.towhichbasbemadded Thdtt
The «ttgtnat
&uv amgwoa work
warsnc is Btttemno
na ~aua moreuuw
thmaA ttaMiation
w of NeH'sL'Arte~/MM-m.
The author was bom in Picardy about !6$o, and even affirmed that he poseMed some tdchemieat
he tMced bis d<Mentfrom a Robert HMdiquer secrets. tn consequence of a charge of (bn~nfr
who Nom~~hedin 1349. By some he !s called MMientHttesofnoNUty he WMsent to (heganqw
Jean, by otheM FMnçei& He Uwd in Pat)!!and ia no!, and this «M commuted to perpemtJ
9peM B~e and twenty years la accumNjatinR hnpnMnment. AUhis papersand coUeetMMwere
nMterh) forthe history of the noMtiMof hb pro. depo~ted in the BtbKctMtMeRowh, tot)~, t?c&
vtMt.. He tell heiralso to the eot)<'ct!onof MSS. His works relate to the nobittty M Picturdy,
be!ongtng to FMa(MisDuchesne, whose daughter Rtris, t6p3 or t6$<, 4*, pp. syS. Hbtodcai
he mMtiedh) t68A. ta addition to hisgentah)): researchMon the Otdte of the Saint-Esprit, Paris,
and htMttMcstudies he cOMMMd ehemhtty and t69s, a vols, M*,and the present treatise on g)aM.
368 ~MVC8~E/?WM7'mw
/ft<w< < &~f<Mtj, Sept. t69% p. 43t (notice Fuch: A'<MM der <~M<«'~« ~a/«r.
of bis workon the nobiUty): Avr)i, t6~s, p. t79; t8o6.oS, p. xtt (otth him Blankard it) the index,
juin. t~M, p. 4M (notice of his work on thé order but B~necatt inthe text, and speaks ofM édition
oftheSt. bspnt). oft~hs,t697.4'(w)).
Jacques t~etong. ~tW/a/~sc ~t'j~t'~M do la /tf'<WM~&M M!<<w~ <8;7, xviii. p. MO
~'<t<t< t77t, iii. p. ytt, No. 40;to; p. 7~9, No. (anic&byW~).
/V«Mtw/A A'<!pt~M Ct'Mt'MtA', t8s8, xxiii. col.
Adetung. ~<'t?~/f«<tf. <t< /M<~ 549.
f~f/fo. t~S~, ii. col. i8i8. ~erguson, Notes on BootM of Secrets,' in
GtHetin, G~t'AffA/'fdrr Chemie, *799, i". p. 39. thé 3'nt~e~MJ ~nrAa<N<fpfca< &~(f </
~/«~p~< t883, p. to~ tS~o. N.S. i. p. !M6.
v<i, anagrammattc~ vocato: Tuis Ophir dono fert theca Saturni. Annum
publicationiscontinet famosum ittud Paracets! vaticinium
ELIas artIVM artes DoCebIt.
Et iUudnostri CosmopoMttB
MonatChIa BoteaLïs &DVenïet.
Et BShmu TeutonM
LILIVM eDet fLores & septentrIone.
Amstelodami,Apud Henricum Bétkium, cum privilegio. An. MDCLVÏÏÏ.
8*. Pp
8. Pp. _`t6y[t].
`_r J.
Thé 'PneMe' b etmed "J. F. H. S. Fitio the ~«M~ be~ionfM; Re~ queedaM in hoc
Sendivo~ii."wMchstands for Jfo~phtH Frtdortcus Mnndo tnveuttttr.'–'Ks ist ein Ding ln dteMr
HmtMMtten w HMtBOfthon, or HeMttortton Wett.'
StMCtM. TwfShWt notes tu therMderco<)ta!H. < an
TËe t8!)më MatàtM, t" thé whote of théGerman account by the author of the <w)gi)t
of thé work and
of t6s7, bat Capp. M. & v. have been en)arse(!. thé meaning of the tMe 'F!):m SetMMwg! and
At thé end ot Cap. viit. bas been introduced a a" the statement of the authct's pseadonyo;)
RecaptMMo,' and a catalogue of tht best and Josaphat F. Heutnortton.
most oseM M<h0!<,and a waming aMinst the The Appendix coMaiM; *Co))oquiumSpiritus
writinp ot Gtmbe)' tp. 63), to whom thé author Mefeurii cum fratre Atherto Bavero sive Bawo.
was m)cen)pMmMng)yopposed. Monacho C~rmeKtano, &c., whichwas printed abo
'fbea (b))<)iM
(pp. &t.t36) a hxnnony of authors in F)g())tf!' 7~M<M'<t, p. tM, and must not be
oc )??)??< parts of chemistry, Mthirteen chaptefs, confused with the dialogue of Mercu< At-
with an Epitogm chemist, and Nature, ascribed to SendivcgtM.
.N<MK contes<he DiatoguspttepaMtionta)Lapidis Both dialogues are inctuded ln Roth.Schottt's
PhUo~phM ampt!~ deM~eM,*to wMchare added edition ofSendivogtus*Works, 1718,pp. yat, ty9.
[Another Copy.]
winter with him in i6S7, aad during their in. nortton, Roth-Sehottt ignores the name of Har-
tcreourso admitted that he had got the Ms. of preeht, and deals with Hautnortton as the author.
GrasMUs'or Chorto)asseu$' Ktefner Bauer' from A~ Borrichim is quite positive about his origin,
a friend in Livonia. and had often rcad it and even
thé author was thé son of Johnnn Harprecht,
(ntnscribed it that he had no doubt of the truthprofesser of tttwat Tubingen (who died <8 Septf.,
of the processes, but as he had only some ores oft639, Witte, ~M/«m A<jjp~~«am, Nn~ w/c
lead from Misnia to work on he tneant to go to t«e «Mne),and was born in t6io. It is po~iNe
Holland to prove the truth of the ats. by cxperi.
that he was intpreMtd by Seadi''ogias.*traMnxt*
ment. When there he published certain tracts: tations and attracted by his writings, and in bis
Z~.?«&.M<7M<~M~<M, ZM~~o &/M~V<'j<~tc<, ettthMiMmcaHedbintsetfMs'ton.'imdendeavoafed
etc., under the name of Filius Sendivogli. t these
to understand his writings and anain the position
ita pives expression to pious and God.fearing of an adopt, and for this purpose travelledin order
KntxnenM Mer the fashion of the old sages, but to find some one who could throw Ught on the
whetherwhenhe pubtished them. he tVMan adept or subject. But t hnve not found anything potittvety
not, Horrichiuseontesses hewas very muehin doubt,stated about him, except what BorrichitMsays,and
not merety because, shortlybefore, Harprecht knewthe dates of his books; not even the date of his
nothing whatever about the art of nssaying metals,
deathis recorded.
but especiaHyon account of two obsen'ations in thé Petraeus, however, has introduced some freth
writings themsetves: one that the matter at the complications. He aho identifies Harprecht with
beginning of the great workis sweet, which pointsthe Filius Sendifogii.' and states that he madetMe
to thé use of tead thé otherthat thé erndespirtt of Grasseos*book. He then add~that he sold the
tinges, but not pertnaHentty.' which BorfichitM us&on account of their i!)egibitity–<ora good
shows is borrowed from a passage in the' Kleiner sum, thnt they were taken to Livonia, that Har.
Bauer.' precht ultintately married a woman with money,
!n ait this account, euriousty enough, Bor. changed his name to Johann HisHa~ CafdihMius.
richiM takes no notice of the tnttiats J. F. H. S.,
and publisheda number of nx-dicat and chemicai
but Roth-Schohz adds the reniark that "his name books. Thisalso is possible,for, if the accounts be
must bave been Johann Friederich and not simply correct, Cardilucius was stitt alive in t68o–at least
Johann, because J. F. H. S. stands on his writings,
oneof his books appeared in that year. But on the
which may dénote Johanne- Fitiu- Harpcecht!, other hand those whomentionCatditocius,Matthiœ
Svevus." Perbaps it may; but it would surely for example (Cf~tc/M ~M/<'M« ~'<<&cM<M
have been more logical and reasonable on Roth- <-A~M/f~<ft(j. ï76t. p. 830)makeno fefereBeewhat.
Schottt's part to have put Johanues Fridericus ever to his being the same person as Harprecht.
Harprecht, Svevus.' Then Roth-Scholtz goes on Birkholz (AdaMah Booz) accepts Borrichius*
to quote the passage from the 2.MM-Mabove statement, but adds nothing to our knowtedee of
mentioned in which the name of Josaphat Fri. the tacts. He states, however, that the latest
dericus Hautnortton is given, after which aU the édition is that in Joseph Ferdinand Kleeblatt's
entries are put under that titie. A<'w//<a«.g<< «'M~f ntt.f<t«c~x«' ~~<M~AM
Whi)e therefore Borrichius assigns the tracts to
jfA~'<H/~af<«7'~</<!y&M<, Fmnkfurtund Leipzig,
Harprecht, and exhibits no knowledge of Haut. 1768.
BornchiM, Coaj~e~M &)'«r!Wt CA<)«~MMM, AdaMah Boot, ZM<~<M«Aa&~eC~etK, t~,
t6e7. p.3S (caib him F!)i))sSendivogii). Vorbericht, f.*4
Roth-SchotM, ~M'AM/MNM<~t~t't C4y!M<~< Sentier, M~a~A'jf~ ~am/«~<tt sur ~j~n'<
&A< t~tS, Vorbericht, p. tg. t&t-/f«t<'<tt~K«f,!y88, iM.pp.3S'4?'
Roth-SchotM,~<iM~~a 6M<a~«, tyay, pp. 188 Gmelin,<?<w~~ <~ C~MM, 1707,i. pp. 6to.
(eatb him Harbrecht, and quotes thé name Haut-
norton) to6.~o<t(and notes). 1624. Xtpertorium ~f
Fuchs, ~<~<~a~!<<)t der «t<Mf~<A<«
chtutisckex /.t'~<faï«<
Lenglet Dufresnoy. ~T~/MM la ~tt'~j~M !8o6-o8,p. t53.
~<Mm~tjr«t,*74~t lit- P-so~. Schmieder, <?<'j~«f~a!o'<~<'< 1839.p. 410.
Fictuld, /*n)~ 1/~3. Th. i. p. oo (re. Figuier. /<-A/)mM <-<les ~/<'A<mM~, ï8s6,
commendedto beginners 1). P. 3:6.
Petnteus, &t~/<< t~M/w Ct~~t'~ &A<<, Ladrague, ~K)/~a< 0<«w~; &<Mtf~
t7<o, Neue Vorrede, e9 e~ja-e~ ~f/«. .Sw~M, 1870,No. ta<3.
Mumer. ~MM~eM Ctot«fo, 1782. p. 96. Kopp, ~/<«M, t8)i6,ii. p. 386.
F<y/<?M~<<<<&r~M<VMC4«M<, ty8s,
p. 617.
Arcana Philosophia or, Chymical Secrets, containing the noted and useful
Chymical Medicines of Dr. Wit. and Rich. Russel Chymists, viz.
I. Species Vitae, alias Universalis.
II. Tinctura Regalis, caM'd Scorbufick, &c.
III. Species Coroborativa, alias Pleuretica.
IV. Species Proprietatis.
V. Species Minor.
VI. A Pestilential Cordial, caH'd his White Cordial.
~S~Z)/?/C~–~?C~B'A~4~ ~f
Withetm Heckenhauers des Jüngern, gewesenen Guardein und Muntz-Meistets
in Augspurg,L<~ier-BUcMein,vorstellend, wie man kurtzHchohne Rechnung,
allerley Silber auf allerhand Zusâtze logieren kônne. Anjetzo verhtessert,
vermehtt, und mit 3. Loth angefangen. Deme auch gantz neu beygefOgct
ist, ein deutlicher Unterricht, wie man das Gold logieren konne und solle;
Allen Gotd- und Silber-Arbeitern, und welche sich des Logierens bedienen,
zut Nachncht vorgestellet und zum Druck befordert von denen der Zeit
Hoch-ObngkeMich-verordneten Vorgehern und Geschwornen der Gold-
schmiden, auch zu finden auf der Gotdschmids-Stuben in Augspurg. Mit
Rôm. Kaysert.Majestat a!)ergnâdigstemPnntegio. Daselbst gedruckt bey
Joh. Jacob Lotter, t7ï4.
6'. Nopagination.S:g' )(t.7,A.Z.A~-Gf;
in8, Hb.U in4 (~ a;6). t tMfof
37~ ~ŒA~~M~E
Olivetum, das ist, Kunstbuch, darinnen grUndtucher vnd aufsführlicherBericht
gezeigt wird, wie man aufs aUen Erdtgewachsen, Metallen vnd andern
nat&rt!chen dingen, die zwey edelstenstück in der Artzney, ats Oel vnd
Saltz, nach Alchymistischer arth extruhifen vnd machen konne: Darinnen
auch beschrieben werden aUe Oel vnd Saltz, so durch grossen fleifs vicier
vornehmer Medicorum zu vnser Mit in wolbestelten Apothecken zufinden,
auch von berühmpten Medicis, Wundtârtzten, Apotheckern vnd Alchymisten
gebraucht werden: Au<s vielen Autoribus, auch noch vngedruckten
Atchymistischen Schri~en xusammen getragen, vnd in zweyen Btichern
fleissig beschrieben, Durch M. Fridericum Helbachium, Eckartshusanum.
Gedruckt zu Frxnckfurt am Mayn, bey Johann Saw, in Verlegung Petet
Kopaen. M.DC.V.
4*. Pp.[<9]!6s[tt]Mbhtn)<.TitteredandbhMk.ïWoodtut. Itnperfect:
69-78 torn
pp. 69-78
pp. torn «M.
This wotk ts mentioned by Haller as well as und Ettpenmenten. Fmnkfurt, t6o6, 8'. This
anotherby thé same Mthor Oeno~Mphia. Wein. person h mentioned both by Jticher and Ha))er.
ttd)~, oder Kunstbuch vom Wein und Kt~atef- but thé btter puts (JM) after his nameas if he had
wein,FfM))ffurt,t6o~. 4". had some doubt about it. Certainty the form of
At this time there lived atM a Wende)!)) von the title is ofactty like thoseof FriednchHetbach't.
t-Mbsthwhowrote: Hortus Corporis. ArMgarUein t have Motfound imy notiMof the~eauthors.
des menschtichenLeibe«nit nothwendigenStftcken
JScher, /<«WM<t 0<r~«'M, tys~. Haller. FtW~A<t<t ~tM< /<f<c. 1777,ii.
col. M6o. p. 368 p. 380 (Wend. v. Hetbach).
Hitthf. &«'<~<t A~ft~tt, t77t, i. p. ~«t. Âdetucg. /'5'<e«~ .<«. /«'~t.
~/<A<M-f< tySy, Il. col. tMS.
Aurum PotabUe, oder Gold-Tinctur, dessen Prsparation, samt des Goldes
Vortreniichkeit und Anologie (sic) mit unserm C<)rper,Würckung und
Gebrauch cumtive so wohl ats prœservative, deuttich beschrieben, und auff
vielerleyEtnwurBëausfî<hr!ichgeantwortet wird von Han<s Heinrich Hetcher,
Phil.& Med. Doct. der Kâyserl. Leopoldinischen Societât Naturœ Curiosorum
Mit-Gliede,und Practico in Schweidnitz. Schweidnitz und Leipzig, Bey
Joh. Herbord K!o)sen, BuchhândL A. ly~.
8°. Pp.[t6]no.
Aurum Potabite, oder Gold-Tinctur, dessen Prreparation dafs die sicher,
samtdes Goldes VoTtrefHichke!t und Analogie mit unserm Côrper,Würckung
und Gebrauch cufative so woht ats ptœservative, nebst andem Medicamenten
vor allerley Kmnckheiten deutlich beschrieben, und auff viele Einwürffe
austuhrtich geantwortet wird von Hants Heinrich Helcher, PhiL & Med.
Doct.der Kayser!. Leopotdinischen Societât Natuœ CuriosorumMit-Gliede,
und Practico in Bre<stau. Zum andern maht vermehrter auNgptegt.
Bretslauund Leipzig, Bey Joh. Herbord Klofsen, Buchhand!. A. t~iS.
8°. fp. M309[t<~t btank].
Helcherwas bom nt Oels, in Sitesm, 9 May. M Nov., 1696. He practised at Oeb <utdSchweM-
t6~ h~t, Fueb~. Studied at Bredatt ttnd niM ) with more reputation than ment, for he was
FtattMUH<). d. 0. Mdgtaduated M. D. at L~ipag,at man of' secrets' who–itt an en)ightenedage like
374 ~ZC~M-N2.Z.MW
tm~<fm<\ HEtNRten). C~
~ttan&a nntDtKH.M;. <~Oi'<M/<
ours jabMtys the ignorant tetf-sufBcient boast of the and etuttf!to h)!bellefstill the closeof bislife. He
eighteenth century] nourithed himsetf on the c)(t was elected a tnember of thé Academia Naturce
ehima'ras, long ago condemned." He was a be. Curiosorum, JmM. !7tt, under the nMue'of
tte\'erin potable gold as the present writing testiBes Hierotheus. He died of apoptexy,30 Oct.. tT~.
AMo/A~a CAfw/M, t~, pp. Ktoy, /?tf/Ma«a</)' ~/<'n'~M </<'la ~~<MM'«<,
t7j'8, Il. p. 478.
Kestner, J~'i&<MMfAM C<«t.~«-tW, ty~o, Fuch!, /'<o~<« der <~<Mw<i4M
P.383. t!!o6~)8,p. 90$.
JScher. ~M<'<w<
Allgemeines Ge~4f~.j~~<'<<, 1~0. Bt<yn! ~~«;a~f, Paris. Panckoucke (t8:o-
ii. col. t~Co. P. '39.
BUcbner, <<M<<M<<: ~«~ CMnojcntM L!utntgut,B~o~~a<0<(fs~~&!MfM&<'f,
~M/on«, t/M, p. 489, No. ~88. 1870, No. t6~.
Georgius Matthiœ. CM~r~ ~M/«r<a' J~ Billings,/~<<f.<C<!A! 1885. Yt. p. 4:; and
«)~M)M~MO/~Ma~, t?6t, p. ys3. Seriet, tgot, vi. p. 008.
Chirurgia in Nuce, oder: Kurtze Anweisung, wie ein Chirurgus, oder Wund-
Artzt, nechst Gottticher Hülffe, allerhand SchMen, ats Wunden, Gesçhwure,
Bruche, &c. mit wenigen, doch guten, Medicamenten in kurtzer Zeit heilen,
und so wohl den Patienten ais sich selbst gtQckHch machen kônne; Jetzo
vermehret, und von vorigen Druckfehlern gesaubert. Ans Licht gegeben
von L. Christoph. Hetwig, jetzo Med. Privil. in Erffurdt. Muhlhausen,
Verlegts Michael Keyser, Buch-Handler. ïytS.
9* Pp-M~t bb)mk].
The firstedition,whichwasincorrectlyprinted, Witspubtishedat MOMhausen,
Fasciculus unterschiedUcher alten raren und wahren Philosophischen SchriJRen
vom Stein der Weisen, aus einem alten Lateinischen Manuscripto ins
Teutsche übersetzet, nebst einer curiosen Epistel von denen Duum Viris
Hermeticis Fœdetntis, und einer Vorrede von einem wunderbaren vermischten
uncorrosivischen Menstruo ex Macro' & Microcosmo die Metallen zu solviren,
von Lie. Christoph von Hellwig, Med. Pmct. Er& Leipzig und Bremen,
Verlegts Johann Andreas Grimm. Anno ï~tQ.
8°. 'r*L*~j~"
Pp.[t6]goa. R~ister~S].
.r TitteredMdMach.
t. Bines unbekanten Autoris Tract. wie der Desen Send-Schrtitten von ErMSrung der
Mbenedeyte Stein der Weisenzu machen [or. Von Geheimnissederalten Wellweisen, p. 8z.
CoMposioondes gebenedeytenSteins]. p. r. 6. Kinei nnbekanten Autoris sehr ntttzlicher
a. Fr. Herckmanns von Heidetberg Btiehtein Tractat in der Alchimie [or, Tractatus Atchymia*],
von secreten oder heimUchen Ringen (Geheinl- p. !0t.
nUssen) alter Philosophorum, die ehmahts vom 7. Licht der Weltweisen [or, Lumen l'hiloso.
Stein der Weisen geschnebeo. [?Heekman],p. 3& phorum or, LtuninareJ,p. it~.
Eines unbekanten Aut.Gesphtch vont Ste!ne 8. Andreœ Osiandri fract. von der Philosophia
der Weisen [or, GesprXch vom Lapide Phitoso- oder Wettweisheit.p. !4g.
phorum],p.44. 9. Gilberti, Ritriarchens zu Constantinopel Tr.
4. Mag. Atemanni von Bononienin Italien voU. vom Steinder Weisen, p. t~?.
kommen Werck[also Alamanus),p. &).
~ZZM~ 37~
Send-Schreiben an P. Alexium Augustiner Ordens in Wien.
Haller(B~M/~a ~M<t~M<'«t,
!y77,;i. p. M6) Zittau.tyet.4*,byOttoHe)tw!g.Is hethesame
menUonsa tract, &M!<& ~ceN~ vom< personasthéMove?
t*<-<t (FRAHC!SCUS
\t~~nv*0~va MBRCURtUS
Att~mu~ VAN). CO~MM~.
cottvotMMto t<fave,and i« t66) he was at Mann- Besides seeio);bis fathe~sWorksthtot~h thé preM.
hein). and thea he visited Suhb&chaod stayed a he wrote someof his own. ThM of MM<inteMst
co)Mid<Mhtetime with the CoMatPatine. Hete at thé present day bears the title <4jMa<<«w~
he met Knorr von Rosearoth,thé author of ~t~. /V<t/M~M~M<-<t&wtMtota~~<Mo~o,SNhbacb.
~« <&)t<t<~At, a man atter bis own heMt, and t657. MM<t.pp. [36,with thé &ontbpieeel M7)t,
toeether they began to translate the wotks of bis cotophon], 36 plates. and it oot attempts to
father into German. Ht* KMnted to Hottand. expound thé pnndpte of a rationft)onty but to
crossed to ENgtand,and ttt~yedtome yeats there, expttdn the method of teMbingalphabet, (t~f-nmte~ to
publishingone or two books in Ëngtith aod for a understand what issaid by the mctioM of thé MM.
time at teMt joined M thé Quakers. Haaowerwas Thé GennM
his next place of résidence, Md hete he was on ttittg says ~w; bytMashtton, Suttbach. tM?. Ade.
Knotr von Rosenrotb.
Mendty terms with Leiboitz, and Soatty thé He te& no writing on Chemistry and <toetnot
Klectressof BmndcnbMrgintited him to Berlin, seem to havehad thc special interest in it exhiMMd
whichhe neverafterwards te<t. He died at Coettn by bis father.
it. d. Sptee–a suburb of BerMa–io t699, aged 8t.
Roth-Schottt. Ft~<M<t«xt <~MMt<t,<707. pp. ËMeh & Gruber, <<~it<M~<~«tyM~a! t8~,
~~o.93S- Sect. li. 'n<. v.. p. t8v.
~Mf~A<ta &~<~tet
Manget, ~Mteo~M. Ktos$, ~t~~jfn!~« /~tt<)M«~w, t844,
'73', S. p 648. Moa. pt (PMadiMMt MseMnse), gM), gN~ (thé
AmoM, A~t~w. w«< ~&M'ï~~c<, ~~o, Alphabet).
ii.p. 307 (Th. Hi.e.viii. §<s. ~.). Kopp, f~e~A&~CAfMM, t&M. ii. p. t6g.
Joehe)-,~~<w<M« <~&~f/<t~t«<'<. ty~q,i!. Bayte &TMt)ayë. &'<!po~M ~&a&, tags.
cot. t4?ï. ).p. 44&
Moréri, Le ~Mtt<<Dictionnaire AM~fny«f.t?~, A~aw/~
&<g~~t< GAtt'fo~, tBsa, xxiii. col.
BttMket, ~ï~M CW<<M~AM~M~. t766. IV. fogMndctff, ~~MtEA./f/AM ~t~.
i. p. 7M. M<ff<<~«fA, t863, i. col. tc6&
Haller. &t«&t«'« ~)t«~t<tM<t,t77<t,i. p. 46<. Van der Aa. ~~a~~ tM«'<~ der
Boy. /«MMa<~ ~f~M <M/« .M<&Mw, A'<M~<'«. 1867,vtti.p. do~
ty78t M.p~48~. C. Bmeehx. At~x /ht«p)ti M~M~ MtM
jM~t~ tyyo, iii. ~f<m~. AaveK, t8j)o,8*. pp. a8.
Franck, C«'<MM~<<!MSf~fM~/aMtMMtf~.
Metane. C<~&MA/<t der M~MoMt~~ ~<< 'S7& P.ï7S4.
t~, iv. p. 294. Ha<ser. G~~<~ /t&f< t88t. ii. p. 347
Gmetin, 0~<~M~~ der <s«. tMS.ti. p. gt~ (the alphabet).
(quotes 't'Hennite du Faaxboare' (?Coe))n) baté a&K~AM ~it/MMa~.~/«'< par <e<«~<«
does ttot give <M Hetn<ottt'<name). ~& <&~M{~at. tM~~s, viii. cob. ~at.
B&t<! M'~WM/&. t8t7. xx. p. 19; t8j?. 996(article by Atphoate Le Roy).
xix. p. 89.
Barcbusen, J/«~«ta' O~pw </ Progressu Ueteimeris,/?K/«M<n<KM A<<« A /<tAM~.
~'j~MJ, tM3, pp. 4!3:. cint, 1936,III. i. p. 97.
Roth-Scholta, ~MM/A<-M 6'A<t'<t, 1737, pp. DiedericusHenricus Fraenkel, ~<7<! e t C~M<M~
229-935(portrait meotiotxd, p. toz). ~<)aMW, Lips.. t8~7, 4*.
Z~M~<<K /MMyi!f ~/fA)'m/< tMO, p. hemec, (~~«'~<' < ~«)fM«, ~~to~i. p, 309,
t8o (van Helmont h thé authority for Butler's &'j~/Xt.
sto G. A. SpieM. Ma ~f/mc~ ~/<w
Manget, &:<e)'!<M ~MMpn«K, .<<MM, t'ranMurt a. M., 1840.
173t, il. pp. 644.48 (reptint of his tife by him- Hoefer, Histoire la C*tm:f, tS~, il. p. t~o
self and his son. witb remart~ attribufed to !36o, ii. p. t~.
Boerhaave). Kopp. n<t~/<e der C~Mt~, ~843. i. pp. n6.
Stolle, ~M&<<a)t~sur ~M/a~te der ~Mi'<~tf~- tzy, 6'/<!M'm.
~<-A<-M C~Af~/t t73t, pp. ~3-946, a47.948, sgo, ~«~~ de Cat Patin, éd. J. H. Revei)M.fM)!e,
,ç, 8 t846. i. pp.)[ MS. 503; t'7. '7S,46<
.X~ ~<tW)W)M&~tc<it<Mt~e/A'M, M). 77. (Thé editor does not agfec with P<ttms
)732. p. 67. opinions.)
Poppeas, ~~<<t<! ~<Mfa, tygo. i. p. ~o. Morwitt, Cw~M/< <M!<& t&t8, i. p. 989;
Arnold, A<~«- tM~ X<Aw<')'K7t, 1740, t849, il. p. 176.
(Th. ii). c.viii. g t, ~.), ii. p. 390. /f«~e/~M ~afaa~, t8so (article by Chevteut).
Kestner, <t~~MMfA<j G~~n.M/t, ~40, C. Broeckx. ~M&<' Ottf~eie <.? & van
/Kf~!WX/ <W2?Mty<~ in ~M Medicam <t
focher, ~/<{~)M" G~t.rMe«. t7;o, ii. /'n)'«f<<te ~M<<<«<a~. /'<(M~~<- /<~<xtw 'Mj.
eot. t47a. Anvers, 18~ (référencesin thé tMroduction).
Fictuld, /'M~&f.<'M, t7~3,Th. i. p. M. Bayte &thiHaye, Biographie ~y<~<r<<,185$.i.
Moréri, f< Grand JO«~<MM<!<~ mj/e/~M, p. 361.
'7S9. v. P- 57~- & Ludwig, G<<<
Phittippe der ~/o~j~,
Ceorgius MatthifB, e<w~/<M ~t't/en'<e A~<~<. t8ss. P-47<
ff~M f~ac/as~M, t76t, &<6o. UaizxYJtlk, *8*y, xx. p. ts:
o«jp'<qMMMt<t«M<~f,tBty, xs; 1857,
Brocher. C~a t766. tV. xix. p. 80.
i. p. 709. Cap, c~t&t ~<!F~~«~, Première Série, t8~7,
~<'t/<M~<'de l'Anatomie « <&la CA<
M<ne,1770,ii. p. 640&<M~'M. Â~«M/& ~K~~t< C<a&. 1658.xxiii. eo). 853.
Hauer, F~.MA~M Fo/<!«<'<tTyï. i. p. 473. Klu)'skens,es ~MttMM<M ~aMj ~ït0!<«
Haller, ~~M~M ~<M/<wM<M, t774, i. pp. arts et </M<M~!t7&t ~<« ~M~<M~M</ /fM~
4t8-~t (ehticisM and list ofhi! woriM). jf~fM/f, p. ~3!, and a medal.
Haller, F~/<AK<t C~t~~at. t774, i. p. 307. PoMe"dorf), B«yyB/A<j~<«n! ~ae~
HaUer, ~<M<M ~M-~M!)!~ /<!<'M<'<t, t7?y, ii. !«~<~wA. 1863,i. cot. to6o.
col. 518. StScM,GM~~<t&r Att'&t~M ~e/
Etoy. ~C'~Maet~e ~Mtt~M de la ~/<Mar<w, t866, iii. pp. 458.47~.
t778.)i. pp. 478.489 t7S5, fi. PP. '0-24. Van der Âa. &<tt<A H~~<-)! der
Baumer. F/M/~a CM/Mf, t789Lp. 8
8. ~<&f/aa<&M,1867,wi. p. 498(and références).
Adelung, C~c~M~/t der MMK~A<K«) A~y~h'<7, W. RotnntctaMB, ~«~f J«f/. A faa ~/otoa~,
tyBy, iv. p. 2~7- Bruxelles, t868 (containsa minute biography).
~or<«ot fer~<< die ~&A<M« Duisbarg, cimier, t~ &KM«<ttV/Kt/Mt~aMMA cfK
t78o, p. 168. A~ ;St~/<). 1~70,pp. 379-405(w!th referenee$), ),
Metzger. &t«« einer ~<~M/<M ~</< Ladragua,EibGa~utOuvaro~;Scltnrcs
Ladfague.wM~<«'&MM~«K<M Sstrtlts,
~f~M/< der <Mft/tt<a, 1 799,p. 274,§e~7. 1870, Nos. t6t7.t8, t63z.
GmeUn, G<j<:A)'<A/< der CAtet~,1797,i. pp.~tt. Franek, /)«~aMa<~ ~~«ffj~/AM~~Mj,
'3. S~t-S5< 675. ô77, TSt t798, ii. pp. 373,789. t875. p. t7<t. à
Me)sens,<t«A~t<en'~««t<f/.&foM ~<~MO!<t
Hutchinson, /~Hy~A«! ~M'ef.K'a,t799, i. pp. ~~< <~la ~M«M <&/a ~ix-~ de /«/4!MOM,
4t6-493. Bruxelles, t87:. 8°.
Murr, M<f <&?tM&~MUrsprun der ~M~t. ~/&MKMM~M/ttjf~AM, t88o, xi. p. 703
tKheM<~ !Mafdes 7'!r~f7<M«~~ft&«~.t8b3, p. 79. (articie by DetC, who qnotes onty Rïxaer
quotes only Rixoer &
Fuchs, ~~f~/en~~ < <~m<<« ~<7/~o/M< Stber as bis authonties).
t8o6<8, p. ioa. Haeser. Cf~AMA~der AM<ct<, tMt. il. p.
J. J. Loos,/«A<ttM~/M< )MM~/mca<, Heidel. 344, &c., &c.
betg, t8o7. &'Cf~AM ~a/MXa~ publife par ~<t<&M~
~tKM~«~<5&'<a/< Paris, Panckoucke (t8zo. ~<f<!& <& &M, ~8S4-8s, viii. cot. gon
35), v. p. t47. (article by Atphonse Le Koy).
Rixner &Siber, ~'<«< a~ Z<~<-)!M~«<MM <<. Bittings, /«<C'<<t&M'«t, p. 47 and
f~e«'fr/ vit. Heft. 8o!tbacb, tM. Sénés, toot, vi. p. toos ~nd the références).
Sprengel, CMf~~ der ~~M<~a!K<f,t8a7, iv. Dictionnaire ~«C)M«~M des N~W<J Ot~t'
pp. tgo, toS. M:-3t6, 549. cales, 4ente Sërie.t886, xii. p. 6ss-
Ersch & Gruber, ~%ifM«w<~a~<f<<ïf, t899, HiMch. &'<jt~fA« Z~.KhMM der ~<ftW~
Sect. ii., Th. v. p. t87. FMA< ~< und t886, iii.
Thomson, ~u~y<~Ct<)MM~<y,1830, p. 179. p. ~49.
HELVETtCA, t77!.
Johannis Friderichs Schweitzers, Guldenes Kalb, welches die gantze Welt
anbetet und verehret, in welchen gehandett wird von einem sehr hohen
Wunder der Natur die Metalleu (sic) xuverandem, nemlich,.Wie die gantze
Substanz und Wesen des Bleyes in einer Minuten von einem sehr kleinen
Komtein des warhafftigen Philosophischen Steins in ein vottkommen Gotd
zu Graffenhage verwandelt worden.
Job. 37. v. 5. Gott maehet Wunderding, aber wir k6nnen solche nicht
Seneca in seinem 77. Sendschreiben. Man mufs die Schmehereden der
Unwissenden mit Gedult vertragen, und ist die Verachtung von dem,
der auf Ehr und Tugend zu wandelt, selbst wieder Mverachten.
In Teutsch verfertigt, und zum Dmck befôrdert t668. In NtH~bëtT, Bey
Wolf Eberhard Fetfsecker.
Pp.Ms4. P'ateofthePmgueMedat.
The Golden Calf, Wbich the World Adores, and Desires: In whichis bandled
The most Rare and Incomparable Wonder of Nature, in Transmuting
Metaîs; V:z. How the intire Substance of Lcad, was in one Moment
Transmuted into Gotd'Obrizon, with an exceeding small partic!e of the
true Philosophick Stone. At the Hague. In the Year 1666. Written in
Latin by John Frederick Helvetius, Doctor and Practitioner of Medicine
at the Hague, and faithfullyEnglisbed. London, Printed for John Starkey
at the Mitre in Fleet Street near Temple-Barr, t67o.
H*. Pp.ft~J~.t~bMMk].
Wi)).Cooper.thé chemicatpubtisherin the H~/A /< pp.[Ml41ft ManM.tmMMbed h
seventeenth had translatedthis tmet, alongwithbis M~<
whenhewascentury, and some
by the publicationofthé othertmctsand théCa/a/<M~ ~««~
above.He thenabbrevittted
his translation.
and, London,t67<,8*.
Joannis Friderici Helvetii, Vitulus Aureus, quem mundus adorat et orat.
Oder: ein sehr curioses Tractattein in welchem das rare und wundersame
Werk der Natur in Verwandelung derer MetaUen-HistorienausgefShretwird
Wie nemlich das ganze Wesen des Bleyes in einem Augenblick durch Hutte
eines sehr kleinen Stocks des Steins der Weifsen zu detn allerbesten Gold,
von obengenannten Hctnt Helvetius im Haag gemacht und verwandett
worden. Aus dem Lateinischen ûbersetxt. Frankfurt und Leipzig, bey
Johann Georg Efslinger, 1767.
the'<t'sp'ecc)~3] '4-8o. ThefrontMpteee
otthe~<J' (iucludihg isantngwing
SeeFONFCurieuse ChymischeTractat!eia, ~67.
TheaboveistheetthtractintMseotbctioa.batit is quitesepamte.and.couldperfectly
asindee itdoef)inthefollowing
byiMeM, entry.
durch Hattë eines sehr kteinen Stucks des Steins der Weifsen zu dem
allerbesten Gold, von obengenannten Herrn Helvedus im Haag gemacht
und verwandelt worden. Aus dem Lateinischen ttbersetït. FtancMurt
und Leipzig, bey Johann Georg Efslinger, ty~?.
8°. Pp.h-t~ t~~e,ioetading whichb an eng~wdplateef the
Pntgue MedaÏ.
Thisis i~enticat buthnsbeensepamtedfMM
withthepreoeding, theco))eetiot).
ROTH-SCHOLTZ DeutschesTheatnunChemicum,t7z8,i.p.48t.
Vitulus aureus quem mundus adorât et omt.
~'MMANGET (J.J.), BibliothecaChemicaCuriosa,t7M, i. p. t96.
MO!M!UMHRRMKTtCOM,t749, p. f
Johann Friedrich SchweitMr,tatinited HetvetuM, t?Z7 FnmM. a. M. t~o;. ~7z6. DMch (?ot«<f<(
ereat ~randfather of the phitosopher. was bom M ~«y. tMMfin xa<M<~0~ <«M)f~ <&?<* «<<Mf/
KHthen, in thé Duchy of Anhatt. in t6t$ (Roth. t~!M</M ~M~M~t'MOt~/<M ~tff <?<M~
Sehottz says <03t), studied medicine, went to the <~Mta<& Amsterdatn, ~40.
Hague. and became physician to the Prince of Kopp bas made a curious statement which
Orange He was the anthor of oneor two medical desemee notice, cthentdaeitmayttad to mtstatM!.
and botanical books, and atM ofMme on tttchemv, When dMchbim Hetwtiut' "VttuhN AuKus," he
as De ~A)~t<a a~M~N/a fM~/en! M~t<!M~ adds in a parentnesb that he b not <o be confused
«~Mw<t, Fr&ncoL t6~o, which t hâve not seen, with a contemponuy phyOeian in KOthen of
and which seems to me to be too eurioustylike a exactly thé semé name, wbo. in <6M, M Leyden,
book with thé same tMe printed at FiranMnrt tn pabXshedMfddMMfticttt writing teh<s<HMTtieh<s."
t;Sa. He M nowreotetabeted by the présent work. Now tietcw Hettet!m' portMtt, as givea b]r Roth.
in which he givesan account of the transmutation Schottz, t: the tnse~ptton: Johannes Mdeficus
ofwMchhewaswitMMint666. The book passed HetvMtus, AMtatdnM GStb6o<tMf<t,M«Meinm
throagb several editions, and the case excited a Dottor, et ï~acticait ab A. t66t. H«gae comitis,
great dent of discustion. By some it wM looked det~tte &bA. t67& AnMtdedMMntM, wens de
on as conclusive proof of the MMaUtyof tfMts. OrttMatMtMioM PtMnNInAumm testis ejus denique
mutation by others it was considered too puerile fabticator. MiU.A. t~t.
forcomment. Kopp, however. adtt if a man tNte On tho.otherhaad, la the Ast~~o~' C<~K~/<
Helvetiuscould have MMMedsoch an occurrence t~Mt~w Ct<wf. ~85.0. 6t7. cceutstheMtow
either erroneously or untnithfuUy and ho thinks ing: "at4. to. Frider. Heletil tehtsaasnMtte.
tbat it would not be reasonabte to assume elther. Lei<kn <6M. tz.–Von eiaon Manne. der eiûb
On the strength of thiscautiousviewmore eaergetic getMuete. ein goldaes Katb tu j~ttgen (he ~<Md
bellevers in thé occutt bave brought it forward at not, but that does not aNeet the pMMM atga.
the présent moment as MstoriMMyincontestable. ment )(ana maa schon entartan, dafs er etwas
See Dr. G. H. Berendt, Das ~f~ der H~o«~ aus n!eht9hetWrbrint~tt konute."
(t90!, thé book is not dated. but it came out this There h not thé s!M)t«t doubt inthèse pMsage:
year).ii. p. 700. as M the tdeMttyof He!vet)usof KNthen with the
ttetvethN dted at thé the Hag<te.
Hagne, 99
ag Augt..
Augt., t~oe.
xyog. antbor cf the Golden eaM.and of the tdeMtty ofthe
His portrait is given in Roth.SchotM's&W<~M<t author of tchts ans nicht: also with the author
CA«««N.t7a7, fronthpieee toStack i~. of the Golden CaM. 1 am not ttwàre of any
The book was Hrst published in Latin at ground forthe distinction Kopp dfaws. He is so
An)Sterdam,!n tooy; at the Hague, t~oa, 8', pp. very accuratethat one hésitâtes to beKeVethat he
[t'c] 7~. Mding ptate; and, it is said, abo h haa bere been ln some sort of nMappxehetMiot),but
t?o~. thé German version was published at it seems to be the case.
Narnberg, t668 other éditions quoted are tc~
Goesen van Vreeswyk,De OMM!<~««tt', <675-?6, Roth.SchotM, ~«<<~<t 7~<iM!t C~Mt~M,
NtifnbeM, )[~8. i. p. 48*.
Merekim, Lindenius ~Mwa/M~, NorimbcrgM, Dit A&~e~M /M<~<- ~&~iM«t. TOMngen.
t686, p. 564 (menttOM! only three works). '730. P *i~ ithe author says the n<Mfativeis
Spinom, De ~Mf/e~ ~t~«, Amst. tMy, by &r thé Snesthe knows),395.
p.j8S. or << /w/~<tM. p. 533. Manget, ~A<M .St~~m ~<!f~<~<om.
BwnehiM~ CMi~W<Mj C~M<«'o~<M <~&~t~f<M, Oenewe.t73t,f.ii.p.&M. (C((piedfM)nMefd<tin.)
t6< p. 40. Kestner, ~MMt~&MM <?</M~<0!<ttM, ty40,
Barehttsen, tMe~/e, t6o8,p. 494.
Hannemann.MM! [<?oo].p. <M. Cengtet Dnffesnoy, ~MfO~ At /W/<M~~
Morhot, /< t~4, )). p. 306 ('HoMo ~Mx~af. Patts. t~)e, t. p. 4&t; H. p. 46; iii.
aidentjudtcii. et circomforaneeetantatn doctnniB'). P- '~S-
CbytniphittM, Der <M~nM<M~*< M~< ThaMander,~<<M/<«t<!<!<«iM. Berlin, t7<)4,p. 3}).
<~MAt!jb'«oj~, NOmberg, ~790. p. ?t. tocher. ~Mj ~MM~M~ t?~, ii.
Roth.Schottt. ~~M'/thM CX<M«~,NOmberg. eot. 1477.
t~, pp.a37.94y. Portrait. (I~ongnttofMsworks.) Fictuld.
/'y~<y.X/ <7S3, Th. t. p. ~t ii. p.74.
asr. av. (JOHANNFtttEDRtCH).
~J.ov. .V."I' <~t~M~.
Georgius MMtbhe, C~j ~<* ~f<M~«' <MWf~ Paris, Panokoucko (t8M.
<wwMfA~«/<~MT< ~76!, p. 847.
Fiailer, l3fdl~keca Botanfca,
HaMer,F~A<M &~a<<t. t~t, ti. ü, p. s'a.
5ta. ~Ën~&~bey. ~))M~ ~~A~
B#4ykhoait, t8~.
Mocbsen, ~~M&A«M fM~ ~~M/««tf von Sect. ii.. Th. v. p. aeo.
B<MM))MM <A<w~ ~<~<t, Berlin, ïyyt, part s, Thomson, 7'~ ~/oty of C'~M~~y, tSgc, i.
p. t8.
Wiqiteb, ~wA.M~ ~/f~~w<~ der Scbmieder,C<AM/«~ Halle, t8~,
<<M~m< Weimar, ~77, p. sot. (The story is P,M/I.
not worth consideration accetding to him.) Sefer, <~ & <~<)M~tS~, it. p. 336:
Etoy, /9«'AWN< ~t~eh~M de la ~M~'w, t86o.ii. p. 3r1.
ty78, il. p. 489. Kopp, Ge~/<<C'A<wn'<, t&M,ii. p. t69.
HttDer. B~/M~~ft /Mi'<y«c ~tf//< ty?~ Lavater, ~'Ayt«~<w)'. tmMhUM by Hotorott,
iii.n. 96. Lond. ~e, p. t6jj–when! he coatmemb Hel'
&umer. ~M'o~ca Ot<«t!M. tyS~. p. 95. vetius' ~<MfMnMX<MMedicinalis.
GMdenMtt,&«Mm/M~MM. TVax~~MM~/tt. Figuier, /M~~ ~M~ <8}6,
C~ett~M, tTS~, p. aod. pp. <t!Y,<t9!.
~9' t!< <7«f~M& der At~<f~ Ct~f, A~w/~F~C<~< t8s9, Xïii!. p.
L~Mig, t?~, pp. <M9,6ty,6at. Poggendorf!, ~H<jj'fa~M<fA-w~fA~r ~<K<.
~-««t <w<M< <&<~&~«)~. DHisbut~, <t<!M<~<'A, !e6g, i. eot. to6)[.
tySe. p. )[79. Van der Aa. ~fir~~A M~fH~< ~f
C~4&~der C~M~, ïygS. il. pp. AM~~7a«<&x, t8~. vfii. p. ;!0.
!&t7. Ladmgue, Ft~M Û««a~; ~M<a<M
MUtT, ~MyM~ Naeltriçltlt'IJ .11 <<M* Cf. ~<«'&'< tS~O,NOS.tMt-33.
~~fM<<M <~MM!«tt~t (!t/<&)M;<'<«)t, )[8c},p. 86. BilUngs,/<«&a'-C«/<t/<!FM, tMs, vi. p. s°:
F~ctM,~~Mt~t'OM der f~~J<t ~7/~< Séries, i$o<, vi. p. t0o8.
tM.o8, p. ts8. Kopp. /)t<&t~ HeMdbefg. 1886,i. p. 83
Murr, ~~f <<McM~~<'<tM'm~ <&fRosen. &M.
~etc~w~t~ /)Ka«<ie'w~~ tSbS, p. 80. Berenttt, Das Buch der M~M~, s.<t.(i~ct), ii.
Barrett.JMtW ~a~/j, London. 1814,p. 8<. P. 709.
~K~Ht~tf t~tt~&, tttty, xx. p. M: and
!8y, xit. p. 84.
(JOHANN "&lP..V"'I'" v·vrr
FRtEDRtCH). <~M~'H~<f.
Efseb A&ftmhff
t.'m'h Gruber,~<M«M~<
~x~M< ~<n-«~n)~<
~<M'~< tfton
t899, A~Mw/A
~)<tt«//< /?«~y<t~
/!<'« C~~t~. t8;8. Nfiii. cot.
Sect. ii.. Th. v. p. gts (article by t&sset). 936.
Schnueder,C<w«~t)hta~, t833, p. 596. PomendorOr. ~<<M/j~M ~«M<
Hoefer, ~~M'n' de la CA<))t<<, t&t3, u. p. 371¡ t«~7~<Mt, t863,i. co).to6~.
1869.Il. Po3Ó3o Ledr!)gUC,&'M<~MÛ«t<&tM<'M~i'
Kopp, OkMAM/f</«- C~t/<, tS~y, iv. p. tM, tS~O.N09.!C6<,ï~!<. MM.
&<WMM. ~/&a<Mt~ ~«A~ F«~~ff. tMo,jfi. p. 760
&'<<tMf ~M<'w~ tSy, xix. p. tt3 (articte (ardele by GQtnbet).
bv BamhnMY
THOMSOtf 1686.
Ignem esse Elaterem Natume Vniversalem Asserit, atque ad ExpericMnta
Curiosa, Exercitii Chemici Fructus, quae publice demonstrabit, videnda,
Cives Academicos Florentissimos, ea, qua decet, Humanitate invitat Jo.
Thomas Hensing, Med. D. et P. P. Extraord. Giessae,Impensis Eberhardi
Henrici Lammers, Anno M DCCXXI.
4* Pp.]f.t&
AdmirandaGenef~ioaisReramNMoratiom Ëxponit, B~narumA<liu<n
Fautoreset Cuttotesut PhaenometXt NaturaeOpentn)ArtM Labore
UhMMt~ 4Mp!<NMttadhortatut
! o. Thomas Hensing.Med. P. P. Extraord.
Glessae, Hen~ciLammeM, AnnoMDCCXIX.
AureaNMurM Catena.
Ad Exequiarunt Laidis, non Graeciae, sed Magni Orbis h. e. Alchymiae,
quae Filia Natu Maior Chemiae, habetur, Solennia Spectanda futuro
die Oetobris publice Chemicas facturus Demonstrationes Academiae
Patres, Patronos atque Cives Excettenttss. Inclytos, Ornatiss. officiose et
pemmanter invitat D. Io. Thomas Hensing P. P. Giessae, Typis Vid.
to. Reinh. VVtpii, Acad. Typogr. cooccxxiv.
Pp. ):6.
Discuta von dem Stein der Weisen.
.S~ WELMNG (GNORG VON),Opus Mago-Cabbatisticum et Theosophicum,!73S,
p. $17.
't.L. m, .WIY.
Hensing's name was Johann Thomas, net Theo- ht caught ae <ever.and
h.. Avar nnri died
nünri .sa Am~re
t~aS, at
97 Augt., rn.~f, n*
philus (Portât) or Theodor (Schmieder). Hewas Sévère interestingworkswerewritten by him
nom at Frankfurt a. M., 30 Aagt., ~683. Hb
taste at first lay towards theology,and to study it Db!er<at!o inMgtMtisde vitrtoto~GiMsae,t~.
and phitoMphy be proceeded to Leipzig, bat on
account of i)tne<she went home. and giving up the M<ditationMet Mptrimeeta circaacMtttMS~-
chufthtoottto<ned:e!neandsm~<!ty. HerMumed hteenses (in German), Frankfurt. t~n, 8": t~8,
to LeiMig and resumed his stildies, and on thé 8'.
SwedMht~yMion left the town and tta~etted by DiMt'rtttio de GerminationemetoNtta artiBdaU,
H<t))e.WittenbetK, and Jena to Frankfurt. On Giessa~.t7t8,4'.
theiountey he made thé acquaintaaee of Hofmann, DtssertMiosMens cartbri examen Chemtcmnex
Stah), Berger, Vater, Wedel and others. ana. His codemquephosphorus$ingu)ahs omoia inSantOta-
attention was given sceciaMy to chemistry. bitia McendeM,G:esa6. ~t~, 4*.
tomy. and botany. Atter m-aduatingat Giessen in DbsN-tMiode vitnoto, an sit mattria lapidis
tyoo he gave teetures mère, and in t/ty was phi)o9cph!ci? GtMMe.t~s. 4° (a coutinuation
appoiated exttaordinaty professor ofmedicine. tn of the inauguralonej.
promoted to the new and unusul DissertMte de UncttMmattis whti!i.
t7a3 he w<M Von der Atchemie, worinnen er jedeo. wanjet
position of ptofaiso)- of chemistry and natufat sith <MUfh<tten,
philosophy. He had an expérimentât hboMMty,
and great things were looked for from him, when
388 /~A~6'M~/WMZ)/77~C/y~
1 ~K/MM~
Roth-SehotM.A'Me/A~ Chemica,~97, p. 723. GtneUn,(7~«-~ der C~m~. tyo8. ii. p. 786.
/<tf~ Z~<~o/t<f /w/mMj ~r'o/~M'wf/a//M< ~n!KaA-. Paris, PM)ckoucke(t8a<).
t73-p.<ip. ~). v. p. t6t.
Jiicher. ~<t (7<<At-/M.t< tym,
176o, SchatiedH-.t7fjf~t<'A/<
u. cot. tSt4. tSm, p. «7
Pomen'torff. ~<~tt~AwA.<<< //<M~.
PortiU, ~M/e<<'w'<<A'/<t C~t~w~. «'«M~tMt, 1863,i. col. to/t.
tyyo, iv. P- r,,4r~ L&dtague. ~W<M~
Haller, AMaMeM<4~a~M/f< 1777,li. p. t~ô. OaM)~~ &
& tSyo, No. s9e.
Strieder, <7nM~ <« f~~ ~M<j< HiMch, ~«'~r~Ht-~M Lexikon der ~M)~a.
<7<Mf/< ~N</&~?~<'f Of~AM/f, tySt, v. .«fM ~<< S/ ~t'<« <Mt/ fW~
P.458. t886 iii
p. !&
HEPTAS Alchymica.
Buch aller Gehe!mnCsse aller Ph:tosoiphorum,welche jemahis von unserm
Steioe geschneben.
~C HELLWIG (CHRISTOPH VON), Fasciculus, 1719, p. 30.
The author is caHed Herlich and Herlichius, fessorof mathematicsat Greifswatd, and ftt n later
HerhzandHertitius. HewMbomn.tZeinin date, in t~. was created M.D. and 'Physicus' at
Misnin, a8 Dec.. !s;7. Beiog in poor circum. Stargard, went to LObeck in a similar capaeity,
stances he kept himsetfby poetryandmusic. white bat returned to Stat~rd. where he !.utret<d the
a student M Leipzig, Wittenberg and Rostock. )oss of his whole libmry by fire. He died r5
He took the degree of PhUosophite Magister, and August, t636.
in ts8t was appointed Conrector at GOstrow by He wasKvo)uminousauthor writing CMpoetry,
thé Duke of MecUenbut~, aftor which he \VM matheminics,medicine,astronomical and meteoro-
Physicus at Prendow and AnMam. tn tsSi logical pMdieies, and on curious out of the way
he published ahMtMMs with which hitd topus. He believed in astrology and in atchenu',
a great sale and were pftd:ctio)M,
tcanstMed into other but on the latter subject wrote on)y the work now
Eumpean taoguagM. In t~ he wns made pro. referredto.
Witte, /M'mo~'<F ~<~M<e~ ««tM t<M</telarir. GeorgiusMatthiae, Co~j~M /<B .M'tf<-
n~<a'M<m ~«tfo/c ~-aj /rt<tKt, 1~76, p. 73 (re- <Mf«m ~Mmc/tgt'fM~, t~t. p.
print of his Mfeby Laurentius Ëiehstadius). Porta),//tt&<~o5-)to<'<MM<<<<<! ~t~
Freher, 7Tt<a<~mM'~t-KMfr~</M)M clarorum, '7?o. p. 358.
t6e8, p. 1366, portmit, plate 6.}. Haller. &&/A«:<t <MMMfM«-
Witte. /)M~MM F«}M~A/<-mM. ~<K~. tyyy, il.
r688, tg AMt; p. 937quotes the medicat writtags onty, not the
t636. SiR. Kkt w~o mentions this book as thc Rosenmtz'),
Rosetum Hermetteom '). Adelung,C<w~<'< <&~~M-< A~a~~7
Roth.Schottz, ~«<! C<4<mt<-<t,
~97, p. 983. t7~. iv. p. 32~
Bayte,~«-/«M!M~ ~/o~M c~M, ~30, Gmelin,G<~«-~o!trC'~<M«, Moy, i. p. 619.
ii. p.7~9. ~«~ .M.M/f<!&. Paris, Pandtouctte (t~o-
Manget. AWtW~M &~o~<M ~<f<M. 251.v. p. )66.
t73t. 0. pp. MS~73 (rephnt of his life by Ko~Mten, Cef<AM~/< der M«M~<7<}7C~/f.
Laurentius Etchst&dtus~ < "57, i. p. 393.
Kestner. ~~««w~~ C<~M'Z&):<'< t~o, ~/<mM<Mw ~t</j~ F~aMM. t68o, xii. p.
p. tt8 (Msportrait is at Greifsw~M
~M~~e~ Cott~M /</<Mt/«, University).
lircrata, ty~ 11-pp.
p.p. g~t-gey.
32q.g~, Kcpp, DM~&~<m«', ï8a6. il. p. 34~.
Freytag, ~aa~f/a /<~tfM, tyso, i. p. ~z. ~Ma«e<~ M<y<c~M<M ~j &«' rnldi·
jecher, ~~M«Mt (?~~<«.<f<a, t7so, ii. M~, 4èmeSérie, t888, xiti. p. 609.
eo). tS33.
Il Pimandro di Mercurio Trimegisto, tradotto da Tommaso Benci in linga
Fiorentina. In Firenze t~<). Con priuilegio di Papa Paolo III. &
Carlo V. Imp. & del Duca di Fiorenza.
8°. Pp.[t6Jtt~ [t blank Tawta,7, t btanh].
The 'Poentandres.' a phitoMphieo.retigiotM See Louis Menant. /~<wj yh'jM~f~, Ira.
treatise of the second cenMry A.)), or thcreby, ~<«~a ~e~)f~'<&~& d'une ~«~ sur /'eMt.M'~<
bas nothing M do with chemistry or atehemy, <&</<fw //<-n)Mït?«<f,t'Mis, tM6.8°.
and it is a question for cnticatdiscussionwhether John David QMunbo-s, ?~ /~<<ip<-a/ and
or not this Hennés is rMtty identical with thé /~<<'ff<At<:o/ «w~t </ ~<N~' ?'ttJ<Ma'«~
author of the SmiUfgdine fable. Round the C'A~'f/M<!A~&f/MW/,y~M~MKH /~<««t/
above book and othcr writings which aceompAny G~'ft, «'~A~~a', notes,<M~M<M'«f, Edinburgh,
it there has grown up a bitthy titenttare which, t882,8". For the olderliterature conMtt Fabri.
though it lies rather outiide the scope of tho cius and Brucker.
présent work, cannot be passedoverin a reviewof The MngtMt transtatlon was made by Dr.
the whole subject Everard and publisbed at London, ~6~0, 1657,
edited by John French(~.f.).
Hermetis Trismegisti Erkântnu& der Natur und des darin sich onenbahrenden
Grossen Gottes, begriffenin t~ unterschiedlichen Büchern, nach Grichischen
(~) und Lateinischen Exemptarë in die Hochteutsche Sprache ttbersetzet,
nebenst vorgesetztersattsahmer Nachricht und Beweifsvon der Person und
Genealogie Hermetis, dessen Medicin, Chemie, Natur und Gottes-Gründe,
mit untertauttënden vielen der Egyptier Weifsheit, und unterschied!ichen
anderen Curiosa beruhrende Passagen. Verfertiget von Alethophilo.
Hamburg, In Verlegung Samuel Heyls und Gottfried Liebezeits, Buch-
handtem in St. Johannis Kirchen. tyo6.
8*. Pp.[72,Frontisptece
conttunsan e~bon~teaceoMtof thepersonandgeneatogy
Hertocs,'basedmainlyon Borrichius' and iMcfudes
researehes, (Sig.dgt«'~) a
ofthe TabutaSmaragdina.'ThétestofthebookcoMiits
ofa tmoshuon
ofthe POmander,' andthéwritingsM TatiusMd Atntnon.'Noneof
theotheralehemical areineluded.
Hennetis Trismegisti Einieitung in's hochste Wissen: von EAenntnifs der
Natur und des darin sich o<!enbarenden grotsen Gottes. Begri<!bnin
siebenzehn Büchem, nach griechischen und lateinischen Exemptaren in's
Deutsche Qbersetzt,nebst Nachricht von der Person des Hermetis, dessen
Medicin, Chemie, Natur und Gottes-grunde, mit der Egyptier wundervoller
390 ~~M~
[Another Copy.]
Interleaved, notes.
SeeSBMLKR (JOHANN SALOMON), Von âchter hermetischerAnenei, <y86.
HERMETISCHE (Die) Gesettschaft.
Hermetisches Journal. Zur endlichen Beruhigung für Zweiner und Sucher,
von der hermetischen Gesellschaft.
Wahrheit ist nicht die Tochter des Ansehens sondern der Zeit.
Erster Band. Erstes Stück. Camburg an der Saale, bei Hofmann und
Kompagnie; j[8ot.
Ir. Pp.tM[a].
8'. Pp,in(*]. Wmts
Thé Hennetie Society comisted apparenttyoftwomembcrs oo)y Kortmnand
BithMM.References to thélitemture
t~erringto itaregivenunderKortum.
See RECHttt(Der) WEGzu der Hermetischen Kunit,t773.
HERMETISCHE (Der) Nord Stem.
~MF.O.j.), 1771.
HERMETISCHE (Der) Philosophus, oder Haupt-Schtusse!, derer zu der
Chymie gehorigen Materien, Ursprung, und Herkommen aller Metallen und
Mineralien. Das ist: Ein Weegweiser und Summarischer Bericht, wie
nemblich das Universate Generatissimum, gleichwie die Metallen und
Mineratien durch die Astra gewürcket, aufs Wasser und Erden ihren
Leib endtichen durch viele Jahre nehmen, und in mancherley Gestatt
formiret werden, per Artem inner kurtzen Zeit zu ertangen sey; und wie
rnan folglich aller Metallen und Mineralien Eigenschant auff das leichteste
erkundigen und erforschen solle. Allen SeissigenNachforschem der Natur
zu getallen an vielen Orthen dieses Büchleins klar beschrieben, und in
sieben Tractauein bestehend zum Druck befordert. Franckfurt und
Leipzig, VerlegtsJohann Gabriel Grahl, Buchhandler in Wienn, tyop.
8< Pp. [99,inctudingfrontbpietej 3!$. [t htank 4 Register].TMeredand
black. Frontispiece intwocompartments. Thevolume contains
AtM'eusMbefdePnacipiisNittunBetAftis.p.t. t. Bemhardvonder Marckund Tervis. tïï.I.
DeSnitioAkhymite, p.n. BOcher vonder Hermetischen Phitosophieder
PhœaixAlchymise, p.75. Welsen.p.193.
Artephii,vonder geheimenKunstundStein TabulaSmaragdina. p.atg.
derWeisenGeheimes Buch,p. tas. Ahnus,Dicta,darinnondas Geheimnufs Philo.
Joitonis GMt&Bdii, seu Hortulani Compen- sophischer Taggegebenwirdp.
Artan 30~.
diumAtchintite, oder: Ëdf)Srung der Smarag. Aneditionof FratiHurt,t6oo,8°, is quotedin
discheeTafet Henneti! Trismegistivon der /<!<~Z~~cA& A'MttM ~MM~e «tf/tt//M<e.
Chimh,p. t6y. tyg:,p. 70. Certainof thétractsseemto bave
DieSmMagden.Tafe), p. t69. been repnntedromthe~<f))M<Ù!<M«~tM/<.
HERMETISCHE (Das) Triklinium, 1792.
&M PHtLOTHEUS de Limitibus.
Triumph, C~
Uralter RitterKrieg, p. t4. Seadschreiben an die wahren Schüler Hermetis
L'AncientteGuerre <)< Chevjtti~s (Got ntMand in sich haitende die vomehmsten sechs SchUt~set
Frenchon oppositepages), p. te. der geheimen Phitosophia}. Aus dent Fn*t)<<~i.
Gespritchedes Kudoxi und Pyrophili Uberden sehen ins Teutsche versetzet, p. tos. This is
Uralten Rttter.KrieR,p. jy. signed Divessieut Ardens S
Nothweadi~e )-:nt)<terung des Verdeutschers Sce the note under URALTMK)TTE)t.KRtEO.
<!)e!e!HcnMt)~:henT)-iamphsandeoLeser,p.1 r- t~.
~a.a~ A. y.B. C. <~M-M~.
VTtt A)~.t.
Xttt. Alexander v. 0. Suchten. E* VYV
X!X. Johann v. Padua. Volleidete heilige
Tincturre Physicomm Theophrastl PM~cebi. p. Weisheit, p. <t83.
tgs. XX. Marsillus Ficinu! BCcMeia vonl Stein
XIV.Alexander v. Suchtett. De tribus der Weisen, p. ~4.
Facultatibus. p. aï4. XX John DatMten. Rosarium vom Stein der
XV. De NuMement. Vom wahren Sf~ der Weisen, P. 300.
Weisen und dent Allgemeinen GeiM der Welt, XXII. Hermes. GUtdener Tractât von Zu~m-
p.330. tneMettung des Steins der Weisen, j).gn.
Xv!. Antoniode Abbatla. Behcht von Ver. XXIII. Raymundus Lullius. Apeftorium de
WMtdtMng der Metatten, p. :6t. ComposidoM Lapidis Phitosophomm, p. M9.
XVII. Aufrichtig deatscher Wegweiser !um XXtV. Raymundus LtttUus. Etuctdanm über
Licht der Natur, p. a6}. sein Testament und Codicit), p. ~ts.
XVIII. Laurentius Ventura Venetus. De Lapide XXV. AMtotdes.AtchymischeSchriftanAlex-
PhitoMphontm,p. 268. andrnm Magnum, de Lapide Phitosophorun).
P. 3'6.
A. B.C. Il.
[. P. Spiefs. Concordant (H~erdas MuysemeM IX. Georg von WeUing. Opus nwgo-atMisH-
Satcoe[eate,p.t; ('am et theosopMetm) p. agt.
Il. BenedictGutwMsm. Aufrichtig Chcmisches X. Franc. SebMt. Futvus Mehotodemet. of
OMtbens.Bekenntni'.s.p.~t. Pisn. Non plus ultm Veritatis, Untersuchung der
m.DMphUasophischeVatcrhetT.p.sû. hermctiBchenWissensch&R,p. e6<).
IV. Amar Proximi,p. 7~. XI. D. M- 3 Tractatlein, p. !t88.
V. Das ausder Finsternifs von sich se)b!t hervor. XU. Ben Adam. 'rf&um-Qe~icht, zur Zeit der
brechende Licht, p. to6. Regierung Ruachareti!, K0ni);s von Adama, von
VI. Famt mytttca hermetica, p. tS~. Floretus a Bethaborttn den T~geegeben, p. 996.
Vtt. Der rechte Weg zur hermetischen Kunst, XIII. DM hernmphroditischeSonn. und Monds.
P. '7S- Kind, p. 30t.
SendtvoRiut. Die geheime Naturlehre, p.
A. B. C. Ht.
t. Der oratte Ritterkrieg, und hennttische Ytt
1y Aus
XU. t.t<, Peter
t~t~. Steiners HandteMtt von der
Triumph, p. t& Universal.Materie. p. t8~.
Il. Henry Vmghao (<&) genaant Hueenias XIII. AM Nedeganders kuraer AnMOMgMm
PhiMethtt: EMftteter Bngaog m des K<tn~; N&turMhehiM~Ks p. ~03.
vttschtofsnmn Pt))ast, p. 73. XI AusdergMdenen Rose: duMht. R.V.M.D.,
Ht. (HeMy Vaughim): Von VerMUMittung der p.ao7.
Met&)te,p. 78. XV. Aus dem GesprSeh zwisehen dem Saturn
[V. (Henrv V~ugtMm) Kwze AnMtaog zum der Weisen, und einem Chemisteo, p. ~09.
hinontischenRubin,p. 80. XVt. A<i$ Jamsth«)ers Gedicht vcm Stein der
V. (Henry Vimghan): Bfunn der Chemisehen Weisen' p. ttg.
Wissenschittt,p. 83. XVtt. Aus dem Gedieht der achten Rosen.
VI. (HenryVMghftn): Magia AdtMHica,Atte)-- toreu~er.p. M<t.
thum der Weisheitoder Himmel der Hnte, p. 8&. XVut. Aus den LehM&tœn von der Weisen
Vtt. (HenryVMghftn): AntfOposophiaM<(gica. Steine, p. at6.
p. us. X!X. Aus d. Aria von der Weisen Stein, p. aty.
VIH. (HenryVmghan):Animamagie&absconditft. XX. Aus dem BtUMtder Weisheit, p. at8.
p.taa. XXI. t. Au! dem Blut der Natur. p. M~.
!X. (Henry Vaughan) EttphrahN. die Wasser XXII. Aus Fictulds AMth et tgnis, p. as~.
von Autptng, p. 134. XXIII. Aus Fictulds Auremn Vellus, goldenem
X. (HenryVtmgaan): Lumen de Luotine.neues VUefs.p. s6;.
nxtgischesLtcht.p. t~ï. XXtV. Aus Fictu)d<Hermetica Victoria, p. 37t.
XI. Thomas Vanghan[.J/f]. Aula Lucis, Haufs XXV. AM Fictulds Abhandlung voa derGewMt-
des Liehts. p. !77. heit der Alchemie,p. a88.
A.B.CC tV.
Aos FicMtdsTurba Phitosophorum, p. <s. VI. Aus dessetbeoUcht des UehM, p. 95.
Il. Am der Mrsttichen Rose von Jeridto. oder V! Aus LeonhanbdetanMtone TinetOMePhil.
Moses TesMment,p. osophorum, p. M2.
tU. Aas Elias Anista Geheimnis vont Salze, V! Aus v. Loen Geheimnifs der Verwesung
P- 47' und Verbrennung aller D!nge, p. tgy.
Hntehne Zeugnisse aM Fictulds Probier. IX. Aus dem tnikrokosmMten Vorspiet eines
steine, p. 7!. neuen Himmelsund der neuen Erde, p. i6y.
V. Aus Johann Ferdinand von Freydau Send- X. Aus des Graten Martciaco Sendschreiben
schreiben, p. y~ und hBrmetiicttenUMet~udiang, p. MZ.
For notes upon the above authors, see the respective entries.
HMMfETtSCHR (DM) GesettschafL
~/W~7V~C~<?~A~ ~9
i-m.KMUU&Nh.S. <w<
But on the other hMtd ho seemsto havo been of Fictutd'i. Whether the latter after his published
some importance in the development of Rosio-uei- eriticisms, would have ~joyed being put in thé
anifim, and is quoted repeatedty as nn authority by same Mtegoty may be doubted. This author does
Semtet, who links his name more than once with not appeM*iu KtoM'slist.
FiMutd, /«'«, 1753.Th. il., p. 76. Gmelin, <7«~/<<' der C~M~, tM8, Ii. p. 3:5.
Semter, t/n~/A~jf~ ~<!M/f<~« M<' ~~n'f Ladntgue.M~
f~f~~«JM~M~, t/Sy, ii. p. t6y tySS, iii. p. 38, t870, Nos. 1367,t~68.
7". Ss, MS.'64
8,5, xa~ x6~ (extMcts
( f
extrncts roro
hs <y)-it)ng<),t??,
vyritings~,xyy, Kopp, Z?~<m«', 886, li. pp. 359, 386. 39t.
t88 t788, iv. pp. 6st,169,t8o. Chronology,t~t.
Le Pseautier d'Hermoph!!e, envoyé a Phi!a!ethe.
~<f RtCHKBOURG (j. M. D.), Bibliotheque des Philosophes Chimiques, 1754, iv.
P. 394.
Epistola contra Ph!fa!etham. Responsio ad ptaecedentem Epistolam.
~<'<'MANCET (J.J.
(J. Bibliothecat:hem)
J.), OMtotheca Chemica
IIa.KV411VJp~I~V.G,ii. tJ~.7.
Curiosa,tyoa, 11. pp. 41y~and 699.
697H7J4 V~.
Johann Ferdinand Hettodt, or Herdott, von BrNno, the capitat of Moravio, with great accept-
Totenfeld, or Todtenfeldt, of Niclasburg in Mor. once. He died in ï~
avia, bom 4 Feb., 1645,was? doctor ot medicine, He wrote 'T<ttMro.Mastix Mom~ee,' Vienne
a member of the LeopoMine Aeademia Austri:e, 166% 8°; 'Opus mirificum seMi diei.'
Natune Curiosonnmin !67o, and chief physidan jenee, t6yo, y; 'Cfocotogm, sive curiosa Croci,
to the Kmpero)'. !n bis youth he occupied him. regis vegetabiliurn,enucte~tio.'JenM, i6?i, 8*,and
self withwriting books, but tatt)- on he abandoned some papers inthe .B~MWtf&j of the SoctMy.
this sort of work and pmctised medicine at
Merctttin,Lindenius renovalus, t686, p. 576.
Porta), <<f /x<oon'~ &t ûM~M~,
Roth.Schottx,&~&a C~~tM, ~97, p. 384.
11700üi, p. 11g.
Dit ~<~<'&~«- /i!f)~ <4/<~yMM, 1730, p. 97 Hatter.
~774,i. p. s8t.
(intercourse with Wagnerec)<). Etoy, /)M/«M<t<!<«AMA~«f <&la A/M~M,
Manget, /?<~<a~fa &on<M t778, M.p.~t<.
~731, t. ii. p. 68t. HaUer, ~M<m~<a Mdiine~t&«.M pr«lïce.
~~M'~f< z7M t779, iii.
KesMer,~~MM~A~ G~/<m-~<cm!, ty~o,
Gmelin, G~M~ der ût~M, t~S. il. pp. eo8,
.fâcher. ~M~MM C~A<M.Z~/<-o«, t7;o. ii. 9t6.
coi. t<6a. F«!{~~t< ~yo<~a&,Paris, Panckoucke (tStO-
BOchner, ~4«!<<eMt<? ~V<<e C«~Moy«m B~, v. p. 176.
~M/<~s. t755, p. 46~, No. 37. Hirsch, A<jp'<t~t<t~<t ~efthM der ~tt~WM-
Georgius MaMtufB,CtM~~o'~ //<~ft<p AMt- ~M<~a ~<~& alltr ~M~ <t~ W~ ÏM6, iit.
fo~MM~f<M&j~nM,t76t, p. 704. P. t?8.
Joseph Ferdinand Herverdi, M.D. in Rotterdam, ErMârung des mineratischen
Reichs. Ein Beytrag zur Geschichte der Alchymie. Berlin, bey Arnold
S'. t-p.
<r. Pp.MM4.
TheF~f/~doesnotsparethéauthM'sobscurity, Meuset quotes the above, but knows Mthing
errots,anddivagations soand
<rom seMe. about the author. Schmieder catts him Hervord),
which seems ineccunUe.
~)~M~zMfC<~A/<'A/< <&fAa4<nt C~MK,tySc, (This is an inacotMte teterence, and t have Med
p. 683. to eonrect it).
Meuse),D<M ~~M~i'~M/~&a~<!< /~TMa<t Sehmieder, f~<4/< < ~/<«x~, tSga, p.
~f /<<t< /<~<~MT~a~~MN~< ty~, 595-
iii.p. t69; !786,N~htrag,i. p.~73. Ladragtte, ~~o/A~t~ 0«f< &«xw
GmeMn, GM~tfA~ CA<m~, t7pt),iii.p.93~. &<<'j. tS~o. Nos. ~86-7.
The Art of Curing Sympathetically,or MagneticaHy,Proved to be most true
both by its Theory and Pmctice, Exemplified by several Cures performed
that way. With a Discoutse conceiming the Cute of Madnefs, And An
~~HW-~B'.M~/WC 40ï
Appendix to prove the reatity of Sympathy. A1so an account of some
Cures perform'd by it in London. Written originally in Latin by H. M.
Herwig, M.D. London, Printed for Tho. Newborough at the Golden
Batt in St. Pauls Churchyàrd, R. Parker at the Unicorn under the Piazza
of the Royal Exchange, Comhi~ and P. Buck at the Sign of the Temple,
at the Temple-Gate in Fleetotreet, !~oo.
M°. Pp.[t5. Nank]ts<. AdverttMment Boctœat theEnd[i],
WattMt'Mc~MF~A<x<!«'< tStM,(aMhoM)490<)quotes ArsCt~aiM~
i. &'M.
Membo)~,nodate,ta*. Thereis a copyinthéBritishMuMMtt)
~«<*<~<t, (to~S.a.
(BuAS JoHANNss)..
Theophrastus Redivivus hoc est Usus Practicus Azothi, sive Lapidie Philosophici
Medicinalis, qui vera Tinctura corporis humani, G~atiâdtvinâ in his ultimis
temporibus nobis redonati Des theuren, Edten, Hochedahmen, vnd weit-
berlihmten Philosophi Teutsches Landes, Philippi Theophrasti Paracelsi
von Hohenheim: Beyder Artzney Doctoris, Nfedicorum Monarchae, &
Principis. Welches Gebrauch nechst Gûttticher HatSë in gUiddicher
geführter Praxi in denen Kmnckheiten, die mir die nechst verBosBene
Jahre der gnadigen wider Erlangung defs Azothi vnter Handen kommen,
war sein befunden habe Ich M. Elias Johannes Hersling, Amstadiensis
Thuringus, jetxiger Zeit Pfarrherr zu Aurach Vahinger Ampts an der Ens
in) FNrstenthumb Würtenberg, vnd der Edlen Medicin alter Practicus.
Aun* sonderbar gnâdiges Begehren vomehmer frembder Herren von mir
zum Tntck ûbetgeben.
Chnstticher Leser hore mich hier,
Richt nicht zugeschwindt bitt ich von dir,
Liss mich zuvor bedachtsamlich,
Dann judicir vernonfftiglich.
Franckfurt, In Verlegung Johann'WiUhettn Ammons vnd Sertins. ïm
ïahr Christi t6so.
4°. Pp.[8]z7[tNMtt].
4*. PW[8)?7[1bknkl
Theophrastus Redivivus, Illustratus, Coronatus & De~ensus. Hoc est: Vsus
Practicus Azothi, Lapidis Philosophici Medicinalis, qui vem Tinctuta
Corporis humani: et EMxinj novi correct! aliorutn~ue arcanorum Medi-
camentorum,gfaëâ divinâ in his ultimis mundi temporibus nobis redonatorum.
Des Edten, Hocheriahmen, vnd Welt berühmten, durch Gottes Genaden
erleuchteten Philosophi Deutsches Landes; Philippi Theophrasti Pamcebi,
von Hohenheim beyder Artzeney Doctoris, Medicorum Monaichee &
Principis Helvetici. Durch welchen die, wider den Erstmahls publicirten
Theophrastum Redivivum, aufsgestrewete vngôttMcheCalumnien, vnd sehr
vnchristMche Diffamationes des Anonymischen Concipisten Impostone &
Appendicis, vemünfftig abgelehnet; vnd die in schrifften eingebrachte
objectiones bescheidenttichvnd Christlichen beantwortethat Elias Iohannes
Hefsling, Amstadiensis Thuringus a FhUosoph.
.r. & Vtriusque Med. D. Quondam
4<M ~~z/A~B'ew~y~
BROUCHUtsms (DANtRL), Secreta A!chtn<:œ MagnaNa, t6!2.
Heumius wrotea pt~&ce in defencoof alchemy. tt la not mentioned nt aU by MetehUe. Oa)ythé
édition: Colon. Agnp. *S79,4'. is quoted by NtceMn.
HIERONYMUS de Zanetinis.
Conclusio & comprobatio Atchymiae,qua disposMoni & argumentis Angeli
CHEM!CUM, !6$9,iv. p. 347.
Schatz~ammecteinder Gesundheit, inhaltendt Fun<Tvnd Zwantzigaufserlesene
nutztiche Regulen vnd Lehrstuck, die Gesundheit tang zu erhalten, durch
den Weytandt Hochget~tten, vnd Weitberahmbten P. vnd Medicum
Herm Johannem Posthium, Chur~ttrstKcherPfattz woUbeste!ten Leibartzt,
zu samen btacht, vnd in einem Patent an Tag geben, nun aber, dem
gemeinen Mann zu gutem, weMeuBHgefk!art, mit vieten n!Hzlichen vnd
bewehrten Artzneyen geziert, in dieses Hand Büchlein gebracht, vnd an
Tag geben Durch Guithelmum Fabricium Hitdanum, Fiitstt. Man~~avschen
Badischen, wie auch der LoMichen Statt Bem bestelten Medico-Chirurgum
OrdinMium. Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, bey Erasmo KempCem,
In VertegungMatthœt Merian, hn Jahr !6:8.
4* Pp.[M5j~i4~[aMaat].
4*. `.w withthemotto.r"HioeSMitaa.
Mis name h jtivett ~arioustyas WHhetmFabry, tS9<t.and tralned biswife in MMjety
and etstetHe~,
and Fab~t. G)Nid)M)M Fabtichs, and G))itie)mu$ and returned<oHilden and Cotogne. In 1~7 he
F&ht'!cim Hitd(H)u&He was so caUed <tomthc went again to SwitMrhnd. and renMined at
village of Hilden near tMtMetdotf, where he was Payerne and Lausanne tiU t6ts, when he wa<
bom aj; June, !s6o. He was educated at CetogM, inttMdMBemMtownandttmtoaphysichn. He
studied surgeryw!th Cosmos Stotaous, a pupi) of was also physician to the MeufgKtveof Badea.
Vesa!im aad Mf~eon cf the Duke of jaMt. In Hcehbetgtn DojtHch.
~585 he went to Mets. the foMowing year to He was consMetred one of the best trained
Payente. next to Genet% where he temaiMd for swgeMa ln Gormanyat the t~ginaing of the seven-
(ouf years widtteM) O~tba, an ab)e sMfgeon,who teenth «ottuy, and he made <nany contributions
pruused Tag ntethodt He MMrXd tn M the titemMreor the subject. He abo wrote o«
the mittetfttwaters of Switeerhmd. He inveMed He<Meden Bern, t~Feb.. 1634. in the~thyear
someingeniousinstruments, and prMett~deMetoos of hi! Me, of MtbnM,having Mnored some ye~M
to Cotogneand Bem. previoostytrom goat.
Vander Linden, ~f~~ M< ~W <f«e, H<ttter,P<~t'e<A<~a<<fM<MHt<'< ~774, i. pp. 995-
!637,p. 186.
Mw:Mtn, ~<«<<cxt'Kt ~«ft! t686. p. 373. 97' HaMef,A'M<<~MaCA~w~ea, t??~ i. p. 9i9
Conring, In </)!~<-j<!)« Artem ~~«a~ <y7&ii. p. 609. al.
/«<ttx<M<:<<f,t687. p. 398 (!Mro<h!ctioc.xn. 9't). HaMer, B~/t'a AMM~<f ~Mc~'t)?, tyyy, M.
Frehef, yXfa~am M~f~M Mw&Wow</<!<w<M<,pp. 305.308. U'Ü..J-
t688. p. <~ Pt. 6: Etoy, C~~MM~ A<~<wi~M<<f/<! ~MM~M,
Witte, Z'M~'M<(~t<~<t~Atf«M, t6M, Sig.Gg 2 1778,)i. p. ses.
~<e, t4 Feb.. t6M. Gctt). Hman. von Ha!tN,
Hallcr F~<
8iblfatlrek .Mt<x~.
Christianus Polycarpus LepontMM.M/a. Qued- C~t~M~. tySs. i. Nos. 65~ t~S, ts?s.
tinbm~, !7M, 4°. t6o8, t~M (notices ofhis wortts).
Manget, OtM~~<Ct! &t/MM'M)M~<!<~«eM«M, Ree<i, ?a~Q~Mat~a, t8t9, x!v.under FaMeius.
t73!. t. ii. p. 68g. /!«!Fra~«! ~«-<< P«Ms. Penc!t0ttc)te(!8zo-
Stolle, ~H<M~«ysur ~~<~« <~f Mf<<«~MMA«ta;). iv. p. 90.
C</<t~A< t731, pp. 810. Ca9, 83%837, 839,8~ Sprenge), Cf~'AM<< < ~~M~MM~, t8a7, iv.
8~g PP. SM.S7?'S99. &c., &c.
XcstMf.~M'fA'oWff~~f~M/-<'fH.<-<<-< ty~o, M'«fift'~&,tS~. xii!. p. aat.
p. zSy. .4/~)'<a~<' &<jpi~ t&77, vi. p. sa&
Jaeher, <4/~m~'<t« <7<«.~<.)'<to~, t~so. ii. (ArtiOe by Hirsch.)
co'.49S. Haeser, CwAM~ <~ A~MM, t88t, !L pp.
GeorgitMMaMbio. Caasp«trr /y~<t-«c
Mattbim, C'o«j~/M Nirtoriar ~/f~
Mrdi· 4M.976.o89.
corum<fMO&!f««j, t76)[, p. 367. Bimngs,~i<M-.C<!A!/<if!<f,1883, iv. p. 566
dex·Catalo,gue,x883, 566; Md
Porta!, ~Mww <~ ««~MM<</</a CA<n«y«, Sénés. ~900. v. p. 497.
t770, ii. pp. <63'97~.&~«M'M. HiMch, ~<A«e~ Z~~tM << ~~ff~Tw.
HaHe!, Bt'weMMo ~OM~fo, ~~t, i. p. ~ai; FMcbx ~<-)'</<«MM'2M/M Ma~ fW~, t88s, ii
<779,ii. p. 676. p. M. (Artie)eby KMnwKchter)
HMebtandt was bom at Hanover, June, t~, Besidesthe above he Wjfote An&ogogtande der
graduated M.D., was pn*M~iocent &t GStUngen, Chemie. Mm Gnmdnss &)tttdetaiseherv«ttesoBgeo
in ty86ptoti~Mr ofantHomy in theAmHomitat&nd nach den neuen Systeme abgefasst, Eftangen, ~94.
SurgicM Institute M Brunswick. assessor of the 3 vols. Eneydopadie der gesammten Chemie,
Ober-SaoMts CoMegium, ordinary ptofMMr of Ertangeo, ïy~-tStS, 8"! Lehrbuch der Chemie
medicine at Erlangen in t~M. of chemiMty tn als WiMetMehftttund ats Kunst, ErtanMt), <St6,
tM6. and of physics in ~709. He wasalso Coun- 8*; An&ngsM-ande der Metallurgie, Erlallgell,
clllorof the Kingof Prussia. He died in T8t6. t8t6, 8" Chemisehe BetfMhtungen der Lohger-
He contributed tatgety to KientMc pedodteat bMey, Ertangen, iM5. 8': DMMttado de metat.
literature, and wrote works on medicine, his lorum nobilium puntate arte pnmnda. Erlangen,
Manual of Anatomybeing regarded as a ctasiie ;n 1796,8-.
its day.
Gmelin,C<~M~< dar C~M~. 1799,iii. pp.a8o. EMhenbufg, ~t(w/ ~«' G'<MMfA/*der
M?, &c.. &c. Colûgii C<t~ï<t<in F~tOt~~M~, Berlin, t8M,
G. W. A. Fikenscher, ~e<&wtwA< G<M~<M. 8°.
G«tMfA~der t/o«'<rMM<~<BrAtt~t, N0rnbt)rg. Mwa~<o<~)<<o.M«NHt~a<<<M<<B. ~<t<M~
t8e& C~<w~M<,Enanf~e. t8t8, !x. pp. ts-M.
~M~M~A~7- 40;
Das heiligeKraut, oder die Krâf~eder SalbeyzurVertângetung des menschtichen
Lebens. Von Dr. Johann H!H. Aus dem Englischen. Wortgetreu nach
der Ausgabe von t~S. Stuttgart, t8s3. Antiquariat von J. Scheible.
t6' Pp.46. pp.adverthement.]
4c6 ~M~WM~M~W
Urbani Hierne quondam Gubernatoris Provincialis Honorani, Archiatr. Reg.
et PKestd. Reg. Co!L Med. &c. Actorum ChemicorumHolmiensium, Tomus
Primus. Hoc est, Parasceue sive Prœparado ad Tentamina, in Reg. Labora-
torio Holmiensi peracta, ut et Compendiosa Manuductio ad Elementa et
Ptincipia Chemica rite investiganga (~K),cum Annotationibus Joh. Gotschalk
Wallerii Phil. et Med. Doct. Chem. Metallurg. ac Pharmaceut. Profess.
Reg. et Ord. Acad. Imper. N. C. ac Reg. Acad. Stockholm. Soc.
Stockholmiae,Typis et Impensis Laur. Salvii, tys3'
8*. P~xviii.[s]98~. tndex.&c.P'.tMMtj. Ffootitpieoe.optâtes.
TeoMminam Chemicorum Tomus Sec)))td)M.Nuacpnnt)ttninhteeat
CumPrivilegio S.R. M:tisSueciœ &S.R.M:tisPotonicœ HcElectoris SMon.
Pp. xi.
Pp. [t]
xi. [t] t~
t~ M-
[to~. Editions
ts in
in ï7o6,tyta,
appeared ï7<)6,
appeared ~ta, 8°.
Hj&fnewas bom at Sqvorite, logermaland, in tnntcb distinction oa account of the réputation
Sweden, 90 Dec., t&tt, of good &mtly. After 1 had acquired espeeiatty in chemistry. He was
Mu<Mngmedicineat Upsata, where hesustained a a
appointed premierphydcian to the King, président
th«Mi)t t«9, he went toLondon and wasadmitted t the Medicat Counci). director of thé Royat
to the Royal Society, e Dec., t669, proceeded to tLaboratory which he had succeeded in getOng
Paris M)d devoted two years to thé study of e
estabiisbed in Stockholm and in which he did
anatomy, physies and chemistry, and is said to t)
much investigation. In order to <amitiarizehintseif
httvetatteathed~meofM.D.fHAngem. Onhis w
withthe best meMNamieatptoceMe: he made two
return to his own coantry he was reteived with vvisiMtoGermaoy, and was afterwards made vice-
4<~ J~~A~–MAW
~.v..r. .vwp C<~M~<~<
The OrM work was entitied: De /Jd«Mni:e The third: Merces Atchymistarum, <6M, as
dtnicuttatibu! in quo docetur quid scire above, is the same as the Nrtttract, though witha
qutdqttBvitare debeat v<tn)B
Chymifest,4diosusad difteMMtMe; but the running titte M:Vca den
perfectionen) adïpiraM. Cotottiœ. ~04, 9*, pp. Irrwegender Alchimisten.
M ''90. 30 3'65 Mank]. A German am inclined to doubt the ideetity of TheobaM
translation Von den Irrwegen der Alchemisten, and Ewald von Hoghetattde. La Rue. quoted by
appetred at t'mnMurt a. M., t6oo, 4" and the Van der Aa, caHs btm n learned pbit<aopher and
itbow edition of t~o. chemist who passed under the tictitious Mme of
The second: Historiae aliquot transtnuMionis Ewald Vogel, Morhof had made the same obiMr-
Metathc<epro defensione Atchymiœcontra hostium vMton, and Konig repeated tt: Ccto nomine
rabion adjecta est LuUii vita, et atia qufedam. MwatdontVogeliumse~ voeatesolet.
Cotoeia!. t6< 8'. German translation as above,
Van der Linden, &M~ Medicis /tM Ncy, /«wM~ A~/f~w~ ~f la ~<4~«M.
tMSji.p.Mt. t.
(637. Po44$,.
Bofet.&Mf/~a Ckimita, 1654,
e'~cc, x654.,P.
p. "9-
xxg. Baumer, ??'0 CA~Mt, t~8a,p. 9t.
Morbof, ~M'/e~~MM ~<t~~ &y/~t«~ C<M~<~ <e Cw<n~ t~Ss.
< t~3, p. ~~t. Pt'.S48t&7<8<t.s84.S94.
NM/to~tt velus
t~«jc<el «ot«t.xtx$, p..)o8.
svz,rc,t6?6, p. qo8. dernier, t//<~<«~< ~aBt/«<j~« «~ ~M/~A'
Mercktin, jU~f~M nf«w«/M, t686,p. 903. der /?M«t~«< t?8y, il. p. 69.
Borriehia!LCb~j ~t~«w C&M<«'~<M, Gmelin, C~<-«<< der C~MM, iM7, i. p. jM
'607, p. 3<, No. x)!x. (ettbtheaathorEwatdorTheebatd).
~('f~ A<M-~ «f~ Tt-M/M~~M~< Fuchs, ~<onMat der fA<«t<'<<~« ~<~<«Kr,
~et«W<A'«~ t~os. p. M3 (put in thé Mack list t8o6-o8.p. 95.
became he wrote without doingany good). Schmieder, CtA-A«~~ der ~~Mox«, t~. pp.
Mmget, ~/«~<t ~[t~M ~<«i«, 39?. ~o- ~~M~'
t73)[,t. ii. p. 745. Hoefer, Hiitaire <&de la
la C~M~. z843,ii.*Il*-
Ckijnie, tS~. P- <~
p. 134
Lenglet bufresnoy. ~M/ffM de la /'A//<tft~ t86Q,ii. p. tit~.
/fm/M, t749. i. p. 474 iii. p. t88. an der Aa. &'<j~a~AMt~ H~o~t~~omt
tScher, ~~«~M~ &&A~M.<.n'~<, 170}, ii. ~V«f«-/<!<«&«. t867, VHt. ii. p. 966.
co). t<66 (disnnguishes between Ewald and Théo. LadMgue.MOMfo~&~w~t&c~/M,
batd). D_L' 1870. Nos. 547-549.
uld /«-~7««,s.'
Fictuld, 'fh i. p. 04.
Isaaci Hollandi sonst auch Flandri genannt. Curieuse und rare Chymische
Operationes, worinnen nicht allein einige bifshero unbekannte Geheimnisse
die rechte Universat-Tinctur zu erlangen, angezeigt; besohdern das Funda-
ment aller solcher Operationen, so in Ausziehung des Sattz und Oels aus
denen Mineris bestehet, auf eine gar deutliche Weise gezeiget wird. Allen
Liebhabern der Chymie zu ihrer theils besondern Wamung weittâufMge
und betrugttche Wege zu meiden, theils zu einer gründlichen Manuduction
diese trefRiche Erkanntnits rechtschanen zu erlemen, aus einem alten
Autographo MSCto des Autoris heraus gegeben von R. H. C. Leipzig
und Gardeleben, In Verlegung Ernst Heinrich Campen, privilegirten Buch-
handter der alten Marck, 1714.
S*. Pp.[t6]400.Titteredandblack.Curioustintewoodcutsof appamtus
Fmgmentum de opere Phitosophorum.
~< THËA'fRUM CHEMtCUM, t6;9, ii. p. tz6.
Fragmentum ex Theonjs.
TRACTATUSduo Cheanci, t647, p.
CtN~CEUM CHtMtCUM, t6?9,p. ;t3.
Opus SatumL
BAStUus VAMNMNUS, Triumphwagen Antimonii, !6:4, p. 465.
M.. the ''< et thi' edit'cn of BMiM<M
Nttntbe! ~L~" VtttentinM.
~6~6,p. 36:.
J"S~'J~?~iS" ~"M'' BasSiMVateatinu!' <y~< <a~<
WMmade by Daniet Cabteand printed atonR with 7~ London. <6yt. ~<naUN'.p. Ma.
Tractatus de Urina.
THNATRUMCHKMtCUM, t66t, vi vi. p. ;66.
Little seems to be known about the pentOM This seems to be the result arrived at
caJtedHottandtN. By most amhotitie* Isaac h who enters ail the writings under John by Ladraaue
regarded as the father and John t~aac as the son, tahes no notice of Isaac. Isaac, and
but Maxget hwtH this and caMsJohn Isaac the Borel and Gmetin, though both MoomMM
father aad Isaac the acn. Boerhaave says they father
were natives of Stolk, and Van der Aa of Sto)):- but putand son. mate no attempt to sort the tttte!
them under thé authors eonjointty. Leng.
wtjk KrimpenaarwMU-tt.Schmiedereivesteasons let however. fouowed by Schmieder,
tmrbeMeting that they Mvedearty fn the <!<teeath bas Dufresnoy.
made thé but compuison of their
century. and Van der Aa my< tttat the younger allotment with attempt; the above tittes, taken a~m the
Hollandus tived about 1440! otheM (such as books thernselves.will show either that they have
Sweerdus, ~~<-M<?&~< Antw. t6<8) put them conm$edthe posons, 0)' that ta the copies
at the end of the sixteenth eentuty. or even, as conMtted.the n<une: of the MtthOMWtMdM~MM they
Betgman))does, at the beg)Mtnf:<'ftheseventeenth. fromwhat they are in the above.
Nert, when about to describe a paste to imitate The analogy of the writings to thoseof BastMua
RenM,Mys he toch it whenhe WMhtFtaoders <Mm V&tentiaus has been out by some witeM,
HoMandos. Now though Nef! was there in and Van der Aa, whopointed
an likelihood towards the end of thesixteenth or in their time, goes the M)tesor the Sûtenth century as
the eady years of the seventeenth century, his PaMcehMbas whole tength sayint: that not ontyy
words tmdty impty that Hothadus was aHve at been uanscribed from passages whMh might have
that time, and that Neri got thé proeessft-omhim had Holiandus, but evot Boy)e
dttect. BMthereMooimpossiN))tvinit. got crédit for what Hottandos had known
There h also such a wantof UMnimftyin assign. pt~viousty.
Thé writings which pass under their authorship
ing thé writings M their nspective authors, that haw been commended by Boerhaave. and Isaac &
one ? almost disposed to questien whether iMtead said to hâve been sMtM ln in emmelling
of two posons there may not have been one onty. imitating ptecious ename))ing and ln in
Antonio Neri, Z' ~~t~M, Firenze, t6N,
hb. v. cap. xci. p. yo. Roth.Schottt. BWt'o~~M CAo~ta, t?~, p. a<M
(Opus VegetaMte).
Ma!er. ~MA)~t .~M; ~x~, ~M, p. 963.
Van der Lmden, /)<- Manget, jM/M~M &-y~MMM OM~~<~MM.
AM&M&'M~< t73<. Lii. p. M<.
1637.Po z8~. Boerbaave,~Am<x<itCtM! tMt, t. P. );&.
)~re!. ~««A<M Ct~Ma. t6M, p. ï!t&. /M~ ~t~Mf A<M&WXM
MerdtMt),~wd5MM~MMMm~tM, t6M. p. 6at. ~MMfOM<~<-<e,
Borrichiua, C<Mj~fA«~(~/ontM C&))t~<~«m, '73~. P. 74'
Len~tct Duft~esnoy,~M/o<~ <&& /'A<&«f
'P.~ ~?~7't9,i. pp~aa*. 469. Mi.p. "9'.
A~« ~~<-4. ?TM~« der Joeher, ~/&tM~<Mt <<M.t~M. tyto, il.
&~<&)M/. ïyo:, p. 66. te), 1614.and cet. 1099, under /M<t<(~hm<w).
~MZ~A~M'JM~~M 4<s
See ARNALDUSde VillaNova,~4$.
Hoppodamussaidtobea pseudonym
h of JohannLange. &xa/~ HtPWDAMUS.
Kopp. /)&<<&<tMt~.
See DORN(CERHARO), Theophtast!schePractica, t6t8.
AdetnagpretumMhe betoagedto Carinthia,for he wrote:Beschntibun~
des LandesKatuthea,
Mptig. <6o6.8°.
~<M' und ~~Ma~N tu /&'A~f <{i"M< Gc/f~~fw.wc,t7B?, il.
Bibliotheca Chemico-Curiosa, D. Mangeti enucleata ac i!tustmta. Das ist:
Kem und Stem, der vomehmsten Chymisch-Philosophischen SchnSten, die
in D. Mangeti Bibliotheca Chemico-Curiosa befind1ich seynd. Wetche mit
sonderbaren Anmerckungen allerseits ertâutert, daraus auch die vornehmste
Chymische Denck-Sprtiche und bewshrteste Experimenta excerpiret oder
MrtzMch,jedoch aber mit sonderbarem nutzbringenden Fleifs zusammen-
getragen, auch also in drey Ciasses abgetheilet und heraus gegeben durch
Conrad. Horlachem, J. U. ac Med. D. & Cand. SS. Théo!. Franckfurt,
Zuonden bey WoMang MichaheUesund Johann Adolph. tyoy.
< Pp.j~6]4a«t<ht].MS.)M«ata~t~ar.
4'6 j~MM~C~E~O~V
See GRBRR. )668.
Caspar Horn was bomat Freyttc~gia Misniain regret on thé part of thé peopte. He continued tn
t~S3. At an eariy ne he took a taste for medi. pmctice M t~eyberg for twenty yeM, and budeath
ente, went to Witteuberg and studied under "t to~g, at thé âge ofyo. WM machtfunented.
Sennertus for six years. 'fhen he went to Base! He does not seem to have dette any Mtetarywork
and took the degreeof t6t6. He teMmed <
except this édition of Gebet-, and even!t he did not
to Freyberg, spent a short time in Dresden, and in himsetfpuMish.
t6:3 settled at Plauenin Thuringia M a physicittn KUnix. however, sptitks ot a Casper Horo.
and pmctised thete with !uch aeceptancethat, when 1
who. An. !6eo, Hbrumde etephMte evutgMit,"
he )eft in 1633 for Freyberg, it was with grott t)Mtthey scem to be dif)brent.
KUnig.~MMto~a H/M~A~M, toyS,p. 4! Georgius MMthiaB, C'~j~<c/M W~/c~o?
Mercklin, Z.«!<<)?<f«u
t«MK'<t/a~,t6S6. p. 159. <
MfMa< c~<!<'&<T<t, t76t~ p. s?!.
Witte, ~)«!~fMM&'<j{K!~M/<B, t6a8, sig. Fff s, Hat!<r,/<Kt/a ~~<<'N«M, !yy~, i. pp. g~8,
~<o. Ann. ï6s3. <
Manget. ~c~<v<! ~<<M'N~ .MM/~Mm, HMter, A'ta ~5'<&'M«e/nt<< tTyy,
t73'. ii. p. 75?. ii. pp. 458, S4S, 606. (tt is doubtM if thé works
Kestner, /t~i'<A<'Mw~C<A~<rK~'«, t/~o, (quoted are by thé above author.)
p. 4*4. Etoy~.jKf/tc/MstMf AM/~fB< <&At /)/<Mw/Mt,
~~p'o«t<M< Gf&Af~M.KOH, t~so. ii. ~77~ P. 5~'
co). t~oy. ~«j~t~X' A~M/c~. Pari!. PandMudce (t8iM.
Fictuld, ~r.~M, t?~. Th. ii. p. as), v. p. 980.
De aura medico philosophorum Dialogus scholasticus.
p.Il. uvy.
'fhe _L_ -11 _l' .1
above tract appearedoriginallyat FmoMurt, the
Christhmus. To ChnMtph he assigxs
i6t;. 8°. He wtotemo HorttthMmediem Hip. tmct 'De inCammatione hepatis,' Attdorf, t~o,
pocr&ticus, spagyricus, Hdmontianus,' Cassel,
t6to. 4' but H<uter givesthe date t6oi, and ca)b
KSnig, ~t</«'/jt<'<-<t
M~t</ Nova. t678. p. 4<a. Adelung. /x-«!~ M< /~<
Haller, &~«~<a ~M'~f<M<B ~af<M<?, t)~y, ii. G<M~/M.<.)f««, ~787, ii. col. zt~t.
pp. 413, se?. Gmelin, Cf~f~t~/e der <e!«. tfy~. i. p. $;<).
2~~<Mf C«~A«'A/< der /i&4~a C~m«, 1785, ~«!fM<~M ~MMf'<-a/<, Ptuis, Panetoucke (t8M.
P-~99. ~). v. p. 989.
Medulla Atchimis in aphorismos contracta ex Gebro desumpta.
GEBKR, t668.
t679, p. 179.
George Horn was bom in 1690 at GreuMen English youth and ttecompanied him to England,
(Schw~nibarg.Sondefdmoten); Witte calls bim and during his résidence declared MaMeM in favour
pataunus,' ReitOtnannsay$ of Kemnat in der of Protestantism. He returned to Holland to
Ober-Pfft)tt.' occupy the chair of history, poHtics,and geography
The Bohemian troublesdrove him to Bayreuth, at Hardtfwictt, and thence retnovedtoLeyden to
he stopped for a time at NOntbefg, and wentnext be professor of history, about !6~. In ï6M he
to Holland. At the Haguehe became tutor to an eng~ed in a controversy with le. Vossius about
~PA'M'y ~t7
HORN (GsoRc), ~/M~.
thé âge of thé worid, whteh Votsiua tho~ht was Under thé name of HonoritM Reeius he wrotea
understatedaccordtng to the eurrent chronologies. work in Latin on the emte of Me Chutrh itt
Me Wtotoa consittaaNe number of books.and ËttctMd, with an appendlx containing thé decrees
in pMticotw ~~M ~M<f, jnw ~<~a ~w«~/ a of the Synod of Gta~ow af~Mt thé btthops. tô~y.
c)tr!ou<!tittte book. ~M;aNovaM'tw7~<we /M-
/<~n«w </ ~Mo~fM, a <'<MMM~ c~ ad x«t~-e 4°.Hon) WM<t
was a mae
nwn of wide t~adfng
rcadlng and v<u-ied
~M~a; W~i~t~j~tM'W~&m. t6~<, knowtedm, but fell tnto inMcwaeiesby dépendit));
4°, works on the history of Engtand. Scothnd, too much on his mentory he could. however.put
ned tte)Md. on geoemphy, etc. So far as t ant bis 6tate<nenMand ideas very tefeety and exaetty.
aware the above la nis OMy<ep!~ra? writing on He le said to have lost $000 HanM through an
alchemy bat he has !pc)[enof it at some length alchemist nt thé HMtte. He died itMMe at thé
both in Lis~<yM~MM< and ~/<~a ~yf~t«t. age of 50, in toyo at Leyden.
KOni~.~MW~a f~/M~A~fa, t6y8. pt419. Stone, ~~t<)~ wf Historie <&f 6t/<t~~o7,
F~ter. MM~-Mm~WMOt~«~<<M< ~e~ntm, *7a7. PP- 335-
t6M. p. tcM. Manget, F~/<<t &o~<t! ~<~ot,
Witte, /%t~'«M ~~n~~««, t6M, stg. Pddd ~t, f. !t. n. ?;3.
4 «e~M,Ann. t670. tocher, ~MM<«M G<&)-<eM, tys". M.
Reimmann, ~aMM<~ X di, ~/<'<t<M«JU~. cot. t?e8.
<<!<W<& 7~A'tt, t~M, pp. 9t0. 369,4&t, Mot~n, C~MMfDictionnaire AM/<~ </
798, e!3(~<f<t ~M)tM). <& tMh VI. i. p. 80.
Morhof. A'o~ )?t4, i. p. 9t6; il. pp. 4. Alkin. OoM~t/ ~~M~'t '804' v. p. 974.
tS9,ete. ~W~~M~W <&w~. tS~S, MV. co). t~.
~/<! /<M<j~<~tMH, Hatte, Mt6, St. vi. pp. FeMnMon, 'Notescn. BootNofSecreM.'Sttpp.
1039-61(reviewofhb Historia /%<A<t<~Mfa). Ut., TVitMjtK/Mx~ <<A<M/~a/ &<'«~
Johann Bernhard Homs Chym. & Metall. Cutt. Synopsis Metallurgica oder
kurtze, jedoch deutliche Anleitung zu der hochst nutz- und etgatzHchen
edlen Probier-Kunst verfasset in xv. TabeUen. Darauts ein Liebhaber
der Kunst solche mit leicht- und geringer Mühe gründlich erlemen und
begreiffen kan. Auf ersuchen des Autoris fleisigst durchsehen, und
folglich auf gutbennden nebst einer Anrede an den Leser, denen Freunden
der Betg-Wetcke, Ertzschmeitzens und Probirens zu Lieb, Dienst und
Gefallen zum Druck befordett Durch D. David Kellnern, h. t. Practicum
in der Kaysertichen freyen Reichs-Stadt Nordhausen, auch Fürstl. Sâchts.
und GtaB. StoHbetgischenLeib-und Hoff-Medicum. In Verlegung Johann
Christoph WeidnersBuchh. t69o.
a*. Pp.iM.15Tables, No.f folds. Pp.totM. TitteredandNack.
of which
Aecontto~to LeupoldthisbookwaspuMNMdEttte,wennsieGoldundS!tberhetten.Mguteai
atFtMdtfnit. machen.Franckfurt,t6oo, 8*, alsoedited by
Homwrotealso WoMget~Ondeter AnKhhg KeMnef.
und BedendtBn, w:e die wiMeantimonialische
/K~~«<~<<t/'<'e<&M<M~tWc/A<M'<~<«t, Jadter, ~%<at<K«tC<MMM.<~fM), tyy~
1732.P.74- cot. '709.
Gregor. Horstï D. Philos. & Med. Problematum Medicorum ~qM~<wt«Mf
Decades priores quinq;, ïn ittustri VVitebergAcum consensu Supenorum,
in gratiam Candidatorum Medicineeconscriptœ,& publico privato~ examini
Arist. lib. 2. Metaph. cap. ï.
0~ ~tw x4* ~X* ~"M"' Te~TM!&f t[M-t!<t0tw<tt~<yat TOt!~&<m, <ïÂM
«at TeÏ! !Tt ~fttreAtK~TqMf <Mro~fa~fMt, <:< yc~ o<!rotoi~SaAAo~a~
Tt. &C.
'Wittebergae4Typis Cratonianis, per Jean. Gorman, Anno M.DC.VIII.
Pp.[6]. Title:n a wood<!<<tborder,ott in <?théboMom.TheteAM~
eaehwitheepaMM andsignatures.
Commentaire sur la Table d'Etneiaude d'Hennés.
MCHEBOURO (j. M. D.), Bibliothèquedes Philosophes Chimiques,ty~
p. a.
Hortulani Philosophi ab hortis Maritimis Commentariolus in Tabulam Smatag-
dinam Hermetis Trismegisti )f<~}x~
See ALCHtMtA, tS4t, p. 364.
See ARS CHEMICA, !;66, p. 33.
Bemae e«Mdt fac~btt. Attoo M.D.XLV., 4', pp. Amotdus de ViManow, ta Co)nn<entariosHor.
[t6j 309 )aJ. Il bas an elaborate ornan<eMalHue- tutani Kxpositio,p. itg.
page. was pfixted at Même by Mathias Joannes Garlandius Anglus. in
ApiaruM M the expente of Petreius, and is a arte Atchimistica expositio, p. 36.Synonymorum
reprint of the p~v!on$ edition. The C<'Mm~/<t- Gariandius: De pneparatione Elixir libellus,
)~e/~ be{:)n:on p. 99$.
So far as hâve observed bardly anvone who P. Si. Gartandius: De MineratibasMbef, p. 6y.
bas diseussed the question ia connect!on either
with Hortulanus or Gartand bas taken notice ot p.JoannisGarlandij
thèse ~o earliest editionsof the commenta, but Leonardi PtocbitteiijCarmen,p. [tMJ.
bas quoted ottty thèse of t$6o aad t~t. Summa Capitum, pp. [la~.izBj.
These may now be desotibed. The ts6o édition The Smnma i)inew, but Hero)d's Ptotatto h)
hasthistitte: omitted.
Compendium Atthetntce. toannb Gi~ndH Part Il eonsiMs of artMes taken from thé
AngM phitMOphi doctiMim:! cum Ditt!MMtrio ~<f«//«~ Ma/Mof Vincentusand others.
e!usdem arth, atque de mstalloruat tinctw<t pne- Except Mansi, those who have quoted this
patMh) nedj eomMttm Libe~o.aoteanoos DXX. reprint reter M it as if it werea Mpamte pub-
[A. t<~jeodetn amhote eonscripto. Adtedmus lication and had not appeared under the title of
eiusdon compendij pet ArmoMmn de ViJUNMWtanother wortt. If therebo atepMate edttion of
eXp!iCfHione)t).Cum tmetatu de SaJium Nomi. tS7t. whtd) is quito possib)e, f ha<ehot seen tt.
ttumdue varietate, compodtione & usu, Setiptoris The !s the same !n both these
iacertt. OmnM nunc pthnum in lucem td:<&. éditions,commemary M that the distinction drawn between
BMUeMAottOM.D.LX. then) by Dom Rivet, namety that the editton of
The contents Me as foMcw! !S6o is an abridgement pf that of t~t, made by
PKBhtio to Melchior, Bkhop of Base), by the author hitnseifor by sorne other person sub-
BasHiustOMOesHeMtd. sequently, has not onty no foundation in faet,
tottnn6 CMtandM AesU Philosophi doctissimi leavlng the dates out ofthe question, but has not
CoMpendtam AtcMwi? sive in tabulam Sma. even any support from the actttat titles. Dom
ragdmam Hermete Tfbmegisti <f<ptxw~~ Com- Rivet, however, took his description not from
mentadj, p. t. copies of the books, but from the entries in
PKecatib, p. t. Lipenius and the ~«'~<M &)~«tM, t68t,
Tabula Smafagdim, p. :). p. ~;a, a. The only diftefeneeisinthe nnt chapter,
Co«)mentanj,p. 5. whtch in thé t~6o édition is tengthened by the
Arnoldas de Villanova, in commentarios Hor- insertion of the 'Tabula Smaragdiua.' omitted in
tu)ani expositio,p. M. the t$7t édition. !n every other respect the two
Joannes Gartandius, Synonymorum in Mte issues are identicai,
atchitnistica expositio,p. e?. So far as i knowthèse books also are tare.
Joannes GarhmdUM, De pMepitratione Elixir When the t~ and t~o editions are compared
tibeHus, with etichother there are seveml points of dinetence
toMtOM Gartandim, De Minem)ibM)iber, p. 93. to be observed..
j<mnnisGertandij Ytta, p. t7it. r. The titte.
At the end of thé Hteisa list of Garhmd't works 3. The introduction ofGariand's name.
taken tr&m Boston<MBuriensis, in wbicb appears 3. The additional tracts.
the titte Onotanus, Lib. i.. Mtowed by thewords 4. The statement that thé edition of tj6o is the
Laus, bonor, virtus & gloria.' Tb& X merety Stst.
the present commentary to which Boston bas 5. The diSerenœs in the two versions.
erroneousty fiiven the name ofthe author, and the i and a. !t wiH be noticed that thé phrase
four words fbHn the openteg of Hormitn<!s' CompendiumAtchymiee and Gar!and's name do
PnBtatio witb whichthe commentaty begim. not occur in the tittes of thé earlier edigions, but
The t:7! édition isa reprint of that of t~6q, but were introduced by Herold eithM- of his own
differs from it m the titleand other partica))u-s: initiative, or, more probably, ffom thé manuscript
Launmtii Venturae Veneti, Artium et Medicinae he used, whiiethat of Hortt!)anashas disappeated
Doct..De Ratione conficiendi LapidisphitoMphid, from the ts~oand t~t editions.
liber uiMS. Ad Othonetn Henneum Mncipem g. As to the additionat tracts they do not occur
Palatinum. Hu!e aceea-erunt eiusdem argumenti in the éditions of t~tt and ïM& and are
!oan. Gadaadtj AngH liber unus. Ht ex ttpteuto assigned not to HortMtanus,but to Gartand.theyThat
magnoytncentt))tbn due~ CumMvitee~o C&esar. they are by him isa question of évidence, but their
Ma!est. BMi)e<eM.D.LXXt. evo. pp. M aog authentieity bas been c<MegoH<aHy "-): y denied byy
[to. a bta<))[];Mi [7. a Nanh] ty~ [t btank]. Hauréau.
The contentsof PaMare as Mtows 4. The statement that thé édition of ts6o is the
Epistle to Count Otho Heinrich, dated: Venet. ntst, sif!nines: eitne)-that Ho-otd did not tcnow.the
Idibus Malj. ïssy- edttions of iS4t and i~, whieh seems uniikeiy, or
The printer <o the teader. that ho meant that thé versionof Hortutanus*Corn.
The eoMeots. mentary, whichhe wasgiving, as weMas thé other
Liber de Atcbimia,p. t. tracts were now printing for thé nrst tinte, and in
~Enigma della pieo'itphidea di LofMMoVentura, this sensé he may have been correct, as wiH be
seen from the tollowing.
Index. 50 The diCerencesbetween the eàrMerend later
P~rt H. contaiM the Mtowintf éditions are weH marked. There are thirteen
Joannis Garlandii Angli Philosophi doetMmt chapters ln the edttions of tM! and tMj, as
Compendium AtehitntB, siue in tabulam Sma- a~tnst twenty-one in those of t~oo and i~t. x.
mgd&iam HerMetis 'M$megist! «~ jnfMMtCom- There are dMercnt readings throughout and diMr*
mentM~, p. t. ent arrangement of words, and m thé t$6o and
~??'M.~A~ 4at
tM;t éditions chapter v. bas an iotroductorypart referred to by Kopp {~7. *86o, p. gSt), the
which is not contained inthe MeviousedtttOM. opening of thé 'Prœtatto' run< thtM: Sgo a.
As an Mostration of the dittMeneesthe opening dictus Ortutanus ab ortis Martini nuncupatus,&o.,
words.of Hottutanus' 'Pne&tio* may beeivea. inwteadof'abhortbmaritimis.' Tbàtoneof thèse
ln the ts~t édition they are: Ego dictu: Hotrta- readings ts an ermr of traoteription h pretty
tanus, ab hortia marjtintb nunotpatus, petto obvious. Thé meaning in either case b tomewhat
Jacobina imtohttM, indisnus uoead dMpuhts obscure, bat M would not take mneh efforton the
phitosophiae. la the t$6o édition: Kgo of a po«iMy puzz!ed xeribe to convert
'OftntattUt.ab ortis Mattttti* loto 'MMttma
quidem Hortulanus, ab horto. vol ab aree
maritima dictus, Jacobina pelle inuotutus, ebub. Ortulanus.' AU this is a matter for investigation,
«mus phitcsophonM), indignus vocad disciputM and anyhow it would bB pKaMttMM to aM~n thé
phitosophiee 'Commeotariotus* of Hortulanus to a Martin
tt may be iaterred, therdbre. that thé editors of Ortolan or Lortholain, about whom' HaNr&M
the two editions drew from diHefeot manuscript admits that he had no lasting tarnc, or, It wouldbe
souFces, Mdbis ts con6nnedby Hetotd giving OM morecorrect to say, had none at
the mareitt of bis editton a t~w vmdotMreodtnM WMtc something bas been said in support of the
which happen with one exceptionto be those of the various opinions, no Mgu<Mnt Maictentty toeeatt
édition of t:<tt. and conclusive ha< been put forward to ind<tee
The existsace of thMe two di<feMt)t printed t)e)tefthat thé probtettï of authoMhtp hM beietf
versions bas not. so far as t am aware, beett solved.
noticed ot mentioned befofe. As to the expotitio' a~igtMd to Antotdus de
The authorship of thé 'Commentariolus' bas V!Uaaova, lts authenticity. other things b~ng
given rise to some divenity of opinion. MoMof equal, must obviouslydepend on the date nxM for
the older wntett bave eceepted thé tdeatity of HorttttantN. If he beidenticat withGartandia the
Oar!M)dia and Hortu)aa)M without critHsm. exposition could quite wett be by AmohhM,who
though thcy are not unanimous as to the date at (tourisbed in thé latter part of the thirteenth
which he «ourished. Recent tesearches have ceotory. But !f he bethe same as Ortbolanusand
settted that John de Garlandia, a native of Eng' livedin the <bttrteenth century or tater, the expo<)-
land, rcsideat in France, poet. musician, m<tthe- tion could not be by Arnoldus, and Hauréau in his
matician. gntntmarian. was bon) in the latter hatf dissertation on Amoldus, quite togicatiyconsidère
of thé tweXth and Uvedon Kt thé mlddle of the it not to be by him.
thirteenth century. and was thus a seniorcontem. Kopp, too, bas pointed out that this 'expositio*
pomry of the scholars who have made thisperiod does not appear in any list of Amoldus' writings, so
coaspicuous in the annab of learning. On the that apart from thé date, Il is possiNy not a
ground of identity this would be the date abo of genuinewriting of Arnoldus. U<xn Rivet speaks
Hortutanus. FabrMus, however. did not admit of a treatise La ctef de t'abt~é, of which there b
i<and Kopp bas made the remariethat the question n anMnusctipt'&t'abbaiedetDtmes.' Can thb be
was not to be so readily answered as Morhof a tmnslatil6nof tbc expo~itio ?
appeared to think. Mote feœatiy stit), Haun'ath Thé Commentary was often printed and it was
who in 1879con-eetedthe patent miseonceptiontof tramtated into Eombh, French, and German.
Dom Rivet about the editions, alluded to above, The transtation into Engtish was madefrom the
bas denied altogether that Garland had anything to tMt text, and was printed atone with Roger
do with alchemy, and bas rejectedthe works onthe Bachon's 7X< ~t~)~ ~~tMy,TLondon, t$oy.
subject attributed to him. pp. 17-ay. The French translation was abo made
tnHttenced by certain maouscript~ he is of from the i~t text, and was published alonz with
opinion that Hortutanus is the same as a person Le Miroir <<<~«<M<<<& A~ &«e<t, Lyons,
oa!ted in them Martinus Orthotanos, who wrote a *S57'PP' 6.
treatise whichis contained in the 7~<~WM CXam. .Thé GennM verNon by Johana Sehauberdt is
f«M ottTHOt.AKUS) and b dated ~358. If there appended to fantheus* KwitMA~M<~ (~),
be doubt about the connexionof Hortulanus and MagdebM~, t6oo, t6o8.
Garlandia, there is eqwatif not more about the As it is somewhat difBcutt to disjoin Hortulanus
existenceof .Mt~w~ Orthoinnua. That the name and Garland some ofthe MtowingKferentesapptyy
occurs in manttscripts ia hatdiy MfMent to estab- toboth and some to the two individually. Refer.
lish the existence of the penon. For, in a tnanM' ence may be made also to OKTHOLASUS, wherethe
script at St. GaMen ot the fourteenth eentury, connection with HorMtanm is ftMher consideted.
J~her, ~<NK~«t Gf&~M.Zf~M. t~ ii. .f" Camden Society,
COL86 ~«~M'M.
FictUM, t86j, Ttmiii. ed. Albert Way. Pnefaee. pp. xxvi.
~'M~M~/«'a, ty~, Tt). i. p. 97. XXXII.
Moréri, Le C~m<~ Dt<~wta~ Xt~~M <-< /<7<'h!<~de la /w~
V. Il. p. 77. t868, viii. pp. 83.
<7Nh (article by Dom Rivet); xxi. pp. 360-73: xxH.
~w~9r ~«w «~ ~<wa~w«<M-.t/ag, 98
p. !Mt (not traction, bat "ao eP. "3. 77-M3. M<-9S<'(Mictes by Victor Le
in modem dress writings thé dictionattempt to pot t~tetc).
of whichbas Kopp, AMMjptsur C<~&~ der Ct<m~, tM~
Mpdtedniaders ).
Ay~f)~ 0<w~~ der ~A~t C4~ ~85. Ladrague, &MM4~M <?<wt~ ~«tf~
PP. (p. eyy No. M. for t6e thé cditioa
editton witd
wM) ~~j, ï8~. No. 1366.
Ventura, x~t). $84. ~«cf~ F~M~ A&aM~f~ <&la jMM«-
Semter.Z~Mw~ .?<!Xt/<H~ ~f- ~t~T-~ A~~a/f, t~). XXVIt. it. pp. 3S.38
<&~<MO~<e«r. t~M, j. pp. 98, y8. (article on omitted and spurioMwritings of Garland
Gmdtn. C~~t« ûbe~, MM. i. p. eo. by B<Mrtheten<y Hauréau and correction of Dom
Sehmieder. G~&p~ Rivet's confusionabout thé t~6oand <S7téditions).
Hoefer, /“ cM~. ~.rp.4.~ ~M< /~<~e~ A la ~w«-<
to66, t. p. <(~t. ~tiii.,
PP'.95. 96 (articte on Am~d det88t,
ICa~p~p.,Gsxfider Cheatte, 1844. Ii..PP-141. by HatMeaM,deayiag thé authenticity ofVilleneuve the Ex.
_&«MM/ du &tw)t~, t9~t, p. ,86 (anide by positio ).
Kopp. Dis ~M<MMt,t88< Il. pp. 349.348.
Chevreul). ~V~<MM'
P- 436('UUZ« o<}f
f Nahoxal
~«~M«/ BiograpAY, xx.
F!gM~ /&~ot& &< ~M~M~. &'<!?~t8ao.
tas6, (<mdo-GARMND:MtMe by C. 1L.Kings.
PP.4'. ? 131.363- p. 436
Fontani Hortutani, Fata Chymica, in Beschreibung der wahren und falschen
Chymie, mit beygefiigtenacht raren Tractae~en und zum Theil alten kost-
bahren Manuscriptis, bestehend
i. In Ubereinstimmung der grots- und kleinen Welt.
a. !n Anzeigung: woher die Menschen thre Signaturen
genommen, und
wodurch viele Ktinste und Wissenschaften erfunden worden.
3. Stellet Magische SigiH. und Bildungen fiir, nach dem Biblischen
Namen und Gegeneinanderhaltung des Gestims, mit der Signatur der
Planeten, und den Beweifs, woher die Magische Bildnûfs, so grosse KraR
und Würckung haben.
4. ErMaret die Chymische Wôrter, so bey dein Laboriren und Bereitung
der Chymischen und andern Artzneyen vorkommen.
5. Lebret einige auserlesene Artzneyen verfertigen, deren sicb die
hocherfahmen Natur.KUndigervoriger Zeiten bedienet
6. Ist ein Tractat vom Alter, wie man sich nemlich solches
machen kan &c.
y. Archiv der Dames oder Geheimn<isse, die zu menschlicher Zierde
und Schonheit gehoren.
8. Eine Anweisung zu einer kleinen Haufs-Farberey.
Casse!, Bey Johann Bertram Cramer. ~40.
4°. Pp.[i<,frontispieoe
p. ~)' Gmelin,< ii. p.
an editian,Frankfurt,
Ram Avis in Terris or The Compleat Miner.
~e coï.LBCTtON (A) ofScarceandvaluableTreatises upon Metals, t74o<pp. 243.
The ftrst édition ha& this title Ram Avis in ject neverwritten on before by my. VattB Labor.
Terris or the Compleat Miner )n two Boo!M the multorumlaborem attevat. By ThomM Honghtoa,
fMt'eootainine. the Liberties, Litwsand Customs London printed in thé year t68t, M*,pp. P] M$
of the Le:ui.Mi!)<t, within thé Wapentake of jy). Other éditions are mentioned, t6f% tT~,
Wirksworth in DerbyshiM; in tifty.aiae Articles, tMS. Houghton tdso wrote ttmLawsMd Customs
being ail that ever was made. The second teach. of MineMln the FofMt of Dean, ln Mendip, &c.,
eth the Art of dMing and tevdtin~ Grooves a and some other worhs on mines and economicat
thing greatly desired by ait Minets; being a Mb. subjects.
Watt, ~f<~M Britannica, !89.t, i. (authors). A))iboee, ~~M/ ~f~M< &wMt*
5'9*. /hMf, t8~9, i. p. 897.
~« "A'V~
~aawa.vo rnl~.rl vo THEOPHRASTUS),
PHtUPPUS vol, 1603.
Detaits icr.·
of Huser's ,:r_ a_ not seem to 1.
Mfedo t
h&veb«o which appeared at Basel, t~. tMo <t~')i" <e"
preserved. He )ived at the end of the sixteenth volumes4, and again tn t6<~ as qbove. Connng
and begtnOtng of the an~nteenth century. was in notonty says that HuMt't~niotNdMerfromth'Mc
pracMceat WatdMrch in Baden.becamecouncillor by Dora. Rodensteia. and othen, but add&that his
and physician of the Ktector EmMt of Cotogne. e !sjustty suspeeted.and appaientty thints
and at his request collectedtheworksof PanMe&N, goodtaith
that a
both printed and in tnanuscnpt. and published a them tostrong enough reason for not pteferring
the others. TMs opinion, however, ean
'deHnitiwe' edition-as it woatd be caUed now- be compared with Sudhofe remaries.
Connng. De A.m</Mt~~<&'</«a/<M~c, ï64S, Mook, Mtt~M~ ~<!M!f</<M,tint AM~<~<
P.'7?: TM9.p,i?7. ~/«~, t876,p. 8~.
Retmmaen, ~<-A ~M/t~ M die
~M<erMet /<~<t<taim <&~ y!w/M- <yt- vi. h. Ferguson, ~~«j~a~Mo fara«/JM<t. tMs. Part
p. a~ t:ao. Part ils. p. 6t.
P' 57t. Hirsch. ~<if~At~A« /~nAM der jtwH~w.
<Mr~<-<'«~~ GeM~M.n'o~,
Kestno-, ïy~c, ~<<&<t~<t-t/f, t8S6, iii. p. 395.
p.499. SadhoH.t'Mt~Me/'a~M~&B, ~894,~M«<n.
~~w<<t<t <~&~&<tK;oa, 1750, tL
eo). 1185.
~M~M~MM~M' 4~
Medicinisch und Chymische Bemerkungen vom Spiefsglase durch Doctor
Huxham. Aus dem Eng!)schen fibersetzt. Leipzig und Bayreuth, lm
Verlag Johann Andreas Uibecks, privilegirten Buchhandïefs, ïy$9.
S'. t~
o* Pp.79.
Huxham.Mnofabutehet.wa~bomatHarbef. ateetoas MM throat,' tys?. 9'. Essay on fMefs.'
ton, ia Devonshite, a mile fMm Totnes, about '739. which h coosMeredhb most important work,
t&M (othen. say t6oa). Without n)aMng mueh 'ObservatioM on Antimony,' /~#. 7~-MJ.. t~s.
eftort he did vc~ywei) at school, baving an excet. tepamtety, t?s6. 8", of which the présent book ie a
lent memory, and betatne a good clnssicalschotar. transhtion. From ty:4 M !?sa he kept a résister
He then went to Leyden and studied medicine of thé beatth. ditKMM.and woathetrof P)y(nouth.
under Boetheave, but on account of expense he and he puMbbed in Latin: 'Obser~tiones de
took hh degnse at Rheints in t?!?. On hB retttrn A~ et MwMs K~ttentteit,' 8*, Loodon, tyg~.
atter waiting foran opextoxhe settled at Ptymouth. 1152,1111.
matried, and as hh ptaet'oe did t<otinoreate so On accooM of his treatment of fever having been
Mpidty as he wMted, ho hM[ fetam'M to certain tMBMSifMt !a Mt:ne the tifc of thé Quee~ of
t!)tpedtet«ssotiho thoM pUMuedby "8awyer)ate Pormeat when she was in the )ast extfBntitv.thé
Nockemorf" that it b difnctut to believe that ttiog caused bis work to be tt-Mtshttedmto Po)-tn.
Dickens did not simply copy Huxham's methods. MMie. His coHected works wefc pttMhhed at
Gradually however he succeedod, and having sent Mmig, by J. C. Retchet, in 3 tob., t764. t~a;
some reports of cases to the Royal Societywas MMtVtemM.ty&t M<t tSa~. Thé sepitnMeworks
elected a FeUow,s Aprit, ty~, and be was etso a passedtt))f«<)ghnumcrous éditions.
Mtow of the Collegeof Pbysician: of Edmbut~h. His method of prcpanng tiotture of bafk in
lu t7SS* He werked very bard botb at his pmettee wMchthe bitter was conwted by aromMics,led to
andattitefatywortf. Hewaswidely rend and was his name being tUtached to it, and there was ateo
akiUed in the works of the ancientohysicians, in u!e /Ëthiof)s antimoniatis Huxhami.
e:ptcia)ty Hippoetates. He died at Myntouthm Huxham was a tchotar. a keen observer, an
(ta) August, !768, but a: he would nevertpeidt of acnte tbinker, a hteid writef, and his worksare of
his ageit b given vahoudy as 73 o[ 7~, or 76. Maoneat vatne.
He wrote papets and tfeatiMs on medicineand His portrait is in Pettigfew'i; Medfca) Portrtut
pathotogy A dissertation on the ntatignant Gattety.
Der Chymischen und heutigen Welt, Nutzbahre Schatz-K&tnme)-,nebst einet
dabey befindlichen Land- und H&ufs~Apotheca,xu jedermans sichem
Gebrauch. AusgesteUet von Sincero Hydrophilo. t?36. Fmnckfurt
am Mayn, Bey Wilhelm Daniel Fischer.
4*. Pp.[a8J4t6. [9]. t ptate.
4:6 ~MO/W/Z~M~c~/WW
This work isin the fwm of a story of adveuture. MwcMalle XuMeftiche.ais ioneftiche Gliederund
a sort of ehenucatrofnMce. Il contains reprints Kmncttheiten tu curiren. Wobey sondertich zu.
of the two poems Bn DinRSnd man, in dieser sammen.gesammelte At-Mney.womftsich die Armen
Wett,' p. and No. tH. of the 'Attetentsche
Keunen': ')Nne treue Lehr will ich dir geben,' selbst, unddas, fast ohne Ko$ten Mcurifen.auth
ihre Medtctn setber verffftisen kSonen.
P. 3t3. This book app~red attentants under the titte
Ihe appendix begins on p. 323 and has a fALscHEtt und wahrer Lapis Philosophorum,'
separnte titte. t'MttcMuftund Leipzig, i~,
Anhattg der Land. und Hau&.Apothec~. Wie y.f.
1. (1. G.).
MMtr, M~Ho~<&<«M<t~Mt~
«~<~ /~M«~<;M< 180~, p.t~.
SCHMID (J. G.), tyoô.
[Anothet Copy.]
Besides thèsetwo books he wrote some others muthi' in the ~~tf, he !s called Jt. C. ab
Ch!M<j«' AMM~t~ Hof, t78% Indagine, and is spoken of as a person we))sMUed
PP.a<&, ~m~aMAn ~MM~t, Nambere, in chemittry, but too much given to gotd'maMng.
t7S9, 8*: /'A<&t<<~ und ~h'~t&t/wA<- He had coMtdemMe knowfedge of thé empMca)
M~)- Ntmk. 1793; ~WAw~h'~ «x~ chemistry then in vogue and his papeK show some
Aa/w~ ~M<M<t~~<, Nurob., t?~. ta the t)rtt;<))at)tyof view and treatment, but hb opinion
~««<&x. p. aïs, he speaksof tite was that bomx was not a natural salt but au afti.
MM'A~-M C~M~. M comcoted by him.M~tM~f ficial one made by the Venttians.
The Srst of thèse contams in Section S. a con. This <iew.therefore. was di<!etentfrom that of
thbutMoMthehisHKy<)fttMRosicfuci(Mt. ttiMS Joh. 0«!!W Model. who was Imperial Coaneittor
afterwards printed:eparate)y. t?)~, 8°, pp. 39. and died M St. PeteMborg in ïyy;. to whom )ttger
Thé author of the Ay/~tM'says that the name refet~. Modet had
of the authoris obviously tovestigated borax, and showed
Bctttious. Thh Mconect. how to punfy it by Mtution in water, and he con.
Hi! rea) nam «M tohaon Ludotph jager, and he sidered tt &namrat
WMa native ofthe Magdeburgdistrict, born aboat Utte of his di~ccumon product, as i! evidenced by the
De bontee MHiv&persis
t7~a. He ?Mid to have gone 6rst M thé Uni- Bofech dicta, Londioi, 1747.' Germaa tMnda
~e~ty of Tabingen. then in t?4;r to Leipzig, and tion, SMttgMt. i75t. 8". See Gmelin. C~~&~f
m t76a to HdmstMt. where he stadied under <~ CA««~. 17~8,fi p. My.
Betteis aad gave out that he had been examined în the A'i'A't<)t<<f« he discusses thé derivation
by him for the licentiateship lu medicine. which of the word 'Chemia' and the aatiquityof<{)aM,
otBeehe assumed. He nextwent to Brunswickand and shows hlmself
wrote a paper agninst thé Gravenhonts* manufac. chemiMt MteMtore. tbrougbout widety read in
ture of mXmmonhtc. which M printed in the Though the &y/~ seems to antictpote Mme.
y'<M)x above. He was employed there in the thing ofthe he canaot of course beconfased
porcetain works, a<terw<mbretumed to LeiMtg, with Johann)dnd, de Indagine who nomrishtd in the
lived privately, and comnttmicMedto the ËeononMC Sfteenth was pdor of thé Ctu-UHMtMt Mon.
Society proposait for the manufacture of Mttpetre astery at century,
Eisenach, Erfurt and Ffankfurt a. d. O.,
and borax. which, it )ssaid, werenot received with and wrote a number of works on ccctesiastical
faveur. He died t6 March. t~8y. subjects and the hiatoty of scveral hetesies. He
Meute) n)tote! an 'Abhandtunf; vom To~tc~. must also be distinguished from Johann de In.
rauchen,' WotfeobNtte),besides the A'<j/e<~ a clergyman at Steinheim, who tived in the
and ~M)M~t7«t ~~o.«<<M,but not thoa: above. dagine, sixteenth eontufy and wrote boots on ~strotogy,
There doea not seemto be any reaMn for doubting chirontancy, and similar
that Jobann Ludolph ab Indagme (~.f.) is metety dtstinguithed topics. These two are
another form of bis pseudonym and does Mot are apparenttybyMentiSed, Jtieher. but in the ~f~ they
for thé worksare
denote a d'aerent persoa. ascnbed to the CMttMsian ptior. magical
!a thé retiew of his book MemorabHiaBis-
MercUin. ~«~«fj ~/t<tM!/M.t68&, p. 6t8. Mease). Z<x&~ der wM /ttA<' t?so bis !)!oo
tocher, ~~)x«wj C<<a-Z<<'o<, tyso, il. f<hw« y~<<t &M<iff,
cot. t8&t. 1806, vi. p.
Baumer, A~/M~fa Ctt~Ka. p. ye. Schmteder. G~t'~ <~ ~M<M«. tS~. p. m<.
Missiv an <<M ~fM~<~ ~~<&<oht/ der KtOM, /<<~<!f/-a~ der 7!<!«~'f<t't&t4.
OMt)M du Gc~~a and ~~<<M. t7S3, Nos. x, 264a.
p. tt?. A<M~.
.~M-<!&<M~- a~t~ ~es. «~<M~. 1863. cot. ti86.
P'354* Ladrat~e.~tt/tM~~OttjM~&~MM&f~
C<tcAt'~<der Mj~~t C~~M. MS<.
a~<M~<ar 1870~Nos.t400-t<t!4.
pp. 6?a. 67o(No.<z7. 'Me<norabi)iaBbmMhi'). Kopp. DM~/<-A««M,t886. ii. p. 8.
Gmehn, <~fAt<&'<-<CAMw, t7o$,:it. pp.
See FORtAUTtUM Scientiœ,
~F FORtAUTtUM Scientiœ, !6ty.
FORTALITIUM Scienttse, (6t8.
MmTmentions other tracts by tbis person, who Vindiche Rhodostaurctieee, Apologia F. R. C.,
was NotM'' ohbe Rosicrucian <Mtem)ty.but not Prodromus Fr. R.C., Portus TranquiHitatis. He
the above. abo thh))<sthat the Mat author wbo wrote under
Kloss ascribes the following RMicmciM tracts this pscttdooym as well as under that of Men&pimt
tothiswtiter: was Gotthfurdtt!!Arthusius of 0<M)<ig, a man of
FortaUcium Scientiœ, Ctypeam Veritatis, Spec. learning, whohad a large shftrein thé compilation
u)um COMMmUiB, Fons Gnnite. FttHernon F~tet of De Bty*!tVoyages. But the author of the
(wbich Mun- styles 'das étende GewaMhe'). The. Cf/~a/MM)~~M«HM<iz«Mf<'M«M scems to distinguish
saurus Fidei. Tintinnabututn Sophomm, Epitome Menapius from !MMea<:Agnostus. See MHOSTUS
liber Mund:. Regula ViMe. EpMmia Fr. R. C.. (trenteus).
C~/AyM't«x ~MM~u/<!«n'M. t6~, pp. t~- Semter, M~af~At &tM~j'«t sur ~M/e~
I:aS. </<r~M«t~w«r, t?86, i. p. 98; tTSy, H.p. 77.
AmoM.~t~M. «~ ~<t~A~«, tMt. Gmelin, C<«'A~& der Ct<M~. ty~. f. p. $64.
ii. p. as6 (Th. il. B.~ii. c. ï8. §§ 30. 3t). note.
Leastet Dafhanoy, ~<Me<~ <&/&!/M~M< s Murr, M~r dea «M~m Mr~~<~ der ~wx.
A~M, ty~t. iii. pp. e&t. 98s' ~7' <b<M~'<Mt<<<~ ~)t)~Ma«<WM'<<Mt, tSca, p. s<~
<M~n' an <<!< Af~Mf/«MM~ ~!Mf~<'Jt~ des Ktoss, ~~<i~<<««Mt«o'<-<'<, t844, Noa.
Or< des <?~/< a~ ~*<MMj~)MM'Mf, x783,pp. a~a, a~, 9497, 9~3. 9ss6. 9ss6. a55? ~$59.
6~"GB.Bo. 9S6<~~6z, as65, 9;66, ~570.ejyg. 9588, a~
~(~~<!t<~G~M<</«< Aat<~« Oi<mM,t~S~.
Gehcime Scheidung der MetaUen und derselben Nutzbarkeit von Georg
Christian Ittershagen. ~774.
8'. Pp.[!S]~. [tUen~]
430 /?T~A~6~~
de Zatento,Vom MetaUischenKunststSeke der Weisen.
See K. (J. D.).
De Oleo Montis ZiMmi !ibe)!us, 1690.
Viatorium Spagyricum. Das ist: Ein Gebenedeyter Spagyrischer Wegweiser,
in den edlen Sonnengarten der Hesperidum zu kommen, vnnd daselbst
den Güldenen Tinctur Zweig defs vniversals (sonsten Lapis Philoeophorum
genandt.) zu erlangen. Alles in einem Histotico-Poetischen Discurs sampt
/7~ZJM-~jB'~ 433
ErzeMung defs Authoris gantzem Leben, verfast vnd beschrieben durch
Herbrandt Jamsthatern. Nunmehr allen Filiis Doctnoe zu Lieb an Tag
gegeben, vnd mit schonen in Kupffer gestochenen Figuren gezieret.
Ftanckfurt am Mayn, In Verlegung Lucte Jennisl. Anno M.DC. XXV.
8'. Pp.[t6]<8~gtengravings.
r. ~b.b. Ti<)eMttte)tteMt«sed!nabe!tdedbonte).
ln the saoMvolumeand apMfmtty <b)'m!ngpart attegûty of the preparation of the phitosophet'sR
of it Is Thomas NoMon'sCM<&~<f.). stone.
The enpawings are qrntbotieidof hennetic<dpro. jam~thitte~ book ismentionedby Kopp, and is
cesses andidées. Thewbottpoemteemstobeen commended-at least not condemaed–itt the
~i~wa ~«fA 7~/j~T /iw~- Kopp, Die <<&~M~, tM6, ii. p. 384.
<<~&~M~.A<M~, p. 13.
Die Fontina der Liebhaber der hohen WissensehaNt.
.?<- vtNRnützliche
nützliche Chymische
Tractat, t6tz, Sig. Aij.
This is a tramtation of the oM French hermetic Leegtet Dufresnoy quotes three éditions of the
poem La Fontaine des Amoureux de Science'1 poem an early one, undated, with other pieee: in
wrilten by Jean de la Fontaine. He was a native verse: a second. *)rev&et eerrigt par Antoine du
of Valenciennes,wholivedthere in t~t~, and wrote Moulin,l.yon, chez Jean de Tourner 1547, t6" ¡
this poem. Lenglet Dnirexcoy,for the sate of a a thM, Paris, chez Guittard. ts6t, tC", and the
gibe. bas given a <aacypicture of MM,eothety repfint in the third volumeof the 7?aMM~<&la
occapied wtth researchesm bis tabomtory.except ~<w. Paris. 173' la", 3 vols. Besides thèse,
when he shut hirnseffup in his reveriesandwrote Pierre Rigaud published an edition /.a ~a~M
upon the HermetieMteocein French verse,c'etoit ?'nHt~n)M<t~K. C<M~M««f<tftmMtCM<~Hf«t
fo)iesur M!e.' Semieder, however,bas surp<MMd ~)M< ~Mfa~. Lyon, t6t6t t& <t.88. The
not metely Leagtet Dufreiatoybut evenJean him. three treatises are La Fontaine des amoureux de
ee)f in Ms re<wies, and bas $et down Most science Les MmoMttMtce!de Natur & t'Atchy.
wonderM noMense on thé tubjeet. He ascribes miste enant,' byjean de M<anB: 'Le SommaiM
the poe<n to Balthasar Hranner, Latin de Fon. Philosophique,'IN. FtMtd. The last two seem
t!na'())aperfecttywe)t.)tnown physician of HaUe to haw been printed here for the tirsttime, but the
in thé sixteenth tentary. who appears to have nrtt, says the editor (t presume RiMud hinMetf),
also proseeuted atthemicat researehes, and whoie had been printed ptewioMtyat Paris and Lyons.
medicat works we~ printed in <6ty and 169~ but in a very corrupt manner, and he found it
Schmiederadds that underhis!atin!tedname and neeeMMyto t'Mbe thé text, whieh he did from
witha change of bis chrMtian name,certain tracts printed and manuscript copies. He omitted atso
of his were printed after his death withthe titte the illustrations of apparatas contained in the
tohemnis de Fontina Vior natdiehe chymische Lyons edition.
ftaetatMn, He))e, t6<9,8' h wouldbe diMcutt Thisseems to have been theta~t ef the éditions,
to pot more inaecaracit!and ontbMndtdassump. and the work had dropped into oblivion tiit it
tiens into the same space. appeated again in a limited issue by Genty:
J~tt~t DE LA
tir, La fFONTAINE. Cc~M!
La /%<t/a<)M ·~MM~f~ u_n_e_ S~w f<w~~ ~)f As MMtMe infcntM tM, WiHtam Bad<hou<e
~'Aex de la /e~ (&~&)t<< la c<w~ tfaMhUed into Engtith otttam bocks ot jean de la
dl ~i'<M«/<~)MK' ~<M~ ~~t Fonta!ne, and Stuotnon Tirismottnus. Copies of
~'M<<«~ CM~, PMis, Pou)et.Matas!is et thèse translations in Athtaote's handwriting exist
de Brotse. tMt, tmaHsquare 8*. pp. M q< JaT. the A~mot~m ManmMnptt aad are de.
The editor hM prefixed an !ntmduct)on con- among scntjed Nack. Thay co!M:<tof thé présenttract
mming an outlineof the history of alchemy, Md by Jean by de la the two tracts by Jean de
added sonMnotesat thé end. One Kigren that he Mehun (y.f.),Fontaine,
has given no aecount of thé author and of the Nature.' and La namdy: 'Les Remontrances de
previoua editionsof the book, whieb woutd have the treatise of SynesitM the Gree)< Abbot. Tbe
been more appropriate and usetul thnn the treattse by TriMmoMnosis the GoMen Meece.'
MMertcatsketch. Thèse translations do not seem to oam beea
Leoglet DnffNaoy. ~t' la /'A~ W. H. Btack. ~jf~~M. C~~
t74a.i. p. 9~ iii. p. 166. ~<M«w~& ~Ma/M tft/<' Mt~t~~
GeorgMs MattMtB.Cm~c/Mt ~n'o- .tMf- O.t/M-c! ~Mt ~~m< t6ts. col. ~fo. 59
<t(M tMMxe~~&a~, 176!. p. 6S<. (Jean de la Fontaine, &c.) col. to8o. No. t39;
Sehmieder.Ct'j~MA~~f~~oM~, tSM, p. gao. (Trissmosiaus).
Grasse. M~A <)«!- a~~Met-a~ ~<~r-
~A/< t~, H. il. p. 646.
Der Spiegel der Alchymie des vortreflichen Philosophen Johann von Mehun.
Aus dem Lateintsch-Franzosischcnubersetzt. Dem noch beygefüget worden
Ben.Adams Ttaum-Gesichte durch Floretum a Bethabor; Nebst Friedrich
Galli Reise nach der Einode St. Michael. BaUenstâdt und Bernburg, in
der BiesterfeldischenHof-Buchandlung. ~71.
8*. Pp.
8. Pp.4~. fourpp.
~.8 four
44. 4S-8 ofBook
p. of
pp. tMtwrtisements.
Jean, t&ttedde Meun,or Meung, or Mehuo, or <« ~-Mex /!h<«~ Lyon, !6t9, tE 9$.$:. See
Mehung. or Mestmg,or Mung.from his Mrthptace, thé note M JM.Hde t&Fontaine.
and Clopine), becausehe wastame. aourishedfron As for the~<K~ some regard it as
the middle of thé thirteenth century down to genuine, but Hoefer h<<<<~ of opinion that it b Mariout.
about t3~o. Du&tMoysays M8o to 1365.othets It was printed aiong w!th thé 'Mtrotr* cf Roger
taso to t336. He was a poet at the Court of Bacon, Lyons, is;?, pp. Mo~tM, end in the
PMip thé Fair, and <ont!n)tedthe Romtmce of repnnt of the tSS7 coUection.PMs. chez Char!e<
the Rosé,'bemn about 1~0 by W!Hiam de Loris. Semestre.j6t9. 8' pp. 3.33. The Ay/M~ c~Ut It
He « said tohave introdaeedtnto thit Rotnance' an unimportant uagment."
two poems: *L<s Remontmoees de Nature à To Jean de Mehutt is abo MCfibedthe 6tMwotit
t'AteMmisteerrant,' and La Réponse de t'Alchi. on fonuoe.tettinjt !n French. The edittoas men-
miste & Nature.' Thèse are contained io the ttoaed by Gtttse are: PMtt.tSsS,
edition of the Romance, Paris, 4" ~577,S":
173~. They are before
<6<s, 8°: Lyons. 1580,8*. Tho<e which are now
assigned to Jean in the ~«m~A~ ~~w//<, me are thé Mb~og: Le pM~nt leu du
and by Lenglet DuftesMyand others, but accord. DodechedMCde Fortune, tenouuetM& changé
ing M Btunet they are insertions made in the de sa première édition, Ptun, ts6o, 4", pp.
sixteenth century. Th~e works are said to bave and two taNe~ of two ieaw each moonted[~e, on
been prtnted in a coHeetionof alchemical poems. iSuards], cittiiit. The other is the very rare EasMsh
Lyons. t~. 8'; Paris, tota, t6t3, 8*. It is translation The DodeehedMt) of FortuM: or,
contained in Rigaad' collection: La ~/a//<'M<' thé Kitereiseof a QuMt Wit Enetiahed by
7~)t~-at<t(tm. Cex~wt~ tfwKandins <M<~<M Sr. W. B. Kntght. London, ~3. 4'. pp. ~44.
Maier, Aff)~~ ~t~-Mt~ittj~, 1617, p. 343- Gmetin, G<MM<A<< << C~«M<<,iyoy, i. pp.
Bore!.BW«<~<t C<M~M.t6s4. p. t55.
Morhof,lktrnnmrufaHons .ltatal~orum od
Morhof,~<<<Tt)M«K/a~)M.t/«<t/&<Tt~a~ Schmieder, C~< < ~A-A«w/<,t~, p.
/M&M~t~&~m ~M~<t. t6y3, p. t33. !64.
BordeMus, fM~<~<(t&<M~ot cX«)MMft«a, GtSMe, Z~«<~ <t<Mf a~~M<~««t ~<M)r~.
t6o7, p. M, No. xxxviii. ~~A«- i8d!t, ii. pp. 633. 638. to8a, te93,
Qaetif & Echan), ~< O~~HM Pradita. to88 t8;;t, IH. i. p. 664.
~fHOt, Lut. Par. t?~ i.p. 7~. Hoefer. JVM<e<~ < &&t CAtOtM.t8M, t. pt 407:¡
Lenglet Dufresnoy, ~M~ <& At /'M««~~M !M6.i.p.4M.
~~M~Mf. 1749.i. p. 193 iii. p. a34. Pouchet, ~u/ot~ &r<«t<MMt/<<r <tM
Jocher. ~~wMftMt G<<ath~c< ~sot i.AfM;<M t8s3.p. s67.
col. t96~(ander0opinet). Figuier. ~~A<)M- <!&tMm~t, t8s6.
F!cMM,/MN'.&'«'x, t7M. TT'. P. 94.
~<t ~Mt'a~Mt ~s)tf0!jfj de Là C~x dut ~M<~< f<«~a~ A la ~t~ 18~6, itmii.pp.
.M<tM<~<&/)«Mf</Mf.tM9. i. pp. MS-S. ï~t.
~C.MaM~< <~ AaA<~< St<et&, tyS~. ~'<!t)~& Mt~~M/A, faris, no date, xjt~i).
pp. 634,675. p. '49
Btuoet.~MtM/~M~tw. tMe.i! coLt67~ LadMtgue.~tMM~ S~~M
Hoeter.~MM<~~t~ G~~M<t,tMs, &~M~,tSyo,No.ySS-TM.0~
)f«v.eoLe<t9. Kopp,ZMe t8Mtt. p. 6; tt. pp. )M,
3" 3S3.37S.393.
[Another Copy.]
[Another Copy.]
AuszOge aus einer Abhand!ung welche den Titet hat: Wasserstein der Weifsen.
See MAOAZtN fBr d:e hahore NaturwisseMCha~ und Chem!e, ~87, ii. p. 36;.
L'Art TtMtsmutatohe.
BACON(RO&RR), De !'Adm!mNe Pouvoir et Puissance de t'Att & de
Nature, t6:9.
-SMv. (j. R.),M.D.,GüldeneRoM,No. u.
SCHMtD(f. 0.), t7o6.
Prodromus JoM Chymici.
MAUH. (JOHANN fHtLUP), Gründliche Beschreibung t7t4.
Ftancisci Joelis, Weyl. der Artzney Doctors, und Professors zu Gryphswald,
Chirurgia oder Wund-Artzney: In sieben Theile abgetheilet, und durch
aufserlesene Fragen und deutliche Auslegungen erklâret Anitzo allen
Wund-Aertzten, zu grossen Nutzen, in Teutscher Sprach zum erstenmahl
hemus gegeben. Nambetg, Verlegts Johann Daniel Tauber. Druckts
Christian stgtsmuno
~nnsn&n Sigismund Jfrooe~ger. Im Jahr 1680.
Froberger. Im
9°. Pp.
9°. [93, x btantt]~Ct
Pp.[93.t bhntt]~o. Ëngmvet
Ëngmvedtitte tnetuaea
~eanue included)ntne
Jod was born on t Sept.. i<o8, at StStos, in )years in practice. His works deat with medicat
the district of Oedenburg in Hunmry, end was ttoptes, and include some of inte~est from a
edaeated at Otmutz and Vienna. When he was t
hbtorieal point of view Diœertatio de PtHMeMcit
aged t8 he took up the stedy of medidne. and (
quaMtionibtM. ~t De morbis hypemhysieb et
U<edfrom t<a6 with a physician at Neustadt tiU t
ttbus tMgicis TheMS: cum Appemtice de tadis
me, when he removed to Leipzig and then to ]
Lamiarum in Monte Bructeforumquem BtoctMben
WKtenberg and Berlin. Mer Maymg some time vocant, Rostochii, 1~80.8*, in whieh he attacked
there ho was summoned to Gustrow by Prince the superstition and atchemy of Thurneysser,and
Albert to be court apothecary. tn tM3 he provoked thereby a cent~oveMy. His name abo b
tMttted and went to Stntkund, but in ~s~ or attached to a tract of a diCereM c)Ms: Summa
t~t. on accouot of tdigious diaereacM, he retired Seoticeetoncionis de sanctif!catioeeSabbathiper F.
to GreKiiwaMto pmctlce tjMdicine. Aher four Joe!em excorpta. Thé coUeeted edition ofhh
yeats he was MpoiMtd town physlclan and took works was becnn by MaKtMetNBachntehter ta
bis licence at Rostock. ta tM9 he was admitted i6t6, coatinuedby h&son Fmnciscmjoe), and by
pto<esscr M Gteifs~m!d, and was ~etor of thé his grandson of the same name, to tëao, 163!, at
umversity in i~ and ~7: Jn !;69 he was Hamburg, Lanebutc. and RoMoctt,inSH:volumes,
manied for the second time. His death occurred 4. and then at Amsterdam in t66% in a Ktised
90 Oet., tsw. He was the most distinguished edition. His pMmised work /<if~<MA<atM was not
professor at Greifswaldin the sixteenth century. Muded in the above. In bis médical view~hewas
He began to publish after he had been fotty Y opposed to Paraeebus.
MereMm,~M«&«<M M<MM!<«t, t6S6. p. 988. Haller, B~/te~Mo ~xe~t~fo. t~d, i. n. 336.
Coanng, /M MtMMtao! ~~«a ~&<t« Haller, ~Aa-<, <<-a. i. p:~
lntradvcho 1681,pp. (tnt. vii.
pp. 045 (Int. vü.§I3);
§ yg) 9~
254 ~M.
(Add. '7?5t P. 603.
/~«c~ Halter, ~aM<M MMWUgv ~M~<~t< pmiieti,
<MM~. ZM,tT~. il.
~mget, ~M~4«M &~<fMtM ~MMa~Mt. pp. a8& a88.
<73t. H. t. p. X]N!. Eloy, ZMe~M~M AM<o~t« A la ~t.
StoUe,~<t&««)~jM~'~M/<<&f «t~e~M
G~~ t77% iL p. 604.
~3t, pn ~39.966. a67,7~0. F«a'~M<
Paris. Panckoucke (t8~.
Zedler, MMf<~e/)r&«<, M3s, to~S. âs v. p. 356-
Kestner, ~<'<~n't~~ C'<&/MM<<.)-&<M, t~, Sprenget, CM< der ~~M<~<M~, tSiM,iv.
p. 430. P.M&
~)~w (?</<A~<M-~)-~Mt t7jo. il. Z)~/<<<
Dei~imeris. <Mf/e/ A la ~i&.
eo).tooo. ~w, tM, i.p. XM.
ChriM.Steph. ScheSet. W~ A~M Gotttieb Mohnike. Z~ /<~<!«<te</'i~&~MZ<~
~<MtNt M ~<t<&m<<t û~~t~<M/<&<M<, p. M~t~/M~ C«~. StMtMnd, <&)0,iii. pp. 7,
/O~Z–/M~/W 4~
JOËL (FMMCïscus). GM<wM~.
K<~Ma<«n.C~ct~Mt <~ ~<w~<~ C<'< BiMinm. /<M~.C'o<~tw. tS86, vit. p. a~.
<MM,Mg', ). p. atg. HirMh, ~<«-~ ~<< ~tw~.
~i~t &f/MOtf.t~O. p. Mt. ~M<~ ~«t~j tBM~tii. p. 390(by Pàe).
<<)MM«t<!2<M~~ F~< t8St. Jttv. p. ~«~ C~AM~e <<!M- ~~oatM~Mx, HaMbuM,
!M(byPyt). t8~t. 5<héd.. p. 67 (in R. StdahotTa NMhtMg').
HaeMf, Gf~Mt~ <<«'~MM<. t98t, )!. p. tM.
Arcanum de multiplicatione phitosophica in quatitate.
See TANCKE(jOACHtM),Promptuarium Atchymis, Ander Buch,
16t4,p. 2$:.
See NEANDER(THEOPHtLUS),Heptas Alchymica, t63!, p. x:t.
FIGULUS(BENEDtcrus),Thesau)-ineHa,'t682, p. t93.
Libri Secretorum de Lapide Philosophorum.
See DARtOT(CLAUDE), Die Gulden Arch, Schatz. und Kunstttammer, <6t<t,Part ii.
ERÔFFNBTEGeheimnisse des Steins der Weisen ()7o8), p. 376.
Littum inter Spinas.
NEANDER(THEOPHt~s), Heptas Alchymica, t63t, p. t;?.
Praxis de Lapide Minetati.
~«! SCHAUBERDT (joHANN), Consummata Sapientia, t68t, p. 31.
Vollendete heilige Weisheit.
M. C., t77% t.
C., t778~ i. rp. 283.
Kopp raises the question if this tract isidenticat hasenteredinto the minutest detaibof nMmipoh.
with that! it b; but the tion as if that werethe chief he coMea~
order is d~fterent, and the~ are some verbal some wheat MMtBgthat chaN.thing,yet
and gi«& tmp<)Kam
aheMtioM, and di9erent spelling. d)rcct:ons for the préparation of tht stone. !<Mi.
Schauberdt ËrSffntte Geheimnisse dentidiy he makes some emiom obsertatiomtupon
pp.t68-.t3 Lth. t. pp.3~393. di<fMentMn<bof spnngs and btth& Fictuld com.
pp. 3t. 49 Lb. tt. pp. 3M-399. MendsMrnfor his dear and completeexposition.
pp~ 49-165 Lib. ttt. tn the ~)'~<~an edition dated Magdeburg,)t6<M.
ln Schaoberdt's editioo tttere ispp.no399-4~7.
dM~ioninto )s mentionedas weHas that of Ftmttfart,
books, and in pp. st~aœ there is a Kurte H~~f- M". JOcher M<!ribesto him the tmet /<t«)t t68<,
M«xjf which is not mcMed in the other. ~M<M(thoueh, MMtd:ng to<Mhen.!t <Mtwiftea
No account of this writtr is forthcomiag. Maier by Gras$hof), M~ft~tam ~t~aM/tcc~ox, and
caHs Nm QennMttcos seriptar,' wMchseems oat 0< /0)!~<t « /«t<«<K<&tt«.
of keeping with his name, and says that though lie
Maief. ~M~eAt ~«~MA~M~, t6t7, 967. sur G<M-A<<~ der Mb~ Ct«~<, ~8e.
/<M~~<<~<& /'M<<~M«t~Mt<~<Z~ p.F~~f
1739.p. te?. CmeMn,
G<tf~<~<der Cto~, ~m, n. yM.
JScher. ~oM'<<Mt <M~~«.Z<.)-~M. tys9. ii. Ladrague. ~<j«M~M OttM! &<««M
eoL t~M- S~«M. iSyo. No. t<~g,
Ficta!d. J*M)M<~S&&<, ty~3. Th. i. p. ny. Kopp, ZM<~&&M)M<, t886, p. Mo,note
7<MMW~S'<~JM~ 4~9
Abbfëviatio .de Secretis Secretorum.
ARTtSAURtFER~: VotumenTertium, t6t<~p.tgt.
Lexicon Chymicum.
.S<w MAMOET (~j.), BtMtothecaChem t!Hca uunosa, t/o. ). p. zty.
JohMon, who)iwdtn Londcoat AmenCorner t6M, StnaM 8". pp. [a blank. t6] [4 MMt<J: ¡
it) thém!dd)eof théteventeenth centurywasa Liber Secundus, t6sg: pp. [7, t btanM. VtM
chemiM ttnttMhwetofPamtebus.Thé~.)~<M« P~t&cets) [ts. t Nank). LMicon. 86 [a Maott]
waspuMtthedwiththéMtowingtittein redand Chemicttt characterr, erMta, and ticenoe M ptiat
LexiconChymicum.CumobscuriorumVef- [t61.Théboo)<was again puMbh<!dby NeatMd in
bomm,et RerumHermeticaj-un), tum Phnmutn r66o, ln a S°,pp. [t9J a~, [t b)at))<] Liber
Patacebicarum, inKriptbe)M et ationm)Chy. SecttndtM,larger
t66o: pp. [M)~.charaeteM[tt,gMM))[].
micontm.passin)occurrentiuni, ptanamexptiM- Resides these MtrcMM)mentions an edition by
tiooemcontine)! Per (Metmunt JohnMaMm Nea)<mdt t657, 8', FrMMofortiapud WeadeUnum
Chymicttm. Loadini,excudebatC. D. impenss Moewtdttt. t676, y, and thb revised Md eonected
GuMmiNeatand,apudquemprostant venalessub by Joh. Christoph Vogelsang,Ftancot et Litxiae,
SigaoCoroMe.Mv!cow!f!&v«t<ttoDuck-tane.apud Jotmnoetu HenricumEllingerum, 167%8°.
Merdttio. /.M<&w~<M
w<eM/M, t686,p.379. Lengtet Dufretnoy. ~M/<t~ de /« /'A<&<tt
n.Manget, ~<M<o<A<M~~<'t-a<«
A/«~f~MM,t73t,~?n«~M, t/~a, iit. pp. 6z, t~
1.p. )t!tM. Jacher, ~pw~t~ Gf/M-t-A- <7~. ii.
/fr<~Z~e/<&/'n~~MM&<<A<M- mt<<tMt<r. co!. t~sit.
'73*.P 77. Gmetin, CM<'<«~<&)-C&«KM'. ty<)7,i. p. 6M.
Resmer,~<««<ffAMGtM~M-oa, ty~o,
Trois Anciens Traictez de la Philosophie Naturette.
ï. Les Sept Chapites (~) dorez, ou bien les sept SceauxEgyptiens, & la
Table d'Esmeraude d'Hermes Trismegiste.
2. La Response de Messire Bernard Conte de la Marche Treuisane, à
Thomas de Boulongne, Medecin du Roy Charles huictiesme.
3. La Chrysopéede lean Aurelle Auguret, qui enseigne l'art de fairet'or.
Les deux premiers n'ont encore esté traduits en François, & le troisiesmeest
corrigé des fautes suruenuës en la precedente impression. Par Gabriel My.
A Paris, Chez Charles Hulpeau, demeurant à la ruë Dauphine à t'Escharpe
Royate, & en sa boutique sur le Pont-neuf, proche les Augustins.
M.DC.XXVI. Avec Privilege du Roi.
S'. Pp.[8]89(for8t)[):]. TbiseopywantsAngureths'
LengletDoftMnoy,~M<~fM A la /~<7c«~~~e~mM~M, t?~. iii.p. tcy.
Ioannis Ludovici Jordan Gottingensis Societatis Phys. Gotting. Sodalis
Disquisitio ChemicaEvictorum Regni Animalis Ac VegetabilisEtementorum.
In Certamine Literario Civium Academiae Georgiae AugustaeDie !V. ïunii
440 /<~MA'</GË/.
Von der Scheidung der Vier Elementen aus dem Ersten Chaos, und wie
nach deren eingepoanzten Liebe eines in dem andem anauthottich seine
/~M-T/M%M? 44)
WNrk<tngverrichtet, aus deren QuaUtaten so vietet~eyAu~eburten in allen
dteyen Reichen zu Tage gebtacbt werden, zuetnat, w!e die Quittta Eafteatta
solcher Wftfkuag der Mefcmriuc Vnivetsatis, als die Prima Matera aller
geschaNënenDioge, sowot in truckner ab liquider Gestalt ganz reut, lauter
und unverËbcht daraus zu erlangen sey. Allen Liebhabem n&tËrMcher
Cteheimnisse zu einem Grund ihrer Erkenntaiis geleget von Ï. G. Ï.
Einem emeigen Erfbtscher defsdbigea. Berlin, Bey Johann Andt'eas
Rüdiger. t?44.
< Pp. [)t6&M<bpitee tadtMM]348[4 Neekt Titte ted andMadh Fttf
{AnotîMr Cbpy.J
Johann Gottfried t))get wu bora ia '707 (eom. and not by that oi hit. But over J<M;~ho ha< a)t
pMe bi< /tbw< ~«!/<MWM«,KS~, ta tha dediett- but lost h& tMttpef,and hb crittctsm ?att thé mwe
ttoawhBMhet~hebtnhis~ttWM~. Thottgh sevete tbat he M hardty ever pMMtted to Mch an
notamtttMPttMhmhewMereatedtythe Kio~aa OMbtMst. HequotesinfuttthetittMofsomeefthe
~Ba~directot' la ty~a. After tyyt he lived in books above mwa M that the anthof may be
BetMo,Mtdon accountofbis reputed tmowtedge of jttdged of by them. but be M)MiM that he has had
~M'nbtty becamea member <~ the Rosicnfhm dtMcutty te Mtting pa~ogM short and chaMC-
Society. AN ofbis Ute had beea devoted to the tefhtie oM oîthe 'coagtttttt))of noneeMe'
n wMeh
itMMtMttitm nature, and 'ta <t)t aad thirty thty contttin. At the end he says that it Mqtwet
p!eee!he bad teeonted hh views in the Matttc- some effort to examine andestimate~ttchMt~tatUM.
BM<ie<t).MiaiMand OcMtt sciences.' Ha died in and heoMMfdemthat he hM giwe)tproof t)Mtthé
May, ty86t et &f)fa, tn bis 79th year. sc!e)tceof thé tatef RoshMeiao; was psendo.tcteaee
Kopp bas taitM some troubla with him. As a of thé most eontemptiNe Mxd.
ntte Kopp is oae of the feirest of cfitits. a placid Some of Juget't books are quoted by GmeMn,
)odg% M) unwarped and generous histoWan, and he is !oduded by Pog~eodortf.
decMmg thé me~ts ef each one by ht< own t!H<e
Fictuld, /<tt. tyo. Th. ii. p. MetMet, /n~t << f<Ma/M~ t/~o «t t8oo
Hatter, F~~&Mo &«~&. ty~a, ii. p. ~t6. t<i~/<w~«<t ?~<M'<c~«.S<~iM</& )[6e6~ pp.
Ba)tmer, B<M~<A<MC~<)MM,t~Sa, p. 319-3:12.
~a<~ «~ CMeMeA~o~AM~t C<<5M~. tySs, Semnieder,
G«<~A<< ~&)t«)~. ifB~, pp.
pp 673-
AieMng, ~<<MW<x!!<Mf<<)~j'!Mt su ~"donr.
Pcggeodotfr, ~«~M~M~t.MW&e~
~oB~phJx~.liurarfteka Haxd
~St~t <M~<~MOt<S&4'<M-2.<.)'<!r~ t7<7, !). eot. tt~~W<~ tMg, eot. t<~
<344* Ladt'apte.~M/<~M?«<
Cntdin,<Mt der Ob«~<. ~798, iL p. 934;i
~&m<M~<M.&«~!< A~K~t~, ttXt, XiV.p. 658
Facht, ~j~<~<tt <~ <~om~«t Z~<«', (by G mbe1).
t8a<~ pp. 97! gtt, 3t3,348.3S9,3~. 384. 399. KopR~«<<&A«w~
Conspectus Fonnotarum Medicarum, Exbtbens Tabulis XVI. Tam Methodum
Rationalem,Qoam Remedtcr~m Specimina, ex Ptaxi Stabliana Pottssimum
Desumta et Thetaptae Genemti Accommodata. Auctore D. Joanne junckero,
Medicinae Pracdco Orphanotrophei Hatensis, Hatae Magdeburgicae,Litteris
et Impensis Orphanotrophe: M DCCXXIII.
4°. Pp.Mtta. TMefedttadMaeh. Vignetteof&<ower,withthe)notM:tM«
<p!ende«<B r.
Johann Jftaher, or Juncker, was bom at Lehn. Ptedagozy. He studied medicineat Erfmt, and
dM«, neM' G!a!en, 9} Dec.. t6y9 [93 Sept.. t6M ptaethed !n WitgBtMtein Md U<)gen, he then
(HiKoh); 3 June, t68o (E)oy); others 'Mat returned <o Halle, becfMneordtaaty physician ta
studied at S)<seet MefbMM,N)d Hatte, wheMhcc the P~dagogy and Orphanage ln t/tC, took the
was MMhef ia )[?B< axe tyo~ at the Royal. degree ofM<D. in tyt?, was <KMedptùteBor ef
444 /~CM'<?~~
Abtala Junno KM! Jacob Juran Hy!e und Coahyl Aus dem ~Ethiopischen
ins LateMsche, und aas dem Lataîntschen in das teutsche translatiret.und
Mbo-gesetzet durch D. Johann Elias Muller, PhyHco.Magtco-Medtco
ptaeticum. Hamburg, M DCC XXXIL
8°. Pp.
8°. Pp.M'03 [tbtnntt.] Th
M'03 [tbtnntt.] Thetitte.papsettMtobeacMee).
.e_ ,w..
tn the address to the Mader the edtter of this &<«M~W der ~M
tract says bis name was de CaMhier, and that he /<?- dïe ~h~ A~t~~
M.M~~«~ CAO)~, <~ tt.Dp. 9!
was 6t yeMs of age. Thé author, Abtala Jurnin mottMf work by this same author: CM ÂMb~
te)t<(p. t~) of his p~entMe, his <t!s<Mvetyof the AbdatJah Jamin VMtMd&mhoder Goldkunst tm
Mae and of the Soeiety of" Wfttckadamisten" to <HMC<tthenStetne, and adds ttat it was wriMea
whichhe belonged, and howhe WMmade chief of tn goM tetteM upon parchment aad belonged to
aM the philosopbets in EtMopia. MaMer, who ttnArabian henntt, who set the gre~test store by tt.
MpeaMM the tnMNtatw,wroteoneor two boota. The editor. howwet, would not goMaMee tM
&< MUU.M(J. E.). aMhentMty.
LadtapM quotes <iromF. J. W. SehrMer's ~Vt~t
GmeUn,G~A«A~<&~ût<M~, <?~. i:i. p. 9~. Ladtegne.~Me~~t~Oot.e~Nt~M~t~
<</<),No. tg~.
(C.<4.)-Jtr.(F. Z..D.) 441
K. (C. A.).
Die aUgemeineoOeconomischea Maximen, wie sich solche aus dem B~riHe
der Oeconomic herleiten und bey einer jeden Oeconom!e Mht ~tzMch
gebm~che<r!a<:sen,nebst einem Beweise, dats dieselben in denen Mvat-
Oeconomien, da man sich der Natur und Kunst bedienet und welche
uns dergleichen Sachen gewehtett, die das meiste Ge!d ins Land btiogen,
sonderlich durch die Mathematik, Physick und Chymie erhalten werden,
Mttd:ch vorgestellet von C. A. K. Halle im Magdeburgischen,ï~8.
Zu finden in der Rengerischen Buchhandtung.
0a*. irp.
This b ttatty a treatise on économies, but in the diMoveries made to the'aOMMof
ch&p.iit. the author points eut the pmcticat and tt is tn fact an early adv of the pntcHeaJ
etMomic advantages of the study of mathematics. importance of thé atudy of pbyjcat scttMe, and i<
phy~iM,and chemistry.and gives e)[Mtptt! of the the)'efMreofspedattMMes«Hth)!thBe(t$M).
profitable rosultsfollowiagfrom thé applicationof
K.(c. F
K. (D. D.).
K. (E. L. D.).
Der Tnump~Wagen des Vitriol oder Natur und kunstmS&tge
von der Genemtion, uad Wundern dieses grofsen Subjects der Alchymie
einem jeden eifrigen Forscher und Sucher dieser edlen KtUMtzum Nutzen
au~efQhret von E. L. D. K. Ff&nMatt und Leipzig, ~770. bey Johann
Georg Fleischer.
ir. Pp.79.
8*. pp.7z
P.49. R'~i'~Baco T~ctatvon(terTinctwundOeM des ViMob
<MSdem Ent:)iseh«t Qbetsemwa E. L. &.
Thetit!eceMaMytem!ndsoneof !!MnVedeM:n<9 other MtatMMeswhichare of imefest, hModeaMy,
CttwM~?W«< ~m<M<A The book eoo. from their empMcat ehMtcter.
MiMa numberof expettments on green witnotand
~~<w~Gt~«~<&r~Mt<t~<~<Mt<,t78s, Kopp~ ~<ctew~, t886t ih p. 999.
p.6/4. LadtafpM.~M/t~A~M 0«tw<&<Mt<«~«~~t.
Sehmieder, <&r~</<t«~, ïege, p. ~s. tayo. No. !4M.
[Another Copy.]
[Ano~er – –f/-J
~MtMta «~ ~~M ~~Mt*~t-t~~
WMMp~ 47~" containie~ ~~––~ OL~
Ro~ B~on's tmct co thé Thxmre and Oit ef VMct
44< ~r. (G. A.)-KALID
K. (G. A.).
ChymischesCabinet, (708.
K. (J. D.).
Die durch seltsame Einbildung nnd Betriegerey Schaden bringende Atchy-
misten-Gesellschafft, nach ihren gewShnUch Merckmah!en und Eigen-
schafften, wetche sie von sich spühren lassen, nebst Anführung einiger
Discurse, was von der Alchymie zu halten, wie auch Erzehlung etUcher
untuchtigeo Processe: Worbey auch viele in Conversation gebraucMiche
hôftliche Reden, und unterschiedliche Etgôtztigkeiten zubefinden, in einen
nützlichen Lust-Spiele vorgestellet von J. D. K. Franckfurhtund Leipzig,
Heinrich Zichler, t~oo [Pt~o~].
Pp. [''j! ~ontispieceinduded]My[ï MMM Titteredaad bhdh Tbe
tast nneis parnauy
tMthneMpattMycutoft eut on. Thept~~ecbdated:Nofahatuendënty.Dec.t<9~.
tue preMcc MmtM:u ~tornnauaen ttenty. uec. to~.
This is a ptay inwhich the a)ch<!misMof the time (Abhandiungen der philolog. hbMr. CtMse der
are nd)cu!ed, the author, ln bis preface, being Kün. SHehs. Gtse)). der WiMetMchtften,Leiptig.
CMefutto dMnguisb their pursuit from chemistry. 1884. p. ~).
It is mentioned by Gmetin, t~«-~< < CA~nf, There was a French comedy, io 3 ttcts, not
t798,!i. p. 993. and Kopp quotes it from him in mentioned by Koppt a &wtears eM-!ierthan the
his note upon "Atchemy on the Stage" (Die présent .S<~&«~ <~ & /'M'rw /%</Mf~h!~
~&~<m~, t886, i. p. as8). Kopp abf refers to an <M~~«M, Amsterdam, t<$s. PP. ["J 7-'e8
artMe on Christisn Reuter by Friedrich Zarncke, [4 list of ncw beotts], with 3 illustrations and a
whoshows that the sa!d Reuter was not the author fMnthpiece.
Liber Ttium Verborum.
&< ARTISAURtFBR/E votum!na, !6to, i. p. 226.
See THEATRUMCHEMICUM, i66o, V. p. t86.
CtN~CEUMCHtMtCUM,1679,p. $73.
GEBER,Summa Per~ctionis, 1682, p. 93$.
&<' MANûET(J. J.), BiMiotheca Chemica Curiosa, tyoî, ii. p. 189.
&<'AttMALDUS de Villa Nova,t, Chymische
Chymische SchnRten, t.
SchnRten, t~S, p. 321.
4So A~ATD-ST~zz
See MBPOUR(P. M. M), Rares Expériences,<777.
Edouardi Kettte! AngU Tractatus duo egregii, de Lapide Philosophoruta,
una cum Theatro Astronom!œ Terrestri, cum Figuris, in gratiam filiorum
Hermetis nunc primum in lucem editi curante J. L. M. C. Hambutgt.
Apud Gothofredum Schultzen, Prostat & Amstemdami apud Jansomo-
Waesbergios. AnnoM.DC.LXXVÏ.
[Another Copy.]
Buch von dem Stein der Weisen nun aber nebst einer Vorrede von dem
Leben und SchriNten KeUseizutn Druck befordert.
ROTH*SCHOMZ ( DeutschesTheatrum Chemicum,t?~, H).
4!4 A~M~F
William ~t/~ ~<<~ /M<M<<<<<~J,
jteha Weever, <4«<M~ ~w<MM/~<Mt«M~,
K67, Dbeowse, p. xlv. (Meeunt ot oo incantation t8M, pp. M3~97 (w!tha portât of Kettey).
by KeUeyat WMton!o te <Me). SehSede~ ~A~A~ ~M<~<. t8~, pp.
Ehw, Z~~Maw ~<~«< <&la ~~<~w, 3M,6ot.
le, Il, p. 634- Godwin, ~wt < A~iMMM«~, tS~ p. 377.
Baumer,~~MoM C~~M, t~a, p. M. MM)(ay. ~wo~ ~<ti!M~'<«t<y ~K/<!f
tS~t, i!i. p. tt4: t8<9. pp. i$4.t6ï.
~)'~j'M~' G<~M~ der ;M~ C&fo~, !78& /Mt<tM,
pp. w66t~93*6~6' 7~ ~MA- ~A-. Z)M. edited
Gmeth),G~A«~<< der CAo~, t7~, i. pp. ~63. by Joba Orchard HattiweU(C&tn(tenSoeiety). tS~.
3<o-tt. v
FtMhs, ~<M~«M < <~<a /.<~t~f, Hoeta-, ~~<M~ <&la CA<M~ il. p. t35;i
<Mo,ii. p. ta?. ·
t8o6~8, p. <8.
B~ya~t& M~f<w/&, n.d., xx). p. 503. Hgttier.r~ey t8s6. pp.
Wood, ~<A««f ~jKM<~<M< ed. Bms, tStg, i. p. M0.908.
) sM. 639~3, t8<7, :ii. eo).986 t820, Ladrague. ~W~w 0<tM~ &&WM
Iw.col. ~«y~«, tayo, Nos. 941, 9<s.
~Z!tw~/a~ ~<&~hf~. ï8ts, AtUbcne, ~M~ jMc~Mty
`. ~B~M
PP. 7~. a~ Watte'a edition, t888, p. ts~ ~~Mt~tV. t87S, IL p. t0t~.
~f<<. P~ts, Paoettooette (t8so. Kopp, /)~ ~~)m«. tS86. i. pp. 194.W! il.
a$). P. 4M (quotes M editlon HambutK. t6y3, pp. s3o, 336. Mt.
a', and ~MMOtAt CeM~K~m«<<<< Giessen National
of ~<~~Y~ x&p, t~ P.
(~). !647. Ml. 3~(attMcbyT. Seccombe).
Emeuert- verbessert- und vermehrte, sehr nütz- und erbauliche Scheide-Kunst,
worinnen enthalten die rechte Art und Weise, wie man die vermischte
Metalla, sonderlich Gold und Silber künstlich von einander scheiden und
bringen sott, dafs iedes absonderUch pur und rein erhalten, und recht
genutzet werden kOnne. Der heutigen curieusen Welt sonderlich aber den
Chymischen Laboranten, Muntz-BedIenten und Goldschmieden, zu dienstl.
Nach-und Unterricht, mit sonderbarem Fleifs,theils aus eigener, theils aber
aus anderer erfahrnen Leuten Praxi und mren Manuscriptis, auf freund.
liches Ersuchen, aiso kurz verfasset, durch D. David Kellnem. Chemnitz,
Bey Conrad Stô6etn und Sohn, 1727.
withthe motto:DocMMta
a°. Pp.[6]!&tM. Tit)eredand black. Vignette
Thisis probablya neweditioneitherof Ars or ~«&t7«~M<-/'r«M<~wM/.Gotha,1690.8°.
o~a<a oder&~MMM/.Letptig.t6M. M* butofwhichdo not know.
OfficinaChymico-Metallica Curiosa. Oder Curieus-ChymischesLaboratorium
in .welchemwie aus gemeinem Bley, durch meinst experimentirte diensahme
Mittel und geschickte Hmdgrine, Gold und Silber zu bringen deutlich
gelehret wird. Nebst XV. raren und plausiblen ParticuJarien, auch einer
kurtzen Beschreibung wie das Gold ohne Feuer solviret oder calciniret
werden kônne. Liebhabem der edlen Kunst und den dürfftigenNechsten
zum besten vorgestellet von Dr. David Kellnern Unterschiedl. Grossen
Henen bey die 40. Jahre, successive & respectivè, gewesenen Leib- Hof-
und Land-Medico. Nordhausen, Verlegts Johann Heinrich Grofs,1723.
a*, pp.<o,t~).
[Another Copy.]
[Another Copy.]
Synopsis Metallurgica.
.~pc HORN
tw~n ~~n~<~M
t?yfuvrana ascaaaausgmu,
Metalturgica, avy.
Of KeMnervery little seems to be known b~ond severat books C" tb<MMbjeet~ Amongthem was
what is <ta<e<t thet)t)e-p!t)!cs of his wort<& He a Bejy nnd &t/<.H«MaMwA; .Sy<f< ~f~t
was bom at Gotha, studied medicine <tt He)m- ~/f<'aNM<4~w<M~, Upsite, tyo!, t3° ??4.
st&dt,and gMduatHtthefe !n t6~ his dissertatton M~tMr ured <Me<M~<- f< F~tt~~A'M~.
being de <tHt«t)t<o<M<t'<««a«< Ka/M~t~ ~tt~Mf. t/M: Mdsontesufgicalpapefs. The dates of bis
<M~M/<. He became physician at Nordhemsen. birth and death are net gtven.
and pursued ch~tnistryand meM))WBy,and wrote
ATfwt~<t«i4 <x~- ?T'M/««-<<f~' to KeHneta snmtt tract agaiMt ËUM' puMhhed
~f~<<MM/, ty<M,p. ia6. in t704. and possibly ttso the "GMckHche Ero.
M<u)f~'t,BtMMteM~<a~M vMi'fo/'MM, tygt, ber. und Re<no)intne. des Fege<euets<ter
H. i. p. xtviii. Scheidekunst lyu~, c.f.)
/<!<~ ~~C~ /WM<~A'M/~<'<B~<<< ~M~<!?)J~< CA~MM~«~ ~«~
'73'. P-78. F~ a« <.&'x &)tM~ ~)tt< x~,MM, ü.}i.
Lengtet Da6resn<y,~e<~ de /« /%<7<M<~AM p. t34 Oetten:from Ke!!nerto HenM).
A!t~M~«~, ty~t iu. p. tQit. Gmetin.C~he~t~ChMM~, typS, ii. pp. <ao.
JScber/ ~~t<'<w«'<t(A'&~w.«w<, 1790,ii. Ma; !799. :ti. pp. S!.
coL 90~ Rotermunds /j<M< t8M. < coi Fuchs, ~M«M der <A<t<«'<~<t /.</M~t~
187. t8o6~8, pp. zt6,946.
OaM~/et ~M/o~«B~«~'<WtMtteJbiMc-
Matthioe, jB«S~ ~M~&<!&. Paris, Panckoucke (tSeo.
/<~fM~,t?M, p. SyS. zS).~P.4"t. x.
Halter, J3'<tA<&'«!eXt'Ma, t7M, i. 400. Schmicder. C~f~~<i! der~~<tMtM,t839. p. M<.
Eloy, /M<:«Mt"at~ A~a<* de la ~MM~tM, Ladmgue.FW~~M OMw~;&t'o«M&<
t~C. M.p. 63<. 1870,Ne. tgôa.
HaHer, ~/<MtaM ~Mt~<? ~~«-<f. 1779.:ii. H!rsch, Bt~p~ ~e.MMMder AMo~
pp. ~53.!79,358, 50! ~at&tt ~~t&, tS86, iii. p.
Ftf/~ <w G<j~Mt~ der AM<M< C4<mM.tyS~, Kopp. ~&&< iM~. iL pp. ~8. 384.
p. 539 Md p4558. (~ this last the author ascribes
Commentatius in Currum triumphalem Antimonii.
Kerekrittg, ~f a LObeck famlly, was bom at the year t68s bore the titte of 'Résident' at
Amsterdam,or, accordiag to othen, at Hamburg, Hamburg of thé Grand Duke of Tuscany.
but the exact date of his birth is not recorded. At He a Nov., 169), from the Mckof a horse it
the age of t8 he made rapid ptogMt: in Latin is said,died and in his
under SpinoM,and under a medteat man Fransvaa but that caanot b~3oth year acconUn: to Haller,
when)t h considered that he
Knde, whose daughter, in his absence,used to givewas ublishing his works ln 1665and 1670.
teMoas,and whom Kerckring ultimately mamed. His
He studied medicine.and acquired great reontatiott w«s principal work, .S~tMx ~~o<!t<ft<M,
pu6U;htd at AnMten&tn,t6yo. tCM, !n and
asan aaatomist and chemist. Hepractised several a cottected edition of bis Matomicat w~tio~s nt
years in AtMterdantt and was highly esteemed for
his tearttinjj!, skitt. and acumen, by Leibnitt. Lqrdea, tyty, 4".
thé tomoteotatyon Basilius ValentinusMpeared
Clauder, Ktrchmttjer, and others. in ï66& and other editiom: Amsterdam, )[6yt
After truvelling a long time in HoUand md t69& ta'.
France he went <o Hamburg in t~S, and there QeMwa.t~t, !n German: Nttntbetg, ~~4, and Nateben:,
pursuedhis medicat work, coUectim'an anatMMcat t7St.
museumwhich ? $a!d to bave Sëën the àdmifation tn EM' Richard RuMett. London, ~8,
ofaUvisitots. 8", and Waite's édition. London, 1893,a".
He was a FeMowof the Royat Society,and from
Morhof, De ~Mf/a/MM 71r<MMM«<<<M. Gmelin, G<M<A~A/f der Ct<~<f. t~ i!. pp. 24.
~<'t/< 1673, p. German translation, 1764.
Hutchinson, ~{p'Mft ~~< tyoe, M. p. eo.
HaUervoKt, ~~Ae/~a Ct<~K~<t, t6y6, p. 3~. FuctM,~~t~~et o~ f~<)t<KAMM«<K<
Kantg. BM/«)~~<! f~M yMM,t678. p. 4~ 444 t8o6~)8,p. 9~3.
(medicalworks onty). Tbomton, ~«~ <A<~e/ ~<w~<f,tCM,
Mercktin, ~'<t~~<M ~MM'a~j, t6M, p. 096. App.iv. p. imvi).,JanuMy, !6yy.
Conring, /x M<<e<~nM ~~ett ~~a«t. &'<}p~~< ~<~i<'<!&,Pans, Panckoudte (tSso.
/«/n~iM~, 1687,Add. :v. §M, p. t<t3. 25), v. P. -t'6.
~m.a!e4 <M~ ?it«~f~ ~i~e~ <& SpMnge),C«!t~M< <&~~~ta~~<M<&,t8~. iv.
&~«&««~, t7oa, p. Mt. pp, 247.470.
Mftnf;et, &W«M~<f<t&w~t<M ~M'~Kw~m, Detvenne,&<;p~M du ~<M'<<«a«~Pays-Bas,
t73i, ii. p. xMx. tS~o.H. p. 6.
Stolle,~«~M~M~~o!f~<~Mt)<t<M Schmieder, G<j(A«rA<e <&y ~&AMtM,1839, pp.
f; M8.43~
~tew ~«~Mt t73t. A~t&'OMK~
pp. ~77,478. 498.499.
CW<0<<«N! OMttMft!, Oeœimer! ~f~waa~ ~f/o/t~ «~ la ~~f.
t7M.p. 79. <'«M,t836. III. i. p. -jte.
Zedter, t/~t'M~aA~.trMca, t737, xv. p. 476. Hoeeer, ~'f/M~ a /a C~M~, 1843.ii. p. M<
Goeticke,/«/~<~<r<M'<« ~M<M-MM Z/<ew«!<x 1860,ti. p. 3~.
~Ne/c~Mt, Francot ad Viadrum, t738, pp. ~t~. Kopp, <te<eAM4& <& C~o)&,t~y, !v. P. t<
Bayte & ThiMaye.F«~~M.~<M& te~,
KestHer,~M-<~Mt<~<fC<«.)-M-<w, ~40, 131.
p.44:. Il. po SchrOder.
Z<f~« der ~o~e~M~tot j:fjb~
Dufresnoy, ~/<~
Lenglet <& At<V<M<~« t<<<&<Hamburg. 1857.iii.
~<~m<«<, 1742,iif. p. t<)4. F~ C<'<t<~e&, t86t, xxvii. cot.
Molier.MfttMa /.t<M<<t, ~744,ti. pp. 4o8~n. Nouvelle
JScher, <4/ZM<M<K~ C<&~<M.~M'MM<, t7so, il. Van der Aa. F«g~~<~ H~)'<<!M~o<~ der
coi. 9069; Rotermund's ~t<Mif, tSto, iii. ~Vf<&~M<&M. tSoa, x. p. tgt (ea)b himTheodorus
col. =39. Kerckkring).
Chaufëpië, A~f<'<!<tZMc~tM«a~ A~M PoggenabrS;
~<jj'!r<~M~-M7<MtWt~ Hand
<r~t<<~<, 1753. iii. letter K, p. 15. tt~Mt, x863,i. col. t346.
Fictuld, /<'<r. t?~. Th. ii. p. 83. Ladmgue.B~/M/A~N<OMW<tOM<tS'<c~~j,
Porta Histoire d /t<M/ejM&</<&& CAf~~M, )t870,No. 8<4.
t770, iii. p. 404, &~<Mx~. Haeser, C<~<t~ der ~Mx, t88t, il. pp. ~04,
Haller, /M/<o/A<MC'.KfM~<M,1774,i. p. 3~. 334.
ZM<;<MttttM<'< At~rt~M <&At A~&M'<«', ~KMMMMZ~tf/~<: [JtUISel,4~«m~t~, lah, M.xv. n6~6
Ëby. Biwa/llit, tMz, P. 626
1718,IL P- 6. (byH!tsch).
Hatter, ~<c~<fa ~«~«*M<~~w/Mte, tTTj),iii. TBiiMngs, /)!<&)r-G</<(!jpM, tM6, vit. p. 377 Md
p. 268. Sénés, ï~os, viii. p. 60.
~W«)~<M Cb'MMO,!789,p. 6.
Bamner, HiMch, ~t~o~~f~t Z«~h)« dsr ~v~ya.
&y<~tM' G«<:&«~<der MA<nt C«m~, 1785, ~t~ ~<. tM6, iii. p. 456(by C. E. Danieb).
P- C<<tm«~ C<M<nM<, TM, 1896. <. No. 36
0't<')tMf<tc<<<t/<MM!~«Mw, 178~,v. p. 164. (by R. Urut).
JMjpt~« t~tt<f<f< no date, xxi. p. $37.
[Another Copy.]
j/momer L.opy.j
[Another Copy.]
Uttleb tecotdedaboutthé author. Hewmta édition beariog this titte: ~MMMMt~At~t/M
t~ateussappwtefof chemistry.
and discoveted
at ~~M~t <'<'m~y<M. /)<M </o~
baJf&rndeMibedin his /M<cMft
thereon,Etfunh, ~y&t~ Dtjf<~f t«MM<<xtjMMM~~t~At-
t6t8,8*. Thi:1hâvenotseen. Therewa<a hterr W~M~t <Mte~&A<t~t/t<te<, Casse), i6jt, ï8mo.
MercMin, JM<f<&MtM~MM<t/w,t686,p.Oç. Lea{:tet Da~emey, ~M/<~ de A! ~M&t«~~
MMMt,~M«M~<t.N~AWtOM <M'0~<WWN, ~~x~w, t~a, i!). p. to~.
i73t.H. i. p.L Meher, ~4%!Mt<M~<Mat~<t-)'/<'<M. tyga, !i.
~M~~«t~t ~X~M)Mtt CtM<0~f<e <M<<r/ coL aoyo; Rotefmund's~<<<~M< tSto.tii. cof-B~t.
'73'. P.8~ MMthtse, C<w~«<NJ~tf~~M'~«~<'o/~ot<ox~
Kesmet,~Mt~e~ù~jCt~Mixt.~<.M«x, ~4~ /<!p«< ïy6t. p. M:.
P. 4~. Matler, ~<M!«<tw<! /MMM-«M- ~)!<& t???, ii.
PP. <M. 547: '779. Hi.P.
ALCHtMtA, das ist, a!ie Farben, Wasser, Olea xubereyten, t6t3.
tn ~n~Mf /'MK&o«MM thé tyao edition bquoted Gmelin mentions cn!y that of 1:70. but ça))):him
and thé author !s caUed 'Kretïmacher,' woefeas Kerzenm~cher. See the note nadef AM:tHMtA.
7<M~Zo~~t /<&~M<M~~««Mt «MJi!~«M-, Gmelin, G<tt~&&!<der C~ox<<,!79y, i. p. 993.
1739,p. 8~. Schmieder, C<K'< ~~&t4«M~ tSgz, p. a8o.
B~<~ M<ff~««~< <&f~A<)~<CAfM<<, ty8&
Vierhundert aufserlesene Chymische Procefs und Stücklein, theils zur jnner-
lichen, theils zur Wund- vnd âusserMchenArtzney dteastttch, bits ~nhero in
geheim verhalten An jetzo aber mit vielen guten vnd geschwinden H&nd-
griffen verbessert, zu Nutzen der Hermetischen Medicin Liehabern an Tag
gegeben durch M. Thomam Kefstem Chymicum & Civem Argentinensem.
Zum dritten mal auNgelegt, vnd. mit allem Sei& wieder vbersehen vnd
460 ~~Z~-ATMZJD
Kes!erus Redivivus, Das is, FUna' hundert aufserlesene Chymische Procefs vnd
Artzneyen, theils zu jnnerlichen vnd eusserUchen Leibskranckheiten, theils
auch zu Verbesserung der mindern MetaUen hochnutzUch. Deten erstMeh
vier hundert durch M. Thomam Keslerum Chymtcutn & civem Argenti-
nensem an tag gegeben vnd zum vierdten mal
auCgetegt, an jetzo aber von
einem vomehmen Chymico auffs new vbersehen, vnd mit Hinzusetzang defs
fùn~en hunderten in formliche Ordnung vnd gewifse Classes gesetzet. Mit
einem ordentlichen R~mer. Ftanckfurt am Mayn, In verlegung Johann
Beyers. M.DC.XLI.
8'. Pp.[t4,9btan)t]s36. ReRister[t3.tMMk].
This edition is in the British Muséum(t033. b. (t< e. t6 (t)). and atsc the 6<th edition, Fmnck.
7 (tH. Gmehn quote$ edmom Nambo-g, i&t5 mtt a. M., t666, 8° ~033. a. t<). Tais tast one
FtanMurtt. M., 1666; Strasburg, 16ga; Hemst. (Mtyisquoted by Kopp.
ty!3. The t&ts edition is in the British Mtuenm
Medulla Destillatoria et Medica. Das ist, Watbannger eigentlicher grundt-
licher bericht, wie man den Spiritum Vini, dtirch mittel seines hinter jhme
verlassenen Saltzes, Item die Perlen, Corallen, de<sgte!chen aile andere
Oliteten auts den Crescentibus, ais Früchten, Resinen vnd anderen Sachen
mehr, zum Auro potabile vnd andern Arcanen dienstlich, Ktinst)!ch
DestiMiren,nachmals in Quintam Essentiam, zur hochsten exaltation bringen
soU, Item etzlicher herlicher Wundt Baisam, Stichpflaster vnd GNMene
Wasser, praeparationes admiMst~tiones et effectus, wie dan das Register
den gebrauch ordentlich aufsweiset, Mit sondem aei&, den FHijs Doctrinae
zum besten Colligiret, vnd in Truck o0ëot!ich verfertiget worden, durch
C. C. L Gedruckt zu ScMetswig,durch Nicolaum Wegener.
4* K [3, t blank] tea. tndBï[7,erratat]. Pte<a<e
t'hb seemstobethefiratedition,anditissaM edition:LeiMig,withoutdateand printet'B
to hâvebeea puMbhed in ~sQ6.Thetewasan 8', ff.[g]146[ttj.
Medutla Destillatoria et Medica tertium aucta & renovata. Das ist: Grûnd-
liches vnd vielbewehrtes Destillier vnd Artzney Buch, darinnen begriffen,
w!eder Spiritus Vtni, durch mittelseines hinter jhm verlassenenSattzes, Auch
allerley kôstUche Oliteten, Spiritus, Salia, &c., aufs manchertey animalibus,
mineralibus vnd vegetaHHbus,künstlich kônnen destiUut, vnd in quintam
essentiam zur hOchsten exaltation gebracht: Auch vermittelst soleher
Extractionum, Aurum Potabile,allerley herHche Medicamenta,Wundba!sam,
Stichpftaster, Gtildene Wasser, vnd dergleichen, Laut zu endt gesetzer vott-
kommenen Registere praepanrt, vnd in allerhand vorfallenden Gebrechen
vnd Kjanckhetten heytsamUch gebraucht werden Mit besonderm aeits vor
dieser zeit aufs eigener erfahrung, vnnd sonsten gewissemGrund zusammen
cotttgu't, Jet~o aber augs newe zum Dritten mahl trewlich revidirt, in eine
richtigere Ordnung gebracht, Vnd meht a!s die hettRc vermehret vnd
gebessert: Durch Conmdum Khunrath Lipsensem. Vnd jetzt von einem
Hoehgetahrten vnd Vornemen eifahrnen der Artzney vnd Chymise, &c.
menniglichen zu gutem in Druck befordert. Cum gratia & Privilegio
Sac. Cses. Majestatis ad decennium a prima impressioniscujuslibet die.
Hamburg, Ex BiMiopotio Frobeniano. Jm Jahr: t6os.
4°. Ff.[8], pp. tg~aS. Index[35,t MMk]. TiHeredandblack.
tn thisthirdéditiontheworkhasbeenentirelyrecastandmuchenlarged.The
[Another Copy.]
Cabala Chymica. Concordantia Chymica. Azot Philosoph.Solificatum. Drey
vnterschiedliche, nützliche, vnd zuvor nie aufsgegangeneTntctSt!ein, ohn
~~M~A~M~Z~~ 46$
–.––––––M'"– -.<
welcher HMUëniemandt in Ewigke!t Chymiam veram verstehen, noch das
summum Arcanum erlernen wirdt.
In welcher I. Der rechte Grundt vnnd Fundament aller nat0r!!chenvnd
vbenMtt(t)'chen D!ngen etktatet wird.
tm II. Viel schôner Vergleichungenvnnd Vbereynstimmngen(~') etticher
alten vnnd newen Phitosoph!scheo SchrMtten, von wahrer Bereytung defs
Philosophischen Steins, Colligiret von H. Alexandro von SNchten, Med. D.
Dezet aller Inhalt post Praefationemzu finden.
ÏMt III. Augenschetntiche EtktSrung aller vnd jeder Particu!atK&ten,
fiirnoabstcn Hand~riCën vnnd Vortheyten, ad conf;c!endumAzot Philosoph.
necessaria, So Georgius Clettus, Ï. V. Hc. selbst inn praxi waht odaf tMsch
befhMden,vohjhtn ernem gutën Freunde !n Mi&ivencommuniciert.
Jet~o aber allen Filiis doctrine zu besonderm Nutzen vnd GeMten an
Tag geben, von Francisco Kiesero, Chymico vnd Medico zu Franckfurt.
Mühlhausen, Bey Martin Spiessen, ln Verlegung Johann Spiessen, &c. Anno
tït. t- V t<
8*. Pp.
8*. Pp.f~J~CtftJ. 'ri<te<BdM)'tb)ae!h
woodoiMs. TMe
fe~Ct [tj. 4~woodwts. red andblack.
Van Suchtens tract is made up of eittMets from Seven cottoq)t!<stollow:
a tMMtberofsoutees, as Ptn'acebus, Benthardt~ betweenahynxM)tMdanattist.p.e83.
~)wM*)W (p. t??) De Prima Materia La~db, Il. between Danogorgon and Reymumtm,p.
&e. (p. tpe (!o verseM: Ltbsr At!omt (p. ao&): ~93-
SpteuMtionM PhMtMticfB (p. 933)t L&p&Phito. III. between Spiritus,Anima, and Corpus and
sophorum ad quendam FapaM (p. 3<to).ExpMttto the L<M<ofpMt«Mpby,p. 39$.
Atbertt super Chymiam (p. a~t); P<trtfcat<ute IV. between Mensand Corpus, p. 3~.
Cht<«)aniSchmahent)nct ex Secretb artis Dont). V. another betweenMens ttnd CotpM,p. 3~7.
JwoN Albert (p. aM) Lap): Alberti Magni Rebis Vt. hetween Mensand Virtus. p~360.
<P ~7;} Norma, &c. (p. 977). VH. between Putentla and V~, p. 369.
Atot PMtosophcrun) soUCt&Mn),dm ist, WahttatMge, vnd ANgefMchetaUehe
ErMantng atter t~nicutentaten, wie auch attor MmembMen Handtptnen vnd Vor.
th~ten, M )M rechter Bereytung des w~hfen PMtosopbitche))SteiM tequitirt vnd
etfM~ert werden. HeymMchervn vetttaw<er weifsvon He<ret Q~or. C!~ t. V. De.
aufs eygener ErMtntng einem Mmemmen D. vand Chymico M Mq~ntzsch~MMdt
cemtBunMtrt. M.DCVI.
Vignette of a eoa~oinedset of symbols.
LeMtet Dt)<~n(w. ~<<~ <&la ~A&' Gmdtn, G<f~<<tMt <~ CtMtt~, t~t P. 563
~MM~w, t7«, !ih {<.M;. (caBa Mm Rteso~. t~S, M.p. a<.
&)'~ay.t~ C~ dar AM~w C~ttf. )[y8& Kopp, Dit ~&~<M~, t9a6,ii. p. a~o.
p. M.
B. C. D. MetaUo'Metamorphosis, Principiis ac Experimentis Curiosis
Metallurgicis asserta, sub Praesidio Georg. Casp. Kitchmajeri, Prof. Publ.
Academ. Witteberg. Senioris, Imper. Leopoldin. Phosph. Secund. PubHca.
bitur ad d. Decembr. A. cïalacXCIÏI. In Auditorio Majori, à Re-
spondente, Ludovico Caspare Mayero, Neukirchensi-Franco. Wtttenbctga~,
Typis ChnstMmi SchrOdten, Acad. Typ.
Pp.[a]M. [4pp. addedon,apparendy belongingtoa dMetettttht!)t.]
Theauthorofthé ~f<~ isunabletoagreewithKircbmajer's theststhatironandotherntetid*
Geotgl Casp. Kirchmajeri, in ËtectomM VViteberga P. P. Acad. C. de
Phosphoris et Natura Luds, née non de tgn~ CoanneRtatiQ EpMtpMca.
Wtttebeïgee, Apud Johannem Henncum EUiagerum, BiM. Anno
4'. Pp.
4'. Pp.M 79[6J.
M 79 TMeredMtdMach
[6]. TMe Vignette.
red andblack. Vignette.
Kirchmaier, Kirchmajer. Kirchmayor–at! the Kinihmajerhad already writtena tract on phos.
(ormaoccut~-was bom ttt UBfenheimln Ftanconia phonM ~e~/Mtt <~<t«~<M </ f&M~ffww.
!<o(~9) Juty, t~. He became pmfesser of rhe. <&<~tMe~f< <M t<~«-<o,W!Mebtt)!tB, t6y6,
totic at Whteabetg, and was ree~wd into thé 4", tf [M]. Bedunann quotes the later tract of
Academia Natune Curiosontmlu t677 under the x68o,p. 7, for K.itchmajefs acco'Mt of an experi.
MMaeofPhM'photrusH. HewMamaoofimntense ment on the phosphorescence or NtMMsoeMeof
aMahMMnttand bis studies embtaced numismatics fluor spar, wbieh Beckmann tUnks was the nMt
mhtem)ogy,Mctogy pubMtathMt <'f Rotermund Mcrtbes to Kirch-
pbMi«, ehe<nhtty,metattutgy.
<tndmedtctne.Ma bis numerous workson the most ntajer the diMOVMy of etching on ghM*.but theatt,
vadedMbJeetswon and maintained for bim gréât as Beckmann shows. was known to Sehwanhattt
cetebrity. before KMmM~)erand long be<iMethé deMttnpo-
He died 18 Sept. (Cet.). t:Me. sition ofHtMr:pM'by Scheete. te
MeKM!n.~M~«Mt MeeM/M. t686, p. 3~4. ~f.t'C<MM<~ <&b'~ C~ t78&
~de)ph«s Clamundus, t~<ee<MT~oM)HMtt M« x.
p. 551.
/<~W& ~&WT«W,<<M ~~M-F«)~ %fMa. 0<MMW<tt/<<'<'ft /<7<M~M<M. MSS, t. p. M9.
«/~A~ ~<<M JM~t~ Wittenberg, iiM~, BecktaMn,~fM~' «tr <~teMM<tder ~!<.
ii. L26a,»c~witha portrait. <<«x~x,~792,ti). p. M5 Hngtid)ttaMtation, t8t<t,
'~Snget, ~M/ &M~ ~M~«~<w, iii.p. eM.
x7gx,Il. 1. P.III. Gmetin, CefatM/«&~ C4<ot<<, t7{)8,Il. pp. !<y5,
/t /~o~~)MM ~M<!MA'<Œ ~At/ 390.
1732.P. 81. Fneha,/i'«)M dsr <~m&~<w ~'«~t<«f,
&dËr. M<<WMA~<c<ew<, t7K', M.eo). 7?<~ t8o6-o8,p.<MA
~& <& & ~~t~e FM~& ~M&a&. Paris. PMekouche ~830.
Lendet Du&eMty,
~MX~tM. ïy49, m. p. tM.. Sj;), V.p.
itloUer, C<M~<!/<«M~. *94Mi·t. P.
litsrata, t744. p· 3~ (undef
(under Schmieae)',CoeA«~ <~ ~<M<m~, tO~a,pp.
KMndM)). it. 4SL474-
J6ehtf, ~~Mt~~ C-ek"n.Lexkon, tyso,
G~M~Let~a, U~r,adlc, no daGa,
?Kg~<t& t/«~~t/&, date, xxi.
1 p. J: &t7.
coL «w (~t of bis numerous, vaned and cunous Kopp, 6«tAt<~«<<<~CAeM<<, t8<n, iti. po ~28
books); RotennMd's 7%M'<t«y, tCM, iii. cet. (hbtofy ofpho!pho)DM).
386* FigtBtf,Z'aH'~ </ ~&jMM<«!M, t9~6, p.
Bitchnet,~~&)M&e ~«~ CofMW~M 311.
~<M~& F«!p< <t&, t86t. MvU.col.
JM<<~ tM5. 4~, No. '!$. A<R&<w«M<:<t)M~
Matthhe, <%<M~~M ~Kt<f~
&!0f«~,t7M,p. 79?. ~gaendotC. ~Mip<~McA-~&H!<t«A<tHand
Ha!!M. ~~&~J«M B~«w, 177'. P. S09. «~'<SiM«&
u~SrkrdrahtxtM3,863,L coi.
Hat)ef, ~<~e<t ~<M/oM~-<t.t774. P. 474. ~/j6K<«MM ~<t<Kt<BM{'t~A«, tMa, xvi.p. ï6
taoy. ~&~<M"<M~~M.t~< <& la ~MM~M. (by W. HeM).
1M8,n. p, 699. ~mpbiasJisa~e&f~
Hitsch, F«y~tM<~<f Gt~itou drr <t<~w~{!M.
H~ef, /M'<<~«M'~~<;<&M.t779, )M. den ~<<M&. 1886,H!,p. 479.
P 7~ BBUag~ /«<C<!&A!g!M, t886,vil. p. 449: and
Saies, toog.vii!.p. 735.
Aorea Catena Homeri. Das ist Eiae Beschreibungvon dem Ursprung der
Natur und natMichen Dinge, wie und womus sie gebohren und gezeuget,
auch wië de erhalten und wiederum in ihr Uïan<a~UchesWesen zeNtûret,
werden,auch was das Ding sey, welches alles gebâhret und wieder zentëret,
i~tiM~tft~~M-tJ~ JosEpH). <<~
Ad~Mth Boot. JM< j~iM~ AMM Ct<Mt< t~ Bat-Mer..O~MMMt~ 0<M~~ ,<«e~M,
~~fTt~MM~A! t7S7, p. 87, note. )[8?<.)ii.cot.st98<
HeitttitH, ~~WM&w ~«et~~f~M', ta!e, ). <<!M~ 0!<m<t ~MM~, BMMMcbweie.
cot.t4& Kopp.
BfMMt, ~i<tM/ or« ~~n~ tMt. ii. cet. tt9y. Z~ t8M. !t. p. !:C9.
LadM<<M~4MOMW)~&M«t~M'<«. Go~he. Di<~Mneund Wahrheit." :i. Acbtes
tayo, MM. )t44<~y. Buch., M~t~, 'ad. pp. tt~ 349.
Gèotgii Kitstenii, D. ac Ptof. Regij in Stetinensi Pédagogie, Adversafis, et
Animadversiones, in Johannis Agnco)~ D. ac Physici Brestavtemis Com-
mentaria in Poppium, & ChinMgtfnoparvam. Darinnen der Ms6h~ und
betti~McMe gebNoch der ChymiMhenArtzneyen, d<MAurum potabile und
andere Paaacéas behngend~ wie auch der irrige Methodus Medendi, und
was in der Meineo CMrotgia,und Alchemia,oder Transmutatione Met&Uomm
nebenst den unerhorten Rodomontaden, und unglaublichenGeschichten ohne
grund votgebtacht worden, AugenscheinUchund SonneaUar gewiesen, und
wiederleget wird. AUen Mebhabem der Wahrheit, Medicis, Chirurgis,
wahren Chymicis, Balbierern und Fetdscaerem zur Nachricht geschrieben,
HippocratesLege sua..
Omnium ptoCect~Artium Medicina nobitiMima. Veram propter eorum,
qui eam exercent, ignorantiam, eorma~, qui temerè de his judicant,
omnibus artibus jam tong&inferior habetur.
Gedruckt zu Alten Stettin, bey Georg Gôtzken. In Verlegung JeïenMœ
~facaphmseo, Buchhandiets, Anno 1648.
4". PP.M5S4.
Pp.M 594-M*M.Eagmw
KJMten.KhMeiN.K<ts<Byo.K<Mteaius,WMbom phydchn. He died thoe March 4, t6fc. and Ms
at Stettio, Mj<touary. )f6)[3. A< Mette he began a Mnemt discourse was pronoun by Henriem
co)trse of stmtyof ph:h)MptMand medMttt, wMeh ScbtovhN(WttM)or Sd)revi)M(HaHer).of His writ.
tMted «~e<a( y<aKaad ted him (ojena. SnMbanf, Mes–bMides the present enticism JOHANN
of ZM<<&Mt /<
Ttibingen, Lqfden, FMmedtBt.GMaiogea.UtMeb', AGIttCOLA~.f.)–Mmi!tt of Mademtcat
and aMin to Leyden, where he devoted four years AM~. Stettin. t6st: a ccUection
to botany, and 6oaUy trecdved hh: degree. lie d&ptttatioM.and 0~M de <H«/MM«t <%«'<a/<ef
iotended aow to tt&vd, and declined ch~M at ~~M&M<&!t a'~M /~<t/«Met << /t<t~<~ Stettin,
Dorpat and Gfei&waM. butof was petMadcd to '64~
~etun) M Stettia as pro<M$or medidne and royN
HeattingM WiMe. ~<H<M'&f~Mt~rcM <t<M<W coL M05 Rotermund's ~~<<~«M~, t6te. iii. eot.
~)WM/< <~MWMM~-MH tW<N«t~, ï6y6, DecM Se- 4ta.
OMMta,pp. i<09~t~ tttptiM of thé MnerM pM' CtMUlfepM, ~CM~ /~tf<MM<t!<M<~M <<
gramme of Heancas Schoe~as). ~~<M!,)~<3,)ii.)e«efK.p.43.
MeteMtn, j!~K<att<~HMMM<M, t6a&.p. 339. Mtoy, jOS~WM~ ~M~M <& ~MeM<M,
Fireher, Mm/~M ~w<M;~<M~"MM<MH'~MM,
Yirorumtrrus'itïones rorum, MM, ti. p. 98 tTyS, ii. p.64t.
~TStsalrum MatthËB. ~«x ~<t~w.
*W&MjM~n~<)«, t68a.Sig. Ooo) ~t«H,t?6t,p.S9ï'
<w~4Mareh,t6eo. HaMer, ~<MiMf« j6M<MM<a, t~t. &493.
MMtaet. ~~<'<&M' <~Mn'M )««<«!~M. t73t. HaHer, J9~<e<A<M C~x~e, 1774. M&
M. t. M. (eontatM & Mpnat of hb fanemt Hatter, Bibi. ~i~-«M/<~H~, ty~i'.t. p. 716.
MNt!oo)* Gmeti)). 6<w~<~<CA-))tM, ~797. p. 663.
Stotïe, ~M~jH~- ~M~< <&t<~M~~< FaetN, ~<r<)M ~~<MMhM ~«MtA~,
x8o6.o8, p. i46.
C<&~t<«,ï73t, pp. 4, 978. a79. xv. cot.COL $or.
9et. et ~<<< ~<MM<tA. i8ss.
~Mtef, M<&<!fM!.j~<sf«~, ïM7. Bayt<! ~thye.
Kestner, A<M«t«~AM C~&A~«.LM<MW<, ty~o, der
tESd!. ~KMM'jMM~ /.«<&)« *«-MW<t.
~Nio'~e~, ddE~roroïm, xyqo, 26 pp'. x~g·x8s. ~t<&w..?~t/< o/ t~~ M!~f~ ï<M, iii. p.
Jo~<& *W. i'. 4~
473 ~M~A'ZF~MM'
Non-entia Chymica.
(KARt, W)t.HSt,M),
WtLHSLM), t78o.t7&
Kirwtut was born in Co. Ga)way in tyag. He towed by his essay on PMoziston in t~, wMcb,
tiaiabedhis edueation at Poietiergaad St. chuer and on being Kcosai)!ed as a motough eMMMon M
by the death of bis brother Mteceededto the famity the theoty. was at once ttatHtated f&toFrench, each
estateof Çremia M~. He was eatted to ttte
tnsh bar mt7~ ehapter i)t turn beving réfutation appended to <t.
but soon reUnqMidtedlaw for He repUed to the cHtiebn). but in he went
scteaee. whid) he pUMtxdta London. He tiwd overto the MttpNogiMtc view.
th~e from MT? to ~787.tM<tbeeMMacqu~nted to t7~. on account of bis healtb be took up bis
wtth many of the most aomNe people (~e ttmt, abode inDublin and threw hirnsefftntc the work
Mtned ott a wtde conopendeace and heM tecep- of the Royal Irish Academy and other soeietiM. to
ttont whtth tbfmed a teedeevous<br distittmbhed whtch he cont)r!bated papeMon chemhtty, pure
pefsonMes. HeconMbated papeM to thé Royat and <tppt)ed. He bad a heen contfo~eMyover thé
for which the CophHfmedat WMcoater~d Huttoohm theory aad wrote a book on thé analysis
upon hKB. in ~84 be paMbhedhis bookon minota. ofm!nemtwH6)-s,)[799. HeiMsachembtofdis.
togy, wMchbad much Meces as beiM; thé 6nt tinettonwithout haw!ngmade My strihing dbcovetry,
systecMtic work on the taMect h En~h. Even a widetyknown and HgMy a<xomptishedman, and
now it isan tatefesttog hwdmM-kin thé biMonror he M~sthe recipient of many honouH both at
miaeM!ogy, as it show! tbe <ninefatsthat were homeand from toreign ccuntn~ He died t J une,
known, thé system of da$ti<tcMionaad thé amount !8ta.
of hnow!edge of their composition. TMs was M-
Gmdin, Ct~Atf~' <&~C~M~, t?~. iii. pp. Gorton, A G~M~e/ B~t~MM/ .M~,
London, tasS, p. a6t.
Scherer, ~)H!te«M~ /M~<a/ < <~<eM<t8ot. Thomson, M< Mt~<y y CA<jM&<<y,
vi.p. 9<M. tS~t, p.
fiUoch. /<M<tco/ j~%pM<w,t8M, xiv. p. C«<«t<&f<<&<<«H<, t~, p. s9t.
3S3.wthapottmit. Cuvier, ~t'Mi~w da ~<~K~ tM/M~&t, t&~s. v.
Fttchs, ~S~~f~at <~ <;A<mtMAnt ~<<«~. pp. 1. 46. 299-
t8o6~)8. pp. gt~ M7. Royal t8ao. iv. App.
No. viit. tt~Academy,
~4<t<ttM/ )[SM,p. My. ~«~~«p.
~tJ<<r/ p. )Mx). (articte by M. DonoMo)!
&~&<M«'î ~p!~«. t8ia. <xx):ii..part t. p. ~tMthportmtt article Dr. PMtetb).
ocg. M< &~t<A Qtf~e~, by Bio<~phy, voL iii.
Hiw17o.f /ilt Royal Sode/y, ~19,
ThonMon. ~<~<y~/A'~o/~ocM~. 1812, p.
P. 18S~.coL717.
~°'~3~< ~P- P' Feb., ~H«~<& &f~& G~~W&, tM!, XXVii.col.
t7ao(ca)bMmRidMtdK!n!M. 79'.
BK~M<t&w~~&, t8)t% xxi,. p. no Pogge~r~ B~~M*-<<<«-«~ ~<t~.
date, xx(.p. ~51. "ei~h~. t969, L eo). teog.
Watt, jM<~<«M«:aB~a~M, t894. AuthotB, ii. Die ~&~at&, Il.
Kopp, tt)86, p. 48.
574/ Z'~<XM~ </AM«)M/r< tSoit, X!Mi.p.
F~Mt~«'~M&, Pons, Panckoucke (t&to. ~8-
.S« MONTK-CUBtTt (v. DE).
Das ~7~–~– j!
Fundament der Lehre vom Stein der Weisen, oder des UfSttesten
Philosophi Hermetis Tnsm~istt Tabula Smaragdina. Welche Tatel bisher
von den meisten fur ein UtMmNosttch R&tzetgehalten worden Dieselbe hat
nunmehro in TeutscherSprache mit expenmentifter Wahrheit deutlich
und darum sich genennet, PyrophHus. Vorennnerung)1 Alle gérechten
Exemplarien von dieser SchnBt hat der Auctor eigenhândig unterschneben
und besiegett. Gedruckt und verlegt durch Conrad KCn!g, E. Hoch-Edi.
Hochw. Raths–tBucbdrucker,
t~t~~ in Hamburg. tt~6.
~M ~*MM<MUt~ ~Vt
Pp. n6. signed Py~phi~ and seaM.
~~R~M~M-~M~TnM~M~C 4?3
KLEFEKËR (Dz-n<EF). C~~<M~
Thé edttot ef HeaM's letters says that Msmuwt LadmpM states tbat on ti6 of thé OtvaMtf
WMtDethfKteMtef.thattw wasa'foyatPrtMahtM copybelowthé word FyMpMua hwtttten Ktetedter
CommMctXM-ttM'wbo Mved at HaotbNt~ and hambm~BstB, and diat Weiss in his article M)-<
deatt tn bMtm p<b(t<tce.ta bis eadiw MteM be that )« a <M!eefttatoeue tMt book ie atMibwtedto
<:aNe<thtnMeuMtche~ OcttheH, but he afterwards Johatttt KMecter. But he bas nothMt<Md thé
used bis owa name w<Ma ho had at~ned bis conemMttonof the atKhOMhipwhteh ptiMed on
object, whiobwu toget aeceM eorMmsetfand bis p. tt6, the note, namety, wMeh givestoe date and
exeettentMtad to HenM'e htbemtMy ttad money appâtent nme of the ptaoe: Gegeben ans dea
bag. Thé M)d Mendwas a Dr. WMterMof Ham. Kteefer.Fe)<tt.M)<.ht Jahr ChdsM ~736. metnes
bm% wtmStema to bave dtetated thé tetteNwbtch Attaft tm Ein und SeehMix~ea 1ahr. Obviously
KteMhef wrote eut end Béat. At ail evt«M the the name of thé phMe b sa Mat~am or Det!ef
edftw ttMtz them as emauating pract~Uy from KteMter.
ont peMon. We gather <Mmp. t~ of thé tetteM The prêtent copy wants a supptement. pp. <t7*
that the name PymphittM which appean tn the t39, withsome other tracts, inchtdim}one on per.
pMMMwork is anotherof Ktefeker'a pseudonyme. Mt<M)
peturalmotion byK)ete)tcr.menttoneaby LiMtmeue.
Klefeker. mentloaedl!ae.
Thé tetter: addtMted M Henket tteat of wfiotM Thé titte of thé mpptement is
chemica)topi(& Beylage, MeM~ an dem TMctat, betHatt:
MetMetquotesthé pt~Mat book and ttatesthat ~ndaa)ent.tNd.ty36.
bë hMseeft it aœtKnM to Johann Ktdëkcr, but he
h ofop!nton that ft canbardly be by that pefsoft.
~!a'< rur 6'<MMt~~<5<!t<~ C~< ~es, F/ofra~Mt M<M<«/ t8t8, xtdi. p. ~t no
p.6&t. date.]t)d!.p.t& (AMidebyWeiM,wheid<&<Mes
GmeMo.GooMfA~~f C~&, tMS, ti. p. 398. Mmwith Johann Kte<eher.)
~<fMM<t~M~, C<<a««~ M'M ~<~Nt<K~ SchMieder,0<K)Mc~<&«~, ïSsa, p. 36.
F< <M<<?' ~yw~ A!f~ A~«M/& ~MH! CA~tA, tMt, )0[t!t. cet.
.t799.!i. pp. !<ti~tM. 8a6. (Thtt) article ïs on JohMM KteMter, but it
Meu<d, /)~hMt <&~ttM< /!t~- tyse xCoo doM not iadude the pMteot work among bis
twr/e~MM ?~«<Mt«t N<:t<iM<~f, iea9, W!it:MB.)
P'5'. Ladnt~e. ~<WM~MC<M'a~;&<M<~&ty!MM,
i«?c. No. t~oo.
KLEINE Bawer (Der).
KLEINE PM&deiss-taM.
KLEIN (Ein) Rosen Gârtte!n, darinnen die Philosophia Naturalis und VoU-
ko!anË&aller Metallischen Sachen b~nSën seind.
TANCKB (jOACHtM), promptuanum A!chymNe,Ander Buch, t6<4,p. t9.
~« R. (t. M.),ty:8.
tjee BtNO~DERE CURIEUSE &ni~&v~
oMv~fMu~ ~ut~i~uon ENTREVUE, 'E,)72t.
This book sems to be tate. for Kopp states thtH a treasurewhichbad been buried by an untmown
he had teatched in seve~t Ubfattes for it inMin. alchemist atom; with a tMaasenpt detedMog thé
!t b Mteaymow, but he g!w) feascns for thttttttng preparat!on ofthe stone. He Keb thé namt of
)t may have been written by David Fassmann at beiag in posession of it, and of haviag exb!bitett
L~pNg who wm thé ftuthor of a namber of such its tfMtSMUtîcgpower whcMhyhe gatncd crédit*
conversations. This he did in Madrid with Meh stMCM!that he
The two <t<henMMM), who are bere brought was penuaded by the BfMfhm ambassador to go
t<~ther, tMd nothing to do with each othar, and to BnMiebtoMajfi)ai)iaaEmaand of BMafh. wEo
thdr deaths weM Mjj!M~tedby tt few yean, but was then Governorof thé SpanMt Netherlands.
there was mch a sfmMty !n their Uwesthat an He did so andwon the {~*eft)«r's confidence,and
interviewtittw<en them after they had worked out at the same time pMMited to ntahe a quantity of
their fates seemsa MMUer ofeornse. the <tone. Honomswere con<eftedupon him and
DotnentcoManudCtdeMnototC~jemni, CMMmo. he gradually obtaintd eoooo ~deo. When he
GMMtto).who paased himselfoff M Count, and hadgotattMeoutdhe tried toeMape.bMheWM
MM uMmatety to Mgh ofSees ln GertMM and captufed and ttept ln the CMtte of GMMwaM&r
Aarnia, was thé son of a peasant at HetmciMta six j~an. At the end of tbM time he got away
n<arNaphs. Met)d<hetped!nhbe(taca<!M,he somdxw, and in ~To~ was at; Vieatttt as
was appreattced t6 a goMsmttti, acquired and Count Ramttw, where in presence. of Emperor
exMMttd ja~ting trtdts in Italy. Hc discovered Leopotd Lhe pctfMwed certain MaMmatattoM,
4~4 AX~~MS~MM~
and agatn andertook to mate tho ttMo in qoanOty. smpteMn
M whiet)was not ditntnMMdby httbttaation
!n <yM thé Emperor dted. but Ctjetano <banda abcuthMptBVtousdongs
at at Vienne wbtehwwued
patMnin Prince Johann Wilhelm ofthe Ptthttoate. theKinziMainsthim.
tt) 1t wuaIso t'Qund that thé
But for oomeMaoM the Cmnt weat to Beftin and pMee~hehadgiven to
madeMs former pM<ni<testoKinf:Ftedend(t., and M tho Royal CommMon <<?
0p~epanng the stone WMa MuM. and whett he was
execnted sncccMM experiments in présence of e!<p0!tu)at<!d
o with. ho escapedto Hamburg. Hete
Conmd Mppet, a betiever m atchethy. buta threwd however
h< ho was atrested and eoaveyed !e the
pet~oa. who was not impreated by thé ooMMty and b)ttes<
<b at Ktbu-to. On hh <tat!ng that he could
tittesoîttMM)'aMet. Hehadpromitedwithinsixty ni do any expérimentât work
not in ptiMn, he was
d&ys to mahe a Tame quantity ef thé tmoMKtttM; taken
M to Berlin,did a Uttte and Ned to FRMtkhrt
medta for gold aad ~wer, for thé King Tho latter oatheMain.
gave the adept aumerous an<t valuable Mesenta, sentsc to K<t:tfi)),Hewas<aptutedoneetaoM<md
and as it wm fomtt that he etther
aad beM<)wed on Mm abo important oace~. But wcuMnot
w m' could uot MB) bis undeftaking he
instead of gaiM <m with hb prepatatioM he was w condemned to death. In August.
absented Mmsetfand went to Hitdtaheun and sentence i~oet the
s< was carded out dt~sed lu chtthet
Stettin. On bis remm he made fteah detMndt, coveredo< witb tiase). be was beagod on a ~tto<M
otRared ? MU thé secret oat~ht. aad ad<edfor <t deeNMed withthe same matet~
money to take him to Italy. This eondaet MMed
HaaMntaatt. M~ft.<M~t,tyo! p. 3~. Chttïti~~ Dento~tM: ~W<A<MM~,
Hitnuentaun. /<MMt ['709], p. 4~. p S'-
I,~is ~<&~<<<~M
lurt~r ~M~ft~a,
.4lchyraia, tyy,
sygp, pp.
PP· Au<~MtA~&~A< TWt<fMt~M <&tOM~
M~~t34. cC
CM<«M,Bertmand FtanMurt, tMo. y.
Petfaeus. JI> &t~/<V~&
D_ r~ '_ú' "A.
Oty«M«J<< Caeeaao, G«tA<f~
G<ne!tn.Berlin aad <&f C<M<~t798. ii.
hrankfwt,~ p~ pp.
JM~mt. Leipti~. tT~. t. Nette Votiede, sig, b6 a. o
tWtt~–e~tWMc. SaMtieder. GM~dMt Af ~<M«)w, 1939. 484.
Gatdeo&tk, AtXMt~Myt<~ )w~ «& A~<&~ Kopp. Die ~~<M«, i886, i. pp. 9t,~ï.)~
7~<M<M!~«MM)t«!A&~<«. ty84, pp. M-tw. *9S'W'
~A~ «~ û~AMA<j! ~<f~ 04~. 1785,
pp. 39~-416.
KïettMben' was bon) at FtanMmrta. M. in 1669. n experts who tepotted that the adept
and at schoM diaplayed ua~ttat ability. acquino); iotmducedil sitwf along with the C)MMand other
French and Latin withfadHty. Slirred byambition materials n he employed. He was accotdtnsty dM-
he had the fancy to be a statesman, and to enndt nmissed, Aag. tytg, withoat baving to tetuad
hhnsetf he engaged in alchemical pursuits. But thé t) money ho had reeeived. This same year he
his experimenta mbeamed, and he tost in them pubtishedhtsbootentitted:
aad in dissipated living what little money he pset s up a$ an at<~embt, andDieeathra~eAMtmia.
wentto the Comt of
possessed. PteaaedbyereditOMheweattoËngiand S Saxoay where h& pMMOUshistory was unknown,
a&dMsidedforattmeatCambridse.buthehadto a where he impbsed on everyoneby
and his manMni
depart &om it abo for the Mme teMon, and and e by bis aumptuous seate cf !iving. His &me
wandered up aad dowo. bonowing money from havioK t eome to the eaM of Aup~tus thé in
people who betie~ed in hb power to ttansmute, t!7t4 he made an undertaUng to $opptyStrong, the Kfng
and paying themwith ptomises. When at théend nftthintourteen toontht with a ManfOMat tinctureof
orhbtesoutees.hetettu-oedtoFranUuMaadtried tc
unlimited powerand an ethtifof tife,and to Metve
by a meoeM()tt maftiage to attain thé position he thts t and att'hb other secrets for the atone.
desired. He ia.psed once more into toote tMM, 1He, tbtKMpon,proceeded to M6t hisKing part of the
aad tMtvinf:kitled a relative eaUed Staitbutg, saia bai-gain
t1 in a !abof&totythat had been 6tmMtedfor
to be a nvat. la a quartet or daet. tried to get away, Mmat t consMetaMoeost. Bat timè passed. he st}M
but was secured and !mpriMned m Ftankfart. ln indulged i in hb otd haMts and contraeted debts,
some way unknown he etrected bis eseape and and i he made excuses for thé delay of thé work.
secured a satepassftom the Emperor. Hechanged1He wa: in favout with the Kine who parmitted
his name. tived in Bremen, Maint, Pragae, and )bim ? revisit bis native MHM. When he tan thé
other ptaces, aad pursued Ms method of gettiagrisk of being arrested on accountof the dueLhe
money O'ompeople by promising them theproceed!t withdrew to a pta<e in the ntighboufhoed where
of his ttammu<at!on etpeOtnents. Thé work he tMed tiU thé spring of ~716. On hia tetan)
always pmceeded ~vomaNyop to a certain peint. to Dtesdea lie represented to tht King that the
but whea it was eeariag comptetion aad the peoplet ptevMOMhtbouMhaving tome to nctMngon aeeoant
weMe]tpeetingaaMeetïfutMsue.tmpo[taotb<M!aeat of the UttexpecteddMat!on of M; absence, he mmt
competM him ta take a long toutney. and he begin anew. The fottowing year paseed aizo and
departed promisiag to tetum and comptete the1 the King became impatient aad dhtmMtat, and at
work, whhth he nevef did. tn this way he acquired1 last a commission ot enquiry wa5 aN)ô)nted to
considerable sunu, lived in gteat style and keptt a~cettaintheKMonofthedday.MdM.hittenbHg
< sec~etaty. and appeared as a noMetnan at some was ordered to bting bis work to a eonet'Mion.
of the Gennaa c<x<rt&As Bâton von Witdeekhe He made attempts toeain completefteedo<nbut
visited the Daite Wilhelm Emst of Saxe-Weitnat,he was watcbed catefuUy,and whenhe plmed to
and spotte of a process he had for ejttfactinf:gotdescape. was traasferred to the tMnJgNtetn, the
and a)tve<-from ores by means of a ptepanniont gteat castle méatDresdeo.
which d!d not aJter, and aMnned that Mwas at On 'WatpMrgM-night.' tyto, he conMïved <o
metaHm~eat and notan ajchemicat method. break out, and, withan worthyof hb name,
The Du)te gaw him 900 Tbtt-. to prépare thee to cUmbdown the highagitity steep rocks on which the
matehat at thnenaa. The nKt triab wereMeeeM. caMtettand~. HowheenecMdit~wtthoutinjatyb
M. but when the pMceMwaa Mpeated at Weitnar, surptMng te any one who )«M<ws phM~ and
.te AMg.~t3, it was Mpeftited by two watd)M< il he ixe had tetter
be~ fientae
MttMaethaa tome thé
tlmn same.of of the
thé F`rench
JOHANN ttBUTOR vowt). Ctw~«~.
ptiMaem af the t*M ww who made thé Mme mxte ? MpoMM thé Ktoz. and KtetteabeMWM
attempt. He WM teeaptared, heweY% and tm- ultimataly cotutemned ? death for wadoMettoMt,
«MMoin a subtenaMao dtMtceoe. Ëvea &om maKtet'betagoae. TtMhtMybMMt-MtMMswmfd
<M9h< e<eaped en t6th JM*. bat dt<dn~his of the otetUUooerput att <nd ? bis U<eby deeapt-
detcent be tell and was &Me*eMd
~7~ by people wh<t tation on Mt Mafeb, MM.Ktetteobetg Mf&ted
weteatttttetedbyMso-tMMutwhotcek bim baok hiesentence wtthoat hatiog bis eyes bMdaj)ed.
to thé <brttea. The commandant, wn KyM,
CKt*M!e)', <M~MM<!pM Z<~ M~ M<t~« Gmelin. ÛMO~~ <&~C~K~, t?~, :). pp. a}6.
du GMM/.Z~W~MH~ ~W«M~ aw (aod KfeteeeM).
~< M~ ~M~, K0!a, ïya7')tys6, i. 3~ SehmMet, OaaMt~ <&~<<~A<M&, te~a,p. Sts.
<KMUwmGe*entW of tbe KCnitCNMnta Mt~}. t~tw. ~Ma~ &t ~A~M~
Pl ï8j6,
Zed)o, M<tM~M~.Z<~f!M,ty3! xv. ce). 9~. P. p. MO.
(AtOMMOOUOt.) D<< t.
Kopp, <«e<tMt&,tM6, pp. ~.ttte, xSs.
~)<&C~aMoh~<MM<~CA~M' tya& 'M. a'9. ~4'*<S: il. ti. p. )ong acc;ount
P~ 3~. (A 10lIl eceount
PP.W-4~M3.<~ (A)en$aceo)M)<.) :t ~f: 3~'
[Anothef Copy.]
8*. Pp.[i6J<6c. TMetedandhtack. Titte-page
[Anothet Copy.]
S*. Tltlewauting.Pp.M[t4]t6o.
Thiscopybu a deditation
to thé BMtopof
i/t6, whichb notcoatahMd
tu theothwcopies.
Das Nothtge Nosce Te, zu Erhaltung der Lebens-Flammendurch eine doppelte
Panacea, so aus der wahren Minera Solis der Sophorum durch richtige
Spaginsche Handgriab pta:pa)t[et wird; Allen GesundheiH!ebenden zu
derselben Etrbattung, so sie aber venohfen, dero Recuperirung, samt einer
richtigen und accuraten Manuduction der Zubereitung vorgesetzter Panacea,
recommendiret und pnaspnnfet durch Louis Gilhome von Knor, Philos. &
Medic. D. Leipzig, Bey Johann (ïrofsens Erben, tyt4.
e*. Pp.MMyM. TMeMdandNttdt.
476 ~M–A'O~/G'J~iC~
KÔPPE (JûACHtM),~<~m<
ProblematumMedicorum. décades pnoresquinque,
Fratris Vincentii Kot~khii eines gro&en Philosophen und Mônehen des Pre-
diger Ordens zu Danzig. Hermetische Schriften, denen wahten Schutem
und Nachfolgem unserer geheimen Spagirischen Kunst zum Nuz beschtieben
und hinterlafsen den ~ten Octobr. Ao. Domini MCCCGLXXVÏÏI. Zwey
Theile. Numberg, bey Johann Adam Stein, ty86.
e* Pp. [8) tt? [t]. Twod:astamtn«t)cwoodcnM. of tppMttu:.
Tinctur-Wurtzel, und auch Materia prima defs gebenedeyten uhtatten Steins
der Weisen.
JtV C~FU~UO (BRNED!crus), ThesaurineUa, t68a,p.
At~t~Utnaeua, toca, 5~.
p. 52.
tf thé <Me.Mge<~n be tmsted and KoNsM<? Nchemy bad net had any eNM la s<cppiag the
KoHskywas a Dontintex))friar at DtMt~, who tett mmait He may be Meanted fa the meantimeM
his writingsto bis popib and followerson Oct. 4, the ~Mt MM* XMdent ot the art. Afttf the
<~8. then the M) of Pope John XXH. against Reformtion the mantucript was found bMtttupln
418 JM~KM't–~TMT'MV
KOFFSKY (Vn<CNn-!Us). C~~<M~
thé dottiMtof thé momtMtry tn ï:~ Tbis hM. TheGeman ttOMMoe. he Mye. wMpaMMtedM
peoM M OHen(hat one mMquiM M know theee Dansig, t66t. 4'. Thé i!ttMtmtio<xMe of Mme
nMHttNcnpMthey corne Bcm–etoitteta. Interest.
by Schmtedwto hâve Bon<cMusJ)M
Do Mgh ep!ntoa af thé Mthor:
Tte (tretpuMMfed
h Benedictus
h mtd Hgatm' yA<M< V:aceattus KcfNqrin Ma ?Vw~M Mx~ n)enM
'w/A<. t&)%and amin in t<&t as ttbove.but that MmebtM ~ypthM wendeM, eppa<M! sed qute
ta tt~ccutate for the t68t édition !s in Gen!)an.
BonichitM, C<MM~<M <«a<M. ~n~ MM'G<j<t«A<t<~ AMe~wCt<M&.1785.
'~97. P< 3~ "o. P. 634.
<&At ~t~~x~
Leagtet Dxf~MMv. GmeUn.<~w~M< d!tfC~ tMe, & p. <.
F~~<<!t&. ty~. Tt). 1. p, Mt (Mtt
1163 LadH~ue. B<MMM~M OM~~MS
comptimeatMy). .Sfc~t, 1870, NM. s~a. 879.
Kopp, ~< j<A~M~, tS8~ t!. p. 3~.
Sa TRtTHEtM(JOHANN),Gtttdenes Kte:nod, tyS~.
Beschreibung der Edelgesteine.
ROTH-SCHOLTZ (FMEDERtCH),Deutsches Theatmat Chemicurn, tygo, ii.
P. 567.
Ed!che KomdotSënsche Particularia.
DARtor (CLAUDE), Die guMea Arch, Sdmt: und Kunsthammer, t6t4. Part ni.
&? ~<~vcfM~~Mt
Geheimnisse UCN
des OtC]
Steins der Weisen [t7o81 p. 773.
Of thb wnter _Lf_
<ee«Mtu be tmown
nothing boett wMeh he wMteon pteeioM s<aa<swa* tn.
thé tMe: of his beotMt. He was aMvein theOftept
yMr ended M open the eyes ef Ms eoantnmen te thé
faa and had tetumed satit and Soundto Gennany fMudsperpett&ttdoo <hem inthtifgatte. Ktteh-
after hMhtg been away ht he&thend<Mn.In th& of a bcok BarOMhonMUs
majy spadcs Kwa-
year ha Mtepotted to hâve Meeived a !ette)-Crom dSrf~r. M~ e~eM"wby ~~<
PafMebm oethé chnBtMion of thé metah. TThe
GeotT CMparKitchtm~er, ~<«fa Ce~~nu, !6eher. A/~
~M«~<t GM<~x.Z~M,
10 Mm, !L
M7~ <Mn. B~<wM~. M).l6cher,
aï~S; RoMnauad's ~M'MiHMR SC oo).
Met'cMtn. /.<)<<<t~)M
«wf<t<t<j, t686, p. tt6 7~
(' De Tittctum GemnmnM,' !6«;). KetaM,
Roth-SeMtt. TXMMtM ChM~M, ~30, p. &!f<)~~ /~M~~ CM~Mit~ yS3.Th.
jMit<nt 0.Ct<jMt,ty8&78&
~aoseL ~&«A<M &M~nMt ~<&MM< Gmdin, OcM~Mf t&~ C~e~, ty~. ). p. ~M ¡
t/M, tt. i. p. bood. tyoo, H. p. 4-
7~ ~0!<& f~t&M««t ~~<t<t<~ ?</<!?«, SchmMer, G<)tA~ <&f~M<t~. t~<. p. 966.
'Ma, p. 83 {'Tinemm Gemntanun,' Fhmhf., t636. Kopp. ~xt&. iM6, j. p. ~3 ij. p. ggt.
&? TRiSMOSttfUS (SALOMON),Aoream VeMus [<5981 Tmctatus i:.
TRtSMostNus (SALOMON~ A~N-e~a VeUus, t599, ;). p. ~7.
KRÔFFNRTEGeheimnisse des Stems der Weisen [<7<~1 p. t~
(KARL C~~MMat f.
Koftttm was bom at Mtththein)on thé Rubr 5 wae ma!att(iMd 6)r <tbo<H th~e yeins, tttt tbe Smt
luty, t~s. He eettted as phys!dM at Bochum ln part ofthe HennetttehMiMHnat (~.<<. )appetMtd.
WestphatMt tT~o. He was <mtborof numemus ComptaintsandditMtMftCttoobegMMbeeMnmott,
WHtings o<t a)) sorts ofeubjects, and was a betiever and Kortum withdrew (rom thé MM)aj!e)nent and
io ntehemt whtch ho trted to défend !)*thé ptMeut eot it takenon by by a Barond. F. wn Stembaya.
Ma ht a Mpptemeet ~M ~« ~<ta'' H~~ e !t )Mtc<!t!)) t8o5 whm <he WM
WM~tt, MmmxM Joun)a)
iM~ ~M~ ~<< M~ Dttisbu)~, t79t. coatitttwd by MOther catted 'Hennés.' B)tt tt
Havhtg begun to corMspond w!th PtU.MrBKhreM recet*e<tnoMpport and con6de)teeta thé Scciety
of Sehwe<te, n<ar DorMund. }n ~79' the two hav:ng been thahea, tt coutd aot ba <e<o«!i<a<ed.
wor!(e<ttogethw for a year, end then in October, Kortum thed for MmeyeaM tater, and dteo tj,
by 'MM< ofa eottcefo thé KetdN-AnMiger Aogt., ïS~: Bahrea! ht M33.
a<m<MM)ced the existence of & 'Henn~tc Soctety,' TTte tuMMyof the Henaetie Société T)at bceo
which had been tbrnted for thé htrthenmce of thé nanated by Kopp and more receMty b? SehottM.
woftt of the oJehembt* throueboMt Cemxuty. who tas examinedthé atcaive! of thé Soeiety oow
Thete was no ~)<eh<ocie~, but the notice dMted at G!eMet),and who vtedftate! KottM) &cm e<ery
thé fMt that theM w<M many pemotMeamKed !o qutsttooaMemotive.
atchem!cftt p<tMt)its. Thé actton of tMs Sodety
Meute!, /M~ ?~<MMft))~ «&f ~f«Mt t~mgM.B<M~A~OM<a~<<
<)! M~t&tt ~eAe~t S!Aj~& tyw, iv. <8?o,No. ï<N8.
P. ~33:x. p. M5; S)tppt<ments ii. p. <&t; iw.p. AnfanM K. B~bamw. 'Ein StMt Ato))Nn!eaus dem
363 v. p. 706 vi. p. aSa < p. M$. de: Neun<ehateaJaht!t<mde)rtt.' Bnmo
f. F. ~BeniMtbe~ 'NachHchten Nber die Her. MeyeA J~«<<e~ H~ Mptfg, tCys. !v. pp.
oactiKhe GeMOschaft'; GMbeft'~ ~«M~M <~ 440~t6x.
~M~. HaJte, t8o3, pp. ~)3'4o6. ~~ew~<e~ & r Mov.. ~678,No. t4,
&tj~a~ .MWfo&. FM<<, PMdtOMcke(tSao. *t.
as), w.p. 4SO (tbtof hb works). vcnHtngbetK.tD~h~.
~M~- AM~<!f<&f JOM<~<~for for te~.
ü. p. B~
83a ~~M/coy M«aM<!N<M)~~M«~ Letpfg,
(QtMtedby Kopp). tSya, pp. 943. (Thb !snot e hbtMy,bat a KMXtUMe,
De~nM)~, AM&MM~ ~~<w~<- /« Ar<Mc. thûus~ KûrtMt ~M~eN!? tt.)
<<tM,tSaS, Htt i. p. gts. ~%«M~ Z~<M~ ~jpM~. t8&<, xvt. p.
SehmMe)-, C<tat&)~<&<-<< 1639.p. S96. 798 ()~L R~)dt, abom thé 'Jobsiade').
Kopp, GsrdHsk!sder C~r~Fs,1844.iL p. as6. HtMeh. ~HtAt~o~ Z~hM' der AertWW!.
Kopp~ Uebet det~er&M der ~temie und die ~!to&M tM6. iii. p.Nta(byFase)~
Hennetbche GesettschaK': fead M J<M<"My. ~945. Koppt ~&<<M~. t8ë6.!t. pp. ïS9't63:
p~nted in /)~be~ <~ <~&<<)t< 9<q(thb tMt conMinsa Mprint of the abow-men-
ttx~ ~Mu< <)* G<<~j<, Gt<asen, ~7,
«MM<-jh!j/)' UonedGteNeapampMet).
Bd. t. He<t. )!. !t was Mpdated as & «pantte K. !Mdte, /&<&~& Ce~ ~MMM
Aoy<«m..y~ /~M «H~M<'« &~<i~, MOh.
~~uter. r~/&MM~ ~&~M~ ~6, tejm, a. d. Rahr (1893?).
i 10'1090 Etast SehuttM. &M &M ~<~Mt~w <&~
Poggendo)~ ~M<<. ~M«t(& M' Z)<Mt~AA!)«f W~ t<~ /ft~«t. Dit
T<<M<~MA, ~?3. i. co). t3o& ~iM)M~Mt<0<«-/& iy96-t8~. Letpfdg.~897.
Kopp. ~~M~ *«f GwA~Mt '<<~<<M~, t86o, PP. 44.
aus der Geisterwelt,t79S.
Der curieuse und woM-er&hrne Chymist, welcher nicht dtane die ans dem
Minemt-Veget&Mtisehenund Thi~-Re!che hNgeaommene, und in der
Medicin gebtSacMichste Chymische Processe gründ1ich und deutlich lehret,
sondem auch anweiset, wie solche nach denen gehStigen Kanst-GnBen
geschickHch za bereiten, um solche zu Erhaltung taenschiicher Gesundheit
bey atten zustossenden Kïandkheiten in rechter Dosi nutztich zu gebtMMhen.
Aus beruhmter Chymicorum Schn~en, theih auch aus eigener Praxi
zusammen getfagen, mit nôthigen Registern versehen, von Valentino Kt&M.
termann. Andere AuBage. Leipzig und Amstadt, Verlegts Johann Jacob
Beametbutg, ty~S.
iadaded]480[st~ 'ntteredandNMh.
S*. Pp.[M,trontisplece
Cmetioquotesabo an<dMon,~UtMtadt.t~. 8*.
480 A~~y~~M~~MV
Das in der Medicin gebtauchMchste Regnum Anima!e oder Thier'Reich,
Darinnen enthalten
ï. Eine accurate Beschreibung aller Th(iere) nach dem Leben, es sey
in- oder auslândisch, zw(ey)-oder vierfufsig, wild oder zahm, gelügelt und in
der Lu(ft) oder im Wasser lebend, &c.
II. Ein hochstdienticher Unterricht, wie d(ie) guten und nützlichen
Thiere zu erhalten und xu vermehten, die s~hMiehen hingegen zu faagen,
zu vertilgen und auszurotten.
III. Eine vollkommene Anweisung,wie und was von jedem Thiere in
der Medicinund Oeconomiezu gebrauchen und zu nutzen sey. Mit F!ei<s
atso zusammen getragen, und mit nôthigen Registern anietzo zum andem
maht vetmehtter zum Druck befordert von Valentino KtSutermann.
Amstadt und Leipzig, ïtt Verlegung Emst Ludwig N!edtëns, tya8 (?).
8'. Pp.[8. frombpiece [93.MMttj). Titieredand blaok,~My
Historisch'Medictnisches Regnum Minerale, oder MetaUen- und Mineralien-
Reich, und zwar in Il. Haupt-Theilen, da in dem Eisten enthalten eine
accurate Beschreibung aller Ettze, Mineralien, Metallen und Edelgesteine,
wie sie wachsen und gefunden werden, und wo sie in der Medicin und
sonsten zu gebrauchen; ïm Andern aber die vollkommene Scheide- und
Pjfobier-Kunst, darinnen gehandett wird, was Scheiden und Probieren
sey, wie es vorxunehmen, so wohl im nassen ats trockenen Wege,
wie die Ertze nach ihrem Gehatt zu erkennen, &c. samt etlichen KM'en
Processen und Expenmenten &c. Nebst nothigen Register, von Valentin
KrSutennaon. Arnstadt, Verlegts Johann Jacob Beiimetbtug, t~
V. Pp.[t6.&ontispietefncM<!d]47~ tndt)t(8]. TittetedaottMfMk.
Othsréditionsmentioned t?<&.t?!? AnMtMM, tye6,au in9*.
Der accumte Scheider und kitnsttiche Probierer, welcher grand!ich zeiget und
I. Die Erzeugung der Metallen und Mineralien inf~emein, samt deren
II. Was Scheiden und Probieren sey, auch wie solches vorzunehmen,
sowoht im nassen ab trockenen Wege.
III. Die Schmettzung und Probierung attefhand guter und geringer Ertze,
nach ihren eigentlichen rechten Gehatt, auch auf Gold und Silber.
IV. Zum Probieren dienHehe Mittet und Wege, ats, Probier-Wagen,
Gewichte,Capellen, &c.undderen Verfertigung,samt Bereitung verschiedener
scharffer, zum Schmeltzen und Probieren dienticher Wasser, &c.
Attes mit besonderm F!eifs zusammengetragen und mit nothigen Registern
ausgefertiget von Val. KfSotetmann, Med. Pr. Thur. Franckfurth und
Leipzig, In Verlegung Ernst Ludwig Niedtens, Buch-Hândters in Amstadt,
8*. Pp.[te, ffMttbpieco
indaded]gît [$]. TMeredandbtadt.
ValentinKhMtennann is oneof Christophvon treaMdM<mindependent name. Heattowrote
Hettwig'tpseudonyms,but :t b notuaffequeotty~~twA&A~<A< Arostadt,t?)o.a".
AW~~7~4~W-AW/4~W 481
t~)~tn/*c<~<YMU~~t ~Y~ttttMtmu~.
(V~EMTtNw). ~f~ Cc~HM~.
/<M~ ~))eM< ~MhM«M B<We<A<f~ )w~ Fttehs, ~«M <&rr~M~~M /.tW~w~r.
*73~* P'C~ 1806-08,pp. g3~ 251,e6.¡.
Lengtet NfsAufrede
~~<M~ <? Iu /W~«~~
PMlompftfe RotenMtnd, ~<tt~ M 7&'A<~f<<
~<vw~<~M, tMi~noy,
ty<)9,il. p. )~6. )~«« <~A~!M.~Lof~, t8M. i!i. eot. ~6 (M&M
MattMat, Cot.~f~ N'< <Maf/<wM<t cAM'M- to Hellwlch(ChrbttM) in Il.
JOehe)-. cot. ~68. Md
/'tt<t~~ t76t, p. 674. toMotsd)t!)M)n.J?~M~<w/<f. pp. tM''6').).
Maunter, jMM/«~«'ttOt<m«a, t~a, p. tt6. LadmgNt. ~M«~M Ot<MM~ &««~~
Gmettn, 0~<<~ C~M;<<x~, )i. pp. 383, .S~MM, t6~. N<M. <350.
Mg. Billings.M~-Ca/eX~, t886, Y:i.p j37.
!a)itr~ctioound Bewe!&
WARNUNQ, )6o7.
Wi!helm Christoph tMegsmanns Taaut oder Au<s!~ung der Chymischen
Ze:ehen dan)!t die Metallen und andere Sachen von AtteM her bemeKkt
werden Au~ Begehren beschrieben. FmnctctUt~ Bey Thomt, Matthia
COtzen. M.DC.LXV.
y. Pp.M?st'b!M)k]hJ. Foidingplate,aengM~ags.
Thededication Tacklus)s <!<tted
ta Of. JotMMnes 'HaftemburpCalend.Sep.
Commentaria in T&bu!am». Smaragdinam Hermetis TfismegMt).
.Sw MANGET (J.J.),
(J. J.), BiMiotheca Chemica
BiMiothecaChem«tj<t ~WMMt) t~oz, i. p.f J"v
Cutios&,*t 380.
ln one of Me bootMtMegsmatM eatts Mmsetf orum igno,ubi simut de igne saeM HebrcMnm),
WXhehn Christian, but his reat name is Withetm CtMtMiBorum&c. F)rf.. 1671,9° EpiMoh quod
Christoph. He was bom in t~ at BafeMetdht PhM sit iMienb sotptor chymteaSsCrKfMs!ve epMsoue
thé pnncipatity of SdxaathaMen. From tchoot PhMosophonmiiapidls diaiog), qui
at Schnm))tatden he went in his fifteenth year to AOMttOMS fMcribitm- Hte doceat. Dannst.. t6yt.
Jem, whcre he resided for three yeajrs and then 8". H&t!ergives a adiCereat tMf, but whether it
proceededtoHe)nMtMt6t)rtwoyeafS. HesmdM dénotes the sameor <MereM bock ï am unable
theotogy and hngaage!, of seyemt of which he to say. thougbthey MB probaNy the a)M)e: Epb.
M<)Mt)red a ttoow)ed){e,)n particular of thoM of the toh qua ptobMurquod PtutMch)M(~)<ittnsignis
EMt. At the age of twenty he might have had a Mnptorchyfnicus, Dannst., t67t,6' TheMfscne
pMfesïonhip. but he deoMnedit on the score of hk tract not enomemtedby Strteder "(~ oder und dfe
youth, and aecepted the Invitationof CouMMed- wabre und richtige mit Kup<ier
nch Hmicb to HaKeabMt~to «et as tutor in the TttbeMenetNotert. FnMtkhm tmd Leipzig, 1114,
LeMogea &<nHy. T<MConnt came to csteem Mn) smatt S', pp. [M] se, 4 p~Med tftMœ. a engMved
MgMyand made him KiKhentath. ln t6y4 he tables.
went to Dannstadt at the Mqoest of Ludwig VI. Refiereneebas atteady been tnadeander Henms
M Kammenwth, but in <67! on accoaat pMty of to bis two tracts in connetion withthat pe~coa~e
jenhxMiespartty of changes in the Court ttMtf. he –one eont~ning a PhûMtehm' and a Hebrew
tcsigned, and was appointed by thé Hteeter Caf) veMion of the table. One is eat!t)ed Hermetis
Luawigof the Patattnate to be Kantmer- and Rech. Tt-bmegist! Tabula Smamedina A situ Mmer.
oang<.rath at Mannheim, tsSept., to~S. He hetd anM; nMcdemum prist;no gentovindicata, smat)
the position but for a short ttme, as bis death 8' pp. [6] gz, en~Mved tMe and two phtes; trn
oceNtredepSept., t6~. place cr date ln thé CMjy beb)~ me. Stfieat)-
He was the author ofa numberof works, ecctesi. appafentty had not seen thtseditton, for he gives a
asticat and lengtoos, whichbytheirunusual themes descnptivetitteon)y, and tefBMto Mànget'o Mpdnt.
give ovidenoeof a certain ongtMtity of mind and The otber tract is German that in whieh heatsc<Mse!the
view. Among them are a tabular view of Ray- hypothesis thtt tha race, thé 'ïleatons, are
mMd LoMy'a ~~t! a work emMed ForteteNe der!<ed from Theut «tf HenM:: Ce~eotMMOrun)
royate: bevestigter Hen'a.Staat: mrt)M~ Hen'n de Gen~ictBgBatisoWghteeeCmMMMM,
ab MMxMgeRegenten, Fff. a. M., t6y3, M* Tfiameghto Liber Mous, ToMnee. t684,
(teatty potUteo-moreitadvice or directions to yonng iÎ)
princes, but thought by some to be a treatbewho on 4°,'!MegtnMmn
PI?- *un4 has estem for aM
bu got but little Mteem aU his
MrtMcation, mncb to Strieder's amusement, teMTingand writings.
bas givena sketch of its phn) Desecreto PMtoso.
MetcMin, ~<'«<<M~~MM~, 1686, p. g~ Kestnef, jMMM~<~ Ot&~ot-&iM, ~o,
Rehmnann, ~~&~<t~<g ~~W<!M n. 4~0.
aW<Mt<&w T~w~Am, tyc~ Th. Il. p. 88 (places S)!g!et DuftMney, ~M/<~ <& /W&«~
Msd«nbi0t6~ ~iN~&~M. t7~, iii. pp. &t. t9&
Manget, ~«W<f<<M &<'t~t /<~<~M. MoNer, Cf~<<<!/~<~«. tM4. P- ?9*'
t~t. tT. i. pt. txxitM. JOdtet. ~%M«~et C~~M.~M<w, tyy,
/<t<-<~~)~A& /*n~MM ~/M«'<B <M<4t/~< M.col. <M6~;Rotennwd'! ~!)~<<M' t9M,m.
ï73*,P-8;. «M.
oot. !)83U"
683(ftom Stdeder).
482 ~M,4AW-A'~7'M
CHRts-rofH). C~w~
M~tt~~ ~AM~t~~ Jt~ ~–––-U-- -–––~ t!t
Hattef, ~W~M ~<w ~tt~ Mm, iU. p. 6t. <(Beckmann quotes ?~«< to wam hls
i!i.p.S97. Madei's &om tVMtinetheir time by cotxutttnt tt ) y
Stneder. Cr~<M)f sa a<Mf ~ttt~<<M Thomson, The /y
<?<M~« t<~ AfAr~ CA«t)~, tSgo. i.
CMjtt< ty8/. Vit. P '3'
PP. 3~'MS. Schmieder. OfN-*M~<&~ ~~M~, !8~. 36.
BecKnMon,~t <«~ OMRtM~der Kopp, &<~<~ M~. <7f~ <& ût<m~.t8g9.
~«~<. !79a, i4i. p. 3~): EnsMttmMMon, t8t4. P. 3~.
WtLHELM),Baron von.
Krehntmann washangedasan Impostor
la <696.
~.<<<~M~. ~39. p.446. ~MM
Figuier. ~M~~f, ~856,p.
Kopp,Die~&<MK, pp.t8s,<9S. te~
Q B. B. V. Dissertatio Phys:coChim:co MTedicaÏnaugumtis, DeAuroMedtco,
seu Medicamentis ex Auro Parandis, quam Ce!sissimae, Serenissimae atque
Invictissimae Principi Annae, Magnae Bntanniae, &c. &c. &c. Reginae,
nec non Illustrissimae Societati Regiae Londinensi, atque Gratiosissimae
Facultati Medicae in Academia Oxoniensi humillime atque decenter
exhibuit Rudolphus Augustus Krüger Brunsvicens: V. M. Doctor, et
Serenissimi atque Potentissimi Principis ac Domini, Domini Emesti, Duc!s
HUdburghusam Medicus Aulicus. Ad Exemplar Oxoniense Btunswigœ
Typis expressit Jo. Georg Zilliger, Sereniss. Duc!s Brunsv. & Luneb.
Privilegiatus Typogr. AuUcus,M DCC XIII.
o~ ~J?- c"P~~ 'neMed]128[6]. Vignetteon the printedtilleof thé
Shddontan Théâtre,
Thisis a dissertation
ona))theprepMUions of in medicine.Re<eMacesto the authoritiesare
goldwhichhad been propoMd (o date for use ghen.
/M~ ~«t~o/<~ /~<cmM ~«-~ M~/A'<a'. LengtetD~t~noy.W~et~ de la ~t'/OMMM
'73'. p.8~. ~t<M~w. 1749,ii!.p.ï~.
GmeMn.Gt~M~ <&<- C~~M.t~,ii. p. 366.
Matthite,C«M~M~M(t ~~ef«M tA~MM~t-M,
De Phlogisto Disputatïo.
Gmelin cath him !n<otKCt)yH. Goufr. Kachet- rerum m<<M~e< e«~ L!jM..~7~. 4". Fachs
itecher, but tpotes the JKM<~e<M <& M~ea~M, does not phee the latter andet- the year~y<a, but
Lips., 1756,4°. and the above /M!~t<~ !<aKMtù under tyga. whieh !oe)Mlike mbtake.
Gmetin, G<j&M~/<<&rC4<)x«,t}~8, Il. pp. yoi. Fuchs. ~<5~~M< der f~tM~-A~ ~w~
7<M. t8c6<8, pp. a~t, 393.
4'. Pp.
~A~r~CWC'A~ 4~3
Johann Kunckels, Churfürstl. Brandenburgischen Geheimten Catnmer-Dteners.
Chymischer Probier'Stein, de Acido & Urinoso, Sale Catid. & Frigid,
contm Hefrn Uoct. Voigts, Spirit. Vini Vindicatum, an die Weltberühmte
KOnigt. Societâtin Engebmd, &tshierüber erbatene hohe Richter. Worbey
angeftiget die Epistola contra Spit. V!nt s:nc AetdQ,so an Herm D. Voigten
abgetassen. BerUn, Ïn Vedegung Rupert Vûkkefs, Buchh&ndt~n,
6'. Nopagination. Sigs.A.B.)( ineights,wanting)( A-Minetghts,Nsix.
D.Johann.VoigtsSpMUM VinisineAcMoVindicat<a.
Johann Kunckel von LSwenstentS,Kôn!gt. Schwedischen Betg-Raths, und der
Kayser!. Leopold.Societât Mit.G!!eds,d. Hermes 111. V. Curiose Chymische
Tractâtlein; ais:
I. ChymischeAnmerckungen,darinn gehandeit wird von denen Princip.
Chym. Sal. Acid. & Alcalibus; Fixis & Volatilib. in denen 3. Regnis; wie
audt vom Geruch und Farben &c. mit Anhang einer Chymischen Brille,
contra Non-EntiaChym.
II. Nützliche Observationes von den Fixen und Mchtigen Saltzen,
Auto & Argento Potabili; Spiritu Mundi u.d.g. wie auch von den Farben
und Geruch der Metallen, Mineral.&c.
III. Epistola, contra Spiritum Vini sine Acido.
IV. De Phosphoro MirabiU; dessen leuchtetiden Wunder-Pilulen; sampt
einem Diseurs vom Nitro.
V. Probier.Stein, de Acido & Urinoso, Sale Calido & Frigido; contra
Herm D. Voigts Spir. Vini Vindicatum..
Wobey zugleich angehânget wird: Christoph Brummets Tractâtlein vom
Blut der Natur. Nebst einer Vorrede De doctis & nobilibus Empiricis
D. Johannis Philippi Buegravii,Med. Francof. ad Mœnum. Franckfurth
und Leipzig, ï?<
8'. Pp.[M];ta[~ engtavin);. FoMin):tMe. Eacbtracthasa separate
P. 489:
Das BiutderNatur,aus eigener
haadgreiMich darzumit
eetvissen mmVerMt;seinerNotincation~chntU
Experimenten undbe'tHM
g~ebenwnChtittophBtummeten. C. Fnutddwth
u nd Leipzig.t?~
KUNST Alchimisterey.
c~esAR(THKOPH)Lvs), AtchimySpiegel,t6f3, p. 8&
KUNST.Buch!e<n,oder gründlicher Gebrauch von Etz.Aîbeit, in und ausserhalb
Feuers aus Alchymischen und natürlichen Gtunde, nehmlich, H&tten,
Weichen, Schmeltzen, Scheiden, Abtreiben, Probieren, Lôten, Etzen,
Abformen, Abgiessen, &c. Wie auch jede Farben zubereiten, erhalten,
bessern und wiederbringen A!s Z:nn Mahlen, Schreiben, Illuminiren, Ver.
gülden, Stücken, Edelgesteinen. Nebenst beygefSgtemRegister. Franck.
furth und Leipzig, Verlegts Johann Caspar Meyer, Anno t68y.
ta*. fp.zo3
ta. Pp.2o3[9. t bhntt).
This !s a rcjjnut ix moderniiied tanguagMof a cptoun).for dyeing, iUumiH&tiog,
tmct whichhM the Mtowing titte: ~<f~<M<M. etc., and the con.
dodtog Mtt is a MpriM of the traet ~MAAfG<-
~yw~«t jp~<f//«-A~ ~/m~j a/~ tw~j/~M~ ~«<rAtt' t~3'.(f.f.).
H~ Augsputg, ~37. smat) 4', H:Mxvii.
[t]. HconhuM M the ntst pNt forsteet FeMMMo,'Some Mfrty TtMtbes on Techno-
and irot). solden. Ouxes, etching,[eceipts
etc. for tatdng
topoeJChematty.' ~w«~~f~A<)~<i<M/
and shtins out of cioth for mahiog ,–inks and ~«'/f~C~(pw, t887~8, xix. p. ts: MdSMp.
–“ plement, /803~.*~yjT~t AA~.
xxv. pp. <w.~
KUNST (Von Chimia.
(MftL)P),Turba Philosophorum,t6t3, p. $04.
(PHtHP),Turba Philosophorurn,
t7~o, i. p. 6:2.
.?<<' ARTE (De) Chemica.
~< LL (F.
See (F. c.),
c.), Sammtung achthundert und sieben und fun~ix chymischer
Sammtung achthunc
Expenmente, ~59.
Expérimente, ~59.
KttfeMawas bom at NeidenbatRin MattPnMsxt. di~rent pMM of MedMne. on anatomy. Mtgety,
t3 March, Mz~, gmdtMted doctor of ntedicine at pharmaey. &c., &c., and dissertation!:and KMews.
K.onigsbeM;tn t746. and wn & CwndMw of thé Mewrote abo Chymische Verïuche und ErMtr*
ObereoMegimnMedioum and ObercoUMiamSaisi. ungen. l-stesStllck. Berlln,-1756.11590
tatis at BerMt). He wrote a number of workeon He diedftt Bertin, Juty 98, t7~
Halier, jB~~o<~<t C~«t. t77<, H.p. 403. mund's ~~r<~<M~ und ~~«M)tM", t8M. iii.
f-Mter.~<t ~MA~. t77~ ii. p. cet. ~86.
Bitumer.F~A«-<! C&'m<M,t~.p. 43. A~/a/~M ~<t&.
MetMd. Das ~Mf~ T~tMM<< <«&<- P<iris, Panekouché (t8M-
~&M 95), v. p. 465.
d'<f/<~ M<a<&<t2T'M/j~« &ttW~< Lemgo. ~K:/M'<)«u'~A~of~M <~ la ~MMf.
< pp. 3t7.t8. «)M, t8~6, Ht. i. p. gsy.
Gme'm, C«f~< der C~o~, t~, iLpp. Poggeadoïtr, &<5FK~HtA.~<'< ~<M<<.
toeMM-MfA. t863. i. col. t333.
Fuehs, J?~«~~t«M <&~t~tax~j~M Z~<~t~< MMnfp. /<<e);-C~<t~)M,t886. vii. p. 578; Md
t8o6~8 pp. 39~. Séries, t~og, vn!. p. 88~.
JSchar. ~~eMM«t <MfMM.o-t~«; Roter. Hirsch. F&if~b~ ~<.ft~« j~~o~t.
~<<M VM~«e,
~,MW* ~<~<f. AOOV, iii. p. y~.
ï686, tN,
KURTZER (Ein) Tmctat von der Occulta Chemicorum PMtosophM.
OCCULTA(Von der) ChemicorumPhilosophia,ein kurt~erTmctat.
KURTZER und gründlicher Unterricht vom Wahren Trinck-Golde und
AUgemeiner Artzeney, darin erôrtert wird, ob, woraus und wie es bereitet
werden kônne? Item was es würcke? woran es zu erkennen und ob iemals
dergleichen von den Adeptis feilgeboten und verkaunt worden sey? so wot,
~M?7~E~-A'~ Z-
KURZE Nachricht von den Metallischen Glâfsern und der VitdHcation des
Goldes in Amausen von einem Liebhaber der Chymischen Grund-Mischung.
Leipzig,bey Christian Gottlob Hilscher. 1767.
Discourse upon n*by ~tass. upon anites and <f.), !s as~tgMd here (p. ta) to Grummet. That
me<a!c oxides, upon am6cM gems. etc. The however seems M be tt slip, for tt was the reply
tract. Sol sine t~ usuaBy Menbed to OrschaH whiehGntmmet wrote & ~M~w Mf/<.
&<? BORRtCtïtus (o~AUS), MetaUische PMMer.Kunst, t68o.
With Borriçbius as pneMs he was rMpondens C. Luft (t68a), 4, <t.7, of which thete is a copy if)
a!so of a dissertation: D< Ascite, Hafni~, lit. Vid. thé Bntish MMMam(t. My. (33.)).
Billings, /<t<~r-C<t/<g«<,t886, vii. p. ~tt.