Technical Specification For Compression Lugs and Links: Ergon Energy Corporation Limited

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited

Technical Specification for

Compression Lugs and Links


Specification ETS01-09-23 Ver 2

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Compression Lugs
and Links

1. Purpose and Scope...................................................................................................... 1
2. References.................................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Applicable Standards .......................................................................................... 1
3. Drawings....................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Drawings by the Purchaser ................................................................................. 1
3.2 Drawings by the Tenderer................................................................................... 1
4. Service Conditions....................................................................................................... 1
5. Design and Construction ............................................................................................ 2
5.1 Requirements...................................................................................................... 2
6. Technical Details.......................................................................................................... 2
7. Performance and Testing ............................................................................................ 2
7.1 Type Tests .......................................................................................................... 2
8. Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................... 2
9. Quality Assurance........................................................................................................ 3
9.1 Purchasers Policy ............................................................................................... 3
9.2 Documentary Evidence....................................................................................... 3
9.3 Quality Certification Program .............................................................................. 3
10. Samples ........................................................................................................................ 3
10.1 Production Samples............................................................................................ 3
11. Packaging and Marking ............................................................................................... 3
12. Service Performance ................................................................................................... 3
13. Reliability ...................................................................................................................... 4
13.1 Service Life ......................................................................................................... 4
13.2 Evidence in Support of Reliability........................................................................ 4
14. Training......................................................................................................................... 4
14.1 Training Material ................................................................................................. 4
14.2 Training Audio Visuals ........................................................................................ 4
15. Environmental Considerations ................................................................................... 5
16. Information to be Provided ......................................................................................... 5

i Specification ETS 01-09-23 Ver 2

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Compression Lugs
and Links
16.1 Specific Technical Requirements........................................................................ 5
16.2 Checklist of Supporting Documentation .............................................................. 5
17. Attachment 1 – Technical Details ............................................................................... 6
18. Attachment 2 – Electrical Type Test Details .............................................................. 7
19. Attachment 3 – Technical Document Checklist ........................................................ 8

ii Specification ETS 01-09-23 Ver 2

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Compression Lugs
and Links

1. Purpose and Scope

This specification sets out the technical requirements for the manufacture, testing at works,
supply and delivery of compression lugs and link for use on overhead and underground
electricity distribution systems in a totally exposed environment.

The items covered by the specification include the following:

a) Compression lugs.
b) Compression links.
c) Stalk lugs

2. References

2.1 Applicable Standards

Items shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with the relevant parts of the
following Standards and all amendments issued from time to time except where varied by
this specification.

AS 1154 Insulator and conductor fittings for overhead power lines
AS/NZS 4325.1 Compression and mechanical connectors for power cables with
copper or aluminium conductors.

3. Drawings

3.1 Drawings by the Purchaser

There are no drawings attached to this specification.

3.2 Drawings by the Tenderer

The Tenderer shall supply with the tender, detailed drawings or pamphlets of the items

4. Service Conditions
The items supplied to this specification shall be suitable for operating under the following
service conditions:

Solar radiation intensity of 1000W/m².

Tropical summer storms with gust wind speeds above 160km/h and an annual
rainfall in excess of 1 500mm.
Temperatures between -50C(winter night time)and 450C(summer day time)
Extended periods of humidity in excess of 90%
Areas of coastal salt spray and/or industrial pollution with equivalent salt deposits
densities in the range of 2.0 - 3.0g/m².

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Compression Lugs
and Links
5. Design and Construction

5.1 Requirements
The items offered shall satisfy the following requirements.
• The compression lugs for overhead bare conductor shall satisfy the electrical test
requirements of AS 1154.1 and those for underground cables shall satisfy the test
requirements of AS4325.1 for Class A type connectors.
• The across flat (A/F) hexagonal die sizes, in mm, for all compression fittings shall
comply with the sizes nominated in the item descriptions.
• Compression lugs and links shall be suitable for operation at elevated conductor
temperatures up to 900C for extended periods.
• Compression lugs and links shall suit aluminium and/or copper based conductors
and/or terminal palms as specified in the item descriptions.
• Bi-metal compression lugs and link must be designed to minimise corrosion due to
electrolytic action of dissimilar materials
• Lug palms of aluminium lugs must be fully sealed to prevent ingress of moisture into the
cable after installation.
• Lug palms of copper lugs where specified in the item description, must be fully sealed
to prevent ingress of moisture into the cable after installation
• Copper lugs and links shall have a tinned finish.
• Contact surfaces of the palms shall be smooth and flat and provided with hole sizes to
suit fixing bolt diameters specified in the item descriptions.
• Barrels of aluminium lugs and links shall be pre-packed with sufficient electrical
compound and sealed with a hand-tight removable plastic cap. The items shall be
individually packed and sealed in plastic bag to exclude dirt and moisture. Full details of
the compound including Safety Data Sheets shall be included with the tender.
• Copper lugs and links shall be marked in accordance with the following:
à Cross sectional area (mm2)
• Aluminium and bimetal lugs and links shall be marked in accordance with the following:
à Cross sectional area (mm2)
à Required hexagonal compression die size across flat dimension in mm
or nest/indent die sizes as applicable.
à Lines marking the number and location of crimp positions
• Detailed drawings of the items offered, together with installation instructions and
information on service performance shall be included with the tender.

6. Technical Details
Technical details of lugs and links offered are to be set out on Attachment 1.

7. Performance and Testing

7.1 Type Tests

Type Test Certificates to AS 1154.1 and AS4325.1 as applicable shall be submitted with
the tender.

8. Risk Assessment
There is no requirement for manufacturer provided safety risk assessments for the items
covered in this specification.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Compression Lugs
and Links
9. Quality Assurance

9.1 Purchasers Policy

It is the Purchaser's policy to procure materials from sources that demonstrate the ability to
supply quality products.

9.2 Documentary Evidence

Documentary evidence shall be provided concerning the level of quality system certification
associated with the supplier and /or the manufacturer. This documentation shall include the
Capability Statement associated with the Quality System Certification.

9.3 Quality Certification Program

Tenderers shall provide details of their program to upgrade their Quality Certification to
meet the requirements of ISO 9001.

10. Samples

10.1 Production Samples

The Tenderer must submit, when requested, one (1) production sample of each item
Tendered to assist in the evaluation of the Tender. Samples shall be delivered to the
address nominated within five (5) working days of the request. The Tenderer shall allow
the cost of supply and delivery of samples in the Tendered prices.

Each sample shall be suitably packaged and labelled with the following information:

Name of Supplier and this Contract No.

Contract Item Numbers
Any supporting data on features or characteristics

11. Packaging and Marking

Each packaged lot shall be marked with the following information:

Manufacturers Name
Purchase Order Number
Contract No.
Ergon Stock Code
Item Description
Pack Size
Pack Weight

12. Service Performance

Suppliers shall state:

(a) the period of service achieved by the items offered within Australian
service conditions;

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Compression Lugs
and Links
(b) Australian electricity supply authorities who have a service history of the
items offered; AND
(c) Contact names and phone numbers of relevant employees of those
supply authorities who can verify the service performance claimed.

13. Reliability

13.1 Service Life

Suppliers are required to comment on the reliability of the equipment and the performance
of the materials offered for a service life of 35 years under the specified system and
environmental conditions.

13.2 Evidence in Support of Reliability

Such comments shall include evidence in support of the reliability and performance claimed
including information on Failure Mode and Effect Analysis.

14. Training

14.1 Training Material

Training material in the form of drawings, instructions and/or audio visuals (in CD format)
are required to be provided for the items accepted under the tender. The Tenderers shall
allow the cost of production and delivery of training material in the tendered prices.

The training materials should include but not be limited to the following topics:

• Handling
• Storage
• Application (particularly in areas of heavy coastal pollution)
• Installation
• Maintenance
• Environmental performance
• Electrical performance
• Mechanical performance
• Disposal

14.2 Training Audio Visuals

The successful Tenderer is required to provide training audio visuals for the Purchaser's
staff/contractors in the correct use of all items to be supplied under the contract. Training
audio visuals are to be supplied BEFORE the 1st deliveries are made under the contract.

The format and content of the audio visuals will be subject to negotiation between the
Purchaser and the successful tenderer concerned. It is expected that as a minimum, the
audio visuals will detail the correct installation practice for all items covered by the contract.
The number of audio visuals required, in CD format, is thirty (30). Permission shall be given
to the Purchaser to make additional copies if required.

In the production of the audio visuals, the Purchaser will make available suitable staff and
equipment to demonstrate the recommended installation techniques.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Compression Lugs
and Links
15. Environmental Considerations
Suppliers are required to comment on the environmental soundness of the design and the
materials used in the manufacture of the items Tendered. In particular, comments should
address such issues as recycling and disposal at the end of service life.

16. Information to be Provided

16.1 Specific Technical Requirements

The specific technical requirements for the items Tendered shall be as stated in
Attachment 1 of this specification. The supplier shall provide all details requested by
Attachment 1 and shall guarantee such data.

16.2 Checklist of Supporting Documentation

Attachment 2 details a checklist of supporting technical documentation which is required to
be submitted with the Tender.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Compression Lugs
and Links

17. Attachment 1 – Technical Details

NOTE: A separate schedule is to be provided for each item offered except where
information common to all items which only needs to be provided once.
Particulars Units Details
Manufacturer's Name & Address

Place of Manufacture
Manufacturer's Product Catalogue Number
Manufacturer's Drawing Number
Product Material: Alloy type & Australian
Will Batch Test Certificates be supplied? Yes/No
Type Test Report/Certificate No.
Body length mm
Body width or diameter mm
Recommended Die Type, Die Size (A/F) and
Die Width for 12Tonne Compression Tool
Palm size Length, Width, Thickness mm
Bolt size/hole diameter
Pack Size
Pack Weight (kg)

SIGNATURE OF TENDERER: _________________________________

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Compression Lugs
and Links

18. Attachment 2 – Electrical Type Test Details

Particulars Units Tenderer’s Response
Australian/International Standard for Type
Heat cycle and contact resistance tests:
(a) Voltage drop across connector μV
(b) Voltage drop across equivalent length μV
of conductor
(c) Ratio Voltage drop across connector
Voltage drop across conductor
Maximum short circuit current kA
Duration of maximum short circuit current seconds

SIGNATURE OF TENDERER: _________________________________

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Compression Lugs
and Links

19. Attachment 3 – Technical Document Checklist

Clause Particulars Tenderer’s

Ref. Response
Have full and comprehensive details been submitted WITH the Tender documents associated
with each of the following items?
3.2 Drawings of items Tendered Yes/No
7 Type Test Certificate Yes/No
9.2 Documentary evidence of the Quality System Certification of Yes/No
BOTH the SUPPLIER and the MANUFACTURER (including
Capability Statement)
9.3 Program to upgrade Quality Certification to meet the Yes/No
requirements of AS 9001
12 Service Performance Yes/No
13 Reliability Yes/No
14 Training materials Yes/No
15 Environmental considerations Yes/No
16 Information to be Provided: Completed Attachment 1 & 2 Yes/No




DATE: ______________________

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

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