Picture Editor Form Instructions SW12-650
Picture Editor Form Instructions SW12-650
Picture Editor Form Instructions SW12-650
Form Instructions
Engineering Operations - 3
Picture Editor
Form Instructions
Release 610
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Table of Contents
Section 1
Although they can have many uses, custom graphic displays are an excellent way to
represent process conditions. These displays often contain user-built schematics such as
shown in Figure 1-1. Objects in the display can be made to change color, change
intensity, or blink to attract attention during alert conditions. Bar charts give the operator
a good feel for fluid levels. Objects can be captioned by "live" text (called values) that
describes present process conditions such as flow rates, pressures, temperatures, etc. By
using targets and change zones in the display, the operator can control parts of the process
or call up other displays. In addition to schematics, custom graphic displays often
contain tables of values and/or messages for the operator.
Creating a custom display begins with a sketch and a brief list of the expected
characteristics. The sketch and its supporting information is placed on a series of paper
forms often before the system is installed. This manual explains how to use the forms
and tells what information is needed. The Picture Editor Data Entry manual (see
References) tells how to build the actual video display using the sketch, the supporting
Forms, and the Picture Editor functions. The Picture Editor Reference Manual (see
References) is the master reference guide to picture building and editing. The Picture
Editor itself is a function of the Universal Personality.
Neither the Picture Editor Form Instructions manual nor the Picture Editor Data Entry
manual is intended to describe the full capabilities of the Picture Editor. For certain functions,
(such as language syntax) these publications require either a working familiarity
with the Picture Editor or reference to the Picture Editor Reference Manual (see
References) when more detailed information is needed.
After the displays are built, they are typically stored on a History Module. Backup copies
can be stored on cartridge or floppy disks. You should also store the original forms and
sketches in a safe place for reference when designing other displays, and in case you ever
have to rebuild any of them. In such cases, it is much easier and faster to rebuild the
displays by referring to the original forms than to try to remember exactly what was in the
Actors Manual
T-181 Overhead
Side Draw
xxx Klb/Hr
xx psi
Product Heater xxx Kcf/Hr
0.00 -0.5%
Picture Editor Form Instructions 1-4 9/99
Section 2
The first of the paper forms used to create a custom display is the SW88-551 Display Form.
Behavior and characteristics of items on the display form drawing are described in detail by filling
in a series of support forms.
The area between line and column graduations represents large character cells (the
default). Each typed-in text character requires a full character cell but there are two cell
sizes. Large character cells are eight pixels (picture elements) wide by 16 pixels high.
Small character cells are eight pixels wide by eight pixels high. A pixel is the smallest
picture element that can be drawn by the video system (for example, the point of
intersection between lines that make up small letter t). Figure 2-1 shows how a character
fits into the cell. Text is not necessarily centered in the cell, because of the differences in
characters, especially those with descenders. Graphic objects (lines, solids, and bar
charts) are pixel-oriented; therefore, they can occupy any available pixel position in the
picture. Text, values, variants, targets and subpictures have a text size attribute that limits
their position in the picture to large or small character cell boundaries. Text size is
discussed in the Picture Editor Reference Manual.
If you want to define an action for this picture (e.g., Initial/Final Target, etc), fill in the
Define section on the left edge of the display form (see this manual for more
If you want to use a custom Display Data Base (DDB) file with this picture, fill in the file
name on the display form (see subsection 2.2.10 of this manual for more information).
The suffix: .df is required.
If you want to use a color palette other than the standard, fill in the palette number. Color
palettes are discussed in the Set Palette command in the Picture Editor Reference Manual.
Before starting, you should be thoroughly familiar with the process and consider exactly
what information needs to appear on the finished display. Experienced plant personnel
and/or end users can help determine what the display should contain. The next step is to
use the Display Form and sketch the desired process. Be sure to number each
Display Form so it can be referenced by other forms. Some of the suggestions in the next
few pages should help you with the sketch.
Pathnames—Select one or more pathnames for the display. If the picture contains
critical process information or operating controls, you might want to store it on two
different media. The system can search for and call in the display from alternate History
Modules (HMs), cartridge disks, or floppy disks. This is a safeguard in case the primary
media fails. The picture’s filename must be the same, but either the Volume ID or the
Logical Device ID in the pathname to each picture must be different. If the picture is
stored on different HMs, the volume names must be different. For example the picture
FRED could be stored under the following pathnames
If the picture is stored on an HM and on a cartridge disk in drive 1, the logical device
identifiers must be different. The pathnames could be
In this example, NET indicates the HM path, and $F1 indicates the cartridge drive path.
The volume name could be the same or different.
Refer to the Set Pathname command in the Picture Editor Reference Manual for
acceptable pathname syntax. Enter the pathname(s) at the top of the Display Form.
Keep the sketch simple and uncluttered. Display loading should not exceed about 25%
for best comprehension. Use targets (explained later) to link with more detailed displays
if necessary.
If an object is used several times in a drawing, you probably should specify that it is a
subpicture. Subpicture images need be drawn only once, at data-entry time and can be
used repeatedly thereafter. Subpicture images can be enlarged, reduced, or flipped
horizontally or vertically. The valves and pumps shown in Figure 1-1 are a good
Labels placed near shapes are best understood if kept to no more than six text characters.
Try to use abbreviations for longer words. Use full height characters to indicate large
size text and half height characters when you want to indicate small size text. Values are
best understood if they are limited to four numbers or less. Subpictures that display
values require some additional planning and you should be sure that you understand
them. Targets, values, and subpictures are briefly described in this publication and more
completely in the Picture Editor Reference Manual. Shapes
Shapes generally portray the process and are considered background information. To
prevent overloading the display with static light, background information should be in a
calm, low-emotion color at half intensity.
Figure 2-2 shows some standard shapes used in the past. You can create any 2-
dimensional shapes that you like and they can be solid (fully colored) or hollow
(outlined). Indicate solid objects on the sketch by shading (crosshatching) the object.
When curves are needed, they can be used, but because this requires extra work during
the picture-entry process, straight lines are preferred and, as shown by the pump in Figure
2-2, straight lines can often be substituted for curves.
The support forms are used to provide detailed information about certain items on the
SW88-551 Display Form Drawing. This information is requested when the display is
built. Each display form drawing should have a separate set of support forms associated
with it. Depending on picture content, not every support form will be needed in any
particular set. For example, only pictures that contain targets will need a target support
In most cases, to keep from cluttering up the Display Form it will be to your advantage to
draw small circles with arrows pointing to the part of the sketch that you wish to describe
(see Figure 2-3). Use a key code in the circles to indicate the type of support form and
item number on that form; for example, B-1 describes the first item on the Behavior
Form. Enter the code number in the key column of the appropriate support form. The
forms and codes are as follows:
Change Zone
(optional use)
Refer to publication SW12-550, Picture Editor Form Instructions PIXELS
80 Columns
Chip Bin
Orifice Meter
Heat Exchanger
Mixing Tank Precipitator
Pump Pump
Selector Switch
Settling Tank
Compressor Valve
Turbine Turbo Generator
Instead of using the circle and pointer method shown in Figure 2-3, and depending on the
complexity of the display form drawing, you may prefer to use one of these alternate
methods to collect the support information:
• If a simple uncluttered sketch was created, you might prefer to write all or part of
the support information directly on the Display Form. For example, behavior codes
for color and intensity could be written beside the objects they describe. Use the
standard abbreviations (shown on the Behavior Form) and assume that blink and
reverse-video-field characteristics are not used unless called for specifically.
• You can make several copies of the completed Display Form drawing and designate
each of them to show one of the functions (fixed behavior, values, targets, etc.).
Then, key the Fixed Behavior Support Form to Display Form 2, the Values Support
Form to Display Form 3, etc.
Each support form is explained in the pages that follow. In most cases, an object from
Figure 2-3 is used as an example to show how the forms are used. You may want to refer
back to Figure 2-3 to see how the object fits in. Default entries on the forms are shown
underlined. In this publication, example information is shown to help the user, and it
should be understood that these are only examples. Although the example information is
shown in capital letters, the information can be written in upper or lower case or a
combination of both.
Coordinate information is more easily determined during the picture-entry process but
space has been left on the forms that use this optional entry. The bottom left-hand corner
of the drawing area is the reference point for coordinates (0000,0000). When precise
coordinate information is needed, count each full column as eight pixels and each full line
as 16 pixels to obtain the coordinate position. Partial lines and columns can be
Form SW88-552 is used to describe shapes and text when the behavior remains fixed
under all conditions. Behavior characteristics that are entered on this form are color,
intensity, blink, and normal/reverse video. Some things to consider when choosing these
characteristics are discussed in the next few pages.
In Figure 2-4, Key B-1 refers to the outside line of the furnace drawing. The partially
shown Behavior Form has been filled in to indicate that behavior for the item identified
as Key B-1 will be blue, no blink, normal video, and half intensity. Abbreviations shown
at the bottom of the form are the actual codes needed later during the picture-entry
process; therefore, using them right from the start saves system time later.
The common-behavior section of this form can be used when all similar items in a
display have the same behavior. As shown in Figure 2-4, behavior for all of the lines that
represent pipes is specified as green, no blink, normal video field, and half intensity.
Other parts of the drawing with common characteristics can be specified here (text for
Color is useful to separate different groupings shown on the same display, to call
attention to certain items, and to indicate status. Items can also be made to change color
when process conditions change (as described elsewhere in this publication). Table 2-1
shows some of the color choices that have been used to represent process conditions.
You may choose any color convention you wish, but once chosen, stick with it to avoid
confusion. Consider color choices for:
Normal or desired states
Alarm states
Hardware failure and other states
Printed copies of the screen image are in black and white; therefore, the significance of any
condition implied by color is lost on the printout.
Table 2-1 also shows abbreviations used by the Picture Editor and the color priorities.
Color priority means that where two graphic items with different colors overlap, only the
higher-priority color shows (e.g., blue covers green).
Color Palettes—If you need a different background tint (other than black) due to
lighting, etc., the color palettes allow several shades of gray or low intensity blue. Some
of the color palettes also allow you to draw the objects in nonstandard colors such as
brown, orange mauve and others. Several things to keep in mind are that you must
choose one palette for the entire picture, and that subpictures called into the main picture
are forced to the same palette as the main picture. Also, the special palette colors do not
have unique abbreviations and must be treated as combinations of intensity and standard
colors (however the background tint is automatic when a palette is selected). Refer to the
Set Palette command in the Picture Editor Reference Manual for more information.
Half Intensity—Half intensity allows additional shades of colors. For operators who
spend long periods watching the display, it also produces a more acceptable display by
lowering the static-light output. Ambient light and color choice can determine whether a
half-intensity display is usable. Background objects are usually low intensity, while PVs
and setpoints are usually in high intensity to get attention.
Blink—Blink is best used to call attention and aid searches, but it is also distracting. It
should be used only in small amounts and in one area of the display at a time. Certainly
large objects should not be made to blink. One suggestion is a black underline that
changes to a bright color and blinks on alarm. Also, remember that printed copies may
not capture the blinking item. Conversely, a color-blind operator would have a better
chance of noticing the blinking item than a simple color change. The design can be such
that acknowledging the situation causes a change to no blink.
Overuse of any of these functions can degrade the display. The best rules of thumb are keep
it simple and keep the static-light level low.
Drawing 1 Drawing 1
Key Color Blink Norm./ Inten-
Rev. sity
Behavior G, NB, NR, H
2.2.4 Values
Values provide "live" numbers or status conditions (OFF, TIMEOUT, etc.) on the screen
to represent measured quantities or conditions in the process. For each value that you wish
to place on the custom display, fill in a section of the SW88-553 Values Form. Key V-1 in
Figure 2-5 shows an example of a value. Key B-2 in Figure 2-5 identifies steady-state text
associated with the value. Labels such as exit temperature, head pressure, etc., and the
proper engineering units usually accompany value items.
Circle the desired text size. Text size is discussed in subsection 2.1 of this manual. The
default is large.
Expression ____________
Enter the variable type if it is unknown to the system (e.g., real). The variable type for
an entity is unknown to the system if either the data point has not yet been built or a
parameter name appears in the expression. Refer to the appropriate parameter reference
manual and to Appendix A in the Picture Editor Reference Manual for more
information on variable types.
Format _______________
The variable types, their abbreviations, and default formats are shown in Appendix A in
the Picture Editor Reference Manual (see References).
At ____, ____ is the optional X,Y coordinate location (in pixels) for the value. The
lower-left corner of the left-most value digit will appear at the specified coordinate
In practice, it is probably easier for the data-entry person to place the value into the
picture, using the drawing as a reference, than for the designer to specify a coordinate.
V-1 B-2
xxxx psi
VALUES Form SW88-553
* If unknown to the system.
Conditional behavior allows shapes, lines, text, etc. to behave according to user-specified
conditions. Behavior changes are limited to reverse-video field (text only), color,
intensity, and blink.
For each item on the Display Form that is to have conditional behavior, fill in a section of
the SW88-554 Conditional Behavior Form. Key CB-1 in Figure 2-6 shows an example of
conditional behavior. Abbreviations are the same as those shown on the SW88-552
Behavior Form.
Initial behavior is an implied ELSE statement for the conditional-behavior entry below.
Condition ______________________
Write a statement specifying the behavior conditions. The language syntax is described
in the Picture Editor Reference Manual. In the example, the item(s) will be red when
the condition is true and blue when the condition is false.
If any variable name is unknown to the system, the type has to be specified. Refer to
the Values section of this manual for a list of variable types.
2.2.6 Targets
Targets allow the operator to cause some action, either by touching the screen (if the
touch-screen option is present) or by positioning the cursor over the target and pressing
the SELECT key on the keyboard. For example, each target can be used to call up any
one of several displays. Refer to the Actors Appendix in the Picture Editor Reference
Manual for a complete description of Actors and examples showing how to use them.
Key T-1 in Figure 2-7 shows an example of how a target could be used.
Sketch each target as a box at the desired position on the display form drawing. Targets
should not overlap. Note that targets, like all objects with large text size, align with large
character-cell boundaries.
— CB —
For each target fill in a section of the SW88-555 Targets Form as follows:
Solid/Box/Invisible ____________
Invisible targets are visible only during the picture-entry process and can, therefore, be
placed over an item on the screen without obscuring it. They are often used in menus,
so that touching the desired item activates the target and calls up a related display.
The default value is Solid. You can circle the choice or write it in.
Action _____________________
Specify the action or actions that will occur when the target is activated. Refer to
Appendix F in the Picture Editor Reference Manual for a description of legal actors.
Typically, the desired action is to call up another display. In the example, activating the
target calls up Group Display 1 with point 4 selected.
Two examples are shown for target T-2.
The first case is used when the standard Change Zone subpicture is added to the
The second case shows how the standard Change Zone subpicture can be used as an
overlay. The first actor calls the object file named CHG_ZONE.DO as an overlay,
and the second actor (CHGZONE) specifies the point and screen region.
Of course, only one T-2 action sequence, or the other, could be used. Refer to the
Change Zone and Overlay actors for additional information.
The Define command causes an actor or string of actors to trigger when a specified
action takes place. For example, a Define Initial command (often called an initial
target) can bring in an overlay or automatically start a trend display on a certain
schematic whenever that schematic is called up. The Page/Display Forward/Backward
actions allow the operator to page through a series of schematics. You can configure
the HELP or ASSOC keys to call up a specific display if pressed when a certain picture
is on screen.
The Define command is explained in Section 3 of the Picture Editor Reference Manual.
Note that there are a few restrictions. Space is provided on the main display form to
enter the specific type of Define command and list the actors. You can specify more
than one Define command for the same display. These actors are the same as used with
ordinary targets.
Side Draw
xxx Klb/Hr
TARGETS Form SW88-555
Dwg. _______ T-1
Key ______ Solid/Box/Invisible BOX
GROUP (1,4)
Dwg. _______ T-2
Key ______ Solid/Box/Invisible INVISIBLE
CHG_ZONE (A100,2)
Dwg. _______ T-2
Key ______ Solid/Box/Invisible INVISIBLE
2.2.7 Variants
Variants are used to choose one of several items for presentation on the screen. The
choices are:
• One of n subpictures
• One of n text strings
• One of n values (R610)
• One of n subpictures, one of n text strings, one of n values (in R610) or blank
The decision is based on evaluating one or more Boolean expressions and n is the number
of alternatives stated in the variant body (below).
Key VR-1 in Figure 2-8 identifies a variant where one of two subpictures is used to show
the status of the valve: the hollow subpicture if the valve is open, or the filled subpicture
if the valve is closed. Subpictures are defined elsewhere in this publication and must
exist before the variant is built.
Fill in a section of Form SW88-556 for each variant on the Display Form as explained
below. Note that text strings must be enclosed in quote marks and subpicture names must
be preceded by the word subpicture (or one of its abbreviations).
Circle the desired text size. Text size is discussed in subsection 2.1 of this manual. The
default text size is large.
Subpic, Text Or VAL (in R610) For Bad Value ____________
Enter the subpicture name, text string or values (in R610) to be displayed if evaluation
of the expression gives an unreasonable result, or if the value of any variable in the
expression cannot be obtained.
Variant Body ___________________________
Write a statement or series of statements for the variant body. The language is
described in the Picture Editor Reference Manual. In the example, the choice is
between one subpicture or the other.
Variable Type __________________________
If any variable name is unknown to the system, the type has to be specified. Refer to
Appendix A in the Picture Editor Reference Manual for a list of variable types.
At ____ , ____ is the optional X,Y coordinate location (in pixels) for the variant. For
text strings and (in R610) values, the lower-left corner of the left-most digit corresponds
to the specified coordinate. For subpictures, the origin of the subpicture corresponds to
the variant coordinate.
In practice, it is probably easier for the data-entry person to place the variant into the
picture, using the drawing as a reference, than for the designer to specify a coordinate.
The Picture Editor reserves an area of the display for the variant subpictures, text string(s) or
values (in R610). This area is sufficient to hold the longest and highest object(s). When
subpictures are substituted into a schematic (as in the example), the objects must be the
same size to get a perfect fit. Also, if any text string (e.g., BAD VAL) is longer than the
subpicture(s), part of the main schematic may be obliterated by the reserved area. In the
example, a long text string would cut the pipes short. Obviously, when text or a subpicture is
substituted for an area that contains only blank space, much more latitude in the size of
subpictures or text is possible.
2.2.8 Subpictures
Subpictures are useful when several shapes in the custom display are similar, such as the
pumps and valves in Figure 2-1. Subpictures can be repeatedly used in the same or
different custom displays. Copies of an image can be enlarged, reduced, rotated, or
reversed horizontally or vertically and then each version is stored as a different
subpicture. Subpictures can save a lot of time for both the designer and the data-entry
person, and they have some interesting capabilities. Be sure to study the subpicture
discussion in the Picture Editor Reference Manual before attempting to add values or
inherited behavior to them.
Sketch the subpicture on the SW88-557 Subpicture Form. The grid lines on this form
have the same spacing as the Display Form.
Choose a pathname for the subpicture. Refer to the Set Pathname command in the
Picture Editor Reference Manual for allowable subpicture-pathname syntax.
Figure 2-9 shows subpicture-1 (S-1), the first of two examples. This is a simple drawing
that can be repeatedly used in custom displays.
Because it was the next drawing designed after the Display Form, it is identified as
drawing 2 and it is keyed to drawing 1, where it is called for. Space is provided to
designate a palette number if necessary. This subpicture does not contain any values but
inherited behavior is specified. Wherever S-1 was used in Figure 2-3, there is a second
key (B-6 or CB-2) pointing to the same shape. The second key leads to an entry on a
standard behavior form where fixed behavior is described for one use and conditional
behavior is described for the other use of that subpicture.
If only fixed behavior had been wanted for subpicture S-1, the behavior codes for color,
intensity, etc. could be written on the subpicture form near the shape (because this a
simple uncluttered drawing). For more complicated subpictures, you could use one or
more behavior-key codes and refer to a supporting Behavior Form. In either case, a
second behavior key would not be used on the Display Form because behavior would be
fixed as built at the subpicture level. No further form entries are needed.
Text size—Note that subpictures have a text size attribute. If the subpicture contains any
object with a text size attribute of large (e.g., a target), the subpicture's text size is also
large; otherwise it is small.
Figure 2-10 shows a subpicture that contains conditional behavior and a value specified
as a parameter. Notice that this subpicture is labeled drawing 3 and it is keyed to drawing
1, which calls for it. The support forms needed for this subpicture drawing will refer to
drawing 3.
Drawing No. 2 Date Rev.
Inherited Behavior ?
Figure 2-11 illustrates the forms needed to collect detailed information related to
subpictures that contain values and conditional behavior. The SW88-553 Values Form
shows that a value (Key V-1 from Drawing 3) is being specified with a parameter
(&A.PRESS). Otherwise, it is filled out as described in the Values Section of this
Wherever subpicture S-2 was called for in Figure 2-3, an additional key (SD-1 or SD-2)
was used. Keys SD-1 and SD-2 refer to entries on the SW88-558 Subpicture Detail Form.
In Figure 2-11, the Subpicture Detail Form has been filled in to specify the point IDs
needed to provide the pressure for each use of the subpicture.
The standard Conditional Behavior Form SW88-554 identifies the behavior for the
pump/value combination. In this case, the subpicture turns red and goes to full intensity
under alarm conditions; otherwise it is blue and half intensity.
These are predesigned subpictures built with software. They cannot be changed with the
Picture Editor, but they can be used in a custom display much like any other subpicture.
Application subpictures can also be combined with other items into another subpicture.
Refer to the Application Subpictures Appendix in the Picture Editor Reference Manual
for a list of standard application subpictures.
Use—Sketch the image onto the same forms but indicate that it is an application
subpicture and provide the subpicture-file name (e.g., PIE4).
You must place a target somewhere in the display, other than in the change zone area (or
use one of the configurable buttons). The actor for this target is CHGZONE or
CHG_ZONE. For faster operation, you can call the change zone in on an overlay display.
In that case, the action sequence is 3:)60%=',+C>32)',+>32)(point
name,region). The type of point used with this actor determines the exact change zone
schema. More than one target (each for a different point) can call the change zone
subpicture. T2 in Figures 2-3 and 2-7 shows how a target was used with a change zone.
Drawing No. 3 Date Rev.
Inherited Behavior ?
Item Parameter Prompt
VALUES Form SW88-553
Dwg. __________
3 , Key ______
V-1 At _____ , ______ Dwg. __________ , Key ______ At _____ , ______
Text Size Large Small Text Size Large Small
Expression _______________________________ Expression _______________________________
Variable Type* _____________________________
INTEGER Variable Type* _____________________________
Format* __________________________________
I-29 Format* __________________________________
— SD —
Dwg. ______
1 , Key ______
SD-1 Dwg. ______ , Key ______
Subpicture Name ___________________________
H PUMP Subpicture Name ___________________________
Prompt Response Prompt Response
POINT ID? ____________________
A160.PV __________________ ____________________
__________________ ____________________ __________________ ____________________
__________________ ____________________ __________________ ____________________
Variable Type* _____________________________ Variable Type* _____________________________
Format* __________________________________ Format* __________________________________
Dwg. ______
1 , Key ______
SD-2 Dwg. ______ , Key ______
Subpicture Name ___________________________
H PUMP Subpicture Name ___________________________
Prompt Response Prompt Response
POINT ID? ____________________
A180.PV __________________ ____________________
— CB —
Variable Type* ____________________________ Variable Type* ____________________________
Bar charts are often used to show relative quantities such as production for several
periods. For this type display, groups of three bars are most effective for comparison;
more may be used if needed. In a process schematic, single bar charts are sometimes
used to represent the level in a tank because they provide a good "feel" for the level or
magnitude. There are a couple of points to keep in mind: a wide bar chart can
dramatically increase the light output, especially when the bar is at full scale, and narrow
bars provide the same information as wide bars.
The length of the bars depends on evaluation of an expression (an analog value). The
bars can be horizontal or vertical. In all cases, it is important to provide a scale or
reference mark of some sort to compare the bar’s magnitude.
Sketch each bar on the SW88-551, Display Form. Allow enough room for the bar to
reach full scale and indicate that point. A single bar is often used to represent a level in a
process schematic. Production-type or management-type displays usually contain groups
of bars with appropriate X/Y scales.
For each bar, fill in a bar chart section of Form SW88-559 as described below.
Expression _________________
Enter the expression that will be evaluated to determine bar length. Refer to the Picture
Editor Reference Manual for allowable syntax of expressions.
Solid/Hollow ________________
Solid/Hollow specifies whether the bar is to be drawn solid or hollow. A hollow bar is
drawn as a rectangle with the open end at the origin. The default value is Solid. (You
can circle your choice or write it in).
Vert/Horiz _________________
Vertical/Horizontal specifies the direction the bar is to be drawn. The default value is
Vertical. (You can circle your choice or write it in).
If the bar is vertical, Left/Bottom Boundary means that this value represents the bottom
boundary relative to the origin (see Figures 2-12 and 2-13). If the bar is horizontal, this
number represents the left end of the bar. The default value is 0. You can circle your
choice or write it in.
If the bar is vertical, Right/Top Boundary means that this number specifies the top
boundary relative to the origin (see Figure 2-13). If the bar is horizontal, this number
specifies the right boundary relative to the origin. The default value is 100. The dashed
lines in Figures 2-12 and 2-13 indicate the bar chart’s potential length, but do not show
up in the display at runtime. You can circle your choice or write it in.
Origin ______________________
The origin sets the starting point for the bar. The default value is 0.
Figure 2-13a shows a vertical bar with the origin at 0, a top boundary of 100, and a
bottom boundary of -100. Figures 2-12/2-13b and 2-12/2-13c show how positive and
negative values of the expression affect the bar chart in this example.
Figure 2-14 shows how bar charts can be used in a process schematic. Key BR-1
identifies a solid, vertical, bar chart that fluctuates to represent the level in the tower. The
remainder of the tower is created with Add Line and Add Solid commands.
If custom variables are required in a picture, you must declare them in a custom Display
Database (DDB). Refer to the heading User Defined DDB Files in Appendix A of the
Actors Manual. Note the format and syntax. Create the list of custom variables and
choose a file name (e.g., DBFILE1.df). The suffix .df is required. No form is needed for
the variable list, but label the list as a custom DDB file. Write the file name on the list
and in the space provided on the main display form. Attach the variable list with the
other forms.
At data entry time, the file is built with the Text Editor and the Load command is used to
declare the variables. There is one precaution: unlike standard DDB variables, custom
variables are not initialized. Reading from a custom variable before writing to it returns a
bad value.
Top Boundry
A100.PV = 40
Top Boundry
A100.PV = 40
Origin (0)
0 0
A100. PV = -40
Bottom Boundry
(-100) a. b. c.
— BR —
BAR CHARTS Form SW88-559
1 BR-1
Dwg. __________ , Key ______ Dwg. __________ , Key ______
A150.PV Expression
SOLID Solid/Hollow
VERT Vert /Horiz
Vert /Horiz
0 Left/Bottom Boundary ( 0-XXX)
Left/Bottom Boundary ( 0-XXX)
Right/Top Boundry X- 100
100 Right/Top Boundry X- 100
Origin At (0-XXX)
0 Origin At (0-XXX)
Variable Type* Variable Type*
Format* Format*
Variable Type*
Expression Expression
Solid/Hollow Solid/Hollow
Vert /Horiz Vert /Horiz
Left/Bottom Boundary ( 0-XXX) Left/Bottom Boundary ( 0-XXX)
Right/Top Boundry X- 100 Right/Top Boundry X- 100
Origin At (0-XXX) Origin At (0-XXX)
Variable Type* Variable Type*
Format* Format*
Section 3
This section describes special or unusual displays that can be built with the Picture Editor. These
displays typically contain actors, subpictures, and collectors. Actors are described in the Actors
Manual. Subpictures, and collectors are described in the Picture Editor Reference Manual,
Appendices G, and H, respectively.
Trends in schematics are a combination of trend actors, trend subpictures, and usually,
trend collectors. They can be included with other items in a picture.
Up to four traces can be added to each subpicture. Each trace represents and displays the
trend of one variable. The traces and other configuration parameters are added by using
actors (hence, targets or configurable buttons are required).
The system can determine the most appropriate source of data for each variable if you do
not specify it and default range/timebase values are used unless otherwise specified.
Collectors can be used to display information about the traces, such as the timebase,
scroll period, etc.
Example 1
Figure 3-1 illustrates a simple trend picture that is intended to show the trend of variables
HG0501.PV, HG0501.SP, and HG0501.OP. The subpicture TREND_AX at the center
contains a series of dummy traces when it is added in the build phase. Trend Record 1
(TREND01) was assigned to this subpicture. The subpicture was enlarged by using the
scale command.
The target "Start Trend" contains the following action sequence
Start TR_TIME(1,1);
Trend TR_ADD(1,HG0501.PV,1);
The TR_TIME actor specifies a 1-minute timebase before the three traces are added. If a
timebase was not specified, the system would request 20 minutes of history as the traces
are added. The 20-minute default timebase might be acceptable or inefficient depending
on the circumstances.
Traces are numbered and made active when the TR_ADD actors execute (i.e.,
HG0501.PV is represented by trace 1, etc.). The first two actor parameters specify the
trend record (subpicture) and the variable. The last parameter in the actor specifies the
trace color (1 = cyan, 4 = green, and 2 = yellow).
The targets "1 Min," "5 Min," etc., set the current timebase. The actors for these targets
have the form
t Min TR_TIME(1,t);UPDATE(0,0)
< TR_SCRLL(1,1)
> TR_SCRLL(1,-1)
At the lower right edge of the trend subpicture, a value was added with the expression
TR_SCRLL(1). TR_SCRLL(1) is a collector that displays the scroll time for Trend
Record 1 (when scrolling is active).
The words "PV--," SP--," and "OP--" are in colors that match the trace colors for those
variables. For example, the operator knows the yellow trace represents the setpoint
because SP-- is yellow.
. . . .. .. .. .. .
Start . . . .. .. .. .. .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
Improvements—There are many ways to increase the functionality of this trend picture.
For example, more "Start Trend" targets could be used, each of which adds a different
entity set. Another way to do this is to add a target with an action sequence such as:
RS_LOC(ENT01,0,23,8,"Enter Entity Name",True,0);UPDATE(0,0)
This actor would open a text input port and let the operator type in a point name. You
could label it ENTER ENTITY.
Then a TR_ADD actor for the Start Trend target must be changed to:
etc., so they would use the specified point.
For either of the preceding modifications, a useful change would be to replace the text
"PV--," "SP--," and "OP--" with values. For each value expression use the collector
where n is the trace number. Add behavior of cyan, green, and yellow, respectively, to
the values. At operating time, the variable name will appear in the same color as the trace
that represents it (e.g., HG0501.PV appears in cyan).
Example 2
Figure 3-2 shows how centerline trending can be added to the example shown in Figure 3-1.
The target “Center Line On” was added and has the action
This target enables centerline trending without changing the trend data.
The target “Center Line Off” was added to turn centerline trending off and cancel
scrolling. It has the action
Line Off TR_CLINE(1,1,DATIME1)
An additional value added below the center of the trend subpicture uses the centerline
collector TR_CLINE(1). When centerline trending is active, this collector returns the
date and time at the center of the trend.
. . . .. .. .. .. .
Start . . . .. .. .. .. .
Center . . . .. .. .. .. .
Line On OP–––
. . . .. .. .. .. .
Line Off
Improvements—In the above example, the TR_CLINE target actions ignored the
Date/Time DDB. You could add an invisible target that allows the operator to enter a
centerline date and time. For example, you could add an invisible target around the
centerline value under the time axis with a target action of:
S_DATE(DATIME1,C_DATTIM(R_DATE(30,1,9,"Enter Centerline
Date",TRUE,1),R_TIME(30,1,5,"Enter Centerline Time",TRUE,1)));
The Center Line On and Off targets can be replaced with one target that toggles between
modes. To do this, add a Define Initial action to the display that initializes a flag. For
example, set BOOL01 false when the display is called: S_BOOL(BOOL01,FALSE).
Then use a single target that will toggle the trend mode. The target action could be:
Label the target “C-Line,” or “Trend Mode,” or something similar. You can also add
conditional behavior to the target and label. For example, set yellow if BOOL01 is True
(if centerline trending is enabled) or set green if BOOL01 is False. For example:
It may be desirable to build a picture in two parts, such that one part is updated at a higher
priority. For example, drawings of most objects such as furnaces, tanks, etc., never need
to change once they are called into the display, while information about flow rates,
temperatures, and control functions could be critical.
The less critical parts of the picture can be built into a base display and the critical parts
can be put into an overlay. In the Operating Personality, both the base display and the
overlay can be called onto the screen where they appear as a single picture, but the
overlay updates at a priority rate.
The two displays are built as if they were separate pictures. The base display (or a
configurable button) can contain a target to call the overlay or both displays can be called
by the same target or button if desired.
When laying out an overlay sketch, you should indicate that it is an overlay for Drawing
Number xxxx. The data entry technician can probably effect a more accurate fit by
building both pictures as a single display and electronically separating them with
techniques explained in the Picture Editor Data Entry manual.
Example 1
Figure 3-3 shows the base picture stored as D122. The target SHOW DETAIL contains
the action sequence
When the operating personality is running and this target is selected, the picture stored as
D123 overlays D122. Figure 3-4 illustrates D123. Note that it contains values, a bar
chart, a variant, and additional targets that overlay the base picture. Figure 3-5 illustrates
the composite display as it would appear in the Operating Personality.
T EM P = X X X D E G C
LEVEL = 15%
FL0W = 47 GPM
LEVEL = 90%
Example 2
The overlay shown in Figure 3-7 contains a variant with the statement:
This variant calls up a custom change zone if Global Display Database variable
BOOL01G tests true. The overlay display also contains values that indirectly reference
the point (e.g., a value with the expression ENT01G.PV will display the value of
When any of the targets K, L, M, etc., is selected on the base display, the value of
BOOL1G is set true and the specified point name is stored in ENT01G. Overlay CTL1 is
called up, the variant finds that BOOL01G status is true, and therefore, calls up the
subpicture CZ1. The overlay functions are updated at a priority rate over the base
A target in the overlay display labeled CLEAR contains the action sequence:
Selecting the CLEAR target sets BOOL01G false and updates the display, making the
change zone disappear.
The Multiple Serial Overlay actor (MULT_OV) allows a series of overlays to be called
into a picture. As before, design a base schematic first. Do not draw anything in the area
where you want the overlay.
Design the overlays as a series of pictures, each with a different file name. Typically,
strip overlays are called in as illustrated in Figure 3-8. As each overlay is called in, the
area occupied by the previous overlay is blanked.
Targets that call in the overlays can be on the base schematic or on configurable buttons.
The actor parameters for each target must specify the name of the overlay, the lower left
X-Y coordinates and upper right X-Y coordinates for the overlaid area.
P7 N
T21 V301
T101 L
PV = 14.7
SP = 14.5
OP = 14.6
X -Y Coordinates
Lower Left
X -Y Coordinates
Custom System Status displays can be built to show all or any part of the of the LCN
nodes on a system. A Custom System Status display can have as many as 5 pages and
you can build a different display set for each of up to 10 consoles. Refer to the Picture
Editor Reference Manual, Appendix G for a complete description of the subpictures.
Overview—In this example, the first page shows all LCN Nodes configured on this
system. The second page shows the HM and AM nodes, and the third page shows the
NIM and related UCN nodes. Note that other picture editor objects such as targets, lines,
color and conditional behavior can be added to enhance the Custom System Status
display. Each page is compiled in a format that specifies a certain console and identifies
it as a certain page of a Custom System Status display. The object (.DO) files are then
copied to the &DSY directory where they are invoked when the System Status Display is
Build Procedure—Invoke the Picture Editor and begin building the Custom System
Status display by adding the subpicture SS_Frame. Specify the origin at the lower left
The next step is to add node boxes to the blank area of the SS_Frame subpicture. Each
box represents a unique LCN node. The small boxes are subpicture SS_PN_SM and the
large boxes are subpicture SS_PN_LG. For each subpicture, you are prompted to enter a
coordinate (origin) and the LCN node number that the box represents.
Figure 3-10 shows how a series of small node boxes were added to represent all the LCN
nodes on this system. A target was added below the Hiway Gateway Node. The target
action is HWY_STAT(02). A similar target added under the NIM node has the target
action UCN_STAT(03). Each target was labeled using the Add Text command and lines
from the target boxes to their respective nodes were drawn using the Add Line command.
This page can now be compiled to a user volume as Cnn_SSp where nn is the console
number and p is a single digit page number. For console number 01 and page 1, the
command is COMPILE NET>HMV1>C01_SS1 (where HMV1 is a HM user volume).
Helpful Hints
After adding a few node boxes, you may choose to enter several Node box coordinates at
a time. The LCN Node number ports then appear one after the other for you to fill in.
If you need to move, modify, or delete an object, it must first be selected. Anything
selected on the SS_Frame background also selects SS_Frame. If the US has a touch
screen, just touch the frame part twice to deselect it. You can of course do the same thing
by positioning the cursor and pressing the Select key twice.
Note that if you have several consoles which use the same System Status Display, you
could compile the source pictures once and then copy/rename the object files for each
console instead of rebuilding the displays.
In R600, a System Status Journal actor (SYS-JRNL) is available (see Actors Manual) and
can be added to a custom display. This actor will display the system status change
journal when the target is selected. After viewing the journal, press the PRIOR DISP
button to return to this display.
Figures 3-11, 3-12 and 3-13 shows how pages 1, 2 and 3 of the custom System Status
Display will look at run time.
Page 2—This page is built much like the first by adding subpicture SS_Frame to a blank
display. This time we added a large node box to represent the HM and several small node
boxes to represent the AMs.
The ADD LINE command was used to draw connections between the node boxes.
We added two targets. The one in the upper right uses the actor SCHEM("HELP1") and
the target in the lower right and uses the actor QUE_KEY(ENTER). We used the ADD
TEXT command to label the targets. This is completely optional and only to show more
ways to use targets in the display. You will of course have to build and compile a display
with the name HELP1 for the HELP target to work. It could be a simple text only display
containing instructions that tell what to do if an AM node fails. The ENTER target is
useful, for example, to shutdown and reload nodes from an upper tier display.
Page 3—On this page we added a large node box to represent the NIM. Three targets
were added to call up the UCN Status display for the PM, APM, and HPM on this system
using PM_STAT(UCN,NODE) actors.
Page 3 is compiled with the command COMPILE NET>HMV1>C01_SS3.
When viewed at operating time it looks like Figure 3-13.
Completion—When all pages have been built and compiled, copy the object files to the
&DSY volume. If you had compiled the pages for console 1 in a user volume named
HMV1, the command would be:
CP Net>HMV1>C01_SS*.DO NET>&DSY>= -D
If you have a second History Module with the &DS2 volume configured, copy the
custom Status Display pages to it too:
CP Net>HMV1>C01_SS*.DO NET>&DS2>= -D
In order to get the displays into US memory, you must perform an Area Change or reload
the Universal Stations at operating time.
When the System Status display is called, the pages would appear as shown in Figure 3-
11 through 3-13. The Node boxes work with the two lower rows of targets in the same
way as on the standard System Status display. The Hiway and UCN status targets built
into this custom display save a step when calling up the Hiway or UCN Status display.
You can return to the standard System Status Display by selecting the target in the lower
right hand corner.
Reader Comments
Title of Document: Picture Editor Form Instructions
Document Number: SW12-650 Issue Date: 9/99
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