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The Issues of Policy Implementation On Solid Waste Management in Malaysia

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The Issues of Policy Implementation on Solid Waste Management in Malaysia

Article · September 2014


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Muhamad Azahar Abas Seow Ta Wee

University of Malaysia, Kelantan Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


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International Journal of Conceptions on Management and Social Sciences
Vol. 2, Issue. 3, Sep’ 2014; ISSN: 2357 – 2787

The Issues of Policy Implementation on Solid Waste

Management in Malaysia
Muhamad Azahar Abas Seow Ta Wee
Faculty of Technology Management and Business Faculty of Technology Management and Business
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, MALAYSIA 86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, MALAYSIA
zaha.abas@gmail.com tawee@uthm.edu.my

Abstract— Malaysia is one of the most successful developing solid waste management [2]. The National solid waste
countries in term of economy growth. The rapid urbanization management policy aims are (1) to establish a solid waste
process in Malaysia has brought many peoples migrate to the management system which is holistic, integrated, cost
urban areas. Reflecting from this phenomenon, Malaysia has effective, sustainable and acceptable to the community that
experiencing a transition of solid waste management due to the emphasises the conservation of the environment, selection of
rapid solid waste generation. In fact, there is a policy and affordable technology and ensuring public health, (2) to
legislation with regard to solid waste management has been implement solid waste management based on the waste
introduced in Malaysia. Enactment of Solid Waste Management hierarchy which emphasises waste minimization through 3R
and Public Cleansing Act (Act 672) has brought huge (reduce, reuse and recycle), intermediate treatment and final
transformation in solid waste management in Malaysia.
disposal [8].
However, the policy implementation on solid waste management
is looks like feeble and doubtful which not goes like its planning. Moreover, Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management
Landfilling is still the main solid waste disposal approach and (Act 672) and Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management
recycling rate among Malaysian is low at 5% which still left Corporation (Act 673) have been enacted through Ninth
behind with compared to the neighbouring countries. The Malaysia Plan (9MP). The enactment of these acts is an
objective of this concept paper is to give an insight for developing initiative to achieve effective solid waste management in
countries like Malaysia towards effective policy implementation Malaysia [3]. Moreover, the enactment of these acts also has
on solid waste management through a good governance practices.
brought the solid waste management legislation in Malaysia to
The issues and factors of ineffective policy implementation on
solid waste in Malaysia will be discussed briefly.
the world-wide level. However, this solid waste management
transformation has brought a huge responsible to stakeholders.
Keywords- policy implementation; solid waste management As the result, there are plenty of issues have emerged within
policy; good governance the agencies and its stakeholders [35].
Further, the galloping process of urbanisation, globalisation
I. INTRODUCTION and industrialisation nowadays has brought half the world’s
Efficient solid waste management in urban area is very population live in the urban area. Almost all regions on the
crucial nowadays. Increment of solid waste generated year earth will be predominantly by urban in the middle of century
after year in urban area becomes a massive challenge to the [4]. Hence, the number of stakeholders has increase year after
government. Like other countries, Malaysia has taken several year and becoming more complex and complicated [5]. This
initiatives to cope with these issues. For example, Ministry of condition has brought massive challenges to local and federal
Housing and Local Government (MHLG) has formed a government to ensure the solid waste management policies has
national action plan known as Action Plan for a Beautiful and been adapted effectively to all stakeholders. Hence,
Clean Malaysia (ABC) since the year 1988 [1]. After that, the implementing of solid waste management policy in most
Outline Perspective Plan 3 (OPP3) has been introduced in the countries including Malaysia is not an easy task. Ineffective of
year 2000. In this perspective plan, the government has solid waste management policy implementation would lead to
adopted a comprehensive solid waste policy which including huge obstacle on social development, environmental vitality
installation of incinerators for safe and efficient waste disposal. and economic stability [6]. Therefore, effective policy
Moreover, a strategy for waste reduction, reuse and recycling implementation on solid waste management is significant to
(3R) has been formulated in this plan. attain sustainable development.

In the year 2006, National Strategic Plan (NSP) for solid II. THE ISSUES OF INEFFECTIVE SOLID WASTE
waste management has been formed in Ninth Malaysian Plan
(9MP). In this NSP, enactment and amendment of several acts
has been conducted to make a huge transformation in Malaysia

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International Journal of Conceptions on Management and Social Sciences
Vol. 2, Issue. 3, Sep’ 2014; ISSN: 2357 – 2787

Malaysian government has faced a huge challenge in solid

waste management nowadays. The implementation of National
Policy on solid waste management looks like feeble and
doubtful which not goes like its planning [5]. The rate of
recycling among Malaysian is still low which at 5% [9]. As the
result, most of solid wastes generated were disposed at landfills
[17]. Most of the landfills in Malaysia are used beyond its
capacity. The average lifespan of Malaysia’s landfills are
maximum two years. The condition of the landfills at west
countries is quite different which can last for 5 to 10 years [10].
The issue of limited landfills available in Malaysia has created
plenty difficulties to local and federal government to dispose Figure 1. The Approaches of Solid Waste Disposal in Malaysia [9]
the solid waste generated [3]. The rapid increasing of solid
waste generated from the past several years until nowadays has of solid waste gave rise to increasing criticism from the public
worsened the issue of limited landfill available. Table 1 shows due to poor quality in some places. The quality of the service
the increasing of solid waste generated per day at Malaysia city was very unequal because of the limited funding, lack of
centres in 1970 until 2002 [3]. The figure is estimated keep human resources in handling the advanced technologies for
increasing as the urbanization is continuous [3]. solid waste treatment and disposal [18]. This situation is
reflecting the difficulties in implementing solid waste
management policy wholly by the Malaysian government [2].
TABLE 1. SOLID WASTE GENERATION AT CITY CENTRES OF There is a study has been conducted to identify the factors that
influence the effectiveness of policy implementation. For
City Centres Solid Waste Generated (tons/day) instance, ineffective policy implementation was occurred in the
1970 1980 1990 2002 most developing countries because of poor governance on the
Kuala Lumpur 98.9 310.5 586.8 2754.0 ground and ineffective of monitoring and enforcement [20].
Johor Bahru 41.1 99.6 174.8 215.0 Moreover, lack of commitment among the stakeholders also a
Ipoh 22.5 82.7 162.2 208.0
Georgetown 53.4 83.0 137.2 221.0
cause of failure in policy implementation [12]. Further, most of
Klang 18.0 65.0 122.8 478.0 the solid waste policies that enacted in developing countries
Kuala merely focus on the technical dimension, whiles the social
8.7 61.8 121.0 137.0 dimension is neglected [3].
Kota Bharu 9.1 56.5 102.9 129.5
Kuantan 7.1 45.2 85.3 174.0 Poor Governance on the Ground
Seremban 13.4 45.1 85.2 165.0
Melaka 14.4 29.1 46.8 562.0 In fact, Malaysian government has employed a good
governance concept in solid waste management through
decentralization and involving the civil citizen in decision
The adoption of latest and advanced technology in solid making [2]. However, the result from the good governance
waste management facilities which including collection, practice by the Malaysian government is not what has been
segregation, and disposal phase are limited in Malaysia expected on the ground. Most of the study has shown that
because it is required more expensive funding compared to the there is a huge gap between the official aim of the solid waste
conventional method [5]. As the result, landfilling has been management policy and the actual practices on the ground.
adopted as a primary technique for solid waste disposal in The implementation of the solid waste management policy is
Malaysia [13]. Fig. 1 shows landfilling is the main approach look as a political process which influenced by power relations
that has been used to dispose solid waste in Malaysia by 75%. and institutional pluralism [3]. The concept of good
Besides that, only 5% of the solid wastes generated were governance that has been promoted by the World Bank merely
treated into something usable while 20% were disposed with focus on what should be done which ignores the possibility of
illegally method which is unsustainable approaches. In fact, the government might misuse the opportunity and promote the
landfilling practices would lead to negative impact on human bad governance [22]. Understand the factors that influence the
health and environment vitality. Many previous studies have good governance would be better to improve the policy
shown that the poor management of landfill will contribute to implementation on the ground [21]. There is a need to look
land, air, and water pollution [14]. into the reasons behind the normative use of governance and
The phenomenon of inefficient and ineffective solid waste critically analyse its implementation and use on the ground in
management is not a new phenomenon occurring in Malaysia order to gain a better understanding of the outcome of the
urban area [15]. Local government has provided a large amount policy [23].
of financial provision for solid waste management which more
than 50% of their annual budget [16]. However, most of the Lack of Commitment among Stakeholders
municipal solid waste management are still facing many The commitment among the stakeholders is crucial
problems. The level of solid waste management is required to achieve effective policy implementation. In the
unsatisfactory and dangerous [3]. Moreover, the management context of Malaysia, the commitment among the stakeholders

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International Journal of Conceptions on Management and Social Sciences
Vol. 2, Issue. 3, Sep’ 2014; ISSN: 2357 – 2787

with regard to solid waste management policy is weak. Since during policy implementation have been neglected [12]. The
the Act 672 and Act 673 have been introduced, solid waste earlier study has shown that significant interconnection exist
management in Malaysia is coordinated by PPSPPA at local between social competency and policy implementation [27]. In
level and National Solid Waste Management Department at fact, social response to a policy will significantly influence its
national level [3]. However, the one-sided commitment from effectiveness [12]. The level of compliance and cooperation of
the government is not good enough to implement the policy citizen during policy implementation may depend on the social
wholly. Hence, commitment from the civilian, private sector factors. For instance, social network is significance influence
and institutional is highly required to achieve effective policy the civilian’s compliance with the policy by diffusion of
implementation. For instance, the source reduction policy can knowledge and information [26]. Hence, the awareness of
be implemented through the strong commitment from the citizens with regard to the important of the policy can be raised
product manufactures. The manufactures can do resource definitely. Moreover, the Malaysian government is solely
reduction through using the fewer or less raw material for responsible for solid waste management policy formation and
production, designing the products that are more durable or implementation. Thus, trust and fairness in these institutions is
last longer and relying on the recyclables packaging material. significant influence citizen’s behaviour to comply the solid
Moreover, the commitment from the household also is waste management policy [12]. Further, capacity building is a
important to achieve the aim of the solid waste management crucial social element to enable the stakeholders understands
policy. In fact, household is primary contribution of solid and tackles the crisis that we are faced in policy
waste in urban area [3]. Further, the failure of 3R (Reduce, implementation. The institutional capacity building framework
Reuse and Recycle) policy implementation in Malaysia since should involve the municipal authorities, administration,
2000 because of weak commitment from the households [24]. corporate bodies, Non-Government Organizations (NGO) and
educational institutes [28]. Each of stakeholders needs to play a
Ineffectiveness in Monitoring and Enforcement pivotal role towards effective implementation of solid waste
The issue of ineffective policy monitoring and law management policy.
enforcement is not a current problem that faced in the most
developing countries. In the context of solid waste III.THE IMPACTS OF INEFFECTIVE SOLID WASTE POLICY
management in Malaysia, there is a policy and Acts that IMPLEMENTATION
beautifully structured to improve its solid waste management. The purpose of the policy in solid waste management is to
For instance, the Act 672 has been enacted since 2007, enhance the way of solid waste been manage by embed the
however is only officially implemented in 2011. Until now, sustainable development concept. Sustainable development has
there is little impact of the Act 672 and Act 673 on the current emphasised the development that meet the needs of the present
solid waste management in Malaysia when compared to the without compromising the ability of the future generation to
actual aims of the policy [2]. More strategic monitoring meet their own needs [9]. Hence, the failure of policy
approach is required to ensure the solid waste management implementation on the ground has brought massive impact on
policy can be compliance effectively by the civilians. environment, economy and social development. Solid waste
Currently, the enforcement of the Act 672 is under Solid pollution is very harmful to human life, degrade the quality of
Waste Management and Public Cleansing Corporation environment and become a constraint towards stability of the
(SWMPCC) and this corporation has executive authority to economy development.
take over the solid waste management from the local
authorities. Hence, it has brought the confusion as well as Harmful to Human Health and Wellbeing
overlapping power of enforcement between the corporation
and local authorities [25]. Moreover, previous study has The aim of solid waste management policy is to enhance
shown that the problems related on the solid waste the effectiveness solid waste management. Effective waste
management policy enforcement in Malaysia are there is not management is crucial to ensure the operations do not lead to
enough man power to conduct the monitoring systematically, emissions which immediately interfere with pleasures of
enforcement officers are not properly trained which some of consumer life. In fact, the management of solid waste shall
them do not really know the aim of the national policy on have a goal to improve the quality of life. The ineffective solid
solid waste management and the goal of the corporation itself. waste management policy implementation has brought huge
Besides that, local authorities do not have enough fund to problem to human health and wellbeing. For instance, various
support enforcement effort even decentralization of the solid contaminants occur reflecting of the ineffective solid waste
waste management has been conducted [5]. management [29]. The gases emitted from the dumpsite such as
benzene, toluene, chloroform, vinyl chloride, and carbon
Neglected of Social Dimension tetrachloride are toxic to human life [33]. Further, the methane
and carbon dioxide gasses that emitted from the dumpsite are
In the most developing countries including Malaysia, the the main contribute to greenhouse phenomena. Besides that,
social dimension in policy implementation has been neglected the spread of disease such as chlorella is easy to take place
[3]. The solid waste management policy in Malaysia has been around the dumpsite area. Presence of the diseases vectors such
implemented based on technical dimension which is focus on as rodents and insects around the landfill site will worsen the
the technologies and the system. The Social dimension which current health issues. Moreover, ineffective solid waste policy
involving social trust, capacity building, and social perception

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International Journal of Conceptions on Management and Social Sciences
Vol. 2, Issue. 3, Sep’ 2014; ISSN: 2357 – 2787

implementation will create air pollution. The occurrence of air mechanism of supply and demand is controlling the flow of
pollution is caused of open burning at residential area and goods which cause the fail for waste materials. Hence, they
disposal sites. The decomposition process of solid waste at tend to accumulate in the natural environment if no
landfill also will pollute the air and affect the health of the countermeasures are taken by the authorities. Countermeasures
civilian in the city [32]. In fact, the decomposition of the solid include regulations prohibiting the uncontrolled disposal of
waste into simple compound will require certain amount of waste and prescribing minimum standards for treatment and
oxygen. Hence, this process will disrupt the development of deposit. Controlled disposal or recycling involves cost which
flora and fauna at the vicinity [30]. The effective solid waste for example waste materials are assigned a negative economic
management is extremely required to sustain the human health value in the form of a disposal fee. In exchange for disposal
and their wellbeing in the future. fee, the economic value absence of pollution is created. The
central economic problem is allocating the cost for a clean
Degradation of Environmental quality environment to the stakeholders. Waste management used to be
Currently, the industrial civilization relies on material like responsibility of the public domain and financed tax payers,
ores and fossil fuel which different composition element from with little or no incentive for the consumer to diminish the rate
the biosphere system. Producing and discarding of these of waste production. In order to create incentives for waste
materials will lead to its accumulation in the biosphere which reduction, the polluter pays principle has been introduced and
potentially harmful to the earth. The waste resulting from high increasingly used.
carbon intensity will lead to the well-known surge in Carbon Moreover, efficient solid waste management can contribute
Dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere with to the cleanliness and beauty of the city. As a result, the city is
potentially disastrous consequences for the world climate. clean and capable to attract foreign tourists to the city. In fact,
Moreover, our industrialized civilization clearly leave chemical merely focused on economic development and ignore the
footprint in the environment. In fact, it has change the chemical environment and social development is not desirable. The
composition of some sensitive ecological compartment like air, phenomenon of increasing volume of solid waste is related to
water and soil [31]. Whether or not an increase in the lifestyle and rapid development of the community economy.
concentration of a given compound or chemical element in an The use of raw materials that are not controlled will have a
environmental compartment is ecologically harmful or not, positive impact on economic development and the needs of
depends very much on the activity it exhibits with living society, but a negative impact on the wellbeing of the
systems. Many of trace deposits of heavy metals found in the environment [11]. Therefore, effective solid waste management
different environmental compartments are detectable but not be is crucial to ensure the flow of raw material is optimized.
harmful. Others clearly have an impact globally or locally due Nowadays, recycling is a business opportunity that has grabbed
to their quantities and or quality. For example some materials, the world attention. In fact, this opportunity has been taken by
compounds and elements which not found in nature such as the developed countries to improve their economy as well as
xenobiotic chemicals can cause particularly harmful effect on providing an efficient solid waste management [5].
ecosystems and human health. The example of xenobiotic
chemical is Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which lead to the IV. GOOD GOVERNANCE ON THE GROUND: AN INSIGHT
destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer in polar region.
Furthermore, the pile of garbage in various part of land will WASTE MANAGEMENT
cause pollution which involving air, water and land pollution. Implementation is about putting policies into practices, and
The abundant of solid waste that posed the chemical ingredient it is often the complex process of planning, organization,
on the land will caused land pollution. The emission of solid coordination and promotion which is necessary in order to
waste decay will caused air pollution. In other circumstances, achieve policy objectives, as an activity, implementation
water pollution occurred because of the leachate water from the constitutes an important, even central, phase in the policy
solid waste is seep into the drainage system at the settlement process. It is the implementation phase that translates policies
through groundwater flow. This situation has brought negative on paper into actual changes in behaviour. Approaches to
impact at the settlement sanitation systems. Moreover, implementation are therefore of great important. In general, the
abundant of solid waste at drainage will blocked the flow of involvement of different factors in both the creation and
water in the drains in the city. The same situation could lead to implementation of policy is the critical factor if policy is to
flash flooding in the city during heavy rain. Besides that, the stimulate new initiatives and to integrative and to integrate
leachate water generated from landfill is toxic to the aquatic environment into industrial decision making. Thus, there is a
organisms and soil organisms which would cause fatality [19]. fundamental need to understand the more localized mechanism
Hence, effective policy implementation on the solid waste by which policies are made and enacted [34].
management is crucial to ensure the wellness of the natural
environment. Effective solid waste management policy implementation is
reflecting the sustainability in the solid waste management
Constraints on the Economy Development system. Hence, policy implementation is very crucial to ensure
the goal of sustainable development can be achieve. In fact, to
The economic problems of waste are due to the fact that the
achieve effective in solid waste management policy
waste is the material with no value. The classical economic

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International Journal of Conceptions on Management and Social Sciences
Vol. 2, Issue. 3, Sep’ 2014; ISSN: 2357 – 2787

implementation is not an easy task but it is not impossible to be structure is easily devastated when urban population is keep
attained [20]. In the context of developing countries which increasing in the future [20]. Institutional aspect in solid waste
including Malaysia, politics inevitably play a large role in solid management has included the degree of decentralization such
waste management systems. The structure, functioning, and as distribution of the authority, functions, and responsibilities
governance of solid waste management systems are affected by between central and local governmental institutions. Besides
the relationship between central and local governments. The that, the capacity of responsible institutions also is crucial to
role of citizens in policy making processes and policy sustain the success of the policy implementation. The
implementation is less concerned. The effective policy institutional need to involve the current as well as the future
implementation should involve the citizens. Hence, it is crucial legislation and the extent to which it is enforced [34]. A
to strike the right balance within the institutional and citizen straightforward, transparent, unambiguous legal and regulatory
perspective for effective solid waste management policy framework, including functioning inspection and enforcement
implementation [20]. procedures at the national, provincial, and local levels, is
essential to the proper functioning of a solid waste
Good governance requires participation and collaboration management policy. The weak institutional is a major issues
of all relevant parties, including government, Non- faced in developing countries including Malaysia nowadays
Governmental Organizations (NGOs), community groups and [20]. Therefore, institutional strengthening and capacity
the private sector [20]. Good governance allows the civilians to building becomes a major driver in policy implementation.
influence policy and resource allocation [34]. Therefore, it is
essential for equitable, effective, and efficient solid waste
management policy implementation. Indeed, the efficiency, V. CONCLUSION
along with the effectiveness of solid waste management in a Most of the governments including the Malaysian
city is the benchmark for assessing good governance [20]. The Government are increasingly implementing policies that are
low income countries tend to lack the appropriate governance intended to give impact on waste management practice, and
institutions. Besides that, the high income countries is typically many new initiatives have been taken in the countries around
structured with the public policy research institutions, freedom the world over the last few years. A common problem has
of information laws, judicial autonomy, auditors general and emerged in most countries that have embarked on policies
policy academies. This lack of democratic structures and promoting greater sustainability in waste management. The
competent, representative local government creates barriers to adoption of policy has not been matched by an equal effort to
proper solid waste management policy implementation. Fig. 2 provide mechanism for effective policy implementation. In
shows good governance practices should involving the fact, to improve the effectiveness of solid waste management
collaboration, participation and capacity building among policy, the enactment of the law should involve the role of
stakeholders to attain effective solid waste management. management, customers, producers and whoever that will
Moreover, effective solid waste management policy generate the solid waste. Besides that, the customers and
implementation requires the institutional that firmly established producers should be exposed and nurtured regarding their role
to avoid controversies, ineffectiveness, inaction, and making and responsibility to cope with the environmental problem that
solid waste management systems politically unstable [20]. The arising from the ineffective solid waste management. In fact,
legislation as well as regulatory that has weak institutional the law solely is not enough to achieve the effective solid waste
management without the commitment and awareness from
stakeholders. Involvement of all stakeholders in the policies
implementation is very crucial to ensure the policies can be
implemented more effective in the ground. There is a country
in Asia and Europe has proven the successful of solid waste
management policy implementation by practicing good
governance. Good governance in the solid waste management
policy implementation might give an insight to developing
countries such as Malaysia towards effective solid waste

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