B2 CB Audioscript For MEL
B2 CB Audioscript For MEL
B2 CB Audioscript For MEL
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moment. I’m starting here in Brazil and then I’ll T: Absolutely. I would say that specific skill
be heading to Asia on Wednesday. training is always seen as worthwhile. Whether it’s
T: OK, well the way we do things here works skill training for a new program or new equipment
well for us – I’m very happy to talk about it. I believe it’s valuable. It’s also important for the
M: Great. So um, let me check, are you the organisation that the training be successful. I guess
HR Director for all of Brazil or just for this plant? I would say that skill training is pretty cost effective.
T: Um, I’m actually in charge of all the HR M: And general development of staff?
Departments throughout the country. We feel it’s T: OK, now that’s another story. When we look
important to have one strategy for both long-term at development in business theory and skills that
and short-term goals regarding training and can be used across departments, it may only be
development. beneficial if the trainee has the proper mindset
M: Thanks. That clarifies that for me. I’m really for growth. It mustn’t be decided without thinking
interested in your input on both training and carefully about a number of aspects first.
development and what you consider to be the Development is an important part of company
main differences between them. strategy and long-term goals.
T: Um well, training for us means looking at M: I’m not sure I follow you.
areas specific to a job. It’s a functional approach, T: Um, let me give you an example. If we take
meaning it’s used in one job or department. These an experienced manager and give them training on
training sessions are used to make sure that how to provide motivation for their staff, that may
employees have the skills they need to do their job. not be worthwhile because this person almost
These types of courses are job- or task-oriented certainly has the skills to do their job already.
with short-term goals. Training for a young and inexperienced manager,
M: Can you give me an example? however, might be very helpful as development
T: Um sure. If we hire a newly-graduated deals with preparing employees for future
engineer to work with suppliers, we may have challenges and fits well into our long-term goals
to give him or her some specialised training on of developing talent. It’s also a cross-functional
autoCAD drawing programs. The supplier might approach meaning that we might develop someone
ask how a part could be improved, so the engineer who is currently in one department with the idea
has to be taught how to use these 3D computer that the person might be moved to another
programs or be brought up-to-date on the latest department if we needed to replace a manager
version. for any reason.
M: Of course, that makes sense. But what about M: So, what you’re saying is that development
deciding whether a large group should be trained or is really helping employees gain general business
just a few people? How is that done? skills or concepts they can use elsewhere in the
T: Training a small group versus a larger group company and for their future careers. Did I
is a strategic decision every company has to make. understand that correctly?
This would be considered carefully as it depends on T: Exactly right. And we still have the option
the available budget. We might want to train a large of using the same methods of delivery as we have
group, but the budget doesn’t provide for this, so for training, namely in-house courses and blended
smaller groups may be less costly. We, of course, learning, mentoring or finding an external trainer.
look carefully at who exactly needs the skill in The difference would only be in content.
question for their role. M: And how do you decide then who gets
M: Mm that’s clear. And what other factors training and who gets developed?
have to be taken into account? T: Um, that depends on who needs to be
T: Well, there are often materials that need developed and how this will help the company.
to be handed out so they have to be prepared In the end, we need to make sure that the subject
in advance. It also has to be decided where the matter is relevant to their level of experience and
training should be held and who the trainer should knowledge.
be. We have to consider if it’s better to do this in- M: OK…Thanks so much, Teresa. That’s
house with one of our own employees or rent clarified quite a few things for me and I’ve made
a space outside and bring in an expert from the a note of everything you said. If I have any follow-
field. It may also be possible to do a form of up questions after I get back, I’ll get in touch.
blended learning, some of it online and some
of it with a trainer, or a mentor. There are lots
of possibilities now. [Audio 2.03]
M: So, in general, you’re in favour of this type
I’ve worked a lot with teams in my professional life,
of job-oriented training on skills?
and, you know, there are a lot of problems caused
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by different approaches to teamwork. In the end, T: Great. And just to say, we have Steve dialling
I think there are two very different team cultures; in today but as we discuss things, it’s important for
one is more focused on the individual, each person everyone to speak up, give your ideas and get
having a clear and specific role and place in the involved. I really want us to share the facilitation
team – this is team culture A. People like this so everybody – step in, clarify, summarise – this
because it’s, well, clear roles – people know what is a team meeting.
they have to do and what the other does, and St: OK, no problem.
then they communicate like this – they have T: Great, well, let’s begin with you then, Steve.
clear personal objectives, they make clear Can you kick us off with …
recommendations to the team based on their
expertise – simple. And, there’s a leader role, who
can confirm any final decision. For team culture B, [Audio 2.05]
this isn’t actually a team. What this culture values
T = Takeshi S = Sam St = Steve P = Paula
is interaction and collaboration – working together
T: Thanks for that, Paula. So, er we’ve now
to offer and share ideas, to have a lot of
heard from everyone on their country needs. Where
discussions and take creative decisions. In these
does that leave us in terms of next steps? Anyone
teams, roles overlap with each other; there are no
got any thoughts on this?
clear borders for roles; lots of discussion. And you
S: Listening to what people have been saying, it
see no separate leader role. Yes, of course, there
seems that there’s a consensus to reduce spending
is a leader, but shared leadership is more important
on soft skills training. That technical training is the
to have a culture where everyone is responsible
main demand from the company.
for the final decision. Which is better? Well, that is
T: What do you mean by that? Which soft skills?
a whole other question. All I will say is that people
S: I guess it’s the usual things like presentation
often have very strong beliefs about this, which can
skills, negotiation skills, time management, and all
make it difficult for people from these different
that. Probably some of the leadership training, too,
cultures to work together.
we could push to e-learning and save money.
St: Steve here. If I can just come in on that.
[Audio 2.04] I actually really disagree, particularly on the
leadership side of things and e-learning. Of course,
T = Takeshi S = Sam St = Steve people always look at technical training as the
T: OK, let’s get started. So, just to confirm, we priority, but I think it’s our job to defend soft skills
have Sam and Paula here in the room, and Steve and leadership. And I really don’t think it’s the
joining from the USA. As you know, what we are training to digitalise. It needs a classroom situation
looking to do here today is to decide how to so people can reflect and experience things
digitalise the training and learning we do in the together. If we do change, we need to be very
company, moving away from traditional classroom careful. Sorry, I don't want to be negative, but
training, which still dominates the way we do I really feel strongly about that.
learning here. This means finding ways to bring in T: No, thanks, Steve. Um, feel free to say what
new technologies, to become more flexible, and you really think because it’ll help us to be creative.
more efficient and effective in the way we do Um, how do others feel about this? Paula, you
learning. Now, you all had the task of preparing have some experience of developing e-learning
a few ideas based on your country needs. Just leadership training from your last company. What
to ensure everyone can say something, can we do you think?
quickly go around the table, and hear everyone P: Actually, we had an effective blended
one by one, and then discuss? solution with a mix of e-learning and classroom
All: Fine. training. But in that case we were able to implement
S: Takeshi, can we talk about budget as I really it carefully over several years, to create a learning
think this has a massive impact on what we can and culture where that worked. We don’t have that here.
can’t do? People expect classroom training, and don’t want
T: Sam, er I agree budget is really important, e-learning.
but I want to come to that a little later. I really want T: OK, so that’s important. So, just to recap
to focus on hearing the country presentations and everything. Sam, you feel we have an opportunity to
getting a clear picture of the needs we have in the move to more e-learning. Steve, you are sceptical.
countries first; then we can think about the budget Paula, you have seen this work in your previous
constraints. company, but it needs to be done carefully. So,
S: OK. listening to you all, I think we actually agree that
there are good options for change here, but there
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are still a lot of details to work out and we need to S: OK. Great. Thanks. Can I talk you through
be careful how we do things. Perhaps the next step the points I’m unsure of?
would be to look carefully at some of the risks of P: Sure. I’ve just downloaded the attachment
using e-learning in soft skills and … you sent me.
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[Audio 3.03] three apps with headsets for the price of two.
Earphones are available in a range of colours:
S = Sam P = Pat black, white, blue, purple and red.
S: Thanks for your help, Pat. It’s been really This app is really best used for one-to-one
useful to speak to you. I often find it difficult to keep conversations. It isn’t suitable for meetings with
up with all the terminology, there’s so much of it. lots of people. However, I would recommend it
P: Would you like me to share with you for networking, daily conversations and smaller
a glossary of standard terms for you to use as meetings. When you’ve tried it, you won’t be able
a reference? I’ll send you the link. to live without it! And you’ll want to get one for all
S: Yes, that would be great, but can I not find it your family and friends. I’m sure they won’t be
in one of the books I am reading? disappointed. The technology is changing so fast,
P: No, this is my own live glossary that I have we’ll be able to offer you more languages and
been developing since I was in your year. faster translations next year with the help of more
S: Really? What do you mean by live? advanced voice recognition, sensor technology and
P: Oh, when I say live, I mean that it’s cloud improved artificial intelligence. Let me just add that
based. I share it with my study group so that they the whole process is done remotely in the cloud so
can update it too. Of course, we now know what it doesn’t slow down your device, but you do need
words like margins mean but we haven’t deleted to be online.
them from the glossary. Everything you are learning Who would like to try it? Any volunteers? Yes, you,
about now is still in there. madam. Can you um put on these earphones?
S: Oh, thank you Pat. That’s really kind of you. That’s right. What’s your name?
J: Jimena.
L: What nationality are you, Jimena?
[Audio 4.01] J: Mmm, española.
L = Lina J = Jimena MB = Multi-Babel L: Right, let’s choose Spanish–English then.
L: The Multi-Babel app translates your I’ll turn the mute function off so that everyone can
conversations in real-time. The Multi-Babel app is hear. I promise you, you’ll be amazed! Start talking
great if you want to network at conferences with when you hear the beep, OK?
people who don’t speak your language, if you need J: Qué tengo que hacer?
to have business conversations, or if you want to MB: What do I have to do?
socialise with people of different nationalities. J: Qúe maravilloso!
Forget about spending hours on learning grammar. MB: How marvellous!
If you wear these wireless earphones, which are J: Quiero tres!
connected to the app, you’ll be able to understand MB: I want three of them!
instantly with simultaneous translation using voice
If you click here, you'll see all the language
[Audio 4.02]
options. At the moment we have English, Spanish, E = Eamon C = Chris
Portuguese, Italian, French and Cantonese Chinese E: So, what’s new with our smartphones? At
but later this year we’ll also be offering Arabic, Dawnbreakers, we’ve developed a phone that’s
Hindi, Japanese, Korean, German, Polish and way smarter than any phone anywhere, combining
Russian. the latest artificial intelligence, voice recognition
Unless you use it through the earphones, everyone technology and the ultimate digital personal
else will be able to hear your conversation! But, assistant. But more of that later.
if you use the mute function, you can hear the Since our last smartphone model, I’m pleased to tell
translation through your earphones not the you that we’ve upgraded pretty much everything:
speaker. There is also another neat feature if you we’ve improved connectivity, we’ve upgraded the
make a mistake – here, you can pause it and it camera, and increased the pixel count. If you’ve
won’t translate the words that you said in the seen the new screen, you’ll notice it goes to the
last three seconds. It’s extremely useful if you very edge of the phone. And of course if it didn’t
accidently say the wrong figure, or when you have high definition screen resolution, we wouldn’t
get a new client’s name wrong. Cool, isn’t it? see video images so clearly. What else? We’re
You’re probably wondering, ‘All this is great, but currently developing the remote control function for
how much will it cost me?’ The Multi-Babel app interconnected home devices. This means you’ll be
with earphones retails at only 250 euros. But able to operate all your home devices from your
we’re offering a special promotion this week for all lights to the air conditioning, using your phone. And
participants at the trade show: you can purchase next year we’ll be supporting more virtual reality
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content with ‘wearables’. So, if I were wearing 4 Earphones are available in a range of colours.
goggles now, I could see the images in virtual 5 The whole process is done remotely in the cloud.
reality. We’re also going to be adding an improved 6 We’ve developed a phone that’s way smarter than
‘priority’ function. At the moment, unless I prioritise any phone anywhere.
events carefully, the assistant over-rides my work 7 You’ll be able to operate all your home devices
schedule with my social engagements! My boss from your lights to the air conditioning, using your
might not be very pleased if he found out about phone.
that! 8 Next year we’ll be supporting more virtual reality
We’re already making smartphones more like content with ‘wearables’.
robots. Let me show you a demonstration of how. 9 If you like I can control your home devices
My new personal assistant can help me with remotely.
booking appointments and managing my schedule. 10 Let me know which one you prefer and I’ll book
Some of you will remember our demonstration a table.
last year with a prototype of the digital personal
assistant. Since then, I’m very pleased to
announce, we’ve improved battery life for voice [Audio 4.04]
recognition to work more effectively. … Ladies and
M = Mandy I = Isabella
gentlemen, I’d like to present my assistant, ... Chris!
M: Hi Isabella. You wanted to see me? What’s
Say hello to everyone.
C: Hi everyone, I’m Chris, Eamon’s digital
I: Hi, Mandy. Well, I’m not happy about this
personal assistant.
new policy of not being able to access our work
E: Chris, you can help me with a number of
emails after 8 p.m.
tasks, can’t you?
M: Uh huh.
C: That’s correct, Eamon.
I: We’re a digital agency with clients all over the
E: Just give us three examples please.
world. It’s simply not reasonable to expect me to do
C: I can search for stuff on the internet. If you
my job and then limit me like this. I have to be able
like, I can control your home devices remotely,
to access my emails in the evenings.
and I can remind you of important meetings or
M: OK, hold on a moment, Isabella. You have to
understand that the company policy is for everyone.
E: So, when’s the next birthday I need to
This new system has been put in place for the
remember Chris?
benefit of the employees. There’s an unhealthy
C: Oh, that’s easy, it’s yours! Next week, on
culture of people still working electronically long
the 8th of March.
after they have left the office and sometimes into
E: Mmm, I’d like to celebrate that. What about
the night.
an Italian restaurant in Dublin? For Wednesday
I: Yes, but for some of us it’s necessary,
the 8th of March at 7 p.m.
especially when our customers are on different
C: OK, that’s the 8th of March at 7 p.m. For
continents. The servers are now holding incoming
how many people, Eamon?
and outgoing emails after 8 p.m. until the following
E: A table for six.
morning. You need to unlock my emails in the
C: Searching ... for ... you ... now... I’ve just
found ... five options within 30 minutes from you.
M: Yes, but can’t you just send your outgoing
Let me know which one you prefer and I’ll book
mails before you leave the office around 6 p.m.,
a table.
and then reply the next morning to any that come
E: Great thanks. I’ll let you know when I’ve
in during the night?
finished the presentation.
I: I can, but I need to leave earlier than 6 p.m.
C: Sure. At 12 ... 15.
every day, and it also means I lose a day when
E: You can take a break now, thanks.
communicating with some of our clients.
C: Thanks. I will!
M: OK.
I: And it also means my inbox is already filling
[Audio Ext4.01] up by 8 a.m. each morning.
M: I see.
1 You’ll be able to understand instantly with I: I need you to get the IT team to lift that
simultaneous translation using voice recognition. blockage on my account. This change has to
2 You can pause it and it won’t translate the words happen if you still want me to manage our
that you said in the last three seconds. customers.
3 You can purchase three apps with headsets for M: Well, hold on a moment. Let’s think about
the price of two. how to manage this and find a way that works for
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you while still ensuring you have a healthy work–life D: Well, the kids are in bed by 8 p.m., so it
balance. would be good to just have another hour or two in
I: Well, you know I have small kids and it’s the evening to email and maybe have some virtual
important for me to have dinner with them and put calls.
them to bed every day. That’s why I leave at 5 p.m. B: Yes, I think I can make that happen. But we
I don’t mind if I then have to work from home for should talk regularly about this. I don’t want you
a few hours in the evenings. to get snowed under or to be working too much
M: OK, I understand that. But … I can’t at home in the evening.
completely lift the blockage for you. You don’t need D: It’s OK, I’ll let you know if I’m struggling.
to be emailing through the night, right? Thanks.
I: No, I don’t, but I do need some flexibility and
to be able to access my emails after 8 p.m.
M: How about if we lift the blockage until 10 p.m. [Audio 5.01]
Would that work?
C = Carlota H = Hanna A = Antoni
I: Yes, I suppose I can agree to that, but it still
C: So, as you can see from the agenda, what
limits me a bit. Oh, and I need access to our virtual
I want to do today is take time to think about how
meeting software from home in the evenings too,
we are doing things. So just generally speaking,
but I’m happy to also limit that to 10 p.m. if
what do you think about where things have gone
I have to.
well and where the problems were, and how to
change things going forward? Starting with Hanna:
[Audio 4.05] tell us, from your side, personally speaking or about
the project, where have things gone well? What do
B = Barbara D = Daniel you need to improve?
B: Hi, Daniel. You wanted to see me? H: I think, overall, it’s been good. I mean, in
What’s up? terms of my main success, I managed to complete
D: Hi, Barbara. Well, I’m not happy about this the first two phases of my side of the project within
new policy of not being able to access our work budget. I had to be very careful with spending but
emails after 8 p.m. managed it; no extra resources were needed.
B: I see. Let me make sure I fully understand I guess, as you all know, my big challenge was
your perspective. Firstly, tell me about how this in the early phases with production. We had some
situation affects you. real time and quality issues with our production in
D: Well, I have many clients in other continents Poland.
and we often need to communicate in the evenings. C: Which aspects of the project were the most
Why was it introduced in the first place? problematic exactly?
B: Well, you know this new system has been H: Well, speaking openly, the first designs
put in place for the benefit of the employees. There I produced were not high quality. This led to
is an unhealthy culture of people still working production issues. We lost some time at the
electronically long after they have left the office beginning. I got it right in the end with a rework
and sometimes into the night. It’s a priority for us of the design.
that our team has a good work-life balance. It’s C: What was the main cause of this? Why were
not specifically about the email block. there design mistakes?
D: OK, I understand that, but I don’t work into H: Good question. Unfortunately, the designs
the night, and I’m happy with the level of flexibility had mistakes because I tried to do things too
I usually have in my job. I have a good work-life quickly. I had too much to do and tried to do things
balance. too fast. And then, the colleagues in Poland didn’t
B: OK, well, what are your priorities? see the problems until they produced prototypes.
D: Well, you know I have small kids and it’s Yes, Antoni?
important for me to have dinner with them and put A: I think you’re right.
them to bed every day. That’s a key priority for me. H: They just worked with what I gave them.
That’s why I leave at 5 p.m. every day. I don’t mind It got very messy. I should have planned more
if I then have to work from home for another hour or carefully. If I’d planned more carefully at the
so in the evenings. beginning, I could have produced a better design,
B: How would you feel about having an and avoided time delays.
extension on email accessibility in the evening but C: But I don’t understand. We are all
only for another hour or two? What do you think of experienced. We always work under time pressure.
that? H: I think I just underestimated the complexity.
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C: So, how do we plan to do things differently ideas: profits, people and planet. The problem
next time? is the TBL is difficult to measure.
H: Yes, I’ve talked to my team and next time we R: But we can measure profits, can’t we?
will insist on having more time for the initial design K: Well that’s right. Financial profits are
stage and, ideally, a prototype stage too. It will obviously the easiest to measure. Typical ways
pay off. include looking at concepts such as a company’s
C: Yes, this has actually been useful. We now income, its costs, growth, the taxes it pays,
know we need to give ourselves realistic deadlines. employees’ income, and so on.
H: Yes, sometimes, slower is better. R: How about measuring ethics in terms of
C: Great! OK, Antoni, how about you? people?
A: Well. As far as I’m concerned … K: Social measures include, for instance, the
number of hours of training employees receive,
equality and diversity in the workplace, say, the
[Audio 5.02] percentage of female workers. Then there’s health
and safety, but, and this is where things get
C = Carlota A = Antoni H = Hanna
complicated, there is also the general physical
C: OK, maybe just before we wrap up, I’d like
and psychological well-being of staff. For example,
to hear your comments on successes, things that
a Human Resources manager can count the
have gone well, what we can do more of. On the
number of days taken for sick leave, but it’s
whole, it turned out to be a success and I actually
more difficult to measure how healthy and happy
want to start here with a big thank you to Antoni for
employees are. Social measures in the TBL also
leading the production side so well. The production
extend to relationships with stakeholders: suppliers
team has been amazing, so collaborative and
and partners, the local community, and anyone
they’ve produced excellent quality, and come
else who is affected by a company’s activities. And
up with quite a few design ideas.
beyond that, an organisation can show its social
A: Thank you, Carlota.
integrity by organising philanthropic activities.
H: Yes, I can echo that. Your team has been so
R: I see. And what about the planet?
proactive, Antoni. A pleasure to work with. Please
K: Well, environmental measures in ethics
keep it up.
include company policy on things such as its energy
A: We will, we will. I’ll pass on the feedback.
consumption, the use of natural resources like
And I’ll invest the same time in positive
water, waste management, as well as carbon
collaboration in the future. Same from our side, it’s
emissions and the impact of a company’s carbon
been great that the design team has travelled so
much to see us in Poland. Having you present,
R: Which is?
face to face in meetings, that has really helped.
K: Oh by carbon footprint I mean the overall
C: Yes, I think face to face always works better
impact of a business on the environment. Of course
than working remotely. We have to thank our
many of these different measures are connected.
project sponsor, Gina, as she agreed quite a high
To give you an example of profits and planet: by
travel budget. Without Gina, travel would have
reducing packaging, you can also reduce costs, so
been very difficult in the current financial climate.
that’s a measure that’s good for the environment
So again, well done.
and good for profits.
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has been in the list of the World’s Most Ethical simply donated money to the community but in
Companies since 2011. It is the only Brazilian this case, employees got involved directly.
company this year, and one of the few companies R: But Kao and Natura are both big
in the health and beauty industry. multinationals, aren’t they? Can you give us an
R: I’ve read that Natura was awarded example of a smaller organisation that isn’t top
a certificate for sustainability. How exactly has it of the list but is an ethical company?
been ethical? K: Well, I’d like to mention a cooperative called
K: There were a variety of reasons. In financial La Fageda, a company that produces dairy
terms, three percent of company profits at Natura products and is based in Catalonia, Spain. They
were invested back into the communities. Over employ staff with mental health problems. In
75 percent of employees participated in the La Fageda, at least 70 percent of positions are held
company’s profit-sharing program. Natura also by people with disabilities, so it’s a good example
produces an annual report that is reviewed by of social integration and diversity in the workplace.
a third party and is available to the public, so it’s What’s more, they source their own milk, in contrast
transparent about its profits. with the big multinationals. At first, they distributed
R: Could you give us an example of its ethical their yoghurts through hospitals and schools. Then
conduct regarding people? they moved to the general food market and became
K: Sure, ah let me see … well, more than commercially successful. But this kind of success
50 percent of Natura’s managers are women. poses a dilemma. It’s the same dilemma for any
They would have had inequality in the workplace if responsible business: will they be able to manage
Natura hadn’t taken on female managers. And there growth without endangering their commitment to
wouldn’t have been diversity in the organisation. their users and customers? And we can also ask
R: And how can we measure what is considered a similar question about a company’s past. If they
ethical conduct where the planet is concerned? had grown faster, would they still have been
K: Many of Natura’s products are based on a responsible business?
natural ingredients: indigenous, Brazilian
vegetables and fruits, such as passion fruit, that
are produced by farmers in small communities. [Audio 6.03]
In addition, Natura gives details on its energy
R = Richard K = Katrina
consumption, water use and waste production.
R: It’s fascinating to hear about all the good
Those are just some examples.
stuff that companies are doing in terms of ethics.
R: It’s interesting to see that some companies
Nevertheless, isn’t it extremely difficult to measure
have appeared in the world’s ethical companies
the triple bottom line?
list every year. I see these include General Electric,
K: It is certainly difficult to measure how an
PepsiCo, Starbucks, UPS, Xerox and Kao
organisation affects the planet and people in the
Corporation. The Japanese company Kao has
same terms as profits. The full cost of an oil
received recognition for being in the World’s Most
disaster, for example, is huge and immeasurable
Ethical Companies list for well over a decade.
in terms of money. However, Richard, to give you
K: That’s right.
some more examples: if multinationals hadn’t
R: I’d like to know why you think the Kao
cleared huge areas of forests in the Amazon, they
Corporation has been on the list for so long?
wouldn’t have moved whole communities from their
K: For a number of reasons. Kao specialises
homes; and we could have slowed down the effects
mainly in beauty and health care products, but the
of climate change. If clothing manufacturers hadn’t
group also has two other businesses: home care
used child labour in sweatshops, those children
products and chemicals. What’s interesting is that
could have continued with their education, instead
its CEO has said that integrity is a core value of
of working in factories. It’s totally impossible to put
the company. The Kao way is not just a philosophy:
a price on these kinds of things.
it is supported by a sustainability statement which
On balance though, the TBL has fundamentally
focuses on three specific areas: conservation,
changed the way organisations measure
community and culture. If they hadn’t developed
performance and sustainability. It’s in everyone’s
the Kao way, they might not have been listed as
interest for companies to be ethical, transparent
one of the world’s most ethical companies. Kao
and socially responsible. Customers, employees,
has not only been recognised for its contribution to
shareholders and the public expect it and, generally
preserving the environment, but also for promoting
speaking, successful companies nowadays are
diversity and for getting involved in social issues.
looking further than just making a profit.
For instance, their employees do voluntary work in
R: OK, many thanks Katrina. And we’ll be back
local communities. You could argue Kao could have
next week to discuss another business issue.
had a good relationship with local people if they had
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© 2018 Pearson
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H: I’m sorry, Javier. I know the timing of this trip might be OK, but for any length of time, I don’t
might not be great for you, but you have to see how I could manage without Japanese.
understand the project needs your expertise and H: Hmmm.
we need you in Japan to provide support. You don’t
have to go for two to three weeks, but you do need
to be there by the end of the month. OK? [Audio 7.03]
J: The end of the month? That’s simply
J = Javier H = Haruki
unreasonable. It’s far too short notice. No. I can't
J: … And anyway, a business trip of this length
do it.
and importance would normally be planned months
H: But Javier, we both know that your expertise
in advance.
is the most relevant in this situation.
H: That may be a fair point, Javier, but the
J: I’m sorry but I don’t think expertise is the
situation is what it is now, and we need to talk about
deciding factor here. You know everything I do. You
it and work out a way to make sure the project gets
should go instead of me. After all, you’re the project
back on track.
leader and if the project is late, it’s up to you to get
J: OK. So what do you want to do?
it back on track.
H: So, tell me your overall opinion about this
H: OK, Javier. I’m sorry it’s come to this. Let’s
issue the project is facing.
take a break and then meet again in the café in …
J: Well, I can see that it would help to have
fifteen minutes and see what solution we can find.
someone in Japan to offer support locally. And
J: Yeah. Whatever!
you’re probably right that I’m the best person for
the job. But it’s just really inconvenient for me at the
[Audio 7.02] moment. How long do you have in mind anyway?
H: I don't know. What do you think?
H = Haruki J = Javier J: I’m not sure. Definitely a few weeks, maybe
H: Hi Javier, I’m sorry about earlier. Can a month.
we talk? H: OK. So from your point of view, it should take
J: Why, what’s the point? It seems to me around a month of local support. Right?
that the decision has already been made. J: Yes, I should think so.
H: So what you’re saying is you definitely H: Let’s talk through these personal events you
won’t go? have and see what we can work out.
J: Well, I still don't think it’s necessary for J: OK.
someone to go. We can just monitor the situation H: Well, let me first check a few of the things
from here. you’ve said.
H: Yes, we could do that, but I think we can J: Uh-huh.
both agree that it is always better to offer real-time H: So you’ve got two weddings and your father’s
support in person in situations like this. And there sixtieth coming up, right?
won’t be any delays due to time differences. You J: Yes.
know we often lose a day just replying to an email. H: When are they?
J: OK, fine. But it doesn't have to be me that J: Well, the first wedding is at the beginning
goes. Why can’t Mia or Julio go instead? of next month, on the 2nd, my father’s sixtieth is
H: Maybe, but I know we’re both on the same on the 22nd. And the second wedding is a few
wavelength about their experience. Yours is a lot days later, on the 25th.
better, both technically and also in driving local H: OK, let’s work together and try to find
teams to hit productivity targets. a solution.
J: In other words, you don’t want to send either J: How can we? You want me to go there for
of them, and still want me to go? a month.
H: Yes, that would be my preference. H: Yes, but of course you won’t be there for
J: I see. But it’s unreasonably short notice. a full month without a trip home. How about if we
I have a lot of personal plans in the next month. postpone your departure by a few days so you
There are two weddings I have to attend as well can go to the first wedding?
as my father’s sixtieth birthday. J: OK, that would be really helpful.
H: Fine, I see. Well, I understand your position, H: Good. And I’m open to other suggestions
and reluctance, a bit more now. You usually enjoy about how we can make the rest of it work for you.
travelling and experiencing new countries. I thought J: Thanks. Well, if I get there by the 5th, that
you’d jump at this chance when I first mentioned it. gives me about two and a half weeks before my
J: That may be true, but Japan? I don’t speak father’s birthday.
Japanese, and being there for a few days’ business H: Right. So what are you suggesting?
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J: Well, what if I work really fast and hard and but my older brother suggested I swapped subjects
put in some long days, and aim to have them back and studied for a degree like physics and played
on track within two and a half weeks, and then my music part-time. But my parents insisted that
I come back home. I should do accountancy.
H: OK, that works for me. But do you think
it’s feasible?
J: I’m not sure. I need to look into the exact [Audio 8.02]
problems and reasons for the delay more. But
It was a tough decision but in the end I took my
I think so. And if they’re not ready, I’ll go back out
brother's advice because he knows me best. It was
around the 27th for another week or two.
definitely a change for the better. Now, I’m enjoying
H: OK, so what you’re saying is you’re willing
studying physics and I still get to play in my band at
to go back out there after the second wedding if
weekends. We’re working on our first album and
we’ll probably have a gig at a festival this summer.
J: Yes, I’m only willing to go out there if I can
make all three personal events I have coming up.
They’re really important to me. [Audio 8.03]
H: Sure. But you have to manage your time
and tasks for the team in Japan so that they can E = Ethan P = Pranali B = Boon Tek L = Leticia
manage without you there for the week in the E: I’m the kind of person who likes to plan
middle. everything in advance. I don’t like to leave my
J: OK. comfort zone, so I don’t like changes. They make
H: And about the language issue. We already me very anxious. So, when my boss told me she
have an interpreter based in the local office who was leaving, I was upset. She was a great
is always available to support. And you’ll have manager: very encouraging and very reliable.
your own office in the main department so you’ll be The company didn’t replace her for a few months,
close to everyone, and also to the General Manager although they’d promised us that it would be
there. a smooth transition. I hate the feeling of uncertainty,
J: That sounds good. Thanks. But it’ll be you know? Eventually, management informed us
jumping in at the deep end. I really can’t speak that there wouldn’t be a replacement and we had
any Japanese. to share out the work in the IT department between
H: That’s great, Javier. Thanks a lot. I really us! They told us that we just had to get on with it!
appreciate your support with this. Frankly, I’m working long hours every day. I have
J: And er I’ll appreciate you remembering this more responsibility but I’m not getting paid for it.
when it comes to my performance review at the I have to say I’m finding it difficult to cope. To make
end of the year. things worse, nobody cares if you’re doing a good
H: Ha! Don’t worry. I will. This is a good thing job. They tell us we shouldn’t be so ‘resistant to
that can lead to more opportunities in future. You’ll change’. At this rate, I’m going to have to find
have good visibility with senior management, both a new job, or ask to change departments.
here and in Japan. P: My friends tell me I’m a very flexible person
and I think I’m pretty good at adapting to change.
I just get on with things and I don’t mind leaving
[Audio 8.01] my comfort zone. However, some changes are
obviously more stressful than others, like moving
My trouble is I’m quite good at a lot of things. When
house, or having children. I had been working as
I was studying at school, I didn’t know which degree
a marketing director but suddenly a lot of us were
to do. My teacher advised me to follow my passion
made redundant due to restructuring in the
and study music, but my parents told me to study
company. That was a major change for me and
accountancy because I'm good at maths and
it came at a bad time because we had just got
I would have a better chance of getting a steady
a mortgage for our house. I was very low and
office job. Then my best friend, Piotr, who wanted
I didn’t know what to do with myself for several
to be an architect, suggested doing architecture
months. Then my best friend suggested that
with him so that we could study together. So
I reinvent myself – he advised me to get
I decided to go for architecture. The thing is, the
a completely new career and get out of my comfort
first year was awful: it was really challenging and
zone. So I decided to set up my own business
extremely competitive. To top it all, I found out too
as a management consultant! The first year was
late that you had to study for ages before you
incredibly difficult but I’m really happy because it’s
qualified and were expected to work long hours.
going so well. But I wouldn’t have been able to do it
I was going to drop out of university altogether,
© 2018 Pearson
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if I hadn’t had the support of my family and friends P: OK. And can you tell our listeners how best
at the time. to do it? Are there any best practice guidelines for
B: We had to relocate university laboratories brainstorming?
to a different city. It was a real upheaval, not well- A: Well, there are no ‘golden rules’ as such, but
planned at all. They had not anticipated the risks these eight stages can definitely help you to have
involved. It was chaotic: we had to move delicate a successful brainstorming meeting
equipment, things got lost, and we were expected P: Great. Let’s hear them.
to do everything overnight. There was some kind A: So, number 1: Define the goal, and 2: Start
of plan for relocation but they sent it to us too late with a question.
and there were loads of last minute changes. P: Just the one?
I could go on and on. Basically, management had A: No, it could be several questions.
not consulted us. I realise change is sometimes P: OK.
necessary, but it’s extremely important to have A: Number 3: Collect as many ideas as
a shared purpose and for everyone to be informed. possible, without evaluating them or commenting
So, it came as no surprise when students and other than to thank each person for their ideas.
technicians complained that the new location was P: OK. Don’t evaluate or comment on them.
in the middle of nowhere, and clients were also A: 4: Put all of the ideas somewhere everyone
annoyed. I have to admit, now that we’ve settled can see them, for example on a board. Then you
into the laboratories, I’m able to appreciate we’re all decide how to group the ideas.
better off than before. We’ve got more light and P: Uh huh.
space and the equipment is all up-to-date. It takes A: 5: Ask people to give more details about
time to adapt, doesn’t it? their ideas before evaluating any of them.
L: I was really looking forward to early P: That’s so you don’t discount them before
retirement and then when it actually happened it you understand the ideas fully, right?
was very disappointing. I used to enjoy my work – A: Exactly. So, 6: Only at this point should you
I was a product manager for household products. start to discuss, evaluate and build on the ideas.
I suddenly missed my colleagues and many of my You will then be able to discard ideas and this will
friends were still working, so they didn’t have the lead to the next step, which is 7: Always end with
time to be with me. My husband, Juan, suggested some clear decisions.
going back to work. He suggested going back to P: Great. Clear action points.
work because I was becoming impossible to live A: And finally, 8: Thank everyone for
with! It was then that I decided to retrain, so participating. Even if some individuals didn’t come
I became a tai-chi instructor. I want to help people up with the final idea, their presence helped to
cope with stress. In fact, I’ve already promised create the atmosphere that led to the outcome.
my colleagues I’ll give classes at my old company! P: That’s excellent. Thanks very much, Alessia.
Juan says it’s given me a new purpose in life. It’s A: It’s been my pleasure.
great because I only work part-time and still have
time to help look after our grandchildren.
[Audio 8.05]
[Audio 8.04] We’re here today to address the challenges
presented by the fast growth in our organisation. As
P = Presenter A = Alessia you know, we’ve grown from having fifty employees
P: Welcome back everyone. This morning, three years ago and largely having a national focus
my first guest is Alessia Russo, a team leader in to now having around 200 employees and more
a major multinational company. She’s here to talk and more international clients. These statements
to us about brainstorming. Good morning, Alessia. highlight the issues we’re facing: we still have
A: Hi. Thanks for having me. a very flat hierarchy and people have a lot of
P: So Alessia, what is brainstorming? autonomy. But we need to introduce some structure
A: Well, it’s a process for generating ideas in the way we manage our work, our teams and our
collectively and spontaneously. reporting lines.
P: And why is it useful? Let me outline the structure of this brainstorming
A: Brainstorming generates ideas which other session before we begin. I’ll write up a series of
methods do not, due to the freedom it gives people questions around these issues for you to think
to think creatively. about. For example, how can we bring more
structure and focus to the way we work in teams
and across teams without losing flexibility and
© 2018 Pearson
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spontaneity? These opening questions will help M: Great, and adding to that idea, we could
us to think about the main challenges ahead. also update these tasks on the team status board
After a phase of collecting ideas, we’ll group them for those who can’t make the meeting.
on the board here, so we can bring them together. S: Good idea Marco. Let’s have a look at some
At the end of the session it would be great if we more … How about this one? Whose is this?
could have a clear idea of some steps we can take. L: That’s mine.
Let’s see what progress we can make in S: Thanks, Lisa. So, ‘Rotate team leaders’.
45 minutes. OK? Let’s get started … What does everyone think about that as an option?
Remember, we’re going for quantity of ideas here. Does it need further discussion at this point?
The key is that we collect as many ideas as we can Sv: I’m not sure. We tried that before Lisa joined
without judging or criticising them. So, feel free to us, so she couldn't have known. It was difficult and
introduce any idea or make any suggestion you like. didn’t really work, though that doesn’t mean it won’t
if we try it again.
L: OK, let’s park it for now, Sophia. And Sven,
[Audio 8.06] let’s meet and you can tell me how it went last time.
Sv: Sure Lisa.
S = Sophia M = Marco L = Lisa Sv = Sven
S: OK, everyone. I can hear that you’re all still
going strong and coming up with a lot of ideas, but [Audio 8.07]
I need us to keep an eye on the timing so I have to
stop you there. Can you please come up here with S = Sophia M = Marco Sv = Sven L = Lisa
your ideas on the sticky notes and stick them to the S: So, we’ve almost reached forty-five minutes
board? Can we include them all at this point? And and I’d like to finish on time, as I know you’re all
there’s no right or wrong way to group them. Just busy. It’s been a great session. Thanks everyone
do what you think fits best. for your input.
M: OK, thanks, Sophia. Like this here? M: Thank you, Sophia. It’s been useful to think
L: No, over here. Put that one together with about these things.
my one. We can start to form groups of topics. Sv: Yes, thanks.
S: Thanks, Lisa. Just so everyone’s clear. Let’s L: From me too.
think about process for a moment. How would you S: Great. So to review our main decision, are
like to group them? we all agreed that we’re going to try the ‘Daily
L: Well I was thinking that if we see topics that stand-up’ idea and also these two other ones over
are similar, we can start to group them together. here. We need to research the point about rotating
M: Sure. That’s a good idea. team leadership a bit. Lisa, can you look into this
S: Firstly, thank you all for your ideas. It’s great and find some examples of how it can work in
to see so many all grouped like that on the board. practice? Let’s also do some further work on this
I don’t want to assume what your ideas mean, so middle group of ideas as a priority. Marco, can
let’s discuss them to help me understand your you look into that?
thinking better. M: Sure, happy to.
All: Great. / OK. / OK. S: Great. So let’s meet again in two weeks and
S: Can we start with this group here? Whose you can report back on these various actions. I’ll
idea is this one here? send out a calendar invitation.
Sv: That’s my one.
S: Thanks, Sven. Could you expand on this
point for us? What do you mean by ‘Daily stand- [Audio BW1.01]
J = Johannes M = Martina
Sv: Well, I mean that we could have a short
J: Hi Martina, do you have a minute? I wanted
meeting every day with all team members in
to speak to you about some problems I’m having
a particular department. We keep the meeting
in the Sales Department.
quick, and do it standing up. Everyone says what
M: Sure, … I wonder if they are the same
they’re working on, if they need support, or have
problems we are having in Finance.
capacity to support others. And then we’re finished
J: Well, my biggest worry is finding staff to fill
after ten to fifteen minutes. I’ve seen this done in
some empty positions. I’ve had over ten interviews
other companies.
and have now contacted some of the local
S: That’s a really interesting idea, Sven.
employment agencies but haven’t found anyone
Thanks. Let’s go with that … and maybe try it
who matches the job description. On top of that, I’m
out next month.
also concerned about keeping the people I already
have. I don’t know if you have heard, but Emma is
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leaving at the end of the month and that is a big T: Well … I guess one thing might be the hours,
problem for the department. I don’t know how we um … although we have flexi-time for office staff,
are going to replace her and none of the people we don’t for the field sales teams or in the
working for us already are interested in the position. production area. We try to help out when people
M: Johannes, I have exactly the same problem. have problems with shift work by moving them to
The staff turnover has really increased in the last different shifts, but it isn’t always possible. Flexi-
year – I think we must be doing something wrong. time makes a big difference to people who have to
I’ve lost two of my key people in the last six months travel a long way to work or for people who have to
and when I hold interviews, candidates don’t seem take their kids to school before they come in. I know
very enthusiastic about working for us. We’ve even there are still some people who aren’t happy about
had people leave without giving enough notice as their hours though. Carolina, have you heard that,
they’ve found better jobs elsewhere. too?
J: I think we need to change the way we do C: Well, yes, but to be honest I hear more
things around here. I’ve got some ideas I would complaints about the fact that people feel that they
like to discuss with you, if that’s OK. Then, maybe don’t earn enough. And then we have a few who
we could present them to the board together? complain about meals. The subsidised canteen
M: Sounds good to me. I’ve been thinking as is a good perk and it’s cheap, but there are still
well. At my last company one thing we did was to a number of people who say the quality of the
make sure the atmosphere in the departments was food isn’t very good. Things have improved,
positive and supportive. We also did our best to be though, since we started offering discounts for local
transparent about decisions when it was possible. restaurants and a lot of people seem willing to pay
Employees today seem to think that’s really a bit more for their meals. What else? Can you think
important. of anything else, Tomasz?
J: I agree with you Martina. Everyone here T: Yes. Some of the newer staff like me find that
works hard so I think we need to find a way to it can be difficult to work with other departments.
recognise that. It’s important that all our employees I get the feeling my ideas are not always taken
feel respected and are told when they do a good seriously. But it seems that people who have been
job. We may even need to set up a proper system here a long time don’t have that problem. I’m not
for doing this. I know that salaries are important sure what I’m doing wrong.
too, but we just can’t compete with really large J: I’m very sorry to hear that Tomasz. Anything
multinational firms. That’s why we have to stress else?
the work-life balance that we can offer. T: Ah … yes … Emma told me that one reason
M: You are right. Let’s fix a time to talk about she was leaving was that she felt she didn’t get
this in more detail. But before we do, perhaps we support to help her develop her career and move
could talk to some of the people in our teams to get to a better position.
their views? What do you think? C: Yes, I’ve heard this as well from a few
J: Good idea. I’ll chat with some of my staff colleagues. They said they didn’t feel the courses
this week … you do the same … and then we can we offer were very helpful and felt we should make
compare notes. OK? sure all staff got the training and development they
M: Perfect! needed for their jobs … and for future careers too.
J: Have a good day. J: That’s a really interesting point. We have
M: You too. a number of courses and training options but
perhaps we need to see what improvements we
can make. Some of our courses are very popular
[Audio BW1.02] but maybe we need to find out why some people
aren’t happy with the programme. Well, thanks both
of you for your input. I’ll think about what you’ve
J = Johannes T = Tomasz C = Carolina
told me and see what we can do about the issues.
J: Hi Carolina, Hi Tomasz. Thanks for making
C: Thanks for listening to us, Johannes. It’s
time for this chat. I’ve arranged it because I’d like
good to be involved.
to get your views, informally, on a few issues that
T: Yes, absolutely.
have come up recently.
T: OK sure, what can we help you with?
J: Well, I am sure you have noticed that
M = Martina S = Sirina A = Andy
a number of people have been leaving the
M: Good morning, both of you. Come in, make
company. We are trying to figure out what the
yourselves comfortable. Now, there’s nothing to
problem is. Tomasz, do you have any ideas?
worry about. I’ve called you in because … well,
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I am sure you have noticed that several people helpful. Perhaps a good next step would be to put
have been leaving the company … together a survey for staff. I imagine we’ll be asking
S: Yes, we have, Martina. I think everyone has! you for more information soon!
M: Yes, it’s unfortunate, and I’d like to ask you S: Good idea.
some questions about why it might be happening … A: Course, happy to help!
so we can address any issues. Please, you can
speak freely.
S: OK, well, for one thing, I don’t understand [Audio BW2.01]
why we need to dress so formally when we’re in the
K = Karen A = Akito F = Frederik V = Victoria
office and not meeting customers. Buying business
K: Hi everyone, it’s Karen here. I know for some
clothes is expensive especially for junior staff.
of you it’s very early or very late so thank you for
Andy, what do you think?
making the time. How is everyone?
A: Well, I can see that might be a problem,
All: Fine. / OK. / Good, thanks.
but I don’t think it’s the main issue. I have more
K: Great. So first, I want to say I appreciate the
of a problem with the other members in our
feedback you’ve sent me over the last few months.
department. Each person is just interested in
It’s been really helpful. Based on that, I’d like to
their own job and they don’t seem to want to work
discuss the difficulties we seem to be having with
together, or collaborate very much. People don’t
training and development worldwide. After reading
socialise either, not even to get a coffee or have
your reports, it’s becoming clear that we have
lunch together.
different problems in different regions and I’d like to
M: Thanks Andy, I have noticed that as well. We
talk to you about some ideas for how to solve this.
certainly need to do something about the lack of
Akito, I know you’ve had concerns about what’s
team spirit. Sirina, do you have anything to add?
happening in Asia. Er, can you give us some more
S: Yes, I would also like to say that I prefer to be
independent and organise my day as I think best.
A: Thanks for asking, Karen. We’ve tried several
I find it very hard to work when someone else tells
different programmes but they don’t seem to be
me what to do and when to do it, but that seems to
very successful. There are aspects of the business
be the culture here. I have been here long enough
that work very well but we need more support in
to know what needs to be done and always finish
others in order to help our staff do their jobs well.
my work on time – I should be trusted by now. Do
They don’t feel that the training we offered them is
you agree, Andy?
practical enough to help them in their day to day
A: That hasn’t been a problem for me
work. I would be very happy to get some help with
personally, but I have heard other people in the
this problem.
office say similar things. There is another thing
K: Thanks Akito, we definitely need to work on
though, I seem to spend a lot of my salary on my
that. Frederik, you also mentioned that we need to
monthly train ticket. It would be good if the company
find new training options in Europe, is that right?
could help me out somehow with a discounted
F: Absolutely. We are having problems making
travel card for the train or bus – I got that in my last
training both interesting and cost-effective. Our
company. And on that subject, the amount we get
courses cost us quite a lot of money but are not
for fuel when we use our cars for business really
showing the results we’d hoped for. Staff also
isn’t enough. Sorry, er one more thing! As I spend
complain that they last too long which makes it
most of my day sitting, I would also really
difficult for them to keep up with their workload.
appreciate something like subsidised gym
From what we’ve seen, the results have not been
membership which would make it cheaper for us or
very positive so it seems to us that it’s not worth
offer discounts for activities that we could do after
spending so much on these training sessions.
work or on weekends. We do get some vouchers
K: Thanks Frederik, that’s certainly something
but they’re not very interesting for me.
we need to look at carefully, too. Now, Victoria,
S: And, Martina, my last company rewarded us
would you like to add anything about South America
with a bonus when we reached our goals or when
the company did really well. I think that can be very
V: Well, at the moment we keep trying to
motivating for staff – money isn’t everything, I know,
interest our staff in the programmes we have, but
but a little extra to say ‘well done’ sometimes would
most of them just don’t want to take part or drop out
be great. At the moment only management and
before they’re over. They’re so busy with other
some people in certain departments get bonuses,
things and don’t seem interested in spending more
which I have heard are fairly small. But I really think
time at the office. Our courses have been voluntary
we need a bonus scheme that includes everyone.
but we often have to cancel them because so few
M: OK, well thank you for all of that! It sounds as
employees sign up for them.
if we have a lot to think about, but that’s been really
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K: Well, thanks for the information – that’s not businesses who’ve been turned down by traditional
terribly good news! Now, I have an idea about lenders.
setting up global e-learning or blended-learning A: Exactly. And also that we’re giving them
courses which include both online and face-to-face much more than money: that we also provide
elements but I need your input on what exactly the experience, advice and contacts. We should give
staff in your area feel they need to work on. I’d say examples to show how many successful companies
that we can teach information about the products today wouldn’t be here if a venture capital company
online. However, when we teach a skill like hadn’t got involved.
customer service or rapport, I mean understanding J: Too right. Where would companies like
another person and their point of view, we need to Google have been without its VC backers?
do this in person. Can each of you do some more H: To name but one. OK, so the next thing we
research and then put together a short report for need to explain is how we choose the companies
me? Then we can meet again to start working on we invest in. How do we know they’re going to
this concept. How does that sound? succeed?
All: Good. / Great. / Good. A: Well, of course, we don’t, do we?
K: Can you get me these reports within the next H: Precisely but we do our best to limit the risk
two weeks? I’ll then send you some ideas and we’ll by checking them out as thoroughly as we can.
set up another call to discuss them.
V: Sounds like a good idea. I’ll get on it right
away. [Audio BW3.02]
F: Yes, I agree.
J = Jo H = Hannah A = Alex
K: OK with you as well, Akito?
J: It’d be a good idea to have some sort of
A: Of course, I’ll start as soon as we finish
guide about what to look for when considering how
the call.
to invest – that we can hand out at the lecture.
K: Great, glad we all agree on this. And now,
H: Good idea. Well, I think we’d all agree that
I’d like to go on to the second point on our agenda,
the most important thing is the management of
our …
the company.
J&A: Yeah.
[Audio BW3.01] J: People often think we only look at the
financials. Of course the figures are really important
H = Hannah J = Jo A = Alex but they’re one dimensional and won’t really tell us
H: Eh, morning everyone. First thing on the if the company is going to be successful in the
agenda this morning is the information sheet we future.
need to produce for the local university business A: A company won’t succeed without good
school … about what venture capital companies leaders. We need to know that the management
do and how we do it. team will be capable of carrying out the business
J: That’s for the lecture they want us to do plan successfully.
about VC investment, right? H: That’s right, the whole management team
H: Yep, and we’re offering two student must have relevant experience with a good track
placements in our organisation next year. record.
A: Oh right, I’d forgotten about that. We’d better J: And if it doesn’t, the company needs to
draft something out quickly though, ’cause we need recognise that and be ready to recruit managers
to talk about new investments today. from outside the organisation.
H: Don’t stress, Alex! This shouldn’t take too A: So true – do you remember that great little
long. Come on … do you want to start? company last year we looked at? The CEO was
A: OK, well, I think we need to remind the also the founder and his ideas were fantastic but he
students why we exist and not to believe all the flatly refused to take our advice to employ outside
bad press we get, especially when we invest in experienced managers. That could be an example
established companies. of a situation where we decided not to invest.
J: You mean the stories about asset-stripping H: And he went bankrupt six months later, didn’t
and not caring about the future of employees? he? We could’ve turned that business into
A: Absolutely. We need to dispel that idea something remarkable.
immediately and show that we can also be a force J: But because we did our checks, we didn’t
for good in the economy. waste our time fighting a losing battle with the CEO.
H: That’s a good point. We should make the A: Such a shame! It was an amazing idea and
point that we are often the last resort for good shouldn’t’ve failed.
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J: And that’s the next thing - the product or is mainly due to the launch of the new product line,
service itself has to have a competitive edge. It’s which has proved to be very popular. During the
got to have legs and not be a short-lived wonder. next three months sales rose steadily to reach
H: Yes, we like the ideas that can solve real-life 10.8 million in July and then in August they went
problems in a cost-effective way and which can up to 12 million. September saw sales slow a little
generate sales before the competitors have realised and in October, revenues once again returned to
what’s happening. the August level. In November and December
A: That’s why we’ve got to study the market revenues increased by 2.1 and 2.5 million to reach
carefully. Is the business targeting the right market 14.1 and 16.6 respectively so the year ended on
and is the market big enough to generate millions a high as we surpassed our annual target.
so that we get the returns we need on our
H: Or even billions. [Audio BW4.01]
A: Ideally, yes. So the business plan must have
1 This is Matteo Blinksmann. I want to complain
a detailed market analysis.
about one of your robots: the security guard. I’ve
J: And finally don’t forget the risk assessment.
just been pushed over by it and then it grabbed me
Obviously it’s our job to take on risky businesses,
by the arm to stop me getting up. It also shouted
that’s why we need to do due diligence and
at me and told me to get out of the hall. This robot
evaluate potential problems, such as legal issues.
needs to be stopped.
H: Yes, and it’s important to ensure that there’s
2 Mr Hideaki Egami here. That’s E G A M I. I’ve just
a foreseeable exit from the business so that we can
checked in with your receptionist robot, Mayumi,
see the return on our investment.
and er I must tell you that her Japanese skills are
J: And that the funding we offer must be
terrible. I won’t tell you what she said but I was
enough to take the business to the level we expect
extremely offended by it. I think you need to look
it to reach.
at the programme again. I’m happy to meet you in
H: That sounds great Jo. Can you draft out the
person to discuss the problem.
document for the next meeting?
3 Hi, Mark Steadman here. Er, just thought you
J: No problem.
should know that although the coffee robot, Bob,
H: Alex, can you outline our lecture?
is fantastic and makes the best coffee I’ve ever
A: Leave it to me.
tasted, unfortunately he managed to spill hot coffee
H: Thanks. OK, now let’s move on to the new
over me and ruined my suit jacket. He said sorry
investment opportunities …
but it could have been really dangerous. As it is,
I’ll need to have the jacket cleaned as soon as
[Audio ExtBW3.01] possible. As I say, he did apologise profusely for
the accident, so er good speaking skills I guess!
As you can see from this pie chart here, our biggest 4 Hello this is Wei Ling. I must complain about your
export market is India, where around 60 percent of security robot. He’s completely mad. He confiscated
all sales revenues are generated. Our second most my bag when I went in to a presentation and
important export market is North America, which wouldn’t let it go. He seems to be rather over-
generates 25 percent of all sales revenues for the enthusiastic. He has now walked away with my bag
company. This is growing and should be nearer and refused to let me have it. I don’t want to miss
30 percent next year. The final two sections of the the presentation and now I have to follow the robot
pie chart are 10 percent for Europe and 5 percent because my laptop is in it.
from Australia. 5 Sarah Buchanan. Your robot café is a total
disaster. What a stupid idea. The food was good
but there were some problems with serving it. The
[Audio ExtBW3.02] idiot robot managed to drop my plate on the floor
and the food went over my very new and expensive
Now let’s look at the sales figures month on month
shoes. I demand compensation immediately and
compared to last year. In January total revenues
that you put real people in as waiters.
were 5.6 million dollars, 6 percent up on the same
6 This is Aleksander Baron. I think you ought to
time last year and more than we expected.
know that the driver robot, Oskar, took me to the
Unfortunately, there were problems in February
wrong destination three times. You’ve got some
and sales fell by 1.52 million dollars to 4.08 million.
problems with him. I thought at first it was my
This was because of supply problems and transport
accent that he didn’t understand, but this seems
strikes. March saw an upturn in sales which
to have happened to quite a few other people too,
reached 6.4 million, right on target and April was
not just me.
even better when sales soared to 8.75 million. This
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[Audio BW5.01] even considered and others are not the ones we
usually offer to employees who are just starting
C = Clara F = Felipe J = Juliana D = Diego out. As Juliana mentioned however, some of
C: Hello everyone. I’m Clara and I’ll be here these could be put into practice and some would
for the next six months in the HR Department. I’m be impossible to do. Clara, how would you like to
really pleased you could all make it here today in take this forward?
person. There are several issues we’re dealing with C: I am mostly concerned about the reputation
at the moment and I’d very much like to get your of the company, which is another reason I called
feedback on them. Felipe, I believe you’re one of this meeting. If we change things too quickly, it
the regional managers, right? could have a negative effect on how we are viewed
F: Yes, I manage staff in some of the northern in the business community. This could really hurt
areas of the country. us in the future. I also don’t think it’s fair to those
C: Uh huh and Juliana, you’re also a regional employees who’ve been with us for many years
manager but in the south I believe? to suddenly change the way we measure
J: Yes, that’s right. performance. Nevertheless, I also think that we
C: Diego, great to have you with us. I really feel need to take this situation seriously.
that a good working relationship with the union is F: Mm hmm, what do you suggest?
vital when we deal with issues around performance C: Well, you’re all going to be here at head
and rewards. office for a couple of days. How about if each of us
D: Thanks for inviting me. I’d also like to find thinks about this and notes down which particular
ways to work together on this. changes might be necessary? I’d also like to think
C: Well, let me start with the background. As about how we can look at goals to make them
you all know, the field of renewable energy needs measurable so that we can decide how and when
to stay up-to-date and innovative. In the past we to reward performance. Does that make sense?
always found recent university graduates to be D: Interesting idea. I suspect that we may have
the ones who can best help us reach these goals. very different ideas.
However, it seems now that the grads we hire don’t J: Yes, we probably will, but it seems like
stay very long, which is a problem for us. On the a good way to approach this. What do you think,
one hand, we need people we can rely on to take Felipe?
ideas forward, but on the other hand, we are not F: Let’s give it a try.
happy about them taking what they have learnt C: Thanks everyone. So, let’s meet again
about the business to our competition. That’s why tomorrow morning and see what we’ve come up
we need to discuss this problem and brainstorm with. I’ll put something in our calendars …
some ideas. What do you say, Diego?
D: I agree, Clara. The problem for young staff
is that they expect to be treated differently than the [Audio BW5.02]
people we hired even ten years ago. Many of them
C = Clara J = Juliana D = Diego F = Felipe
wait longer to rent or buy their own apartments.
C: Good morning everyone. How are you doing?
That means that they often don’t have the pressure
J: Fine.
of high living costs so if they aren’t happy they go
D: Glad to be here.
elsewhere. In many cases, the work-life balance
F: Fine, thanks.
is also more important for them than lifelong
C: Great. Coffee, anyone?
employment or spending hours at work to get
J: I’d love some.
ahead. Have you seen this as well?
F: Yes please. Thanks Clara.
J: Absolutely. Many of the expectations they
C: So, if everyone is set, let’s get started. I’m
talk about in their entry interviews never used to
really looking forward to hearing the ideas you’ve
come up so are a bit surprising to hear. Some of
come up with. Juliana, do you want to begin?
them may be viable but I think we need to discuss
J: Sure. Um, this was really an interesting
these carefully and think about them before we start
exercise. I did some research and some thinking
making major changes. What do you say Felipe?
and have a couple of suggestions. First of all, as
F: I agree as well. I’ve been in the business
you know we have a number of projects which we
a long time and years ago people were just happy
assign to different groups of people. So far, we
to have a job. Today, young people see things very
have mostly looked at whether or not they were
differently. They want time for families, friends,
completed on time but I think what we are missing
hobbies and seem to forget that they are just at
is a quality check. We need to see if the projects
the start of their careers. I think they need to put in
meet the goals that were set and if the project
a few years before they can ask for certain things.
Some benefits they mention are ones we haven’t
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them with their day-to-day jobs, a limit on the P: Aha, so a mixed picture locally. And I think
number of business trips they need to take, flexible you’ve also received a statement from the Land
hours, and more social events to get to know their Conservation Agency, is that right?
colleagues. Many of them said they are happy R: Yes, the Land Conservation Agency has
about the bonus system we have in place which been very quick to support Mr Ndege and their joint
rewards ideas and not just goals but they feel that partnership. Their statement says that despite
we could do more to keep them happy. recent negative press reports, they would like to
C: Thanks, Diego. This is really helpful. I will assure the public that their involvement in the
have to think about this and get back to you when Dodoma project was agreed because they believe
I have more information. that this is the best way of protecting our
environment and wildlife for future generations.
Furthermore, they have every confidence in Mr
[Audio BW6.01] Ndege, whose actions have always been above
board and ethical and they believe that any
P = Presenter R = Reporter
investigation will bear this out.
P: One of the success stories out of Africa
P: And breaking news is just coming in.
recently has been that of Josef Ndege, who’s built
Apparently the AFhomes’ Dodoma project has been
a successful construction business with strong
closed down while the government investigates
ethical principles. He’s famous for his charity work
accusations of wrongdoing and unethical business
and support of the underprivileged in his country.
practices. This is a severe blow for Josef Ndege,
However, recent newspaper reports claim that
the flag bearer for ethical business in Africa.
funds destined for educational purposes have
disappeared and found their way into local
businessmen’s pockets. This kind of corruption is [Audio BW7.01]
something that Mr Ndege has strongly criticised
all his working life. So, to understand the situation R = Rahul D = Divya V = Varinder A = Aarav
better, I’ve been talking to a local journalist, R: Thanks everyone for joining us today on this
Precious Otieno. call. As I’m out of the office for the next week, it
R: Yes, thank you. I’ve now spoken to several seemed the best way for us to go over the final
people involved with Mr Ndege. One was Eunice details for the trade fair called ‘Games and toys for
Mazula, who is CEO of an educational charity here all’ which is taking place in Hong Kong next week.
called HappyEd, which Mr Ndege has supported for Divya, I guess you have been arranging most of the
many years. Ms Mazula pointed out to me that they details, is that right?
have managed to build several schools and give D: Yes, I have, with the help of my staff. As you
thousands of children an education and that many all know, it’s a four-day fair from Tuesday to Friday.
of these children wouldn’t have had an education Varinder and Aarav, are you clear on the
without the funding from Mr Ndege. arrangements for flights and hotels?
P: And has everyone you’ve spoken to been V: Yes, a staff member and I are flying on
so positive about Mr Ndege, Precious? Sunday and one more from the marketing
R: No, absolutely not. I also spoke to two of department is joining us on Monday. The centre
AFhomes’ employees about their experience will be open on Monday so that we can set up our
working for the company, Julius and Nkomo. stand. Those of us flying on Sunday will be working
Julius has worked for AFhomes for ten years. He on this. Aarav, I think some of your staff from the
began by saying that the company had always paid product development department will also be there
staff well and looked after their families. However, then, is that right?
two months ago he was transferred to the Dodoma A: Absolutely. Some of the toys are still in the
project and, since then, he hasn’t been paid and is development phase so we wanted to make sure
naturally becoming very worried. they were displayed correctly at the stand. I have
Nkomo is employed as a carpenter by AFhomes two staff members coming with me on Sunday and
working on the houses here in Dodoma. He claims another one joining us on Monday. How many are
that the work site isn’t safe and that there have coming from sales, Divya?
been several accidents. The company also D: I am going myself, of course, and bringing
promised to pay for his kids to go to school, but he four staff members with me. We are leaving here
hasn’t received anything they promised so far. Like very early on Monday and arriving early afternoon.
many others though, Nkomo can’t leave because We’ll go to the hotel and then come by the centre
he needs the job and the money. to see how everything is going.
V: Sounds good. So Rahul, just to confirm –
all the travel plans have been approved, right?
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R: Yes, all taken care of. And you are all Making sure we get our message out will be a time-
returning on Saturday when the fair is over. Some saver in the future and help us achieve a successful
are on the early flight and those who need to take image as we will have the chance to reach so many
down the stand will be on the late afternoon one. people at this fair.
We have arranged with the hotel for single rooms R: That all sounds very positive, Varinder.
for five people from Sunday to Saturday and for Thanks. And Aarav, what about product
an additional seven from Monday to Saturday. development?
Unfortunately, I will be abroad at this time but A: Mm, I would like to take the chance to talk
I am sure you will all manage wonderfully. Thanks to buyers who come to the stand and get feedback
everyone for your time this morning. Could we set from them. I think this is an excellent opportunity to
up another short call tomorrow morning to discuss find out what is in demand in the market, informally,
any other last minute details that may come up? before we start work on our new product lines. It
I would also like to have some time to talk about will help us to know what direction we should take.
what you are hoping to get out of the trade fair. When we have an idea, we never know for sure if
Is that OK with everyone? it will sell or not. This way we don’t need to spend
All: Fine. /Sure. /Fine. time manufacturing a product that the retailers are
R: Great, till tomorrow then. not interested in, giving us the chance to be
successful from the beginning with product
[Audio BW7.02] R: Excellent. It sounds like you all have this
under control. I’m looking forward to reading your
R = Rahul D = Divya V = Varinder A = Aarav
reports when you return. Have a good trip
R: Good morning everyone. Is everything still
everyone. I’m going to be quite tied up for the
going smoothly? Has anything else come up that
next few days, but just send me an email or leave
we need to deal with urgently?
a voicemail if you have any problems or need
All: No. / Everything’s fine. No problems.
anything from me. I’ll get back to you as soon
R: Now this is a really important event for us as
as I can.
it is the first time we are doing something like this.
Now that you have all had time to plan the
practicalities, I would like to know more about your [Audio BW7.03]
goals in attending and how these can help us in the
future to be more efficient and successful. Divya, R = Rahul D = Divya A = Aarav V = Varinder
can you fill us in on what the sales department D: Rahul, this is Divya. Who’s organising the
hopes to achieve there? kick-off meeting? Will it be here or in Hong Kong?
D: I hope we will be able to come back from this And what about the daily meetings there? Who’s in
trade fair with some sales contracts. I have heard charge of them? I’m getting nervous as I really think
there will be a number of buyers from large retail we need a plan! Who should be doing what?
chains there. We need to have staff who can A: Rahul, this is Aarav. I really need to talk to
convince them to sell our products in all their stores. you about the sales contracts Divya wants to
Contracts should be prepared and brought along so prepare for the fair. They are totally different from
that buyers can sign up on the spot. This will also anything we’ve done so far and I don’t think they
save us time later as we won’t need to contact so are appropriate for our purposes. I think we need
many retailers. to discuss this. And I also want to talk to you as she
R: That sounds very sensible. So are your staff keeps bothering my staff. I’ve asked her to stop but
working on the contracts? she doesn’t listen to me.
D: Yes, they are. They are also putting together D: Rahul, it’s Divya again! The contracts we
lists of some of the retail chains who will be agreed on aren’t finished and I need to take them
represented there. along for clients to sign at the fair. And Aarav is
R: Thanks, Divya. And Varinder, what about the being rather difficult about all this and I don’t
marketing department? What are your main goals? understand the problem. Can you do something?!
V: In my opinion, we need to be looking into V: Rahul, this is Varinder. We need to get those
marketing our company and creating a network of tickets out to our major clients. Do you have the list
people who know about us. We have sent out for me? And are we also giving them vouchers for
invitations to buyers to come to our stand, and some of our toys? Oh … and has the website been
we’re organising a raffle, some vouchers for our updated? And what about the raffle we discussed?
visitors, and an event we can invite them to. The Was a decision made about that? And today I heard
stand also has to have a place for us to sit and talk the stand has to be smaller, which affects our
to visitors and where we can have some catering.
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catering. Can you let me know what to do? This B: What, by selling us out to Osbruk-Basri?
is really urgent! That’s not Ms Khan’s style. She wouldn’t do this,
V: Rahul, it’s Varinder here again. We just got surely?
a call from the hotel and they don’t have enough C: Anyway, do you always believe everything
single rooms. We may have to find another hotel you read in the newspaper?
and I would need to start looking immediately! What A: No, but why would they write it if it wasn’t
do you think we should do? Can you let me know true? I don’t want to work for a company that
as soon as you can? doesn’t care about its employees at all.
A: Rahul, it’s Aarav. The courier service we C: Well I think we need to have a meeting
hired to get all the samples and materials to the fair with the boss and find out why she didn’t tell us.
can’t get into the Hong Kong Fair Centre because
they don’t have the correct paperwork with them.
What should I do? Is there someone I need to [Audio P6.02]
phone who can take care of this?
1 Salvador Fidalgo | is our ‘Hero of the month’ | for
D: Hi Rahul, it’s Divya. I’m at the airport with the
his work on our local community programme. | He
sales team and we’ve just found out that our flight
has formed and coached | a football team of local
has been cancelled. Can we rebook another flight
teenagers | and the youngsters have done so well |
right away? Is it OK if I do that or do I need to
that they have just won a regional football
contact our travel department? This is really urgent!
competition. | Salvador says he has had such
Thanks. Please call me when you get this message.
a rewarding time | working with these youngsters, |
that he is going to start a second team.
[Audio BW8.01] 2 Salvador Fidalgo is our ‘Hero of the month’ for
his work on our local community programme. | He
A: Eh, have you heard about the takeover? has formed and coached a football team of local
B: Yeah, I read it in the newspaper. Why weren’t teenagers | and the youngsters have done so
we told? Osbruk’s a terrible company to work for. well that they have just won a regional football
I’ve got a friend who said that they have a ridiculous competition. | Salvador says he has had such
attendance policy. If he’s just two minutes late for a rewarding time working with these youngsters,
work, even if it’s not his fault, he gets a warning. that he is going to start a second team.
Can you imagine that? At least here, the managers
respect us and we respect them so they trust us.
A: I know, I think our business culture is very
different from Osbruk-Basri’s. I also heard that they
make you work overtime most days without paying
you extra.
C: But that’s illegal, isn’t it?
B: Well apparently there’s something in the
contract that says they can do that.
C: I don’t like the sound of this company at all.
What’re we going to do?
A: I can’t understand why Ms Khan didn’t tell
us about this. She wouldn’t do anything that would
damage the company, would she?
C: She didn’t say anything because she knows
we’d be unhappy. If things get bad, I’ll move back
to Australia.
B: I bet we’ll all lose our jobs. Every time OB
takes a company over, they get rid of everyone.
They’re all about the bottom line. They don’t care
about the staff.
A: That’s why I am so surprised. We’ve always
been looked after well here. We’re like family. The
company is doing well, isn’t it?
C: I think so. But I know we need a bigger
factory for the new export orders. Maybe this is
the only way Chillhot can afford to expand.
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