Battles of Legend: The Battle of La Maisontaal

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A historical scenario originally by Rick Priestley and battle
by Ewan Lamont, Andy Hall & Steve Hambrook.

Welcome once again to the fifth instalment in Once Gnawdoom had this sacred item within
our ongoing series of recreating famous his grasp he fled the battlefield, leaving the
Warhammer world battles into playable other Skaven to be slaughtered. Throt escaped
Warmaster scenarios. With the release of the the battle, his warpstone enhanced
Skaven army we now have the opportunity to constitution keeping him alive despite
see how they fare in a really big battle. horrendous wounds. It was rumoured that
Inspired as we were by the incredible after the battle he hired the services of Clan
Warhammer scenario, the Battle of La Eshin to exact revenge on the treacherous
Maisontaal, we thought what better than Gnawdoom.
recreating this in Warmaster. Once more we’ll
The Bretonnians took heavy casualties from
remind you that the rules for the special
the relentless press of Undead, for Kemmler
characters published are for use with the
kept raising those that fell using the
scenario below, but can be used in other
devastating power of his magic and his sheer
games if you wish. Bear in mind that they are
force of will. Eventually the Lichemaster tired
in no way official, so don’t turn up to any
of the battle, realising that the Skaven Grey
tournaments with them!
Seer had already fled with his prize. He
slipped into the shadows and was gone.
The Battle of La Maisontaal, fought in the year The monks of Taal praised their god for their
2491, ended in a spectacular victory for the survival and the Bretonnians returned to their
Bretonnian forces of Duc Tancred. Although at lands with honour. Duc Tancred devoted the
first the Skaven and Heinrich Kemmler’s remainder of his life to seeking the downfall
Undead forces fought together, this unholy of the Lichemaster, tragically bringing about
alliance soon broke down when the his own doom at the Battle of Montfort
treacherous Skaven unleashed a number of Bridge. Some rumours whisper that he walks
hellish Warpfire Throwers into the ranks of the world still, cursed to undeath by the foul
Zombies in an effort to destroy the Necromancer.
Lichemaster. The Necromancer walked
The year 2491 was a dark year for the faithful
unscathed through the green flames, and
of Taal, the god of Nature, whose temple lay
turned his forces against his deceitful allies.
high in the mountains between Bretonnia
Allowing the Skaven and Undead to engage
and the Empire. Here follows an account of
each other, Duc Tancred held his forces back
these dire events.
for a single heroic charge, which smashed the
forces of the Skaven, splitting them. Despite Bagrian, High Priest of Taal, walked over the
this, the rat-men fought on in desperation, floorboards to look out of the shattered
attacked on two sides. window as the last of the day’s sunshine was
hidden by the horizon. His face was a mask
While Throt the Unclean directed his mutated
of cold fury. Shards of coloured glass
creations against the Undead and Bretonnian
crunched under his sandalled feet. The
forces, Grey Seer Gnawdoom hurtled over the
beautiful stained glass windows had been
battlefield, borne aloft by the power of his
inspirational creations, spectacular
magic. Accompanied by a small group of
devotions to Taal that had taken years of
black-clad Gutter Runners, he managed to
loving attention to create. Now they were in
fight his way inside the temple of Taal and
ruin, as was much of the abbey. Only the
recover the Black Ark. The High Priest of Taal,
temple itself still stood. The rest of La
Bagrian, was killed in this attack, stabbed
Maisontaal Abbey had been ruined, and the
countless times by the poisoned blades of an
smell of charred wood and swirling ash filled
Assassin. Many say that Bagrian brought this
the cool night air.
end upon himself, and that his interest in
warpstone reeked of the taint of Chaos. The High Priest raised his gaze to encompass
the fields surrounding the abbey, and his
expression hardened. Dark shapes were

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silhouetted against the dying red sky; evil, The monks of Taal stood bravely before them,
twisted creatures were out there, fighting with mace and hammer. The air was
abominations of nature which had no right filled with crackling sorcery as the Grey Seer
to be walking the earth. Those creatures were pitted his magic against that of Bagrian.
opposed to all that he believed in, and were Throt, a powerful master mutator of Clan
an affront to his god. Moulder, directed his foul rat-spawn
creations against the abbey’s defenders, and
Concealed with arcane spells of protection twisted rats of gigantic proportions
and shielding, Bagrian had slipped scrambled over the walls. The battle raged for
unnoticed into the bowels of the mighty half the night, and the outer walls of the
stronghold of the foul rat-men, that dark, abbey were slowly reduced to rubble. The
crumbling city beneath the marshes known overwhelming numbers and ferocity of the
as Skavenblight. His journey had reaffirmed Skaven had slowly pushed the monks back.
his belief that these creatures had no place in
the world, and he had learnt much of the As the moon reached its zenith in the sky
Skaven in his brief foray. He had discovered above, a second terror descended on the
that it was the Chaos-infused substance beleaguered abbey. His soul filled with a
known as warpstone that millennia ago had growing despair, Bagrian looked into the
twisted the rat-creatures into the hideous clear sky, only to see the stars being blocked
beings they were today. He had hoped that out by huge, dark shapes. On leathery wings,
studies of this dangerous substance might immense, deadly fell bats swooped down
provide a clue as to how to eradicate the onto the monks, draining several of blood
unnatural creatures from the world forever. before taking to the air once more. The monks
With this in mind, Bagrian magically recoiled in horror as an army of the dead
marched out of the mountains to the north.
transported a small black box full of
The Skaven advanced with increased
warpstone to his study in the abbey of Taal,
confidence now that their allies had arrived.
high in the Grey Mountains. The rat-creatures
flew into a frenzy when they discovered that At the head of the legion of corpses strode the
the box was missing. Despite being magically dread Necromancer Heinrich Kemmler, the
concealed, Bagrian only barely escaped the Lichemaster. For years this evil sorcerer had
seething Skaven lair. How could he have been causing terror along the borders of
known that the box was an item sacred to the Bretonnia, laying waste to villages and
abhorrent Skaven, the cursed Black Ark of the towns as his army’s ranks swelled with those
Horned Rat? he slaughtered. At his side was the towering
figure of Krell the Twice Damned; his soul
It had taken only days for the foul creatures pledged to Chaos and his long-decayed body
to appear. Taal only knows how they had cursed to walk the earth once more. No doubt
found him, so far from their subterranean the Necromancer planned to use the power of
hell-hole, but find him they had. Three nights the cursed warpstone to enhance his already
later, he had been awoken from his slumber dangerously powerful necromantic abilities.
by a vision of his god, alerting him to danger.
Rushing into the corridor outside his room, In horror, Bagrian turned to the small
he found the night watch lying at their posts, graveyard just outside the abbey grounds as
their throats slit. Hunched black figures hands pushed up through the wet earth. The
prowled the abbey, moonlight glinting on bodies of dead monks rose from their graves
their vicious blades. Calling on the powers at Kemmler’s command, turning sightless
vested in him by his god, Bagrian caused a eyes upon their former brethren. Dismay
great ball of light to appear above the abbey, washed over Bagrian, for such obscene acts
burning like a miniature sun and should not be possible on the sacred,
illuminating the entire grounds. The black- consecrated grounds of La Maisontaal. The
clad Skaven cowered before the sudden light, Lichemaster was powerful indeed! Groaning,
and Bagrian quickly dispatched them with the rotting bodies of countless zombies
his powerful magic. The next morning, fear staggered towards the monks, and the battle
became even more terrible.
filled the abbey and shock and fright could be
read in the eyes of initiate and monk alike. Bagrian ordered the monks into the temple of
As night began to fall, movement could be Taal, sealing the immense solid door behind
seen in the distance, and the first wave of them. He knew that if the two parties acted
attacks began. Led by Gnawdoom, a crazed together, they would quickly overcome the
and powerful Skaven sorcerer, and the last of the abbey’s defenders, but that was not
hideously mutated Throt the Unclean, the in the nature of these suspicious and evil-
twisted rat-men descended on the abbey, hearted beings. Indeed, the unholy alliance
crashing over the walls in a horrid, swiftly fell apart and the two unnatural
unstoppable swarm. enemies clashed.

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While the powerful sorcerers Kemmler and saw elements of the Skaven and Undead
Gnawdoom were focused on each other, forces turn to face this new threat, while
Bagrian managed to get past their magical others kept fighting each other.
defences. Free from its corporeal burden, his
Feeling the power of his god flowing through
spirit burst from his body and sped into the
him, Bagrian turned resolutely to the monks
sky. Soaring high above the earth, Bagrian
who crowded behind him.
scoured the lands in an attempt to find some
aid for the beleaguered abbey. After nearly an “I will join our allies, and smite the
hour of searching, his spirit-eyes found what abominations this day in Taal’s name! Guard
he sought. Camped less than a day’s march the Ark well in my absence.”
away from the abbey was a force of
Bretonnian knights. Descending to the With those words he swept towards the great
ground, his spirit form passed through the double-doors that guarded the entrance to
command tent, coming invisibly face to face the temple. The doors swung open at a
with the proud Duc Tancred. gesture, and he stepped through them. The
burnt ruins of the abbey were littered with
Looking within the heart of the noble bodies, some furred, others in various stages
Bretonnian Grail Knight, Bagrian saw that he of decay. The great doors swung shut behind
had a true and noble spirit, and hope surged him, and Bagrian gazed in hatred towards
through him. The Grail Damsel at Duc the figures of Kemmler and the Skaven Grey
Tancred’s side gasped as she perceived the Seer, Gnawdoom. They sensed his power
spirit of Bagrian, though no other in the tent across the battlefield and instantly began
could see him. Swiftly, Bagrian told her of the their mental assault.
plight of the abbey of Taal. The Damsel
quickly relayed the message to the Duc. The Skaven army swiftly broke away from the
Hearing the name of the hated Heinrich Undead forces, pulling back to regroup. The
Kemmler, the Grail Knight surged to his feet, Bretonnians thundered over the rocky ground
shouting for his army to make ready to ride and the three armies faced each other, the
to war. abbey in the centre. Standing on the steps of
the temple of Taal, Bagrian raised his arms
Bagrian glared over the shattered remains of high in the air. There was a sudden flash of
his once proud abbey. As he watched, the two light, and contorting lightning arced towards
forces came forward once more to resume the Undead and Skaven ranks. At an unheard
their struggle. Doubtless, both Kemmler and signal, the three armies charged towards each
the Skaven Grey Seer Gnawdoom wanted the other, and the vicious, desperate Battle of La
warpstone hidden in the strangely decorated Maisontaal began in earnest.
black box for themselves.
The forces of Skaven and Undead clashed
once again as the sky turned to darkness
overhead, their fighting even reaching the
inner compound of the abbey below. The
sound of chanting echoed through the temple
as the monks of Taal intoned devotions to
their god. Bagrian was at peace within
himself, though he raged against the
abominations that stalked the night outside. FORCES
He knew that if his god decreed that his time The Bretonnian army consists of 3,000 points
was upon him, he would face it without fear. chosen from the Bretonnian army selector.
If his god decided that he would live to fight This army must be divided into two separate
to restore the natural order of the land, then forces, one consisting of 500 points of infantry
he would survive this day. only (the defenders of La Maisontaal) and one
There was a sudden shout within the temple, consisting of 2,500 points (the relief force).
interrupting the chanting that stopped The High Priest of Taal, Bagrian, is a Wizard
suddenly. and is free with this scenario. The Skaven army
consists of 3,000 points from the Skaven army
“Look to the west, Father Bagrian! By Taal, we selector. The character Throt the Unclean
are saved!” comes free with this scenario. The Vampire
Running to the west windows, Bagrian saw a Counts army consists of 3,000 points from the
great cloud of dust billowing in the distance. Vampire Counts army selector. The character
Riding before the dust-cloud were the proud Heinrich Kemmler is the General and comes
knights of Bretonnia, pennants dancing in the free with this scenario.
wind as they galloped towards the abbey. He

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SET UP half its full complement of units. The game

The Undead and Skaven armies deploy first as ends either after eight turns or if there is only
shown on the map on pg 10, taking it in turn a single army remaining on the field of battle.
to place either a unit or a brigade until all of Players should take note of the stands and
their units are deployed. Then the Bretonnian units that they destroy of each of their enemies
player deploys 500 points of his army in and so that Victory points can be allocated at the
around the abbey of La Maisontaal (this must end of the battle (the easiest way to do this is
be comprised only of infantry and must for each general to build up a ‘dead pile’ on a
include the special character Bagrian). Units spare table or in a box). Each army moves in
within the abbey count as Fortified. The rest of its own specific phase of each turn and follows
the Bretonnian army may only come on via the the sequence of turns as shown below.
Bretonnian battlefield edge upon the
successful roll of a 4+ on a D6 by the TURN SEQUENCE
Bretonnian player. The Bretonnian player may Skaven/Undead/Bretonnian
attempt this roll once at the beginning of each
of his turns. GAME LENGTH
The game lasts for eight turns.
Multi-player game: This battle is a multi- VICTORY CONDITIONS
player game with three distinct sides; In addition to the standard Warmaster victory
Bretonnians, Skaven and Vampire Counts. conditions, the army that finishes the battle
Each army acts in exactly the same way that with the most units within the compound of
individual armies do and will withdraw after La Maisontaal gains an extra 500 Victory
the death of the General or after losing over points.














Bagrian Wizard +1 – – 8 1 – 1 *1
Throt the Unclean Hero +3 – – 8 1 – 1 *2
Heinrich Kemmler General +2 – – 9 1 – 1 *3

Special Rules
1. Priest of Taal. Bagrian is the master of La Maisontaal and a High Priest of Taal, the god of
nature. He therefore doesn’t use the standard spell list available to Bretonnian Enchantresses
and utilises the Empire spells instead.
2. Master Mutator. Throt is a Master Mutator of Clan Moulder and as a result has mutated his
own body, increasing his constitution considerably and grafting on an additional arm. This gives
Throt +2 Attacks that have been included in his profile.
3. Master Necromancer. Kemmler has studied the dark arts for countless centuries. He counts
as though he has the Necrarch ability – may re-roll one failed spell throughout the battle.

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Battles of Legend

KEMMLER’S DARK ORATION… mean feat, so with the aid of the terror -
So here we are at another Battle of Legend. My causing Vampire mounts I hoped to better my
track record at these has not been very good, chances. I also ‘maxed’ out on Grave Knights
in fact it’s down right terrible! And my nemesis knowing that I would probably bump into
(the evil Hambrook!) has an unbeaten record. large amounts of fearsome Bretonnian
After Steve asked me to play in this one I stuck Knights. Fell Bats would also be useful for
a few more pins in the head of the Hambrook getting into the abbey (the internal courtyard
Voodoo doll I keep in my desk drawer and was not fortified) so I took as many as I could.
reluctantly agreed. I filled out the rest of the army with the usual
In this battle I was to play the Lichemaster, mix of Undead flotsam which was dependant
Heinrich Kemmler, and command his force of on what we had painted in the cabinet. These
Undead using the Vampire Counts army would largely have a supportive roll and I
selector. After reading the scenario it became hoped to get as many in the abbey as possible
apparent to me that I had to get into La if I managed to break in.
Maisontaal. This was for two main reasons. After surveying the battlefield I realised that I
Firstly, La Maisontaal is Fortified which means would need to work with Steve’s Skaven army
it cannot be attacked by cavalry, which when if I was going to crack the abbey. Once in La
going against Bretonnians is a good thing! Maisontaal I would then boot Steve out (as I
Secondly, being in control of the abbey at the knew he would betray me as soon as our
end of the game gained you an extra 500 alliance had run its course). An alliance with
Victory points. With this in mind I went for a Steve would be a shaky one at best as we have
solid brigade of Grave Guard to lead the attack both played against each other many times,
on the abbey. This would be supported by a having a long running (friendly, honest!) rivalry
Vampire in Black Coach and one on a Winged and have never worked together before, could
Nightmare. Getting into the abbey would be no we now? – Andy.

The Undead Horde of Heinrich Kemmler

• Kemmler – General Free
• 1 Vampire Black Coach 120 pts
• 1 Vampire on Winged Nightmare 160 pts
• 3 Necromancers 135 pts
• 10 units of Skeletons 300 pts
• 6 units of Zombies 210 pts
• 12 units of Grave Knights 1,320 pts
• 4 units of Grave Guard 240 pts
• 8 units of Dire Wolves 320 pts
• 3 units of Fell Bats 195 pts

Total – 3,000 pts

LE PLAN DE BATTAILLE smaller three-unit brigade. The Squires were

I did not have to think too much about what divided into two three-unit brigades.
troops to take - 3,000 points is a lot of troops The plan was simple – the monks and their
and I just about begged, borrowed and stole retainers (Peasants, Men-at-arms and Bowmen)
enough to supplement my own reasonable just had to survive until the proverbial cavalry
1,500 point army. As it turned out I had came to the rescue. The only slightly devious
accidentally acquired a very usefully balanced bit of my plan was to send all the squires to my
force. My ‘useful’ infantry came to the 500 far right flank and give the Skaven something
points required to defend La Maisontaal, to think about (keeping them away from the La
leaving only a brigade of Peasants scurrying Maisontaal).
after their mounted masters in the relief force.
My big fears were a coordinated Skaven and
I swapped one of the Peasants units with Men-
Undead attack on the abbey, the Skaven sitting
at-arms so that the Peasant brigade had a bit of
in my deployment zone picking off the relief
backbone and might actually move on the
column as it came onto the battlefield or even
battlefield. I organised the Knights into three
worse – the relief column never actually
brigades, one hard hitting one with the ‘tooled
showing up! – Ewan.
up’ Grail Knights, one of four units and one

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The Bretonnian Army of Duc Tancred

• Duc Tancred – General 125 pts
• 1 Hero on Pegasus 95 pts
• 3 Heroes 240 pts
• 2 Enchantresses on Unicorn, one with Scroll of Dispelling 140 pts
• 1 unit of Men-at-arms 45 pts
• 3 units of Peasants 90 pts
• 2 Grail Knights, one with Sword of Destruction 250 pts
• 9 units of Knights 990 pts
• 6 units of Squires 540 pts

The Garrison of La Maisontaal

• Bagrian – Wizard Free
• 5 units of Bowmen 275 pts
• 4 units of Men-at-arms 180 pts
• 1 unit of Peasants 30 pts

Total – 3,000 pts

ATTACK ABBEY, QUICK-QUICK! would give me a solid backbone for my army. I

My fourth Battle of Legend and so far I have a took another look at the scenario – I would
one hundred percent success rate – something have to assault a Fortified position. Now who
tells me I’m gonna be in for a fall! When better than the mighty Rat Ogres for this job? I
coming up with ideas for scenarios for Battles purchased the maximum number of units I
of Legend we generally research all available could have – six! I also figured that if I was
Warhammer material. This usually involves going up against Bretonnians and their
reading through the history and background fearsome Knights I would max out on Warp-
sections of each of the army books (oh, what a lightning cannons – taking three. I also took a
chore!). This time around I was flicking couple of units of Jezzails to guard the guns.
through the Warhammer Chronicles 2003 Three units of Plague Monks and three units of
when I stumbled upon the Battle at La Gutter Runners would give me some hard-
Maisontaal. This immediately gave me pangs hitting and some versatile troops. Finally I
of nostalgia, for I remembered playing the took a Doom Wheel – they never seem to do
original scenario from the first Citadel Journal, much for me but maybe this time it would
many years ago. Back then I took command of fulfil its potential. With my units sorted and
Bagrian and his warrior monks and was already forming up in brigades within my head
soundly slaughtered by the Undead and I considered the characters. I took the
Skaven armies. How good would this be in obligatory Grey Seer and for battles of this
Warmaster scale I thought. So, here we are size, the equally obligatory Screaming Bell –
again and this time I’m not the Bretonnians! tooling him up with a Ring of Magic. Three
So, 3,000 point of Skaven, eh? Well, no one Heroes and three Warlocks I thought would
knows Skaven better than me (allegedly!) and give me enough decent Command and more
they certainly are a difficult army to command. than sufficient magic support for the army. I
With the Skaven you have to have a decent gave the Rat Ogres a smattering of magic
battleplan, and stick to it, otherwise you can banners just to give them that edge. And
easily endup as rat stew! First I had to write an finally there was Throt the Unclean – a Hero
army list and being that I was somewhat but with a massive three attacks, and for free.
restricted by the numbers of models we had mm…
available (I had to grovel to the guys in Direct
Right, now for the battle plan. I seemed to
Sales for use of their burgeoning Skaven army
have lumbered myself with a deployment zone
as we have so few painted up in the office –
in the centre of the battlefield with two
cheers lads!). For a 3,000 point Skaven army
opposing armies coming on from either end.
your minimum troop choices must be six units
The last thing I wanted was to get caught
of Clanrats and six units of Rat Swarms. To this
fighting on two fronts. It would make no sense
I added just two more units of Rat Swarms but
to throw my entire army at the abbey, trying to
a healthy eight more units of Clanrats. This
hold back the tides of Undead and just waiting

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for the fast moving (and hard hitting) position on the left flank would not only force
Bretonnian Knights to come on and hammer the Bretonnians and Undead to fight each
me from the rear! I decided to divide the army other, it would also be sufficiently far away
into three elements. One, the Rat Ogres and from the Undead deployment zone that they
some Rat Swarms and led by Throt the wouldn’t be able to attack me at the early
Unclean would advance and assault the abbey. stages of the battle. I could just sit there and
A second force comprising mainly Clanrats watch the battle unfold, applying the greater
and Plague Monks would form a buffer against part of my army when the opportunity arose.
the Undead and secure my right flank. Finally, When you play Skaven you have to learn to
the largest part of my army would secure the think like one – let the man-things and dead-
hill on my left flank and await the Bretonnians things annihilate each other then move in for
with Jezzails, Warp-Lightning Cannons, the kill-kill – Squeak! – Steve.
supported by legions of Clanrats and Rat
Swarms. Hopefully, staying in this defensive

The Skaven Army of Grey Seer Gnawdoom

• Gnawdoom – General on Screaming Bell with Ring of Magic 280 pts
• Throt the Unclean – Hero Free
• 3 Heroes, one with Sword of Might 210 pts
• 3 Warlocks, one with Scroll of Dispelling/Staff of Spellbinding/Rod of Repetition 150 pts
• 14 units of Clanrats 480 pts
• 8 units of Rat Swarms 300 pts
• 3 units of Gutter Runners 180 pts
• 2 units of Jezzails 160 pts
• 3 units of Plague Monks 140 pts
• 6 units of Rat Ogres, one with Banner of Shielding/Banner Fortitude/Battle Banner 810 pts
• 1 Doomwheel 150 pts
• 3 Warp-Lightning Cannons 150 pts
Total – 3,010 pts


30 cm 60 c

La Maisontaal

80 cm
60 cm

20 cm
20 cm


The Battlefield

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DEPLOYMENT flank facing the Skaven horde were deployed

The Skaven and Vampire Counts armies two brigades of four units of fast moving Dire
deployed first. The Skaven army was deployed Wolves, each commanded by a Necromancer.
lengthways across the battlefield. On the Nearer the army centre and on the other side
extreme left flank, a brigade consisting of of the river, were deployed two brigades of
three units of Gutter Runners, screened by a Zombies and three units of Fell Bats
unit of Rat Swarms, deployed commanded by commanded by a Necromancer. In the army
a Hero. Slightly left of centre, upon a large, centre and on the near side of the river were
strategic hill, was deployed a monstrously vast two brigades of Grave Knights commanded by
brigade that consisted of three Warp-lightning a Vampire in a Black Coach. Immediately
Cannons, two units of Jezzails, two units of Rat behind these, on the far bank of the river, were
Ogres, six units of Clanrats with the flanks deployed two brigades of Skeletons and a
bolstered by three units of Rat Swarms. This brigade of Grave Guard and these were
brigade was accompanied by the general, Grey accompanied by the Undead general Heinrich
Seer Gnawdoom, upon his Screaming Bell, a Kemmler himself and a Necromancer. On the
Hero and a Warlock. In the army centre, to the right flank, on the far side of the bridge were a
right of the brigade on the hill, was a brigade couple of brigades of Grave Knights with a
of six units of Clanrats commanded by a Hero. brigade of four units of Skeletons to their
To the right of this was a brigade of four units right. This flank was commanded by a Vampire
of Rat Ogres, supported by two units of Rat Hero, mounted on a Nightmare.
Swarms and commanded by Throt the
Facing these two immense armies of darkness
Unclean and a Warlock. Immediately behind
was the Abbey of La Maisontaal. Within the
the brigade of Rat Ogres was a brigade
sturdy but partially ruined walls of this
consisting of three units of Plague Monks, two
powerful fortress, the magic wielding Abbot,
units of Clanrats and supported by two units
Bagrian, commanded a force comprising of
of Rat Swarms. This brigade was commanded
five units of Bowmen, four units of Men-at-
by a Hero and a Warlock.
arms and a single unit of Peasants (these were
The Undead horde of Heinrich Kemmler, the the actual monks!). Bagrian knew that he
Lichemaster, deployed at right angles to the would have to hold out until Duke Tancred’s
Skaven host, with its left flank closest to the reinforcements would arrive and so had
Skaven right and its right flank closest to the prepared his defences well.
Abbey of La Maisontaal. On the Undead left


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Skaven Turn 1 across the battlefield to land to the far side of

The dreadful tolling of the ancient Screaming the abbey. The brigades of Grave Guard and
Bell signalled the advance of the Skaven horde Skeletons in the centre and right flank,
and with that the battle begun. The Skaven respectively, advanced to within bow range of
brigades on the left flank and army centre the abbey. The race was now on to reach the
advanced at a steady pace aiming at securing beleaguered abbey that sat like a small beacon
the high ground, whilst Throt the Unclean of light within a sea of darkness. For a fleeting
forced his brigade of ravenous Rat Ogres moment though it was as if the Lichemaster
forward with his barbed whip. So desperate was ambivalent to the fate of the abbey for his
were the great beasts of Clan Moulder to taste Grave Knights and Skeletons on the right flank
the flesh of their foes that they surged ahead of just stood their ground, like so many statues,
the whole army, almost reaching the abbey their torn pennants fluttering in the breeze.
walls. The brigade of Clanrats to the Rat Ogres’
right moved up in support. The brigade of Bretonnian Turn 1
Plague Monks proved too unruly and were too With the two titanic armies bearing down upon
busy building themselves up into a fighting the abbey, Ewan, the Bretonnian general, knew
frenzy that they failed to move despite the that the sooner his reinforcements arrived the
irritated wailing of their leaders. Magic cast by better. He rolled for each of his units and was
a pair of Warlocks against the abbey failed to dismayed when just two brigades of Squires
have any effect. arrived on the battlefield – where were those
Knights? Making the most of what was
Vampire Counts Turn 1 available, Ewan moved the Squires up in one
Slowly but inexorably the Undead horde of the long line to within bow range of the Gutter
Lichemaster ambled forward, guided by the Runners on the Skaven left flank. The
will of their necromantic masters. On the Bretonnians within the abbey drew back their
Undead left flank, the jet-black forms of swift bowstrings and unleashed a hail of fire upon
Dire Wolves bore down upon the right flank of the advancing Skeletons driving them back
the Skaven army that was currently in disarray. from the walls. Their fire against the advancing
The second brigade of Dire Wolves, however, Rat Ogres was swallowed up by the multitude
failed to move and became separated from of Rat Swarms that preceded them and had
their fellows. The massive brigades of Zombies little discernable effect. The Squires on the
advanced on the Undead left flank dispelling Bretonnian left flank had more luck and the
any illusions about their apparent sluggishness heavy cloud of arrows unleashed against the
in battle. The Grave Knights in the army centre advancing Gutter Runners wiped out their
moved forward to the sound of bones being screen of Rat Swarms entirely (six units of
struck upon drums made of human skin. A tall, Squires in line – eighteen missile attacks!).
gaunt Necromancer directed the Fell Bats

The battlefield at the end of Turn 1

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Undead assault. This

would split the
Bretonnian defenders and
the Undead would, in
essence, aid Throt’s
Once the Warp-lightning
Cannons and Jezzails
were in position,
Gnawdoom ordered them
to open fire on the
Squires. With a massive
crackle of energy the
cannons fired, supported
by a Warlock casting Warp
Lightning. After the
smoke cleared, a couple
of units of Squires had
taken a bit of a battering
and were in disarray (they
had lost a couple of
stands and were
Turn 2 – Kemmler’s forces assault the abbey confused).
Skaven Turn 2 Vampire Counts Turn 2
Noticing the gradual deployment of The Lichemaster could work out what the
Bretonnian reinforcements, Grey Seer Skaven were up to but was unsure as to
Gnawdoom started to enact his masterplan. He whether they were his allies or his enemies. He
ordered his main brigade onto the brow of the ordered his Grave Guard to assault the abbey
large hill on his left flank, to take up defensive immediately and in this they were supported
positions where the artillery and Jezzails could by the terror-causing Vampire on Black Coach.
sweep much of the battlefield. The Clanrats The brigade of Grave Knights was ordered to
disengaged from their parent brigade and protect the flanks of the Grave Guard as they
pulled back to act as a reserve. The scouting assaulted the abbey whilst the Zombies
force of Gutter Runners, now devoid of their
continued their advance down the centre of
screen of Rat Swarms, diligently moved into
the battlefield to act as a buffer against any
the small patch of woods at the bottom of the
Bretonnian reinforcements or maybe the
hill, where they could disrupt any frontal
Skaven. On the Undead left flank, the Dire
assault upon the hill. Even with ravenous Dire
Wolves bearing down upon them, the brigade Wolves advanced into charge range of elements
of Plague Monks on the Skaven right flank still of the Skaven right flank. The Lichemaster
stubbornly refused to move, discipline it pondered for a moment but before he could
would appear had gone
completely! In the
meantime, Throt’s
brigade of Rat Ogres
was advancing steadily
upon the abbey but they
seemed to be on a
collision course with
the advancing Undead
legions. It would be
sheer folly to get
embroiled in a pointless
combat with the
Undead – deal with
them later, Gnawdoom
had instructed the
ambitious ratman. Throt
ordered his brigade to
swing around and take
up a position to the left
of the abbey – the
Turn 2 – The Undead forces are repelled from the abbey
opposite side to the

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Turn 3 – The abbey of La Maisontaal comes under attack from all sides
decide the fate of this mysterious third force, themselves from the fire arc of the Skaven
an impetuous Necromancer made that artillery. This did, however, leave the two
decision for him. The evil wizard cast Vanhel’s confused units of Squires staring down the
Danse Macabre upon a unit of Dire Wolves and barrels of many Jezzails and three Warp-
they went crashing into the flanks of a unit of lightning Cannons! The Squires unleashed a
Rat Swarms – battle with the Skaven had startlingly accurate volley of arrows against the
commenced. The Lichemaster considered for a Gutter Runners skulking in the woods, at the
while a suitably, painful death for his foot of the Skaven-held hill, and drove them
insubordinate minion as battle was joined. back, slaying many (a stand was lost and a unit
The Grave Guard assaulted the abbey walls confused in the drive back). The abbot of La
with ladders and scrambled over the rubble of Maisontaal, Bagrian, looked out over what
the numerous breaches within them. After appeared to be a rippling, dark sea of enemies
some fierce fighting they were driven back and apart from a handful of mounted Squires
from the abbey with losses on both sides (a in the distance he could see no signs of respite.
stand each). Meanwhile, the Dire Wolves
utterly destroyed the Rat Swarm on the Skaven Skaven Turn 3
right flank and then advanced into the flank of As far as Grey Seer Gnawdoom was concerned
a unit of Clanrats. Surprisingly, the Clanrats everything was going to plan, his shock troops
managed to drive off the Dire Wolves and then were in position to assault the abbey and very
destroy them in turn! few Bretonnian reinforcements had arrived.
Three units of Rat Ogres and a Rat Swarm
Bretonnian Turn 2 hurled themselves against the abbey’s
Again Ewan rolled for his reinforcements and fortifications with reckless abandon. His single
again he was sorely disappointed – not a single eye gleaming with barely contained blood lust,
unit arrived this turn! You couldn’t help but Throt himself joined the assault on the abbey.
sympathise with him. Aware of the size of the Meanwhile, the brigade of Clanrats that were
forces bearing down upon the abbey and positioned as a buffer against the Undead
aware of the pitiful forces at his disposal, Ewan hordes in the centre of the battlefield charged
knew that he was going to have to use them the advancing Zombies using their initiative as
effectively and sparingly. The Squires on the their discipline collapsed (I think that was my
Skaven left flank were ordered onto the hill to first error! – Steve). Gnawdoom was furious –
the Skaven’s extreme left, in an attempt to this would bring the Undead down upon his
army in full strength. He would wear the fur of
outflank the Skaven defences and remove
the Clanrat’s leaders as a cloak!

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On the Skaven right flank, after their rude the flank, Zombies don’t stand much of a
awakening by the charge of the Dire Wolves, chance!).
the Plague Monks and their supporting units Denied his ‘easy’ entrance to the abbey and
finally found a semblance of discipline and now embroiled in an escalating battle with the
wheeled around facing off against the Undead, Gnawdoom seethed – this was not
remnants of the Dire Wolves. going to plan…
On the Skaven left flank again the Warp-
lightning Cannons spoke their litany of death, Vampire Counts Turn 3
destroying one of the stranded units of Squires ‘So the puny ratmen think they can take on the
and inflicting horrific casualties upon the might of the Lichemaster?’ thought Kemmler as
other. he saw his expendable Zombies being hacked
In the assault against the abbey, a Warlock down in droves. The Lichemaster knew that he
successfully cast Death Frenzy on the Rat held all of the aces – he had far more troops
Swarm taking part. Unfortunately, the eldritch available to assault the abbey, the only
magic proved far too potent for the very lowest Bretonnian reinforcements were currently
of the Skaven forces and they simply tore harassing the Skaven army so they couldn’t
themselves apart before they even reached the afford to waste troops fighting his horde. The
ramparts (Yes, I managed to roll two 6’s! – Lichemaster decided that he would teach the
Steve). The Rat Ogres were repelled with heavy irritating Skaven a lesson and smash the
losses, as the men defended the ramparts with brigade of Clanrats in the centre of the
a grim determination. One unit of Men-at- battlefield. This would let the impertinent
arms, emboldened by their success against ratmen know that the abbey was his and that
such huge odds, sallied out of the abbey intent they should concern themselves with the
on catching and slaying the vile Throt. The encroaching Bretonnians. In the meantime,
men fought valiantly but eventually had to the Lichemaster ordered the assault against the
retire behind the ramparts after most of their abbey to continue. A Necromancer sent a
unit was destroyed (three stands of Rat Ogres, shambling brigade of Skeletons to engage the
a whole Rat Swarm – destroyed by their own doomed Clanrats in the centre. However, all
spell – all for the cost of two stands of Men-at- the other orders issued that turn fell upon deaf
arms!). The Clanrats fared much better in their (or dead!) ears as the massive Undead horde
battle against the Zombies, however, and came to a halt. Orders issued to the Fell Bats
destroyed three units for the loss of two stands failed, as did those issued to the Grave Guard
(with only a single attack each when caught in to continue the assault and those to the Dire
Wolves to charge the Plague Monks on the

The battlefield at the end of Turn 3.

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left flank moved further

around looking for
weaknesses in the Skaven
defence. The archery from
the abbey proved ineffectual
and failed to destroy or drive
back any assailants. The
archery from the Squires
was more successful and
drove the Gutter Runners in
the wood back in confusion.
An Enchantress that had
arrived with the Knights
moved up and successfully
cast Eerie Mist upon a unit
of Rat Ogres assaulting the
abbey. The abbey was still
holding out but for how
long? Without the aid of
large brigades of Knights,
Turn 4 – Skaven renew their assault against the abbey the Bretonnians were
Skaven army’s right flank. More importantly, incapable of launching any
the personal orders of Kemmler issued to his form of counter - offensive and were at the
Grave Knights to charge the Clanrats in the combined mercy of two armies.
flanks failed also, even when he invoked the
Skaven Turn 4
power of his Orb of Majesty (boy, did Andy
Gnawdoom squeaked his bitter rage at his
swear like a trooper at this point!). The
subordinates – did he have to do everything?
Lichemaster bellowed with rage at his
His troops were to fall back from the Undead
disobedient army of automatons and cast
and offer a truce – he couldn’t afford a battle
Vanhel’s Danse Macabre, moving a unit of
on two fronts especially now the Bretonnians
Grave Guard to assault the abbey alone.
were starting to appear in strength. The
In the ensuing combat with the Clanrats, Clanrats on the right flank passed a series of
without the benefit of the Grave Knights orders and fell back in good order to guard the
charging their exposed flanks, the Skeletons right flank of the Skaven position on the hill.
were outmatched and driven off. Similarly, The Plague Monks, however, again proved
without the aid of supporting troops, the uncontrollable and charged headlong into the
Grave Guard assaulting the abbey were easily Dire Wolves opposing them using their
driven off by the defenders. initiative (I tried explaining this to Andy that
they had to charge because of their special
Bretonnian Turn 3 rules – Steve). Skaven emissaries squeaked an
With the failure of both the
Skaven and Undead
assaults on the abbey, the
Bretonnians had a
breathing space. Ewan
rolled for his
reinforcements, this time a
brigade of Peasants and a
brigade of Knights arrived
amidst the mayhem of the
battle – but would it be
enough to turn the tide?
Not wishing to commit the
Knights just yet, they were
held in reserve for their
noble fellows. Within the
abbey Bagrian ordered the
Peasants into the courtyard
to guard against a possible
assault by Fell Bats inside
the fortified perimeter.
The Squires on the Skaven Turn 4 – Again the Skaven are repelled!

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offer of truce to the Lichemaster, offering all Bretonnian Turn 4

manner of reparations after the battle and the Slowly the defenders of the abbey were being
abbey had fell to either of their armies. worn down. It was a war of attrition and one
Reluctantly the Lichemaster accepted. The that the defenders of La Maisontaal knew they
brigade of Clanrats in the centre of the could not win – they needed to be relieved
battlefield was ordered up to support the Rat desperately. This time the dice were kind to
Ogres in assaulting the abbey. Squealing a Ewan and his two remaining brigades, those of
mixture of encouragement and threats, Throt the Knights, arrived but would they be too late?
enticed the Rat Ogres into attacking the abbey The Knights thundered across the plain
again although one unit was too bewildered by towards the beleaguered abbey, colourful
the effect of the spell to do anything. Mindful pennants fluttering in the breeze. They failed
of the Squires that were attempting to outflank their second order however, and the brigades
his position on the hill, Gnawdoom ordered fell just short of the abbey – the Skaven
his firing line and supporting units to march breathed a sigh of relief. The brigade of
further round to the left and plug the gap in Peasants on the left flank were ordered to
the rear of their line. This also brought the move against the Skaven on the hill but
firing line into range of the elusive Squires and refused. The remaining Squires, facing the
they dutifully opened fire, killing some and bulk of the Skaven on the defended hill, saw a
driving back a unit. weakness in the Skaven line and decided that
In the ensuing combats again the Skaven were they would attempt to earn their spurs and
successful against the Undead and the frenzied charge rather than simply wait to be
Plague Monks tore through the Dire Wolves, annihilated by the guns. Two units of Squires
slaughtering them utterly for the loss of a failed their orders and sat impotently staring
single stand. The assault against the abbey down the barrels of the Jezzails but two other
resulted in dismal failure again as the units passed and spurred their mounts into a
Bretonnians fought like men possessed and gallop. At this point Gnawdoom’s heart froze
drove their foes back with great slaughter (two (and I certainly squirted the musk of fear! –
stands of Clanrats and a stand of Rat Ogres for Steve) as he realised the chink in his armour –
a single stand of Men-at-arms – God I hate don’t leave Rat Swarms to hold any part of your
attacking Fortified troops! – Steve). Still the line! The troops in the abbey kept up a defiant
abbey held out. defence, showering the attacking Skaven with
arrows and driving a unit back from the walls.
Vampire Counts Turn 4
The courageous Bretonnian Squires drove a
Freed from the annoying depredations of the
wedge straight through the Rat Swarms
Skaven, at least for now, the Lichemaster could
holding the left flank of the Skaven line. The
turn his full attention towards his true goal –
rats simply disintegrated under the fury of their
the abbey. Provided his troops obeyed him that
attack. With a unit totally destroyed and
was! Skeletons advanced towards the abbey
another driven back into the reserve brigade of
from the Undead left flank whilst Zombies and
Clanrats, the Squires continued to press home
more Skeletons advanced from the centre. A
their attack. As the squealing rats swarmed
brigade of Grave Knights was
ordered to bypass the abbey
and position itself to counter
the eventual attack of the
Bretonnian Knights. Again
the Grave Guard assaulted
the abbey, this time from the
opposite side to the Skaven
and also the rear wall. This
time, they were led by a
Vampire on a Black Coach
and another mounted on a
terrifying Winged Nightmare.
The combat was fought to a
bloody stalemate with many
dead on both sides (just one
more hit and Andy’s Undead
would have carried the battle
into the interior of the
abbey). And still the abbey
held out…
Turn 5 – Skaven renew their assault against the abbey

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over the brigade of

Clanrats panic began to set
in the Skaven lines (how
apt, as Ewan managed to
confuse three out of three
units of Clanrats, the
jammy git! – Steve). With
the rats destroyed, the
Squires, having yet to
suffer any casualties,
advanced into the flanks of
a unit of Rat Ogres and
fortuitously into the flanks
of all three confused units
of Clanrats. The
protracted combat left two
badly mauled units of
Squires in the Skaven
army’s rear and three
slaughtered units of
Clanrats – surely these
brave Squires had earned Turn 5 – Bretonnian Knights to the rescue
their spurs?
Vampire Counts Turn 5
Skaven Turn 5 The Lichemaster smiled as he saw the Skaven
At this point it took the execution of several beaten back from the walls of the abbey for the
Skaven commanders for Gnawdoom to stave last time – let the Bretonnian Knights take
off an utter rout of his army, taken as it were, them he thought, the abbey was his. The
by the rear. Eyes bulging and bloodshot, Grey Lichemaster would teach the impudent Skaven
Seer Gnawdoom screamed at his Rat Ogres to not to double-cross him. Whilst the Grave
destroy the interlopers. This seemed effective Guard renewed their attacks on the side and
enough as both units of Rat Ogres on the hill rear walls of the abbey, supported by their
managed to wheel round and charge the two Vampiric masters, the Skeletons and Zombies
remaining stands of Squires to the army’s rear. were ordered to charge their former Skaven
With the arrival of the full Bretonnian force allies in the rear and secure the front wall of
things were starting to look bleak for the the abbey for assault. A Necromancer managed
Skaven, they had to get a foothold in the abbey to Raise Dead and threw a fresh unit of
or risk losing their assault force. Again the Rat Undead against the tired defenders. The
Ogres assaulted the abbey, this time supported conflict reached new levels as the Clanrats,
by Clanrats who charged the front gates. The completely taken by surprise were cut down to
Plague Monks, their blood up after a man for little loss to the Undead. The
slaughtering the Dire Wolves, passed three relentless assaults by the Grave Guard,
successive orders to get themselves within however, finally paid off as their superior
charge range of the Undead marching towards numbers finally forced their way into the
the abbey. A Warlock successfully cast Death courtyard of the abbey (terror is always handy
Frenzy on a unit of Rat Ogres assaulting the when attacking fortified troops and the
abbey and this time the brutes were not Undead managed to wipe out a unit of Men-at-
destroyed by their own spell. The Skaven arms, taking the walls). The Lichemaster’s
Jezzails and Warp-lightning Cannons poured troops were finally within the abbey and he
fire into the remaining Squires to their left still had plenty of reserves whilst the
killing some and confusing those that Bretonnian infantry were still far away. There
remained. was no way that the Bretonnians could hold
Despite their weight of numbers and the the abbey now, besides they still had the
success of the Rat Ogres, the Skaven assault remaining Skaven to contend with anyway. At
against the abbey failed again as the Clanrats last the abbey was about to fall and the mighty
were massacred (err… I think that this was my Lichemaster would get his revenge.
last mistake! – Steve). Throt’s assault force had
once again failed to storm the walls of the Bretonnian Turn 5
abbey and now lay at the mercy of the Things looked really desperate for Bagrian, his
Bretonnian Knights. Blame the debacle on that abbey was on the verge of falling – it really was
fool Throt the Unclean – thought Gnawdoom! time for the cavalry ‘in the nick of time’. Again,
the brigade of Peasants on the Skaven left flank

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resolutely refused to budge – had they not Both the Undead and Skaven armies retired
seen the demise of the brave Squires? Not a from the battlefield having failed to capture the
terribly good start. Then two brigades of abbey and receiving a severe mauling from the
Bretonnian Knights galloped across the plain Bretonnians. The Bretonnians were victorious
and levelled their lances. One crashed into the and the field belonged to them. Glory be to the
rear of the remaining Rat Ogre units that had Lady of the Lake…
been assaulting the abbey, whilst the other VICTORY POINTS
brigade charged headlong into the Grave
Knights and the freshly raised Zombies behind Bretonnians 1,780
the abbey. The third brigade of Knights was Skaven 565
held as a reserve on the Skaven left flank lest Vampire Counts 365
they attempted anything brave. Enheartened
by the arrival of the flower of Bretonnian
And so another loss, why do I bother? Of
chivalry, the survivors within the abbey
course it’s not my fault – I blame Steve! As I
renewed their attacks on the Undead. In a
said in my intro, the fate of the game would be
masterly display of archery, the remaining
decided on how well Steve and I worked
Bowmen in the abbey drove one unit of Grave
together. So, because we completely failed to
Guard out of the courtyard with clouds of
do this the game was lost! It all went wrong for
arrows. The remaining haggard, battle-weary
me in the third turn when, in true Undead
Men-at-arms and Peasants within the abbey
style, my army completely failed to move and I
charged the last unit of Grave Guard in the
lost an entire turn of assaulting the abbey. If I
courtyard with a defiant cry. The two
had managed to attack that turn I would have
Enchantresses joined the Grail Knights and
been in the abbey much earlier and in a far
another unit of Knights and successfully cast
better position to repel Ewan’s Knights – Oh,
Shield of Combat upon them (there he goes
the vagaries of dice! When I did get to attack,
again – only a re-roll on all of his armour saves!
my tactic of attaching character amounts that
– Steve).
caused terror to my units worked and Ewan
The charge of the Bretonnian Knights was like held on by the skin of his teeth in the first
the wrath of the gods themselves and they round of attacks but I managed to get the
swept all before them. The Grave Knights better of him in the following turn.
folded like paper before the lances of the
If the Undead and Skaven had co-ordinated
Knights, as did those Zombie and Skeleton
their assaults better instead of having a scrap in
units caught in their advance (the Shield of
the middle of the battlefield then we would
Combat spell staved off so many possible hits
have stood a much better chance. Oh well, it
and allowed the Knights to advance into
was a fun game and much merriment and
Andy’s second line of Grave Knights pretty
swearing was had by all. As always I’ll end by
much unmolested and shattered them too).
saying: I’ll get you next time Hambrook! –
Similarly, the Rat Ogres stood little chance,
taken in the flank
and they were
scattered with Throt
the Unclean among
the dead. The
conflict within the
abbey was of an
equally, glorious
vein. The righteous
destroyed the Grave
Guard utterly and
Bagrian himself
despatched the
Vampire in the Black
Coach. The
Bretonnians had
reclaimed the abbey
and now the Undead
were in an untenable
position, facing so
many Knights with
their own heavy
cavalry destroyed. The battlefield at the end of the game

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Now, what was that I said about having a battle The plan (what there was of it) worked but
plan and sticking to it? Yep, it seems that I how did it work so well?
‘bottled it’ and sent in too many troops against It was all down to peasantry and witchery, the
the abbey – I would have got the Rat Ogres in real heroes of the day were the common foot
and really started the slaughter if I hadn’t soldiers defending La Maisontaal, giving me a
thrown those useless Clanrats into the fray as huge amount of Victory points for holding it at
well. Damnation! Also, I should never have got the end of the battle and for me this mini siege
carried away fighting Andy’s Undead with my was the most fun bit of the game. The Squires
right flank force – oh well, force of habit I (the other commoners) did a sterling job in
suppose! Finally, I was guilty of pretty much a tying most of the Skaven army up.
cardinal sin with the ratties – misuse of Rat
On the witchery side there was my dice rolling.
Swarms. These are just there to die, nothing
Confusing three units of Skaven in one charge
else. You use ‘em to cover front and flanks as
almost reduced Steve to tears and two
you advance and support when you defend but
successful spells in the last turn of the game
never to hold ground. Because of my stupidity,
meant my Grail Knights could re-roll their
Ewan managed to get a couple of units of
armour saves and in that turn they destroyed
Squires through a weakly defended part of my
seven units of Undead, three of them Grave
so-called ‘hill fortress’ and mangled a good bit
Knights, for the loss of only a single stand!
of my army. Just think what could have
There is nothing you can do against that kind
happened if it were a brigade of Bretonnian
of luck.
Knights – I would have been done for!
We got a bit knackered toward the end and the
Still, when all was said and done it was a great
knightly charge did turn into a bit of a slog (too
victory for Ewan who held out in the abbey
many dice rolls and casualty records) but
tenaciously and didn’t waste his reserves as
otherwise it was a fantastic game. It was a real
they only came on in dribs and drabs but used
pleasure to help the Fanatic boys out and I
them sparingly and to great effect (the git!).
would gladly help them out again though I live
Hats off also to Andy who at least managed to
in fear that the next time I go to the Studio they
get his troops into the abbey, which was more
might try and burn me as a witch! – Ewan.
than my rabble could! And, of course, he got
(Yeah, I know where you live Lamont! – Steve).
the opportunity to stab me in the back, which
is most characterful! – Steve.

The players – Ewan Lamont, Andy Hall & Steve Hambrook

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Tabletop Terrain Generation

By John P. Kelly

The selection of a proper battlefield is one of General Terrain Type

the primary duties of a general. I’ve come up
with these rules for generating the Terrain types fall into nine different
battlefield terrain with the intention to at categories based on two different
least attempt to simulate the pre-battle characteristics. All terrain has a rating for
manouevre of armies. Remember that this hilliness and for its degree of forestation. It
system is merely a guideline that allows may be Flat, have Low Hills, or have High
players to obtain a terrain layout. In order Hills. In addition, it may be Open, have Light
for it to work players will need to use Woods, or have Heavy Woods.
common sense and will have to cooperate! If
If you are playing using a campaign map
there are any disputes then roll a D6 to
then the general type of terrain may be
settle it or scream and yell ‘til someone gives
taken from the location of the battle. In
addition, any cities or rivers on the
The Battlefield campaign map should be included on the
The battlefield should be divided into six 2’
If you are not using a campaign map then
x 2’ sectors and each sectors should be
the general type of terrain can be
numbered 1-6. Players should now pick the
determined by rolling 2D6 on the General
battlefield edge that they will deploy on (see
Terrain Chart below:
page 79 of the rulebook).


Die Roll Terrain
2 River+Swamp, Roll
3 High Hills, Light Woods
4 Flat, Heavy Woods
5 Flat, Open
6 Low Hills, Light Woods
7 Flat, Light Woods
8 Low Hills, Open
9 High Hills, Open
10 Low Hills, Heavy Woods
11 High Hills, Heavy Woods
12 River + Swamp, Roll

If a 2 or 12 is rolled then the tabletop will

contain a river & may contain swamps. To
get the secondary terrain type you must then
roll again. If another 2 or 12 is rolled then
the river will have a tributary. If you get yet
another 2 or 12 then switch dice!

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Tabletop Terrain Generation

River & Swamp Placement a hill. If your campaign map has

mountainous sectors then all hills should
Any rivers that are present should be set-up generally be a little larger and most should
on the battlefield. Roll a D6 to determine be two contours high.
which sector the river starts in (obviously it
must start from a battlefield edge and be The number of terrain pieces of each type
set-up across the section). You should that may be placed into each zone will
continue rolling until you have obtained depend on the general terrain type.
two different sectors that are located along Flat – No hills.
the battlefield edge. These sectors should Low Hills – One hill per sector.
not be adjacent to each other. The river
High Hills – Two hills per sector, one
should now be placed onto the tabletop. It of which may be up to two contours
will enter the battlefield through one of the high.
selected sectors and it will exit the
Open – No forests.
battlefield through the other sector that was
selected. Each player will be responsible for Light Woods – One wood per sector.
placing the part of the river that is on his Heavy Woods – Two woods per sector,
side of the table. It should generally be one of which may be a Heavy Forest.
placed so as to run directly between the Heavy forests are counted as
sector of entry and the sector of exit and it impassable terrain.
should be at least 1’ away from the edge of
the battlefield where possible. For a
branching river you should roll again to
obtain a third sector located along the edge
of the table. The branch will run through
this sector and connect with the main river
at the nearest possible point.
You should now place swamps on the
battlefield. Roll a D6 for each sector on the
battlefield that contains a river. If the result
is a 6 then the sector being rolled for will
contain a swamp. The swamp should be
placed so that it is adjacent to the river.
Players may alternate placing swamps.

Woods & Hills Placement

Both players must roll a D6 for each sector
on the battlefield. The player that scores the
highest may place the terrain in that sector.
In general, terrain pieces should not be set
up adjacent to the edge of the battlefield
and at least a gap of a couple of inches
should be left between terrain pieces. It is
permissible for less than half of a given
terrain feature to overlap into adjacent
Terrain pieces consist of hills and woods.
They should be of varying sizes and shapes.
If players agree, then they may vary this
further by substitution of terrain types to
accommodate whatever they have available.
As an example, players may choose to
substitute a cornfield, village or similarly
built up area or brushy area for a wood or a
field of boulders or a rocky outcropping for

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Tabletop Terrain Generation

Command, Scouting, & If the battle is being fought in a player’s

home territory then he will receive a bonus
Surprise Advantages of +6 scouting points. Players may despatch
troops on a scouting mission. If this is done
We have now placed the basic terrain onto then they count double the normal number
the battlefield. Next we will begin to deploy of scouting points. These troops are not
troops onto the battlefield and modify the deployed on the battlefield but will arrive
basic terrain. Before we can do this each side later as reinforcements (see below). The
must first be rated for superiority in side with the higher Scouting points total
Command, Scouting, and Surprise. has the Scouting advantage. If there is a tie
To determine which side has the Command then neither side has an advantage.
advantage, each player must roll a D6 and Finally it needs to be determined if either
add the result to their General’s Command. side has a Surprise advantage. In order to be
The player with the highest total will have a eligible for a Surprise advantage a player
Command advantage. If the sides are tied must already have both a Command
then roll again ignoring the General’s advantage and a Scouting advantage. To
Command this time. determine whether a player has Surprise
Next, determine which side has the Scouting both sides should roll a D6. Subtract the
advantage. Each army receives scouting score of the player not eligible for Surprise
points for each unit of troops as follows: from the score of the player eligible for
Surprise. If the difference is three or more
Unit of Infantry with an armour save of then the eligible player has Surprise. If a
6+ or worse – 1 point battle is being fought in a player’s home
Unit of Cavalry with an armour save of territory then he may modify this dice roll by
5+ or worse – 2 points +1.

Unit of Flyers – 4 points

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Tabletop Terrain Generation

Command Placement & Move a friendly command to a different

battlefield zone: Same restriction as above.
Terrain Modification
Move an enemy command to a different
Each player must divide up their troops into battlefield zone: An enemy command may
five commands. Each command should have only be moved to sectors that are adjacent to
the same number of units if possible. These the enemy’s side of the battlefield. An enemy
commands are represented by 3x5” cards. command that is in a castle or fortress may
The units that compose the command not be moved.
should be written onto the card and kept
secret. When a command is deployed onto Move a terrain piece within its zone or to
the battlefield then the appropriate card is a new zone: Swamps, rivers, villages, roads,
placed face down into the appropriate fortifications, and special terrain pieces
sector. Characters are not assigned to called for by a
commands, but instead are placed on the campaign map
battlefield later. Players alternate taking may not be
actions. An action may be one of the moved. A
following: sector may
n e v e r
Place a friendly
command onto
the battlefield: The
player may place any
of his commands
into any sector that
is adjacent to his
side of the

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Tabletop Terrain Generation

contain more than four different terrain The player that has the Scouting advantage
pieces (roads do not count against this takes the first action. The next action is
total.) taken by the player that has the Command
advantage. Players then each roll a D6 with
Remove a terrain piece from the the player that scores the higher roll taking
battlefield: Swamps, rivers, villages, roads, the next action. Players then alternate taking
fortifications, and special terrain pieces actions till each player has taken six actions.
called for by a campaign map may not be The Scouting, Command and Surprise
removed. advantage actions are not counted toward
Place a terrain piece on the battlefield: A this total but are bonuses.
sector may never contain more than four If a player has a Surprise advantage then at
different terrain pieces. Villages may be any time he may elect to take an extra
placed as a terrain piece. action. In addition to the usual actions he
Place a ford: A player may place a ford may also choose from the following:
anywhere on an existing river. Surprise River Crossing: shift the course
Place fortifications: If a player has of a river by up to 1’, and place a ford in the
purchased fortifications then they may all be shifted portion.
placed as a single action or as multiple Early Attack: Delay one enemy command.
Flanking Attack: He may hold up to two of
his commands (plus up to one character) off
the battlefield to make a flanking attack (see

Road Placement
Any roads that are required by a campaign
map should be placed whenever it is
convenient. Once players have completed
all of the terrain modifications then all of
the villages on the battlefield should be
linked by roads and a single road should run
off of the battlefield along each player’s
edge. Each player may place the road so as
to exit from his edge of battlefield as he
wishes. Bridges will be placed wherever a
road crosses a river.

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Tabletop Terrain Generation

Reinforcements Troop Deployment

Any troops that were not placed on the The troops should now be deployed onto
battlefield, despatched on a scouting the battlefield along with any characters.
mission, or delayed will arrive as Characters may be placed any where along
reinforcements. These troops remain the player’s edge of the battlefield (within
organised into their original group 30cm of the edge) and other troops must be
(command or scouting mission). At the placed within 15cm of their 3x5” command
beginning of each player’s turn, starting card. Troops should be placed within 20cm
with turn two, the player rolls a D6 for each of their edge of the battlefield. The only
group to see if it arrives. On the second turn exception is for troops to be placed in a
it arrives on a 1 or 2, on the next turn on a special fortified position (castle, town, etc).
1-3, on the next a 1-4 and so forth.
That’s it! The battle is ready to begin.
Troops must arrive along a road if a road is
available and not blocked by enemy forces.
Otherwise they will arrive anywhere along
the player’s edge of the battlefield at least
15cm away from enemy troops.
Units that are making a flanking attack may
enter the battlefield along any edge. The
player must secretly record where they will
enter and all flanking troops must have the
same entry point. They will enter
somewhere along the battlefield edge
within 15cm of the recorded point. Once
units have been committed to a flanking
attack and their entry point recorded then
the player must roll a D6, divide the result
by 2, and round up. This is the turn that he
may begin rolling for their entry. Beginning
with this turn the player must roll a D6 and
on a 1 or 2 the flanking troops may be

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An experimental army list, by Mike Headden

Eons ago, the Isle of Albion was the site of a between the supposedly more advanced
sprawling techno-arcane complex created invaders. However, a closer examination of
by an unspeakably ancient spacefaring the campaigns in Albion show that its native
race called the Slann. Their carefully armies are every bit as lethal as those of any
aligned stone circles and thousands of of the more so called ‘civilised’ nations.
miles of impressively taut lay-lines once
The core of any Albion army comprises
served to harness the mysterious psycho-
nobles in chariots and warbands of warriors
magical power of the warp. This power was
on foot, screened by youths armed with
used to control the gigantic interspatial
slings and javelins led by the local chieftain.
portals through which Slann craft traversed
the galaxy. At some time there was an Poorer nobles and richer warriors are
unfortunate accident; the portals became mounted on hardy native ponies and form
unstable, opening a rift into the void and the cavalry used to both scout and to
creating the zone of contamination and support the noble chariot warriors.
temporal instability that is now known as
Albion is famed for the great wolfhounds the
the Chaos Wastes. In order to stop their
natives breed. They are exported widely, but
damaged portals running out of control
most especially to Bretonnia and the Empire
and engulfing the entire world, the Slann
where their size, strength and ferocity are
destroyed or disabled their control complex
much prized by noble huntsmen. In times of
on Albion. A vast quantity of dangerous
war these wolfhounds are gathered into
psycho-active energy was released as a
huge slavering packs and are used to
supplement the cavalry, screening attacks
This catastrophe turned the isle of Albion and harassing vulnerable enemy flanks.
into a warped land that was ever
In time of war some Chieftains can also call
afterwards shrouded by chilling mists and
on the giant eagles whose eyries dot the
ceaseless drizzle. The explosive release of
highest peaks of the land.
warp energy had the effect of distorting
local time and space in surprising ways. As Few of Albion’s chieftains will pass up the
a result, the island proved almost chance to recruit some of their island’s
impossible to find afterwards and many largest inhabitants – the famed giants of
Old Worlders came to doubt its very Albion. Just like those giants that accompany
existence. Isolated from the world and from Orc & Goblin armies, these massive warriors
reality, the island’s inhabitants make up for in brawn what they lack in
degenerated physically and culturally, brains!
coming to live an ape-like existence
alongside the other malformed monsters of Not quite so strong, but then again not quite
their devastated land. Despite this, they still so dim, are the bands of ogres which flock to
retain some vestigial memory of a time of join the armies of Albion – for a share of the
greatness when their ancestors helped build loot and the chance to turn a former enemy
the stone circles and other wonders that into a quick snack!
once formed the nerve centre of the Slanns’ In addition to the warrior chieftains who
techo-arcane warp mechanism. lead the armies, there are heroic warriors
who help to marshal the army and the
The mist wreathed isle of Albion has seen as enigmatic druids who are not only the
much bloodshed and warfare as the rest of army’s wizards but also its law makers,
the known world. Albion is seen as a damp, judges and soothsayers.
bog-ridden backwater and reports of recent
incursions have concentrated on the clashes

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Trial Rules

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Trial Rules















Warriors Infantry 3 3 5+ – 3 60 2/– –
Slingers Infantry 2/1 3 0 – 3 30 1/6 –
Ogres Infantry 4 4 5+ – 3 105 –/2 *1
Wolfhounds Cavalry 3 3 0 – 3 30 –/– –
Cavalry Cavalry 3 3 5+ – 3 90 –/– –
Chariots Chariot 4 4 5+ – 3 95 1/4 –
Giant Monster 8 8 5+ – 1 150 –/1 *2
Giant Eagles Monster 2 3 6+ – 3 70 –/1 *3

General General +2 – – 9 1 125 1 –

Hero Hero +1 – – 8 1 80 –/1 –
Druid Wizard +0 – – 7 1 45 –/1 –
Giant Eagle Mount +0 – – 1 +20 –/1 *4
Chariots Mount +1 1 +10 –/1 –
Fenbeast Monster 6 4 5+ 1 –/1 *5

1. Ogres are notoriously fond of fresh Where Giants are brigaded together roll for
human meat, although they will eat each separately. A Giant causes terror in its
practically anything that was once alive (or enemies.
still is). They can’t abide the taste of
Giants have a great many hits, 8 in fact,
greenskin and won’t touch a Goblin or an
which are almost impossible to inflict
Orc unless they are seriously peckish. To
represent this, an Ogre unit must charge a during even a fairly lengthy combat
unit of humans (literally humans… Men, engagement. Because Giants have so many
not Dwarfs, Elves, etc) if it is within 20cm at hits we must consider the possibility of
the start of the Command phase and the hurting the Giant and reducing his
Ogres can reach it. This happens effectiveness in subsequent turns.
automatically and their commander can do Therefore, if a Giant has accumulated 4-7
nothing about it! hits by the end of the Shooting phase or
Combat phase it is deemed to have been
2. Giants are maddeningly dim witted
badly hurt. Once a Giant is badly hurt, all
creatures with a fondness for strong beer
accumulated hits are discounted and its
and the raw flesh of Men, Elves and even
maximum Hits value and Attacks are halved
Dwarfs. Because of their turgid mental
processes and weakness for drink, they for the rest of the battle (to 4 Hits and 4
must always be given a separate order. They Attacks).
cannot be brigaded with other troops,
although several Giants can be brigaded
together if you wish. If you attempt to give
an order to a Giant and fail then you must
make a test to see what it does. Ignore
potential blunders, these are taken into
account by the following rules. Roll a dice
and consult the Giant Goes Wild chart.

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Trial Rules

GIANT GOES WILD CHART Move from 60cm to 100cm, and it adds +2
D6 Oh no! What’s he doing now? Attacks to those of its rider.
1 The Giant will neither move or fight 5. Fenbeast is an individual troop unit. It
this turn but simply stands rooted to cannot be brigaded with other troop units,
the spot looking dopey! not even other Fenbeasts. Fenbeast never
2 Move the Giant directly towards the use their Initiative to move in the Command
nearest table edge. If he moves into phase. Because they are completely
another unit he will attack it dominated by the will of the Druid who
regardless of which side it is on. If summoned them, the Druid counts as
victorious in combat, the Giant will having a Command value of +1 when
stand his ground. commanding the Fenbeast – that is 8 rather
than 7. They can move through bogs as
3 The Giant picks up a rock, tree,
though they were open terrain. Unlike the
abandoned cart, small building or wild Bog Beasts from the ‘Dark Shadows’
whatever comes to hand and throws it campaign, Fenbeast will Make Way for
at the closest unit, friend or foe that friendly troops. Fenbeast are terrifying
he can see. The object travels 5xD6cm creatures.
and, if it travels far enough to hit its
target, strikes with 3 Attacks worked
out in the usual way.
4 The Giant moves straight forward at
full pace in the direction he is facing.
If he reaches an enemy unit he will
attack as normal. If there is a friendly
unit is in his way, he will walk straight
through it. A unit which is walked
through instantly becomes confused
for the remainder of the Command
phase. A unit which is walked through
ceases to be confused at the end of
the Command phase along with other
confused units.
5 The Giant moves towards the nearest
enemy unit that he can see as fast as
he can. If he reaches the foe, he will
attack as normal. If friends are in the MAGIC
way, he will walk through them
causing confusion as described above.
6 The Giant gives a mighty bellow and
rushes straight at the nearest enemy Albion
unit that he can see. Move the Giant at Thus was the ruin of Albion – a land
double his normal full pace move. If polluted by sorcery in the distant Age of
he reaches an enemy unit, he fights by Magic. A land whose immense menhirs
jumping up and down on the foe, and arcane stone circles once served to
command the gateways between the
furiously doubling its Attacks value in
worlds; which to this day might still
the first round of combat.
open those gateways and bring ruin to
3. Giant Eagles. These live in the snow- the whole world. Yet thanks to the mists
capped Annulii mountains of Ulthuan. They and the island’s mysterious inhabitants,
are intelligent creatures that exist in peace guardians of nature unimagined beyond
and harmony with the High Elves and are those rocky shores, that possibility
ready to aid them in battle. Eagles can fly. appears as remote and mythical as the
Isle of Albion itself.
4. Giant Eagles. Mount for Druid only.
These live in the high Annulii mountains of From Commentary Upon Ye Prophesies
of Nicodamnus – Ye Gutter Press 2
Ulthuan. They are intelligent creatures that Groats
live in peace and harmony with the High
Elves. An Eagle can fly, increasing its rider’s

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Trial Rules

MISTS OF ALBION a Druid character reduces the number of

5+............................................Range: 30cm Druids to less than the number of Fenbeasts –
the owning player chooses a Fenbeast and
The Druid breathes out some of the mystical removes it from play. Fenbeasts do not affect
mist that surrounds his enigmatic homeland Break points in any way and do not have a
and envelopes his compatriots, making them points value. Fenbeasts may only be given
hard to target by enemy missile troops. orders by Druids. Fenbeasts may not be
This spell affects a friendly unit within range of brigaded with other troops, not even other
the Druid and lasts until the start of the Druid Fenbeasts. An army cannot have more
player’s next turn. All attacks against the target summoned Fenbeasts in play than it has
unit suffer -1 to hit (as if it were defended). Druids.
This affects shooting, magic and melee attacks. DOWNPOUR
A unit in the open still counts as if it is in the 5+............................................Range: 30cm
open for the purposes of charging. A unit that
is fortified cannot be affected by the Mists of The Druid brings down a localised shower of
Albion. fine, freezing rain upon his foes.
SUMMON FENBEAST Until the start of the Druid player’s next turn
6+............................................Range: 30cm all enemy units within 30cms of the casting
Druid suffer -1 to their command.
The Druid performs one of the most arcane
rituals known to his order, using his power STORM OF HAIL
over the elements to bind together the horrific 5+............................................Range: 30cm
creature known as the Fenbeast.
The Druid harnesses the power of the weather
The Druid summons forth a Fenbeast. Once to attack his enemies with enormous
summoned, the Fenbeast is under the control hailstones.
of the summoning player – unlike the wild
Fenbeast depicted in the Albion campaign. The Druid targets a single enemy unit within
Since it is summoned in the Shooting phase it range and that he can see. This has the effect of
cannot be given orders until the following three shooting attacks except that it ignores
turn. It may be summoned into contact with an any armour save the target may have. The
enemy unit only if that unit is already in target unit may be driven back in the same way
combat. It may be removed from play if as for shooting.
destroyed (like any other unit) or if the loss of

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Trial Rules

Designers Notes Given that Ogres seem to exist all over the
known world it seemed only fair there
Having used last year’s Albion background would be tribes of Ogres on Albion. Armies
for a successful little Warmaster campaign, it of Albion are supposed to be savage and
occurred to me that the native inhabitants of tribal so Ogres seemed to fit right in with
Albion would hardly stand around doing the theme. Coming from Scotland myself I
nothing while all these invading armies just had to include a giant version of the
rampaged across their land. This got me Golden Eagle and that finished off the list of
thinking about what these native armies actual units.
would look like and how effective they
might be in Warmaster. For characters, I decided on a standard
General supported by Heroes. Finally, no
army from Albion would be complete
without the inclusion of the Druids.
Since Albion seems to be as fixated with the
weather as real life Britain is, the Druid’s
spells just had to be weather related in
terms of description though I wanted to
keep as close to existing spell definitions as
possible. The Fenbeasts, as described in last
year’s Albion campaign, seemed too erratic
to be used as a unit but I couldn’t leave
them out altogether and so included a spell
to summon them.
The army is clearly inspired by the original
Chaos army but lacks the rock-hard Chaos
Warriors and Knights and the devastating
I wanted a primitive, tribal people that had Dragon Ogres. However the slingers give it
at least tenuous links with the historical missile power, the Giant provides some
ancient Britons. So, as a starting point, I muscle and the Eagles, being based like
took the historical armies of the ancient cavalry, are more like Carrion than Harpies.
Britons, the people who fought Julius During playtesting, the army is more like a
Caesar and later the main Roman invasion. tougher Undead list than a weaker Chaos
Their armies consisted of tribal groupings of one.
infantry, light cavalry and nobles mounted in
The end result may look similar to some of
light chariots.
the existing armies but it is different enough
Warbands were often screened/supported to pose new challenges and offer new
by youths armed with javelins or slings, so I opportunities.
decided to add these too. Slings were noted
for having a shorter range but more
powerful shot than bows in ancient times.
However, it seemed overly harsh to give
them 15cm range. Since the rules indicate
that missile troops move out from the main
body, shoot and retire to their parent unit
again I’ve assumed the slingers just needed
to run a little farther forward than archers
Though probably not actually used in war,
Britain was famous in Roman times for its
export of wolfhounds and since similar
units are already included in the Chaos,
Vampire Counts and Witch Hunter armies it
seemed reasonable to include them.
Looking back over older Games Workshop
material turned up the Giants of Albion
Regiment of Renown, that seemed an ideal
way to give the army some punch. The
Giants would be identical to the standard
ones in the Orc & Goblin army.

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Trial Rules

Modelling the Army and painting them as though they had hair
rather than helmets. Clothing really ought
Having planned out the army I now needed to be checked, striped or tartan but in
the figures so I could use it in games. During 10mm that may be a bit of a tall order. If
the development of the list I used mainly Fanatic only made one unit for the army
cardboard counters with things like ‘Giant’ then the Slingers should probably be it.
or ‘General’ written on them but once the
army was finalised I wanted figures to Goblin Chariots are very similar to the
represent it. Clearly, the ideal would be to ancient British ones, though the latter
have Fanatic cast up an Albion army just for probably didn’t have scythes and definitely
me but given that wasn’t going to happen I didn’t have solid wheels and really ought to
looked around for appropriate figures to be drawn by horses and ridden by
use! Of course, I still hope that one day Marauders.
there will be an Albion army for the
Warmaster range – hint, hint!
Though not quite Ancient British in style, it
seemed to me that Chaos Marauders would
do nicely for the infantry and cavalry.
Cavalry were mounted three to a base to
give a looser formation that I felt was more
appropriate for the sort of unit that they
The slingers were a problem as there aren’t
really any suitable figures so I fudged it by Two packs of Goblin Chariots gave me the
chopping up strips of Chaos Marauders and bodies for two Chariot units and enough
scattering them on a base in a loose wolves for a Wolfhound unit. The horses I
formation. It gives an identifiable unit but it used were from the High Elf Chariots with
is a bit unsatisfactory – you need to assume the plumes cut off. Wheels were Undead
they all have their slings behind their shield Skeleton Chariot wheels from the bitz box.
or in their pockets, or something! If Charioteers were snipped from two Chaos
chopping up figures seems a bit extreme Marauder command stands. This has got to
then I’d suggest using Bretonnian bowmen be the unit second most in need of figures
from Fanatic. Unless you have a bitz box
with just the right components, as I did,
then I’d suggest using Chaos Chariots for
the meantime – they’re rather over-
armoured but identifiable.
Wolfhounds came from the Goblin Chariots
(more wolf than hound!) but the Dire
Wolves from the Vampire Counts range
would also do, as would Chaos Hounds, at a

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Trial Rules

For the Giant I used the Orc & Goblin one The Hero was a single Chaos mounted
but instead of the textured ‘trashed cart’ Marauder figure snipped from a strip. I
base it comes with I used a standard base converted the Ice Mage on foot from the
with a spare standing stone model from the Kislevite range to be my Druid, complete
Albion set to give a bit of flavour. I have to with a standing stone made from gravel
confess though that I chickened out of intended for the bottom of fish tanks. Once
converting his club into a large standing again, if conversions in 10mm scale seem
stone. No need for conversions for the like complete madness then existing figures
Eagles - just use High Elf Giant Eagles. can be used. The Chaos character pack is
Similarly, the standard Ogres do just as well probably best but any identifiable figures
for Albion as they do for Chaos or Orcs & will do.
For characters I was back to conversions!
The General was a Chaos mounted Hero
snipped from his horse and mounted on a
High Elf Reaver horse to give a less heavily
armoured figure. A pair of Chaos Mounted
Marauder figures were added as bodyguard
and standard-bearer. The latter had his mace
snipped off and a standard made from brass
rod, green stuff and a knight’s crest, from a
figure I bought in the 1970 was added.
Everything in your bitz box comes in handy

So, if you fancy using an army of Albion

there are figures out there that will do at a
pinch – and who knows maybe someday
there will be an official range!

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The Quest For Ferdinand’s Gold

Carry on up the Jungle
An exploratory scenario for Warmaster by Colin Grayson,
Steve Hambrook, Tom Merrigan & Ewan Lamont.
All models and terrain painted & constructed by Colin Grayson.

Lustria 2186. After almost a year at sea, Lord Melchin’s

In the year 2185 of our Lord Sigmar, the fleet made landfall at the mouth of a great
Imperial court of our most splendid river on the isthmus of this once fabled
Empire despatched the brave and land, due south of a den of iniquity called
resourceful adventurer Lord Melchin Swamp Town. Over the course of several
across the Great Western Ocean to the new months, Lord Melchin’s engineers and
world known as Lustria. This vast and soldiers worked hard in constructing a
wondrous new continent had been port settlement that now flies the flag of
discovered in 1492 by the Tilean explorer the Empire. During a few sorties sent
Marco Columbo, although it is widely inland for timber and other provisions,
believed amongst Imperial scholars that Melchin’s men encountered an enigmatic
the fey Elves of Ulthuan have been aware and diminutive race of natives that spoke
of its existence for many centuries before in a most peculiar dialect of clicks.
this. After several months of contact it was
For is it not this mysterious race that discovered that some of the native elders
jealously guards the sea routes to and could communicate in broken Old
from this primeval land? What riches and Worlder, obviously having had dealings
mysteries did they intend to hide from us? with men before. These elders explained
But they are a fading race and the time of that they were people of the Wayahui tribe
the Elves is almost over, for now is the time and offered the services of their tribesmen
of Men and we will gladly take their as scouts and workers in return for food
mantle of world power. and ‘firewater’.
The race is on, however, for the other great Melchin eventually learned from these
nations of the Old World have staked their ‘Jungle Halflings’ as they became known,
claim on this new land of gold and of the existence of a huge and incredibly
opportunity. Amongst the many hidden ancient pyramid deep in the jungle.
lairs of pirates, there are the thriving He took no time in organising a couple of
coastal settlements flying the colours of exploration parties under the command of
Bretonnia, Tilea and Estalia. his two most trusted captains. It was now
The Imperial court has decreed that our the Empire’s turn to uncover the hidden
glorious Empire should not be left behind mysteries of the new world and maybe
in this era of Imperialism and that plunder a few treasures while they were at
expansion in the New World is vital for the it.
greater good of the Empire.
Rumours abound of great adventure,
steaming jungles, man-eating lizard-devils
that dwell in the interior and ancient
ruins positively dripping with gold.

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The Quest For Ferdinand’s Gold

This is a scenario for Warmaster using only river is also infested with shoals of piranha
very small armies. It is intended as a fun and huge man-eating crocodiles and so
‘race’ across the battlefield lengthways by isn’t the safest to cross without a boat. To
two Empire contingents to their final goal represent this, Infantry and Cavalry
at the far end the ancient gold laden (Empire, Lizardmen and Jungle Halflings)
temple of the Lizardmen. that do cross the river (move as normal)
Unlike most battles, in which the armies must roll a D6. On the score of 4+ they
are deployed in their entirety at the lose a stand.
beginning of the game and then Jungle Halfling Villages: Dotted around
manoeuvre to attack, in this scenario much the battlefield on some of the terrain
of the Lizardman player’s army remains boards are the villages of the indigenous
hidden. There’s also a new race of jungle people of the rain forest – the Jungle
dwellers – Jungle Halflings, that may either Halflings. These count as standard built-up
assist or hamper the advance of the areas – only Infantry and Artillery may
Empire interlopers and certain random move through them and count as
events exclusive to Lustria just to add a Defended if they occupy them. If an
little spice to the game. Empire unit moves into or touches a
This game is designed for three players Jungle Halfling village, they must test to
(two Empire players), an umpire (who determine the occupants and their
controls the random events and ensures reaction (see below). Lizardmen may not
that the game proceeds relatively enter or move through Jungle Halfling
smoothly) and one Lizardman player who villages.
must ambush the Empire contingents.
The Battlefield One objective counter (we used coins
The battlefield consists of twelve 1.5’ painted gold to represent Lizardman gold)
square terrain boards set up two deep and is placed, by the umpire, on each of the
six long. At one end is the Empire outpost terrain boards in suitably difficult to get to
at the coast, where the river meets the sea, places (islands, Halfling villages). Five
and at the other is the Lizardman temple additional counters were then placed in
city deep in the Lustrian jungle. The main contact with the Lizardman temple
terrain feature that dominates the pyramid. The umpire should bear in mind
battlefield is the river that meanders its that the counters should prove awkward to
way to the coast from the base of the get to but not impossible and also that
Lizardman temple pyramid. Each of the these are the driving force of the scenario.
terrain boards is covered in dense jungle Only the Empire players may collect these
and mangrove which are numbered and objective counters as this counts as
marked on the map. In addition most plundering the riches of Lustria. As soon as
boards also have a Jungle Halfling village, an Empire unit (not character) touches a
either located inland or on the river. counter, the player may remove it from the
board and add it to his stash (this counts
as his non-combatants returning it to the
Terrain outpost). Neither the Lizardmen nor
Jungle Halflings may collect these
Jungle: Unlike even the most heavily counters, although the Lizardman player
wooded parts of the Old World, the dense starts the game with the five associated
jungles and mangrove swamps of Lustria with the temple pyramid.
are practically impassable. For the sake of
this scenario, troops may not move
through jungle terrain (yes even
Lizardmen and Jungle Halflings!).
Lizardmen infantry may, however begin the
game hidden within a piece of jungle
terrain (see later under Lizardmen set-up).
River: The river is considered shallow and
slow moving enough for Infantry and
Cavalry to ford at any point. However, the

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The Quest For Ferdinand’s Gold

The Forces 4 Units of Skinks

Empire: Each Empire player takes 4 Units of Saurus
command of a rival but not enemy Empire 3 Salamanders (may be attached to units of
contingent (they are essentially on the Skinks and Saurus where desired)
same side and may not fight each other) Six units, either Skinks, Saurus or both,
that has been despatched into the jungle to must be set aside specifically in the role of
gather as much treasure that they can and ambushers (see below). The rest of the
return it to the outpost. These two forces army is deployed on the terrain board
are for all intents and purposes separate containing the temple pyramid and may be
forces and cannot interact in any way – moved in the Lizardman player’s turn as
Heroes from one force may not issue normal. The only exception to this is that
orders to units of the other force. If a force the Slann and the unit of Temple Guard
is completely destroyed by enemy forces or may never leave the temple.
events or has all of its characters wiped out Ambushing: Those units the Lizardman
then an identical force may begin from the player has set aside in the role of the
Empire outpost. Each Empire contingent ambushers should be kept aside until the
consists of the following: Lizardman player wants to use them. First
1 General the Lizardman player must mark on the
1 Hero map an area of jungle (each jungle section
is numbered) where he wants each
2 Units of Halberdiers ambushing unit to be hidden – he may
2 Units of Handgunners have no more than two units hidden per
1 Unit of Pistoliers section of the map. These units may be
deployed in the Lizardman player’s turn
1 Battery of Cannons
whenever an enemy comes within Initiative
range of the jungle terrain piece.
Lizardmen: The Lizardman player Ambushing forces may be revealed and
commands a force that is designated to charge in the same turn and so they are
both defend the Temple Pyramid from very powerful indeed. Note: the Lizardman
being plundered by the dry skins and to player is not obliged to charge the first
ambush them as they make their way enemy unit that comes within Initiative
through the jungle. The Lizardman force range of his hidden units and may hold
consists of: back and reveal them later on if desired.
Once units have been revealed they may
1 Slann Mage Priest on Stegadon
not hide again and so are pretty much a
1 Skink Hero one shot weapon, especially considering
1 Saurus Hero that they may not be placed with
2 Units of Saurus mounted on Cold Ones characters.
1 Unit of Terradons Jungle Halflings
1 Unit of Temple Guard The Lizardmen share their primeval jungle
2 Units of Kroxigor with a race of indigenous, dark skinned,
humanoids. These diminutive, primitive

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The Quest For Ferdinand’s Gold

people bare more than a passing 4. Rest & recuperation: Through rest,
resemblance to the Halflings of the Moot in time and a little magical elixir distilled from
the Empire. They dress only in primitive various rare jungle plants the friendly
loincloths and decorate their bodies with Tribesmen help bring a damaged unit back
warpaint and their faces with bone rings up to strength. Each stand of villagers will
and lip-plates. They speak in a strange replace a lost stand to an Empire unit
dialect of clicking which is more than a (simply remove the Tribesmen stand and
little confusing for most of the Old World replace an Empire stand). Also, if
explorers although communication can Tribesmen are present in a village it is
often be managed through a system of automatically friendly.
simple hand signals. They can be a great 5. Canoes: See boat rules (p122 rulebook).
source of manpower and prove to be
Each Empire player may attempt to garner
excellent trackers and scouts. Because of
the assistance of the Jungle Halflings by
the huge diversity of tribes, however, they
visiting their villages on the battle map. As
can turn out to be cannibalistic as the
soon as a unit moves to touch a Jungle
occasional unwitting Old World explorer
Halfling village, the player should roll a D6
per building and then consult the Village
1. May scout: Hunters may attempt to chart that follows. Once the inhabitants
scout out a jungle terrain section on the have been determined, the player should
battlefield during the shooting phase so then roll a further D6 to determine if they
long as they don’t shoot. Roll a D6 – on the are hostile or not. The score needed is
score of 5+ the Lizardman player must governed by the distance the village is from
deploy any units that he has hidden in the the Empire outpost – the closer, the more
terrain piece. likely they are to be friendlies. On the first
2. Witch Doctor: The Witch Doctor is a section of the map, all Jungle Halflings are
powerful but solitary Jungle Halfling and he friendly automatically, on the second
is fully versed in the shamanistic arts. He section of the map they are friendly on the
may use Lizardman magic just like a Skink D6 score of 2+, on the third section of the
Shaman. map they are friendly on the D6 score of
3. Porting: Porters aid the Empire 3+ and so on.
contingent by carry
supplies and Jungle Halflings

returning treasure



to the outpost for





which they get all



manner of lovely
shiny things and Hunters Infantry 2/1 3 0 – 1
just a little firewater Warriors Infantry 2 3 0 – –
in return. A Porter
Raptor Riders Cavalry 3 3 6+ – –
stand can be
Chieftain Hero +1 – – 8 –
attached to a unit in
the same way as a Witch Doc Wizard 0 – – 7 2
character and gives Porters Special – – – – 3
a bonus of +1 to Tribesmen Special – – – – 4
Canoes Special – – – – 5
Command the unit.

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The Quest For Ferdinand’s Gold

If the Jungle Halflings are friendly, then the however, need to determine whether or not
Empire player has the choice of including this grumpy old git is friendly though! If the
the combatant troops within his own force Witch Doctor proves to be friendly then the
and of using the other non-combatant Empire player may add him to his force as
elements offered. Any Empire character normal. This is in addition to any Jungle
may command a unit of Jungle Halflings Halfling contingent he presently has and
but Jungle Halfling characters may never therefore is an exception to the rule. If he is
command a unit of Empire troops. If they hostile he comes under the control of the
are unfriendly, the combatant elements will Umpire who may move and use him as he
charge the Empire troops immediately and wishes. Because the Witch Doctor is a
out of turn sequence, fighting to the death. character he is allowed to enter the jungle
If the Jungle Halflings are victorious, then terrain where he will be safe and can hinder
any remaining troops are removed and either the Empire or Lizardmen forces as the
considered returned to the confines of Umpire sees fit.
their village. An unfriendly village should The Lizardmen often use the poor
have a marker placed on it for the purposes unfortunate Jungle Halflings as sacrifices to
of any future visits. Because the Jungle Sotek, their serpent god, and so may never
Halflings are fiercely tribal, each Empire attempt to use them as allies.
player may only control a contingent from
Special models have been made to represent
a single village at a time. He may decide to
these diminutive natives of the Lustrian
dismiss these at any point he desires –
usually when he has discovered a more
useful contingent at another village. If a Village Chart
contingent of Jungle Halflings is destroyed
D6 Result
then obviously the Empire player is free to
obtain a new contingent from the next 1 1 Unit of Hunters
friendly village he visits. A village may be re- 2 1 Unit of Warriors
visited for a new or different contingent but 3 1 stand of Tribesmen
only after all of the units in a player’s force
4 Nothing – no-one’s home!
have left that particular section of the map.
5 1 stand of Porters
One Jungle Halfling of particular note who
deserves a separate mention is the Witch 6 1 Canoe (if a river village)
Doctor. This grumpy, hairy old Halfling is a or 1 unit of Raptor Riders (if inland village)
shaman of rather potent power who lives in When a Jungle Halfling force has been
solitude in his own hut as shown on the determined, it will always have a single
map. Empire players do not roll on the Chieftain model present if combatant units
Village chart when they encounter his hut as are also present (Hunters/Warriors/Raptor
it will automatically be him. They do, Riders).

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The Quest For Ferdinand’s Gold

Random Events immediately attack any canoes in the river,

one at a time, until there are none
To further enhance the player’s (and remaining in this section of the battlefield.
indeed the Umpire’s) enjoyment of the Then it will disappear (remove the model).
game we have worked out some random The River Serpent has the same stats as a
events. These are intended to add a little Carnosaur.
colour to the proceedings in addition to
assisting the Umpire in trying to keep 4 Monsoon – The heavens open with a
things balanced. Each turn (or every other downpour of biblical proportions. All units
turn at the Umpire’s discretion) the Umpire are reduced to half speed. In addition
should allocate a section of the map for an Empire Cannons, Handgunners and
event and roll a D6 – a 6 indicates that a Pistoliers may not shoot until their next
random event has occurred. Then roll on turn as their gunpowder is wet through.
the following table and apply the results as 5 Tropical Cyclone – Far worse than a
he sees fit: monsoon, a lethal tropical cyclone sweeps
D6 Result through the area, tearing up trees,
buildings and hurling people into the air as
1 Stegadon Rampage! – The armies and it passes. Roll a D6 for every unit and
contingents marching through the Jungle Halfling village in this sector. On the
undergrowth have disturbed a wild score of a 6, a unit loses a stand or a village
Stegadon grazing in the fetid mangroves. is destroyed.
The Umpire should randomly allocate (or
choose if he is feeling particularly nasty) 6 Herd of Raptors – As with both the
one piece of jungle terrain for the Steg to Stegadon and Carnosaur, a herd of Raptors
burst forth from. It will automatically bursts from a piece of jungle terrain. The
charge the nearest unit in Initiative range herd consists of three stands and moves
(yes, even Lizardmen). If there are no units randomly – it will not charge deliberately
within Initiative range, it will stomp 20cm but any unit it accidentally moves into
in a random direction (ignoring the effects counts as being charged. As with the
of the river). In each subsequent turn, after Stegadon remove the Raptors as soon as
both the Empire and Lizardmen players they finish their move within a piece of
have moved, the Steg will move as above, jungle terrain. Use the stats for the Jungle
although if it ends its turn inside a piece of Halfling Raptor Riders above.
jungle terrain it is removed. Use the
standard statistics for the Stegadon from Starting the Game
the Lizardman army list but remove the
shooting attacks as it has no howdah on its The Empire players deploy first and take
back. the first turn.
2 Dinner Time for Carnosaur! – A wild
Carnosaur is foraging for food when it
comes across the mighty tasty looking
warring factions! As with the Stegadon, the
Umpire should randomly allocate a piece of
terrain for the Carnosaur to burst from.
Move the Carnosaur in the same manner as Ending the Game
the Stegadon except that it will not enter
jungle terrain and disappear and so will The game ends as soon as an Empire player
remain until either it is killed or another gets a unit into contact with the Lizardman
Carnosaur is revealed elsewhere. If another temple.
Carnosaur turns up, the original is removed
from play. Use the standard statistics for the
High Elf Dragon Rider except that the Victory
Carnosaur cannot fly and has no breath This game does not end upon the death of
weapon. a General armies are not forced to
3 River Serpent – The activities of the withdraw through casualties and victory
foreign interlopers have disturbed the points are not accrued. The winner is
slumber of a great river serpent. Place a determined through counting up the
serpent marker in the river on this section number of objective counters each player
of the battlefield. The serpent will has at the end of the game.


Deployment Map

3:44 PM
Page 42

The Quest For Ferdinand’s Gold

Lizardmen Temple Halfling Village Empire Buildings Empire Ship

Watchtowers ●●● Jungle Halflings Lizardmen Ponds

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Micro Tactics
by Mike Headden

Whilst reading e-mails on the Warmaster because it’s there. If you have a ‘shooty’
e-group, it occurred to me that there have army, plan how you will use terrain to give
been a few articles on how to build and use your missile troops clear lines of sight or if
armies of specific races and some philo- the enemy missile troops will outclass yours,
sophical discussions on strategy and tactics think how you will use the terrain to deny
(‘The Art of Waaagh!’ in Warmags 5 & 6, for the enemy line of sight in return. Warmaster
example). There hasn’t, however, been any benefits, even more so than most games,
short, snappy summaries of the ‘Where’s the from lots of terrain to give the armies some-
best place to put this stand’ or ‘How should thing to manoeuvre over and around.
I allocate my attacks’ type articles.
As an aside, you can find the group at
ter – well worth looking at, if you have
access to the Internet, as you can read the
messages posted even if you are not a mem-
ber. Better still, join up and take part in dis-
cussions that range from the thoughtful and
erudite, through the offbeat and comic to
the downright strange! It’s a good place to
ask this sort of question and get all sorts of
useful advice in return.

Choosing and
Deploying your Army Command Phase –
To begin with, it may be a case of using what- Movement
ever figures you have but most people soon
have enough troops to field several varia- Once you have your troops on the battlefield
tions on their army. Try to choose your army you need to think about what you’ll do with
with some plan in mind. Nothing too con- them. As a general rule, I’d advise that if you
crete, just along the lines of – artillery to intend to use Heroes and Wizards to move
pound the enemy, infantry to protect the troops that you move them first since a fail-
guns, and cavalry to smack them with if they ure by one of them simply stops the unit or
get too close. Try to have some role in mind brigade concerned but a failure by the
for every unit. Once you’ve viewed the ter- General stops anything else from moving.
rain and your opponent’s army, you may Each character should move the most
need to modify your plan but at least you important unit(s) first – not the most valu-
have a plan to modify! When choosing which able, toughest or whatever but the ones that
units to select, bear in mind the army you’re will have most impact in the next turn. If
going to fight. The Undead with their large ordering those two stands of cavalry into the
numbers of poorly armoured troops are flank of the last stand of Peasants will win
more susceptible to shooting than the much you the game then that’s probably the most
tougher troops in the Chaos army, for exam- important thing to move. Just remember
ple. that nothing is certain in Warmaster so don’t
When deploying, keep your army together. leave your army vulnerable if your stupid
Don’t grab every piece of terrain going just cavalry bounce off the Peasants.

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Micro Tactics

Forming infantry brigades of three close com- men. If the unit is hit on its left flank, right
bat units in column with a unit of missile flank then centre, it gets three shots at the
troops in line in front is a common tactic. first charger, two at the second and one at
Such a brigade is manoeuvrable and allows the third. If charged centre, flank, and flank,
for the best combination of attacks in it gets three at the first and that’s it – only half
defence and attack. the number of shots. A missile unit with a
There are a few things I'll point out briefly as Dragon-mounted character attached is even
worth remembering in the Command phase. worse!
Firstly, Initiative can be used to run away as Don’t assume that it is always better to throw
well as charge and sometimes getting out of in as many units as possible into a combat.
the way is as, or more, important than any- Remember that the enemy can choose which
thing else! Secondly, flyers can Home Back
units in contact to attack, throwing a weak,
towards characters once Initiative moves are
poorly armoured unit into a combat and
done even if they are confused, leaving flyers
drawing more enemy stands into the fight
stranded is usually a bad idea and being con-
fused makes it even worse. Finally, you may may actually tip the combat in their favour. In
not make another successful Command roll the long run, dice rolls will even out so
this turn – don’t let your army get too split assume that results will be about average.
up. As an example, let’s assume that a unit of
Chaos Knights charges two units of Silver
Command Phase – Charging Helms. The Knights get 4 attacks per stand
Due to the way Warmaster works, it is usual- plus 1 for charging – a total of 15 attacks. On
ly better to charge than to be charged, the average, they will score seven and a half hits
obvious exception being troops in defended of which three and three-quarters will get
or fortified positions. With that in mind, you past the Silver Helms’ armour. So most of the
want to make the maximum number of time they’ll score four hits. Assuming all of
charges with the minimum number of one unit of Silver Helms and one stand of the
Command rolls. other unit fight back they will get 12 attacks.
Whenever possible, command brigades On average they will score 6 hits, with their
rather than single units. One advantage of 4+ armour saves the Chaos Knights will take
the infantry brigade as mentioned before is three casualties. So the Chaos Knights will
that the missile troops can move sideways to win more often than they lose. If the Chaos
shoot at unengaged troops on the flank of General throws in a unit of Chaos Hounds
the combat while the close combat troops they get a further 12 attacks and wind up
charge. If the brigade is positioned so that causing an average of three more casualties
the archers are 17-18cms from the enemy for an average total of just under seven. The
then when they move aside it leaves the close Silver Helms put the attacks of four stands
combat troops 19-20cms from the enemy. As against the Hounds and cause an average of
a result the columns can charge without hav- six hits, all of which count, since the ‘dog-
ing to maximise frontage and three units can gies’ have no armour. The other two stands
wind up in combat rather than just one. of Silver Helms will add a further one and a
Removing stands from the rear of the column half hits on the Chaos Knights for a total of
reduces the chance of losing support and if seven and a half. On average, Chaos are now
you win the combat, all three units can then more likely to lose this fight than to win it –
Advance. despite having another unit in contact.

Always consider the order of your charges Try to do this sort of calculation before a
carefully. Charging with certain units first charge to give yourself an idea of the likeli-
may allow different units to contact, may hood that you’re win!
allow or prevent flank charges or may allow
more or fewer shots at you as you charge in.
Since troops have to shoot at the closest tar-
Since unengaged stands can shoot at each get they can see, at the point when they
charging unit, you will want to contact as shoot, it is hard to pick on a unit and blast it
many stands as possible if charging missile to pieces unless it winds up stranded some-
troops with more than one unit. Take a unit where on the battlefield.
of archers charged by three units of spear-
It is sometimes possible to target specific

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Micro Tactics

units by turning the shooting unit to make the items or attaching a character, especially if the
preferred unit the closest unit in sight but this character is on a mount of some sort. The
tends to leave the shooters in strange posi- most extreme example of this might be a
tions, vulnerable to charges in the next turn. Hero on a Dragon with a Sword of Might who
Another tactic is to screen unwanted targets gives you an extra five attacks to allocate in
with other troops or by charging them. addition to one stand’s normal attacks. This
Opinions on whether this sort of thing is can save a unit attacked in the flank or allow
‘cheese’ or tactical cunning vary – often you to devastate a unit you can only contact
depending on whether the person is ‘doing’ with a single stand.
or ‘being done to’!
If you win a combat, take a brief pause to
It also pays to consider the order that shoot- think about what your troops are going to do
ing takes place to maximise the effect. next. You may want some units to stand still,
some to Fall Back and others to Pursue or
Another example may make this clearer.
Advance – if so, think about the order you
Consider a unit of High Elf Archers and a unit
want to do this in. For example, having one
of Elven Bolt Throwers with two units of
unit fall back may uncover a target for anoth-
Chaos Hounds in front of them. The Hound
er unit’s Advance. Sometimes the order you
units are one behind the other and the front
do these things in makes a big difference.
one has already lost two stands. If the High Elf
Archers fire first it is possible, but unlikely, A final thought for this section is that if your
that they will kill the front stand and so usu- troops win a combat in the other player’s turn
ally the Bolt Throwers will have to fire at the they get to Pursue, Advance, Fall Back, etc,
same stand – almost certainly wiping it out. just like those of the player whose turn it is-so
Do the firing in reverse order and the Bolt all the advice applies to them too.
Throwers wipe the front unit out most of the
time leaving the archers to shoot the rear Fall Back
unit, driving them back and possibly confus- Remember that units that Fall Back can go
ing them. Most of the time shooting is not anywhere as long as they stay 1cm away from
going to kill stands, let alone units, so dis- enemy units and don’t contact friends still in
rupting brigades, driving away supporting combat. Amongst other things, you can use
stands and/or confusing units is what you are Fall Back to position troops for the next turn,
after. to block possible retreats in combats yet to be
The infantry brigade described in the resolved or to retire to a defensive position.
Movement section above can be used in this
way if fighting two lines of infantry. On a suc-
cessful Command roll, the missile troops Pursuing troops have to make contact edge-
move sideways to shoot at units to the rear to-edge, if possible, but bear in mind the fol-
while the melee troops engage the ones in the lowing: you may have the option to bring
front. Driving the rear units back even a cen- another enemy unit into the melee or not.
timetre is enough to deprive the front units of Balance the extra attacks against the chance to
their support. fight another unit without using up your one
Advance for the turn. When wrapping round,
Close Combat consider the possibilities of an Advance and,
In combat, your troops can allocate their where possible, wrap so as to leave an enemy
attacks on a stand-by-stand basis against any in sight if you are liable to be able to Advance
enemy that the stand is in contact with. It is into them.
almost always better to attack stands with
worse armour/fewer hits but remember that
you can’t inflict more hits than the stand has! An Advance is just a Charge move you get to
Don’t lose a combat because most of the hits make if you wipe out all opposing units in a
you caused were on a unit with only a couple round of combat. You get to move 20cm,
of hits remaining. remember no part of any stand can move
more than 20cm, if you’ve fought a single
The use of ‘combat multipliers’ is important round of combat or 10cm if you’ve fought two
too. By this I mean things that make a unit or more. All the normal Charge rules apply
stronger than it would normally be. This can and you have to charge the nearest unit.
include using defensive terrain, adding magic

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Micro Tactics

trol them. Even Wizards can move units a

reasonable distance if they are between the
If you win a combat in your opponent’s turn
units and where they are going. A Wizard
and wipe out the opposition, (unlikely as it
20cm ahead of the unit can move them once,
is), then you get to Advance too.
up to his position, once more out to the
If your unit is close to losing a stand or edge of his 20cm Command range and then
becoming Badly Hurt then you may decide a final move out of command. Always assum-
not to Advance even when you are able to. ing you can make the Command rolls that is!
On the other hand, it is often better to
Characters who get too far from their units
charge now than be charged in your oppo-
risk being ‘run down’ by the enemy and,
nent’s next turn.
with nowhere to go, getting wiped out.
In essence, though, this is a Charge and all
Try to avoid throwing characters into combat
the advice above on charging applies here
unless they’ll make a difference. If you’re
going to win anyway why tie the character to
Magic a unit the enemy will promptly target for
destruction. This goes double for Generals
It is hard to give general advice on using
whose loss ends the game. Even if you’re
magic, as much of the advice would depend
running away with the game in terms of
on the spells you have available and your
Victory points, losing your General takes you
overall battle plan.
to a draw, at best. Been there, done that!
However, it is important to make sure that
the spells cast, or at least attempted, fit in Conclusion
with what you’re trying to do with the army So there we are, a few thoughts on how to
as a whole. play Warmaster. I hope that even ‘old hands’
As an example, most magic users have access will have found something in here to make
to a direct damage spell like Ball of Flame, them think. None of this guarantees you a
sometimes more than one. Since missile win but it should at least allow you to make
troops have to target the nearest unit, but more of a fight of it even with the most atro-
Wizards don’t, it is often useful to wait until cious dice rolls – we all have games like that!
the missile troops have fired and then target Remember the most important thing isn’t
the one you will do the most damage to. winning or losing, it’s having fun… but it’s
easier to have fun if your army isn’t being
Often denying the enemy a chance to do stomped into the table by the opposition!
something is more important than being able
to do something yourself. One example
would be the Undead spell Doom and
Despair which is particularly useful when
cast on powerful enemy units (Chaos
Knights, Dragon Riders, Stegadons and the
like). Another would be the Chaos spell
Anger of the Gods which can be very effective
when used against armies that are relying on
Heroes and Wizards for commands or
against Orcs & Goblins!

Perhaps the commonest avoidable mistake
made by Warmaster players of all levels of
experience is forgetting to move characters.
More than anything else, Warmaster is a
game of command and control, and having
characters in the wrong place can spell dis-
Characters need to be close enough to the
troops you intend them to command to con-


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