Stainless Steel Crown Post Op
Stainless Steel Crown Post Op
Stainless Steel Crown Post Op
Cory Newsom-Broughton
3704 Summer Avenue
Memphis, TN 38122
Your child has had one or more teeth restored with chrome stainless steel crowns.
1) Your child may have had local anesthetic for their dental procedure:
a) If the procedure was on the lower jaw... the tongue, teeth, lip and surrounding tissue will be
numb or asleep.
b) If the procedure was in the upper jaw... the teeth, lip and surrounding tissues will be numb or
2) It is important that you pay close attention to your child for two hours or until the numbness
subsides. Children often will scratch, chew, suck, or play with the numb area. These actions can
cause mild irritations or be severe enough to cause swelling and abrasions to the tissue.
3) The cement that holds the crown on the tooth requires approximately 12 hours to achieve its final
set. Therefore, only soft foods should be chewed with any newly restored teeth today. Regular diet
may be resumed tomorrow.
4) Something cold is recommended right after the appointment such as popsicles, ice cream, milk
shake, etc. to help heal the gum tissue from the trauma received during preparation of the crown.
5) Chrome stainless steel crowns may be dislodged or pulled off if extremely hard or sticky foods are
chewed with them. Hard or sticky candy and all types of chewing gums should be avoided.
6) It is not unusual for the gum tissue around the newly restored tooth to bleed a little, and be slightly
irritated or inflamed for several days. This can be eased using saltwater rinses several times a day
while the irritation persists (1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water).
7) The area should be brushed gently today, gradually increasing to normal toothbrush pressure in a
few days.
8) If the crown is on a baby tooth, it will get loose and come out when the adult tooth is ready to erupt.
9) Should a crown become loose or dislodged it should be saved and you should contact the dental
clinic to have it re-cemented.
10) For discomfort use children’s Tylenol, Advil or Motrin as directed for the age of the child.
11) If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office.