Research & Analytical Laboratories, Inc. SOP For Acidity: Doc#SP00106.ra Date: Jan 2020 Page 1 of 5
Research & Analytical Laboratories, Inc. SOP For Acidity: Doc#SP00106.ra Date: Jan 2020 Page 1 of 5
Research & Analytical Laboratories, Inc. SOP For Acidity: Doc#SP00106.ra Date: Jan 2020 Page 1 of 5
Date: Jan 2020
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The signature of the following individuals indicates that this SOP is complete and
meets the specifications defined in Document #QA00100.ra.
2.1 The objective of this document is to outline the techniques for determining the
acidity of drinking waters, surface waters, sewages and industrial wastes.
4.1 The sample should not be opened until the time of analysis, and vigorous shaking
should be avoided in order to minimize the effects of dissolved gases in the sample.
4.2 Substances, such as weak organic and inorganic acids present in large amounts may
cause interferences in the potentiometric pH measurements.
4.3 Oil and grease, by coating the pH electrode, may also interfere, causing sluggish
5.1 Chemical resistant gloves, eye protection, and lab coats should be worn at all times
while in the laboratory.
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Date: Jan 2020
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5.2 MSD sheets are available in the laboratory for immediate reference in case of an
6.2 Samples must remain cool at ≤ 6 degrees Celsius from the time of collection
until the time of sample analysis
6.4 The sample holding time is 14 days from the time of sample collection until
the time of sample analysis.
6.4.1 If a sample is received already out of the holding time, the client will be
notified immediately. If the analysis is to proceed, a comment stating the condition
of the sample upon receipt will be noted on the client report.
7.1 pH meter that uses a glass electrode and can be read to 0.05 pH unit
8.1.1 To make 0.02N standard sodium hydroxide, dilute 2 mL of 10N sodium hydroxide
solution to 1L using reagent grade water.
8.1.2 To standardize the 0.02N sodium hydroxide solution: weigh out 10g+/-0.5g of
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Date: Jan 2020
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desiccated potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHC8H404) and transfer to a 1L
volumetric flask, then fill to volume with reagent grade water. Using the 0.02N
sodium hydroxide solution as the titrant, titrate 15mL KHP solution to a pH of 8.7.
Then calculate and record the normality of the sodium hydroxide:
Normality = A x B_
204.2 x C
9.1 The pH meter must be calibrated daily or each day samples are analyzed.
This is done by standardizing the meter with 4.0, and 7.0 pH buffer solutions. After
the meter is calibrated, a 10.0 buffer aliquot is analyzed and must read within + 0.1
pH units of the true value. The slope is recorded and should be between 95%-
105%. The pH meter must be calibrated with each use period of no more than 8
Acidity = A X N X 50,000
mLs of sample
A= # mLs titrant
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Date: Jan 2020
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N= Normality of titrant
11.1 The standard sodium hydroxide solution must be standardized monthly and recorded
into the Acidity Titration Log book. See Section 8.1.2.
11.2 Duplicate samples are analyzed at a 10% frequency or once every 10 samples. The
percent difference between the samples should be less than 20% for wastewater and
10% for drinking water. If the percent difference is greater than allowed, the
Quality Assurance Officer and/or Laboratory Manager must be notified before
proceeding with additional samples. The percent difference is calculated by using
the following equation:
11.3 A reference standard known as a Quality Control Standard (QCS) must be analyzed
at the beginning of each analytical sequence. The percent recovery of the QCS must
be within +/- 10% of the true known value of the standard. If not, corrective action
must be taken before proceeding with additional samples.
12.1 The Quality Control checks defined in Section 11.0 must be satisfied; if not, the data
is unacceptable and must be re-analyzed.
(None applicable)
Research & Analytical Laboratories, Inc.
Date: Jan 2020
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15.1 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Standard Method
2310 B-2011, Acidity Titration Method