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2CIIA – Free Online Basic Private Detective Course


Dear student, thank you for enrolling in our basic initial training course for Private
Detective / Private Investigation Agent activity.
Initially, it is good that our student knows that to be a PRIVATE DETECTIVE /
PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR it is not necessary to do a deep study of the Art of
investigation. It is enough for the interested party to be intelligent, to READ and WRITE
correctly, to be honest, uninhibited and, above all, to enjoy the profession.
In this booklet of Basic Techniques of Private Investigations, we teach the future
investigator only what a true Detective really should know, when he is solving a case.
Here we present the modern techniques and procedures considered standard
throughout the world, for the solution of the most common cases, for which Private
Detectives and Investigation Agencies are hired. We also advise the student to try to
acquire on the Internet some more information and articles on the activity of private


DETECTIVE is a word of English origin, which means to detect a fact, to

investigate, to plunder, to unmask. Professionally speaking is Detective that investigates
a fact, its circumstances and people involved in it. In all countries of the world, the
Private Detective can only practice the profession in accordance with the laws in force
and respecting the private life of the citizen, the inviolability of the human rights to life in
private and the modesty of the homes.

The Private Detectives have been developing their

activities in the world for hundreds of years. The
OCCUPATIONS - ISCO88 (from the International Labor
Organization, that is the UNO - United Nations
Organization, classifies under the code 3450 the activity of

In cases of breach of criminal law by the Detective, during a case or due

diligence (attempted bribery to obtain information, breach of domicile, wiretaps, etc.),
the person who feels impaired may file a complaint with the police authorities, who may
institute an investigation against the Detective, impairing its history and credibility.
Therefore, it is of vital importance for the career of the Professional Detective that
he always act with honesty and seeking not to break the laws of his country.


Requirements are conditions which must be met to fulfill certain purposes. The
requirements for joining a Professional Detective career can be grouped into 3 groups,
which, given the characteristics, can be called PHYSICAL, MORAL and
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The PHYSICAL FITNESS of candidates for Professional Detectives can not be

assessed by the standard established for other similar professions (Civil, Military or
Federal Police). But the candidate must have the physical and senses perfection
(physical defects or other types of disabilities are not obstacles but may disrupt on
occasion). Notions of self-defense are also important, since gun possession is not
permitted in most countries).
MORAL FORMATION, it is indispensable to personal and professional honesty,
patience and kindness in dealing with people. The Professional Detective must have
general goodwill, to have his mission facilitated, which is very important to be able to
count on the help of popular, in case of necessity.
The basic natural requirements are intelligence, creativity, versatility and other
natural abilities that are not learned, since they have been part of the individual
practically since birth, including the "born" talent for investigations.
The acquired intellectual requisites consist of the knowledge obtained in our school
courses and also the knowledge about the varied human activities. This knowledge is of
great importance because it can greatly facilitate the work of the Private Detective, who
is faced with the most varied situations. The reading of newspapers and the
accompaniment of documentaries and tele-newspapers by TV are also important items
to obtain more knowledge about the current events of the globalized world in which we


After studying this manual carefully you will have acquired the basic knowledge
to enter the profession or to work as Assistant of Detectives more experienced in the
following cases:

-> Industrial espionage and counter-espionage;

-> location of missing persons or debtors for collection or recovery of assets;
-> confirmation of cases of marital infidelity and adultery; prenuptial research; personal
investigation of past life;
-> information services and general registration with commerce, industry, credit
institutions, banks, and financial institutions;
-> detection of scams and fraud against insurers;
-> to work undercover in companies, industries and diverse establishments to detect
thefts, diversions of goods, financial fraud, etc.
The Private Detective dedicates himself exclusively to investigations of PARTICULAR
and COMMERCIAL natures being, in some countries, allowed his collaboration and

During his investigations, he works collecting

information, making inquiries, interrogating people,
monitoring, preparing flagrant, always using legal
resources to respond to requests from banks, commercial
establishments, insurers or people who hired him.
In the performance of his activities, the Professional Detective is obliged to
respect the professional ethics and to cooperate with the constituted authorities of the
country, provided that they are requested to do so through an official expedient or in
extreme cases, when circumstances require.

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-> Making statements to newspapers, magazines and radio and television stations on a
specific case which is investigating or has been resolved, except in self-defense or third
parties, in compliance with the legislation in force in the country;
-> Provide confidential information about its clients to third parties, except in case of
express request of the police or judicial authority.
- Try to obtain illicit advantage of confidential information obtained during
-> Disclose the name of the contractor if it is discovered during a proceeding, except by
judicial determination.

The Private Detectives, in addition to complying with the legislation in force, are
obliged to comply with the determinations contained in the statutes of the respective
Professional Associations or Trade Unions of the class that may be created or
recognized by the Government of their country.


FIXED surveillance
"Surveillance" is an expression of slang meaning discreet observation in the
vicinity of some place, to know the movements of person or people, or to supervise the
arrival or appearance of someone. It also means the monitoring, monitoring or
surveillance of someone, in a discreet way, to know their movements and connections.
The surveillance is used by Private Detectives. Policemen and also by Criminals.
The thieves and hijackers use the first type of surveillance - local surveillance - or fixed,
to know the habits and movements of the residents of the place where they intend to
operate, and also to avoid surprises by residents or police officers during the action.
Therefore, during a surveillance the Detective must take special care not to draw
attention and not be very noticed.

There is a possibility that local residents or traders confuse you

with a criminal and call the police to intervene.
The surveillance can be used to locate people, to arrest
criminals, to catch an unfaithful husband or wife, to know the
connection and movement of people, to observe people meeting,
to avoid the practice of crimes and in a general way, to obtain
evidence to solve an investigation. The use of the surveillance
requires the skill of the person who executes it.

In FIXED SURVEILLANCE, the Private Detective must not let itself be noticed or
exposed as little as possible. To do this, you should look for hiding places or care to
confuse yourself like the environment. For the latter purpose, it must use diverse
resources such as:

-> Disguises, like that of beggar or drunk;

-> Place a small street vendor near the place to be observed (first check if the place is
not supervised by the city hall, to avoid confrontations with tax officials and get the
attention of third parties);
-> Use vehicle with film in the glasses to not be seen from the outside;
-> Use an assistant when making the night surveillance and pretend to be dating (first
check if the place has high rates of robbery and vehicle assaults not to be surprised by
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a car thief, and be very careful with the movement of the people around).
The more deserted or less busy the area in which the target is to be observed,
the greater the difficulty of the fixed surveillance.
Two of the means to obtain better results in fixed surveillance is to carry out the
observation inside a car or in the interior of buildings bordering or lateral to the object of
attention. Care naturally must be taken by the Private Detective, so that it is not
discovered or for which third-party indiscretion does not put the work to waste. When
the surveillance is run from inside buildings or vehicles a little far from the place,
binoculars, camcorders, zoom cameras or hidden remote monitoring cameras can be
great helpers.
During a surveillance NEVER DIE TARGET ATTENTION, as in a few seconds
the target may enter or leave the premises without being seen by the Detective. It is
very tiring, for example, that you spend hours waiting for a suspect to arrive or leave
home or work, so always position yourself to minimize any distractions and whenever
possible use the support of at least one auxiliary.


The MOBILE SURVEILLANCE can be made by one or more detectives, on foot,

in vehicles, or by both means when circumstances require it. For the mobile walking
surveillance, the detective must take special care at the time of following the
investigated, such as:

-> Wear non-attracting costumes, with neutral colors during the day and dark at night;
-> Modifications in overall appearance while following the suspect, such as the sweater
pull (wear a button-up shirt over a knit sweater) or jacket, dark-eyed cap;
-> Keep safe distance not to be seen by the
investigated, taking care not to lose sight of it in the
-> Always keep the suspect in your sights and do
not pay attention to anything that goes around and
does not concern you;
-> In case of help from an assistant use Walk Talk
radios and headphones to avoid being noticed.
ATTENTION, because normally when the investigated one suspects that it is being
followed can use some evasive maneuvers or for confirmation, like:

-> Sudden stop;

-> Turn suddenly and start walking in the opposite direction to what was going;
-> Pretend to be looking at window displays and take advantage of them as a mirror
(you can also use this feature to not attract attention);
-> Stop by turning a corner, to see if someone will come in the same direction;
-> Enter vehicles, such as taxis and buses, and get off soon;
-> Pretend tying the laces shoes, to look sideways or backwards;
-> Turn entire blocks and return to the same place;
-> Repeatedly change the walk speed, decreasing or increasing the rhythm;
-> Enter suddenness in buses, trains or subway, when these are already leaving;
-> When inside buses, trains or subways leave suddenly when the doors are already

IMPORTANT: If the target acts in one or more ways, it is because he may have noticed

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that he is being followed. So if you are sure the target knows he is being followed GIVE
UP on the follow up and try another day by modifying their appearance or using more


The surveillance to follow people when in motor vehicles is generally more

difficult than on foot. The traffic conditions influence the performance of motorized
surveillance, making them easier or more difficult. Of course, following a car, on streets
or on low-traffic roads or, on the other hand, in congested or busy traffic, is not an easy
Car surveillances can be made with one,
two, three or more cars. The use of at least one
motorcycle may be critical to the success of the
surveillance in an intense traffic spot. Remember
that everyone should be with communication
equipment (in these cases buy good equipment
with a range of at least 3Km or good cell phones).
With just a car, the problem will be to follow the target without him noticing. Some
important techniques are:

-> In roads of little movement try to stay a good distance from the investigated;
-> In places of intense traffic, try to position yourself behind other vehicles whenever
possible, taking care not to lose sight of it;
-> Be careful not to allow more than two vehicles to be positioned between you and the
track so as not to lose sight of it or get stuck in a red light;
-> Always be alert when the investigator is arriving at traffic signals (if he is accelerating
in an eventual yellow signal or it will stop) and repeat the maneuver trying not to get his
If the target advances traffic signals, makes dangerous
overtaking or reckless maneuvers, DO NOT REPEAT
them, at the risk of putting your life and that of others in
danger. If the target commits such attitudes may mean
that the same has already suspected that is being
followed. In this case do not insist and try to install a
MINI GPS in a hidden way in the vehicle to be
With two or three cars and whenever possible with the aid of a motorcycle
where there is intense traffic, you can modify the positions of the vehicles, so that target
when looking in the rearview mirror always see a different vehicle. As we explained
before, with the use of radio, better still the conditions for the success of the works.
Always try to use basic vehicles with models and colors that do not attract
In the same way that at night, it is more difficult to identify the car to be followed,
it is also equally difficult for the target to identify the Detective's car, which must always
alternate the appearance of his car, sometimes turning on the high headlights, now the
low ones, now using only the lanterns or completely extinguishing the lights of the car. If
possible install two small flashlights or two mile headlights on the front bumper of your
car, so that your ignition is independent. This will help to change the appearance of your
car in the target's rearview mirror.
It is usually much easier to track a vehicle when two or more people are inside.

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It's very common for us to be distracted from traffic when we talk to someone standing
next to us, especially with regard to rear-view mirrors.
In the case of CONJUGAL INFIDELITY the distraction is even greater when the
driver talks to his (her) lover. It is also normal to travel much slower when accompanied,
which facilitates the work of the Detectives.


Much of the information for the elaboration of a researcher's personal profile is

obtained through PRIVATE SOURCES, such as: statements from people directly or
indirectly related to him, such as parents, relatives, neighbors, friends, girlfriends or
spouses (including former) employers ( current or former), employees or former
employees, co-workers, partners or former partners, suppliers, customers, creditors,
debtors, landlords, districts. etc. Anyway, all those who maintain or have maintained
personal or commercial relations with the investigated.

These sources are important so that we can

raise relevant facts occurring in the day to day of the
investigated, regarding his personal or professional
They are also very useful for carrying out the
LOCATION of the person investigated, if that is the
nature of the service.
In most cases, the companies or individuals that hire the services of
Detectives for the elaboration of PERSONAL DOSSIERS, provide the basic information
for the beginning of the diligences.
Usually the complete dossier application about a person is requested by:

-> Medium and Large companies that want to hire an employee to position of
-> Medium and Large companies that want to know more about their competitors;
-> Medium and Large companies to confirm information about other companies and
their partners, with which they intend to maintain business;
-> Politicians who want to find out about their opponents;
-> Families who want to check the background of their boyfriends, fiances or future
-> Middle and upper class families, who are hiring domestic servants, nannies, private
drivers, bodyguards, etc. who will be part of the intimacy and will have access to
personal assets and information of that family;
-> Companies that admit new partners or shareholders;
-> Luxury real estate agents;
-> Lawyers, for use in judicial purposes, processes;

There are also PUBLIC INFORMATION SOURCES, very useful in the

easily get such information through free or some paid websites, specializing in personal
and business registration information. Use GOOGLE in your country to locate them.

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Currently this type of service has been greatly requested to the Private
There are basically two types of disappearance:

VOLUNTARY - when the person decides to "disappear on their own" without giving
explanation to anyone. They can be for various reasons, for example: problems of
family relationship, problems of love, threats, embarrassment of some embarrassing
fact recently occurred, debts, etc.

INVOLUNTARY - when the disappeared person is a victim of acts of third parties or

carriers of some ilness. They include disappearances due to accidents (hitches,
disasters), kidnappings, murders, rapes followed by death, sudden illness (heart attack,
epilepsy, amnesia), drunkenness, excessive use of drugs, etc.
In these cases, in addition to a recent photograph, it is essential that clients
provide as much information as possible, such as:

-> full name;

-> number of documents;
-> profession or activity in which you worked;
-> economic situation;
-> if you own real estate and where;
-> if you have credit cards and bank account;
-> last address and / or residential, commercial or cellular telephone;
-> places I used to attend;
-> vehicle brands, models and license plates;
-> name, telephone and / or address of parents, relatives, friends, boyfriends;
-> recent photos and / or complete physical description;
-> psychological description and character of the person to be located (depressed;
extroverted; temperamental; addictions, mainly drugs; psychological deviations,
diseases, etc.);
-> dental record, if any, for eventual recognition of corpse through the dental arch;
-> if you had enemies or disaffected, etc.

The client will not always have all this information.

Many of them will need to be picked up by the
Detective and can be very helpful in locating the
missing person.
In the case of young women and adolescent
girls try to find out if in the locality there has already
been reported some case of attempted grooming
prostitution or promises of jobs abroad.

Disappearance of the elderly or mentally ill.

-> At first try to know if the disappeared used to walk alone in the streets;
-> If he had friends;
-> If he had family relationship problems;
-> The places where he used to go;
-> If used to take with him documents and phone / home address in the wallet;
-> If he took clothes or other belongings;
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-> If someone knew where he was going at the time of the disappearance;
-> If he had any type of seizures or seizures (epilepsy, fainting, amnesia, sudden
aggression, etc.);
-> If he has disappeared before and where it was located;
-> Physical description;
-> Description of the clothes he wore the last time he was seen, etc.

Start the searches, taking a recent photograph, by public hospitals, police

stations, morgue and hostels in the region where the missing person lived and used to
If the search proves negative, make new searches in the same area, always with
the photo, interrogating people who usually work in the streets, such as Military Police,
Municipal Guards, postmen, delivery agents, urban cleaning agents and even beggars
and street dwellers.

Teens who do not maintain a good family relationship;

In addition to the above, try to check:

-> If the missing person had a boyfriend;

-> If he studied, find out who his friends were at school.
-> Ask everyone about the possible whereabouts.
-> Check social network profiles of the disappeared and if possible of close friends
-> It is also important to raise the moral and psychological profile of the disappeared, as
well as possible involvement with bandits, drug addicts, petty thefts, gangs of
adolescents, tendency to prostitution, possible pregnancy, etc.

Relatives or friends that your clients have known for some time and would like to
meet them again

In fact this is not a case of disappearance, but only the LOCATION of a certain
person that your client knew. Ask for as much information as possible, such as:

-> Cities where you lived and where you possibly live;
-> Last known address and on what date;
-> If you were single, married (wife's name), had children;
-> Addresses and telephones of friends or relatives known;
-> Professional activity and companies where you worked;
-> If you have an upper course (look in the Organ of the Class), etc.

An excellent start to such investigations is through the INTERNET on the social

networks and public information sites we mentioned earlier. Search for one's own,
relatives or surname, if it is not a common surname.
Try to make contact with friends, in the companies where the person to be
located worked and with neighbors in the last place where he / she resided.

Location of debtors

The location of debtors is almost always very time consuming. Usually debtors
are hiding from their creditors, and depending on the values of the debts, they can
change state or even leave the country.
This all depends on the nature of the debts, values and moral profile of the
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debtor, which the Detective must establish.

First of all, the Detective must investigate the credit agencies and collection
actions in court, to verify the amount of debt of the person to be located. Try to locate
the lenders for information exchange.
The greater the debt, the greater the difficulty for its location. In
cases where the debtor is a person admittedly honest and
suitable, but due to financial problems could not pay off the
debts, the chances of locating are greater.
On the contrary, in cases where the debtor is not a
person of good character, the difficulty will be much greater (and
also more risky) for its location.
Never believe in the information of relatives by telephone. Always try to do
errands at the addresses provided by your client and interrogate neighbors, friends, co-
workers and others. Work preferably in disguise and never identify yourself as a
Detective. Use all the SOURCES OF INFORMATION that we have already studied in
this booklet, in an attempt to locate the debtor.


Nowadays it is essential for any Investigation Agency, the maintenance in its staff
of Agents or collaborators, of a professional with a good knowledge in COMPUTERS
and INTERNET, since in recent years has been increasing in a frightening way so-
called "crimes by computer", as well as for information gathering, monitoring of
residential or commercial computers, etc.
Many families want to know what their children do in front of the computer or cell
phone screen, fearing cases of prostitution, pedophilia, apology for drug use, racism
and various incitations that are very common in the media frequented by the internauts.

Wives want to know about the "virtual" relationships of the

spouse and vice versa, discovering passwords for emails,
visiting pornographic websites, etc.
Many small and medium-sized businesses are also
interested in monitoring their computers to know everything
their employees do in front of the keyboard.

There are several "spy" computer and cell phone software on the market.
These programs, which are usually very small and work hidden in the computer or cell
to be monitored. Because it is technical knowledge, we will not go deeply into this
subject in this basic course.
You can find these programs by searching on GOOGLE in your country. Always
be careful not to break the law of secrecy telephone and internet, if it exists.


What should be observed in a person for purposes of future identification? The

ideal would be a complete description of the figure, but the observer does not always
know or has time to do so. Here we have a small table of characteristics that must be
observed, aiming at the future recognition of a person (REMEMBER THAT THE

-> General Aspects: physique, height, clothing, race, age.

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-> Detailed Aspects: biotype, hair, eye color, nose types, mustache, mouth, beard, etc.
-> Private Signs: use of glasses or private sign, tattoos, defects, scarring or stains.

Therefore, at first, in an embarrassing situation or in any other situation,

especially of assault or testimony of a crime, we must direct our observation to these
basic points: general aspects, detailed aspects and particular signs, and the same
characteristics must be requested in the interrogations made by the Detectives.


In some countries, the usage of spying equipment against third parties without
judicial authorization (mainly wiretaps or telephone tape recorders) is a crime.
Although the usage of such devices requires a large investment and requires the
technical skills to use them, there are several police, commercial, industrial, embassy
and professional detective organizations that use them, some for spying and others for
the purpose of counter-spying.

The largest users of surveillance

equipment are government agencies
and police corporations. Commercial
companies and private detectives use
these equipment on a small scale. It is
very common for companies to hire
private detectives to obtain valuable
information for their business, not to
mention companies that buy such
equipment and conduct their own
monitoring services.

Nowadays there are ways to reverse the situation when it comes to industrial
espionage. Hidden microphone and micro cameras detectors (RF Detector), which also
use ultrasensitive receivers to check for RF (radio frequency) waves from the "swept"
location, are currently on the market. The equipment can detect frequency waves of 1
Mhz up to 10Ghz, and its range varies from 5 to 20 meters with perfect operation
indoors. They have different sizes, formats and prices.


In practice clandestine equipment is not restricted to the use of Micro-

Transmitters and Recorders, as we usually limit ourselves to observe. They are
comprised within a wide range of ingenious circuits: Infrared, Ultraviolet, Laser,
Ultrasound, Carrier (Telephone or Network), Secondary Emission, Warm Rooms,
Parabolic Sound Amplifiers, L aser Ray Listening (which points to a window is able to
detect the vibrations of the glass by the sound emitted by the vocal cords of the people
who are in that environment and codifies it in the form of voice perfectly audible and
comprehensible), etc. In addition to being encrypted, encrypted, compressed or pulsed.

CLANDESTINE DEVICES are classified primarily in Counter-espionage

according to their physical and radiation aspects, being:

- Acoustic Bugs
- Ultrasonic Bugs
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- RF Bugs (Radio Frequency)

- Optical Bugs
- Hybrid Bugs

Also classified are RF Buqs in

SECURITYLEVELS. These being of much greater
importance in Counter-Espionage, because
depending on the level of the clandestine device, it
is also possible to identify the level of specialization
of the individual who introduced it and the
purchasing power of those who contracted it, and
have an idea of the risks that the victim is being


LEVEL 1 - LOW QUALITY transmitters, with powers above 50 mW. common

modulation methods such as AM. FM and rudimentary construction. EASILY
TRACKABLE, Examples of these are usually found in magazine advertisements or on
the internet, Spy Shops, Ebay, amateur construction in the vast majority;

LEVEL 2 - Bugs also of LOW QUALITY, but of mass-manufactured by electronics

companies. They can use AM modulation. FM. OC. SSB. with frequencies around 1
GHz and 1000 MHz). They are easily found in Spy Shops and Investigation Agencies
and Ebay, as well as EASYLY TRACKED in Counter Spy scans using only the RF Bug
Detector, which we discussed earlier.

LEVEL 3 - BUGS OF AVERAGE OR HIGH QUALITY, what differentiates them are the
technical aspects, being able to be manufactured or industrialized in small scale. It uses
differentiated modulation methods like NFM. WFM. FSK. PULSE. CPM. etc. in addition
to emitting powers less than 20 mW and include frequencies up to 3 GHz in order to
DIFFICULT YOUR TRACKING by common "Scanners" and "Sweepers".

LEVEL 4 - ADVANCED level in the case of Bugs, frequencies above 3 GHz (up to 40
GHz) and powers of less than 5 mW are used in addition to operating with "non-
commercial" modulation methods such as BPSK. DS / SS and mufti-meqabit QAM, and
may be coded (Scramblers) or tablets in time (DwelI time). Technicians or Detectives
without HIGH PERFORMANCE equipment and deep knowledge in sweepings at this
level, NEVER will find or void such devices in Counter-Espionage.

LEVEL 5 - Level "State of the Art", developed by Intelligence Agencies of developed

countries for own use. Usually they are COMPLEX DEVICES although INCREDIBLELY
SMALL. They work with 500 to 800 MHz Bandwidth (BW), frequencies from 40 to 325
GHz and "non-commercial" modulation methods, and may even be unknown in the
technical world of Specialized Detective Agencies. As the irradiation powers do not
exceed 1mW. at these frequencies, its practiclly IMPOSSIBLE THE DETECTION
without Spectrum Analyzers of very high speed and sensitivity, whose market values
exceed US $ 20,000.00 and still require annual calibration. The largest manufacturers of
these devices are the United States, Japan and Israel.

These 5 SECURITY LEVELS are considered in the Counter-espionage as

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situations in which it is up to the Detective expert to determine the level of a certain
device, since there may be paradoxical characteristics of several levels implanted on it.
Still in this context we would like to assert that we should not deceive ourselves
with whatever the device is about its level of security. A simple Secondary Emission
device, for example, based on its construction, is limited to Level 1 but in the frequency,
power, right location and in the hands of a specialist, it becomes as deeply detrimental
as Level 5.

Another important observation regarding the

respective levels of security, which may cause
astonishment to beginners, is in their IRRADIANT
POTENCES, being proportionally smaller at each
higher level, when many thought otherwise, just to
achieve greater reach. This is due to the fact that in
Counter-Espionage it becomes very easy to intercept
any signal above 20 mW with conventional tracking
What should we do when we suspect BUGS, LISTENINGS AND
INTERCEPTIONS in our client's company or residence? PASS THE FOLLOWING

- PRETEND NOT KNOWING THE BUG EXISTENCE, since a sudden change in

behavior may expose your client to the spy, both for the discovery of the hearing, and
for possible anonymous attacks (blackmail);
- Do not discuss more important matters in the environment, or on the phone, and do
not do visual signals, as he may also be filming;
- Do not comment on this suspicion to any employee or close friend, for although these
people may appear to be of complete confidence, your client will not know of his
behavior from that moment, nor if it was one of them who "planted" the device;
- If you are not technically qualified with good knowledge of electronics,
telecommunications and scanning equipment, help your client to consult a SPECIALIST
in Counter-Espionage, but keep in mind that in the whole world there are very few of
them and the cost of their work are very high;- In the consultation, NEVER use a
telephone or e-mail near the suspicious area, use a disposable phone or look for a
distant public phone or internet booths in shopping malls, and do not forget to delete
them (e-mails) after they are sent ;
- If they find an Investigation Agency with this specialty, try to know the specialist, check
if it has professional equipment and deep knowledge in the area. (Electronics and
Telecommunications) Try to provide the least amount of information to him before a
possible agreement;
- Be discreet in all contacts:
- Do not contact the telephone operator, because they will not know what to do and will
only be able to remove the bugs;
- Do not contact the local police, since most of the experts are in the Federal Police,
Criminalistics Institutes and Federal University Experts. Detectives and Civil Police
Experts will never discover its origin;
- DO NOT CONTACT LOCAL SCAM AGENCIES as they may have bugged your client.
Contact if possible, agencies located in another state or even from another country;
- Be careful with what is spoken to the Cellular and wireless phone (mainly), since the
latter can be easily intercepted;

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- Follow the service closely, otherwise your client may lose money and not have their
security restored.
In short, we can clarify that the SUCCESS of a clandestine bug is mainly due to
its characteristics, its construction and perfect installation, facilitated with the
INEFFICIENT majority of Counter-Espionage technicians in the region.


The usefulness of photography in investigations is of paramount importance,

both in the search for missing persons and in the confirmation and confirmation of
suspicious or illicit acts, as well as elements of circumstantial evidence.

Nowadays, in the area of hidden cameras stand

out small micro USB digital cameras, IN SHAPE
BUTTON and can be fired by remote control or
manual without anyone noticing. Then the photos
and videos are downloaded to a computer.

There are dozens of electronic equipment for espionage and counter-

espionage very useful for Detectives. You can easily find them on the INTERNET
through the sites we mentioned before.
For day-to-day work, it is currently best to use FULL HD or 4K with at least 12
Megapixel optical zoom of at least 36X and LUX of at least 1.0 (the lower the LUX the
greater the capacity to shoot in the dark) being the ideal 0 LUX (night shot vision).

It is also interesting that the camcorder has a remote control to be operated at

close range (you can place the camcorder in a small box or bag, leaving a hole for the
lens and trigger it without opening it).
Imagine you need to film a couple with kisses and hugs at a candlelight
restaurant. You will simply hide the camera in a box or bag, leave a hole for the lens, sit
next to the couple to be shot, point the hidden camera lens at the table to be filmed and
you can control all the operation of the camera by remote control. All this without
drawing attention. You can also use your cell phone or micro cameras in the form of a
clock, a pen, a pen, or a shirt button, but people should be relatively close to being shot
and will not get good picture quality in low light conditions.
In most cases you will need to use PHOTOGRAPHY or FILMING, not only to
document a FLAGRANT or the FLOW OF INVESTIGATIONS, but also, eventually, to
render an account to your client, proving at all times that you are actually monitoring the
person investigated.

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Investigations in this field are almost always required for confirmation and
flagrant adultery, betrayal, marital infidelity or premarital investigation. They can be
requested by the boyfriend, fiance or husband (wife) to confirm whether or not their
partners are faithful in their relationship, regardless of whether they are married or not.

In some cases the detective may be

hired by sons to investigate father or mother
or even by parents who are suspicious of
the behavior of son-in-law or daughters-in-
law before or after marriage, etc.
You won’t become disappointed if you
really specialize in this kind of service, in
terms of adventure and money.

It is also becoming more common to be hired by LOVERS of the investigated

(who are already married) to know if they would have a second lover.
This is the most requested service for the Private Detective and also one of the
easiest tasks to perform. The Detective who wants to dedicate himself to this area only
will have work always and with good financial return.
Your client will provide you with all the information about the person investigated,
such as residential and commercial addresses, times and places that the investigated
person frequents, photograph, complete description, brand and car plate etc. or you can
still point to it in person.
You must IDENTIFY and MEMORIZE the person to be followed before starting
the surveillance so that you do not take the risk of investigating the wrong person (a
similar person).
Your goal is to photograph or film the person investigated in the act of adultery or
betrayal. But during the surveillance and follow-ups you should also do some filming to
prove to your client that you are actually working on the case, as monitoring may result
in a negative result for infidelity, and your client may question whether you actually
monitored them as they should.
Usually, 90% of the suspicions are confirmed and the flagrant occurs between 3
and 5 days after the investigations began. Usually most take place on weekends (from
Friday to Sunday).
You can propose to your client between 5 and 7 days of monitoring, to charge a
fixed value independent of the time of follow-up, that is if you confirm and confirm the
suspicions on the 2nd or 3rd day, deliver the photos / movies with the final report,
receive the remainder of the combined amount and terminates the service.
Be discreet and try to work with the help of an Assistant. Put into practice what
you have learned in the topics of MONITORING AND FIXED MONITORING, WITH


Usually men betray more than women and for different reasons. However the
woman looks for another man when she feels needy and alone in the conviviality with
the partner.
But there are various attitudes and symptoms where it is possible to know if your
client is being betrayed. There is no perfect liar. Every human being leaves a clue when
there is a clandestine relationship. Small details that should be carefully observed
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regarding the partner's behavior, which fatally changes when one is being unfaithful.
Ask your client about the following signs:

1 - When the phone bills, cell phone bills or extracts arrive, he always hides or stores
them in his folder. Or worse: you do not see any bill because he transferred them to his
work address ... This is to hide possible expenses with cell phone calls or with credit
cards in restaurants, motels, gifts for the lover.
2 - He has a salary or income that has always been enough for a good standard of
living, but suddenly, he starts to control the money from home expenses, cut expenses,
get on the overdraft .... Remember: lover is expense!
3 - He has never been vain, but lately he has been
flawless, dyeing the white hairs of his hair, entering the
gym, and buying new clothes. You already accept him the
way he is, but for the lover he needs to look younger and
more attractive.
4 - He does not put the car, the house, the bills, nothing, in his name, asks to remove
the phone from the list ... Its an old affair. He is afraid that the lover will discover,
through his name, the address of his residence, sometimes the lover does not even
know that he is married, and in others, he is afraid that a lover, recently abandoned by
him, appears in his home and tell you everything for revenge.
5 – He never liked football or fishing. Suddenly he started playing or fishing every
weekend. Check if the clothing worn on "soccer" is dirty or smelly, including socks. In
the case of the fishery, try to smell his hands when he returns, because he may have
bought the fish in the market, and the smell of fish takes time to leave.


1 - In the middle of a conversation, try to say that a friend hired a detective and
discovered that her husband was cheating on her. Analyze the reaction and look directly
into his eyes. If he has a lover, he will be nervous immediately turn his face and no
longer look into his eyes.
2 - Calculate more or less the distance between your home and his work. Without him
noticing, check the speedometer of the car and see if the mileage is matching or if it is
running more than normal.
3 - Pay attention to the work routine and see if he starts leaving home earlier than usual,
making excuses for late nights, or going out on weekends claiming work appointments
or that he was with friends. Constant business trips, which were previously uncommon,
are also a sign of possible marital betrayal.
4 – When he is asleep or in the shower, check the cell phone for the calls made and
received. Do this for a week and list the phones that appear the most, including the
times. Then call the numbers you do not know (preferably from a pay phone) and see if
any woman answers. If they are all erased then be suspicious.
5 – Also check the SMS and WHATSAPP message boxes sent and received.
6 – Pay attention if he shuts off the cell phone when he comes home or leaves the
vibracall and does not get rid of it even when going to the bathroom. If the cell phone
has PASSWORD suspicious even more ...
7 – Try checking his computer or laptop history for visited sites, especially for emails,
which you did not even know he had. Be wary if he always erases the history.

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Nowadays this has also been a highly requested task for the Investigation
Agencies, both for detection and prevention of continuous thefts, employee thefts,
misappropriation, sabotage, favoritism, corruption, bribery, fraud, sabotage, leakage of
strategic and confidential information, etc.
Companies in the commercial, industrial, banking, hospital, civil construction,
airports, services, law firms and even federal, state and municipal government agencies
make use of the services of professional agencies and detectives in infiltrations and
disguised work for the investigation, verification and preparation of flagrant with or
without prisons (counting on police assistance) of illicit acts committed by officials or
directors of those companies.

There are no specific techniques for infiltration

work, since the circumstances of each job will be
different. You will hardly work in two cases with
similar characteristics. In this segment of the
investigation "every case is a case" literally.
So if you are hired for an infiltration service, to
work undercover in a company to detect and prove a
particular fact, be sure to be technically and
psychologically prepared to take responsibility.

The Professional Agent or Detective to be introduced into the company must,

above all, have a physical appearance and behavior that does not generate suspicion in
their future colleagues. The ideal to infiltrate banks, financial institutions and companies
investigating the administrative area would be for the Agent to have a good appearance,
high level of communication skills, sufficient cultural and technical knowledge to be able
to "get in" without any distrust of his respect. Another example: to infiltrate sectors of
industrial production, construction, commerce, etc. the agent should ideally have a
common appearance and use a simple and sometimes vulgar way of communicating
with colleagues.


Not always the Agent to be infiltrated will work directly with the suspicious
persons or department. In many cases the Agent to be infiltrated can also be planted as
a janitor, driver, Office boy and etc. As we have said before, each case must be
analyzed together with the client to establish the best "function" that the Agent must
perform in the company during the diligences.
Another concern should be with the duration of the service expressed in the
contract. On average, a case of this nature is solved around 30 days, but there are
cases that may take up to a few months. This depends a lot on the physical size of the
company and the number of employees it has. So do not commit yourself to any other
case in this period.
Charge your client according your time and the case importance for him. Most of
the time the amount the client pays to the Detective is less than the loss he had
previously had and will now no longer have.
In some cases it will be necessary to use more than one Detective or Agent that
must be infiltrated in the company. As we said before, this depends on the size of the
company and the number of sectors to be investigated. Take this expense into account
before finalizing the price for the service.

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We present below some information and techniques that will be very useful to
Private Detectives who intend to work disguised in infiltration works:

1 - Usually who hires the Professional Detective is the owner, president, manager or a
director of the company;
2 - During the first contacts, when you will be negotiating the contract and receiving the
information from the case, NEVER attend the client's company. Always check in your
office or neutral location. This so that you do not take the risk of being seen with your
client before being "planted" in the company and subsequently being recognized by
some employee;
3 - Ask your client for TOTAL SECRECY. The fewer people who know their true role in
the company, the less the risk of leakage, the better for the success of the job and also
for your own safety;
4 - When starting your "work" in disguise at the
company, NEVER talk directly to the person who
hired you (unless your role requires it). Both have to
pretend that they do not know each other to avoid
generating suspicion. Establish previously places
and ways to send your report, which may be
5 - Your admission to the company must follow the entire registration process that an
ordinary employee would have to follow, ie, the Agent must present all the documents
required by the company in the function in which they will perform undercover (if it is a
company's usual). This is necessary so as not to generate distrust of other employees.
If possible, present a proof of residence with a different address than your own (use a
friend or relative of preference with an address in a nonexistent or difficult location);
6 - Usually your client already has clues or distrusts of a certain person, group of people
or a sector of the company where the problems occur. The Agent must be planted in
that sector to have constant contact with the suspects, always seeking to gradually gain
their trust and friendship;
7 - If applicable, ask your client for permission to monitor computers (depending on the
circumstances) and / or bug the suspects' telephones or extensions. If there is a PABX
system in place, ask your client to have a technician from the maintenance company so
that both can install the equipment on an appropriate day and time;
8 - With respect to colleagues, the Agent should speak, act and dress like other
suspected officials. You will have to be a good actor to know how to represent your role
9 - Remember that the Agent will actually have to work on the function for which it was
planted and will certainly have a boss or supervisor who will charge him of his
assignments, as he will not know that it is an Agent infiltrated;
10 - Speak little at first and listen very much. Identify closed groups and try to get close
to them and install hidden recorders wherever they gather. Stay alert and observe in
detail everything that goes on around you;
11 - Try to understand how the company works, how its sectors interact and what each
employee does not only in the suspect sector, but throughout the company;
12 - It is important for the Agent to befriend the largest number of people in the
workplace and gain their trust. Outings for drinking or playing football are also great for
establishing friendships and increasing confidence;
13 - Never take any co-worker to your home or to a place where you can later be
identified or located. Also, do not let them see your car plate or have your personal cell
phone number;

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14 - Complain with colleagues, whenever possible, about the lack of money and your
debts. In many cases, the Agent, after get in, ends up being invited to participate in
schemes, facilitating their work;
15 - Be very careful about romances or friendships that can be formed. Always
remember your true mission and never let yourself be tempted when you discover the
illegal scheme;
16 - NEVER participate in the flagrant to identify the culprits or to arrest them, since in
many cases they are gangs formed by people that can be dangerous or vengeful.
17 - After unmasking the guilty, and their client or the police
give the flagrant, the Agent should continue working normally
in the company for at least one more week, so that they do not
have suspicion about him. Then you resign from the company
claiming personal problems terminating the Work Contract, or
for your client to dismiss you for any reason;
18 - If you (or your Agent) have already been placed in the "schema" and your presence
is essential to the flagrant or imprisonment of those involved you should normally
participate and eventually you may even be arrested with the others. Of course, you and
your client must first set up the flagrant scheme with the Police, who should be advised
that you are a Secret Agent of the company and should not suffer sanctions:
19 - For other employees who may be arrested with you or your agent, it may be said, "I
have knowledge" or "I have a great lawyer" to justify your immediate release from jail.
Unfortunately, there is a great possibility that they may distrust their participation as an
informant. Therefore the importance of presenting false proof of residence and also the
compliance with items 5, 13 and 16 above;
20 - The flagrant may or may not be filmed with hidden cameras, which must be
installed in the place one or two days before the combined date for the action. This
expense must be borne by the company that contracted it. You can install the
equipment yourself if you are prepared for such an assignment, which is actually quite
21 - Once the service is finished, try not to attend the company anymore and forget the
possible friendships you may have done. Some calls made from public telephones will
be enough to sporadic contacts, lest recaim suspicions.


-> Learn how to enter into any social environment sneakily, that is, without drawing the
attention of the target object, and preferably without being perceived;

-> Learn how to leave any environment no matter

how sordid it is, without calling the attention of
-> Try to observe the gestures of betrayal of the
people that surround it, like blinking of the eyes,
slight muscular contractions and other types of
ATTACK, using of ANY MEANS, however LOW it
-> To create conditions to leave any situation, however undesirable or embarrassing it
may be;
-> Never identify the "chief operating officer" (Chief Detective) in an investigation and do
not even expose him, as this leaves him without coverage;
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-> A secret agent, can NEVER BE IDENTIFIED as such with the investigated or
persons of your relationship, including the PRIVATE DETECTIVE.
-> Transmit to the superiors as quickly as possible and with the security, the obtained
information, avoiding to keep with any annotation, scribble or code on the transmitted
-> Try to have a defined occupation and prove it when necessary, even if it is just like
"temporary work", in order not to betray yourself being identified as Detective and thus
to disrupt the work of criminal investigations;
-> Be very careful with codes, notes or other means that may bring suspicion to the
-> Never meet informants a second time in the same environment or location.
-> Avoid regular intervals and every kind of routine;
-> Search to register or memorize people, their physiognomy and related events,
locations and dates of the facts:
-> Keep calm and patient in any situation, no matter how unpleasant it may be.
-> Never, never a Private Detective should betray himself for lack of calm or patience.
-> Do not despair at all;
-> To seek to acquire the maximum of cultural
knowledge through all sorts of literature that falls
into their hands, as well as: books, magazines,
newspapers, radio, television, cinema, internet. To
be updated with the progress of the modern world
and about the profession;
-> Before you act, plan carefully what you are going to do in a due diligence;
-> Before entering the field or in an area of risk, study it with caution to avoid surprises.
Trace in advance a means and escape route or evasion for emergencies.
-> To be always aware of the criminal laws of your country. To acquire such knowledge,
it is not necessary to be a lawyer. You find in bookshops several books intended for
-> Develop the ability to be a "fine artist", that is, to know how to play any role, to
simulate any situation, such as: fear, joy, tolerance, submission, always disguising your
true goals, without letting your opponent perceive YOUR REAL INTENTIONS. Never
lose control of the nerves, not even being discovered or caught red-handed. Seek to
control yourself in any adverse situation. Know how to lie whenever necessary;
->Be careful with easy women. The whore under no circumstances deserves trust, you
may be being investigated ... Master all vices and be careful of them.


-> Schedule every task of the day, to avoid wasting time;

-> Keep strict control of the progress of investigations of each case, with detailed notes,
dates, photographs, films, etc.;
-> Keep calm in any circumstance, thus making better use of your energy;
-> Do not give vent to thoughts of anger, hatred, revenge and violence. Eliminate them
at the root;
-> Do not waste time, feeding addiction, futile conversations,
perverted amusements in games of any kind. You can be
better, bigger and more virtuous. Use your time and your work
to progress and not destroy yourself;
-> Respect yourself and have confidence in your value;
-> Do the best you can do everything you do. Better a well made thing than 20 badly
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-> Tomorrow is today's product. Prepare today what you want to enjoy tomorrow;
-> Let your mistakes be a lesson, so you don´t repeat them.;
Be tenacious. Nothing is achieved without tenacity and courage;
-> Never shake in the face of danger, be brave and fearless even at apparent
disadvantage, as this will psychologically affect your opponent;
-> Always be prepared, physically and mentally to take action;
-> Do not allow yourself to be corrupted and always refuse undue or unlawful
-> Pledge always to defend the weak and oppressed and never to stand beside or
behind the strong and oppressors;
-> Do not ask the help of others, in what you can do yourself
-> Do not spend or commit your money before you have
earned it. Always take out what is necessary for investigation
expenses when you receive from your client;
-> Do not be apprehensive or anxious, because we do not
know what the future holds. The misfortunes we fear the most
are usually those that do not come true;
-> Consider all things from a favorable point of view;
-> When you are upset, count to ten, before uttering any
words. Count to one hundred if you are very angry;
-> Respect the neighbor as a human being;
-> Be modest and sensible in the discussions; consider that the other party may be
right, and if not, seek to understand their point of view;
-> Respect the authorities and the constituted order. Take care of the National Security,
respect the flag and the symbols of your homeland;
-> Never complain of bad luck; fight with labor and perseverance;
-> If you have to do several investigations, start with the one that most displeases you;
-> Never work in more than two cases at the same time, except with the help of trained
-> Speak little, listen very much, say and do only what you consider to be correct;
-> Work to live and not just live to work;
-> Always be above your work, instead of being dominated by it;
-> Avoid being hired by clients beyond your real time possibilities;
-> Do not accept services for which you are not technically or psychologically qualified
or look for a partner, a experient professional to run the operation.


The knowledge that we suggest to Private Detective are: notions of Criminal and
Procedural Law. Basic notions of Legal Medicine and Technical Police. Notions of
Identification and Dtiloscopia. Notions of Public Relations and general knowledge in
various subjects of today (through the reading of good newspapers). In addition, should
a good detective get the habit of reading. Be a good observer and a good memorizer.
Be very attentive to details, however irrelevant they may seem during an investigation or
in your day-to-day life.


Another difficulty is the initial investment in the acquisition of basic equipment

needed to start the activity. They are indispensable equipment for the professional who

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wishes to act on his own:

1 - Car or motorcycle in good condition, provided with a dash cam and/or helmet cam;

2 - A good hand camcorder (small, with optical zoom of at least 32X and good ability to
shoot in places with low illumination). It also can be used to take pictures;

3 - A mini digital recorder;

4 - A small, discreet, but good quality binoculars, good range and 10 to 30X zoom;

5 - Two two way radio transmitters (walkie-talkie 5km) for communication with an
auxiliary, which will be very useful in surveillance or when you need to follow an
investigated one. In large cities and to cover greater distances we recommend the use
of cell phones.

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6 - A computer and a printer, even used, that will not only serve to control and print
budgets for its clients, but also for access to the Internet, which offers great sources of
very useful queries for the Detectives;

7 - Some value available to advertise in newspapers, magazines or local classifieds;

8 - A website or profile on social networks to advertise your services over the internet.

9 - A landline and a mobile / cell phone to attend to its clients (at the beginning no office
is needed, since the Detective is a self-employed person, can attend home or in his own

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In most occasion it is very important for the Detective to be identified as such or

have a proof of the course formation. Many people, after the course, use the Detective
credentials only for fun or personal satisfaction, that is not prohibed, but we condemn
abusive practice or its usage for taken illegal advantages.

You can purchase the 2CIIA Id Cards, Certificates and credentials in our website
https://www.free-detective-course.com and enjoy your new condition as a Private
Detective / Private Investigator.
Remember you must also be duly registered to engage in commercial activity if
you decide to work in the activity.


Like any self-employed professional, the Detective must also be duly registered
to engage in commercial activity. This registry varies according to the city, state or
country where the detective resides. In most countries this is a free activity.

If you really intend TO WORK as a P.I., do a search with local research agencies
or GOOGLE to find out if there is any LAW that regulates the profession of PRIVATE
DETECTIVE or the activity of PRIVATE INVESTIGATION in your city, state, province or
country. If you have taken the course only to acquire knowledge, fun, personal
satisfaction or to improve your resume you do not need any registration.


As we have said before, the novice detective may choose to work for
established Investigation Agencies, for other reputed and experienced Detectives, or he
can simply organize himself at home and offer his services autonomously, as his costs
will be much less than openning a company.
We always advise that the detective omit his true activity to neighbors and
doorman, at least at the beginning.

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If you are going to open an office in a commercial room spread out on the place
that you are a Commercial Representative or have an Advice Company. By doing so
you may even fail to win potential customers on the place, but otherwise you will have
preserved your integrity and your employees if someone you have been investigated
feels harmed and wants revenge.
Usually clients want to know the Detective's office or residence as a form of
security. Unfortunately there are many dishonest professionals in this field. Whenever
possible deal with the client in his residence or work, or in public places such as bars
and restaurants.


In the cases of confirmation of adultery, which are the great majority of the
services requested, the average term for their resolution is 5 calendar days.

You can also close a final price with your client and
give a maximum deadline for the settlement of the case. For
example: You charge your client US$ 1,000 for 5 days of
monitoring for proof of marital infidelity (average US$ 200 /
day) and receive 50% advance (US$ 500).

If you prove the infidelity on the 2nd or 3rd day (it is fairly common cases on the
FIRST DAY ...) your work will be COMPLETED and will not need to be monitored on
other days, as the purpose of the contract has been reached (this should be clearly
stated in the contract). You should prepare a report for your client and deliver it along
with the photos / footage and immediately receive the rest of the combined value.
In cases of people locations, infiltrations and dossiers, which are more time
consuming, you must provide the final price with a lower daily rate and charge 50% of
the down payment. Usually in the cases of locating people the rest is charged only in
case of location success.
There are several other types of cases where you can act. In order to form prices
always take into consideration the following factors:

1 - The duration of the service to be executed;

2 - The location, time, hours and the conditions where the work will be carried out;
The expenses you will have in case (your and the auxiliaries if you have);

3 - The social, economic and financial profile of your client;

4 - The importance (personal or financial) for your client in the success of the case;

5 - For customers abroad, in services to be made in your country, it is usually charged

between 25 and 50% more, due to differences in exchange, income and cost of living.
The payment in this case is always made in advance;

In cases where you require AUXILIARY, LONG DISPLACEMENT, TRAVEL,

inform them in advance so that they are not taken by surprise or refuse to assume
Always present your budget in writing, and if approved, make a basic 2-way
agreement detailing the service to be performed, conditions, locations, deadlines and

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When initiating a case, the client must provide all available information that he
has, however irrelevant they may appear. Names, telephones, addresses, past
situations, license plates, names and telephones of friends and relatives, number of
documents, photographs, personal profile of the investigated, etc.
Make your client understand that your relationship with him is like that of a doctor
with his patient, or that of a priest with a believer in a confession. There can be no
secrets or omission of information however vexatious they may be.
Do not forget to write down this information and open a folder for the client,
where you will also place reports, photos and everything related to the case.


Now that you have finished studying this booklet, and you already have basic
knowledge of the techniques and procedures used in the most diverse situations during
an investigation, do not waste more time and enter soon in this exciting field of work.
Obviously at the beginning things may not be very easy, but do not be
discouraged and be persevering, for working with dedication soon your efforts will be
If you need our help at any time, just send us an email and we will be happy to
assist the new Detective. Write to info@freedetectivecourse.com

Thanks and good luck.


Written by Detective Joao Netto

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