To Study Comparator: Ikjot Dhawan, 13 Btech ECE A Lovely Professional University
To Study Comparator: Ikjot Dhawan, 13 Btech ECE A Lovely Professional University
To Study Comparator: Ikjot Dhawan, 13 Btech ECE A Lovely Professional University
Ikjot Dhawan, 13
Btech ECE A
Lovely Professional University
ABSTRACT: Introduction of a comparator and its When else Equality of input values is very
working with its applications are given in this term difficult to achieve in practice. The speed at which
paper.The two type of comparators as Inverting and the change in output results from a change in input
non invering are discussed in this term paper.This term (often to 100ns, but can be as slow as a few tens of
paper tells Op-amp implementation of voltage
micro second.[2]
comparator and several voltage comparator ICs such as
LM339. In this term paper hysteresis loss is also
discussed . Different comparator applications as Zero 3. SEVERAL VOLTAGE COMPARATR ICs:
crossing detector,Window detector,Time maker
generator, Phase meter , Schmitt Trigger are discussed A dedicated voltage comparator chip, such
in this term paper. as the LM339, is designed to interface directly to
digital logic (for example TTL or CMOS). The
1. COMPARATOR output is a binary state, and it is often used to
interface real world signals to digital circuitry (see
A comparator is a circuit which compares a analog to digital converter). If one of the voltages is
signal voltage applied at one input of an op amp with fixed, for example because a DC adjustment is
a known reference voltage at the other input. It is possible in a device earlier in the signal path, a
basically an open loop op amp with output + Vsat. It comparator is just a cascade of amplifiers.
may be seen that the change in the output state takes When the voltages are nearly equal, the
place with an increment in input Vi of only 2 mv. output voltage will not fall into one of the logic
There are basically two types: levels, thus analog signals will enter the digital
Non-inverting comparator domain with unpredictable results. To make this
Inverting comparator. range as small as possible the cascade is long and
A dedicated voltage comparator will generally high gain, that is bipolar transistors instead of field
be faster than a general-purpose op-amp pressed into effect transistors are used, except sometimes for the
service as a comparator. A dedicated voltage first stage. For high speed the input impedance of the
comparator may also contain additional features such stages is made low.
as an accurate, internal voltage reference, an This already reduces the saturation of the
adjustable hysteresis and a clock gated input.[1] slow, large P-N junction of the bipolar transistors,
which would otherwise lead to long recovery times.
2. Op-amp implementation of voltage Fast that is small Schottky diodes as in binary logic
comparator: are applied to improve matters even further. Also like
in binary logic the speed is not as high as if the
A standard op-amp operating without negative amplifiers would be used for analog signals. Slew
feedback can be used as a comparator. When the non- rate has no meaning for these devices.
inverting input (V+) is at a higher voltage than the For the application in flash ADCs after each
inverting input (V-), the high gain of the op-amp amplifier the signal can be fanned out over 8 ports
causes it to output the most positive voltage it can. matched to the voltage and current gain and resistors
When the non-inverting input (V+) drops below the are used as level-shifters.
inverting input (V-), the op-amp outputs the most The LM339 accomplishes this with an open
negative voltage it can. Since the output voltage is collector output. When the inverting input is at a
limited by the supply voltage, for an op-amp that uses higher voltage than the non inverting input, the
a balanced, split supply, (powered by ± VS) this output of the comparator is connected to the negative
action can be written: power supply. When the non inverting input is higher
than the inverting input, the output is floating (has a
Vout=V.sgn(V+-V-) very high impedance to ground).
The following drawing show the two Fig 7. Comparator Rule Sheet
simplest configurations for voltage comparators. The
diagrams below the circuits give the output results in 9.2. Input Vs. Output Results
a graphical form.
For these circuits the REFERENCE voltage
is fixed at one-half of the supply voltage while the Voltage comparators are not perfect devices
INPUT voltage is variable from zero to the supply and in some instances may suffer from the effects of
voltage. In theory the REFERENCE and INPUT a parameter known as the Input Offset Voltage. This
voltages can be anywhere between zero and the problem normally occurs when the Input voltage
supply voltage but there are practical limitations on changes very slowly. The Input Offset Voltage for
the actual range depending on the particular device many comparators is only a few millivolts and in
used.[3] most circuits it can be ignored.The net result of the
Input Offset Voltage is that the output transistor does
9. BASIC COMPARATOR OPERATION: not fully turn on or off when the input voltage is
9.1. Input Vs. Output Results close to the reference voltage.
1. Current WILL flow through the open
collector when the voltage at the PLUS
The following diagram attempts to illustrate the transitions at the output when changing state.
effect of the input offset voltage with a slowly Sometimes, in a discrete design, there is a need to
changing input voltage. This effect increases as the add an external resistor between the comparator's
output transistor current increases so keeping the output and the positive input, creating a weak
value of RL high will help reduce the problem. positive feedback loop. When the output makes a
transition, the positive feedback slightly changes the
positive input so as to reinforce the output change.