Syllabus, Persons and Family Relations
Syllabus, Persons and Family Relations
Syllabus, Persons and Family Relations
Course Description:
This course introduces the students to the concepts and definitions of legal personality, capacity to act, basic human relations, marriage, and family relations. It will provide the students with
an understanding of the basic laws and landmark decisions of the Supreme Court involving the aforesaid concepts. It will give the students the insights necessary to appreciate the laws of the land
used in resolving human and family relationship issues and conflicts.
CUP Mission: To achieve quality world-class competency-based and technology-oriented education; equip students with knowledge, skills and values in
the practice of their profession; to lead quality lives, provide affordable, accessible and environmental concerned education for all.
CUP Vision: A premier, Globally Competitive and value-laden institution
College Philosophy: The College of Arts and Sciences upholds the philosophy of mounting the abilities of students towards professionalism embedded with values and wisdom
responsive to the needs of the community and environment.
College Vision Statement: The College of Arts and Sciences aspires and strives to be recognized as an institution developing competencies, value-laden students, responsive
to the need of community through outreach programs, services, and care.
College Mission Statement: The College of Arts and Sciences aims to develop premier students to become effective and efficient agents of change, molding them to be responsible and productive
leaders and members of society
Program Outcomes:
1. Provide a basic understanding of the concepts of human relations, marriage, legal personality, and family relations.
2. Coordinate concepts based on the student's understanding and appreciation.
3. Manage time and learning resources for effective and holistic learning.
4. Maintain an outstanding record of attendance and consistent class participation.
5. Exhibit competencies needed to complete the course.
Pre-requisite: None
Co-requisite: None
No. of Units: 3 units
Define, compare, and contrast the Define what is juridical capacity and MODULE 1 – Civil Personality Exercises Quizzes
concepts of juridical capacity and capacity to act. Lecture Examination
capacity to act. Delineate the differences and 1.1 Civil Personality Discussion - Written
commonalities between the capacity 1.2 Juridical Capacity and Capacity Output Presentation - Oral
to act and juridical capacity. to act Reporting with powerpoint - Practical Test
1.3 Effect of Death to Civil presentation
Enumerate the different restrictions Recognize the circumstances that Personality
on the capacity to act. modify or limit a person’s capacity 1.4 Survivorship Rules
to act
Explain the concept of marriage as Explain marriage as a special MODULE 2 – Marriage Exercises Quizzes
defined under the Family Code contract and its social and political Lecture Examination
significance and consequences 2.1 Definition of Marriage Discussion - Written
2.2 Essential Requisites of Marriage Reporting with powerpoint - Oral
Enumerate and explain the essential Enumerate the different essential and 2.3 Formal Requisites of Marriage presentation - Practical Test
and formal requisites of marriage formal requirements for a valid 2.4 Void, voidable, and defective
marriage under the Family Code marriage
2.5 Social Issues on Marriage
Discuss the effects of lack of Know that absence or defect in any
essential and formal requisites of a of the essential or formal
valid marriage requirements will render the
marriage defective or void.
Relate the effects of a void marriage Explain that a non-existent, void and
to the civil status of the contracting defective marriage has different
parties, their children, property consequences to the civil status of
relations and socio-political rights the parties and their prospective
children, their property relations, and
other aspects of their life.
Discuss the rights and obligations of Enumerate and discuss the different MODULE 5 – Rights and Exercises Quizzes
husband and wife under the Family rights of spouses concerning one Obligations of Spouses and Family Lecture Examination
Code another Members Discussion - Written
Reporting with powerpoint - Oral
Explain the concept of support under Explain that support is an obligation 5.1 Rights and Obligations of the presentation - Practical Test
the law between spouses and among family Husband
members 5.2 Rights and Obligations of the
Enumerate the persons required to State the various individuals and 5.3 Who gives support?
give support their relations with respect to the 5.4 Who are entitled to support?
obligation to give support
Introduce the three types of property Explain the concept of property MODULE 6 –Property Regimes Exercises Quizzes
regimes under the Family Code regimes and its importance in the life Lecture Examination
and relations between spouses 6.1 Three Types of Property Discussion - Written
Regimes Reporting with powerpoint - Oral
Enumerate the properties included in Enumerate the properties included in 6.2 Absolute Community of Property presentation - Practical Test
the regime of absolute community of the absolute community of property 6.3 Conjugal Partnership of Gains
property. and its significance 6.4 Complete Separation of Property
6.5 Purpose of Marriage Settlement
Enumerate the properties included in Enumerate the properties included
the regime of the conjugal property and excluded in the conjugal
of gains properties and its significance
Enumerate the kinds of proof of List the different proofs that may be
filiation used to prove filiation
1. Major Examination (Prelim, Formula: 1. Civil Code of the Philippines Prepared by: ANDREW A.
Midterm, Final) BELGICA
CS x 2 + PE = PG 2. Family Code of the Philippines
2. Assignment 3
3. R.A. 9344 /Juvenile Justice and
3. Project CS + PE + ME = MG Welfare Act
3 4. R.A. 9262/ Anti-Violence Reviewed by:
Against Women and Their Children
CS + MG + FE = FG
3 5. Other Books related to this course
Approved by:
CS – Class Standing
PG – Prelim Grade Dean
MG – Midterm Grade
FG – Final Grade