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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Derivations of BF- Algebras

Gerima Tefera Dejen
Fasil Gidaf Tegegne
1 ,2
Mathematics, College of Natura Science, Wollo University, Dessie, Ethiopia

Abstract:- The concept of derivation in a BF- algebra 1. a  a  0 .

has been introduced . In addition a left –right anda
2. a 0  a .
right- left- derivation of BF2  algebras, left and right -
3. (a  b)  c  a  (c  (0  b)) ,for all a,b,c in A is
derivation of ideal in BF− algebras are investigated.
Different characterization of right-left-derivations,left- said to a B-algebra.
right - derivation,self map and fixed subalgebras have
been discussed. We have also discussed derivation of BF- In [5] an algebra which satisfies conditions:
algebra if left and right –derivations are equal. In 1. (a  b)  (0  b)  a .
general different new theorems, Lemmas,Propositions 2. a  (b  c)  (a  (0  c)  b .
and Corollaries have been proved.
3. a b  0 Implies a  b .
Keywords:- BCI-algebra,B-Algebra, BG- algebra, 4. 0  (0  a)  a .
Derivation of B-algebra,and BF-algebra.
Subject Classification Numbers: 06F35,47L45,08C05 is also called a B-algebra.
An algebra ( A, , 0) is said to be aBH- algebra if it
Neggers and Hee Sik Kim in [5] introduced B-algebras satisfies the following holds:
which is related to a class of algebras several classes of 1. a  a  0.
algebras such as BCH/BCK-agebras . Tao Sum, Junjie Zhao
2. a  0  a.
and Xiquan Liang in [7] investigated BCI-algebras with
conditions and their properties. The notion of BF-algebras 3. a  b  0 and b  a  0  a  b.
as ageneraization of B-algebras initaited by Andrzes in [1].
He also introduce ideals and normal ideal in BF-algebras. In addition a non- empty set A with a binary operation *,
Nora.O. and Al-shehrie in[6] introduced the notion of left-
and a constant 0 is called a BG-algebra if a, b  A
right(right-left) derivation of B-algebra and some related
properties. Jianming Zhan and Yong Lin Liu in [3] satisfies the following axioms:
discussed on f- derivation of BCI- algebras. 1. a  a  0.
2. a  0  a.
Abujabaland etal in [2] introduced left-right-derivation
of BCI –algebras and Mostofa and etal in [4] discussed 3. a  (a  b)  (0  b).
about properties of derivation of Ku-algebras.
Theorem 2.1. [5] If ( A, , 0) is a B-algebra, then
In this paper the derivation of BF-algebra with
different properties and left and right -derivatives of ideals ( A, , 0) is a BG-algebra.
in BF-algebras havebeen introduced.
In [1] an algebra ( A, , 0) of type(2,0) is called BF-
algebra if it satisfies the following axioms for all a, b  A :
In [7]a non-empty set A with abinary operation *, and 1. a  a  0 .
a constant 0 is calleda BCI-algebra, if it satisfies the
following axioms: 2. a  0  a.
3. 0  ( a  b )  b  a .
1. (( a  b)  (a  c)  (c  b)  0
2. (a  (a  b))  b  0 In [5] Ifa non-empty set A with a binary operation*, and a
3. a  a  0 constant zero is calleda B-algebra and a, b  A , then the
4. a b  0 and b  a  0 implies a  b. a,b,c in A . following holds:
Again In[5]a non-empty set A with abinary operation  ,
and a constant 0 satisfying the following axioms:

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
1. 0  (a  b)  b  a. III. RESULTS
2. a  (a  b)  (0  b). 3.1. Derivation ofBF- Algebras
3. a  b  0 and b  a  0  a  b. Definition 3.1.1. If ( A, , 0) be a BF-algebra,then we have
the following:
Example 2.2. Let ( R, , 0) be the algebra with the 1. By a left-right-derivation of A is a self-map
operation  defined by d :A  A satisfying the identity
d (a  b)  (d (a)  b)  (a  d (b)) for all a,b in A.
a if b  0 2. A right-left-derivation of A satisfying the identity

a  b  b if a  0 d (a  b)  (a  d (b))  (d (a)  b) for all a, b in A.
0 otherwise . Then ( R, , 0) is a B-
3. If d satisfy both a left-rightand a right-left-

derivation,then d is called a derivation of A.
Remark 3.1.2. If ( A, , 0) be a BF- algebra, then
algebra.Where R is a real number.
In [1]a non-empty set A with a binary operation * ,and a
a  b  b  (b  a) for all a, b in A.
constant 0 is said to be a BF- algebra and for all a, b  A ,
Example 3.1.3. Let A  {0, a, b, c} be a set defined by
then the following holds:
1. 0  (0  a )  a the table below:

2. 0  a  0  b  a  b * 0 a b c
3. a  b  0  b  a  0 0 0 b a c
a a 0 c b
In [1]a non-empty set A with a binary operation *,and a b b c 0 a
constant 0 iscalled a BF1  algebra if and only if for all c c a b 0
a, b  A the following holds: Then ( A, , 0) is a BF- algebra.
1. a  a  0 .
c if e 0
2. 0  (a  b)  b  a. 0
 if e a
3. a  (a  b)  b  a. Define d : A  A by d (e)  
a if e b
Lemma 2.3. [1] Let ( A, , 0) be a BG  algebra. Then 0 if e c
the following holds for all a, b  A : Now,
d (a  b)  (d (a)  b)  (a  d (b))  (0  b)  (a  a)  0  0
1. The right cancellation law holds in A. That is
Hence d is a left-right- derivation.
a  b  c  b  a  c. Again
2. 0  (0  a)  a. d (a  b)  (a  d (b))  (d (a)  b)  (a  a)  (0  b)  0  0 
3. If a b  0 , then a = b.
4. If 0  a  o  b , then a = b . Hence d is a ( R, L )  derivation of A. Therefor d is a
5. ( a  (0  a))  a  a. derivation of A.

Definition 3.1.4. A self-map of a BF-algebra A is called

Definition 2.4. [5]a non-empty set A with a binary operation
*, and a constant 0 is said to be 0- Commutative B- algebra regular if d (0)  0.
if a  (0  b)  b  (0  a) ,for all a,b in A.
Proposition 3.1.5. Let d be a ( L, R )  derivation ofBF-
In [1] a BF-algebra ( A, , 0) is 0- Commutative if algebra A. Then
1. d (0)  d (a)  a , for all a in A.
a  (0  b )  b  (0  a ) .
Remark 2.5. If a BF-algebra is 0- Commutative , then for 2. d is one -to- one.
all a , b  A. 3. If d is regular, then it is the identity map.
1. a  (a  b)  b. 4. If there is an element a in A such that d (a)  a,
then d is the identity map.
2. a  b  b  (b  a ).

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
5. If there is an element ain A such that d (b)  a  0 or 5. Assume d ( a )  a , for some a in A . Then
a  d (b)  0, forall b in A, that is d is constant. a  d (a)  0 and d(0) = 0.
Thus d is the identity map.
Proposition 3.1.6. Let d be ( R, L )  derivation of BF-
algebra A. Then 6. Assume d (a)  a  0 or a  d (b)  0 for all b in A.
1. d (0)  a  d (a) ,forall a in A. Then d (0)  0 and d (b)  a  0.
2. d (a)  d (a)  a ,for all a in A. Hence d (b)  a.
3. d is one -to -one.
4. If d is regular, then it is the identity map. On the similar manner, a  d (b)  0 and d (0)  0,
5. If there is an element a in A such that d (a)  a , then implies d (b)  a .
d is the identity map. Thus d is the identity map.
6. If there is an element a in Asuch that d (b)  a  0 or
Example 3.1.7. Let Q be a rational numbers and "-”
a  d (b)  0 , for all b in A,then d (b)  a ,for all b in A. theoperations on Q. Then (Q,- ,0) is a BF- algebra. Since
That is d is constant. 1. a  a  o.
Proof. 2. a  0  a.
1.Let ain A. Then a  a  0 and 3. 0  (a  b)  (a  b)  b  a.
d (0)  d (a  a)  (a  d (a))  (d (a)  a)
Let d : Q  Q defined by d (a)  a  1, for all ain Q.
 (d (a)  a)  [( d (a)  a)  (a  d (a))] Then
 [( d (a)  a)  (0  (a  d (a))]  (d (a)  a) d (a  b)  (d (a)  b)  (a  d (b)) .
 [( d (a)  a)  (d (a)  a)]  a]  (d (a)  a)  (( a  1)  b)  (a  (b  1)) .
 0  (d (a)  a)  a  d (a).  (a  b  1)  (a  b  1).
Hence d (0)  a  d (a ).  (a  b  1)  (( a  b  1)  (a  b  1).
 (a  b  1)  (a  b  1  a  b  1) .
2. Let ( A, , 0) be a BF- algebra. Then a  0  a by  (a  b  1)  2  a  b  1  2  a  b  1.
definition of BF- algebra.
So that d (a)  d (a  0)  (a  d (0))  (d (a)  0)
 d (a  b) ,for alla,b in Q.
So d is a left-right- derivation of A. But
 (a  d (0))  (d (a)  0)
d (1  0)  (1  d (0))  (d (1)  0)  (1  (0  1))  ((1  1)  0)
 d (a)  [( d (a)  a)  d (0)]
 d (a)  [d (a)  (a  a)  d (a)] by (1)  2  0  0  (0  2)  2.
 d (a)  0  d (a)  [d (a)  (a  (a  d (a))] . 0  1  1  d (1)  d (1  0).
We have
d (a)  [a  (a  d (a))]  0 implies Hence 2  0. Therefore d is not a right-left- derivation
d (a)  [a  (a  d (a))]  d (a)  a. of Q.
Hence d (a)  d (a)  a.
In addition
d (1  0)  (d (1)  0)  (1  d (0)) .
3. Let a, b in A such that d (a)  d (b) , then by (1)
 ((1  1)  0)  (1  (0  1)).
d (0)  a  d (a).
 (0  0)  (1  (0  1))  0  2.
Also by (1) d (0)  b  d (b). Thus a  d (a)  b  d (b),
 2  (2  0)  2  2  0.
But d (a)  d (b).
Hence 2  0. Thus d is not derivation of Q.
We get a  d (a)  b  d (a) .
Hence a  b. Definition 3.1.8. Let ( A, ,
0) be a BF2  algebra. Then
Therefore d is one- to -one.
1. A left- right-derivation of BF2  algebra is a self-map
4. Let d be regular, and ain A. Then d (0)  0, so, we have d : A  A satisfy d (a  b)  (d (a)  b)  (a  d (b))
0  a  d (a) by (1). for all a,b in A.
2. A right-left- derivation of A satisfying the identity
Hence d ( a )  a ,for all ain A. That is d is the identity
map. d (a  b)  (a  d (b))  (d (a)  b) forall a, b in A.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
3. If dsatisfies both a left-rightand a right-left- derivation, * 0 a b c
then d is called a derivation of A. 0 0 a b c
a a 0 c 0
Lemma 3.1.9. Let ( A, , 0) be a BF2  algebra and let a b b c 0 c
in A. Then a  a  0. c c 0 b 0
Proposition 3.1.10.Let ( A, , 0) be a BF2  algebra and
let d be a ( L, R )  derivation of BF2  algebra A. Then
Hence ( A,, 0) is a BF  algebra.
1. d (a)  d (a)  0.
Let P  {0, a, c} be ideals of A. Define d : A  A by
2. d (a  b)  d (0) if and only if a = b ,for all a,b in A.
0, if a  0, a, b
Lemma 1.1.11. Let ( A, , 0) be a BF2  algebra and let d (a)   , we have
a, if a  c
d be a derivation of BF2  algebra. Then
1. 0  P.
d (a  b)  d (0) if and only if d (a)  a, d (b)  b and
a b  0. 2. d (a  c)  d (0)  0  P and d (a)  0  P, implies
Proof. Let ( A, , 0) be a BF2  algebra and d (c)  a  P.
d : A  A be a derivation of BF2  algebra. Then Hence d is a left derivation of ideal of A.
assume d (a  b)  d (0) ,a,b,0 in A. Again d is also a right derivation of ideals of A. Since
1. 0  P.
Now, d (a  b)  (d (a)  b)  (a  d (b)).
 (a  d (b))  (a  d (b))  (d (a)  b) 2. d (a  c)  d (0)  0  P and d (c)  a  P ,
 [a  d (b))  (0  d (b))  a]  (b  d (a)). implies d ( a )  0  P.
 0  (b  d (a))  d (a)  b by ( L, R )  derivation.
The rest of the proof followstrivially. IV. DISCUSSION

Proposition 3.1.12. Let A be a BF2  algebra and let d be In this paper we introduced derivation of BF- algebra
which is important for the growth of the theory to wards
derivation of A. Then the following holds.
applications in algebraic coding theory which become new
1. If d is regular, then d (a  b)  0 for some a,b in A. area of research.
2. d is one-to one
3. If d is regular, then d is the identity map. V. CONCLUSIONS
4. If there is an element a in Asuch that d ( a )  a, then d In this paper we introduced the concepts of derivations
is the identity map. in BF-algebra,the left -right and right-left derivation of
Definition 3.1.13. Let A be a BF2  algebra and let d be a BF2  algebra has been introduced. In addition,left- right-
derivation of A. Then the fixed derivation of A is defined by derivation of ideals of BF2  algebra has been
Fixd (a)  {a  A : d (a)  a}. investigated. Finally,different characterization
Proposition 3.1.14. Let A be a BF2  algebra and let d be a Theorems,Lemmas and corollaries have been proved.

derivation of A. Then Fixd (a) is a subalgebra of A. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Definition 3.1.15. Let A be a BF  algebra and
The authors would like to thank the referee’s for their
d : A  A be a self-map. Then d is called a left derivation valuable comments.
of BF  ideal of A if it satisfies the following conditions:
2. d (a  b)  P and d (a)  P implies d (b)  P, for
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