Font Awesome Cheat Sheet PDF
Font Awesome Cheat Sheet PDF
Font Awesome Cheat Sheet PDF
{{fa-arrow-down}} 
Arrow Icons (cont) Travel and Location Icons Travel and Location Icons (cont)
{{fa-subway}} 
{{fa-suitcase}} 
Text Editor Icons (cont) Text Editor Icons (cont) Media Icons (cont)
Security and Warning Icons Organisation Icons (cont) Power Icons (cont)
Currency Icons (cont) File Type Icons (cont) People Icons (cont)
{{fa-american-sign-language- ༪
interpreting}} 3;
{{fa-asl-interpreting}} ༪
{{fa-product-hunt}} 
{{fa-puzzle-piece}} 
{{fa-question-circle-o}} 
{{fa-thermometer-quarter}} 
{{fa-thermometer-three- 
{{fa-times-rectangle}} 
{{fa-times-rectangle-o}} 
{{fa-tripadvisor}} 
{{fa-universal-access}} 
{{fa-usb}} 
{{fa-user-circle}} 
{{fa-user-circle-o}} 
{{fa-user-o}} 
{{fa-vcard}} 
{{fa-vcard-o}} 
{{fa-viadeo}} 
{{fa-viadeo-square}} 
{{fa-volume-control-phone}} 
{{fa-wheelchair-alt}} 
{{fa-window-close}} 
{{fa-window-close-o}} 
{{fa-window-maximize}} 
{{fa-tumblr}} 
{{fa-tumblr-square}} 
{{fa-twitch}} 
{{fa-twitter}} 
{{fa-twitter-square}} 
{{fa-viacoin}} 
{{fa-vimeo}} 
{{fa-vimeo-square}} 
{{fa-vine}} 
{{fa-vk}} 
{{fa-wechat}} 
{{fa-weibo}} 
{{fa-weixin}} 