PMx-300 Rhino User Manual
PMx-300 Rhino User Manual
PMx-300 Rhino User Manual
User manual
Release date: 06.02.2019
PMX-300 Family User manual
All statements, technical information, and recommendations in this document which relate to the
products supplied by MC-monitoring SA are based on information believed to be reliable, but unless
otherwise expressly agreed in writing with MC-monitoring the accuracy or completeness of such data is
not guaranteed. Before using this product, you must evaluate it and determine if it is suitable for your
intended application. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing with MC-monitoring SA, you assume
all risks and liability associated with such use. MC-monitoring takes no responsibility for any statements
related to the product which are not contained in a current English language MC-monitoring SA
publication, nor for any statements contained in extracts, summaries, translations or any other
documents not authored and produced by MC-monitoring.
Copyright © MC-monitoring SA, 2019
All rights reserved
Published and printed by MC-monitoring SA in Givisiez, Switzerland
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
This information shall not be used, duplicated or disclosed, in whole or in part,
without the express written permission of MC-monitoring SA.
1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................................... 3
2 PREFACE ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 About this manual...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Who should use this manual? ................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Respect the instructions! ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Limitation of this document ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.5 Related documentation ............................................................................................................................. 7
3 SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Handling Precautions for Electrostatic Sensitive Devices ......................................................................... 8
4 What is PMS-300 Rhino................................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 PMS-300 Rhino ....................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.1 Key Features ....................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.2 Hardware description ........................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.3 Technical description ........................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 PMM-300 ................................................................................................................................................. 13
4.2.1 Key Features ....................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.2 Hardware description ........................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 What is PMx-300 Manager? .................................................................................................................... 14
4.4 What is PMx-300 Firmware Updater? ..................................................................................................... 14
4.5 What is CMS-500 Orca software? ........................................................................................................... 15
5 PMx-300 - Acquisition modes .................................................................................................................... 16
5.1 Measurement type................................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.1 Relative shaft vibration acc. to ISO-7919 ............................................................................................. 16
5.1.2 Axial thrust position.............................................................................................................................. 17
5.1.3 Differential Expansion .......................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.4 Absolute bearing vibration according to ISO-10816............................................................................. 19
5.1.5 Airgap monitoring................................................................................................................................. 20
5.1.6 Airgap, magnetic, temperature pole analysis ....................................................................................... 21
5.1.7 Endwinding monitoring ........................................................................................................................ 22
5.1.8 Runner clearance monitoring ............................................................................................................... 23
5.2 Operation mode....................................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.1 4x Relative vibration ............................................................................................................................ 24
5.2.2 2x Relative vibration, 2x Absolute vibration ......................................................................................... 24
5.2.3 4x Absolute vibration ........................................................................................................................... 24
5.2.4 4x Airgap monitoring ............................................................................................................................ 24
5.2.5 4x Endwinding ..................................................................................................................................... 24
5.2.6 AMT Pole Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 24
5.2.7 Expert mode ........................................................................................................................................ 24
5.3 Signal processing .................................................................................................................................... 25
5.3.1 Filtering ................................................................................................................................................ 25
5.3.2 Integration ............................................................................................................................................ 25
5.3.3 Harmonic & Band extraction ................................................................................................................ 25
6 PMS-330 - Operation .................................................................................................................................. 26
6.1 PMS-330 data management ................................................................................................................... 26
Any person involved in the installation of MC-monitoring equipment is assumed to have the necessary technical
training in electronics and/or mechanical engineering (professional certificate/diploma, or equivalent) to enable the
person to install the equipment in a safe and correct manner.
Documents Description
XMS-994 User Manual User manual of XMS-994 Serial to Ethernet Device Server.
06.02.2019 PREFACE
PMX-300 Family User manual
Certain devices used in electronic equipment can be damaged by electrostatic discharges resulting from built-up
static electricity. Because of this, special precautions must be taken to minimize or eliminate the possibility of these
electrostatic discharges occurring.
➢ Before handling electronic circuits, discharge the static electricity from your body by touching and
momentarily holding a grounded metal object (e.g. a pipe or cabinet).
➢ Avoid the build-up of static electricity on your body by not wearing synthetic clothing material, as these
tend to generate and store static electric charges. Cotton or cotton blend materials are preferred because
they do not store static electric charges.
➢ Do not handle electronic circuits unless it is absolutely necessary. Only hold modules by their front panel
➢ Do not touch printed circuit boards, their connectors or their components with conductive devices or with
your hands.
➢ Put the electronic circuit, printed circuit board or module containing electronic components into an antistatic
protective bag immediately after removing it from the system rack.
SAFETY 06.02.2019
PMX-300 Family User manual
PMS-300 Rhino is the acquisition system designed for the protection and monitoring of rotating machine. PMS-300
Rhino works standalone or in combination with CMS-500 Orca software for data recording and visualization.
PMS-300 Rhino can handle signals coming from fiberoptic, piezoelectric, magnetic flux and linearized velocity
sensors, from proximity and runner clearance probes and from airgap transducers.
The system performs shaft and bearing vibration according to ISO-7919 and ISO-10816 including advanced
monitoring functions such as harmonic and phase calculation. It can also perform airgap, magnetic flux, endwinding
and runner clearance monitoring.
Back View:
Each module has its corresponding connector at the back of the 19’’ rack.
The PMS-320 displays the overall status of all PMS-314 modules (system ok, sensor
ok, alarm & danger) and detailed views of each module (monitoring values, alarms
thresholds & bargraph) for each channel. The PMS-320 scans all modules available in
the rack and displays values according to their specific configuration.
Note: PMS-320 takes four slots of the rack when installed on the rack.
Digital inputs and reference signals are shared to all cards available on rack via the back-plane:
Common status of PMS-314 (only): System OK, Sensor OK, Alert and danger
Reference phase input (2CH) - Reference phase signals are distributed to each PMS-314
4.2 PMM-300
PMM-300 is 4 channel processing module designed for protection and monitoring of rotating machines. PMM-300
works standalone or in combination with CMS-500 Orca software for data recording and visualization.
Front View:
The data server enables to record in a database, data streamed by the data acquisition systems PMS-300 Rhino
and PMM-300. The data server is automatically configured from the connected acquisition modules. The server can
record raw and trending data in different tables allowing effective data reduction and resolution. In case of event
(alarm or danger), post-triggered raw data are permanently recorded in the database. Raw data can also be
recorded using schedulers.
The data client enables you to visualize the data recorded in the database. The client software accesses the
database using TCP/IP protocol. The software provides an effective overview of the plant and machine health state
by displaying bargraphs and status. It allows to monitor the evolution of your machine by visualizing trends and to
perform diagnostics using specific views on raw data. The available diagnostic views depend on the acquisition
mode set in the acquisition modules PMS-300 Rhino or PMM-300. For example, FFT, shaft center line and orbits
are available if the acquisition module is configured for shaft vibration. CMS-500 Orca provides a wide range of
diagnostic views for shaft and bearing vibration, airgap, runner clearance, endwinding, stator bar, stator core and
magnetic flux monitoring. Software enables cross-relation of data to compare vibration levels from different start-
ups or to correlate vibrations levels in function of process parameters (power, speed...).
This chapter present all the different measurements type available in the firmware of the PMS-314 and PMM-300.
Monitoring overview:
4CH/16bits User selectable filtering: Sma (μm PkPk) on 1x monitoring Analogue output:
10 … 096S/s BP: 0.25..1.6kHz (-3dB), CH1/CH3 parameter/channel, 4x 4..20mA (one
2..4th every 1s monitoring
Start triggered HP: 0.25..1.6kHz isplacement (μm PkPk parameter/CH
continuous (-3dB), 2..8th or μm Pk) 2x OTP modes via DI Modbus/Profibus:
acquisition LP: 0.25..1.6KHz 16x OTP via MB/PB All calculated
(-3dB), 2..4th Shaft position (μm 8x OTP via comb. DI parameters
Operation mode: 4xRelative Vibration & 2x Rel and 2x Abs Vibration
Specific acquisition mode: Calculation Smax (C)
Object parameters
Object parameters are information stored in the acquisition units necessary for the “shaft center line” visualization
in CMS-500 Orca:
• Clearance Boundary – Clearance boundary of axis;
• GAP Ref X/Y – GAP between the sensor tip and the shaft.
= Clearance boundary
= GAP Ref X / Y
= Shaft = Bearing
Monitoring overview:
Operation mode: 4xRelative Vibration & 2x Rel and 2x Abs Vibration
Specific acquisition mode: Axial Thrust or Dual Probes Axial Position
SPAP (Single Probe Axial Position) DPAP (Double Probe Axial Position) 17
In the Dual Probes Axial Position mode, the PMx-3xx compare the values of both sensors and give the smallest
values as Axial Position (GAP). This means we can use the full range of the sensor to measure the displacement
of the shaft instead of the half range. The displacement direction of the shaft is relative to the sensor which give
the smallest value.
Object parameters
• Sensor mid-scale – Enter 50% of the sensor measure range;
• GAP Ref X/Y – GAP value in um for the nominal position (0 um);
• Invert result – Enter “True” to invert the GAP measuring direction;
Modbus RTU or Profibus DP offset value (used only with U16 values format) is calculated
from the object parameters enter by the user. For more information, read the “PM -300
Modbus and Profibus Manual” chapter “Relative Calculation – A ial Position”.
Monitoring overview:
Modbus RTU or Profibus DP offset value (used only with U16 values format) is calculated
from the object parameters enter by the user. For more information, read the “PM -300
Modbus and Profibus Manual” chapter “Relative Calculation – Axial Position”.
Monitoring overview:
Configuration 19
Operation mode: 4xAbsolute & 2xRel 2xAbs
Specific acquisition mode: None
Object parameters
Monitoring overview:
Operation mode: Airgap
Specific acquisition mode: Standard or Airgap Averaging
Object parameters
• Nb Pole – Number of poles of the generators;
• Nominal Airgap – Nominal rotor-to-stator airgap:
• RT View Info – Location of the Airgap Reference View (Top View / Bottom View etc...).
Monitoring overview:
Operation mode: AMT Pole Analysis
Specific acquisition mode: None 21
Object parameters
• Nb Pole – Number of poles
Monitoring overview:
Operation mode: Endwinding
Specific acquisition mode: None
Object parameters
Monitoring overview:
Operation mode: Airgap 23
Specific acquisition mode: None
Object parameters
• Nb Pole – Number of blades;
• Nominal Airgap – Nominal turbine to throat ring gap;
• RT View Info – Location of the Reference View (Top View / Bottom View etc.).
5.2.5 4x Endwinding
This mode enables the Endwinding monitoring of generators, typically to cover up to 4 sensors.
Order 1 to 8 1 to 4 1 to 8
Typical filter characteristics are represented in the Appendix B (see chapter 15)
5.3.2 Integration
Depending on the monitoring unit and the input sensor, single or double integration might be requested. PMx-300
firmware allows digital single or double integration with a built-in high-pass filter.
Integration is available depending on sensor unit.
Input Monitoring unit Integration
Acceleration sensor (G) Vibration velocity (mm/s) 1x
Acceleration sensor (G) Vibration displacement (um) 2x
Velocity sensor (mm/s) Vibration displacement (um) 1x
When integration is activated, the system set automatically a high pass filter to remove the DC component of the
An Hanning windows is applied to the time signal before processing the FFT.
6 PMS-330 - Operation
The two-last type of data are only available for the relay controller. For example, to trigger relays based on multiple
PMS-330 is also able to control several slaves. This option is useful to extend digital or/and analogue outputs using
standard decentralized I/O Modbus interface.
The following picture shows an overview of the digital interfaces managed by PMS-330.
01 0 0 0
Module ID: 01/09
Module ID: 08/16
Mobus / Profibus Slave interface: to transfer monitoring parameters to user’s master SCA A or to retrieve
process parameters (power…) for further transfer to CMS-500 Orca.
Internal Modbus PMS-330 Master to retrieve data from PMS-314 cards. For this purpose, each PMS-314
has a specific Module ID identified from right to left form 01..08 for 3HU rack and from 01..16 for 6 HU rack
(bottom layer: 01..08, top layer: 09..16).
Internal Modbus PMS-320 Master to retrieve and display data from PMS-314 cards. For this purpose, each
PMS-314 has a specific Module ID as describe upper.
External Modbus PMS-330 Master to retrieve data from up to 4 slaves or to control decentralized I/O
Modbus salves.
This chapter is applicable to the firmware implemented in PMS-300 Rhino, PMM-300 and PMS-330. It explains the
digital input management, the alarm processing and the data management to CMS-500 Orca.
7.1.1 ModeOTP
ModeOTP (Operating Transient Parameter) enables to set alarm thresholds depending on the machine operating
Generally, two operating modes are required (synchronous and transient). Special machines such as pump storage
require to manage more operating modes. For example, the alarm thresholds might be different in pump or
generator regime. PMS-314 and PMS-330 cards can manage up to 16 operating modes using a combination of 4
digital inputs (ModeOTP, Spare, RotD and Save) or Modbus/profibus interface. 27
The ModeOTP can be configured by software. The ModeOTP is recorded in the database to enable data filtering
and analysis according to a specific ModeOTP.
Tables in Appendix C (see 16) provides the digital input combination for each ModeOTP.
7.1.2 RotD
RotD enables to trigger the machine rotation direction. This input is important to detect the phase reference target
always on the same edge independently from the rotation direction.
RotD can be triggered by digital input or by Modbus/profibus. RotD can be configured by software. When
Modbus/profibus interface is selected, the RotD digital input is configured as follow:
False - Clockwise
True - Counter-Clockwise
7.1.3 Save
Save enables to record a set of raw data in the CMS-500 Orca database. The set of raw data covers up to 60 sec.
All raw data are recorded in the devices before being transferred to CMS-500 database. This enables to record
events even if the database is not connected. Up to 100 events can be recorded.
7.1.4 ResetAlarm
7.2.2 Sensitivity
The sensitivity specifies the relationship between the sensor output (V or mA) and the physical measured
7.2.3 SensorOK
SensorOK allows to monitor the sensor operation.
SensorOK feature is also implemented in PMS-330 to monitor appropriate data acquisition from the analogue
outputs, slaves, PMx-300 and operating parameters. SensorOK status is defined as follows:
• Analogue input (0..10V or 4..20mA): monitoring of the sensor operation
• Modbus slave: channel value is reference on the slave table and slave device available
• Operating parameter: Modbus/profibus communication available
• PMx-300 value: channel source ok and PMS-314 available
7.2.4 Alert/danger
Alert and danger threshold are specified for each ModeOTP (see 7.1) according to configurable alarm check
conditions. Delays allow to trigger alarms only when a monitoring parameter meets the alarm conditions during a
specified delay. Latched alarm allows to keep alarms active until they are reset (see 7.1)
The available alarm check conditions are:
Above Below
Within Outside 29
7.3 System OK
The built-in watchdog monitors the proper operation of all cards active in the rack. If one card fails, system OK is
1 6
When no reference sensor is connected, the regime status “run” or “stop” can be triggered using the phase
reference signal input:
Warning: when a PMx-300/PMS-330 is added into a CMS-500 Orca database, the buffer memory is cleared unless
“Clear Instruments Memory” is unchecked. When a new instrument is added to the database, “Clean instrument
memory” should be checked.
8 PMx-300 Manager
PMx-300 Manager is the configuration & commissioning Software for PMx-300/PMS-330. This chapter describes
each functionality of PMx-300 Manager.
Then a summary of the installation appears
Click on “Ne t” to begin installation.
When PMx-300 Manager is launched the main view display (see n°05) is empty. This display is
updated when a configuration is loaded, or a device connected.
Selects the Ethernet adapter to be used for the communication with the PMx-300/PMS- 0. The checkbo “ on’t
Show Again” saved the selected card. This screen doesn’t appear if the Ethernet card is available
If the selected adapter is not directly in the same subnet of the PMx-300 device, the user must enter
the PMx-300 subnet in the field.
Type of device - Select the Type of device “PMM- 00”, “PMS- 1 ” or “PMS-
Operation Mode - Select the operation mode (see 5.2 for details)
Device Name – Enter the name of the device
Device Description – Enter the description of the device
To perform online configuration, PMx-300 and PMS-330 must be connected to the PMx-300 manager. Changes
are permanently saved by clicking on “Apply” or “Save”.
Connecting PMx-300/PMS-330
Before connection, make sure that the device is properly connected via Ethernet to the configuration computer.
Click on “Connection” from the menu and select “Connect” to list all available PM -300/PMS-330 devices.
If the device is already connected to the CMS-500 Orca atabase Server, the status “CMS-500”
appears in the bottom of the screen. In this case some settings cannot be changed.
The System works only with static IP addresses. The IP address of the computer must be manually
set to the same subnet. E.g. the default ip address of a system is 19 .16 .1. 1, so the computer’s
IP address shall be e.g. (any different that the IP address of the device, except xx.0,
xx.1, xx.255 and above!)
In general (PMx-300 in the same subnet) the IP searching range must be In other
case (PMx-300 in a different subnet) use IP searching range to search PMx-300 in another subnet.
Searching a PMx-300 in the subnet 192.168.164.X
IP searching range =
When a configuration is loaded into the device, the full configuration is sent by Ethernet then the device restart.
Click on “Yes” and the following screen appears:
Then select the configuration file and click on “Load”. The configuration is sent, and a screen shows the progress
of the file transfer. When the transfer is successfully completed, the green bar switches on. In case of failure, the
green bar becomes red. In this case, repeat the operation.
9 PMx-300 Configuration
This chapter explain the PMx-300 configuration. It is recommended to read the chapter 5 before it. When a PMx-
00 is connected or a configuration file loaded, the first view is the “ evice Overview”. This view shows the main
information about the device. From this view the user can start editing the configuration.
PMx- 00 configuration can be performed using the “Configuration tools” or “Advanced Configuration”. The
“Configuration tools” allows easy configuration using predefined standard parameters and “Advanced
Configuration” gives access to all parameters.
The PMx-300 Manager have many commissioning windows for the PMx-300. Every commissioning windows are available by
clicking on the corresponded button from the top panel. This commissioning windows is described in detail in the chapter PMx-
300 commissioning
The user can close “Configuration Tools” by clicking the “Configuration Tools” button or the Red Cross. This action
will cancel all unsaved change.
9.2.1 Overview
1) Screen title
2) Previous screen button
3) Next screen button
4) Save configuration change button
5) Navigation tree
On screen “ evice Settings” user can set the “Object Parameters” and “Specific Acquisition mode” of the selected
operation mode. See chapter 5.1 for more information.
9.2.4 Ethernet
The system uses IPV4 IP address spaces and requires a static IP address. According to IETF (Internet Engineering
Task force) the following IP address range can be set-up:
a) -
b) -
c) -
The last number shall never be 0 or 255 and usually 1 is used for the gateway.
The subnet mask defines the addressing block, which is in general (allowing up to 253 addresses).
The Gateway is the ip address, where the transfer is made from one to another network (e.g. Local area network -
internet) typically the ip address ends with 1 (e.g. If no gateway is present, use the ip address of the
host computer.
9.2.5 Modbus
Data bits is 8.
Set table “PM - 00 Module Values Status” parameters:
• Values format – Select the values format of the table “PM - 00 Module Values Status”;
• Use Multiplier – Active or inactive the MB/PB Multiplier factor for both U16 format of the table “PM -300
Module Values Status”.
9.2.6 Profibus
When the Light Profibus version is selected the “CHX Parameter Y” fields become settable and
user can choose two parameters per channel. These parameters will be available on the
46 Profibus table.
If the integration is activated, a high pass filter is activated by the integration functionality. Then only
a low path filter can be set additionally. The integration high pass cutoff frequency can be adjusted
50 with the “Advanced Configurator”. To make a bandpass filter combine a low pass filter and the
integrator high pass filter.
Only the 6th first harmonic calculation are available for the Modbus/Profibus Table
Click on the “Switch View” button to switch to the “Advanced configurator” view
The user can return to the “ evice Overview” view by clicking again on the “Switch View” button.
If nominal speed is set to 0, the functionality “Run up/down” is disable. For more information’s see 7.4
Set the number of sample for the trend average (1sample/ACQ block).
9.3.4 Ethernet
Click on the device tree level to configure the device settings.
Data bits is 8.
• Values format – Select the values format of the table “PM - 00 Module Values Status”
• Use Multiplier – Active or inactive the MB/PB Multiplier factor for both U16 & INT32 format of the table
“PM - 00 Module Values Status”.
For more information’s about Modbus / Profibus refer to document “PMS-300 Modbus and
Profibus Manual”
When the Light Profibus version is selected the user can select two parameters per channel.
For more information’s about Modbus / Profibus refer to document “PMS-300 Modbus and
Profibus Manual” 59
User can configure special settings for having more ModeOTP or inverse the Digital Input RotD. It also possible to
configure ModeOTP and RotD via Modbus/Profibus.
9.3.8 Acquisition
Click on the device tree level to configure the device settings.
• Specific Acquisition Mode – Select specific acquisition more (e.g ST E, SPAP, Airgap Averaging…) See
chapter 5.1 for more information.
Phase Reference
Click on the device tree level to configure the device settings.
PMx-300 can manage two Phase References. Only one reference can be selected per PMS-314.
This tab shows some information about acquisition, reference, event and memory.
Object parameters depend on the operation mode, for details see 5.1.
The tab “Scale Graph” get a graphical view of the scaling.
Scaling example:
Example 1:
A velocity sensor is used, with a sensitivity of 4mV/mm/s
Scale In high: 0.004 Scale Out high: 1
Scale In low: 0 Scale Out low: 0
Example 2:
An Airgap Sensor is used: 4-20mA = 5..25mm
Scale In high: 20 Scale Out high: 25
Scale In low: 4 Scale Out low: 5
The System coerces the values into the given 4-20mA range. For e.g. on the above configuration, if the system
calculates more than 500um, the value is limited to 20mA. The same rule applies for values smaller than the
minimum value.
If the sensor is “Sensor Not OK”, the current loop output is set to mA. 65
If the integration is activated, a high pass filter is activated by the integration functionality. Then only
a low path filter can be set additionally. To make a bandpass filter combine a low pass filter and the
66 integrator high pass filter.
Select up to nine custom extraction operations, for more information about harmonic extraction see chapter 5.3.
Only the first 6 extractions are available for the Modbus/Profibus Table
The configuration panel will show the parameter settings and trend graph.
All calculation parameter scaling can be set with the same scaling by using button “Apply To
Calculation Result” from the “Channel Configuration” tab.
9.4.1 System OK
PMx-300 manager includes visualization tools to help performing primary analysis such as FFT, orbits… on real-
time data and simulation tools to check the installation. The device status is also detailed to help issue
Click on the device tree level, click on tab “Status Info” then select “System OK” tab.
Buffer State
This bargraph give an overview of the ADC Buffer state.
ADC blocks are representing by the green level, this level should be always below the second grey threshold.
Shaft Center
Stator Profile
Time Signal
Pole Profile
Flux Profile
Polar View
4x Relative
4x Absolute
2x Rel. &
2x Abs.
1) Show/Hide trend
2) Set trend color
3) Trend type and description
4) Trend unit
5) Set trend scale
6) Trend scale. Amplitude 0 for trend set on scale 0, Amplitude 1 for trend set on scale 1, …
7) Time scale
8) Auto scale. Auto scale 0, 1, 2, …
9) Adjust scale precision. Adjust scale 0, 1, 2, …
10) Select trend graph visualization, line graph or dot graph.
11) Trend display formatting
12) Trend graph
13) Change displayed tab (Legend or cursor)
14) Active / inactive cursor
15) Cursors I & II date and hour
16) Delta time between cursor I & II
17) Move cursor
18) Cursor trend value and information
19) Cursor I
20) Cursor II
Warning: Press “Apply” or “Save” button or connecting another device will reinitialize Trend Graph.
Click the “Time Signal” button to display the “Time Signal” windows.
1) Trend Legend: Show/Hide trend, set trend color, display trend type and description
2) Change scale settings
9.4.5 FFT
1) Trend Legend: Show/Hide trend, set trend color, display trend type and description
2) Change scale settings
3) Change FFT amplitude unit.
9.4.6 Spectrogram
9.4.8 Orbit
1) Trend Legend: Show/Hide trend, set trend color, display trend type and description
2) Change scale settings
3) Change pole profile visualization, synchronize signal on first pole or show RAW order.
1) Grid center mode, select the grid center.
2) Polar View Ref, select the polar view reference.
3) Airgap Grid, select the grid resolution.
1) Trend Legend: Show/Hide trend, set trend color, display trend type and description
2) Change scale settings
1) Export to .csv file, click this button to export table to CSV file.
1) Trend Legend: Show/Hide trend, set trend color, display trend type and description
2) Change scale settings
3) Change pole profile visualization, synchronize signal on first pole or show RAW order.
1) Trend Legend: Show/Hide trend, set trend color, display trend type and description
2) Change scale settings
1) Export to .csv file, click this button to export table to CSV file.
Save measurement data by clicking on “Save Measurement…” from the “File” menu.
Load measurement data by clicking on “Load Measurement…” from the “File” menu.
Click on the “Switch View” button to switch to the “Advanced configurator” view.
The configuration panel will show the parameter settings and a trend graph.
Simulation value will be considered exactly like a real measure. Status, Modbus, Profibus, CMS-500, … will be
affected by the simulation value. 81
Click on the “Switch View” button to switch to the “Advanced configurator” view.
Click on the device tree level to configure the device settings.
Check “Active Commissioning” and click “Apply” to enable the commissioning mode
Do not forget to deactivate the commissioning mode after everything is checked. Also, please note
that after a restart of the system, automatically the commissioning mode is deactivated.
If the commissioning mode is deactivated, all outputs are going back to the actual state, if e.g. the
relay danger was active before entering the commissioning mode, then it has been deactivated during
the tests, automatically the danger relay will come back to its state after the commissioning mode has
been left.
10 PMS-330 Configuration
This chapter explain the PMx-300 configuration. It is recommended to read the chapter 5 before it.
10.2.2 Ethernet
The system uses IPV4 IP address spaces and requires a static IP address. According to IETF (Internet Engineering
Task force) the following IP address range can be set-up:
• -
• -
• -
The last number shall never be 0 or 255 and usually 1 is used for the gateway.
The subnet mask defines the addressing block, which is in general (allowing to address 255
The Gateway is the ip address, where the transfer is made from one to another network (e.g. Local area network -
internet) typically the ip address ends with 1 (e.g. If no gateway is present, use the ip address of the
host computer.
The list at the right allows to select an exisiting request. To delete the item, double click on it.
• Intern Modbus Scan – Scan and active available modules on the internal bus. For each available module
the indicators are set green.
• Manual activation – Activate or inactivate the module by clicking on it.
PMS-330 permanently communicates with active modules. The status of the modules is permanently monitored as
• State “To Check”, the availability of this module is unknown.
• State “Not Available”, the module is not available on internal bus.
State “Available, the module is available on internal bus.
The Group tab will appear
Add/Remove Request
• Click “Add in Table” to add request into the request table;
• Double click on the request to remove it.
The Group tab appears:
The commissioning mode is made to check the interfaces with the system.
Click on the top of Relay three
The “PM -300-FW-Updater” software allows the user to update a new firmware into the PM -300 device.
11.1 Installation
To install the software, insert the CD in the CD driver and move to the folder PMx-300-FWU-Installer. Click on
setup.exe for the installation.
To start the software, click on “PM - 00” software from the Windows start menu.
Avalable firmware
Log message
Click on device description to select it. Multiple devices can be selected by holding the “CTRL” button while
Typically (PMx-300 in the same subnet) the IP searching range must be In
other case (PMx-300 in a different subnet) use IP searching range to search PMx-300 in
another subnet.
Search a PMx-300 in the subnet 192.168.164.X
IP searching range =
Click on the “Refresh” button and the new firmware will be available in the “Available Firmware” list.
12 Trouble Shooting
System OK is not OK (LED is Blinking or Off)
a) SD Card is defect (Only mircoSDCard class 10 can be used, please contact MC-Monitoring).
b) EEprom data is corrupted
c) Commissioning Mode is activated
d) Modbus or Profibus is not properly initiated
e) ADC is not running
Device is not responding by Ethernet
a) Check PMx-300 Manager selected Ethernet card.
b) Check Ethernet card network configuration (Device in the same subnet? DHCP or Static?).
c) PMx-300 Module have IP address conflict? (Try to connect device directly)
d) Firewall block PMx-300 Manager?
e) SD Card is defect (Only mircoSDCard class 10 can be used, please contact MC-Monitoring).
13 Revision history
05.02.2019 Add Axial Thrust & Differential Expansion and AMT Pole JVo SKu
Monitoring solutions:
Shaft & bearing Axial thrust position Magnetic flux Partial discharge
vibration monitoring monitoring monitoring 111
Acquisition systems:
Low Pass 50 Hz
High Pass 50 Hz
Phase [°]
Phase - [°]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
Gain [dB]
Gain - [dB]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
Phase [°]
Phase - [°]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
Gain [dB]
Gain - [dB]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
Phase [°]
Phase - [°]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
Gain [dB]
Gain - [dB]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
Phase [°]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
Gain [dB]
Gain - [dB]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
Phase [°]
Phase - [°]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
Gain [dB]
Gain - [dB]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
Phase [°]
Phase - [°]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
118 -10.00
Phase [°]
Gain - [dB]
1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
Mode OTP can be defined by one or four Digital Input, the number of dedicated Digital Input will define the number
of available states. The next page displays the ModeOTP binary code table depending with selected bits mode.
Spare Spare
In this case the RotD has two functions. The main function indicates the rotation direction and defines ModeOTP.
It is used as the very right bit (first half of modes one direction, other half of modes opposite direction.
Digital Input Mode "4 Bits" – 16 States
In this case the RotD has two functions. The main function indicates the rotation direction and defines ModeOTP.
It is used as the very right bit (first half of modes one direction, other half of modes opposite direction. Note that if
bits are used, the “save” function is disabled.