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Neoclassicism and Romanticism

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Article Title---Neoclassicism and Romanticism of English Literature Eighteenth century


Saroj khan


Author Note

The eighteenth century is called as Neoclassicism age of English literature and called also
as Augustan age or classic age.

Neoclassicism comes from Greek word ~Goc, Neos means New AND CLASSICS means
the highest rank is the name in Roman is classisus[in English it is classicism].

This century is called as indispensible century and this term is believed the age of Emperor

Poetry thyme contains so many likely natural beauty, personal, subaltern, oppression,
natural calamities, hopes, disappointments but romanticism of poetry is more attractive now
a day or you can say historical achievement through romanticism.

Romance with nice character and natural beauty attracts to you for long days where poet’s
soul surrenders through beauty which he represents through characteristics and scenario
because romance means that there love hidden or blossomed.

Augustan age or neoclassicism age is golden age of English literature and rediscovered
conciliation of English and Roman literature.

The main neoclassical movement starts at 18th century, age of enlightenment, continued
literature with mood of romanticism throughout world.

From this age literature brings decency, good sense, elegance and mannerism.

The neoclassical poetry of the eighteenth century was almost entirely written in classic
heroic couplet. The heroic couplet brings poetic expression with romanticism and people
understood slowly its elegance of romanticism at last of eighteenth century.

When romanticism developed rapidly.

The eighteenth century was divided into two ages, the age of pope [1688-1741] and the age
of Johnson[1709-1784].

The neo classic age in English literature follows the model of Roman literature.

The term Augustan was first applied to school of poets of Dr Johnson.

Mathew Arnold told that eighteenth century is our admirable and indispensable age. Dryden
and poet Johnson found that English poetry brick and left its marble.

Neoclassic in painting gained new sensational development at this age parallel to poetry and
classic literature.

Dr Johnson applied the term of Metaphysical school of poets likely with words and lines of
metamorphosis, metaphor and metaphases.

After 17 th century last these veteran romantic poets came to light with romanticism and this
romantic period assumed democratic from [1798-1850] but peak period is from 1800-1900.
But peak period was 1800-1850 when influenced with visual arts, music and literature.

There were several romantic authors such as Edgar Allan Pope and Natheniel Hawthrone
are based on human psychology.

The romantic movement is popularly classified as Romantic review and Romantic revolt.it
regains the poetic ideals of Elezabeth age where love,beauty,emotion,imagination,romance
and beauty of nature were ideals of Elizabethan poetry.

The Romantic revolt is called the idealism and principal sources of neoclassical or Augustan
age of school of poetry.

The most precious of Romanticism In English poetry scenery clearly visible from 18th century
including Joseph Wartson[Manchestar collage] and Thomas Wartson professor of poetry of
Oxford University.

The Victorian period is taken to cover this period from 1837 to 1901.

At the year of 1837 Queen Victoria succeeded the throne of England. The Victorian age was
age of astonishing variety and complexity in all social, politics and literary field.

At this period our two closed Nobel poet winners were associated with romantic age of
modern poetry also. They are famous Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore[1861-1941] and
W.B.YEAT Poets involved in our English and Bengali literature.

WBYEAT translated Gitanjali poetry book of Bengali into English with the help of KABI
GURU RABINDRANATH TAGOE and Rabindranath got first nobel of literature from

W.B.YEAT got nobel prixe at 1923 for his marvellous English poems.He offered us so many
romantic poetry likely kabiguru.His artistic poems gives us inspiration.

William buttler yeat[1865-1939] was born in Dublin city.

His famous books areW,B.YEAT,S poetry with 322 poms, sailing to Byzanthum and the
Tower are famous books.

Afterwards so many famous poets followed Romanticism and few are illustrated with lines.

Here I have to discuss with so many romantic poems of various poets where romanticism is
best quality to attract man or beauty and you can say that your life is enlightened with light.
When a poet attracted with beauty of woman or group of women, naturally it is seen that
woman or group of women attracted by that romantic poet.

Here these international top poets Willam Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor, john keat, Lord
Byron, George Gordon and Bilingual poet Rabindranath Tagore.

Myself poet writer Sakha understood that here we are also used to write down romantic
poem and you are familiar with Kamala Das, Nissim Ezekiel,Ak ramanusam ,poet Daruwala
who writes few romantic poems.

Romantic poetry is the poetry of romantic era, an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual
movement that originated in Europe towards the end of 18th century.

Robert burns[1759-1796] was clear example at that time but willam wordswoth was actually
engaged in trying to create new kind of poetry.

While Dryden,pope,jhonson,Robert burns,Rabindranath tagore,lord Tennyson, Thomsons

were makeable poets to enlighten romanticism. Dryden, pope and Johnson were
successfully the dictators of English poetry, while heroic couplets became the fashion of
poetry and literature enlightened with Romantic Movement.

The passing of Arthur by poet Tennyson, Poet Thomson,s the season[1730] was the first
romantic revival and the poems and poets increased later on day by day. Romanticism
subsided or say dominated classicism literature.

Victor hugo calls liberism in literature, is simply the expression of life as seen by imagination
rather than by common idea and it was the central doctrine or chemistry of English literature.

Romanticism movement by strong reaction, romanticism contrasted with beauty of material

which rule over classicism, where youth enlightened at that age from classicism of poetry,
doctrine of philosophy, bought that philosophy for eve which I have discussed first, golden
age of poetry wherein souls contrasted eternal, romanticism followed to conceive hearts of
youth and forever when historical ruler aged poetry classification crossed, Dryden and pop
could not do it ever.

Colridge defined prose systematically in order but there was no reason why prose should not
contain the nice words in rhythm of regular and concurrence of kind only which distinguishes
poetry from prose.

Now want to discuss romanticism of poems by poets with lines.

Oxford professor Wj courtthrope drawn the lines of Marlowe

Was this the face launched a thousand ships?

And burned the topless towers of llium? Are different from the substance from the substance
of prose and that is certain that he discovered subsided inner meaning and conveyed
metaphor through rhythm and meter where meter measures the meaning in linear quantity
but not in weight.

When Wadworth clarified in the preface to the, Lyrical Ballads that neither or nor can be
essential difference of rhythm and meter.
The retrieval of romantic poetry by Tennyson,s the passing of Arthur

The old order change, yielding place to new

And God fulfils himself in many ways,

Least one good custom should corrupt the world.

Poet Robert Burns

Give me as spark of natures fire,

That’s the learning I desire.

Demanding power from nature,s beauty to enlighten his knowledge to spark like ignition of

Willam Blakes nature,s beauty

With the blue sky spread over with wings

And the mild sun that mourns and sings.

With trees and fields full of fairy elves.

Poetry of wordsworth

A violent by mossy stone

Half hidden from the eye.

Fair as star when only one

Is shining in the sky?

Poet says like God saying through his voice or writing.

Moreover he is without humour and no subsidence rudeness.

It is the life who recognized and he is after all a great poet of English literature.

Poet Rabindranath Tagore written so many romantic poems in Bengali and English and
today reminds himself on birthday for that poem

Two romantic poems of poet Rabindranath Tagore

Lips, language to lips ears,

Two drinking each other’s heart it seems.

Two roaming loves who have left him,

Another is


Grant me that I may not be cowards,

Feeling your mercy in my success alone, but let me find the grasp of your hand in my future.

Fully romanticism clearly sand directly by bilingual noble prize winner that love should be
perfect for future, it should be united between two soulmates for ever when they will not give

Coming to modern ages poems where kamala das

The sunshine cat

Last two perfect lines of romanticism

He returned to take her out, she was a cold and

Half dead woman, now of no use at all to men.

At last age of woman, poet wants to say that women almost lost his strength.


To force the pace and never to be still,

Is not the way of those who study birds?

Or women, the best poet for words.

A real lover wants true words for love,

Poet wants it.

Another poem

For love’s record.

I watched the woman walk away with him.

And now I think of her as bold and kind.

Here from true love’s existence.

Ramanusms,s poems

Second site

A legend half heard in train.

Love poem by Poet Ramanusim

After a night of rage

That lasted days

Last two lines

By my only love’s only.

Insatiable envy.

few lines of romanticism by kamala das


Stand nude before the glass with him

So that he sees himself the stronger one.

Painful heart is my poem,

I have written two lines here—

All the things of past,

Are now full of desert.


Saroj Kumar khan

Research scholar[f]



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