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Sample Question Paper

Class XII
Subject: Political Science MM: 80 MM
Time: 3hrs
i. All Questions are Compulsory.
ii. Section A has 16 Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each.
iii. Section B has 2 passage –based questions 17 and 18 having
Multiple Choice Questions of 1 mark each.
iv. Question numbers 19-22 carries 2 marks each. Answer to these
questions should not exceed 40 words each.
v. Question numbers 23-27 carries 4 marks each. Answer to these
questions should not exceed 100 words each.
vi. Question numbers 28-29 pertain to map and cartoon questions
carrying 5 marks each to be answered accordingly.
vii. Question numbers 30-32 carries 6 marks each. Answer to these
questions should not exceed 150words each.

Section – A
1. Which of these statements about the princely states is incorrect: 1
a) Some of the princely states clearly wanted to become part of the Indian Union.
b) The Indian government was ready to give autonomy to some regions.
c) First of all, the ruler of Junagarh announced that the state had decided on
d) Princely states covered one third of the land area of the British Indian Empire.
2. ___________acts as a think tank of the Union Government. 1
a) NITI Aayog
b) Yojana Aayog
c) Election Commission of India
d) Ministry of External Affairs

3. Which set of the Countries belonged to the NATO Group? 1

a) Poland, Britain, Romania
b) USA, Czech Republic, France
c) Britain, France, west Germany
d) Spain, France, East Germany
4. Globalisation leads to each culture becoming__________ 1
a) More Different
b) More Transparent
c) More Distinctive
d) More Different and Distinctive
5. Which factors contributed to Pakistan’s failure in building a stable 1
a) Dominance of the Military
b) Dominance of the clergy
c) Dominance of the landowning aristocracy
d) All of the above

6. Arab Spring began with----

a) Russian Revolution
b) Tunisian Revolution
c) Egyptian Revolution
d)Syrian Revolution

7. ‘Choose the wrong statement: 1

a) Six- point proposal of Sheikh Mujibur Rehman for greater autonomy to East
b) India and Pakistan conduct nuclear tests in 1998.
c) SAFTA signed at the 7th SAARC Summit in Islamabad.
d) India and Bangladesh sign the Farakka Treaty for sharing of the Ganga waters
in 1996.
8. In the decade of 1960’s, the Congress Party under the leadership of Indira
Gandhi was affected by------- 1
a) Violence
b) Defection
c) Internal conflicts
d) Censorship
9.________ Policy has been adopted by NITI Aayog. 1
a) Make in India
b) Made in India
c) Start-up India
d) Ayushman Bharat

10) First Gulf War was known as----------- 1

a) Operation Infinite Reach

b) Operation Enduring Freedom
c) Operation Desert Storm
d) Operation Iraqi Freedom

11. The high point of Cold War was -------- 1

a) Cuban Missile Crises
b) Atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
c) Establishment of SEATO and CENTO
d) Establishment of NATO

12) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel faced key challenges of integration in which of the
following states. 1
a) Hyderabad, Moradabad, Junagarh
b) Hyderabad, Sikandrabad, Jammu
c) Hyderabad, Junagarh, Kashmir
d) Jammu, Junagarh, Kashmir
13) With its pre-intended goal ____ the NDA III Government started several
Socio-economic welfare schemes to make development accessible to the
masses. 1
a) Jai Jawan,Jai Kisan
b) Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan
c) Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas
d) Garibi Hatao

14) BJP led coalition of 2014 was also called as 1

a) Majority Coalition
b) Surplus Majority Coalition
c)Clear Majority Coalition
d)Democratic Coalition

15) I.The main agenda of the World Social Forum is 1

a) Opposition to Terrorism
b) Opposition to Neo-Liberal Globalisation
c) Opposition to Colonialism
d) Opposition to Communism
II. Globalisation has ___________________ dimensions.
a) Political and Social
b) Social and Economic
c) Political and Economic
d) Political, Social and Economic
16. Arrange the following in the chronological order: 1
I) Establishment of Human Rights Council
II) Yalta Conference
III) Atlantic Charter
iv) India join the UN
a) ii,iv,i,iii
b) iii, ii,iv, i
c) I, ii, iii, iv
d) ii, iii, iv, i
Section – B
17. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
follow: (1+1+1+1=4)

America extended massive financial help for reviving Europe’s economy under what
was called the “Marshall Plan”. The US also created a new collective security
structure under NATO. Under the Marshall Plan, the Organisation for European
Economic Cooperation (OEEC) was established in 1948 to channel aid to the West
European States. It became a forum where the Western European States began to
cooperate on trade and economic issues. The Council of Europe, established in
1949, was another step forward in political cooperation. The process of economic
integration of European capitalist countries proceeded step by step leading to the
formation of the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1957.
17.1 What was the “Marshall Plan”? 1
a) Aid given by the US
b) Economic Aid given by the US
c) Military help given by the US
d) Financial Aid given by the US
17.2 The US created a new collective security structure under which organisation? 1
d) Any Other
17.3 Under which plan the organisation for European Economic Cooperation? 1

was established?

a) Maastricht Plan
b) Marshall Plan
c) American Plan
d) Any other Plan

17.4 Which organisation became a forum where the western European states began
to cooperate on trade and economic issues? 1

a) Organisation for European Political Cooperation

b) Organisation for European Economic Cooperation
c) Organisation for European Military Cooperation
d) Any other Organisation
18. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
The era of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation from the early 1990’s , is
attributed to the emergence of a competitive market society encompassing all
important sectors of economy, society and polity thus paving the way for the “Third
Democratic Upsurge’. The Democratic Upsurge represents a competitive electoral
market which is based not on the principle of survival of the fittest but rather the
survival of the ablest. It underlines three shifts in India’s electoral market: from State
to Market, from Government to Governance, from State as Controller to State as
Facilitator. Moreover, the Third Democratic Upsurge seeks to promote the
participation of the youth who constitute a significant chunk of Indian society as the
real game changers in view of their increasing electoral preference for both
development and governance in India’s contemporary democratic politics.
18.1 The early 1990 saw the era of----- 1

a) Liberalisation
b) Privatisation
c) Globalisation
d) All of the above

18.2 The “Third Democratic Upsurge” is based on the principle of______ 1

a) Survival of the fittest
b) Survival of the meanest
c) Survival of the fierce
d) Survival of the ablest
18.3 How many “Democratic Upsurges” are identified in post-independence history
of India? 1

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
18.4 The ‘Third Democratic Upsurge” seeks to promote the _________ who
constitute a significant chunk of Indian society. 1

a) Participation of Student
b) Participation of Opposition Leaders
c) Opposition of Senior Citizens
d) None of these

19. What was the impact of the Emergency on newspapers and magazines? 2
20. Explain the role played by Syndicates in the Congress Party. 2
21. State two objectives of NITI Aayog. 2
22. What were the changes that occurred in Indian Politics after 1977 elections?
OR 2
Describe the provision of National Emergency.

23. “The South Asian experience of democracy has expanded the global
imagination of democracy”. Explain the statement with examples. 4

24. Explain Cuban Missile Crises? 4

25. Highlight the salient features of Indo-Israeli relations in contemporary times.
OR 4
Elaborate the Nuclear Policy of India.
26. “China followed its own path in introducing a market economy”. Justify this
statement with four suitable arguments? 4
How far is it correct to describe ASEAN as a new Centre of power in the world?
27. State the political impact of globalization on the world. 4
28. In the given outline political map of India, five states have been marked as
(A), (B), (C), (D), (E). Identify these states on the basis of the information given
below and write their correct names in your answer book along with their
respective serial number of the information used and the concerned alphabets
as per format that follows: 1+1+1+1+1= 5
i. The state related to Karpuri Thakur, who implemented reservation for
backward class.
ii. The state related to K Kamraj, who started the Mid-Day Meal program for
School Students.
iii. The state related to Samajwadi leader and thinker Ram Manohar Lohiya.
iv. The state related to Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel who undertook integration of
princely states.
v. The state from where article 370 was revoked.

Sr Number of the Alphabet Concerned Name of the State

information used
(The map given below is the old map of India that corresponds to the
questions asked above.)




Note: The following questions are for Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of
Qn. 28 (Map Question).
i. Name the state related to Karpuri Thakur, who implemented reservation for
backward class.
ii. Name the state related to K Kamraj, who started the Mid-Day Meal program
for School Students.
iii. Name the state related to Samajwadi leader and thinker Ram Manohar
iv. Name the state related to Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel who undertook
integration of princely states.
v. Name the state from where article 370 was revoked.
29. Study the cartoon given below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Answers to 2 mark questions should not exceed 40 words.

i) What does this cartoon depict? 1+2+2=5

ii) What have been the reasons for immense
influence of US on UN? Give any two reasons.
III) Is the cartoon still relevant?

Note: The following questions are for Visually Impaired candidates only in lieu
of Qn. 29 (cartoon question) 2+2+1=5
i) Name the present Secretary General of UN. He/she belongs to which country?
Ii) Name any four permanent members of UN Security Council.
III) Write the main objective of the UNO.
30. Critically examine the consequences of disintegration of the Soviet Union. 6
Analyse the factors responsible for the disintegration of USSR with special reference
Perestroika and Glasnost.

31. a). How did the reorganisation of states take place in India after its
Independence? Explain.
b). Explain the process of partition of India in 1947.
32. Describe the major developments that have taken place in Indian Politics during
OR 6
Describe any three points of consensus that emerged among most of the political
parties in India in spite of severe competition and conflicts.

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