Digital Forensics in A Cyber Warfare Con PDF
Digital Forensics in A Cyber Warfare Con PDF
Digital Forensics in A Cyber Warfare Con PDF
Alessandro Guarino
The paper explores the field of digital forensics as applied to cyber warfare,
mainly for defensive and intelligence operations. It proposed a taxonomy for
digital forensics activities and on the time dimension how it is applied to the
phases of forensic operations: prioritization, collection, acquisition, analysis,
interpretation, reporting/dissemination, detailing a model that tailors techniques
to military context, giving also a review of existing literature. Defensive and
intelligence activities also need knowledge of the range of anti-forensics
techniques applied by counterparts, so an analysis of the anti-forensics arsenal
and how it correlates with forensics processes is conducted.
In the conclusion the paper shows the cardinal role of digital forensics (post-
attack and in readiness processed) even in military activities and the value of
concepts developed in the civilian world, albeit adapted.
Cyber Warfare, Digital Forensics
1. Introduction
Digital forensic has come a long way since its inception and has taken by now its
place among the forensic sciences. Digital forensic techniques have now reached the
state where they are less of an art and more like repeatable and well-documented
scientific procedures. Work-flow phases have been codified in several guidelines
developed by practitioners and also in developing international standards like
ISO/IEC 27037, published probably 2012.
This paper proposes a model under which digital forensics concepts developed along
the years in a civilian context can be usefully applied to military operations, and
particularly to cyber warfare. Scenarios in which digital forensics can be useful, and
even necessary, include the attribution problem (of cyber attacks), treaty assurance,
intelligence and counter-intelligence, both at tactical and strategic levels in the
At first sight the object of digital forensics in a warfare situation is very different
from what is needed in the civilian world: here the "final product" is sound evidence,
to be used in a court of law -civil or criminal- or at least that can be used, in
principle. From there the need to assure the integrity of evidence from the very
beginning and along all the chain of custody. In military contexts this necessity may
seem unnecessary, compared to the need for actionable intelligence, often within
strict time constraints, but contemporary warfare presents us with more and more
legal concerns than the past. Contemporary international relations are more and more
mad of supranational bodies with varying degrees of legal clout and status, from the
United Nations to the International Court of Justice, various regional bodies and
alliances, and a long history of international conventions currently in force. More
and more we are faced with the phenomenon of nation-states presenting evidence of
enemy conduct in order to justify a military action. If cyber warfare is to be a proper
part of warfare, these evidence inevitably is and will be in digital form. Another
example of digital forensics relevance is the problem of verification of possible
future treaties regarding cyber warfare: this a thorny problem, and a very open one,
currently debated by legal experts, military bodies and forensic analysts worldwide.
It is quite easy to detect ICBM silos, not so easy to detect cyber weapons ready for
action. International relations experts and country leaders are faced by the challenge
of adapting concepts formulated long ago like aggression of a nation-state onto
another, or combatant status, to the realities of cyber warfare. Also the relevance of
non-national actors is very high in cyber warfare, by its very nature, complicating
again the picture; we have only to think of the proxy problem, where non-national
organizations or even individuals can conduct cyber activities on behalf of
governments (knowingly or not).
Legal concerns are mentioned because forensics is where the technical side meets the
legal one: digital evidence is a tool in a legal process so it is to be conducted keeping
in mind legal concerns like jurisdiction, lawful acquisition, and so on.
The rest of this paper will present a brief overview of the field of digital forensics, as
we see it now, followed by a short modelization of cyber warfare activities and
context. After that a model matching digital forensics to the cyber warfare context
will be proposed.
2. Digital Forensics
What is digital forensics? We report here one of the most useful definitions of digital
forensics formulated. It was developed during the first Digital Forensics Research
Workshop (DFRWS) in 2001 and it is still very much relevant today:
Digital Forensics is the use of scientifically derived and proven methods toward the
preservation, collection, validation, identification, analysis, interpretation,
documentation and presentation of digital evidence derived from digital sources for
the purpose of facilitating or furthering the reconstruction of events found to be
criminal, or helping to anticipate unauthorized actions shown to be disruptive to
planned operations.(Pearson 2001)
This formulation stresses first and foremost the scientific nature of digital forensics
methods, in a point in time when it was transitioning from being a "craft" to an
established field and rightful part of the forensic sciences. At that point digital
forensics was also transitioning from being mainly practised in separated
environments such as law enforcement bodies and enterprise system administrators
to a unified field. Today this process is very advanced and it can be said that digital
forensics principles, procedures and methods are shared by a large part of its
practitioners, coming from different backgrounds (criminal prosecution, defence
consultants, corporate investigators and compliance officers). Applying scientifically
derived methods implies important concepts and principles to be respected when
dealing with digital evidence. Among others we can cite:
1. Previous validation of tools and procedures. Tools and procedures should be
validated by experiment prior to their application on actual evidence.
2. Reliability. Processes should yield consistent results and tools should
present consistent behaviour over time.
3. Repeatability. Processes should generate the same results when applied to
the same test environment.
4. Documentation. Forensic activities should be well-documented, from the
inception to the end of evidence life-cycle. On one hand strict chain-of-
custody procedures should be enforced to assure evidence integrity and and
the other hand complete documentation of every activity is necessary to
ensure repeatability by other analysts.
5. Preservation of evidence – Digital evidence is easily altered and its integrity
must be preserved at all times, from the very first stages of operations, to
avoid spoliation and degradation. Both technical (e.g. hashing) and
organizational (e.g. clear accountability for operators) measures are to be
The definition above goes on listing the work phases that make up digital forensic
processes. A slight different sequence is preferred today and is also endorsed by the
ISO/IEC guidelines in development:
1. Identification. This process includes the search, recognition and
documentation of the physical devices on the scene potentially containing
digital evidence.(ISO 2012)
2. Collection - Devices identified in the previous phase can be collected and
transferred to an analysis facility or acquired (next step) on site.
3. Acquisition - This process involves producing an image of a source of
potential evidence, ideally identical to the original.
4. Preservation - Evidence integrity, both physical and logical, must be
ensured at all times.
5. Analysis – Interpretation of the data from the evidence acquired. It usually
depends on the context, the aims or the focus of the investigation and can
range from malware analysis to image forensics, database forensics, and a
lot more of application-specifics areas. On a higher level analysis could
include content analysis via for instance forensics linguistics or sentiment
analysis techniques.
6. Reporting - Communication and/or dissemination of the results of the
digital investigation to the parties concerned.
It is very important to underscore a trend in digital forensics practice, where we are
moving away from the classical work flow outlined above and readily applicable for
instance to post-mortem processing of hard-drives and other media, to live forensics,
where absolute preservation of the media integrity (bit by bit) is impossible or very
difficult. This is the result of many developments, some of which are:
Widespread diffusion of cell phones and other devices which it is very often
impossible to access without altering their state;
Ever more need for network forensics, where live collection and traffic
analysis pose some challenges, both technical and legal;
Very large data: until recently prioritization was not a concern in digital
forensics and guidelines recommended that all evidence found was to be
preserved, acquired and analysed in depth. Recent recommendations
introduced forensic "triage", or prioritization of evidence, which means
selecting evidence to be analysed or even acquired, early in the process
(during the identification step), reducing work load but renouncing to strict
preservation of all evidence. Triage is especially important in military
settings, and more so in a tactical setting, where the need for actionable
intelligence outweighs other considerations, and a balance between forensic
rigour and speed is needed.
In these cases, where some alteration of the evidence is unavoidable, the need for
stringent documentation and justification of the process is even more important.
Lastly the definition given above details the objectives of digital forensics, that is the
reconstruction of events past but also the prevention of “unauthorized actions […]
disruptive to planned operations”. The language itself seems to adapt very well to
what forensics can do in military context, particularly in intelligence, where the focus
is on the future rather than the past.
3. Cyber warfare activities and scenarios
Cyber warfare is by now a term widely known to the general public, even a
buzzword: its study surely suffers from excessive hype, but -more importantly- also
from a lack of clear and broadly accepted definitions. Broad definitions in use for
instance include all activities making use of the electromagnetic spectrum, including
in this way what is known as electronic warfare and even electronic intelligence
(ELINT). For the purposes of this paper a more narrow -and maybe more simplistic-
definition is used: cyber warfare comprises military activities -defensive or
offensive- involving information networks, and the Internet in particular, including
intelligence and counter-intelligence.
The above formulation eschews the word "cyberspace" or "cyberdomain",
themselves the object of an ongoing debate: cyberspace is widely recognized as a
fifth domain of operations, to be added to the traditional four recognized by the
military -land, sea, air and space- but another view is being proposed, negating
cyberspace autonomy as a domain of war but considering cyber more of a
"subdomain"(Grunert 2011) subtending and informing all the others.
This paper does not adopt a formal definition while proposing to systematize forensic
activities in cyber warfare.
Recognizing that cyber warfare scenarios are very "liquid", magmatic, and activities
with different targets can and are conducted simultaneously, a loose classification is
proposed where warfare in the cyber domain can be waged for exploitation,
disruption or information warfare.
Convergence on standard digital technologies in a trend going on for some time and
it is likely it will go on in the future, for economic and technical reasons. Industrial
automation systems for instance historically implemented networking with
proprietary protocols, but the current trend is to use standard protocols born in the IT
world, like Ethernet -albeit a dedicated version of it. Also the military is using a
surprisingly number of off-the-shelf standard technologies, from operating systems
to application software to networking. This, and the growing interconnections of
both infrastructure and military systems, obviously facilitates attackers.
The future will bring even more interconnections and pervasive networks with the
progressive introduction of IPv6 protocol and its expanded address space: even more
nodes will be connected in the so-called "Internet of things". So-called Netcentric
Warfare in its different doctrinal flavours is the military manifestation of this trend.
The result is a greater vulnerability of control and weapon systems: we already
witnessed attacks on UAV software by malware that could be used to infect a normal
office workstation and - in the infowar arena - web defacements and site
penetrations. Again Stuxnet comes to mind when we analyse its attack vector on the
host PC by exploiting vulnerabilities of commercial operating systems.
Cyber warfare should be framed in its proper context as primarily a form of warfare.
Warfare itself has undergone in the last decades a profound evolution: the classical
concept of a formally declared war between nation-states does not apply to what is
called "war" in contemporary times. New actors wage war, new legal frameworks
and fluid scenarios has come into play. Wars sanctioned by international
organizations, non-wars where armies are involved like stabilization and
peacekeeping operations, wars declared by terrorists networks are instances of
contemporary warfare. Cyber warfare - if it is to be called that - have to be inscribed
in this context, differentiating itself from cyber crime or individual actions, be they
politically motivated or not. Boundaries between what is warfare and what is not and
between what actors are involved and what are not are muddled: we propose the
following classification for actors in the cyber warfare arena:
1. Nation-states. Included in this category we include military and non-
military agencies belonging to sovereign nations. An example of military
cyber unit is USCYBERCOM, but cyber activities can be conducted also by
“conventional” units, especially at the tactical level. Under this header we
consider also national intelligence agencies engaging in information
warfare, espionage and counter-espionage. The goal of the nation-states in
cyber warfare are the classical aims of gaining military, but ultimately
economic and political, advantage;
2. Supranational entities. Military alliances like NATO or sui generis
confederations like the EU have their structures, agencies, objectives and
agendas that not always coincide with their members';
3. Non-national political actors. These have gained importance in the last
decade: the most notable example are transnational terrorist networks, to
which some attributes of sovereignty are de facto attributed, like the
capacity of being part – or subject – of an armed conflict. On another plane
entirely, NGOs are gaining recognition as independent actors;
4. Politically motivated organizations - like Anonymous – or individuals. Here
can be included informal networks like those that animated the Arab springs
of 2011. This category is for sure controversial because such groups are at
the boundary between political action and actual (civil) warfare.
Not included here are individual cyber criminals and transnational criminal groups,
mainly because of their different objectives, in their case economical profit. There
are however zones of intersection with the above actors, many of whose engage in
criminal activities in order to finance their activities. As an aside we should consider
the use of “insiders” by the actors engaged in cyber warfare: they can be recruited by
any of the previous groups, so they do not constitute a separate group.
The complexity of the cyber warfare landscape shown above shows clearly one of
the main cruxes of any strategy for this field, i.e. how to identify sources of cyber
attacks. These are by nature easier to mask than other types of warfare attacks, also
by using proxies. The attribution problem and the proxy problem that complicates it
- discern plausible deniability from genuine autonomy of the attacking entity from
for instance its parent state is the field of choice of forensics in cyber warfare.
The principles and procedures of Digital Forensics, starting from the awareness and
preparedness procedures are being incorporated in the management of networks
subject to the risk of a cyber warfare attack. This is currently more for military
systems, less so for civilian assets like critical infrastructure networks. They are
essential because they allow to gather sound evidence of attacks or attempted attacks
while restoring functionality of the systems. The use of the evidence collected can
range from internal attribution to the actual presentation in an international court of
law or supranational organization like the U.N. Security Council. We concern here
only on the technical level, i.e. which forensics techniques can be usefully applied.
4.1. Computer forensics
Computer forensics have long constituted the mainstay of digital forensics, to the
point of being identified with it until recently. It concerns itself with the analysis of
single systems, and we include here the analysis of volatile memory (RAM) and
storage media. Volatile memory analysis could reveal some of the means, used by
attackers, especially the footprint of the software vector if not part or all of the code
still resident. Together with media analysis, computer forensics could yeld a detailed
timeline of activities on the compromised system, vulnerabilities exploited and also
traces of the software used which can form the base for deeper software analysis.
4.2. Network forensics
Probably the most important forensic field in a warfare context, obviously because
the vast majority of attacks use networks, whether public or private as a vector. It is
also one of the most problematic, where the deployment of preparedness procedure is
paramount. Traffic on the network to be defended should be collected on a regular
basis to be able, in the aftermath of an attack, to have data to be analysed,
considering also the trend for attacks and malware persistent in time. Obviously there
is a trade-off with storage space and costs, so continuous analysis should be
conducted. After an attack forensic analysis of network evidence can be conducted,
trying to reconstruct its means. Protocol dissector are a very useful tool in this
regard, and the analysis should be conducted at the various level of the protocol pile,
from the application layer down to the data link, considering the various
encapsulation implications.
4.3. Mobile forensics
The analysis of cellular terminals and networks is prominent and it is a subfield of
digital forensics that can transcends the purely “cyber” real to be relevant also
against “kinetic” actions, for instance when cell phones are used as IED detonators.
Mobile forensics evidence sources comprise the single phone (internal memory and
(U)SIMS), the cell towers and the network servers. Especially in the last case,
cooperation of the mobile operator is clearly needed. Proprietary operating systems
and physical interfaces, together with strong security on the SIM card can be hurdles
in the evidence acquisition of a phone, even if the diffusion of sophisticated “smart”
phones and standardized connectors are easing off this problem. Acquisition of a
phone can be basically “logical” or “physical”, where only the second yelds all the
content of memory chips: this is often difficult to do because without altering in
some way the evidence. Because often mobile phones are strictly connected to a
person, all evidence connected with that person's activities and relations are very
important, so in addition of the kinds of evidence that can be found on a computer –
which most modern phones or tablets are anyway – data on the user's connections –
address books, text traffic, emails etc – can help reconstruct his or her network of
relations (the real social network).
4.4. Embedded systems forensics
The analysis of embedded systems is another emergent subfield in digital forensics,
comprising for instance evidence acquiring from Industrial Control Systems like
PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers). This control systems are widely used in
industrial automation and, to the point, in many critical plants and infrastructures that
are at risk of a cyber attack. Limited capabilities of these devices limit some
preventive strategies like file integrity check: trusted copies of the software uploaded
should be kept off-line to be checked against the live ones in case of suspected
attacks. Like in mobile phones, physical imaging of internal memory is rarely
possible, while analysis of commonly used memory cards can be conducted as
conventional media acquisition. Analysis of the software however can only be
conducted in most cases replicating the proprietary environment in which it was
4.5. Malware analysis
The “raw material” for this analysis can be supplied by any of the above activities,
and it is usually one or more executable files or binary libraries. Reverse engineering
allows the analysts to reconstruct the behaviour and in some cases most of the source
code of the malware. Modus operandi of the weapon and sometimes small pieces of
evidence embedded in the code can be pieces of the puzzle of the attribution.
5. Conclusion
Digital forensics as a field brings a lot to the arsenal of states and organizations
engaged in cyber warfare defence. Its principles and technical procedures, while not
decisive in themselves, can help in tackling the attribution problem, one of the thorny
dilemmas in cyber warfare. From there, integration of forensics at the policy level
should be pursued and recommended.