"David The Leader
"David The Leader
"David The Leader
-Ronald L. Dart
The Greatest Leader
The Greatest
BornToWin.net (5
On Leadership Edited from an article by Ronald L. Dart
Ronald L. Dart wrote this article in 1987 in response to the spirit of the
country at that time. Interestingly enough, we found it resonated strongly with
the current zeitgeist. The society he describes in this article creates a vivid
portrayal of what we have taking place around us today—a rapacious society
that has turned its back on God and looks toward idolatry and sin. Sound
familiar? As you read through the short article, we implore you to think about
what is occurring in our country. The similarities are both astounding and
startling. The one thing Ron doesn’t provide in this piece is the remedy to what
ails us. We’re sure he felt it to be too self-evident, but nonetheless we should
be reminded (simple as it may be) to keep God at the root of our way of life, to
hold true to His biblical values and keep His appointments—whatever the cost.
We are entering one of the greatest were the people of Jerusalem and the
transition periods in the history prophet was Isaiah.
of man. There is major change “Behold,” warned Isaiah, “the Lord,
afoot, culturally, economically, the Lord of hosts, doth take away
politically, and militarily. We, the from Jerusalem and from Judah...
people, have been systematically the mighty man, and the man of
undermining those who lead us war, the judge, and the prophet, and
and our Constitution. Why have we the prudent, and the ancient, the
chosen this time, of all times, to take captain of fifty, and the honorable
aim at our form of government and man, and the counselor, and the
national leadership? cunning artificer, and the eloquent
There is a God who rules in the orator” (Isaiah 3:1–3). He goes on to
kingdom of men, and He does step state that they would be governed by
in from time to time (Daniel 4:17). children and that when they asked a
There are laws that affect human real man to govern, he would demur
behavior, and sooner or later they saying, “I have no remedy...do not
exact their toll. make me the leader of the people”
This has happened before. There (verse 7, NIV).
was another time and another place Why would God do this? What
where a people faced this same sort of conditions prevailed in that
situation. They were fast approaching society that led to this sorry state of
the most critical time in their history, affairs? Actually, they are fairly well
and they found themselves bereft defined in the prophecy. They can be
of effective leadership. They had listed as follows:
been warned. God had sent them a •It was a nation that had turned
prophet to warn them that He would its back on God (Isaiah 1:2–4) and
take away their best people just when many of the people had turned to
they needed them most. The people Eastern, occult religion (Isaiah 2:6).
6) Ronald L. Dart Ministries • October 2020
•They were experiencing unparalleled •They were a violent people (Isaiah
prosperity (Isaiah 2:7), and had come to 1:15, 21).
idolize their wealth—the works of their •What leadership there was had
own hands (Isaiah 2:8). become corrupt (Isaiah 1:23).
•They had experienced a massive Sound familiar? It should. It could
buildup in military hardware (horses easily be a description of the United
and chariots, Isaiah 2:7), but they States of America today. And it is,
were not winning wars (Isaiah 1:7). in reality, an end-time prophecy
•They had experienced a sexual (Isaiah 2:10–12).
revolution with widespread In the final analysis, the leadership
immorality and sodomy. There of a nation is a reflection of its
was an active gay community that people—“laden with iniquity, a
flaunted its homosexuality (Isaiah seed of evil doers, children that are
1:10, 21; Isaiah 3:9). Consequently, corrupters: they have forsaken the
disease and sickness became major Lord, they have provoked the Holy
problems (Isaiah 1:6). One of Israel unto anger, they are
•They were religious in a formal gone away backward” (Isaiah 1:4).
sense, but it had not changed their What do you see?
lifestyle (Isaiah 1:11–17).
.....“The Greatest Leader” continued
daughter, there was no moaning or loved him as his own soul.” Some
complaining. He and his men went people inspire great love. I think the
and slew of the Philistines 200 men, reason is because they are capable of
and brought their foreskins to the great love.
king, that he might be the king’s son- One of the great examples of this is
in-law. So the king gave him Michal, found in 2 Samuel 23:14. David was
his daughter, to wed. A leader is also in a hold, and the garrison of the
a fighter. Philistines was then in Bethlehem.
In Hebrew, David’s name means, They were camped outside. You know
“loving”. There are examples of how how it is when men sit around by a
he lived up to that name. For example, campfire talking. David longed, and
see 1 Samuel 18 about his friendship said, “Oh, I wish someone would give
with Jonathan: “Then Jonathan and me a drink of the water of the well of
David made a covenant, because he Bethlehem by the gate.” Three of his
AroundThe World
2020 YEA
In 1996, when Christian Educational Ministries took on helping to
educate and instruct the Church’s children, there wasn’t a well-thought-out
curriculum for the Church of God. So, we set out to create a program that
would introduce these children to Jesus Christ, and we called this program
the Youth Educational Adventures (YEA).
For many years, this curriculum has benefited numerous families, but
currently the YEA lessons are in need of an update. The pictures and stories
are outdated and the lessons exist in print form only. In an effort to preserve
the timeless content contained inside these lessons and offer them to people
around the world, we have begun to revamp and upload these lessons.
We would like revise YEA in two phases:
◆ Phase one: upload all lessons and handbooks to our website.
◆ Phase two: update pictures and stories in all lessons.
To upload these lessons, we must convert the lessons into a PDF file. To
date, CEM has uploaded one of the four series in the YEA program to the
website: The Life of Christ. These lessons are free to download for any age
group. The online versions of the lessons allow for the user to print out
their own free copy (in single page 8 1/2ʺ x 11ʺ or booklet 11ʺ x 17ʺ form)
of the Teacher’s Guide and the Student Book. Additionally, a resource page
accompanying each lesson would afford us the ability to link songs via
YouTube, provide print-ready patterns for lessons that have them, and even
provide an instructional video with someone leading the children through
the lesson (in the case that a teacher isn’t available).
As to the revamping of the lessons, we need to update pictures and replace
anecdotal stories that are outdated. We would like to present the content
à la other contemporary Christian organizations. It’s my opinion that this
process would be best completed through a focus group with teachers,
big guys, his mighty men, broke jeopardy of their lives.” Therefore he
through the host of the Philistines, would not drink it. David cared deeply
drew water out of the well of about his men. He felt a terrible sense
Bethlehem that was by the gate, of responsibility for them. In fact, he
and brought it to David. What kind loved them. A leader is a loving man
of men are these? The guy says, “I’d who cares deeply about the people he
like to have a drink of water from leads. And so we have a list of some
that well”, and they go and get it for of the characteristics of leadership
him! that David exhibited. You know, after
David wouldn’t drink it. He poured all, David was a man after God’s own
it out on the ground before the lord. heart, and the things we read about
He said, “Be it far from me, Oh here are also the characteristics of our
Lord, that I should do this. This is leader—Jesus Christ— and his Father.
the blood of the men that went in Think about that.
students (older), and technicians. We will create a Facebook group that will
focus only on the YEA lessons being updated and help us to collaborate
while staying organized. For this process to take place, we must first upload
all the lessons.
We should be complete with uploading all 800+ lessons by the end of the
year. Once uploaded, we will begin revamping the program and require
If you have a teaching background, are a parent or someone that has a
specific skill set that could be helpful—please reach out to us. We welcome
all who are interested. Once completed, this curriculum will be given away
for free via download on our website.
We encourage any who desire to use these lessons to please contact us for
YEA@BornToWin.net or 1-888-BIBLE-44
From Our
Allen S. Art B.
I know that Ron used
I publicly praise you,
to be a Baptist and I appreciate Father, Lord of heaven and
that he doesn’t hide that. He earth, because you have
is a smart scholarly type who carefully hidden these things
had a great speaking voice. from wise and intellectual
He helped me to understand ones and have revealed them
how important it is to read to young children. Yes, O
and study my Bible. He has Father, because this is the way
also revealed so many things you approved. Luke 10:21 and
that I didn’t understand in Matthew 11:25-28
the Bible.
Ralph K. Have something to say?
What a great speaker.
Right up there with J. Vernon Let us know and we will
and McGee Nick Vujicic! share it here!
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