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fvwm©wU-‡gwW‡Kj Admission English †jKPvikxU Prepared by:

Facebook ID Hasan Faisal Sir

Hasan Faisal
BA (Hons.), MA (Dhaka University)
Lecturer in English: UCC, S@ifur’s, ICON & BCS Confidence
Online English Teacher: www.eshosikhi.com
Contact: 01867264726


Noun names a person, thing, place or idea. A_©vr, Noun Øviv ‡Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘, ¯’vb ev aviYvi bvg
†evSvq| †hgb: Book- eB, Pen-Kjg, Rahat-ivnvZ, Time-mgq, Air- evZvm BZ¨vw`| Z‡e,
cÖwZ‡hvwMZvg~jK cixÿv¸‡jv‡Z GZ mnR cÖkœ Av‡m bv| †h ai‡Yi cÖkœ Av‡m, mn‡R ‡m¸‡jvi DËi †`qvi Rb¨
cy‡iv †jKPviwU co‡Z n‡e|

mn‡R Noun †Pbvi Dcvq

Clue: 1

ÔWho- ‡KÕ Ges Ô What-KxÕ Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j hv cvIqv hvq ZvB n‡jv Noun. g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e, Bs‡iwR‡Z Ggb
†Kvb Noun †bB hv GB `yÕwU cÖ‡kœi Dˇi cvIqv hv‡e bv| A_©vr, GB `yÕwU cÖ‡kœi Dˇi kZfvM (100%) Noun
cvIqv hv‡e| ‡hgb: I need a book. = Avgvi GKwU eB `iKvi| Kx `iKvi? ~ eB `iKvi| GB eB/book n‡jv
Noun |
I have no time. = Avgvi mgq ‡bB| (wK †bB? ~ mgq †bB|)
He is a teacher. = wZwb GKRb wkÿK| (wZwb Kx? - wkÿK|)
This is our village. = GwU Avgv‡`i MÖvg| (GwU Avgv‡`i Kx? - Mªvg|)
I have a problem. = Avgvi GKwU mgm¨v Av‡Q| (wK Av‡Q? - mgm¨v|)
The committee is taking a decision. = KwgwU GKwU wm×všÍ wb‡”Q| (‡K wm×všÍ wb‡”Q? ~ KwgwU| Kx
wb‡”Q? ~ wm×všÍ|)
Ashraful is a cricketer. = Avkivdzj GKRb wµ‡KUvi| (‡K? ~ Avkivdzj| Kx? ~ wµ‡KUvi|)

g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e GB ÔKxÕ Ges Ô†KÕ Gi Dˇi hw` †Kvb Phrase cvIqv hvq Z‡e Zv Noun Phrase Ges Gi
Dˇi hw` †Kvb Clause cvIqv hvq Z‡e Zv Noun Clause| ‡hgb:
Noun Phrase: The boy playing cricket in the field is my brother. (Who is my brother? ~
The boy playing cricket in the field)
gv‡V wµ‡KU ‡Lj‡Z _vKv †Q‡jwU Avgvi fvB| (†K Avgvi fvB? ~ gv‡V wµ‡KU ‡Lj‡Z _vKv †Q‡jwU|)

Noun Clause: What he did yesterday wasn’t expected. (What wasn’t expected? ~ What
he did yesterday)
MZKvj †m hv K‡iwQj Zv cÖZ¨vwkZ wQj bv| (Kx cÖZ¨vwkZ wQj bv? ~ MZKvj †m hv K‡iwQj)

* ÔKxÕ Ges Ô†KÕ Gi Dˇi †Kvb Pronoun-I cvIqv ‡h‡Z cv‡i †Kbbv, Noun Gi cwie‡Z© hv e‡m ZvB †Zv Pronoun! myZivs
wPšÍvi †Kvb †KviY †bB| `yÕ‡UvB cÖvq GKB wRwbm|

Clue: 2

Subject ev Object wn‡m‡e hw` †Kvb Word †K cvIqv hvq Z‡e Zv Aek¨B Noun A_ev Pronoun n‡e|
†Kbbv, Subject Ges Object n‡Z cv‡i †Kej Noun A_ev Pronoun| Ab¨†Kvb Parts of speech
Subject ev Object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i bv| hw` nqI Z‡e Zv Noun G cwiYZ n‡qB nq|

Sheikh Hasina is the prime minister.-‡kL nvwmbv cÖavbgš¿x| (Clue-2 Abyhvqx: Sheikh Hasina = subject =
Noun, Avevi Clue-1 Abyhvqx: †K cÖavbgš¿x ~ †kL nvwmbv= Noun|)
Iron is a hard metal. - ‡jvnv GKwU k³ avuZz| (Clue-2 Abyhvqx: Iron = subject = Noun, Avevi Clue-1 Abyhvqx:
Kx GKwU k³ avuZz? ~ ‡jvnv = Noun|)

Clue: 3

mvaviYZ, Prepositions wKsev Determiners Gi ci hw` GKwU Word A_©vr, Single Word _v‡K A_©vr,
single word w`‡q hw` GKwU minimum expression †kl nq, Zvn‡j Zv Noun A_ev Pronoun nq|

Determiners + GKwU Word = Noun A_ev Prepositions + GKwU Word = Noun A_ev
Pronoun Pronoun
A boy, For freedom,
an apple, from Mamun,
the pen, without colour,
some people, with money,
a little water, to Dhaka,
before morning,
Avgiv PvB‡jI wKš‘ wb‡Pi Determiners Ges Prepositions ¸‡jvi ci Noun wKsev Pronoun e¨ZxZ
Ab¨‡Kvb Words e¨envi Ki‡Z cvie bv| kZ© n‡”Q GKwU gvÎ Word e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| A_©vr, GKwU gvÎ kã
w`‡q k~Y¨¯’vb c~iY Ki‡Z n‡e| Z‡e, †Póv K‡iB †`Lv hvK:

A --- (good, bad, go, swim, tall, five, some, For ---- (go, bad, sing, swim, tall, sleep,
this…/boy, man, book, pen, girl, situation, …./Mamun, country, time, money,
country, …) health ….)
An --- From ---
The --- With ---
Some --- Without ---
Any --- To ---
Many --- Before ---
Much --- In ---

Example sentence:
He wants a book, boy, man, pen, girl, good, bad, go, swim
I am waiting for go, bad, swim, Mamun, money

Question: The case resulted in an ‘acquital’. What is ‘acquital’ here? (KU 2009 -10)
A. a verb B. a noun C. an adjective D. an adverb
[GLv‡b, Determiner an Gi ci ‘acquital’ kãwU e‡m‡Q myZivs, GwU GKwU Noun|]

Z‡e, Prepositions wKsev Determiners Gi ci hw` `yÕwU Words _v‡K Z‡e cÖ_g Word wU Adjective
Ges wØZxqwU Noun/pronoun nq| ‡hgb:

Determiners + `yÕwU Words = Adjective + Prepositions + `yÕwU Words = Adjective +

Noun/pronoun Noun/pronoun
A good boy, a green apple, the nice pen, For full freedom, from that Mamun,
some careful people, some drinking water without this colour, with some money, to
capital Dhaka

NOTE: GLv‡b, `yÕwU words ej‡Z †evSv‡bv n‡”Q, `yÕwU words wg‡j hw` GKwU minimum unit of
expression MVb Ki‡Z cv‡i A_©vr b~b¨Zg idea express Ki‡Z cv‡i|
Clue: 4

Formation of noun (Noun Gi MVb): **Suffix †`‡L Noun †K Identify Kiv hvq| ‡hgb:
Suffix Example
ade Blockade = cÖwZeÜKZv, lemonade =, parade = KzPKvIqvP, brigade = ‣mb¨`j
age Bondage = `vmZ¡, footage = wPÎ/dz‡UR, usage = e¨envi, passage = Mgb,
message = evZ©v, storage = gRy`/¸`vg, forage, marriage = weevn
al removal - AcmviY, approval - Aby‡gv`b, denial - A¯^xKvi, trial -†Póv , survival,
renewal - bevqb
algia Neuralgia, nostalgia = M„nKvZiZv/N‡ii cÖwZ Uvb
ance Assistance = mvnvh¨/mnvqZv, allowance = fvZv defiance = cÖKvk¨ Aeva¨Zv
Ancy/ency Urgency, emergency, pregnancy – Mf©ve¯’v
ant Assistant = mnKvwi, servant = PvKi, militant = mk¯¿/R½x, restaurant = †i‡¯Ívuiv
ary, ery, Dictionary = Awfavb, bravery = mvnwmKZv, dormitory, aviary, ordinary =
ory mvaviY, recovery - c~Yiæ×vi
cian Magician = Rv`yKi, optician = Pkgvwe‡µZv/Pÿz‡iv‡Mi wPwKrmK, physician =
cy Advocacy = IKvjwZ, privacy = †MvucbxqZv, democracy = MYZš¿, hesitancy,
prophecy = fwel¨ØvYx
dom Freedom = m¦vaxbZv, kingdom = ivR¨, wisdom = Ávb
ee Employee = Kg©Pvix/PvKz‡i, nominee = g‡bvbxZ e¨w³, refugee = kibv_©x,
committee = KwgwU/cwil`/mfv
ence, Difference = cv_©K¨/Zdvr, conference = m‡¤§jb, urgency = RiæiZ, patience
ency – ‣ah©¨
er, or carpenter = QzZvi, teacher = wkÿK, doctor = Wv³vi, engineer – cÖ‡K․kjx,
barber = bvwcZ, creator = m„wóKZ©v, cheater, mother = gv, father = evev,
brother = fvB, minister = gš¿x, sister = †evb, banker = e¨vsKvi, broker =
`vjvj, lawyer, barrister, consumer = ‡fv³v
esis, osis Genesis = m„wó/Rb¥ , hypnosis = m‡¤§vnb, neurosis = DØvqy/evwZK, osmosis =
AwfmªveY/AvZ¥xKiY, thesis = cÖeÜ/wbeÜ
ess Happiness - myL, business – e¨¯ÍZv/ e¨emv, Poetess = gwnjv Kwe, goddess = †`ex
et, ette Midget = evgb/Lye ‡QvU, octet, baronet, diet = Lvevi,
hood Neighborhood = Avk-cv‡ki GjvKv, motherhood = gvZ…Z¦¡, manhood = cyiælZ¦,
fatherhood = wcZ…Z¡, brotherhood = åvZ…Z¦
ice Justice = b¨vqwePvi/wePvicwZ, malice = we‡Øl, practice = PP©v/Abykxjb, averice =
abwjáv/‡jvf, advice –Ec‡`k, mice
ion, sion, Prediction - fwel¨ØvYx, infection = msµgY, aversion = weivM, tension = D‡ËRbv
ism Alcoholism = g`¨vkw³, feminism = bvixev` (bvix AwaKv‡ii mg_©b), heroism –
exiZ¡, communism = KwgDwb÷ev`, nationalism = RvZxqZvev`, socialism =
mgvRev`, fascism = d¨vwmev`
ist Passimist – ‣bivk¨ev`x, pianist = wcqv‡bvev`K, elitist, dramatist = bvU¨Kvi,
scientist = weÁvbx, columnist = Kjvg †jLK, communist = KwgDwb÷ev`x BZ¨vw`|
ity, ty Captivity = e›`xZ¡/e›`x`kv, clarity = ¯^”QZv/wbg©jZv, morality = ‣bwZKZv,
nationality = RvZxqZv, beauty = ‡mŠ›`h©¨ BZ¨vw`|
ment Contentment = Z…wcÍ, amendment = ms‡kvab, agreement = Pzw³,
commitment = cÖwZkÖæwZ
logy Biology = Rxewe`¨v, eulogy = cÖksmv, theology, sociology = mgvRweÁvb,
zoology, geology
ny Testimony = ¯^vÿ, ceremony = Abyôvb, harmony = HK¨
phy Biography = Rxebx, photography = Av‡jvKwPÎwe`¨v, philosophy = `k©b
tude Gratitude = K…ZÁZv, attitude = g‡bvfve
ture nurture - cwiPh©v, fracture - fv½b, future - fwel¨r, nature - cÖK…wZ, ¯^fve, •ewkó¨,
culture - ms¯‥…wZ, departure - cÖ¯’vb,

Question-1: The noun of ‘predict’ is ………….. . (DU B Unit 2013 -14)

A. predictable B. predicting C. prediction D. predicted
Question-2: Find the correct part of speech ‘advice’: (RU 2009-10)
A. verb P. pronoun C. adverb D. noun
Question-3: The word ‘beauty’ is ……………… . (JnU B Unit 2013 -14)
A. a noun B. a verb C. an adverb D. an adjective
Question-4: Noun of the word ‘remove’ is: (CU 2009-10)
A. removing B. remove C. removal D. removement
Question-5: The noun of ‘depart’ is: (RU 2013-14)
A. department B. departure C. departed D. departing
Question-6: Noun of the word ‘remove’ is: (CU 2009-10)
A. removing B. remove C. removal D. removement

Clue: 5

The ………… of * …………… = Noun, (mvaviYZ Determiner Ges Preposition Gi gvSLv‡b GKwU
Word _vK‡j Zv Noun nq|)
Do you know the name of Hazi Mohammad Mohsin? Avcwb wK nvRx gyn¤§` gynmxb Gi bvg Rv‡bb?
The colour of her eyes is blue. Zvi †PvL¸‡jvi is bxj|
Some delegates from Dhaka will visit our company today. - XvKv †_‡K wKQz cÖwZwbwa AvR
Avgv‡`i †Kv¤úvwb cwi`k©b Ki‡e|
NOTE: The + Verb + ing + of _vK‡j Zv‡K Verbal Noun e‡j| †hgb:
The killing of citizens will never be permitted.

The warning of the authority falls on deaf ears. Here warning does the function of ----
39th BCS
a) adverb b) adjective c) verb d) noun
[GLv‡b The warning of nIqv‡Z warning kãwU GKw&U noun|]

Clue: 6
Verb + ing = Gerund, Noun wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| †hgb:
Swimming is a good exercise. (Clue- 1 Abyhvqx: wK GKwU fvj e¨qvg? ~ muvZvi|, Clue-2 Abyhvqx: ev‡K¨i
Subject Noun nq| GLv‡b Swimming ev‡K¨i Subject, Clue- 6 Abyhvqx: Verb + ing Noun wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i|)

Z‡e Verb + ing n‡jB †h Noun n‡e Zv wKš‘ bq| GwU Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Ges Noun G‡`i
†h‡KvbwU wn‡m‡e&B KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i| ‡hgb:
The boy swimming in the river is my brother. (Adjective) b`x‡Z muvZviiZ †Q‡jwU Avgvi fvB|
He is swimming. (Verb) †m muvZvi KvU‡Q|
He came here swimming. (Adverb) ‡m muvZvi KvU‡Z KvU‡Z GLv‡b Avmj| (Kxfv‡e Avmj? - muvZvi
KvU‡Z KvU‡Z)
Swimming is a good exercise. (Noun) muvZvi GKwU fvj e¨qvg|
(GLv‡b, Clue-1 Abyhvqx: wK GKwU fvj e¨qvg? ~ muvZvi| Ges Clue-2 Abyhvqx: ev‡K¨i Subject nj Swimming|)

‘Swimming is a good exercise’. Here swimming is a/an ----Islamic Uni. B, set B 2019-20, 7
College 19-20
a) Verb b) Noun c) Gerund d) Adverb

Clue: 7

To + Verb = Infinitive mg~n Noun wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| †hgb:

To swim is a good exercise. - muvZvi GKwU fvj e¨qvg| (Clue-1 Abyhvqx: wK GKwU fvj e¨qvg? ~ muvZvi|, Clue-
2 Abyhvqx: ev‡K¨i Subject Noun nq| GLv‡b ev‡K¨i Subject nj To swim|)
Clue: 8

Infinitive, Gerund Ges Participle G‡`i ci hw` 1wU Word _v‡K Z‡e Zv Noun/Pronoun n‡Z
 I want to eat rice. (Avwg fvZ †L‡Z PvB|)
GLv‡b, to eat nj Infinitive Ges Gi ci rice e‡m‡Q hv GKwU Noun|

 Taking exercise is necessary. (e¨vqvg KivUv `iKvi|)

GLv‡b, Taking nj Gerund Ges Gi ci exercise e‡m‡Q hv GKwU Noun|

 I saw a running car. (Avwg GKwU PjšÍ Mvwo †`Ljvg|)

GLv‡b, running nj Present participle Ges Gi ci car e‡m‡Q hv GKwU Noun|

He is an invited guest. (wZwb GKRb Avgwš¿Z AwZw_|)

GLv‡b, invited nj Past participle Ges Gi ci guest e‡m‡Q hv GKwU Noun|

Having eaten rice, I’ll go there. (fvZ †L‡q Avwg †mLv‡b hve|)
GLv‡b, having eaten nj Perfect participle Ges Gi ci rice e‡m‡Q hv GKwU Noun|

Kinds of Noun

wb‡¤œ Noun Gi cÖKv‡f` Av‡jvPbv Kiv nj| Z‡e, g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e GKB Noun wewfbœ cÖKv‡ii mv‡_ wgj‡Z
cv‡i| †hgb: `A pen’ ÒGKwU KjgÓ GwU GKB mv‡_ Common Noun, Concrete Noun, Countable
Noun Ges Singular Noun.

Common Noun

GwU Øviv Awbw`©ófv‡e mvaviY †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘, ¯’vb ev aviYv ‡K †evSvq| †hgb: Teacher, pen, village,
problem A_©vr, wkÿK, Kjg, MÖvg, mgm¨v| GLv‡b †Kvb wkÿK, ‡Kvb Kjg, †Kvb MÖvg ev †Kvb mgm¨v Zv
D‡jøL Kiv nqwb A_©vr, wbw`©ó K‡i wKQz ejv nqwb| G¸‡jvB n‡jv Common noun.

• Common noun ¸‡jvi Av‡M mvaiYZ memgqB †Kvb Determiner e¨eüZ nq wKsev G¸‡jv Plural wn‡m‡e
_v‡K| A_©vr, Singular Ges Determiner wenxb G‡`i‡K mvaviYZ †`Lv hvq bv| †hgb:
I saw boy there/I saw a boy there/I saw some boys there.
I write letter to my father/ to my father/I write letters to my father.

GRb¨ †Lqvj Ki‡j †`L‡Z cvB Avgiv hLb ÔAvwg Mvb MvB/Avwg wPwV wjwLÕ Gai‡Yi ev‡K¨i Bs‡iwR Ki‡Z PvB
ZLb ej‡Z nq: ÔI sing a song/I write a letter.’| A_P, evsjv `yÕwU ev‡K¨i †KvbwU‡ZB wKš‘ ÒGKwU'Ó K_vwU

• Adjective Gi Av‡M The e¨envi Ki‡j mvaviYZ Common noun (Plural) wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| A_©vr,
The + Adjective = Common noun| †hgb:
The rich are not happy.

Z‡e, Accused, Deceased etc. Gi c~‡e© The e¨envi Ki‡j G¸‡jv Common noun (singular) wn‡m‡e
KvR K‡i|

Question: What kind of noun is ‘girl’? (10 th BCS)

a) proper b) common c) collective d) material

Proper noun

Proper noun Øviv mywbw`©ó †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘, ¯’vb ev aviYv ‡K †evSvq| G¸‡jv me©`v Capital letter w`‡q ïiæ
Ki‡Z nq| †hgb: ivnvZ, evB‡ej, XvKv BZ¨vw`| Rahat, Bible, Dhaka etc.

• mvaviYZ Proper noun ‡K Plural Kiv hvq bv Ges G¸‡jvi Av‡M †Kvb Articles e‡m bv| †hgb:
A Rahat
The Dhaka

• Z‡e Puv`, m~h©, b`x, cvnvo, ce©Z, ag©MÖš’mg~n, msev`cÎ, mvMi, gvnvmvMi, EcmvMi, eo RvnvR BZ¨vw`i Av‡M
Definite Article wn‡m‡e The e‡m| †hgb:

The Quran, the Bay of Bengal etc.

Concrete Noun

c Bw›`ª‡qi gva¨‡g aiv/‡Qvuqv hvq, ¯úk© Kiv hvq, ‡`Lv hvq A_©vr, ev¯Íe/kvixwiK Aw¯ÍZ¡ Av‡Q Ggb Noun -B
n‡jv Concrete noun | †hgb: Book, Pen, water, soil, student, boy, car, computer, bed,
building, field, ball etc.

Question - 1: Mutton is a/an ------------- 38th BCS

a) Common noun b) Abstract noun c) Material noun d) Proper noun

Abstract Noun

aiv/‡Qvuqv ev ¯úk© Kiv hvq bv A_©vr, ev¯Íe/kvixwiK Aw¯ÍZ¡ †bB Ggb Noun -B n‡jv Abstract noun | GwU
Concrete noun Gi wecixZ| †hgb:

Hospitality = AvwZ‡_qZv Time = mgq Religion = ag© Crime = Aciva

Conduct = AvPiY Problem = mgm¨v Happiness = myL Security = wbivcË¡v
Information = Z_¨ Knowledge = Ávb Dream = m¦cœ Shame = j¾v
Trouble = mgm¨v Age = eqm Hope = Avkv Tension = D‡ËRbv
Softness = †KvgjZv Love = fv‡jvevmv Result = dj BZ¨vw`|
Chaos = wek„•Ljv Honour = m¤§vb Death = g„Z¨y Peace = kvwbÍ
Speed = MwZ Safety = wbivcË¡v Taste = m¦v` Warmth = DòZv
Liberty = mv¦axbZv Courage = mvnm Culture = ms¯‥…wZ Leisure = Aemi
Democracy = MYZš¿ Progress = DbœwZ Virtue = cyY¨ Work = KvR
Education = wkÿv Shopping = †KbvKvUv Piety = KiæYv Anger = †µva/ivM/‡ÿvf
Friendship = eÜzZ¡

Question - 1: Which of the following is NOT an abstract noun? (DU B Unit 2017-18)
a) Goodness b) Family c) Bravery d) Childhood

Question -2: Wisdom is better than strength. GLv‡b Strength †Kvb noun? (10th BCS)
a) proper b) common c) abstract d) material
Countable/Count noun

†h Noun ¸‡jv MYbv Kiv hvq †m¸‡jv n‡jv Countable noun ev Count noun | G¸‡jv Singular or
plural number (GKePb wKsev eûePb) n‡Z cv‡i| Gi ciI nqZ Avgv‡`i A‡b‡KiB mgm¨ †_‡K hvq
Countable Ges Uncountable Noun ¸‡jv Identify Kivq|

 Av‡iKwU mnR c×wZ AvbymiY Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i- †h Noun ¸wj‡K One, two, three BZ¨vw` w`‡q ejv
hv‡e †m¸‡jvB nj Countable Noun| Pjyb Z‡e Gevi wKQz Examples †`‡L wbB:

Book: One book – two books (countable)

GKwU eB - `yÕwU eB
Horse: One horse – five horses (countable)
GKwU †Nvov - cuvPwU †Nvov

Uncountable/Non-ount noun

†h Noun ¸‡jv MYbv Kiv hvq bv †m¸‡jv n‡jv Uncountable noun ev Non-count noun | G¸‡jv me©`v
Singular/ GKePb nq| KL‡bvB Plural /eûePb nq bv| mnR K_vq †h¸‡jv One, two, three BZ¨vw` w`‡q
ejv hv‡e bv †m¸‡jvB nj Uncountable Noun| †hgb: Rice, water, milk

Water: One water – two waers (uncountable/non-count)

GKwU cvwb - `yÕwU cvwb
Oil: One oil – two oils (uncountable/non-count)
GKwU †Zj - `yÕwU †Zj

NOTE: mvaviYZ GZ mnR welq cixÿvq Av‡m bv| cixÿvq Av‡m mvaviYZ wb‡Pi ZvwjKvq †gvUv K‡i
†jLv k㸇jv †_‡K|

cÖwZwU †jmb AZ¨šÍ mnR K‡i eywS‡q eywS‡q covb RqKwj CLIFFS TOEFL
Gi Abyev`K Ges UCC, S@ifur’s BCS Confidence Gi wmwbqi
†jKPvivi nvmvb dqmvj m¨vi!
A chart of Uncountable/Non-count nouns

G‡ÿ‡Î g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e Pv‡U© †`qv me¸‡jv Uncountable noun †kLvi wKsev g‡b ivLvi †Kvb `iKvi †bB|
‡Kbbv Avgiv Ggwb‡ZI G¸‡jv‡Z fzj Kivi †Zgb †Kvb m¤¢vebv †bB| †hgb: Avgiv KL‡bvB GgbUv ewj bv †h
GKwU mvnm, `yBwU mZZv, 20 wU Miæi †MvkZ, 10 wU Aw·‡Rb BZ¨vw`| ‡Kej †h¸‡jv evsjvq Avgiv MYbv K‡i
_vwK wKš‘ Bs‡iwR‡Z MYbv Kiv hvq bv †m¸‡jvB gyL¯Í K‡i g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e| ‡hgb: Avgiv evsjvq e‡j _vwK: GKwU
Dc‡`k, GKwU Z_¨, A‡bK¸‡jv KvR, GKwU ZvRv Lei BZ¨vw`| wKš‘ Bs‡iwR‡Z G¸‡jv ej‡j fzj n‡e Ges
cixÿvq bv¤^vi KvUv hv‡e Ges cixÿvq mvaviYZ GB e¨wZµgx welq¸‡jv wb‡qB †ewk cÖkœ _v‡K! GRb¨ Gai‡Yi
¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ges cixÿvq Avmvi gZ Uncountable noun ¸‡jv Bs‡iwR †gvUv Aÿ‡i †jLv n‡q‡Q wkÿv_©x‡`i
myweavi Rb¨|

Types Examples
1. Abstract advice, courage, enjoyment, fun, help, news, honesty,
information, intelligence, knowledge, patience, permission,
luck, anger, ignorance etc.
2. Activities chess, homework, housework, music, reading, singing,
sleeping, soccer, tennis, work, etc.
3. Food Cake, Ice-cream, beef, bread, butter, fish, macaroni, meat,
popcorn, pork, poultry, toast, etc.
4. Gases air, exhaust, helium, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, pollution,
smog, smoke, steam, etc.
5. Groups of Similar baggage, clothing, furniture, hardware, luggage, equipment,
Items mail, money, soap, software, vocabulary, etc.
6. Liquids blood, coffee, gasoline, milk, oil, soup, syrup, tea, water,
wine, etc.
7. Natural Events electricity, gravity, heat, humidity, moonlight, rain, snow,
sunshine, thunder, weather, etc.
8. Materials aluminum, chalk, cloth, concrete, cotton, glue, wood, wool,
9. Particles or Grains corn, dirt, dust, flour, hair, pepper, rice, salt, sugar, wheat,
10. Diseases Mumps, small pox, measles

• Money GKwU Bs‡iwR kã hvi evsjv n‡e A_©, weË BZ¨vw`| GwU uncountable:
One money – two moneys - GKwU A_© - `yÕwU A_© (uncountable/non-count)
Some money/a lot of money (wKQz cwigvY A_©/wecyj cwigvY A_©)
• Aciw`‡K UvKv Gi Bs‡iwR Taka| GwU countable Z‡e, Gi mv‡_ s †hvM nq bv| ‡hgb: One taka, two
takas/two taka, ten thousand taka/ten thousand taka BZ¨vw`|

• Dollar, Rupee, Pound BZ¨vw`I countable Ges G¸‡jvi mv‡_ s †hvM nq| †hgb:
10 Dollars, 20 Rupees, 50 Pounds BZ¨vw`|
(I have a ten-dollar note. GB ai‡Yi ev‡K¨ †Kb ten-dollars n‡e bv Zv †evSvi Rb¨ GB eB‡qi
Hyphenated Adjectives Gi lesson wU †`‡L wbb|)

Question: Choose the correct sentence. DU C Unit 2011-12

A. We have many works to do in summer.
B. We have much works to do in the summer.
C. We have a lot of work to do in summer.
D. We have a lot of works to do in summer.
E. We have a lot of works to do in the summer.
[Type 2 Abyhvqx work GKwU Uncountable noun, myZivs work Gi mv‡_ s hy³ n‡e bv| †Kej Option C e¨ZxZ mKj
Option G works Av‡Q| myZivs mwVK DËi C|]

Z‡e, G¸‡jv‡K wb‡¤œv³ Dcv‡q MYbv Kiv hvq|

Non-count Count
Furniture A piece/two pieces of furniture
Advice A piece/two pieces of advice
Homework homework assignments
Bread A loaf/ two loaves of bread, slices of bread
Smoke A puff/ six puffs of smoke, plumes of smoke
Oil Litre/two litres of oil.
Software A software application/two software applications
Wine A bottle/two bottles of wine, glasses of wine
Water A glass/three glasses of water
Snow snow storms, snowflakes
Cloth bolts of cloth, yards of cloth
Dirt piles of dirt, truckloads of dirt
Wind A gust of/two gusts of wind
Thunder A clap of/two claps of thunder
Lightning A bolt of/two bolts of lightning
Corn An ear of/two ears of corn
Toast A piece of/two pieces of toast
Music A piece of/two pieces of music
News A piece of/two pieces of news
Mail A piece of/two pieces of mail
Luggage A piece of/two pieces of luggage
Jewelry A piece of/two pieces of Jewelry
Information A piece of/two pieces of information
Soap A piece/two pieces of bar

NOTE: ¸iæZ¡c~Y© GKwU welq Lqvj Kwi- Òtwo pieces of furnitureÓ GLv‡b Countable noun piece †K
pieces Kiv n‡q‡Q wKš‘ Uncountable noun furniture †K furnitures Kiv nqwb eis furniture -B

• Meaning GKB iKg n‡jI wb‡Pi Noun ¸‡jvi GKwU Countable Ges GKwU Uncountable|

Countable Uncountable
Man/men Mankind
Climate/climates Weather
Laugh/laughs Laughter
Traffic jam/traffic jams Traffic
Job/jobs Work
Chair/chairs, table/tables Furniture
Sunbeam/sunbeams Sunlight/sunshine
Snow flake/snowflakes Snow
Dollar/dollars, Rupee/rupees Money
Machine/machines Machinery
Software application/software Software
KG/litre Weight
Mile/miles, kilometer/kilometer Distance
Hour/hours, minute/minutes Time
Person/persons People
Human being/human beings Humanity
Advertisement/advertisements Advertising
Cloth/cloths Clothing
Journey/journeys Travelling
NOTE: wKQz Words Av‡Q †h¸‡jvi mv‡_ -s ev -es †hvM Ki‡j wfbœ iK‡gi A_© n‡q hvq| †hgb: Work =
KvR, Works = mvwnZ¨ ev wkíKg©, Water = cvwb/Rj, Waters = Rjvkq, Hundred = kZ, Hundreds
= kZkZ, Thousand = nvRvi, Thousands = nvRvi-nvRvi, Good = fvj, Goods = gvjvgvj/cY¨,
Time = mgq, Times = ¸Y/evi (Four times ten is forty. - Pvi¸Y `‡k Pwjøk nq), Wood = KvV, Woods
= †QvU AvKv‡ii eb, Damage = ÿwZ, Damages = ÿwZc~iY, Colour = is, Colours = cZvKv|

I don’t like Nazrul’ s works (poems, songs etc). bRiæ‡ji KvR¸‡jv (KweZv, Mvb BZ¨vw`) Avwg cQ›`
Kwi bv|
We will guard our own waters. (rivers, canals etc.) Avgiv Avgv‡`i wb‡R‡`i Rjvkq¸‡jv cvnviv
Hundreds of people saw the incident. (several hundread) kZkZ †jvK NUbvwU †`‡LwQj|
Thousands of supporters will vote for me. (several thousand) nvRvi nvRvi mg_©K Avgvi c‡ÿ
†fvU w`‡e|
You can buy any kind of goods from us. Avcwb †h‡Kvb ai‡Yi gvjvgvj Avgv‡`i KvQ †_‡K wKb‡Z

Compound noun

Compound noun ¸‡jv gyjZ `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK †QvU kã wg‡j ‣Zwi nq| †hgb:

Photograph = d‡UvMÖvd/Qwe Bed sheet = weQvbvi Pen drive = †cb Night club = bvBU
Sun-in-law = (‡g‡qi) RvgvB Pv`i WªvBf K¬ve/‰bk K¬ve
Toothbrush = Uz_eªvk Eyeglasses = ‡iv`Pkgv Schoolboy = ¯‹zj Night dress = bvBU †Wªm
Mobile phone = gy‡Vv‡dvb Sunlight = m~h©v‡jvK QvÎ Tube light = wUDe jvBU
Motorbike = †gvUi

UCC, S@ifur’s, ICON Ges BCS Confidence Gi wmwbqi †jKPvivi I RqKwj CLIFFS TOEFL Gi Abyev`K
nvmvb dqmvj m¨v‡ii
fvwm©wU/‡gwW‡Kj Admission ENGLISH ONLINE †Kvm©!
Bs‡iwR KwVb bv jvMvi M¨vivw›U Bbkv Avjøvn&|
†Kvm© wd: 7000/- 5000/- (`wi`ª wkÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ †Kvm© wdÕ‡Z Qv‡oi e¨e¯’v Av‡Q|)

English Club: 01867264726
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Collective Noun

G¸‡jv Singular noun Z‡e, G¸‡jv GK`j ev GK ¸”Q -‡K GKmv‡_ †evSvq|

Bunch = ¸”Q Class = †kÖYx/`j Infantry = c`vwZK Band = `j

Audience = Swarm = ‰mb¨`j/‡mbvevwnbx Village =
`k©K/‡kÖvZvgÛjx SvuK/cvj Family = cwievi MÖvg/MÖvgevmx
Flock = `j Army = Pack = cvj (KzKz‡ii) Group =
Public = RbZv †mbvevwnbx Shoal = gv‡Qi SvuK `j/†Mvôx
Crowd = RbZv Gang = `j Fleet = iYZixi eni/‡bŠeni School = SvuK
Committee = Navy = †bŠevwnbx Team = `j
KwgwU/mwgwZ Jury =

Question -1:
The police dispersed the crowd. Here the word ‘crowd’ is a – (JnU E unit 2017-18)
a) proper noun b) common noun c) collective noun d) abstract noun

Z‡e, Subject hLb wfbœgZ †cvlY K‡i ZLb G¸‡jv Plural noun wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i|
Question -1:
The jury were divided in their opinion. GLv‡b Jury †Kvb noun? (DU D Unit 2000-01)
a) proper b) common c) collective d) material

• wKQz Common Noun wg‡jB •Zwi nq Collective Noun| †hgb:

Common Noun Collective Noun Common Noun + Collective Noun

Girl Gaggle A gaggle of girls
Fish School A school of fish
Book Library A library of books
Folk Bird A folk of birds
Lion Pride A pride of lions
Star Galaxy A galaxy of stars
Key Bunch A bunch of keys
Player Team A team of players
Cattle Heard A heard of cattle
Soldier Troop/army A troop/army/regiment of soldiers
Question -1:
Which of the following is a collective noun? Asst. Primary School teacher 2019
a) Library b) Month c) Boy d) Books

Possessive Noun

G¸‡jv Øviv `Lj/gvwjKvbv BZ¨vw` †evSvq| Z‡e g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e G¸‡jv Noun Ges Adjective Dfq iæ‡cB
KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i| h_v:
Mamun’s car. = gvgyb Gi Mvwo| (Adjective)
Rahat’s pen. = ivnvZ Gi Kjg| (Adjective)

Noun wn‡m‡eI G¸‡jv e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: My car is blue but Mamun’s is black.-Avvgi MvwowU bxj Z‡e
gvgy‡bi MvwowU Kv‡jv|

Singular Noun Gi mv‡_ ’s (Apostrophe + s) †hvM K‡i Avgiv Possessive MVb Kwi| †hgb:
Where is Tanvir’s brother? = Zvbfx‡ii fvB †Kv_vq?
Did you see Jannat’s diary? = Zzwg wK Rvbœv‡Zi Wv‡qwi †`‡LQ?
Ayesha’s hair is black. = Av‡qkvÕi Pzj Kv‡jv|

 When the possessor is an inanimate object (rather than a living thing), the
apostrophe is not used and the word order is changed.
the middle of the street (not the street’s middle)
the front of the house (not the house’s front)
 An apostrophe is not used to form the plurals of words such
as potatoes or tomatoes.
 Z‡e, -s w`‡q †kl nIqv bvg Ges Singular words Gi mv‡_ -’s (Apostrophe s) †hvM K‡i Avgiv
Possessive noun MVb Kwi| †hgb:
James’s band party = ‡Rgm Gi e¨vÛ `j|
Boss’s chair = em Gi †Pqvi|
Nafis’s book = bvwdm Gi eB|
Bilkis’s shirt = wejwKm Gi Rvgv|
Thomas's book = _gvm Gi eB
James's shop = †Rgm& Gi †`vKvb
Smiths's house = w¯§_& Gi Ni
James’s car
the octopus’s food
 -s w`‡q †kl nIqv Plural noun Gi mv‡_ (’ ) Only apostrophe †hvM K‡i Avgiv Possessive noun
MVb Kwi| †hgb:
Girls’ college = †g‡q‡`i K‡jR
Boys’ hostel = †Q‡j‡`i †nv‡÷j
Players’ right = †L‡jvqvo‡`i AwaKvi
Lawyers’ café = AvBbRxex‡`i K¨v‡d
Ministers’ comment = gš¿x‡`i gšÍe¨
Students’ union = Qv·`i BDwbqb
Parents’ order = wcZv-gvZvi Av‡`k
Ladies’ club = bvix‡`i K¬ve

 Z‡e, ‡k‡l -s Qvov Ab¨vb¨ Plural noun Gi mv‡_ ’s (Apostrophe s) †hvM K‡i Avgiv Possessive
noun MVb Kwi| †hgb:
Men’s club = cyiæl‡`i K¬ve
Women’s shoe = bvix‡`i RyZv
Children’s clothes = wkï‡`i Kvco-‡Pvco

Noun Gi KvR/e¨envi

Noun ¸‡jv Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| †hgb:
Rahat is reading a book. = ivnvZ GKwU eB co‡Q|
Bangladesh is a small country. = evsjv‡`k GKwU †QvU †`k|
Kobita is my sister. = KweZv Avgvi †evb|
The sky is blue. = AvKvk bxj |

Direct objects
Noun direct object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| †hgb:
He teaches English. = wZwb Bs‡iwR covb|
I like flowers. = Avwg dzj cQ›` Kwi|
My father will buy a car. = Avgvi evev GKwU Mvwo wKb‡eb|
Indirect objects Indirect object wn‡m‡e Noun e¨eüZ nq|

†hgb: Mr. Rana teaches the class English.

Objects of prepositions Prepositional phrase -G

Preposition Gi c‡i e‡m Preposition Gi Object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|
†hgb: Shohel bought a book from (Pre.) the market.

Predicate nouns Linking verbs Gi c‡i e‡m subject ‡K rename K‡i| †hgb: Lali is a

Object complements Object complement wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|

†hgb:The class named the dog Michael.

Appositives Appositive wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|

†hgb: His brother Khaled sings a song.

Previous Years’ Questions

1. What is the noun form of the word ‘Pronounce’? (DU A Unit 2017-18)
A. Pronunciation B. Pronounciation C. Pronountiation D. Pronounciasion
2. The verb form of the noun “Origin” is _____. (DU B Unit 2017-18)
A. Original B. Originated C. Origination D. Originate
3. What is the noun form of the word ‘defer’? (DU A Unit 2016-17)
A. Deference B. deferment C. difference D. deferrant
4. Which of the following is a form of ‘die’? (DU B Unit 2015 -16)
A. dryad B. dye C. dying D. dieing
5. “Well” is usually an adverb and so describes ……………….. , but when it refers to health
it can be an adjective and describes ………………….. . (DU D Unit 2014 -15)
A. Adjective, Verb B. Noun, Pronoun C. Adjective, Noun D. Verb, Noun
6. What is the noun form of the word ‘defer’? C Unit 2013-14)
A. Defference B. deferment C. deferation D. deformation E. deferming
7. The word ‘gravity’ is: (DU C Unit 2011 -12)
A. a noun B. an adverb C. an adjective D. a verb
8. The noun of ‘predict’ is ………….. . (DU B Unit 2013 -14)
A. predictable B. predicting C. prediction D. predicted
9. The word ‘survival’ is a noun. What is its verb form? (DU B Unit 2002 -03)
A. survey B. service C. survive D. swerve
10. Verb of the word ‘justification’ is: (DU B Unit 2004 -05)
A. justice B. justify C. justifiable D. justifiably
11. The word ‘reproduction’ is: (D Unit, DU 2003-04)
A. an adjective B. a verb C. an adverb D. a noun
12. The word ‘beauty’ is ……………… . (JnU B Unit 2013 -14)
A. a noun B. a verb C. an adverb D. an adjective
13. The noun of ‘depart’ is: (RU 2013-14)
A. department B. departure C. departed D. departing
14. What is the noun form of ‘brief’? (BU C Unit 2013-14)
A. breft B. brevity C. briefth D. briefy
15. Noun of the word ‘remove’ is: (CU 2009-10)
A. removing B. remove C. removal D. removement
16. The case resulted in an ‘acquital’. What is ‘acquital’ here? (KU 2009 -10)
A. a verb B. a noun C. an adjective D. an adverb
17. Find the correct part of speech ‘advice’: (RU 2009-10)
A. verb P. pronoun C. adverb D. noun
18. ………. of the history of words is called etymology. (RU B Unit 2017-18)
a) The study b) Study c) Studying d) To study
Answer Keys: 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.D
18. A

Previous Years’ Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT an abstract noun? (DU B Unit 2017-18)

a) Goodness b) Family c) Bravery d) Childhood
2. The police dispersed the crowd. Here the word ‘crowd’ is a – (JnU E unit 2017-18)
a) proper noun b) common noun c) collective noun d) abstract noun
3. What kind of noun is the word ‘kindness? (RU E Unit 2017-18)
a) proper b) abstract c) common d) material
4. What kind of noun is ‘girl’? (10th BCS)
a) proper b) common c) collective d) material
5. What kind of noun is ‘Cattle’? (10th BCS)
a) proper b) common c) collective d) material
6. The jury were divided in their opinion. GLv‡b Jury †Kvb noun? (DU D Unit 2000-01)
a) proper b) common c) collective d) material
7. Wisdom is better than strength. GLv‡b Strength †Kvb noun? (10th BCS)
a) proper b) common c) abstract d) material
8) The warning of the authority falls on deaf ears. Here warning does the function of -----
----- 39th BCS
a) adverb b) adjective c) verb d) noun
9. Mutton is a/an ------------- 38 BCS
a) Common noun b) Abstract noun c) Material noun d) Proper noun
10. I am in the process of collecting material for my story. The underlined word is a/an --
----- 35th BCS
a) Verb b) Adjective c) Adverb d) Noun
11. He has done no wrong. The underlined word is a/an -----Primary School teacher 2019
a) pronoun b) adverb c) adjective d) noun
12. ‘Forgiveness is a great virtue’. Which class of noun ‘forgiveness’ belongs to? (Khulna
Univ. set A 2019-20)
a) Collective b) Common c) Material d) Abstract
13. ‘Swimming is a good exercise’. Here swimming is a/an --------- Islamic Uni. B, set B
2019-20, 7 College 19-20
a) Verb b) Noun c) Gerund d) Adverb
14. Which of the following is a collective noun? Asst. Primary School teacher 2019
a) Library b) Month c) Boy d) Books
15. What kind of noun is knowledge? Islamic University 2018-19, G Unit
a) Proper b) Material c) Abstract d) Common

Answer Keys: 1.b, 2.c, 3.b, 4.b, 5.c, 6.c, 7.c, 8. d, 9. c, 10. d, 11. d, 12. d, 13. C, 14. a , 15. c

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