海外家用梯调试说明书5873374345690523426 PDF
海外家用梯调试说明书5873374345690523426 PDF
海外家用梯调试说明书5873374345690523426 PDF
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Adjusting Manual(CON4342D)
Debugging Instructions
Date: 2015.3.30
Changing record
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
3. Use ERO or TCI to run the elevator and check 1LV and 2LV in door area. make a forced slowdown of hoist
way signals including 1LS and 2LS: Check DZ light of mainboard or test voltage of input port by multimeter.
4. Follow the simple debugging step of hoist way self-learning on the control cubicle. Or complete the following
5. Verify RUN ENABLE parameter of M-3-3-1-9 in ALMCB driver is 0, and RUN SOURCE SVT of M3-3-5 is
6. Put ERO and TCI to the normal position, and use the server to operate the driving part of M-3-3-4 to start the
hoist way self-learning.
7. Elevator runs at a low speed to the bottom leveling position, and run up at self-learning speed for hoist way
self-learning, after reaching the top leveling floor, self learning is completed.
8. After self learning is completed, change the RUN ENABLE parameter to 1. The information of hoist way
location is stored in the M-3-1-4 menu, please check whether it is correct.
Counterbalancing coefficient check
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
Put the balancing load (45% of the rated load) into the car, monitor Output current in M3-1-1, record
the value of elevator on the intermediate floor in the process of ascending and descending, and the
recorded current value ascending and descending should be equal (less than 1A in difference), or
increase and reduce counterweight filler on the elevator counterweight frame, increase the
counterweight if ascending current is big, otherwise, reduce the counterweight.
Or manually operate the jigger, see if it’s balance by the left and right strength of force.
Before the adjustment, empty capsules need to keep at least half an hour. Requires constant adjustment
process, cannot interrupt.
A) contour diagram:
Figure 1
1. The position reference indicator light (1) : 17 mm when < = clearance, the lights (should be adjusted upward);
2. The reference position indicator (2) : when 0 < < = clearance = 14 mm, the lights (should be adjusted
3. The working indicator light (3) : normal work when the lights; Since learning, used to indicate correct and study
B) installation schematic diagram:
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Mobile car bottom
Test gap
Sensing point
bottom beam
Fixed bracket
Fixed bracket
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
Rated the elevator was 1.0 m/s elevator, input instruction floor should be less than or equal to (N - 1).N to the top
Rated the elevator elevator for 1.5 ~ 1.75 m/s, input instruction floor should be less than or equal to (N - 2).N to
the top floor.
Rated the elevator was 2.0 m/s elevator, input instruction floor should be less than or equal to (N - 5).N to the top
6 test finished, put the elevator in ERO maintenance state, restore the parameter Settings, and make the necessary
inspection, to ensure normal operation of the elevator.
7 if you have the need of multiple tests, please repeat the above steps.
less than 150mm, trigger bending time monitoring, when over than 10 million times, it will have SE
Door lock short circuit protection function
DLM (Door lock short circuit protection)mode is effective, cannot be changed; detailed parameter M1-8-10
Function description:
1.DW is short circuit; 2.DFC is short circuit; 3. DW and DFC is short circuit, enter DLM mode, try to open or
close door 3 times, door open waiting time according to normal door open waiting time. In the whole process all
hall call command is reserved but not reacted.
If detect signal is not short circuit in all 3 times, then exit DLM mode.
If 3rd time detect is short circuit, after finish then indicate“Door Bridge” blinking. Then all hall command
cancelled and cannot register other command.
The 4th time door open and let passenger out, setting door open waiting time according to DAR-T. After door full
close, when cabin DOB and DOS is effective, can open the door, after wait DAR-T time and close the door. LRD,
EDP can open door effectively during door close.
At this time, by ERO/TCI OFF->ON, non-door zone elevator should inspect move to door zone, ERO/TCI ->OFF,
then elevator door open and check car door and landing door lock state, if normal, then elevator back to normal
mode. If not (short circuit), wait DAR-T time and door close.
Power off and RESTART, keep DLM mode.
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
HAMCB board is the core part of the control system, according to the modular design, contains the OCSS
(control) operation, MCSS (operation control), DBSS (driver) and DCSS (door control system).
C/C car serial wire
OCSS operation
controlling C/H厅外显示串行线
INS, ERO service
INS,ERO检修开 C/H hall display serial wire
switch, safety loop
G/H hall button serial wire
LWO over load
CWT LWX full load
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1.1Product pictures
HAMCB board circuit is divided into: analog circuits and digital circuits, analog circuits include: power supply
circuit, communication circuit, input and output circuit, the server interface circuit, encoder circuit, analog
detection circuit;Digital circuit includes: CPU circuit, CPLD circuit and other peripheral
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
HAMCB board
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1.2.3 HAMCB plate buttons, dial the code switch, light and port HAMCB plate dial the code switch
code function notes
TOP top floor command
BOT bottom floor command
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signal is invalid
DFC On: means the car door shut
Off: means the car door open
DW On: means hall door closed
Off: means hall door open
ES On: means safety circuit
Off: means the safety circuit
INS On: means in a state of repair
Off: means not in a state of repair
NOR On: means in the normal state
Off: means not in the normal state
2. Debug instructions
2.1 maintenance mode condition check
Tip: before moving slow train, make sure all the mechanical parts have been debugging is completed, please
refer to installation instructions.
Note: in testing insulation resistance, be sure to get off the plug on the electronic board, otherwise may
damage the electronic board.
2.1.4 check the input voltage
To cut off the main power switch and control air incase of other air switch, check whether the single phase
input voltage is within the specified range (+ / - 10%), and according to the actual input voltage regulation
transformer input terminal of the connection, check the open CPB CPB - 2, CPB - 4 if voltage (lighting) voltage is
220 v + 10%, check the open the CP1 voltage (power supply transformer and gantry crane) is 220 v + 10%, check
whether the power light on the driving components normally (light is below HAMCB plate hole).
2.1.5 check control transformer output voltage
Close the main power supply air switch, check whether the voltage of the transformer output and drawings
consistent (in the case of the input voltage meet the requirements. Transformer output have ±10% error)。
RUN Blink: normal remote serial line and guard dog
+5V On: the power supply is normal (5 v)
ES On: stop button action
DW On: the hall door closed
DCL On: to close the door in position switch (the front door and back door all in place)
DOL On: to open the door in position switch (the front or the back door)
DZ On: capsules in the door zone
DFC On: 9501 and safety chain closed the car door
DOB On: reverse device (the front or the back door) by operation
Note: if after power on, the state of the light and the state is not listed in the table, please check the
relevant circuit and parameters (usually parameter is set at the launch of the elevator factory).
Within 3. HAMCB all installation and I/O parameters when the factory has been set up, details please refer to
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
4.1 Insert the SVT interface, press 4 to enter the password Settings menu;The driver module level 1 menu
press 3, specific display as follows:
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X offset (A) X offset phase current sensors / The actual current sensor
Y offset (A) Y offset phase current sensors / bias
Z offset (A) Z offset phase current sensors /
Frequency (Hz) The output frequency
Speed gap(mm/s) Speed gap
LS distance (mm) Forced slowdown should
install distance (corresponding
to set the parameters)
Motor overload Motor overload integrator
Drive overload The inverter overload
Encoder pulse The encoder pulse condition 0~65535
Encoder Z num The encoder Z count 0~65535
Encoder C POS Encoder C position 0~65535
Encoder D POS Encoder D position 0~65535
Factory resd5{tc \l Manufacturers test 5 0~65535
4 " UDX
NOW FLOOR The current floor 00
POSTION The current position 000.00m
Prepare to run Ready for operation (manual
or to DBSS MCSS)
Load Precent The actual weighing
compensation amount
Bases Enabled DBSS state
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1LS (m) Under the force reduction 1
3LS (m) Under the force reduction 2
The floor height
Monitoring the fault record press 2, enter the fault monitoring level 2 menu pictures as follows:
On the parameters set according to 3, into the parameters set level 2 menu indicated as follows:
Most cerebral sci-film Contract Data = 1 = 2 Pr. Ini = 3 Height learn = 4 LOAD = 5 T.N TSD = 6
Press 1 to enter the parameters setting of 3 menu that shows the following:
The parameters according to 2 will set menu.
Press 3 will to initialize all of the parameters, please use the menu;
According to 4 will position hoistway self-learning;
For the use of synchronous motor of elevator installation, must carry out automatic positioning of the host
and hoistway self-learning.Must be set before the positioning and hoistway study the parameters of motor
parameters and encoder, according to the M3-3-1-4 into the motor parameters setting, in accordance with the
site specific data using input motor nameplates.Encoder parameters in FIELD ADJUST = 1.
At the scene of the parameters adjusted into (factory value parameters according to 0.4 m/s, 1.2
KW host, for example)M3-3-1-1
key value display content description value scope
The system of asynchronous
Inertia kg/m2 2
inertia machine set the
range of 10 below
Direction of
Rotate dir 0 0、1
M3-3-1-1 rotation
Pretrq trim(PU) Pre torque gain 1.00PU Don't have to
The encoder pulse
ENCODER PPR 2048 0~10000
0: square-wave
Encoder sort The encoder types 1
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1: is cosine
Direction of the
Encoder dir NA NA
Automati Are not
Duty speed[mm/s] Rated speed
c calculation allowed to set up
The brake hold
Delay brk lftd[ms] 500ms 0~9999ms
action delay
Open the brake
Delay lft brk[ms] 500ms 0~9999ms
time delay
MTC Sw Pres?1/0 The motor thermal 1 0、1
switch test
Type of motor main engine type 0 0、1
key value display content description value scope
The proportional
SpdP1 gain 1500
controller gain 1
integral controller
SpdI1 gain 500
gain 1
ARD Speed (mm/s) ARD running speed 100 1~500
ARD running
ARD Run Direct 0 0~1
SGP convert 21
SGP tran21 thr% 30 0~100
threshold value
SGP convert 21
SGP tran21 band% 10 0~100
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key value display content description value scope
Rated power[KW] 1.2 0.1~999.9KW
number of
Number of poles machine 10 2~100
Rated RPM revolving 153 2~9999
Rated frq rated 12.8 0.01~99.99
M3-3-1-4 Rated voltage 220 10~999
Duty load[kg] 400 10~9999
Rated I[A] 4.6 0.1~999.9
key value display content description value scope
Brake testing
Brk dect dlay ms 1000 0~2000
M3-3-1-6 time
0mm/s t lim (ms) Zero speed time 0 0~5000
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Brake releasing
Brake settle(ms) 1300 0~5000
Starting torque
APR time(ms) 200 100~900
reimbursed time
key factory
display content description value scope
value default
Floor number Floor number 02~55
elevator rated
Velocity normal 400 0~10000
Accelera normal acceleration 350 10~1500
Add acceleration
Jerk0 normal 150 0~1500
Add acceleration
Jerk1 normal 250 0~1500
Decelera normal deceleration 400 10~1500
Add acceleration
Jerk2 normal 150 0~1500
Add acceleration
Jerk3 normal 200 0~1500
Velocity inspect service speed 250 0~640
Accelera inspect 200 10~1500
self learning
Velocity learn 100 0~500
Position gain position gain 20 10~40
Velocity relevel Releveling speed 30 0~100
Accelera relevel 300 10~1500
Decelera NTSD 1000 10~1500
Jerk NTSD 200 0~1500
Door area
Pos delay 100 0~300
Gear ratio reduction ratio 1 001.0~100.0
Rope ratio Roping rate 2 01~06
display factory
key value description value scope
content default
Up level 000 0-500
Down level 000 0-500
key factory
display content description value scope
value default
Elevator speed is less
0-100, choose 0 to
than the percentage for
speed low sect. 0 cancel the additional
the speed of the rated
speed adjustment
speed section 1
Elevator speed is greater
than the speed of
paragraph 1 and the
percentage is less than
speed mid sect. 0 0-100
the rated speed for speed
paragraph 2, greater than
the speed of 3 for speed
of 2 paragraphs
Speed 1 vibration
M3-3-5 speed Kp1 suppression ratio 10 10-10000
adjustment coefficient
Speed 1 vibration
speed Ki1 suppression of integral 10 10-10000
adjustment coefficient
Speed 2 vibration
speed Kp2 suppression ratio 10 10-10000
adjustment coefficient
Speed 2 vibration
speed Ki2 suppression of integral 10 10-10000
adjustment coefficient
Speed segment 3
speed Kp3 1000 10-10000
vibration suppression
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ratio adjustment
Speed segment 3
vibration suppression
speed Ki3 1000 10-10000
integral adjustment
Speed loop filter
coefficients, the larger
speed fliter 40 1-1000
the value of filtering the
Adjust the brake
command to start and
Pretorque delay 800 0-1000
torque calculation time
Torque adjusting
Start inner Kp proportion coefficient of 0 0-10000
Torque adjusting integral
Start inner Ki 0 0-10000
factor 2
Run source
Command source 1 0,1
Class B maximum
Max Drive ErrorB 05 0-15
allowable failure time
Over current maximum
Max Over Current 03 0-5
allowable failure time
0 ~ 9999 note:
Start the proportional
Start Kp 2000 asynchronous
controller gain
machine is set to 0
0 ~ 9999 note:
Start the differential
Start Ki 200 asynchronous
controller gain
machine is set to 0
Current feedback
Max fdbk error maximum allowable 3 0-5
failure time
Note: the speed loop parameters
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
Note: if the host name plate did not mark the inductance value, you can refer to this table.Generally, the
increase of rated current, inductance value decreased.
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
maintenance operation
1 1 inspection travel
For synchronous motor, the driving part before debugging, should press overhaul upward or downward
button, to host a static automatic positioning.Drive part of the overall debugging process can see
5.2.1 static synchronous host encoder automatic positioning
2, input parameters: the correct M3-3-1-1 encoder parameters, and will be 4615 M3-3-1 password menu
Control mothed is set to 3, 7412 M3-3-1 password menu at the same time in the Drive size is set to the
corresponding device type, M3 Ld0 in 4615-3-1 password menu, Lq0 for 13, Ld, Lq of 8, and M3-4-3-1 the host
3, the Encoder Dir set to 0, the monitoring server 3-1-1 Output current, hold the room overhaul upward or
downward button, drive for automatic positioning, positioning process for 3 to 5 seconds (positioning need to hold
in the process of overhauling upward or downward button), the current host hum the sound, the Output current
value should be within 10% of the rated current.Positioning process after the motor running, if the motor running
smooth, speed feedback is correct, no load Output current should be under 1 a.If motor jitter, appear the current
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
FDBK error failure, you need to change the sale of any two phase, after relocation if running normally, observe
the running direction, if contrary to the actual change the direction of rotation 3-3-1 rotate dir.Runtime check up
Synchronous motor is Germany HEIDENHAIN encoder (cosine rotary encoder, with the reference zero and
two are cosine absolute position sensor).For different encoder, power source jumper HAMCB board of encoder J7
set is not the same, can choose according to encoder working voltage 5 v or 8 v.HAMCB board jumpers and
encoder connecting cable in the factory is ready, if discover the server according to encoder failure or motor can
not run normally, in the case of ensure parameter is set correctly, please check these two items.Encoder cable
The encoder
Wire color interface External PIN
1a brown(C-) Sin- Abs 11
6a orange(D-) Cos- Abs 13
2a grey(A-) Sin- Inc 5
5a white(B-) Cos- Inc 1
7b purple(C+) Sin+ Abs 10
2b Pink(D+) Cos+ Abs 12
6b Sin+ Inc 6
3b green(B+) Cos+ Inc 8
1b red(+5V) +5V 9
5b black(0V) 0V 7
4a Silver grey(R-) Zero- 4
4b yellow(R+) Zero+ 3
Asynchronous motor with gear configuration is generally normal incremental encoder, pulse number 1024,
the motor does not need to self learning, confirm the motor parameters are correct, and will be 4615 M3-3-1
password menu Control mothed is set to 1, while Inertia M3-3-1-1 kg/m2 parameter is set to between 1-10, 4615
M3-3-1 password menu Ld0, Lq0, Ld, Lq, four inductance values are set below 2, START in M3-3-5 Kp, START
Ki are set to 0.J7 voltage jump line chosen to 8 v, J11, short J12 on the right side of the two pin, select incremental
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encoder, can be directly into trial operation;Encoder cable attachment please see electrical schematic diagram.
1, involves specific elevator parameters, such as deceleration parameters should be adjusted according to the
actual situation of the elevator.Description: look from the traction wheel (stator) axial, traction wheel clockwise
corresponding capsules upside, if the wrong, you can change the 3-3-1 rotate dir parameters, will run a reverse
The parameters for the gear ratio of the host.For gearless host, set this parameter to 1 (reduction ratio = 1).
The parameters for the host than the product of the gear ratio and the rope.For gearless host, set this
4, Pulley diameter
Tractive sheave diameter, according to the host tractive sheave diameter setting.5、Duty speed
The rated speed, the value shall comply with the following equation.
60 GR RR
FSS: Duty speed motor speed (RPM)
PD: Pulley diameter error!Reference source was not found.(m)
GR: Gearbox thewire error!Reference source was not found.
RR: Rope thewire Rope
V: Duty line speed for lift elevator speed (m/s)
6 check elevator running direction
Into the maintenance operation mode
Inching runtime, need to confirm the direction of the lift is the same, if not consistent, need to adjust.
Run at the elevator, the elevator running direction and instruction direction are consistent
If inching upward, and the actual elevator is running down (or vice versa), elevator running direction
and instruction in the opposite direction, the HAMCB plate driven part of the menu, the M - 3-3-1-1
will Rotate dir parameter inverse.
Save parameters, after confirm the elevator operation direction and the direction of the instruction is
7 Inching operation mode
7.1 the emergency electric operation (ERO)
Confirm the cabinet that the emergency electric operation switch (ERO) position as maintenance, car repair
switch (TCI) in normal position.
With tci server input (M - 1-1-2) observation, uib, dib, the condition of ero, at this time on the server should
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
Remarks: The distance refers to the distance limit switch contact opened, rather than the distance
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
Adjust car roof photoelectric switch & hoistway light partition board
The installation method and dimesions of car roof photoelectric switch & light partition board as bellows:
No advance door opening and releveling function using OmroN E4 singel photoelectric, the leveling board
length 150mm
ing and
N represents
number of floor
Advance door opening and releveling function using 4 Omron photoelectrics, UIS/DIS: B4 photoelectric,
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Use B4 photoelectricity to
achieve pre-opening and
releveling, 1LV/2LV use E4
photoelectricity 30-35mm
Spile length:
Number of
N spiles
N=number of floor
Adjust light partition board of each floor, make its centerline is same as the centerline of two photoelectrics
(means the centerline of 1LV&2LV is 30mm), this operation will effect the elevator leveling precision
9 First normal operation preparation
9.1 Safety, door lock loop check
Confirm each safety switch of safety loop work, under the condition of maintenance operation can stop the
elevator when any safety switch is opened (OS,8LS,7LS,SOS,TES, PES,GS,DS,GSS) (Remarks: Check whether
hoistway signal,; enter SVT1 by service, enter M1-1-2 and check input signal of HAMCB panel
10 self study of hoistway location
10.1 Before self study of hoist position, using ERO during the whole operating, using server to check and confirm
10.2 When the elevator is in the leveling, DZ、1LV、2LV should be capital letter; when running down the
following photoelectrics work first, because that 2LV and DZ are converted to lowercase letters, upword running
is on the contrary
10.3 When the elevator running around the bottom, 1LS work, so 1LS are capital letters; when the elevator
running to the top floor, 2LS work, so 2LS are capital letters; when the elevator running to the middle floor, 1LS、
10.4 Confirm the floor number of M-3-3-1-9, HAMCB drive section, and set the parameter of RUN ENABLE to
0, the RUN SOURCE SVT of M3-3-5 to be 1, and confirm the TOP data of M1-3-1-1.
10.5 Turn the ERO and TCI to the normal position, operate drive section M-3-3-4 by server, press Shift&Enter to
10.6 The elevator will be running to the bottom at the low-speed, then do self learning by rising up at the
slef-learning speed, after reached the top floor, self learning finished.
10.7 After self-learning change the parameter of RUN ENABLE of M-3-3-1-9 to 1, the information of hoistway
10.8 Dail ERO to maintenance location, running by press downword button to make the car stop at the
non-levelling location, then dail ERO to right location, now the elevator should be reset operat, monitoring
M-1-1-1 by server, displays COR, until reset to the bottom, now the M1-1-1 display CHC.
11 Normal operations
11.1 According to the wiring diagram to check the address of remote station RS5 and pin connector
11.2 Connect the server to SVT server interface of HAMCB board, according to the parameter list and I/O port of
input&output table, to confirm all parameters and input&output address of the EEPROM is correct
11.4 Press M-1-1-1 of server in turn, then input the calling signal and press the number of the call floor(Floor 1
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11.5 Press blue Key (shift), then press Key “ENTER”, the elevator should run into the call floor
11.6 Check and confirm that all functions related to RS5 and RS32 are normal
11.7 Monitoring the Car speed of M-3-1-1 by server, during the whole operation of elevator to monitor whether
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12.1 Before electrical adjust the flat, should confirm finished the adjustment of the mechanical head area spile
12.2 Running down layer by layer, record the flat devition of each floor, according to the average of devition to
12.3 Running down layer by layer, record the flat deviation of each floor, according to the average of devition to
If it’s jitter, the parameter matching performance is not good, enter M-3-3-1-1 first to adjust system inertia
Increase or decrease 5 every time, Generally if the system inertia is too high, when the elevator stopped will
high frequency jitter, if the system inertia is too small when the elevator start will be power shortage and sliding
If after adjust system inertia, it’s still sliding, then need to adjust M-3-3-5 “Start Kp” and “Start Ki” at the
same time, generally if the system is strong rigidity(no car roof spring), set up Kp3000-7000,Ki150-700. If there
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is car roof spring, set up KP1000-3500,KI100-350. There is best associated value within this range for KP,KI.
If it’s still sliding after adjusted Kip,Ki, adjust M3-3-1-6 APR time when traction machine open delay, APR
time provide the time of duration for output starting torque,there is best associated value between 100 to 400 for
APR time.
Adjust the parameters as above, observing elevator, until achieve the best state for starting
14 operate comfort adjustment
Put the elevator in CHC, DDO state,run elevator at the high speed to observe the traction wheel running
If it’s jitter, start speed of segmentation adjustment, enter M-3-3-5 to adjust the value of Speed Low Sect and
Set up three speed segments, less than the percentage of rated speed of Speed Low Sect is low speed
section(Speed One), between the percentage of rated speed of speed low sect and speed mid sect is Speed Middle
Sect is low speed section(Speed Two), more than the percentage of rated speed of Speed Mid Sect is high speed
section(Speed Three)
Such as adjust vibration on the high speed section(Speed 3), need to adjust Speed KP3 and Ki3 at the same
There is best associated value within adjustment range for Speed KP3, KI3(factory defaults 1000,adjustment
range 10-10000), when adjusting, increase or discrease synchronously, the adjustment value is 200 every time; If
the traction machine apparent abnormal jitter in the process of adjusting, should be appropriate synchronization
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
2、 Cut off the main power of control box, but not the air switch of the control box
5、When the elevator is in ARD model, it will running in the direction of light load. For example, when the
elevator is in no-load state, car running up; On the contrary, when the elevator is full-load, car running down. The
elevator doors open to release the passengers when running at certain floor, t
6、When car stop at door mun, car door opened, the monitor system of server M1-1-1 is in EPW
state.According to change the parameters of EPO-DC to change the waiting time of opening door
7、When recover the mian power of control box, the elevator will be turn into the nomal model
System integrates the function of real time clock; customers can set the clock with the standard time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
synchronization, according to the need to set the timing function. For example, you can set the once upon a certain
There are two setting interface for standard timing setting and clock controlled setting Stardard
clock setting
“0” is NOR not
“1” is PKS function
Monday to Sunday setting “2” is MIT function
“1” valid;”0”invalid
The setting above: from 2012-12-17 to 2012-12-30, every Monday to Sunday, from 8:30 to 14:30 open
When according to the time cycle to start the elevator lock function, dail the lock switch to locked state, then
dail to Normal, after that “locked” concelled. Until start the next clock locked, then locked again.
IO 1780.
Clock function group 4 and 5 is customized clock, customer can set time output, IO not output. For example,
set MUTE mode, can control IO1092, IO1093 to realize MOTE mode
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
No. symbol default range meaning remark
Drive type:
0 DRIVE 0 0~1 0 no open early function
1 open early function
Releveling operation Settings
1 EN-RLV 0 0~1 0 is invalid
1 start
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
No. symbol default range
meaning k
The front door type:
0 DOOR 5 0~13 5 relay signal
12 encoding signal
The back door type:
1 REAR 0 0~13 5 relay signal
12 encoding signal
Door branch circuit type:
0 DBP operation (4 - relay)
2 DBP-TY 1 0~1
1 LVC run (3 - relay)
MCS120(M), MCS220(M)
Lighting delay time (IO 0026) :
3 LR-T 240 0~255 When car stops, after LR – T delaying, car lights
and ELD will shut down
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
No. symbol default range
meaning k
Group control number
0 GRP-NO 1 1~4
1 (1) 3
Group units
2 (1) 3
Note: for CAC or lower version, four group
control only applies to building which higher than
1 GROUP 1 1~4
11 floors
For DAA or higher version, four group control
applies to LCB2 - ASIC or building which higher
than 16 floors
The quantity of the elevators in the hall:
0 prohibit group stop in the hall
2 CNL 1 0~4
1 (1) 3 The quantity of the elevators in the hall
Note: set the CNL = 0 avoid stopping in the hall
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
No. symbol default range meaning
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
door is open
32 EFS1 cancel the fire-fighting
Note: only applies to EFS - TY = 10
Fire control input locked EFO/EFS
1 EFO input locked
2 AEFO input locked
4 EFK input locked
14 EF-I-LT 0 0~15 8 ASL input locked
Note: if you want to use the above function can at
the same time the numerical sum (example: 1 + 4
= 5)
Note: only applies to EFS - TY = 10
Emergency power position EPO (emergency
power operation) :
O (1) 31 EPO A/C (setting location)
15 EPO-P 255 0~255 EPO E (hydraulic equipment: the ground floor)
= 32 EPO B/D (the next floor)
EPO F (hydraulic equipment: the next floor)
> 32 is invalid
Earthquake operating version:
16 EQO 0 0~1 0 California
1 New Zealand
Fast priority services:
The EHS instruction is given after arriving at the
appointed floor:
xx0 Automatical Independent ISC
xx1 Return to normal
xx2 Cancel hall calls automatically CHCS
The EHS instruction is given before arriving at
17 EPS-TYP 0 0~132
the appointed floor:
x0x return immediately
x1x stop in the next floor
x2x Allow to register car calls during running
x3x serve all car calls
1 xx Medical service lamp (EHS - 2)
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
operation setting
At level CUDE CUDE P R Remark
0 1100 0000 0 0 contract arameters
1 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
2 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
3 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
4 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
5 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
6 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
7 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
8 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
9 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
10 1110 0000 0 0
11 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
12 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
13 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
14 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
15 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
16 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
17 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
18 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
19 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
20 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
21 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
22 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
23 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
24 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
25 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
26 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
27 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
28 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
…… …… …… …… …… contract arameters
53 1110 0000 0 0 contract arameters
54 1010 0000 0 0 contract arameters
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
13 “13“ 1 3
contract parameters
14 “14“ 1 4 contract parameters
15 “15“ 1 5 contract parameters
16 “16“ 1 6 contract parameters
17 “17“ 1 7 contract parameters
18 “18“ 1 8 contract parameters
19 “19“ 1 9 contract parameters
20 “20“ 2 0 contract parameters
21 “21“ 2 1 contract parameters
22 “22“ 2 2 contract parameters
23 “23“ 2 3 contract parameters
24 “24“ 2 4 contract parameters
25 “25“ 2 5 contract parameters
26 “26“ 2 6 contract parameters
27 “27“ 2 7 contract parameters
28 “28“ 2 8 contract parameters
29 “29“ 2 9 contract parameters
30 “30“ 3 0 contract parameters
31 “31“ 3 1 contract parameters
32 “A“ 10 11 contract parameters
33 “B“ 10 12 contract parameters
34 “C“ 10 13 contract parameters
35 “D“ 10 14 contract parameters
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
No. symbol default range meaning remark
0 Inertia kg/m2 2 system Inertia
1 Rotate dir 1/0 0 0~1 rotate direction
2 Pretrq trim (PU) 1.00 gain pre-torque trim
3 Encoder PPR 02048 0~10000 encoder pulse per revolution
4 Encoder Sort 1 0~1 encoder Sort
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
No. symbol default range meaning remark
gain 1 proportional controller
0 01500
Spdp1 gain 0~10000 gain1
integral controller gain 1
1 00500
SpdI1 gain 0~10000 integral controller gain1
2 ARD Speed (mm/s) 00160 1~500 ARD Speed
ARD running direction
3 00000
ARD Run Direct 0~1 ARD Run Direction
SGP convert 21 threshold
4 030
SGP transform to 21
SGP tran21 thr % 0~100 threshold
5 Reset speed % 050 1~100 reset speed Reset speed
velocity feedback smoothing
6 300 1
feedback filter1 0~300 Speed feedback filter1
velocity feedback smoothing
7 300 2
feedback filter2 0~300 Speed feedback filter2
Speed maximum allowable
8 0500
maximum allowable
Track Error mm/s 0~1000 deviation of speed
ETSC protection factor
9 00097
ETSC present(%) 1~100 ETSC protective coefficient
ETSC protection enable
10 00000
ETSC Enable(0/1) 0~1 ETSC enable protection
overspeed rate overspeed
11 1.10
overspeed (PU) 0~1.5 ratio
emergency rescue mode
12 0-2
ARD Run Mode 1
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
No. symbol default range meaning remark
0 Brk Sw Pres? 1/0 1 0~1 The brake switch test
No. symbol default range meaning remark
0 1.2 contract
Rated Power(Kw) Rated power of main machine parameters
1 10 contract
Number of poles Pole number of main machine parameters
2 153 contract
Rated RPM Rated speed of main machine parameters
5 400 contract
Duty load (kg) Rated load of main machine parameters
7 75 contract
Rated Trq (Nm) Rated torque of main machine parameters
No. symbol default range meaning remark
0 Brk dect dlay ms 1000 0~2000 Brake testing time
1 0mm/s t lim (ms) 0000 0~5000 Zero speed time
2 Brake settle(ms) 1300 0~5000 The brake releasing time
Starting torque compensation
3 200
APR time(ms) 100~900 time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
No. symbol default range meaning remark
0 02 contract
Floor number 2~55 Floor number parameters
1 400 contract
Velocity normal 0~10000 Elevator rated speed parameters
2 Accelera normal 350 10~1500 acceleration
Add acceleration 0
3 150
Jerk0 normal 0~1500 Jerk 0
Add acceleration 1
4 250
Jerk1 normal 0~1500 Jerk 1
5 Decelera normal 400 10~1500 deceleration deceleration
Add acceleration 2
6 150
Jerk2 normal 0~1500 Jerk 2
Add acceleration 3
7 200
Jerk3 normal 0~1500 Jerk 3
service speed overhaul
8 200
Velocity inspect 0~640 speed
9 180
Decelera recover 10~1500 Decelerate in nearby floor
self learning speed
10 100
Velocity learn 0~500 learning speed
11 position gain 20 10~40 position gain
12 Velocity relevel 30 0~100 Re-leveling speed
13 Accelera relevel 00300 10~1500 Re-leveling acceleration
14 Decelera NTSD 01000 10~1500 Deceleration NTSD
NTSD Add acceleration
15 00200
Jerk NTSD 0~1500 Jerk NTSD
16 pos delay (ms) 00100 0~300 Door area delay
17 00400 contract
Shv diam (mm) 10~10000 diameter of traction sheave parameters
18 001.0 contract
Gear ratio 1~100 reduction ratio parameters
19 02
Rope ratio 1~7 Rope ratio contract
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
20 Run enable 0 0~1 Enable operation
No. symbol default range meaning remark
The low speed range
0 00000 coefficient of curve segment
speed low sect. adjustment
The high speed range
1 00000 coefficient of curve segment
speed mid sect. adjustment
Proportional controller gain
2 00010
speed Kp1 of low speed
Differential controller gain of
3 00010
speed Ki1 low speed
Proportional controller gain
4 00010
speed Kp2 of medium speed
Differential controller gain of
5 00010
speed Ki2 medium speed
Proportional controller gain
6 01000
speed Kp3 of high speed
Differential controller gain of
7 01000
speed Ki3 high speed
8 speed fliter 00040 Velocity filtering
9 Pretorque delay 00400 encoder signal starts filtering
The proportional controller
10 00000
Start inner Kp gain of inner ring
The differential controller
11 00000
Start inner Ki gain of inner ring
12 Run source SVT=0 0 command source
The maximum allowable
13 05
Max Drive ErrorB error time of Class B
Max OVER The maximum allowable
14 003
CURRENT error time of overcurrent
Start proportional controller
15 3500
Start Kp gain
Start differential controller
16 0350
Start Ki gain
17 VS abnorm t (s) 10.0 V code down time
18 NTSD Persent % 097 Speed of compel to slow
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
Time of photoelectric
19 040.0
DDP Time (s) protection in floor
20 Distance comp 00 Distance compare
The maximum allowable
21 03
Max fdbk error error time of current feedback
No. symbol default range meaning remark
Control methord of main
0 3
Control methord 0~3 machine
1 MAX DBD ERR 03 0~10 allowable error time of DBD
2 Rotor pos offset 00000 0~65535 invalid definition
1.8 times of D axis
3 30.00
induct d0(mH) 0.01~99.99 inductance
1.8 times of Q axis
4 30.00
induct q0(mH) 0.01~99.99 inductance
D axis inductance,the main
5 30.00
induct d(mH) 0.01~99.99 machine inductance
6 mutual resist 30.00 0.01~99.99 Stator resistance
Q axis inductance,the main
7 30.00
induct q(mH) 0.01~99.99 machine inductance
8 Rotor Time (s) 00.28 0~10 The rotor time
9 No load current 011.6 0.1~999.9 No load current
10 Enable time stop 00000 0~1 Restriction of running times
11 Setuo run times 00000 0.01~99.99 running times setting
12 Now run times 00000 0.01~99.99 Current running times
Inspect zero-speed parking
13 1
Inspect 0stop En 0~1 functioncan
Function that the main board
14 0
Reset At PowerOn 0~1 resets after losing power
The identification function of
16 1
EnableRead Power 0-1 the base power
Inspect function of down
17 1
INS 6kHz PWM 0/1 0-1 carrier
No. symbol default range meaning remark
0 Drive size 203 0~23 Drive type
1 Drv Rtd Volt (V) 0220 Rated voltage of drive
2 Drv I limit (A) 072.0 Hardware limiting current of
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
3 AC Line fscale V 1.000 0~2 Input voltage coefficient
4 Bus fscale (V) 1.000 0~2 Bus voltage coefficient
5 <3Hz Torque Lmt 2.00 1.5~2.0 Limiting of low current
6 DC link ovt (V) 425 0~999 Busbar overvoltage value
7 DC link uv (V) 217 0~999 Busbar undervoltage value
8 AC Line Input(V) 400 50~480 Rated input voltage
The brake pipe opening
9 0.37
Brake unit work 0~1 voltage
No. symbol default range meaning remark
The number of 2LS inside
0 001
DZ in 2LS 0~5 gate area
The number of 1LS inside
1 001
DZ in 1LS 0~5 gate area
2 Demagnetic (%) 100 0~200 Weak magnetic coefficient
The encoder signal filter
3 01800
Start filter 0~9999 coefficients
4 Door open speed 100 0~300 Speed of opening ahead
Time coefficient of motor
5 20
Mtr overload (s) 0~40 overload
No. symbol default range meaning remark
0 H_speed frq (Hz) 10000 High-speed switch frequency
The minimum allowable
1 000.0
Min IGBT on t us 0~5.0 narrow pulse
Trigger distance of position
2 0200
Pos Err Lim (mm) lost
3 Switch frq (KHz) 10 frequency switch frequency
4 Run time hour 00000 Run time hour
5 Run time minutes 00 Run time minutes
No. symbol range meaning remark
0 DC link V Dc busbar voltage
1 X offset (A) X phase current sensor offset
2 Y offset (A) Y phase current sensor offset
3 Z offset (A) Z phase current sensor offset
4 Frequency (Hz) Output frequency
5 speed gap (mm/s) Speed gap
distance that compulsive deceleration
6 should be installed (corresponding to
LS distance (mm) the parameters)
7 Motor overload Integrator of motor overload
8 Drive overload Integrator of inverter overload
No. symbol range meaning remark
0 Encoder pulse The encoder pulse condition
1 Encoder Z num The encoder Z phase count
2 Encoder C POS The encoder C phase position
3 Encoder D POS The encoder D phase position
4 Factory resd1 Factory test 1
5 Factory resd2 Factory test 2
6 Factory resd3 Factory test 3
7 Factory resd4 Factory test 4
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
No. symbol range meaning remark
Position of up compulsive deceleration
2LS (m) 1
Position of up compulsive deceleration
4LS (m) 2
Position of down compulsive
1LS (m) deceleration 1
Position of down compulsive
3LS (m) deceleration 2
Position of 1st floor after hiostway
Floor 1A (m) learning
Position of 1st floor after hiostway
Floor 1B (m) learning
Position of 2nd floor after hiostway
Floor 2A (m) learning
Position of 2nd floor after hiostway
Floor 2B (m) learning
… … …
… … …
Position of 54th floor after hiostway
Floor 54A (m) learning
Position of 54th floor after hiostway
Floor 54B (m) learning
Position of 55th floor after hiostway
Floor 55A (m) learning
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Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
AL012 LNS(Load non stop) ER302 OVER Current (actuator over current
AL013 MIT(Moderate passenger ER304 Overtemp (heat sink is over temperature)
traffic model)
AL014 DCP(cars protection delay ER305 Motor overload
mode )
AL015 ANS(Anti-nuisance car call ER306 Drive overload
AL016 ARD(Automatic Rescue ER307 DC busbar overvoltage
AL017 PKS(Parking Sevice) ER308 DC bus undervoltage
AL018 GCB(Button control mode) ER309 Motor overspeed
AL019 EHS(Emergency medical ER310 PVT lost (Encoder lost)
service mode)
AL020 ROT(Disturbance model ) ER312 Base power read failure
AL021 INI(System initialization ER313 Task orun(Pwm interrupt task execution
mode ) timeouts)
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
AL032 ACC(Accelerate to NOM ER330 AC Line UVT (Three phase output power
SPE or SHR SPE mode) is undervoltage)
AL033 DoorBridge, ER331 Brake Unit Fault
ER332 Thyristor module (Thyristor feedback
ER333 DBD PICKUP(main contactor or brake
contactor action failure)
ER334 DDP Fault (photoelectricity is not detected
in setting time)
ER335 Brake dropped2 (Brake switch 2 test
ER342 Inv Ix Offst (U phase current sampling
ER343 Inv Iy Offst (V phase current sampling
ER344 Inv Iz Offst (W phase current sampling
ER347 Base AD Offst (0.5 V / 1.5 V reference
voltage fault)
ER348 ETSC relay fault
ER361 Vcode 1 is abnormal
ER362 Vcode 2 is abnormal
ER363 Power Lost
DBSS - Fault Inverter not ready yet
The event The possible reasons Associated
0200 Pos. Count. After complete operation, the system finds count of LV-MOD,
door area and IP signal is not match, may be DZ-TYP
sending time of door area signal DZ and IP signal is
too short, system doesn’t have time to inspect.
0201 correct. run Adjusting operation (such as electricity, -
maintenance, after NAV. etc.)
0202 /ES in FR ES signal is activated.when the elevator is at high MD/AES,
speed ES-TYP
0203 /ES in SR ES signal is activated.when the elevator is at low MD/AES,
speed ES-TYP
0204 TCI/ERO on TCI or ERO switch is been acted ERO-TYP
0205 SE-Fault The elevator can't start due to loss of SE signal -
(check SKL, considered, fuse, etc.)
0207 DDP in FR The shaft signal can’t be detected within the setting DDP
time (DDP) when elevator is at high speed (DZ
signal lost).
0208 DDP in SR The shaft signal can’t be detected within the setting 3P
time (3P) when elevator is at low speed (DZ signal
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Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
0209 DDP in RS The shaft signal can’t be detected within the setting 3P
time (3P) when elevator starts rescue operation (DZ
signal lost)..
0210 /DZ in NST The shaft signal can’t be detected when the elevator LV-MOD,
stops DZ-TYP
The event The possible reasons Associated
0211 /DFC in FR The safety circuit breaks when elevator is at high -
0212 /DFC in SR The safety circuit breaks when elevator is at low -
0216 DZ missed The UIS and DIS signal has been detected but DZ is EN-RLV,
not received yet, the possible reason is failure of LV DRIVE
0224 J-Relay Logic control part detected that three-phase power EN-J,
supply is fault (such as lack of phase or wrong phase) J-T
0226 LS-fault Signal of compulsive deceleration is not normal, see -
flashing information.
0228 1LS+2LS on The signal of 1LS and 2LS is detected at the same 1LS (692)
time 2LS (693)
0230 RSL Adr chk See flashing information description NoAdrChk
0231 LSVF-W:/DR Frequency converter fault (not ready) DRIVE
(see MCB)
0232 LSVF-W:/SC If elevator is too fast during deceleration, it can't (see MCB)
acts function of opening the door in advance, ADO
function, or RLV >.
0237 /DW in FR The hall door loop disconnect when elevator runs -
0238 /DW in SR The hall door loop disconnect when elevator runs -
The event The possible reasons Associated
0300 DBP: dfc_SE When the door is opening or door has fully opened EN-RLV
DFC or SE (with ADO) not acts. DRIVE
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Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
0301 DCL in [ ] DCL signal is detected when the door is fully open DCL (694)
RDCL (695)
During normal operation, hall door back closure NoDW-Chk
0302 DCS:DW err
when the door is open.
0303 DBP-Fault See flashing signals' DBP - Fault ' -
The event The possible reasons Associated
Two remote stations connected to the same serial -
0400 RSL parity
line are using the same address.
The event The possible reasons Associated
0500 RNG1 msg Data in the serial loop of parallel/group control is -
0501 RNG1 time In a certain period of time, does not receive signals GROUP
from the other lifts.
0502 RNG1 sio Serial circuit transformat of parallel /group control -
0503 RNG1 tx Serial data transmission is overtime. -
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
1 The operation of
Task orun B
1 The operation interrupting 1 ms, 10 A, The setting of PWM carrier
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MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
number during
running, or the
difference between
photoelectric position
of elevator in and out
and position of self
learning is larger than
1000 mm
Elevator self learning
is complete, and on
2 Floor condition of 2LS, the
Floor failure A
6 number err floor from learning is Setting of floor parameter error
not the same as the
setting floor height
No. The fault phenomenon The reason and investigation of the problem
1 Power off, UPS starts, but the 1, parameter setting problem, IO 17 value of ALMCB board
system does not enter into the (NU: Emergency power) should be set to logic = 0, address =
EPR model 1, bit = 0
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
3, Make sure all air switches in control cabinet are in the access
status, otherwise can’t enter into ARD
Power off, UPS doesn’t work 2, UPS battery is not enough, or is damaged
Power off, ARD can’t work 2, UPSC contactor close, check whether UPSC normally open
contact 3, 4, 5, and 6 is closed, otherwise drive doesn’t have
power supply
Power off, mainboard does not 2, UPSC contactor close, check whether UPSC normally open
work contact 53,5 4, 63, and 64 is closed, otherwise switching power
supply without power, resulting in mainboard no power
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
8 the door does not open when 1, the DDO dial-up in mainboard is “off”, it should be “on”
elevator moves to leveling with
2, signal wire connection of doors open and close is incorrect,
please check whether wiring harness of doors open and close is
correct according to the principle diagram
9 1, signal that the door opens fully is not correct, please check
the wiring and parameter setting of related IO
the door does not open fully
when elevator moves to leveling 2, Wrong signal of the back door is detected, and back door
with ARD opens.Please check signal location of magnetic stripe in back
10 ARD starts again after scraming 1, control cabinet or car repairs, when recover maintenance to
normal, elevator continue ARD
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
11 When on power, ARD can’t 1, PW contactor is damaged, so that drive is not on power.
converts to normal mode
2, check whether normal close point of the PW contactor 71, 72
is disconnected, it should be disconnected with normal power
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
ERR lights
Speed activated
when the 1, drive faults; 1. Check the current fault code of M321
8 elevator 2, encoder line is (2) Check whether lines on both ends of
maintains, and disconnected; encoder is connected by the multimeter
can’t run again
1, Check M112 by server. ES signal
capitalized means the safety circuit
disconnects, check the action of each safety
2. Check M112 by server. If DFC signal
1, no safety signal;
lowercases means that the hall door lock
2, no dorr lock signal;
Press the disconnects while DW signal lowercases
3, no signal of closed in
maintenance means that the car door lock disconnects
9 place;
button of 3. On the condition that both DFC and DW of
4, setting of function
up/downward, M112 are capitalized, signal of DCL closed
parameter is incorrect
the elevator in place is lowercase.
5, system faults;
doesn’t move 4. RUN source SVT of M335 should be 0
5. If ERR trouble light always on, check
current fault code of the M321. If ERR
trouble light is not bright, check the fault
records of M322.
Press the
1, the control panel doesn’t
button, the
receive the order of moving 1. When press the downward maintenance
elevator goes up
10 down; button, DIB of M112 is not capital
while press the
2, There is 1LS/photoelectric 2. Check whether 1LS and 1LV of M112 is
signal at the same time; capital
button, the
elevator doesn’t
1, the control panel doesn’t
Press the receive the order of moving 1. When press the upward maintenance
downward up button, UIB of M112 is not capital
maintenance 2. Check whether 2LS and 2LV of M112 is
button, the 2, There is 2LS/photoelectric capital
elevator goes signal at the same time
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
down while
press the
upward button,
the elevator
doesn’t move
Press the
maintenance 1, improper torque
1. Confirm value of KP and KI in M335, and
button, the compensation;
16 adjust it
elevator always
2. Track error of M3312 is set to 0
slips to the 2, track err function is
heavy side blocked;
In normal 1, improper torque
operation, the compensation; 1. Confirm value of KP and KI in M335, and
elevator slips adjust it
17 2~4cm to the 2, the J11 / J12 jumper of 2. the J11 / J12 jumper of mainboard is
heavy side, then mainboard is connected to connected to the right or the J11 / J12 is not
to the specified the right or the J11 / J12 is installed
direction. not installed;
The elevator
Check the fault records of M322 or M121
18 operation after System faults;
logic fault
arriving to the
target floor
1, If ES of main board lights on, check M112
by server. ES signal capitalized means the
safety circuit disconnects, check the action of
The elevator 1,The safety signal interrupts
each safety switch
suddenly stops in running;
2. If DFC or DW of main board lights off,
during normal 2, The door lock signal
19 check M112 by server., DFC signal
running at high interrupts in running
lowercases means that the hall door lock
speed, then 3, The system faults in
disconnects while DW signal lowercases
revises running
means that the car door lock disconnects
3. check the fault records of M322 or logic
fault of M121
1. 2LS of M112 lowercases all the time and
1. switch of up compulsive doesn’t work or the distance between action
deceleration doesn’t work or position and the overhead leveling is too
installation distance is too short (distance of 1 m/s should be 850 mm,
The elevator
short distance of 1.5 m/s should be 1750 mm,
20 goes above
2. The board of overhead in distance of 1.75 m/s should be 2200 mm)
overhead when
the wrong place 2. The board of overhead is too close to the
up reset
up limit position (standard is 150 mm)
3. The photoelectricity faults 3. When leveling changes, 1 lv and 2 lv of
M112 does not become into capital
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
The elevator
1. Board installation position 1. Adjust the board position of each floor
runs to the
is not accurate; when elevator runs slowly
23 target floor,but
2. Photoelectric distance is 2. Adjust the up and down photoelectric
it is lower than
inaccurate; spacing
leveling when
opens the door
1 Adjustment of pre-torque is
The elevator 1. Check value of KP, KI in M335.
24 shakes in high 2. Check the drive parameters of M3314 and
2, The position of main
frequency when the drive size of M331-7412
machine is inaccurate;
1, The parameter setting of
main machine and
1. Check the main machine parameter of
inverter,such as inertia,
M3314 and drive size of M331-7412.
When the inductance, resistance and
Confirm the Inertia of M3311 kg/m2, Ld0,
elevator starts, carrier, is incorrect.
25 Lq0, Ld, Lq of M331-4615and switch
noise of main 2, KP and KI, the
frequency of M331-3698.
machine is very compensation parameter of
2. Confirm KP and KI value of M335
large torque is not appropriate;
3. Confirm the brake spacing is too small
3, the brake is not completely
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
The elevator
DFC and DW of M112 is capital when door
8 can run when The door lock is shortened
door opens
Inside and outside calls failure
No. Fault description The possible reasons methods of identification
1, the button light is
1. Change a better button to solve the
Buttons of control problem
2, There is a problem with
1 box is not bright, 2. Changing a better button can’t solve the
circuit wiring of button
but have a problem
response 3. Change the RS5
3, the RS5 is demaged;
1, communication failures,
communication between
RS5 and RSL of
mainboard faults;
1. Check the communication connection of
2, incorrect address;
Buttons of control 3, setting of floor response
2 2. M132 check the address of floor button
box is not bright, faults;
3. M1331 check the floor setting of response
and no response 4, If it is only one button
does not respond, maybe
4. Change a better button
button is damaged or
wiring problem in the
1, The elevator faults in
other floor, such as
someone or something
blocks light curtain for a 1. Check whether someone or something
Button in COP is
3 long time; blocks the door on the other floors
bright, but no
2, Door machine faults, it 1. In M112, DCL is lowercase, DFC or DW
can’t close door fully or is lowercase
no lock signal, so the
elevator can't run;
1, check whether there is a 1. Confirm whether there is a virtual floor
blind floor; setting of M1331
4 The elevator runs
2, address setting of I/O 2. Check whether the IO address of M132 is
to the wrong floor
error; the same as the one on schematic diagram
1, Configuration of 1. Check whether some parts of the terminal
terminal absorbing panel absorbing panel are missing or burned
5 The button flashes
faults; 2. Confirm that circuit of RSL signal and
when elevator runs
2, RSL signal is interfered strong electric is isolated
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
display fault
1, Setting of display is
Displayed floor is
not correct 2, There is a blind floor,
Check the setting of floor display of M134
but hasn’t set the display
of the blind floor
Display with
4 The display is bad After changing a good display, it is normal
missing codes
1, the signal of full load 1. Whether the address of LNS in M132 is
inputs all the time; input by force
5 Always display 2, The display is bad 2. Change the display
full load 3, The address setting of 3. Whether LNSL address of M132 is the
full load light is other I/O same as other IO
1, the signal of fire
1,Whether the address of EFK in M132 is
fighting inputs all the time
input by force
2, The display is bad
6 Always display the 2. Change the display
3, The address setting of
fire fighting 3, Whether FSL address of M132 is the same
fire fighting light is other
as other IO
1, the signal of over load 1,Whether the address of LWS in M132 is
inputs all the time; input by force
7 2, The display is bad; 2. Change the display
Always display
3, The address setting of 3.Whether OLS address of M132 is the same
over load
over load light is other I/O as other IO
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Instructions Date:2015 -3-30
Version:version A
MK-CON4342 Modify: 1st time
2016-01 版