Group 11. Poster Presentation

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Development and Characterization of Fire Retarding Jute Fabric

Reinforced Green Sandwich Composite

Group # 11: Yusra Khalid (2016-PE-11), Wajahat Ghulam Rasool (2016-PE-12), Muneer Ahmad (2016-PE-40)
Project Supervisor: Dr. Atif Javaid
Department of Polymer and Process Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore

Abstract Introduction
Sandwich composites are developed by using hand lay-up technique. Surface treatment of jute fabric is done by A sandwich composite consists of two parts (Face skins and core
using phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide. Tensile test is performed to characterize the mechanical material). Face skins are developed from jute fabric. Truss core is
properties of jute fabric and compression tests is performed to characterize the mechanical properties of also developed from jute fabric. Sandwich composites are mainly
sandwich composite. UL-94 and LOI tests are performed to characterize the fire retarding properties of jute used in many structural applications such as bullet trains, sports
fabric and sandwich composite. The mechanical properties of treated jute fabric are decreased as compared to cars and aerospace industry etc. Poor fire resistance is the major
untreated. 1.001 MPa Compressive strength of sandwich composite is achieved. problem in these applications. In this research. a fire retarding jute
fabric reinforced sandwich composite is developed using
ammonium polyphosphate (APP) as a fire retardant.
Figure 1: sandwich composite

Methodology Applications
Development of sandwich composite
❖ Sandwich composites are developed by hand lay-up method
❖ For hand lay-up method epoxy solution is prepared with ratio of 70:30 (epoxy:
❖ Truss core is developed from single layer of jute fabric
❖ First layer of jute fabric is placed on mold surface and epoxy solution is applied
on one side. Turn out this layer and applied the epoxy solution on another side. Aerospace Sports cars
Placed the second layer of fabric on the first layer and applied the resin to one
side of second layer which is opposite to the first layer. Now placed the truss
core developed from jute fabric on first skin and press.
❖ When first skin is crosslinked with the truss core then turned over the first skin
with truss core and placed on the second skin and allowed to press.
❖ Sandwich composite is cured at room temperature for 24 hours. After 24 hours,
post curing is done at 80°C for 2 hours. A developed sandwich composite is
Figure 2: Surface treatment of jute fabric shown in figure 1. Trains Missiles

Figure 3: Applications of sandwich composite

Sample Untreated Fabric Treated fabric
Sample no 1 2 3 1 2 3 1.2
Stress Strain curve
Max. 13.98 31.22 13.85 22.42 26.55 11.09 1

Stress (MPa)

Our heartful appreciation to the University of Engineering and

Tensile 1527 2542 762 886.7 5120.2 2697 Technology, Lahore for their financial support to conduct this
modulus 0.4 research. We also would like to convey our gratitude to our
(MPa) supervisor Dr. Atif Javaid for his never ending support
throughout the project. Mr. Javaid Akhter is also acknowledged
Table 1: Tensile properties of jute fabric. 0 for his help during mechanical testing.
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018
Starin (mm)

Sample Untreated samples Treated samples Graph 1: Compression stress strain curve for
Sandwich composite with 0% APP
Sample 1 2 3 1 2 3
Sample Treated sample with 0% APP
no References
LOI value 19 19 19 21 23 25
Compressive Strength (MPa) 1.001 1. N. Naik, B. Shivamurthy, B. H. S. Thimappa, A. Govil, P. Gupta,
Table 2: LOI test results of jute fabric. and R. Patra, "Enhancing the mechanical properties of jute
Compressive Modulus (MPa) 41.078 fiber reinforced green composites varying cashew nut shell
liquid composition and using mercerizing process," Materials
Sample Untreated samples Treated samples Table 5: Results of compression test Today: Proceedings, 2019.
2. Arpita Samal , Shashwati Soumya Pradhan, “Comparison
Sample 1 2 3 1 2 3 study of Mechanical properties of Sisal-Jute and JuteBanana
no hybrid composite”, Materials Today: Proceedings 21 (2020)
NO NO NO V-2 V-2 V-2 Conclusion 1234–1238
3. Mohammad Rajaei, De-Yi Wang, Debes Bhattacharyya, “
Combined effects of ammonium polyphosphate and talc on the
Table 3: UL-94 test results of jute fabric. ❖ Sandwich composites with two formulations (Untreated Jute fire and mechanical properties of epoxy/glass fabric
fabric and treated jute fabric with 0% APP) are prepared. composites,” Composites Part B, 113(2017), pp. 281-390
❖ Tensile properties of jute fabric shows that surface treatment
Sample Untreated samples Treated samples with 0% APP
decreases the strength of jute fabric but modulus increases.
❖ Fire properties of jute fabric also increases with surface
UL-94 NO NO treatment.
Rating ❖ Compressive strength and modulus of sandwich composite with
0% APP is also found.
Table 4: UL-94 test results of composites

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