35 Best Biceps in History - Muscle & Strength
35 Best Biceps in History - Muscle & Strength
35 Best Biceps in History - Muscle & Strength
Welcome to the gun show! Want to know how the best biceps
in the history of lifting were developed? Look no further! This
feature contains 35 amazing biceps along with workouts.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
“When I was 15-years-old, I took off my clothes and looked in the mirror.
When I stared at myself naked, I realized that to be perfectly proportioned I
would need twenty-inch arms to match the rest of me.” - Arnold
Joel Stubbs
Joel Stubbs
"if you wanted to pick one biceps exercise no bodybuilder can do without, I’d
say it’s the standing barbell curl. It’s all about increasing weight with proper
form and technique, and the barbell curl is the best way to do that. It allows
you to move more weight, so do your best to master this move with strict
form. Of course, if you have wrist issues, the EZ-bar curl is a perfectly
acceptable substitute." - Joel Stubbs
Barbell Curls 8 12
Dumbbell Curls 4 12
Concentration Curl 3 12
Albert Beckles
Albert Beckles
"I like to place special emphasis on the peak contraction of curls. I often
resist supinating until I get very close to contraction. Then I twist my wrists
outward as far as they can go just as I reach the top of the curl. This creates a
tremendous contraction, and I hold it for a second or two." - Albert Beckles
Robbie Robinson
Robbie Robinson
"I would probably use about 4 different exercises for the biceps and 5 to 6
sets for each exercise of 8 to 10 repetitions. This would make a total of 24
sets for the biceps. If I were working the Biceps, Triceps, and Deltoids today. I
would have 4 exercises for each and say 5 sets of each exercise or a total of
60 sets for my workout today. This type of workout takes me about 2 hours. I
do not rest too much between exercises or between sets but try to keep
moving along pretty well." - Larry Scott
Mike Matarazzo
Mike Matarazzo
"I idolized all of the bodybuilders who came from that old-school hardcore
era. Those guys didn't need any fancy equipment; they trained with intensity
and focus, regardless of the gym or other limitations. These guys could do
presses with pails full of cement and still get a great workout." - Mike
Phil Heath
Phil Heath
"Personally, I like one hand preacher curls with dumbbells. You don’t have to
do 100 pound dumbbells to get a burn. Heck I can do 35- 45 dumbbells and
get something out of it. It’s also great for guys that travel. It’s the one piece of
equipment that most hotels always have." - Phil Heath
Preacher Curls 4 10
Incline Curls 4 10
Hammer Curls 4 10
Freddy Ortiz
Freddy Ortiz
"I don't count the repetitions. I just keep going until the body part gets tired." -
Freddy Ortiz
Barbell Curls 5 10
Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls 5 10
Lee Priest
Lee Priest
"I had a guy come up to me once in the gym when I'm training arms and tell
me that I should do curls this way. I looked at his arms and they were about
fifteen inches. That would be like me walking up to Tom Platz and telling him
how to squat!" - Lee Priest
Paul Demayo
Paul Demayo
Exercise Sets/
"I Leroy Colbert was the first man to build 21 inch muscular arms, drug free
and I am proud of it."- Leroy Colbert
Jay Cutler
Jay Cutler
Barbell Curls 5 15
Kevin Levrone
Kevin Levrone
"For the preacher curls, this exercise is done with an EZ Curl bar, you can
either do a close grip or wide. If you don’t have an EZ Curl bar, use a small
straight bar." - Kevin Levrone
Barbell Curls 4 8
Preacher Curls 4 8
Dexter Jackson
Dexter Jackson
"I find that posing improves the shape and hardness of my arms. Before
a contest, all the posing practice I do improves my arms day by day.
Try flexing your arms after each set to push more blood into your muscles." -
Dexter Jackson
Manfred Hoerbel
Manfred Hoerbel
"You cannot plan on having something incredibly big because you never
know how your genetics will work. So, when I started first I had no idea how
far I could go in the sport at all. And that I had such big arms in our sport was
actually a disadvantage. So, I never planned to have them that big, however I
sooner or later realized that having the biggest arms in the world is a great
marketing tool." - Manfred Hoerbel
Sergio Oliva
Sergio Oliva
"You see in the magazines this guy has got a 21 (inch arm), this guy has got
a 22 and this one has a 19-and-a-half. When they went to Florida, and
everyone went to Florida, the only one who came close to me was Arnold
and his was only 19. My arms were so big that they were bigger than my
head. I was the only one, cold." - Sergio Oliva
"Most people try to say I use high repetitions. That is not true. I need a weight
that will allow me to feel the contraction of the muscle. As corny as it may
sound, I need to feel the muscle working." - Vince Taylor
Kal Szkalak
Kal Szkalak
Machine Curls 5 12
Reverse Curls 5 12
Flex Wheeler
Flex Wheeler
"The biceps are relatively small muscles, and it shouldn't take much work to
exhaust them if you're training them hard. I do no more than 10 sets once per
week, but if I push every set to failure, that's the perfect amount to keep my
arms consistently growing without overtraining." - Flex Wheeler
EZ Bar Curls 3 10
Concentration Curls 3 10
Bill Pearl
Bill Pearl
"If I wanted to get my arms as big as I could possibly get them, I would
probably do around 20 sets of 4 exercises and 5 sets each for the triceps
and 20 sets for the biceps per workout 3 times a week. That would be
around 60 sets of triceps and 60 sets of biceps work per week. I would keep
the reps between 6 and 8 and I would do all basic movements where I'd
handle as heavy a weight as possible. I'd consume nutritious food that had
calories in and just flat out eat!" - Bill Pearl
Mike Christian
Mike Christian
Barbell Curl 3 8
Machine Curl 3 8
Cable Curl 3 8
Brian Buchanon
Brian Buchanon
"Let's be blunt and define the two qualities that a bodybuilder needs if he's to
have any chance of reaching the very top. First, he must be born with
outstanding physique genetics--a natural ability to respond to training and
build muscle. Second, he must have the mental tenacity, the will, to harness
and develop that physical potential." - Brian Buchanan
Dorian Yates
Dorian Yates
"I also think you have less separation if you are fuller. If you go to the gym and
pump your arms up they are bigger because of the blood volume, the
fullness. But the separation is not so defined." - Dorian Yates
Ronnie Coleman
Ronnie Coleman
"Well it was a long hard road, but I loved every minute of it. I enjoyed the
challenge. The road to becoming Mr. Olympia is all in the mind. Everyone
puts such emphasis on the physical aspect of bodybuilding but really those
who are mentally strong will succeed." - Ronnie Coleman
Barbell Curls 4 12
Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls 4 12
Preacher Curls 4 12
Cable Curls 4 12
Paul Dillett
Paul Dillett
"I like using a rope instead of a handle for triceps movements. The
rope pushdown is more of an isolation movement than a mass builder,
because you can twist your arms out away from your body at the bottom.
not able to go as heavy with a rope as with a handle, but you get the full
muscle-shaping and separating benefits." - Paul Dillett
Lou Ferrigno
Lou Ferrigno
"I certainly don't agree with the bodybuilders who say you can get
big forearms just by squeezing the dumbbell handles when doing curls. In
a few cases this may be true, but those guys would build big forearms
by merely eating eggs in the morning. Most bodybuilders, myself
included, have to work very hard for any kind of meaningful forearm
development." - Lou Ferrigno
Frank McGrath
Frank McGrath
"First, the only person you have anything to prove to is yourself. Second, you
can watch life with your nose pressed up against the glass. Or you can swing
the doors open and step inside." - Frank McGrath
Serge Nubret
Serge Nubret
"Genetics help to some degree, but the most important thing is the mind and
the spirit. These two are even more powerful than physical characteristics
that are passed on." - Serge Nubret
Barbell Curl 8 12
Dumbbell Curl 8 12
Reg Park
Reg Park
"As your bodybuilding aims become higher, obviously you have to work
harder, until, believe it or not, you are performing from 20-30 sets of both
biceps and triceps three workouts per week." - Reg Park
Shawn Ray
Shawn Ray
"Be sure to use different exercises with every workout. Always confuse the
muscles in to new growth." - Shawn Ray
Dave Draper
Dave Draper
"The bis and tris and thighs didn’t go home this hungry Saturday without
drawing blood, either. The whole greedy lot got in on the act." - Dave Draper
Dumbbell Curls 5 6
Marcus Ruhl
Marcus Ruhl
Nasser El Sonbaty
Nasser El Sonbaty
"I don't have a favorite body part nor do I have a favorite exercise. Everyone
who is honest prefers machines over free-weights, because machines are
more convenient and cause less muscle pain and require less concentration
and are generally less dangerous. BUT, if you like to have real gains you have
to train hard and heavy, and you have to chose always the LEAST favorite
exercises which actually give you the best possible results. So go for the least
favorite exercises, the free weights... and go for the muscle pain!" - Nasser El
No information available.
Marko Savolainen
Marko Savolainen
"What I would like to bring from the ‘90s bodybuilding to this day is the
hardness of the muscles that guys back then had. The best example of this is
Dorian Yates. These days guys are bigger but a little bit smoother or puffy
looking, especially on some body parts like arms and shoulders. But I think
there’s a reason for that." - Marko Savolainen
No information available.
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Steve Shaw
Steve Shaw is an experienced raw masters powerlifter with over 31 years of
iron game experience. His best competition lifts are a 602.5 pound squat, a
672.5 pound deadlift, and a 382.5 pound bench press. Steve is also known
as a powerbuilder. His goal is to help others build as much muscle and
strength as humanly possible.
View all by Steve Shaw »
Posted Sat, 01/27/2018 - 17:54 LIKE 24
Pic ivo jara
Well, I see everybody talking about drugs, well, steroids are synthetic hormones, not drugs. I
don't think anybody can train on drugs, other than some pain killers to keep on training when
injured (which is stupid). So to all of you oput there who say "These guys are not Natural", just
google Ronnie Coleman training, when you can lift what he lifts in training, and "keep it
natural", you will see that you will grow. Ronnie's stats:
Deadlift – 900 Lbs x 1 Rep
Squat – 855 Lbs x 1 Rep
Bench press – 500 Lbs x 5 Reps, 200 Lbs Dumbbells x 12 Reps
Military press – 315 Lbs x 12 Reps, 160 Lbs Dumbbells x 8 Reps
Do that and you Will grow, if you can`t well, Shhhhhhhh.
Steroids will help you recover faster and add some growth, but the effort needs to be there as
Posted Sat, 08/27/2016 - 23:20 LIKE 41
Pic Cmr
Hey let's face it the physiques have gotten better and so have the drugs, I guess it all boils
down to what you want to represent , none of the so called greats would have earned thier pro
card with out the drugs. I'm gonna tell you right now I was one of those kids that got into the
gym worked hard and accomplished a lot , always reading the magazines with the latest Roid
giant on it selling some new supplement that didn't work and watching guys doing cycles
achieving way more than I did, but fast forward 20 years and look at em now they are all dead
or look like shit from the drugs. Hey it's all personal choice tho look great die younger or put in
the real work build some character and realize that the modern support of bodybuilding can
be a farse or a true character building sport, just depends on how you look at it.
Posted Tue, 09/16/2014 - 16:22 LIKE 45
Pic Rob
All big time roid users. Why not find hard working all natural gym
Rats who put in the time and not the drugs?
Posted Tue, 02/10/2015 - 07:23 LIKE 42
Pic Jordan
You're an idiot mate... You have so much to learn.
You honestly think the reason, ronnie, jay, phill, Kai, Dorian, arnie and soooo many more
is because they juiced? No other reason? Or maybe they put more hours in the gym
and panting over the effort they put in to have that look? It's more hours then you put in
playing with your dick. Just because you're small and never trained hard in your life,
doesn't mean you can have a raz at the guys with the biggest and best bodies in the
world. There's a reason they won, there's a reason you're posting on bodybuilding
website having a cry, it's because you're a soft cunt.
Tell ronnie he's a rat because he juiced, I'm sure you won't, because he worked hard to
win that title 8 times.
And also, learn facts abouts roids you loser! I bet you don't actually know what they do?
Make you bigger? Or recovering your body so fast you won't even need to rest. You're
an idiot with no understanding of bodybuilding. You should maybe not follow the sport
because you're a gay cunt
Posted Mon, 01/02/2017 - 08:10 LIKE 31
Pic Jim Brewster
There's some truth in your hard-edged response. Sure genetics are critical and hard
work pays off, but everyone of these guys were big time drug users, period. What
would they have been like with zero drugs? Still the winners they were? Maybe, maybe
not. I personally don't care if they use steroids and whatever else, it's the choice of the
individual, but to be honest, they should list their drug stacks along with their preferred
exercises - why not, then we'd have some truth in the sport for once. That kind of truth
could change the world for a lot of guys just getting into it.
Posted Wed, 05/22/2019 - 23:30 LIKE 3
Pic James Killebrew
Thank you Jordan. Drop some reality brother with an attitude. People used to think
Dorian drew his own blood, magically mixed it with HGH, shot it back in and had a
dialysis machine to charge his blood with secret chemicals. As ridiculous as these
haters on here. Good work
Posted Sat, 07/30/2016 - 00:07 LIKE 40
Pic Ben
Dude, drugs is a part of modern day bodybuilding. I am truly not against using
enhancement within the bodybuilding world. That is how the sport is. Besides, the best
bodybuilders, they started training as young kids. You see, a growing body knows no
genetics as long as it is well nourished. Stimulate a young body to grow and it has
infinite possibilities. Natural growth factors are awash in a young, growing body. (Think
of a baby that grows in 9 months or so, out of 2 incomplete gametes from the parents,
to forms a single cell with complete 23 pairs of chromosomes that continues to divide
until it becomes a new organism. Nature normally applies the brakes on an adult's
growth curve [or else all of us will keep growing 'til we die and I suspect our life spans
will be much shorter if we didn't have a ceiling in our overall growth curve]). Even those
young bodybuilders, who later used drugs, are still 90% hard work, 10% chemistry
(chemistry is always necessary to get that ultra ripped legit stage-ready look). Give or
take, the genetically superior ones can get away with less hard work. Outside of
bodybuilding though and in any other competitive sport, I am not in favor of drugs, just
because genetic differences will give more advantage to those who are more gifted and
drugs can magnify these advantages. I am not even sure why anabolic steroids, which
are not mind-altering, are banned and alcohol is rampant. Just for fun: Count the
number of crimes, violence, and death related to alcohol in a year and compare to
anabolic steroids in the last 50 years. Surprise! Surprise!
Posted Sat, 09/13/2014 - 21:01 LIKE 40
Pic millmuscle
Where is Chuck Sipes?
Posted Sat, 09/13/2014 - 04:25 LIKE 46
Pic Ivan
Wait, wait wait...looks like no one of this guys did chinups or pullups, come on!!!
Read Arnold's books, watch Jason Ferrugia training videos...and a lot of other guys!! Start
respect calisthenics!!
Posted Thu, 09/11/2014 - 20:08 LIKE 55
Pic reallyruff
Lee Haney ?
Posted Thu, 09/11/2014 - 04:40 LIKE 66
Pic nikolai Hjelle
Where is Kai Greene????
Posted Thu, 01/15/2015 - 12:24 LIKE 54
Pic Lance Clemons
fukn right where the hell is kai!
Posted Wed, 03/21/2018 - 05:48 LIKE 48
Pic aajka
Giant Green Vanish due to dirty politics.
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