Book - Bible - Gail Riplinger - Hazardous Materials
Book - Bible - Gail Riplinger - Hazardous Materials
Book - Bible - Gail Riplinger - Hazardous Materials
V o ic e o f St r a n g e r s
Strong’s Concordance Lexicons
Greek & Hebrew Texts by Metzger, Scrivener, Berry, Ginsburg & Green
The Voice of Strangers
T he M en
W o r d b y Wo Rd
G.A. R ip lin g e r
It is the author’s desire that the information in this book help as many people
as possible. Therefore, permission to reproduce portions for non-profit use
will likely be given to like-minded individuals who contact the publisher.
Chapters 1, 7, 30, and 31 may be used without permission for non
commercial’use, when accompanied by all o f the information on this page.
For use of the letters written by Charles L. Dodgson, permission has been secured
from AP Watt Ltd on behalf of The Trustees of the C.L. Dodgson Estate, Morton
Cohen and The executors of the Estate of Richard Gordon Lancelyn.
For use of the diary written by Charles L. Dodgson, permission has been secured
from AP Watt Ltd on behalf of The Trustees of the C.L. Dodgson Estate and The
Executors of the Estate of Richard Gordon Lancelyn.
Back cover photograph of letter ‘Q’ from “Nature Alphabet” by Kjell Sandved. Used
by permission of Kjell Sandved of
Photos of the Faculty at the Time of the Briggs’ Trial, Charles Briggs, and Francis
Brown, from A History o f Union Theological Seminary by Robert Hansly, copyright
1987, Columbia University Press. Reprinted with permission of the Publisher.
Photo of William Edwy Vine from W.E. Vine: His Life and Ministry by Percy Ruoff,
Oliphants Limited, First Edition 1951. Used by permission.
“Top Hats v Bonnets,” and photos of Frederic Rendall, George Trevelyan, F.W.
Farrar, and E.E. Bowen” reproduced from An Illustrated History o f Harrow School,
with kind permission of Harrow School, Rita Boswell, Archivist.
Cover photo of interior of Greek Orthodox church in Israel used with the kind
permission of photographer Les Millar.
Photos from the National Portrait Gallery, London used by permission secured
through liaison Dennis Palmu of Palmu Publications for use in this book only.
Numerous other photos herein secured and reproduced through the research and with
the kind permission of Dennis Palmu, Palmu Publications.
T able of C ontents
I n t r o d u c t io n
Part II
P a r t ii i
P a r t iv
H e b r e w O l d T e s t a m e n t L e x ic o n s
P art vi
I n s p ir a t io n , P r e s e r v a t io n , T r a n s l a t io n &
I n f il t r a t io n
Hazardous Materials
Detecting Bugs in Software & Bats in Books
“ Cease,
my son,
to hear the instruction
that causeth to err
from the words
of knowledge.”
Prov. 19:27
“ Prove
all things; hold fast
that which is good.”
1 Thes. 5:21
Lucifer like Jesus Christ? Who was on the Westcott and Hort
RV committee? Who was on the ASV committee? Who used
RV and ASV words to define KJB words? Who was a Unitarian
and denied the Trinity and Christ’s blood atonement? Who
thought Christians were heretics and pagan Gnostics were
superior? Who thought pagan Zoroastrianism was a forerunner
o f Christianity? Who copied all o f his definitions from the men
who embraced the aforementioned abominations? Who was
charged with heresy, even by his liberal denomination? Who
was discharged from his college teaching position for heresy?
Why are Christians trusting Greek and Hebrew study tools
created by these men who have this kind o f record — even
above their Holy Bibles?
Buckle your seat belt. You are about to take a trip through
the time barrier, looking behind time-closed doors where men
coined counterfeit words to “choke the word” and the voice o f
God (Matt. 13:22). The reader is in for many surprises, some
that will verge on riveting shock. Before this book, no one had
ever critically examined the authors o f Greek and Hebrew study
tools. Instead, these tools were accepted blindly. Christians,
however, are taught to “Prove all things; hold fast that which is
good” (1 Thes. 5:21). Have readers of Greek and Hebrew study
tools proven these men? “The simple believeth every word: but
the prudent man looketh well to his going” (Proverbs 14:15).
"Lay hands suddenly on no man,” the Bible warns (1 Tim.
5:22). Some have laid their hands on Greek and Hebrew study
tools without a thorough examination o f the beliefs o f the men
who penned them. This book contains more real news than the
Nightly News. But, like babes who like to be read to, some will
opt for the latter. If you are turning the pages in this book, you
are part of God’s reading remnant.
“Brown, Driver and Briggs say.” These men were the first to re
define the words o f the Holy Bible. Their words are echoed by
mere copy-cats in more recent lexicons and are echoed again in
new versions. All are echoing the disentombed word-choices o f
unsaved, God-hating liberals from the middle and late 1800s.
You must learn about these men and the mindset behind their
words, now seen in the NIV, NKJV, ESV, TNIV, HCSB,
The Bible tells us that, “If any man will do his will, he shall
know o f the doctrine” (John 7:17). Since these authors do not
appear to do God’s will in many cases, they cannot “know” the
doctrines o f the Bible, to say nothing o f changing or interpreting
its words. A mind that is dimmed with sin will receive no light,
even through advanced education. A man who does not
“tremble” at the word is not fit to teach the word (Isa. 66:5).
“The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of
G od...neither can he know them, because they are spiritually
discerned” (1 Cor. 2:14).
Plan B is Working
that if they could just get THE Greek or Hebrew in some form,
they would have the key to understanding God’s Bible. They
did not want a corrupt NIV. They had been warned about that.
Suddenly it dawned upon me - the serpent, who was “more
subtil” than any other creature, had switched weapons by
merely switching the cover. He had Christians peering in
the very same stagnant pool of Greek and Hebrew study
tools that had been dredged for words by new versions
(Gen. 3).
Taken together, New Age Bible Versions and the book you
hold in your hand create a complete examination o f Greek and
Hebrew study dangers. They cannot be viewed as separate or
conflicting books. This book is merely an extension o f New Age
“ A little leaven”
Also explored for the first time are the good Hebrew
Masoretic texts, such as that published by the Trinitarian Bible
Society. Editing by ben Chayyim, Ginsburg, Letteris, and others
prevents these from serving as jot and tittle perfect editions,
however. Currently printed, facsimile, software, and online
editions o f the good Hebrew Massoretic Text fail to reflect the
pure historic Massoretic Text in toto (e.g. Numbers 33:8, 2
Sam. 8:3, 2 Sam 16:23, Ruth 3:5, Ruth 3:17, Judges 20:13 et
al.), as preserved correctly in the KJB and other vernacular
Bibles. These slightly marred Hebrew editions include, but are
not limited to the following:
2.) The Trinitarian Bible Society (TBS), Holy Bible, The Holy
Scriptures in the Original Languages, Bomberg/Ginsburg
Old Testament 1894 and 1998. Ginsburg, a foundational
member o f the Westcott and Hort Revised Version
Committee, wrote an entire occult book, called The
Kabbala, which promoted the evil theories o f this
unscriptural Jewish mystical system. He was also an
attendee at the Luciferian Theosophical Society’s Meeting
in Piccadilly, England, where Madame Blavatsky spoke.
A British textual critic once said that “ever and anon we are
landed in particulars.” It is good to generalize and say that the
King James Bible matches the good Textus Receptus in the New
Testament and the Hebrew Masoretic text in the Old Testament.
But woe unto him who says it must follow one particular
printing by one particular editor of either o f these texts. Many
enjoy the comfort zone of generalities and cannot function in
today and which springs from the liberal word choices in new
versions. This book will take off where New Age Bible Versions
left off, examining the other authors o f Greek and Hebrew
lexicons. Their often bizarre beliefs and sordid lifestyles send a
foul scent into every sentence in their lexicons. Their definitions
echo the serpent’s charge, “Yea, hath God said...?” to today’s
generation, who seem to want the Bible to ‘mean’ something
other than what it says.
If God’s people will not “hear his word” he will “feed them
with w orm w ood...for from the prophets o f Jerusalem is
profaneness gone forth into all the land” (Jer. 23:15).
Dear Preacher,
that new versions and those who reject God are interested in re
molding. And those are not the words God wants to enlighten
men about. He seeks to enlighten them about the nature o f God,
Jesus Christ, salvation, the Christian walk, heaven, hell, and
eternity. Neither the pagan Greek philosophers nor the Egyptian
peasants, who left grocery lists among the papyri, can shed any
light upon these subjects. Yet lexicons pretend that they can.
They do this with an ulterior motive. That motive is to bring the
higher things of God BACK DOWN to the mundane man-
centered point of view. For this reason, Greek lexicons cannot
be used for most o f the words of the New Testament.
The Bible says, “thy word is truth” (John 17:17). Truth and
heresy are at opposite ends o f the spiritual spectrum. When
someone looks at a Bible dictionary or lexicon, he supposes that
he will find even more truth. Yet the facts indicate that he will
find heresy, written by men who were called “heretics” by their
own peers. The Dictionary o f Heresy Trials in American
History was written with the collaboration o f historians from
the Universities o f Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, and Duke, as
well as the University o f Chicago, the University o f Maryland,
the University o f California, the University o f Pennsylvania,
and other well-respected universities. The authors o f today’s
most used Bible study dictionaries are paramount among the
mere fifty ‘heretics’ whose beliefs shocked their contemporaries
enough to bring them to trial and thereby merit inclusion in this
hall o f shame. The top heretics include the editors o f the most
accessed Old Testament lexicon, the Brown, Driver, and Briggs
Hebrew-English Lexicon and the most popular New Testament
lexicons, including J.H. Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon, and
Danker, Bauer, Arndt, and Gingrich’s Greek-English Lexicon o f
the New Testament. Also indicted is Philip Schaff, the
committee chairman of the American Standard Version, whose
words are used as faulty definitions in the back o f Strong’s
Concordance. Schaff handpicked like-minded libertines, like
Strong and Thayer to serve under him on the ASV committee.
How have they escaped detection? One professor concludes,
“ ‘they’ use our terms but give them non-Christian meanings.”
Sir Robert Anderson said the writings o f Bible critics are
“expressed o f course in veiled language, and with perfect
courtesy.” Only those who have thoroughly studied the heresies
o f the past can see through their facade, as they try to infest
God s garden with the weeds o f the world. The heresy trials and
The old lexicons are copyright free. This means that anyone
can take their vile words and place them in a Greek or Hebrew
study aid and call them their own. Just as the current Greek
texts o f Nestle-Aland and the United Bible Society, which
underlie new versions, are nearly virtual copies o f the corrupt
1881 Greek text o f Westcott and Hort, so the current Greek-
English bible study tools, such as Vine’s, Strong’s, W uest’s,
Thayer’s, Berry’s, and Zodhiates’ are taken from the lexicons
that were written in the mid-to-late 1800s by Liddell, Vincent,
and Trench. This book shows who first invented the words. For
example, Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon admits that its
sources include Liddell-Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon', both
Berry’s Greek-English Interlinear and Vine’s Expository
Dictionary used Thayer and Trench, both o f which were rooted
in the lexicon o f Liddell-Scott. W uest’s Word Studies used the
lexicons o f Trench, Thayer, Moulton, Milligan, and Vincent.
Strong used Gesenius. Zodhiates plagiarized so much that he
was even sued for it. And on it goes.
0 Greek,’ hides his w o lfs howl. After reading this book, the
astute reader will know to ask, “What Greek?” ...“Who was
the originator of the English word used to explain the
Greek?” ...“Why is the word changed from holy English to
such unholy anguish”?
0 That with which the reader at first may not agree or which
the reader may not understand will be rectified upon reading
the entire book. All questions have been anticipated and are
explained somewhere and in detail. Assuming, ‘the author
does not know or understand ‘something’ will only be
possible if the entire book is not read. I suggest reading the
book from the beginning to the end. If however one
particular editor is o f special interest to the reader, that
chapter might be read
first. No chapter stands
alone and all must be read
within the context o f the
whole book, as well as
that which was written in
New Age Bible Versions
and In Awe o f Thy Word.
s o t h a t y o u c a n t h e n h e l p a C h r i s t i a n i t y t h a t is h e a d i n g s w i f t l y
o u t o n a ro u g h a n d tr e a c h e ro u s w a v e ? G o d h a s g iv e n u s a m u c h
e a s ie r jo b th a n M a r in e C o rp s b o o t cam p and it h a s g o ld e n
e te rn a l re w a rd s .
o k n o w le d g e o f G re e k o r H e b re w is r e q u i r e d t o r e a d
N th is b o o k . G re e k w o rd s a re a v o id e d a lm o s t e n tire ly .
G re e k a n d H e b re w fo n ts a re g e n e ra lly n o t u s e d so th a t
th e f lo w o f r e a d in g is n o t in te r r u p te d f o r r e a d e r s w h o
a re n o t c o n v e rs a n t in th e s e la n g u a g e s . Y o u w ill fin d th a t re a d in g
m o s t o f th e b o o k is a s e a s y a s r e a d in g th e n e w s p a p e r . I h a v e
d o n e a l l o f t h e G r e e k w o r k f o r t h e r e a d e r . (For 22 years 1 have been
examining such materials — uninterrupted— for at least 8 hours a day. No Greek professor or
translator has had that time latitude. I began at the age of 13 with a private tutor of classical
language. By the time I was 18, 1 was hired to teach English to Greek-speaking immigrants. For
over 30 years I have waded through thorny Greek briars to rescue tangled sheep, brought near
the precipice of unbelief by Greek and Hebrew study tools. There is nothing about the Greek
New Testament that 1 did not see before most of my critics were bom, as I am now in my
A lth o u g h it m a y ta k e a b it o f tim e to r e a d th is b o o k , it is a
tim e - s a v e r. I h a v e s p e n t y e a r s a n d y e a rs r e a d in g a ll o f th e h a rd -
to -fin d books w ritte n by th e a u th o rs o f G re e k and H e b re w
le x ic o n s a n d e d itio n s , so th a t r e a d e r s c o u ld q u ic k ly g a th e r a ll o f
th e c ritic a l m a te ria l fr o m one so u rce. T h e fo o tn o te s p ro v id e
re s e a rc h re s o u rc e s fo r fu r th e r s tu d y .
T h is b o o k is w r it te n f o r th e f o llo w in g a u d ie n c e s :
O rd in a r y C h ris tia n s w h o h a v e h e a r d p e o p le s a y , “ T h e G re e k
s a y s ,” a n d w o n d e r e d i f p e r h a p s th e ir B ib le m ig h t b e w r o n g
o r i f th e y s h o u ld g e t s o m e b o o k s o n th e s u b je c t so th a t th e y
c o u ld b e tte r u n d e r s ta n d th e B ib le .
C h ristia n s w h o ca re a b o u t th e B ib le a n d w h o w a n t to b e
a rm e d w ith e v id e n c e to h e lp th o se w h o w ill d e m e a n it
th ro u g h a g g re ssiv e m e a n s, a p a th y , o r a little ‘G re e k ’ h e re
a n d th ere .
K JB d e fe n d e rs w h o n e e d a m m u n itio n th a t w ill th w a rt
p ra c tic a lly e v e ry fa lse c h a rg e a g a in s t th e K JB .
5.) To keep the next generation from hearing from the pulpit,
“The Greek says,” to hearing once again what the old-time
preachers said, “The Bible says...” Hopefully the Greek
rush will become a holy hush.
6.) To promote awe and reverence, once again, for the Holy
Bible, in the midst of the multiplicity o f versions and
opinions about what the ‘original’ languages are purported
to say.
N this book you will find out what happens behind the
stacked upon their now seldom read and less revered Holy
Bibles. When they graduate it becomes a church ornament,
outshone by a mile o f commentaries and lexicons. How did this
all happen? The answer: Greek and Hebrew study. Period.
These termites are quietly and slowly chewing away at the
churches’ one foundation. They did not enter through the light
of the front door, but lurk on the meaty wooden library shelves
of pastors and colleges, lying wait to devour, first the pine, then
the pulp of the Bible’s pages.
pastors and their churches were perfect. How much safer could
it get? Surprisingly, my daughter brought home a textbook that
falsely charged that the word “candle” in the KJB was incorrect
because, according to the author, ‘there were no candles in
Bible times.’ The lexicon author who invented that lie is
discussed in an upcoming chapter. I showed my daughter two
standard secular encyclopedia which confirm the KJB reading:
The good pastor got rid of the bad textbooks. But with no
nearby Bible colleges to complete her degrees, my daughter
switched to an accounting major via ‘safe’ distance learning.
Surely the accounting textbooks, written by unsaved reprobate
professors, would not try to steal her Bible from her word-by-
knowing” more than God has directly said in his word. They
have now joined the serpent’s side with the battle cry, “Yea,
hath God said...?” The AIDS disease was originally called
GRID (Gay Related Immune Disorder). Another GRID (Greek
Related Immune Disorder) contaminates students, lowering
their immunity to heresy.
and the KJB. Each year Johnny came home from college, not
happy and excited, but with more and more questions and
doubts about the Holy Bible he had been given by the godly bus
worker. The clowns had taught him how to aptly juggle a pile of
Greek and Hebrew lexicons, but he dropped his awe for his
Holy Bible before he left. After graduation he told someone, “I
don’t know where the Bible is.” His painted smile, like all
Clown graduates, is now being used by Satan to deceive
listeners who will look at his hall o f mirrors to see a distorted
image o f God’s word. Do not be lured by the kissing booth
advertising this school’s Fun House. Remember Judas betrayed
Jesus with a kiss. He was not a creepy killer, just a sneaky
away from the straight and narrow for a deeper look will drown
men in destruction.
(The names o f the student, professors, and college in this true story have b e e rid .
AV Publications for a list o f good Bible schools to attend or those to avoid. To be added to the
list o f 'g o o d ' colleges, submit a letter that all fa cu lty affirm that the King James Bible
inspired, inerrant w ord o f God.)
The people who fill the pews have no quarrel with their
Holy Bible; the asides it receives come from higher education,
where the books of men stack higher than the word o f God. The
Bible says to set those who are least esteemed in the church to
judge matters (1 Cor. 6:4). But there seems to be a fleshly
tendency in the body of Christ to be like “Diotrephes, who
loved to have the preeminence” (3 John 9). There is more of a
“Hermes charmed him to sleep with the sound o f his flute and cut o ff his
head.” Hermes promoted bestiality and was the messenger for the god Zeus
(a type o f Satan). Hermeneutics, as taught today in liberal Bible colleges,
scarcely brings a message from the God o f Christianity. Hermes sends
students on a wild goose chase to find Z eus’s interpretation o f G od’s
message, using Greek lexicons, based generally on the writings o f the pagan
Greeks (The Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1996, p. 690, s.v. Hermes; Elizabeth Hallam, Gods and Goddesses, NY:
Macmillan, 1996, p. 132).
Final Exam
father o f lies. Yet how many good pastors have said, “the
original actually says”? Have Greek and Hebrew study tools
become the 67,h book o f the Bible?
C o n f e s s io n s
of a Lexicographer
World’s Leading Greek Scholars
Warn of Faulty Greek-English
Bible Study Tools*.
■ The Battle: The Spirit vs. The Desires of the Flesh &
of the Mind
Chapter 2
Death Certificate —
Signed by the Doctors
O ut-of date:
(W ithout the trumped-up need and the imagined “cry for scholars,
lexicographers would be out o f work and would have no books to sell.)
translation” (Tayio r,p p . 19, 16, 82). In other words, he admits that there
is no such thing as the ‘meaning’ of a Greek word.
German-Latin Lexicons
By All Bible Study Tools
& Lexicons
Hazardous Material:
Poison Passed From the Past
to the Present
Pagan Greeks (Plato, Homer, et al.)
Liddell-Scott Greek-English Lexicon (1843)
Catholic ‘Fathers’ & Heretics
Trench’s Synonyms o f the New Testament (1854)
I _
Revised Version (1881)
V incent’s Word Studies in the New Testament (1887)
Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon (1887)
Strong, Concordance with Greek-Hebrew Lexicon (1890)
Rogers, The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New
The UBS Greek New Testament: A Reader’s Edition (with Greek English
Dictionary) et al.
Chadwick complains,
They all agree that many seeming ‘nuggets’ in the Greek are
often fool’s gold from gold-brickers.
N e w m a n b a se d h is le x ic o n o n W .F . M o u lto n a n d G e d e n s A
Concordance to the Greek Testament w h ic h is b a se d o n the
a d u lte ra te d G re e k te x ts o f “ W e stc o tt a n d H o rt, T is c h e n d o rf
a n d the English Revisers [Revised Version]’’ (T ay io r,PP. 93, 91).
In th e p re fa c e N e w m a n ad m its th a t “ m e a n in g s are g iv e n in
p re s e n t-d a y E n g lish , ra th e r th a n in a c c o rd w ith tra d itio n a l
e c c le s ia s tic a l te rm in o lo g y ” [w h a t D a n k e r d is d a in fu lly calls
“ c h u rc h ly ” w o rd s] (Taylor, P. 92).
D id G o d ex p re ss h is o p in io n o f th e German to E n g lish
B au er, A rn d t, a n d G in g ric h Greek-English Lexicon o f
the New Testament and Other Early Christian
Literature ? In 1952 its te n ta tiv e n o tes m a d e a trip to
G e rm a n y . T h e sh ip w h ic h c a rrie d th e m , th e Flying
Enterprise, sa n k a n d th e n o te s w e re b u rie d in D a v y
Jo n e s lo c k e r (Taylor, p. 5). B ack to th e d ra w in g b o ard .
Lee concludes,
Chadwick observed,
All lexicon authors, like Danker, tell their readers that they
consult the godless ancient Greek authors “Plato, Thucydides,
The Conclusion
The Battle:
The Spirit
K J B ABC’s = A lw a y s B ased on C o n te x t
“ ...e v e n so th e th in g s o f G o d k n o w e th no
m an , b u t th e S p irit o f G od. N o w w e h av e
re c e iv e d , not the spirit of the world, b u t the
sp irit w h ic h is o f G o d ; th a t w e m ig h t k n o w
th e th in g s th a t are fre e ly g iv en to us o f G od.
W h ic h th in g s also w e sp ea k , not in the words
which man’s wisdom teacheth, b u t w h ic h
th e H o ly G h o st te a c h e th ; c o m p a rin g sp iritu al
th in g s w ith sp iritu al. B u t the natural man
re c e iv e th n o t th e th in g s o f th e S p irit o f G od:
fo r th e y are foolishness u n to him : n e ith e r can
h e k n o w th em , b e c a u se th e y are sp iritu a lly
d isc e rn e d . B u t h e th a t is sp iritu a l ju d g e th all
th in g s ...F o r w h o h ath k n o w n th e m in d o f the
L o rd , th a t h e m a y in stru c t h im ? B ut w e h av e
th e m in d o f C h rist” 1 C or. 2 :1 1 -1 6 .
merely an historical record, about and for its subjects and not
the living word of God for all generations. When writing about
the Spirit in Acts 2:18, Danker uses the term “cultic rite” (Taylor,
P. 22). The word ‘cultic’ is rooted in the word ‘culture.’ Evidently
Greek: anabaino
English: spring up, grow up, come, enter, arise, rise up, go,
come up again
Greek: anakeimai
English: sit at meat, guests, sit, sit down, be set down, lie, lean,
at the table
Greek: anastrepho
English: return, have conversation, live, abide, overthrow,
behave, be used, pass
Greek: aule
English: palace, hall, sheepfold, fold, court
(An enclosure can be a sheepfold or a palace depending upon
the context. The Greeks also had the context and could
understand what was meant.)
English: abide
Greek: anastrepho, aulidzomai, diatribo, epimeno, histemi,
meno, parameno, poieo, hupomeno
English: about
Greek: en, epi, kata, kuklothen, mello, peri, pou, pros, hos,
English: above
Greek: ano, anoteros, epano, epi, para, peri, pleion, pro, huper
English: abundance
Greek: asitia, hadrotes, dunamis, perisseia, perisseuma,
perisseuo, huperbole
Definition from the next few words. 1.) fire 2.) deeper,
down, depths, dig, beneath, 3.) sorrows, pains, damnation,
18. “For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest
hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire
the foundations o f the mountains” (Deut. 32:22).
19. “Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants
thereof. Hell is naked before him, and destruction hath no
covering” (Job 26:5, 6).
20. “And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments” (Luke 16:23).
21 “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget
God” (Ps. 9:17). ,
22. “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou sutter
thine Holy One to see corruption” (Ps. 16:10).
23. “destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matt. 10:28).
Mortal Sins:
Wounded in Action
Yet Bible schools are totally out of touch with what S.E. Porter,
author of Verbal Aspect in the Greek o f the New Testament
calls “the ongoing debate over the nature of the Greek verbal
: In - J ; , » seems that the -field o f Greek verb
theory” is up for grabs with few reachmg t o w a r d s the often
toxic and highly debatable material presented in typ.eal Greek
grammars, such as the following sample list:
H.E. Dana and Julius Mantey, A M anual Grammar o f the Greek New
A.T. Robertson, A Grammar o f the Greek New Testament in the Light o f
Historical Research
Blass, translated by DeBrunner and edited by Funk, Greek Grammer o f the
New Testament
E.C. Colwell and E.W. Tune, A Beginner ’s Reader Grammar fo r New
Testament Greek
Steven Cox, Essentials o f New Testament Greek: A Student’s Guide
Nathan Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament
Daniel Wallace, The Basics o f New Testament Syntax', Greek Grammar
Beyond the Basics; A Workbook fo r New Testament Syntax
shoebox before they open the Holy Bible are being out-shouted
from every direction. Evans says,
The life of the Bible is shown in its verbs and Satan s scribes
have pointed their “hurtful sword” at the Bible’s very heart. The
errors, heresies, and faulty translations in Greek grammars will
be examined throughout this book. A few brief glances show:
- Students are also not taught that all Greek grammar books
are based on the corrupt Nestle-Aland or the UBS Greek
texts, with verb frequency counts and other particulars
varying from the Textus Receptus and its historic translation.
For example, J. Gresham M achen’s New Testament Greek
For Beginners followed “Moulton and Geden s
Concordance to the Greek Testament” which followed
“Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf and the English
Revisers [Revised Version]” (Taylor, pp. 93, 91). Machen admits
his English translations come from “the Greek-English
Lexicon o f the New Testament of Grimm-Thayer.” Machen
also followed “Moulton, A Grammar o f New Testament
Greek." See the individual chapters in this book on the
heresies o f Moulton and J.H. Thayer. Machen also used the
German “Blass-Debrunner, Grammatik des
Preposition Preview
The verse clearly states that “the Word was God. That is,
Jesus is God. Summers is separating God and Jesus in a verse
whose clear purpose is to teach that Jesus Christ is God and he
made the world. Summers’ comment shows the heretical results
of not translating contextually. This context demands the word
“In the beginning God created. .” (Genesis 1:1)
(.Elohim and “us” are plural (Gen. 1:1, 26), but Summers is
wrong to separate Jesus from God.) Prepositions will be
covered fully in the chapter on Vine.
He concludes,
“However, numerous key questions remain
Open” (Taylor, p. 206).
■ If you are ‘dipped,’ you drown because you are not brought
up to “walk in newness of the likeness of his
resurrection” (Rom. 6:4, 5).
The Confession:
Robertson admits,
The remainder o f this book will prove faulty the most used
Bible Study tools and find the reader holding fast to the King
James Bible. (Greek grammar and verbs will be discussed in
detail in the chapters on Vine and Trench. See also The
Language o f the King James Bible, pp. 108-109.)
C h ap ter 6
Documentation to follow.
How does this trick work and why has it been so very
effective in convincing students that there are insights to be had
We have all heard these pointless gems over and over. Like
all nuggets, they are hard, with more lumpy syllables than babes
can swallow. These ‘meanings,’ given to help define the simple
on (epi: epidermis)
God (theos: theology)
under (hypo: hypodermic)
heart (kardia: cardiac)
throw (ballo: ballistics)
power (dunamis: dynamite)
discemer (kritikos: critic)
place (topos: topography)
devil (diabolos: diabolical)
Revelation (apokalupsis, apocalypse)
whore (porne, pornography)
Some will ask, ‘Yes, but isn’t the Greek the only ‘°ngm al’?
The chapter “The Wobbly Unorthodox Greek Orthodox Crutch
will examine why the Greek Bible crutch is not always a safe
one to lean upon.
The Greek does not give us the auditory or visual keys f-rn-
c, which will pull up the words ‘burn’ and ‘furnace’ in the
mind. The children of this world can be wiser than the
children o f light. Cambridge University came up with the
God made the mind and only he can make a Bible to match
^ We are told that the Greek word for ‘place’ has the English
derivative ‘topography.’ From this we are to rejoice that
(E x . 7 :1 1 )?
A n o th e r u se o f “ s o rc e ry ” in v o lv e s “ i n t e r p r e t a t i o n . ”
H a v e m e n b e c o m e s o rc e re rs by b e in g c a lle d to g iv e an
“ i n t e r p r e t a t i o n ” o f G o d 's w o rd s , a s th e s o rc e re rs w e re in
D a n ie l’s d a y (D a n . 2 :2 -4 )? H m m m m .
T h e o n ly th in g th a t is b e in g le a rn e d w h e n G re e k to o ls are
c o n s u lte d is th at th e E n g lish B ib le is n o t ju U e
im p lic it q u e s tio n arise s in th e liste n e r s h e a rt - I f th e O re
w o rd m e a n s ‘su ch a n d s u c h ,’ w h y d id n ’t th e K JB sa y th at
Oh m y B ib le is w r o n g ...’ A n o th e r b o o k , a n o th e r so u rc e o r
a n o th e r m a n m u st b e fo u n d to g et G o d ’s in te n d e d m e a n in g . T h e
b o o k s to re s a n d in te rn e t are full o f s u c h Bible-biting b u g s.
T o d a y m an y te a c h e rs -tu m e d -tra d e rs w ill s w a p th e ir slic k salv e
fo r liste n in g , itc h in g c a rs. H a v e n o n -C a th o lic m en b e c o m e
•a lte r’ h o y s, try in g to rise h ig h e r th a n th e B ib le b y ste p p in g o n
it? A ll fa lse re lig io n s sta c k th e ir m a n -m a d e b o o k s h ig h e r th a
th e H o ly B ib le.
That one instance o f casting doubt upon the Holy Bible was
to spread its cold shadow over M etzger’s young and moldable
mind. Upon entering college his professor then introduced him
to the dangerous “Codex well as Westcott and
Hort’s volume 2.” He admits, “Early in my study o f New
Testament Greek I acquired a copy o f J. H. Thayer’s Greek-
English Lexicon o f the New T e s ta m e n tthe work o f a Unitarian
(see upcoming chapter on Thayer). He also studied the works of
“R.C. Trench” (see upcoming chapter on Trench). He later
attended Princeton Seminary, where German textual criticism
had prospered under professor Charles Hodge (Bruce Metzger,
Rem iniscence o f an Octogenarian, Peabody, Mass.: Henderickson Publishers, 1997, pp. 8, 9
11, 12, 15).
M o st n ew v e rsio n s a re b a se d u p o n th e G re e k te x t c re a te d in
th e 1950s b y M e tz g e r fo r th e U n ite d B ib le S o cieties. H e ad m its
th a t th e “ G e rm a n w o rd fo r “ b u tc h e r” is M e tz g e r.” H e is w e ll-
n a m e d , b e c a u s e h is G re e k te x t c a rv e s, c h o p s, a n d g rin d s to
m in c e m e a t n e a rly 8 ,0 0 0 w o rd s fro m th e R e c e iv e d T ext.
M e tz g e r jo in e d fo u r o th e r b ib le c ritic s to c re a te th is c ritic a l text.
It w a s fo u n d e d , as h e ad m its, “ O n th e b asis o f W e stc o tt a n d
H o r t’s e d itio n .” In ad d itio n to th e c o m m itte e o f fiv e, th e re w e re
th re e o th e r m e n w h o p artic ip a te d : “ J. H a ro ld G re e n le e , R o b ert
P. M a rk h a m , a n d Harold K . Moulton.”
that “The difference between the right word and the almost right
word is the difference between lightning and a lightening bug.”
Although the revision committee failed in their efforts, they
discussed the need for “euphony” and “reducing unpleasant
hissing sounds” (This is thoroughly discussed in In Awe o f Thy
Word and my other books.) In seeking a title for their revision,
they considered calling it the “Ecumenical Standard Version” or
Improved Revised Standard (IRS), but settled for the New
Revised Standard Version (M etzger, Reminiscence, pp. 93, 94). Working
Greek &
by Members
of the Corrupt
Revised Version
Committee of 1881:
Chapter 7
Strong Delusion:
James Strong’s
Dangerous Definitions
in the back of his
Strong’s Concordance
dated 1881 entitled The Parallel Bible, The Holy Bible ...being
the King James Version Arranged in Parallel Columns with the
Revised Version, published by H. Hallett & Co., Portland,
Maine. It lists both the British and the American committee
members, placing Strong on the same page as members o f the
British revision committees (see Old Testam ent prefatory pages, no page
numbers). The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica tells the whole story.
Philip Schaff
The ancient occult ceremony wherein a lion's paw resurrects an initiate from a coffin (See p. 401) is
represented by the hand signals o f men from as early as the Egyptian ruler, who built the pyramids, to
modem masons, occultists and others. 1) Egyptian ruler, Khufu 2) Origen, first Bible corrupter,’ 3)
Richardson 's M onitor o f Freemansonry 4) Luciferian, Annie Besant 5) Karl Marx, 6) Baron Rothschild, 7)
Billy Graham, 8) Pat Robertson, Time, Feb. 17, 1986, 9) Satanist Anton LaVey, 10) Mr. Spock, 11)
Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor. The split fingered version, seen under Philip SchafTs vest, is called
“The Real Grip o f a M aster Mason” and represents the wicked Cabalistic use o f the Hebrew letter shin. The
hand o f lexicographer Henry Liddell, seen on page 204, may evidences this split.
G o d w ill n o t p ro m o te a b ib le th a t te a c h e s h e re sy . T h e
R V /A S V C o m m itte e in c lu d e d se v e ra l U n ita ria n s (th o se w h o
d e n y th e T rin ity a n d o th e r c e n tra l d o c trin e s). O n e su c h m a n w as
A m e ric a n B ib le critic, J. H e n iy T h a y e r, a u th o r o f T h a y e r’s
h e re tic a l Greek-English Lexicon (se e u p c o m in g c h a p te r on
T h ay e r). T h e re fo re it is n o su rp rise th a t th e A S V m a rg in a l n o te
fo r Jo h n 9 :3 8 states th a t Je su s C h rist is ju st a m an , a “ c re a tu re ,”
a n d n o t G o d , th e “C re a to r.” (A lso see th e A S V n o te in M att.
2 :2 ). T h e A S V n o te fo r th e v e rse , “A n d h e said , L o rd , I b eliev e ,
A n d h e w o rs h ip p e d h im ,” says,
“ 'T h e G re e k w o rd d e n o te s an a c t o f re v e re n c e ,
w h e th e r p a id to a creature (as here) o r to th e
C re a to r . . . ”
E v e n m o re s h o c k in g ly , th e A S V h a s a sim ila r n o te in L u k e 4 :6 ,
7 re fe rrin g to th e w o rsh ip th a t th e d e v il re q u e sts. (“A n d the
d ev il said u n to h i m .. .I f th o u th e re fo re w ilt w o rsh ip m e . . . ” )
H ere th e A S V n o te omits the parenthetical (as here).
“ T h e G re e k w o rd d e n o te s an ac t o f re v e re n c e ,
w h e th e r p a id to a c re a tu re o r to th e C re a to r . . . ”
T h e re fo re , S tro n g ’s A S V sp e c ifie s th a t in th e ir o p in io n Je su s is
a “ c re a tu re ,” n o t th e C rea to r. B u t it d o es n o t sp e c ify th at th e
d ev il is a “ c re a tu re ” a n d n o t th e “ C re a to r” ! A g a in , in M att. 4:9,
th e A S V leav e s th e c h o ic e to th e re a d e r as to w h e th e r th e d ev il
is a c re a tu re o r th e C rea to r. T h e A S V states e m p h a tic a lly th at
J e su s is a “ c re a tu re .”
A s a m e m b e r o f th e c o rru p t R V a n d A S V co m m itte e s, he
p re fe rre d h is o w n “ p riv a te in te rp re ta tio n ” o f th e sc rip tu re s, ev e n
m a k in g h is o w n v e rs io n o f th e b o o k o f E c c le sia s te s in 1877
(Schaff-Herzog, p. 115, s.v. James Strong). T h e d e fin itio n s in th e G re e k a n d
H e b re w L e x ic o n s in th e b a c k o f Strong’s Concordance are
o ften not literal re n d e rin g s o f G re e k o r H e b re w w o rd s. F o r
e x a m p le , th e G re e k w o rd deisidaimonia, u se d in A c ts 17:22, is
m a d e u p o f tw o w o rd s, ‘fe a r’ a n d ‘d e v il’ ( daimon ). T h e K in g
J a m e s B ib le c o rre c tly in te rp re ts ‘fe a rin g d e v ils ’ as b e in g “ to o
s u p e rstitio u s .” P ro p e lle d b y v ie w s th a t ‘o th e r’ re lig io n s are to
b e re sp e c te d , S tro n g ’s Concordance a n d h is A S V pretend the
w o rd is “v e ry re lig io u s .” B o th th e ASV and Strong’s
Concordance tu rn a s te m w a rn in g in to a h ig h c o m p lim e n t. (T h e
w o rd deisidaimonia is d isc u s se d in d ep th in th e c h a p te r ab o u t
R .C . T re n c h , th e o rig in a to r of th e m istra n s la tio n “ v ery
re lig io u s ” a n d th e a u th o r o f an an ti-K JB book w ith the
L u c ife ria n se rp e n t lo g o on th e first p a g e .)
1 John 4:3 And every spirit that and every spirit that
confesseth not that Jesus confesseth not
Christ is come in the Jesus is not of God
flesh is not of God
E p h . 3 :1 4 I b o w m y k n e e s u n to I b o w m y k n e e s u n to th e
th e of our
F a th e r F a th e r
Lord Jesus Christ
G al. 4 :7 an h e ir of G od an h e ir o f G o d
through Christ
1 T im . 2 :7 I s p e a k th e tru th in I sp ea k th e tru th
1 Jo h n T h e se th in g s have I T h e se th in g s h a v e I w ritte n
5:13 w ritte n u n to y o u that u n to y o u , th a t y e m a y k n o w
believe on the name th a t y e h a v e e te rn a l l i f e ...
of the Son of God;
th a t y e m a y k n o w th a t
y e h a v e e te rn a l l i f e . ..
R ev . 1:13 the S o n o f m an a so n o f m an
Verse King James Bible James Strong’s &
J. Henry Thayer’s
American Standard Version
(Check the NIV, TNIV, NASB, ESV,
HCSB, and most new versions, which
usually omit the same words.)
1 Cor. If any man love not If any man loveth not the
16:22 the Lord Jesus Christ Lord
Verse King Janies Bible Janies Strong’s &
J. Henry Thayer’s
American Standard Version
(C h eck the N IV , T N IV , NASB, ESV,
H C SB , an d m ost new versions, w hich
usually om it the sam e w ords.)
O .T . LORD Je h o v a h
M a s te r T e a c h e r (w h a t a d e m o tio n !)
A c ts 17:23 THE U N K N O W N AN U N K N O W N
H eb . 9 :1 4 Christ, w h o th ro u g h A S V m a rg in su g g e sts
th e e te rn a l Spirit re p la c in g “the S p irit,”
o ffe re d h im s e lf w ith o u t th e th ird p e rso n o f th e
sp o t to God T rin ity , w ith “ h is
[the T rin ity ] sp irit.”
T h is c h a rt sh o w s ju s t a fe w o f th e p la c e s w h e re S tro n g ’s
A S V a n d n e w v e rs io n s te a c h th e in n ate g o o d n e ss o f all m e n a n d
s a lv a tio n b y w o rk s, in ste a d o f rig h te o u sn e s s b y G o d ’s g ra c e
th ro u g h fa ith in th e L o rd Je su s C h rist alo n e. T h e y o m it g ra c e in
T h e u se o f th e w ritin g s o f p a g a n a n d se c u la r a u th o rs (as in
Isa. 14:12) to stu d y ‘w o rd m e a n in g s ’ fo r th e B ib le is d isc re d ite d
e v e n b y th e Encyclopedia Britannica. It q u o te s o n e sc h o la r as
s ay in g ,
“ [T ]h e G re e k o f th e N e w T e sta m e n t m a y n e v e r be
u n d e rs to o d as cla ssic a l G re e k is u n d e rs to o d ,” an d [Dr.
R u th erfo rd ] a c c u se s th e re v ise rs o f d isto rtin g the
m e a n in g “b y tra n sla tin g in a c c o rd a n c e w ith attic id io m
[old c la ssic a l G re ek ] p h ra se s th a t c o n v e y in la te r G re e k
a w h o lly d iffe re n t sen se , th e se n se w h ic h th e e a rlie r
tra n sla to rs in h a p p y ig n o ra n c e h a d re c o g n iz e d th a t the
c o n te x t d e m a n d e d ” ( 1911, s.v. Bible, versions, vol. 3 , p. 904 ).
H eb . 13:18 h o n e stly h o n o ra b ly
1 T h es. 4 :1 2 h o n e stly b e c o m in g ly
T h e A S V , lik e m o st n e w v e rsio n s, h as no ‘c o n d e m n in g ’
w o rd s, su ch as d e v ils, w itc h e s, h e a th e n , o r w h o re s. In 1 C or.
2 :1 4 a n d 15:44, 4 6 th e o c c u lt w o rd “p s y c h ic a l” fro m th e o c c u lt
S o c ie ty fo r P sy c h ic a l R e s e a rc h ’s p o p s u p in th e A S V ’s m a rg in s
in p la c e o f th e K J B ’s w o rd “ n a tu ra l.” S tro n g ’s d elu sio n
c o n tin u e s o n p a g e a fte r p ag e o f th e A S V a n d h is C o n c o rd a n c e ’s
G re e k an d H e b re w lex ico n . A n d sad ly , S tro n g ’s A S V m a tc h in g
d e fin itio n s fall o n ea rs w ith in c h u rc h w a lls a n d ec h o into
fe llo w s h ip h alls.
1 Unchallenged Occultism
The extensive article on the occult “Cabala in vo ume
contains not even a whisper of censure against this vile system
3. Hell
His encyclopedia says there is “ample” evidence that hell is
“ ...the abode o f both happy and miserable beings.” It speaks of
“the happy part o f H ades...” (vol. 4 , p. 168). In truth, Abraham s
bosom, which is also called ‘paradise,’ is never referred to as
hades. By enveloping Abraham’s bosom within the definition
o f “Hell,” the encyclopedia, in essence, redefines ‘hell.’ It
describes as “figurative” the Bible’s fearful words which
4. Fanatical or Faithful
Strong’s approved ‘friends’ and foes reveal much about his
thinking. The article entitled “Fanaticism” says, “ In the
Protestant world we find fanaticism in the A nabaptists of
M unster...” (vol. 3, P . 482). These good Anabaptists, o f course, were
the forerunners of today’s Baptists, whose doctrine is
characterized by orthodoxy, piety, and an adherence to the
scriptures. The article on “Anabaptists” repeats his charge of
“fanaticism.” His own works-based religion lead him to include
what he calls “the Anabaptist fanatics” in the article on
“Antimonianism.” He reports that one of them “persuaded the
people to devote their gold, and silver, and movable property to
the common use, and to bum all their books but the Bible” (vol. 1,
PP. 2 10,265).
5. Essenes
In an upcoming chapter the man-made practices o f the
Essenes will be exposed. They were in total disobedience to
God’s commandments to the Hebrews. Strong, on the other
hand, has much to say to commend them. Strong suggests that
Jesus “refers to them in Matt, xix, 12...” He erringly calls them
6. Infant Baptism
S tro n g w a s e v id e n tly a p ro p o n e n t o f in fa n t b a p tism . T he
a rtic le say s, “ In th is in sta n c e , th e rite is th e a p p lic a tio n o f w a te r
in a c e rta in w a y to a ch ild ; th e id ea is a c e rta in re la tio n o f
c h ild re n to th e C h u rc h , n a m e ly , th a t th e c h ild re n o f C h ristia n
p a re n ts, b y v irtu e o f th e ir p a re n ta g e , are b ro u g h t in to su ch a
re la tio n to th e C h u rc h th a t th e y are re g a rd e d as in a c e rta in
sen se w ith in its m e m b e r s h ip ...” It q u o te s a n o th e r a u th o r w h o
c h im e s, “ W e c a n n o t b u t th in k it a lm o st d e m o n s tra tiv e ly p ro v e d
th a t in fa n t b a p tism w a s th e p ra c tic e o f th e a p o s tle s .” It ad d s,
“ T h e p re s e n c e o f th e idea o r principle u p o n w h ic h in fa n t
b a p tis m is g ro u n d e d , w e m a y say, is an in d isp u ta b le fact in th e
N e w T e s ta m e n t...” H e sh e e p ish ly m u st a d m it th o u g h , “A ll
B a p tists a sse rt th at th e re is n o g ro u n d fo r th is p ro b a b ility ” (vol. 7,
7. Works Salvation
T h e sin , w h ic h re sig n s a m a n to h ell, is re je c tin g th e
sa lv a tio n o ffe re d th ro u g h th e s a c rific e o f Je su s C h rist (Jo h n
1:29). S tro n g ’s e n c y c lo p e d ia sa y s h o w e v e r, “ th e sin s [p lu ral]
w h ic h sh u t o u t fro m h e a v e n v a ry so g re a tly in q u a lity a n d
d e g r e e ...” ( v o i .4 ,P. 169).
8. Jesuit?
Although Strong does not seem to be in favor o f Roman
Catholicism, the encyclopedia includes some strange comments.
One states that “a Jesuit college and several convents were
erected, and the province o f Jaffna became almost wholly
Christian” (vol. 2 , P. 192). In reality, Jesuits and Catholic convents
do not generate ‘Christians.’
9. Salvation
Strong’s encyclopedia article on the ‘Heathen’ makes it
clear that he believes that the heathen will be saved, regardless
o f his religion and lack o f personal faith in Jesus Christ. The
article rejects what he mockingly calls “the extreme evangelical
theory, which assumes the certain damnation o f all who have
not learned the name and faith of C hrist...” It chides the man
who “confines that mercy within an exceedingly narrow
compass.” It adds, “Even Mohammed did not go to this degree
of exclusiveness.” To support this view it misuses another
author, who said, “ [N]or do I conceive that any man has a right
to sentence all the heathen and Mohammedan world to
damnation” (vol. 4 , pp. 121, 122). The encyclopedia’s article on
“Universalism” applauds and calls “judicious” the following
quotation: “As to the heathen and others who, entirely without
their own fault, have missed the way o f life, Holy Scripture
nowhere compels us to believe that these should summarily, and
on that account alone, be the victims o f an eternal damnation”
(vol. 10, P. 657). This is contrary to much o f the scripture that says
10. Trinity
The encyclopedia’s article on the “Trinity,” alleges o f the
Trinitarian proof text, “ 1 John v, 7, 8 are generally admitted to
be spurious...” (vol. 10, P. 552).
12. Nazi
Strong’s encyclopedia says, “German theologians are
strongly imbued with the feeling that the history o f the Hebrews
has yet to be written.” This is a frightening statement,
considering the fact that it was made in the pre-Nazi era and
assumes that the Bible does not give an accurate description of
Jewish history (vol. 4, p. 277).
13. Booze
Strong contends that Jesus approves of and made fermented
alcoholic beverages for his first miracle. He claims, “But for the
excessive zeal o f certain modem well-meaning reformers, the
idea that our Lord used any other would hardly have gained the
least currency (vol. 5, P. 514).
14. Racism
Strong provides a forum for the views and rationale of
racists, including a lengthy article entitled “PreAdamites.” It
speaks o f the “inferior psychic and bodily endowments o f the
Black races.” It charges that “Blacks” are o f a “lower grade.” It
concludes, “The name Adam, signifying red, would imply that
he was not the parent o f the Black Races.” Strong, as editor,
inserts several dissenting footnotes disavowing some o f what is
said by “(A.W.),” the author o f the article. However, ninety-
nine percent of the eccentric article goes uncontested by Strong.
Inclusion o f such a strange article was totally at Strong’s
discretion and it includes ideas such as:
18. Inspiration
Philip Schaff selected only ASV committee members w o
denied the inspiration of the originals. Strong’s article, entitled
“Criticism, Biblical,” notes, “ is possible that some clerical
errors may have existed in the original autographs themselves,
and others probably crept in at the earliest date in copying” (vol.
2 , p. 567). Strong’s article on the inspiration of the “Canon” of the
(See bottom o f page 165 for split finger hand sign, which may or may not be used by Liddell.)
iddell and Scott took the first big English bite from this
“ Y o u h av e fo u n d m e at th e v e ry e n d o f a life ’s
ta sk ; fo r I am w ritin g th e last sh ee t o f th e last
e d itio n o f th e L e x ic o n w h ic h I sh all u n d e rta k e . I
sh all h e n c e fo rth le a v e it to o th e rs to correct... he
c o n fe s s e d th a t h e c o u ld n o t k e e p h is h a n d s o f f it;
th a tso many p e o p le h ad se n t h im
corrections...” (Thompson, pp. 80-81).
Liddell, a ‘Priest’?
World, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp. I l l , 112, 174; see index under
His counterpart at Oxford was Henry
“Sidgwick, H enry,” and “satanism ” ).
As Dean, his personal and home life found place for the
murder and witchcraft o f Shakespeare and the Greek plays. He
said, we “hope to throw open our doors for an evening musical
party next week. They are intending to get up the ‘Macbeth’
music, with choruses, some glees, and other music, by the help
o f some of the young men and some ladies, if they are not too
prudish to join” (Thompson, p. 148).
A look into the minds of Liddell’s choice for friends lends little
credibility to the mind that made his lexicon jump from German
to English.
George Eliot was the pen-name behind which Mary Ann Evans
hid her heresies. Liddell’s liberal outlook was a mirror
reflection o f Eliot’s and A.P.
Stanley’s. Their distorted
image of philosophy should be
looked into, Liddell stated to
one correspondent—
Scribner’s Sons, 1894, Vol. II, p. 226, as cited in Sightler, pp. 194-195;
see also Thompson, p. 192).
th e q u e stio n o f th e a b so lu te D e ity o f Je su s h e
laid b u t little s t r e s s ...” (Annie Besant, Autobiographical
Sketches, London: Freethought Publishing Company, 1885, pp. 81-82 as
cited by Sightler, p. 196). (See p. 165 for Besant’s hand sign.)
B esant asked S ta n le y h o w h e c o u ld re m a in in th e
C h u rc h o f E n g la n d w ith su ch u n -C h ristia n v ie w s. H e c o n fid e d
h is tru e J e su itic a l style,
“ I th in k th a t I am o f m o re s e rv ic e to tru e re lig io n
b y re m a in in g in th e C h u rc h a n d striv in g to w id e n
its b o u n d a rie s fro m w ith in , th a n i f I le ft it a n d
w o rk e d fro m w ith o u t” (Besant, pp. 81-82 as cited in Sightler,
p. 196).
H ow d id h e “w id e n its b o u n d a rie s ” ? “ S ta n le y h ad
in v ite d “ to p re a c h at a c o u rse o f ‘se rv ic e s fo r th e p e o p le ’ in
W e s tm in s te r A b b e y ,” ” H u g h H a w e is. H e w a s a m e m b e r, w ith
S ta n le y , o f th e S o c ie ty o f P sy c h ic a l R e se a rc h a n d “ atte n d e d
se a n c e s .” H e sa id “ faith in a n d re v e re n c e fo r th e B ib le w as
d y in g o u t” and “ c le rg y m e n ” “ought to be g ra te fu l to
S p iritu a lis m [n e c ro m a n c y ] fo r g iv in g th e m a p h ilo s o p h ic b asis
fo r th e im m o rta lity o f th e so u l.” In 1893, tw e lv e y e a rs a fte r
S ta n le y ’s Revised Version c a m e ou t, H a w e is to ld W .T . S tead ,
e d ito r o f Borderland (a n o c c u lt n e w sp a p e r) th a t, “ O c c u ltis m is
The Life o f Philip Schaff, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1897, pp. 357-358 as noted in
Sightler, p. 27).
Years earlier, Liddell had set the Oxford stage for such
word play. Liddell’s biographer revealed that early on, “He was
“ It h a s b e e n m y fo rtu n e to h e a r b o th o f th ese
g re a t p r e a c h e r s ...I t is d iffic u lt to sa y w h ic h w as
th e m o re im p re s s iv e ...T h e e a rn e stn e ss o f b o th
th e se g re a t te a c h e rs w as th e sam e; the
th o u g h tfu ln e s s in sp ire d b y th e m w a s eq u a l. W e
m ay b e p ro u d th a t b o th w e re so n s o f O x fo rd ”
(Thompson, pp. 44-45).
T h e b io g ra p h e r d isc lo se s, “ it sh o w s L id d e ll’s
a p p re c ia tiv e e stim a te o f N e w m a n ’s in flu e n c e ” (Thompson, p. 45).
M o st te llin g ly o f all, L id d e ll’s b io g ra p h e r n o tes th a t L id d ell w as
c o ld to th o se e v a n g e lic a ls w h o re s is te d th is p u s h to w a rd R om e.
“ ...h e g av e b u t c o ld su p p o rt to th e E v a n g e lic a l
p ro te st a g a in st it” (Thompson, p. 45).
H is c lo se frie n d M ax M u lle r ta u g h t th a t R o m an
C a th o lic ism is th e m o th e r a n d P ro te sta n tis m is th e ch ild (Max
Miiller, Collected Works o f M ax M uller, IX, The Hibbert Lectures, London and Bombay:
Only from Anglican heresies, and there
Longmans, G reen, and Co., p. 140).
It is much too distinct, for a man who lives in the world o f his
imagination. Ruskin asked his mentor, Liddell,
No Children, Please
Rhodes’ last will and testament set forth his blueprint for a
secret society to direct the building o f his one-world
Millin adds,
His last will and testament charged that his great wealth
(gathered through diamond mining with the sweat of African
nationals) should be spent for the indoctrination and education
o f his “union of blond men.” These scholarship recipients were
to become the leaders, who could facilitate his dream o f a one-
world government. “They are the meaning o f his last will and
the plan behind his scholarships” (M illin, pp. 344, 172- 173).
“ ...w e r e m u c h bolder a n d m o re in d e p e n d e n t
th a n th e o ld e r fo rm s, less inclined to put up
with the traditional, m o re s e a rc h in g and
in q u isitiv e in its m e th o d s, more suspicious a n d
d a rin g in its criticism.”
B e c a u se o f h is in te re st in A ra b ic , P e rsia n , S an sk rit,
H e b re w , G re e k , a n d L atin , h e w a s se le c te d to b e o n e o f the
e d ito rs fo r the sta n d a rd Hebrew-English Lexicon (se e c h a p te rs
o n G e se n iu s, B ro w n , D riv e r a n d B rig g s). S h o u ld w e ca re h o w
th e se p ag a n n atio n g ro u p s a b u se w o rd s? Im a g in e h a v in g T H E
s ta n d a rd H e b re w -E n g lis h L e x ic o n (G e se n iu s, B ro w n , D riv er,
a n d B rig g s) e d ite d b y a m a n w h o sc o rn s w h a t h e ca lls, “ th e old
H e b re w b e lie f in a p erso n a l J e h o v a h .” H e sees th e O ld
T e s ta m e n t as filled w ith p a g a n “ fe tis h ism ,” w h ile v ie w in g th e
H in d u ’s ‘s a c re d ’ b o o k s, as “ th e lo ftie st h e ig h ts o f p h ilo s o p h y .”
“ [P Jrim ev al m o n o th e is m w a s su p p o se d to h a v e b e e n p re se rv e d
b y th e J e w s o n l y .. . ” M u lle r say s, b u t h e su p p o se s o th e rw ise (f.
Max Muller, Collected Works o f Max Miiller, IX, The Hibbert Lectures, London and Bombay:
Longmans, Green, and Co., 1898, pp. 252, 62, 64, 260 et al.). W h y are C h ristia n s
u sin g a H e b re w L e x ic o n e d ite d b y a G e rm a n -tra in e d H ig h e r
C ritic , w h o h a s n o th in g g o o d to sa y ab o u t th e O ld T e sta m e n t?
H e say s,
“ T h e re are tra c e s o f g ro w th a n d decay in the
re lig io n o f th e Je w s, but th e y have to be
d is c o v e re d b y p a tie n t stu d y [G e rm an H ig h e r
C ritic ism ], T h e o b ject, h o w e v e r, o f m o s t o f the
writers on the O.T. see m s to b e to hide th ese
Miiller concludes,
“ F o r th e ir ro c k is n o t as o u r R o c k ” (D eu t. 32 :3 1 ).
L id d ell say s,
“ B ish o p B e rk e le y w o u ld n o t h a v e d e c lin e d to
w o rs h ip in th e sam e p la c e w ith th e m o st o b tu se
a n d illite ra te o f p lo u g h b o y s, b u t th e ideas w h ic h
th a t g re a t p h ilo s o p h e r c o n n e c te d w ith su ch
words as G o d th e F a th e r, G o d th e S on, a n d G o d
th e H o ly G h o st w e re su re ly as different fro m
th o se o f th e p lo u g h b o y b y h is sid e as two ideas
can w e ll b e th a t are e x p re sse d b y th e sam e
WOrds” (M uller, Collected Works, p. 374).
Miiller says,
the Luciferians said in their journal also; see New A ge Bible Versions). S m a ll w o n d e r
‘p rie s ts ’ lik e L id d e ll a n d S ta n le y sta y e d to sw in g w id e its d o o rs
a n d sw e e p o u t its B ib le. W h ile at S ta n le y ’s W e s tm in s te r A b b y ,
te a c h in g th e ‘h y m n s ’ o f th e H in d u V e d a s d u rin g th e se H ib b e rt
L ec tu res, M u lle r said ,
“A nd h e re are w e, under th e sh a d o w of
W e s tm in s te r A b b e y , in th e v e ry z e n ith o f the
in te lle c tu a l life o f E u ro p e , n a y o f th e w h o le
w o rld , liste n in g in o u r m in d s to th e sam e sa c re d
h y m n s [H in d u V e d a s], try in g to u n d e rs ta n d th e m
(a n d th e y are so m e tim e s v e ry d iffic u lt to
u n d e rs ta n d ), a n d h o p in g to learn fro m th e m so m e
o f th e d e e p e st se c re ts o f th e h u m a n h e a rt w h ic h
is th e sam e e v e r y w h e r e ...” (Every heart is “desperately
wicked” w ithout Jesus Christ, according to the Bible; .M uller, Collected
Works, p. 162, viii)
H a v in g b u rn e d th e B ib le, w o rd b y w o rd , h e co n c lu d e s,
T h e w h o le L id d e ll ‘g a n g ’ a p p la u d th e le c tu re a n d p u ll
th e ir fa n g s o u t o f th e B ib le ju s t lo n g e n o u g h to sin g th e p ra ise s
o f M u lle r’s w o rd s, ju s t h ea rd . R u sk in c h a rg e d stu d e n ts to,
“ R ead M ax M u lle r’s le c tu re s th o r o u g h ly ...” {Harvard Classics, vol. 28,
Pedophile Pal
Dean Henry
Alice in Wonderland’s
Charles Dodgson,
alias Lewis Carroll
LIDDELL’S PEDOPHILE PAL a l i c e in w o n d e r l a n d a u t h o r 277
Alice in Wonderland:
Story of Liddell, the Lexicographer, and His Little Girl
T h o m a s d e ta ils th e in c id e n ts in D o d g s o n ’s life w h ic h
b ro u g h t a b o u t w id e s p re a d “ ru m o rs o f p a e d o p h ilia .” T h ese are
fu rth e r e v id e n c e d b y h is d iary a n d letters. T h e e v id e n c e p iles
ev e n h ig h e r w ith th e p o rn o g ra p h ic p h o to s h e h a d ta k e n , so m e
see n in th e O x fo rd U n iv e rsity p r e s s ’s tw o -v o lu m e e d itio n o f
The Letters o f Lewis Carroll (Thomas, pp. 4, 5 et ai.). H is ch ild
p o rn o g ra p h y w o u ld b e illeg al to d ay . M o st o f it w a s b u rn e d by
h is ex e c u to r, b y th e d ire c tiv e o f h is w ill. T h o m a s said ,
“ I f C h a rle s L u tw id g e D o d g s o n h a d b e h a v e d in
th e se c o n d h a lf o f th e tw e n tie th c e n tu ry as h e
b e h a v e d in th e sec o n d h a lf o f th e n in e te e n th , his
rooms at Christ Church would surely have
been turned over by the Obscene Publications
Squad...” (Thomas, p. 6).
A ll o f th is ev il c o n tin u e d fo r d e c a d e s u n d e r L id d e ll’s
lo n g a n d a p p ro v in g n o se. D o d g so n w ro te m a n y letters, w h ich
re m a in , w h ic h sh o w h is o b s e ss io n in th is re g ard . “ [G ]o ssip an d
a th re a t o f sca n d al led h im t o . . . ” sw itc h fro m c h ild p h o to g ra p h y
to ch ild sketching. T h o m a s say s, “ A t re g u la r in te rv a ls h e le ft
LIDDELL’S PEDOPHILE PAL a l i c e in w o n d e r l a n d a u t h o r 281
Dearest Elizabeth,
“...I have not got any warm gloves yet but I must do so
soon...There are some books I shd. like to have leave to
get: these are B utler’s Ancient Atlas [crossed out] (On
2nd thoughts not yet.) Liddell & S co tt’s Larger Greek-
English Lexicon. Mr. Paice quite despises the little one
and says it is only f it fo r my younger brothers. It is hardly
The Liddell-Scott lexicon was also the key which had freed his
teachers at Rugby from the Holy Bible. This boarding school
was “the shrine as well as the breeding ground o f liberals” ( w .r .
W ard, Victorian Oxford, London: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., 1965, p. 130 as cited in Cohen, p.
Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Dodgsonland
No C hildren, Please
A s h e g re w o ld e r, “ H e g re w b o ld e r, b u t e v e r w ith a c le a r
c o n s c ie n c e ” (Cohen, p. 183). H is p ru rie n t letters to c h ild re n p ro v e
th a t h is in te re st w a s n o t ‘a e s th e tic .’ A le tte r on p a g e 186 o f
C o h e n ’s b io g ra p h y o f D o d g so n is n o te w o rth y o f h is p e d o p h ilia .
H u d so n sa y s th a t D o d g s o n ’s “ ro m a n tic in te re st in little g irls”
c o m p rise d , a c c o rd in g to D o d g so n , ‘th re e -fo u rth ’s o f m y lif e ’
(Hudson, p. 212; See Hudson, p. 218).
T h o m a s ’ b io g ra p h y o f D o d g so n is full o f e x a m p le s o f
D o d g s o n ’s sad ism a n d p e d o p h ilia fro m h is o w n letters an d
d iarie s. T h e last h a lf o f D o d g s o n ’s life, d e ta ile d in th e la st h a lf
o f T h o m a s ’s b o o k , is a lm o s t im p o ssib le to read . It is rift w ith
ta le s o f D o d g s o n ’s p u rsu its o f m a n y , m a n y o th e r little girls.
T h a t se e m s to h a v e b e e n th e n u m b e r o n e c o n su m in g in te re st o f
h is life. T w is te d “ C h a rle s w a n te d all la te r co p ies o f A lic e to
c o n ta in a m e ssa g e a sk in g ea ch c h ild re a d e r to se n d h im a
p h o to g r a p h ...” (Cohen, p. 378). T h e se p u rs u its c o n tin u e th ro u g h o u t
all o f h is life, g ro w in g m o re a n d m o re o b sc e n e as h e g re w old er.
T h e last h a l f o f T h o m a s ’ b io g ra p h y d e sc rib e s D o d g s o n ’s la tte r
y e a rs sp e n t at th e b e a c h at E a stb o u rn e , w h e re h is a c tiv itie s are
to o ris q u e fo r m e n tio n . In 1895, “ h e to ld his s is te r M a ry to m in d
h e r o w n b u s in e s s w h e n sh e w ro te a b o u t th e g o ssip th a t h is g irls
at E a stb o u rn e w e re c a u s in g ” (Thomas, PP. 231 , 335,3 3 6 et ai.). In Alice in
Wonderland h e said , “If e v e ry b o d y m in d e d th e ir ow n
b u s in e s s e w o rld w o u ld g o ro u n d a d ea l fa ste r th a n it d o e s .”
M o th e rs fo rb a d h im n e a r th e ir c h ild re n a n d o b se rv e d
h im “ ‘w ith so m e s u s p ic io n .’” “ [T ]h e ‘little m is s e s ’ w h o in fe ste d
D o d g s o n ’s ro o m s ” a n d h is o th e r id io sy n c ra sie s b ro u g h t “ h o stile
v ie w s o f D o d g so n in his la te r y e a rs ” (Lewis Carroll, The Diaries o f Lewis
Carroll, ed. Roger Lancelyn G reen, London: Cassell & Com pany, 1953 p. 528 and A Selection
fro m the Letters o f Lewis Carroll (The Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) to his Child-Friends,
ed. Evelyn Hatch, London: M acmillan, 1933, pp. 235-237 both as cited in Thom as, p. 255;
Thom as, p. 291).
LIDDELL’S PEDOPHILE PAL a l i c e in w o n d e r l a n d a u t h o r 295
disqualification for Holy Orders” (Hudson, pp. 104- 105). Liddell use
his position and power to release Dodgson of this obligation. He
told him that he should “consider himself free as to being
ordained Priest.” Liddell’s special waver “that he need not take
LIDDELL’S PEDOPHILE PAL a l i c e in w o n d e r l a n d a u t h o r 299
word!” (The devil knows this, because Psa. 138:2 says God has
LIDDELL’S PEDOPHILE PAL a l i c e in w o n d e r l a n d a u t h o r 301
magnified his word above all his name. No wonder the serpent
directs his attack by re-defining God’s words.)
Dodgson’s Blasphemy
corkscrew in his hand...” It must have been for the party where
they “put their glasses upon their heads like extinguishers, and
drank all that trickled down their faces - others upset the
decanters, and drank the wine as it ran off the edges o f the
will procure any others for which an order is given” (Thomas, P. 311).
Critics said, “Dodgson was simply buying liqueurs for his
friends...” They protested that “the Curator is breaking the
Rules of the Club i f he uses our subscriptions in making
purchases of wines, etc., on behalf of individual members of
Common Room .. .Such purchases are.. .illegal” (Thomas, p. 312).
not have been very clairvoyant, because he used his math skills
to construct a ‘system’ for betting on the Derby and other races)
(Thom as, pp. 351, 95).
one that he used to entertain children for the rest o f his life”
(Thomas, pp. 108, 60). He speaks o f “a conjuring trick” in Through the
The children who bred the drug culture of the 1960s had
Dodgson’s White Rabbit as their teacher. A song entitled
“White Rabbit,” recorded by Jefferson Airplane and written by
Grace Slick, was, according to their official biography,
“ ...intended as a slap toward parents who read their children
stories such as Alice in Wonderland (in which Alice uses
several drug-like substances in order to change herself) and then
LIDDELL’S PEDOPHILE PAL a l i c e in w o n d e r l a n d a u t h o r 311
W rong” (H.T. Stretton, “M ore Recollections o f Lewis Carroll - II,” L istener, February 6,
1958 as cited in Cohen, p. 290. It may have been physiological and unrelated to dum b spirits.)
some,” “many would now consider proved” (Hudson, PP. 24, 25). All
that remains o f Dodgson are his Alice books, which still send
his old smoldering sin to the four winds.
“He told her that he did not read tracts, they were
not worth it. He would make an exception for
hers, which was evidently written for uneducated
readers, and he would correct her English which
seemed to him rather slipshod” (Thom as, PP. 335,3 3 6 et
It m a y n o t m e a n ‘e v e rla s tin g ’ in
G re ek m y th o lo g y , H e lle n istic
cu ltu re , o r G re e k -E n g lis h lex ico n s
ta k e n fro m th em . B u t it d o e s m e a n
‘e v e rla s tin g ’ in th e B ib le. T he
B ib le is a re v e la tio n fro m G od,
w h o c re a te d lan g u a g e . It d e fin e s ju s t w h a t e a c h o f its w o rd s
m ean .
Greek-English Lexicon:
• “humanity o f Jesus”
• “Biblical criticism”
• “man” can have “a consciousness like that o f Christ”
• “G od’s universal fatherhood”
• “criticized the doctrine of the Trinity”
• “opposed prayer to Christ”
• “against dependence on miracle and mere Biblicism”
• “independent spiritual intuition”
(T h a y e r w a s not the o n ly U n itarian on h is A S V / R V com m ittee. It in clu d e d U n itarian
Je n k in s L lo y d Jo n e s, a m o n g others. "In th e o lo g y h e w a s a m em b er o f the ra d ica l w in g s o f the
U n ita r ia n s ... In 18 9 4 , he w a s o n e o f the fo u n d ers o f the W o rld ’ s P arlia m en t o f R e lig io n s ...
(S c h a ff-H e rz o g , V o l. V I, p. 2 2 5 ) . H is sp ee ch , a lo n g w ith a ll o f the o th er lib e ra ls and o ccu ltists
at the P arlia m en t, is in clu d ed , a lo n g w ith le x ic o n auth or B r ig g s and L u c ife ria n , A n n ie
B e s a n t’ s, in the N e e ly ’s H istory o f the Parliam ent o f Religions. T h e se sp ee ch es are d iscu sse d
and d o cu m en ted in the b o o k , N ew A ge Bible Versions.)
beings that “haunt him,” and someone who “savagely kills” (The
Classical Greeks, pp. 40-43). Plays full o f sex and violence in early
o f his sodomite corruption (The Classical Greeks, pp. 148 149, 150; Dictionary
o f classical Mythology, p. 594). \Vould he be a good guide to determine
and Hort on the British Revised Version “and the results of the
deliberations were exchanged across the sea” (Schaff-H erzog,, s.v. Bible
Versions, p. 139, vol. II).
Bible. The book says, he “nearly had his career cut short by
heresy trials. Philip Schaff s academic life in the United States
actually opened and closed with heresy trials.” It began with
“Schaff s own heresy trials in 1845 and 1846” and ended “as
he became a witness for the defense in the famous Charles
Augustus Briggs trials o f 1891-1893.”
man “holds the believer o f the present day to the letter o f those
records o f the past” (Thayer, change, p. 54). He says, “The critics are
agreed, that the view of Scripture in which you and I were
educated, which has been prevalent here in New England
for generations, is untenable. And you and I may convince
ourselves that, so far at least, they are thoroughly in the right”
(Thayer, ch a n g e, p. 65). He quips, “Our formularies o f doctrine and
He says,
Sum m ary
Chapter 10
Satan’s Synonyms:
R.C. Trench’s
Synonyms o f the New Testament
- W.E. Vine’s
Expository Dictionary o f New Testament Words
• Kenneth Wuest’s
Word Studies fro m the Greek New Testament
■ Marvin Vincent’s
Word Studies in the New Testament
Version (New York, 1858). His words waited silently until the
1870s when Revised Version editors and subsequent new
version editors could cannibalize them and prop up their dead
bones, as if they were the living, breathing words o f holy
scripture (Bromley, p. 237).
He adds,
book Phantasms o f the Living and The Human Personality and Its
Survival o f Bodily Death).
Ever since the serpent gave Adam and Eve the wicked
“knowledge of good and evil,” the symbol o f the serpent has
been worshipped by pagan nations. The Egyptians seem to be
the first to depict the serpent swallowing his tail. The Gnostics
took it from them and samples remain today. Trench used it
before Blavatsky. The serpent biting its tail was a widely used
Masonic symbol in his day, seen on aprons used during
Masonic initiations. The snake aptly represents Trench’s forked
tongue and —
18, 19, 1 4 1 ,1 3 0 ,1 3 1 ).
Alchemy: The Secret Art says, the ouroboros is “an emblem o f the
eternal cyclic nature o f the universe (‘from the One to the One )
(Stanislas de Rola, London, England: Tham es Hudson, 1973, p 33 as cited ,n Texe Marrs,
intrigue. Austin, TX: Living Truth Publishers, 1995, chapter 11, p. 212).
Forty years earlier Trench was using the occult term the
“Divine Mind” which he refers to as “it” saying,
the Bible using such Greek. Trench was a member o f the secret
Apostles club with F.J.A. Hort o f the RV committee. This
club’s pro-homosexual leanings are discussed in the chapter on
Vaughan entitled, “Moral Hazard” (H a stin g s, p. 5 4 ; D o n ald T h o m a s, Lewis
Carroll A Portrait with Background , L o n d o n : Jo h n M u rra y L td ., printed b y C a m b rid g e : T h e
U n iv e rs ity P re ss, 19 9 6 , p. 5 4 ; S e e a ls o M orton N . C o h en , Lewis Carroll A Biography, N e w
Y o r k : A lfr e d A . K n o p f, 19 9 5 , p. 2 0 ; s e e th e ch ap ters h erein co n ce rn in g L id d e ll-S c o tt, C h a rle s
D o d gso n , and the C ritic a l T e x t fo r do cu m en tatio n and d e ta ils o f h o w the b iza rre s e x u a lity o f
P lato and S o cra te s w a s a llo w e d b y R V C o m m ittee m em b ers and p re v io u s le x ic o n ed ito rs and
th eir su b ord in ates (W estco tt, V a u g h a n , Jo w e tt, D o d g so n , M u lle r, R u sk in et al.).
Plato taught that the things which are sensed are not real
(Hindu mayo), but merely ‘types’ which suggest invisible
realities. He compares what we perceive to shadows on a cave s
wall which have no reality outside o f themselves but are
shadows of a higher and truer ‘idea.’ Trench admits that classic
Platonism affirms that images “set forth the earthy copies and
resemblances o f the archetypal things in the heavens” (Trench,
Synonyms, p. 47). Given this viewpoint, Trench believes his use of the
religious word ‘worship’ with the most vile word ‘devil’ was
seen when the devil told Jesus, “If thou therefore wilt worship
me, all shall be thine” (Luke 4:7). Worship the devil? Who
would do that? Trench, the man with a serpent on his title page,
will accommodate it, even if it means hoping no one who reads
his book can really read Greek. He does this by saying that the
word for ‘religion’ and a word that contains the word demon
are Synonyms'. “Daimon” is a Greek word which is brought into
English as ‘demon’ and into the Bible as the more revealing
word “devil.” The Greeks, particularly Plato, thought that
demons were gods. Plato professed to have had his own
‘demon’ who told him what to write. Just because the pagans
think that demons are gods is no reason for Christians to sink
down to that level; the Bible was written to correct the pagans.
Paul rebukes them, warning of the “UNKNOWN GOD, whom
therefore ye ignorantly worship (Acts 17.23).
6 3 -6 5 et a l.).
■ Articles
Trench begins by deceiving the na'ive and pretending that
the Greek article (‘the’) is used in Greek as it is used in English.
Because articles are not used the same way in both languages,
each usage must be determined in each context. He pretends
that it is a “serious loss” and a “mistake” that the KJB does not
pick and choose the usage o f the word ‘the’ as he would. He
then gives examples where the KJB does not translate the
article. The young student is supposed to be aghast and think
that he now has found an error in the Bible. What Trench does
not show the reader are other examples in which the Greek
article ‘the’ appears before a word, such as ‘Jesus.’ Imagine a
Bible that said, “the Jesus,” instead o f “Jesus.”
truth, the whole truth...” It is not the truth unless it is the whole
truth. All English versions, including Trench’s RV, omit the
article ‘the’ on page after page and also insert ‘the’ when it is
not in Greek, as needed. Trench’s pretension that there is a
uniform way to deal with this is dishonest (e.g. 1 Tim. 6:10).
“ Prepositions
w a y s. S ee th e c h a p te r o n W .E . V in e in th is b o o k fo r e x a m p le s;
th e N IV tra n s la te s one p re p o s itio n sco res o f d iffe re n t w a y s
(Trench, On the Authorized, p. 120).
■ Verbs
T re n c h e v e n m u st ad m it, fo r th o se w h o re a lly k n o w G re ek ,
F o r ex a m p le , in L u k e 1 4 :1 8 -1 9 o n e w o u ld n o t say, “ I
b o u g h t,” b u t “ I h a v e b o u g h t.” T h e lo n g list o f a o rists in L uke
17:4, 6, an d 8 w o u ld b e d ea d i f re n d e re d as an a o rist, say in g “ I
g lo rifie d ,” I fin ish e d ,” “ I m a n ife ste d ,” o r “ I re c e iv e d .” T h e y are
a liv e as, “ I h av e g lo rifie d th e e ” ... “ I h a v e fin ish e d ,” ... “ I h av e
m a n ife s te d ,” a n d “ I h a v e re c e iv e d .” T h e re are n u m e ro u s p lace s
in th e N e w T e sta m e n t w h ic h prove th a t th e B ib le does not
o b s e rv e th e d is tin c tio n s b e tw e e n G re e k v e rb s th a t so m e critica l
g ra m m a ria n s p u rp o rt. A n a o rist (a n d o th e rs) m a y h av e th e sen se
o f a p a s t b e h in d a n o th e r p ast. T re n c h re fe re n c e s B ib le critic,
■ Formal Equivalency
Out-of-Date Trench
English words. The Bible defines its own words via adjoining
words in the context. These adjoining and word-defining words
are invariably the very words used in any dictionary to define a
Bible word. Those Bible definitions became ‘the’ definition in
popular usage and in dictionaries. The OED provides historical
witnesses to the Biblical usage o f words and proves that
subsequent dictionaries gathered their definitions from popular
usage which sprang from the context o f Bible words. Therefore
one does not need a dictionary to define Bible words because
the dictionary’s definition came from the Bible. If the
dictionary’s definition does not match that o f the Bible, it is a
man-made definition (See The Language o f the King James
Bible and In A we o f Thy Word, chapters one).
(*The ‘X ’ on the
medallion worn by Trench, seen
at the beginning o f this chapter,
is as old as O siris and the
Egyptian mystery religions and
as new as the Masonic Scottish
R ite Journal, June, 2000 (Jim
Tresner, Seventeenth Degree,
K nights o f the E ast an d West).
The ‘X ’ is connected with the
ancient Egyptian mystery
religions (the pyramids are an
‘X ’ in aerial view ) and the
occult lion’s paw hand signal
(hand with curled fingers placed
on chest or with fingers hidden in jacket). It is shown on page 165, used by Origen, the third
century ‘origin’ o f the changes in new versions, as well as Karl Marx, Ruskin, Schaff, Besant,
and many others. (See Transparent Translations DVD from A.V. Publications for many
surprising users o f this hand signal.) The above sketch, from an Egyptian hieroglyphic, shows
the initiation cerem ony o f many occult groups. It shows the ‘X ’ on the chest and the counterfeit
‘resurrection,’ wherein a lion raises the initiate from a coffin. Egyptian m umm ies and statuary
show hands positioned across the chest in the ‘X ’position. See chapters 7 and 27 and p. 165 for
more details. Also see Albert P ike’soccult M asonic M o ra l’s and Dogma, p. 801 and Texe
Marrs, Codex Magica, chapters 4, 5, and 11.)
Fathers’ and
1881 Revised Version
Chapter 11
& Milligan
o f the
Greek New Testament
Harold K. Moulton
The Analytical Greek Lexicon
T w h o h a v e d o n e d a m a g e to th e w o rd o f G od. T h e first
w a s o n th e W e s tc o tt-H o rt Revised Version C o m m itte e
o f 1881, th e s e c o n d w a s a n e w a g e r a n d th e th ird fo llo w e d w ith
n o im p ro v e m e n t. A ll th re e w ro te c o rru p t G re e k re fe re n c e b o o k s
w h ic h are w id e ly u se d to d a y (The Origin and Scope o f Moulton and Milligan’s
Vocabulary o f the Greek New Testament..., G. H. R. Horsley, John Rylands Library,
Manchester, Bulletin. Vol. 76 (1) 1994 ).
Encyclopedia, New York: Funk and W agnalls Co., 1910, vol. 8, pp. 30-31). “ In 1870 he
b e c a m e se c re ta ry o f o n e o f th e N T c o m m itte e s o c c u p ie d w ith
th e R V [R e v ise d V e rsio n ], an d
w o rk in c o n n e x io n w ith th e R V
fille d a g re a t p a rt o f h is life ” (Oxford
Dictionary o f the Christian Church, 2nd edition).
“ W ith D r. M o u lto n , a fe llo w -
m em ber on th e R e v isio n
c o m m itte e , W e stc o tt re m a in e d
c lo se frie n d s, a n d fo r th a t e m in en t
W e s le y a n ’s w o rk o n th e re v isio n
o f th e A p o c ry p h a h e h a d h ig h
a d m ira tio n ” (Joseph Clayton, Leaders o f the
Church 1800-1900: Bishop Westcott, London: A.
R. M ow bray & Co. Ltd, 1906, p. 107). M o u lto n
w as so e n s n a re d in th e n ew
c o rru p t G re e k tex t, h e w ro te a
Ja m e s H o p e M o u lto n w a s th e
e ld e st so n o f th e Revised Version
C o m m itte e m em b er, W illia m
F id d ia n M o u lto n . A n o th e r
g e n e ra tio n of M o u lto n s-M illig a n s
p u t to g e th e r th e ir le x ic o n to try to
d e fe n d th e p re v io u s g e n e ra tio n ’s
Revised Version. “ In c o n ju n c tio n
w ith G. M illig a n ,” Ja m e s H ope
M o u lto n s c o u re d th e w o rld to try to
d e fe n d h is fa th e r’s c o rru p t Revised
Version a g a in st th e sw ell of
c ritic ism it w a s re c e iv in g fro m
life’s work, the Revised Version, is seen over and over in his
lexicon, where the RV, “need no longer raise any qualms”
(M oulton, The Voeabu,ary, General Introduction). U p o n d i s c o v e r i n g WOrdingS
“ I f th e re fo re th e lig h t th a t is in th e e b e d a rk n e ss,
h o w g re a t is th a t d a rk n e s s !” M att. 6:23
[B Jeh in d th e m a n o th e r n a m e sh o u ld n o t b e fo rg o tte n ,” th at
o l G u sto v A d o lf D e iss m a n n (1 8 6 6 -1 9 3 7 ), “ h is c lo se st frie n d in
G e rm a n y ” a n d a h ig h e r c ritic o f
th e B ib le. D e is sm a n n w ro te Light
from the Ancient East. D e iss m a n n
w as “ o n e o f th e le a d in g fig u re s in
th e in c ip ie n t e c u m e n ic a l
m o v e m e n t a n d in th e fo u n d a tio n
of th e W o rld C o u n c il of
C h u rc h e s ... (The Origin and Scope o f
Moulton and Milligan's Vocabulary o f the Greek
New Testament.... G.H.R. Horsley, John Rylands
Library, Manchester, Bulletin, Vol. 76 (1) 1994 ).
D e is s m a n n w a s th e m u c k ra k e r
w h o p ro v id e d th e “g a rb a g e ” fro m
E g y p t fo r th e M o u lto n -M illig a n
lex ico n . M o u lto n ask e d
D e issm a n n to b e h is le x ic o n ’s c o -a u th o r first, b u t D e issm a n n
w as w o rk in g o n h is o w n lex ico n , so G . M illig a n w a s a s e c o n d
ch o ice. [T ]h e d a ta w h ic h D e iss m a n n h a d c o lle c te d o v e r m a n y
y ears fo r h is ‘o p u r v ita e ’ w e re d is p e rse d to th e w in d s a fte r his
d eath by s o ld ie rs ” d u rin g th e R u ssia n o c c u p a tio n , so his
“d ic tio n a ry p la n ca m e to n o th in g ,” b y G o d ’s g ra c e (D e issm a n n
to M o u lto n , 12 Ja n u a ry 1907 (c)). D e iss m a n n w ro te to “ m y d e a r
M o u lto n ” sa y in g “ I ...h o p e o n ly th a t y o u ca n so o n a g a in sw in g
the sw o rd o f th e b ib lic al p h ilo lo g is t.” D e iss m a n n a d m itte d to
M o u lto n , “ I h a v e b ee n a tta c k e d b y th e c o n se rv a tiv e p re s s as, on
th e w h o le , I w e re not a th e o lo g ia n and have m ade no
c o n trib u tio n to th e u n d e rsta n d in g o f th e N e w T e sta m e n t, b u t
ra th e r to th e m isu n d e rsta n d in g o f the
1.) Moulton calls Jesus “The carpenter’s Son,” just like the
cynics in Jesus’ day who quipped, “Is not this the
carpenter’s [Joseph’s] son” (Matt. 13:55). This denial of
the deity o f Christ and the virgin birth matches his father’s
RV which changed Luke 2:33 from “Joseph and his
mother to his father and his mother (Jam es Hope M oulton,
Introduction to the Study o f N ew Testament Greek, appendix: A F irst R eader in New
Testament Greek, p. 9).
The fruit does not fall far from the tree. Harold was the son
of James Hope Moulton and the grandson o f William Fiddian
Moulton o f the RV. He edited The Analytical Greek Lexicon
(Revised), basing it upon the lexicon o f his father, which was
based upon the RV o f his grandfather. He was the translation
secretary for the British and Foreign Bible Society, which may
account for the corruption which is evident in their foreign
bibles printed during that and subsequent periods. Although
only five or six names are listed as editors o f the early editions
o f the corrupt United Bible Societies Greek New Testament,
there were actually eight participants. In addition to Bruce
Metzger, Kurt Aland, Arthur Voobus, Matthew Black, and
Allen Wikgren, the three other men who participated include:
“J. Harold Greenlee, Robert P. Markham, and Harold K.
Moulton.” The text was done, as Metzger admits, “On the basis
o f Westcott and Hort’s edition o f the Greek New Testament.”
Moulton-Milligan Today
Erdm ann, 2004, p. 66). How unlike the Holy Bible, o f which “every
word of God is pure” (Prov. 30:5).
Chapter 12
Expository Dictionary
Sum mary
fV.E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary
Sum m ary
W.E. V ine’s Expository Dictionary
Sum m ary
The Collected Writings o f W.E. Vine
It appears at times that Vine cannot read Greek
and does not know the differences between his corrupt
Westcott and Hort Greek New Testament and the pure
Textus Receptus. Note the following example. Vine
states that:
“workers at home, - this R.V. rendering
represents the word oikouros, found in the
most authentic manuscripts” (The Collected
Writings o f W.E. Vine, Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1996,
vol. 3, p. 240; vol. 4, p. 278).
than the KJV (V in e s Com plete, p. xviii). The RSV s translators were
known Communist sympathizers and were cited as such by the
U.S. House o f Representatives Committee on Un-American
Activities and the 1960 Official U.S. Air Force Reserve
Training Manual (Bruce M etzger, The Reminiscence o f an Octogenarian, Hendrickson
Publishers, 1977, p. 77). The RSV denies the virgin birth and destroys
Both the NIV and NKJV prefaces admit that they use
the corrupt Hebrew Old Testament, the German Stuttgart Biblia
Hebraica (as originated by anti-Semite Rudolf Kittel and based
on readings in the Leningrad manuscript). Therefore, the
Dictionary’s Old Testament definitions come from a corrupt
edition o f the Hebrew Bible!
is acceptable for a little, just not a big, ‘buzz.’ They miss the
Bible’s own primary definition which says, “wine is found in
the cluster,” not in the keg (Isa. 65:8).
Vine’s Sources
“...holos, all, whole, is translated “actually” in 1
Cor. 5:1, R .V ...”
“ ...the A.V. “commonly” does not convey the
meaning” (Vine, An Expository, p. 20).
KJV Word R.V. & New Vine’s Definition
Version’s Word A n Expository
In truth, the KJV simply does not match his corrupt Greek
text and lexicons.
■ “The R.V. follows the most authentic MSS. here” (vol. 3, pp. 3,3 9 3 ).
It’s all about ‘me’ in the R.V.. It says, “that ye may know
our estate”; the KJV says, “that he may know your estate.”
■ Vine charges that the KJV’s words “unto him” “are not
part o f the original...” (v o l. 3, P. 3 8 2 ).
■ Vine purports that the KJV’s word “him” “is not in the
most authentic MSS” (v o l. 3 , p. 3 8 5 ).
Vance adds,
■f Preposition: eis
S Preposition: epi
y Preposition: en
S Preposition: dia
rightly replaces the full stop [the period] between the two verses
by a comma” (fo o tn o te, C o i. 2 :9 , 10, v o l. 4 , p. 19 8 ). How could the R.V.
“rightly” choose punctuation, if his ‘originals’ have none and
the change contravenes all good vernacular Bibles?
still calls for such an article in English.) For those who do not
know these facts, Vine pretends that the R.V. is always right in
its decisions and the KJV is always wrong. He says, Though
the article is absent in the Greek it should be retained in
translating” (v o l. i , P . 326). Then in another verse he says, “There
should be no definite article, as in the A.V.” (v o l. 1, p. 3 5 2 ) . Vine’s
double-mind is unstable in all its ways.
In Other Words
Greek verb tenses do not match English verb tenses.
One can pare both apples and oranges, but one cannot compare
apples with oranges. Both are round and edible fruits; the
resemblance ends there. Vine feigns that he has the magic
lodestone to transform Greek verbs to English verbs and turn
base metals (such as Sinaiticus) to gold. He cites A.T.
Robertson and admits that, “The Greek aorist and the English
past do not exactly correspond...” (Ditto for other tenses.) Yet
he uses the R.V. error, “so gave he to the Son,” instead o f the
KJV’s “hath he given to the Son” (v o l. 4 , p. 25 ). His defining and
declining o f verbs re-molds their meaning like a wax nose, until
Christ and salvation are hardly recognizable.
Vine empties the Bible o f word after word, and mars its
meaning, following the Westcott and Hort Greek text and
Revised Version.
“the 1.) “an only 1.) Vine follows the R.V.’s preposition, “from.” The KJV’s
the son “of...” is definite, singular, and genealogical; Vine’s
only begotten from a son “from” is indefinite and shows no direct lineage and
paternal connection! Of “only begotten” he says, it “does
begotten a Father” not refer to generation in respect of His humanity” (vol. 4,
pp. 7, 8).
of the 2.) Vine’s misunderstanding of the word ‘begotten’ leads
Father” him to say that John 3:16 “cannot be taken to mean that
Christ became the Only Begotten Son by Incarnation” (vol.
4, p. 92).
“th e V ine’s corrupt manuscripts lead him to
begotten God, say, “Some” MSS with “considerable
only authority” have the Greek word [theos]
begotten the O ne B ein g ”
for ‘G od’ (v o l. 4 , pp. 7 , 8 ) .
Later he wrongly claims “strong”
proof exists for this Jehovah Witness
reading o f an “only begotten God” (v o l.
l , p . 2 2 6 ).
Does God say that Jesus Christ is “his Son”? The KJV
rightly says, “For God sent not his Son into the world to
condemn the w orld...” Vine’s ‘translation’ contradicts the
Bible in two ways, saying, “For God sent not the Son into the
world to judge the w orld...” (John 3:17). First, Vine’s verse
denies that Jesus Christ is his Son. (He could be the son of
Joseph.) Then he pretends that God’s Son will not judge the
world. Actually, the Bible says, “For the Father judgeth no man,
but hath committed all judgment unto the Son” (John 5:22). A
criminal stands before a ‘judge’ to be judged; he can be
‘acquitted’ or ‘condemned.’
K JV Vine’s Text
P h il. 2 :7 (Usually the R.V.)
K JV Vine’s Text
P hil. 2 :6 (The R.V. and margin)
In the following, Vine’s text omits the spirit which God gave.
“fine linen “fine Vine thinks, “For these acts they will
is the linen, is have been rew arded.. .These
garments.. .are symbolic o f the rewards
righteousness the
bestowed for faithfulness in service
of saints” righteous h ere.. .in their life on earth by their acts
acts o f the of righteousness.. .The service which we
saints” render to Him” (vol. 4, pp. 71,79,87).
■ The adulterers are off the hook in Vine’s R.V.. The KJV
says, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses.” He falsely claims
that, “here the R.V. rightly omits the word “adulterers.”
It Was added by a copyist (Vine, A n Expository, p. 25).
When you read Vine’s you are not reading ‘Greek’; you are
really reading Westcott, Hort, and Thayer. You are not
reading ‘Hebrew’; you are reading Gesenius’ and his Old
Testament Lexicon. Vine’s additional sources are listed here in
bold type (vol. i , P. 34). (All of these men’s heresies have merited a
chapter in this book or a discussion in this author’s other books
New Age Bible Versions, The Language o f the King James
Bible, or In A we o f Thy Word.)
to be responsible for a
commentary and Lightfoot was
to contribute a New Testament
Grammar and Lexicon (Arthur Hort,
The Life and Letters o f Fenton John Anthony
Hort, NY: M acm illan & Co., 1896, vol. 1, pp.
240-241, as cited in New A ge B ible Versions,
Ararat, VA: AV Publications, 1993, pp. 416-436
et al.).
usage o f people. God did coin words for the New Testament
which subsequently migrated into common speech.
V ine’s admits that all such words have not been shown
to exist outside o f the New Testament. This topples their theory.
spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day (John
regard for the Bible that he said, “Paul had no thought of adding
a few fresh compositions to the existing Jewish epistles...far
less that one day people would look on them as Holy
S c r i p t u r e s ” (W illiam Barclay, The M aking o f the Bible, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1961,
p. 66).
The Bible says to, “Come out from among them.” Yet
Vine says, “Among the Greeks the term was applied to victims
sacrificed to make expiation.” Since when does pagan religion
define Bible Christianity (vol. 2 , P. 33) ?
alleges that he gives “more truth.” But Jesus said, “thy word is
truth” (John 17:17; W uest, vol. 2, Pastoral Epistles, p. 17). The Canon of the NeW
Testament is closed. W uest’s ‘advanced revelations’ smack of
heresy. It is no different from the extra-biblical Mormon Golden
Tablets. God never said that he would not translate the canon,
as demonstrated in Acts 2. But he is not adding “more truth”
outside o f the translated sixty-six books. Wuest adds new
“truth” through what he calls his “expanded translation,” that is,
adding “more English words than the standard translations
d o ...” (W uest, vol. i, Mark, Preface). His and other translations, such as
But more generally they were probably taken from the copycats
who compile Greek study tools by ‘borrowing’ their so-called
definitions from the early lexicographers. New version editors
can access many old lexicographers by using more recent books
such as those by Kenneth S. Wuest or Spiros Zodhiates.
Unlike the KJB translators who had the actual entire works
o f the early Greeks, Wuest admits his work is merely that o f a
pick-pocket. He says,
His opening words reveal the pit from which he dug his
"gold nuggets.” His first words in Treasures in the Greek New
Testament are, “ARCHBISHOP TRENCH in his Synonyms o f
the New Testament says... (caps in original; W uest, vol. 3, Treasures, p. 15).
His Studies in the Vocabulary o f the Greek New Testament
likewise begins with the blazing words “ARCHBISHOP
TRENCH on the Study o f Synonyms” (caps in original; W uest, vol. 3,
studies in the vocabulary, p. is ) . He proceeds throughout all o f his books
Wuest nudges Christ off his throne again and says, “The
best Greek texts have judgment seat “of God,” not “of Christ”
(W uest, vol. 1, Rom ans, P. 235). As if that were not enough, he omits
This could be said o f any man who was walking in the spirit.
Wuest strangely introduces such compromising jabs in the
midst of his generally orthodox commentary (W uest, vol. 1, Ephesians
and co lossians, p. 203). These lexicographers joined and “smote him
with the palms of their hands.” Wuest offers his fawning KJB-
derived platitudes once the beating is over (Matt. 26:67).
have “been discarded by the R.V., and rightly so” (W uest, vol. 1, Mark,
p. 157). He recommends the “Revised Standard Version, whose
translation team, according to an official U.S. government
manual, included many who were members of communist front
organizations (e.g. w u est, Golden Nuggets, p. 42). He makes glowing
remarks about the readings in this “Revision” (W uest, vol. 1, Ephesians,
p. 122).
Hear from Wuest the battle cry of all would-be gods, who
must first wrest the Holy Bible o f its holy title, so that they can
take its ruling scepter in hand and beat the Bible back to pulp.
He says,
about 8000 places (For a detailed account o f the NA text see The Remtroduchon o f
Textus Receptus Readings in the 26'h Edition and Beyond o f the Nestle-Aland Novum
Testamentum-Graece; For particulars see Jack M oorm an, 8000 Differences- both ava.lable from
A.V. Publications).
Romans, p. 239). He admits that the Nestle family does not always
(e.g. w uest, Golden Nuggets, p. 75). He identifies his ‘best texts’ as the
■ the corrupt “classical Greek” (e.g. w u est, vol. 1, M ark, PP. 69,270).
■ the LXX (Vaticanus or Alexandrinus texts) (e.g. w u est, vol. 1,
M ark, p. 74; Rom ans, p. 61).
■ the corrupt Hebrew “Talm udists” (W uest, vol. 1, M ark, P. 94).
■ Plato, the homosexual (W uest, vol. 1, M ark, p. 158; Rom ans, p. 57).
■ B.F. Westcott (W uest, vol. 1, Romans, p. 61).
Wuest tells the reader that the Greek word ‘Hades’ does not
mean “hell,” but “The Unseen” (W uest, vol. 3, Treasures, p. 45). His own
translation o f Rev. 1:18 says, “I have the keys of the Unseen
and of death (W uest, vol. 3, Studies in the Vocabulary, p. 49). Wuest gets his
definition ‘the Unseen’ from the pagans. He admits, “The
“Hades” o f the pagan Greeks was the invisible land, the realm
of shadow ...” (W uest, vol. 3, Treasures, pp. 45-47). If that is what hades
means, why has God never lead any pure translation, in any
language, to use a word with that implication? W uest’s private
interpretation will not stand up against all o f the Bibles world
wide, which use a word very similar in meaning and etymology
to the English ‘hell’ (See The Language o f the King James
Bible). With W uest’s definition o f Hades as ‘the Unseen,’ hell
could be anything from ‘heaven’ to a blind date.
Echoing the standard liberal cry, Wuest says, “The oldest and
best manuscripts do not give these verses.” “Nestle rejects the
words, “into the fire that never shall be quenched”” (W uest, vol. i,
Mark, p. 192). He remolds what he considers wrong here in the KJB.
Wuest adds,
Marvin Vincent
A.T. Robertson’s
Word Pictures in the New Testament
using the RV, which to him usually seems “correct” (Vincent, vol. 4,
pp. 39, 52).
It is time for a reading break. Some can skip this chapter and
go on to the next; Vincent was such a copycat that he merely
mimics what others have said and is discussed elsewhere in this
book. Only died-in-the-wool Vincent groupies need to read this
chapter. New version editors and recent lexicons frequently
follow his suggestions. If you have wondered where the NIV
scoured for its words, look into Vincent’s Word Studies. Nearly
one hundred years before the NIV, he said we should not be
“followers o f God,” but “imitators,” (like Lucifer, who also
wanted to be “ the most High” Isa. 1 4 : 1 4 ) (vol.4, P. 17).
gulf- |
Vincent’s Blasphemy
Vincent stabs,
“Regarded merely as blood, Christ’s offering is
not superior to the Levitical sacrifice. If
Christianity gives us only the shedding o f blood,
even Christ’s blood, it does not give us a real or
an efficient atonement” (Vincent, vol. 4, P. 482).
The fact is— John did not write the book of John. God
did. God was not “colored” by the pagan usage of the
word “Logos” in his choice of that word for the title of
his Son. Vincent speaks of the “mystical views o f the
book of John (Vincent, vol. 2, p. 12). He says, The history is
the practical exhibition of the Logos-doctrine in the
person and earthly life o f the Man Jesus” (Vincent, vol. 2 , P. i \
He speaks o f “Jesus’ position as the representative of
humanity” (Vincent, vol. 2 , P. 7). To support this he cites
Westcott, whose “matchless powers of shading
language” cloak his perverse theology, as both he and
Vincent re-define even the most basic Christian terms
(V incent, vol. 2, p. 8; citation elsewhere in this book). ^ ^
He states that God created all things “through,” not by
Jesus Christ, thus demoting Christ (Vincent, vol. 2, P. 13).
Vincent says of Romans 1:20, “Godhead” is wrong, as
“Godhead expresses deity" He prefers the RV s
“divinity,” as “It signifies the sum-total o f the divine
attributes” (Vincent, vol. 3, p. 16). Attributes are not the
Godhead. A Christian may have divine attributes (e.g.
longsuffering, gentleness), but these qualities are not the
persons of the Holy Trinity.
No Satan
takes Satan off the hook and uses the critical Greek text to hang
Jesus and his word back on it.
In other words, the Greek text followed for his definitions is not
any one Greek text in print, but a composite, the creation o f his
own personal imagination. For example, he says,
Usually he uses the corrupt Greek text and does not reveal
this to the reader. Occasionally, he does. For example,
I like my Bible plain; keep the nuts out o f it. Yet, Vincent s
sources for his definitions are a rogue’s gallery and Who s W o
of apostasy and unbelief. You may not recognize all o f the
names, but once you have finished this book, New Age Bible
Versions, and The Language o f the King James Bible, you wi
know the brash heresies of the men Vincent cites.
1.) “Liddell, Henry G., and Scott, Robert: Greek-English Lexicon, 7th
edition, New York, 1883 (Vincent, vol. 1, p. xix). Vincent writes,“the
A.V.” is “inaccurate,” citing “Liddell and Scott,” who reference the
homosexual “Plato” (Vincent, vol. 4, pp. 42-43 footnote).
2.) “Trench, Richard C.: Synonyms o f the New Testament. 8th edition.
London, 1876” (Vincent, vol. 1, xxii). In addition to this book, Vincent
lists eight o f Trench’s other books, including Trench’s diatribe against
the KJB, On the Authorized Version o f the New Testament. New York,
1873 (Vincent, vol. 1, p. xxii). Vincent admits, “Trench long ago
directed English readers in his “Study o f Words” and his “New-
Testament Synonyms” (Vincent, vol. 1, p. viii). He continually refers to
Trench (Vincent, vol. 1, e.g. pp. 29, 327, 631 et al.).
3.) Thayer’s “Grimm, C.L. Willibald: The Same [W ilke’s Clavis Novi
Testamenti] Translated, revised, and enlarged by Joseph H. Thayer.
New York. 1887” (Vincent, vol. 1, p. xviii). Vincent cites Thayer often
(e.g. vol. 4 , p. 111).
Vincent’s Greek grammars are the epitome o f deviance:
1.) “W iner, G.B.: Grammar o f the New Testament. 8lh English Edition.
Edited by W. F. Moulton. Edinburgh, 1877” (Vincent, vol. 1, p.
xxiii; see The Language o f the King James Bible).
2.) “Farrar, Frederic W.: Greek Syntax. London 1876” (Vincent, vol.
1, p. xvii).
Vincent cites more books by F.W. Farrar than almost any other
author cited (e.g. Vincent, vol. 3, p. iv). Farrar actually is the least likely
Vincent’s Bible is the Revised Version o f Westcott and
Hort. He cites the RV of Westcott, Hort, and C.J. Vaughan, the
1.) “Revisers’ Text o f the Greek Testament. Oxford 1881.
(Vincent, vol. 1, p. xx).
2.) “Old Testament. Revision o f 1885. Cambridge” (Vincent, vol. 1,
p. xx).
He follows the most extreme of the higher critics (those who
deny that God had anything to do with the Old Testament). This
Pagan Greeks ,
The chapter in this book on J.H, Thayer demonstrated the
vile contexts that are accessed by those who go to the secu a
and pagan Greeks for definitions. Vincent says,
* Vincent cites “Plato” and “Socrates” (V incent, vol. 3, PP. 10, ii). He
admits that Socrates was a homosexual (who committed
suicide after being publicly charged with being a child-
molester), yet cites his writings just two pages later.
Socrates calls those in “Hades, these uninitiated” (V incent, vol. 3,
p p . 22 , 20 ) . O f the word “mysteries” in Mat. 13:11, Vincent
■ He thinks the book o f Revelation is “figurative and
symbolical” and says it describes no “particular events”
other than rehearsing memories from the Old Testament
(Vincent, vol. 2, pp. 17-18).
“ e n a m e o f th e g o d w h o p re s id e d o v e r the
re a lm o f th e d e a d .. .th e re a lm o f shadow. It is the
p la c e to w h ic h all w h o d e p a rt th is life d esc en t,
w ith o u t re fe re n c e to th e ir m o ra l c h a ra c te r”
(Vincent, vol. 1, p. 93).
“ In th e N e w T e sta m e n t, H a d e s is th e re a lm o f the
d ead. It c a n n o t b e su c c e s sfu lly m a in ta in e d th a t it
is, in p a rtic u la r, th e p la c e fo r sin n ers (so C rem er,
“ B ib lic o -T h e o lo g ic a l L e x ic o n ” ) (Vincent, vol. 1, p. 95).
In 2 P e te r 2 :4 h e says,
In Closing
(See New Age Bible Versions, chapter 42 for Kittel.)
Chapter 15
English Editors:
. “Nazi,”
. “Heresy,”
- “The Gospel of Judas” &
. “The Da Vinci Code”
£0 * 0 3
F. Wilbur Gingrich
Frederick W. Danker
A Greek-English Lexicon o f the New
Testament and Other Early Christian
Literature, Bauer (author) and Danker (editor)
The New King James Version (NKJV): The resident evil and
heresy in the New King James Version (NKJV) is caused in part
by the use o f “Arndt, Gingrich, and Danker, A Greek-English
Lexicon o f the New Testament and Other Early Christian
Literature.” Arthur L. Farstad, NKJV “New Testament editor,”
“Executive Editor,” and “Old Testament Executive Review
Committee member frequently cites it (The New King James Version in the
Great Tradition, N ashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989, pp. ix, 54, 161, 162).
" Strangely he says, [S]he [the woman who Danker thinks wrote the book o f
Hebrews!] is not first o f all describing the historical Jesus, but
Danker, a Dunker?
■ Danker says, “ ...their baptism with water commits them in
mind and body to unadulterated goodness...” invitation, (D a n k e r,
p. 61).
Danker’s theology is covenant theology. He teaches that
God deals with man through outward signs, just as he did in the
Old Testament. New Testament water baptism replaces Old
Testament circumcision in his mind. He says that now “This
relationship does not come about through circumcision, but by
Baptism ...” Man in Conflict, 10).
(D a n k e r, p .
Danker, a Sacramentalist?
No Room,
(D a n k e r, One must read Danker’s entire book (No
p . 5 2 ).
w o rd s w h ic h c a n sometimes b e tr a n s la te d ‘b r e a t h ’ o r o t h e r t e m p o r a l t h i n g s s u c h a s th e
‘m ind.’ Secular lexicons, using pagan and secular sources for definitions cannot give the
Bible reader G od’s insights, which cannot be seen by man, with his lim ited knowledge.
Such insights are the purpose o f the Bible, in which God explains w ord m eanings in each
Danker is Pro-Catholic
■ “Love and peace are the twin notes o f hope. They compose
the song for the New A ge...,” writes Danker invitation (D a n k e r, ,
p. 159).
■ Danker thinks, “Dancing...beating of drums is a legitimate
part o f the church’s worship” Jesus, “Joy is the
(D a n k e r, p . 1 6 9 ).
way to heaven and that all who die without faith in Him are
eternally damned” !!! (Danker, N o R oom , p. 8 8 ,8 9 ). His rejection o f the
Statem ent’s assertion that “ the cause o f salvation”
exposes his tendency toward universalism (all will be saved)
(Danker, No Room, p. 89).
have to hide?
Easily shattered is the myth that there exists only one Greek
text or that one can carelessly say, ‘The Greek sa y s...’
A ppendix I, pp. 498-524, 2nd ed. rev.; facsim ile available from A.V.
Chapter 17
Heresies of
F.H.A. Scrivener
B .F . W e stc o tt F .J.A H o rt
cannot prove that these two KJB translators did not restore
original readings in every case.
He believes that after nearly 2000 years God has not yet
given his pure words to man; thus he teaches that “Textual
criticism sets itself to solve” and “to restore it if possible”
(Scrivener, s ix Lectures, p. 7). He apparently sees him self as one o f the
rare few who can handle “the task o f constructing afresh the
text o f the New Testament.”
He claims that those who had the ‘originals’ had his view
“The early Church, which was privileged to
enjoy the oral teaching o f Apostles and
Apostolic men, attached no peculiar sanctity to
their written compositions” (Scrivener, Six Lectures, p. 8).
essential to the verity o f the Gospel. But this main point once
secured, the rest was left, in a great measure, to themselves.”
He was a proponent o f the ‘concept’ theory o f inspiration at
best. Scrivener believes God has “kept from harm” his word
only “so far as needful....” When he says, the “Prophets and
Evangelists” were not “mere passive instruments” he is saying
that the Bible was never verbally and completely inspired
(Scrivener, Six Lectures, p. 119; Scrivener, A P lain, Vol. 1, pp. 1, 2).
Casper Rene Gregory in his 1907 Canon and Text o f the New
Testament said,
(Scrivener was not as far from Blavatsky’s influence as one might imagine. C.D. Ginsburg,
another fellow RV com m ittee member, attended her m eetings and Philip Schaff spearheaded her
Theosophical Society’s Parliament o f W ord Religions. See New A ge Bible Versions and
upcom ing chapter on Ginsburg.)
“Dean Burgon and Canon Cook claim Dr.
Scrivener on their side; but he is identified with
the cause of the Revision, and has published its
Greek text (1882). In the second edition o f his
Introduction (1874), and still more in his later
Six Lectures on the Text o f the New Testament
(1875), he already departs in some very
important cases from the textus receptus, as in
1 Tim. iii 16; 1 John v. 7, 8; Matt. xvii. 21; xix.
17; Mark iv. 20; xv. 28; Luke xi. 2, 4; John v. 4,
5; vii. 53-viii. 11; Acts xvi. 7; Rom. xvi. 5; 1 Pet.
iii. 15; Heb. iv. 2. Even the doxology of the
Lord’s Prayer (Matt. vi. 13) he now thinks “can
hardly be upheld any longer as a portion of the
sacred text” (Lectures, p. 124). Compare his
hesitating judgment in the second edition of
his Introd. p. 495, with the third edition, p.
569, where he says: “I can no longer regard this
doxology as certainly an integral part o f S.
Matthew’s Gospel; but I am not yet absolutely
convinced of its spuriousness” (Schaff, Companion, p.
423 footnote).
“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would
thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm,
and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out o f my mouth.”
Christians, who held to their Holy Bible, and the cold critics
who made between 5,000 and 8,000 changes to the Received
Text. Scrivener would make fewer changes (Scrivener, a Plain, v o l. 2, p.
243). He did defend some questioned verses, such as the last
“ [E]very man did that which was right in his own eyes”
(Judges 17:6).
these chief Uncials the best authorities (Scrivener. Six Lectures, p. viii;
a Plain, vol. 2 , pp. 379,3 8 1 ). Unwisely, “ Scrivener allowed more weight
Miller charges,
One must ask why Scrivener thinks God would give him
perfect exemplars nearly 1900 years after Christ, and not give
perfect exemplars to those who made Holy Bibles for the 1900
preceding years. Why would God wait to give them to him (a
member o f the R.V. Committee)? Why would he not give them
to the KJB translators, as well as to translators o f earlier
vernacular Bibles? God was not waiting for Westcott, Hort,
Vaughan, Scrivener, Schaff and the three blind Unitarian mice,
Smith, Abbott and Thayer, to reveal his true Bible.
M att. 6:13: “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the
glory, fo r ever. Amen. ” Scrivener deceives saying, “It
can hardly be upheld any longer as a portion o f the
sacred text” (Scrivener, Six Lectures, pp. 122, 124).
M att. 16:2, 3: Scrivener urges, “It is not hard to see why these
verses, the first clause o f ver, 2 excepted, have been
treated as doubtful by the most recent editors o f the
New Testament. ” He adds, “The exclamation “O ye
hypocrites” o f the common text [KJB], is undoubtedly
spurious [fake]” (Scrivener, Six Lectures, p. 126).
John 7:8: Scrivener questions the word “yet” in John 7:8. Jesus
said, “I go not up yet unto this feast...” Its omission
would make Jesus Christ a liar, as he later does go up to
the feast. Scrivener wrongly attributes the word “yet” to
the “dishonest, zeal” o f a scribe who did not want Jesus
tO look like a liar (S c riv e n e r, Six Lectures, pp. 159, 160). Scrivener
calls the Received text reading “yet” ovika (which
prevents Jesus Christ from being a liar) a “willful
emendation” (S c riv e n e r, a Plain, V o l. 2 , pp. 3 6 3 , 3 6 4 ) . New versions
such as the NASB omit “yet,” making Jesus a liar, when
he finally goes up to the feast.
Acts 8:37: “And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine
heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe
that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” Scrivener blasts,
“Its authenticity cannot be maintained ' (Scrivener, six
Lectures, p. 7 3 ).
Is his opinion superior to both the Received Text and the KJB?
(I nearly forgot — “ye shall be as gods.”)
Acts 16:7: Scrivener says that “the Spirit” should be “the Spirit
o f Jesus,” adding that “the evidence in favour o f this
addition being so overwhelming that it is not easy to
conjecture how it ever fe ll OUt Of the te x t’’ (S c riv e n e r, Six
Lectures, P. 171). A Plain Introduction deletes the Holy Ghost
in one foul swoop and tells its reader, “Westcott and
Hort mOSt rightly a d d ’’ [of JeSUS.]...” (S c riv e n e r, A Plain, V o l. 2,
P. 374). If he were to apply his own canons o f textual
criticism, he would have to admit that his phrase “the
Spirit o f Jesus” is not biblical usage. He feebly tries to
cross-reference R om ans 8:9 to prove his reading, but it
says “Spirit o f Christ,” not “Spirit o f Jesus.” Scrivener
even admits that “the mass o f cursives” favors the KJB
reading “Spirit,” not his and W estcott’s “Spirit o f Jesus”
(S c riv e n e r, A Plain, V o l. 2 , p. 3 7 4 ) . TheirS I S another JeSUS (2
Cor. 11:4). This is not the only time Scrivener
eliminates the Holy Ghost. It is not a wise move.
Rom ans 13:9: Scrivener says, ““Thou shalt not bear false
witness. ” The ninth commandment is omitted by Codd.
ABD (E)FG...nor does it appear in the [Catholic]
Complutensian edition. Erasmus, however, brought it
into the Received text, where it rests on the support o f
In Phil. 2:1 all the uncials and most of the cursives agree with
the KJB, as opposed to Scrivener.
1 Peter 3:15: The KJB says, “But sanctify the Lord God in
your hearts.” A Plain Introduction says, “It is a real
pleasure to me in this instance to express my cordial
agreement with Tregelles (and so read... Westcott and
H ort)” who would replace “God” with “Christ.”
“Against this very strong case [a few corrupt uncials
and versions] we can set up fo r the common text only the
more recent uncials KLP (not more than seven uncials
contain this Epistle), the mass o f later cursives (ten out
of Scrivener’s twelve...the Polyglot Arabic,
Slavonic... [etc.]” (Scrivener, A Plain, Vol. 2, p. 398).
their mutual belief that the use o f “chapters and verses” gives “a
very erroneous impression” and is an “injurious peculiarity”
(Scrivener, The Authorized, pp. 127-128). Why then did God S a y in Acts
not have them to begin with. God can not mind.’ Yet they are
not marbles for child’s play.
Sum m ary
■ Jay P. Green:
The Interlinear Bible
Greek-English New Testament
Hendrickson Publishers, Baker Books,
Sovereign Grace, MacDonald Publishing,
Associated Publishers
in Eph 3:9. (See also Col. 1:2, Eph. 3:14.) Observe the
inclusion of the word “Christ” in Rom. 1:16. (See also 2
John 9b, 1 Tim. 2:7, Gal. 4:7, and 1 John 4:3.)
the Trinitarian proof text (1 John 5:7) and other verses (Acts
9:5, 6 etc.) with these words, “We have not deleted these from
the Greek text supplied by the Trinitarian Bible Society, though
we do not accept them as part of the true deposit o f the Holy
Scriptures” (The Interlinear Bible Greek-English, V o lu m e 4 , p. x i.)
Observe four points, as you read the upcoming abstract from his
original preface:
v iii).
readings. They had ancient Greek readings the critics had only
recently ‘discovered.’
“ T h e sp e c ia l d e sign o f th is v o lu m e is to p la c e c le a r ly b e fo re the
read er the va ria tio n s fro m the Greek text represented by the
Authorised Version o f the N e w T esta m en t w h ic h h a v e b een
em b o d ie d in the Revised Version. O ne o f the R u le s laid d o w n fo r the
g u id a n ce o f the Revisers b y a C o m m ittee ap p oin ted b y the C o n v o ca tio n
o f C a n terb u ry w a s to the e ffe c t “ that, w h en the T e x t adopted d iffe r s fro m
list o f the rea d in g s ado pted w h ic h are at v a ria n c e w ith the readings
re sp o n sib ility o f the Revisers d o es not o f co u rse ex ten d b eyo n d the list
w h ic h th ey h a v e furn ished.
T h e fo rm h ere ch o se n h a s b ee n th ough t b y the S y n d ic s o f the
C a m b rid g e U n iv e rs ity P ress to be at o n ce the m ost co n v e n ie n t in itself,
and the b est fitted fo r g iv in g a true rep resen tation o f the Revisers
w o r k ,...T h e C a m b rid g e P re ss h a s th ere fo re ju d g e d it b e st to set the
The Italian Diodati and the Old Latin are pure editions.
Scrivener did not have access to these recently
discovered notes of the translators. Therefore what he
“assumed” has been proven wrong and Scrivener’s text
along with it.
Again, the KJB translators expressly stated that they did not
follow the Latin Vulgate. A very large percentage o f the
KJB translator’s introductory “The Translators to the
Reader” was taken up to express their utter contempt for
the Catholic church and its Latin Vulgate. In the KJB’s
for 400 years, not one man who was party to the production of
the corrupt Revised Version with Westcott, Hort and Vaughan.
Matt. 12:24, 27; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15, 18, 19: The first
usage o f Beelzebub in the Greek and English New
Testament is spelled ‘Beelzebub,’ ending with a ‘b.’
Even Scrivener spells it correctly in Matt. 10:25.
Ignoring the principle o f first mention, Scrivener spells
it incorrectly, as ‘Beelzebul,’ ending with an ‘1’ in the
remainder o f the New Testament. In all 7 places the KJB
reading o f Beelzebub is seen in Tyndale, who had
access to very early English Bibles, as well as Greek and
vernacular Bible manuscripts, unavailable to Scrivener
who lived nearly 400 years further from the original.
Scrivener is following the Greek (Catholic)
Complutensian which, like him, only used the spelling
“Beelzebub” in Matt. 10:25. Matching the KJB are pure
vernacular Bibles such as the German, Danish, Latin,
Scrivener pretends the KJB took its spelling here from ‘the
Latin,’ which is just one o f many correctly spelled vernacular
Bibles (even the NIV spells it correctly!). Actually the correct
spelling is a Hebraism taken from the Old Testament where
Baal-zebub is seen in such places as 2 Kings 1:2, and 1:3 in all
Bibles. The modern version’s, Beelzebul, is seen nowhere in
the Hebrew Old Testament, but is a N.T. corruption. Bible
critics excuse it by calling it an Aramaic variant, the ‘lord of
dung,’ rather than the correct Hebrew ‘lord of flies’ (S c h a ff,
Companion, p. 29 ).
*Mark 13:37 Scrivener gives the false impression that this and
scores o f other KJB readings are “not countenanced by”
Greek. In fact the KJB reading is seen in the Greek texts
of Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, and Alford, who
have never been charged with basing any readings on
the Latin Bible (See Berry’s Interlinear footnote).
plural like the KJB. The KJB matches the Italian Diodati
o f 1661, as well as the old Spanish.
John 10:16 Scrivener says that the KJB translated the Latin,
unum ovile (one fold), instead of ‘one flock.’ The Greek
manuscripts followed by the Great Bible and the Geneva
Bible of 1557 match the KJB. A fold is an enclosure;
this is a word-picture about Christ’s body. It is a
parallelism in the KJB: “not of this fo ld fold.” A
fold can also refer to the aggregate o f sheep; thus fold
would simply be a synonym for the Greek for ‘flock’
('Oxford English Dictionary). Scrivener’s and Berry’s
Greek destroy the parallelism saying, ‘not o f this
fo ld flock.’
Acts 7:26 The KJB agrees with Tyndale saying, “would have
set them at one again.” The KJB matches the Frenc
Martin of 1855.
Acts 7:44 Berry’s adds the Greek word for “among,” (before
“our fathers”) which Scrivener’s does not include. This
Acts 10:20: Scrivener notes that the KJB adds “But,” but
actually it omits it. Scrivener is a confused man. The
KJB omits the introductory “But” following Tyndale;
Berry’s and Scrivener’s wrongly include it. The KJB
matches the Italian Diodati of 1661, the French Martin
o f 1855, and the Dutch SV o f 1637.
*Acts 13:1 The KJB agrees with Scrivener and Berry with the
spelling for ‘Simeon.’ Scrivener’s inclusion o f this word
in his ‘Latin’ list appears to be his error. Both the
“Ancient” and the modem Greek New Testaments
match the KJB.
Acts 17:30: Both Tyndale and the KJB say “this ignorance.”
Both Berry and Scrivener’s wrongly say “ignorance”
alone. The KJB matches the old Spanish.
*Acts 19:20 The KJB and Tyndale say “the word o f God,”
Berry’s and Scrivener’s say, “the word o f the Lord.”
(e.g. Old Itala, itd, itw [fourth century]; Syriac, syrp [fifth
century] or earlier; the Armenian Bible, written in the 300s by
Chrysostom et a l). Scrivener and Berry wrongly join the United
Bible Society’s 4th edition, edited by Catholic Cardinal Carlo
Maria Martini. It states that its editors are “almost” sure that
‘Lord’ is better than “God” here. They are following the
Vaticanus manuscript (se e u b s 4, pp. 3 , 4 8 4 ). The NKJV follows von
Soden’s error-filled collation used by the Hodges-Farstad so
called Majority Text. Not a lot o f manuscripts were collated by
von Sodden and these few were carelessly done (See When the
Acts 23:15, Acts 24:25, Romans 16:4,1 Cor. 13:1, Col. 1:4, 1
Thes. 2:16 have readings in which the KJB matches
Tyndale and his early sources.
*Acts 26:6 The KJB and Tyndale, along with the Greek texts of
Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, Alford and Westcott,
say “our fathers,” not “the fathers” as does Berry’s and
Scrivener’s (See Berry’s and Scrivener’s footnotes). The
KJB matches the old Spanish, the German o f 1565, the
Swiss o f 1531, and the French Martin o f 1855.
1 Cor. 16:23 The KJB and the Geneva 1557 have “our Lord,”
while Berry’s and Scrivener’s have “the Lord.” The KJB
matches the old Spanish and the French Martin o f 1855.
*Gal. 4:15 The KJB has “Where,” joining the Greek texts of
Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, Alford and Westcott,
(instead o f Berry’s and Scrivener’s “What”). Scrivener
pretends it comes only from the Latin ubi (wherein,
where, whereby). See Berry’s and Scrivener’s
footnotes). The KJB reading is seen preserved in the old
Spanish, the Dutch of 1637, the German o f 1565, the
Swiss o f 1531, and the French Martin o f 1855.
*Phil. 2:21 The KJB and Tyndale, along with the Greek texts of
Griesbach, Lachmann, Tregelles, Alford and Westcott,
say “Jesus Christ,” rather than the incorrect inversion
“Christ Jesus,” as does Berry’s and Scrivener’s (See
Berry’s and Scrivener’s footnotes). The KJB reading is
seen in the Swiss o f 1531 and the French o f 1855.
*1 Thes. 2:12 KJB and Tyndale say “who [which] hath called.”
The margin o f W estcott’s text notes such a variant in the
Greek text (See Scrivener’s footnote).
1 Thes. 2:13 The KJB and Tyndale have “not as the word.” The
KJB clearly places the word “as” in italics. Scrivener
places this phrase in his list o f words coming from the
Latin. However, the only word which matches the Latin
is “as” (ut) and the translators place it in italics. Without
it the English sentence is not grammatically correct.
Scrivener is grasping at straws. The KJB reading is seen
in the German o f 1565, the Swiss o f 1531, and the
French of 1855, which include the word “as,” using no
italics. The Dutch o f 1637 includes “as,” placing it in
italics, like the KJB. The old Spanish and Italian Bibles
also match the KJB here.
!*1 Tim. 1:17 Scrivener is lying here. The same Greek word,
aion, that the KJB translators (and Tyndale) translated as
“eternal” here, is translated as “eternal” in Ephesians
3:11 (“the eternal purpose”). In fact, the KJB translators
translated aion as ‘eternal’ 42 other times for a total of
44 times. Members o f the church of England, especially
those on the RV committee, had serious problems with
the word ‘eternal’ and ‘everlasting.’ (See chapter on
Liddell-Scott Lexicon, e.g. Dodgson). They constantly
turn aion into ‘ages.’ Are they hoping for a parole from
hell? Both the “Ancient” and the modem Greek New
Testaments match the KJB, as well as all Greek
manuscripts and editions.
James 3:14 The Greek text has the plural “ye” and “your.” To
have these plurals refer to and modify a singular noun,
“heart” would be a choice any English teacher could
question. Therefore the KJB refuses to make a
questionable grammatical choice and therefore uses the
plural “hearts,” in this context instead o f “heart,” as seen
in Berry’s and Scrivener’s. Other vernacular Bibles,
such as Tyndale, match the KJB, attesting to the original
reading. The KJB matches the French o f 1855 and the
Old Spanish.
1 John 3:20 The KJB rightly omits the second use o f “for,”
which if included, like Berry’s and Scrivener’s, creates a
non-translatable nonsense sentence. The KJB is joined
by Tyndale and other vernacular versions, reflective of
the undoubtedly grammatically correct original. The
KJB matches the Swiss o f 1531, the Dutch o f 1637, the
German o f 1565, the French of 1855, the Italian Diodati
o f 1661, and the old Spanish Bibles.
1 John 5:8: In the KJB and Tyndale, the last phrase says “these
three,” instead o f “the three,” as seen in Berry’s and
Scrivener’s work. The “three” had already been
referenced in the sentence. Therefore an antecedent is
there, making “the,” seem out o f place. The KJB
matches the Dutch o f 1637, the German o f 1565, the
Swiss of 1531, the French o f 1855, the Italian Diodati of
1661, and the old Spanish.
Rev. 17:9 The KJB and Tyndale begin the sentence with
“And,” which Scrivener’s and Berry’s omit. The KJB
could not have copied the Latin, as he charges, as the
Latin version begins with et hie (“And this”). The KJB
matches the German 1565 and the Swiss of 1531.
*Rev. 18:23 The KJB and the Geneva o f 1557, as well as the
Greek texts of Lachmann, Tischendorf and Westcott,
agree on “shall shine,” as opposed to “may shine,” seen
in Scrivener’s and Berry’s Greek editions. (See Berry’s
and Scrivener’s footnotes). The “Ancient” Greek New
Testament matches the KJB. The KJB also matches the
Italian Diodati o f 1661, the German o f 1565, the Swiss
o f 1531, the French of 1855, and the Dutch o f 1637.
The list o f vernacular Bibles which have the word ‘Jesus’ twice
in Mark 15 is endless. The context will determine which reading
is correct. If the name o f ‘Jesus’ is replaced with the pronoun
“He,” as it is in the NASB and all new versions, it could refer to
“Levi,” seen in verse 14. God is not the author o f confusion.
2. Acts 27:12 - The text should read kata liba kai cwron
(kata liba kai chooron - “toward the southwest and
northwest”) rather than Scrivener’s kata liba kai kata
cwron (kata liba kai kata chooron - “toward the southwest
and the northwest”). The KJB translators followed Beza 3,
4, 5 here in considering that reading to be the better
attested one. It is perhaps theoretically possible that the
translation o f Scrivener into English could come out as in
the KJB.
This does not have to make a difference in the English
translation. However the problem is that the difference
might indeed make a difference in a translation into a
language other than English. Thus the underlying word(s)
do become, or at the very least could become, quite
critical, i.e., if Scrivener is not “fixed”, then this could
have an effect on translation into some other language than
English. I still think Scrivener may be wrong here given
the fact that Beza 3, 4, 5 were followed by the KJB
translators as representing the best attested reading.
3. I Thessalonians 2:12 - The text should read kalesantos
(kalesantos - “hath called”; aorist active indicative, i.e.,
past tense) rather than Scrivener’s erroneous kalountos
(kalountos - “calls”; present tense).
From a translational perspective a case could be made
for the past tense “meaning” o f a present tense v erb ...
4. I Timothy 4:15 - The text should N O T have en (en -
“in”, “in all things”) as Scrivener has. The KJB translators
felt that the better attested reading was without en (en; i.e.,
“to all”).
It is possible that no translational difference would be
made if one o f the more remote meanings o f “en” (“to” as
in I Corinthians 7:15) were involved here and thus
Scrivener could possibly be left alone.
5. I Peter 2:13 - The text should NOT have oun (oun -
“then”, “therefore”) at the beginning o f the verse.
Scrivener is mistaken here and that “oun” should NOT be
in the text. The KJB translators believed that the best
attested reading did not have “oun” here. Cf. Tyndale (and
the L atin)...[I]t is possible that the KJV translators simply
What Next?
Scrivener says that the scribes who made copies o f the Bible
“were not exempt from the common failings o f humanity.” Why
should we hold to his one-man Greek text when he admits,
“Human imperfection will be sure to mar the most highly-
finished performance and to leave its mark on the most
elaborate efforts after accuracy.” Was he alone exempt from
human error? Or was Beza, leaning upon a Latin translation of
the Syriac? Were their unique Greek choices inspired like the
Holy Bible? (Scrivener, s ix Lectures pp. 5 ,6 ) . Holy Bible or unholy men,
who is safe to follow?
than his fifth edition (1598), as the later ones were the product
of his “extreme old age” (Scrivener, The Authorized, p. 60).
Matt. 1:8, 9; 1:23; 2:11; 2:17; 3:3; 9:18; 10:10; 10:25; 11:21;
12:24; 2:15
Mark 1:21; 4:18; 5:38; 6:45; 6:53; 8:22; 9:38; 9:42; 10:46;
13:9; 14:21; 15:3; 16:14; 15:20
Luke 1:26; 1:50; 3:30; 3:31; 6:37; 7:12; 7:45; 8:5; 8:31; 9:15;
12:1; 12:56; 13:19; 17:35; 20:31; 20:32; 22:42; 22:45
John 4:5; 5:5; 8:6; 8:42; 9:10; 12:17; 16:25; 18:15; 18:20;
19:31; 21:12
Acts (Title) 2:36; 3:3; 4:25; 4:27; 4:36; 7:2; 7:16; 7:44; 8:13;
8:28; 16:7; 16:17; 21:3; 21:4; 21:8; 21:11; 24:8; 24:14;
24:22; 25:6; 26:8; 26:20; 27:3; 27:12; 27:13; 27:29
Bible into Latin. Beza used both the original Syriac and the
Latin translation of the Syriac to help create his Greek
edition. Scrivener admits that Beza “asserted a claim to the
139 places where the KJB translators did not follow Beza. So
much for ‘the’ Greek.
1. Total Depravity: Calvinists completely deny that men have a free will,
believing that m en’s depravity extends to their will. However, God has
given men a free will, but many choose to reject God with their wills.
When Jesus said in John 6:44, “No man can come to me, except the
Father draw h im ...,” he explained in John 12:32 how God would draw
all men. He said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all
men unto me.” John 1:9 tells us Jesus “lighteth every man that cometh
into the world.” In Rev. 22:17 he said, “...w hosoever will, let him take
the water o f life freely.” Jesus said, “Ye will not come to me, that ye
might have life” (John 5:40). He said, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem
often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen
gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!” (Matt.
23:37). W hy would Jesus say in John 5:40, “Ye will not come to me,” if
they had no free will and could not come. Romans 1 and 2 shows that all
men are without excuse.
good works and evil works) and ignore the words, “not o f works.” They
ignore the scripture that states why God loved Jacob. Heb. 11:21 says,
“By faith Jacob.” Salvation is by faith, not by works. When God said,
“1 will have mercy on whom I will have mercy,” he means he chooses
the means; he chose to have mercy on those who will believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot will another means o f salvation. The
question, “What shall we say then?” in Romans 9:14 is repeated and
answered in Romans 9:30-33 which repeats, “W hat shall we say
then?...even the righteousness which is o f faith...they sought it not by
faith...A s it is written (Rom. 9:13).” Parallel Romans 9:14 and 9:30;
Romans 9:15 and 9:31; Romans 9:16 and 9:32 and Romans 9:17-18 and
9:33. Calvinists refuse to read “comparing spiritual things with
spiritual” and to read the entire verse, the entire chapter or the entire
3. Limited Atonement: Calvinists believe Christ died for the elect alone.
However, 1 John 2:2 says, “He is the propitiation for our sins: and not
for our’s only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 Tim. 2:5 and
2:6 state that he “gave him self a ransom for all.” John 4:42 says he is the
“Saviour o f the world.” John 3:17 says that he died “that the world
through him might be saved.” 1 Tim. 4:10 says he “is the Saviour o f all
men, specially o f those that believe.” Isaiah 53:6 says, “the Lord hath
laid on him the iniquity o f us all.” John 2:2 says, “And this is the
propitiation for our sins: and not for our’s only, but also for the sins of
the whole world.” Heb. 2:9 says that he “should taste death for every
man.” 1 Tim. 2:5, 6 says he “gave him self a ransom for all.” Romans
says God “delivered him up for us a ll...”
5. Perseverance o f the Saints: God will preserve his saints; they are
eternally secure. However, their word ‘perseverance’ has a connotation
o f works. Their word is
actually only used once in the Bible in the context o f unceasing prayer,
not salvation (Eph. 6:18).
“For there must be also heresies among you, that they which
are approved may be made manifest among you” (1 Cor.
11:19). Beza’s lack o f scriptural understanding, which would
allow him to misunderstand all of the above verses, gives me
little confidence in his choice o f Greek words in the minute
details. Though Beza’s Greek text was generally that which
came down from the first century, evidently God saw at least
139 small errors in it, to which he alerted the KJB translators.
the Greek sources matching the KJB are included in KJB Greek
Texts, available from AV Publications.)
The 1611 New Testament title page said that its words came
from “the former Translations diligently compared and
revised.” Rule 14 directed them to use the words o f Tyndale,
Mathews, Coverdale, Whitechurch and the Geneva, when they
better agree with the text than the Bishops.’ Rule 4 said that
when a word has more than one meaning, the translators should
use a word which is “agreeable to the propriety o f the place
[context] and the analogy of the faith” [parallel verses, with the
built-in dictionary] (See In Awe, p. 586).
Isn’t God good! Men can now stop wasting their short lives
wading through Greek texts, looking for Scrivener’s idea of
“truth.” The “babes” had it all along. Now let’s “do it.”
Chapter 19
of George Ricker Berry
& Thomas Newberry
Authors: Interlinear
New Testament
Newberry Reference Bible &
The Englishman’s Bible
Naive Delusion
■ “godly edifying”
■ “Spirits o f God”
Phil. 4:12
1 Thes. 1:9
1 Tim. 1:2
Philemon 7
Heb. 12:24; 10:23
James 2:24; 4:15; 5:9
2 Peter 1:1; 1:21; 2:9
1 John 1:5
Jude 12
Rev. 1:11; 7:2; 8:6; 9:19; 9:20; 11:4; 17:4; 18:1; 18:5; 19:14;
19:16; 19:18; 20:4; 21:13
Even Beza (1589 and 1598) and Scrivener agree with the
KJB approximately 113 times against Stephanus’s third
edition of 1550 in the following:
■ In John 10:16 Berry’s uses the word “flock,” while the KJB
uses “fold.” According to the OED these two words can be
synonyms. Therefore the latter is used in the KJB as a sight
rhyme. (See chapter on Scrivener for elaboration.)
■ In John 12:26 Berry adds “and” before “if any man.” The
“Ancient” and modem Greek New Testaments join the KJB,
along with the ancient Greek manuscripts underlying
Griesbach, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, and Alford in
omitting “and.” (See chapter on Scrivener for footnote on
Tinsley’s “Ancient” Greek.
■ In Acts 2:22 Berry does not have the Greek word for
“approved”; the KJB and Tyndale do.
■ In 1 John 3:20 the KJB and Tyndale rightly omit the second
use o f “for,” which is wrongly included in Berry’s text,
thereby creating a non-translatable nonsense sentence.
■ No Everlasting Punishment?
“And shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever” (KJB).
“...for the ages of the ages” (Rev. 20:10) (B e r r y , p. 66 4).
■ Watered-Down Words
The fact that Greek verb tenses do not match English tenses
is well known among Greek ‘scholars.’ Berry admits of one
case in particular saying, “If the learned were agreed as to a
translation we should have kept to the sam e...” “If the learned”
do not agree among themselves, on what authority should
Berry’s particular choice be accepted? (B e rr y , in tro d u ctio n , p. iv .). With
his mishandling o f the Subjunctive mood he admits, “we have
deviated further from ordinary practice than in any other...” For
example, in James 2:11 (aorist subjunctive) instead o f the KJB’s
“Do not kill” (plain and to the point), he plays “Mother may I,”
saying, “Thou mayest not commit murder.” He shatters three
strong syllables into eight sissy syllables. As he admits the KJB
“will make all plain.”
distain for the KJB and his taste for the corrupt Westcott-Hort
Greek text, which copies so many o f its omissions from the
Evidently, his ‘originals’ [Sinaiticus] are the frame and his own
ideas take center stage as the picture.
The Wobbly
Unorthodox Greek Orthodox
The Word to All the World & The Scriptures to All Nations
■ 2nd: In Acts 4 “they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and
they spake the word of God with boldness (v. 31).
■ 5th: The Lord said to Peter, “What God hath cleansed, that
call not thou common” (Acts 11:9). Vernacular means
common. In Acts 2 the Holy Ghost cleansed, for his use,
what vernacular use had marred.
■ 7th: The word spread so far that Jason said, “These that have
turned the world upside down are come hither also” (Acts
■ Paul “said unto the chief captain, May I speak unto thee?
Who said, Canst thou speak Greek?” He would not have
asked if he had been speaking in Greek. When preaching to
the people, “He spake unto them in the Hebrew tongue...”
(Acts 21:37-40).
God knew that any one nation group could not be trusted
with the charge of preserving the New Testament scriptures.
Unto the Jews were committed the oracles o f God, that is, the
Hebrew Old Testament. This was the only nation that was
chosen as such. However, the Hebrews changed verses with
Messianic prophecies — after Christ came (See chapters on the
Hebrew text). So God would no longer work with individual
nations, but with any man in any nation who would believe in
him. The charge o f keeping the scriptures was given to this new
priesthood of believers as a whole, in “every nation under
heaven” (Acts 2). (See chapter, “The Scriptures to All Nations”
for a continuation o f this topic.)
Greek-Orthodox Only?
most corrupt of all Greek manuscripts. It was under the care and
periodic corruption o f the monks who live in the walled
complex of St. Catherine’s Greek Orthodox Monastery on Mt.
Sinai. These unsaved monks have made alterations to the text
many times over the course o f centuries. Such alterations appear
today in modem versions which say in their margins, “The
oldest MSS say ...”
■ Mark 5:2-9 says, “there met him out o f the tombs a man
with an unclean spirit, Who had his dwelling among
the tombs.”
■ Luke 8:27-30 says, those “which had devils long
time...neither abode in any house, but in the
tombs. . .many devils were entered into him.”
speaks Koine Greek today. 1 John 5:7 and Acts 8:37 have been
violently expunged by the Greek Orthodox church from most of
their Greek manuscripts. Is God’s hand bound by the heresies
and frailties o f one apostate nation or one sect?
water, which cannot match the tide which carried this verse to
Bibles around the world.
He traces the verse from the earliest times through many ancient
citations and Holy Bibles. (See M ichael M aynard, The History o f the Debate Over
1 John 5:7 and G.A. Riplinger, New Age Bible Versions, Chapter 28 “The G odhead’s Gone,”
both available from A.V. Publications.
Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are eternal. The Greek’s
extra-biblical surmising would be better left undone. Just leave
1 John 5:7 in the Bible and leave the rest to God. The Bible uses
the term “begotten” in three ways: 1) It refers to Christ’s
“flesh,” when Christ was “begotten into the world” (John 1:14;
Heb. 1:5-6; Heb. 5:5-7; Heb. 11:17; 1 John 4:9), 2) It refers to
the new birth (1 Cor. 4:15; Philemon 10; 1 Pet. 1:3; 1 John 5:1;
1 John 5:18), and 3.) It most specifically refers to the time in
which God “raised up Jesus again” as “the first begotten o f the
dead” (Rev. 1:5; Acts 13:33-34 et al.). The Greek and creedal
phrases, “begotten before all worlds” and “forever bom ” are not
come from reading Greek church ‘fathers’ and creeds, not from
the scriptures.
The Greeks say that the numbers 666 “were never intended to
be taken literally” (Harakas, p. 320 ).
The Greek Bogamiles, Paulicians and others had the true Greek
text which included the pure readings.
With seeming disregard for the book God has written, the
Greeks put the “book” through the paper shredder.
Rev. 5:7 Changes “he came and took the book out o f the
right hand” to “he came and took it out o f the
right hand.”
Rev. 5:5 Omits “to loose” from “to open the book, and to
loose the seven seals thereof.”
God uses heresy to expose those who are not approved by God.
If the beliefs and practices of the Greek church are not
approved, then neither are their manuscripts, when they depart
from the rest o f the readings preserved by the body of Christ
worldwide. We are commanded to “reject” them.
and eat it up” (Rev. 10:9). Jeremiah, the first sword swallower,
writes, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy
word was unto me the joy and rejoicing o f mine heart:...” (Jer.
God warns,
Do not look for the word, which is a light unto our path, to
shine forth from the Greek church’s tarnished candlesticks.
They and everything they touch could be spiritually “unclean”
and “defiled” (Num. 9:6, 19:11, 13, 5:2).
Harakas replies with a hymn that says, “taking flesh by the holy
Mother o f God and ever-virgin Mary,” which he says “shows us
why the Virgin Mary is important to u s ...” (Harakas, p. 332). When
Harakas answers,
The Bible says, “for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy
name” (Ps. 138:2). His word is exalted above the writings and
ruminations of Greek Orthodox monks and mystics. God would
not entrust his “holy scriptures” to those who place the Holy
Bible below the writings o f unholy men.
(which they cannot read) above their own Holy Bible (which
they can read) is likewise a tradition with no Bible
foundation. They are “Making the word of God of none
effect through your tradition...” (Mark 7:13). Seminary
textbook traditions are harder to bury than monk’s skulls.
‘The Greek says’ a whole lot more than those who make
that comment care to include.
■ The Bible says that “It is good for a man not to touch a
woman.” (1 Cor. 7:1). But take a peek inside a Greek
church where singles have suppers and snuggle. Harakas
says, “[The] Greeks permit weddings, dances, etc.
during Lent, especially during Christmas Lent.” “I see
dinner-dances scheduled even after St. Spyridon’s day
(Dec. 12)” (Harakas, p. 186).
■ The Bible says, “Is any sick among you? let him call for
the elders o f the church; and let them pray over him,
anointing him with oil in the name o f the Lord...”
(James 5:14). Harakas forgets the Lord and replaces the
oil with grease, a trip to Greece that is, to a shrine to the
Mother o f God. He says, “One famous and well known
shrine where such healings take place is on the Greek
B yzantine E m pire Strikes B ack
■ Heb. 4:8 “For if Joshua had given them rest, then would
he not afterward have spoken o f another day” (Spiros
Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study New Testament, Chattanooga, TN: AMG
Publishers, 1991, p. 724).
not seem to care that the edition they are printing contains
numerous errors.
Acts 9:5, 6 Zodhiates’ Greek text omits “it is hard for thee to
kick against the pricks. And he trembling and
astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to
do? And the Lord said unto him.” This major
portion o f verses 5 and 6 is omitted, as it is
omitted in G, L, T, Tr, A, and W. It is in the
KJB, TR, and Vamvas.
Rev. 14:8 Zodhiates’ Greek text omits “city,” just like the
corrupt G, L, T, Tr, A and W. It is correct in the
Acts 10: 6 Zodhiates’ Greek text omits “shall tell thee what
thou oughtest to do,” along with G, L, T, Tr, A,
and W. The KJB, TR, and Vamvas retain this
Drum roll \ / \ / \ /
G od’s dire warning which says, “and if any man shall take
away from the words o f the book of this prophecy, God shall
take away his part out of the book of life...” is altered in
Zodhiates’ Greek text!
In Christ,
M. Prostka
(letter on file)
Assorted Complaints
■ John 8:10 “And saw none but the woman” and “those
thine accusers” omitted per NA27/UBS4
longer has the dual number, the optative mood and the middle
voice. The dative, for example, is now supplied by means o f the
accusative. The conjugation o f verbs has vastly changed and
almost all o f the simple tenses are gone. The future is not shown
by a simple tense and is seen in three ways. Possessive
pronouns are no longer kept; instead the genitive case of
personal pronouns is used. The infinitive is now shown by way
o f the particle (and the subjunctive). All in all, the Greek
language Zodhiates learned at his mother’s knee, mixed with
the pagan Greek definitions he ‘plagiarized,’ together “have
taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves,
and them that were entering in ye hindered” (Luke 11:52).
He says further,
In Closing
Child Molester
on New Version Committee
Why were these men feverishly filing off the sharp and
powerful edges o f the Bible? The Holy Bible “is a discemer of
the thoughts and intents” o f their unholy hearts (Hebrews 4:12).
Charles John Vaughan (1816-1897) was Headmaster o f Harrow
Boys’ School from 1845 to 1859. When Westcott was about
twenty-nine years old, “Dr. Vaughan invited him to Harrow”
(Joseph Clayton, Bishop Westcott, London: A.R. M ow bray and Co, 1906, p. 25). V a u g h a n
Further docum entation is available in Strange Audacious Life: The Construction o f John
Addington Symonds by Andrew Dakyns; Letters o f John Addington Sym onds (Detroit: W ayne
State U niversity Press, 1967-1969); and John Addington Symonds: Culture a n d the Demon
Desire, ed. John Pemble (London: M acmillan, 2000).
Dear Fredric - H arrow is dissolved - the school, I mean, and not the hill, which holds out
still against the rain m ost valiantly. Gould the noisy and M arshall the unready are done.
Sandars the interrogative and Burdon the dem onstrative are gone. M eek the cold-handed is
gone. Pretor the clear-headed is gone. I too the much-scheming am going.
This is a Homeric fragment. I hope you can scan it; I w o n 't attempt to do so. The MS. is
sadly defaced, but 1 can see som e allusion to the w asp jersey o f our house, and a good
scholiast could doubtless explain it all. Even now I have scarcely realized your
disappearance. I never likened M oorsom to a fairy, but he certainly carried you o ff in a
fairy-like fashion. I am not quite sure that I will pardon you till I have a full account o f the
“supernatural” phenom enon which m ust have accom panied your evanishment. It is but just
to say that I did not smell the odour of hempseed in the house. 1 am sure the Greek lines
will be as good as another whole sheet of words. Fancy that they form a paper in a little
ro o m ...v ery affectionately yours. Brooke F. Westcott” (W estcott, Vol. 1, pp. 229, 230).
Classicists Respond
“T o p h a ts v B o n n e ts ” a fo o tb a ll m a tc h w ith a d iffe re n c e in 1 9 0 2
F ro m A n Illustrated H istory o f Harrow School
B y P a tric k L ic h fie ld ,a n d R ich a rd S h y m a n s k y w ith J im G o lla n d
C o p y rig h t © 1 9 8 8 T h e P e n g u in G ro u p
U sed b y the kind perm ission o f H arrow School, R ita B osw ell, A rchivist.
The movie, the Da Vinci Code, reveals the occult nature and
background o f Vaughan’s Temple and was filmed on location
there. Vaughan’s round Temple church was built in 1184 by the
evil Order o f the Knights Templar. It is used for their initiation
ceremonies, which are said to include trampling the cross and
committing unmentionable blasphemies. According to King
Philip IV o f France (1268-1314), the Temples erected by the
Knights were used for bizarre rituals o f a Satanic nature, such as
The Temple S
M essiah, London: Arrow Books Ltd., 1997, pp. 294, 256-257, 182-183).
A ccepted Scottish Rite o f Freemasonry, Richmond VA: L.H. Jenkins, Inc., reprint 1948 pp. 321,
NY: Henry Holt and Company, 1986, See plates follow ing p. 178; this is a wicked book).
The dead knight is also posed with the occult lion’s paw
hand sign, seen elsewhere in this book in the portrait o f RV
member and ASV chairman Philip Schaff and others.
tart” at Harrow (Bradley W intertonin, “ What Palm erston Knew" in London Review o f
Books, Letters, Vol. 25, No. 10, Cover date, M ay 22, 2003; see also The H istory o f Harrow
Vaughan would have been glad to see the more
School, p. 258).
One peek into the past even finds Westcott staying with
Vaughan during the Revision work. Fellow RV translator
Edward Bickersteth writes, “Did I tell you that Dr. Vaughan
said to me that Westcott was staying with him at the time o f
Lightfoot’s consecration [c. 1879]...” (The Life o f E dw ard Henry
Bickersteth, D.D., Bishop and P oet by Francis Keyes Aglionby, M.A., London: Longmans,
Green and Co., 1907, p. 42).
The general public may not have been aware o f the Harrow
scandal, because o f pledges of secrecy, such as the one written
by F. J. A. Hort for his secret pro-homosexual club, called the
Apostles [see next chapter for details]. Hort was on the Revised
Version committee and his prime role is discussed in New Age
Bible Versions. Henry Alford o f the Apostles was also on the
RV Committee. R.C. Trench, author o f the sinister Synonyms o f
the New Testament, discussed in another chapter in this book,
was one o f the early members o f this secret group.
New Jersey and past president o f the NACBS, 2005, p. 365). P c illT lU S O W I1 b o o k ,
by Dennis Palmu,
Member of the North American Conference on British Studies
Moral Hazard:
■ The perpetrator
■ The penalty
■ The cover up
■ The preferments
by Dennis Palmu
Another acquaintance of
Symonds at Oxford was his
tutor John Conington,
Professor o f Latin, who in
Symonds’ words ‘sympathized
with romantic attachments for
boys’. Conington gave
Symonds a copy o f Ionica,
which prompted Symonds to
contact the author, who duly
responded with ‘a long epistle
on paederastia in modem
times, defending it and laying
down the principle thataffection between people of the same
sex is no lessnaturaland rational than the ordinary passionate
relations’. It was in a relaxed discussion o f Ionica with
Conington during the summer tenn o f 1859 that Symonds was
prompted to divulge the love affair and letters between Vaughan
and Alfred Pretor, which he found out about the year before.
Conington recommended that Symonds go at once to Clifton,
and show his father Pretor’s incriminating letter along with his
own diaries from Harrow. Buckton, in Secret Selves, postulates
that ‘in turning on Vaughan, then, he (Symonds) can both purify
himself o f illicit desire and keep his latest suitor, Conington, at
a safe distance...M aking Vaughan the sacrifice to his own self-
loathing..., Symonds displaces his unmanageable desires onto
Nature had m eant him for an ambitious m an ...B u t along w ith this current o f a natural ambition
there w as another, a supernatural current o f quite exceptional devoutness, a dread o f him self, a
profound prostration before God in Christ, an overwhelm ing sense o f the danger o f personal sin,
and o f being led by the tem pter to a pinnacle and a pitfall. It is I believe in the recognition o f
these two sw eeping currents o f tem peram ent and o f the pathetic struggle carried on between
them, that w e shall best see the beauty o f his life, the secret o f his influence, the key, it may be,
to som e unexplained decisions at some critical moments.
From H. M. Butler, 'He Served H is Generation A sermon P reached at L la n d a ff Cathedral
on 24 October 1897 (n.p. 1897), p. 12 as cited in Tyerm an, A History, pp. 281-282.
also k n o w n as “N a n c y ” (se e p. 2 8 3 )
dealt only with his observations and feelings regarding the new
Head Master’s performance in the first days of his tenure.
Dalrymple was one of Symonds’ classmates and close friends in
Vaughan’s and W estcott’s Sixth Form, and ‘in the know’
regarding the true reason for Vaughan’s resignation. It would
be interesting to see Dalrymple’s initial letter to Westcott!
for the rest of his life) was Fenton John Anthony Hort, elected
to the Apostles in 1851. Hort was also tutored in classics in his
freshman’s year (1846) at Trinity College, Cambridge by none
other than W estcott’s third ‘intimate friend’ at Harrow, the Rev.
F. Rendall. Rendall ‘reported’ on Hort’s ‘clearness o f thought
and refinement o f taste’.
s e c o n d . . . Thompson
was naturally mortified.
But instead o f stomaching the disappointment,
he lost his temper. Rushing from the sixth-form
room, after the lists had been read out (in the
presence o f the Examiner, Vaughan and
Westcott), he seized Pretor and m yself by the
collar o f our coats and half hurled, half kicked us
down the steep steps which lead from Great
School to the gravel yard below .. .before the eyes
o f a whole crowd o f boys, senior and
ju n io r.. .Picking myself out o f the mud, I said to
Pretor, ‘We shall go at once to Vaughan, and ask
for redress’... Vaughan o f course acceded to
my demand. That afternoon Thompson read out
an apology before the whole sixth. That
happened in November 1857. (Memoirs, pp. 87-88).
nicknamed the ‘Apostles’. This name came from the fact that, at
any one time, there were approximately twelve undergraduate
and graduate members that met every Saturday evening in one
o f the members dorms in ‘free and open discussion and debate’
on a wide range o f topics. Angels (Apostles who had moved up
to join the ‘Phenomenal world o f politics, the civil service, the
law, and letters’) and
Apostles met together at the
annual dinner in London, but
many also kept in touch
during the course o f the year,
either personally or through
correspondence. The
Apostles were actually
founded as the Cambridge
Conversazione Society in
1820 by George Tomlinson,
but soon transformed into its
more secretive, elitist
structure when F. D. Maurice
and John Sterling became
members in 1823 and 1825
And now also the ax is laid unto the root o f the trees:
therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is
hewn down, and cast into the fire. (Matt. 3:10)
Alfred Pretor
B y k in d p e rm is sio n o f C a m b rid g e A n tiq u a ria n S o cie ty
Old Testament Lexicons
■ Gesenius
- Brown, Driver, & Briggs
and all Hebrew Lexicons
Chapter 24
Old Testament
Hebrew Lexicon
1.) Critics believe that the Bible is not the words o f God,
but a book o f “folk-tale,” “popular legend,” “primitive
spiritual forces,” “mythology,” and “Biblical myths,”
some o f which were adapted from neighboring pagan
nations (Cheyne, pp. 368, 87, 10, 36, 8).
2.) Critics teach that many, if not most o f the ‘heroes’ o f the
Bible, such as David, Jonah, etc. never really existed.
3.) Critics state that the miracles of the Bible are not
historical facts and that many o f the stories in the Bible
Higher Critics say that they want “to cultivate the critical
spirit in young students...” (Cheyne, p. 338). “That he was
disrespectful to orthodox explanations o f Old Testament
problems, and that he indulged in mirth-provoking sallies in his
lectures on Church history, is certain,” reports Cheyne. One
fellow higher critic said, “The peals of laughter with which his
distortion o f the meanings (M iller, pp. 52, 95, 97). “Caspari also
called attention to the fact that the German equivalent for
Hebrew words were often not so exact as they should be”
(M iller, p. 88).
Chapter 25
Hebrew-English Lexicon
Based Upon Gesenius
Sum m ary
Brown, Driver, & Briggs Hebrew-English Lexicon
“Protestants” into “the Church Catholic” (M assa, Charles, pp. 44, 112; see
New A ge Bible Versions, chapter on Philip Schaff).
Briggs said the Bible should not become an “idol” (M assa, Charles,
pp. 633; see Which Bible Is G o d ’s Word by Gail Riplinger for an answer to this charge.).
Who is echoing Briggs’s words today?
He said further,
Higher Criticism o f the O T ...” (See s.v. Oxford D ictionary o f the Christian
Church, 2nd ed.). “Conservative Presbyterians objected to his
o n th e f a c u lty a fte r th e A s s e m b ly h a d d is a p p r o v e d h is
appointment.. (p. 56).
His case was “one of the most important in the history of the
church, by reason o f its great and dangerous errors” (M assa, Charles,
p. 99).
His uncle was right. Today men have forgotten his heresies
and search his Hebrew-English Lexicon, only to unearth
Briggs’s century-old heresies.
Jesuitical Writing
56, 62, 64). The Presbyterian Journal asserted that Briggs used “an
immense fog bank” to “undermine the foundations of
Christianity itself” (M assa, Charles, p. ioi). Massa revealed that
Briggs’s book, like all good ‘Jesuitical’ writings, ““contained
enough truth to make its errors dangerous” among the masses
who read it.” Massa calls Briggs’s speech “the perfect
propaganda tool...Briggs, and the critical methods that he
championed, they averred, had launched a frontal assault on the
foundation of Protestant culture - the Bible itself’ (M assa, Charles,
pp. 80, 90).
Reaction to Briggs
Briggs said,
Briggs adds,
is the church playing ‘Simon Says’ with the Bible? Jesus said,
“Ye are o f your father the devil and the lusts o f your father ye
will d o ...he abode not in the truth .. .thy word is truth..
F ra n c is B ro w n , b ib lic a l s c h o la r. U n io n 's s e v e n t h p re s id e n t.
From A History of Union Theological Seminary in New York
By Robert T. Handy
Copyright © 1987 Columbia University Press
Reprinted with permission from the Publisher.
“ c o n s e rv a tiv e s” sa w h is w o rk as a “ c o m p ro m ise ,” w h ic h
“ se e m e d to th re a te n th e stro n g h o ld s o f re lig io n ” ( g .a . Cooke,
“Driver and W ellhausen,” Vol. IX, July, 1916, Num ber 3, pp. 250, 251, 252, 253).
the many works which are based entirely upon it. Hebrew word
study has become virtually impossible, outside o f the King
James Bible. Brown, Driver, and Briggs permeate everything,
even work done in very conservative circles. When asked what
he used to create his definitions, even Donald Waite, Jr., editor
o f the definitions in the Defined King James Bible, said, “I am
relatively certain that this would have included Thayer's Greek
Lexicon o f the N T and Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew-English
Lexicon o f the O T (Letter to Edward Carrington, 8/19/08 on file). KJB critics
consequently observe that the definitions in the DKJB
sometimes mirror those in the new versions (http://www.a- /dkib.htm ). An entire generation has been hoodwinked
& Update
on Hebrew Lexicons
Step 1:
“Menahem ben Saruk, in the beginning of the ll.C .
compiled the first complete Hebrew lexicon” (M iller, p. 25).
Step 2:
The early English Bibles, including the King James
Bible, were not subject to the influence o f pagan meanings in
lexicons. “From the time of Reuchlin, 1454-1511, when the
study of Hebrew lexicography began in earnest among Christian
scholars, till a short time after Joh. Buxtorf, Jr., died 1664, the
most important Hebrew lexicons were based on Rabbinic
tradition.. .The use of other dialects for comparison and
etymology, though attempted, was not approved of in this
period...” (M iller, P. 30). (Reuchlin studied Hebrew for the wrong
reasons. He was prompted by his interest in the wicked occult
Jewish Kabbala and its strange application to Catholic, not
Christian theology; see upcoming chapter on Reuchlin.) Prior to
the KJB, “Fdrster, in his Diet. Hebr. Nov. (Basel 1557), sought
to determine the meaning o f the words from the comparison of
the different passages of Scripture in which they occur, and of
allied words, words having two consonants in common, or two
consonants o f the same organ” (M cClintock and Strong, Cyclopedia o f Biblical,
Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, H arper and Brothers, 1867-1887, vol. 4, p. 139).
Step 3:
In the 1700s was introduced “the almost exclusive use of
the Arabic [Koran, et al.] for the illustration of Hebrew
grammar and lexicography” (M cciintock and strong, vol. 4 , PP. 139, 140).
Gesenius and his followers, Brown, Driver and Briggs, have
followed this dangerous path in their Hebrew lexicons.
“Gesenius was the pioneer of a new era o f Hebrew
philology...he divorced Hebrew linguistics from dogmatic
theology...” (Schaff-Herzog, p. 477). “Very often he dropped the
primary meaning which had been proposed by the leaders o f the
Dutch School and their followers in Germany.” “Gesenius
altered the meanings o f some o f the more rare Hebrew words.”
(Miiier, pp. 32-33). Gesenius continually changed his mind in
Step 4
Gesenius’ Lexicon began in German, was then
translated into Latin and was edited through numerous editions
by many, many men after Gesenius’ death. Robinson translated
one of these editions into English. This was later thoroughly re-
edited and put into English by Bible critics, Brown, Driver and
Briggs. When someone says, “ ...that Hebrew word means ...”
he is unknowingly reading the English word in the corrupt RV
of 1881, every time he consults the BDB or any Hebrew
reference book. Even Bible critic Frederick Danker warns that
Step 5
The Gesenius, Brown, Driver, and Briggs Lexicon has
been put into numerous ‘Reader’s Digest’ easy-reading editions.
To BDB some add a dash of dust from the Qumran caves (Dead Sea
trash), and a pinch of Ugaritic (via Gordon’s Ugaritic Manual and
Young’s Concordance o f Ugaritic (aka Ugaritic Textbook), both froin ,
Rome’s Pontifical Biblical Institute. They also add an ounce of
Arabic (Koran?!, via occultist and 1881 Revised Version OT.
translator, William Wright’s Grammar o f the Arabic Language) and a
touch of Aramaic and Akkadian (Babylonian!), from Caplice’s
Introduction to Akkadian, again from Rome’s Pontifical Biblical
Put all o f this together and you have created the first
monstrosity, called the Theological Wordbook o f the Old
Testament, edited by NIV committee members, R. Laird Hams
Gleason Archer, and Bruce K. Waltke. Why play Hebrew and
‘cognate’ games with the Pontiff? Just get an NIV and see
Harris, Archer and W altke’s lexical heresy close up. The
heresies of these men are detailed in the book New Age Bi e
The Theological Dictionary o f the Old Testament, edited
by G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren (various
volumes translated by Willis, Bromiley, and Green) is another
lexicon-type series in which “Rabbinic material is slighted m
favor o f secular “traditions” (Danker, M ulti-Purpose Tools For Bible Study, MN.
Fortress Press, 1993, p. 98).
Step 6
Why get a Hebrew Lexicon anyway? One can simply
get an RV, ASV, or NIV and read the lexicon’s English word in
the modem version. O h...N ever m ind...I forgot...the purpose
of referring to the ‘Hebrew’ is to make someone, who hasn’t
been shown any insight from the Lord in the English Bible, at
least look or fe e l ‘smart.’
Step 7
Remember, that there are no pure, good Hebrew
reference works. All have been influenced in their so-called
‘meanings’ by the corrupt Hebrew text, corrupt foreign
versions, faulty textual criticism, so-called cognate language
meanings, and finally unbelieving, secular minds and anti-
Semitic roots. Our English Holy Bible, the King James, gives
God’s English equivalents- suited perfectly to each context.
Old Testament
■ Hebrew Massoretic
Old Testament
Non-Authoritative Texts
Chapter 27
Old Testament
Critical Texts
• Manuscripts
- Modern Hebrew Critical Editions
- Jewish Hebrew Bibles
■ Online & Software Editions
• Dead Sea Scrolls
■ Corruptions in O.T. Versions
Edited by
■ Ben Asher
Biblia Hebraica Kittel (BHK)
■ Rudolph Kittel
■ Paul Kahle
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS)
■ K. Elliger and W. Rudolf (G erm a n Bible Society)
Other Publishers
■ Baer, Delitzsch, Ginsburg, Snaith et al.
Various Israeli Publishers
■ Mordechai Breuer/Cohen
1. Corrupt Manuscripts
2. Corrupt marginal notes, which have crept into the text
or which are followed instead o f the pure text; pure
readings in the text which have been discarded and
moved into the margin in certain manuscripts.
3. Corrupt Printed Editions (German, British & Jewish)
4. Corrupt vowel points in either text or margin
5. Corruptions in Old Testament versions in other
6. Currently available Hebrew Lexicons (Hebrew-German,
Hebrew-Latin, and Hebrew-English) all o f which were
created by liberals based on pagan sources and corrupt
texts. (See chapters on Gesenius, Brown, Driver, and
Briggs et al.).
Corrupt Manuscripts
Approach #2: Then there are editors and publishers who create
corrupt printed Hebrew editions by beginning with one or both
of these corrupt Hebrew texts (ben Asher). They then change
them based on the marginal Massorah notes and so-called
‘rules’ o f Hebrew grammar. A hybrid Hebrew text is thereby
The NKJV, NIV, TNIV, NASB, HCSB, and ESV turn the
Bible upside down and follow the margin of the Hebrew
Bible. They omit the “not” and say,
The NKJV, NIV, TNIV, NASB, HCSB, and ESV follow the
inofgin o f some Hebrew Bibles and oiuit the not saying,
Kittel admits his notes for his third edition were also
completely revised. (So much for those scholars who thought
these contained the holy grail.) He admits, “ ...the critical
apparatus given at the end o f each page is not calculated to be
merely a revision of the old apparatus; it is an entirely new
work” (K itte l, Foreword, see b e lo w ). This third edition also reproduced
exactly the marginal notes o f the Leningrad Codex. Kittel’s
notes and suggested alterations remain imbedded in the minds
o f Old Testament critics and today influence many new version
These lists do not include the newest Dead Sea Scroll changes
which will be in the BHQ.
Jewish Bibles:
Will the Real Holy Bible Please Stand Up?
rea so n s.)
Most Jewish editions are based first upon the Aleppo Codex.
Where this codex is missing books and chapters, they generally
substitute the Leningrad Codex. These include, but are not
limited to, the following publishers:
This theory, that the vowel points were not part o f the
'original’ but were introduced by the Massorites, although
“suggested by some Jewish scholars as early as the ninth
century, provoked a great outcry among the Orthodox Jews,
who ascribed to the vowel-points the greatest antiquity”
(w w w .Je w is h E n c y c lo p e d ia .c o m , s.v . L e v ita , E lija h ).
A scholar who lived in the 1600s said, “There are some who
believe the Holy Bible was pointed by wise men o f Tiberias. I
do not wonder at the impudence o f the Jews who invented the
story, but I wonder at the credulity o f Christians who applaud
it (Jo h n L ig h tfo o t, A Chorographical Century, C h ap ter 8 1 , w o rk s, v o l. 2 , p. 7 3 et al., ed.
18 6 4 , as cited in G in s b u rg ’ s The Massoreth haMassoreth o f Elias Levita, “ L i f e o f E lia s L e v it a ,”
L o n d o n , p. 5 8 ; T h is is Jo h n L ig h tfo o t (A .D . 1 6 0 2 - 1 6 7 5 ) not J .B . L ig h tfo o t o f the in fa m o u s R .V .
C o m m ittee).
Urgent Warning!
Dead Sea Scrolls’ Tour Promotes Mark in the Forehead
The Dead Sea Scrolls, because they were the product o f the
Essene sect, contain some corruptions. For example, the NIV
adds words to Ps. 145:5, based on the scroll llQ P s a, which is
notorious for wild “variants” (S c a n io n .p . 126).
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the NKJV, NIV, TNIV, NASB,
HCSB, and ESV turn the Bible upside down again and omit the
“not” saying,
altering the rest to create the word “lion.” However, their newly
created spelling o f the word “lion” (ari) in verse 16 does not
match the standard spelling o f the word lion (aryeh) in verse 13.
This is why the vowel points are so important (A b e g g , The Dead sea
Scrolls Bible, N e w Y o r k : H a rp e rS a n F ra n c isc o , 19 9 9 , p. 5 1 9 ; B u llin g e r , The Companion Bible,
To create a complete sentence,
G ra n d R a p id s, m i, rep rint 1990, p. 7 4 0 ).
Jewish and other new version editors must add words, such as
“they are at” or “they are gnawing at” which are not in the
Hebrew text. They must also ignore the fact that a middle Aleph
is sometimes in words which come from middle Waw verbs
(e.g. la't, lat and m'um, mum).
Old Testament
Non-Authoritative Texts
Published by
■ Trinitarian Bible Society
■ Jay P. Green (Hendrickson Publishers,
Baker Books, Sovereign Grace, MacDonald
Publishing, and Associated Publishers)
■ British & Foreign Bible Society
■ Software and Online Editions
Edited by
■ Jacob ben Chayim (Chayyim)
■ Ginsburg
■ Letteris (Athias/E. van der Hooght)
C . G in sb u rg
H .P. B la v a tsk y
My Examination
Lie #1: Ginsburg said, “The Text itself is based upon that of
the First Edition o f Jacob ben Chayim’s Massoretic Recension,
printed by Bomberg, at Venice, in the year 1524-5” (G in sb u rg ,
Introduction, P re fa c e ; see a ls o h ttp ://w w w .trin itaria n b ib leso cie ty .o rg /site/a rticle s/h e b .a sp ).
The few manuscripts which do omit these two verses are based
on a slip of the eye (homoeoteleuton) since the following verse
(v. 38) begins with the same words.
Introduction, p. 7 2 5 et al.).
4. In Ruth 3:5 the King James Bible says, “all that thou sayest
unto me I will do.” Ginsburg (TBS), and Letteris (B&FBS,
Green, Hendrickson, et al.), and ben Chayim omit “unto
me.” Ginsburg admits that “unto me” is “in the text in
many MSS., in several o f the early editions, in the Chaldee
and in the Syriac...” Again critics will tell you that the KJB
follows the margin (keri), not knowing that MOST
HEBREW manuscripts have “unto me” in the TEXT, not in
the margin. Ginsburg’s “own Massorah” [marginal keri]
hides the truth saying “unto me” is a marginal keri reading!
(G in sb u rg , introduction, p. 312 ). His margin has many such distortions.
Nico Verhoef reports that the KJB exactly matches the 1532
French Olivetan, the 1855 French Martin, the 1641 Italian
Diodati, the 1865 Spanish Valera, and the 1637 Dutch SV
(ital.). Nadine Stratford reports that the KJB reading is seen
in all old French Bibles, such as the 1669 French Geneva
and the 1744 Martin, as well as most modem French Bibles.
5. In Ruth 3:17 the King James Bible says, “to me.” Ginsburg
(TBS), Letteris (B&FBS, Hendrickson, Green), and ben
Chayim omit these two words. Ginsburg admits, “As in the
preceding passage the [his] Keri is exhibited in the text in
many MSS., in several o f the early editions, in the Chaldee,
the Septuagint and the Syriac” (G in sb u rg , introduction, p. 312).
Therefore when you are told that the KJB derived its
reading from the keri margin, remind them that MOST
manuscripts have it in the text, not in the margin. Ginsburg’s
marginal notes do not tell the truth, calling it a keri reading.
Again the KJB did not follow ben Chayim or the erring
Ginsburg, Green-type text. Nico Verhoef reports that the
KJB matches exactly the 1545 German Luther, the 1531
Swiss German Ziircher, the 1641 Italian Diodati, and the
1637 Dutch SV (ital.) Nadine Stratford reports that the KJB
reading is seen in all old French Bibles, such as the 1669
French Geneva and the 1744 Martin, as well as most
modem French Bibles.
For instance, the Jerusalem Bible as well as the original
Jewish Publication Society’s rendering of the Messianic verse,
Isaiah 9:6 (verse 5 in the Hebrew Bible) transliterates much of
the verse so as to make it indiscernible. It says,
Few have ever heard of Ginsburg before, but his ideas are in
today’s NIV, TNIV, NASB, NKJV, HCSB, and ESV. His notes
are his own “Yea, hath God said...” whisper. He stowed them
away on board his Traditional Hebrew text, couched on the
bottom o f the page, just waiting for the next generation to slide
them into the text or into an English translation. Slippery and
quietly, like a snake, they slid right into today’s new versions.
■ Isa. 9:3 says “Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not
increased the jo y :.. ” (KJB). Ginsburg leads new versions to
omit the word “not.” (Some versions replace “not” with a
marginal reading, “to him” R.V.) (G in sb u rg , introduction, p. i 6 i ) .
■ In Ps. 68:18 he recommends butchering “ ...the LORD God
might dwell among them.”
Her influence has not waned. Harry Potter fans know the
occult scramble of her name as Vablatsky, a character in The
Prisoner o f Azkaban. If someone thinks the Harry Potter series
is harmless fun, he is gravely mistaken.
or so pages.
■ It discusses “what are the sym ptom detect that one
has been developing or has actually developed into a so-
called “spiritualistic medium”” (Feb. 1885, p. 119).
Kabbalah, p. 119).
Ginsburg says,
Ginsburg says that in the end, man will be God and rule
the world under E n Soph, a woman! He writes, “In that
state the creature will not be distinguished from the
Creator...Then the souls will rule the universe like God, and
W hat S h e S h all C o m m a n d h e Will e x e c u t e ” (Ginsburg, The Kabbalah,
1.) Ginsburg said his own book, The Kabbalah, was written
“Intending it to be a guide for those who wish to be
initiated into the mysteries o f this theosophy.. .” (Ginsburg,
The Kabbala, Preface). His god is En Soph, a Woman!
Why did Ginsburg cast doubt on the Hebrew Bible and the
KJB, which both say, “o f the blood o f the sin offering” in Lev.
4:34? Does he, like Cain, deny the animal sacrifice “sin
offering,” just as the Essenes denied it? In 1864 Ginsburg wrote
Leveen said,
Shapira and his scrolls from the Dead Sea area were to
be vindicated in many eyes when the huge Dead Sea Scroll
collection was discovered in 1947 near the same area where the
Shapira scrolls were found. This large collection had survived
for thousands o f years in the same area under the same
conditions. Some o f the scrolls and fragments shared many
similar characteristics with the Shapira scrolls. An investigation
by Menahem Mansoor reopened the issue. In his scholarly
article, “The Case o f Shapira’s Dead Sea (Deuteronomy) Scrolls
o f 1883,” he said, “[T]here is justification...for a re
examination o f the case” (Transactions o f the Wisconsin A cadem y o f Sciences.
Arts, a nd Letters, vol. 47, 1958, p. 225, pp. 183-229).
Even after the 1947 discovery of the entire Dead Sea Scroll
collection, the ‘scholarly’ community remained divided about
the Shapira scrolls. The higher critics could not bear to admit
their genuineness and their decisive evidence against higher
criticism. Years earlier the scrolls had been ‘accidentally’
destroyed by fire while under the care o f Sir Charles Nicholson.
Hmmmm. The text, however, had been published by Guthr
(“ Fragm ente einer Lederhandschrift,” Leipsic, 1884). M o d e m y e llo w jo u rn a lis m ,
Buiiinger S book,
Jam es Code show G od’s true use o f num bers in scripture).
wonder they think the KJB is not perfect; they are comparing it
to their imperfect Ginsburg text (and no doubt reading
Ginsburg’s Hebrew with a corrupt Gesenius, Brown, Driver,
and Briggs Hebrew-English Lexicon).
Rome in the Dark Ages. The word which “liveth” must reside in
the common man’s Holy Bible (Dr. Norris Belcher,
http://w w w; Sermons; “W ord o f God,” “Hush, You D on’t Speak G reek,”
“You Can Trust Y our B ible’s Inspiration," You Can Trust Y our B ible's Preservation” et al.).
There have always been those who seek to interfere with the
one-on-one relationship a believer has with his Saviour. The
serpent injected himself between God and Eve. The Catholic
priest positions himself between God and man. This desire to
halt man’s direct communication with God manifests itself in
three steps:
Bible students are the direct target o f the devil. If he can get
them, when they are young and impressionable, he can have the
whole church that they will pastor when they graduate. He does
not care what diversionary tactics he must use to direct honour
and attention away from the Bible, be it the wicked Kabbalah or
the crafty lexicon. The end result is the same. The word is
diminished in men’s sight and they swell with their new god
like abilities, not known by the multitudes. The Bible says,
“diminish not a word” (Jer. 26:2; Deut. 4:2). As soon as the
Holy Bible’s authority is diminished, Lucifer’s lexicons move
in, as the serpent did in the garden, in direct opposition to the
command, “Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee,
and thou be found a liar.” (Proverbs 30:6).
The battle and its methods change little. Those who will
censure the contents o f this book and its warning about the
corrupt sources from which Greek and Hebrew are studied
would do well to carefully read the following letter and
prayerfully consider just whose footsteps they are following. In
protest to “a course o f sermons” “denouncing” the study of
“Greek,” the Catholic contender Sir Thomas More (A.D. 1478-
1535) addressed the Catholic governing body o f Oxford
University saying,
next his skin, scourged himself every Friday and other fasting
days, lay upon the bare ground with a log under his head and
allowed himself but four or five hours’ sleep” (e .b ., s.v. M ore, P. 823).
Soon —
Erasmus said,
We have all heard the half truth that Erasmus laid the egg
and Luther hatched it. Many of the egg-headed Lutheran,
Episcopalian, and Reformed ‘chickens’ which were hatched
have been hesitant to move out from the wmgs of the
“MOTHER” hen “OF HARLOTS” (e.g. Augustine s pre
destination, sacraments, priests; Rev. 17:5). The trail of blood of
true believers runs from John the Baptist to today s martyrs.
The second fable is that ‘Luther gave the German people the
Bible in 1522.’ The influx of Greek manuscripts and Erasmus’
Greek texts beginning in 1516 were not needed to bring the
German people a Bible. Luther did not need to go to Greek or
Hebrew exclusively. He could draw from the 17 previous
German Bibles, all printed before Luther.
Johann Reuchlin
H erzog, s.v. Reuchlin, p. 499). “He now devoted himself to the mystery of
Greek and Hebrew (Encyclopedia Judaica, s.v. Ricius, Paulus, Jerusalem: Keter,
1971, 14:163).
& Infiltration
Chapter 30
“The Scriptures...
t o All N a t i o n s ” Rom. 16:26
A Second Opinion
He adds,
He concludes,
Hoskier says,
Greek was not the sole language o f the area, nor o f the New
Testament. The sign above the cross was written in Hebrew,
Latin, and Greek because these were the predominate languages
2.) Concurrent:
Those who feel that they must follow Scrivener’s Greek text
and its occasional substitution of Beza’s text, instead o f the
KJB’s underlying Greek (where Scrivener pretends the KJB
translators followed the Latin) may unknowingly be following a
Latin translation o f the Syriac. If the editors o f Greek texts have
no qualms about back-translating from vernacular editions into
Greek, why should we embrace their Greek printed editions as
if they were the originals? If Syriac can be translated into Latin
[Tremellius], and that Latin into Greek [Beza], and that Greek
into the KJB, and the KJB into Scrivener’s Greek text, why
can’t the English Holy Bible be translated into any language, as
needed, as it has been in the past, as we shall see?
Bible L a n g u a g e T r a n s la te d F r o m V e r n a c u la r
1.) The KJV has been used since its inception to bring the fine
points of the scriptures to literally millions o f people.
2.) Other vernacular Bibles have provided the mainstay for most
vernacular Bibles.
3.) Bibles truly translated solely from Greek and Hebrew have
been in the minority.
Sitlapi (Africa) —> “In the preparation of the work he had the
English version ever before him: he
also consulted the Dutch and some other
versions, and occasionally referred to the
German.” “This translation in general
faithfully follows the English text; but
some little deviations from that text occur
in a few instances, occasioned by a
preference by Mr. Moffat for the
corresponding Dutch rendering... P-
Translation Today
Many from other nations are looking to the KJB. In the last
ten years, the Koreans have published a translation o f the KJB
into Korean. The interest in the KJB is so intense in Korea that
three editions o f my books, discussing the KJB issue, have been
translated into Korean. Sjudur Hojgaard, a native o f the Faroe
Islands near Denmark, is currently translating the King James
Bible into his native language. He writes,
1.) Tools for translation from Greek (or Hebrew) to any given
language are grossly corrupt. All lexicons are also highly
secularized; printed Greek and Hebrew editions range from
corrupt to slightly undependable; all this has been amply
demonstrated in this book. Though these texts are
interesting, like any other translation, they too must be
translated, and as Shakespeare said, ‘Ah, there’s the rub.’
Translators use corrupt Greek-to-English tools, such as
those constructed by Spiros Zodhiates, George Ricker
Berry, Jay P. Green, and others. They deceive themselves
and others implying that they are translating ‘from Greek,’
when in fact they are merely reading the English o f the
interlinear or lexicon. Also, I have observed that foreign
2.) Peer Pressure: Everybody’s doing it, dad! Peer pressure for
teens is nothing compared to being “without the camp,
bearing his reproach” (Heb. 13:13). Many men see their
identity, not with Jesus Christ, but with a group. That is
what country clubs and Masonic lodges are all about. Are
we no better? Many will look to see what Dr. ‘so and so’
The King James Bible remains alive; its English words are
drawn from what Wycliffe calls the inspired “Scriptures in
tongues,” which were bom in Acts 2. The KJB is the Biblical
English through which God can speak to the two billion people
who speak English as a first or second language. They are his
English words. Remember, he invented languages at the tower
of Babel; he also said, “I speak” “other tongues.”
Part 2
In other words, the word o f God is not just ink on paper, like
other books; its words are “spirit.” Since the spirit o f God is
alive, his words are also alive. Consequently John 6:63
concludes that the word of God is life.
(It would only be marginally correct to say that theopneustos is
connected directly with the breath o f God (i.e. Acts 9:1 empneo "breathing
out”), since there are different Greek words used for ‘breathed,’ such as that
used in John 20:22 from the root phusao and that used in Acts 17.25 (pnoe ).
The latter is translated once as “breath” and once as “wind” in Acts 2:2. The
spelling o f theopneustos (i.e. from the noun pneum a) precludes it being from
the verb pneo, as Phil Pins suggests, in his effort to separate it from the noun
‘spirit’ and join it to the verb ‘breathe.’ The current repetition of the
definition o f “theopneustos” as “divinely breathed” comes directly from
liberals such as James Strong and Harold K. Moulton. It is rooted in their
penchant for secularizing Bible words.)
1. Dictionaries are written by fallible men.
2. Dictionaries contain numerous definitions,
which apply to distinct contexts; these
definitions are not interchangeable to other
(To understand that the varied definitions o f a word
cannot be intermixed, look at the dictionary
definition of the word “save.” Webster’s New
College Dictionary shows that its varied meanings
■ “To copy (data) from a computer’s main memory to
a storage medium so that it can be used again,”
■ “To accumulate money or goods,” “to prevent an
opponent from scoring or wining, esp. in hockey,”
■ “A game in which a relief pitcher preserves a victory
by protecting a team’s lead,”
■ “To prevent waste,”
■ “To treat with care in order to avoid fatigue, wear or
damage,” and
■ “To put aside for future use.”
The definition “To deliver from sin,” which is the
theological definition, is also listed. If one used any
of the other definitions o f the word ‘saved,’ to
describe what Jesus Christ did for us, they would be
a compound word. Even a child can see the definition within the
word ‘in-spir-ation.’ Any English-speaker has been pre
conditioned to know the meaning of the phonemes “in” and
“spir,” through their previous usage in the Bible and elsewhere.
The brain stores words in files in alphabetical order. The ‘spir’
file will take the mind directly to the word “spirit.’ It is called
cognitive scaffolding. (In Awe o f Thy Word explains this in
great detail.) The suffix ‘ation’ changes a verb into a noun of
action (e.g. visit-ation, vex-ation). Therefore in-spir-ation
conveys the active (because the subject, ‘scripture,’ is passive)
sense of the Spirit acting in the scriptures.
Some will call the Bible, the ‘word o f God’ (ignoring what
those three words mean), but they will not admit that the Bible’s
words are still spirit (inspiration). But the Bible is “the sword of
the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Eph. 6:17). The Bible is
written, “not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but
which the Holy Ghost teacheth, comparing spiritual things
with spiritual” (1 Cor. 2:13).
This verse makes it clear that the fleshly minds o f the King
James translators, or any other translators, cannot profit in the
giving o f the Holy Bible, without the indwelling direction o f the
Spirit of God. This is inspiration. Psalm 12:6, 7 says,
The words which the LORD keeps and preserves are still his
words', they do not degrade into the words o f mere translators,
even after being “being tried in a furnace o f earth.” These
verses contravene those who wrongly say that God inspired the
originals, but the translators preserve them “for ever.” Only the
Spirit can convey his own words; otherwise they would not be
the “words o f the LORD,” but would become the words o f a
translator. Because the Spirit gives the words, they are never
just ink on paper, but are themselves ‘spirit.’ Hence, the word
“in-spir-ation” is a perfect description o f the way in which the
quickening Spirit gives words which “are spirit.” The Bible says
o f God’s word, “they are spirit, and they are life.” The qualities
‘spirit’ and ‘life’ cannot be separated. Words which are no
longer ‘spirit,’ cannot be said to have “life” and therefore will
not “liveth and abideth forever.”
“Is Given”
(Invariably, those who deny the inspiration of the Holy Bible, use past tense words, such as
“were given” in their explanations. For example, The Miracle o f Inspiration wrongly parallels 2
Tim. 3:16’s present tense “is given” with the past tense “was once delivered” from Jude 1:3,
doing violence to the latter's parallel past tense verse in Jude 17, which identifies and limits
verse three to “the words which were spoken before of the apostles...” (e.g. Paul, Peter, and
other apostles, not Jude, Mark, Luke etc.) (H.D. Williams, The Miracle o f Biblical Inspiration:
A Refutation o f Perfection o f Translation..., Bible For Today, 2009, pp. 104, 113, 10, 18, 27, 67,
68, 104 et al.). Phil Pins wrongly says “ say “is given” is the verb phrase seems incorrect.”
His switch from the KJB’s “is given” to “once given,” is wrongly based upon the idea that the
Greek word “given,” which does not appear in any Greek text, might be an “aorist Greek
participle.” To this imaginary Greek word, he adds the Jehovah Witness/ASV reading, wherein
the solitary word “is” is placed later in the sentence (i.e. “All scripture once given by inspiration
of God is...” (Phil Pins’s unpublished Elementary Greek Workbook, c. April, 2009 draft;
Emphatic Diaglott, Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, NY, 1942). It unhappily appears that
both Pins and Williams may have become contaminated by their association with the NIV's
progenitor, Moody Bible Institute. The “enemy” may “prevail against” a man of “great strength”
and “faith,” such as Samson, Pins, and Williams, when he wanders into enemy territory where
Delilah's dictionaries “pressed him daily with her words” (Judges 16, Hebrews 11).
Job 37:10 “By the breath o f God frost is given.” Frost is given
by God yet today.
Ezek. 33:24 “the land is given us for an inheritance.” God’s gift
o f the land to Abraham and his descendents is perpetual.
Mark 6:2 “what wisdom is this which is given unto us.” God is
still giving wisdom daily to those who ask.
Rom. 5:5 “the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” He is still
given to those who receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
Rom. 12:6 “the grace that is given to us.” Grace is given to
believers daily.
1 Cor. 1:4 “the grace o f God which is given you by Jesus
1 Cor. 11:15 “her hair is given her for a covering.” Hair is
replaced daily. To those who would say that “is given” in 2
Tim. 3:16 refers to the one-time inspiration o f the Bible and
that Bibles are no longer “given by inspiration,” one must
ask, ‘Are all women now bald?’ No, because hair “is given”
repeatedly as it falls out. God even keeps track o f the
number o f our hairs; how much more would he attend to his
very words?
Eph. 4:7 “But unto everyone o f us is given grace according to
the measure o f the gift o f Christ.”
Phil. 1:29 “for unto you is given in the behalf o f Christ, not
only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake.” If
you live godly in Christ Jesus, you will suffer persecution
yet today.
The words o f truth, that is, the Holy Bible, “are given”
from our good Shepherd, the Spirit of truth, who promises to
“guide” us “into all truth” (John 16:13). The translators or the
“masters o f assemblies” merely fasten them down to paper.
Part 3
means and exactly what the dictionary calls the “Bible”— “the
sacred book o f Christianity including the Old and the New
Testament.” A ‘book’ is defined by Webster as “a set o f written
or printed pages fastened on an end and enclosed between
protective covers.” This describes precisely the Holy Bible
Christians read and have in their homes. A ‘book’ is nowhere
identified as ‘dissolved animal skins or parchments which have
been written on’; neither is a ‘Bible’ thought o f by anyone as a
rare and unreadable Greek text. No living person identifies a
‘Bible’ as any o f these things, except perhaps those ‘clergy’
who, like Humpty Dumpty say, “When I use a word it means
just what I choose it to mean.” When children and politicians,
like Clinton, do this, it is called lying. The new definition and
usage o f the word ‘Bible,’ as the lost originals or conflicting
Greek and Hebrew manuscripts or editions, is a neologism, that
is, “a new meaning for an already established word” (W ebster’s
II New College Dictionary).
Part 4
“All scripture”
at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.” Acts says
that the eunuch had “scripture” and 2 Tim. 3:16 says that “All
scripture” is “given by inspiration.” Therefore vernacular
editions are “given by inspiration.” It “is given” over and over
again by the Spirit o f God. If man can make a computer
program that can translate a document in a split second, could
not God’s Spirit do better?
The phrase “the word o f God” says it all, if we will only cease
re-defining it as the meaningless expression, ‘wordofGod.’
Part 5
He knew that the poor men who read only English Bibles had
the “scriptures” “given by the inspiration of God.” God is not a
respecter of persons.
Part 6
The church members have gotten the impression that the Bible
is inspired from their Bibles. Could the whole body o f Christ
have gotten such a wrong impression from the Bible? One
could write an entire book citing the Bible passages which give
this impression. Page after page of the Bible says that it is the
word o f God. Only theology textbooks could re-defme those
three simple words. Verses such as 1 Peter 1:25 are
characteristic in their personal address:
Those who believe the Bible is inspired have only read the
Bible. Those who do not believe this have read textbooks in
addition to the Bible. Therefore, one can logically conclude that
the ideas introduced by Barth and Warfield, under pressure
from the higher critics, have now become traditions which
tarnish the textbooks and “make the word o f God o f none
effect.” These textbooks are not written by fundamentalists.
They already have a textbook — the Bible — and are busy
telling others about Jesus Christ. When a Christian college feels
a need to teach Systematic Theology or Biblical Introduction,
the faculty will use the best textbook they can find. Even the
best o f them echoes W arfield’s disjunction o f inspiration and
preservation. This disjunction o f inspiration and preservation is
nowhere given in the scriptures, as it is delineated in textbooks.
God said, he would preserve “them.” (Psa. 12:6, 7). What is
“them’? What is preserved but the very inspired words o f God?
The problem lies in the fact that the liberal does not know
HOW scripture “is given” and “purified” and this bothers him.
He did not see it and will not believe. The naturalistic
empiricism adopted by higher critics and the neo-Orthodox
demanded, as did their counterparts in the natural sciences (e.g.
evolution), evidence of linear causation. God left no such
signs o f how and where he did his work. He merely said he
would “do wonders” to preserve his word (Josh. 3:5-4:7).
Today there is no physical proof that the waters o f the Jordan
opened to allow the passage of the ark containing the word of
God, yet we have those words today. Likewise, God has not
marked the mileposts along the path of his intervention, yet we
have the word of God today.
Too many are seeing the Bible through the dark lens of
groping blind men. The classroom has become a handholding
seance with the heretics of generations past, all o f whom are
somewhat unknown entities to most teachers and certainly to all
students. Has the college think-tank become the skeptic tank?
The Bible says, “not in the words which m an’s wisdom
teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth, comparing
spiritual things with spiritual” (1 Cor. 2:13). A humble man of
God and a Bible are all that is needed to “commit thou to
faithful men” (2 Tim. 2:2).
Either the current copies are “breathed out” or Ryrie has the
originals in his office and needs to let us see them. He continues
his double-talk in his definition o f inspiration saying,
The past tense occurs nowhere in the Bible verse which uses the
word “inspiration” It says it “is given by inspiration.”
His corrupt version omits the entire Trinitarian proof text verse,
1 John 5:7, which has his required, “For there are three that bear
record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and
these three are one.”
1.) The new birth is given by the incorruptible seed o f the word
of God. A man-made storybook does not have eternal life,
such as the scripture imparts. The “scripture” which “is
given by inspiration” is described as “profitable” and that
which is “able to make thee wise unto salvation.” If only
those who had the originals or could read Greek could be
made wise unto salvation, few could ever be saved.
2.) The pastoral epistles and the book of Acts do not include a
charge that men become linguists to be qualified as pastors.
God’s instructions are given in the Bible and are meant to
describe God’s qualifications to all generations. There is no
mention o f being conversant in four languages, (Greek,
Hebrew, Aramaic, and one’s native tongue). This would
place Christians in subjection to linguists and contravene the
priesthood of the believer. If only Greek and Hebrew
communicated God’s true intended meaning, linguistics
would be given as a qualification for ministry. Or if
language study was even deemed useful, it would have been
mentioned by Paul as helpful. In the New Testament’s
instructions to pastors, no admonition to study Hebrew is
given. Paul never told Timothy to study it. Timothy may not
have been able to read Hebrew. If he needed to learn it to
teach, Paul would have said this. When he spoke of the
inspiration of the scriptures in 2 Tim. 3:16 he did not
mention ‘original languages.’ When Jesus read from the
temple scroll he never said, ‘That word in Hebrew m eans...
3.) The Bible says that our battle requires the “sword of the
Spirit” (i.e. inspiration).
In Closing
Example I
This example is just for the FIRST VERSE and the LAST
VERSE o f the King James Bible. (Who knows what lies in
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen. 1.1
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.’ Rev. 22:21
Count the number of letters in the first verse of the KJB--------- 44--------
Count the numbers of letters in the last verse of the KJB--------- 44--------
Count the number of vowels in the first verse of the KJB--------- 17---------
Count the number of vowels in the last verse of the KJB--------- 17---------
Example II
“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the
Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one.” 1 John 5:7
Jesus is not only “the first and the last,” he is “in the midst” of
the New Testament in 1 John 5:7 (Matt. 14:24, 25; 18:2; Luke
5:19, 6:8, 9; 24:36 “Jesus himself stood in the midst.” John 8:9,
8:59; 18:19 “Jesus in the midst,” 20:19; 20:26.
When the letters in the first and last verse are totaled, they equal
the same number of letters in 1 John 5:7.
Count the number of vow els in the first verse of the KJB 17
Count the number of vow els in the last verse of the KJB +17
Count the number of vow els in 1 John 5:7 in the KJB 34
When the number o f vowels in the first and last verse are
totaled, they equal the number o f vowels in 1 John 5:7.
The number o f consonants in the first and last verse equals the
same number o f consonants in 1 John 5:7.
Example III
As if the fact that the first and last verses o f the Bible match
identically were not enough, (and they also match 1 John 5.7), it
gets more interesting.
4.) How then does one find the meaning of a Bible word?
2.) K abbala (Interpretation by G od’s children, God’s words not enough Reject Christ;
proud carnal rabbis Hebrews Allegorical
3.) Origen & ‘Church Fathers’; Gentiles G od’s w ord not enough Catholic Church
A llegorical interpretation
4.) Latin only (Jerom e’s, Gentiles G od’s w ord not enough M ysticism
Vulgate) interpreted by
unsaved priest
5.) Greek only (interpreted G od’s children, G od’s word not enough Apostasy;
using books which follow Christians Pride; Spewed
pagan & secular ideas) Lukewarm
Some may have been good in other areas, but certainly not
in the area o f reverence for the Holy Bible. Peter was a ‘good’
man and he was used as a mouthpiece for Satan (Matt. 16:23).
A few men may have been good, but they were deceived men,
like Joshua. He was “beguiled” by “bread” he was told was
“old” and had “come from a far country,” instead o f seeking
“counsel at the mouth o f the Lord” for the bread of life (Joshua
9). Likewise, ancient and “dry” manuscripts from “a far
Such liberals U Se
cited in Jam es Sightler A Testimony Founded F orever, p. 29).
expressed by the same words (F. Max Muller, 77ie Complete Works o f M ax
M uller, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1898, p. 374).
The critics and the correctors of the words in the KJB have
involved themselves in a maze, and can be left where they find
themselves. They hide in the shadows o f the language labyrinth
where the spirit o f God is not welcome. They fill their maze
with imaginary game and then invite you to hunt for it. Why
cross swords and fill thousands o f pages with discussions when
convincing data is available, but goes unread? They close their
eyes to the strength o f the adverse case and stumble as they go.
This book will provoke grave silence, as none can answer it,
except with trite and tiny vagaries. It may provoke the
backbiting bark o f watchdogs who cared not to read it
thoroughly and be unsettled in their baseless opinions. The devil
does not want those in a position o f influence (pastor, professor,
writer, and publisher) to read this book. The “king over all the
children o f pride” would like the prince of Grecia to crown their
minds with thoughts such as,
Those who will not pray before they read and will not chew
the meat may choke on it to their own hurt and crumble in
defeat. May I humbly ask the following questions o f the critic,
the complacent, and the imprecise?
1.) Define the specific text indicated when you say “in the
Greek” or “in the Hebrew,” with full bibliographic
3.) Give one Bible verse that states that these man-made
lexicons and critical editions are an authority above the
Holy Bible. One will be sufficient.
4.) Give one Bible verse that says that the New Testament was
originally written to the Greeks only.
“Give me understanding” . ..
“give me understanding” ...
“give me understanding” ...
“give me understanding” . ..
“give me understanding” . ..
If you have patiently read the whole o f this book and have
reached this Epilogue, you deserve a relaxing project. (The following
handym an’s ‘Idea’ is also included to aid the critics. It will make it unnecessary for them to read
this book to look for am m unition. It will provide them with ‘som ething’ silly to quote so that
they can pretend I am as puddle-deep as they are. They will be at a loss as to how to deal with
the rest o f the book. The dots below are provided free o f charge; they can be cut and pasted into
any o f the quotes in this book to make the quotes read differently. Also, when this ‘Idea’ is
quoted, it will make the critics look as dishonest as they actually are.)
All roads lead to Rome, it is said. The broad way away from
the Bible, quickly leads to this originator of lexicons, Greek and
Hebrew focus, and Romish extra-biblical interpretation. The
first widely popularized lexicon was published in the early
1500s in a Catholic produced Bible, the Complutensian
Polyglot. Little has changed since then. The Catholics saw the
advantage o f placing before the reader conflicting authorities
which call for a man to arbitrate, whether pope, priest, or
professor (Scrivener, A Plain Introduction to the Criticism o f the New Testament, Eugene,
Oregon: W ip f and Stock Publishers, 4th ed., 1997 reprint o f 1894 George Bell and Sons, vol. 2,
p. 178).
John 5:7), deny the blood atonement (Col. 1:14), and the deity
o f Christ (“God was manifest in the flesh” 1 Tim. 3:16). These
are all doctrines that they profess to believe. But each o f the
above thinks that a man and his words, whether pope, patriarch,
prophet, or professor o f Greek is the final authority above the
words o f God. Are fundamentalists and evangelicals being
edged farther from the straight and narrow than they realize?
Continuing, abiding, and searching the scriptures daily or
having a seance with dead m en’s lexicons and texts— what was
the command? Jesus said,
Bordering on Blasphemy
And —
SO ❖ 0 8
his book would not have been possible without the help
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( B O O K is the first and only documented h isto ry o f the
V words o f th e H oly B ible.
• It is based on word-for-word and letter-by-letter analysis o f a vault
o f ancient, rare and valuable Bibles. Ten thousand hours o f collation
rescued echoes from these documents almost dissolved by time.
• See for yourself the unbroken preservation o f the pure holy scriptures,
from the first century to today’s beloved King James Bible. Watch the
English language and its Holy Bible unfold before your very eyes.
• Exam ine the letters and sounds, shown in red, which bind the words
o f each successive Bible from the Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, pre-Wycliffe,
Tyndale, Coverdale, Great, Geneva, and Bishops’ to the King James
• Uncover time-buried eyewitness reports, views and Bible study secrets
o f history’s great translators and martyrs.
• S ee word-for-word collations, aided by the KJV translators’ newly
discovered notes, revealing exactly how the KJV translators polished
the sword o f the Spirit.
• W atch in horror as the destroyer, through the NIV, TNIV, HCSB,
NKJV, NASB and ESY teams up with Jehovah Witness and Catholic
versions to silence the utterances o f the Holy Ghost. H istory’s Bibles
and their champions defeat their challengers, as they meet on this
book’s pages.
■/ n AWE of THY C ^ O R D
The book is also searchable on
These include:
• The King James Bible searchable
by words, letter groups and phrases.
• In Awe of Thy Word by G. A. Riplinger (searchable!).
Plus exact photographic facsimiles o f three complete
documents used in the book’s research:
• The Nuremberg Polyglot (A.D. 1599) containing the
Gospels o f the New Testament in 12 languages, as they
appeared before the King James Bible (approx. 1100
pages). The Greek, Hebrew, Syriac, Latin, French,
Spanish, Italian, German, English, Bohemian, Polish
and Danish match the KJV precisely and prove the
TNIV, NIV, NKJV, NASB, HCSB and ESV in error.
This documents verse comparisons in In Awe o f Thy
Word, chapter 28.
• The Tome of the Paraphrase of Erasmus Upon
the New Testament (1548-1549) Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
Erasm us’ commentary on the New Testament (the orig
inal English translation), valued at over $30,000 today,
has never before been made available to everyone. It is
about 1880 pages, accompanied by the English New
Testament o f the Great Bible o f 1540. It provides an
addition to chapter 27 o f In Awe o f Thy Word.
• The Acts and M onuments by John Foxe
This is the rare entire 8 volumes o f Foxe’s Book o f
Martyrs, nearing 6000 pages long. It was originally
written in 1563; this is the 1837-49 printing. Reading
this is a spiritual experience o f a lifetime. It documents
quotes in chapters 1 5 - 2 8 o f In Awe o f Thy Word. Print
a page a day for 16 years o f devotionals.
Also available:
Pow erPoint DVDs (12) w m . 2 c d . r o m workbooks,
presented by British trained Dan Wooldridge, demonstrating the KJB’s
built-in dictionary (or present it yourself without the audio.)
Volumes 1 & 2 $39.95
I n A w e o f T h y W o rd : A S u m m a ry 40^
Share with others over 100 comparisons from the
book proving why only the King James Bible is the
pure word o f G od for English speakers. Help them
learn how to understand the words in the Bible.
Folds into an envelope, th en opens into a 16” x 26” poster,
w hich demonstrates errors in the NIV, TNIV, NKJV, NASB,
ESV, New Living Translation, and H olm an C hristian
Standard Bible, w hich often m atch the Jehovah W itness and
C atholic versions. Demonstrates 12 reasons why ‘O nly the
King James Bible’ is pure.
Compares over 100 verses with the KJV. This translation says
the “number o f the beast” should be called the "number o f
humanity”! Millions o f unwary Christians are watching Pat
Robertson promote this new corrupt ‘bible’ which he calls
‘The B ook’.
N ew A ge B ible Versions
by G .A . R ip lin g er $16.95
B estseller
New Boo\s!
The Only Authorized Picture of Christ:
is the Holy Bible by Russ &. Riplinger
Critiques the m ovie, ‘T he P assion .’
Hazardous Materials
G reek and Hebrew Study Dangers, The Voice o f Strangers, The
Men Behind the Smokescreen, Burning Bibles Word By Word
by Gail Riplinger $29.95
Video, DVD, CD, and Audio Tapes
R esearch U pdate
by G . A. Riplinger
Riplinger also discusses many other subjects such as: I) The KJV’s use of cognitive scaffold-
ing which makes it a perfect tool for teaching “little folks” to read, 2)thedangerous Dead Sea
Scrolls 3) the recent discovery by the world’s pre-eminent mathematicians of names imbedded in
the KJV’s Hebrew text. (Nothing could be found when they tried their statistical analysis with
the texts underlying the NKJV, NIV and NASB) and 4) Lucis Trust (Lucifer Publishing Co.)
documents discussing their planned infiltration of the church.
These lectures were televised on Scripps Howard cable network and WPMC-TV. They were
taped at Temple Baptist Church.
Video and DVD
Participants flew from France, Australia, and Canada and watched this pictorial
history o f the N K JV logo as Dr. Riplinger traced it from its origin in Baal worship and
through its migration to the Druids, the church o f Rome, the Masons, and the
Bryn Riplinger Music CDs $14.95
BOOKBy Bryn Riplinger
Take Heed What Ye Hear $6.95
Discusses the principles
o f Godly music and what
music is pleasing unto the
2 H O U R S
I n t er v ie w s
Nationally syndicated Christian programs in which host interviews G. A. Riplinger
about the book N ew Age Bible Versions. Discussions thoroughly cover the contents
and topics in the book.
KNIS Radio Interview on CD $5.95
N ew Age Bible Versions Album $35.95
30 interviews with the author by talk show hosts across the nation. Lots o f ideas for
answering tough questions. 16 CDs
Detailed Update (Best! Audio 2 CDs) $9.95
UESTIONING the word of God came first with the serpent's skeptical query,
"Yea, hath God said...?" (Gen.3). Questioning today's Holy Bible is just as
rebellious, as questioning ones gender. God did it right the first time. A
man-made makeover brings "confusion" and defaces and mutilates God's
creation. Only pride and perversion would propel men to presume that
they could improve upon God's own handiwork. This book will bring Greek
and Hebrew study out of the closet for the first time. Tumbling out come
the starving skeletons of the authors of Greek and Hebrew study tools,
lexicons and editions, the sordid sources from which new versions, such as
the NIV,TNIV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, and HCSB, take their corrupt words. These are the very same
study 'aids'which kill a sermon or Bible study whgn used to 'define' a word in the Holy Bible.
Lexicon and Bible dictionary authors dug down into the depths of pagan lore, then ransacked
the English dictionary to find a match which could burn the Bible word-by-word. The smoke
darkens the directing light of the holy scriptures. This book will document that men who
want to change and redefine the Holy Bible are likely to want to change anything - even
Bible doctrine, their own gender, and their god. For example, Luciferian connections shadow
Trench's Synonyms o f the New Testament and Ginsburg's TBS Hebrew Masoretic text.
IN THIS BOOK you will learn such things as the connection between new version
editor and child molester C.J. Vaughan, whose all 'boys' school parades their cross-dressing
perversion in this photo, and tools such as Strong's Concordance, Vine's Expository Dictionary,
the Unitarian J.H. Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon, Moulton's Lexicon and Vincent and Wuest's
Word Studies. Heresy trials defrocked editors of the popular Hebrew-English Lexicon by
Brown, Driver, and Briggs and the New Testament Greek-English Lexicon by Frederick Danker.
All Greek-English New Testament lexicons plagiarize the first Greek-English lexicon written
by Scott and Liddell, who harbored the pedophile author of Alice in Wonderland who took
improper photographs of Liddell's child and remains a suspect in the Jack the Ripper murder
case. The book demonstrates that Greek texts from UBS to TBS fail to reach the perfection
of the Holy Bible, where God's words shall not pass away. Why are good Christians putting
aside their inspired Holy Bibles to look for light in these conflicting and uninspired Greek
and Hebrew tools, made by men who all denied the very truths of the Bible?