Al-Quds University Computer Engineering Student: Mohammad Zeidan ID: 21411566 DR - Rushdi Hammamreh MR - Alaa El-Aaraj Experiment 5: DHCP SERVER
Al-Quds University Computer Engineering Student: Mohammad Zeidan ID: 21411566 DR - Rushdi Hammamreh MR - Alaa El-Aaraj Experiment 5: DHCP SERVER
Al-Quds University Computer Engineering Student: Mohammad Zeidan ID: 21411566 DR - Rushdi Hammamreh MR - Alaa El-Aaraj Experiment 5: DHCP SERVER
Computer Engineering
Student : Mohammad zeidan
ID : 21411566
Dr.Rushdi Hammamreh
Mr.Alaa El-Aaraj
Experiment 5 : DHCP SERVER
Implementing a basic DHCP SERVER requires
installing the server ; authorizing the server
;scopes,exclusion r,eservation,optics
1- Install a DHCP server
2- Authorize a DHCP server
3- Create and configure a DHCP scope ,
including address ranges.
4- Configure exclusions DHCP scope
5- Configure reservation DHCP scope
A DHCP scope is an administrative grouping of
IP addresses for a network subnet. With scopes
you can configure common network settings for
all clients receiving addresses, such as DNS
servers and network gateways.
Scopes can filter hosts by name, MAC address,
and operating system to either allow them or
disallow them from receiving an IP address.
Scope policies can be configured to assign
different options to hosts based on their name,
MAC address, or operating system. For
example, we can create a policy that configures
the NIS server for a Linux host in addition to
options set at the scope level.
This tutorial will guide you through configuring
DHCP scopes on Windows Server 2012 R2.
Create a New Scope
1. Launch the DHCP console.
2. From the tree on the left side of the console,
expand the DHCP server’s hostname node.
3. Select and then right-click IPv4.
4. From the IPv4 context menu, select New
9. Click Next.
10. On the Add Exclusions and Delay screen,
we can set IP addresses from within the range
we defined that should be excluded. For
example, if our range includes the IP address of
our network gateway, we probably do not want
our clients to use it, so we would add its IP
address to the exclusion list. Click Next when
FIG4 – Windows
DHCP New Scope Wizard: Add Exclusions and Delay
FIG7 – Windows
DHCP Scope Options
DHCP provides the following benefits.
Reliable IP address configuration. DHCP
minimizes configuration errors caused by
manual IP address configuration, such as
typographical errors, or address conflicts
caused by the assignment of an IP address to
more than one computer at the same time.
Reduced network administration. DHCP
includes the following features to reduce
network administration:
o Centralized and automated TCP/IP
o The ability to define TCP/IP configurations
from a central location.
o The ability to assign a full range of
additional TCP/IP configuration values by
means of DHCP options.
o The efficient handling of IP address
changes for clients that must be updated
frequently, such as those for portable
devices that move to different locations on
a wireless network.
o The forwarding of initial DHCP messages
by using a DHCP relay agent, which
eliminates the need for a DHCP server on
every subnet.