Research Brief
Research Brief
Research Brief
• Following are some of the statements that can be associated with Kit
and its customer communication.
o Kit is youthful, energetic.
o Kit is happening.
o Kit helps you to keep in touch and be networked with your
o Kit helps you to be yourself and unleash the star in you.
o Kit makes you live 24 hours a day, do all you want to do and
multi task.
o Be heard & make your opinion count with Kit.
o Destiny is in your own hands when you own a Kit
Rationale -
• Dialog Kit – Prepaid wishes to launch new TVC campaign for its 6 value
sub-brands & has developed 6 different creative ideas in order to instill
the value propositions in the ideal TG.
The Value sub – brands
• Kit 123
• Kit Incoming Free
• Kit Late Night Bonanza
• Kit Weekend Bonanza
• Kit IDD
• Kit Instant Roaming
Main objectives of the Kit value campaign for the Dialog – Kit prepaid
• The above mentioned creative ideas for the TVCs being quite different
from the routine high powered, high aspiration oriented communication
for traditional Kit TVCs, takes a slightly funny / humorous yet value
driven rational route. We wish to carryout a disaster check on the
creative route and message, to determine if there are any gross
negatives towards the brand values and customer communication
• The current story board has been slightly changed from the original
creative idea of the creative agency to include as much as possible the
youthful / aspiration oriented elements in trying to keep with the brand
values – “Kit - stay young”.
• Girls & Boys who are between the ages of 18 – 24 Years (trend setters &
• Target group males / females between the ages of 25 – 35Years
• Who belongs to the upper - middle socio belt - SEC B / C –Suburbs of
Colombo and other key towns
• Both current users and intenders –
• Usership - Dialog KIT users and Competitor users (Mainly Tigo,
Hutch and few of Mobitel)
The research report should always draw a conclusion on the given objectives,
by agreeing or disagreeing hence supplementing with clear direction as to the
way forward on each key result area.
Where appropriate the report should be supplemented with the raw data /
citations / AV recordings / information to corroborate the conclusions drawn.
The research report should ideally bring due attention to any other areas of
interest which could be held critical to the evaluation of the concept not
necessarily / specifically underlined with the objectives as above.
• Time – 6 - weeks
• Budget - Rs. 1,000,000/= inclusive of VAT
• Terms – Full payment upon completion and submission of research