Sita Devi Koirala
Sita Devi Koirala
Sita Devi Koirala
4.1 Building
4.2 Current Rate of Major Building Materials
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are pleased to submit herewith Valuation Report of following property based on present market value, which is
intended to mortgage in favor of Jyoti Bikash Bank by:
We have taken all care to ascertain value of properties as directed by the client:
1 Owner's Name : Mrs. Sita Devi Koirala
2 Location of Property : Biratnagar -06, Morang
3 Present Location : Biratnagar Metropolitan-08,Morang
4 Plot No. : 2884
5 Area : 0-0-5-0
5 Sheet : N.A.
No. of
We hereby declare and certify that:
v We have no direct or indirect interest in said properties.
v The information furnished is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief, which are based on
documents furnished by client.
We hope you will find this in order. Thanking you for entrusting us with our works and assuring you of our best professional service.
Yours sincerely,
For DG Engineering Consultany
(Company Seal)
Name of Engineer: Dilli Prasad Dahal
Contact No.: 9852683234
1 Purpose of Valuation : Mortgage to Jyoti Bikash Bank Ltd.
2 Date of Valuation : 21-Dec-19
3 General information :
3.1 Client’s Information :
5.1.3 Deduction declaration
Part of the land plot area that is covered by road or possible extension or road development area or any other abutting
properties, if any, and which needs to be deducted from the actual land plot area.
Table-3 Plot
S.No. NO. Dimension Total Area to be Reason for deduction
Length Breadth deduct
ft ft (kattha)
1. 2884 17.67 3.00 0.0145 Deduction for ROW
i) Triangle # 1 a= 17.58
b= 57.42
c= 60.33 67.67 504.65
ii) Triangle # 2 a= 60.33
b= 20.08
c= 56.00 68.21 561.68
Grand total 1066.330
In Kattha: 0.2925
Area as per LOD (In Kattha): 0.2500
Deduction for ROW (In Kattha): 0.0145
Land area considred for valuation (In Kattha) : 0.2355
*Special Comments
Distance from High Tension Line if any:
Distance from the centerline of Road/Highway:
Distance from the River:
6 Proximity
§ Commercial Importance
to Civic Amenitiesof(e.g
Land and Building
Market, School, Hospital,
Office College etc.) : Available
§ Means and Proximity to Surface transportation by which locality is Served : All transportation
§ Uses of Land (e.g. Vacant, Farm, Garden, Barren ,Land,Developed for residential : Residence
purpose, or as factory, Residence etc.
§ Features for increase of value of property : Road, Market, School etc
§ Features for decrease of value of property (eg.Hazardous Factory Noise : None
generation Factory, Sewage Dumping,Water Logged area
§ Other Facilities Available (e.g Electric Line, Water Supply, Sewer Lines, : Yes
Telephone etc.) : None
§ Rent : None
§ Comments if any
7.3 Permission to mortgage
§ Permission of the property owner’s to mortgage Yes
7.4 Right of Property
§ Source from which property has been acquired Sale
§ Is there any claimant of the property No
§ Have all Legal Heirs(obtaining age in Majority)of property owner orshareholders have been informed that
this property is proposed to mortgage, whether theyhave also given their consent for this act. N.A.
§ Relation between Client and Owner of the property financial institutions/organization
§ Whether the property was previously mortgaged any other N.A.
§ If Mortgaged, has it been released N.A.
7.5 General
§ Whether free access to the property is available Yes
§ Has whole or the part of the land been notified for acquisition of any other purpose by the Govt. or any
statutory body No
§ Whether the boundary of property is clearly defined at Site Yes
§ Whether the property lies within any historic monument No
7.6 Approved Building Drawing Yes
Owner's Name Plot No. Area (B-K-D-K) Market Rate Government Adopted Rate per Commercial Fair Market Distress Value
(Rs/Kattha) Rate Kattha (70% of MR Value (NRs.) Value (NRs.) (NRs.)
& Location of As per LOD Consider (MR) (Rs/Kattha) +30% of GR)
plot Area (In (GR)
Mrs. Sita Devi
2884 0-0-5-0
Metropolitan 0 0
) 0 0
Total: 0-0-5-0 0.2355 6,000,000.00 1800000.00 4,740,000.00 1,413,000.00 1,116,270.00 893,016.00
Description Commercial Value (CV) Fair Market Value(FMV) Distress Value (DV)
A) Value of land 1,413,000.00 1,116,270.00 NPR 893,016.00
B)Value of building & Structures 1,213,470.47 1,213,470.47 NPR 970,776.37
Total value :- 2,626,470.47 2,329,740.47 NPR 1,863,792.37
13 Acceptance of customer
14 Terminology
14.1 Fair Market Value
14.2 Distress Value
15.2 Valuation of Land
15.3.3 Rental Method
15.3.4 Direct Comparison with the Capital Value
15.3.5 Valuation Based on Profit
15.3.6 Depreciation Method
Ø The bank is requested to ask the client for insurance papers of the building.
Ø The valuation is conducted for the purpose to mortgage at Jyoti Bikash Bank Limited. It is not be used for any other purpose.
Ø The stated opinions of values are effective as of the date of value based on the information that was made available by the
Client and the local residents at the time of our site visit.
Ø All the relevant documents from legal aspect have been enclosed in this report whichever furnished us by the client. The Bank
is suggested to ask the client to submit other information or documents required. The valuator does not bear any liability if the
enclosed documents provided by the client are fake and misleading; however the valuator has examined all the concerned and
attached documents using every effort both in the paper and field
Ø We have made our best effort to include all physical assets of the subject matters
Ø We understand that the Bank has visited the proposed locality and collected the required information
Ø The property has been physically checked to ascertain whether the land under consideration lies in the same plot indicated
in the land ownership paper and the cadastral map and found out to be the same land
Ø It has been ascertained that the land doesn't lies in the prohibited zone for construction
Ø It has been ascertained that the land has an area as mentioned in the land-ownership paper
Ø The property from the valuator point of view does not have any other comments beside stated above for mortagage
17 Opinion
In our opinion this property may be taken as mortgage for the FMV amount recommended in the valuation certificate,
however, all the remarks made above shall be taken into consideration and all legal documents shall be scrutinized by
legal expert.
18 Declaration
This valuation was conducted for the purpose of establishing Fair Market and Distress Values of the said property for Client and
Bank for mortgaging these properties. It is not to be used for any other purpose, and no part of this report is to be disseminated to
the public or third parties.
We certify that our firm is fully authorized to carry out the valuation work under the prevalent laws and we are fully equipped
and competent to carry out the assignment and have the necessary qualifications, skills and experience required for the same.
We also certify that no individual in our firm has any financial interest in the said property.
To the best of our knowledge, all matters of a factual nature discussed in this report are true and correct. No important factors
have been intentionally overlooked or withheld.
We have physically inspected, verified and measured the properties in the presence of the Client/Representative of the Client.
We transformed all details and information furnished by the Client/Owner for above property and s/he confirmed all details is
true in my presence.
Mr./Mrs./Miss Mrs. Sita Devi Koirala
Contact No. : 0
20 Certification:
I/We hereby certify that Valuation of the Properties as detailed in this report has been carried out by me/us in strict Compliance
with Valuation Guidelines of Jyoti Bikash Bank Limited. The said property is an acceptable security to bank in all respects.
We certify that our firm is fully authorized to carry out the valuation work under the prevalent laws and we are fully equipped
and competent to carry out the assignment and have the necessary qualifications, skills and experience required for the same.
We also certify that no individual in our firm has any financial interest in the said property.
To the best of our knowledge, all matters of a factual nature discussed in this report are true and correct. No important factors
have been intentionally overlooked or withheld.
We have physically inspected, verified and measured the properties in the presence of the Client/Representative of the Client
The conclusions in this report are our unbiased considered opinions of Fair Market and Distress Values of the subject assets as of
the date of valuation.
We transformed all the details and information furnished by the Client/Owner for the above property and he confirmed all details
is true in my presence.
* All necessary documents like map of land, location plan, photographs, other relevant documents are attached herewith
please kindly refer.
Copies of
of Official
Official Documents
22 Attested Copies of Documents