Assignment Project Management - Submission Date 10 Oct 2020
Assignment Project Management - Submission Date 10 Oct 2020
Assignment Project Management - Submission Date 10 Oct 2020
MODE OF SUBMISSION: Please submit a soft copy only by emailing your lecturer and copy the assignment to by or before due date.
The current penalty is 2% per day (weekends and public holidays included) for any assignment
received after the due date which the tutor will deduct from the final mark.
The Open University of Mauritius will not hold itself responsible or liable for the non-award of
marks if you fail to submit the assignment as per the required mode of submission.
Module Name: Project Management
Lecturer’s Name: Dr T Beeharry
Date of Submission: 10 October 2020
Total Marks: 50 marks
Word limit: 1500-2000
Identify a project which has not yet been implemented at your workplace or in
your area of specialisation. You are required to prepare a project brief including
the following features:
1. Project title
2. Name of sponsor and main contact for project approval
3. Locations–address of sponsor, project location, contact address
4. Name of person managing the project and possibly their organisation if
different from that of the project sponsor
5. Date of agreement of project brief
6. Date of project start and finish
7. Background to the project and purpose with goals outlined
8. Key objectives with quality and success criteria
9. Details of how achievement of these will bring benefits to the business or
sponsoring organisation
10.Scope of the project and any specific boundaries
13.Timescale of the project
14.Deliverables and target dates (milestones)
15.Estimated costs
16.Resourcing arrangements
17.Reporting and monitoring arrangements
18.Decision-making arrangements–level of authority and accountability held
by manager of project and arrangements for any necessary renegotiation
19.Communications arrangements
20.Signature of sponsor with date, title and authority
Kindly note that you will be assessed on the following basis: