Schmidt + Clemens: Weld Repair Practices in High Temperature Materials

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The document discusses metallurgical and technical developments related to weld repair practices in high temperature materials.

Some metallurgical factors that can affect weldability discussed are changes in chemical composition due to carburization and nitridation, changes in microstructure due to aging phenomena, and creep-induced void formation.

Typical failures discussed are inadequate diffusion, thermal/mechanical fatigue, creep, and using an improper filler material.

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Schmidt + Clemens

Weld Repair Practices

High Temperature Materials

Metallurgical Services
Pedro Imízcoz
Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Table of Contents

•Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Recovery Ductility Treatment

•Welding Procedures

•No recomendable repairs

•Failure/Causes for Weld Joints

•Case Studies

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Table of Contents

•Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Recovery Ductility Treatment

•Welding Procedures

•No recomendable repairs

•Failure/Causes for Weld Joints

•Case Studies

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Changes in the chemical composition:

•Due to the Process Gas (carburization)

•Due to the Combustion Gas (nitrification)

•Changes in the microstructure

•Ageing Phenomenon

•Secundary Carbides Precipitation

•Coarse grains, rounding and isolation of carbides

•Creep – Void formation

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Changes in the chemical composition:


12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Changes in the chemical composition:


12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Changes in the microstructure:

Ageing Phenomenon
Secondary Carbides Precipitation

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Changes in the microstructure:

Ageing Phenomenon
Coarser grains
rounded and isolated carbides

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Changes in the microstructure:

Creep – Void Formation MACRO


Creep Strain


Exposure Time

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Changes in the microstructure:

Weld Material

Base Material


Micro old base & weld material Micro new base & weld material

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Table of Contents

•Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Recovery Ductility Treatment

•Welding Procedures

•No recomendable repairs

•Failure/Causes for Weld Joints

•Case Studies

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Recovery Ductility Treatment

•Changes in the microstructure

•Heat Treatment - Solution Annealed

•Secondary carbides redisolution

•Mechanical Treatment - Shot peening

•Grain recrystalization

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Recovery Ductility Treatment

•Changes in the microstrucutre

•Heat Treatment - Solution Annealed

Before After

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Recovery Ductility Treatment

•Changes in the microstructure

•Mechanical Treatment - Shot peening

Before After

Especially for Static Casting fittings

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Table of Contents

•Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Recovery Ductility Treatment

•Welding Procedures

•No recomendable repairs

•Failure/Causes for Weld Joints

•Case Studies

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Welding Procedure for Aged material

Solution Shot
Machining Dye Check
Defects Annealing Peening


OK Welding

Not Acceptable

Buttering Buttering Welding

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Welding Aged Material

1. Machining
Use Portable Cutting Tool
Preferable small Bevel angles (30º): Less Filler Material
OD: Remove ~0.5-mm (Roughness, Oxidation,
ID: Remove ~0.5-mm.
Ethylene Tubes:
Remove Carburized Layer max. 20%Wall
1.5%C Max. Content for Welding
12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments
Welding Aged Material

3. Solution Annealing
Re-dissolve carbides improving ductility
a) Heating
Heat up at a rate of 150ºC/hour
Maintain during 1 hour / inch of wall thickness + 1h
b) Cooling with Forced Air (compressor)

4. Shot Peening
Stress Relief
Re-crystallization (mainly for static castings)
Apply over Bevels and adjacent Areas
12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments
Room Temperature Welding
a) Root Pass
Reformer (Manifolds & collectors):
GTAW (string beads)
Apply two GTAW passes when thickness > 3/4”
Ethylene: Use always SMAW with Ni-base Filler
b) Filler & Cover Pass:
SMAW: Small diameter coated electrode (2.4-mm)
Low Welding Amperage
High Welding Speed
Narrow Linear Beads
Narrow Multi-Linear Beads for Final Pass
Shot peening between passes
12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments
Room Temperature Buttering & Welding
1. R.T. Buttering:
100%SMAW Small diameter coated electrode (2.4-mm)
Low Welding Amperage
High Welding Speed
Narrow Linear Beads
Shot peening between passes
6-8 mm buttering for tubes
~19 mm buttering for thick static castings
2. Bevel Machining
3. Dye Penetrant Test
4. Room Temperature Welding
5. NDT: Dye Penetrant & Radiography
12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Welding Aged Material

1. Machining 30° 2. Buttering 6-8 mm

0.5 mm
Old Material Old Material
0.5 mm 1 mm
50 mm

3. Machining 30° 4. Weld

Max. 5 mm

4-5 mm Old New

1 mm
3 mm
12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments
High Temperature Buttering & RT Welding
1. H.T. Buttering
Heat up the piece to the following Temperature:
700ºC for CA 4859
900-1000ºC for CA 4852 / CA ET 45M
2. 100% SMAW. Coated electrode 4-mm diameter
Inter-pass temperature same as point 1
6-8 mm buttering for tubes
19 mm buttering for thick static castings
3. Bevel Machining
4. Dye Penetrant Test
5. Room Temperature Welding
6. NDT: Dye Penetrant & Radiography
12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments
High Temperature Welding
Apply when:
RT welding fails
Thick Static castings, Severe ageing
G/CA 4859 alloy with Nb/C > 8
1. Root Pass
SMAW coated electrode, 3.25 diameter
2. Heat the piece up to Process Temperature:
700ºC for CA 4859
900-1000ºC for CA 4852 / CA ET 45M
3. Welding Process:
SMAW coated electrode, 3.25 or 4 mm diameter
Inter-pass temperature same as point 2
4. Controlled low cooling rate to 200ºC. Then free cooling.
5. NDT: Dye Penetrant & Radiography
12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments

High Temperature Welding

Ductility increase with Temperature

50 G4859
Elongation (%)



0 500 1000
Temperature (°C)

G/CA 4852 = 25Cr/35Ni Nb (HP40)

G/CA 4859 = 20Cr/32Ni (800 H cast)
12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments
Filler Material Selection
Service Temperatures:
Max.535ºC Max. 785ºC Max1100ºC
SMAW Inco 182 Inco-weld A Inco 112/117
GTAW Inco 82 Inco 82 Inco 625/617
Increases hot crack resistance
High Ductility
Low tendency to embrittlement
Special care with Inco 112 & 625 between 600 - 800ºC
Should not be used above 785ºC in Sulphur atmospheres
Lower Creep Resistance than matching fillers
12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments
General Advise
 Most of the cases:
Solution annealing + shot peening + welding at R.T
 In case solution annealing is not possible:
Shot peening + buttering + welding at R.T
 Always solution annealing after cutting (never before)
 Avoid using abrasive grinding & flap wheels,
use carbide tools (vidia)
 Static cast materials are much more difficult to repair
than centricast
 For thick static cast materials apply
aggressive peening & ¾” buttering
 Ni-Base Fillers Materials
12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Table of Contents

•Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Recovery Ductility Treatment

•Welding Procedures

•No recomendable repairs

•Failure/Causes for Weld Joints

•Case Studies

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

No recommendable repairs

•Bulging from creep damage.

•Excessive diametral expansion

•Heavy carburization

•Thermal fatigue cracks

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

No recommendable repairs

•Bulging from creep damage :

> 3% for HK
> 6% for HP
> 10% for 20.32Nb

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

No recommendable repairs

•Excessive Diametral expansion :

> 3% for HK
> 6% for HP
> 10% for 20.32Nb

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

No recommendable repairs

•Heavy Carburization :
Inside carburization >1/2 wall thickness
C >1.5 %in I.D. to be welded Max 3.5% C

Carbon Profile
Carbon content (mass %)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Depth from ID (mm)
Max 1.5% C

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

No recomendable repairs

Thermal fatigue cracks :

Affecting wide areas

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Table of Contents

•Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Recovery Ductility Treatment

•Welding Procedures

•No recomendable repairs

•Typical Failures on Weld Joints

•Case Studies

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Typical Failures on Weld Joints

•Inadecuate diffusion

•Thermal/Mechanical Fatigue


•Unproper filler material selection

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Typical Failures on Weld Joints :

Inadecuate diffusion
•Specially on some welding methods
•Difficult to detect by NDT

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Typical Failures on Weld Joints :

Thermal/Mechanical Fatigue
•Focusly on the HAZ
•Pieces with high Thickness

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Typical Failures on Weld Joints :

Unproper filler material selection

•High Corrosion Rate
•Brittle Failure

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Table of Contents

•Metallurgical Background for Lack of Weldability

•Recovery Ductility Treatment

•Welding Procedures

•No recomendable repairs

•Typical Failures on Weld Joints

•Case Studies

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Case History I: Welding Carburized Material

Repair Welding Failure Succesful Welding

1. Solution Annealing
2. 100% GTAW Repair
1. Solution Annealing
2. Shot Peening
3. 100% SMAW Ni base

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Case History II: Old Cone to New Tee (12 manifolds)

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Case History III: Replacement of Manifold in

Reformer Harp: Weld New Manifold to 17 Years Old

Weld repair of H.A.Z. in manifold, Kellogg harp

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Case History III: Replacement of Manifold in

Reformer Harp: Weld New Manifold to 17 Years Old

Weld repair of H.A.Z. in manifold, Kellogg harp

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments
Case History III: Replacement of Manifold in
Reformer Harp: Weld New Manifold to 17 Years Old

Weld repair of H.A.Z. in manifold, Kellogg Harp

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium
Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Case History III: Replacement of Manifold in

Reformer Harp: Weld New Manifold to 17 Years Old

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments

Case History III: Replacement of Manifold in

Reformer Harp: Weld New Manifold to 17 Years Old

12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

Metallurgical & Technical Developments


12th S+C Petrochemical Symposium

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