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ez a) Conner Ty @XCON 10 - 14 DECEMBER 2019 Lem eA OS LEN LARGEST CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT EVENT IN SOUTH ASIA Smart i-Tech — Next Gen India@75 sh [Sth Cg ag Mice a Aa Teta INNOVATION. Ti ae) Eo cH +. XCON > bs OEE i % TOP B2B EXHIBITION NNT Infrastructure sector is a key driver for the Indian economy. The sector is highly responsible for propelling eee ee ae acm eR se) ensure time-bound creation of world class infrastructure in the country. Infrastructure sector includes power, Ceca te Meee Ue The Indian economy is currently around Rs 190 lakh crore (GDP at current market prices, 2018-19) which Coreen eames neue en nc Depiction of the Indian economy, projecting the country's gross domestic product (GDP) would grow at 7% eee ee eee re eh RRR oe stability facilitating a pick-up in demand and investments. India would need to grow at 8 per cent annually to eee ul eaten a ed INDIA'S SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REQUIRES INVESTMENT WORTH OF RS 50 TRILLION (US$ 777.73 BILLION) IN INFRASTRUCTURE BY 2022 CP reseed ee ere OS ee BPO ae eer eee) TNS SC este CU RC Ra CRE OS uae @ INR 2.05 lakh crore (US$ 31.81 billion) will be @ INR 830.15 Billion (US$ 11.51 Billion) is allotted invested for initiatives like ‘Housing for All’ and _ for road transport and highway. "Smart Cities Mission’. ON US rR ue uke @ INR 83,015.97 crore (US$ 11.51 billion) was approximately 60,000 Kms in the next 5 years. ah na ie a Ce ee ee ee NSC EG se eae S ci OUTER eee en De eh) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) for @ An estimated US$ 60 billion outlay has been Oe eee Sere planned for highways for the coming 5 years with koe an attempt to double the network of National De @ INR 66.77 billion (US$ 9.25 billion) is allotted to the Indian Railways, Out of this allocation, © Metro rail projects worth over Rs 500 billion ($7.7 ot TA eS ee eames c lp billion) are underway in India and this pile will Creat eee <¢ oe a he nity a 1 EVENT FEATURES 3,00,000 SQ.MTS OF EXHIBITION DISPLAY AREA. 25+ COUNTRIES PARTICIPATION 1250+ EXHIBITORS INCLUDING 350 FROM ABROAD B28 MEETINGS & NETWORKING FORUMS 70,000+ BUSINESS VISITORS PRODUCT LAUNCHES & LIVE DEMONSTRATION EXCON ENDEAVOURS TO A GALAXY OF EXHIBITORS. A CONSTELLATION OF VISITO! =a =e) VISITOR PROFILE* SPONSORS AT EXCON 2019 Peed Apollo Osi Gana CATERPILLAR Fee @ weenie LEBHERR (seme $RE) a nce TORSA -~ ACE 280% <> sermon ar nm propel* SITEREX. Prune Registration Sponsor Confederation of Indian Industry, India’s apex industry body ‘and premier Exhibition organiser hosted The 9th Edition of Excon - Exhibition on Construction Equipment & Construction See Ue ee ead eaten ker nem eC Me SUC Oe eee cae uc Lee ema ae a a ‘and was "Supported by” Builders Association of India (BA), Excon is designed as a delivery vehicle for the construction See Renee ee Cee neue ecu eet ey Cue nner Nueces cal tt me MS Ree Tn eee EXCON 2017 HIGHLIGHTS i a Ne alle] NO)SaCNO\ Ata EXHIBITOR GROWTH SO een en ee eC Re) See eae eee Renee one Larsen & Toubro — Komatsu, Tata Hitachi, Caterpillar, Mahindra & Mahindra, SANY, Schwing Stetter, BKT, Kobelco, SRM SES an Cee Nd Copco, Ajax Fiori, ITR, Tadano, Action Construction, Wirtgen, Ne OR eo See Ec nd ee eee aCe! Excon was both a marketing and educational platform for all Bee eee ad Ree ee ker Bee ee eae a cee bass Oe ta ee Engineering Department), Private contractors, Builders, Road / Infrastructure developers, Smart Cty / Urban Planning, Army, Border Roads Organisation, etc. At the event they witnessed Reece aCe eee Ma cnnm os Ct RR Oe CCCs Ce eu eke CONFERENCES AT EXCON 2017 Oe enn ee ea cums Noe Telerau See et a ec Uae Osu Equipments ‘© Conference on Next Gen Infrastructure -" Scalable and See eee ict een n Tc) ems Oe te eae ae eo ee ec es © Ci conference on Over Dimensional Cargo Logistics. Cet reecreseed T AO eeet VISITOR GROWTH 2, EXCON 2017 - GALLERY PT | ee ar Und The Confederation of Indian Industry (Cll) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering industry, Government, and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes. Cilis a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, playing a proactive role in India's development process. Founded in 1895, India's premier business association has around 9000 members, from the private as wellas public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 300,000 enterprises from around 276 ee eee nee id CCl charts change by working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and enhancing or eo a ea Ret eg ree eae global linkages. Italso provides a platform for consensus- building and networking on key issues. Extending its agenda beyond business, Cll assists industry to identify and execute corporate citizenship programmes. Partnerships with civil society organizations carry forward corporate initiatives for integrated and inclusive development across diverse domains including affirmative action, healthcare, education, livelinood, diversity management, skill ene ener ences India is now set to become a USS 5 trilion economy in the next five years and Indian industry will remain the principal growth ‘engine for achieving this target. With the thame for 2019-20 as ‘Competitiveness of India Inc - India@75: Forging Ahead’, Cll will focus on five priority areas which would enable the country to stay on a solid growth track. These are - employment generation, rural-urban connect, energy security, environmental sustainabilly and governance, With 66 offices, including 9 Centres of Excellence, in India, and 10 overseas offices in Australia, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Singapore, South Aftica, UAE, UK, and USA, as well as institutional partnerships with 355 counterpart organizations in 126 countries, Cl serves as a reference point for Indian industry and the international business community. Ce od The Mantosh Sondhi Centre 23, Institutional Area, Lod Road, New Delhi - 110 003 (India) TRC aro eRe) Cae eee iCEMA Cee ee RCC tote eee ec Re ec 10 Indian member companies, primarily manufacturers and importers of tractors, earthmoving and allied equipment. it was rechristened as Indian Earthmoving & Construction Industry Association Ltd, (IECIAL) in 1986 with the objective to make the body a national point of reference for the Indian earthmoving & construction equipment industry. The association was renamed as Indian Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association (ICEMA) in 2012 withthe objective to make ita truly Cee eee et en ee re eet Excon 2019 Desk Confederation of Indian industry (Cl) eos Crane Lear)

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