Kontakt Creator Tools

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A suite of tools developed to support

the instrument creation process
Table of Contents
1. Creator Tools .............................................................................................................. 3
1.1. Project Panel [⌘/Ctrl-1] ..................................................................................... 3
1.1.1. Project Manager [F1] .............................................................................. 3
1.1.2. File Browser ........................................................................................... 5
1.2. Top Panel [⌘/Ctrl-2] .......................................................................................... 6
1.2.1. Instrument Editor [F2] ............................................................................. 6
1.2.2. GUI Designer [F3] .................................................................................. 7
1.2.3. Loading in KSP ...................................................................................... 9
1.2.4. Creating and previewing your first Performance View .............................. 10
1.3. Bottom Panel [⌘/Ctrl-3] ................................................................................... 10
1.3.1. KSP Log [⇧F1] ..................................................................................... 10
1.3.2. KSP Variables [⇧F2] .............................................................................. 11
1.3.3. Lua Script [⇧F3] .................................................................................... 11

2. Scripting Reference .................................................................................................. 13

2.1. Instrument Structure ....................................................................................... 13
2.2. Scripting Basics .............................................................................................. 14
2.2.1. Script Path ........................................................................................... 14
2.2.2. Read properties and print them ............................................................. 14
2.2.3. Iterate over containers .......................................................................... 14
2.2.4. Changing properties ............................................................................. 15
2.2.5. Working with containers ........................................................................ 15

3. Binding Reference .................................................................................................... 16

3.1. Type .............................................................................................................. 16
3.2. Scalars .......................................................................................................... 16
3.3. Vector ............................................................................................................ 17
3.4. Struct ............................................................................................................. 17
3.5. Algorithms ...................................................................................................... 18
3.6. File system ..................................................................................................... 18
3.7. PosixTime ...................................................................................................... 21
3.8. MIR functions ................................................................................................. 21
3.8.1. Pitch detection ..................................................................................... 22
3.8.2. Peak, RMS & Loudness detection ......................................................... 22
3.8.3. Type detection ...................................................................................... 24


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this document is
subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication
may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior
written permission by Native Instruments GmbH, hereinafter referred to as Native Instruments.
“Native Instruments”, “NI” and associated logos are (registered) trademarks of Native Instruments
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and use of them does not imply
any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
Document authored by: Elpiniki Pappa, Holger Zwar
Software version: 1.2.0 (11/2019)

Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who are invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but in
making Creator Tools a better product.

Document Conventions


This document uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential is-
sues. The icons introducing the following notes let you see what kind of information can be expec-

The speech bubble icon indicates a useful tip that may help you to solve a task more

The exclamation mark icon highlights important information that is essential for the
given context.

The warning icon warns you of serious issues and potential risks that require your
full attention.

Furthermore, the following formatting is used:

• Paths to locations on your hard disk or other storage devices are printed in italics.
• Important names and concepts are printed in bold.
• Square brackets are used to reference keys on a computer’s keyboard, e.g., Press [Shift] +

Creator Tools


A suite of tools developed to support the creation of KONTAKT instruments.

Creator Tools consists of three panels: the Project Panel (1), the Top Panel (2) and the Bottom
Panel (3). Each panel contains different tools and can be shown or hidden from the View menu of
the application top menu or by using dedicated shortcuts. Switching between the tools is possible
from the tabs at the top of each panel, from the Go menu of the application top menu or by using
the dedicated shortcuts. These shortcuts trigger actions related to the active panel in Creator

1.1. Project Panel [⌘/Ctrl-1]

The Project Panel consists of the Project Manager (located at the top of the panel) and the File
Browser (located at the bottom of the panel). It is a tool for browsing the filesystem and a project's
resources and it allows files to be opened directly from Creator Tools by double-clicking on them.

1.1.1. Project Manager [F1]

A Creator Tools project file contains all data relevant for the instrument creation process. The for-
mat of a Creator Tools project file is JSON, which allows you to use source code version control
The Project Manager is an editable view of a Creator Tools project file and therefore can only be
used when a Creator Tools project file is open. It serves as a central access point for a project's
resources and can, although not necessarily, contain all used resources.
The following items are shown in the Project Manager:

• File and Folder items in a project file reference the corresponding files and folders in the file-
system. If the referenced entity is located in the project file folder or any of its children, the ref-

Creator Tools

erence is encoded relative to the project file location. Otherwise, the absolute reference is
• Group items in a project file organize a project as a hierarchical structure. A group can contain
another group, a file or a folder.

There are no rules enforced about a project file's location or structure. There's not necessarily a
project folder or any form of enforced project folder structure. Multiple project files can exist side-

It is recommended to have a project file residing in a project folder together with sub-
folders for common resources. When moving a project to other devices or platforms,
it is important that the project is self-contained, i.e., contains only relative references.

Insert Menu [⌘/Ctrl-↵]

(1) Files: Opens the OS file selection dialog. For each selected file an entry is inserted.

(2) Folder: Opens the OS file selection dialog and inserts the selected folder. Once a folder is se-
lected, its contents are displayed in the File Browser area below.

(3) Group: Inserts a new group. Group items can contain files, folders and groups, and can be

(4) Performance View: Opens the OS Save As dialog, which sets the saving location of the new
performance view file. The new performance view item is added to the project.

Creator Tools

For all the items described above, if a group is selected and expanded in the Project Manager, the
inserted item(s) will be placed into this group. In any other case, the inserted item(s) will be placed
above the currently selected item.


Up/down arrows [↑/↓] Navigate up/down

Left/right arrows [←/→] Expand/collapse group
Return [↵] Rename group if the current item is a group

Open the system file-browser if the current item is a folder

Open the file within Creator Tools if the current item is an associated file e.g. performance view

Open the file with the system associated app e.g. a text editor
Double-click Rename groups if the current item is a group

Open the file within Creator Tools if the current item is an associated file e.g. performance view

Open the file with the system associated app e.g. a text editor

1.1.2. File Browser

The File Browser is a secondary area in the Project Panel, located below the Project Manager. It is
a read-only view of the filesystem and allows navigation through files and folders. It displays a flat
list of files and/or folders within the current root.

(1) Home Button: Navigates to the folder where the project file is located.

(2) Parent Button: Navigates to the parent folder of the currently displayed folder.

Creator Tools


Up/down arrows [↑/↓] Navigate up or down

Cmd/Ctrl-up [⌘↑] Navigate to parent folder
Cmd/Ctrl-down [⌘↓] Enter folder
Return [↵] Open the system file-browser if the current item is a folder

Open the file within Creator Tools if the current item is an associated file e.g. performance view

Open the file with the system associated app e.g. a text editor
Double-click Enter folder

Open the file within Creator Tools if the current item is an associated file e.g. performance view

Open the file with the system associated app e.g. a text editor

1.2. Top Panel [⌘/Ctrl-2]

The Top Panel consists of the Instrument Editor and the GUI Designer.

1.2.1. Instrument Editor [F2]

The Instrument Editor connects to a running instance of Kontakt (either plug-in or standalone) and
displays the structure of an instrument in the form of a nested tree. Combined with the Lua Script
tool in the Bottom Panel, it offers programmatic access to parts of a Kontakt instrument’s struc-
ture through Lua-based scripting.

(1) Multi Rack Menu: Sets the focus of the tool on the Multi Rack of one of the connected Kontakt
(2) Instrument Menu: Sets the focus of the tool to a specific instrument from the selected Multi
Rack (1) that is loaded in one of the connected Kontakt instances.

Note that instruments with locked edit views cannot be selected.

(3) Push: [⌘/Ctrl-Alt-↑] Applies all changes from the Tools' side to Kontakt. If changes are not
pushed, an indication on the button appears to notify for the pending changes.

Creator Tools

(4) Pull: [⌘/Ctrl-Alt-↓] Overwrites the current Kontakt state to the tools. Whenever a change takes
place on the Kontakt side, Pull needs to be manually pressed in order to apply the changes in the
Tools. If changes are not pulled, an indication on the button appears to notify for the pending
(5) Connection Indicator: Indicates whether a successful connection between the tools and the
Kontakt instances is established.
(6) Instrument Tree View: The instrument structure is displayed in the form of a nested tree. The
tree view shows the basic instrument structure and instrument properties that can be modified
through Lua scripts.

1.2.2. GUI Designer [F3]

The GUI Designer allows one to assemble, customize and reuse Kontakt performance views and
controls, without the need to write code. It can generate two types of files, the performance view
files (.nckp) and the control files (.nckc).
The performance view files (.nckp) contain all the information about an instrument’s graphical in-
terface. These files can then be loaded in a KSP script (see also Loading in KSP). A new perform-
ance view file can be created from the Insert menu of the Project Manager.
The control files (.nckc) are files that are created by exporting a single control or a container of
controls (see also Panels). These files can then be imported in a later GUI Designer project,
shared with collaborators or set the foundation for building custom UI libraries. Control files cannot
be loaded in KSP.
The two main areas of the tool are the Tree View (1) and the Properties (2).

(1) Tree View: The structure of a Kontakt performance view is displayed here in the form of a tree.
A new performance view has one hierarchy level; the root level. Additional levels can be created
when controls are added in Panels (see Panels).
Actions on one or more selected controls can be performed from the Tree View’s context menu.
The context menu actions are:

Cut [⌘/Ctrl-X] Copies selection to the clipboard and deletes it from the tree
Copy [⌘/Ctrl-C] Copies selection to the clipboard
Paste [⌘/Ctrl-V] Pastes controls from the clipboard above selection
Duplicate [⌘/Ctrl-D] Duplicates selection

Creator Tools

Rename [↵] Enters renaming mode for selection

Delete [⌘/Ctrl-⌫] Deletes selection
Import [⌘/Ctrl-I] Opens the system’s file browser in order to locate and import a control file (.nckc) from the disk.
The imported control will be placed above the currently selected control
Export [⌘/Ctrl-E] Opens the system’s file browser in order to save the selected control’s file (.nckc) in a desired

(2) Properties: Displays the properties of the element selected in the Tree View. Changes can be
made by double clicking on a specific property. Alternatively, the arrow buttons can be used to nav-
igate the properties and changes can be made via hitting enter. Undo and redo actions are availa-
ble via the usual shortcuts: [⌘/Ctrl-Z] for Undo and [⌘-Shift-Z/Ctrl-Y] for Redo.

• Image: As input, image fields take the filename of a picture (.png) that is contained in the pic-
tures subfolder of the KONTAKT Instrument' s resources folder.
• Fonts: From the dropdown menu, one can select to set 1 of the 25 factory fonts or a custom
font. If “Custom” is selected, then the filename of the picture font is expected. Similar to the Im-
age property, the picture font should be contained in the pictures subfolder of the KONTAKT
Instrument's resources folder.

(3) Variable name: The KSP variable name of the currently selected control is displayed here.
Use this name when scripting in KONTAKT. You can use the Copy button next to it to save the
variable name to the clipboard.

Adding a Control

Insert Control Menu [⌘/Ctrl-↵]

A new control can be inserted in the performance view tree from the Insert Control menu. The
menu lists all the known Kontakt UI controls, including a new control called panels (see Panels).

Import [⌘/Ctrl-I]
Previously exported controls can be added in the tree via the context menu’s Import function. Se-
lect a control and right click to reveal the context menu. Click on Import and locate the con-
trol’s .nckc file in the system’s file browser. Select Open and the control will be added in the tree,
on top of the currently selected control.

A panel is a control that can contain one or multiple controls. Unlike the other controls, panels
don’t have a size. They are very useful for grouping controls that are meant to be handled togeth-
er. This allows one to simultaneously modify the Show, Position or zLayer property of all the con-
trols contained in that panel. The position of a contained control is relative to the panel’s position,
meaning that the control’s (0,0) position is the current (x,y) position of the panel.

Panels can be nested, so they can contain other panels. If panelA is contained in panelB, then
panelA will appear in front of panelB. This is because children panels have a higher zLayer value
than their parent panels. Use this logic to easily create hierarchies in a performance view.

Creator Tools

Panels can also be used to keep the Tree View organized. They can be expanded or collapsed.
When a panel is selected and expanded, new controls will be added on top of the panel’s con-
tained controls. When a panel is selected but collapsed, new controls will be added above it, on
the same hierarchy level as the panel.

Panels in KSP
Panels, like any other control, can also be used with pure KSP outside the GUI Designer, using the
following command and control parameter:

declare ui_panel $<my_panel_name>

Creates a panel


Adds a UI control (or panel) in a panel

declare ui_panel $mixer
declare ui_knob $volume (0, 300, 1)
set_control_par(get_ui_id($volume), $CONTROL_PAR_PARENT_PANEL,

Adding a volume knob in a mixer panel

1.2.3. Loading in KSP

The Resource Container is a dedicated location to store scripts, graphics, .nka files and impulse
response files that can be referenced by any NKI or group of NKIs linked to the container.
When creating the Resource Container, Kontakt versions that are compatible with the GUI Design-
er will create a new subfolder named performance_view.
In order for a performance view to be displayed in an NKI, the performance view file (.nckp) must
be stored in the performance_view subfolder of the NKI. It can then be loaded in the NKI via the
KSP command:


Where "filename" is the filename of the .nckp file without the extension. Performance view file-
names can only contain letters, numbers or underscores.
When saving a .nckp file in the GUI Designer, any changes will be automatically applied to the
Kontakt side. This means when editing the performance view of an NKI, if that NKI is loaded in a
running Kontakt instance, all changes can be previewed in real time upon Save.
To avoid conflicts, only one performance view file can be loaded per script slot. If needed, more
controls can be additionally declared in the KSP script.
Connecting UI controls to engine parameters still occurs via KSP. The variable name of a control
contained in a performance view is auto generated based on its hierarchy, with underscore charac-
ters as concatenation.

Creator Tools

Control knobVolume is contained within panel eqTab, which is also contained within panel mix-
erTab. The KSP variable name of the control will be: mixerTab_eqTab_knobVolume.
The KSP variable name of a selected control is displayed at the bottom of the properties area.
Click on the Copy button next to it (or use the shortcut [⌘/Ctrl-Alt-C]) to copy the variable name to

1.2.4. Creating and previewing your first Performance View

To create and preview a performance view:

1. Create a new NKI in Kontakt.

2. Create the Resource Container for the NKI.
3. Create a new performance view in Project Manager and double-click it to open it in the GUI
Designer. Start adding controls.
4. Make sure all the referenced data (images, picture fonts) are stored in the images subfolder
of the NKI’s Resource Container.
5. Save the performance view file in the performance_view subfolder of the NKI’s Resource
6. In the NKI script editor, write and apply the following script:

on init
load_performance_view ("filename")
end on

You can now continue to edit the performance view in the GUI Designer. Each time you want
to preview any changes in the performance view, save the Creator Tools project.

1.3. Bottom Panel [⌘/Ctrl-3]

The Bottom Panel consists of the KSP Log, KSP Variables and Lua Script.

1.3.1. KSP Log [⇧F1]

The KSP log connects to all running instances of Kontakt, both plug-in and standalone.
It logs messages, warnings and errors coming from KSP, supports inspecting script variables, pro-
vides timestamps per notification and some basic filtering options.

Creator Tools

(1) Filter: [⌘/Ctrl-F] When active, it reveals the filtering options and applies them.

• Filter by type (Variable Watching, Message, Warning, Error)

• Filter by text (characters in the Message column)
• Filter by Instrument
• Filter by Script slot

(2) Pause: [⌘/Ctrl-P] Suspends the debugging session. When active, the Pause button blinks.
Once the session is resumed, all messages that were received during pause will appear.

(3) Clear: [⌘/Ctrl-Backspace] Clears all content of the log.

(4) Settings: Defines the behavior of the log.

(5) Log: All notifications from Kontakt appear in the Log area. The Log contains seven columns:

• Type
• System Time
• Engine Time
• Message
• Instrument
• Script
• Line

Type and Message are set, but all other columns can be hidden. Right-click on the column header
to reveal the column menu.

1.3.2. KSP Variables [⇧F2]

This is where the current values of all watched variables and arrays are displayed, in order of ap-
pearance. For every variable or array that is inspected, an entry is created upon initialization and
updated every time a value change occurs. All value changes appear also in the KSP Log, in chro-
nological order.

Inspecting a variable or array is possible via the dedicated KSP commands watch_var and

For example watch_var($count) inspects the value changes of the variable count and
watch_array_idx(%volume,5) inspects the value changes of index 5 of the array volume.

Please also refer to the KSP Reference Manual for more details.

1.3.3. Lua Script [⇧F3]

Changes to an instrument's structure from within the Tools happen exclusively by running a Lua
script. A script can see and modify the instrument copy in the Tools. All parameters that can be
modified are displayed in the Instrument Editor tool. Scripts can be created and modified with an
external editor.

Creator Tools

The Lua Script tool loads and runs Lua scripts that have been created in a text editor and saved to
disk. In this way an instrument structure can be modified. One can now easily rearrange, add or
remove groups and zones, edit their names and some of their properties, like tune, volume, and
mapping. Limited file system access also allows the creation of new instruments based on sam-
ples on the disk. The added MIR functions (like pitch and RMS detection) assist or automate parts
of the instrument creation process.
Some Lua example and tutorial scripts are provided for the above in the application folder, to help
you get started. Ideally, the content of the scripts’ folder can be copied to “user/Documents/Native
Instruments/Creator Tools".
The script output will appear in the console output. All console output can be copied to the system
clipboard via the command [⌘/Ctrl-Alt-C].

(1) Open in text editor: [⌘/Ctrl-E] Opens the loaded script file in the system’s default editor.
(2) Run: [⌘/Ctrl-R] Executes the loaded .lua script. Changes are immediately reflected in the In-
strument Editor tool.
(3) Stop: [⌘/Ctrl-I] Stops the execution of the running script. The Instrument Editor state is rever-
ted, as if the script never run.
(4) Clear [⌘/Ctrl-Backspace] Clears all content of the tool's output console.

Loading a script
A script can be loaded by double-clicking it in the Project Manager or File Browser, or by drag-
ging it directly from any disk location. The filename of the loaded file will then appear in the file-
name area.

Currently the Creator Tools Lua runtime on Windows does not support filepaths that
contain Unicode characters. Please rename the script’s filepath accordingly to suc-
cessfully load it.

Scripting Reference


Lua scripts can be loaded and run in the Instrument Editor tool to assist or automate tasks in the
instrument creation process. This section of the documentation contains the scripting basics of the
Lua language as well as extension bindings to a Kontakt instrument’s structure.

2.1. Instrument Structure

An instrument is shown as a nested tree with properties and values. Containers like groups and
zones are represented as vectors (lists with indices). Property values are typed and value-checked
so that changes are verified and ignored if the data is invalid.
The structure with property names, types and value-ranges looks like this:

Instrument -- Struct
name -- String
groups -- Vector of Group:
name -- String
volume -- Real, -inf..12
pan -- Real, -100..100
tune -- Real, -36..36
zones -- Vector of Zone
file -- String
volume -- Real, -inf..12
pan -- Real, -100..100
tune -- Real, -36..36
rootKey -- Int, 0..127
keyRange -- Struct
low -- Int, 0..127
high -- Int, 0..127
velocityRange -- Struct
low -- Int, 0..127
high -- Int, 0..127
sampleStart -- Int, 0..inf
sampleStartModRange -- Int, 0..inf
sampleEnd -- Int, 4..inf
loops -- Vector of Loop
mode -- Int, 0..4 (see below)
start -- Int, 0..inf
length -- Int, 4..inf
xfade -- Int, 0..1000000
count -- Int, 0..1000000
tune -- Real, -12..12

Loop modes:

• 0: Oneshot i.e. off

Scripting Reference

• 1: Until end
• 2: Until end alternating
• 3: Until release
• 4: Until release alternating

2.2. Scripting Basics

Scripting is based on the Lua language. Resources are available online e.g. www.lua.org. The
core language has been extended by bindings to the instrument structure. Whenever an instru-
ment is connected and the tree view is displayed, a script can access it via the variable instrument.

2.2.1. Script Path

The global variable scriptPath points to the directory of the executed script. This is useful for
file I/O related workflows.

2.2.2. Read properties and print them

A script can print to the console e.g.


Prints "Instrument" if an instrument is connected, otherwise "nil" i.e. nothing.


Prints the directory of the running script.

All properties can be referenced using dots e.g.


Prints the name of the first group - or an error message if no instrument is connected.


Prints the highest key range value of the first zone of the first group.

2.2.3. Iterate over containers

The brackets [ ] refer to the nth element of the group or zone vector. The number of elements can
be read with Lua‘s length operator:


This allows iterating through groups or zones:

for n=0,#instrument.groups-1 do

Scripting Reference

Note that vectors are zero-indexed! There are other ways to iterate over containers
without using indices. In the Binding Reference chapter, iteration via pairs is descri-
bed for Vector and Struct and iteration via the traverse function is described under

2.2.4. Changing properties

Changing values works naturally:

instrument.groups[0].name = "Release"

or in a loop:

for n=0,#instrument.groups-1 do
instrument.groups[n].name = 'grp_'..n

2.2.5. Working with containers


Creates a new object of type Group.


Prints the directory of the running script.

Structural changes like add, remove, insert are possible:


Adds a new empty group at the end.

instrument.groups:insert(0, instrument.groups[3])

Inserts a deep copy of the 4th group at index 0 i.e. at the beginning.

Binding Reference


3.1. Type
Base type of all object types. The following accessors are defined for objects off all derived types:

tostring Returns a string representation describing the object

object.typeinfo Returns type information as a string in the form Type‘Tag
object.parent Returns the parent object or nil

object:equals(other) Returns true if object value is equal to the value of other
object:instanceOf(type) Returns true if object is an instance of type i.e.
object.type == type
object:instanceOf(name) Returns true if object is an instance of a type named name
i.e. object.type.name = name
object:childOf(other) Returns true if object is a direct child of other i.e.
object.parent == other
object:childOf(type) Returns true if object is a direct child of an object of type
i.e. object.parent and object.parent.type ==
object:childOf(name) Returns true if object is a direct child of an object of a type
named name i.e. object.parent and
object.parent.type.name == name

3.2. Scalars
Basic types which contain a single value:

Bool Boolean, true or false

Int 64 bit signed integer (can be negative)
Real 64 bit floating point number
String Text

For a scalar object of these types the following accessors are defined:

scalar.type Returns the value type
scalar.initial Returns true if the value is in the initial state
scalar.value Returns the value

Binding Reference

scalar:reset() Resets the value to its initial state
scalar:assign(other) Assigns a copy of the other value object

3.3. Vector
Type-safe, dynamically sized, zero-indexed, random access container.
For a vector object the following accessors are defined:

vector() Returns new vector
vector(other) Returns a copy of the other vector
vector(size) Returns a new vector with size elements
vector(args) Returns a new vector initialized with variadic args

# Returns the number of elements i.e. the size of the vector
pairs Returns an iterator function for iterating over all elements
value/object = vector[index] Returns the value if vector type is scalar, otherwise returns
the object
vector[index] = value Sets value at index
vector[index] = object Assigns object to index

vector.type Returns the vector type
vector.empty Returns true if the vector has no elements
vector.initial Returns true if the vector is in its initial state

vector:set(index, object) Sets element at index to object
vector:get(index) Returns object at index
vector:reset() Resets the vector to initial
vector:resize(size) Resizes the vector to size elements
vector:resolve(path) Returns the object at path or nil
vector:assign(other) Assigns a copy of the other vector
vector:add(object) Inserts object at the end
vector:add(value) Inserts value at the end
vector:insert(index, object) Inserts object before index
vector:insert(index, value) Inserts value before index
vector:remove(index) Removes element at index

3.4. Struct
Type-safe record with named fields.

Binding Reference

For a struct object the following accessors are defined:

struct() Returns a new struct
struct(other) Returns a copy of the other struct

# Returns the number of used fields
pairs Returns an iterator function for iterating over used fields
value/object = struct.field Returns the value if field contains a scalar, otherwise
returns the object
struct.field = value Sets element value of field
struct.field = object Assigns object to field

Struct.type Returns the struct type
struct.empty Returns true if the struct has no used fields
struct.initial Returns true if the struct is in its initial state

struct:set(index, object) Assigns object at index
struct:get(index) Returns object at index
struct:reset() Resets the struct to its initial state
struct:reset(index) Resets the field at index
struct:reset(field) Resets the field
struct:used(field) Returns true if the field is used
struct:resolve(path) Returns the object at path
struct:assign(other) Assigns a copy of the other struct

3.5. Algorithms
The following are free functions operating on any Type.

path(object) Returns the path to object

resolve(path) Returns the object at path or nil
traverse(object, function(key, object, [level])) Recursively traverses object and calls function
where key is the index or field name of the object in
string = json(object, [indent]) Converts objects to a json string and returns it
object = json(type, string) Converts the string to an object of type and returns it

3.6. File system

The Lua binding is based on the C++ library boost filesystem. In contrary to the original C++ de-
sign, the Lua binding does not define an abstraction for path. Instead, path always refers to a Lua

Binding Reference

The following chapter lists functions from the aforementioned library and the associated data type
they return. For a detailed description of each function, please refer to the reference documenta-


for _,p in filesystem.directory(path) do


Lists paths in directory

for _,p in filesystem.directoryRecursive(path) do


Lists paths in directory and all sub-directories


Note that all functions live in the global filesystem.

Function Returned data type
filesystem.directory(path) iterator
filesystem.directoryRecursive(path) iterator

These functions return a string which contains the modified path.
filesystem.native(path) string
filesystem.rootName(path) string
filesystem.rootDirectory(path) string
filesystem.rootPath(path) string
filesystem.relativePath(path) string
filesystem.parentPath(path) string
filesystem.filename(path) string
filesystem.stem(path) string
filesystem.replaceExtension(path, string
filesystem.extension(path) string
filesystem.preferred(path) string

Binding Reference

These functions query a given path.
filesystem.empty(path) bool
filesystem.isDot(path) bool
filesystem.isDotDot(path) bool
filesystem.hasRootPath(path) bool
filesystem.hasRootName(path) bool
filesystem.hasRootDirectory(path) bool
filesystem.hasRelativePath(path) bool
filesystem.hasParentPath(path) bool
filesystem.hasFilename(path) bool
filesystem.hasStem(path) bool
filesystem.hasExtension(path) bool
filesystem.isAbsolute(path) bool
filesystem.isRelative(path) bool

These functions allow queries on the underlying filesystem.
filesystem.exists(path) bool
filesystem.equivalent(path1, path2) bool
filesystem.fileSize(path) int
filesystem.currentPath() string
filesystem.initialPath() string
filesystem.absolute(path, [base]) string
filesystem.canonical(path, [base]) string
filesystem.systemComplete(path) string
filesystem.isDirectory(path) bool
filesystem.isEmpty(path) bool
filesystem.isRegularFile(path) bool
filesystem.isSymLink(path) bool
filesystem.isOther(path) bool

Last Write Time

filesystem.lastWriteTime(path) int

filesystem.readSymLink(path) string
filesystem.hardLinkCount(path) int

Binding Reference

For convenience users can declare fs = filesystem and call all filesystem func-
tions using the fs prefix, demonstrated in the following example.

fs = filesystem
iterator fs.directory(path)
iterator fs.directoryRecursive(path)

3.7. PosixTime
Date and time related utility functions.

string posixTime.toString(int) Converts the posix-time to an ISO string

Note that all functions live in the global table posixTime.



Converts filesystem lastWriteTime to a string.

3.8. MIR functions

Music Information Retrieval (MIR) is the science of retrieving information from music. Among oth-
ers, it allows the extraction of meaningful features from audio files, such as the pitch or the velocity
of a sample. Creator Tools come with a collection of MIR functions, to assist or automate parts of
the instrument creation process.

Single functions retrieve information from single files and take as argument an absolute filename
(the full path to the sample file). Batch processing functions retrieve information from folders and
take as argument an absolute folder name (the full path to the sample folder).

Note that all functions live in the global MIR table.

Binding Reference

3.8.1. Pitch detection

The pitch detection tries to detect the fundamental frequency of a monophonic/single note sample.
It corresponds to the MIDI scale (69 = 440 Hz) and ranges from semitone 15 (~20Hz) to semitone
120 (~8.4 kHz).

mir.detectPitch('fullPathToSample') Returns a floating point number corresponding to the MIDI
pitch value of the audio sample specified in the
'fullPathToSample' absolute file path. If detection fails it will
return kDetectPitchInvalid.
mir.detectPitchBatch('fullPathToFolder') Returns a Lua table with samplePath as the table key and a
floating point number corresponding to the detected pitch
as the value. If detection fails it will return


pitchVal = mir.detectPitch('fullPathToSample')

Sets pitchVal to the pitch of the sample at the 'fullPathToSample' filepath.

pitchBatchData = mir.detectPitchBatch('fullPathToFolder')
pitchValue = pitchBatchData['fullPathToSample']

Detects pitch of the samples in the 'fullPathToFolder' directory and stores them in the Lua table
pitchBatchData. It then accesses pitchBatchData via the key 'fullPathToSample' and stores
the resulting value in pitchValue

3.8.2. Peak, RMS & Loudness detection

Loudness, Peak, and RMS functions return a value in dB, with a maximum at 0dB.
The RMS and Loudness functions are calculated over small blocks of audio. The duration of those
blocks is called frame size and is expressed in seconds. The process is repeated in intervals equal
to the hop size (also expressed in seconds), until it reaches the end of the sample. The functions
return the overall loudest/highest value of the different blocks.
If frame size and hop size are not indicated, the default values 0.4 (frame size in seconds) and 0.1
(hop size in seconds) are applied respectively.
In the case that Loudness, Peak, or RMS detection fails, they will return constants kDetect-
LoudnessInvalid, kDetectPeakInvalid, kDetectRMSInvalid, which all resolve to
1000000.0f. When logging Peak, RMS, or Loudness values, invalid detections will be logged in
numerical form.

It is advised to compare against respective <k-type-invald> constants in your

scripts, since there is no guarantee that the numerical value will not change.

Binding Reference

Peak detection
mir.detectPeak('fullPathToSample') Returns a floating point number corresponding
to the Peak value in dB of an audio sample at
the 'fullPathToSample' absolute file path. If
detection fails the constant
kDetectPeakInvalid is returned.
mir.detectPeakBatch('fullPathToFolder') Returns a Lua table with samplePath as the
table key and a floating point number
corresponding to the peak value in dB as the
value for all samples in the 'fullPathToFolder'
directory. If detection fails the constant
kDetectPeakInvalid is returned
RMS detection
mir.detectRMS('fullPathToSample',frameSizeInSeconds, Returns a floating point number corresponding
hopSizeInSeconds) to the RMS value in dB of an audio sample at
the 'fullPathToSample' absolute file path.
Frame size and hop size are optional
arguments and default to 0.4 and 0.1
respectively if not specified. If detection fails
the constant kDetectRMSInvalid is
mir.detectRMSBatch(‘fullPathToFolder’, Returns a Lua table with samplePath as the
frameSizeInSeconds, hopSizeInSeconds) table key and a floating point number
corresponding to the RMS value in dB as the
value for all samples in the 'fullPathToFolder'
directory. Frame size and hop size are optional
arguments and default to 0.4 and 0.1
respectively if not specified. If detection fails
the constant kDetectRMSInvalid is
Loudness detection
mir.detectLoudness('fullPathToSample', Returns a floating point number corresponding
frameSizeInSeconds, hopSizeInSeconds) to the Loudness value in dB of an audio sample
at the 'fullPathToSample' absolute file path.
Frame size and hop size are optional
arguments and default to 0.4 and 0.1
respectively if not specified. If detection fails
the constant kDetectLoudnessInvalid is
mir.detectLoudnessBatch(‘fullPathToFolder’, Returns a Lua table with samplePath as the
frameSizeInSeconds, hopSizeInSeconds) table key and a floating point number
corresponding to the Loudness value in dB as
the value for all samples in the
'fullPathToFolder' directory. Frame size and hop
size are optional arguments and default to 0.4
and 0.1 respectively if not specified. If detection
fails the constant kDetectLoudnessInvalid
is returned.


peakVal = mir.detectPeak('fullPathToSample')

Analyses an audio sample at the 'fullPathToSample' absolute file path and stores the resulting
Peak value in peakVal.

Binding Reference

rmsBatchData = mir.detectRMSBatch(‘fullPathToFolder', 0.02, 0.01)

Analyses all audio samples in the 'fullPathToFolder' directory and stores the resulting RMS values
in the Lua table rmsBatchData. For the calculation, Frame and Hop size have been specified to
0.02 and 0.01 respectively.

3.8.3. Type detection

Type detection is a means to determine which category a given audio sample belongs to. Current-
ly, Creator Tools supports detection of three distinct types: Sample Type, Drum Type, and Instru-
ment Type. Sample Type is used to determine if a sample is either a drum, or an instrument. Drum
Type and Instrument Type both determine which drum or instrument category a sample belongs to.
For each type, an INVALID category is defined as helper for default initialisation.
Furthermore, in the case that Sample Type, Drum Type, or Instrument Type detection fails, they
will return their respective INVALID type, which all resolve to -1. When logging Sample Type,
Drum Type, or Instrument Type values, invalid detections will be logged in numerical form. Howev-
er, it is advised to compare against respective <type.INVALID> constants in your scripts - since
there is no guarantee that the numerical value will not change.

Note that these type detection functions are designed to process one-shot audio

Sample type detection
mir.detectSampleType('fullPathToSample') Returns the sample type of an audio sample at
the 'fullPathToSample' absolute file path. Can
return one of the following types:



mir.detectSampleTypeBatch(‘fullPathToFolder’) Processes a batch of audio samples in the
folder specified by the 'fullPathToFolder'
absolute path. Returns a Lua table with
samplePath as the key and the respective
sample type as the value. The returned types
are the same as in the single function call
Drum type detection

Binding Reference

mir.detectDrumType('fullPathToSample') Returns the drum type of an audio sample at
the 'fullPathToSample' absolute file path. Can
return one of the following types:











mir.detectDrumTypeBatch(‘fullPathToFolder’) Processes a batch of audio samples in the
folder specified by the 'fullPathToFolder'
absolute path. Returns a Lua table with
samplePath as the key and the respective
drum type as the value. The returned types are
the same as in the single function call above.
Instrument type detection
mir.detectInstrumentType('fullPathToSample') Returns the instrument type of an audio
sample at the 'fullPathToSample' absolute file
path. Can return one of the following types:













mir.detectInstrumentTypeBatch(‘fullPathToFolder’) Processes a batch of audio samples in the
folder specified by the 'fullPathToFolder'
absolute path. Returns a Lua table with
samplePath as the key and the respective
instrument type as the value. The returned
types are the same as in the single function
call above.

Binding Reference


sampleType = mir.detectSampleType('fullPathToSample')

Analyses an audio sample at the 'fullPathToSample' absolute file path and stores the resulting
sample type category in sampleType.

drumType = mir.detectDrumType('fullPathToSample')

Analyses an audio sample at the 'fullPathToSample' absolute file path and stores the resulting
drum type category in drumType.

instType = mir.detectInstrumentType('fullPathToSample')

Analyses an audio sample at the 'fullPathToSample' absolute file path and stores the resulting in-
strument type category in instType.

sampleTypeBatchData = mir.detectSampleTypeBatch(‘fullPathToFolder’)

Analyses audio samples in the 'fullPathToFolder' directory and stores the resulting sample types in
the Lua table sampleTypeBatchData.


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