Of The Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)
Of The Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)
Of The Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)
of the
Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)
Please note:
This translation includes the correction
published in BAnz of April 24th, 2019.
If there is any doubt regarding the information contained in this translation, the German wording shall apply.
PLEASE NOTE: Only the original German version of this safety standard represents the joint resolution of the
35-member Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss, KTA). The German version was made pub-
lic in Bundesanzeiger of May 17th 2018. Copies of the German versions of the KTA safety standards may be mail-ordered
through the Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH (info@wolterskluwer.de). Downloads of the English translations are available
at the KTA website (http://www.kta-gs.de).
All questions regarding this English translation should please be directed to the KTA office:
KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o BfE, Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5, D-38226 Salzgitter, Germany or kta-gs@bfe.bund.de
11 Non-destructive tests and examinations ...........................50 Annex A: Material characteristic data .................................. 69
11.1 General requirements ...............................................50
Annex AP: Reference data on physical characteristics .......... 94
11.2 Flat products .............................................................52
11.3 Dished or pressed product forms made from flat Annex B: Production welds of steel castings ....................... 96
products ....................................................................53
11.4 Forgings, bars and rings............................................53 Annex C: Procedure for determining the delta ferrite
content ............................................................... 100
11.5 Seamless pipes larger than DN 50 ............................56
11.6 Seamless pipe elbows larger than DN 50..................57 Annex D: Performance of manual ultrasonic testing .......... 102
11.7 Seamless fittings larger than DN 50 ..........................57
11.8 Castings ....................................................................58 Annex E: Performance of surface inspections by
magnetic particle and penetrant methods .......... 119
11.9 Bolts and nuts ...........................................................64
11.10 Product forms of steels for special loads ...................65 Annex F: Regulations and literature referred to in this
11.11 Heat-exchanger tubes ...............................................65 Safety Standard ................................................. 121
(7) Noise level (2) Ferritic steels for service in material group W I shall be
Noise level means the 95 % value of the cumulative fre- appraised with reference to the manufacturer and to the pro-
quency of the echo heights of the noise in the examined vol- duct form by agreement with the authorized inspector.
ume free from defects. (3) As regards nature and scope of appraisal tests, all other
(8) Authorized inspector steels shall be treated as steels for conventional pressure
vessel plants subject to supervision. If these steels for use in
The authorized inspector for the tests and inspections to be
conventional pressure vessel plants subject to supervision
conducted in accordance with this safety standard is the au-
have already been approved, they shall qualify as appraised.
thorized inspector called in by the licensing or supervisory
authority in accordance with Section 20 of the Atomic Energy (4) If in individual cases a material is used outside the scope
Act. The inspections/reviews required by this safety standard of validity of its approval, or if a different material is used, a
shall be performed on the basis of applications made by the special appraisal shall be required. The special appraisal shall
competent authority. be mentioned in the inspection certificate.
(9) Ultrasonic testing, selected
Selected ultrasonic testing means testing where the ac- 3.3 General quality-assurance requirements
ceptance criteria refer to the finished component. To this end, The stipulations in KTA 1401 shall apply to the general quality-
it is required to know the shape and final dimensions of the assurance requirements.
components to be fabricated from the test object as well as
their location in the test object.
3.4 Requirements to be met by the manufacturer
(10) Ultrasonic testing, global
Global ultrasonic testing means testing where the acceptance (1) The manufacturer shall possess facilities that permit
criteria have been determined globally without reference to a proper and state-of-the-art production of materials and product
finished component. forms.
(11) Reference block (2) The manufacturer shall possess test and inspection
A reference block is a block corresponding to the test object facilities that permit testing and inspection of the materials and
with respect to test-relevant characteristics (e.g. material, product forms in accordance with the applicable DIN stand-
forging direction, shape, wall thickness) and that contains ards or other rules pertinent to the conduct of materials testing
reference flaws (e.g. notches, bores) adapted to the individual and inspection. The test equipment shall correspond to DIN
testing task. 51 220 and be inspected in accordance with DIN 51 220.
Within the measuring range of the test equipment, the permit-
(12) Material group W I or W II ted measuring inaccuracy of the forces measuring equipment
The ferritic materials for manufacturing components within the shall not exceed 1 %. Upon request, the test reports to DIN
scope of application of this safety standard are classified in 51 220 shall be submitted to the authorized inspector. If test
material groups W I or W II according to their quality features, facilities of other agencies are employed, they shall be subject
especially chemical composition and toughness characteris- to the same stipulations.
tics. The allocation of materials to test groups is defined in
KTA 3211.2. (3) The manufacturer shall have access in its own works or
at other agencies to facilities with which the non-destructive
(13) Acceptance criteria for non-destructive testing examinations required by this safety standard can be per-
Non-destructive testing acceptance criteria refer to the sum of formed.
all stipulations used to determine whether an indication can be
evaluated to be acceptable without taking further measures (4) Mechanized or automated facilities to be employed for
(requirements of test instruction have been met) or whether the non-destructive examinations required by this safety stan-
further measures need be taken. The acceptance criteria dard shall undergo an appraisal by the authorized inspector.
contain both quantitative stipulations in form of acceptance (5) Lists of necessary procedure instructions for the produc-
limits (e.g. amplitude height, extension of indication, frequen- tion and testing facilities shall be compiled.
cy, and distance between indications) and descriptive stipula-
tions (e.g. linear or rounded indication, indication on surface or (6) Through quality monitoring with corresponding recor-
across volume, accumulation of indications). dings, the manufacturer shall ensure proper manufacture and
processing of the materials and product forms as well as ad-
herence to the governing technical rules.
3 General principles
(7) The manufacturer shall employ skilled personnel capable
3.1 Selection of materials of performing the tests and examinations properly. Personnel
(1) Materials appropriate for the intended use shall be se- performing visual inspections shall be informed on the manu-
lected, with consideration of the mechanical, thermal and che- facturing process and have vision to comply with the require-
mical loadings as well as the design conditions to KTA 3211.2. ments of DIN EN ISO 9712, which shall be checked every 12
months. For personnel performing non-destructive tests the
(2) The materials shall safely withstand the loadings during requirements of Section 11.1.3 apply.
the pressure test, during operation and all specified plant
conditions. Any materials on which welding is to be performed (8) The manufacturer shall be entitled to issue inspection
shall be suitable for welding. certificates only if he employs an authorized inspection repre-
Note: sentative qualified in accordance with the conditions of DIN
The selection of material shall be made by the purchaser, if nec- EN 10204. The name and stamp of the manufacturer's author-
essary after consultation with the material manufacturer. ized inspection representative shall be announced to the au-
thorized inspector.
3.2 Appraisal of the materials (9) If welding work is performed on the product forms in the
course of manufacture, the manufacturer shall employ his own
(1) The materials shall be appraised to determine whether supervisory staff and welders qualified to DIN EN ISO 9606-1
they are suitable for the intended use and the planned pro- in conjunction with AD-2000 Merkblatt HP 3. Only qualified
cessing conditions. welders shall be used for the welding jobs. The revalidation of
KTA 3211.1 Page 7
welder qualification must be acquired to clause 9.3 a) or (2) Repairs by welding shall be subject to the stipulations of
clause 9.3 b) of DIN EN ISO 9606-1. The welding supervisor KTA 3211.3.
shall be a member of the staff of the manufacturer's works and
be named to the authorized inspector. (3) Production weldings on cast pieces are not repairs within
the meaning of this safety standard.
(10) A procedure by which all deviations from the quality
requirements observed during production are reported to the
responsible agency shall be set forth in writing. 3.10 Material characteristic data for design analysis
(11) The manufacturer shall have a quality department that is The characteristic data critical to strength design analysis shall
independent of the production department. be taken from Annex A, from the appropriate DIN standards,
VdTÜV material sheets or, in the case of special steels, from
(12) The organizational classification and assignment of du-
ties of the manufacturer's authorized inspection represen- the authorized inspector's appraisal.
tative, test supervisory personnel, NDT operators and quality
department and, if applicable, the welding supervisory per-
sonnel, shall be set forth in writing. 4 Generally applicable stipulations for materials and
material tests
(13) The authorized inspector shall review whether the re-
quirements have been met before production can be started. 4.1 General
The review shall be repeated at intervals of about one to two (1) The requirements for material characteristics shall apply
years, unless the authorized inspector can be convinced by to the final condition of the components after the in-process
other means that the conditions are still being met. inspection and pressure test. On the basis of the tests and
examinations to be performed on materials and product forms,
3.5 Design approval the material characteristics shall be verified on sufficiently
large test coupons in the heat-treatment conditions required
Subject to design approval by the authorized inspector are for the particular purpose.
a) test instructions for non-destructive testing procedures RT,
UT and ET, (2) The products shall have smooth surfaces consistent with
b) material testing and sampling plans for product forms for the forming method employed. Impermissible surface irregula-
production of components from ferritic steels of material rities shall be eliminated. The resulting depressions shall be
group WI, if sampling is not clearly defined in the Sections ground flush. The wall thickness shall not be less than the
relating to product forms, and allowable minimum nominal wall thickness.
c) documents for cast pieces according to the stipulations in (3) Finish and surface quality of the products shall be speci-
Sections 5.7.2, 6.7.2, 7.7.2 and 9.2.2. fied in the purchase order. In this regard, the surface require-
ments according to Section 11.1 shall be taken into account.
3.6 In-process inspection by the authorized inspector to
§ 20 of the Atomic Energy Act 4.2 Allowable materials
The authorized inspector shall have the right to be present
during the manufacturing processes. However, he shall not Materials shall be allowable if they fulfill the prerequisites of Sec-
impair the manufacturing operations. tion 3.1 and their suitability has been established in accordance
with Section 3.2 of this safety standard. Materials approved for
the individual products are given in Sections 5 to 10.
3.7 Verification of quality characteristics
(1) The quality characteristics of the materials and product 4.3 Requirements for the materials and their product forms
forms shall be determined by tests and examinations, which
shall be performed in the manufacturer's works. 4.3.1 Ferritic steels of material group W I
(2) The quality characteristics of the materials and product Ferritic steels of material group W I shall meet the following
forms shall be verified by inspection certificates to DIN EN conditions:
10204. The governing stipulations for the required type of a) In the notched-bar impact test on transverse specimens at
quality verification shall be those in the following Sections the lowest operating temperature (including accidents) or
relating to product forms. Confirmation that the requirements at the temperature at which the primary membrane stress
of this safety standard have been met shall be required in the is higher than 50 N/mm2, the smallest individual value of
impact energy of the base metal, weld metal and heat-
(3) inspection certificates 3.2 shall be confirmed or be estab- affected zone shall not be less than 68 J, and the smallest
lished by the authorized inspector to § 20 of the Atomic Ener- individual value of lateral expansion shall not be less than
gy Act. 0.9 mm.
b) The smallest individual value of upper shelf impact energy,
3.8 Marking determined on transverse specimens, shall not be less than
100 J. This only applies to the base metal.
The product forms shall be clearly and durably marked, if at all
possible without notching, in accordance with the stipulations c) The impact energy, determined on transverse specimens,
in the following Sections relating to product forms. The use of shall not be less than 41 J at the test temperature of 0 °C.
code characters is permitted. The complete text of the marking Only one individual value below the required mean value
shall be indicated in the inspection certificates. A clear correla- shall be permitted, and it shall not be smaller than 29 J.
tion between the inspection certificates and product forms This requirement applies to the base metal, the weld metal
shall be possible at all times. and the heat-affected zone.
For cast steel the specimen direction is not specified.
3.9 Repairs
4.3.2 Ferritic steels of material group W II
(1) Any necessary repairs shall be reported to the authorized
inspector. Further action shall be determined in consultation Ferritic steels of material group W II shall meet the following
with the authorized inspector. conditions:
KTA 3211.1 Page 8
a) The values of the chemical composition determined in the 4.4 Testing and examination of materials and product
ladle analysis shall not exceed 0.020 % P and 0.015 % S. forms
In addition, the processability shall be considered when
4.4.1 Designation of specimen direction in product forms
defining the chemical composition, especially the permis-
sible contents of microalloying elements. The following designations shall be used to describe the direc-
b) In the notched-bar impact bend test on transverse speci- tion of specimens in product forms (see Figures 4-1 and 4-2):
mens, the mean value shall not be less than 41 J
ba) at the test temperature of 0 °C if the lowest loading
temperature is lower than 20 °C, or
bb) at the test temperature of 20 °C if the lowest loading 3 HUR 2
temperature is higher than or equal to than 20 °C.
Only one individual value below the required mean value
shall be permitted, and it shall not be smaller than 29 J. 2
The requirement applies for the base metal, the weld metal 3 1 1
and the heat-affected zone.
For cast steel the specimen direction is not specified.
4.3.4 Steels for special loads a) Designation based on direction relative to fibre:
If special loads such as erosion, corrosion and wear are pre- Longitudinal specimens (L):
sent, materials matched to the requirements of the particular Longitudinal axis of specimen in the main forming direc-
application shall be employed. The conditions for such materi- tion; for notched-bar impact specimens, the notch axis
als shall be defined on a case-by-case basis by agreement shall be perpendicular to the plane of the transverse and
with the authorized inspector. longitudinal directions.
KTA 3211.1 Page 9
representing a proportion of about 50% of the total fracture Visual inspection
During the acceptance procedure, all products shall be sub-
(3) A set of three specimens shall be tested at each test jected to a visual inspection in which case the following shall
temperature. For all notched-bar specimens of ferritic steels be checked:
used to plot impact energy vs. temperature curves, the lateral a) the compliance of the product surface with the required
expansion and the proportion of dull fracture surface as a surface condition in due consideration of subsequent sur-
percentage of total fracture surface shall be determined ac- face coating, if any,
cording to DIN EN ISO 148-1. b) the surface condition with regard to surface irregularities,
c) the compliance of the products with the number of items Technological tests on pipes given and the identification marking, and
The technological tests on pipes shall be performed to: d) the product surface for compliance with the given clean-
liness requirements.
DIN EN ISO 8492 - Flattening test or
DIN EN ISO 8493 - Drift test or Non-destructive tests and examinations
DIN EN ISO 8495 - Ring expanding test or
The stipulations of Section 11 shall apply.
DIN EN ISO 8496 - Ring tensile test
4.5 Re-examinations Metallographic examinations
(1) Test results that are based on incorrect taking or prepa-
(1) The microstructural condition shall be determined by ration of the test specimens (test specimen sets), on incorrect
preparing micrographs at a magnification that permits an une- performance of the test or on a random narrow flaw location in
quivocal evaluation. one test specimen are invalid. The examination shall be re-
(2) The grain-size characterizing number shall be deter-
mined to DIN EN ISO 643. (2) Should the results of a properly performed examination
fail to meet the above requirements, the following actions shall
be taken: Determination of delta ferrite content
a) Lotwise examination
(1) If required in the Sections relating to product forms, the aa) The test coupon from which the unsatisfactory speci-
delta ferrite content of products of austenitic steels or auste- men (or specimen set) was taken shall be excluded
nitic cast steel shall be determined by one of the following from the lot. It shall be replaced by two further test
methods: coupons from the lot, and the required examinations
a) metallographic determination in the as-delivered condition, shall be repeated on those coupons.
b) metallographic determination on the bead-on-plate test ab) The examination shall qualify as passed if the results
specimen, of the re-examination meet the requirements.
ac) The lot shall be rejected if any result of the two re-
c) theoretical estimation from the chemical composition,
examinations fails to meet the requirements. However,
using De Long's method [2].
a check examination of the characteristic found to be
(2) The Sections relating to product forms specify which of out of specification is permitted on each individual
the methods indicated under (1) a) to c) is to be employed. piece of the lot.
(3) If the theoretical estimate yields ferrite numbers lower b) Individual examination
than 3, the delta ferrite content shall also be determined ba) For each unsatisfactory specimen (or specimen set),
metallographically on the bead-on-plate test specimen. two further specimens (or specimen sets) from the
same sampling location shall be examined.
(4) Details on how to perform the methods cited under (1) a)
to c) are described in Annex C. bb) The results of both examinations shall meet the re-
(5) The particular method to be employed shall be indicated
(3) Should it be impossible by appropriate heat treatment to
in the inspection certificate.
eliminate the reason for the unsatisfactory result of an exami-
nation, a new heat treatment shall be required, after which the Corrosion-resistance testing test unit shall be submitted again for examination.
The resistance to intergranular corrosion shall be verified to (4) The cause of the unsatisfactory result of the first exami-
DIN EN ISO 3651-2. nation shall be investigated.
5.1.2 Additional requirements for the materials a) One ladle analysis per heat.
(1) Flat products with nominal thicknesses equal to or larger b) One product analysis on one sampling location in each of
than 15 mm subjected to loading perpendicular to the rolled two rolled plates per heat.
surface shall at least meet the requirements of quality class (2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
Z35 to DIN EN 10164. This shall be specified in the purchase be determined by performing:
a) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location.
(2) For flat products with nominal thicknesses equal to or b) One elevated-temperature tensile test per heat, dimensio-
greater than 150 mm, the smallest individual value of impact nal range and a total weight of at most 30 metric tons. The
energy absorbed (transverse specimens) at the middle of the test temperature is defined in Section A 1 or in the autho-
flat product thickness at 80 °C shall not be less than 68 J. rized inspector's appraisal.
(3) When flat products are used for tubesheets, the same c) Room-temperature tensile tests to DIN EN 10164 per rolled
requirements as for specimens longitudinal to or transverse to plate for flat products with nominal thicknesses equal to or
the main rolling direction shall apply for the room-temperature larger than 15 mm, in order to determine the reduction of
yield point or 0.2 % proof stress and tensile strength of stand- area at fracture, whenever the quality class Z35 is required
ard specimens perpendicular to the flat product surface. This acc. to clause 5.1.2 (1).
shall be specified in the purchase order. d) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause per
(4) The surface finish shall satisfy the stipulations of DIN EN sampling location at 33 °C or at the lowest operating tem-
10163-2 Class B Subgroup 3. perature, whichever is lower, for flat products with nominal
thicknesses equal to or larger than 5 mm. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, the impact energy for steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3
5.1.3 Tests and examinations shall be determined at 0 °C. Sampling and specimen preparation e) Notched-bar impact bend tests at one sampling location for
determination of the impact energy vs. temperature curve
(1) The sampling locations are stipulated in Section A 1. to clause per heat, dimensional range and identical
(2) The following specimens shall be taken for the tensile heat treatment for flat products with nominal thicknesses
test at room temperature: equal to or larger than 10 mm and not exceeding 38 mm,
a) For flat products with nominal thicknesses not exceeding and per rolled plate for plates with nominal thicknesses ex-
40 mm, flat tensile-test specimens containing both rolled ceeding 38 mm. At least four test temperatures shall be
surfaces. used, of which two shall be 0 °C and the lowest loading
temperature. This test may be waived for flat products of
b) For flat products with nominal thicknesses larger than steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3.
40 mm, flat tensile-test specimens at least 40 mm thick
containing at least one intact rolled surface. f) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at one
sampling location per rolled plate, to determine the upper
(3) The following specimens shall be taken for the tensile shelf impact energy for flat products with nominal thick-
test at elevated temperature: nesses larger than 16 mm. This test may be performed
a) for flat products with nominal thicknesses smaller than during determination of the impact energy absorbed vs.
12 mm, flat tensile-test specimens or round tensile-test temperature curves. In general, 80 °C shall be selected as
specimens, the test temperature. The test shall be performed only in
test group A 1, and may be waived if the value of impact
b) for flat products with nominal thicknesses equal to or larger
energy absorbed determined per d) is equal to or greater
than 12 mm up to and including 40 mm, round tensile-test
than 100 J.
g) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at
c) for flat products with nominal thicknesses larger than
80 °C at one sampling location in the middle of the flat
40 mm, round tensile-test specimens with the specimen
product thickness of each rolled plate for plates with nomi-
axis at one quarter of nominal thickness under the rolled
nal thicknesses equal to or greater than 150 mm, unless
surface (test diameter equal to or larger than 10 mm).
otherwise stipulated in the appraisal.
(4) The notched-bar impact bend test shall be subject to the (3) Each rolled plate shall be subjected to a materials identi-
following requirements: fication check.
As regards the specimens for notched-bar impact testing one
side of the specimen shall be located as close as possible to (4) Each flat product shall be subjected to a visual inspection
the rolling surface in case of wall thicknesses ≤ 40 mm. In of its external finish.
case of nominal thicknesses exceeding 40 mm the specimen (5) The dimensional and shape accuracy of each rolled plate
axis shall be located at a distance of one quarter of the thick- shall be measured.
ness of the product form below the rolling surface.
(6) The Sections 11.1 and 11.2 as well as the Sections 11.1
(5) Transverse specimens shall be used for the tensile and and 11.4 in the case of flat products for tube sheets shall ap-
notched-bar impact bend tests. ply to the non-destructive tests and examinations.
(6) Specimens for determination of the reduction of area at
fracture on perpendicular specimens shall be taken and be pre- 5.1.4 Marking
pared in accordance with the stipulations in DIN EN 10164.
(1) Each flat product shall be marked with the following
(7) Standard specimens shall be used for determination of the information:
room-temperature yield point or 0.2 % proof stress and tensile a) manufacturer's symbol,
strength on specimens perpendicular to the flat product sur-
b) steel grade (for steels with guaranteed reduction of area at
fracture perpendicular to the product surface additionally
quality class to DIN EN 10164), Extent of tests and examinations c) heat number,
(1) The chemical composition shall be determined by per- d) specimen number,
forming: e) authorized inspector's mark.
KTA 3211.1 Page 12
(2) The marking shall be applied such that it appears upright (4) The test coupons shall be taken such that transverse
when viewed in the main rolling direction of the rolled plate. specimens can be machined. Deviations up to 20 degrees
from the theoretical transverse direction are permitted for heads
(ends) and similar parts. If this is not possible, a different way
5.1.5 Verification of quality characteristics of sampling shall be agreed with the authorized inspector.
(1) The results of the ladle analysis, product analysis, ma- (5) Round tensile-test specimens with a test diameter equal
terials identification check and non-destructive tests and exa- to or larger than 10 mm shall be made for both the room-
minations performed by the manufacturer shall be documen- temperature and elevated-temperature tensile tests. For nom-
ted with an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The inal thicknesses larger than 40 mm, the specimen axis shall
steel making process, the delivery condition of the product be located at a distance of one quarter of the product-form
form stating heat treatment temperatures, holding times and thickness under the rolled surface.
cooling conditions as well as simulated stress-relief annealing For product-form thicknesses that do not permit a test diame-
temperature and holding time of test coupons shall be indicat- ter of 10 mm, the largest possible diameter shall be chosen.
ed in the inspection certificate 3.1.
(6) For nominal wall thicknesses equal to or smaller than
(2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual 40 mm, one side of the specimens for the notched-bar impact
inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and bend test shall be as close as possible to the rolled surface.
examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector For nominal wall thicknesses larger than 40 mm, the specimen
and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection axis shall be located at a distance of one quarter of the prod-
certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively, uct-form thickness under the rolled surface.
these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on
an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer. Extent of tests and examinations
(1) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
5.2 Dished or pressed product forms made from flat prod- be determined by performing:
a) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location.
5.2.1 Materials b) One elevated-temperature tensile test per heat, dimensio-
nal range and total weight of at most 30 metric tons. The
(1) The following steel grades may be used:
test temperature is defined in Section A 1 or in the autho-
a) steel grades to Section A 1, rized inspector's appraisal.
b) other steel grades that the meet the prerequisites of Sec- c) Room-temperature tensile tests to DIN EN 10164 in order
tion 3 in combination with the stipulations in the authorized to determine the reduction of area at fracture in the case of
inspector's appraisal. product forms with nominal wall thicknesses equal to or
(2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.1. larger than 15 mm, if as per clause 5.1.2 (1) quality class
Z35 is required. This test may be waived if it has already
been performed on the rolled plate and documented with
5.2.2 Additional requirements for the materials an inspection certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204.
The requirements of clauses 5.1.2 (1), (2) and (4) shall apply.
Correlation of parts with the rolled plate can be achieved, for
example, through the specimen number of the starting products.
5.2.3 Starting products d) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause per
sampling location at 33 °C or at the lowest operating tem-
(1) Starting products shall be subject to the stipulations in
perature, whichever is lower, for nominal wall thicknesses
Section 5.1.
equal to or larger than 5 mm. Notwithstanding the fore-
(2) If the finished parts are tested individually in accordance going, the impact energy for steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3 shall
with clause, the tests to clause (2) as well as be determined at 0 °C.
the corresponding verifications can be omitted. e) Notched-bar impact bend tests at one sampling location for
(3) For the tests to clauses (3) to (5), an inspection determination of the impact energy vs. temperature curve
certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204 will suffice. to clause per heat, dimensional range and heat-
treatment lot for product forms with nominal wall thick-
nesses equal to or larger than 10 mm and not exceeding
The stipulations of KTA 3211.3 shall apply to welded joints made 38 mm, and per rolled plate for product forms with nominal
with the starting products and remaining in the finished parts.
wall thicknesses exceeding 38 mm. At least four test tem-
peratures shall be used, of which two shall be 0 °C and the
5.2.4 Tests and examinations of dished or pressed product lowest loading temperature. This test may be waived for
forms made from flat products product forms of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3. Sampling and specimen preparation f) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at one
sampling location of each part to be tested to determine
(1) For product forms with a diameter or length equal to or the upper shelf impact energy for product forms with nomi-
smaller than 3000 mm, the tests or examinations shall be nal wall thicknesses larger than 16 mm. This test may be
performed on one part per rolled plate and heat-treatment lot. performed during determination of the impact energy vs.
The maximum permissible lot size shall be 10 parts. temperature curve.
Note: In general, 80 °C shall be selected as the test temperature.
Correlation of parts with the rolled plate can be achieved, for ex- The test shall be performed only in test group A 1, and
ample, through the specimen number of the starting products. may be waived if the value of impact energy determined
per d) is equal to or greater than 100 J.
(2) For product forms with a diameter or length greater than
3000 mm, each part shall be tested. g) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause per
sampling location at 80 °C in the middle of the product-
(3) One test coupon shall be taken from each part to be form thickness for product forms with nominal wall thick-
examined. In the case of length or diameter exceeding 6 m an nesses equal to or greater than 150 mm, unless otherwise
additional test coupon shall be taken at the opposite side. stipulated in the appraisal.
KTA 3211.1 Page 13
(1) The following steel grades may be used: (4) For plates such as tubesheets, tube plates or blanking-
off covers with heat-treatment weights lighter than 1000 kg,
a) steel grades to Section A 2,
specimens shall be taken from one sampling location. If per-
b) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in mitted by the forging method employed, this location shall be
combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec- in the top or bottom zone (see Figure 5.3-4).
tor's appraisal.
(5) For plates with heat-treatment weights equal to or heavi-
(2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.1. er than 1000 kg, specimens shall be taken from two sampling
locations. If permitted by the forging method employed, these
5.3.2 Additional requirements for the materials locations shall be in the top and bottom zones (see Figure
For products with heat-treatment thicknesses greater than
150 mm and heat-treatment weights heavier than 500 kg, the (6) For bars, specimens shall be taken at one end as a func-
smallest individual value of impact energy (transverse speci- tion of the diameter D of the bars: from one sampling location
mens) at the middle of the wall thickness at 80 °C shall not be for D smaller than or equal to 500 mm; and from two sampling
less than 68 J. locations separated by 180 degrees for D larger than 500 mm.
KTA 3211.1 Page 14
(7) In the case of b) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location.
a) normalized or air quenched and tempered bars having a c) For pieces of similar dimension, one elevated-temperature
finished length longer than 5000 mm tensile test per heat and heat-treatment lot. The test tem-
perature is defined in Section A 2 or in the authorized in-
b) liquid quenched and tempered bars having a finished
spector's appraisal.
length longer than 2000 mm
d) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause per
specimens shall be taken from one sampling location at the sampling location at 33 °C or at the lowest operating tem-
opposite end. For bars having diameters smaller than or equal perature, whichever is lower. Notwithstanding the fore-
to 500 mm, this location shall be offset by 180 degrees relative going, the impact energy absorbed for steel grade
to that at the other end. 15 MnNi 6 3 shall be determined at 0 °C.
e) Notched-bar impact bend tests for determination of the Sampling depth impact energy vs. temperature curve to clause
(1) For normalized and air quenched and tempered parts, ea) per heat and heat-treatment lot for pieces with heat-
the specimens shall be taken from at least one quarter of the treatment weights equal to or lighter than 500 kg
governing heat-treatment thickness but at most 80 mm under eb) per piece, at one sampling location, for pieces with
the heat-treatment surfaces. heat-treatment weights equal to or heavier than
500 kg.
(2) For liquid quenched and tempered parts, except for
At least four test temperatures shall be used, of which two
plates with heat-treatment thicknesses larger than 320 mm,
shall be 0 °C and the lowest loading temperature. This test
the specimens shall be taken from at least one quarter of the
may be waived for pieces of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3 with
governing heat-treatment thickness but at most 80 mm under
wall thicknesses smaller than or equal to 150 mm.
the governing heat-treatment surface and at least from the
middle of the governing heat-treatment thickness (s/2) and at f) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at one
most 160 mm under the other surfaces. sampling location per test unit to verify the upper shelf
impact energy for pieces with heat-treatment weights
(3) For liquid quenched and tempered plates with heat- equal to or heavier than 150 kg in the normalized or air
treatment thicknesses larger than 320 mm, the specimens quenched and tempered condition and equal to or heavier
shall be taken from at least 80 mm under the heat-treatment than 50 kg in the liquid quenched and tempered condition.
surfaces. It shall be demonstrated that the smallest individual value
of upper shelf impact energy is equal to or larger than
(4) For parts with a governing heat-treatment thickness lar-
100 J. This test may be performed during determination of
ger than 150 mm and a heat-treatment weight heavier than
the impact energy vs. temperature curves. In general,
500 kg, samples shall be taken additionally at one location from
80 °C shall be selected as the test temperature. The test
the middle of the governing heat-treatment thickness (s/2).
shall be performed only in test group A 1, and may be
Note: waived if the value of impact energy determined per d) is
In the case of plates for tubesheets, the question of whether this equal to or greater than 100 J. This test may be waived for
requirement is met shall be verified in the appraisal by the impact pieces of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3 with wall thicknesses
energy at the middle of the wall thickness. smaller than or equal to 150 mm.
g) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at Specimen direction 80 °C at one sampling location in the middle of the thick-
ness for products with heat-treatment weights heavier than
(1) Transverse specimens shall be taken for tensile tests 500 kg and heat-treatment thicknesses larger than
and notched-bar impact bend tests if geometrically possible 150 mm, unless otherwise stipulated in the appraisal.
and nothing to the contrary is stipulated in Section A 2 or in
the authorized inspector's appraisal. (3) Each piece shall be subjected to a materials identification
(2) Notwithstanding the foregoing, longitudinal specimens or
axial specimens may be taken from bars, specifically for ten- (4) Each piece shall be subjected in the as-delivered condi-
sile tests if the diameter or greatest length of a cross-sectional tion to a visual inspection of its external finish.
edge is smaller than 160 mm, or for notched-bar impact bend (5) A dimensional check of each piece shall be performed.
tests if the diameter or the greatest length of a cross-sectional
edge is smaller than 68 mm. (6) The Sections 11.1 and 11.4 shall apply to the non-
destructive tests and examinations.
nations performed by the manufacturer, and if necessary of (2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, vis-
the hardness test shall be documented with an inspection ual inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests
certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The steel making process, and examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized in-
the delivery condition of the product form stating heat treat- spector and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as in-
ment temperatures, holding times and cooling conditions as spection certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him.
well as simulated stress-relief annealing temperature and Alternatively, these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized
holding time of test coupons shall be indicated in the inspec- inspector on an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the
tion certificate 3.1. manufacturer.
1 quenched and tempered
pieces: x = s/4
Pieces quenched and tem-
pered in liquid: x L
L 2000 mm
2 tempered in liquid: x = s/2
2000 mm
x L
3 > 2000 mm
x L
L > 5000 mm
Pieces quenched and tem-
pered in liquid: x L
L > 2000 mm
> 500 mm up to
2000 mm
x L
6 > 2000 mm
x L
s/4 s x
Example 3 s
Example 1
x HUR: Main forming direction
Example 2 Example 4
for pieces quenched and tempered in liquid: x = s/2
for normalized and air quenched and tempered pieces: x = s/4
s1 /4
s1 /4
s1 /4
b) Distribution of sampling locations on the circumference or at the end as a function of inside diameter
Figure 5.3-3: Examples for sampling from seamless rolled or forged rings or flanges
KTA 3211.1 Page 17
80 80
For plates quenched and tempered
in liquid: x = s/2 (max. 160 mm)
For normalized or air quenched and
tempered plates: x = s/4 (max. 80 mm)
x x 80
Sampling at s/2 only Sampling from top and Sampling from top and
for s 150 mm bottom zones possible bottom zones not possible
5.4 Seamless pipes larger than DN 50 (3) Transverse specimens shall be taken for tensile tests
and notched-bar impact bend tests. If this is not possible, it is
5.4.1 Scope
permitted to take longitudinal specimens.
(1) The stipulations of this Section shall apply to seamless, (4) Notched-bar impact bend tests shall be performed only
rolled or pressed pipes larger than DN 50. for pipes with nominal wall thicknesses equal to or larger than
Note: 10 mm.
For forged pipes Section 5.3 shall apply.
(5) For tensile tests carried out on round tensile test speci-
(2) The stipulations of this Section shall also apply to pipes mens and for notched-bar impact bend tests, the test coupons
equal to or smaller than DN 50 if pipe elbows larger than shall be taken such that they are located at one quarter of the
DN 50 are made from such pipes. wall thickness under the outside surface and at one half of the
(3) The stipulations of this Section shall not apply to pipes wall thickness under the end face or as close as possible to
for vessel shells. that location.
(6) Specimens for determination of reduction of area at frac-
5.4.2 Materials ture on perpendicular specimens shall be taken at the same
location as for the room-temperature tensile-test specimens.
(1) The following steel grades may be used:
a) steel grades to Section A 3, Extent of tests and examinations
b) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in
combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec- (1) The following procedures shall be performed for the che-
tor's appraisal. mical analysis:
a) One ladle analysis per heat.
(2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.1.
b) One product analysis on each of two manufacturing
lengths per heat.
5.4.3 Additional requirements for the materials
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
Pipes with nominal wall thicknesses equal to or larger than be determined by performing:
15 mm and subject to loading perpendicular to the surface a) Room-temperature tensile tests for every 20 manufacturing
shall at least meet the requirements of quality class Z35 to lengths of the same heat, dimension and heat treatment
DIN EN 10164. This shall be specified in the purchase order.
aa) at one end of one manufacturing length for pipes of
normalized or air quenched and tempered steels
5.4.4 Tests and examinations ab) at both ends of one manufacturing length for pipes of Sampling and specimen preparation liquid quenched and tempered steels.
b) One elevated-temperature tensile test per heat, dimension
(1) The pipes shall be tested in manufacturing lengths. and heat treatment if the design temperature is higher than
(2) Specimens shall be taken from the ends of manufac- 100 °C. The test temperature is defined in Section A 3 or in
turing lengths. the authorized inspector's appraisal.
KTA 3211.1 Page 18
c) Room-temperature tensile tests to DIN EN 10164 in order (3) The Sections 11.1 and 11.5.1 shall apply to the non-
to determine the reduction of area at fracture on perpen- destructive tests and examinations.
dicular specimens from one sampling location every 20
(4) Each pipe shall be subjected to a materials identification
manufacturing lengths of the same heat, dimension and
heat treatment for pipes with nominal wall thicknesses
equal to or larger than 15 mm, if as per clause 5.1.2 (1) (5) The inside and outside surfaces of each pipe shall be
quality class Z35 is required. This test may be waived for subjected to a visual inspection.
steel grades for which it was demonstrated in the material
appraisal that the mean value of reduction of area at frac- (6) The diameter and wall thickness shall be checked for
ture is at least 45 % and that none of the individual values dimensional accuracy at both ends of each pipe.
is smaller than 35 %. (7) Each pipe shall be examined for leak tightness in ac-
d) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at cordance with DIN EN 10216-2.
33 °C or at the lowest operating temperature, whichever is
lower, at one end of one manufacturing length per 20 5.4.5 Marking
manufacturing lengths of the same heat, dimension and
heat treatment for pipes of normalized or air quenched and (1) Each pipe shall be marked at both ends, 300 mm from
tempered steels with nominal thicknesses not exceeding the ends, with the following information:
38 mm, and at one end of each manufacturing length for a) manufacturer's symbol,
pipes with nominal thicknesses exceeding 38 mm. For b) steel grade, for steels with guaranteed reduction of area at
pipes of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3, the test temperature fracture perpendicular to the product surface additionally
shall be 0 °C. quality class to DIN EN 10164) and
e) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at c) authorized inspector's mark.
33 °C or at the lowest operating temperature, whichever is
lower, at both ends of one manufacturing length per 20 (2) Each pipe shall additionally be marked at one end with
manufacturing lengths of the same heat, dimension and the following information:
heat treatment for pipes of liquid quenched and tempered a) heat number,
steels with nominal wall thicknesses equal to or smaller b) pipe number.
than 16 mm, and at both ends of each manufacturing
length for pipes with nominal wall thicknesses larger than
16 mm. 5.4.6 Verification of quality characteristics
f) Notched-bar impact bend tests for determination of an (1) The results of the ladle analysis, product analysis, mate-
impact energy vs. temperature curve to clause at rials identification check, tightness test and non-destructive
one end of one manufacturing length per heat, dimension tests and examinations performed by the manufacturer shall
and heat treatment for pipes with nominal wall thicknesses be documented with inspection certificates 3.1 to DIN EN
equal to or larger than 10 mm. At least four test tempera- 10204. The steel making process, the delivery condition of the
tures shall be used, of which two shall be 0 °C and the product form stating heat treatment temperatures, holding
lowest loading temperature. This test may be waived for times and cooling conditions as well as simulated stress-relief
pipes of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3. annealing temperature and holding time of test coupons shall
be indicated in the inspection certificate 3.1.
g) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at one
end of each manufacturing length to determine the upper (2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
shelf impact energy for pipes of normalized or air inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and
quenched and tempered steels with nominal wall thick- examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector
nesses larger than 38 mm as well as for pipes of liquid and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection
quenched and tempered steels with nominal wall thick- certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively,
nesses larger than 16 mm. This test may be performed these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on
during determination of the impact energy vs. temperature an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer.
curves. In general, 80 °C shall be selected as the test tem-
perature. This test shall be performed only in test group 5.5 Seamless pipe elbows larger than DN 50
A 1, and may be waived if the value of impact energy de-
termined per d) or e) is equal to or greater than 100 J. 5.5.1 Scope
h) Technological tests per Table 5.4-1 at both ends of each (1) This Section shall apply to seamless pipe elbows (weld-
manufacturing length for pipes with nominal wall thick- in elbows) made by cold or hot forming followed by heat
nesses equal to or smaller than 40 mm. treatment (normalization; quenching and tempering).
(2) This Section shall not apply to pipe bends made with
inductive bending machines or by cold forming with or without
Nominal wall Nominal outside diameter subsequent heat treatment. These pipe bends are subject to
thickness s of the pipes the requirements of KTA 3211.3 Section 6.
of the pipes in mm
in mm 146 > 146 5.5.2 Materials
(1) The following steel grades may be used:
s< 2 Flattening test
a) steel grades to Section A 3 and
2 s 16 Ring expanding test 1) Ring tensile test b) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in
combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec-
16 < s 40 Flattening test Ring tensile test
tor's appraisal.
1) The drift test also may be performed.
(2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.1.
(3) For finished pipe elbows, the values of the mechanical
Table 5.4-1: Dimensional ranges for application of the tech- and technological characteristics to Section A 3 shall apply
nological tests to pipes even if forged hollow parts are used as starting products.
KTA 3211.1 Page 19
5.5.3 Starting products b) One elevated-temperature tensile test for one sampling
location of one pipe elbow per heat, dimension and heat
(1) Forged hollow parts to Section 5.3 or seamless pipes to treatment, and for one sampling location of each pipe el-
Section 5.4 shall basically be used as starting products. bow in the case of individual testing. The test temperature
(2) Starting products that have not been completely exam- is defined in Section A 3 or in the authorized inspector's
ined and heat-treated to the stipulations in Sections 5.3 or 5.4 appraisal.
may also be used, provided c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at
a) the finished pipe elbows are examined individually to 33 °C or at the lowest operating temperature, whichever is
clause and lower, for each sampling location of one pipe elbow per
test unit for pipe elbows of normalized or air quenched and
b) the non-destructive tests and examinations of the starting
tempered steels with nominal wall thicknesses not exceed-
products have been carried out according to the require-
ing 38 mm, as well as for pipe elbows of liquid quenched
ments in Section 11.4 or Section 11.5.1 prior to forming.
and tempered steels with nominal wall thicknesses not ex-
In this case the determination of mechanical and technological ceeding 16 mm. For greater wall thicknesses as well as in
characteristics and the corresponding verification may be the case of individual testing, this test shall be performed
waived for the starting products. An inspection certificate 3.1 at each sampling location of each pipe elbow. For pipe el-
to DIN EN 10204 shall then be adequate for visual inspection bows of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3, the test temperature
and dimensional check of the starting products. shall be 0 °C.
d) Notched-bar impact bend tests for determination of an
5.5.4 Tests and examinations of pipe elbows impact energy vs. temperature curve to clause for
one sampling location of one pipe elbow per heat, dimen- Sampling and specimen preparation sion and heat treatment for pipe elbows with nominal wall
thicknesses equal to or larger than 10 mm. At least four
(1) Specimens shall be taken from the ends of the pipe el- test temperatures shall be used, of which two shall be 0 °C
bows in conformity with the authorized inspector's appraisal. and the lowest loading temperature. This test may be
(2) The test coupons shall be located at one quarter of the waived for pipe elbows of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3.
wall thickness under the outside surface and at one half of the e) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause to
wall thickness under the end face or as close as possible to determine the upper shelf impact energy at one sampling
that location. location of each elbow for pipe elbows of normalized or air
quenched and tempered steels with nominal wall thicknes-
(3) Transverse specimens shall be used for tensile tests and ses exceeding 38 mm as well as for pipe elbows of liquid
notched-bar impact bend tests, provided that they can be quenched and tempered steels with nominal wall thicknes-
taken from unstraightened test coupons. If this is not possible, ses exceeding 16 mm. This test may be performed during
longitudinal specimens shall be tested. determination of the impact energy vs. temperature curves.
In general, 80 °C shall be selected as the test temperature.
(4) Notched-bar impact bend tests shall be performed only
This test shall be performed only in test group A 1, and
for pipe elbows with nominal wall thicknesses equal to or larg-
may be waived if the value of impact energy determined
er than 10 mm.
per d) or e) is equal to or greater than 100 J.
(5) If starting products that have not been completely exam- f) For pipe elbows grouped together as test units, one hard-
ined and heat-treated to the stipulations in Sections 5.3 or 5.4 ness test per pipe elbow to verify uniformity.
are used, test coupons shall be taken from both ends of pipe Note:
elbows with an arc length greater than 3000 mm, measured Verification of uniformity shall be acknowledged if the difference
along the outside of the bend. between the highest and lowest hardness values in a test unit
does not exceed 30 HB units.
(6) In all other cases, test coupons shall be taken from only
one end of the pipe elbow. (3) The Sections 11.1 and 11.6.1 shall apply to the non-
destructive tests and examinations.
(7) If the pipe elbows are not tested individually, test units
consisting of pipe elbows of the same heat, dimension and (4) Each pipe elbow shall be subjected to a materials identi-
heat treatment shall be formed for determination of mechani- fication check.
cal and technological characteristics. (5) The inside and outside surfaces of each pipe elbow shall
(8) For the room-temperature tensile tests and for the be subjected to a visual inspection.
notched-bar impact bend tests, the number of pipe elbows per (6) For each pipe elbow, the wall thickness and, depending
test unit shall not exceed: on the purchase order, either the outside or inside diameter
a) 30 pieces for pipe elbows smaller than DN 200 shall be measured over the arc length, including the ends, and
b) 20 pieces for pipe elbows equal to or larger than DN 200 to a sufficient extent over the circumference. The smallest wall
and smaller than DN 350 thickness as well as the ovality shall be determined.
c) 10 pieces for pipe elbows equal to or larger than DN 350.
5.5.5 Marking Extent of tests and examinations (1) Each pipe elbow shall be marked with the following in-
(1) The chemical composition shall be verified on the star-
ting product. a) manufacturer's symbol,
b) steel grade (for steels with guaranteed reduction of area at
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall fracture perpendicular to the product surface additionally
be determined by performing: quality class to DIN EN 10164),
a) One room-temperature tensile test for each sampling loca- c) heat number,
tion of one pipe elbow per test unit, and for each sampling
location of each pipe elbow in the case of individual test- d) pipe-elbow number,
ing. e) authorized inspector's mark.
KTA 3211.1 Page 20
5.6.1 Scope Extent of tests and examinations
(1) This Section shall apply to the following seamless fittings:
(1) The chemical composition shall be verified on the star-
a) reducers made by cold or hot forming, ting product.
b) tees fabricated to the liqued bulge method (2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
followed by heat treatment (normalization; quenching and be determined by performing:
tempering) a) One room-temperature tensile test per test unit.
b) One elevated-temperature tensile test per heat, dimension
5.6.2 Materials and heat treatment, if the design temperature is higher
(1) The following steel grades may be used: than 100 °C. The test temperature is defined in Section A 3
or in the authorized inspector's appraisal.
a) steel grades to Section A 3 and
c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at
b) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in 33 °C or at the lowest operating temperature, whichever is
combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec- lower, on one piece per test unit for fittings of normalized
tor's appraisal. or air quenched and tempered steels with nominal wall
(2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.1. thicknesses not exceeding 38 mm, as well as for fittings of
liquid quenched and tempered steels with nominal wall
(3) For fabricated fittings, the values of the mechanical and thicknesses not exceeding 16 mm. For fittings of steel
technological characteristics to Section A 3 shall apply even if grade 15 MnNi 6 3, the test temperature shall be 0 °C.
forged hollow parts are used as starting products.
d) Notched-bar impact bend tests for determination of an
impact energy vs. temperature curve to clause on
5.6.3 Starting products one piece per heat, dimension and heat-treatment lot for
fittings with nominal wall thicknesses equal to or larger
(1) Forged hollow parts to Section 5.3 or seamless pipes to than 10 mm. At least four test temperatures shall be used,
Section 5.4 shall basically be used as starting products. of which two shall be 0 °C and the lowest loading tempera-
(2) Starting products that have not been completely exam- ture. This test may be waived for fittings of steel
ined and heat-treated to the stipulations in Sections 5.3 or 5.4 15 MnNi 6 3.
may also be used, provided e) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause on
a) the finished pipe elbows are examined individually to each piece to determine the upper shelf impact energy for
clause and fittings of normalized or air quenched and tempered steels
with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 38 mm as well as
b) the non-destructive tests and examinations of the starting for fittings of liquid quenched and tempered steels with
products have been carried out according to the require- nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 16 mm. In general,
ments in Section 11.4 or Section 11.5.1 prior to forming. 80 °C shall be selected as the test temperature. This test
In this case the determination of mechanical and technological may be performed during determination of the energy ab-
characteristics and the corresponding verification may be sorbed vs. temperature curves. This test shall be per-
waived for the starting products. An inspection certificate 3.1 formed only in test group A 1, and may be waived if the
to DIN EN 10204 shall then be adequate for visual inspection value of energy absorbed determined per d) or e) is equal
and dimensional check of the starting products. to or greater than 100 J.
KTA 3211.1 Page 21
f) For fittings grouped together as test units, one hardness (2) Feeder heads and large casting-related thickenings that
test per fitting to verify uniformity. impair amenability of castings to heat treatment shall be elimi-
Note: nated before normalization or quenching and tempering.
Verification of uniformity shall be acknowledged if the difference (3) The casting technique shall be designed according to the
between the highest and lowest hardness values in a test unit principles of controlled solidification. For castings with nominal
does not exceed 30 HB units.
widths equal to or larger than 200 mm, the gate and feeder
(3) Each fitting shall be subjected to a materials identification technique shall be explained on the basis of the saturation
check. calculation as well as drawings illustrating the position of the
feeders, feed zones and specimen location.
(4) The inside and outside surfaces of each fitting shall be Note:
subjected to a visual inspection. The feature characterizing the dimensions of the body or case
(5) For each fitting, the ovality, diameter and thickness shall shall be the nominal width, as follows:
be measured at the ends. a) for pumps, the nominal width of the pressure nozzle,
b) for valves, the largest nominal width involved,
(6) The Sections 11.1 and 11.7.1 shall apply to the non- c) for safety valves, the nominal width of the inlet nozzle.
destructive tests and examinations.
(4) For each casting model, the description of the casting
technique shall be attached to the interim file (internal manu-
5.6.5 Marking facturer documentation) for retention by the manufacturer.
(1) Each fitting shall be marked with the following information: (5) Together with the drawing of the casting in the as-
a) manufacturer's symbol, delivered condition, the following documents shall generally be
submitted as standard plans for the design approval:
b) steel grade (for steels with guaranteed reduction of area at
fracture perpendicular to the product surface additionally a) test and inspection sequence plan and heat-treatment
quality class to DIN EN 10164), plan, in case of differences from the standard production
scheme to Figure 5.7-1,
c) heat number,
b) for forgings of test group A 1 with nominal widths equal to
d) fitting number or test lot number, or larger than 200 mm, instructions for the non-destructive
e) authorized inspector's mark. examinations as well as a coordinate reference system
(reference-point grid),
c) for prototypes of test groups A 2 and A 3 with nominal
5.6.6 Verification of quality characteristics widths equal to or greater than 200 mm a film location plan
(1) The results of the materials identification check and of and a radiation source plan,
non-destructive tests and examinations performed by the d) welding procedure qualification and welding procedure
manufacturer as well as of hardness test, if any, shall be doc- sheet for production welds and if applicable construction
umented with an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. welds (see Annex B),
The delivery condition of the product form stating heat treat- e) test and inspection sequence plan for construction welds, if
ment temperatures, holding times and cooling conditions as necessary.
well as simulated stress-relief annealing temperature and f) list of planned production control tests.
holding time of test coupons shall be indicated in the inspec-
tion certificate 3.1. (6) If changes are made compared with the conditions stipu-
lated in the welding procedure sheet, or if a different welding
(2) The forming process used shall be indicated in the in- method is chosen, the welding procedure sheet shall be
spection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. amended accordingly and resubmitted for design approval.
(3) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and 5.7.3 Tests and examinations
examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector
and combined with inspection 3.1 as inspection certificate 3.2 Sampling and specimen preparation
to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively, these tests shall (1) Castings with a delivery weight equal to or lighter than
be confirmed by the authorized inspector on an inspection 500 kg shall be tested in lots, and castings with a delivery
certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer. weight heavier than 500 kg shall be tested individually.
(4) The inspection certificate of the starting product shall be (2) The number of sampling locations shall be as indicated
attached to the inspection certificate 3.2. in Table 5.7-1.
Quenching and tempering or solution annealing
Setting of the surface quality per Section 11.8.4
yes Impermissible no
yes Impermissible no
Volumetric testing 3) by H
Volumetric testing 2) by H
Evaluation of the films by H and S
Evaluation of the films by H and S
Ultrasonic re-testing by S if there is ferrite or martensite
yes Impermissible no
yes Impermissible no
Grooving out and penetrant testing of the places
prepared for welding by H
Heat treatment to establish the mechanical and Documentation, for the final file, of all production
technological characteristics welds in material group W I and in the case of
Quenching and tempering or solution annealing materials to Section 9.2 as well as in the case of
larger production welds 1) in W II and austenite
Setting of the surface quality per Section 11.8.4 Permission 2) for welding by S
Complete surface inspection Welding per Annex B
Grinding the welds smooth
Ferrite: stress relief annealing
Martensite: tempering
no Impermissible yes
Surface inspection and radiography
of the production weld by H
Evaluation of the films by H and S
Ultrasonic testing of larger production welds by H Ultrasonic re-testing by S if there is ferrite
and S if there is ferrite or martensite
yes Impermissible no
yes indications
no Acceptance 4)
Complete surface inspection by H and S
Mechanical and technological tests
1) See Annex B, clause B 2 (4) for definition Compilation of the documentation
of larger production weld. 4) If, in exceptional cases in the course of further processing, it becomes
2) Applies only to material group W I, test group A 1 and in the case of materials to Section 9.2.
necessary for the component manufacturer to perform production welds in order
3) Note when there are additional volumetric examinations: to eliminate casting defects in an advanced state of processing, then deviations
Radiographed welds and casting zones with permissible relative to the standard production scheme shall be permissible by agreement with
indications need not be re-tested. the authorized inspector.
Figure 5.7-1: Production scheme for cast steel cases and bodies made of ferritic, austenitic or martensitic cast-steel grades
KTA 3211.1 Page 23
(3) The specimens shall be taken from cast-on test blocks to order. The test pressure has to be limited to ensure that a
DIN EN 1559-2 or from overlengths. Separately cast test safety margin against the yield point or 0.2 % proof stress at
blocks are permitted only for castings with piece weights equal room temperature of at least 1.1 is achieved.
to or lighter than 150 kg.
(4) The test blocks shall be provided in sufficient number 5.7.4 Marking
and size that the prescribed specimens can be taken.
(1) Each casting shall be marked with the following infor-
(5) The thickness of the cast-on test blocks shall correspond mation:
to the governing wall thickness. In this connection, the govern- a) manufacturer's symbol,
ing wall thickness shall be the thickness of the wall subjected
to pressure loading, and not the thickness of cast-on flanges b) steel grade,
or local thickenings. c) heat number,
(6) Cast-on test blocks at the gate system are not permitted. d) specimen number and
e) authorized inspector's mark.
(7) For castings with piece weights heavier than 1000 kg,
the position of the cast-on test coupons on the casting shall be
documented by a photograph or in a sketch. 5.7.5 Verification of quality characteristics
(1) The results of the ladle analysis, product analysis, mate- Extent of tests and examinations rials identification check and non-destructive tests and exami-
nations performed by the manufacturer as well as of the hard-
(1) The following procedures shall be performed for the che- ness test, if any, shall be documented with an inspection cer-
mical analysis: tificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The delivery condition of the
a) One ladle analysis per heat. product form stating heat treatment temperatures, holding
b) One product analysis for one sampling location per test times and cooling conditions as well as simulated stress-relief
unit. annealing temperature and holding time of test coupons shall
be indicated in the inspection certificate 3.1.
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
be determined by performing: (2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
inspection, dimensional check, tightness test and non-destruc-
a) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location. tive tests and examinations shall be confirmed by the autho-
The value of reduction of area at fracture shall also be de- rized inspector and combined with the inspection certificate
termined for information. 3.1 as an inspection certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by
b) One elevated-temperature tensile test per heat, dimension him. Alternatively, these tests shall be confirmed by the au-
and heat-treatment lot. The test temperature is defined in thorized inspector on an inspection certificate 3.2 established
Section A 4 or in the authorized inspector's appraisal. The by the manufacturer.
value of reduction of area at fracture shall also be deter-
mined for information. (3) For castings with piece weights heavier than 1000 kg, a
photograph or a sketch of the location of the cast-on test
c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause per blocks on the casting shall be attached to the inspection certif-
sampling location at 33 °C or at the lowest operating tem- icate.
perature, whichever is lower.
d) Notched-bar impact bend tests for determination of an
impact energy vs. temperature curve to clause at 6 Product forms of ferritic steels of material group W II
one sampling location per test unit. At least four test tem-
peratures shall be used, of which two shall be 33 C or the 6.1 Flat products
lowest loading temperature and 0 °C. 6.1.1 Materials
e) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause to
verify the upper shelf impact energy at one sampling loca- (1) The following steel grades may be used:
tion per test unit. In general, this test shall be performed at a) 15 MnNi 6 3 to Section A 1
80 °C. The test shall be performed only in test group A 1, b) P275NH (1.0486) to DIN EN 10028-3 in conjunction
and may be waived if the notched-bar impact bend test at with VdTÜV material sheet 352/1
the lower of 33 °C or the lowest loading temperature has
already verified that the requirements are met. c) P355NH (1.0565) to DIN EN 10028-3 in conjunction
with VdTÜV material sheet 354/1
f) One hardness test on each piece to verify uniformity of the
quenching and tempering treatment in the case of lotwise d) 16Mo3 (1.5415) to DIN EN 10028-2
examination of castings of quenched and tempered steel. e) P235GH (1.0345) to DIN EN 10028-2
(3) The Sections 11.1 and 11.8 shall apply to the non- f) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in
destructive tests and examinations. combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec-
tor's appraisal.
(4) Each casting shall be subjected to a materials identifi-
cation check. (2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.1.
(5) Each casting shall be subjected in the as-delivered con- (3) The selection of materials shall be based on the lowest
dition to a visual inspection. operating temperature.
(6) Each casting shall be subjected in the as-delivered con-
dition to a dimensional check. 6.1.2 Additional requirements for the materials
(7) Each casting shall be subjected in a condition suitable for (1) Flat products with nominal thicknesses equal to or larger
the purpose, generally by the further processor, to a tightness than 15 mm which are subjected to loading perpendicular to
test in the form of an internal pressure test, which shall be the rolled surface shall at least meet the requirements of quali-
performed to DIN 50104. Pressurizing fluid, test pressure and ty class Z25 to DIN EN 10164. This shall be specified in the
pressure-loading duration shall be indicated in the purchase purchase order.
KTA 3211.1 Page 24
(2) When flat products are used for tubesheets, the same c) heat number,
requirements as for specimens longitudinal to or transverse to d) specimen number and
the main rolling direction shall apply for the room-temperature
e) authorized inspector's mark.
yield point or 0.2 % proof stress and tensile strength of stand-
ard specimens perpendicular to the flat product surface. This (2) The marking shall be applied such that it appears upright
shall be specified in the purchase order. when viewed in the main rolling direction.
(3) The surface finish shall satisfy the stipulations of DIN EN
10163-2 Class B Subgroup 3. 6.1.5 Verification of quality characteristics
(1) The results of the ladle analysis, product analysis, mate-
6.1.3 Tests and examinations rials identification check and non-destructive tests and exami-
nations performed by the manufacturer shall be documented Sampling and specimen preparation with an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The steel
(1) Specimens shall be taken in accordance with the DIN making process, the delivery condition of the product form
standards and VdTÜV material sheets referred to in 6.1.1 (1). stating heat treatment temperatures, holding times and cooling
For steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3 clause 5.1.3 shall apply. conditions as well as simulated stress-relief annealing tem-
perature and holding time of test coupons, if any, shall be
(2) Specimens for determination of the reduction of area at indicated in the inspection certificate 3.1.
fracture on perpendicular specimens shall be taken and pre-
(2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
pared to the stipulations in DIN EN 10164.
inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and
examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector Extent of tests and examinations and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection
certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively,
(1) The following procedures shall be performed for the these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on
chemical analysis: an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer.
a) One ladle analysis per heat.
b) One product analysis on one sampling location of one 6.2 Dished or pressed product forms made from flat prod-
rolled plate per heat. ucts
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall 6.2.1 Materials
be determined by performing:
Section 6.1.1 shall apply to the materials.
a) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location.
b) One tensile test at a temperature of 300 °C per heat, dimen- 6.2.2 Additional requirements for the materials
sional range and total weight of at most 30 metric tons.
c) Room-temperature tensile tests to DIN EN 10164 per rolled The requirements of Section 6.1.2 shall apply.
plate for flat products with nominal thicknesses equal to or
larger than 15 mm, in order to determine the reduction of 6.2.3 Starting products
area at fracture, whenever the quality class Z25 is required
acc. to clause 6.1.2 (1). (1) Starting products shall be subject to the stipulations in
Section 6.1.
d) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause per
sampling location at 0 °C or at 20 °C for nominal thick- (2) If the finished parts are tested individually to clause
nesses equal to or larger than 5 mm., the tests to clause (2) as well as the corres-
e) Notched-bar impact bend tests for determination of an ponding verifications can be omitted.
impact energy vs. temperature curve to clause at Note:
one sampling location per heat, dimensional range and The stipulations of KTA 3211.3 shall apply to welded joints made
identical heat treatment for flat products with nominal thick- with the starting plates and remaining in the finished parts.
nesses equal to or larger than 10 mm. At least four test
temperatures shall be used, of which one shall be 0 °C or 6.2.4 Testing and examination of dished or pressed prod-
20 °C. This test may be waived for flat products of steel uct forms made from flat products
grade 15 MnNi 6 3. Sampling and specimen preparation
(3) Each rolled plate shall be subjected to a materials identi-
fication check. (1) For product forms with a diameter or length equal to or
smaller than 3000 mm, the tests or examinations shall be
(4) Each flat product shall be subjected to a visual inspection. performed on one part per rolled plate and heat-treatment lot.
The maximum permissible lot size shall be 10 parts.
(5) The dimensional and shape accuracy of each rolled plate
shall be measured. Note:
Correlation of parts with the rolled plate can be achieved, for ex-
(6) The Sections 11.1 and 11.2 shall apply to the non- ample, through the specimen number of the starting products.
destructive tests and examinations, the Sections 11.1 and
11.4 in the case of flat products for tubesheets. (2) For product forms with a diameter or length greater than
3000 mm, each part shall be tested. For lengths or diameters
6.1.4 Marking exceeding 6 m one test coupon each shall be taken at two
opposite sides.
(1) Each flat product shall be marked at least with the follow-
ing information: (3) One test coupon shall be taken from each part to be
a) manufacturer's symbol, examined regardless of its diameter or length.
b) steel grade (for steels with guaranteed reduction of area at (4) The test coupons shall be taken such that transverse
fracture perpendicular to the product surface additionally specimens can be machined. Deviations up to 20 degrees
quality class to DIN EN 10164), from the theoretical transverse direction are permitted for
KTA 3211.1 Page 25
heads (ends) and similar parts. If this is not possible, a differ- (2) In the case of lotwise examination, the product form from
ent type of sampling shall be agreed with the authorized in- which the specimens were taken shall also be marked.
(3) The marking shall be applied such that it appears upright
(5) Round tensile-test specimens with a test diameter equal when viewed in the main rolling direction of the rolled plate.
to or larger than 10 mm shall be made for both the room-
temperature and elevated-temperature tensile tests. For nom-
6.2.6 Verification of quality characteristics
inal wall thicknesses larger than 40 mm, the specimen axis
shall be located at a distance of one quarter of the product- (1) The results of the materials identification check and non-
form thickness under the rolled surface. destructive tests and examinations performed by the manu-
For product-form thicknesses that do not permit a test diame- facturer shall be documented with an inspection certificate 3.1
ter of 10 mm, the largest possible diameter shall be chosen. to DIN EN 10204. The delivery condition of the product form
stating heat treatment temperatures, holding times and cooling
(6) For nominal wall thicknesses equal to or smaller than conditions as well as simulated stress-relief annealing tem-
40 mm, one side of the specimens for the notched-bar impact perature and holding time of test coupons, if any, shall be
bend test shall be as close as possible to the rolled surface. indicated in the inspection certificate 3.1.
For nominal wall thicknesses larger than 40 mm, the specimen
axis shall be located at a distance of one quarter of the prod- (2) The forming method shall be indicated in the inspection
uct-form thickness under the rolled surface. certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204.
(3) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and Extent of tests and examinations examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector
(1) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection
be determined by performing: certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively,
these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on
a) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location. an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer.
b) One tensile test at a temperature of 300 °C per heat, di-
mensional range and total weight of at most 30 metric tons. (4) The inspection certificate of the starting product shall be
attached to the inspection certificate 3.2.
c) Room-temperature tensile tests to DIN EN 10164 per rolled
plate for product forms with nominal thicknesses equal to
or larger than 15 mm, in order to determine the reduction 6.3 Forgings, bars and rolled rings
of area at fracture, whenever the quality class Z25 is re- 6.3.1 Materials
quired acc. to clause 6.1.2 (1). This test may be waived if it
has already been performed on the rolled plate and docu- (1) The following steel grades may be used:
mented with an inspection certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204. a) 15 MnNi 6 3 to Section A 2
b) P250GH (1.0460) to DIN EN 10273 or DIN EN 10222-2
Correlation of parts with the rolled plate can be achieved, for
example, through the specimen number. c) 16Mo3 (1.5415) to DIN EN 10273 or DIN EN 10222-2
d) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause per d) P355NH (1.0565) to DIN EN 10273 in conjunction with
sampling location at 0 °C or at 20 °C for nominal wall VdTÜV material sheet 354/1 or DIN
thicknesses equal to or larger than 5 mm. EN 10222-4 in conjunction with
e) Notched-bar impact bend tests for determination of an VdTÜV material sheet 354/3
impact energy vs. temperature curve to clause at e) P355QH1 (1.0571) to DIN EN 10222-4 in conjunction
one sampling location per heat, dimensional range and with VdTÜV material sheet 354/3
heat-treatment lot for product forms with nominal wall f) P235GH (1.0345) to DIN EN 10273
thicknesses equal to or larger than 10 mm. At least four
g) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in
test temperatures shall be used, of which one shall be 0 °C
combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec-
or 20 °C. This test may be waived for product forms of
tor's appraisal.
steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3.
(2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.2.
(2) Each product form shall be subjected to a materials
identification check. (3) The selection of materials shall be based on the lowest
operating temperature.
(3) Each product form shall be subjected to a visual inspec-
6.3.2 Tests and examinations
(4) The dimensional and shape accuracy of each product
form shall be measured. Sampling and specimen preparation
(5) The Sections 11.1 and 11.3 shall apply to the non- Test units
destructive tests and examinations. (1) Unless otherwise stipulated in clause, pieces with
heat-treatment weights between 100 kg and equal to or lighter
than 500 kg from the same heat, with similar dimensions and
6.2.5 Marking
from the same heat-treatment lot shall be grouped as test
(1) Each finished part shall be marked at least with the fol- units containing at most 10 parts, while pieces with heat-
lowing information: treatment weights lighter than or equal to 100 kg may be
grouped as test units of 1000 kg each.
a) symbol of the manufacturer of the product form,
b) steel grade (for steels with guaranteed reduction of area at (2) Pieces with heat-treatment weights heavier than 500 kg
fracture perpendicular to the product surface additionally shall be tested individually.
quality class to DIN EN 10164),
c) heat number, Sampling locations
d) specimen number and (1) For forged hollow parts, e.g., for shell courses, nozzles
e) authorized inspector's mark. or valve bodies, specimens shall be taken from one end as a
KTA 3211.1 Page 26
function of inside diameter Di as follows: from one sampling tensile tests if the diameter or greatest length of a cross-
location for Di equal to or smaller than 500 mm; from two sectional edge is smaller than 160 mm, or for notched-bar
sampling locations separated by 180 degrees for Di between impact bend tests if the diameter or the greatest length of a
500 mm and 2000 mm; and from three sampling locations cross-sectional edge is smaller than 68 mm.
separated by 120 degrees for Di larger than 2000 mm.
(2) At the opposite end, specimens shall be taken from one Extent of tests and examinations
sampling location for normalized or air quenched and tem- (1) The following procedures shall be performed for the
pered forgings having a finished length longer than 5000 mm chemical analysis:
and for liquid quenched and tempered forgings having a fin-
a) One ladle analysis per heat.
ished length longer than 2000 mm. For pieces with inside
diameters smaller than or equal to 500 mm, this sampling b) One product analysis on in each of two separately manu-
location shall be offset by 180 degrees relative to that at the factured products per heat. If possible, the top zone of one
other end (according to Figures 5.3-1 and 5.3-2). piece and the bottom zone of the other shall be tested. For
piece weights equal to or heavier than 5000 kg, one prod-
uct analysis shall be performed on one sampling location
Finished length designates the length of the product form during
the governing heat treatment, less the length of the test coupons.
of each piece. It possible, the top or bottom of the starting
ingot shall be tested.
(3) For seamless rolled or forged rings or flanges, speci-
mens shall be taken from the circumference or end of the (2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
flange. They may also be taken from the end of the welding be determined by performing:
end, if the heat-treatment thickness of the welding end is a) One hardness test per piece to verify uniformity for pieces
equal to that of the flange. Specimens shall be taken as fol- grouped together in test units.
lows: from one sampling location for inside diameters Di Note:
smaller than or equal to 1000 mm; from two sampling loca- Verification of uniformity shall be acknowledged if the difference
tions separated by 180 degrees for Di between 1000 mm and between the highest and lowest hardness values in a test unit
2000 mm; and from three sampling locations separated by does not exceed 30 HB units.
120 degrees for Di larger than 2000 mm (according to Figure b) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location.
5.3-3). c) For pieces of similar dimension, one elevated-temperature
(4) For plates such as tubesheets, tube plates or blanking- tensile test per heat and heat-treatment lot.
off covers with heat-treatment weights lighter than 1000 kg, d) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause per
specimens shall be taken from one sampling location. If per- sampling location at 0 °C or at 20 °C.
mitted by the forging method employed, this location shall be e) Notched-bar impact bend tests for determination of an
in the top or bottom zone (according to Figure 5.3-4). impact energy vs. temperature curve to clause at
(5) For plates with heat-treatment weights equal to or heavi- one sampling location per heat and heat-treatment lot for
er than 1000 kg, specimens shall be taken from two sampling pieces with heat-treatment weights greater than 150 kg. At
locations. If permitted by the forging method employed, these least four test temperatures shall be used, of which one
locations shall be in the top and bottom zones (according to shall be 0 °C or 20 °C.
Figure 5.3-4). (3) The Sections 11.1 and 11.4 shall apply to the non-
(6) For bars, specimens shall be taken at one end as a func- destructive tests and examinations.
tion of the diameter D of the bars: from one sampling location (4) Each piece shall be subjected to a materials identification
for D smaller than or equal to 500 mm; and from two sampling check.
locations separated by 180 degrees for D larger than 500 mm.
(5) Each piece shall be subjected in the as-delivered condi-
(7) In the case of tion to a visual inspection.
a) normalized or air quenched and tempered bars having a (6) A dimensional check of each piece shall be performed.
finished length longer than 5000 mm and
b) liquid quenched and tempered bars having a finished
length longer than 2000 mm 6.3.3 Marking
specimens shall be taken from one sampling location at the (1) Each piece shall be marked at least with the following
opposite end. For bars having diameters smaller than or equal information:
to 500 mm, this location shall be offset by 180 degrees relative a) manufacturer's symbol,
to that at the other end.
b) steel grade,
c) heat number, Sampling depth
d) specimen number or test lot number,
The requirements of the DIN standards or VdTÜV material
sheets applicable for the respective product form shall apply. e) authorized inspector's mark.
In the case of steel 15 MnNi 6 3 the specimens shall be taken (2) In the case of lotwise examination, the piece from which
from at least one quarter of the governing heat-treatment thick- the specimens were taken shall additionally be marked.
ness but at most 80 mm under the heat-treatment surfaces.
simulated stress-relief annealing temperature and holding time (2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
of test coupons, if any, shall be indicated in the inspection be determined by performing:
certificate 3.1. a) Room-temperature tensile tests in compliance with the re-
(2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual quirements for test category 2 in the DIN standards refer-
inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and red to in 6.4.2, but in the case of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3
examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector one room-temperature tensile test for every 50 manufac-
and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection turing lengths of the same heat, dimension and heat treat-
certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively, ment at one end of one manufacturing length.
these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on b) One tensile test at 300 °C per heat, dimension and heat
an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer. treatment, if the design temperature is higher than 100 °C.
c) Room-temperature tensile tests to DIN EN 10164 per
6.4 Seamless pipes larger than DN 50 tensile test specimen to a) on perpendicular specimens in
order to determine the reduction of area at fracture for
6.4.1 Scope pipes with nominal wall thicknesses equal to or larger than
15 mm, whenever the quality class Z25 is required acc. to
(1) The stipulations of this Section shall apply to seamless,
clause 6.4.3. This test may be waived for steel grades for
rolled or pressed pipes larger than DN 50.
which it was demonstrated in the material appraisal that
Note: the mean value of reduction of area at fracture is at least
For forged pipes Section 6.3 shall apply. 35 % and that none of the individual values is smaller than
(2) The stipulations of this Section shall also apply to pipes 25 %.
equal to or smaller than DN 50 if pipe elbows larger than d) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at 0 °C
DN 50 are made from such pipes. or 20 °C
(3) The stipulations of this Section shall not apply to pipes da) per tensile test specimen to a) for pipes of normalized
for vessel shells. or air quenched and tempered steels with nominal wall
thicknesses equal to or larger than 10 mm up to and
including 38 mm,
6.4.2 Materials db) at one end of each manufacturing length for pipes of
(1) The following steel grades may be used: normalized or air quenched and tempered steels with
nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 38 mm,
a) 15 MnNi 6 3 to Section A 3
dc) per tensile test specimen to a) for pipes of liquid
b) P235GH (1.0345) to DIN EN 10216-2, quenched and tempered steels at both ends of one
c) P275NL1 (1.0488) to DIN EN 10216-3 in conjunction manufacturing length in the case of nominal wall thick-
with VdTÜV material sheet 352/2, nesses equal to or larger than 10 mm up to and includ-
ing 16 mm and at both ends of each manufacturing
d) P355NH (1.0565) to DIN EN 10216-3 in conjunction length for pipes exceeding 16 mm.
with VdTÜV material sheet 354/2,
For pipes of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3, the test temperature
e) 16Mo3 (1.5415) to DIN EN 10216-2 and shall be 0 °C.
f) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in e) Notched-bar impact bend tests for determination of the
combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec- impact energy vs. temperature curve to clause at
tor's appraisal. one end of one manufacturing length per heat, dimension
(2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.2. and heat treatment for pipes with nominal wall thicknesses
exceeding 16 mm. At least four test temperatures shall be
(3) The selection of materials shall be based on the lowest used, of which one shall be 0 °C or 20 °C. This test may
operating temperature. be waived for pipes of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3.
f) Technological tests for pipes with nominal wall thicknesses
6.4.3 Additional requirements for the materials equal to or smaller than 40 mm per tensile test specimen
to a) using test methods in compliance with the DIN stand-
Pipes with nominal wall thicknesses equal to or larger than ards referred to in 6.4.2. In the case of pipes made of steel
15 mm and subjected to loading perpendicular to the rolled grade 15 MnNi 6 3 at both ends of each manufacturing
surface shall at least meet the requirements of quality class length using test methods to Table 5.4-1.
Z25 to DIN EN 10164. This shall be specified in the purchase
order. (4) The Sections 11.1 and 11.5.2 shall apply to the non-
destructive tests and examinations.
6.4.4 Tests and examinations (5) Each pipe shall be subjected to a materials identification
check. Sampling and specimen preparation
(6) The inside and outside surfaces of each pipe shall be
Specimens shall be taken in accordance with the DIN stan- subjected to a visual inspection.
dards and VdTÜV material sheets referred to in 6.4.2 and in
the case of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3 in accordance with Sec- (7) The diameter and wall thickness shall be checked for
tion 5.4.4. dimensional accuracy at both ends of each pipe.
(8) Each pipe shall be examined for leak tightness to DIN Extent of tests and examinations EN 10216-2 or DIN EN 10216-3.
(1) The following procedures shall be performed for the
chemical analysis: 6.4.5 Marking
a) One ladle analysis per heat. (1) Each pipe shall be marked at both ends at least with the
b) One product analysis on each of two manufacturing following information:
lengths per heat. a) manufacturer's symbol,
KTA 3211.1 Page 28
b) steel grade and number of the DIN standard, for steels 6.5.4 Tests and examinations of pipe elbows
with guaranteed reduction of area at fracture perpendicular Sampling and specimen preparation
to the product surface additionally quality class to DIN EN
10164, (1) Specimens shall be taken from the ends of the pipe
c) heat number, elbows in conformity with the authorized inspector's appraisal.
d) pipe number, (2) Transverse specimens shall be tested in the tensile tests
e) test category and and notched-bar impact bend tests, provided that they can be
f) authorized inspector's mark. taken from unstraightened test coupons. If this is not possible,
longitudinal specimens shall be tested.
6.4.6 Verification of quality characteristics (3) If starting products that have not been completely exam-
ined and heat-treated to the stipulations in Sections 6.3 or 6.4
(1) The results of the ladle analysis, product analysis, mate- are used, test coupons shall be taken from both ends of pipe
rials identification check, tightness test and non-destructive elbows with a chord length greater than 3000 mm, measured
tests and examinations performed by the manufacturer shall along the outside of the bend.
be documented with an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN
(4) In all other cases, test coupons shall be taken from only
10204. The steel making process, the delivery condition of the one end of the pipe elbow.
product form stating heat treatment temperatures, holding
times and cooling conditions as well as simulated stress-relief (5) If the pipe elbows are not tested individually, test units
annealing temperature and holding time of test coupons, if consisting of pipe elbows of the same heat, dimension and
any, shall be indicated in the inspection certificate 3.1. heat treatment shall be formed for determination of mechani-
cal and technological characteristics.
(2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and (6) For the room-temperature tensile tests and for the
examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector notched-bar impact bend tests, the number of pipe elbows per
and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection test unit shall not exceed:
certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively, a) 50 pieces for pipe elbows smaller than DN 200
these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on b) 25 pieces for pipe elbows equal to or larger than DN 200
an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer. and smaller than DN 350
c) 10 pieces for pipe elbows equal to or larger than DN 350.
6.5 Seamless pipe elbows larger than DN 50
6.5.1 Scope Extent of tests and examinations
(1) This Section shall apply to seamless pipe elbows (weld- (1) The chemical composition shall be verified on the basis
in elbows) made by cold or hot forming followed by heat of the starting product.
treatment (normalization; quenching and tempering). (2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
be determined by performing:
(2) This Section shall not apply to pipe bends made with
inductive bending machines or by cold forming with or without a) One room-temperature tensile test on one pipe elbow per
subsequent heat treatment. These pipe bends shall be subject test unit.
to the requirements of KTA 3211.3 Section 6. b) One tensile test at 300 °C on one pipe elbow per heat,
dimension and heat treatment, if the design temperature is
higher than 100 °C.
6.5.2 Materials
c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at 0 °C
(1) The Sections 6.3.1 and 6.4.2 apply to the materials. or at 20 °C on one pipe elbow per test unit for pipe elbows
with nominal wall thicknesses equal to or larger than
(2) For finished pipe elbows, the values of the mechanical 10 mm. For pipe elbows of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3, the
and technological characteristics for pipes shall apply even if test temperature shall be 0 °C.
forged hollow parts are used as starting products.
d) Notched-bar impact bend tests for determination of the
impact energy vs. temperature curve to clause on
6.5.3 Starting products one pipe elbow per heat, dimension and heat treatment for
pipe elbows with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding
(1) Forged hollow parts to Section 6.3 or seamless pipes to 16 mm. At least four test temperatures shall be used, of
Section 6.4 shall basically be used as starting products. which one shall be 0 °C or 20 °C. This test may be waived
(2) Starting products that have not been completely exa- for pipe elbows of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3.
mined and heat-treated per the stipulations in Sections 6.3 or e) For pipe elbows grouped together as test units, one hard-
6.4 may also be used, provided ness test per pipe elbow to verify uniformity.
a) the finished pipe elbows are examined individually per
Verification of uniformity shall be acknowledged if the difference
clause and
between the highest and lowest hardness values in a test unit
b) the non-destructive tests and examinations of the starting does not exceed 30 HB units.
products have been carried out according to the require- (3) The Sections 11.1 and 11.6.2 shall apply to the non-
ments in Section 11.4 or Section 11.5.1 prior to forming. destructive tests and examinations.
In this case, the determination of mechanical and technolo-
(4) Each pipe elbow shall be subjected to a materials identi-
gical characteristics and the corresponding verification may be
fication check.
waived for the starting products. An inspection certificate 3.1
to DIN EN 10204 shall then be adequate for visual inspection (5) The inside and outside surfaces of each pipe elbow shall
and dimensional check of the starting products. be subjected to a visual inspection.
KTA 3211.1 Page 29
(6) For each pipe elbow, the wall thickness and, depending (2) Starting products that have not been completely exa-
on the purchase order, either the outside or inside diameter mined or heat-treated to the stipulations in Sections 6.3 or 6.4
shall be measured over the arc length, including the ends, and may also be used, provided
to a sufficient extent over the circumference. The smallest wall a) the finished fittings are examined individually per clause
thickness as well as the ovality shall be determined. and
b) the non-destructive tests and examinations of the starting
6.5.5 Marking products have been carried out according to the require-
ments in Section 11.4 or Section 11.5.2 prior to forming.
(1) Each pipe elbow shall be marked at least with the follow-
In this case the determination of mechanical and technological
ing information:
characteristics and the corresponding verification may be
a) manufacturer's symbol, waived for the starting products. An inspection certificate 3.1
b) steel grade (for steels with guaranteed reduction of area at to DIN EN 10204 shall then be adequate for visual inspection
fracture perpendicular to the product surface additionally and dimensional check of the starting products.
quality class to DIN EN 10164),
c) heat number, 6.6.4 Tests and examinations of fittings
d) elbow number, Sampling and specimen preparation
e) authorized inspector's mark. (1) Specimens shall be taken from the ends of the fittings in
conformity with the authorized inspector's appraisal.
6.5.6 Verification of quality characteristics (2) Transverse specimens shall be tested in the tensile tests
and notched-bar impact bend tests, provided that they can be
(1) The results of the materials identification check and non-
taken from unstraightened test coupons. If this is not possible,
destructive tests and examinations performed by the manufac-
longitudinal specimens shall be tested.
turer as well as the hardness test, if any, shall be documented
with an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The deli- (3) If the fittings are not tested individually, test units consist-
very condition of the product form stating heat treatment tem- ing of fittings of the same heat, dimension and heat treatment
peratures, holding times and cooling conditions as well as shall be formed for determination of mechanical and techno-
simulated stress-relief annealing temperature and holding time logical characteristics.
of test coupons, if any, shall be indicated in the inspection
certificate 3.1. (4) For the room-temperature tensile tests and for the
notched-bar impact bend tests, the number of fittings per test
(2) The forming process used shall be indicated in the in- unit shall not exceed:
spection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. a) at most 50 pieces for fittings with nominal diameters small-
(3) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual er than 100,
inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and b) at most 25 pieces for fittings of unalloyed steels with nomi-
examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector nal diameters equal to or larger than 100, or at most 10
and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection pieces for such fittings of alloyed steels.
certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively,
these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on
an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer. Extent of tests and examinations
(4) The inspection certificate of the starting product shall be (1) The chemical composition shall be verified on the basis
attached to the inspection certificate 3.2. of the starting product.
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
6.6 Seamless fittings larger than DN 50 be determined by performing:
Note: a) One room-temperature tensile test per test unit.
The nominal diameter of a reducer or of a tee shall refer to the b) One tensile test at 300 °C per heat, dimension and heat
end with the larger diameter. treatment, if the design temperature is higher than 100 °C.
6.6.1 Scope c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at 0 °C
or at 20 °C on one piece per test unit for fittings with nomi-
(1) This Section shall apply to the following seamless fittings: nal wall thicknesses equal to or larger than 10 mm. For fit-
a) reducers made by cold or hot forming, tings of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3 the test temperature shall
b) tees fabricated to the liqued bulge method be 0 °C.
followed by heat treatment (normalization; quenching and d) Notched-bar impact bend tests for determination of the
tempering). impact energy vs. temperature curve to clause on
one piece per heat, dimension and heat treatment for fit-
tings with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 16 mm. At
6.6.2 Materials least four test temperatures shall be used, of which one
shall be 0 °C or 20 °C. This test may be waived for pipe
(1) The Sections 6.3.1 and 6.4.2 apply to the materials. elbows of steel grade 15 MnNi 6 3.
(2) For fabricated fittings, the values of the mechanical and e) For fittings grouped together as test units, one hardness
technological characteristics for pipes shall apply even if test on each fitting to verify uniformity.
forged hollow parts are used as starting products. Note:
Verification of uniformity shall be acknowledged if the difference
between the highest and lowest hardness values in a test unit
6.6.3 Starting products does not exceed 30 HB units.
(1) Forged hollow parts to Section 6.3 or seamless pipes to (3) The Sections 11.1 and 11.7.2 shall apply to the non-
Section 6.4 shall basically be used as starting products. destructive tests and examinations.
KTA 3211.1 Page 30
(4) Each fitting shall be subjected to a materials identification (3) The casting technique shall be designed according to the
check. principles of controlled solidification. For castings with nominal
widths equal to or larger than 200 mm, the gate and feeder
(5) The inside and outside surfaces of each fitting shall be technique shall be explained on the basis of the saturation
subjected to a visual inspection. calculation as well as drawings illustrating the position of the
(6) For each fitting, the ovality, diameter and thickness shall feeders, feed zones and specimen location.
be measured at the ends. (4) For each casting model, the description of the casting
technique shall be attached to the interim file (internal manu-
6.6.5 Marking facturer documentation) for retention by the manufacturer.
(1) Each fitting shall be marked at least with the following
information: The feature characterizing the dimensions of the body or case
shall be the nominal width, as follows:
a) manufacturer's symbol, a) for pumps, the nominal width of the pressure nozzle,
b) steel grade (for steels with guaranteed reduction of area at b) for valves, the largest nominal width involved,
fracture perpendicular to the product surface additionally c) for safety valves, the nominal width of the inlet nozzle.
quality class to DIN EN 10164),
(5) Together with the drawing of the casting in the as-
c) heat number, delivered condition, the following documents shall generally be
d) fitting number or test lot number, submitted as standard plans for the design approval:
e) authorized inspector's mark. a) test and inspection sequence plan and heat-treatment
plan, in case of differences from the standard production
scheme to Figure 5.7-1,
6.6.6 Verification of quality characteristics
b) for prototypes of test groups A 2 and A 3 with nominal
(1) The results of the materials identification check and non- widths equal to or greater than 200 mm a film location plan
destructive tests and examinations performed by the manufac- and a radiation source plan,
turer as well as the hardness test, if any, shall be documented c) welding procedure qualification and welding procedure
with an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The deli- sheet for production welds and if applicable construction
very condition of the product form stating heat treatment tem- welds (see Annex B),
peratures, holding times and cooling conditions as well as d) test and inspection sequence plan for construction welds, if
simulated stress-relief annealing temperature and holding time necessary.
of test coupons, if any, shall be indicated in the inspection
certificate 3.1. e) list of planned production control tests.
(6) If changes are made compared with the conditions stipu-
(2) The forming process used shall be indicated in the in-
lated in the welding procedure sheet, or if a different welding
spection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204.
method is chosen, the welding procedure sheet shall be
(3) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual amended accordingly and resubmitted for design approval.
inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and
examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector 6.7.3 Tests and examinations
and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection
certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively, Sampling and specimen preparation
these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on (1) Castings with a delivery weight equal to or lighter than
an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer. 500 kg shall be tested in lots, and castings with a delivery weight
heavier than 500 kg shall be tested individually. The number
(4) The inspection certificate of the starting product shall be of sampling locations shall be as indicated in Table 5.7-1.
attached to the inspection certificate 3.2.
(2) The specimens shall be taken from cast-on test blocks to
DIN EN 1559-2 or from overlengths. Separately cast test
6.7 Castings blocks are permitted only for castings with piece weights equal
6.7.1 Materials to or lighter than 50 kg. The test blocks shall be provided in
sufficient number and size that the prescribed specimens can
(1) The following cast-steel grades may be used: be taken.
a) GP240GH+QT (1.0619+QT) to DIN EN 10213, (3) The thickness of the cast-on test blocks shall correspond
b) other cast-steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Sec- to the governing wall thickness. In this connection, the govern-
tion 3 in combination with the stipulations in the authorized ing wall thickness shall be the thickness of the wall subjected
inspector's appraisal. to pressure loading, and not the thickness of cast-on flanges
or local thickenings.
(2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.2.
(4) Cast-on test blocks at the gate system are not permitted.
(3) The selection of materials shall be based on the lowest
operating temperature. (5) For castings with piece weights heavier than 1000 kg,
the position of the cast-on test blocks on the casting shall be
6.7.2 General requirements for casting finish documented by a photograph or in a sketch.
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall a) X6CrNiNb18-10 (1.4550) to DIN EN 10028-7,
be determined by performing: b) X6CrNiTi18-10 (1.4541) to DIN EN 10028-7,
a) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location.
c) X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 (1.4571) to DIN EN 10028-7,
The value of reduction of area at fracture shall also be de-
termined for information. d) X6CrNiMoNb17-12-2 (1.4580) to DIN EN 10028-7 and
b) One tensile test at 350 °C per heat, dimension and heat- e) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in
treatment lot, if the design temperature is higher than combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec-
100 °C. tor's appraisal.
c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause per
(2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.3.
sampling location at 0 °C or at 20 °C.
d) One hardness test on each piece to verify uniformity of the (3) For hot (operating temperature T 200 °C during conti-
quenching and tempering treatment in the case of lotwise nuous operation) reactor water containing product form and
examination of castings of quenched and tempered steel. components in BWR plants only the steel grade to clause
(3) The Sections 11.1 and 11.8 shall apply to the non-de- (1) a), and only with the following additional requirements for
structive tests and examinations. the chemical composition shall be used:
C 0,03 %
(4) Each casting shall be subjected to a materials identifi-
cation check. Si 0,5 %
(5) Each casting shall be subjected in the as-delivered con- P 0,025 %
dition to a visual inspection. S 0,010 %
(6) Each casting shall be subjected in the as-delivered con- 18,0 % % Cr 19,0 %
dition to a dimensional check.
13 % C % Nb 0,65 %
(7) Each casting shall be subjected in a condition suitable for Co 0,2 %
the purpose, generally by the further processor, to a tightness
test in the form of an internal pressure test, which shall be The inspection certificate shall show the nitrogen content.
performed to DIN 50104. Pressurizing fluid, test pressure and
pressure-loading duration shall be indicated in the purchase
order. The test pressure has to be limited to ensure that a 7.1.2 Additional requirements for the materials
safety margin against the yield point or 0.2 % proof stress at The surfaces shall be free of ferritic impurities which are rele-
room temperature of at least 1.1 is achieved. vant for the corrosions resistance of the product form. Scale
layers from hot forming or heat treatment shall be removed.
6.7.4 Marking Tempering colours from hot forming or heat treatment shall be
avoided by taking appropriate measures. Decision on the
(1) Each casting shall be marked at least with the following permissibility of tempering colours up to and including “yellow”
information: shall be made in each individual case.
a) manufacturer's symbol,
b) cast-steel grade,
7.1.3 Tests and examinations
c) heat number,
d) specimen number and Sampling and specimen preparation
e) authorized inspector's mark. (1) Room-temperature tensile tests shall be performed using
a) for flat products with nominal thicknesses equal to or
6.7.5 Verification of quality characteristics smaller than 30 mm, flat tensile-test specimens containing
(1) The results of the ladle analysis, product analysis, mate- both rolled surfaces,
rials identification check and non-destructive tests and exami- b) for flat products with nominal thicknesses exceeding
nations performed by the manufacturer as well as of the hard- 30 mm and equal to or smaller than 75 mm, flat tensile-test
ness test, if any, shall be certified with an inspection certificate specimens at least 30 mm thick, containing at least one in-
3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The delivery condition of the product tact rolled surface.
form stating heat treatment temperatures, holding times and
cooling conditions as well as simulated stress-relief annealing (2) Elevated-temperature tensile tests shall be performed
temperature and holding time of test coupons, if any, shall be using,
indicated in the inspection certificate 3.1. a) for flat products with nominal thicknesses equal to or
(2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual smaller than 12 mm, flat tensile-test or round tensile-test
inspection, dimensional check, tightness test and non-destruc- specimens,
tive tests and examinations shall be confirmed by the author- b) for flat products with nominal thicknesses exceeding
ized inspector and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as 12 mm, round tensile-test specimens.
inspection certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him.
Alternatively, these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized (3) The notched-bar impact bend test shall be subject to the
inspector on an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the following requirements:
manufacturer. For castings with piece weights heavier than
a) For flat products with nominal thicknesses smaller than or
1000 kg, a photograph or a sketch of the location of the cast-
equal to 30 mm, specimens shall be taken from 2 mm un-
on test blocks on the casting shall be attached to the inspec-
tion certificate. der the rolled surface.
b) For flat products with nominal thicknesses exceeding
30 mm and equal to or smaller than 75 mm, specimens
7 Product forms of austenitic steels shall be taken from 1/4 of the flat product thickness under
the rolled surface.
7.1 Flat products
(4) The sampling depth for flat products with nominal thick-
7.1.1 Materials nesses exceeding 75 mm shall be subject to the stipulations in
(1) The following steel grades may be used: the authorized inspector's appraisal.
KTA 3211.1 Page 32
(5) The specimens shall be taken as transverse specimens tures, holding times and cooling conditions shall be indicated
such that the specimens are located halfway between long in the inspection certificate 3.1.
edges and centerline of the flat products.
(2) For flat products of test groups A 1 and A 2, the results of
(6) The number of sampling locations shall be as required in mechanical and technological tests, visual inspection, dimen-
DIN EN 10028-7. sional check and non-destructive tests and examinations shall
be confirmed by the authorized inspector and combined with
inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection certificate 3.2 to DIN Extent of tests and examinations
EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively, these tests shall be
(1) The following procedures shall be performed for the confirmed by the authorized inspector on an inspection cer-
chemical analysis: tificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer. For flat products
a) One ladle analysis per heat. of test group A 3, the stipulations shall be the same as for
steels for conventional pressure vessel plants subject to su-
b) One product analysis on one sampling location of one flat pervision to AD 2000-Merkblatt W 2.
product per heat. The nitrogen content shall be documen-
7.2 Dished or pressed product forms made from flat prod-
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall ucts
be determined by performing:
a) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location. 7.2.1 Materials
b) One tensile test at 350 °C per heat, dimensional range and The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 7.1.1.
heat-treatment lot, if the design temperature in test group
A 1 is higher than 200 °C and in test groups A 2 and A 3 is
7.2.2 Additional requirements for the materials
higher than 300 °C.
c) One room-temperature notched-bar impact bend test to The requirements of clause 7.1.2 shall apply.
clause per sampling location for flat products with
nominal thicknesses exceeding 16 mm.
7.2.3 Tests and examinations of the starting products
(3) One test for resistance to intergranular corrosion to
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 with prior annealing (1/2 h at 650 °C) shall (1) Starting products shall be subject to the stipulations in
be performed per heat, dimensional range and heat-treatment Section 7.1.
lot. (2) If the finished parts are tested individually to clause
(4) One bead-on-plate test to determine the delta ferrite, the tests to clause (2) as well as the corre-
content to Annex C shall be performed per heat, if values sponding verifications shall not be required.
smaller than 3 are found in calculation of the ferrite number Note:
from the chemical composition in the ladle analysis. The stipulations of KTA 3211.3 shall apply to welded joints made
with the starting products and remaining in the finished parts.
(5) Each flat product shall be subjected to a materials identi-
fication check.
7.2.4 Tests and examinations of dished or pressed product
(6) Each flat product shall be subjected to a visual inspection. forms made from flat products
(7) The dimensional and shape accuracy of each flat product Sampling and specimen preparation
shall be measured.
(1) For product forms with a diameter or length smaller than
(8) The Sections 11.1 and 11.2 as well as the Sections 11.1
or equal to 500 mm and a wall thickness smaller than or equal
and 11.4 in the case of flat products for tube sheets shall ap-
to 16 mm, the mechanical tests shall be performed on one
ply to the non-destructive tests and examinations.
part per heat, thickness range and heat-treatment lot. The
maximum permissible lot size shall be 20 parts, but the lot
7.1.4 Marking weight shall not exceed 500 kg.
(1) Each flat product shall be marked at least with the follow- (2) For product forms with a diameter or length greater than
ing information: 500 mm or wall thickness greater than 16 mm, each part shall
a) manufacturer's symbol, be tested individually, in which case
b) steel grade, a) for product forms with a diameter or length greater than
c) heat number, 500 mm and equal to or smaller than 6000 mm or a wall
thickness greater than 16 mm one test coupon shall be
d) specimen number, taken,
e) authorized inspector's mark. b) for product forms with a diameter or length greater than
(2) The marking shall be applied transverse to the rolling 6000 mm one test coupon each from two opposite sides
direction. For flat products cut from strip, roller stamping in the shall be taken.
longitudinal direction is also permitted. (3) The test coupons shall be taken such that transverse
specimens can be machined. Deviations up to 20 degrees
7.1.5 Verification of quality characteristics from the theoretical transverse direction are permitted for
heads (ends) and similar parts. In making the specimens,
(1) The results of the ladle analysis, product analysis, test plastic deformation of the specimen in the zone of the gauge
for resistance to intergranular corrosion, determination of the length shall be avoided. If applicable, a different type of sam-
delta ferrite content, materials identification check and non- pling or procedure for making specimens shall be agreed with
destructive tests and examinations performed by the manufac- the authorized inspector.
turer shall be documented with an inspection certificate 3.1 to
DIN EN 10204. The steel making process and the delivery (4) The stipulations of clause and of DIN EN 10028-7
condition of the product form stating heat treatment tempera- shall apply as relevant to sampling.
KTA 3211.1 Page 33 Extent of tests and examination certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer. For product
forms of test group A 3, the stipulations shall be the same as
(1) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
for steels for conventional pressure vessel plants subject to
be determined by performing:
supervision to AD 2000-Merkblatt W 2.
a) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location.
b) One tensile test at 350 °C per heat, thickness range and
7.3 Forgings, bars and rolled rings
heat-treatment lot, if the design temperature in test group
A 1 is higher than 200 °C and in test groups A 2 and A 3 is 7.3.1 Materials
higher than 300 °C.
(1) The following steel grades may be used:
c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at
room temperature per sampling location for product forms a) X6CrNiNb18-10 (1.4550) to DIN EN 10222-5 or
with nominal wall thicknesses larger than 16 mm. DIN EN 10272,
b) X6CrNiTi18-10 (1.4541) to DIN EN 10222-5 or
(2) One test for resistance to intergranular corrosion to DIN EN 10272,
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 with prior annealing (1/2 h at 650 °C) shall
be performed per heat, dimensional range and heat-treatment c) X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 (1.4571) to DIN EN 10222-5 or
lot. DIN EN 10272,
d) X6CrNiMoNb17-12-2 (1.4580) to DIN EN 10272 and
(3) One bead-on-plate test to determine the delta ferrite
content to Annex C shall be performed per heat, if values e) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in
smaller than 3 are found in calculation of the ferrite number combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec-
from the chemical composition in the ladle analysis. This test tor's appraisal.
may be replaced by a corresponding test of the starting prod- (2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.3.
(3) For hot (operating temperature T 200 °C during conti-
(4) Each product form shall be subjected to a materials nuous operation) reactor water containing product form and
identification check. components in BWR plants only the steel grade to clause
(5) Each product form shall be subjected to a visual inspec- (1) a), and only with the following additional requirements for
tion. the chemical composition shall be used:
C 0,03 %
(6) The dimensional and shape accuracy of each product
form shall be measured. Si 0,5 %
(7) The Sections 11.1 and 11.3 shall apply to the non-de- P 0,025 %
structive tests and examinations. S 0,010 %
18,0 (% Cr) 19,0
7.2.5 Marking 13 x (% C) (% Nb) 0,65
(1) Each product form shall be marked at least with the Co 0,2 %
following information:
The inspection certificate shall show the nitrogen content.
a) manufacturer's symbol,
b) steel grade,
7.3.2 Additional requirements for the materials
c) heat number,
The surfaces shall be free of ferritic impurities which are rele-
d) specimen number,
vant for the corrosions resistance of the product form. Scale
e) authorized inspector's mark. layers from hot forming or heat treatment shall be removed.
(2) In the case of lotwise examination, the product form from Tempering colours from hot forming or heat treatment shall be
which the specimens were taken shall additionally be marked. avoided by taking appropriate measures. Decision on the
permissibility of tempering colours up to and including “yellow”
(3) The marking shall be applied such that it appears upright shall be made in each individual case.
when viewed in the main rolling direction of the rolled plate.
7.3.3 Tests and examinations
7.2.6 Verification of quality characteristics Test units
(1) The results of the test for resistance to intergranular cor-
rosion, determination of the delta ferrite content, materials (1) Pieces from the same heat, with similar dimensions and
identification check and non-destructive tests and examina- from the same heat-treatment lot shall be grouped as test
tions performed by the manufacturer shall be documented with units weighing at most 500 kg.
an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The delivery
(2) Pieces with heat-treatment weights heavier than 500 kg
condition of the product form stating heat treatment tempera-
or governing dimensions exceeding 250 mm shall be tested
tures, holding times and cooling conditions shall be indicated
in the inspection certificate 3.1.
(2) The forming method shall be indicated in the inspection Sampling for forgings and rings
certificate 3.1. Sampling location
(3) For product forms of test groups A 1 and A 2, the results
of mechanical and technological tests, visual inspection, di- Specimens shall be taken from one end face of the prices. For
mensional check and non-destructive tests and examinations heat treatment weights exceeding 2500 kg specimens shall be
shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector and combined taken from both ends of the forging. At diameters exceeding
with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection certificate 3.2 to 1000 mm the specimens shall be taken offset by 180 degrees.
DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively, these tests shall Unless otherwise stipulated, specimens shall be taken from
be confirmed by the authorized inspector on an inspection one piece per test unit.
KTA 3211.1 Page 34 Sampling depth (4) One bead-on-plate test to determine the delta ferrite
content shall be performed per heat, if values of ferrite number
(1) The requirements of the DIN standards applicable for the
smaller than 3 are calculated by the procedure of Annex C
respective product form shall apply.
from the chemical composition in the ladle analysis.
(2) If the exact sampling location cannot be given in advance
(5) The Sections 11.1 and 11.4 shall apply to the non-de-
for any pieces, it shall be specified by agreement with the
structive tests and examinations.
authorized inspector.
(6) Each piece shall be subjected to a materials identification
check. Specimen direction
(7) Each piece shall be subjected to a visual inspection.
(1) Specimens shall be taken transverse to the main forming
direction. (8) A dimensional check shall be performed for each piece.
(2) Longitudinal specimens are permitted in the following
cases: tensile-test specimens for pieces with a cross-sectional 7.3.4 Marking
area corresponding to solid parts with a diameter smaller than
(1) Each piece shall be marked durably at least with the
160 mm; and notched-bar impact-test specimens for pieces
following information:
with a cross-sectional area corresponding to solid parts with a
diameter smaller than 100 mm. a) manufacturer's symbol,
b) steel grade,
c) heat number, Sampling for bars
d) specimen number, Sampling location e) authorized inspector's mark.
(1) Specimens shall be taken from one end of the bars. (2) In the case of lotwise examination, the piece from which
(2) Unless otherwise stipulated, specimens shall be taken the specimens were taken shall additionally be marked.
from one piece per test unit.
7.3.5 Verification of quality characteristics Sampling depth (1) The results of the ladle analysis, product analysis, test
(1) For bars with a diameter or heat-treatment thickness for resistance to intergranular corrosion, determination of the
smaller than or equal to 25 mm, specimens shall be taken delta ferrite content, materials identification check and non-
from the core of the bars. destructive tests and examinations performed by the manufac-
turer shall be documented with an inspection certificate 3.1 to
(2) For bars with a diameter or heat-treatment thickness DIN EN 10204. The delivery condition of the product form
larger than 25 mm and smaller than or equal to 160 mm, spec- stating heat treatment temperatures, holding times and cooling
imens shall be taken at least 12.5 mm under the surface. conditions shall be indicated in the inspection certificate 3.1.
(3) The sampling depths for bars with larger diameter or (2) For pieces of test groups A 1 and A 2, the results of me-
larger heat-treatment thickness shall be determined by the chanical and technological tests, visual inspection, dimensio-
stipulations in the authorized inspector's appraisal. nal check and non-destructive tests and examinations shall be
(4) The distance of the sampling location from the end faces confirmed by the authorized inspector and combined with
shall be at least 25 mm. inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection certificate 3.2 to DIN EN
10204 issued by him. Alternatively, these tests shall be con-
firmed by the authorized inspector on an inspection certificate Specimen direction 3.2 established by the manufacturer. For pieces of test group
Longitudinal specimens shall be taken for bars with a diameter A 3, the stipulations shall be the same as for steels for con-
or heat-treatment thickness smaller than or equal to 100 mm, ventional pressure vessel plants subject to supervision to
and transverse specimens shall be taken for bars with a diam- AD 2000-Merkblatt W 2
eter or heat-treatment thickness larger than 100 mm.
7.4 Seamless pipes larger than DN 50 Extent of tests and examinations 7.4.1 Scope
(1) The following procedures shall be performed for the (1) The stipulations of this Section shall apply to seamless,
chemical analysis: rolled or pressed pipes larger than DN 50.
a) One ladle analysis per heat. Note:
For forged pipes Section 7.3 shall apply.
b) One product analysis per heat. The nitrogen content shall
be documented. (2) The stipulations of this Section shall also apply to pipes
equal to or smaller than DN 50 if pipe elbows larger than
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
DN 50 are made from such pipes.
be determined by performing:
a) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location.
b) One tensile test at 350 °C per heat, similar dimension and 7.4.2 Materials
heat-treatment lot, if the design temperature in test group (1) The following steel grades may be used:
A 1 is higher than 200 °C and in test groups A 2 and A 3 is
a) X6CrNiNb18-10 (1.4550) to DIN EN 10216-5,
higher than 300 °C.
c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at b) X6CrNiTi18-10 (1.4541) to DIN EN 10216-5,
room temperature per sampling location. c) X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 (1.4571) to DIN EN 10216-5,
(3) One test for resistance to intergranular corrosion to d) X6CrNiMoNb17-12-2 (1.4580) to DIN EN 10216-5 and
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 with prior annealing (1/2 h at 650 °C) shall e) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in
be performed per heat, similar dimension and heat-treatment combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec-
lot. tor's appraisal.
KTA 3211.1 Page 35
(2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.3. (6) The inside and outside surfaces of each pipe shall be
subjected to a visual inspection.
(3) For hot (operating temperature T 200 °C during conti-
nuous operation) reactor water containing product form and (7) The dimensional and shape accuracy of each pipe shall
components in BWR plants only the steel grade to clause be measured at both ends.
(1) a), and only with the following additional requirements for (8) The Sections 11.1 and 11.5.3 shall apply to the non-de-
the chemical composition shall be used: structive tests and examinations.
C 0,03 %
(9) Each pipe shall be examined for leak tightness to DIN
Si 0,5 % EN 10216-5.
P 0,025 %
S 0,010 % 7.4.5 Marking
18,0 (% Cr) 19,0 (1) Each pipe shall be marked durably at least with the fol-
13 x (% C) (% Nb) 0,65 lowing information at one end:
Co 0,2 % a) manufacturer's symbol,
b) dimensions of the pipe,
The inspection certificate shall show the nitrogen content.
c) steel grade and number of the DIN standard,
d) heat number,
7.4.3 Additional requirements for the materials
e) test category,
The surfaces shall be free of ferritic impurities which are rele- f) mark of the delivery condition,
vant for the corrosions resistance of the product form. Scale
layers from hot forming or heat treatment shall be removed. g) pipe number,
Tempering colours from hot forming or heat treatment shall be h) authorized inspector's mark.
avoided by taking appropriate measures. Decision on the
permissibility of tempering colours up to and including “yellow” 7.4.6 Verification of quality characteristics
shall be made in each individual case.
(1) The results of the ladle analysis, product analysis, test
for resistance to intergranular corrosion, determination of the
7.4.4 Testing and examinations delta ferrite content, materials identification check, tightness Sampling and specimen preparation test and non-destructive tests and examinations performed by
the manufacturer shall be documented with an inspection
Specimens shall be taken in compliance with the requirements certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The steel making process and
in DIN EN 1026-5. The distance between pipe end and samp- the delivery condition of the product form stating heat treat-
ling location of tensile and notched-bar impact bend test spec- ment temperatures, holding times and cooling conditions shall
imens shall be at least equal to the nominal wall thickness but be indicated in the inspection certificate 3.1.
shall not exceed 25 mm.
(2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and Extent of tests and examinations examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector
and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection
(1) The following procedures shall be performed for the
certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively,
chemical analysis:
these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on
a) One ladle analysis per heat. an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer.
b) One product analysis per heat. The nitrogen content shall (3) For pipes of test group A 3 and wall thicknesses smaller
be documented. than or equal to 5.6 mm, an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall EN 10204 will suffice.
be determined by performing:
a) Room-temperature tensile tests in compliance with the re- 7.5 Seamless pipe elbows larger than DN 50
quirements for test category 2 in DIN EN 10216-5.
7.5.1 Scope
b) One tensile test at 350 °C per heat, dimensional range and
heat-treatment lot, if the design temperature for pipes of (1) This Section shall apply to seamless pipe elbows (weld-
test group A 1 is higher than 200 °C and for pipes of test in elbows) made by cold or hot forming followed by heat
groups A 2 and A 3 is higher than 300 °C. treatment (solution annealing and quenching).
c) One room-temperature notched-bar impact bend test to (2) This Section shall not apply to pipe bends made with
clause per tensile test specimen to a) for pipes with inductive bending machines or by cold forming with or without
nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 16 mm. subsequent heat treatment. These pipe bends shall be subject
d) For pipes with wall thicknesses smaller than or equal to to the requirements of KTA 3211.3 Section 6.
40 mm, technological tests in compliance with the require-
ments in DIN EN 1026-5. 7.5.2 Materials
(3) One test for resistance to intergranular corrosion to (1) The materials shall meet the requirements of clauses
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 with prior annealing (1/2 h at 650 °C) shall 7.3.1 and 7.4.2.
be performed per heat, dimension and heat-treatment lot.
(2) For finished pipe elbows, the values of the mechanical
(4) One bead-on-plate test to determine the delta ferrite and technological characteristics for pipes shall apply even if
content shall be performed per heat, if the calculation to An- forged hollow parts are used as starting product.
nex C yields values of ferrite number smaller than 3 from the
chemical composition in the ladle analysis.
7.5.3 Additional requirements for the materials
(5) Each pipe shall be subjected to a materials identification
check. The requirements of clauses 7.3.2 and 7.4.3 shall apply.
KTA 3211.1 Page 36
7.5.4 Starting products (4) One bead-on-plate test to determine the delta ferrite
content to Annex C shall be performed per heat, if values
(1) Forged hollow parts to Section 7.3 or seamless pipes to
Section 7.4 shall basically be used as starting products. smaller than 3 are found in calculation of the ferrite number from
the chemical composition in the ladle analysis. This test may
(2) Starting products that have not been completely exa- be replaced by a corresponding test on the starting product.
mined per the stipulations in Sections 7.3 or 7.4 may also be
used, provided (5) Each pipe elbow shall be subjected to a materials iden-
tification check.
a) the finished pipe elbows are examined individually per
clause and (6) The inside and outside surfaces of each pipe elbow shall
b) the non-destructive tests and examinations of the starting be subjected to a visual inspection.
products have been carried out according to the require- (7) For each pipe elbow, the wall thickness and, depending
ments in Section 11.4 or Section 11.5.3 prior to forming. on the purchase order, either the outside or inside diameter
(3) If the finished pipe elbows are examined individually to shall be measured over the arc length, including the ends, and
clause, the determination of mechanical and technolo- to a sufficient extent over the circumference. The smallest wall
gical characteristics and the corresponding verification may be thickness as well as the ovality shall be determined.
waived for the starting products. An inspection certificate 3.1 (8) The Sections 11.1 and 11.6.3 shall apply to the non-de-
to DIN EN 10204 shall then be adequate for visual inspection structive tests and examinations.
and dimensional check of the starting products.
7.5.6 Marking
7.5.5 Tests and examinations of pipe elbows Sampling and specimen preparation (1) Each pipe elbow shall be marked at least with the follow-
ing information:
(1) Specimens shall be taken from the ends of the pipe
à) manufacturer's symbol,
elbows in conformity with the authorized inspector's appraisal.
b) steel grade with abbreviation for the type of construction in
(2) The distance between pipe-elbow end and sampling compiance with the requirements in the DIN standard for
location shall be at least equal to the nominal wall thickness the starting product,
but shall not exceed 25 mm. Deviations from the foregoing are
permitted by agreement with the authorized inspector. c) heat number,
d) elbow number or test lot number and
(3) Transverse specimens shall be tested in the tensile tests
and notched-bar impact bend tests, provided that they can be e) authorized inspector's mark,
taken from unstraightened test coupons. If this is not possible, f) designation „X“ in the case of hot-finished elbows (of the
longitudinal specimens shall be tested. Hamburg type) from the steel grades X6CrNiTi18-10 and
(4) For pipe elbows with nominal wall thicknesses larger
than or equal to 20 mm, specimens shall be taken from the
middle of the pipe wall if at all possible. 7.5.7 Verification of quality characteristics
(5) If the pipe elbows are not tested individually, test units (1) The results of the test for resistance to intergranular cor-
consisting of pipe elbows of the same heat, dimension and rosion, determination of the delta ferrite content, materials
heat treatment shall be formed for determination of mechani- identification check and non-destructive tests and examina-
cal and technological characteristics. tions performed by the manufacturer shall be documented with
(6) For the room-temperature tensile tests and for the an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The delivery
notched-bar impact bend tests, the number of pipe elbows per condition of the product form stating heat treatment tempera-
test unit shall not exceed: tures, holding times and cooling conditions shall be indicated
in the inspection certificate 3.1.
a) 50 pieces for pipe elbows smaller than DN 200
b) 25 pieces for pipe elbows larger than or equal to DN 200 to (2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
smaller than DN 350 inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and
examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector
c) 10 pieces for pipe elbows larger than or equal to DN 350. and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection
certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively, Extent of tests and examinations these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on
an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer.
(1) The chemical composition shall be verified on the basis
of the starting product. (3) The acceptance inspection certificate of the starting
product shall be attached to the inspection certificate 3.2.
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
be determined by performing: (4) For pipe elbows of test group A 3 with wall thicknesses
a) One room-temperature tensile test on one pipe elbow per smaller than or equal to 5.6 mm, an inspection certificate 3.1
test unit or, in the case of individual testing, on each pipe to DIN EN 10204 will suffice.
b) One tensile test at 350 °C on one pipe elbow per heat, 7.6 Seamless fittings larger than DN 50
dimension and heat-treatment lot, if the design tempera- Note:
ture for pipe elbows of test group A 1 is higher than 200 °C The nominal diameter of a reducer or of a tee shall refer to the
and for pipe elbows of test groups A 2 and A 3 is higher end with the larger diameter.
than 300 °C.
7.6.1 Scope
c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at
room-temperature per test unit for wall thicknesses excee- (1) This Section shall apply to the following seamless fit-
ding 16 mm. tings:
(3) One test for resistance to intergranular corrosion to a) reducers made by cold or hot forming,
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 with prior annealing (1/2 h at 650 °C) shall b) tees fabricated to the liqued bulge method
be performed per heat, dimension and heat-treatment lot. followed by heat treatment (solution annealing and quenching).
KTA 3211.1 Page 37
7.6.2 Materials group A 1 is higher than 200 °C and for fittings of test
groups A 2 and A 3 is higher than 300 °C.
(1) The materials shall meet the requirements of clauses
7.3.1 and 7.4.2. c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at
room-temperature per test unit for wall thicknesses excee-
(2) For the mechanical and technological characteristics of ding 16 mm.
fabricated fittings, the values of the mechanical and techno-
logical characteristics for pipes shall apply even if forged hol- (3) One test for resistance to intergranular corrosion to
low parts are used as starting products. DIN EN ISO 3651-2 with prior annealing (1/2 h at 650 °C) shall
be performed per heat, dimension and heat-treatment lot.
7.6.3 Additional requirements for the materials (4) One bead-on-plate test to determine the delta ferrite
content to Annex C shall be performed per heat, if values
The requirements of clauses 7.3.2 and 7.4.3 shall apply. smaller than 3 are found in calculation of the ferrite number from
the chemical composition in the ladle analysis. This test may
be replaced by a corresponding test on the starting product.
7.6.4 Starting products
(5) Each fitting shall be subjected to a materials identification
(1) Forged hollow parts to Section 7.3 or seamless pipes to
Section 7.4 shall basically be used as starting products.
(6) The inside and outside surfaces of each fitting shall be
(2) Starting products that have not been completely exa-
subjected to a visual inspection.
mined per the stipulations in Sections 7.3 or 7.4 may also be
used, provided (7) For each fitting the ovality, diameter and wall thickness
a) the finished pipe elbows are examined individually per shall be measured at the ends.
clause and
(8) The Sections 11.1 and 11.7.3 shall apply to the non-
b) the non-destructive tests and examinations of the starting destructive tests and examinations.
products have been carried out according to the require-
ments in Section 11.4 or Section 11.5.3 prior to forming.
7.6.6 Marking
(3) If the finished pipe elbows are examined individually to
clause, the determination of mechanical and technolo- (1) Each fitting shall be marked at least with the following
gical characteristics and the corresponding verification may be information:
waived for the starting products. An inspection certificate 3.1 a) manufacturer's symbol,
to DIN EN 10204 shall then be adequate for visual inspection
b) steel grade with abbreviation for the type of construction in
and dimensional check of the starting products.
compiance with the requirements in the DIN standard for
the starting product,
7.6.5 Tests and examinations of fittings c) heat number, Sampling and specimen preparation d) number of the fitting or test lot number,
(1) Specimens shall be taken from the ends of the fittings in e) authorized inspector's mark,
conformity with the authorized inspector's appraisal. f) designation „X“ in the case of hot-finished fittings from the
steel grades X6CrNiTi18-10 and X6CrNiMoTi18-10.
(2) The test coupons shall be located at one half of the wall
thickness under the end face or as close as possible to that
location. 7.6.7 Verification of quality characteristics
(3) Transverse specimens shall be tested in the tensile tests (1) The results of the test for resistance to intergranular cor-
and notched-bar impact bend tests, provided that they can be rosion, determination of the delta ferrite content, materials
taken from unstraightened test coupons. If this is not possible, identification check and non-destructive tests and examina-
longitudinal specimens shall be tested. tions performed by the manufacturer shall be documented with
an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The delivery
(4) For fittings with nominal thicknesses larger than or equal condition of the product form stating heat treatment tempe-
to 20 mm, specimens shall be taken from the middle of the ratures, holding times and cooling conditions shall be indica-
pipe wall if at all possible. ted in the inspection certificate 3.1.
(5) If the fittings are not tested individually, test units con- (2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
sisting of fittings of the same heat, dimension and heat- inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and
treatment lot shall be formed for determination of characte- examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector
ristics. and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection
(6) For the room-temperature tensile tests and for the certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively,
notched-bar impact bend tests, the number of fittings per test these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on
unit shall not exceed: an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer.
a) 50 pieces for fittings smaller than DN 100 (3) The inspection certificate of the starting product shall be
b) 10 pieces for fittings larger than or equal to DN 100 attached to the inspection certificate 3.2.
(4) For fittings of test group A 3 with wall thicknesses smaller Extent of tests and examinations than or equal to 5.6 mm, an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN
(1) The chemical composition shall be verified on the basis EN 10204 will suffice.
of the starting product.
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall 7.7 Castings
be determined by performing: 7.7.1 Materials
a) One room-temperature tensile test per test unit.
b) One tensile test at 350 °C per heat, dimension and heat- (1) The following cast-steel grades may be used:
treatment lot, if the design temperature for fittings of test a) GX5CrNiNb19-11 (1.4552) to DIN EN 10213,
KTA 3211.1 Page 38
b) GX5CrNiMoNb19-11-2 (1.4581) to DIN EN 10213 and (3) The specimens shall be taken from cast-on test blocks to
c) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in DIN EN 1559-2 or from overlengths. Separately cast test
combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec- blocks are permitted only for castings with piece weights equal
tor's appraisal. to or lighter than 50 kg. The test blocks shall be provided in
sufficient number and size that the prescribed specimens can
(2) The materials shall meet the requirements of clause 4.3.3. be taken.
(4) The thickness of the cast-on test blocks shall correspond
7.7.2 General requirements for casting condition to the governing wall thickness. In this connection, the gover-
ning nominal wall thickness shall be the thickness of the wall
(1) The base metal shall have a delta ferrite content corre- subjected to pressure loading, and not the thickness of cast-
sponding to ferrite numbers of 2 to 12 to Annex C. on flanges or local thickenings.
(2) As regards their general internal and external finish, the (5) Cast-on test blocks at the gate system are not permitted.
castings shall satisfy the stipulations of Table 11-6 applicable
to their test group. (6) For castings with piece weights heavier than 1000 kg,
the position of the cast-on test blocks on the casting shall be
(3) Feeder heads and large casting-related thickenings that documented by a photograph or in a sketch.
impair the heat treatment of the casting shall be eliminated
before the heat treatment for establishment of the mechanical Extent of tests and examinations
and technological characteristics.
(1) The following procedures shall be performed for the
(4) The casting technique shall be designed according to the
chemical analysis:
principles of controlled solidification. For castings with nominal
widths larger than or equal to 200 mm, the gate and feeder a) One ladle analysis per heat.
technique shall be explained on the basis of the saturation b) One product analysis for one sampling location per test
calculation as well as drawings illustrating the position of the unit. The nitrogen content shall be documented.
feeders, feed zones and specimen location. (2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
(5) For each casting model, the description of the casting be determined by performing:
technique shall be attached to the interim file (internal manu- a) One room-temperature tensile test per sampling location.
facturer documentation) for retention by the manufacturer. b) One tensile test at 350 °C per heat, dimension and heat-
Note: treatment lot, if the design temperature for castings of test
group A 1 is higher than 200 °C and for castings of test
The feature characterizing the dimensions of the body or case
shall be the nominal width, as follows: groups A 2 and A 3 is higher than 300 °C.
a) for pumps, the nominal width of the pressure nozzle, c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at
b) for valves, the largest nominal width involved,
room-temperature per sampling location.
c) for safety valves, the nominal width of the inlet nozzle. (3) One test for resistance to intergranular corrosion to
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 with prior annealing (1/2 h at 650 °C) shall
(6) Together with the drawing of the casting in the as- be performed per heat, dimension and heat-treatment lot.
delivered condition, the following documents shall generally be
submitted as standard plans for the design approval: (4) The delta ferrite content shall be determined from the
nitrogen content by the method of Annex C. If the value of the
a) test and inspection sequence plan and heat-treatment
ferrite number calculated from the chemical composition per
plan, in case of differences from the standard production
the ladle analysis is smaller than 3, the delta ferrite content
scheme to Figure 5.7-1.
shall be determined metallographically per heat.
b) for castings of test group A 1 with nominal widths equal to
(5) The Sections 11.1 and 11.8 shall apply to the non-de-
or larger than 200 mm, instructions for the non-destructive
structive tests and examinations.
examinations as well as a coordinate reference system
(reference-point grid). (6) Each casting shall be subjected to a materials identifi-
c) for prototypes of test groups A 2 and A 3 with nominal cation check.
widths greater than 200 mm a film location plan and a ra- (7) Each casting shall be subjected in the as-delivered con-
diation source plan, dition to a visual inspection.
d) welding procedure qualification and welding procedure (8) Each casting shall be subjected in the as-delivered con-
sheet for production welds and if applicable construction dition to a dimensional check.
welds (see Annex B)
(9) Each casting shall be subjected in a condition suitable for
e) test and inspection sequence plan for construction welds, if
necessary. the purpose, generally by the further processor, to a tightness
test in the form of an internal pressure test, which shall be
f) list of planned production control tests. performed to DIN 50104. Pressurizing fluid, pressure level and
(7) If changes are made compared with the conditions stipu- pressure-loading duration shall be indicated in the purchase
lated in the welding procedure sheet, or if a different welding order. The test pressure has to be limited to ensure that a
method is chosen, the welding procedure sheet shall be re- safety margin against the 0.2 % proof stress at room tempe-
submitted for design approval in this respect. rature of at least 1.1 is achieved.
7.7.4 Marking
7.7.3 Tests and examinations
(1) Each casting shall be marked at least with the following Sampling and specimen preparation
(1) Castings with a delivery weight lighter than or equal to a) manufacturer's symbol,
500 kg shall be tested in lots, and castings with a delivery b) cast-steel grade,
weight heavier than 500 kg shall be tested individually. c) heat number,
(2) The number of sampling locations shall be as indicated d) specimen number and
in Table 5.7-1. e) authorized inspector's mark.
KTA 3211.1 Page 39
Table 8-1: Application limits of bolts and nuts to DIN EN ISO 898-1 and DIN EN ISO 898-2 as well as to DIN EN ISO 3506-1
and DIN EN ISO 3506-1
8.2 Materials e) ferritic and austenitic steels for bolts and nuts to Table 8-1,
(1) The following steel grades may be used: f) other steels meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in com-
a) steels to Section A 5, bination with the stipulations in the authorized inspector's
b) steels C35E+QT (1.1181+QT), 25CrMo4 (1.7218) and
21CrMoV5-7 (1.7709) to DIN EN 10269 in combination (2) Locking by welding is not permitted.
with the additional requirements of Section 8.3 as well as
the dimensional limits and other stipulations in Section A 6,
8.3 Additional requirements for the materials
c) steels
ca) X6CrNiNb18-10 (1.4550) to DIN EN 10222-5 or (1) For ferritic steels for bolts, except X22CrMoV12-1+QT1
DIN EN 10272, (1.4923+QT1) and bolts of strength classes, the following
cb) X6CrNiTi18-10 (1.4541) to DIN EN 10222-5 or additional stipulations shall apply in the notched-bar impact
DIN EN 10272, bend test on longitudinal specimens at room temperature:
cc) X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 (1.4571) to DIN EN 10222-5 or a) for dimensions larger than M 24 and smaller than or equal
DIN EN 10272, to M 100, the smallest individual value of lateral expansion
cd) X6CrNiMoNb17-12-2 (1.4580) to DIN EN 10272, shall not be less than 0.6 mm and
d) steels X22CrMoV12-1+QT1 (1.4923+QT1) to DIN EN 10269 b) for dimensions larger than M 100 the smallest individual
and X 8 CrNiMoBNb 16-16 +wk (1.4986+wk) to VdTÜV ma- value of impact energy shall not be less than 61 J and the
terial sheet 113/2 in combination with the dimensional limits smallest individual value of lateral expansion shall not be
and other stipulations in Section A 6, less than 0.6 mm.
KTA 3211.1 Page 40
8.4 Bolts and nuts made by machining from quenched and (7) The following requirements shall apply to the non-de-
tempered bars or from hot-cold work hardened auste- structive tests and examinations:
nitic bars a) Sections 11.1 and in the case of ferritic and mar-
8.4.1 Tests and examinations on the bars tensitic quenched and tempered bars, Sampling and specimen preparation b) Sections 11.1 and in the case of bars made of the
steel X 8 CrNiMoBNb 16-16 +wk (1.4986+wk).
(1) Longitudinal specimens shall be taken.
(2) The test cross section of the tensile-test and notched-bar 8.4.2 Tests and examinations on finished parts
impact-test specimens shall be located at least one half of the
bar diameter from the end face, and the specimen axis shall (1) In the course of inspection for dimensional accuracy the
be located at the bar center for diameters equal to or smaller main and secondary features shall be examined to Table 8-2.
than 40 mm and at a depth of one sixth of the diameter under The extent of random examination and the acceptance levels
the surface for diameters larger than 40 mm. shall be subject to the stipulations in Table 8-3. Subject to
agreement of the authorized inspector, it is permitted to sup-
plement or replace the secondary features cited in Table 8-2 Test units by application-specific requirements.
The bars shall be tested in test units of at most 5000 kg, con- (2) The marking shall be checked at random. The extent of ran-
sisting of bars of the same dimension, same heat and same dom checking shall be subject to the stipulations in Table 8-3.
heat-treatment lot. (3) Bolts and nuts of alloyed steels shall randomly subjected
For steel grade X 8 CrNiMoBNb 16-16 +wk (1.4986+wk) the to a materials identification check. The extent of random
stipulations in VdTÜV material sheet 113/2 shall apply. checking shall be subject to the stipulations in Table 8-4. The
acceptance level shall be zero, regardless of the extent of Extent of tests and examinations random checking.
(1) One ladle analysis shall be performed per heat. (4) The Sections 11.1 and shall apply to the non-
destructive tests and examinations.
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
be determined by performing:
a) Hardness test to DIN EN ISO 6506-1 as follows: with one Main features
indentation at one end of each bar of the test unit for bars Thread limit dimensions (trueness to gauge size)
with diameter larger than 120 mm; and with one indenta-
tion at one end of 10 % of the bars of the test unit for bars Force-application areas for assembly
with diameter equal to or smaller than 120 mm, except that
at least 10 bars or, if the test unit consists of fewer than 10 Transition under the bolt head
bars, every bar shall be tested. Thread root radius at the thread-to-shank transition
b) One room-temperature tensile test on the bars exhibiting
the lowest and highest hardness values. Secondary features
c) One tensile test at 350 °C on bars for fabrication of bolts of Lengths (bolt length, thread length)
test group A 1 as well as on bars made of 20 NiCrMo 14 5
and 26 NiCrMo 14 6 for fabrication of bolts of test groups Deviations from shape and location
A 1, A 2 and A 3, if the design temperature is higher than Bearing surfaces
100 °C.
d) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at room- Heights (head heights, nut heights)
temperature to determine the impact energy and lateral Diameters
expansion for bars with diameters equal to or larger than
14 mm on both bars that were subjected to the tensile test. Note:
Further features as well as their classification can be defined in the
(3) Each bar shall be subjected to visual inspection.
purchase order.
(4) The marking on each bar shall be inspected.
(5) Each bar shall be inspected for dimensional accuracy. Table 8-2: Features to be inspected during dimensional check
(6) Each bar shall be subjected to a materials identification as well as their classification as main or secondary
check. features
Table 8-3: Extent of random checking and acceptance levels for the dimensional check, surface inspection and check of identi-
fication marking
KTA 3211.1 Page 41
Table 8-4: Extent of random materials identification checking on bolts and nuts
8.5 Bolts and nuts made by machining from solution- (3) Bolts and nuts shall be randomly subjected to a materials
annealed and quenched austenitic bars identification check. The extent of random checking shall be
subject to the stipulations in Table 8-4. The acceptance level
8.5.1 Tests and examinations on the bars
shall be zero, regardless of the extent of random checking. Sampling and specimen preparation
(4) The Sections 11.1 and shall apply to the non-
(1) Longitudinal specimens shall be taken. destructive tests and examinations.
(2) The axis of the tensile-test and notched-bar impact-test
specimens shall be located at the center for sizes with diame- 8.6 Bolts and nuts made by hot or cold forming and then
ters smaller than or equal to 25 mm and at least 12.5 mm quenched and tempered
under the surface for sizes with diameters larger than 25 mm.
8.6.1 Tests and examinations Tests and examinations on the bars Test units
(1) One ladle analysis shall be performed per heat.
The bars shall be tested in test units of at most 500 kg, con-
sisting of bars of the same dimension, same heat and same (2) Each bar shall be subjected to visual inspection.
heat-treatment lot.
(3) Each bar shall be subjected to a materials identification
check. Extent of tests and examinations
(4) The marking on each bar shall be inspected.
(1) One ladle analysis shall be performed per heat.
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall Tests and examinations on finished parts
be determined by performing:
The tests and examinations shall be performed on bolts and
a) One room-temperature tensile test on one bar per test unit. nuts of the production lot. If this is not possible because of the
b) One tensile test at 350 °C on bars for fabrication of bolts of dimensions of the bolts and nuts, specimens for tensile and
test group A 1, if the design temperature for test group A 1 notched-bar impact bend tests shall be taken from bar seg-
is higher than 200 °C. ments that have been turned down to the heat-treatment di-
c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at ameter governing the heat treatment of the formed bolts and
room-temperature for bars with diameters equal to or larg- nuts and that have been heat-treated together with these bolts
er than 14 mm on the same bar that was subjected to the and nuts. In this case the stipulations of clause shall
tensile test. apply to the sampling location.
(3) One test for resistance to intergranular corrosion to
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 shall be performed per heat and heat- Test units
treatment lot.
(1) The test shall be performed after the final heat treatment
(4) Each bar shall be subjected to visual inspection. on test units consisting of parts of similar dimension and origi-
(5) The marking on each bar shall be inspected. nating from the same heat and same heat-treatment lot.
(6) Each bar shall be inspected for dimensional accuracy. (2) The number of pieces to be tested shall depend on the
number of pieces in the test unit and on the test method. The
(7) Each bar shall be subjected to a materials identification
stipulations in Table 8-5 shall apply.
(8) The Sections 11.1 and shall apply to the non- Extent of tests and examinations
destructive tests and examinations.
(1) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
be determined by performing:
8.5.2 Tests and examinations on finished parts
a) Hardness testing of the bolts and nuts of a test unit per
(1) In the course of inspection for dimensional accuracy the Table 8-5 (DIN EN ISO 6506-1). If traveller bar segments
main and secondary features shall be examined per Table 8-2. were quenched and tempered for the tests to (3) and (4),
The extent of random examination and the acceptance levels the hardness shall also be determined on these bar seg-
shall be subject to the stipulations in Table 8-3. Subject to ments.
agreement of the authorized inspector, it is permitted to sup-
b) One room-temperature tensile test on turned-down speci-
plement or replace the secondary features cited in Table 8-2
mens to DIN EN ISO 898-1 or, in the case of testing of
by application-specific requirements.
quenched and tempered traveller bar segments, on speci-
(2) The marking shall be checked at random. The extent mens to DIN 50 125. The piece for which the smallest val-
of random checking shall be subject to the stipulations in ue of hardness was determined in the hardness test shall
Table 8-3. also be subjected to this tensile test.
KTA 3211.1 Page 42
c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at (4) In the dimensional check, the main and secondary fea-
room-temperature to determine the impact energy, for tures shall be examined to Table 8-2. The extent of random
bolts larger than M 19 per Table 8-5; for bolts larger than checking and the acceptance levels shall be subject to the
M 24, the lateral expansion shall additionally be deter- stipulation in Table 8-3. Subject to agreement of the author-
ized inspector, it is permitted to supplement or replace the
mined. The piece for which the largest value of hardness
secondary features cited in Table 8-2 by application-specific
was determined in the hardness test shall also be subject- requirements.
ed to this notched-bar impact bend test.
(5) The marking shall be checked at random. The extent
(2) A drift test to DIN EN ISO 10484 shall be performed on of random checking shall be subject to the stipulations in Ta-
nuts per Table 8-5. The piece for which the largest value of ble 8-3.
hardness was determined shall also be subjected to this drift (6) Bolts and nuts of alloyed steels shall be randomly sub-
test. jected to a materials identification check. The extent
of random checking shall be subject to the stipulations in Ta-
(3) The Sections 11.1 and 11.9.4 shall apply to the non- ble 8-4. The acceptance level shall be zero, regardless of the
destructive tests and examinations. extent of random checking.
Tensile test
Hardness test Notched-bar impact bend test
Drift test
Number of pieces per test unit Number of pieces to be tested Number of pieces per test unit Number of pieces to be tested
up to 150 8
up to 300 1
151 up to 280 13
281 up to 500 20
301 up to 800 2
501 up to 1200 32
1201 up to 3200 50
more than 800 4
3201 up to 10000 80
Table 8-5: Number of pieces to be subjected to the mechanical and technological tests of bolts and nuts to Section 8.6
8.7 Bolts and nuts of strength classes or steel grades b) test series MP1 (Table 12 in DIN EN ISO 898-1) including
notched bar impact bend test in the case of bolts greater
8.7.1 Tests and examinations
than M14. Sampling and specimen preparation The following requirements shall apply to the impact ener-
(1) The tests and examinations shall normally be performed gy with only one individual value may fall short of the re-
on bolts and nuts of the production lot. quired minimum value by not more than 30 %:
strength class 5.6: not less than 40 J
(2) If this is not possible because of the dimensions of the
bolts: strength class 8.8: not less than 52 J.
a) specimens for tensile and notched-bar impact bend tests in (2) For bolts of ferritic steels of strength class 8.8 for allowa-
the case of ferritic steels shall be taken from bar segments ble operating temperatures higher than 50 °C, the elevated-
that have been turned down to the heat-treatment diameter temperature yield point shall be verified at design temperature
governing the quenching and tempering of the formed on specimens to DIN 50 125.
bolts and that have been heat-treated together with these
bolts. In this case the stipulations of clause shall (3) Nuts of ferritic steels shall be tested to DIN EN ISO 898-2
apply for the sampling location, and in combination with DIN EN ISO 6157-2.
b) bolts of correspondingly greater length shall be made for (4) Bolts and nuts of austenitic steels shall be tested to
the tensile tests of each test unit in the case of austenitic DIN EN ISO 3506-1 and DIN EN ISO 3506-2.
(5) The Sections 11.1 and 11.9.5 shall apply to the non-de-
structive tests and examinations. Test units
The test shall be performed after the final heat treatment on test (6) Bolts and nuts shall be subjected to a dimensional check.
units consisting of parts of similar dimension and the same a) In the case of austenitic steels in test groups A 1 and A 2
heat, originating from the same heat-treatment lot. The num- the main and secondary features of Table 8-2 shall be ex-
ber of pieces to be tested shall depend on the number of piec- amined. Subject to agreement of the authorized inspector,
es in the test unit. The stipulations in Table 8-6 shall apply. it is permitted to supplement or replace the secondary fea-
tures cited in Table 8-2 by application-specific require-
ments. The stipulations in Table 8-3 apply to the number Extent of tests and examinations
of pieces to be inspected and the acceptance levels.
(1) Bolts of ferritic steels shall be tested to DIN EN ISO 898-1 b) The requirements of AD 2000-Merkblatt W 7 shall apply
as follows: in the case of ferritic steels and the requirements of
a) test series FF1 (Table 8 in DIN EN ISO 898-1) in the case AD 2000-Merkblatt W 2 in the case of austenitic steels in
of bolts equal to or smaller than M14 or test group A 3.
KTA 3211.1 Page 43
Number of pieces per test unit (test lot) Number of pieces to be tested (extent of random checking)
up to 200 1
201 up to 400 2
401 up to 800 3
801 up to 1200 4
1201 up to 1600 5
1601 up to 3000 6
3001 up to 3500 7
If the bolts and nuts of one delivery originate from one heat with the same heat treatment, it will suffice to test 4 specimen sets regardless of
the number of pieces.
Table 8-6: Number of pieces to be subjected to the mechanical and technological tests of bolts and nuts to Section 8.7
Table 8-7: Review of required tests and test certificates for products to Sections 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6
KTA 3211.1 Page 44
8.8 3.2 2)
Austenitic steels of steel grades A 2, A 3, A 4 and A 5 Bolts and nuts 50 and 70 3.1 3)
1) The requirement of filling out an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204 may be waived if the manufacturer has constantly carried out
the tests necessary as basis for filling out an inspection certificate 3.1 and has kept the results ready for review by the authorized inspec-
tor at all times. In this case the marking to Section 8.8 will suffice as the quality verification.
2) For pressure vessels for which the product of capacity [I] in liters and pressure [p] in MPa is less than or equal to 500 (l x p 500) an in-
spection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204 will suffice.
3) In test group A 3 the requirement of filling out an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204 may be waived if the manufacturer has con-
stantly carried out the tests necessary as basis for filling out an inspection certificate 3.1 and has kept the results ready for review by the
authorized inspector at all times. In this case the marking to Section 8.8 will suffice as quality verification.
Table 8-8: Review of required inspection certificates for bolts and nuts to Section 8.7
9 Product forms of steels for special loads 100 °C. For piece weights heavier than 3000 kg in test
group A 1, each piece shall be tested.
9.1 Forgings, bars and rolled rings
c) One notched-bar impact bend test to clause at
9.1.1 Materials room temperature per test unit on 2 parts in the case of
The following steel grades may be used: thicknesses exceeding 10 mm.
a) X3CrNiMo13-4 (1.4313) to VdTÜV material d) One hardness test (at least 3 hardness indentations) to
sheet 395/3, DIN EN ISO 6506-1 on each piece.
b) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 (3) The Sections 11.1 and 11.10.1 shall apply to the non-
and subsection 4.3.4 in in consideration of the stipulations destructive tests and examinations.
in the authorized inspector's appraisal.
(4) Each piece shall be subjected to a materials identification
9.1.2 Additional requirements for the materials
(5) Each piece shall be subjected to a visual inspection.
The surfaces shall be free of ferritic impurities which are rele-
vant for the corrosions resistance of the product form. Scale (6) A dimensional check shall be performed for each piece.
layers from hot forming or heat treatment shall be removed.
Tempering colours from hot forming or heat treatment shall be 9.1.4 Marking
avoided by taking appropriate measures. Decision on the
permissibility of tempering colours up to and including “yellow” (1) Each piece shall be marked durably with the following
shall be made in each individual case. information:
a) manufacturer's symbol,
9.1.3 Tests and examinations b) steel grade, Sampling locations and specimen preparation c) heat number,
The requirements of VdTÜV material sheet 395/3 apply to the d) specimen number and
sampling location and specimen preparation. Deviating here e) authorized inspector's mark.
from the lot size for pieces with partial-weights not exceeding
(2) In the case of lotwise examination, the pieces from which
1000 kg is limited to 25 pieces from the same heat treatment
the specimens were taken shall additionally be marked.
(1) The following procedures shall be performed for the (1) The results of the ladle analysis, product analysis, mate-
chemical analysis: rials identification check, hardness test and non-destructive
tests and examinations performed by the manufacturer shall
a) One ladle analysis per heat.
be documented with an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN
b) One product analysis at one sampling location on each of 10204. The steel making process and the delivery condition of
two separately manufactured pieces per heat. If possible, the product form stating heat treatment temperatures, holding
the top or bottom of the starting ingot shall be tested. For times and cooling conditions shall be indicated in the inspec-
pieces heavier than 5000 kg, the analysis shall be per- tion certificate 3.1.
ormed on one sampling location of each piece. If possible,
the top or bottom of the starting ingot shall be tested. (2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and
(2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector
be determined by performing:
and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection
a) One room-temperature tensile test per test unit on 2 parts. certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively,
b) One tensile test at 350 °C per heat, similar dimension and these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on
heat-treatment lot, if the design temperature is higher than an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer.
KTA 3211.1 Page 45
10.2.2 Starting tubes thickness shall be checked for dimensional accuracy on two
cut-open elbows from the series of tubes with the smallest
Only tubes per Section 10.1 may be used. Lists of tubes per bend radius.
clause 10.1.3 (1) shall be maintained for the tubes.
(6) Each bent tube shall be examined for leak tightness by
an internal hydrostatic pressure test to DIN EN 10216-2. Production methods
(7) The ball-pass test shall be performed on each bent tube.
(1) The bends shall be made by cold bending.
(2) Smooth transition from the tube leg to the tube elbow 10.2.4 Marking
shall be demonstrated on a specimen bent prior to beginning
bending work. Lists of tubes shall be maintained for bent tubes. Each bent
tube shall be marked with heat number and tube number at
(3) For the case of partial heat treatment of the bent zone, one end. The authorized inspector's mark shall be entered in
the quality of the transition zone shall be verified by a one-time the list of tubes.
appraisal of the authorized inspector.
(4) The Sections 11.1 and shall apply to the non- (1) One ladle analysis shall be performed per heat.
destructive tests and examinations. (2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
(5) The diameter and wall thickness shall be checked for be determined by performing:
dimensional accuracy at both ends of each bent tube. In addi- a) One room-temperature tensile test per 100 manufacturing
tion, the ovality, arc shape and leg length as well as the wall lengths of the same heat, dimension and heat treatment.
KTA 3211.1 Page 48
b) One technological test to DIN EN 10216-5 at one end of 10.4 Seamless bent heat-exchanger tubes of austenitic
each manufacturing length for tubes of test group A 1. The steels with wall thicknesses smaller than or equal to
extent of testing shall be reduced to 25 % of the tubes for 3.6 mm and with diameters smaller than or equal to
test group A 2 and to 2 % of the tubes for test group A 3. 42.4 mm
(3) One test for resistance to intergranular corrosion to 10.4.1 Materials
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 with prior annealing (1/2 h at 650 °C) shall
be performed per heat and heat treatment. Section 10.3.1 shall apply to the materials.
(4) The Sections 11.1 and shall apply to the non-
10.4.2 Starting tubes
destructive tests and examinations.
(5) Each tube shall be subjected to a materials identification Only tubes to Section 10.3 may be used. Lists of tubes shall
check. be maintained for the tubes.
10.3.3 Marking Requirements for the geometric form of bent tubes
(1) Lists of tubes shall be maintained for tubes scheduled for (1) Bulge-like transitions as well as any kind of wrinkles are
bending. In this case the tubes shall be marked with heat not permitted.
number and tube number at one end. Other tubes may be
marked in the same way if lists of tubes are maintained. The (2) The maximum permissible ovality shall be 0.10 x Di,
authorized inspector's mark shall be entered in the list of where Di is the tube inside diameter (nominal diameter).
(3) A ball of diameter DK = Di (largest permissible negative
(2) If lists of tubes are not maintained, the tubes shall be tolerance on size + 0.1 Di + 2 mm) shall pass through freely.
marked with the following information:
a) manufacturer's symbol, Heat treatment
b) number of the DIN standard and short name or material
number with mark of the delivery condition, (1) Heat treatment is not required after cold bending of tubes
with bend radius rm larger than or equal to 1.3 x Da.
c) heat number,
d) tube number, (2) The bent zone or the entire tube shall be subjected to
solution annealing or to annealing in the temperature range of
e) authorized inspector's mark. stabilization annealing after cold bending of tubes with a bend
radius rm smaller than 1.3 x Da.
b) One technological test to DIN EN 10216-5 at the end of (2) The requirements of surface finish and dimensional tol-
both legs of one tube per 100 tubes of the same heat, di- erances shall be determined per purchaser's specifications,
mension and heat treatment for heat-treated tubes. but shall be at least as follows:
(2) One test for resistance to intergranular corrosion to a) surface finish WCR to DIN EN 10217-7,
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 with prior annealing (1/2 h at 650 °C) shall b) thickness tolerances: ISO tolerance, class T3 to
be performed per heat and heat treatment. DIN EN ISO 1127 and
(3) Each bent tube shall be subjected to a materials identifi- c) the allowable deviation of outside diameter and ovality as
cation check. per ISO tolerance, class D2.
(4) The outside surface and, wherever it is accessible, the
inside surface of each bent tube shall be subjected to a visual 10.5.3 Tests and examinations
inspection. Sampling and specimen preparation
(5) The Sections 11.1 and shall apply to the non-
destructive tests and examinations. (1) The tubes shall be tested in manufacturing lengths.
(6) The diameter and wall thickness shall be checked for (2) Specimens shall be taken from the ends of manufac-
dimensional accuracy at both ends of each bent tube. In addi- turing lengths.
tion, the ovality, bend shape and leg length shall be checked
for dimensional accuracy and the wall thickness shall be Extent of tests and examinations
measured on two cut-open elbows from the series of tubes
with the smallest bend radius. (1) The chemical composition shall be determined by per-
forming one ladle analysis of the starting material per heat.
(7) Each bent tube shall be examined for leak tightness by
an internal hydrostatic pressure test to DIN EN 10216-5. (2) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
(8) One ball-pass test shall be performed on each bent tube. be determined by performing:
a) One room-temperature tensile test per 100 manufacturing
lengths of the same heat, dimension and heat treatment.
10.4.4 Marking
b) One flattening test at both ends of each manufacturing
The bent tubes shall be marked with heat number and tube length.
number at one end. The authorized inspector's mark shall be
entered in the list of tubes. (3) One test for resistance to intergranular corrosion to
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 with prior annealing (1/2 h at 650 °C) shall
be performed per heat and heat treatment.
10.4.5 Verification of quality characteristics
(4) The Sections 11.1 and shall apply to the non-
(1) The results of the materials identification check, tightness destructive tests and examinations.
test, ball-pass test and test for resistance to intergranular
corrosion shall be documented with an inspection certificate (5) Each tube shall be subjected to a materials identification
3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The delivery condition of the product check.
form stating heat treatment temperatures, holding times and (6) The outside and inside surfaces of each tube shall be
cooling conditions shall be indicated in the inspection certifi- subjected to a visual inspection.
cate 3.1.
(7) The diameter and wall thickness shall be checked for
(2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
dimensional accuracy at both ends of each tube.
inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and
examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector (8) Each tube shall be examined for leak tightness by an
and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection internal hydrostatic pressure test to DIN EN 10217-7.
certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively,
these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on
an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer. 10.5.4 Marking
(3) For bent tubes of test group A 3 an inspection certificate (1) If lists of tubes are not maintained, the tubes shall be
3.1 to DIN EN 10204 will suffice. marked at one end with the following information:
(4) The inspection certificate of the starting product shall be a) manufacturer's symbol,
attached to the inspection certificate of the bent tube. b) number of the DIN standard and short name or material
number with mark of the delivery condition,
c) heat number,
10.5 Longitudinally welded straight heat-exchanger tubes of
austenitic steels with wall thicknesses smaller than 2 mm d) tube number,
and with diameters Da smaller than or equal to 38 mm e) test category to DIN EN 10217-7
f) authorized inspector's mark.
10.5.1 Materials
(1) The following steel grades may be used:
10.5.5 Verification of quality characteristics
a) X6CrNiTi18-10 (1.4541) to DIN EN 10217-7,
b) X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 (1.4571) to DIN EN 10217-7 and (1) The results of the ladle analysis, materials identification
check, tightness test, test for resistance to intergranular corro-
c) other steel grades meeting the prerequisites of Section 3 in sion and non-destructive examinations shall be documented
combination with the stipulations in the authorized inspec- with an inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN EN 10204. The deli-
tor's appraisal. very condition of the product form stating heat treatment tem-
peratures, holding times and cooling conditions shall be indi-
10.5.2 Additional requirements cated in the inspection certificate 3.1.
(1) Only tubes drawn and sunsequently heat-treated after (2) The results of mechanical and technological tests, visual
welding are permitted. inspection, dimensional check and non-destructive tests and
KTA 3211.1 Page 50
examinations shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector detection sensitivity of testing, including periodic (in-service)
and combined with inspection certificate 3.1 as inspection inspections, is not impaired.
certificate 3.2 to DIN EN 10204 issued by him. Alternatively,
(3) The arithmetical mean deviation of the assessed profile
these tests shall be confirmed by the authorized inspector on
(average roughness) Ra to DIN EN ISO 4287 on the areas to
an inspection certificate 3.2 established by the manufacturer. be examined shall not exceed 20 µm in the case of ultrasonic
(3) For tubes of test group A 3 an inspection certificate 3.1 to testing and 10 µm in the case of eddy-current testing. For the
DIN EN 10204 will suffice. surface condition of casings the requirements laid down in
clause 11.8.4 shall apply.
(4) In addition, the following shall apply to ultrasonic testing:
11 Non-destructive tests and examinations a) In the case of waviness of the scanning surfaces the wavi-
11.1 General requirements ness shall be so little as to provide sufficient probe shoe
contact. This is generally the case if the distance between
11.1.1 Test instructions probe shoe surface and scanning surface does not exceed
(1) Test instructions shall be established by the manufactur- 0.5 mm at any point.
ers for non-destructive tests and examinations. b) In relation to a reference surface of 40 mm x 40 mm, the
deviation from the specified contour of the scanning sur-
(2) Independently of the project these instructions may be faces shall not exceed 0.5 mm. When selecting other di-
established for identical test objects in standardized form. mensions of reference surfaces, the allocated deviation
from the specified contour shall be linearly converted in
(3) For surface inspection the manufacturer‘s own test in-
accordance with the side length of the reference surface
structions may be used independently of the project and test selected.
c) Where the opposite surface is used as reflection surface,
(4) The test instructions shall contain detailed information on: the same requirements as for the scanning surface apply
a) Assignment to the individual test objects, to the reflection surface.
b) time of testing as far as it will influence the extent and
performance of testing according to the test and inspection Proof of required surface condition
sequence plan,
(1) It shall be proved that the requirements for the surface
c) test requirements, test methods and test facilities/equip- condition have been met.
ment, type of testing level adjustment or check of sensitivity,
d) if required, additional explanations regarding the perfor- (2) The proof of the surface condition may be omitted if it is
mance of the test (e.g. drawing to scale), ensured by the surface processing method used that the re-
quired surface condition has been obtained.
e) intended substitute measures to be taken if the applicabil-
ity of the requirements of this Section is restricted,
f) system of coordinates (reference system and counting 11.1.3 Requirements to be met by the testing personnel
direction) for a description of indications or irregularities (1) Non-destructive testing supervisors shall
assigned to a test object and
a) have the technical knowledge required to perform their
g) where required, supplementary data as regards the record- tasks and know the possibilities of application as well as
ing and evaluation of indications or irregularities (e.g. in limits of test procedures,
case of substitute measures as regards the test require-
ments). b) have basic knowledge of fabrication processes and of the
characteristic appearance of fabrication irregularities.
The test supervisory personnel shall normally be independent
11.1.2 Requirements for surfaces from the fabrication department and the authorized inspector Radiographic testing shall be notified of their names. The test supervisory person-
nel is responsible for the application of the test procedure, for
For radiographic testing, the surfaces shall be such that the the details of the implementation of the test and for the evalua-
evaluation is in no way impaired. tion in accordance with the relevant specifications. They are
responsible for the employment of qualified and certified oper- Surface inspection by magnetic particle, penetrant ators. This applies also to the employment of personnel not
or magnetic flux leakage testing belonging to the works.
(2) The test supervisory personnel shall have been qualified
(1) For the surface inspection by magnetic particle, pene- and certified for the testing procedures in the relevant product
trant or magnetic flux leakage testing, the surfaces shall be or industrial sectors at least with level 2 to DIN EN ISO 9712.
free from scale or any other contaminants. Any grooves or For radiographic, ultrasonic and eddy-current testing level 3
notches affecting the test result shall be eliminated. qualification and certification is required.
(2) The arithmetical mean deviation of the assessed profile (3) The NDT operators shall be capable of conducting the
(average roughness) Ra to DIN EN ISO 4287 shall not exceed tests described in this safety standard. They shall have been
10 µm on the areas to be examined. For the surface condition qualified and certified at least with level 2 to DIN EN ISO 9712
of casings the requirements laid down in clause 11.8.4 shall for the applicable testing procedure in the relevant product or
apply. industrial sector. Ultrasonic and eddy-current testing 11.1.4 Extent and time of testing
(1) The scanning surfaces shall be free from disturbing un- (1) The type, extent and time of testing are stipulated relat-
eveness and contaminants (e.g. notches, scale, machining ing to product forms in Sections 11.2 to 11.11.
(2) Depending on the machining location, the non-
(2) Residual notches and deviations from the specified con- destructive testing shall be performed by the product-form
tour due to processing or fabrication are only permitted if the manufacturer or component manufacturer. The tests shall take
KTA 3211.1 Page 51
place after the last forming step and heat treatment and in a) The requirements of class B to DIN EN ISO 5579 shall be
general shall be performed by the product-form manufacturer. met. The substitute solution of Section 4 of DIN EN ISO
If non-destructive tests are not performed completely by the 5579 shall not be applied in this case.
product-form manufacturer, a corresponding note shall be b) The image quality values of image quality class B to DIN
made in the inspection certificate. EN ISO 19232-3 shall be adhered to in which case the im-
age quality indicators to DIN EN ISO 19232-1 shall be
11.1.5 Procedural requirements used.
The stipulations of clause shall apply to the perfor- Manual ultrasonic testing
mance of radiographic testing on castings.
(1) The general specifications laid down in Annex D as well
as the requirements laid down in Sections 11.1.8 and 11.2 to Visual inspection
11.11 shall apply.
Note: The inspection shall be performed locally according to DIN EN
The beam angles specified in this safety standard refer to the re- 13018.
spective probe nominal angles.
(2) Should it be impossible to maintain the boundary condi- Eddy-current testing
tions for examination by the distance-gain-size method (DGS
method) to Section D 6.2 or the DGS method cannot be ap- The stipulations of clause 11.11.2 shall apply.
plied due to the sound attenuation of the material, then the
reference block method or DAC method to Section D 6.3 shall Mechanized or automated testing
be employed.
(1) Mechanized or automated testing systems to be em-
(3) When the DGS method is employed, the recording levels ployed for non-destructive testing shall undergo an appraisal
given as a function of nominal wall thickness or of bar diame- by the authorized inspector.
ter in Sections 11.2 to 11.11 shall apply.
(2) The requirements of the non-destructive testing standard
(4) When the reference block method or DAC method is em- applicable to the respective product form as well as the re-
ployed, all indications with echo amplitudes equal to or greater quirements under Sec. 11.2 to 11.11 shall apply provided, the
than 50 % of the echo amplitude of the reference reflector tests are performed by means of mechanized or automated
shall be registered. testing.
(5) If in manual examination the coupling cannot be checked
by other means (e.g., by observing a back-wall echo), the gain 11.1.6 Evaluation of the test results
shall be increased until the noise signals becomes visible.
(1) For the evaluation of the test results obtained by the
(6) The echo amplitudes to be registered and the accep- various test methods the criteria as per Sections 11.1.8 and
tance criteria are defined depending on the product form and 11.2 to 11.11 apply.
its dimensions in Sections 11.2 to 11.11. Should the permissi-
ble indications be exceeded, the further actions shall be de- (2) The evaluation of the test results shall normally always
termined by agreement between product-form manufacturer take into consideration the measuring tolerances of the test
and authorized inspector. procedure as well as the properties of the tested material or
material area.
(7) The size of indications shall be determined in accord-
ance with Section D 11.2.3 (half-amplitude method). The ac- (3) If several test procedures are employed in order to detect
curacy in measurement of the reflector extension shall then be internal or external irregularities, the final evaluation of the test
improved by additional investigations if these dimensions object shall be effected on the basis of the test results of all
alone are critical for evaluation of acceptability. Reflectors with test procedures.
extensions smaller than 10 mm shall qualify as point-type
11.1.7 Organization of non-destructive testing Performance Surface inspections
(1) The manufacturer shall perform and verify all non-
(1) The general specifications laid down in Annex E as well
destructive examinations to the extent specified by this safety
as the requirements laid down in Sections 11.2 to 11.11 shall
(2) Surface inspections of sufficiently magnetizable materials (2) The authorized inspector shall perform or participate in
shall basically be performed by the magnetic particle method, the non-destructive testing to the extent specified by this safe-
unless specified otherwise in Sections 11.2 to 11.11. ty standard. The scope of random non-destructive testing by
the authorized inspector shall be 25 % in test group A 1 and
(3) When subjecting large areas to a magnetic particle ex- 10 % in test group A 2. In test group A 3 the testing is per-
amination, the yoke magnetization method shall preferably be formed without participation of the authorized inspector.
used. Small parts shall be examined, if practicable by means
of the auxiliary or coil technique. (3) The following shall apply to the attendence of the author-
ized inspector in the performance of non-destructive tests:
(4) Methods other than magnetic-particle or penetrant test-
a) Ultrasonic, eddy-current and magnetic flux leakage testing
ing are permitted. They shall preferably be mechanized meth-
ods such as eddy-current examination or magnetic flux leak- aa) In the case of manual testing the authorized inspector
age method with probes for detection of surface defects. The shall check the test reports established by the manu-
acceptance criteria shall be specified in the test instruction. facturer. The manual tests shall be performed and be
evaluated by the authorized inspector in the scope of
random testing specified in (2) independently of the Radiographic testing tests made by the manufacturer.
The testing shall basically be performed to DIN EN ISO 5579. ab) In the case of mechanized or automated testing the
In addition, the following requirements shall apply: authorized inspector shall attend the sensitivity calibra-
KTA 3211.1 Page 52
tion of the test equipment, spot-check the performance 11.1.8 Testing of weld edges and nozzles areas
of testing and evaluate the test results obtained. Note:
b) Radiographic testing Further tests prior to welding are specified in KTA 3211.3.
The results obtained by radiography (images) to be per- (1) Where weld edges and nozzles are dressed on ferritic
formed by the manufacturer shall be evaluated by the au- product forms, these dressed areas shall be subjected to an
thorized inspector. The performance of radiography shall ultrasonic testing prior to dressing the fusion faces.
be spot-checked by the authorized inspector.
(2) Where weld edges and nozzles are dressed on austenitic
c) Surface inspection (magnetic particle and penetrant test-
product forms, these dressed areas shall be subjected to an
ing) and visual inspection
ultrasonic testing prior to dressing the fusion faces, if accord-
The authorized inspector shall attend the test to be per- ing to KTA 3211.3 Section 11 an ultrasonic testing of the inner
formed by the manufacturer and evaluate the result ob- surface of weld seams is required.
(3) For the ultrasonic testing of weld edges and nozzle are-
(4) Where the test results obtained by the authorized inspec- as, the following requirements apply:
tor, in consideration of the scattering subject to test method
variations, do not match the test results obtained by the manu- a) For flat products made of ferritic steels the test to DIN EN
facturer, additional tests shall commonly be conducted by the 10160 and for flat products made of austenitic steels the
authorized inspector and the manufacturer. test to DIN EN 10307 shall be performed. The tested areas
shall meet the requirements of quality class E4 to Table 5
of these standards. Recording of test results b) For all other product forms the requirements for the testing General after welding laid down in KTA 3211.3, Section 11, shall
(1) The tests performed shall be recorded in test reports.
The performance of tests and the test result obtained shall be (4) In the case of wall thicknesses or sections at the point of
confirmed by signature of the persons attending the test connection equal to or greater than 30 mm a section width
(manufacturer’s NDT operator and - when participating - oper- equal to the wall thickness plus 10 mm is considered the weld
ator of the authorized inspector). edge or nozzle area, in the case of greater wall thicknesses or
sections at the point of connection, a section width equal to
(2) Test results obtained from similar test objects for which the wall thickness plus 20 mm adjacent to the fusion face or
identical test instructions have been established, may be nozzle hole.
comprised in overall records.
(5) In the case of forgings, rings and hollow parts made from
(3) The test report shall document indications and irregulari- austenitic steels the testability of the weld edges and nozzle
ties to be recorded in a traceable manner, stating the location, areas shall be determined additionally for the conditions of
orientation and size by means of the coordinate system de- weld seam testing. This shall be done, like for the testing to
scribed in the test instruction. follow, by means of angle-beam scanning. A circumferential
(4) The test supervisor shall confirm the test result by sign- notch as reference reflector shall basically be provided on the
ing it in which case this confirmation may be comprised on test object in the area where the weld will be laid, however, at
each test report or for several tests (e.g. on a cover sheet). a sufficient distance to the edge. The notch shall normally not
exceed a width of 1.0 mm, the reflection area shall be perpen-
dicular to the surface. The depth of the reference reflector Manual ultrasonic and eddy-current testing shall be determined in dependence of the nominal wall thick-
Recording shall be performed by means of individual test ness of the finished part in accordance with Table 11-1.
reports of the parties involved. The results obtained by several
participants shall be evaluated (e.g. on a common cover
sheet). Nominal wall thick-
8 < s ≤ 20 20 < s ≤ 40 40 < s
ness s, mm
(2) The following requirements shall apply to the testing of 11.3 Dished or pressed product forms made from flat prod-
the flat product body: ucts
a) quality class S2 to DIN EN 10160 for flat products made The formed area of each dished or pressed product form
from ferritic steels and made from flat products shall be subjected to a surface in-
spection in the finish-machined condition after the last heat
b) quality class S2 to DIN EN 10307 for flat products made treatment. The acceptance criteria are defined in Tables 11-2
from austenitic steels. and 11-3.
Indications > 3 mm up to 6 mm
Linear 1) indications,
Indications caused by non-metallic inclusions 2) in the Other Indications
3 mm Rounded > 6 mm
case of ferritic steels or by carbides or linear 1)
nitrides or carbonitrides 2) in the case of indications
austenitic steels
Permitted as isolated indica-
Permitted up to 10 indications on a reference area of Not Not
tions and not to be included in
100 mm 150 mm acceptable acceptable
frequency 3)
1) In penetrant testing an indication shall be considered to have a longitudinal extension (linear indication) if its dimension in the direction of
maximum extension is at least three times as large as its smallest dimension transverse to that direction.
2) Non-metallic inclusions, carbides, nitrides and carbonitrides shall be proved to be present. This proof may be made by spot checking for
several similar indications in the tested area.
3) In the case of indications appearing systematically, the usability of the parts shall be decided jointly with the authorized inspector.
11.4 Forgings, bars and rings (2) The magnetic particle test shall be performed and evalu-
ated in compliance with the requirements of DIN EN 10228-1,
11.4.1 General
quality class 4. In addition, the stipulations laid down in An-
(1) Each piece shall be subjected to a non-destructive testing. nex E shall apply.
(2) When performing manual ultrasonic tests, the require- (3) The penetrant test shall be performed and evaluated in
ments laid down in Annex D shall be taken into account. compliance with the requirements of DIN EN 10228-2, quality
class 4. In addition, the stipulations laid down in Annex E shall
(3) The tests shall be performed and evaluated on the basis apply.
of the DIN EN 10228 standard series along with the deviations
(4) In addition to the requirements as per quality class 4 to
and supplements made in (4) and in clauses 11.4.2 and
DIN EN 10228-1 and DIN EN 10228-2 the following shall ap-
ply: The frequency of allowable indications shall not exceed 10
Note: per square meter relative to the total area.
In case of the selected ultrasonic test the “forging thicknesses t”
mentioned in DIN EN 10228-4 correspond to the nominal wall (5) For areas which are not accessible for magnetic particle
thicknesses s of the final product. or penetrant testing, the procedure shall be laid down in the
test instruction.
(4) The surfaces of the parts to be examined shall be condi-
tioned and cleaned such that testing is possible without re-
strictions. Deviating from the stipulations of the DIN EN 10228 11.4.3 Ultrasonic testing
standard series the stipulations of clauses and Procedural requirements apply to the arithmetical mean deviation of the as-
sessed profile (average roughness) Ra. (1) The ultrasonic testing shall be performed after the gov-
erning heat treatment for establishment of the mechanical and
technological characteristics, while the materials have the
11.4.2 Surface inspection minimum possible of contours.
(1) The entire surface shall be subjected to a surface inspec- (2) The ultrasonic testing shall basically be performed as
tion in the final machined condition. selected ultrasonic testing. If no detailed knowledge of the
KTA 3211.1 Page 54
components to be fabricated from the test object is available the test instruction. In this case at least the following require-
at the time of testing, the test may be performed as global ments shall be met.
ultrasonic testing.
(2) The testability shall be determined jointly by the parties
(3) Testing of ferritic parts shall basically be performed by involved in the test.
100 % scanning to DIN EN 10228-3, testing of austenitic parts
by 100 % scanning to DIN EN 10228-4. The stipulations of (3) The wave lengths used for determining the testability
clauses and shall apply to drop-forged shall not be greater than those used for the straight and angle
parts and to the stock material for drop-forged parts. Testing beam scanning that follow.
of stock material for drop-forged parts from polygonal bars (4) For plates and discs a grid of 200 mm shall be provided.
shall be performed by complete scanning to DIN EN 10308. The back wall echo height shall be determined in all centre
(4) The testing level adjustment shall either be effected ranges of the grid and additionally at the border line of the
using the DGS method or using the DAC or the reference plates and discs by means of straight-beam scanning and at
block method. The method to be used shall be fixed in the test intended frequency.
instruction. (5) For all other product forms a grid of 200 mm shall be
(5) Deviating from the stipulations of the standards refer- provided on each test object in the area of parallel or concen-
enced for the performance of ultrasonic tests the test frequen- tric walls to determine the testability. In all centre ranges of
cies shall be equal to or greater than 2 MHz. The test frequen- this grid and additionally on all border lines of forgings or
cy to be used shall be laid down in the test instruction. rolled rings the back wall echoes shall be determined by
straight-beam scanning in wall thickness direction. In areas of
(6) During ultrasonic testing the total volume shall be non parallel or non-concentric walls reference reflectors shall
scanned. For the testing of sub-surface areas scanning shall be used (e.g. boreholes, edges or through-transmission) for
be performed either from the opposite surface or a dual-ele- this examination.
ment probe shall be used. The technique to be used shall be
laid down in the test instruction. (6) The number and density of examination points required
to determine the testability shall be in a reasonable relation-
(7) Where during ultrasonic testing indications up to 6 dB be- ship to the size and geometry of the test object. Here, the
low recording level are ascertained these areas shall purpose- absolute number of measuring points may be limited to 50.
fully be tested again from the respective opposite direction.
(7) Where the test has to be performed by straight-beam
(8) If, during ultrasonic testing, indications that are to be
scanning, the sound wave attenuation in areas with a back
registered are found in zones that will be removed during
wall echo attenuation greater than 6 dB shall also be deter-
further processing of the piece being tested, they need not be
mined by means of angle-beam scanning, e.g. by V-scanning.
considered in the evaluation but shall be documented. All
indications due to structural condition of the piece shall not be (8) Areas with a high sound wave attenuation (back wall
covered by the evaluation, but be indicated in the test report. echo variation greater than 12 dB) shall be identified and be
(9) If, for material-related reasons (e.g., reduction of the enveloped by a narrow measuring point grid in which case the
heat-treatment cross section), the geometry after heat treat- absolute number of measuring points shall be increased ac-
ment does not allow the entire volume to be examined with the cordingly. The maximum sound attenuation shall be recorded
required ultrasonic scanning directions, the zones that will for each required scanning direction.
subsequently have restricted examinability shall be additional-
ly examined prior to the heat treatment, while the geometric Unrestricted testability
condition is appropriately favorable.
If it can be proved for the area with the greatest sound attenu-
(10) For the purpose of documenting and correcting the test ation that with respect to the straight and each angle beam
conditions during ultrasonic testing the sound attenuation and scanning a distance of at least 6 dB between recording levels
transfer correction shall be determined to the extent such that to clause and noise level can be satisfied, the test
a complete evaluation of the test object is possible. The loca- object has unrestricted testability.
tion and number of measurements shall be laid down in the
test instruction. In the case of product forms made of austenit-
ic steels clause shall be considered. Restricted testability
(11) Depending on the intended use, the sound beam entry (1) Where for one or more sound beam entry directions in a
positions shall be laid down in accordance with the purchas- sound attenuation region the distance of at least 6 dB between
er’s data, however at least the sound beam entry positions laid recording levels to clause and noise level cannot
down in clause shall be used. Where during ultrason- be maintained in a certain area, the volumetric regions with
ic testing with straight beam scanning in axial component restricted testability and the corresponding degree of restric-
direction the volume cannot be evaluated completely (side- tion shall be determined and be documented.
wall influence, sound attenuation), additional tests with angle
(2) If, in the course of subsequent mechanical processing,
beam scanning from the lateral surface shall be made in both
more favourable conditions with regard to ultrasonic testing
axial directions.
are created for these regions (e.g. reduction of the wall thick-
(12) Deviating from the stipulations in DIN EN 10228-3 and ness, shorter sound path travel distances, removal of the
DIN EN 10228-4 (section 12.1 in each standard), angle-beam regions of restricted testability), then the ultrasonic testing of
scanning in circumferential direction on hollow parts is re- the regions in question may be carried out for the missing
quired independently from the outside-to-inside diameter ratio. beaming directions in this subsequent fabrication condition.
The incidence angle for angle-beam scanning in circumferen- This testing may also be carried out by the subsequent manu-
tial direction shall be between 35 and 45 degrees. facturer, provided the producer of the forging and the subse-
quent manufacturer agree. If the required testing level is Testability of product forms made of austenitic steel achieved in the subsequent fabrication condition, these re-
gions shall also be considered to be unrestrictedly testable. Determination of testability
(3) For areas of restricted testability additional examinations
(1) The testability shall be determined for each test object. (e.g. fracture mechanics analyses) shall be performed which
Location and number of measurements shall be specified in make a decision of usability possible.
KTA 3211.1 Page 55 Performance of testing Straight-beam scanning shall be performed from all outer
surfaces if their radius of curvature exceeds 30 mm. On parts Forged or rolled bars
of test group A1 and parts with nominal widths exceeding
(1) On bars with diameters or side lengths exceeding 30 mm DN 300 of test group A2 angel-beam scanning in both circum-
ultrasonic testing shall be performed to DIN EN 10228-3 or ferential directions shall be performed in cylindrical regions of
DIN EN 10228-4 in due considerations of the stipulations open-die forgings.
mentioned in (2).
Note: Stock material for drop-forged parts
For straight-beam scanning the requirements of DIN EN 10228-3
are also met by DIN EN 10308. (1) The stock material for drop-forged parts with diameters
or edge lengths exceeding 50 mm shall be subjected to
(2) In case of bars for parts of test group A1 the following ultrasonic testing to DIN EN 10308, DIN EN 10228-3 or
shall be performed additionally: DIN EN 10228-4.
a) In case of diameters or side lengths exceeding 60 mm
(2) Stock material made of austenitic steel may also be
straight-beam scanning in axial direction; where in this
tested in the not solution-annealed condition, provided that no
case no distance between recording level and noise level
restrictions as to their testability exist.
of at least 6 dB can be adhered to over the entire length of
the bar, the test shall be performed in the cut-to-length
condition or with 45° angle-beam scanning in both axial di- Drop-forged parts
(1) For drop-forged parts with nominal values larger than
b) In case of round bars with diameters exceeding 120 mm 150 mm, an ultrasonic examination shall be performed, if
angle-beam scanning in both circumferential directions; the permitted by the geometry, after the governing heat treatment
incidence angle shall be 35°. for establishment of the mechanical and technological material
The incidence angles to a) and b) shall also be used for bars characteristics, while the materials have the minimum possible
used for components with nominal widths exceeding DN 300 of contours.
of test group A2.
(2) The examination shall be performed by straight-beam
scanning from the external surfaces. Forged flat plates, disks and cylindrical hollow
parts as well as forged or rolled rings (3) Ultrasonic testing is not required in zones with radii of
curvature smaller than 30 mm.
(1) Ultrasonic testing shall be performed to DIN EN 10228-3
or DIN EN 10228-4 with the requirements for types 2 and 3 in
due consideration of the stipulations hereafter. Recording levels and acceptance criteria Selected testing
(2) Hollow parts and rings of test group A1 as well as hollow
parts and rings with diameters exceeding DN 300 of test group Product forms of ferritic steel
A2 shall additionally be tested by straight-beam scanning from
(1) For the testing of forgings, bars and rings the quality
both front edges. classes as per Table 11-4 and the resulting recording levels
and acceptance criteria to DIN EN 10228-3 apply. Open-die forgings Note:
For straight-beam scanning the requirements of DIN EN 10228-3
(1) Ultrasonic testing shall be performed to DIN EN 10228-3
are also met by DIN EN 10308.
or to DIN EN 10228-4 in compliance with the specifications
laid down in (2) in the case of forgings not containing bored (2) For the testing of stock material used for drop-forged
holes and the specifications laid down in (3) in the case of parts the recording levels and acceptance criteria as per quali-
forgings containing bored holes. It shall be performed after the ty class 4 to DIN EN 10308 or DIN EN 10228-3 apply.
governing heat treatment for establishment of the mechanical
(3) In addition, the following requirements apply to the test-
and technological characteristics, while the materials have the
ing of forging, bars and rings as well as stock material for
minimum possible of contours.
drop-forged parts:
If the contour after machining and heat treatment permits only
a) Clusters of echo indications shall be registered that are up
restricted testability, testing per (2) or (3) shall be performed
to 6 dB below the recording level and cannot be resolved
before machining and heat treatment and testing per (4) shall into individual echo indications in one probe position or
be performed after machining and heat treatment. during probe travel. In these regions additional investiga-
(2) For forgings not containing bored holes the following tions (e.g. through-transmission in several directions) shall
shall apply: be performed to be able to make a statement on the reflec-
tor type (planar or volumetric).
The requirements for types 1a or 1b to DIN EN 10228-3 or
DIN EN10228-4 shall be met. On parts of test group A1 and The indications are not permitted, if these investigations
parts with nominal widths exceeding DN 300 of test group A2 reveal signs of areal separations, e.g., loss of intensity of a
ultrasonic testing shall additionally be performed from the front sound-transmission signal by comparison with indication-
edges by straight-beam scanning and in cylindrical regions in free zones of the product form.
both circumferential directions by angle-beam scanning. b) All sites shall be registered where
(3) For hollow-bored forgings the following shall apply: ba) the distance between the recording level and the noise
level is less than 6 dB,
The requirements for type 3a to DIN EN 10228-3 or DIN EN
10228-4 shall be met. On parts of test group A1 and parts with bb) the back-wall echo drops to reach the recording level
nominal widths exceeding DN 300 of test group A2 ultrasonic for no apparent reason or where back-wall echo atten-
testing shall additionally be performed from the front edges by uations equal to or greater 6 dB occur in the area of
straight-beam scanning. indications liable to recording.
For these areas examinations shall be laid down jointly
(4) In case of restricted testability upon heat treatment the with the authorized inspector to make possible a decision
following applies to the scanning directions: on the usability of the product form.
KTA 3211.1 Page 56
(4) When testing drop-forged parts with nominal values a) the distance of the recording level to the noise level attains
exceeding 150 mm, the quality classes given in Table 11-4 or is less than 6 dB,
and the resulting according to DIN EN 10228-3 recording b) the back-wall echo drops to reach the recording level for
levels and acceptance criteria shall apply. no apparent reason or where back-wall echo attenuations
equal to or greater 6 dB occur in the area of indications li-
Nominal wall thickness s
Quality class able to recording,
of the final produkt, mm
c) clusters of indications up to 6 dB below recording level
s 60 4 occur.
s > 60 3 1)
1) Quality class 2 is permitted for straight-beam scanning of nomi- 11.5 Seamless pipes larger than DN 50
nal wall thicknesses s > 250 mm, provided that monitoring of the
backwall echo is possible. 11.5.1 Seamless pipes larger than DN 50 of ferritic steels of
material group W I
Table 11-4: Quality classes to DIN EN 10228-3 for selected (1) The following shall apply to pipes with nominal wall
ultrasonic testing thicknesses not exceeding 30 mm:
a) All pipes shall be subjected to an ultrasonic testing for
longitudinal defects to DIN EN ISO 10893-10, acceptance Product forms of austenitic steel
class U2 subclass B.
(1) For straight-beam scanning the recording levels and b) Pipes of test group A 1 shall additionally be subjected to
acceptance criteria as per quality class 3 to DIN EN 10228-4 an ultrasonic testing for transverse defects to DIN EN ISO
apply. 10893-10, acceptance class U2 subclass C as well as in
Note: the case of nominal wall thicknesses equal to or larger
For straight-beam scanning the requirements of DIN EN 10228-4 than 8 mm to an examination for laminar-type discontinui-
are also met by DIN EN 10308. ties to DIN EN ISO 10893-8, acceptance class U0. Pipes
(2) For angle-beam scanning the following recording levels of test group A 2 shall be examined for transverse defects
and acceptance criteria shall apply: to DIN EN ISO 10893-10, acceptance class U2 sub-
class C if they were hot-pilger-rolled or subjected to hot
a) the recording levels and acceptance criteria to Table 6 of pilger rolling during the manufacturing process.
DIN EN 10228-4 when using the DGS method,
c) One surface inspection shall be performed on every fourth
b) the recording levels and acceptance criteria to Table 7 of pipe of test group A 1. The outside surface shall be exam-
DIN EN 10228-4 when using the DAC method or the refer- ined completely and the inside surface shall be examined
ence block method. over a length of 1 times the outside diameter from each
(3) In addition, the following requirements shall apply: end of the pipe. The acceptance class M1 to DIN EN ISO
10893-5 shall apply.
a) Clusters of echo indications shall be registered that are up
to 6 dB below the recording level and cannot be resolved (2) Pipes with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 30 mm
into individual echo indications in one probe position or shall be tested to Section 11.4 as forged hollow parts.
during probe travel. In these regions additional investiga-
tions such as through-transmissions in several directions
shall be performed to be able to make a statement about 11.5.2 Seamless pipes larger than DN 50 of ferritic steels of
the reflector type (planar or voluminous). material group W II
The indications are not permitted, if these investigations (1) The following shall apply to pipes with nominal wall
reveal signs of areal separations, e.g., loss of intensity of a thicknesses not exceeding 30 mm:
sound-transmission signal by comparison with indication- a) All pipes shall be subjected to an ultrasonic testing for
free zones of the product form. longitudinal defects to DIN EN ISO 10893-10, acceptance
b) All sites shall be registered where class U2 subclass B, calibration on reference tube with “N”-
type notch at the inside and at the outside.
ba) the distance between recording level and noise level is
6 dB or less, b) Pipes of test group A 2, which were hot-pilger-rolled or
subjected to hot pilger rolling during the manufacturing
bb) the back-wall echo drops to reach the recording level
process, shall additionally be subjected to
for no apparent reason or where back-wall echo atten-
uations equal to or greater 6 dB occur in the area of ba) an examination for laminar-type discontinuities to DIN
indications liable to recording. EN ISO 10893-8, acceptance class U0 and
For these areas examinations shall be laid down jointly bb) an ultrasonic testing for transverse defects examina-
with the authorized inspector to make possible a decision tion to DIN EN ISO 10893-10, acceptance class U2
on the usability of the product form. subclass C, calibration on reference tube with notch at
the outside or on reference tube with notch at the inside
and at the outside. Global testing of product forms made of ferritic or
austenitic steel (2) Pipes with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 30 mm
shall be tested to Section 11.4 as forged hollow parts .
(1) In case of global ultrasonic testing the required quality
class to DIN EN 10228-3 or DIN EN 10228-4 shall be laid
down by the purchaser prior to the beginning of fabrication. 11.5.3 Seamless pipes larger than DN 50 of austenitic steels
Where the globally tested test object is used further it shall be
(1) The following shall apply to pipes with nominal wall
ensured that the final product meets the requirements of se-
thicknesses not exceeding 30 mm:
lected ultrasonic testing. Where required, supplementary se-
lected ultrasonic tests shall be performed. a) All pipes shall be subjected to an ultrasonic testing for
longitudinal defects to DIN EN ISO 10893-10, acceptance
(2) In addition to the stipulations of DIN EN 10228-3 or DIN class U2 subclass B, calibration on reference tube with “N”-
EN 10228-4 such locations shall be documented where type notch at the inside and at the outside.
KTA 3211.1 Page 57
b) Pipes with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 5.6 mm b) Where a surface inspection is not possible on the inner
and pipes larger than or equal to DN 100 shall be subject- surface, the inspection on all elbows of test class A2 shall
ed to an ultrasonic testing for transverse defects to DIN EN be replaced by ultrasonic or radiographic testing to DIN EN
ISO 10893-10, acceptance class U2 subclass C, calibra- ISO 5579, class B. A combination of the UT and RT meth-
tion on reference tube with notch at the outside or on refer- ods is permitted. The test conditions shall be laid down in
ence tube with notch at the inside and at the outside. the test instruction. Where the UT method is applied, test-
c) For the purpose of correcting the test conditions the sound ing for longitudinal and transverse defects to DIN EN ISO
attenuation and transfer correction shall be determined at 10893-10 shall be performed. The calibration shall be
four measuring points offset by 90° each at both ends and made on a reference tube with “N“ type notch at the inside.
over the entire length at a distance of not more than For the testing for longitudinal defects acceptance class
200 mm. The measurements shall be made with the same U2, subclass B applies. For the testing for transverse de-
probes and test equipment as used during the test for lon- fects acceptance class U2, subclass C applies.
gitudinal and transverse defects. Where the values deter- (2) Pipe elbows with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding
mined differ from the values determined adjacent to the 30 mm shall be tested to Section 11.4 as forged hollow parts.
reference reflectors, this difference shall be considered in
the test. In case of differing surface qualities the number of
measuring points shall be doubled. Where the variation of 11.6.3 Seamless pipe elbows larger than DN 50 of
measured values determined under same incidence condi- austenitic steels
tions exceeds 6 dB (referred to the sound path to be eval- (1) The following shall apply to pipe elbows with nominal
uated), the number of measuring points shall be doubled. wall thicknesses not exceeding 30 mm:
Where it is ascertained during the tests that sufficiently
equal test conditions are obtained in dependence of the a) The outside and inside surfaces shall basically be subject-
manufacturing process, the material and the dimensions, ed to a surface inspection. The acceptance criteria are de-
the extent of measuring points may be reduced to half the fined in Table 11-2.
number upon agreement by the authorized inspector. b) Where a surface inspection is not possible on the inner
d) One surface inspection shall be performed on every fourth surface, the inspection on all elbows shall be replaced by
pipe of test group A 1. The outside surface shall be exam- ultrasonic or radiographic testing to DIN EN ISO 5579,
ined completely and the inside surface shall be examined class B. A combination of the UT and RT methods is per-
over a length of 1 times the outside diameter from each mitted. The test conditions shall be laid down in the test in-
end of the pipe. The acceptance class P1 to DIN EN ISO struction. Where the UT method is applied, testing for lon-
10893-4 shall apply. gitudinal and transverse defects to DIN EN ISO 10893-10
shall be performed. The calibration shall be made on a ref-
(2) Pipes with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 30 mm erence tube with “N“ type notch at the inside. For the test-
shall be tested to Section 11.4 as forged hollow parts. ing for longitudinal defects acceptance class U2, subclass
B applies. For the testing for transverse defects ac-
11.6 Seamless pipe elbows larger than DN 50 ceptance class U2, subclass C applies.
c) For the purpose of correcting the test conditions the sound
11.6.1 Seamless pipe elbows larger than DN 50 of ferritic attenuation and transfer correction shall be determined at
steels of material group W I four measuring points offset by 90° each at both ends and
(1) The following shall apply to pipe elbows with nominal over the entire length at a distance of not more than
wall thicknesses not exceeding 30 mm: 200 mm. The measurements shall be made with the same
probes and test equipment as used during the test for lon-
a) The outside and inside surfaces shall basically be subject- gitudinal and transverse defects. Where the values deter-
ed to a surface inspection. The acceptance criteria are de- mined differ from the values determined adjacent to the
fined in Tables 11-2 and 11-3.
reference reflectors, this difference shall be considered in
b) Where a surface inspection is not possible on the inner the test. In case of differing surface qualities the number of
surface, it shall be replaced by ultrasonic or radiographic measuring points shall be doubled. Where the variation of
testing to DIN EN ISO 5579, class B. A combination of the measured values determined under same incidence condi-
UT and RT methods is permitted. The test conditions shall tions exceeds 6 dB (referred to the sound path to be eval-
be laid down in the test instruction. Where the UT method uated), the number of measuring points shall be doubled.
is applied, testing for longitudinal and transverse defects to Where it is ascertained during the tests that sufficiently
DIN EN ISO 10893-10 shall be performed. The calibration equal test conditions are obtained in dependence of the
shall be made on a reference tube with “N“ type notch at manufacturing process, the material and the dimensions,
the inside. For the testing for longitudinal defects accep- the extent of measuring points may be reduced to half the
tance class U2, subclass B applies. For the testing for number upon agreement by the authorized inspector.
transverse defects acceptance class U2, subclass C ap-
plies. (2) Pipe elbows with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding
30 mm shall be tested to Section 11.4 as forged hollow parts.
(2) Pipe elbows with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding
30 mm shall be tested to Section 11.4 as forged hollow parts.
11.7 Seamless fittings larger than DN 50
11.6.2 Seamless pipe elbows larger than DN 50 of ferritic 11.7.1 Seamless fittings larger than DN 50 of ferritic steels
steels of material group W II of material group W I
(1) The following shall apply to pipe elbows with nominal (1) The outside and inside surfaces of fittings with nominal
wall thicknesses not exceeding 30 mm: wall thicknesses not exceeding 30 mm shall be subjected to a
surface inspection. The acceptance criteria are defined in
a) For pipe elbows of test group A 2, the outside and inside Tables 11-2 and 11-3.
surfaces shall basically be subjected to a surface inspec-
tion. The acceptance criteria are defined in Tables 11-2 (2) Fittings with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 30 mm
and 11-3. shall be tested to Section 11.4 as forged hollow parts.
KTA 3211.1 Page 58
11.7.2 Seamless fittings larger than DN 50 of ferritic steels c) on ribs and cast-on parts,
of material group W II where complete observation of the back-wall echo is possible
(1) For fittings of test group A 2 with nominal wall thickness- at at least one beam incidence direction. For straight-beam
es not exceeding 30 mm, the outside and inside surfaces scanning it shall be possible to test these regions in opposite
completely shall be subjected to a surface inspection. The direction (see Figures 11.8-1 to 11.8-11) at at least two inci-
acceptance criteria are defined in Tables 11-2 and 11-3. dence directions being vertical to each other.
(2) Fittings with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 30 mm (3) If ultrasonic testing is employed as volumetric testing in
shall be tested to Section 11.4 as forged hollow parts. zones other than those illustrated in Figures 11.8-1 through
11.8-11, it shall be ensured that complete observation of the
back-wall echo at at least one beam incidence direction and
11.7.3 Seamless fittings larger than DN 50 of austenitic angle-beam scanning in opposite direction at two incidence
steels directions being vertical to each other are possible. Regions
that cannot be ultrasonically tested, shall be subject to radio-
(1) The outside and inside surfaces of fittings with nominal graphic testing as per section B 7.1. The procedure to be
wall thicknesses not exceeding 30 mm completely shall be followed shall be laid down in the test instruction with refer-
subjected to a surface inspection. The acceptance criteria are ence to the respective part.
defined in Table 11-2.
(4) Volumetric testing shall be supplemented by angle-beam
(2) Fittings with nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 30 mm ultrasonic testing in regions where hot cracking may occur,
shall be tested to Section 11.4 as forged hollow parts. e.g. regions of risers and chill casting, cross-sectional transi-
tions. The regions shall be laid down in the test instruction with
11.8 Castings reference to the respective part.
Ferritic and Magnetic particle Magnetic particle Magnetic particle Magnetic particle Magnetic particle
martensitic testing 2) Magnetic particle testing 2) testing 2) testing 2) testing 2)
cast-steel Radiographic testing 2) Radiographic Radiographic Radiographic Radiographic
grades testing 3) 4) testing 3) testing 3) testing 3) testing 5)
Austenitic Penetrant testing Penetrant testing Penetrant testing Penetrant testing Penetrant testing
cast-steel Radiographic Radiographic Radiographic Radiographic Radiographic
grades testing testing testing testing testing
1) Adjoining zones are zones located outside the pressure-retaining wall, such as
- feet,
- brackets,
- lugs,
- external fins,
- cams.
2) Magnetic-particle testing shall be preferred for magnetizable materials. However, penetrant testing may be employed:
a) in zones that are difficult to magnetize because of geometry or accessibility considerations and
b) for cast-steel grade G X4 CrNi 13 4, material No. 1.4317.
3) Alternatively, it is permitted to perform an ultrasonic testing as per clauses 11.8.1 (2) and (3).
4) A supplementary ultrasonic test with angle-beam scanning as per sub-clause 11.8.1 (4) shall be performed for detecting hot cracking. The
procedure to be followed shall be laid down in the test instruction with reference to the respective part.
5) In test groups A 2 and A 3, it is permitted to replace the radiographic testing of small production welds by an ultrasonic testing, starting
with the 4th casting of a production lot. See Annex B, section B 2 (4) as regards the differentiation between small and relatively large pro-
duction welds.
Table 11-5: Testing methods for cast-steel grades and their casting zones
KTA 3211.1 Page 59
Figure 11.8-1: Straight way valve body Figure 11.8-2: Angle-valve body Figure 11.8-3: Wedge-type gate-valve body
Figure 11.8-4: Swing-check-valve body Figure 11.8-5: Multi-way-valve body Figure 11.8-6: Discharge casing
Figure 11.8-7: Suction casing Figure 11.8-8: Scroll casing Figure 11.8-9: Double scroll casing
Figure 11.8-12: Examples of valve-casing zones that are complex from the viewpoint of casting (black)
Figure 11.8-13: Examples of pump-casing zones that are complex from the viewpoint of casting (black)
KTA 3211.1 Page 61
1) Where no detailed date on the casting technique are available which allow conclusion on the occurrence of hot cracks, all castings, where
practicable, shall be subject to a 100% testing in opposite direction at two incidence directions vertical to each other with a dual-element
60 degrees angle beam probe.
(4) The casting regions shall be subjected to straight-beam (2) The test results shall be evaluated according to DIN EN
scanning from all accessible surfaces. 12680-2 in dependence of the severity level to be adhered to.
(5) Regions where the traceability of the back-wall echo is not (3) Indications suggesting cracks or lack of fusion are not
possible with straight-beam scanning, however an echo from a permitted.
discontinuity can be traced, shall be subject to angle-beam
scanning. Details shall be laid down in the test instruction. (4) The finale evaluation shall be made in due consideration
of the results of all tests.
(6) In the case of welding ends angle-beam scanning shall
be performed on cylindrical casting areas accessible from the
outside only. Radiographic testing
(7) Testing for hot cracks: Procedural requirements
a) The test shall be performed upon quenching and tempering. (1) The castings shall be tested in accordance with DIN EN
b) Angel-beam scanning shall be performed in regions where 12681 in connection with DIN EN ISO 5579.
hot cracking may occur, e.g. regions of risers and chill
(2) The following applies additionally:
casting, cross-sectional transitions.
c) The regions shall be scanned up to a depth of 50 mm. a) Image quality indicators to DIN EN ISO 19232-1 shall be
d) The procedure shall be agreed with the authorized inspec-
tor with reference to the respective part. b) The image quality shall be examined on each radiograph.
c) Welding ends, regions intended for welded joints and diffi-
(8) Testing of production welds:
cult-to-cast regions shall be radiographed in accordance
a) Where heat treatments are performed, the test shall be with DIN EN ISO 5579, test class B; in this case image
performed upon the last heat treatment. quality class B to DIN EN ISO 19232-3 shall be adhered
b) In the case of production welds with a thickness not ex- to. The other radiographs shall correspond at least to test
ceeding 15 mm (except for penetrations) testing shall be class A of DIN EN ISO 5579 and to image quality class A
performed with a dual-element straight-beam probe from to DIN EN ISO 19232-3.
the weld metal surface. In all other cases production welds Note:
shall be tested at two incidence directions vertical to each See Figures 11.8-12 and 11.8-13 showing examples for diffi-
other, where practicable. This shall be done by straight- cult-to-cast regions.
beam scanning and opposite angle-beam scanning. The
d) Linear accelerators with a radiation energy E ≥ 4 MeV may
transition from base metal to weld metal shall be scanned
be used at a radiographed wall thickness s ≥ 40 mm in
as vertically as possible.
which case this value may be somewhat less than re-
quired. At a radiographed wall thickness s < 60 mm a min- Recording levels and acceptance criteria imum density of 3.0 shall be adhered to as per DIN EN
ISO 11699-1 when using films of film system classes C3 Recording level to C5.
(1) All locations shall be recorded where the back-wall echo e) If a region is radiographed using multiple-film techniques, it
drop reaches or exceeds a value of dB 12 (see DIN EN shall be checked during the control of the individual radio-
12680-2, Table 3). graphs whether in the region to be evaluated the required
(2) All reflectors with measurable extensions shall be rec- density (test class A: minimum density 1.5; test class B:
orded the echo heights of which reach or exceed the values minimum density 2.0) is adhered to.
shown in Table 3 of DIN EN 12680-2 if the criteria given in
Figures 3 and 4 of DIN EN 12680-2 are also reached or ex- Performance of test
(1) The test shall be performed in accordance with DIN EN
(3) In severity level 1 regions all reflectors without measura- 12681.
ble extension (point-type indication) shall be recorded the
echo heights of which reach or exceed the values shown in (2) Steel castings with an outer diameter not exceeding
Table 1 of DIN EN 12680-2. 200 mm shall normally be radiographed as per DIN EN 12681,
Figure 7.
(4) Where angle-beam probes are used which show an echo
dynamic or clear extension in wall thickness direction shall be (3) In the case of steel castings with an outer diameter
recorded independently of the echo height. greater than 200 mm, the master shot to DIN EN 12681, Fig-
ure 7 shall only be selected when the arrangement of radio-
graphs to DIN EN 12681, Figures 3 or 4 cannot be used or the Examination of indications liable to recording
evaluation possibilities have to be improved.
(1) The locations where indications liable to recording were
(4) Production welds shall be tested in due consideration of
detected shall be examined more detailed with respect to the
their geometry and location.
type, shape, size and position. This may be done by means of
ultrasonic testing with reference to Table 4 and Annex C of
DIN EN 12680-2 or by additional radiographic testing as per Acceptance criteria
clause 11.8.7.
(1) The severity levels assigned to the test groups and cast-
(2) Indications liable to recording that have been ascertained ing regions shall be taken from Table 11-6 and the ac-
upon quenching and tempering shall be re-examined and be ceptance criteria to be applied be taken from Annex 1 to AD
evaluated with the same test method after the last heat treat- 2000-Merkblatt W5.
(2) The following stipulations apply additionally:
a) In case of double-wall radiography the acceptance criteria Acceptance criteria
apply to the smaller of the individual wall thicknesses un-
(1) The severity levels assigned to the test groups and cast- less additional radiographs make the assignment of indica-
ing regions shall be taken from Table 11-6. tions to a specific wall possible.
KTA 3211.1 Page 64
b) Where the master shots do not provide clearly evaluable using probes with nominal frequencies greater than or equal to
indications, they shall be re-examined by additional select- 4 MHz. The sensitivity shall be adjusted by means of the DGS
ed radiographs. method or DAC method. The technique to be applied shall be
c) For production weld and welded joints the same require- laid down in the test instruction. The reflectors’ extension shall
ments as for the respective casting regions apply. Cracks be determined by means of the half-amplitude technique to
and lack of fusion as well as systematically occurring pores clause D 11.2.3.
and inclusion are not permitted. (4) In case of bars for nuts, straight-beam scanning to DIN
EN 10308 may be omitted. Instead of this, the circumferential
11.9 Bolts and nuts face shall be completely scanned by angle-beam scanning in
both circumferential directions using a 35° angle-beam probe.
11.9.1 Procedural requirements
(5) During straight-beam scanning from the circumferential General surface all echo heights shall be recorded which correspond to
a circular disk diameter equal to or greater than 1.5 mm. Indi-
The procedural requirements laid down in sub-section 11.1.5
cations up to 12 dB in excess of the recording level and up to
shall apply. In addition, the procedural requirements specified
a maximum length equal to the bar diameter are permitted.
in sub-sections and hereinafter apply.
(6) When scanning from the front faces and in circumferen- Surface inspections tial direction all echo heights shall be recorded which corre-
spond to a circular disk diameter equal to or greater than
Surface inspections shall be performed by means of penetrant 2.0 mm. Indications attaining or exceeding the recording level
testing to Annex E. are not permitted.
(7) For the material X22CrMoV12-1, magnetic particle test- Ultrasonic testing ing shall additionally be performed on the bar upon final heat
treatment. Table 11-3 lays down the acceptance criteria.
(1) Ultrasonic testing of the bars shall be performed by
means of grid scanning to DIN EN 10308. Tests and examinations on finished parts
(2) For the testing of sub-surface areas ultrasonic testing
shall be performed either from the opposite surface or dual (1) A surface inspection shall be performed randomly on
element probes shall be used. The technique to be applied bolts and nuts. The maximum lot size is 150 pieces and the
shall be laid down in the test instruction. number of spot-check samples shall be 20. The acceptance
(3) In addition, the stipulations of (1), (4), (5), (7), criterion = zero defects.
(8), (10), and (11) shall be observed. (2) Bolts shall be evaluated to DIN EN 26157-3 and nuts to
DIN EN ISO 6157-2 where deviating from these standards,
11.9.2 Bolts and nuts made by machining from solution- indications suggesting cracks are not permitted.
annealed and quenched bars Test on the bars 11.9.3 Bolts and nuts made by machining from hot-cold
work hardened or from solution-annealed and
(1) All bars for bolts and nuts with diameters, widths across quenched austenitic bars
flats or side lengths equal to or larger than 30 mm and addi- Test on the bars
tionally all bars made of the material X22CrMoV12-1 with
diameters, widths across flats or side lengths smaller than (1) All bars with diameters, widths across flats or side
30 mm shall be subject to ultrasonic testing in solution- lengths equal to or larger than 30 mm for bolts and nuts shall
annealed and quenched condition by the manufacturer for be tested in solution-annealed and quenched condition by the
internal defects. During the acceptance procedure, 10 % of manufacturer for internal defects. During the acceptance pro-
the bars for bolts or at least 10 of those bars per delivery and cedure, 10 % of the bars for bolts, but at least 10 of those bars
5 % of the bars for nuts or at least 2 of those bars per delivery per delivery, and 5 % of the bars for nuts, but at least 2 of
shall be tested by the authorized inspector. those bars per delivery, shall be tested by the authorized in-
(2) The following shall apply to bars for bolts and nuts with spector.
diameters, widths across flats or side lengths equal to or larg- (2) In case of bars for bolts and nuts, ultrasonic testing to
er than 30 mm: DIN EN 10308 shall be performed with the recording levels
An ultrasonic testing to DIN EN 10308 or to DIN EN 10228-3 and acceptance criteria to sub-clauses (4) and (5).
shall basically be performed. Straight-beam scanning in
(3) In case of bars for nuts, straight-beam scanning to DIN
axial direction shall additionally be performed on bars for
EN 10308 may be omitted. Instead of this, the circumferential
bolts; where in this case no distance between recording
face shall be scanned completely by angle-beam scanning in
level and noise level of at least 6 dB can be adhered to
both circumferential directions using a 35° angle-beam probe.
over the entire length of the bar, the test shall be performed
in the cut-to-length condition. (4) During straight-beam scanning from the circumferential
surface all echo heights shall be recorded which correspond to
(3) The following shall apply to bars of the material a circular disk diameter equal to or greater than 2.0 mm. Indi-
X22CrMoV12-1 with diameters, widths across flats or side cations up to 6 dB in excess of the recording level and up to a
lengths smaller than 30 mm: maximum length equal to the bar diameter are permitted.
Ultrasonic testing shall be performed by
(5) When scanning in circumferential direction all echo
a) complete scanning to DIN EN 10308, quality class 4 heights shall be recorded which correspond to a circular disk
or diameter equal to or greater than 3.0 mm. Indication attaining
b) 100 % scanning to DIN EN 10228-3, quality class 4. or exceeding the recording level are not permitted.
The total volume shall be scanned. For the testing of sub-
surface areas, ultrasonic testing shall be performed either Tests and examinations on finished parts
from the opposite surface or dual element probes shall be
used. The test shall be performed manually or mechanized The requirements of clause shall apply.
KTA 3211.1 Page 65
11.9.4 Bolts and nuts made by hot or cold forming and then extent and point of time of non-destructive tests and examina-
quenched and tempered tions can be found in Table 11-8.
The requirements of clause shall apply. (2) The test shall be performed by means of automated test
equipment. The test equipment shall be capable of distin-
11.9.5 Bolts and nuts of strength classes or steel grades guishing between tubes that have passed the test and tubes
being suspect by means of a trigger/alarm level in connection
Bolts shall be tested and evaluated to DIN EN 26157-3, nuts with a marking system. A recording device shall make as-
shall be tested and evaluated to DIN EN ISO 6157-2. For the signment of measured values to their exact location possible.
lot size, extent of spot-check samples and acceptance criteria The authorized inspector shall have inspected the test equip-
the following applies: ment. Ends that have not been tested shall either be cut off or
a) for ferritic steels the stipulations of AD 2000-Merkblatt W 7, be tested manually on the basis of the same requirements
b) for austenitic steels of test class A 1 and A 2 the stipula- applied before.
tions in sub-clause (1), (3) Eddy-current tests shall be performed to Section 11.11.2,
c) for austenitic steels of test class A 3 the stipulations of ultrasonic tests to Section 11.11.3 and magnetic flux leakage
AD 2000-Merkblatt W 2. tests to Section 11.11.4.
11.10 Product forms of steels for special loads Bent heat-exchanger tubes
11.10.1 Forgings, bars and rolled rings
(1) In the case of seamless bent heat-exchanger tubes of
The Sections 11.1.8 and 11.4 shall apply to the non-destruc- ferritic steels to Section 10.2 a visual inspection and a mag-
tive tests and examinations. netic-particle test of the inside surface shall be performed on
two cut-open elbows from the series of tubes with the smallest
bend radius.
11.10.2 Castings
Section 11.8 shall apply to the non-destructive tests and ex- (2) In the case of seamless bent heat-exchanger tubes of
aminations on castings. austenitic steels to Section 10.4 a visual inspection and a
penetrant test of the inside surface shall be performed on two
cut-open elbows from the series of tubes with the smallest
11.11 Heat-exchanger tubes bend radius.
11.11.1 Type, extent and time of testing (3) The stipulations in Section 11.1.5 shall apply to the per- Straight heat-exchanger tubes formance of testing.
(1) Each tube to Section 10.1, 10.3, 10.5 or 10.6 shall be (4) For the evaluation of the test results obtained the follow-
tested over its entire length and full cross section. The type, ing shall apply: no abnormalities or indications are permitted.
on straight X X
Seamless ferritic tubes, straight or cold bent ≤ 4.0 ≤ 38.0 X 4)
tube alternatively
1) Magnetic flux leakage technique
2) Total deformation > 20 %
3) St. : In test classes A1 and A2 the authorized inspector shall check the test system during his spot attendance on the test.
4) Where s ≤ 2 mm the test for transverse defects may be performed by ET alternatively to UT or MT.
H : Manufacturer
S : Authorized inspector
UT : Ultrasonic testing
ET : Eddy current testing
11.11.2 Eddy-current testing reach the response threshold of the indicating and recording
instruments. The basic sensitivity setting shall be made at the Procedural prerequisites testing speed planned for the test, using the hole of 0.8 mm General diameter. This basic sensitivity setting shall be corrected by a
tube-diameter-dependent dB value per Figure 11.1-1.
The eddy-current testing shall be performed to DIN EN ISO
(2) If the theoretical load factor of the tube wall is equal to or
10893-2 using concentric coil technique in combination with
smaller than 30 %, testing sensitivity II to Figure 11.1-1 shall
the particulars of the following subsections.
be employed. Otherwise testing sensitivity I shall be required.
by indications shall be evaluated. +6
+7 Excitation frequency Sensitivity II
(1) To define appropriate excitation frequencies as a func-
tion of material, tube size and fabrication condition, a refer- +9
ence tube of the same test-relevant characteristics and the
same dimensions as the tubes to be tested shall be used.
Sharp-edged notches with a length of 20 mm, a width of +11
smaller than or equal to 0.5 mm and a depth of less than or Sensitivity I
equal to 20 % of the nominal wall thickness but at least +12
0.15 mm shall be produced on the outside and inside in the
longitudinal axis of this reference tube. +13
0 10 20 30 40
(2) The notches shall be made such that they do not cause
changes of the microstructural characteristics of the material Tube outside diameter [ mm ]
that influence the eddy-current distribution.
(3) The geometry, shape and dimension of the notches shall Figure 11.11-1: Testing sensitivity of eddy-current testing
be verified. relative to a hole diameter of 0.8 mm Marking of indication sites sure scanning of the entire tube surface without interruption.
This is usually the case, if during tube surface scanning a 10%
All sites on tubes with indications having amplitudes that reach
overlap of the scanned partial surface areas referred to the
or exceed the recording level shall be marked by a permanent
transducer diameter is ensured.
(2) Multiple transducers where the distance between the
individual transducers is less than 1 mm, are considered to be Admissibility of indications
one transducer.
(1) All tubes or tube sections with indications that reach or
exceed the recording level shall be sorted out being suspect. Check of testing sensitivity
(2) Indication sites on tubes being suspect that have been
(1) Before the test is started, the testing sensitivity and sta-
sorted out may be re-tested with a different non-destructive
bility of the device settings shall be verified by several passes
testing method (e.g., visual inspection, radiographic testing)
of the reference tube.
for observation of defect type and size. Verification that the
indications are not objectionable shall be required. (2) After every 2 hours, the testing sensitivity shall be
checked by another pass of the reference tube. If a loss of
(3) Tubes being suspect may be mechanically reworked
more than 2 dB in testing sensitivity is noted, the test shall be
within the permissible dimensional tolerances, after which they
repeated on all tubes that were tested between the sensitivity
shall be subjected to another test.
setting to be corrected and the preceding sensitivity setting.
The repetition of the test shall be performed using the correct- Test report ed testing sensitivity setting.
In addition to the information required according to DIN EN
ISO 10893-2, the test report shall shall contain the following Recording levels
(1) All indications shall be recorded that reach or exceed the
a) relative motion of tube and probe unit (rotation frequency, reference echo amplitude.
translation velocity),
b) sorting and marking device, (2) The reference echo amplitude is the echo amplitude of
the reference reflectors to clause
c) adjustment and testing sensitivity level,
d) untested tube sites as well as
e) place of the test, test supervisory personnel and operators. Marking of indication sites
All sites on tubes with indications having amplitudes that reach
11.11.3 Ultrasonic testing or exceed the recording level shall be marked by a permanent
marking. Procedural prerequisites
(1) Ultrasonic tests for longitudinal and transverse defects Admissibility of indications
shall be performed. These tests shall be performed to (2) and
(3) in combination with the particulars of the following subsec- (1) All tubes or tube sections with indications that reach or
tions. exceed the recording level shall be sorted out being suspect.
(2) Test for longitudinal defects (2) Indication sites on tubes being suspect that have been
sorted out may be re-tested with a different non-destructive
The test for longitudinal defects shall be performed to DIN EN
testing method (e.g., visual inspection, radiographic testing)
ISO 10893-10, acceptance level U3 subclass A. The testing
sensitivity adjustment shall be made on a reference tube with for observation of defect type and size. Verification that the
“N“ type notch at the outside and at the inside. indications are not objectionable shall be required.
(3) Tubes being suspect may be mechanically reworked
(3) Test for transverse defects
within the permissible dimensional tolerances, after which they
The test for transverse defects shall be performed to DIN EN shall be subjected to another test.
ISO 10893-10, acceptance level U3 subclass A. The testing
sensitivity adjustment shall be made on a reference tube with
notches at the outside and at the inside, which shall be per- Test report
formed as partial circumferential or full circumferential notch-
In addition to the information required according to DIN EN
ISO 10893-10, the test report shall shall contain the following
(4) Tolerances on the notch depth data:
Deviating from the stipulations in DIN EN ISO 10893-10 the a) relative motion of tube and probe unit (rotation frequency,
tolerance on the notch depth shall be ± 0.02 mm. translation velocity),
b) sorting and marking device, Test procedure and assessment of the results c) adjustment and testing sensitivity level, Adjustment of the testing sensitivity d) untested tube sites as well as
e) place of the test, test supervisory personnel and operators.
The testing sensitivity shall be set by adjusting the trig-
ger/alarm level according to DIN EN ISO 10893-10, Section 7.
In this case, the distance to the noise level derived from the 11.11.4 Magnetic flux leakage technique
respective reference reflector shall not be less than 6 dB. General Relative movement of tube and probe unit The magnetic flux leakage testing shall be performed to
DIN EN ISO 10893-3, acceptance level F2, in combination
(1) For the test the beam width, scanning pitch, pulse repeti- with the particulars of the following subsections for longitudinal
tion frequency and test speed shall be tuned such as to en- and transverse defects.
KTA 3211.1 Page 68 Test system b) circular reference drill holes shall not be used for the ad-
For the test for longitudinal defects a technique with fixed or justment of the test equipment
rotating magnetic field probes shall be used, and for the test c) All locations on tubes where the trigger/alarm level is at-
for transverse defects a technique with multiple magnetic field tained or exceeded, shall be identified with a permanent
probes. marking.
d) In addition to the information required according to DIN EN Performance of test and evaluation of results ISO 10893-3, the test report shall shall contain the follow-
For the performance of the flux leakage test and the accep- ing data:
tance criteria the stipulations of DIN EN ISO 10893-3, accep- da) relative motion of tube and probe unit (rotation fre-
tance class F2 apply. In addition, the following applies: quency, translation velocity),
a) Each probe of the flux leakage test equipment shall be
adjusted with the following reference notches for the test db) sorting and marking device,
for both longitudinal and transverse defects: dc) adjustment and testing sensitivity level,
aa) reference notch on outer surface with a depth of
dd) untested tube sites as well as
0.3 mm,
ab) reference notch on the inner surface with a depth of de) place of the test, test supervisory personnel and oper-
0.4 mm. ators.
KTA 3211.1 Page 69
Annex A
A1 Ferritic steels of material group W I for flat products as well as parts made from flat products.......................... 69
A2 Ferritic steels of material group W I for forgings, bars and rolled rings .............................................................. 77
A3 Ferritic steels of material group W I for seamless pipes, seamless pipe elbows and seamless reducers .......... 84
A4 Castings for cases and bodies of ferritic cast steel of material group W I.......................................................... 89
A5 High-tensile steels for quenching and tempering for bolts and nuts .................................................................. 91
A6 Bars for bolts and nuts; additional stipulations .................................................................................................. 93
A7 Castings of the martensitic steel G-X4 CrNi 13 4 (1.4317); additional stipulations ............................................ 94
A 1 Ferritic steels of material group W I for flat products (3) In special cases, a tempering treatment may be neces-
as well as parts made from flat products sary for steel grades 15 MnNi 6 3 and WStB 355 S. This tem-
pering treatment shall be indicated in the certificate.
A 1.1 General
Section A 1 defines the details for manufacture, chemical A 1.3 Material characteristic values
composition, characterizing mechanical and technological
characteristics and heat treatment as well as for further pro- A 1.3.1 Chemical composition
cessing of the following steel grades
The values stipulated in Table A 1-1 shall apply to the chemi-
a) 15 MnNi 6 3 cal composition per the ladle and product analyses.
b) 20 MnMoNi 5 5
c) 15 NiCuMoNb 5 S A 1.3.2 Mechanical and technological characteristics
d) WStE 255 S (1) The characteristic values of the mechanical and techno-
e) WStE 285 S logical characteristics in the room-temperature tensile test are
stipulated in Table A 1-2.
f) WStE 315 S
g) WStE 355 S (2) The characteristic values of the mechanical and techno-
logical characteristics in the elevated-temperature tensile test
for flat products and parts made from flat products. are stipulated in Table A 1-3. The test temperatures for carry-
ing out the elevated-temperature tensile test shall be as fol-
A 1.2 Manufacture of the materials and delivery condition
a) 15 MnNi 6 3 300 °C
A 1.2.1 Manufacture
b) 20 MnMoNi 5 5 350 °C
(1) The steels shall be smelted by the basic oxygen process c) 15 NiCuMoNb 5 S 350 °C
or in the electric furnace. If other processes are used, proof of
d) WStE 255 S 300 °C
equivalence shall be furnished.
e) WStE 285 S 300 °C
(2) The steels shall be made in particularly killed condition.
f) WStE 315 S 300 °C
g) WStE 355 S 300 °C
A 1.2.2 Delivery condition
(3) The characteristic values of impact energy and lateral
(1) The usual delivery condition for the steel grades is as expansion are stipulated in Table A 1-4.
(4) The data for impact energy and lateral expansion shall
a) 15 MnNi 6 3 normalized apply to standard specimens with a specimen width of 10 mm.
b) 20 MnMoNi 5 5 quenched and tempered in liquid
(5) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
c) 15 NiCuMoNb 5 S normalized and tempered be verified on specimens subjected to simulated stress-relief
d) WStE 255 S normalized annealing. Unless otherwise agreed in the purchase order, the
conditions for simulated stress-relief annealing shall be as
e) WStE 285 S normalized follows:
f) WStE 315 S normalized a) holding time: 900 minutes,
g) WStE 355 S normalized b) annealing temp.: 560 °C to 580 °C,
600 °C to 620 °C for steel grades
(2) If the governing heat treatment is performed during fur-
20 MnMoNi 5 5 and 15 NiCuMoNb 5 S.
ther processing, the flat products to be supplied in normalized
condition may also be delivered in rolled condition, and the flat (6) The characteristic values shall apply to specimens taken
products to be supplied in quenched and tempered condition and tested as per the stipulations in the Sections relating to
may also be delivered in normalized or tempered condition or, product forms. The stipulations of Table A 1-5 shall be taken
in special cases, even in rolled condition. into consideration for flat products.
KTA 3211.1 Page 70
(4) The temperature control program shall be monitored. (5) Post-weld non-destructive examinations shall be per-
formed after a waiting time of at least 48 hours after com-
(5) If the procedures employed differ from stipulations (1) to pletion of the welding work. The waiting time may be waived
(3), e.g., in the case of forming with local heating without sub- for welds that are subjected to stress-relief annealing, hydro-
sequent heat treatment of the complete product form, proof of gen degassing or delayed cooling, or that were welded under
equivalence shall be furnished. shield gas.
Verification Content by mass, % 1) 2)
Steel grade by Limit value
C Si Mn P S Altotal N As Cu Cr Mo Nb Ni Sn Ti V
Ladle min. 0.12 0.15 1.20 0.020 0.50
analysis max. 0.18 0.35 1.65 0.015 0.005 0.055 0.015 0.015 0.06 0.15 0.05 0.004 0.85 0.010 0.020 0.020
15 MnNi 6 3
Product min. 0.10 0.15 1.15 0.015 0.50
analysis max. 0.20 0.37 1.70 0.017 0.007 0.065 0.016 0.016 0.07 0.20 0.05 0.004 0.90 0.013 0.020 0.020
Ladle min. 0.17 0.15 1.20 0.010 0.40 0.50
analysis max. 0.23 0.30 1.50 0.012 0.008 0.040 0.013 0.025 0.12 0.20 0.55 0.80 0.011 0.020
20 MnMoNi 5 5
Product min. 0.15 0.10 1.15 0.010 0.403) 0.45
analysis max. 0.25 0.35 1.55 0.0123) 0.0123) 0.050 0.0133) 0.025 0.123) 0.20 0.55 0.85 0.0113) 0.020
Ladle min. 0.25 0.80 0.015 0.50 0.25 0.015 1.00
analysis max. 0.17 0.50 1.20 0.016 0.005 0.020 0.80 0.30 0.40 0.025 1.30 0.020 0.020
15 NiCuMoNb 5 S
Product min. 0.21 0.75 0.010 0.45 0.20 0.010 0.95
analysis max. 0.19 0.54 1.25 0.020 0.006 0.022 0.85 0.35 0.45 0.030 1.35 0.020 0.020
Ladle min. 0.40 0.020
analysis max. 0.18 0.40 1.30 0.020 0.015 0.020 0.184) 0.304) 0.084) 0.005 0.30 0.020 0.020
WStE 255 S
Product min. 0.30 0.015
analysis max. 0.20 0.45 1.40 0.025 0.020 0.022 0.254) 0.344) 0.114) 0.005 0.35 0.020 0.020
Ladle min. 0.50 0.020
WStE 285 S analysis max. 0.18 0.40 1.40 0.020 0.015 0.020 0.184) 0.304) 0.084) 0.005 0.30 0.020 0.020
Product min. 0.40 0.015
analysis max. 0.20 0.45 1.50 0.025 0.020 0.022 0.254) 0.344) 0.114) 0.005 0.35 0.020 0.020
Ladle min. 0.60 0.020
analysis max. 0.18 0.45 1.50 0.020 0.015 0.020 0.184) 0.304) 0.084) 0.005 0.30 0.020 0.020
WStE 315 S
Product min. 0.50 0.015
analysis max. 0.20 0.50 1.60 0.025 0.020 0.022 0.254) 0.344) 0.114) 0.005 0.35 0.020 0.020
Ladle min. 0.10 0.90 0.020
analysis max. 0.20 0.50 1.65 0.020 0.015 0.020 0.184) 0.304) 0.084) 0.005 0.305) 0.020 0.020
WStE 355 S
Product min. 0.05 0.80 0.015
analysis max. 0.22 0.55 1.75 0.025 0.020 0.022 0.254) 0.344) 0.114) 0.005 0.355) 0.020 0.020
1) The differences that the tabulated values indicate between chemical compositions per the ladle and product analyses are sometimes smaller than would be expected from the metallurgical relationship.
The reason is that the limit values for chemical composition per the product analysis are in this case based only on the heats covered by the appraisal. Thus the values will be reviewed once additional
documents become available.
2) If the indicated limit contents per the ladle analysis are exceeded, the limit contents per the product analysis shall govern.
3) If these values are exceeded and allowance must be made in the product analysis for contents up to P 0.015 %, S 0.015 %, Mo 0.63 %, Cu 0.18 %, Sn 0.016 % and N
total 0.015 %, the author-
ized inspector shall check, until further information becomes available, as to whether welding simulation tests and if necessary tangential microsection examinations are necessary. If intermediate anneal-
ing at 550 °C is planned during further processing, the permissibility of this annealing temperature shall be verified during the said tests or examinations. The scope and conduct of these tests shall be
Table A 1-1: Chemical composition of steel grades per the ladle and product analyses
KTA 3211.1 Page 72
Table A 1-2: Characteristic values of the mechanical and technological characteristics in the room-temperature tensile test on
longitudinal and transverse specimens
Tensile strength Rm 0.2 % proof stress Rp0.2 Elongation at
Steel grade Test temperature N/mm2 N/mm2 fracture A
°C at least at least %
Table A 1-3: Characteristic values of the mechanical and technological characteristics in the elevated-temperature tensile test on longitudinal and transverse specimens (Part 1)
Table A 1-3: Characteristic values of the mechanical and technological characteristics in the elevated-temperature tensile test on longitudinal and transverse specimens (continued)
KTA 3211.1 Page 75
Table A 1-4: Characteristic values of impact energy and lateral expansion in the notched-bar impact bend test on transverse
Nominal thick- Delivered product length l Sampling and location of the test coupons relative
Steel grade
ness in mm in m per rolled plate to the product width b
Table A 1-5: Sampling and location of the test coupons (sampling locations)
KTA 3211.1 Page 76
Table A 1-7: Particulars of thermal cutting and welding, together with limit wall thicknesses for stress-relief annealing
KTA 3211.1 Page 77
A 2 Ferritic steels of material group W I for forgings, bars (4) The data for impact energy and lateral expansion shall
and rolled rings apply to standard specimens with a specimen width of 10 mm.
A 2.1 General (5) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
be verified on specimens subjected to simulated stress-relief
Section A 2 defines the details for manufacture, chemical
annealing. For product forms of steel 20 MnMoNi 5 5 with
composition, characterizing mechanical and technological
nominal thicknesses up to and including 50 mm that are to be
characteristics and heat treatment as well as for further pro-
welded, the mechanical and technological characteristics shall
cessing of the following steel grades
be verified in the delivery condition.
a) 15 MnNi 6 3
(6) For simulated stress-relief annealing the requirements of
b) 20 MnMoNi 5 5 Table A 2-7 shall apply.
c) 15 NiCuMoNb 5 S
(7) The characteristics shall apply to specimens taken and
d) C 22.8 S tested as per the stipulations in the Sections relating to prod-
e) WStE 355 S uct forms.
for forgings, bars and rolled rings.
A 2.3.3 Grain size
A 2.2 Manufacture of the materials and delivery condition (1) The ferrite grain size at least shall comply with the follow-
A 2.2.1 Manufacture ing grain size index to DIN EN ISO 643:
a) 15 MnNi 6 3 grain size index 6,
(1) The steels shall be smelted by the basic oxygen process
or in the electric furnace. If other processes are used, proof of b) 20 MnMoNi 5 5 grain size index 5,
equivalence shall be furnished. c) 15 NiCuMoNb 5 S grain size index 6,
(2) The steels shall be made in particularly killed condition. d) C 22.8 S grain size index 4,
e) WStE 355 S grain size index 6.
A 2.2.2 Delivery condition
(2) For steels with contents of bainitic structure, the require-
(1) The usual delivery condition for the steel grades is as ments shall apply only to the microstructural proportions of
follows: polygonal ferrite.
a) 15 MnNi 6 3 normalized
b) 20 MnMoNi 5 5 quenched and tempered in liquid A 2.3.4 Physical characteristics
c) 15 NiCuMoNb 5 S normalized and tempered (quenched Reference values for the physical characteristics can be found
and tempered in air) or quenched in Annex AP.
and tempered in liquid
d) C 22.8 S normalized, or also quenched and
tempered in liquid for nominal thick- A 2.4 Data on heat treatment
nesses 150 mm Reference values for heat treatment are presented in Table
e) WStE 355 S normalized or quenched and tem- A 2-5.
A 2.5 Forming
A 2.3 Material characteristic values
A 2.5.1 Hot forming
A 2.3.1 Chemical composition
The values stipulated in Table A 2-1 shall apply to the chemi- Hot forming shall designate forming at temperatures above the
cal composition per the ladle and product analyses. highest temperature permissible for stress-relief annealing, even if
the product forms are heated to the corresponding temperature
only locally, in the forming zone. The term hot forming shall also
A 2.3.2 Mechanical and technological characteristics include adaptation and straightening work at the corresponding
(1) The characteristic values of the mechanical and techno-
logical characteristics in the room-temperature tensile test are (1) For hot forming, the forgings shall be heated to at least
stipulated in Table A 2-2. 750 °C but not above 1050 °C. For hot forming, the forgings of
15 MnNi 6 3 shall be heated to at least 750 °C but not above
(2) The characteristic values of the mechanical and techno-
1100 °C. Grain coarsening due to excessively long times or to
logical characteristics in the elevated-temperature tensile test
overheating shall be avoided. Hot forming of tubular forgings,
are stipulated in Table A 2-3. The test temperatures for carry-
e.g., for the manufacture of pipe elbows, shall be subject to
ing out the elevated-temperature tensile test for the various
the stipulations in Section A 3.
steel grades shall be as follows:
15 MnNi 6 3 300 °C (2) After hot forming, the complete product forms shall be
subjected to renewed heat treatment per the data in Table
20 MnMoNi 5 5 350 °C A 2-5.
15 NiCuMoNb 5 S 350 °C
(3) If the procedures employed differ from stipulations (1)
C 22.8 S 300 °C and (2), e.g., in the case of forming with local heating without
subsequent heat treatment of the complete product form,
WStE 355 S 300 °C
proof of equivalence shall be furnished.
(3) The characteristic values of impact energy and lateral ex- (4) The temperature control program shall be monitored.
pansion are stipulated in Table A 2-4.
KTA 3211.1 Page 78
A 2.6 Thermal cutting and welding teristics shall preferably be used. Moreover, welding filler
metals with the following diffusible hydrogen content shall be
A 2.6.1 Thermal cutting
provided for steels if Rp0.2RT is equal to or greater than
SEW 088 shall be taken into consideration for thermal cutting. 370 N/mm2:
Recommended preheating temperatures are presented in a) rod electrode weld metal:
Table A 2-6.
equal to or smaller than 5 ml/100 g in the molten weld
metal (H 5 to DIN EN ISO 2560);
A 2.6.2 Welding
b) submerged arc weld metal:
(1) Use of the following welding methods has been ap- equal to or smaller than 5 ml/100 g in the molten weld
praised as suitable for the steels per this Annex: metal (H 5 to DIN EN ISO 14174).
a) manual arc welding with basic-flux-coated rod electrodes,
(4) Post-weld stress-relief annealing may be required, de-
b) submerged-arc welding with basic fluxes, pending on wall thickness and geometry of the parts. The
c) inert-gas-shielded welding with wire electrodes or with nominal thicknesses at which stress-relief annealing may be
basic-flux-cored wire electrodes. waived are listed in Table A 2-6.
(2) The examined work areas for welding are listed in Table (5) Post-weld non-destructive examinations shall be per-
A 2-6. Other work areas for welding are permitted, provided formed after a waiting time of at least 48 hours after comple-
procedure qualification tests per KTA 3211.3 have been per- tion of the welding work. The waiting time may be waived for
formed. welds that are subjected to stress-relief annealing, hydrogen
(3) The stipulations for welding per SEW 088 shall be ob- degassing or delayed cooling, or that were welded under
served. Basic coated rod electrodes or fluxes of basic charac- shield gas.
Verification Content by mass, % 1) 2)
Steel grade by Limit value
C Si Mn P S Altotal N As Cu Cr Mo Nb Ni Sn Ti V
Ladle min. 0.12 0.15 1.20 0.020 0.50
analysis max. 0.18 0.35 1.65 0.015 0.005 0.055 0.015 0.015 0.06 0.15 0.05 0.004 0.85 0.010 0.020 0.020
15 MnNi 6 3
Product min. 0.10 0.15 1.15 0.015 0.50
analysis max. 0.20 0.37 1.70 0.017 0.007 0.065 0.016 0.016 0.07 0.20 0.05 0.004 0.90 0.013 0.020 0.020
Ladle min. 0.17 0.15 1.20 0.010 0.40 0.50
analysis max. 0.23 0.30 1.50 0.012 0.008 0.040 0.013 0.025 0.12 0.20 0.55 0.80 0.011 0.020
20 MnMoNi 5 5
Product min. 0.15 0.10 1.15 0.010 0.40 0.45
analysis max. 0.25 0.35 1.55 0.0123) 0.0123) 0.050 0.0133) 0.025 0.12 3) 0.20 0.55 3) 0.85 0.0113) 0.020
Ladle min. 0.10 0.25 0.80 0.015 0.50 0.25 0.015 1.00
analysis max. 0.17 0.50 1.20 0.016 0.005 0.035 0.020 0.80 0.30 0.40 0.025 1.30 0.020
15 NiCuMoNb 5 S
Product min. 0.08 0.21 0.75 0.010 0.45 0.20 0.010 0.95
analysis max. 0.19 0.54 1.25 0.020 0.006 0.040 0.022 0.85 0.35 0.45 0.030 1.35 0.020
Ladle min. 0.18 0.15 0.40 0.015
analysis max. 0.23 0.35 0.90 0.016 0.010 0.050 0.15 0.30 0.020
C 22.8 S
Product min. 0.16 0.10 0.36 0.010
analysis max. 0.25 0.40 0.95 0.020 0.015 0.055 0.18 0.35 0.020
Ladle min. 0.10 0.90 0.020
analysis max. 0.20 0.50 1.65 0.020 0.015 0.070 0.020 0.18 4) 0.30 4) 0.084) 0.005 0.30 5) 0.020 0.020
WStE 355 S
Product min. 0.05 0.84 0.015
analysis max. 0.22 0.55 1.75 0.025 0.020 0.075 0.022 0.25 4) 0.34 4) 0.114) 0.006 0.35 5) 0.020 0.020
1) The differences that the tabulated values indicate between chemical compositions per the ladle and product analyses are sometimes smaller than would be expected from the metallurgical relationship.
The reason is that the limit values for chemical composition per the product analysis are in this case based only on the heats covered by the appraisal. Thus the values will be reviewed once additional
documents become available.
2) If the indicated limit contents per the ladle analysis are exceeded, the limit contents per the product analysis shall govern.
3) If these values are exceeded and allowance must be made in the product analysis for contents up to P 0.015 %, S 0.015 %, Mo 0.63 %, Cu 0.18 %, Sn 0.016 % and N
total 0.015 %, the author-
ized inspector shall check, until further information becomes available, as to whether welding simulation tests and if necessary tangential microsection examinations are necessary. If intermediate anneal-
ing at 550 °C is planned during further processing, the permissibility of this annealing temperature shall be verified during the said tests or examinations. The scope and conduct of these tests shall be
agreed with the authorized inspector. The tests may be waived if so stipulated in the material appraisal.
4) The sum of the contents of chromium, copper and molybdenum shall not exceed 0.45 % in the ladle analysis or 0.50 % in the product analysis.
5) Depending on the authorized inspector's appraisal relative to the individual manufacturer, the maximum permissible nickel content shall be 0.85 % in the ladle analysis and 0.90 % in the product analysis.
Table A 2-1: Chemical composition of steel grades per the ladle and product analyses
Reduction of area at
Tensile Yield point 1) Elongation at
Heat-treatment fracture Z
strength ReH Specimen fracture A
Steel grade wall thickness s %
Rm N/mm2 direction %
mm Individual Mean
N/mm2 at least at least
value value
longitudinal /
s 70 470 to 590 320 22 45
longitudinal /
70 < s 100 470 to 590 310 22 45
longitudinal /
100 < s 150 470 to 590 300 22 45
15 MnNi 6 3 transverse
longitudinal /
150 < s 250 440 to 580 285 22 45
longitudinal /
22 45
250 < s 350 440 to 580 275 transverse
perpendicular 35 45
longitudinal /
19 45
20 MnMoNi 5 5 s 1000 560 to 700 390 transverse
perpendicular 35 45
longitudinal 20
15 NiCuMoNb 5 S s 400 580 to 740 430
transverse 18
longitudinal 25 45
s 150 410 to 540 230
transverse 20 45
longitudinal 25 45
C 22.8 S 150 < s 320 400 to 520 210
transverse 19 45
longitudinal 25 45
320 < s 500 400 to 520 200
transverse 19 45
longitudinal 23
s 100 490 to 630 335
transverse 21
longitudinal 21
WStE 355 S 100 < s 250 470 to 630 295
transverse 19
longitudinal 21
250 < s 400 470 to 630 275
transverse 19
1) If the yield point is not emphasized, the values shall be applicable for the 0.2 % proof stress.
Table A 2-2: Characteristic values of the mechanical and technological characteristics in the room-temperature tensile test
KTA 3211.1 Page 81
Table A 2-3: Characteristic values of the mechanical and technological characteristics in the elevated-temperature tensile test
KTA 3211.1 Page 82
Table A 2-4: Characteristic values of impact energy and lateral expansion in the notched-bar impact bend test on transverse
Table A 2-6: Particulars of thermal cutting and welding, together with limit wall thicknesses for stress-relief annealing
Table A 2-7: Necessity for verification of mechanical characteristics in the simulated stress-relief-annealed condition, and per-
formance of the simulated stress-relief annealing process
KTA 3211.1 Page 84
A 3 Ferritic steels of material group W I for seamless annealing (see Table A 3-5). For product forms of steel
pipes, seamless pipe elbows and seamless reducers 20 MnMoNi 5 5 with nominal thicknesses up to and including
50 mm that are to be welded, the mechanical and technologi-
A 3.1 General
cal characteristics shall be verified in the delivery condition.
Section A 3 defines the details for manufacture, chemical
composition, characterizing mechanical and technological A 3.3.3 Grain size
characteristics and heat treatment as well as for further pro-
cessing of the following steel grades (1) The ferrite grain size at least shall comply with the follow-
a) 15 MnNi 6 3 ing grain size index to DIN EN ISO 643:
b) 20 MnMoNi 5 5 a) 15 MnNi 6 3 grain size index 6,
c) 15 NiCuMoNb 5 S b) 20 MnMoNi 5 5 grain size index 5,
c) 15 NiCuMoNb 5 S grain size index 6.
for seamless pipes, seamless pipe elbows and seamless
reducers. (2) For steels with contents of bainitic structure, the require-
ments shall apply only to the microstructural proportions of
polygonal ferrite.
A 3.2 Manufacture of the materials and delivery condition
A 3.2.1 Manufacture A 3.3.4 Physical characteristics
(1) The steels shall be smelted by the basic oxygen process Reference values for the physical characteristics can be found
or in the electric furnace. If other processes are used, proof of in Annex AP.
equivalence shall be furnished.
(2) The steels shall be made in particularly killed condition. A 3.4 Data on heat treatment
Reference values for heat treatment are presented in Ta-
A 3.2.2 Delivery condition ble A 3-6.
(1) The usual delivery condition for the steel grades is as
follows: A 3.5 Forming
a) 15 MnNi 6 3 normalized
A 3.5.1 Hot forming
b) 20 MnMoNi 5 5 quenched and tempered in liquid
c) 15 NiCuMoNb 5 S normalized and tempered (quenched Hot forming shall designate forming at temperatures above the
and tempered in air) or quenched highest temperature permissible for stress-relief annealing, even if
and tempered in liquid the product forms are heated to the corresponding temperature
only locally, in the forming zone. The term hot forming shall also
(2) If the governing heat treatment is performed during fur- include adaptation and straightening work at the corresponding
ther processing, the pipes to be supplied in normalized condi- temperatures.
tion may also be delivered in rolled condition, and the pipes to
be supplied in quenched and tempered condition may also be (1) For hot forming, the pipes shall be heated to at least
delivered in normalized or tempered condition or, in special 750 °C but not above 1050 °C. For hot forming, the pipes of
cases, even in rolled condition. steel 15 MnNi 6 3 shall be heated to at least 750 °C but not
above 1100 °C. Forging and upsetting shall be performed in
the upper portion of the temperature range at 1100 °C to
A 3.3 Material characteristic values 900 °C. Hot bending of pipes and similar forming work shall be
A 3.3.1 Chemical composition performed in the lower portion of the temperature range. Grain
coarsening due to excessively long times or to overheating
The values stipulated in Table A 3-1 shall apply to the chemi- shall be avoided.
cal composition per the ladle and product analyses.
(2) After hot forming, the complete product forms shall be
subjected to renewed heat treatment as per the data in Ta-
A 3.3.2 Mechanical and technological characteristics ble A 3-5.
(1) The characteristic values of the mechanical and techno- (3) If the procedures employed differ from stipulations (1) to
logical characteristics in the room-temperature tensile test are (2), e.g., in the case of forming with local heating without sub-
stipulated in Table A 3-2. sequent heat treatment of the complete product form, proof of
equivalence shall be furnished.
(2) The characteristic values of the mechanical and techno-
logical characteristics in the elevated-temperature tensile test (4) The temperature control program shall be monitored.
are stipulated in Table A 3-3. The test temperature for carry-
ing out the elevated-temperature tensile test for the various
steel grades shall be as follows: A 3.5.2 Cold forming and cold bending
15 MnNi 6 3 300 °C Note:
Cold forming and cold bending shall designate forming at room
20 MnMoNi 5 5 350 °C temperature or with heating up to the highest temperature permis-
sible for stress-relief annealing.
15 NiCuMoNb 5 S 350 °C
(1) Heat treatment is not required after cold forming with
(3) The characteristic values of impact energy and lateral degrees of forming smaller than or equal to 2 %.
expansion are stipulated in Table A 3-4.
(2) Stress-relief annealing shall be required after forming
(4) The data for impact energy and lateral expansion shall with degrees of cold forming between 2 % and smaller than or
apply to standard specimens with a specimen width of 10 mm. equal to 5 %.
(5) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall (3) The governing heat treatment shall be performed after
be verified on specimens subjected to simulated stress-relief cold forming with degrees of forming larger than 5 %.
KTA 3211.1 Page 85
(4) If different procedures are employed, proof of equiva- (2) The examined work areas for welding are listed in Ta-
lence shall be furnished. ble A 3-7. Other work areas for welding are permitted, provid-
ed procedure qualification tests per KTA 3211.3 have been
(5) For cold-bending processes, heat treatment after cold performed.
bending may be waived if appropriate proof is furnished.
Weld-on work and straightening work shall not be permitted in (3) The stipulations for welding per SEW 088 shall be ob-
the zone of cold bends. served. Basic coated rod electrodes or fluxes of basic charac-
teristics shall preferably be used. Moreover, welding filler
metals with the following diffusible hydrogen content shall be
Cold bends shall be defined as machine-made cold bends of
provided for steels if Rp0.2RT is equal to or greater than
pipes with DN 150 and with bend radii Rm > 2.5 Da.
370 N/mm2:
a) rod electrode weld metal:
A 3.6 Thermal cutting and welding equal to or smaller than 5 ml/100 g in the molten weld
A 3.6.1 Thermal cutting metal (H 5 to DIN EN ISO 2560);
b) submerged arc weld metal:
SEW 088 shall be taken into consideration for thermal cutting. equal to or smaller than 5 ml/100 g in the molten weld
Recommended preheating temperatures are presented in metal (H 5 to DIN EN ISO 14174).
Table A 3-7.
(4) Post-weld stress-relief annealing may be required, de-
pending on nominal thickness and geometry of the parts. The
A 3.6.2 Welding nominal thicknesses at which stress-relief annealing may be
(1) Use of the following welding methods has been ap- waived are listed in Table A 3-7.
praised as suitable: (5) Post-weld non-destructive examinations shall be per-
a) manual arc welding with basic-flux-coated rod electrodes, formed after a waiting time of at least 48 hours after comple-
tion of the welding work, The waiting time may be waived for
b) submerged-arc welding with basic fluxes,
welds that are subjected to stress-relief annealing, hydrogen
c) inert-gas-shielded welding with wire electrodes or with degassing or delayed cooling, or that were welded under
basic-flux-cored wire electrodes shield gas.
KTA 3211.1 Page 86
Verification Content by mass, % 1) 2)
Steel grade Limit value
by C Si Mn P S Altotal N As Cu Cr Mo Nb Ni Sn Ti V
3) If these values are exceeded and allowance must be made in the product analysis for contents up to P 0.015 %, S 0.015 %, Mo 0.63 %, Cu 0.18 %, Sn 0.016 % and Ntotal 0.015 %, the author-
ized inspector shall check, until further information becomes available, as to whether welding simulation tests and if necessary tangential microsection examinations are necessary. If intermediate anneal-
ing at 550 °C is planned during further processing, the permissibility of this annealing temperature shall be verified during the said tests or examinations. The scope and conduct of these tests shall be
agreed with the authorized inspector. The tests may be waived if so stipulated in the material appraisal.
4) For quenched and tempered wall thicknesses smaller than or equal to 30 mm, the following C contents shall be permissble: larger than or equal to 0.14 % and smaller than or equal to 0.18 % for the ladle
analysis; and larger than or equal to 0.12 % and smaller than or equal to 0.20 % for the product analysis.
Table A 3-1: Chemical composition of steel grades per the ladle and product analyses
KTA 3211.1 Page 87
Reduction of area at
Heat-treatment Elongation at fracture Z
Tensile Yield point 1) ReH %
wall thickness Specimen fracture A
Steel grade strength Rm N/mm2 % at least
mm N/mm2 at least Individual Mean val-
at least
value ue
longitudinal 24 45
70 490 to 610 330
transverse 22 45
15 MnNi 6 3 transverse 22 45
> 70
470 to 590 310 longitudinal 24 45
perpendicular 35 45
15 longitudinal /
570 to 710 430 19 45
100 transverse
20 MnMoNi 5 5 longitudinal /
< 100 19 45
560 to 700 390 transverse
perpendicular 35 45
longitudinal 19
15 NiCuMoNb 5 S 60 610 to 760 440 transverse 17
perpendicular 25 35
1) If the yield point is not emphasized, the values shall be applicable for the 0.2 % proof stress.
Table A 3-2: Characteristic values of the mechanical and technological characteristics in the room-temperature tensile test
Table A 3-3: Characteristic values of the mechanical and technological characteristics in the elevated-temperature tensile test
KTA 3211.1 Page 88
Table A 3-4: Characteristic values of impact energy and lateral expansion in the notched-bar impact bend test on transverse
Table A 3-5: Necessity for verification of mechanical characteristics in the simulated stress-relief-annealed condition, and per-
formance of the simulated stress-relief annealing process
150 °C TH 250 °C 4)
20 MnMoNi 5 5 s 15 150 °C TV 250 °C 150 °C T 250 °C 3) 7 to 25
120 °C TH 180 °C 6)
s 15 Room temp. TV 80 T 150 °C Room temp. TH annealing
15 < s 30 Room temp. TV 100 °C T 180 °C 100 °C TH shall always
15 NiCuMoNb 5 S 10 to 30 be required
30 < s 50 100 °C TV 120 °C T 220 °C 3) 120 °C TH
Table A 3-7: Particulars of thermal cutting and welding, together with limit wall thicknesses for stress-relief annealing
A 4 Castings for cases and bodies of ferritic cast steel of A 4.3.2 Mechanical and technological characteristics
material group W I
(1) The characteristic values of the mechanical and techno-
A 4.1 General logical characteristics in the room-temperature tensile test,
including the minimum values of elongation at fracture, are
Section A 4 defines the details for manufacture, chemical stipulated in Table A 4-2.
composition, characterizing mechanical and technological
characteristics and heat treatment as well as for further pro- (2) The characteristic values of the mechanical and techno-
cessing of the following cast-steel grade logical characteristics at elevated temperatures are stipulated
in Table A 4-3. Verification shall be required only if the design
GS-C 25 S temperature is higher than 100 °C for cast-steel grade GS-C
for cases and bodies. 25 S, unless otherwise stipulated in the authorized inspector's
Note: appraisal.
The following stipulations are provisional, since the supplementary (3) The characteristic values of impact energy are stipulated
appraisal of cast-steel grade GS-C 25 S with regard to meeting in Table A 4-4.
the requirements beyond those for cast-steel grade GP240GH
(material number 1.0619) to DIN 10213 have not yet been com- (4) The data for impact energy shall apply to standard spec-
pleted and an individual appraisal is required. imens with a specimen width of 10 mm.
(5) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
A 4.2 Manufacture of the steels be verified as per Table A 4-6.
The steels shall be smelted by the basic oxygen process or in
the electric furnace. If other processes are used, proof of A 4.3.3 Physical characteristics
equivalence shall be furnished. Reference values for the physical characteristics can be found
in Annex AP.
A 4.3 Material characteristic values
A 4.3.1 Chemical composition A 4.4 Data on heat treatment
The values stipulated in Table A 4-1 shall apply to the chemi- Reference values for heat treatment are presented in Ta-
cal composition per the ladle and product analysis. ble A 4-5.
KTA 3211.1 Page 90
Verification Content by mass, %
Steel grade Limit value
by C Si Mn P S Altotal N As Cr Cu Mo Ni Sn V
Table A 4-1: Chemical composition per the ladle and product analyses
Nominal thickness in mm 0.2 %-proof stress Rp0.2, N/mm2 Tensile strength Rm, N/mm2 Elongation at fracture A, %
Steel grade
maximum at least at least
GS-C 25 S 100 245 440 up to 590 22
Table A 4-2: Characteristic values of the mechanical and technological characteristics in the room-temperature tensile test
0.2 %-proof stress 1) Rp0.2, N/mm2 Tensile strength 1) Rm, N/mm2 Elongation at fracture 1) A, %
Steel grade at least at least at least
at temperature, °C at temperature, °C at temperature, °C
100 200 250 300 350 400 100 200 250 300 350 400 100 200 250 300 350 400
GS-C 25 (205) 175 (160) 145 135 130 (410) (400) (400) (390) (375) (355) (21) (20) (19) (18) (20) (25)
1) The values in parentheses must still be substantiated by statistics.
Table A 4-3: Characteristic values of the mechanical and technological characteristics in the elevated-temperature tensile test
Table A 4-5: Particulars of preweld heat treatment and preheating, of thermal cutting and of stress-relief annealing
Table A 4-6: Necessity for verification of mechanical and technological characteristics in the simulated stress-relief-annealed
condition, and performance of the simulated stress-relief annealing process
A 5 High-tensile steels for quenching and tempering for sents the allowable deviations of chemical composition per the
bolts and nuts product analysis from the limit values of chemical composition
per the ladle analysis.
A 5.1 General
Section A 5 defines the details for manufacture, chemical
composition, characterizing mechanical and technological A 5.3.2 Mechanical and technological characteristics
characteristics and heat treatment as well as for further pro- (1) The mechanical and technological characteristics shall
cessing of high-tensile steels for quenching and tempering for apply to the delivery condition. The values shall be verified on
bolts and nuts. These stipulations shall apply not only to rolled longitudinal specimens from the sampling locations as per
or forged bars but also to the bolts and nuts made from the Section 8.
(2) The characteristic values of the mechanical and techno-
A 5.2 Manufacture of the steels and delivery condition logical characteristics in the room-temperature tensile test,
including the minimum values of reduction of area at fracture,
A 5.2.1 Manufacture are stipulated in Table A 5-3.
The steels shall be high-tensile steels for quenching and temper- (3) The characteristic values of the mechanical and techno-
ing with stipulated minimum values of elevated-temperature logical characteristics in the elevated-temperature tensile test
strength characteristics. are stipulated in Table A 5-4.
(1) The steels shall be smelted by the basic oxygen process (4) The characteristic values of impact energy and lateral
or in the electric furnace. If other processes are used, proof of expansion are stipulated in Table A 5-5.
equivalence shall be furnished. Steel grades 26 NiCrMo 14 6
and 34 CrNiMo 6 S shall be subjected to metallurgical ladle
post-treatment or remelted in vacuum or by the electroslag A 5.3.3 Physical characteristics
refining process.
Reference values for the physical characteristics can be found
(2) The steels shall be made in particularly killed condition. in Annex AP.
Content by mass in %
Steel grade Limit value
C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni V Altotal
Table A 5-1: Chemical composition per the ladle analysis of high-tensile steels for quenching and tempering for bolts and nuts
Table A 5-2: Allowable deviations of chemical composition per the product analysis from the limit values of chemical composi-
tion per the ladle analysis
Diameter 0.2% proof stress Tensile strength Elongation at frac- Reduction of area
Steel grade (bars) Rp0.2, N/mm2 Rm ture A, % at fracture Z, %
mm at least N/mm2 at least at least
20 NiCrMo 14 5 (I) 940 1040 to 1240 14 55
20 NiCrMo 14 5 (II) 980 1080 to 1280 14 55
26 NiCrMo 14 6 940 1040 to 1240 14 50
34 CrNiMo 6 S 830 930 to 1130 16 45
Table A 5-3: Characteristic values of the mechanical and technological characteristics in the room-temperature tensile test
Table A 5-4: Minimum values of the mechanical and technological characteristics in the elevated-temperature tensile test
KTA 3211.1 Page 93
Table A 5-5: Characteristic values of impact energy and lateral expansion on longitudinal specimens at 20 °C
Table A 5-6: Data for heat treatment of high-tensile steels for quenching and tempering for bolts and nuts
A 6 Bars for bolts and nuts; additional stipulations A 6.3 Notched-bar impact bend test
A 6.1 General Table A 6-1 presents the values of impact energy and lateral
Section A 6 shall apply additionally for the steel grades listed expansion to be verified in the notched-bar impact bend test
in Table A 6-1 when used for bolts and nuts within the scope at 20 °C with longitudinal specimens, taking the stipulations
of validity of this safety standard. of section 8.3 into consideration.
(2) The stipulations shall apply to rolled or forged bars and
to the bolts and nuts made from it.
A 6.4 Elevated-temperature tensile test
A 6.2 Dimensional limits Table A 6-1 also presents the values of tensile strength at
elevated temperatures.
The steel grades listed in Table A 6-1 may be used up to the
dimensional limits indicated therein.
VdTÜV material
X 8 CrNiMoBNb 16 -16 + wk + wk 80 52 36 530 505
sheet 113/2
Table A 6-1: Limits of permissible dimensions and additional stipulations for steels for bolts and nuts
KTA 3211.1 Page 94
A 7 Castings of the martensitic steel G-X4 CrNi 13 4 A 7.3 Mechanical and technological characteristics
(1.4317); additional stipulations
In test group A 1 deviating from the values given in VdTÜV
A 7.1 General material sheet 452 the minimum requirements for the impact
Section A 7 shall apply in addition to the requirements of energy to be verified in the notched-bar impact bend test
VdTÜV material sheet 452 when castings of the martensitic specified in Table A 7-2 shall apply, however only one individ-
steel G-X4 CrNi 13 4 (1.4317) are within the scope of validity ual value of the specimen set below the specified mean value
of this safety standard. shall be permitted.
Annex AP
Reference data on physical characteristics
This Annex contains reference data on At present a standardized method has not been defined for
determination of the characteristic values presented here for
a) specific density, physical characteristics.
b) dynamic modulus of elasticity,
AP 2.3 Scatter band of characteristic values
c) mean coefficient of linear thermal expansion,
(1) Changes in chemical composition and heat treatment
d) mean specific heat capacity and lead to a certain scatter band of physical characteristics. Any
grain orientation has a particularly strong influence on the
e) thermal conductivity
values of modulus of elasticity.
for the steel grades cited in Sections A 1 through A 5. (2) Differences between the measurement methods em-
ployed may lead to additional scattering.
AP 2 Characteristic values (3) The documents available at present are not adequate for
statistical evaluation of reliability.
AP 2.1 General
(4) The statements on the scatter band of characteristic
The characteristic values listed in Table AP-1 for physical values in footnotes 1 to 5 of Table AP-1 were taken from the
characteristicfs are reference data compiled on the basis of literature. They relate to the average scatter band of the
measurements on individual heats and of literature data [3]. measured values acquired there.
Specific Dynamic modulus of elasticity 2) Mean coefficient of linear thermal Mean specific Thermal conductivity 5)
density 1) 103 N/mm2 expansion 3) heat capacity 4) W m-1 K-1
106 g/m3 10-6 K-1 in J g-1 K-1
Steel grade at temperature in °C between 20 °C and between 20 °C and at the temperature in °C
the temperature in °C the temperature in °C
at 20 ° C 20 100 200 300 350 400 100 200 300 350 400 100 200 300 350 400 20 100 200 300 350 400
15 MnNi 6 3 7.85 211 206 198 191 187 12.4 12.9 13.3 13.6 42 43 42 41 40
15 NiCuMoNb 5 S 7.84 210 206 199 191 183 12.4 13.0 13.6 14.1 44 44 43 42 40
20 MnMoNi 5 5 7.86 211 206 199 192 184 12.7 13.2 13.6 14.0 44 44 43 41 39
20 NiMoCr 14 5 7.84 205 200 191 182 11.2 11.6 12.1 12.2 29 30 31 31 31
26 NiMoCr 14 6 7.84 205 200 191 182 11.2 11.6 12.1 12.2 29 30 31 31 31
34 CrNiMo 6 S 7.84 205 200 191 182 12.5 13.2 13.7 14.2 34 36 37 37 36
0.46 0.49 0.51 0.52 0.53
C 22.8 S 7.80 212 205 200 192 183 12.5 13.1 13.6 14.0 43 43 42 41 39
GS-C 25 S 7.83 211 204 196 186 177 12.2 12.9 13.4 13.9 43 43 42 41 39
WStE 255 S 7.85 212 207 200 192 184 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 42 43 43 42 40
WStE 285 S 7.85 212 207 200 192 184 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 42 43 43 42 40
WStE 315 S 7.84 212 207 200 192 184 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 42 43 43 42 40
WStE 355 S 7.83 212 207 200 192 184 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 42 43 43 42 40
5) Average bandwidth of dispersion of measured values ± 3.5 W m-1 K-1 for ferritic steels, ± 1.5 W m-1 K-1 for austenitic steels.
Annex B
B 4 Heat supply during welding and post-weld heat B 6 Production control tests
(1) Depending on scope of validity of the welding procedure
(1) The appropriately defined preheating temperature shall qualification, the manufacturer shall be required to perform
be met for welding as well as for all cutting and joining work. one production control test per year during production in the
presence of the authorized inspector. KTA 3211.3 Section 5
(2) The welding conditions and welding parameters for ferrit- shall apply in addition to the stipulations of this section.
ic and martensitic cast-steel grades shall be selected such
that the lowest possible hardness values are achieved for the (2) Production control tests on a steel of material group W I
particular material. Work specimens shall be taken to verify shall also cover production control tests on the same steel for
that hardness values of 350 HV 10 are not exceeded. use in material group W II.
KTA 3211.1 Page 97
(3) The test coupons for production control tests shall be eller pieces subjected to the same heat treatment as the cast-
taken from one of the heats involved. ing.
(4) The weld filler metals and welding consumables shall be (8) The extent of examination and requirements are stipulat-
taken from one of the manufacturing lots involved. ed in Table B-3.
(5) The test coupons shall be welded by welders who partic-
ipate in production. B 7 Documentation
(6) Production control tests shall be performed as full-
The documentation of welding procedure qualification and
penetration welds. They shall cover all partial penetration
production control tests, including the associated design ap-
proval documents, shall be organized per the stipulations set
(7) The test pieces shall be subjected to simulated heat forth for welding procedure qualification in DIN EN ISO 11970,
treatment jointly with the authorized inspector or shall be trav- and shall be attached to the inspection certificate.
Table B-1: Extent of examination and stipulations for procedure qualification for production welds on steel castings
(continued on next page)
KTA 3211.1 Page 98
Table B-1: Extent of examination and stipulations for welding procedure qualification for production welds on steel castings
Steel group Tensile strength Bending mandrel Bend angle Allowable deviation
Rm in N/mm2 diameter in degrees
Rm < 430 2 specimen Cracks shall not be longer than 1.6 mm.
thickness a Bursting open due to pores or lack of fusion
Ferritic and are permitted.
2.5 specimen
martensitic 430 Rm < 460 180
thickness a
3 specimen As for ferritic and martensitic steels with
Rm 460 180
thickness a Rm < 460 N/mm2, but in addition:
- If the specimen breaks at a bend angle
90°, the elongation of the gauge length
(L0 = weld width + wall thickness) shall
reach the minimum value of elongation at
Austenitic 3 specimen fracture A of the base metal.
steels thickness a - If the specimen breaks at a bend angle
< 90°, the elongation over the weld width
shall reach at least 30 %. The fracture
surface appearance shall be free of de-
Table B-2: Bending-mandrel diameter for the technological bend test to DIN EN ISO 5173 in connection with welding proce-
dure qualification for production welds on cast steel
0.5 ±0.3
0.5 ±0.3
1) The elevated-temperature tensile test shall be required if the operating temperature is higher than 200 °C (test groups A 1 and A 2) or
higher than 300 °C (test group A 3). In these cases, the elevated-temperature tensile test shall be performed at 350 °C for ferritic steels, at
400 °C for austenitic steels and at 320 °C for martensitic steels.
Table B-3: Extent of examination and stipulations for production control tests for production welds on steel castings
KTA 3211.1 Page 100
Annex C
C 2 Metallographic determination on castings in the (8) The test report shall state:
as-delivered condition a) the shape, size and direction of the test specimen as well
as the sampling location,
(1) A test specimen shall be taken from the product at the
specified sampling location, be ground and polished in the b) the actual values of the welding parameters,
usual way and etched in accordance with Murakami [4]. The c) the delta ferrite content in %.
etched surface shall have an area of at least 10 mm by
10 mm. A micrograph with a specification of its location shall be added
to the test report.
(2) The evaluation shall be performed at a magnification of
C 4 Metallographic determination for weld material (dur-
(3) A representative location of the etched surface shall be ing the procedure qualification and production con-
documented as photograph at a magnification of 100:1. trol test for production weldings on castings)
(4) With regard to the quantitative evaluation it is recom- (1) A slice through the entire cross-section shall be taken
mended to compare the micrograph with a corresponding from the weld. For the metallographic examination, the slice
delta ferrite reference sheet and classify it accordingly. Alter-
shall be ground and polished for on one side in the usual way,
natively, the procedure of a quantitative microstructure analy-
as well as etched in accordance with Murakami [4].
sis may be employed.
(2) An overall photograph shall be taken of the entire weld
(5) The test report shall state:
cross section.
a) the shape, size and direction of the test specimen as well
as the sampling location, (3) The evaluation shall be performed at a magnification of
b) the heat treatment condition, 1000:1.
c) the delta ferrite content in %. (4) With regard to the quantitative evaluation it is recommen-
ded to compare the micrograph with a corresponding delta
A micrograph shall be contained in the test report.
ferrite reference sheet [5] and classify it accordingly. Alterna-
tively, the procedure of a quantitative microstructure analysis
C 3 Metallographic analysis of the bead-on-plate test may be employed.
(5) Micrographs at a magnification of 1000:1 shall be made
(1) A test specimen of the following size shall be taken from of at least three zones representative of the delta ferrite con-
the product form at the specified sampling location: tent.
length 200 mm, thickness 25 mm up to 30 mm, width 40 mm.
(6) The test report shall state:
(2) A melt run with a length of at least 180 mm shall be de- a) the sampling location,
posited on the test specimen with a TIG burner without weld
filler metals, using the following weld parameters (guidance b) the heat treatment condition,
values): c) the delta ferrite content in %.
voltage about 20 V,
(7) The overall photograph as per (2) and the micrographs
current about 160 A, as per (5) shall be attached to the test report. The location of
feed rate about 20 cm/min. the zones as per (5) shall be marked in the overall photo-
(3) In the case of product forms that do not allow taking of
test specimens with a size as specified under (1) and where
the weld parameters as specified under (2) cannot be applied, C 5 Mathematical estimation according to De Long
the specimen shape and heat input shall be adjusted as close- Note:
ly as possible to the welding to be performed later on the Figure C-1 in accordance with De Long [4] is used for the mathe-
product. matical estimation of the delta ferrite content. In this graph the del-
ta ferrite content is shown in relation to the chemical composition,
(4) A disc shall be taken from the middle of the melt run however, not in terms of its volumetric ratio but rather on the basis
perpendicular to the surface of the test specimen and to the of a special calibration (cf. DIN EN ISO 8249), in terms of the
weld run axis; one side of this cross-section shall be ground characteristic "ferrite number (FN)". In the range of small ferrite
and polished in the usual way and etched in accordance with numbers up to FN 7, the ferrite number is identical to the delta fer-
Murakami [4]. rite content in %.
(5) The evaluation shall be performed at a magnification of (1) The nickel equivalent NiE shall be calculated from the
1000:1. chemical composition of the base metal (content by mass)
(6) A representative location of the surface-deposited weld according to the equation
zone on the etched surface shall be documented as photo-
graph at a magnification of 1000:1. NiE = % Ni + 30 (% C + % N) + 0.5 % Mn (C 5-1)
KTA 3211.1 Page 101
CrE = % Cr + % Mo + 1.5 % Si + 0.5 % Nb
(C 5-2) Austenite
18 0
(2) The calculated values of the nickel equivalent and 6
c) the value of the chrome equivalent, Figure C-1: Relationship between chemical composition and
ferrite numbers of molten base metal or weld
d) the delta ferrite content in terms of the ferrite number. material (according to W.T. De Long [4])
KTA 3211.1 Page 102
Annex D
GT sum of individual values
, (D-5)
deviation from the specified contour of the scanning surfaces
shall not exceed 0.5 mm. When selecting other dimensions of
n number of individual values reference surfaces, the allocated deviation from the specified
f) Corrected recording length RLK: contour shall be linearly converted in accordance with the side
length of the reference surface selected.
RLK RL DS 6dB 1 S 6dB (D-6)
D 4 Requirements to be met by the testing system
g) Sound path length without lateral wall influence:
s Deff D 4.1 Test equipment
S (D-7)
2 (1) The test equipment used including the required measur-
h) Gain correction V ~ : ing instruments and auxiliary equipment shall show appropri-
ate exactness and stability suited for the intended use.
G2T n GT
V ~ 1.7 (D-8) (2) Test instruments and probes shall normally meet the
n 1 requirements of DIN EN 12668-1 or DIN EN 12668-2. The
requirements of DIN EN 12668-3 shall apply to checking the
properties of the entire test equipment.
measurements on reference reflectors) that the exactness of (6) The scanning surfaces of transverse wave angle-beam
results is not affected. probes shall
a) always be contoured when scanning into concave test
(4) Probes with sound fields shall be used which ensure the
object scanning surfaces unless sufficient coupling can be
observance of the required testing level (recording level) in the obtained due to large radii of curvature,
area to be examined.
b) be contoured when scanning into convex test object scan-
Note: ning surfaces if according to Figure D-1 for test object di-
In general, a nominal frequency of 4 MHz and a transducer size ameters up to 200 mm the scanning surface dimension in
DQ of approx. 10 mm is used for nominal wall thicknesses equal to the direction of curvature is L > d/10 and for diameters ex-
or less than 40 mm, and a nominal frequency of 2 MHz and a ceeding 200 this dimension is L > 2d .
transducer size DQ of approx. 20 mm is used for nominal wall
thicknesses exceeding 40 mm. (7) For adjustment of the time base range and the testing
level as well as for testing the same couplant shall be used.
(5) Straight-beam probes shall be selected such that the Only such couplants shall be used which do not damage the
distance between the scanning surfaces of the probe and of object (e.g. corrosion). Upon testing, all couplant residues
the test object does not exceed 0.5 mm (DKon < 2d ). By the shall be removed from the test object.
use of protective foils the coupling of a straight-beam trans- (8) Test object, calibration block, reference block and probes
ceiver probe may be improved. shall approximately have the same temperature.
Dimension (L) of contact surface of the probe in direction of curvature, in mm
52 Adjustment of plane
contact surfaces required
40 L= 2d
12 10
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Curvature diameter (d) of test object, in mm
Figure D-1: Conditions for adjusting plane contact surfaces of angle-beam probes when scanning into convex scanning sur-
faces of the test object
D 4.2 Calibration blocks, reference blocks and reference component to be tested. When using contoured
reflectors probes or if the curvature of the opposite surface im-
pairs the reflection behaviour (ratio of wall thickness s
(1) When using differing materials for calibration block or
to outer diameter da of the test objet to exceed 0.2),
reference block and test object the difference in sound veloci-
ties shall be taken into account for range adjustment and for the deviation of the test object diameter shall not ex-
the angular deviation in case of angle beam scanning. ceed 10 % of the diameter of the component to be
tested. Deviating here from plane reference blocks
(2) When calibration blocks No. 1 to DIN EN ISO 2400 or may be used in case of pulse-echo probes if the test
No. 2 to DIN EN ISO 7963 are not used for adjusting the test- object diameter does not require the use of contoured
ing level, the following applies: probes, the reflection behaviour is not impaired by the
a) to the reference block used: curvature of the opposite surface (ratio of wall thick-
aa) The reference block shall correspond to the test object ness s to outer diameter da of the test objet less than
as regards the test-relevant characteristics (material, or equal to 0.2) and no wave conversion technique is
design, shape, wall thickness, cladding if any, heat used.
treatment). The wall thickness of the reference block ab) Reference blocks for testing of welds on austenitic
shall deviate not more than 10 % from that of the steels, on nickel alloys or dissimilar welds shall be
KTA 3211.1 Page 106
similar to the test object. The similar reference block (2) As far as the optimization of the testing technique as per
(e.g. from a production control test piece), must corre- (1) does not lead to a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio, testing
spond to the test object as regards geometry, material, techniques providing images of the test results shall be used
weld design, welding process and surface condition. to make evaluation possible, e.g.
ac) The sound beam shall not be impaired in its develop- a) sectorial and compound scanning with controlled phased
ment, i.e. all dimensions vertical to the main beam arrays,
path for sound paths up to twice the near field length
b) automated testing techniques, e.g. in connection with
(N) shall normally be greater than the transducer di-
ALOK (transit-time and amplitude locus-curves).
mension perpendicular to the scanning direction (DQ)
Decisive for greater sound path travel distances than
twice the near field length is the beam width DS-20dB at D 6 Adjustment of test system
the reflector location. In this case, the reference ob-
ject width is determined to the following formula:
Sections D 7 to D 9 contain requirements for the test system ad-
C 2 λ max justment as regards the use of wave conversion and creeping
DQ wave techniques.
Exempted from this rule are reference blocks used for
testing the area with lateral wall influence on bars in D 6.1 Range adjustment
axial direction. In this case, the width of the reference (1) The time base range shall normally be calibrated on the
block shall be equal to the width of the test object. calibration block No. 1, the calibration block No. 2, the test
ad) The dimensions of the scanning surface of the test ob- object or on a similar reference block (e.g. to Figure D-2).
ject shall normally exceed 1.5 times the probe scan- The time base range shall be adjusted by locating known
ning surface. reflectors.
ae) The location of the reference reflectors in the refer-
ence block shall be selected such that their echoes do (2) Where probes have to be contoured, the range shall first
no interfere with each other and cannot be confused be calibrated with a non-contoured probe on a plane calibra-
with corner echoes. tion or reference block. Hereafter, the contoured probe shall
be positioned on a suitable shaped reference block to contain
b) to the reference reflector used: at least one reflector on a known time base range. By means
ba) The back walls shall normally be plane and vertical to of this reflector a zero-point correction shall be made.
the main beam as well as have dimensions exceeding (3) For longitudinal wave angle-beam probes a pre-adjust-
the beam width DS-20dB, but not less than the trans- ment of the time base range shall be carried out using a
ducer dimension. straight beam probe on the calibration blocks No. 1 or No. 2,
bb) Side-drilled holes shall normally be vertical to the main on the test object or on the reference block. Subsequently a
beam and parallel to the scanning surface. The correction of zero point shall be effected by means of the
lengths of the side-drilled holes shall normally be angle-beam probe to consider the delay path.
greater than the sound beam width DS-20dB, but not
less than the transducer dimension. The diameter
shall normally be 3 mm. D 6.2 Adjustment of the testing level when applying the DGS
bc) The bottom of flat bottom holes shall normally be verti- method
cal to the main beam when applying the single-probe D 6.2.1 Application of the DGS method
technique. Exempted from this rule are specifications
for the use of flat-bottom holes when applying the (1) The DGS method may only be used for probes where
wave conversion technique II and the creeping-wave probe-specific DGS diagrams are available.
(2) In the case of probes with adjusted contact surfaces, the
bd) The notches shall have a rectangular cross-section. DGS method shall basically not be used. When scanning with
The notch edges shall be vertical to the surface. The angle-beam probes which flat contact surfaces are adjusted
notches shall normally have a width 1.0 mm and, if
the use of the DGS method is permitted on test objects with d
not specified for the respective product form, have a
exceeding 100 mm where scanning is performed on a con-
depth of 1.0 mm. The acoustically effective length of
cave scanning surface of the test object, if the condition
the notches shall normally be 20 mm.
L < d is satisfied.
be) Where the echo amplitudes of side-drilled holes are to
be converted to echo amplitudes of DKSR, the formula (3) The following criteria apply to the use of the of the DGS
D-3 shall be considered. method:
a) The evaluable sound path begins, for single transducer
D 5 Optimization of the testing technique for ultrasonic probe, approximately at S = 0.7 N and for dual-element
testing of austenitic steels or nickel alloys probes as well as for focussing probes at the beginning of
the focal zone.
(1) To maintain a sufficient distance (at least 6 dB) of the b) In the case of a lateral wall influence the DGS method may
recording level to the noise level the test technique shall be only be used up to the sound path travel distance given in
optimised, e.g. by taking the following measures: Section D 2.3, equation D-7.
a) use of probes with low nominal frequency, c) In the case of angle-beam scanning the DGS method can
b) use of frequency-selective test instruments, only be applied for wall thicknesses exceeding 5 .
c) use of probes with composite transducers and test instru- d) Probe-specific DGS diagrams for disc shaped reflectors
ments suited for this purpose, shall be used to adjust the testing level.
d) use of longitudinal waves for angle-beam scanning, e) In the case of attenuated probes the DGS method may
e) electrodynamically excited surface waves and horizontally only be used if the ratio of the band width (f) to the nomi-
polarised transverse waves. nal frequency is less than 0.75.
KTA 3211.1 Page 107
hole into the echo amplitude of a disc shaped reflector equa-
tion D-3 shall be used.
D 6.3 Adjustment of the testing level for the reference block
method and DAC method
10 < s 15
Increased DAC curve (2) Where the V~ value thus determined is greater than
(e.g. by 12 dB) 6 dB, the test object shall be subdivided into testing sections
where the transfer correction of each section shall be consid-
ered separately. This subdivision shall be such that in each
section V~ is equal to or smaller than 6 dB.
over half
skip distance
over full
skip distance
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
S1 S2
G T1 = ... dB G T2 = ... dB
DVS = VS 2 VS 1
Divergence correction of back-wall echo curve
of a DGS diagram
V S 1 = Gain value for transmission echo on calibration
S1 S2
or reference block at reference level [dB]
V S 2 = Gain value for transmission echo
on test object at reference level [dB]
G T1 = Instrument gain for transmission echo
on calibration or reference block [dB]
G T2 = Instrument gain for transmission echo
on test object [dB]
Figure D-5: Determination of transfer correction during straight and angle beam scanning performed as V or W-transmission
KTA 3211.1 Page 110
Reference height
Transferred or
set-up DAC curve
Figure D-6: Determination of sound attenuation for Figure D-9: Consideration of sound attenuation for the DAC
straight-beam scanning (example) method for the case 2 > 1 (example)
(1) For the testing level adjustment of creeping wave probes
Reference block ( k 1 ) the following reference blocks shall be taken:
Section A-A tions nearly parallel to the surface. The angle of incidence of
» 70 approximately 31 degrees is obtained, in the case of test
objects with parallel surfaces, by the accompanying trans-
» 45 verse wave of a 70-degree longitudinal wave angle-beam
probe (Figure D-14).
> 10
(2) Due to its near-surface linear propagation the secondary
(Figure D-16).
» 25
Echoes due to geometric discontinuities may be generated due to
the transverse wave generated simultaneously with the beam en-
Flat bottom holes Æ 3 mm try into the test object, since the transverse wave entering at a
very steep angle is highly sensitive to irregularities of the probe-
Figure D-10: Reference block for testing level adjustment remote surface (e.g. gauge marks, identification markings) and
when using the creeping wave technique (pri- reacts to deviations from shape. Therefore, it is especially im-
mary creeping wave) portant to
a) consider the probe position in relation to the centre of the
welded joint,
£1 b) know the sound velocities and the related angle of incidence of
the transverse wave,
c) know the various echo dynamics.
When exactly allocating the indication to the welded joint and con-
L= d
Use of probes with plane
scanning surfaces permitted provided the
required testing level is obtained
16 L=
12 d
Adjustment of plane scanning
surfaces not required
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Curvature diameter (d) of test object, in mm
= Range of application for creeping wave probes with plane scanning surface
Figure D-12: Ranges of application of creeping wave probes with and without contouring of scanning surfaces for testing on
convex test object scanning surfaces
D 8.4 Testing level adjustment
(1) The testing level shall be adjusted on a reference block.
Directional characteristic Secondary creeping wave (2) To generate a reference echo notches as per clause
D 4.2 (2) bd) shall be used.
Figure D-14: Testing of internal near-surface area of welded
(3) By displacing the probe on the reference block the echo
joints by means of secondary creeping waves
NE 2 reflected from the notch shall be optimized and thus the
reference echo height be determined.
D 8.3 Range calibration
(4) In the case of testing as per clause D 8.1 (4) the testing
(1) The time base range shall be pre-adjusted in accordance level shall be adjusted on corresponding notches with rectan-
with D 6.1 (3). gular cross-section using longitudinal waves. The recording
(2) Hereafter, the zero-point correction for the longitudinal level is the reference echo amplitude of the direct longitudinal
wave angle-beam probe shall be effected. In this case the wave minus 6 dB. The indication of the edge on the reference
following procedure may be followed, unless performed on the block shall exceed the recording level by at least 10 dB. Oth-
100 mm circular arc profile (R100) of calibration block no.1: erwise, the recording level shall be reduced accordingly.
KTA 3211.1 Page 113
D 8.5 Corrections during testing level adjustment b) zero-point correction with longitudinal wave angle-beam
probe on the 100 mm circular arc profile (R100) of calibra-
D 8.5.1 Transfer correction tion block no.1,
The difference of the acoustic properties between the similar c) determination of probe index point where required for the
reference block and the test object shall be determined and be longitudinal wave angle-beam probe.
considered during testing. This may be done by a global trans-
fer measurement. (2) Testing level adjustment according to the requirements
of Section D 8.4
a) positioning of probe index point of the longitudinal wave
D 8.5.2 Correction of sound attenuation caused by the weld
angle-beam probe above the notch of the respective refer-
metal ence block,
Different testing levels caused by the weld metal shall be b) determination of the distance p’ in case of optimised NE2
determined by suitable means and be taken into account. to reference echo (see Figure D-15),
c) consideration of respective allowances for testing level.
D 8.6 Performance of testing
(3) Displacement of the probe
(1) Range calibration according to the requirements of Sec- The longitudinal wave angle-beam probe shall be displaced
tion D 8.3 vertically to the weld so that the defined testing area is com-
a) pre-adjustment with straight-beam probe, pletely covered at the opposite surface.
NE 1
Echo dynamic
NE 2
NE 1 NE 2
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
HE: Main echo, NE: Neighbour echo
Figure D-16: Testing of components with nominal wall thicknesses 8 mm < s 20 mm by means of longitudinal waves
(70 degree SEL probe)
KTA 3211.1 Page 114
D 9.2 Probes, scanning zones, reference blocks, LLT sensi- (2) The diagrams shall be established by means of meas-
tivity diagrams urements on flat bottom holes of the reference block in ac-
cordance with clause D 9.2.3 for the respective scanning
D 9.2.1 Use of probes zone. The echo heights (signal amplitudes) measured on the
flat bottom holes shall be entered over the depth location
(1) Due to their specific arrangement of transmitting and (YFBB, Figure D-18). The reference height of the front face
receiving transducers the probes are designed for testing of a (maximum of front-face echo) shall also be entered in the
certain depth zone (scanning zone) at the respective wall diagram. The distance between the reference height of the
thickness and curvature of the test object. The range of appli- front face and the peak of the sensitivity curve from the echo
cation shall be determined by means of probe-specific data heights of the flat bottom holes defines the value VLLT.
sheets. (3) To generate a depth scale the reflector depth location
shall be entered in a further diagram over the sound path
(2) LLT probes designed for the examination of flat test travel distance (see Figure D-19). To this end, at least three
objects may be used in testing of surfaces concentrically flat bottom holes provided at the front-face side of the refer-
curved in the direction of testing, where great radii of curvature ence block are necessary.
(R exceeding 1000 mm) exist.
D 9.3 Range adjustment
D 9.2.2 Probes and their scanning zones (1) The respective LLT probe shall be operated such that at
first only the receiving transducer is activated in the pulse-
D Location and height of scanning zones
echo mode to generate transverse waves. Range adjustment
(1) LLT probes are sensitive only in a limited scanning zone shall be made at the 100 mm circular arc profile of the cali-
(depth zone). The location of the scanning zone is determined bration block No. 1. The range shall be adjusted such that the
by the beam angle LW , the angle of incidence TW and by the sound path travel distance to the centre of the scanning zone
is located in the middle of the time base range (SJust). The
arrangement of the transducers.
time base range shall be calculated and adjusted in accord-
(2) The scanning zone height is determined by the depth ance with formulae D-14 to D-17.
area (ZHa, ZHb, Figure D-17) where the sensitivity has de- Hereafter, the transmitting transducer shall also be connected
creased by half the value (-6 dB) compared to the maximum and the ultrasonic instrument shall change over to the dual-
value in the scanning zone centre (YSa, YSb, Figure D-17). element mode.
The height of the scanning zone depends on the wall thick- (2) To estimate the depth location of reflectors a depth scale
ness, the nominal frequency and the dimensions oft the determined in accordance with clause D 9.2.4 shall be used.
transmitting and receiving transducer.
D 9.4 Testing level adjustment
D Subdivision of scanning zones
D 9.4.1 General
(1) The scanning zones shall cover the volume to be tested,
(1) The testing level shall be adjusted using the following
and the scanning zones shall overlap.
reference reflectors:
Note: a) end faces (front faces) or flat bottom holes vertical to the
The volume to be examined normally comprises the non-subsur- scanning surface of the test object or reference block
face area as of a depth of 10 mm distanced from the probe-
remote surface and probe-adjacent surface. or
b) flat-bottom holes which, depending on the testing task, are
(2) The subdivision of scanning zones may be estimated oblique to the scanning surface of the test object.
based on probe-specific data sheets. Where no probe-specific
The flat bottom holes shall be of the same size as the disk
data sheets are, the location and dimensions of the scanning
shaped reflectors to be recorded.
zones shall be determined by means of measurements with
the selected probes on reference blocks with flat bottom (2) During testing level adjustment the zone edge allowance
holes. and transfer correction shall be considered.
KTA 3211.1 Page 115
D 9.4.2 Adjustment on end faces vertical to the scanning (2) In the case of austenitic steels and nickel alloys the dif-
surface of the test object (front faces) ference of the acoustic properties between the similar refer-
(1) For this type of adjustment probe-specific LLT sensitivity ence block and the test object shall be determined and be
diagrams shall be submitted in accordance with clause D 9.2.4. considered. This may also be done by assuming a global
transfer measurement.
(2) When setting the testing level the value VLLT shall be
taken from the probe-specific LLT sensitivity diagram (see
Figure D-18) for the centre of the scanning zone (Ys) and be D 9.6 Performance of testing
increased by 6 dB for the zone edge. The setting shall be
checked by means of flat bottom holes. (1) The testing using the LLT technique shall be performed
separately for each scanning zone.
D 9.4.3 Adjustment on flat-bottom holes
(2) The probe shall be coupled on the test object for each
Where no sensitivity diagrams are available or reference re- scanning zone at a distance a'LLT (see Figure D-18) to the
flectors oblique to the test object scanning surface are to be centre of the weld. The distances a'LLT shall be determined on
found, the testing level shall be adjusted on flat bottom holes the reference block.
in a reference block. For each scanning zone at least three flat
bottom holes shall be provided. (3) The probes shall be moved over each scanning zone
vertically to the direction of weld progress such that the vol-
D 9.5 Transfer correction ume to be tested is completely covered.
(1) In the case of ferritic steels the transfer correction may (4) The LLT probe coupling shall be monitored by observing
globally be assumed to be 2 dB. the noise.
φ TW
YS b
α TW α TW
Z Ha
α LW
Z Hb
φ LW
α LW
φ LW ∆ SE
TW = arc cos TW cos α LW
c LW
2 s tan LW SE
YSa, YSb =
tan TW tan LW
Front face,
end face
Flat-bottom holes
(at various depths)
Echo height, in dB
Echo from
flat-bottom hole
0 50 100 150
Reflector depth measure from scanning surface [mm]
a LW = 7° a LW = 20° a LW = 33° a LW = 45°
50 100 150 200 250
Sound path S Just [mm]
D 10 Performance of testing
D 10.1 Overlap Reflector
To ensure complete coverage during testing the distance
between two adjacent scanning tracks in the examination
volume shall be smaller than the beam width DB-6dB trans-
verse to the scanning direction.
Echo amplitude
taken into account.
During manual scanning the rate of probe movement should
not exceed 150 mm/s.
D 10.3 Adjustment and check of the test system Recording length displacement
Echo amplitude
ence blocks shall be used. The instrument setting shall be
6 dB
maintained during scanning and shall be controlled regularly
during and at the end of testing.
(2) Where deviations from the checks made before are Probe
found, all tests performed after the last check without devia-
Recording length displacement
tions shall be repeated with a corrected adjustment.
12 dB
(2) The beam width shall be determined by calculation or D 11.3 Indications due to geometric discontinuities
experimental analysis.
(1) Where indications from the root area of a weld are to be
(3) In the case of calculation equation D-4 shall be used if classified as indications due to geometric discontinuities, con-
probes are used, the contact surface of which has not been trol measurements shall be made to determine the cause of
adapted. In the case of angle beam scanning the horizontal indication.
included angle shall be inserted for 6. The included angle
(2) If it is to be proved that the indications recorded from
shall be taken from the data sheets on the probes used.
both weld sides arise on the two flanks of the excess penetra-
(4) Where the beam width has to be determined by experi- tion and are not caused by weld defects, the control meas-
mental analysis, measurements shall be made on a reference urement may be made by measuring the projected-surface
block to Section D 3.3. A reference reflector shall be provided distance on the test piece (see Figure D-21 a). The exact
into this reference block at the same depth location like for the projected-surface distances shall be determined on notches
reflector to be gauged. As reference reflector a flat bottom having rectangular cross-section with a depth and width of
hole of 3 mm diameter may be suited. The half-amplitude 1 mm each on a reference block (see Figure D-21 b). Where
length shall be determined on the reference reflector on the it is found out that the projected-surface distances of the re-
same sound path travel distance as for the reflector to be spective indications clearly overlaps [(2a - a’) equal to or
gauged. The value determined such shall correspond to the greater than 3 mm], the indications are considered to be
beam width at the respective depth of reflector. caused by geometric discontinuities. Where a smaller distance
than 3 mm is found, the indications shall no more be treated
D Use of dual-element probes and focussing probes
(1) By means of dual-element probes or focussing probes
with suitable sound field the indication length shall be meas-
ured in the focal zone using the half-amplitude method.
(2) In this case several echo dynamics may be recorded
from the reflector on a grid pattern to increase the measuring
accuracy and to improve the reproduceability in the case of
focussing probes. The grid-line distances shall be smaller than
the diameter of the focussing beam of the probe.
Annex E
Performance of surface inspections by magnetic particle and penetrant methods
E 1 General requirements
Magnetic particle testing technique Characters
E 1.1 Surface condition
with permanent
(1) The surfaces to be inspected shall show a condition JD
Yoke magnetization magnet
suitable for testing.
with electromagnet JE
(2) They shall be free from scale, weld spatter or other dis-
turbing impurities. Magnetization by with coil LS
(3) Grooves and notches affecting the test result shall be current carrying- with other conduc-
conductors LK
removed. tors (cable)
Magnetization by self-induced current SS
E 1.2 Viewing conditions current flow induced current flow SI
(1) The viewing conditions of DIN EN ISO 3059 shall be
observed. In addition, the requirements as per (2) to (5) shall
be met. E 2.1.2 Contact areas in case of direct magnetisation
(2) The eyes of the operator shall have at least 5 minutes to (1) Where the test is performed by current flow technique,
adapt to the light conditions. consumable electrodes (e.g. lead fin alloys) shall be used, if
possible. It shall be ensured that in the contact areas over-
(3) For the purpose of better detectability of defects suffi-
heating of the material to be tested is avoided.
cient contrast shall be provided in magnetic particle testing by
the use of suitable media (e.g. fluorescent detection media or (2) Where overheating has occurred the overheated areas
application of a thin colour coat only slightly covering the un- shall be marked, ground over after the test and be examined
derground). Ultraviolet radiation of type UVA may additionally for surface cracks, preferably by magnetic particle testing
be used to improve the contrast in penetrant testing using using yoke magnetisation.
fluorescent penetrants.
(4) During the inspection the angle of viewing shall not devi- E 2.1.3 Direction of magnetisation
ate by more than 30 degrees from the surface normal. During
viewing the distance to the examination surface shall normally Each location on the surface shall be tested from two direc-
be approximately 300 mm. tions of magnetisation offset by approximately 90 degrees.
(2) The DC magnetisation method shall only be used upon The following guide values apply with respect to the applica-
agreement by the authorized inspector. tion of the magnetic particles and magnetisation:
a) Magnetisation and application: at least 3 seconds
(3) The residual magnetic field strength shall not exceed b) Subsequent magnetisation: at least 5 seconds
800 A/m unless a lower value is required for the fabrication.
Where the specified value is exceeded, the part shall be de-
magnetised and the value of the residual magnetic field E 2.2 Inspection medium
strength be recorded.
According to DIN EN ISO 9943-2 sample-tested media shall
(4) For the magnetic particle testing techniques the following be used. Verification of such sample testing shall be submitted
identifying characters shall be used: to the authorized inspector.
KTA 3211.1 Page 120
E 2.2.1 Wet particle inspection method (3) Only wet developers suspended in an aqueous solvent
shall be used. Dry developers may only be applied on the
(1) Magnetic particles with an average grain size smaller testing surface by electrostatic charging.
than or equal to 8 µm shall be used. Depending on applica-
tion, black, fluorescent or coloured powders may be used. (4) For the examination system at least sensitivity class
„highly sensitive“ to DIN EN ISO 3452-2 shall be adhered to.
The required average grain size ensures comparability with (5) The suitability of the testing system (penetrant, solvent
in-service inspections, cf. DIN 25435-2. remover and developer) shall be demonstrated by means of a
sample examination as to DIN EN ISO 3452-2. The results of
(2) Prior to bathing the surface care shall be taken to ensure the demonstration by sample testing shall be submitted to the
that the magnetic powder is distributed uniformly in the vehicle authorized inspector.
fluid and is kept in suspension. Prior to and during testing the
powder suspension shall be spot-checked by suitable pre- (6) Penetrants in test equipment and partly used open tanks
magnetised test units. (except for aerosol cans) shall be monitored by the user with
flux indicator 2 to DIN EN ISO 3452-3. In this test the maxi-
mum penetration and development times shall not exceed the
E 2.2.2 Dry particle method minimum times specified for the evaluation. The testing sensi-
(1) The dry particle method shall only be used for an inter- tivity obtained shall be recorded.
mediate test in warm condition.
E 3.2 Performance
(2) The device for applying the powder shall make possible
such a fine spraying that no accumulations of powder occurs. (1) Penetrant testing shall be performed to DIN EN ISO
It shall be ensured that the powders used do not agglomerate 3452-1 to meet the following requirements.
under the influence of the workpiece temperature.
(2) The penetration time shall normally be at least half an
E 2.3 Test instruments
(3) Immediately after drying of the developer a first inspec-
The test instruments shall meet the requirements of DIN EN tion shall normally be made. A further inspection shall normal-
ISO 9934-3. ly be made not earlier than half an hour after the first inspec-
tion has passed.
E 3 Penetrant testing (4) Further inspection times are required if during the second
inspection indications are detected which were not visible
E 3.1 Testing system during the first inspection.
(1) Colour contrast penetrants shall preferably be used.
Further inspection times may also be suitable if during the second
Fluorescent penetrants or fluorescent colour contrast pene- inspection significant changings or additional indications are de-
trants may also be used. tected.
(2) Solvents or water or both in combination may be used as (5) The evaluation shall be made in consideration of the
penetrant remover. results of all inspections.
KTA 3211.1 Page 121
Annex F
(The references exclusively refer to the version given in this annex. Quotations of regulations referred to
therein refer to the version available when the individual reference below was established or issued.)
AtG Act on the Peaceful Utilization of Atomic Energy and the Protection against its Hazards
(Atomic Energy Act) of December 23, 1959 (BGbl. I, p. 814) as Amended and Promul-
gated on July 15, 1985 (BGBl. I, p. 1565), last amended by article 2 (2) of the law dated
20th July 2017 (BGBl. I 2017, no. 52, p. 2808)
StrlSchV Ordinance on the Protection against Damage and Injuries Caused by Ionizing Radiation
(Radiation Protection Ordinance) dated 20th July 2001 (BGBl. I p. 1714; 2002 I p. 1459),
last amended in accordance with article 10 by article 6 of the law dated 27th January 2017
(BGBl. I p. 114, 1222)
SiAnf (2015-03) Safety Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants (SiAnf) as Promulgated on March 3rd
2015 (BAnz AT 30.03.2015 B2)
Interpretations (2015-03) Interpretations of the Safety Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants of November 22nd
2012, as Amended on March 3rd 2015 (BAnz. AT 30.03.2015 B3)
KTA 1401 (2017-11) General Requirements Regarding Quality Assurance
KTA 1408.1 (2017-11) Quality Assurance for Weld Filler Materials and Welding Consumables for Pressure and
Activity Retaining Systems in Nuclear Power Plants; Part 1: Qualification Testing
KTA 1408.2 (2017-11) Quality Assurance for Weld Filler Materials and Welding Consumables for Pressure and
Activity Retaining Systems in Nuclear Power Plants; Part 2: Manufacture
KTA 1408.3 (2017-11) Quality Assurance for Weld Filler Materials and Welding Consumables for Pressure and
Activity Retaining Systems in Nuclear Power Plants; Part 3: Processing
KTA 3211.2 (2013-11) Pressure and Activity Retaining Components of Systems Outside the Primary Circuit;
Part 2: Design and Analysis
KTA 3211.3 (2017-11) Pressure and Activity Retaining Components of Systems Outside the Primary Circuit;
Part 3: Manufacture
DIN EN ISO 148-1 (2017-05) Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum impact test - Part 1: Test method (ISO 148-1:2016);
German version EN ISO 148-1:2016
DIN EN ISO 643 (2013-05) Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size (ISO 643:2012); German
version EN ISO 643:2012
DIN EN ISO 898-1 (2013-05) Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1: Bolts,
screws and studs with specified property classes - Coarse thread and fine pitch thread
(ISO 898-1:2013); German version EN ISO 898-1:2013
DIN EN ISO 898-2 (2012-08) Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 2: Nuts
with specified property classes - Coarse thread and fine pitch thread (ISO 898-2:2012);
German version EN ISO 898-2:2012
DIN EN ISO 1127 (1997-03) Stainless steel tubes - Dimensions, tolerances and conventional masses per unit length
(ISO 1127:1992); German version EN ISO 1127:1996
DIN EN 1369 (2013-01) Founding - Magnetic particle testing; German version EN 1369:2012
DIN EN 1370 (2012-03) Founding - Examination of surface condition; German version EN 1370:2011
DIN EN 1371-1 (2012-02) Founding - Liquid penetrant testing - Part 1: Sand, gravity die and low pressure die cast-
ings; German version EN 1371-1:2011
DIN EN 1559-2 (2014-12) Founding - Technical conditions of delivery - Part 2: Additional requirements for steel
castings; German version EN 1559-2:2014
DIN EN ISO 2400 (2013-01) Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Specification for calibration block No. 1
(ISO 2400:2012); German version EN ISO 2400:2012
DIN EN ISO 2560 (2010-03) Welding consumables - Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy
and fine grain steels - Classification (ISO 2560:2009); German version EN ISO
DIN EN ISO 3059 (2013-03) Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing - Viewing condi-
tions (ISO 3059:2012); German version EN ISO 3059:2012
DIN EN ISO 3452-1 (2014-09) Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 1: General principles (ISO 3452-1:2013,
Corrected version 2014-05-01); German version EN ISO 3452-1:2013
KTA 3211.1 Page 122
DIN EN ISO 3452-2 (2014-03) Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials
(ISO 3452-2:2013); German version EN ISO 3452-2:2013
DIN EN ISO 3452-3 (2014-03) Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 3: Reference test blocks
(ISO 3452-3:2013); German version EN ISO 3452-3:2013
DIN EN ISO 3506-1 (2010-04) Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 1: Bolts,
screws and studs (ISO 3506-1:2009); German version EN ISO 3506-1:2009
DIN EN ISO 3506-2 (2010-04) Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 2: Nuts
(ISO 3506-2:2009); German version EN ISO 3506-2:2009
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 (1998-08) Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 2: Ferritic,
austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in media con-
taining sulfuric acid (ISO 3651-2:1998); German version EN ISO 3651-2:1998
DIN EN ISO 4136 (2013-02) Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Transverse tensile test
(ISO 4136:2012); German version EN ISO 4136:2012
DIN EN ISO 4287 (2010-07) Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Terms, def-
initions and surface texture parameters (ISO 4287:1997 + Cor 1:1998 + Cor 2:2005 +
Amd 1:2009); German version EN ISO 4287:1998 + AC:2008 + A1:2009
DIN EN ISO 5173 (2012-02) Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Bend tests (ISO 5173:2009 +
Amd 1:2011); German version EN ISO 5173:2010 + A1:2011
DIN EN ISO 5577 (2017-05) Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Vocabulary (ISO 5577:2017); German ver-
sion EN ISO 5577:2017
DIN EN ISO 5579 (2014-04) Non-destructive testing - Radiographic testing of metallic materials using film and X- or
gamma rays - Basic rules (ISO 5579:2013); German version EN ISO 5579:2013
DIN EN ISO 6157-2 (2004-10) Fasteners - Surface discontinuities - Part 2: Nuts (ISO 6157-2:1995); German version
EN ISO 6157-2:2004
DIN EN ISO 6506-1 (2015-02) Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 1: Test method (ISO 6506-1:2014); Ger-
man version EN ISO 6506-1:2014
DIN EN ISO 6506-4 (2015-02) Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 4: Table of hardness values
(ISO 6506-4:2014); German version EN ISO 6506-4:2014
DIN EN ISO 6507-1 (2006-03) Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 1: Test method (ISO 6507-1:2005);
German version EN ISO 6507-1:2005
DIN EN ISO 6507-4 (2006-03) Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 4: Tables of hardness values
(ISO 6507-4:2005); German version EN ISO 6507-4:2005
DIN EN ISO 6892-1 (2017-02) Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at room temperature
(ISO 6892-1:2016); German version EN ISO 6892-1:2016
DIN EN ISO 6892-2 (2011-05) Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 2: Method of test at elevated temperature
(ISO 6892-2:2011); German version EN ISO 6892-2:2011
DIN EN ISO 7963 (2010-12) Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Specification for calibration block No. 2
(ISO 7963:2006); German version EN ISO 7963:2010
DIN EN ISO 8249 (2000-10) Welding - Determination of Ferrite Number (FN) in austenitic and duplex ferritic-
austenitic Cr-Ni stainless steel weld metals (ISO 8249:2000); German version EN ISO
DIN EN ISO 8492 (2014-03) Metallic materials - Tube - Flattening test (ISO 8492:2013); German version EN ISO
DIN EN ISO 8493 (2004-10) Metallic materials - Tube - Drift-expanding test (ISO 8493:1998); German version EN
ISO 8493:2004
DIN EN ISO 8495 (2014-03) Metallic materials - Tube - Ring-expanding test (ISO 8495:2013); German version EN
ISO 8495:2013
DIN EN ISO 8496 (2014-03) Metallic materials - Tube - Ring tensile test (ISO 8496:2013); German version EN ISO
DIN EN ISO 9606-1 (2013-12) Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steels (ISO 9606-1:2012,
including Cor. 1:2012); German version EN ISO 9606-1:2013
DIN EN ISO 9712 (2012-12) Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel
(ISO 9712:2012); German version EN ISO 9712:2012
DIN EN ISO 9934-1 (2017-03) Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 1: General principles
(ISO 9934-1:2016); German version EN ISO 9934-1:2016
DIN EN ISO 9934-2 (2015-12) Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 2: Detection media
(ISO 9934-2:2015); German version EN ISO 9934-2:2015
KTA 3211.1 Page 123
DIN EN ISO 9934-3 (2015-12) Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 3: Equipment
(ISO 9934-3:2015); German version EN ISO 9934-3:2015
DIN EN 10028-2 (2009-09) Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steels
with specified elevated temperature properties; German version EN 10028-2:2009
DIN EN 10028-3 (2009-09) Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 3: Weldable fine grain steels,
normalized; German version EN 10028-3:2009
DIN EN 10028-7 (2016-10) Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 7: Stainless steels;
German version EN 10028-7:2016
DIN EN 10160 (1999-09) Ultrasonic testing of steel flat product of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm (reflec-
tion method); German version EN 10160:1999
DIN EN 10163-2 (2005-03) Delivery requirements for surface conditions of hot-rolled steel plates, wide flats and sec-
tions - Part 2: Plate and wide flats; German version EN 10163-2:2004
DIN EN 10164 (2005-03) Steel products with improved deformation properties perpendicular to the surface of the
product - Technical delivery conditions; German version EN 10164:2004
DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) Metallic products - Types of inspection documents; German version EN 10204:2004
DIN EN 10213 (2016-10) Steel castings for pressure purposes; German version EN 10213:2007+A1:2016
DIN EN 10216-2 (2014-03) Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions -
Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties;
German version EN 10216-2:2013
DIN EN 10216-3 (2014-03) Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions -
Part 3: Alloy fine grain steel tubes; German version EN 10216-3:2013
DIN EN 10216-5 (2014-03) Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 5:
Stainless steel tubes; German version EN 10216-5:2013 (Corrigendum 2015-01)
DIN EN 10217-7 (2015-01) Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions -
Part 7: Stainless steel tubes; German version EN 10217-7:2014
DIN EN 10222-2 (2017-06) Steel forgings for pressure purposes - Part 2: Ferritic and martensitic steels with speci-
fied elevated temperatures properties; German version EN 10222-2:2017
DIN EN 10222-4 (2017-06) Steel forgings for pressure purposes - Part 4: Weldable fine grain steels with high proof
strength; German version EN 10222-4:2017
DIN EN 10222-5 (2017-06) Steel forgings for pressure purposes - Part 5: Martensitic, austenitic and austenitic-ferritic
stainless steels; German version EN 10222-5:2017
DIN EN 10228-1 (2016-10) Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 1: Magnetic particle inspection;
German version EN 10228-1:2016
DIN EN 10228-2 (2016-10) Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 2: Penetrant testing;
German version EN 10228-2:2016
DIN EN 10228-3 (2016-10) Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 3: Ultrasonic testing of ferritic or mar-
tensitic steel forgings; German version EN 10228-3:2016
DIN EN 10228-4 (2016-10) Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 4: Ultrasonic testing of austenitic and aus-
tenitic-ferritic stainless steel forgings; German version EN 10228-4:2016
DIN EN 10269 (2014-02) Steels and nickel alloys for fasteners with specified elevated and/or low temperature
properties; German version EN 10269:2013
DIN EN 10272 (2016-10) Stainless steel bars for pressure purposes; German version EN 10272:2016
DIN EN 10273 (2016-10) Hot rolled weldable steel bars for pressure purposes with specified elevated temperature
properties; German version EN 10273:2016
DIN EN 10307 (2002-03) Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless
steels flat products of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm (reflection method);
German version EN 10307:2001
DIN EN 10308 (2002-03) Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing of steel bars; German version EN 10308:2001
DIN EN ISO 10484 (2004-10) Widening test on nuts (ISO 10484:1997); German version EN ISO 10484:2004
DIN EN ISO 10893-2 (2011-07) Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 2: Automated eddy current testing of seam-
less and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of imper-
fections (ISO 10893-2:2011); German version EN ISO 10893-2:2011
DIN EN ISO 10893-3 (2011-07) Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 3: Automated full peripheral flux leakage
testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) ferromagnetic steel
tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/or transverse imperfections
(ISO 10893-3:2011); German version EN ISO 10893-3:2011
KTA 3211.1 Page 124
DIN EN ISO 10893-4 (2011-07) Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 4: Liquid penetrant inspection of seamless
and welded steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections (ISO 10893-4:2011);
German version EN ISO 10893-4:2011
DIN EN ISO 10893-5 (2011-07) Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 5: Magnetic particle inspection of seamless
and welded ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections (ISO
10893-5:2011); German version EN ISO 10893-5:2011
DIN EN ISO 10893-8 (2011-07) Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 8: Automated ultrasonic testing of seamless
and welded steel tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections (ISO 10893-8:2011);
German version EN ISO 10893-8:2011
DIN EN ISO 10893-10 (2011-07) Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 10: Automated full peripheral ultrasonic test-
ing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection
of longitudinal and/or transverse imperfections (ISO 10893-10:2011); German version
EN ISO 10893-10:2011
DIN EN ISO 11699-1 (2012-01) Non-destructive testing - Industrial radiographic films - Part 1: Classification of film systems
for industrial radiography (ISO 11699-1:2008); German version EN ISO 11699-1:2011
DIN EN ISO 11970 (2007-09) Specification and approval of welding procedures for production welding of steel castings
(ISO 11970:2001); German version EN ISO 11970:2007
DIN EN 12668-1 (2010-05) Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination
equipment - Part 1: Instruments; German version EN 12668-1:2010
DIN EN 12668-2 (2010-06) Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination
equipment - Part 2: Probes; German version EN 12668-2:2010
DIN EN 12668-3 (2014-02) Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination
equipment - Part 3: Combined equipment; German version EN 12668-3:2013
DIN EN 12680-2 (2003-06) Founding - Ultrasonic examination - Part 2: Steel castings for highly stressed compo-
nents; German version EN 12680-2:2003
DIN EN 12681 (2003-06) Founding - Radiographic examination; German version EN 12681:2003
DIN EN 13018 (2016-06) Non-destructive testing - Visual testing - General principles;
German version EN 13018:2016
DIN EN ISO 13916 (1996-11) Welding - Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass tempera-
ture and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:1996); German version EN ISO
DIN EN ISO 14174 (2012-05) Welding consumables - Fluxes for submerged arc welding and electroslag welding -
Classification (ISO 14174:2012); German version EN ISO 14174:2012
DIN EN ISO 14284 (2003-02) Steel and iron - Sampling and preparation of samples for the determination of chemical
composition (ISO 14284:1996); German version EN ISO 14284:2002
DIN EN ISO 19232-1 (2013-12) Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 1: Determination of the im-
age quality value using wire-type image quality indicators (ISO 19232-1:2013);
German version EN ISO 19232-1:2013
DIN EN ISO 19232-3 (2014-02) Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 3: Image quality classes
(ISO 19232-3:2013); German version EN ISO 19232-3:2013
DIN EN 26157-3 (1991-12) Fasteners; surface discontinuities; bolts, screws and studs subject to special require-
ments (ISO 6157-3:1988); german version EN 26157-3:1991
DIN 50104 (1983-11) Testing of hollow bodies by internal pressure; leak detection up to a certain pressure
value; general specifications
DIN 50125 (2016-12) Testing of metallic materials - Tensile test pieces
DIN 51220 (2003-08) Materials testing machines - Generals for requirements and for verification and calibra-
tion of materials testing machines
SEW 088 (1993-10) Weldable fine-grained structural steels; guidelines for processing, in particular for fusion
welding (incl. supplementary sheets 1 and 2)
AD 2000-Merk- (2014-11) Welding supervisors, welder
blatt HP 3
AD 2000-Merk- (2008-02) Austenitic and austenitic-ferritic steels
blatt W 2
AD 2000-Merk- (2009-03) Cast steel
blatt W 5
VdTÜV material (2001-06) High-temperature austenic rolled and forged steel, X 8 CrNiMoBNb 16 16 + wk,
sheet 113/2 material no. 1.4986 + wk
KTA 3211.1 Page 125
VdTÜV material (2017-04) Weldable fine-grained steels with a minimum yield strength of 275 MPa; strips, plates,
sheet 352/1 wide flats, steel sections, steel bars
VdTÜV material (2017-04) Weldable fine-grained steels with a minimum yield strength of 275 MPa;
sheet 352/2 seamless hollow parts, seamless pipes, seamless headers
VdTÜV material (2017-04) Weldable fine grain steels with a minimum yield strength of 355 MPa; steel plate,
sheet 354/1 metal strips, wide flats, steel sections, steel bars
VdTÜV material (2016-03) Weldable fine grain steels with a minimum yield strength of 355 MPa;
sheet 354/2 seamless hollow parts, seamless pipes, seamless headers
VdTÜV material (2013-12) Weldable fine grain steels with a minimum yield strength of 355 MPa;
sheet 354/3 flanges; rings, hollow parts, forgings, steel bars
VdTÜV material (2010-09) Weldable martensitic rolled and forged steel, X3CrNiMo13-4;
sheet 395/3 material no. 1.4313; steel sections and steel bars, forged products
VdTÜV material (2011-06) Martensitic cast steel G-X4 CrNi 13 4 / G-X 3 CrNi 13 4, material no. 1.4317 /
sheet 452 material 1.6982; hollow castings, solid castings, cast valve bodies, pump casings, im-
pellers and diffusers, machine parts for hydraulic systems
[1] Handbuch für das Loseblattsammlung (Loose-leaf edition); Verlag Stahleisen, Düsseldorf
[2] De Long, W. T. Welding Research Supplement 53 (1974), p. 273/286
[3] Richter, F. Physikalische Eigenschaften von Stählen und ihre Temperaturabhängigkeit,
(Physical Properties of Steels and Their Temperature Dependence)
Stahleisen-Sonderberichte Heft 10, 1983, Verlag Stahleisen, Düsseldorf.
[4] Petzow, G. Metallographisches, keramographisches, plastographisches Ätzen,
(Metallographic, ceramographic, plastographic etching)
Verlag Borntraeger; Nachdruck der 6. vollständig überarbeiteten Auflage
(19. Oktober 2006)
[5] Reference-Atlas for a comparative evaluation of ferrite percentage in the
fused zone of austenitic stainless steel welded joints; Internationales Institut
für Schweißtechnik: Istituto Italiano della Saldatura, Genova, 1972