ENT UK COVID-19 Tonsillitis & Quinsy Guidelines FINAL PDF

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ENT UK COVID-19 Adult Tonsillitis & Quinsy Guidelines

Concerned about airway Yes

compromise or sepsis?
Personal Protection Equipment - High flow O2
For ALL ENT examinations & AGPs: - Adrenaline nebs (1-5mg of
- Surgical Gown 1:1000)
- Respirator (FFP3 or equivalent) - Consider Heliox
- Eye protection - 6.6mg IV Dexamethasone STAT
- Gloves (care if suspected COVID-19)
- Hat - IV antibiotics (sepsis guidelines)
- Consider Resus Room Transfer
- Contact Senior Anaesthetist
- Contact ENT on-call

- Treat with history alone when possible

- Reserve oral examination only for severe cases
- History suspicious of Quinsy?

No Yes

Yes Refer to ENT

Can the patient swallow Try to avoid oral exam, consider:
fluids and medication? - Drainage if severe
- Betadine gargles beforehand

Initial Treatment Regime to Expedite Discharge

- IV Antibiotics STAT (Consider Ceftriaxone OD as 24 hr cover)
- IV Dexamethasone 6.6mg STAT (care if suspected COVID-19)
- IV Fluids & Analgesia
- FBC, U&Es, CRP, LFT, Glandular fever screen
- Test for COVID-19 if available

Observe for 3-4 hours

Yes Can the patient swallow No

fluids and medication?

Discharge WITH: Admit under ENT WITH:

- Oral Antibiotics (as per local guidelines) - IV Antibiotics (as per local guidelines)
- Oral Analgesia - IV Analgesia
Consider: - IV fluids
- Short course of steroids (care if suspected - If suspected Quinsy and not already drained,
COVID-19) consider if clinical deterioration
- PPI cover
ENT RAC telephone appointment advice:
If Quinsy not drained or unilateral symptoms: - If symptoms not improved, ask to re-attend for
book ENT Rapid Access Clinic (RAC) telephone review +/- drainage
appointment in 24 hours - Rebook for ENT RAC telephone appointment in
5-7 days to check for resolution
- Contact with results of Glandular fever screen

Authors: Dr G McNally, Ms A Burgess, Ms S Khwaja, If Quinsy still not resolved, check for red flags and
Ms H Ismail-Koch, Mr E Davies upgrade to 2WW pathway

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