Necessity, Possibility, Equivalence, and Consequence (NPEC) : NPEC: The General Ideas
Necessity, Possibility, Equivalence, and Consequence (NPEC) : NPEC: The General Ideas
Necessity, Possibility, Equivalence, and Consequence (NPEC) : NPEC: The General Ideas
• A sentence P is possible if and only if P could be true (i.e., is not forced to be false)
• Sentences P and Q are equivalent if and only if they must always have the same truth value.
Each one of these sets of “background facts” generates a corresponding type of necessity, etc.
• P is TT-necessary (a tautology) if and only if given the meanings of the Boolean connectives,
P must be true (i.e., could not be false)—that is, if and only if P is true on every row of its
truth table.
• P is TT-possible if and only if given the meanings of the Boolean connectives, P could be true
(i.e., is not forced to be false)—that is, if and only if P is true in at least one row of its truth
Handout 5 Necessity, Possibility, Equivalence, and Consequence (NPEC)
• P and Q are TT-equivalent if and only if given the meanings of the Boolean connectives, they
must have the same truth value—that is, if and only if they have exactly the same columns of
truth values under their main connectives in their joint truth table.
2. Logical NPEC
• P is logically necessary if and only if given the meanings of its Boolean connectives and the
generally understood meanings of its predicates, P must be true (cannot be false).
• P is logically possible if and only if given the meanings of its Boolean connectives and the
generally understood meanings of its predicates, P could be true (i.e., is not forced to be
• P and Q are logically equivalent if and only if given the meanings of their Boolean connectives
and the generally understood meanings of their predicates, P and Q must have the same truth
• P is TW-necessary if and only if given the meaning of the Boolean connectives, the meanings
of the predicates, and the rules and limitations of Tarski’s World, P must be true (i.e., could
not be false)—that is, if and only if P is true in every Tarksi’s World world that could be built.
• P is TW-possible if and only if given the meaning of the Boolean connectives, the meanings
of the predicates, and the rules and limitations of Tarski’s World, P could be true (i.e., is not
forced to be false)—that is, if and only if P is true in at least one Tarski’s World world.
• P and Q are TW-equivalent if and only if given the meaning of the Boolean connectives, the
meanings of the predicates, and the rules and limitations of Tarski’s World, P and Q must
have the same truth value—that is, if and only if P and Q have the same truth value in every
world that could be built in Tarski’s World.
Handout 5 Necessity, Possibility, Equivalence, and Consequence (NPEC)
There are other categories of “background fact” that we won’t be studying, which would generate
different sorts of necessity, possibility, consequences, and equivalence. (Example: What constraints
are imposed by the laws of physics? P is physically necessary if and only if given the laws of physics
it must be true.)