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Avani CMS: User Manual

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Avani CMS

User Manual

Avani CMS software – typically made to control and monitors the Status of the panels
connected in the network. And a fire alarm control with remote notification capability–can
provide early warning of a developing fire. Such a system, however, does not assure protection
against property damage or loss of life resulting from a fire, and the recommendations
contained in the Guide for Proper Use.

While fire alarm systems are designed to provide early warning against fire, they do not
guarantee warning or protection against fire. A fire alarm system may not provide timely or
adequate warnings.

This user manual gives the complete guidelines about the Avani CMS software.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION: ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
General ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Features: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
PROGRAMMING OPERATIONS: .................................................................................................................................. 6
Login.................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Communication Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Main Screen .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Panel Status .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Fire Panels Screen ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Fault Panels Screen ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Communication Fault Panels Screen ............................................................................................................ 10
Panel Screen with 64 Zone grouping ............................................................................................................ 10
Settings.......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Active Panels........................................................................................................................................................... 11
IP List View .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Web Console Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 11
FAP Location Editor ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Event Log Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Events History............................................................................................................................................................ 12
View ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Events Filter ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
Synchronous ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Credential Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Registration ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Password Change .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Configuration.............................................................................................................................................................. 15
System ....................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Grouping ................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Features .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Other Features ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Program ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Remote Panel Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 20
Hide Application (To be restore) ....................................................................................................................... 21
Exit .................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Instruction to Save the Voice File into the AVANICMS................................................................................... 21
How to configure your IP address through Network Enabler Administrator ...................................... 21
This user manual intends to guide the Avani CMS operations. This tool is based on the TCP / IP
protocol system. This software tool is used to indicate & control the status of the networkable
Addressable Panels (Model Avani). Any status change in the panel will reflect in the Ravel server
immediately. User operating Instructions are provided in this manual.


AVANI CMS software tool is based on the Local Area Network (LAN).All information from the
Addressable panel are transferred via LAN connection. The transferred Information from the
fire alarm control panels are received & indicated by the AVANI CMS software.


• Two way of access controls for the security purpose (i.e. USER / ADMINISTRATOR).
• No. of panels status are shown in Single screen. Each Panel showed FAP Location, Fire
count and Fault Count.
• All the Fire, Fault and Communication Error panels are displayed by Separate
display on same Screen. It’s helps user to easily identify the Fire, Fault and
Communication Error Panels.
• All the Panel wise and Device wise events are stored with the date, time and event
description depends on the user configuration Event Log List.
• Monitor & Control the Status of the No. of Avani Panels from the Avani CMS.
• Visual & sound alerts for the Fire & fault conditions Instant Pop Up’s for any Fire or
Fault exits.
• Individual tones played for Fault & Fire indication.
• Loop with Device wise voice alert for the Fire condition (USER DEFINED).
• The Panel Status or Remote notification can be shown as same as the Panel front fascia
for easily access a Panel.
• Acknowledge/Silenced the panel hooters through AVANI CMS.
• Reset the Panel from through AVANI CMS.
• Access all the panel keys from the AVANI CMS.
• Communication can be done in Ethernet.
• The IP List is intended to view the IP addresses of the configured panel and in Case of
any changes in the present IP address, enter the new IP address in place of the old one.
• Event Log option is used to select types of events to be recorded in the history. Here the
options are split into Zone wise and Panel wise.
• History is used to view the recorded events such as Fire, Fault, power faults, and NAC
faults. The history contains the Date, Time and Event description with the Panel
Number, Loop number, and Device Number.
• The events are segregated into three such as Fire event, Fault events, and power fault
events. We can take a print out (If the printer is connected) or Export (Format of Excel
Sheet) of the events.
• Synchronization is used to refresh the communication between the panels for the better


RED colour Indication in the Fire indicator.


Amber colour Indication in the Fault indicator.


Amber colour Indication in the isolate indicator.


Orange RED colour Indication in the Panel Screen.


Green colour Indication in the Panel Screen.



To identifying the authentication of user to specify what users could visit a particular set of
pages. It also looked at declarative and programmatic techniques for controlling the data
displayed and the functionality offered by a window based on the user visiting.
In particular, we created a page that listed the contents of the current directory. Anyone could
visit this page, but only authenticated users could view the files’ contents and only authorized
user could delete the files.

Communication Mode

Default Communication Mode is Ethernet

Main Screen
Main Screen describes Menu Bar, Total number of Panel Status and each Box describes
an each panel, its contain Panel Location, fire and fault count of Panel and
Communication Status of the Panel.

Communication ok

Communication Error
Panel Status
Panel Status indicates total number of Panels Fire Fault and Communication Status of
the Panel.

Fire Panels Screen

Main Screen Display the Fire Indication like below figure.

By clicking the Fire Panel Status its shows the only fired panel like Below Figure.
Do the Same for Fault and Communication Status for the Panel.

Fault Panels Screen

Communication Fault Panels Screen

Panel Screen with 64 Zone grouping


Active Panels

Enter the number of panel to Active.

IP List View
The IP List is intended to view the IP addresses of the configured panel and in case of any
changes in the present IP address, enter the new IP address in place of the old and click the
Update tab in the IP list screen to accept the new IP addresses.

Web Console Configuration

The web console configuration is used to change the individual panel IP address from Avani
CMS software.

FAP Location Editor

FAP location program is used to change Fire alarm control Panel location in the AVANI CMS
Event Log Settings
Event Log Menu option is used to select types of events to be recorded in the History. Here the
options are split into Zone wise and Panel wise, select the Options to be stored in the history of
AVANI CMS software.

Events History
Events History is used to view the recorded events such as Zone Fire, Zone Fault, power faults.
The history contains the Date, Time and Event description with the zone number. The events
are segregated into three such as Fire event, Fault events, and power fault events. We can take a
print out (If the printer is connected) of the event list by clicking the print tab in the history

The Events History menu provides commands for displaying Events details about the Panel. To
use the Events menu commands, click Event History on the menu bar, and then select the View

The commands found on the view menu are described below.

All Events: All events display the details about the Panel History.

Fire Events: Events display the details about only the fire Events from the history.

Fault Events: Events display the details about the entire fault Events from the history.

All the windows contain print and export button to backup a History from Avani CMS. Export
button backup the detail in the format of excel form.

Events Filter
Events Filter is used to view the recorded events such as User Preference.
If any communication failure occurs in the panel by clicking SYNCHORONUS tab in the
settings bar we can synchronize the panel again to get the information. Synchronizing
option is used to refresh the communication between the panels for the better results.

Credential Settings
The Credential Settings menu provides commands for User / Admin Registration and
Password change.

Registration is to register the new user/admin for the Avani CMS.

The boxes found on the Registration window are described below.

User Name: Specifies the user name.
Password: Specifies the password.
Confirm Password: Specifies the password a second time, for confirmation.
User Type: Specifies the Access Permission.
Password Change
Password change updates the password for the user in the Avani CMS.
The boxes found on the Password window are described below.
User Name: Specifies the existing user name.
Old Password: Specifies the existing password.
New Password: Specifies the new password.
Confirm Password: Specifies the new password a second time, for confirmation.


The Configuration menu provides commands for Configuring Panel LoopCard Device, Location,
Status and Grouping. Panel Configuration encompasses an Avani Addressable panel
Configuration. Panel Configuration contains 4 main Tabs are System, LoopCard, Group,
It’s contains a 4 sub tabs are Settings, Relay Output’s, Remote Input’s, Advanced.


1. On the System Tab, Select Settings Tab.

2. Click Edit button to Edit a Settings.
3. Select a Date Using Calendar.
4. Enter the time in the Format of (hh:mm:ss) 24 hrs time.
5. Enter the Caption with maximum 40 Characters.
6. And Click the Update button to update a panel data.

Relay Output

1. On the System Tab, Select Relay Output’s Tab.

2. Click Edit button to Enabling the Relay.
3. Select the Relay 1, 2, 3 Outputs.
4. And Click the Update button to update a data to a panel.

Remote Input

1. On the System Tab, Select Remote Input’s Tab.

2. Click Edit button to Enabling the Inputs.
3. Select the Type of input1, if input types as a Conventional Zone, select a style of the
Conventional Zone.
4. Enter the Location of the input1 with maximum 40 Characters
5. Select the Type of input1.
6. Enter the Location of the input1 with maximum 40 Characters
7. And Click the Update button to update a data to a panel.


1. On the System Tab, Select Advanced Tab.

2. Select Active Loop card Link.
3. Click Edit button to Enabling the Loop Cards.
4. Check the Active Loop Cards.
5. And Click the Update button to update a data to a panel.
Loop Card

Step1: Select the Loop card

1. On the Loop Card Tab.

2. Check the any one of the LoopCard.

Step2: Set Loop Card Status and Style

1. On the Loop Card Tab.

2. Do the Step 1.
3. Click Edit button to Enabling the Status and Style.
4. Select the Style and Status of the Selected LoopCard.

Status Style
Enable Class A
Disable Class B

5. Configure with any one combination of this table.

6. And Click the Update button to update a data to a panel.

Step3: Read a LoopCard data from a Panel.

1. On the Loop Card Tab.

2. Do the Step 1.
3. Click Edit button to Enabling the LoopCard information’s.
4. Press the Read Device button it’s automatically read selected LoopCard Device
information from the Panel.

Step4: Add a devices to a panel

1. On the Loop Card Tab.

2. Do the Step 1.
3. Click Edit button to Enabling the LoopCard information’s.
4. There are two ways to add a devices
1. Double Click the cell to add a device. Once you select a device it
automatically adds Default Device information.
2. First select a Cells with help of mouse and select a device name and Click add
click Add devices Button to add a device. For add a multiple address with
same devices using Shift or control key to select address do the same.

Step4: Update a Data to a Panel

1. On the Loop Card Tab.

2. Do the Step 1.
3. Click Edit button to Enabling the LoopCard information’s.
4. Do the Step 3 to add a Device.
5. Then click a update button to update a Device information to a Pane

Step5: Delete and Delete all a devices

1. On the Loop Card Tab.

2. Do the Step 1.
3. Click Edit button to Enabling the LoopCard information’s.
4. Do the Step 3 to add a Device.
5. To delete a devices First select device address using mouse click for multiple select
uses Shift /control key then press a Delete button.
6. Then Click the update button its update a panel.
7. To delete all the devices click Delete all button its delete all the Devices from the
checked LoopCard.
8. Then Click the update button its update a panel.

Group tab Contains three sub tabs are Zone Grouping, Logic Grouping and Output
Grouping, View.

Groupings are based on the Group number. The group number contains 64 Groups.

Read Group
You have a select any one of the sub tabs and Select a Group number to read and click
the Read Group button.

Zone Grouping
By selecting edit button it’s enabling Zone grouping information.
Zone Grouping and update
First Select a Loop number, its display the Loop card input devices address in the Zone
Devices. By selecting Devices address, its added devices with loop number in the grid
format. If the input devices is already exists its shows an error Message. And select a Pre
Alarm Status. Then click the Update button update a panel.

Logic Grouping
By selecting edit button it’s enabling Logic grouping information.

Grouping of Logic is same as the Zone grouping and also select a Logic data and select an
Active count for a logic and Click Update to update a panel.

Output Grouping
By selecting edit button it’s enabling output grouping information.

Grouping of output is same as the Zone grouping but its display out devices and select a
corresponding Logic no for an output, select output active for, select delay seconds for
output and status for an output. Click Update to update a panel.

Features contain 4 types of features.

By selecting Features tabs it’s automatically retrieve panel information. By selecting edit
button it’s enabling Features information.

By select a Checkbox for enable status and Enter the Minutes or Seconds for the
corresponding Features. Then click an update button to update a panel.

Other Features


By selecting import Option, it‘s open a Open file Dialog Box, User select a Corresponding
file path to Import Data.

To import a data file should be in the format of Excel (.Xls) file. The File Content in the
format shown in figure (Excel file)

Sample Excel Sheet Displayed and Given to this Manual. User should add necessary
Device information for corresponding Address and import it.

By Selecting Export option lets you to select a Location for save a file. User should select a
Path to save a file. Default File name should be your Panel name.

Export file in the format of Excel sheet (.Xls).its contains all the Panel Configuration
Exit Menu is used to Exit an application.

Remote Panel Configuration

Step1: Read a LoopCard data from a Panel.

1. Select the Panel Number and LoopCard.

2. Click Edit button to Enabling the LoopCard information’s.
3. Press the Read Device button it’s automatically read selected LoopCard Device
information from the Panel.

Step2: Add a devices Location to a panel

1. Select the Panel Number and LoopCard.

2. Click Edit button to Enabling the LoopCard information’s.
3. First select a Cell with help of mouse and Double click the Location Cell and typed
the Location. Its accepts only 40 Character. Select addresses do the same.

Step3: Update a Data to a Panel

1. Select the Panel Number and LoopCard.

2. Click Edit button to Enabling the LoopCard information’s.
3. Do the Step 3 to add a Device.
4. Then click a update button to update a Device information to a Panel

Step4: Delete and Delete all a devices

1. Select the Panel Number and LoopCard.

2. Click Edit button to Enabling the LoopCard information’s.
3. To delete a devices First select device address using mouse click for multiple select
uses Shift /control key then press a Delete button.
4. Then Click the update button its update a panel.
5. To delete all the devices click Delete all button its delete all the Devices from the
checked LoopCard.
6. Then Click the update button its update a panel.
Hide Application (To be restore)
Hide Menu Provides comments for to hide your Application in the Task bar of your PC.

If Fire occurs it’s automatically popup your application or if your wants to see your Application
Double click the Icon it Restore your Application.

Exit Menu Provides commands to close the Application.

Instruction to Save the Voice File into the AVANICMS

1. Record the voice file in the .wav format.

2. Save the F i l e in the F i r e _X_Y_Z format Where X – Panel N u m b e r ; Y -
L o o p C a r d N u m b e r , Z –D evice Number. (E.g. for Fire voice for the panel
no.2 in the L o o p c a r d 1 , D e v i c e 5, the file name should be saved as
3. For Fire F must be caps( i.e. Fire, then underscore(_) panel number, then under
score(_) LoopCard number , then under score(_) Device Number.
4. All zone voice files should be saved inside the installation folder.

How to configure your IP address through Network Enabler Administrator

1. Install the Network Enabler Administrator setup (attached in the CD) to any one of your
2. Connect any one panel to the PC (i.e. via RJ 45 Cross Cable)
3. Switch on the panel.
4. Make Sure Or change Your IP address of your PC is 192.168.1.xxx ( i.e xxx-> 1 TO 254 )
5. Open the Network Enabler software.

6. Click the Search icon in the Network Enabler software.

7. The connected panel IP address is shown in the Network Enabler software.

8. To change the present IP address, double click the panel IP address shown in the
Network Enabler software. (Get the static IP from your system Administrator)
9. Click the Network Tab in the Network Enabler software.

10. Click the Modify check box in front of the IP Address, Subnet mask & Gateway).
11. Change the required fields in the Network tab (i.e. IP Address, Subnet mask & Gateway
in the Network Enabler software.
12. After configuring Panel IP address, click ok to save the Configured settings.

13. Click the Serial Tab in the Network Enabler software. To change the present settings, ad
double click the Settings shown in the Network Enabler software
14. Change the required fields in the serial tab (i.e. Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits, Stop bits,
Flow control and FIFO in the Network Enabler software.

Baud Rate 9600

Parity None
Data Bits 8
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
FIFO Enable

15. Configure this Value to the corresponding Fields.

16. After configuring Panel Serial Settings, click ok to save the Configured settings
17. Connect the next panel to the PC and do the same steps as you done before.
18. Repeat the same steps until the last panel is configured.

Note: Please find the network Enabler Administrator Software in the CD.

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