MBA Management Degree Training Book PDF
MBA Management Degree Training Book PDF
MBA Management Degree Training Book PDF
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WELCOME ........................................................................................................................5
ABOUT INTERNATIONAL MBA INSTITUTE™ .......................................................................6
Introduction .................................................................................................................7
The Role of Management ..........................................................................................11
Functions of Managers .............................................................................................14
Levels of Management ..............................................................................................17
Management Skills and Organizational Hierarchy .............................................25
Approaches to Management ....................................................................................28
Management Planning ..............................................................................................34
Organizing, Staffing and Controlling ....................................................................47
Thank you ....................................................................................................................51
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Introduction In this chapter, you will study the definitions of
management given by some eminent management
In this chapter, you will: thinkers to understand the essence of management.
• Study the definitions of management
• Functions of Management Definitions of Management
• Importance of Management The term ‘management’ can be interpreted in a
• Your goal as a Manager variety of ways. For you to gain a better insight into
the nature of management, let us look at some of
One of the most important activities in business is the definitions of management:
the management of the 4M’s - men, machines,
material and money. The term ‘management’ can be H a ro l d K o o n t z a n d H e i n z We i h r i c h d e fi n e
interpreted differently in different contexts. Hence, management as “the process of designing and
you will find it difficult to define. In one context, it maintaining an environment in which individuals,
may comprise the activities of executives and working together in groups, efficiently accomplish
administrative personnel in an organization, while in selected aims”.
another, it may refer to a system of getting things
done. In a broad perspective, management can be E. Boone and David L. Kurtz define management as
considered as the proper utilization of people and “the use of people and other resources to
other resources in an organization to accomplish accomplish objectives.” Dalton E. McFarland defines
d e s i re d o b j e c t i v e s . W i t h i n c re a s i n g g l o b a l management as “a process, by which managers
competition, changes in the world of technology, create, direct, maintain, and operate purposive
changing business/practices and increasing social organizations through systematic, coordinated,
responsibility of organizations, your role as a cooperative human effort”.
manager has become all the more significant.
Mary Parker Follet termed management as “the act
of getting things done through people”.
Definitions by Follet and Louis E. Boone and Kurtz Henry Fayol was the first management thinker
call attention to the fact that as a manager, you will to outline the five basic functions carried out
achieve organizational goals by getting others to do by managers. Every manager performs these
the necessary tasks. The other two definitions basic functions. These functions are discussed
suggest that management is much more than “just in detail in the later part of this module.
getting the work done” and (as shown in the 2 Management is essential to any kind of
following Figure) suggest the following aspects of organization: Wherever there are groups of
management: people working together to achieve some
common objectives, it becomes essential to
guide, organize and control them. The term
‘management’ applies to any organization
irrespective of the size or nature of operations.
The prime concern of a CEO of a multinational
company, the General Manager of a hotel, the
first-level supervisor, the manager of a cricket
team and the student president in a college is
to manage their people and resources
3 Management is essential at all hierarchical
levels: Management is necessary at all levels.
However, the type of skills and the degree to
which various skills are required at different
Key Aspects of Management Process levels of the hierarchy may vary. In order to
perform their duties satisfactorily, managers
need technical, human, conceptual and design
1 Managers carry out the functions of planning, skills.
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling:
4 Your goal as a manager is to generate surplus: • By reducing inputs, but maintaining the same
Your aim as a business managers is to create a level of outputs
surplus. To accomplish this objective, you have • By increasing outputs and reducing inputs,
to create an environment which encourages thereby, making the ratio more favorable
people to accomplish as much as possible with Productivity can be improved by ensuring efficiency
the least amount of resources and personal and effectiveness in the operations of the firm.
dissatisfaction. Even in non-profit Effectiveness refers to achievement of stated
organizations, your aim as a manager is to organizational objectives while, efficiency denotes
accomplish your goals with the minimum the judicious use of resources, to achieve
amount of resources or to make as much organizational objectives. In the words of Peter
surplus as possible with available resources. Drucker, efficiency means “doing things right”, while
5 Your aim as a manager is to improve effectiveness means “doing the right things.” In his
productivity, efficiency and effectiveness: book, “Management — Tasks, Responsibilities,
Productivity is defined as “the output-input Practices”, Drucker states that effectiveness is the
ra t i o w i t h i n a t i m e p e r i o d w i t h d u e foundation of success whereas efficiency is at
consideration for quality.” It can be expressed minimum condition for survival after success has
as: been achieved.
1 Management is the ability to achieve goals by
getting others to do the necessary tasks. It is
also referred to as much more than “just
Formula of Productivity
getting the work done”.
2 Management is essential to any kind of an
organization irrespective of their size or nature
Productivity can be improved in the following ways:
of operations.
• By producing more output with the same
3 Management is essential to all hierarchical
4 A manager’s goal is to generate surplus,
i m p rov e p ro d u c t i v i t y, e ffi c i e n c y a n d
The Role of Management interpersonal roles, informational roles and
decisional roles.
In this chapter, you will:
• Use of “structured observations” by Henry As a manager you are required to interact with many
Mintzberg people, both within and outside the organization and
• Understand the various types of roles of a hence, the need to perform interpersonal roles. The
manager three interpersonal roles of a manager are
figurehead, leader and liaison. In your role as a
As mentioned in the earlier chapter, as a manager figurehead, you would perform all the ceremonial or
you perform five functions — planning, organizing, symbolic duties. Example, it would be the duty of a
staffing, leading and controlling. Since these college dean to award diplomas at the convocation
f u n c t i o n s a re v e r y e s s e n t i a l f o r e ff e c t i v e ceremony. In the leadership role, you are required to
management, they have been used as the basic motivate the employees to perform at their best to
framework for this module. achieve the company’s objectives. In the liaison role,
you are required to interact with people both within
In order to understand the role of management, in and outside the organization.
the late 1960s, Henry Mintzberg devised a new
approach — the managerial roles approach — by As a manager, you act as a channel of information
observing what managers actually do. He did a within the organization. The three informational
careful study of five chief executives at work and roles of a manager are that of a recipient,
found that they were involved in a number of varied, disseminator and spokesperson. In the role of a
unpatterned activities of short duration. Using a recipient, you receive information pertaining to
method called structured observation, Mintzberg changes, opportunities and problems that the
isolated ten roles which he believed were common to organization may face. As a disseminator, you
all managers. As shown in the below list, these ten provide information to subordinates that would
roles were grouped into three categories — influence their performance at work. And finally, you
perform the role of a spokesperson when you ◦ D i s t u r b a n c e H a n d l e r : Yo u t a k e
represent the organization in public. corrective actions during disputes or
crises; resolve conflicts among
• InterPersonal: subordinates; adapt to environmental
◦ Figurehead: You perform ceremonial crises.
and symbolic duties such as greeting ◦ Resource Allocator: You decide who
visitors, signing legal documents. gets resources, scheduling, budgeting,
◦ Leader: You direct and motivate setting priorities.
subordinates, training, counselling, and ◦ Negotiator: You represent department
communicating with subordinates. during negotiation of union contracts,
◦ Liaison: You maintain information links sales, purchases, budgets; represent
both inside and outside organization; use departmental interests.
mail; phone calls; meetings.
• Informational: The third category deals with the most important
◦ M o n i t o r : Yo u s e e k a n d r e c e i v e role of a manager. In this role, as a manager you
information, scan periodicals and perform the most crucial task i.e. you take decisions
reports, maintain personal contacts. which may affect an organization’s well-being. The
◦ Disseminator: You forward information four decisional roles of a manager are that of an
to other organization members; send entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource
memos and reports, make phone calls. allocator and negotiator. In an entrepreneurial role,
◦ Spokesperson: You transmit information you as a manager seek innovative methods to
to outsiders through speeches, reports, improve the performance of at unit or the firm as a
memos. whole. As a disturbance handler, you take remedial
• Decisional: actions for situations, which may affect the credibility
◦ Entrepreneur: You initiate improvement of a firm. In the role of a resource allocator, you
projects, identify new ideas, delegate allocate various resources of the organization such
idea responsibility to others. as money, time, material etc. to the employees for
running the business effectively. Finally, in the role of
a negotiator, you negotiate with other units or other
parties like suppliers, customers and government,
keeping in mind the interests of his unit or
1 Categories of different roles of a manager as
studied by Henry Mintzberg:
◦ Interpersonal
◦ Informational
◦ Decisional
2 Each category is further divided into different
roles of a manager:
◦ Figurehead, Leader and Liaison belong to
Interpersonal category.
◦ Monitor, Disseminator and
Spokesperson belong to Informational
◦ Entrepreneur, Disturbance Handler,
Resource Allocator and Negotiator
belong to Decisional category.
Functions of Managers objectives. At the same time, you need to determine
the future trends in business and incorporate change
In this chapter, you will: and innovation into the organization from time to
• Understand the framework of management: time.
◦ Planning
◦ Organizing
◦ Staffing
◦ Leading
◦ Controlling
The functions of a manager provide a useful
framework for organizing management knowledge
under the various heads of planning, organizing,
staffing, leading and controlling. Managerial
functions are effective tools for you as a manager to
achieve the organization’s planned objectives. They
include the general administrative duties that need
to be carried out in virtually all organizations.
Following figure depicts the management process Management Functions
and shows the various functions that managers are
involved in. It is evident from the figure that
managers are involved in more than one activity at There are various types of plans and they may range
the same time. from planning to define the overall purposes and
objectives of an organization to planning for a
Planning specific action. Planning helps a firm decide its future
Planning can be defined as the process, by which, course of action.
you decide the mission and objectives of the firm
and take necessary steps to achieve the desired
Organizing performance appraisal, promotion and career
Organizing is the process of assigning tasks and planning.
allocating resources to individuals to enable them to
accomplish organizational goals. Organizing is a Leading
continuous process of determining (1) which tasks Leading is defined as “the management function of
are to be performed, (2) how tasks can best be influencing, motivating, and directing people towards
combined into specific jobs, (3) how jobs can be the achievement of organizational goals.” It is the
grouped into various units, and (4) the authority and management function that involves influencing and
reporting relationships within the corporate inspiring team members to perform well and
hierarchy. The organizational structure of a firm is a accomplish corporate objectives. Leading involves (1)
key element in determining its success or failure. If communicating with others, (2) leadership styles and
plans are not organized properly even the best of approaches, and (3) motivating people to put forth
plans can fail. On the other hand, the pitfalls the effort required to achieve organizational goals. In
associated with a poor plan can be eliminated by simple words, it is the act of making things happen
excellent organization. through others.
Staffing Controlling
Today, staffing is better known as “human resource The final step in the management process is where
management” and involves manning or filling the you monitor the progress of an organization towards
various positions in the organizational hierarchy. its goals. Controlling can be defined as the
Activities like determining manpower requirements, continuous measurement and analysis of actual
assessing the number of people presently available operations against the established industry
in the organization, recruiting and selecting standards developed during the planning process
candidates, training and placing them in the and corrections of deviations, if any.
organization come under the purview of staffing.
This function also deals with compensation, The basic control process involves (1) comparing
performance with standards, (2) determining where
negative deviations occur, and (3) developing
remedial measures to correct deviations.
1 Planning: helps in crafting mission and
objectives of the firm.
2 Organizing: helps assign tasks and allocate
resources to enable individuals achieve
organizational goals.
3 Staffing: involves manning or filling various
positions in organizational hierarchy.
4 Leading: defined as the management function
of influencing, motivating, and directing people
towards organizational goals.
5 Controlling: The process of continuous
m e a s u re m e n t a n d a n a l y s i s o f a c t u a l
operations against standards is controlling.
Levels of Management The number of managerial positions at each level
varies from organization to organization. In most of
In this chapter, you will: the organizations, there are more positions at the
• Understand different levels of management first-level, fewer in the middle, and very few at the
◦ Top-level managers top. Many describe this kind of an organizational
◦ Middle-level managers structure as a pyramid, as the managerial positions
◦ First-level managers gradually decline as one progresses towards the
• Understand the different roles of individuals at higher levels of management. The various activities
each level of management performed at each of these levels of management
• Understand the time spent by different levels are illustrated below.
of managers
Vice President” and “Executive Director.” As a top-
level manager, you are responsible for taking major
decisions for the organization as a whole. You are
responsible for the overall activities of the business
and are accountable for its impact on the society at
large. You work to some extent with the middle-level
managers in implementing the plans, and
maintaining overall control over organizational
Functions at Various Levels of Management • Supervises clay-to-day operations.
Top Management: • Makes specific task assignments.
• Develops and reviews long-range plans and • Maintains close contact with employees
strategies. involved in operations.
• Evaluates overall performance of various
departments and ensures cooperation. General Responsibilities of a Chief Executive
• Involved in selection of key personnel. The Chief Executive bears the following
• Consults subordinate managers on subjects or responsibilities:
problems of general scope.
Middle Management: • Acts as an adviser to the board
• Makes plans of intermediate-range and • Formulates a mission for the organization and
prepares long-range plans for review by top incorporates change and innovation
management. • Supports organizational programs to improve
• Analyzes managerial performance to organizational effectiveness
determine capability and readiness for
promotion. Visionary
• Establishes departmental policies. • Ensures availability of relevant information to
• R ev i ew s d a i l y a n d w e e k l y re p o r t s o n the board members
production or sales. • Anticipates future trends and looks out for
• Counsels subordinates on production, opportunities
personnel or other problems. • Acts as an interface between the board and the
• Selects and recruits personnel. employees
• Acts as an interface between the organization
Supervisory Management: and the community and functions as a
• Makes detailed, short-range operational plans. spokesperson for the organization
• Reviews performance of subordinates.
Decision-maker: Many organizations have the false notion that by
• Formulates the mission, policies and removing these managers, they can restructure
procedures for the smooth functioning of the themselves better. To ensure continued survival of
organization middle managers, a number of individual and
• Devices action plans for the staff organizational actions can be undertaken. These are
listed below:
Manager: 1 Focus on important strategic issues: Middle
• Ensures the running of an organization without managers should move away from the day-to-
any bottlenecks days operations (which can be delegated to the
• Oversees the implementation of plans first-line managers) and devote their attention
• Manages the material, financial and human to the more important strategic issues.
resources of the organization 2 Think like senior managers: They should use
Board Developer: their extensive knowledge to deal with more
substantive issues that would lead to
• Helps in selecting and evaluating board organizational benefit.
members 3 Analyze why change is needed: They must
• Keeps the board updated regarding the understand the underlying causes for
organization's activities introducing change and how the organization
should adapt itself in the light of opportunities
A Guide to Middle Manager Survival and threats.
In today’s world, restructuring and downsizing have 4 Ensure greater participation: Middle managers
led to the emergence of flatter organizations. Middle have a great deal of technical expertise and
managers have been the most affected by these good knowledge of organizational processes.
changes. You will find that many management This knowledge should be disseminated
writers consider middle managers as “excess throughout the organization.
organizational baggage.” Ironically, middle managers 5 Manage change and people together: Middle
are the most potential assets of the organization. managers should take the initiative for
implementing change in the organization. They Middle-Level Managers
should act as mentors for those with lesser Middle-level managers deal with the actual operation
work experience. of various departments in an organization. As a
6 Utilize their role as intermediaries: Middle middle-level manager, you are directly responsible
managers can comprehend the internal and for the performance of managers at lower levels. The
external pressures faced by the organization. typical titles include “manager”, “director”, “chief”,
They can resolve conflicting issues by “department heads and “divisional head.” The
negotiating with the parties concerned. number of middle-level managers in complex
7 Implement the vision: Middle managers must organizations is far higher than other managers. In
attempt to convert top-level strategies into the capacity of a middle-level manager, you are
workable actions. They should take up the responsible for implementing the plans and
responsibility to implement the vision of the strategies developed by top management for the
organization. accomplishment of organizational goals. You look to
8 Incorporate change into the organization: the top management for direction and guidance and
Middle managers must understand how to are answerable to them. In many organizations,
implement change in the organization. They middle-level managers serve as a source of
should introduce work practices that bring in innovation and creativity. Thus, you play a vital role in
innovation and “shifts in thinking.” the success of the organization.
In the words of Rory Chase, Managing Director of IFS
International in Bedford, “The new role of the middle Due to the advent of information technology, online
manager embraces three key areas; team leadership, technical assistance has become available to first-
change maker and facilitator.” There is no doubt that level managers. This has resulted in making middle-
in order to survive in this rapidly changing era, level managers redundant and has thus reduced the
middle managers have to make themselves number of middle-level managers in many
indispensable. organizations.
The Role of the Supervisor of the supervisor. It is essential for the supervisor to
The first-line supervisor (irrespective of the formal know that there are better chances for a person who
designation “foreman”, “chief clerk” or “section performs well. In the words of Peter Drucker,
engineer”), can ensure that his employees perform “Manager development must begin with
the best. A worker’s ability to perform depends on supervisors.” This means that today’s supervisors
the capacity of the first-line supervisor to plan, can be the managers of tomorrow. The supervisors
organize well. The training that a supervisor provides must be considered for positions in middle
to his employees will determine the worker’s management as they have both technical and
performance. It is the responsibility of a supervisor interpersonal skills. In other words, they are aware of
to ensure that the workers have the necessary the way in which the organization functions as well
materials and equipment to do the work. He should as the needs of the workers.
create a good working environment for all his
employees. The supervisor sets goals in accordance Finally, the job of a supervisor should give him
with the organization’s plans and makes sure that satisfaction. He must be accorded a status that will
each worker achieves the determined targets. make him feel important. He must he in a position to
direct employees and get the management, to listen
For a supervisor to perform his job well, he needs to to him.
have crystal clear objectives. These objectives must
be in line with the organizational goals. He should It is imperative that a supervisor’s job is properly
have adequate information about the company’s planned so that, over a period of time, they can be
operations, its structure, its goals and its promoted as managers. The supervisor has to
performance. assume greater responsibilities and therefore, he has
to be prepared to set objectives, to organize and to
Secondly, the supervisor should have a thorough plan. Proper organization of a supervisor’s job will
understanding of promotional opportunities and lead to conceptual and analytical integration and will
performance benchmarks. Promotional prepare him to take up larger responsibilities in
opportunities would determine the motivation levels future.
First-Level Managers controlling, varies depending on the manager’s level
First-level managers are directly responsible for the in the organization. Following figure shows the
performance of employees involved in operations. relative time spent by managers at different levels
They are usually called supervisors. If you are a first for each function.
level manager, you may be addressed by different
names. In a manufacturing plant, you may be called From the figure, you will find that it is evident that
a foreman, in a research department — the technical the time spent by top-level managers on planning
supervisor, and in a large office — the clerical and organizing is much more than that spent by
supervisor. As a first-level manager, you implement lower-level managers. In contrast, leading is
the operational plans developed by middle managers substantially more important for first-level
and take corrective actions, when needed. You are supervisors than for managers at higher levels.
responsible for output variables like number of units Hence first-level supervisors need to spend more
produced, labor costs, inventory levels, and quality time in communicating, motivating, and directing the
control. Since you act as a link between the employees involved in operations. Time spent on
management and the rest of the workforce, you controlling is similar at all three hierarchical levels.
often confront conflicting demands. In recent times, You will find that this similarity reflects a common
the power of first-level managers have gradually degree of emphasis at various levels on identifying
decreased because of union influence, the increasing negative deviations and taking corrective measures.
educational level of workers, and the growing use of
computers to track many activities formerly Summary:
monitored by first-level managers. 1 Top Level Managers are responsible for taking
major decisions for the organization as a
Time Spent in Carrying Out Managerial Functions whole.
Though all managers perform all managerial 2 Middle Level Managers are responsible for the
functions, the time spent by individual managers for performance of managers at lower levels.
each activity differs. The importance of managerial
functions – planning, organizing, leading and
How Managers Spend Their Time?
Management Skills and Technical Skills
Technical skills refer to the ability of a person to carry
Organizational Hierarchy out a specific activity. In order to do so, you need to
have knowledge of methods, processes and
In this chapter, you will: procedures. Engineers, computer specialists,
• Understand different types of managerial accountants and employees in manufacturing
skills: departments all have the necessary technical skills
◦ Technical skills for their specialized fields. Technical skills are
◦ Human skills essential for first-level managers. For example,
◦ Conceptual skills employees at the operational level work with tools,
◦ Design skills and their supervisors must be able to teach them
• Understand why these skills are required by how to perform the tasks assigned to them using
managers these tools. First-level managers spend much of their
time in training subordinates and clarifying doubts in
A manager’s job is varied and complex. Hence, work-related problems.
managers need certain skills to perform the
functions associated with their jobs. During the early Human Skills
1970s, Robert K. Kalz identified three kinds of skills Human skills or interpersonal skills refer to the
for administrators. These are technical, human and ability of a person to work well with other people in a
conceptual skills. A fourth skill - the ability to design group. It is the ability to lead, motivate, and
solutions - was later added to the above mentioned communicate with people to accomplish certain
skills. objectives; Human skills are of paramount
importance in the creation of an environment, in
which people feel comfortable and are free to voice
their opinions. These skills aid employees during
interaction with their supervisors, peers and people
outside the work unit such as suppliers, customers
Types of Managerial Skills
and the general public. These skills are important for The relative significance of these skills varies at
all levels in the organization. different levels in the organizational hierarchy as
shown in the below figure. We can briefly summarize
Conceptual Skills them as follows:
Conceptual skills refer to the ability of a person to • As a first-level manager, you require more
think and conceptualize abstract situations. It is the t e c h n i c a l s k i l l s i n o rd e r t o s u p e r v i s e
ability where you understand and coordinate the full operational employees. You need to have good
range of corporate objectives and activities. These human skills as you need to interact with your
skills are most important at the top management subordinates on a regular basis. However,
level, as top-level managers have the greatest need conceptual skills are usually not very essential
to see the “big picture,” to understand how the for the managers at the supervisory level.
various parts of the organization relate to one • The need for technical skills is lesser at the
another and associate the organization with the middle-management level. Here, human skills
external environment. and conceptual skills are more significant.
• At the top-management level, conceptual,
Design Skills design and interpersonal skills are of greatest
Design skills refer to the ability of a person to find importance; there is little need for technical
solutions to problems in ways that would benefit the skills.
organization. As a top manager, you should not only
recognize a problem but also suggest ways to Summary:
overcome them. If you only see the problem, you 1 Technical Skills: refers to the ability of a person
would become mere “problem watcher,” and would to carry out a specific activity.
prove ineffective. Managers at upper organizational 2 Human Skills: refers to the ability of a person
levels should be able to design a rational and to work well with other people in a group.
feasible solution to the problem by considering the
various internal and external factors.
Relative Need for the Main Categories of Skills
Approaches to Management 3 The group behavior approach: This approach is
based on sociology and social psychology. It
In this chapter, you will: stresses on the behavior of people in groups.
• Understand various approaches to 4 The cooperative social systems approach: It
management advocates a system of cooperation using both
• Understand the characteristics and limitations interpersonal and group behavioral aspects.
of each of those approaches 5 The sociotechnical systems approach: It
realizes the impact of technical systems on
In the past three to four decades, you will observe personal attitudes and group behavior. This
that many management theorists and writers have approach focuses on areas involving close
made remarkable contribution in the study of relationships between technical systems and
management. By studying the various approaches to the people involved such as production, office
management analysis, you can understand the operations, etc.
concept of management and have a better 6 The decision theory approach: The focus in this
understanding of managerial functions. The various approach is on the decision-making process
approaches to management analysis have been and people involved in it.
listed below: 7 The systems approach: It considers
organizations to be open systems as they
1 The empirical or case approach: In this interact with the external environment. It
approach, you try to understand management recognizes the importance of the inter-
principles with the help of cases. You also relationship between planning, organizing and
identifies the situations, wherein organizations controlling.
have either succeeded or failed by following 8 The mathematical or “management science”
this approach. approach: This approach treats management
2 The interpersonal behavior approach: This as a logical process, which can be expressed in
approach is based on individual psychology terms of mathematical symbols and
and focuses on interpersonal relationships. relationships.
9 The contingency or situational approach: In
this approach, the main assumption is that
there is no hard and fast rule for all situations.
Managerial practice depends upon
circumstances. Different circumstances may
necessitate the use of different methods.
10 The managerial roles approach: This approach
had been developed by studying the work
methods of five chief executives. The study
identified ten managerial roles, which were
grouped into three categories — interpersonal,
informational and decisional roles.
11 The McKinsey’s 7-S framework: The seven S’s
used in this approach are strategy, structure,
systems, style, staff, shared values and skills.
12 12. The operational approach: This approach
attempts to develop the science and theory of
management by drawing upon concepts,
principles, techniques and knowledge from
other fields and managerial approaches.
Characteristics / Contributions Limitations
Studies experience through cases. Identifies Situations are all different. No attempt to identify
successes and failures. principles. Limited value for developing management
Focus on interpersonal behaviour, human relations, Ignores planning, organizing, and controlling.
leadership, and motivation. Based on individual Psychological training is not enough to become an
psychology. effective manager.
Emphasis on behaviour of people in groups. Based on Often not integrated with management concepts,
sociology and social psychology. Primarily study of principles, theory and techniques. Need for closer
group behaviour patterns. The study of large groups integration with organization structure design,
is often called “Organization behaviour”. staffing, planning and controlling.
Concerned with both interpersonal and group Too broad a field for the study of management. At the
behavioural aspects leading to a system of same time, it overlooks many managerial concepts,
cooperation. Expanded concepts includes any principles, and techniques.
cooperative group with a clear purpose.
Technical system has a great effect on social system Emphasis only on blue-collar and lower-level office
(personal attitudes, group behaviour). Focus on work. Ignores much of other managerial knowledge.
production, office operations, and other areas with
close relationships between technical system and
Focus on the making of decisions, persons or groups There is more to managing than making decisions. The
making decisions, and the decision-making program. focus is at the same time too narrow and too wide.
Some theorists use decision-making as a springboard
to study all enterprise activities. The boundaries of
study are no longer clearly defined.
Systems concepts have broad applicability. Systems Analysis of interrelatedness of systems and
have boundaries, but they also interact with the s u b s y s t e m s a s w e l l a s t h e i n t e ra c t i o n s o f
external environment i.e. organizations are open organizations with their external environment. Can
systems. Recognizes importance of studying hardly be considered as a new approach to
interrelatedness of planning, organizing and management.
controlling in an organization as well as the many sub-
Managerial practice depends on circumstances (i.e. a Managers have long realized that there is no one best
contingency or a situation). Contingency theory way to do things. Difficulty in determining all relevant
recognizes the influence of given solutions on contingency factors and showing their relationships.
organizational behavior patterns. Can be very complex.
Original study consisted of observations of five chief Original sample was very small. Some activities are not
executives. On the basis of this study, ten managerial managerial. Activities are evidence of planning,
roles were identified and grouped into (1) organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. But some
interpersonal, (2) informational, and (3) decision roles. important managerial activities were left out (e.g.
appraising managers).
The seven S’s are (1) Strategy, (2) Structure, (3) Although this experienced consulting firm now uses a
Systems, (4) Style, (5) Staff, (6) Shared values, (7) Skills. framework similar to the one found useful by Koontz
et al. since 1955 and confirms its practicality, the terms
used are not precise and the topics are not discussed
in depth.
Draws together concepts, principles, techniques, and Does not, as some authors do, identify “representing”
knowledge from other fields and managerial or “coordination” as a separate function. Coordination,
approaches. The attempt is to develop science and for example, is the essence of managership and is the
theory with practical application. Distinguishes purpose of managing.
between managerial and non-managerial knowledge.
Develops classification system built around the
managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing,
leading, and controlling.
Management Planning Planning and controlling are inseparable. Planning
involves determining organizational objectives and
In this chapter, you will: developing strategies to achieve the objectives, while
• Understand the different definitions of controlling involves establishing standards of
planning performance and comparing actual results with the
• Understand the underlying nature of planning planned results. Controlling without planning is
• Understand the different types of plans meaningless. Unless you know where to go, you
cannot tell whether you are going in the right
All organizations operate in an environment of direction or not. Planning gives an organization the
uncertainty. To be successful, an organization must required focus and direction. Thus planning is a
anticipate changes and make plans to adapt itself to prerequisite of the control function.
the environment. Without planning, an organization
is like a boat without a rudder. By setting goals and Definitions of Planning
deciding how to achieve them, planning provides a In simple words, planning is deciding in advance
steering mechanism for an organization. what action to take, how and when to take a
particular action, and who are the people to be
Planning is the process of bridging the gap between involved in it. It involves anticipating the future and
where you are and where you want to be in the consciously choosing the future course of action.
future. In other words, planning is “looking ahead,
relating today’s events with tomorrow’s possibilities” According to Peter Drucker, “Planning is a continuous
It is the process of deciding in advance what to do, process of making present entrepreneurial decisions
how to do, when to do it, and who does what. Proper (risk taking) systematically and with best possible
planning minimizes risk and ensures that resources knowledge of their futurity, organizing systematically
are efficiently and effectively utilized. the efforts needed to carry out these decisions and
measuring the result of those decisions against the
expectations through an organized systematic courses of action.” Thus, planning involves
feedback.” determining organizational objectives and deciding
how best to achieve them. It involves looking ahead
In the words of George R. Terry, “Planning is the and relating today’s events with tomorrow’s
selecting and relating of facts and the making and possibilities.
using of assumptions regarding the future in the
visualization and formulation of proposed activities Nature of Planning
believed necessary to achieve desired results.” Thus, Planning refers to the process of designing the future
while planning, as a manager, you make use of facts course of action for an organization to achieve
and reasonable premises and also consider the specific goals. The nature of planning is discussed
relevant constraints. You then decide what activities below:
are needed, how they are to be carried out and how
they would contribute to the achievement of the
desired results.
Planning is Goal-oriented prepare long-term plans for the organization, which
Planning is a means for achieving set goals or would enable it to achieve its overall objectives.
objectives. It is of no value unless you make it Middle-level managers formulate departmental and
contribute in some positive way to the achievement functional plans for the medium term, while
of desired goals. Well-defined goals are essential for managers at the lowest level prepare operating and
effective planning. short-term plans. Thus, the scope, extent and nature
of planning tend to vary at different levels of
Planning is an Intellectual or Rational Process management.
Planning requires you (in the capacity of a manager)
to apply your imagination, creativity and your Planning is Forward-looking
analytical skills to tackle problematic situations. Planning is primarily concerned with anticipating the
Planning also requires foresight and sound judgment future. Predicting future trends and preparing for
on your part. Thus, planning can be regarded as the them is an integral part of planning. Thus, accurate
outcome of an intellectual or rational process. forecasting is essential for planning.
middle level of management develops tactical plans. indicate the resource allocation, and priorities and
In tum, the lower levels of management develop actions necessary for achieving strategic goals. These
operational plans on the basis of tactical plans. Thus, plans which establish overall objectives for
plans constitute a hierarchy in the organization. Even organizations, analyze the (various environmental
though plans are made at different levels, they factors that affect organizations. Following table
should be in tandem with corporate objectives. describes eight major areas for strategic goals.
These plans can be either long-term plans or short-
term plans. Whatever be the term of the plans, they Strategic plans are applicable to the entire
should be well coordinated so as to achieve the goals organization and are generally-developed by top
of the organization within a definite time-horizon. management in consultation with the board of
directors and the middle management. They tend to
cover an extended period of time — usually three
years or more. Managers who are involved in
developing strategic plans work in an environment of
uncertainty and are required to make assumptions
about future threats and opportunities. To develop
such plans, they require large amount of
information, especially with regard to the future of
the external environment.
Major Areas Description
Market Standing Desired share of present and new markets, including areas in which new products are
needed, and service goals aimed at building customer loyalty.
Human Resources Supply, development and performance of managers and other organization members;
employee attitudes and development of skills; relations with labor unions, if any.
Financial Resources Sources of capital supply and how capital will be utilized.
Physical Resources Physical facilities and how they will be used in the production of goods and services.
Social Responsibility Responsibilities in such areas as concern for the community and maintenance of
ethical behaviour.
These plans allow the organization to identify the can actually help an organization make its succession
future need for employees, identify prospective and development planning process very effective.
candidates for various positions, and develop the
selected candidates for higher positions in the Strategic workforce planning is a discipline within the
organization. Only few organizations take the help of planning function that helps an organization identify
quantitative analysis to develop their succession and and address the staffing aspects for their business
development plans. Though some managers strategies and plans. Strategic workforce planning
consider this analysis too detailed and complex, it results in two major outputs:
• Staffing strategies: These refer to an engineering talent for more than a year and their
organization’s long-term plans for meeting its capabilities are critical for achieving its goats, it is
staffing needs. The strategies provide the long- better for the company to recruit engineers. On the
term context within which short-term decisions other hand, if the need is only for a short period, the
of an organization can be taken. company can look for a temporary solution such as
• Staffing plans: These describe the specific outsourcing.
staffing actions like recruitment, promotions
etc. that an organization will take in the short- For strategic Workforce planning to be effective, the
term. These actions should be compatible with organization must define its future staffing
the organization’s staffing strategies. requirements properly. It must determine the levels
where staffing is needed and should also identify the
Without clear staffing strategies, an organization will skill-sets required. In addition, the organization must
not be able to take effective short-term staffing be able to identify its current staff availability and
actions. Short-term staffing plans can be effective project its future staff availability. It must also
only if they support the organization’s long-term calculate the difference between staffing “supply”
staffing strategies. Consider the case of a company and “demand.” This analysis is quantitative and
that needs ten engineers at the end of the current precise and requires managers to make assumptions
year. It could opt for recruitment, internal movement about expected turnover, retirements, promotions
or outsourcing of the concerned tasks. It may also be and other staffing actions. After identifying the
able to meet its need by reorganizing or rescheduling staffing gaps and surpluses, the managers can take
the work that these individuals have to perform. requisite Staffing actions to eliminate them.
However, the company may not be able to decide
which is the best option if it does not know the Tactical Plans
duration for which it requires the engineering talent. They aim at achieving tactical or short-term goals.
The most effective option becomes obvious when an These plans help support the implementation of
organization understands the long-term implications strategic plans. Tactical plans essentially indicate the
of its staffing actions. If the company requires actions that major departments and sub-units
should take to execute a strategic plan. Such plans you are lower-level managers who develop
are more concerned more with actually getting operational plans, you work in an environment of
things done than with deciding what to do. They are relative certainty. Hence, the amount of risk involved
thus essential for the success of strategic plans. in making operational plans is lesser than that
involved in making tactical plans. The information
If you are a middle-level manager, you will develop needed for operational planning can be obtained
tactical plans, you may consult lower-level managers almost completely from within the organization.
before finalizing the plan and communicating it to Unless operational goals are achieved, tactical and
top-level management. Compared to strategic plans, strategic goals will not be achieved. Therefore
tactical plans cover a shorter time frame (usually 1 to operational plans are necessary for the success of
3 years). As a middle-level manager acting when you tactical and strategic plans.
act as a tactical planner, you deal with much less
uncertainty and risk than the strategic planner. The Plans based on Frequency of Use
information that you require is also less and most of Plans can also be categorized on the basis of their
it can be derived from internal sources. frequency of use. Based on the extent of use, plans
can be of two types: single-use plans and standing
Operational Plans plans.
Operational plans are developed to determine the
steps necessary for achieving tactical goals. They are Single-use plans
stated in specific; quantitative terms and serve as the A single-use plan is aimed at achieving a specific goal
department manager ’s guide to day-to-day and is designed to deal with a unique, non-recurring
operations. Operational plans are developed by situation. Once the goal has been achieved, the plan
lower-level managers. These plans generally consider ceases to exist. In other words, a single-use plan is a
time frames of less than a year, such as a few one-time plan and is created in response to non-
months, weeks, or even a few days. They spell out p ro g ra m m e d d e c i s i o n s o f m a n a g e r s ( n o n -
specifically what must be accomplished over short programmed decisions are specific solutions to
time periods in order to achieve operational goals. If
atypical or non-routine problems and are arrived at machine-hours, or any other numerically measurable
through an unstructured, undefined process). term.
The major types of single-use plans are programs, A budget generally quantifies your plan and
budgets and projects. establishes the target for actual operations. It
indicates the financial resources necessary for
Programs supporting the various activities included in your
Programs are large scale single-use plans that program. Many organizations use the budget as a
coordinate a complex set of activities to achieve basis for planning and coordinating other activities.
important non-recurring goals. They are concrete or
well-defined schemes designed to accomplish Projects
specific objectives. Programs spell out clearly the A project is similar to a program, but is smaller in
steps to be taken, the resources to be used and the scale and less complex. A project may be a
time period within which the task is to be achieved. component of a program, or it may be a self-
They also indicate who should do what and how. contained, single-use plan. A project helps in the
Programs serve as useful guides for your day-to-day precise allocation of duties and effective control and
operations. They are action-based and result- easy implementation of your plan.
oriented management approaches that facilitate the
smooth and efficient functioning of your Standing Plans
organization. Standing plans refer to specific actions which have
been developed for dealing with recurring situations.
Budgets While single-use plans are used for situations that
A budget outlines the expected results of a given are unique, standing plans are used for situations
future period in numerical terms. It is a plan of which may be encountered by you (in the capacity of
action or blueprint designed to achieve a specific a manager) on a regular basis.
goal. A budget may be expressed either in financial
terms or in terms of units of products, labor-hours,
Case Study: Procurement Policies and Procedures Patents: IBM does not knowingly violate the patent
at IBM rights of other firms. On the contrary, IBM requires
Integrity and ethical standards - As a matter of policy, patent indemnification on all procured materials.
IBM is fair and ethical in its business dealings with IBM will discuss ideas and inventions with individuals
suppliers and other business partners. If this policy is outside the system and if the need arises, it will
being compromised, the matter can be brought to contract external agencies for development of
the notice of the IBM Global Procurement special products. In such cases, appropriate
Ombudsman (800-233-3073). The issues will be c o n t ra c t u a l a g re e m e n t s h a v e t o b e m a d e
re s o l v e d p ro m p t l y w i t h c a re , re s p e c t a n d beforehand.
Supplier Diversity Program: IBM is firmly
Reciprocity: IBM is against reciprocal buying committed to providing opportunities to people of
arrangements as such arrangements may interfere different ethnic origins, women, physically
with IBM’s goal of buying goods and services which challenged persons etc. to participate in all areas of
have the best price, quality, technology and prompt its procurement, marketing and contracting activities.
delivery schedules. By so doing, IBM tries to ensure a diverse supplier
Confidentiality: IBM considers its business
relationships with its suppliers and potential Gifts and Gratuities: IBM employees and their
suppliers as private and confidential. IBM treats family members are not allowed to accept gifts from
information received from its suppliers in a suppliers or prospective suppliers. The employees
responsible manner and expects its suppliers to are allowed to accept only ‘those gifts with a value of
reciprocate similarly. Moreover, IBM does not wish to $25 or less.
-receive any information of a confidential nature
from a supplier unless and until IBM and the supplier Business meals and Entertainment: IBM
have entered into a confidential disclosure employees who have to deal with suppliers are
agreement. allowed to accept customary business amenities
such as meals and entertainment However, the plans, they do away with the need for your
expenses involved should be reasonable and must continuous supervision. They also provide a ready
not violate the law or known supplier business reference for executive action as they spell out what
practices. Further, IBM employees are also expected is to be done in a particular situation.
to reciprocate suppliers in a similar manner and to
share the costs equally over time. The three main types of standing plans are policies,
procedures and rules.
Appropriate conduct on IBM Premises: All
individuals on IBM premises are expected to conduct Policies
themselves in a professional, business-like manner. A policy is the most general form of a standing plan.
Examples of inappropriate conduct are: being under It specifies the broad parameters within which your
the influence of alcohol; using illegal drugs; using a organization members are expected to operate in
controlled substance; except for approved medical pursuit of organizational goals. Policies do not
purposes; possessing of a weapon of any sort; and/ specify what actions should be taken, but provide
or harassing and threatening others or behaving general boundaries for action. They indicate the
violently towards them. direction in which top management wants to
channelize the energies of people in your
Standing plans are developed in response to organization. Policies are generally flexible and broad
programmed decisions of managers (programmed in their scope.
decisions refer to solutions to routine problems and
are arrived at by following rules, procedures or Procedures
habits). They speed up the decision-making process A procedure is a chronological sequence of steps to
and allow managers to handle similar situations in a be undertaken to achieve an objective. It is more
consistent manner. Since standing plans are specific than a policy as it outlines the steps to be
predetermined courses of action, they make it followed under certain circumstances. Procedures
possible for you to delegate authority. Since every are guides to action that specify in detail the manner
course of action has been clearly defined by these in which activities are to be performed. Well-
established and formally laid down procedures are tactical and operational plans. These plans are then
often called standard operating procedures (SOPs). converted into narrower, more detailed standing
They ensure uniformity in action. Unlike policies, plans and single-use plans.
which tend to be fairly general, procedures provide
detailed step-by-step instructions regarding the Plans based on Time frame
action to be taken. Thus, procedures help in Organizational plans should not extend beyond
simplifying and streamlining the administrative specific time frames. Plans based on the time
activities of your organization. horizon can be classified into three types — long-
term plans, intermediate-term plans and short-term
Rules plans.
These are the simplest type of standing plans. A rule
is a statement that spells out what should or should
not be done in a particular situation. Unlike
procedures, rules do not specify a series of steps but
dictate exactly what must or must not be done. Thus,
rules are rigid and definite plans that do not allow for
deviation. They provide very little flexibility. However,
rules help ensure that employees behave in the
desired manner and make their actions predictable.
They regulate the day-to-day conduct of affairs by Hierarchy of Plans
providing detailed instructions.
management. It involves setting up broad objectives thus help managers make better use of manpower
and establishing procedures for achieving these and other resources in the immediate future.
Apart from the different types of plans mentioned in
Intermediate-term plans this section, an organization can also have specific
While long-term plans provide a direction for your plans and directional plans. Specific plans are those
organization, intermediate-term plans specify the which have clearly defined objectives. They are very
activities to be carried out. These plans generally specific and unambiguous. For instance, if you are a
cover time periods ranging from one to five years. manager who seeks to increase his firm’s sales by 10
Intermediate plans define the organization’s activities percent over a period of one year might establish
and provide direction for middle management. When specific procedures, budget allocations, and
a firm’s long-term plans are not very clear due to schedules of activities for reaching that goal. These
high levels of uncertainty, the focus of planning represent specific plans. To be effective, specific
activity shifts to intermediate-term plans because plans require an environment of certainty and
they are made for a shorter duration of time and predictability, which often does not exist. When there
therefore their outcomes are certain and predictable. is high uncertainty and management is required to
be flexible in order to respond to unexpected
Short-term plans changes, it is preferable to use directional plans.
These plans generally cover time periods up to one These plans establish general guidelines. They
year. They provide lower-level managers with provide managers with a focus, but do not confine
guidelines for carrying out the day-to-day activities of them to specific courses of action. Instead of
your organization. They take care of the individual following a specific plan to cut costs by 5 percent and
activities needed to achieve the overall objectives increase revenues by 10 percent in six months, a
outlined by long-term planning. They guide a directional plan may chalk out a course for improving
manager by stating what he has to do; how, where corporate profits within a broad range, say 10 to l5
and when he has to do it; and the resources available percent, over the next six months. Thus, directional
for performing the specified task. Short-term plans
plans provide flexibility but do not provide clearly ◦ Short-term plans
defined objectives, as specific plans do.
1 Planning involves anticipating the future and
consciously choosing the future course of
2 Planning is:
◦ Goal oriented
◦ An intellectual process
◦ A primary function
◦ All persuasive
◦ Forward looking
◦ Perpetual process
◦ Integrated process
3 Types of plans are:
◦ Strategic plans
◦ Tactical plans
◦ Operational plans
4 Plans are also based on frequency of use:
◦ Single-use plans: Programs, Budgets,
◦ Standing plans: Policies, Procedures,
5 Plans are based on time-frames as well:
◦ Long-term plans
◦ Intermediate-term plans
Organizing, Staffing and organization - business, government, or a football
team. For a subordinate to understand his role, you
Controlling must provide verifiable objectives and a clear picture
of the major duties to be performed. You must also
In this chapter, you will: specify subordinates authority and responsibility.
• Understand the definitions of organizing, This gives the subordinate an idea of what he must
staffing and controlling do to achieve the goals and objectives of the
• Understand the process and benefits of organization. In addition, you should provide the
organizing, staffing and controlling subordinates with necessary information and tools
for effectively performing their roles. Organizing is
Organizing is a very important managerial function. If therefore designing and maintaining a formal
planning focuses on deciding what to do, organizing structure of roles and positions.
focuses on how to do it. Thus, after you have set
goals and worked out a plan to accomplish those Definitions of Organizing
goals, your next managerial function is to organize According to Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter,
people and allocate resources to carry out the plan. ‘organizing’ is “determining what tasks are to be
done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be
People who know how to make effective use of their grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions
resources can make any organizational design or are to be made?”
pattern work efficiently. As a manager, you have to
create the right conditions to enable the employees Thus, organizing refers to important dynamic aspects
to effectively utilize the resources of the organization such as what tasks are to be performed, who has to
to achieve organizational goals. You have to make perform them, on what basis the tasks are to be
the employees understand the necessity of grouped, who has to report to whom and who
cooperation for accomplishing tasks. Employees should have the authority to take decisions.
should understand their roles and responsibilities
a n d s h o u l d w o r k t o g e t h e r t o a c h i ev e t h e
organizational objectives. This applies to any
L.A. Allen defined organizing as “the process of • Organizing creates channels of communication
identifying and grouping the work to be performed, and thus supports decision-making and
defining and delegating responsibility and authority, control.
and establishing relationships for the purpose of • The process of organizing helps maintain the
enabling people to work most effectively together in logical flow of work activities. By so doing, it
accomplishing objectives.” helps you and your workgroups to easily
accomplish your tasks.
According to this definition, organizing is a • Organizing helps an organization make
management function involving assigning duties, efficient use of its resources and avoid conflict
grouping tasks, delegating authority and and duplication of effort.
responsibility and allocating resources to carry out a • Organizing coordinates activities that are
specific plan in an efficient manner. diverse in nature and helps build harmonious
relationships among members involved in
In a nutshell, organizing refers to the grouping of those activities.
activities and resources in a logical fashion. • The process of organizing helps you to focus
task efforts such that they are logically and
Benefits of Organizing efficiently related to a common goal.
Effective organizing provides numerous
organizational benefits: Staffing
• The process of organizing helps you develop a Staffing is defined as filling and keeping filled,
clear picture of the tasks you are expected to positions in the organization. Staffing facilitates the
accomplish. achievement of organizational goals by inviting
• The process of organizing supports planning applications from and selecting individuals whose
a n d c o n t ro l a c t i v i t i e s by e s t a b l i s h i n g goals are congruent to the organizational goals.
accountability and an appropriate line of When staffing, it is necessary for you to take into
authority. account internal factors of the firm such as
personnel policies, the climate in the organization
and the appraisal system. Staffing requirements in planning, organizing, staffing and controlling.
an organization change according to the external Planning sets forth the objectives a manager intends
environment as well. For example, with changes in to achieve. Organizing provides the structure of an
technology, there is a need to hire workers who can organization by determining how and where the
work in an environment of high technology employees will be placed in the organization and the
demands. responsibilities that they will need to fulfil to attain
predefined objectives. Staffing involves the
Staffing, which is a managerial function, influences managerial function of placing the right person in
other managerial functions such as leading and the right job in the organization. The control function
controlling. For example, in the present day culture is concerned with ensuring that the planning,
of teamwork, it is important to select and train organizing, staffing and leading functions result in
managers to be good team leaders who will be able the attainment of organizational objectives. In other
to make people to work together and achieve words, control is a tool that helps organizations
organizational goals. Similarly, the selection of measure and compare their actual progress with
quality managers enhances the controlling function their established plan.
in organizations.
The term ‘control’ has different meanings in different
Once the manpower requirement is identified, a contexts. In the management context, ‘control’ refers
number of candidates may have to be recruited. This to the evaluation of performance and the
involves attracting qualified candidates to fill implementation of corrective actions to accomplish
positions in the organization. organizational objectives. Some people confuse
‘control’ with ‘supervision.’ Supervision is a part of
Controlling control; it helps identify deviations from the
Control is an essential function of management in established standards of performance.
every organization. The management process is
incomplete and sometimes useless without the The modern concept of control envisages a system
control function. The management process includes that not only provides a historical record of what has
happened to the business as a whole but also assure that all corporate resources are being used in
pinpoints the reasons why it has happened and the most effective and efficient way possible in
provides data that enables the management to take achieving corporate objectives.”
corrective steps, if there is any deviation from the
plan. It also enables you to identify trends in costs, Summary:
markets, and other aspects of the business, and acts 1 Organizing is knowing what tasks are to be
as a guide for future action. performed, who has to perform them, on what
basis the tasks are to be grouped, who has to
Thus, control ensures that what is done is what is report to whom and who should have the
intended. Control must be exercised by everyone in authority to take decisions.
the organization, from the top level to the bottom 2 Staffing is defined as filling and keeping filled,
level. There is a misconception that it is the duty of positions in the organization.
only the top level of an organization to exercise 3 The control function is concerned with
control. This is because many managers see control, ensuring that the planning, organizing, staffing
discipline and supervision as the same thing. Control and leading functions result in the attainment
is also perceived as tight supervision by others. Such of organizational objectives.
misconceptions must be removed, if the control
function is to contribute to the betterment of the
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