Quiz in Personal Development Name: - Date: - Score

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Quiz in Personal Development

Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________ Score:________

I. Match the following developmental stage characteristics

Column A Column B
_______1. Pre-gang age, exploratory and A. Old age
_______2. Foundation age when basic behavior B. Middle age
are organized and many ontogenetic maturation
skills are developed
______3. Age of adjustment to new patterns of life C. Early Adulthood
and roles such as spouse, parent and bread winner
______4. Transition age when adjustments to D. Adolescence
initial physical and mental decline are experienced
______5. Retirement age when increasingly rapid E. Late Childhood
physical and mental decline are experienced
______6. Transition age when adjustments to F. Early Childhood
initial physical and mental decline are experienced
______7. Gang and creativity age when self-help G. Infancy
skills, social skills, school skills and play are
_____8. Age when hereditary endowments and H. Pre-natal
sex are fixed and all body features, both external
and internal are developed

II. Group the following developmental tasks according to developmental stages. Choose from the box.

Learning to Learning Achieving Learning to Learning to get Achieving a

walk physical skills mature take solid along with age masculine or
relations with foods mates feminine social
both sexes role
Adjusting to Satisfactory Starting to love Adjusting to Helping Selecting a
retirement and career with a partner decreasing teenage mate
reduced achievement strength and children to
income health become happy

Infancy and Middle Adolescence Early Middle Late Maturity

Early Childhood (6- (13-18) Adulthood (30- Adulthood (30- (61-up)
Childhood (0- 12) 60) 60)

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