Measles Outbreak Response Plan
Measles Outbreak Response Plan
Measles Outbreak Response Plan
The disease is potentially severe, so disease control efforts must be aggressive. Approximately 20% of
cases will be hospitalized. The most common complications are pneumonia and otitis media.
Encephalitis is uncommon but can be fatal or cause permanent neurological disability. A rare late
neurological complications (sub-acute sclerosing panencephalitis) can cause death years after the acute
illness. No specific treatment for measles exists. Care is supportive with management of complications.
The illness is characterized by initial onset of fever, malaise, cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis. A
maculopapular rash, usually beginning on the face then becoming generalized, appears between days 3
and 7 after onset of illness2. The average incubation period for measles is 12 days from exposure to
prodrome and 14 days from exposure to rash (range of 7–21 days). Period of infectivity begins as early
as 4 days before onset of rash and may continue until 4 days after onset of rash. That is, cases are likely
to be infectious during much or all of the prodromal period prior to rash onset. Cases which are not
epidemiologically linked to a known case are very unlikely to be recognized as possible measles prior to
US studies suggest that 94% of persons vaccinated with a single dose and 99+% of persons vaccinated with a
second dose will be immune. Some Canadian studies have found lower rates of immunity.
Failure to develop rash is exceedingly rare in immunocompetent individuals.
Case Definition
Case definitions below, which are consistent with those published in the MMWR from CSTE, are taken
from .
Any febrile illness that is accompanied by rash and that does not meet the criteria for probable or
confirmed measles or any other illness.
In the absence of a more likely diagnosis, an illness characterized by
o Generalized rash lasting ≥3 days; and
o Temperature ≥101°F or 38.3°C; and
o Cough, coryza, or conjunctivitis; and
No epidemiologic linkage to a confirmed case of measles; and
Noncontributory or no serologic or virologic testing.
Laboratory confirmation by any of the following
o Positive serologic test for measles immunoglobulin M antibody;
o Significant rise in measles antibody level by any standard serologic assay;
o Isolation of measles virus from a clinical specimen; or
o Detection of measles-virus specific nucleic acid by polymerase chain reaction
Note: A laboratory-confirmed case does not have to have generalized rash lasting ≥3 days; temperature
≥101°F or 38.3°C; cough, coryza, or conjunctivitis.
An illness characterized by
o Generalized rash lasting ≥3 days; and
o Temperature ≥101°F or 38.3°C; and
o Cough, coryza, or conjunctivitis; and
o Epidemiologic linkage to a confirmed case of measles
Measles serology is usually employed to confirm cases and testing is available in the NDDoH Division of
Laboratory Services . Positive serology is defined as detection of IgM antibodies, which begin to rise at
about the time of rash onset and can persist for one to two months. (At the time of rash onset, 70% of
Exposure exists on a continuum with non-immune persons more likely to become ill due to close contact than
more casual contact.
Vaccination also causes an increase in IgM and IgG, but titers do not typically begin to rise until 8 to 21
days post vaccination. A positive serology cannot be relied upon for diagnosis between 6 and 45 days
post vaccination. Viral isolation of a wild type measles virus would be needed to confirm the diagnosis
in a person whose IgM could be elevated due to vaccination. (However, if the IgM titer is negative
greater than 72 hours post onset of rash illness, measles is ruled out.) Vaccination should not be
withheld to preserve the capability for serological confirmation, even if the person is more than 72
hours post exposure. In practice, an illness which meets clinical case definition in a person with an
epidemiological link to a confirmed case is considered a confirmed case. However, a measles-like illness
with fever, rash and malaise can occur about one week post-vaccination and usually lasts 1-2 days (15%
of vaccinees develop fever, which can be high, and 5% develop a transient rash). Although febrile rash
illness due to vaccination will generally not meet the case definition for rash duration, it can be confused
with measles caused by a wild virus. This is further complicated by the fact that a case of measles from
the wild virus developing following vaccination is often milder than usual cases and may not meet the
clinical case definition. Consequently, viral isolation and typing should be performed to confirm a case of
measles which does not meet case definition post-vaccination for exposure.
Upon first contact with a potential measles case, both IgM and IgG should be tested, and a specimen
should be taken for potential viral isolation. A negative IgM drawn during the first 72 hours after rash
onset does not exclude measles; consequently, suspect cases with a negative IgM drawn within the first
72 hours post rash onset should have repeat testing after 72 hours. All cases should have a positive IgM
by 72 hours post rash onset. However, both false negative and false positive tests can occur.
False positives for IgM are more likely in the presence of rheumatoid factor and may be positive in
patients with parvovirus B19, rubella, roseola or dengue. Each of these viruses is also associated with a
rash that can be confused with measles, although not all have a typical measles-like rash. When results
are equivocal, diagnosis may be confirmed by four fold rise in IgG titer between acute and convalescent
sera, viral isolation or PCR. However, selection and interpretation of all tests is dependent on timing of
specimen collection and whether vaccine was recently given.
During an outbreak, the number of febrile rash illnesses reported to the state by providers or health
care facilities is likely to increase substantially, and many of these rashes will not be measles. Likewise,
in a sizeable outbreak, some atypical measles cases may occur, for example, cases modified by post-
exposure prophylaxis.
Specimen Collection
Collect specimens for both serology and viral isolation simultaneously. Sufficient blood should be taken
to test for both measles and rubella if the case is sporadic (i.e., not epi-linked to a known case).
Blood, 3-5 ml collected in clot separator tubes (should be sufficient for both measles and rubella if
1) IgM serology: Collect ASAP and, if negative, repeat at >72 hours after rash onset. [IgM is detected
for at least 28 days after rash onset.]
Viral Isolation
Throat (and/or nasopharyngeal) swabs are the preferred clinical samples. A urine sample as well is
− Preferred collection is within 3 days of rash onset, but may be collected up to 7 days post rash onset.
− Use Dacron or synthetic swab placed in Viral Transport Media (VTM).
− Keep all specimens on wet ice or at 4°C until shipment.
− Ship as soon as possible on cold packs.
If not shipped within 48 hours refer to CDC guidance or contact state lab for proper procedure in freezing
PCR is not performed by the state lab in North Dakota. Specimens will need to be sent to Minnesota.
A buccal swab , nasopharyngeal aspirate or swab, or urine specimen is needed. Swabs should be
synthetic. Volume requirement is 250µL (0.25 cc). The specimen should be stored in 2mL viral transport
media at 4°C if shipping within 24 hours and ship on cold packs. If shipping is delayed, freeze at -70°C
and transport frozen.
Specimen Transport
One of two options is used to transport most specimens to the state lab, as follows:
1. FedEx with next day delivery
2. Courier - The courier service transports specimens to our lab Monday – Friday from 14 major ND
hospitals. Specimens arrive at our lab late at night same day or very early in the morning the next
In situations where commercial transport is not fast enough, alternate arrangements will have to be
made by the field investigators. A local responder can be dispatched to the lab with the specimens, or if
sufficient resources are not available locally, field investigators can contact Disease Control or the DOC
to request assistance with immediate specimen transport. Since measles has no definitive treatment
and preventive measures can be taken without diagnosis confirmation, urgent diagnosis of a measles
case would not warrant transport by state police or civil air patrol.
The case was diagnosed in 2011 in a person born before 1957 who was exposed on a commercial air flight to a
domestic outbreak case.
Note: At the time of this writing, syndromic surveillance in North Dakota is not available due to upgrade process.
Response Activation
Department Operations Center (DOC)
An outbreak which consists of a single measles case that can be quickly contained would not result in
activation of the DOC. If more than one case is identified, the DOC would likely be activated. Examples
of assistance likely to be requested from the DOC include:
1. Activation of hotline
2. Activation of HAN
3. Statewide videoconferencing support
4. Personnel assistance for tasks in Disease Control (data entry, data management/analysis, vaccine
record research)
5. Additional NDDoH personnel for field assignment (e.g., creation of additional two person
investigation teams)
6. Assistance with isolation and quarantine (e.g., legal, local management assistance).
7. Vaccine management and cold chain
8. Assistance with mass vaccination
9. Social distancing policy
10. Resources and logistics
Role of LPHU
Some activities would be the primary responsibility of the local public health agency; however, some
local jurisdictions have very little public health capacity, so additional assistance may have to come from
the state or from other local jurisdictions. Tasks which would fall to local public health include:
1. Managing isolation and quarantine, including mandatory orders and ensuring persons in voluntary
or mandatory confinement have their needs met;
2. Case investigation teams – Local public health would potentially be called upon to supply personnel
to assist with case investigation and contact tracing. LPH may be a ready source of nursing
personnel who can obtain laboratory specimens and administer vaccine, preferably at the time of
initial contact, to persons who were potentially exposed (this would require portable cold chain
3. Mass vaccination clinics – In difficult to control outbreaks or in outbreaks involving schools, mass
vaccination clinics may be necessary. This would be a primary responsibility of LPH.
Cases which may have been infectious on a commercial air flight or other interstate transportation
vehicle would result in a notification of the nearest quarantine station (Minneapolis, (612) 725-3005) for assistance with contact
In addition, all health care facilities would be asked to review vaccination records of employees and
require all persons without contraindications to have two documented doses of MMR. During periods
of ongoing transmission, health care workers with contraindications to vaccination should be assigned
away from outpatient work areas (ER, clinics) and hospital wards with known cases.
At least in a large community, this should not be viewed as an outbreak control strategy. General population
vaccination during measles outbreaks have not been demonstrated to help control the outbreaks.
Since measles in potentially contagious for four days prior to rash onset, all febrile illnesses should be screened
away from the waiting area; however, care should be taken that persons with febrile rash illness are not be
cohorted together since some may and some may not have measles.
The State Health Officer has authority to exclude a child from a school in order to control an outbreak of
infectious disease (N.D.C.C 23-07-17).
Disease Investigation
During a known outbreak, any febrile rash illness occurring in the outbreak area 9 should be considered a
potential measles case and reported immediately to public health 10. However, even a relatively small
outbreak could generate dozens of reports of febrile rash illness, most of which are not measles. In
large outbreaks it may be necessary to target resources (e.g., more detailed investigation) on
populations which are likely to be at risk. Pending laboratory results, a person with rash illness who is
not known to be a contact of a confirmed measles case should be asked to voluntarily isolate themselves
through at least four days after onset of rash. If the serology is negative but the specimen was drawn
during the first 72 hours after rash onset, the person would not be released from isolation until a
subsequent test taken after 72 hours post rash onset has returned negative. Persons with rash illness,
even if atypical, who are known contacts of a confirmed case would be treated as presumptive measles
until proven otherwise.
Attachment 2 shows a contingency table used to identify case status based on epidemiological,
laboratory and clinical information. The table was taken from the CDC document Manual for the
Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (5th Edition, 2012).
In some outbreaks, the entire state may be considered the outbreak area. In other situations, e.g., an outbreak
among an immigrant population in Fargo, the risk area may be considered to be much smaller. Contact history
may substantially impact this determination.
Rash can be more difficult to detect in dark-skinned individuals. The typical measles rash can be seen and felt in
persons with dark skin, but will not be as immediately obvious, the extent and nature of the rash may be difficult
to determine (more difficult to tell if typical or atypical), and the rash may be missed altogether.
Once exposure status is determined from history, susceptibility status should be determined based on
age and adequacy of vaccination. For post-exposure prophylaxis, all susceptible contacts should be
vaccinated within three days post exposure or receive immunoglobulin within 5 days post exposure.
(See section on post-exposure prophylaxis).
Contact Tracing
Identification of contacts will depend on contact tracing. If the outbreak involves multiple cases of
measles, two person teams will be assembled to interview each case, collect specimens for testing and
provide on-site vaccination if indicated. If Ig is needed, that will be provided by the team as well if
possible. If the number of teams required is small, they would be assembled using one local public
health nurse and one regional epidemiologist from Disease Control per team. If a large number of
teams are needed in the field, additional personnel may be drawn from other local public health
agencies or NDDoH.
Teams would work out of the local health agency but would be under the supervision of personnel in
Disease Control (which would be part of the Operations Section of the DOC). The DOC would make
decisions about major investments of resources such as mass vaccination efforts or outbreak
management policies.
Assistance would be provided to the teams to aid them in locating individuals and scheduling visits with
persons who have been identified as contacts; likely this assistance would most effectively come from
the local public health unit which will be most familiar with its communities of service. Assistance will
also be provided in confirming vaccination records. This assistance will most likely come from Disease
Control in Bismarck or from the DOC. The NDIIS will be the first place to look for records. 11 If NDIIS
records are not available or incomplete, the team will need to collect information about all providers of
vaccination services for each person being investigated. Those investigating vaccination history will
need provider contact information to locate vaccine records. It is not necessary to obtain complete
vaccination records; obtaining confirmation of the dates of vaccination for measles from providers is
sufficient for outbreak response purposes. If any of those service providers are out-of-state, release of
information forms should be signed at the time of interview to avoid second visits should support
personnel have difficulty getting out-of-state providers to release the information.
Looking in the NDIIS at the LPHU before the interview may eliminate any need to obtain detailed vaccination
information during interview; however, identification of the correct person in the NDIIS needs to be certain. If
insufficient information is available before the interview, a phone call to the DOC during the interview may be able
to find NDIIS records and confirm measles vaccination status. If status can be found quickly, a call can be returned
to the team during the interview.
Disease containment depends on interrupting disease transmission by:
Rapid identification of all persons with measles or who have been potentially exposed to measles;
Isolation/quarantine for persons who have known or suspected measles;
Quarantine of all persons with potential contact to a known case who do not have documentation of
adequate immunity;
Monitoring exposed individuals for illness onset;
Vaccination of contacts who are not up-to-date on measles vaccination or use of Ig to prevent
contacts from becoming ill;
Preventing illness in health care settings by
o Preventing uncontrolled entry of persons with febrile rash illnesses
o Ensuring staff are fully vaccinated, and
o Ensuring persons without up-to-date vaccination but with contraindications to vaccination
are kept away from potential exposure areas.
Children age 6 to 12 months may be vaccinated with MMR baring other contraindications. This
approach is primarily used during outbreaks among children in that age groups or specific children who
may be at high risk of exposure. Any child vaccinated before age 12 months will need to be re-
vaccinated after 12 months which should be considered their first dose.
Vaccination Precautions
Measles vaccine is licensed in two forms in the U.S. – measles with mumps and rubella (MMR) or
measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (MMRV). Monovalent vaccines are not licensed in this country.
NDDoH will not necessarily consider being born in 1957 to be sufficient evidence of immunity in an outbreak
setting. For instance, in a school outbreak, unvaccinated staff born before 1957 may be vaccinated.
Vaccine Management
Except for some Vaccines For Children (American Indian, Medicaid-eligible, uninsured, or underinsured)
vaccine, NDDoH does not maintain supplies of MMR vaccine in the state for use in outbreak
management. However, substantial amounts of vaccine exist in the state at the local public health and
private provider level. Should additional vaccine be needed (e.g., for mass vaccination in a school), it
can be ordered and will arrive quickly. When possible, vaccine shipments should go directly to the local
public health unit that will be using it. If vaccine needs to come to the state, it will be managed by cold
chain procedures developed by the NDDoH warehouse and transported or shipped to its point of use.
(See Cold Chain plan). NDDoH can supply VFC vaccine for eligible recipients when needed. Funding to
Protocols for isolation and quarantine, both voluntary and mandatory, can be found in a plan located in
the NDDoH document library. The local health officer would be responsible for a quarantine order
should that be necessary. NDDoH will provide guidance to LPH when mandatory confinement is
necessary. With I&Q, whether mandatory or voluntary, comes the responsibility to ensure that persons
are adequately separated from others that they may expose, including obtaining separate housing if
necessary14, and ensuring that all the needs of those who in confinement are met so that they may
continue in compliance with the order or recommendation (e.g., food, medicine, access to health care,
clean clothing). Protocols for monitoring are included in the I&Q plan found in the NDDoH document
library. The team for monitoring for illness onset among contacts and compliance with confinement
may not be the same teams as those used for case investigation. 15
Persons with measles would need to remain isolated for four days following onset of rash illness.
Persons exposed to a known case of measles would be quarantined from day 5 to day 21 after last
exposure (i.e., between the minimum and the maximum incubation period for measles). Persons under
Household member of contacts can usually be vaccinated if not immune; however, where there are
contraindications to post-exposure prophylaxis or persons at high risk of serious illness (e.g., HIV) should they get
ill, alternate quarters other than the case’s home may be needed for the case while under isolation.
Roles of field team may change as the outbreak progresses and the nature of the work required changes. For
instance, some teams initially assigned to contact investigation may be shifted to confinement monitoring as new
contact investigation work load decreases.
Data Management
Cases and contacts would be tracked within the MAVEN outbreak module. Cases and contacts should
be entered in the system ASAP after data collection so that data is not dropped and individuals not lost
to follow-up. Basic information for the line listing collected by teams should be entered into a log book
rather than on a random piece of paper. The log book should include space to document that specific
actions have been completed for each person in the line listing (e.g., specimen collection, vaccination of
contacts, confinement). Each investigating team would need to keep a log book and transfer data into
MAVEN on return to the base office. An aggregate line listing should be published on paper, updated
daily and provided to each of the teams; the aggregate listing should provide basic information about
each identified case and contact. Old line listings from previous days should be shredded.
In addition to a log book, a filing system needs to be maintained for all records. Each interviewed
individual may have several documents or forms including clinical summaries, interview forms,
vaccination forms, release of information forms and laboratory results. Records for cases and contacts
should be separated and each folder clearly label as case or contact.
CDC surveillance data collection instruments are already loaded into MAVEN; however, data collection
instruments may have to be modified to include North Dakota specific risk factors. If a substantial
amount of data needs to be entered, managed and analyzed; Disease Control might need additional
assistance from NDDoH or temporary contract personnel. Persons without advanced data skills could be
used to enter information and NDDoH non-infectious disease epidemiologists or analysts from other
parts of the agency may be used to assist with data management, analysis and result production. These
persons could either be assigned to Disease Control or work under some other part of the incident
command system in support of Disease Control.
Vaccinations given in public health offices or in provider clinics to ensure the unexposed population is
up-to-date on measles vaccination would continue to be entered into NDIIS per usual practice. In the
setting of a mass vaccination clinic, direct entry into NDIIS would be preferable, but may not be
logistically possible in all situations. An alternative paper data collection form would be provided by
Disease Control. These forms would need to be entered into NDIIS after the mass clinic either by local
public health or by NDDoH.
Worker Protection
All persons deployed to respond to measles should use standard precautions when in contact with
patients and additional precautions appropriate to the disease they are investigating.
Persons likely to be called upon to investigate a potential measles case should have written
documentation of being up-to-date on MMR vaccination. Investigators born before 1957 should not be
considered immune16. Vaccine immunity for measles should give excellent protection against measles;
however, a febrile rash illness being investigated during a measles outbreak may not be measles or even
If worker has not been vaccinated, they should receive the first vaccination. If they have had only one measles
vaccination in the past, they should receive a second.
Persons who are needed for field response that are not up-to-date for measles vaccine must be
vaccinated before they are deployed. Since some risk may exist if exposure to measles occurs
immediately following first vaccination, the investigator should wear a fitted N-95 respirator for the first
week post vaccination to give IgM titers a chance to rise.
Responder Training
Many of those called upon to respond to a measles outbreak will need just-in-time training related to
roles that they will fill. This may include:
Disease information
Team function and position assignments
Immunity assessment and selection of vaccine or Ig for post-exposure prophylaxis
Vaccination risk assessment
Vaccination of young children
Adverse reactions
Monitoring for illness and potential for illness post prophylaxis
Obtaining specimens for laboratory evaluation
Contact tracing
Confinement and confinement monitoring
Meeting the needs of those under confinement
Analyst/Assistant Training
Persons recruited to assist with data management will require some training as to specific tasks and
products for which they will be responsible. Because the training requirements for some systems (e.g.,
MAVEN) are high, staff in disease control may manage aggregation of raw data and provide it to a single
person responsible for allocating tasks among analysts and receiving back results.
Manual for Surveillance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases (2011) found at .
Prevention of Measles, Rubella, Congenital Rubella Syndrome, and Mumps, 2013: Summary
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) (June, 2013) found at
(1) Documentation of age- (1) Documentation of (1) Documentation of (1) Documentation of age-
appropriate vaccination with vaccination with 2 doses of vaccination with 2 doses of appropriate vaccination with
a live measles virus- live measles virus-containing live measles virus-containing a live measles virus-
containing vaccine§: vaccine,§ or vaccine,§ or containing vaccine:
–preschool-aged children: 1 (2) Laboratory evidence of (2) Laboratory evidence of –infants aged 6–11 months**:
dose immunity,¶ or immunity,¶ or 1 dose
–school-aged children (3) Laboratory confirmation (3) Laboratory confirmation –persons aged ≥12 months§:
(grades K-12): 2 doses of disease, or of disease, or 2 doses, or
–adults not at high risk¶¶: 1 (2) Laboratory evidence of
(4) Born before 1957 (4) Born before 1957††
dose, or immunity,¶ or
(2) Laboratory evidence of (3) Laboratory confirmation
immunity,¶ or of disease, or
(3) Laboratory confirmation
(4) Born before 1957
of disease, or
(4) Born before 1957
† Health-care personnel include all paid and unpaid persons working in health-care settings who have the potential for exposure to patients and/or to
infectious materials, including body substances, contaminated medical supplies and equipment, contaminated environmental surfaces, or contaminated air.
§ The first dose of MMR vaccine should be administered at age ≥12 months; the second dose of measles- or mumps-containing vaccine should be
administered no earlier than 28 days after the first dose.
¶ Measles, rubella, or mumps immunoglobulin G (IgG) in serum; equivocal results should be considered negative.
** Children who receive a dose of MMR vaccine at age <12 months should be revaccinated with 2 doses of MMR vaccine, the first of which should be
administered when the child is aged 12 through 15 months and the second at least 28 days later. If the child remains in an area where disease risk is high, the
first dose should be administered at age 12 months.
†† For unvaccinated personnel born before 1957 who lack laboratory evidence of measles, rubella, or mumps immunity or laboratory confirmation of disease,
health-care facilities should consider vaccinating personnel with 2 doses of MMR vaccine at the appropriate interval (for measles and mumps) and 1 dose of
MMR vaccine (for rubella), respectively.
¶¶ Adults at high risk include students in post-high school educational institutions, health-care personnel, and international travelers.
Source: Prevention of Measles, Rubella, Congenital Rubella Syndrome, and Mumps, 2013: Summary Recommendations of the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
• Do not use with close contacts who have received 1 dose of vaccine at 12 months
of age or older, unless they are immune compromised.
• IG should not be used to control measles outbreaks as immunity is temporary
unless the exposure results measles infection in spite of prophylaxis. If vaccine can be given it should be given. The
person receiving IG should receive measles-containing vaccine 5–6 months after IG administration or as soon
thereafter as they can safety receive the vaccine.
• Dose:
− Immunocompetent: 0.25 mL/kg body weight (maximum 15 mL), IM.
− Immunocompromised: 0.5 mL/kg of body weight (maximum 15 mL), IM.
− HIV Infections: Dose of Ig in HIV-infected individuals
• For those on IGIV therapy (400 mg/kg) <3 weeks before exposure, no additional IG is required.