Civil Liabilities of An Auditor
Civil Liabilities of An Auditor
Civil Liabilities of An Auditor
Misfeasance implies breach of duty or negligence in the
performance of duties.
The liability for misfeasance arises only if any loss is suffered due
to negligence or breach of duty. If no loss is suffered due to
misfeasance, liability does not arise. Action for misfeasance can be
initiated within 5 years –
Misstatement in Prospectus
A prospectus is an invitation extended to subscribe for shares in
or debentures of a company.
Criminal liability
Person can be guilty of fraud in 3 ways:
Civil liability
• If clean opinion given & then proved later that fin stats were
not true & fair, a user who loses as a result of reliance on the
statements may blame the auditor for the loss.