Virtual Laboratories and M-Learning: Learning With Mobile Devices
Virtual Laboratories and M-Learning: Learning With Mobile Devices
Virtual Laboratories and M-Learning: Learning With Mobile Devices
Institute of Education of the University of Minho
Braga– Portugal -
This paper introduces the concept and the advantages of using 2. VIRTUAL LABORATORIES
virtual laboratories through mobile devices. It will also be
introduced some concepts related to learning objects and m- The creation of virtual laboratories happened because it was
learning. We also present the virtual experience used for the necessary to use them in real-time, which means to be accessed
virtual mobile laboratory. In the end, we indicate the ideal by a huge number of persons anytime of the day, since dozens
methodology to use these technologies when teaching chemical of persons can share the same experience whether they are in
experiments. the same town or geographically apart. Besides, the expenses of
using a real laboratory can be, in many cases, a burden to
Keywords: Virtual Laboratories, Mobile Devices, M-learning companies or institutions. The availability of virtual laboratories
is made through the Internet using multimedia (sound, images,
1. INTRODUCTION graphics and animations), so it can be possible to simulate the
experiences. Their objects are mainly drawn images or pictures
With the development of ICT (Information and Communication of real things.
Technologies) students go to school knowing more and more, Virtual laboratories are presented as a solution to distance
which means that they explore a world full of contents and learning through computer, because they offer to students the
information through the computer and the Internet. They are possibility to interact and practice the content of the course in a
able to meet new people, enrich their knowledge and even to livelier and enrich way, comparing distance learning only with
visit virtual places, which they will never physically visit, only physical contents (books, videotapes, notes…).
by clicking in the mouse for a few times. Now teachers face this In summary, virtual laboratories have virtual elements, the
context, which means that they are no longer the only access is made virtually and all experiences are exclusively
knowledge resources, but they moved on to a position of virtual experiences. To [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], the advantages
managers of all paths that students take in their search for of virtual laboratories are:
knowledge through digital devices.
The great growth in sales and usage of mobile phones, • Good to explain concepts;
Smart Phones and PDA with Internet access makes the creation • There’s no time or place restrictions on the access;
of contents to these devices a discussed issue in the educational • To allow interactivity;
and technological field. We live in a society where knowledge • To have a low development, usage and maintenance
has more value and, with so many activities that we have, we cost;
don't have time to manage so many duties at the same time. To • To offer security, which means that it will not occur
learn anytime and anywhere is attracting more persons to this any risky operation or unwilling effect;
modality, which means that each day education and distance
• They allow the establishment of patterns to divulge
learning gain a new space in our daily routine.
scientific work, mainly in experimental areas, as
We believe that the Internet’s future is mobile and learn
researchers can show their methods through
through the distance method will attract more students. Having
this idea in mind, we developed a virtual laboratory prototype to
• To rise the productivity by reducing the time of
be accessed through mobile devices. The main goal of our
travels and by giving to students the capacity to
proposal is to use the pedagogical and technological advantages
participate in several experiences that are
of a virtual laboratory in the interests of mobile teaching and
geographically spread;
In this paper we begin to define the concepts of virtual • To allow the share of resources that were limited to a
laboratories and their main advantages, we talk about the number of persons, since several users in different
towns can share one single resource in a cooperative Besides the advantages, we can also present as main
way; disadvantages:
• To allow the student to work with cooperative tools; • The small size of the screens;
• To develop new abilities; • Limited keyboards;
• Less processing capacities;
• To access Internet through mobile devices is
still very expensive.
A research made in 2005, named From e-learning to m-
learning,made by ericson[11] shows that (86%) of students
3. LEARNING OBJECTS think that it is easy to use applications through mobile devices,
(67%) believe that the educational goals can be achieved and
Researchers from informatics and educational fields discuss (61%) state that the e-learning quality improves with the use of
more and more about Learning Objects and when we talk about these resources.
distance learning and virtual learning environments, we have to
refer them because they are related with each other. In recent 5. M-LAB: PROPOSAL AND METHODOLOGY
English literature, several terms are being used, such as
“Learning Objects”, “Educational Objects” and “Content M-lab or mobile laboratory is a prototype of a virtual chemistry
Objects”. For [7] and [8], a learning object is a digital file laboratory accessed through a mobile device. The virtual
(image, film, sound, multimedia file, etc) used for pedagogical experiences presented in this work were part of the virtual
proposes and that has, by itself or by relations, signs about the Organic Chemistry laboratory developed by Dr. André Arigony
context where it can be used. These objects have the following of the Pontifica Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul –
characteristics: reusable (can be used again), portability (can be Brazil, who gave us full support to use and modify the
used in different places), modular (use modules) and metadata experiences. In this research we work on an experience created
(has data information), adaptability, sustainability, durability for the 7th grade and the subject that was chosen was organic
and interoperability. chemistry, because it is a precise area and there is a great
The major difference between a digital file and a learning demand for e-contents, which can motivate even more the
object is that the last one can be built so it can be combined and students.
recombined with other digital files in order to produce new The virtual experience changed by us can be accessed
educational contents (e-contents). through two procedures, as it can be seen in picture 1.
When creating learning objects to be used with mobile
technologies, we have to consider several points and the main
ones are related to the screen size and the usage, which means
the content must be very well structured so it doesn't leads to a
cognitive overload of the users. [9] say that the cognitive load
refers to the demands on the work memory of the learner during
education. In education based on computers or in education
based on web, this term refers not only to the mental process
needed to access and interpret the screens, icons and objects, but
also to the cognitive process used to understand the real
education content. The main aim of a good educational material
design is to reduce the amount of processing directed to the
interaction with the system and to maximize the processing of Picture 1. Scheme of access to experiences through mobile
the teaching contents. devices.