Amesim-Piston Pump Model
Amesim-Piston Pump Model
Amesim-Piston Pump Model
DOI 10.1007/s12206-017-0823-8
(Manuscript Received December 31, 2016; Revised April 5, 2017; Accepted May 9, 2017)
The ripple in the outlet flow from a high-pressure piston pump is caused by pressure pulses in the piston cavity when it rotates through
the transition region of the valve plate. We propose a parametric design that optimizes the transition region structure of a piston pump
valve plate to reduce the ripple in the outlet flow. For a high- pressure piston pump, a theoretical model of the piston cavity is developed
that includes fluid compression properties and leakages. The piston pump parametric model is built using AMESIM software and a simu-
lation is conducted. The results show that the ripple in the outlet flow is affected by the outlet pressure and the pump’s speed and by the
structure of the pre-compression region of the valve plate. To minimize the ripple in the outlet flow from the piston pump, the structural
parameters in the pre-compression region are optimized as the design variables using the software, ISIGHT, which integrates the piston
pump parametric model in AMESIM. After optimization, the ripple in the outlet flow rate is, respectively, reduced by 37.05 %, 38.54 %
and 41.04 % for outlet pressures of 200 bar, 300 bar and 400 bar. Finally, a flow ripple test experiment is performed to verify the simula-
tion results.
Keywords: Piston pump; Flow ripple; Parametric design; AMESIM; ISIGHT
and the effect of a damping slot, but the model is not applica-
1. Introduction
ble to situations where there are restrictions. Edge [2] estab-
High pressure swash plate axial piston pumps are widely lished a mathematical model for fluid pressure characteristics
used in engineering machinery and in the aviation, marine and in a piston pump and introduced the inertial expression for a
other fields because of their compact structure, high output fluid into the model. The effect of fluid inertia on the pressure
pressure, high efficiency and long service life. The ripple in fluctuation in a piston pump was determined for the first time.
the outlet flow that is caused by valve plate structure in the Harrison and Edge [3] studied the total flow mathematical
piston pump is a major research topic. To reduce the pump model for a piston pump with a ripple reduction mechanism.
noise caused by the ripple in the flow and to improve the per- They calculated the total flow ripple model using a flow
formance of the pump, it is necessary to optimize the valve model for each piston with different phases, but leakage from
plate structure. the piston pump was not considered. Manring [4-6] studied
In a piston pump, the fluid in the piston cavity in the pump swash plate axial piston pumps and the model for the actual
produces pressure pulsations when it is alternately connected flow rate for a piston pump that had a valve plate with damp-
to a high outlet chamber and a low inlet chamber so the ripple ing holes. The effect of the design of these damping hole
in the flow for the piston pump is caused and affected by the structures on the volumetric efficiency of a piston pump was
structure of the transition region of the valve plate. Many stud- also considered. Mandal et al. [7] built a mathematical model
ies on the optimization of valve plate structure reduce the flow for the outlet flow rate for a piston pump. A piston pump with
and pressure ripples. Most focus on analyzing fluid pulsation silencing grooves on the valve plate was used. A special study
characteristics and on the qualitative improvement in the valve was made of the effect of silencing grooves on fluid character-
plate structure. Zaichenko et al. [1] built a mathematical istics in the piston cavity. Bing and Jien et al. [8-12] studied
model of the characteristics of the pressure in a piston pump the fluid characteristics with compression properties in a pis-
by considering fluid compression properties, pump leakage ton pump and developed a mathematical model for the flow
Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 935658801
condition in a piston chamber. To reduce the ripple in the flow
E-mail address: in a piston pump, the important parameters for the flow area of
Recommended by Associate Editor Sangyoup Lee the valve plate, the throttle coefficient and the leakage were
© KSME & Springer 2017
4246 X. Wu et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31 (9) (2017) 4245~4254
Value Description
Rpiston 31.15 Radius of piston cavity in cylinder (mm)
Piston cavity inner clearance of diameter
pclear 0.02
direction (mm)
dp 15.58 Diameter of piston (mm)
Equivalent diameter of oil suction and
Fig. 7. Single piston model in AMESIM. padiam 7.5
discharge area
pa 32.12 Piston wrap angle (°)
The piston cavity must connect to the pre-expansion cham-
Ratio of the area of the inlet triangle groove and
ber and the pre-compression chamber when it is, respectively, preValueIn 0.65
the maximum oil suction area
connected to the inlet chamber and the outlet chamber. A pre-
Ratio of the area of outlet triangle groove and
expansion chamber throttle is used to connect and disconnect preValueOt 0.75
the maximum oil discharge area
the piston cavity and a pre-expansion chamber. A pre-
inda 18.75 Oil suction closed angle (°)
compression chamber throttle is used to connect and discon-
outda 18.75 Oil discharge closed angle (°)
nect the piston cavity and a pre-compression chamber. The
theda1 17.5 Span of oil discharge triangular groove (°)
sizes of the openings for the pre-expansion chamber throttle
and the pre-compression chamber throttle are respectively theda2 16.5 Span of discharge pre-compression chamber (°)
controlled by the functions, f exp an ( x) and f comp ( x) , which beda1 17.5 Span of oil suction triangular groove (°)
are expressed as Eqs. (13) and (14). beda2 16.5 Span of oil discharge pre expansion chamber (°)
Hole diameter of oil suction pre expansion
preDiaIn 2.7
ì0 0 £ x < 180 + inda - beda2 chamber (mm2)
ï Hole diameter of oil discharge pre expression
f exp an ( x) = í 1 180 + inda - beda2 £ x < 180 + pa + inda - beda2 preDiaOt 2.7
ï 0 180 + pa + inda - beda £ x < 360 chamber (mm2)
î 2
Volume of oil suction pre expansion
(13) preVholeIn 400
chamber (cm3)
ì0 0 £ x < outda - theda2
ï Volume of oil discharge pre compression
f comp ( x) = í1 outda - theda2 £ x < pa + outda - theda2 (14) preVholeOt 400
chamber (cm3)
ï0 pa + outda - theda £ x < 360 .
î 2 moi 0.003 Rotate inertial (kg·m2)
stif 905 Principle axis stiffness (N·m/°)
Finally, a single piston cavity working model is obtained by swashp 18.6° Swash plate angle (°)
combining the piston cavity flow model, the piston motion
model and the valve plate model. It is encapsulated in
AMESIM and shown in Fig. 7.