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Engineering a Semantic Desktop for

Building Historians and Architects

René Witte1 , Petra Gerlach2 , Markus Joachim3 ,

Thomas Kappler1 , Ralf Krestel1 , and Praharshana Perera1
Institut für Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation (IPD)
Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Institut für Industrielle Bauproduktion (IFIB)
Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Lehrstuhl für Denkmalpflege und Bauforschung
Universität Dortmund, Germany

Abstract. We analyse the requirements for an advanced semantic sup-

port of users—building historians and architects—of a multi-volume en-
cyclopedia of architecture from the late 19th century. Novel requirements
include the integration of content retrieval, content development, and au-
tomated content analysis based on natural language processing.
We present a system architecture for the detected requirements and its
current implementation. A complex scenario demonstrates how a desktop
supporting semantic analysis can contribute to specific, relevant user

1 Introduction
Nowadays, information system users can access more content than ever before,
faster than ever before. However, unlike the technology, the users themselves
have not scaled up well. The challenge has shifted from finding information in
the first place to actually locating useful knowledge within the retrieved content.
Consequently, research increasingly addresses questions of knowledge man-
agement and automated semantic analysis through a multitude of technologies
[12], including ontologies and the semantic web, text mining and natural lan-
guage analysis. Language technologies in particular promise to support users
by automatically scanning, extracting, and transforming information from vast
amounts of documents written in natural languages.
Even so, the question exactly how text mining tools can be incorporated into
today’s desktop environments, how the many individual analysis algorithms can
contribute to a semantically richer understanding within a complex user scenario,
has so far not been sufficiently addressed.
In this paper, we present a case study from a project delivering semantic
analysis tools to end users, building historians and architects, for the analysis of
a historic encyclopedia of architecture. A system architecture is developed upon
a detailed analysis of the users’ requirements. We discuss the current implemen-
tation and state first results from an ongoing evaluation.

2 Analyzing a Historical Encyclopedia of Architecture

Our ideas are perhaps best illustrated within the context of two related projects
analysing a comprehensive multi-volume encyclopedia of architecture written in
German in the late 19th and early 20th century.4 In the following, we briefly
outline the parties involved and motivate the requirements for an advanced se-
mantic support of knowledge-intensive tasks, which are then presented in the
next subsection.

The Encyclopedia. In the 19th century the “Handbuch der Architektur” (Hand-
book on Architecture) was probably not the only but certainly the most compre-
hensive attempt to represent the entire, including present and past, building
knowledge [6]. It is divided into four parts: Part I: Allgemeine Hochbaukunde
(general building knowledge), Part II: Baustile (architectural styles), Part III:
Hochbau-Konstruktionen (building construction), and Part IV: Entwerfen, An-
lage und Einrichtung der Gebäude (design, conception, and interior of buildings).
Overall, it gives a detailed and comprehensive view within the fields of archi-
tectural history, architectural styles, construction, statics, building equipment,
physics, design, building conception, and town planning.
But it is neither easy to get a general idea of the encyclopedia nor to find
information on a certain topic. The encyclopedia has a complex and confusing
structure: For each of its parts a different number of volumes—sometimes even
split into several books—were published, all of them written by different au-
thors. Some contain more than four hundred pages, others are much smaller,
very few have an index. Furthermore, many volumes were reworked after a time
and reprinted and an extensive supplement part was added. So referring to the
complete work we are dealing with more than 140 individual publications and
approximately at least 25 000 pages.
It is out of this complexity that the idea was born to support users—building
historians and architects—in their work through state-of-the-art semantic analy-
sis tools on top of classical database and information retrieval systems. However,
in order to be able to offer the right tools we first needed to obtain an under-
standing on precisely what questions concern our users and how they carry out
their related research.

User Groups: Building Historians and Architects. Two user groups are
involved in the analysis within our projects: Building historians and architects.
Those two parties have totally different perceptions of the “Handbuch der Ar-
chitektur” and different expectations of its analysis. The handbook has got a
kind of hybrid significance between its function as a research object and as a
resource for practical use, between research and user knowledge.
An architect is planning, designing, and overseeing a building’s construction.
Although he is first of all associated with the construction of new buildings, more
than 60% of building projects are related to the existing building stock, which
Edited by Joseph Durm (b14.2.1837 Karlsruhe, Germany, d3.4.1919 ibidem) and
three other architects since 1881.

means renovation, restoration, conversion, or extension of an existing building.

For those projects he requires detailed knowledge about historic building con-
struction and building materials or links to specialists skilled in this field. For
him the gained information is not of scientific but of practical interest.
One of the specialists dealing with architecture from scientific motives is
the building historian. All architecture is both the consequence of a cultural
necessity and a document that keeps historical information over centuries. It is
the task of architectural historians, building archaeologists, and art historians to
decipher that information. Architectural history researches all historical aspects
of design and construction regarding function, type, shape, material, design, and
building processes. It is also considering the political, social, and economical
aspects, the design process, the developments of different regions and times, the
meaning of shape and its change throughout history. In order to “understand” an
ancient building’s construction and development, the building historian requires
information about historical building techniques and materials. But he is also
interested in the information sources themselves, in their history of origin, their
development, and their time of writing. Literature research is one of his classical

2.1 Requirements Analysis

We now examine the requirements for a semantic desktop support; first, from a
user’s perspective, and second, their technical consequents.

User Requirements. For the building historian the handbook itself is object
and basis of his research. He puts a high value on a comprehensible documen-
tation of information development, since the analysis and interpretation of the
documentation process itself is also an important part of his scientific work. The
original text, the original object is the most significant source of cognition for
him. All amendments and notes added by different users have to be managed on
separate annotation or discussion levels—this would be the forum for scientific
controversy, which may result in new interpretations and cognition.
For the architect the computer-aided analysis and accessibility of the ency-
clopedia is a means to an end. It becomes a guideline offering basic knowledge of
former building techniques and construction. The architect is interested in tech-
nical information, not in the process of cognition. He requires a clearly structured
presentation of all available information on one concept. Besides refined queries
(“semantic queries”) he requires further linked information, for example web
sites, thesauruses, DIN and EU standards, or planning tools.
Both user groups are primarily interested in the content of the encyclopedia,
but also in the possibility of finding “unexpected information,”5 as this would
afford a new quality of reception. So far it is not possible to conceive this complex
and multi-volume opus with thousands of pages at large: The partition of the
handbook in topics, volumes, and books is making the retrieval of a particular
Information delivered through a user’s desktop is termed unexpected when it is rele-
vant to the task at hand yet not explicitly requested.

concept quite complicated. Only the table of contents is available to give a rough
orientation. But it’s impossible to get any information about single concepts or
terms. You can neither find an overall index nor—apart from a few exceptions—
an index of single volumes. Because each of them comprises a huge amount of text,
charts, and illustrations, it is unlikely to find the sought-for term coincidentally
by running over the pages. Thus, this project’s aim is to enable new possibilities
of access by the integration of “semantic search engines” and automated analyses.
An automated index generation alone would mean a substantial progress for
further research work.

System Requirements. In [10] we previously examined the requirements for

a system architecture supporting knowledge-intensive tasks, like the ones stated
in our case study. Its most important conclusion is that such a system needs to
integrate the classically separated areas of information retrieval, content devel-
opment, and semantic analysis.

Information Retrieval. The typical workflow of a knowledge worker starts by

retrieving relevant information. IR systems support the retrieval of documents
from a collection based on a number of keywords through various search and
ranking algorithms [1,5]. However, with a large number of relevant documents
(or search terms that are too broad) this so-called “bag of words approach”
easily results in too many potentially relevant documents, leading to a feeling of
“information overload” by the user. Furthermore, the retrieval of documents is
no end in itself: Users are concerned with the development of new content (like
reports or research papers) and only perform a manual search because current
systems are not intelligent enough to sense a user’s need for information and
proactively deliver relevant information based on his current context.
Thus, while also offering our users the classical full-text search and document
retrieval functions, we must additionally examine a tighter integration with con-
tent development and analysis tools.

Content Development. New content is developed by our users through a number

of tasks as outlined above: from questions and notes arising from the examination
of a specific building through interdisciplinary discussions to formal research
papers. At the same time, access to existing information, like the handbook, and
previous results is needed, preferably within a unified interface.
As a model for this mostly interactive and iterative process we propose to
employ a Wiki system [7], as they have proven to work surprisingly well for co-
operative, decentralized content creation and editing. Traditionally, Wikis have
been used to develop new material, but our approach here is to combine both
existing and new content within the same architecture by integrating (and en-
hancing) one of the freely available Wiki engines.
Wiki systems allow us to satisfy another requirement, namely the users’ need
to be able to add their own information to a knowledge source; for example, a
building historian might want to add a detailed analysis to a chapter of the ency-
clopedia, while an architect might want to annotate a section with experiences

Tier 1: Clients Tier 2: Presentation and Interaction Tier 3: Analysis and Retrieval Tier 4: Resources

Web− WikiWikiWeb Wiki Bot

Web Server
Navigation (Wiki−)
Natural Language Analysis Components Content

Named Entitiy Recognition

Automatic Summarization

Coreference Resolution


GATE back−end handlers Annotations

Full−Text Index Generation

Fig. 1. Architecture integrating content development, retrieval, and analysis

gathered from the restoration of a specific building. Wiki systems typically offer
built-in discussion and versioning facilities matching these requirements.

Semantic Analysis. Automated semantic analysis will be provided through tools

from the area of natural language processing (NLP), like text mining and infor-
mation extraction. Typical NLP tasks, which we will discuss in more detail below,
are document classification and clustering, automatic summarization, named en-
tity recognition and tracking, and co-reference resolution.
The aforementioned integration of information retrieval, content develop-
ment, and analysis allows for new synergies between these technologies: content
in the Wiki can be continually scanned by NLP pipelines, which add their find-
ings as annotations to the documents for user inspection and internal databases
for later cross-reference. When a user now starts to work on a new topic, e.g.,
by means of creating a new Wiki page, the system can analyse the topic and
pro-actively search and propose relevant entities from the database to the user.

3 System Architecture

We now present the architecture we developed to support the detected require-

ments, as it is currently being implemented. It is based on the standard multi-tier
information system design (Fig. 1). Its primary goal is to integrate document re-
trieval, automated semantic analysis, and content annotation as outlined above.
We now discuss each of the four tiers in detail.
Tier 1: Clients. The first tier provides access to the system, typically for hu-
mans, but potentially also for other automated clients. A web browser is the
standard tool for accessing the Wiki system. Additional “fat” clients, like an on-
tology browser, are also supported. The integration of the word
processor is planned for a future version.
Tier 2: Presentation and Interaction. Tier 2 is responsible for information presen-
tation and user interaction. In our architecture it has to deal with both content

development and visualization. In the implementation, most of the functionality

here is provided through standard open source components, like the Apache web
server and the MediaWiki 6 content management system.
Tier 3: Retrieval and Analysis. Tier 3 provides all the document analysis and
retrieval functionalities outlined above. In addition to the search facilities offered
by the Wiki system, a database of NLP annotations (e.g, named entities) can
be searched through the Lucene 7 search engine.
Semantic analysis of texts through natural language processing (NLP) is
based on the GATE framework, which we will discuss in Section 4.3.
The results of the automatic analyses are made visible in an asynchronous
fashion through the Wiki system, either as individual pages, or as annotations to
existing pages. Thus, automatically created analysis results become first-class cit-
izens: Original content, human, and machine annotations constitute a combined
view of the available knowledge, which forms the basis for the cyclic, iterative
create-retrieve-analyse process outlined above.
Tier 4: Resources. Resources (documents) either come directly from the Web (or
some other networked source, like emails), or a full-text database holding the
Wiki content. The GATE framework provides the necessary resource handlers
for accessing texts transparently across different (network) protocols.

4 Implementation
In this section we highlight some of the challenges we encountered when imple-
menting the architecture discussed above, as well as their solutions.

4.1 Digitizing History

For our project most of the source material, especially the historical encyclope-
dia, arrived in non-digital form. As a first step, the documents had to be digi-
tized using specialized book scanners, which were available through Universität
Karlsruhe’s main library. For automatic document processing, however, scanned
page images are unusable. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the encyclo-
pedia’s layout (including diagrams, formulas, tables, sketches, photos, and other
formats) and the inconsistent quality of the 100-year old source material, auto-
matic conversion via OCR tools proved to be too unreliable. As we did not want
to engage in OCR research, a manual conversion of the scanned material into an
electronic document was the fastest and most reliable option that preserved the
original layout information, such as footnotes, chapter titles, figure captions, and
margin notes. This task was outsourced to a Chinese company for cost reasons.

4.2 Information Storage and Retrieval Subsystem

The encyclopedia is made accessible via MediaWiki [9], which is a popular open
source Wiki system best known for its use within the Wikipedia 8 projects. Media-

4) display content
Database Wiki
5) add/edit content

1) convert original content

Wiki 6) read content
Content GATE
7) add annotations
2) feed bot with content
NLP 8) read NLP results
3) insert content into Annotations
Bot Bot
Wiki database
9) add/edit content

Fig. 2. Workflow between document storage, retrieval, and NLP analysis

Wiki stores the textual content in a MySQL database, the image files are stored
as plain files on the server. It provides a PHP-based dynamic web interface for
browsing, searching, and manual editing of the content.
The workflow between the Wiki and the NLP subsystems is shown in Fig. 2.
The individual sub-components are loosely coupled through XML-based data
exchange. Basically, three steps are necessary to populate the Wiki with both
the encyclopedia text and the additional data generated by the NLP subsystem.
These steps are performed by a custom software system written in Python.
Firstly (step (1) in Fig. 2), the original Tustep 9 markup of the digitized ver-
sion of the encyclopedia is converted to XML. The resulting XML intends to
be as semantically close to the original markup as possible; as such, it contains
mostly layout information. It is then possible to use XSLT transformations to cre-
ate XML that is suitable for being processed in the natural language processing
(NLP) subsystem described below.
Secondly (2), the XML data is converted to the text markup used by Media-
Wiki. The data is parsed using the Python xml.dom library, creating a document
tree according to the W3C DOM specification.10 This allows for easy and flexible
data transformation, e.g., changing an element node of the document tree such
as <page no="12"> to a text node containing the appropriate Wiki markup.
And thirdly (3), the created Wiki markup is added to the MediaWiki system
using parts of the Python Wikipedia Robot Framework,11 a library offering
routines for tasks such as adding, deleting, and modifying pages of a Wiki or
changing the time stamps of pages. Fig. 3 shows an example of the converted
end result, as it can be accessed by a user.
While users can (4) view, (5) add, or modify content directly through the
Wiki system, an interesting question was how to integrate the NLP subsystem,
so that it can read information (like the encyclopedia, user notes, or other pages)
from the Wiki as well and deliver newly discovered information back to the users.

Fig. 3. Content from the encyclopedia accessible through MediaWiki

Our solution for this is twofold: for the automated analysis, we asynchronously
run all NLP pipelines (described in Section 4.3) on new or changed content (6).
The results are then (7) stored as annotations in a database.
The Wiki bot described above is also responsible for adding results from the
natural language analysis to the Wiki. It asynchronously (8) reads new NLP
annotations and (9) adds or edits content in the Wiki database, based on tem-
plates and namespaces. NLP results can appear in the Wiki in two forms: as
new individual pages, or within the “discussion section” connected to each page
through a special namespace convention within the MediaWiki system. Discus-
sion pages were originally introduced to hold meta-information, like comments,
additions, or questions, but we also use them for certain kinds of NLP results,
like storing automatically created summaries for the corresponding main page.
Other information generated by the NLP subsystem, such as the automatic index
generation detailed in Section 4.3, are added to the Wiki as separate pages.

4.3 NLP Subsystem

The natural language analysis part is based on the GATE (General Architecture
for Text Engineering) framework [4], one of the most widely used NLP tools.
Since it has been designed as a component-based architecture, individual analysis
components can be easily added, modified, or removed from the system.
A document is processed by a sequential pipeline of processing components.
These pipelines typically start with basic preprocessing components, like tok-
enization, and build up to more complex analysis tasks. Each component can
add (and read previous) results to the text in form of annotations, which form
a graph over the document, comparable to the TIPSTER annotation model.

XML input ....für eine äußere Abfasung

der Kanten ...

POS Tagger
für/APPR eine/ART äußere/ADJA
Abfasung/NN der/ART Kanten/NN

NP Chunker
NP:[DET:eine MOD:äußere
NP:[DET:der HEAD:Kanten]

Abfasung [Lemma: Abfasung]

Kanten [Lemma: Kante]
Index Generation

Abfasung: Page 182

−äußere: Page 182
XML output Kante: Page 182

Fig. 4. NLP pipeline for the generation of a full-text index (left side) and its
integration into the Wiki system (right side)

We now discuss some the NLP pipelines currently in use; however, it is im-
portant to note that new applications can easily be assembled from components
and deployed within our architecture.

Automatic Index Generation. Many documents do not come with a classical

full-text index, which significantly hinders access to the contained information.
Examples include collections of scientific papers, emails, and within our project
especially the historical encyclopedia.
In order to allow easier access to the contained information, we use our lan-
guage tools to automatically create a full-text index from the source documents.
This kind of index is targeted at human users and differs from classical indexing
for information retrieval in that it is more linguistically motivated: only so-called
noun phrases (NPs) are permitted within the index, as they form the grammat-
ical base for named entities (NEs) identifying important concepts.
Index generation is implemented as a processing component in the NLP
pipeline, which builds upon the information generated by other language compo-
nents, particularly a part-of-speech (POS) tagger, an NP chunker, and a context-
aware lemmatizer (see [8] for details on these steps).
For each noun phrase, we track its lemma (uninflected form), modifiers, and
page number. Nouns that have the same lemma are merged together with all
their information. Then, we create an inverted index with the lemma as the main
column and their modifiers as sub-indexes (Fig. 4, left side).
The result of the index generation component is another XML file that can
be inserted into the Wiki system through the Framework described above. Fig. 4
(right side) shows an excerpt of the generated index page for the encyclopedia.

Automatic Context-Based Summarization. Automatically generated sum-

maries are condensed derivatives of a single or a collection of source text(s),

reducing content by selection and/or generalisation on what is important. Sum-

maries serve an indicative purpose: they aim to help a time-constrained human
reader with the decision whether he wants to read a certain document or not.
The state of the art in automatic summarization is exemplified by the yearly
system competition organized by NIST within the Document Understanding
Conference (DUC) [3]. Our summarization pipeline is based on the ERSS sys-
tem that participated in the DUC competitions from 2003–2005, with some
modifications for the German language. One of its main features is the use of
fuzzy set theory to build coreference chains and create summaries [11], which
enables the user to set thresholds that directly influence the granularity of the
results. For more details on the system and its evaluation, we refer the reader to
[2]. Summaries can take various forms:
Single-Document Summaries. A single-document summary can range from a
short, headline-like 10-word keyword list to multiple sentences or paragraphs.
We create these summaries for individual Wiki pages (e.g., holding a chapter of
the handbook) and attach the result to its corresponding discussion page.
Multi-Document Summaries. For longer documents, made up of various sections
or chapters, or whole document sets, we perform multi-document summarization.
The results are stored as new Wiki pages and are typically used for content-based
navigation through a document collection.
Focused and Context-Based Summaries. This most advanced form of multi-docu-
ment summarization does not create summaries in a generic way but rather based
on an explicit question or user context. This allows for the pro-active content
generation outlined above: a user working on a set of questions, stated in a
Wiki page (or, in future versions, simple by typing them into a word processor),
implicitly creates a context that can be detected by the NLP subsystem and
fed into the context-based summarization pipeline, delivering content from the
database to the user that contains potentially relevant information. We show an
example in Section 5.2.
Ontology-based Navigation and Named Entity Detection. Ontologies
are a more recent addition to our system. We aim to evaluate their impact
on the performance of the named entity (NE) recognition, as well as semantic
navigation through a browser.
Named entities are instances of concepts. They are particular to an appli-
cation domain, like person and location in the newspaper domain, protein and
organism in the biology domain, or building material and wall type in the archi-
tecture domain.
The detection of named entities is important both for users searching for
particular occurrences of a concept and higher-level NLP processing tasks. One
way of detecting these NEs, supported by the GATE framework, is a markup of
specific words, defined in Gazetteer lists, which can then be used together with
other grammatical analysis results in so-called finite-state transducers defined
through regular-expression-based grammars in the JAPE language.12
For more details, please refer to the GATE user’s guide:

GATE Named Entities

Named Entity XML Wiki
JAPE grammars


Text Gazetteer lists

Fig. 5. Ontology-aware named entity detection through gazetteers and finite-

state transducers delivering results in various output formats

The addition of ontologies (in DAML format) allows to locate entities within
an ontology (currently, GATE only supports taxonomic relationships) through
ontology extensions of the Gazetteer and JAPE components. The detected enti-
ties are then exported in an XML format for insertion into the Wiki and as an
OWL RDF file (Fig. 5).
NE results are integrated into the Wiki similarly to the index system de-
scribed above, linking entities to content pages. The additional OWL export al-
lows for a graphical navigation of the content through an ontology browser like
GrOWL.13 The ontologies exported by the NLP subsystem contain sentences as
another top-level concept, which allows to navigate from domain-specific terms
directly to positions in the document mentioning a concept, as shown in Fig. 6.

5 Evaluation
We illustrate a complex example scenario where a building historian or architect
would ask for support from the integrated system.

5.1 Scenario
The iterative analysis process oriented on the different requirements of the two
user groups is currently being tested on the volume “Wände und Wandöffnungen”14
(walls and wall openings). It describes the construction of walls, windows, and
doors according to the type of building material. The volume has 506 pages with
956 figures; it contains a total of 341 021 tokens including 81 741 noun phrases.
Both user groups are involved in a common scenario: The building historian
is analysing a 19th century building with regard to its worth of preservation in
order to be able to identify and classify its historical, cultural, and technical
E. Marx: Wände und Wandöffnungen. Aus der Reihe: Handbuch der Architektur.
Dritter Teil, 2. Band, Heft I, 2. Auflage, Stuttgart 1900.

Fig. 6. Ontology excerpt on building materials visualized using GrOWL showing

NLP-detected instances linked to concepts, anchored within the text

value. The quoins, the window lintels, jambs, and sills as well as door lintels and
reveals are made of fine wrought parallelepipedal cut sandstones. The walls are
laid of inferior and partly defective brickwork. Vestiges of clay can be found on
the joint and corner zones of the brickwork. Therefore, a building historian could
make the educated guess that the bricks had been rendered with at least one
layer of external plaster. Following an inspection of the building together with
a restorer, the historian is searching in building documents and other historical
sources for references to the different construction phases. In order to analyse
the findings it is necessary to become acquainted with plaster techniques and
building materials. Appropriate definitions and linked information can be found
in the encyclopedia and other sources. For example, he would like to determine
the date of origin of each constructional element and whether it is original or has
been replaced by other components. Was it built according to the state-of-the-art,
does it feature particular details?
In addition, he would like to learn about the different techniques of plastering
and the resulting surfaces as well as the necessary tools. To discuss his findings
and exchange experiences he may need to communicate with other colleagues.
Even though he is dealing with the same building, the architect’s aim is an-
other. His job is to restore the building as carefully as possible. Consequently, he
needs to become acquainted with suitable building techniques and materials, for
example, information about the restoration of the brick bond. A comprehensive
literature search may offer some valuable references to complement the conclu-
sion resulting from the first building inspection and the documentation of the
construction phases.

“Welche Art von Putz bietet Schutz vor Witterung?”

Ist das Dichten der Fugen für die Erhaltung der Mauerwerke, namentlich an den der Witterung
ausgesetzten Stellen, von Wichtigkeit, so ist es nicht minder die Beschaffenheit der Steine selbst.
Bei der früher allgemein üblichen Art der gleichzeitigen Ausführung von Verblendung und Hin-
termauerung war allerdings mannigfach Gelegenheit zur Beschmutzung und Beschädigung der
Verblendsteine geboten. . . .

Fig. 7. Excerpt from a focused summary generated based on a question (shown

on top), generated by the NLP subsystem through automatic summarization

5.2 Desktop Support

So far, we have been testing the desktop with the Wiki system and three inte-
grated NLP tools within the project. We illustrate how our users ask for semantic
support from the system within the stated scenario.
NLP Index. As the tested volume offers just a table of contents but no index
itself, an automatically generated index is a very helpful and timesaving tool
for further research: Now it is possible to get a detailed record on which pages
contain relevant information about a certain term. And because the adjectives
of the terms are indicated as well, information can be found and retrieved very
quickly, e.g., the architect analysing the plain brickwork will search for all pages
referring to the term “Wand” (wall) and in particular to “unverputzte Wand”
(unplastered wall).
Summaries. Interesting information about a certain topic is often distributed
across the different chapters of a volume. In this case the possibility to generate
an automatic summary based on a context is another timesaving advantage. The
summary provides a series of relevant sentences, e.g., to the question (Fig. 7):
“Welche Art von Putz bietet Schutz vor Witterung?” (Which kind of plaster
would be suitable to protect brickwork against weather influences?). An inter-
esting properties of these context-based summaries is that they often provide
“unexpected information,” relevant content that a user most likely would not
have found directly.
The first sentence of the automatic summarization means: The joint filling is
important for the resistance of the brickwork, especially for those parts exposed
to the weather, as well as the quality of the bricks. This is interesting for our
example because the architect can find in the handbook—following the link—
some information about the quality of bricks. Now he may be able to realize that
those bricks used for the walls of our 19th century building are not intended for
fare-faced masonry. After that he can examine the brickwork and will find the
mentioned vestiges of clay.
The architect can now communicate his findings via the Wiki discussion page.
After studying the same text passage the building historian identifies the kind
of brickwork, possibly finding a parallel to another building in the neighborhood,
researched one year ago. So far, he was not able to date the former building
precisely because all building records have been lost during the war. But our

example building has a building date above the entrance door and therefore he
is now able to date both of them.
Named Entity Recognition and Ontology-based Navigation. Browsing the content,
either graphically or textually, through ontological concepts is another helpful
tool for the users, especially if they are not familiar in detail with the subject field
of the search, as it now becomes possible to approach it by switching to super-
or subordinate concepts or instances in order to get an overview. For example,
restoration of the windows requires information of their iron construction. Thus,
a user can start his search with the concept “Eisen” (iron) in the ontology (see
Fig. 6). He can now navigate to instances in the handbook that have been linked
to “iron” through the NLP subsystem, finding content that mentions window and
wall constructions using iron. Then he can switch directly to the indicated parts
of the original text, or start a more precise query with the gained information.

5.3 Summary
The offered semantic desktop tools, tested so far on a single complete volume of
the encyclopedia, turned out to be a real support for both our building historians
and architects: Automatic indices, summaries, and ontology-based navigation
can help them to find relevant, precisely structured and cross-linked information
to certain, even complex topics in a quick and convenient fashion. The system’s
ability to cross-link, network, and combine content across the whole collection
have the potential to guide the user to unexpected information, which he might
not have realized even when completely reading the sources themselves.
In doing so the tools’ time saving effects seems to be the biggest advantage:
Both user groups can now concentrate on their research or building tasks—they
do not need to deal with the time-consuming and difficult process of finding
interesting and relevant information.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we showed how a user’s desktop can integrate content retrieval,
development, and NLP-based semantic analysis. The architecture is based on
actual users’ requirements and preliminary evaluations show the feasibility and
usefulness of our approach. We believe our system also applies to other domains.
From a technical perspective, the biggest challenge is the lack of hooks
in standard desktop components designed for use by humans enabling read-,
write-, and navigate operations from automated components, requiring expen-
sive workarounds. In our system, automated access to the Wiki system by the
NLP subsystem requires the use of a bot, which was not originally designed for
that purpose. We currently face similar problems integrating the
word processor into the system. There is currently no way several desktop compo-
nents can share a common semantic resource, like an ontology, or even delegate
analysis tasks on behalf of a user. On a smaller scale, we are currently working on
integrating a description logic (DL) reasoning system to allow semantic queries
based on the automatically extracted entities.

However, one of the most interesting questions, from an information system

engineer’s standpoint, is a concern raised by our building historians: the apparent
loss of knowledge throughout the years, which occurs when users of automated
systems narrowly apply retrieved information without regard for its background,
connections, or implications; or when they simply do not even find all available
information because concepts and techniques have been lost over the years: As
a result, a user might no longer be aware of existing knowledge because he lacks
the proper terminology to actually retrieve it. While an analysis of this effect is
still an ongoing consideration, we hope that the multitude of access paths offered
by our integrated approach at least alleviates this problem.

Acknowledgments. The work presented here is funded by the German research

foundation (DFG) through two related projects: “Josef Durm” (HA 3239/4-1,
building history, Uta Hassler and KO 1488/7-1, architecture, Niklaus Kohler)
and “Entstehungswissen” (LO296/18-1, informatics, Peter C. Lockemann).

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