Ford 1982 3.8L V6
Ford 1982 3.8L V6
Ford 1982 3.8L V6
The Engineering
Resource For
D. L. Armstrong
G. F. Stirrat
Ford Motor Company
International Congress
& Exposition
Detroit, Michigan
February 22-26, 1982
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Copyright 0 1981 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
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The new 1982 Ford V6 overhead valve engine is the lightest weight V6 produced in North America,
regardless of displacement. It has a 90° bank angle, even firing intervals and a bore and stroke of 96.8 x 86
mm for 3.8L displacement. It is released for the Granada, Cougar, Thunderbird, XR-7 and Continental
passenger cars and F-100 light trucks, spanning an inertia test weight range of 3250 to 3875 pounds.
(Figure 1)
This paper is intended to provide a brief overview of an all new engine program with descriptions of the
unique design features and problems encontered and resolved with Ford's 1982 3.8L V6.
Copyright 1982 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
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Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
Excellent power and torque have been achieved, rate bolt-on tappet gallery. To reduce both the re-
specifically 139 BHP © 4300 RPM and 200 lb. ft. quired facilities investment and component cost it
torque @ 2500 RPM (SAE gross) with Ford's was decided to change to cast iron. The plan was to
7200 feedback carburetor and electronic control. design the lightest iron block possible, let dyna-
(Figure 3) mometer testing and finite element analysis deter-
The bore and stroke are 96.8 x 86 mm for a 1.13 mine the weak points, then add the minimum
bore/stroke ratio. Other significant dimensions are: material necessary for correction. Static testing of
the first prototype iron blocks indicated that cylin-
Bore Spacing 106.5 mm
der bore distortion and camshaft bearing bore
Bank Offset 24.0 mm
misalignment was excessive. This was verified by
Block Deck Height 234.5 mm
Crankshaft Main Bearing Dia. 64.0 mm dynamometer testing which also produced a
Crankshaft Pin Dia. 58.6 mm cracked oil gallery and main bearing bulkhead fail-
ures. Analysis of the static and dynamic test results
Connecting Rod Length 150.2 mm
plus the finite element analysis indicated the areas
Overall Engine Length 660.0 mm
requiring redesign. The use of finite element analy-
Height 520.0 mm
sis may be illustrated by the main bearing bulkhead
Width 619.0 mm
failure, which appeared to start at the main bearing
Compression Ratio 8.65:1
cap notch in the block. Figure 4A shows the finite
Further detail is shown in the Appendix. element analysis in the area of the notch where the
The 50 State Continental and the California Hencky-von Mises stress was calculated to be over
Granada, Cougar, Thunderbird and XR-7 applica- 9,000 psi. The redesign added a rib tying the main
tions have Ford's variable venturi feedback 7200 bearing bolt boss to the structure that supported the
carburetor with electronic control and knock sensor. front cover, reducing the maximum stress to less
The lesser emissions task for 49 State application than 6,000 psi in the notch area. This is shown in
permitted the use of the lower cost Ford 2 barrel Figure 4B. The success of the redesign was verified
2150 carburetor, without electronic control. by static testing which showed excellent bore geom-
The more interesting and unique features of the etry and camshaft and main bearing alignment. No
engine are described below. block structural failures were encountered during
the dynamometer and vehicle durability tests that
ENGINE FEATURES followed and the excellent oil economy verified that
CYLINDER BLOCK — As was mentioned the bore geometry met our objective.
above, the block was originally designed for die cast A problem encountered with early production
aluminum, with cast-in iron bore liners and a sepa- blocks illustrates the value of the extensive "produc-
1000 20DD 3000 4000 5000
Fig. 3 — SAE J245 WOT Performance with 7200 Carburetor, MCU Electronics
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
tighten the bolts with automatic torquing machines two die castings electron-beam welded together.
to provide an axial load of 10,000 to 12,000 lbs. The lower half is in the form of a simple parallelo-
without initiating yield, which occurs at approxi- gram which permits welding in one plane and with
mately 13,500 lbs. with the I 1 mm bolts used. It had straight lines. Exhaust heat to the mixture is
been assumed that steel washers would be required provided by three pressed-in stainless steel tubes
to protect the aluminum head from being scored by passing under the carburetor. The heat stove tubes
the bolt during torquing, however, this added inter- provide a low thermal inertia heat source that al-
face contributed to the friction variation. A "UBS" lows rapid plenum warm up during cold start and
bolt, with a washer-like surface formed into the minimum heating of the manifold and carburetor
head, was evaluated and did not mar the head sur- during hot soak conditions. The passage for ther-
face even after repeated retorquing. The automatic mactor air is cast across the rear of the manifold
torquing sequence that was developed consists of: and covered by a steel plate. The water crossover is
O Install UBS head bolts and torque to 72 to 87 Nm cast at the front with press-in steel nipples for water
to equalize the thread friction and set the gasket. bypass and heater connections. The early engines
• Back the bolts out 2 turns. had a heat control valve mounted in the manifold to
o Retorque the bolts to 72 to 87 Nm. turn crossover heat off when engine operating tem-
perature was reached. This resulted in an increase in
The production automatic torquing machines have power output of 6 to 7% in the 1000 to 3000 RPM
torque sensors and recorders. If a bolt is not torqued range, but only on the dynamometer during steady
within the specified range the operator is signaled state conditions. Vehicle tests demonstrated that the
and the suspect bolt is replaced. If a problem is transient nature of car and light truck operation did
encountered during hot test, or quality control dura- not result in sufficient build-up of manifold heat
bility testing, the torque applied to each head bolt during normal driving to affect wide open throttle
on that engine can be obtained from the records. acceleration performance. The feature was thus de-
A mattress type head gasket with a solid steel leted in the interest of customer cost and reliability.
core and stainless steel fire ring was developed to A major concern was the ability to achieve good
match the requirements of the less rigid aluminum air/fuel distribution, performance and fuel econo-
head with its differential bolt expansion. my without the mid range dip in the torque curve
INTAKE MANIFOLD — Key to the success of typical of V8 engines with single plane manifolds.
the engine was to design a single plane intake mani- While the design was being initiated, competitive
fold with excellent distribution and low restriction 2.7L and 3.8L V6 engines were modified to receive
to flow which could be manufactured by the low various intake manifold and carburetor configura-
cost aluminum die-casting process. The design tions as shown in Figure 6. Tests were conducted
shown in Figure 5 met all objectives. It consist of with both equal spaced ports and unequal spaced
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
ports. Based on the best combination of volumetric locations and size. The resultant maximum A/F
efficiency and A/F distribution, the manifold con- variation was 0.8 at part throttle and 1.5 at wide
figurations were rated as follows: open throttle. The intake manifold weight is 9 lbs.
which is 22 lbs. less than the cast iron manifold used
1. Three single barrel carburetors with over and on a competitive 3.8L V6 and 5.5 lbs. less than the
under manifold runners and equal spaced ports. semi-permanent mold aluminum manifold used on
2. Two barrel carburetor with over and under run- the Ford 4.2L V8 engine.
ners and unequal spaced ports.
EXHAUST MANIFOLDS — In keeping with
3. Two barrel carburetor with single plane runners,
the lightweight and high reliability objectives the
longitudinal wall in central runner and un-
exhaust manifolds are cast of high strength 70-90%
equally spaced ports.
nodular iron, which is more suitable than grey iron
4. Two barrel carburetor with single plane runners,
for the extremes of service that the manifolds must
longitudinal wall in central runner and equal
undergo. For example, they may be heated cherry
spaced ports.
red pulling a trailer up a grade, then dowsed in cold
5. Two barrel carburetor with octopus single plane
water while coasting down the other side. Our key
runner configuration and unequal spaced ports.
durability check is the "Exhaust Manifold Cracking
6. Two barrel carburetor with over and under run-
Test" which consists of 100 Hr. of engine cycling on
ner and equal spaced ports.
the dynamometer, each cycle consisting of 3 min-
utes at 4500 RPM wide open throttle followed by 3
The test results are summarized in Figure 7, with minutes motoring at 2000 RPM. The nodular iron
volumetric efficiency curves and distribution data manifolds have demonstrated laboratory and vehi-
for each manifold configuration. cle durability superior to conventional grey iron
Manifold No. 3 was selected as the best compro- with a weight saving of 4 lbs.
mise, mainly because of its excellent low speed and
mid range volumetric efficiency. This showed prom- CRANKSHAFT — The 90° V6 engine cannot
ise for high torque at low engine speeds, which be fully balanced, as can a 90° V8 or inline 6, but
would match automatic transmission characteristics has inherent horizontal and vertical primary and
to provide good low speed acceleration or "respon- secondary unbalanced couples. (Figure 8) The rela-
siveness." The single plane configuration would also tive horizontal or vertical magnitude of the primary
permit the use of a low height, weight and cost couple may be varied by reorienting the counter-
die-cast aluminum intake 'manifold. Development weighting at the front and rear of the crankshaft. A
continued with improvements in distribution accom- major engine, chassis and vehicle development pro-
plished by tailoring of the exhaust crossover tubes gram was undertaken which minimized the vibra-
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
90 90 90
o9 89.6
80 80 80
(.> 80 80 80
tions received by the vehicle occupants through COVERS AND SEALING — The rocker arms
engine mount and crankshaft design revisions and, covers are injection molded of glass and mineral
for some applications, the use of an engine roll filled Nylon 6. This method of manufacture allows
damper. design flexibility to obtain an excellent stiffness to
The design of the crankshaft is critical in obtain- weight ratio and a better sealing surface. The latter
ing the minimum possible engine length and weight. features a broad flat flange with a groove to retain
Minimum cylinder bore center distance was es- the silicone sealer and an inner drip rail to minimize
tablished by adding to the bore (96.8 mm) the mini- the exposure of the seal to oil. The ventilation baffle
mum space between bores that would permit the is sonic welded to the cover. The weight saving is 2
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
lbs. compared to steel stampings. The use of glass —50°F to 350°F. The total program included over
Filled Nylon to contain and seal hot oil on an engine 500 engines, 60,000 dynamometer hours and
is an unusual application, however, as the material 2,000,000 vehicle miles.
is stable to 425°F we felt that we had a comfortable
The engine front cover is an aluminum die cast-
margin of safety. A thorough engineering analysis
ing. It serves to mount the water pump, oil pump, oil
was undertaken to ensure that all potential prob-
filter, fuel pump and distributor. This arrangement
lems were considered in the test program. This
provides the simplest, shortest block, minimizes the
started with a "failure mode and effect analysis"
use of heavy cast iron and maximizes the use of light
from which a test program was designed to include
the most extreme conditions indicated by the analy-
sis. Vehicle tests were conducted to measure tem- Formed-in-place room — temperature — vulcan-
peratures and material stability under the most ex- izing silicone rubber sealing is used for the rocker
treme operating conditions. For example, one test arm covers, intake manifold end seals, thermostat
consisted of driving the vehicle on the test track at housing, intake manifold air passage cover and oil
high speed while gradually reducing the engine pan sides and front. (Figure 9) Gasket seals are used
coolant level and observing cylinder head and rocker where the formed-in-place silicone might be dis-
cover temperatures. Five of the eleven quarts of placed during component assembly (oil pan rear
coolant were removed at which point engine detona- seal), where the engine assembly sequence does not
tion became so severe that the test had to be termi- provide full clamping during curing time (water
nated. At that point the rocker cover temperature pump to front cover), where high pressure oil must
had increased from the normal maximum of 280°F be contained (front cover to block), where special
to only 310°F and there was no sign of cover distor- materials are required (intake manifold sides) or for
tion. To include the extremes of temperature, in ease of service (carburetor).
addition to our normal high temperature Arizona The careful design of sealing joints, selection of
and low temperature Minnesota vehicle testing, we materials and the several in-process plant tests have
included bench tests which cycled the cover from resulted in a highly reliable sealing system.
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LUBRICATION SYSTEM — The spur gear oil O Main crankshaft bearing and camshaft bearing
pump is mounted in the front cover and is driven by shell temperatures.
a shaft from the distributor gear. (Figure 10) Spur O Main and connecting rod bearing wear patterns.
gears were used to minimize engine length, pump O Oil pressure and pressure drops through oil pas-
friction and pulsations. The oil pump body, pressure sages.
relief valve bore and oil passages are formed as part O Total oil flow required for proper lubrication.
of the die cast aluminum engine front cover. The oil to Oil pressure at idle.
pump cover also serves as the oil filter adapter and O Oil pump capacity requirements for engine with
permits orientation of the filter to meet engine com- maximum bearing clearances.
partment space limitations. The full-flow filter in- O Oil flow required for fuel pump eccentric, distrib-
corporates a bypass valve to allow uninterrupted utor gear and timing chain.
flow of oil to the engine if the element becomes
restricted. Drilled holes in the block carry the oil As a result of this development, changes were
from the front cover to the tappet galleries which made to the initial design to reduce restrictions and
feed the main bearings. The connecting rod bear- improve oil flow to specific areas, including:
ings are fed from the mains through drilled holes in
the crankshaft. Piston and bore lubrication is aug-
mented by oil from squirt holes in the connecting
G.Increased diameter oil pick-up tube and cylinder
rods. From the tappets, a controlled volume of oil is block transfer passages.
O Added annular groove to front camshaft journal
supplied to the rocker arms through hollow push
to provide continuous oil flow to fuel pump eccen-
rods. Oil is fed to the fuel pump eccentric, distribu-
tor gear and timing chain through a hole drilled in
the camshaft from the front camshaft journal.
Lubrication requirements were established using The net result is a well balanced design where all
dynamometer engines instrumented with pressure lubrication requirements are met without excess
probes and thermocouples to study the following: pump power absorption or system weight.
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COOLING SYSTEM — The cooling system is nents. The high temperatures encountered by the
conventional except the extensive use of aluminum coolant surrounding the combustion chamber will
in the engine requires careful selection of coolants. cause a reaction between the aluminum and the
The water pump body is formed of two aluminum alkali metal phosphate type inhibitor, found in con-
die castings, the forward casting contains the shaft, ventional coolants, to form aluminum phosphate.
bearing and stamped steel impeller while the engine The phosphate will then deposit out of solution in
front cover forms the back of the pump. (Figure 11) the relatively cool radiator and heater core tubes
The aluminum cylinder head and water pump producing a significant reduction in heat transfer
presented unique cooling system problems due to efficiency. One answer is to replace the phosphate
the action of the coolant additives on these compo- inhibitor with a silicate, however, the phosphate in-
hibitor serves to prevent cavitation erosion of the
aluminum water pump so we could be trading one
FRONT COVER problem for another. An extensive laboratory and
vehicle program was undertaken to develop new
coolant formulations that provide the water pump
protection while eliminating the formation of com-
pounds that affect the radiator or heater core. This
was achieved by obtaining the proper balance of
phosphate/silicate formulation and coolants with
these inhibitors are now provided with all Ford cars.
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
and more rigid accessory mounting brackets. The shows the modifications made to the valve lift accel-
low stretch construction of the belt greatly reduces eration profiles to achieve this objective. Valve lift
the requirement for customer adjustment and re- acceleration rates were increased while simulta-
placement. The belts routinely complete Ford's neously changing the valve events to give the engine
50,000 mile high speed durability tests service free. 16° less valve overlap and 5° earlier valve closing.
As shown in Figure 12, the six small vees on the Maximum exhaust valve lift limitations resulted in
inside of the belt drive the grooved accessory pul- the use of a dwell period at the exhaust valve lift
leys, with the exception of the water pump which is peak. This can be seen in the illustration and is a
driven by the flat back of the belt. The flat surface feature not commonly found in valve lift profiles, in
of the water pump pulley also allows the belt to float fact the flat cam nose prompted many incredulous
fore-and-aft thus eliminating wear which might re- remarks when the first production engines were
sult from minor misalignment of the close coupled built. Dynamometer and vehicle testing with the
crankshaft and water pump pulleys. The high modified lift profiles confirmed that objectives had
strength, low stretch belts are composed of fiber been met. Low speed and mid range torque were
filled Neoprene, reinforced with polyester cord and increased and subjective idle ratings were improved
with flycut or ground vees. This design is the result while peak horsepower was maintained. The higher
of an extensive development program in conjunction valve lift acceleration rates required the addition of
with the rubber companies. The sliding tensioner valve spring dampers to meet the valve toss objec-
has an adjustment bolt which is locked in place tive of 5300 RPM. Figure 14 illustrates the BMEP
when correct belt tension is set at the vehicle assem- before and after the cam redesign.
bly plant. The initial belt tension of 140-180 lbs.
decreases to 130-160 lbs. after a few minutes of OMEP
VALVE TRAIN — The push rod valve train REDESIGN
EMISSION CONTROL — Thermactor air In June, 1978 the decision was made to change to
pumps of 19 cu. in. displacement are used for all a cast iron block. the first iron block engine being
applications with air being fed through a passage at built in February, 1979. Initial problems were block
the rear of the intake manifold. The air travels distortion and head gasket sealing. When these were
through the manifold cast passage to the cylinder corrected we had an engine that appeared durable
heads, then through drilled holes to the exhaust and met our functional objectives, so we initiated
ports. our design verification program in accordance with
Toe board light-off catalysts plus underbody oxi- Ford establish procedures.
dation and three-way catalysts are provided for all
passenger cars. Truck applications use an under- PRODUCT VERIFICATION SPECIFICA-
body oxidation catalyst only. TIONS — These specifications document in detail
Back pressure exhaust gas recirculation control is the tests that must he completed to validate a new
provided by the valve mounted to the carburetor engine design for production. These consist of three
spacer. The latter carries the EGR into the induc- major phases:
tion system through slots cut in the spacer bores.
The California passenger cars and 49 State Con- I. Design Verification — The test program to en-
tinental have a MCU microprocessor to control the sure that the engine design meets all functional
feedback carburetor, knock sensor, ignition, EGR, and durability requirements prior to allowing
thermactor air and evaporative emissions canister production parts to be built.
2, Production Validation — The test program, sim-
ilar in content to the Design Verification pro-
gram, that must be completed using production
ENGINE TEST & DEVELOPMENT engines before parts may be produced for en-
Initial program testing started in early 1977 gines that will he sold.
when basic design assumptions for the new engine
were proposed and then demonstrated using com-
3. In-Process Testing — Testing of production en-
petitive V6 engines and Ford 5.0L V8 engines modi- gines to ensure that the design intent is being
fied to operate as 90° V6's. The major concerns met in production on a continuing basis.
investigated and the conclusions were:
o The ability to obtain acceptable fuel and air dis-
To ensure that the durability test program
tributor with a single plane intake manifold. As
includes all conditions that might result in engine
explained in the Intake Manifold section, excel-
failure, a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
lent distribution was developed.
(FMEA) is conducted for each component, This es-
• Whether the uneven firing order resulting from
sentially lists all possible failure modes, their effect
the use of common, or partly offset, crankpins
on engine operation and potential causes. Figure 15
would result in engine roughness which would be
is an example, consisting of one page from an abbre-
detected by the customer, It was concluded that
viated FMEA for the hydraulic valve lifter. The
even firing must be provided.
engineer responsible for the component lists all pos-
• Whether the balance characteristics of the 90°
sible failure modes, the effects of each failure on
bank angle would affect occupant comfort. It was
engine operation and all potential causes for each
concluded that the unbalanced vibrations could
failure. lie then selects, or designs, a series of tests
be isolated if the majority of the unbalanced
which will verify that the design will operate under
forces were in the horizontal direction.
all conditions without failure, For example, the tests
must demonstrate that the lifter will operate proper-
Based on the results from this development, the ly with the metallurgy, heat treatment and surface
3.8L 90° V6 aluminum block engine was designed finish, etc., specified by the lifter design and with
and the first one built in January, 1978. Initial the cam lobe taper, material, surface finish and
dynamometer testing concentrated on durability — metallurgy, etc., specified for the camshaft,
particularly the development of a gasket to seal the throughout the full range of engine operating tem-
aluminum head to the open deck aluminum block, peratures and with either new or used engine oil of
No major problems were encountered, the type specified to the customer.
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
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Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
DYNAMOMETER DURABILITY — Figure Hot Start and Driveaway and stabilized drive and
16 is a typical list of the dynamometer tests that idle at Arizona, Dearborn and Florida test facili-
must be successfully completed for both the Design ties.
Verification and Production Validation programs. • Engine cooling at Dearborn wind tunnel and Ari-
Ten of the 70 Production Validation engines tested zona test track.
are listed with the tests to be conducted on each O Octane requirements at Dearborn chassis rolls
engine. To illustrate the severity of the dynamo- and Arizona and Florida test facilities.
meter durability testing, the procedures for test No. o Altitude driveability at Denver facility.
33 and 34 of Figure 16 are outlined below. e Acceleration and fuel economy at Dearborn and
Romeo, Michigan and Arizona test tracks.
HIGH SPEED CYCLING DURABILITY — O Emissions and metro/highway fuel economy at
This test consist of 300 hours of closed and WOT Dearborn and Allen Park, Michigan and Denver,
dynamometer testing at various speeds from idle to Colorado test facilities.
12% over maximum power speed. It is intended to
verify the design of the basic engine components
An important tool used by Ford engineers to op-
such as block, crankshaft, pistons, rings, valves,
timize the engine design and calibration is "Engine
bearings, etc. Specifically it consists of repeating the
Mapping." Fuel and emission capabilities of the
following schedule 24 times.
various base engine design parameters (such as
Load Speed Time
compression ratio and valve timing) are acquired
0 550 RPM 30 MM. and analyzed through sophisticated, computer-
WOT 3000 RPM 5 Hr. 45 Min. based techniques. Spark advance, EGR and air/fuel
0 4600 RPM 20 Min. calibrations are generated to achieve maximum fuel
0 4800 RPM 10 MM. economy at constrained exhaust emissions. The first
WOT 4300 RPM 3 Hr. 45 MM. phase of the engine mapping procedure is a parame-
WOT 4600 RPM 2 Hr. tric study conducted on an engine dynamometer un-
der steady-state conditions, where the fuel and
TRANSMISSION SHIFT CYCLE — This test emission capabilities of the engine are determined
is run on an engine test stand but without load. It as a function of RPM, torque, air/fuel, EGR and
simulates a automatic transmission shift cycle and ignition timing. In the second phase, a multivariate
evaluates the effects of the primary and secondary least squares regression is performed on the
unbalanced forces on engine component durability, dynamometer data (8,000 to 10,000 data points).
particularly accessories and brackets and hang-on Next, established optimization techniques are
emission components, such as EGR (exhaust gas applied to the regressed dynamometer data to deter-
recirculating) valve and tube. Two hundred hours mine the engine calibration which produces maxi-
must be completed without component failure or mum vehicle fuel economy at the specified emission
malfunction. It consists of repeating the following constraints. Figure 17 illustrates the type of trade-
30 second cycle 24,000 times. offs that can be evaluated with engine mapping
data. It shows the effect on fuel economy and HC of
Throttle Position Speed different compression ratios and NOx levels at stoi-
Wide Open 600 to 4800 RPM chiometry. For example, the fuel economy gain is
Closed to 2800 approximately 4% for a 0.8 compression ratio in-
Wide Open to 4800 crease, regardless of NOx level, however, an in-
Closed to 2800 crease of 0.6 gm/mi in HC would have to be con-
Wide Open to 4800 tained with the catalyst. It also shows that a 3% loss
Closed to 600 in fuel economy results when going from 2.2 to 0.9
gm/mi NOx at 9.0:1 CR. The final phase is the
ENGINE CALIBRATION — Parallel to the
implementation and verification of the calibration
durability and reliability verification program, de-
in a vehicle.
velopment was proceeding to establish engine cali-
brations to meet vehicle functional requirements The following statistics provide an appreciation
and government regulations. This included: for the scope of the development program:
0 Subzero Cold Start and Driveaway at the o Number of prototype engines built and tested
Dearborn Cold Room and Bemidji, Minnesota. prior to production 500+
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
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Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
• High speed transfer lines with mechanical feed
units featured on all metal removal machinery
HC lines.
M-H 2402:1 COMPRESSION RATIO • Automatic, computer-controlled warehousing of
purchased parts.
— 1.7 gm/mi HC O Highly-automated engine assembly line with
computer monitored cold and hot test facilities.
In addition, critical engine components have their
0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75
2.00 2.25
CVS-14 NOx FEEDGAS, grams mi
2,50 2.75 own in-process testing and checking fixtures to en-
sure high quality production. For example, cylinder
Fig. 17 — Effect of Compression Ratio: M-H Fuel heads undergo automatic leak tests for valve seat-
Economy vs NOx CVS-H Feedgas ing. At the engine assembly line a data gathering
system, A.I.D. (Assembly Integrity Device), tracks
all engines, displays unique parts applications and
o Number of engines tested for Production Valida-
then stores engine quality performance data.
tion 70+ The plant is equipped with five totally automated
0 Dynamometer test hours accumulated 60,000+
computer-controlled cold test stands which spin the
0 Number of bench tests conducted 380+ engines through a speed profile, automatically time
* Vehicle test miles accumulated 2,000,000+
and balance them, check results and reject if not to
ESSEX ENGINE PLANT There are also 26 "hot test" stations in which
The 1982 3.8L V6 engine is built at the new Es- equipment is linked to a programmable controller so
sex Engine Plant, located in Windsor, Ontario, Can- that it automatically picks up each engine from the
ada. This facility covers 1.6 million square feet, lo- line, fills it with gasoline and water and connects the
cated on a 325 acre site. At capacity it will employ ignition, throttle and choke. It starts the engine and
more than 2,000 people and produce 638,000 en- runs it through a 5-1/2 minute loaded test cycle.
gines annually for shipment to Ford assembly plants The engine's performance during each stage of the
in Canada, the United States, Mexico and Venezu- test is shown on a computer read out and is moni-
ela. tored by the hot test operator. The results, the char-
acteristics of each engine, are then stored in the
The manufacturing area covers 1.3 million computers with each engine identified by serial
square feet and features the latest "state of the art" number.
technology and machinery, including:
* Programmable controllers for greater reliability
and flexibility. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
o Highly automated assembly machines for cylin- The authors would like to express their apprecia-
der heads, water pumps and front-cover oil pump tion to Messr.: F. Carollo, D. A. DiFabio, and J. K.
assemblies. Mayo for their assistance in preparing this paper.
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
1982 FORD 3.8L V6 ENGINE
Number of Cylinders 6
Displacement, c.c. 3797
Bore, mm 96.8
Stroke, mm 86.0
Bore/Stroke Ratio 1.13
Bank Angle, Degrees 90°
Bank Offset, mm 24.0
Bore Spacing, mm 106.5
Compression Ratio 8.6:1
Carburetor: 49 State — all except' Continental Two Barrel Downdraft
49 State Continental and all California Two Barrel Variable Venturi Downdraft
Valve Lifters Hydraulic
Rocker Arm Ratio (Nominal) 1.73:1
Crankshaft Main Bearings 4
Number of Counterweights 2 plus external
Main Bearing Diameter, mm 64.0
Crankpin Bearing Diameter, mm 58.7
Piston Pin Diameter, mm 23.2
Valve Head Diameter, mm — Intake 45.3
— Exhaust 37.1
Valve Lift, mm — Intake and Exhaust 10.6
Valve Timing — Intake Opens, Degrees BTC 13
— Intake Closes, Degrees ABC 56
— Exhaust Opens, Degrees BBC 66
— Exhaust Closes, Degrees ATC 17
Valve Spring Load, Newtons — Valve Closed 311
— Valve Open 912
Material — Cylinder Block Cast Iron
— Cylinder Head Semi-Permanent, Mold Aluminum
— Intake Manifold Die Cast Aluminum
— Exhaust Manifolds Nodular Cast Iron
— Crankshaft Nodular Cast Iron
— Connecting Rod One Piece Steel Forging
— Piston Permanent Mold Aluminum
— Front Cover Die Cast Aluminum
— Water Pump Die Cast Aluminum
— Rocker Arm Cover Injection Molded Nylon
— Oil Pan Stamped Steel
Performance with 7200 Carburetor:
Maximum BHP at RPM — SAE Gross 139(4)4300
— SAE Net 118(4)4000
Maximum Torque at RPM, Lb.-Ft. — SAE Gross 200(4)2500
— SAE Net 186(4)2000
Firing Order 1-4-2-5-3-6
Oil Capacity, Including Filter, Qt. 5
Oil Pressure, Normal, PSI at RPM 40-60@2000
Weight, Dressed less Starter, Dry, Lb. 351
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018
This paper is subject to revision. Statements and opinions ad- Persons wishing to submit papers to be considered for pre-
vanced in papers or discussion are the author's and are his sentation or publication through SAE should send the manu-
responsibility, not SAE's; however, the paper has been edited script or a 300 word abstract of a proposed manuscript to:
by SAE for uniform styling and format. Discussion will be Secretary, Engineering Activity Board, SAE.
printed with the paper if it is published in SAE Transactions.
For permission to publish this paper in full or in part, contact 90
page booklet. Printed in U.S.A.
the SAE Publications Division.