Activity No 4
Activity No 4
Activity No 4
History -I
1. Define History?
The branch of knowledge dealing with past events. a continuous, systematic narrative
of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually
written as a chronological account; chronicle: a history of France; a medical history of
the patient.
History is the study of life in society in the past, in all its aspect, in relation to present
developments and future hopes. It is the story of man in time, an inquiry into the past
based on evidence. Indeed, evidence is the raw material of history teaching and
History teaches us to move forward, recognize our mistakes and learn from them, and
ultimately create a better existence for all. For these reasons, it is imperative for a
comprehensive instruction in history to be part of every student's education.
The Past Teaches Us About the Present Because history gives us the tools to analyse
and explain problems in the past, it positions us to see patterns that might otherwise
be invisible in the present – thus providing a crucial perspective for understanding
(and solving!) current and future problems.
COLLINGWOOD expressed this with admirable economy when he said that we learn
three things from studying the past: "what it is to be a man, what it is to be the kind of
man you are, and what it is to be the kind of man you are and nobody else" (The Idea
of History, New York, 1956, 10).
History is inescapable. It studies the past and the legacies of the past in the present.
Far from being a 'dead' subject, it connects things through time and encourages its
students to take a long view of such connections. All people and peoples are living
histories.By studying history, we can learn the lessons of our past and prevent
ourselves from making the same mistakes. So I think history is quite important.
3. Understand Identity
Nations are made up of a collection of stories and legends. These stories shape the
way we think about our country and our standing within it. History is where we learn
about how great institutions are formed, and how they’ve contributed to where we are
For many of us, looking back at incredible fellow countrymen is a way of establishing
our own identity. Finding who we are and what mark we can make on the world is a
huge part of childhood. Allowing children to learn about the identity of their country
is one way of facilitating that.
4. Become Inspired
Those historical stories can also serve to inspire individuals to greatness. History
remembers brilliant people and their heroic acts that have changed the shape of
nations. You get a huge amount of motivation from learning about the inspirational
events that make up where we are today.
It only takes one great story from the pages of history to light up children’s
imagination and spur them on to do great things.