Our Town February 13, 1926
Our Town February 13, 1926
Our Town February 13, 1926
SCOUTS IS MADE Shown at Council Meeting A CIVIC LEADER Information has been received
by one of our readers that repre-
sentatives of the State Depart-
Fathers' Association Sends The consideration of reports cost of both sides of Rockland Was F ou~der of Narberth ment of Animal Industry will be Eastern Main Line Will Be
at Narberth about the last week
Open Letter to Local and the introduction of an ordi- avenue. Civic Association and of this month to check up on un- Served by New Trade
Residents. nance to, keep trash from the The report of the auditors, like First President. licensed dogs, Organization.
streets compnsed most of the many similar financial statements, All persons having dogs un~
$720.00 IS THE 1926 GOAL Iblul':lilnt.ess b,.efore Council Monday depended entirely upon the point PROMINENT licensed will be prosecuted, and
ownerless dogs will be shot. A SHULL IS PRESIDENT
~ of view as to how it would be re- former campaign in Narberth
. . The ne,~ ordinance; introduced garded. It shows that the Bor- left weeping and wailing and
Plans tor carrymg O~l tl.;e work by Mr. Kaeber, would prohibit ough is well inside its statutory 'Augustus]. Loos, of 4 1 7 Haver- gnashing of teeth, hence this
A new Rotary Club, to include
of ~he Boy Scouts at Narberth the depositin~ of trash and all debt limit and that the amount of ford avenue, one of Narberth's old- timely warning. members fr0111 nine communities of
dunng the present vear were k' d j;' b' b · bl tt indebtedness is not excessl've, On est and best-loved residents, died the eastem Main Line, was formed
made public this week by the N111 bS 0 0 Jec t Iona Ie n:t a e; 0ld1 Tuesday night at his home after Tuesday evening.
th 'A . t' ' ar ert 11 streets. t IS alme the other hand, it also revealed the '11 d' I
F<a ers ssocla IOn 111 an open largel at st 'eke
etter addressed to the citizens of I ~'. 01 " epers w 10 111SlS
1" t larlle floating- indebtedness of an I ness exten 111gover severa
~ ~ Iu,onths. He was 72 years of age.
BASEBALL LEAGUE Representatives of Rotary Inter-
national began nearly two months
Narberth. This letter was sent on . s\\,eepI?g the garbage from about $40,000, which indicates an
'd t f th B 1 j theIr shops on to Haverford ave- undesirable situation. This condi- : A modest and unassuming man, WILL ELECT HEADS ago the task of surveying the busi-
o evelry re~1 e~ 0b be., oroug 1, nue. tion can be greatly relieved if all Mr. Loos' influence has long been ness sections of Narberth, Cynwyd
as we l as Its su ur s. I ' I ' ' . I h 1 felt in Narberth's civic life, and I'n May Arrange for Eight-Club and nearby centres. Local men were
T Ie recent c la 10'e n stre t CItizens W 10 ave recent y re- appointed as organizers, and 25
The Fathers' Association is now clealll. 10- pIa. l' b lb. h Ih H e - ceived bills for sidewalk, curb and musical activities of tIle Mal'n LI·ne. Circuit-Four Seek
an incorporated organization.,. I.", I. ::>, Y w IC business men, representing as many
'01 d a\ enue IS cleaned thr nl street Improvements WI' 1pay 1 ' He ,vas Olle of the founders and
Franchises. lines of trade, were asked to become
This was done in order to bo - i v e 'k I ff d d ee I. 1 esf promptly. Further relief can be ,vas fi rst presl'dent 0 f t h e N arberth
it the proper leO'al identity in a wee', las a or e some re ~e , obtained if Council should decide Cjvic Association. Through that ASHLAND WILL DROP charter members of the new club.
furthering the sco~t mo\:emeilt in l~u~,shopkeeI?ers are as yet paymg to collect about $10,000 of old out- body he became interested in the A supper meeting at the Cynwyd
t NeTra~.b'~Trthhe' sAccOctlotrd,!~olgrktol'stchaerrll.eetd-~;~;e:tsa.~~~~l~I~~I;et~utl~~;~~f::.s
, b 11 d fi f
T~~ standing liens by foreclosure pro- improvement of the lower Willdsor-
f ceedings if necessary. Action in Wynnewood section, and was one of
6n by this association. which now new .I prO'll es nes or 0 - connection with these old liens the prime lllovers in the reclaiming Line Baseball League has been is- Thursday night. There it was
Club, at which Philadelphia Rotar-
A call for a meeting of the Main ians were guests, was held last
collects and distributes funds, and fenders. " . may be expected soon from the of a lot of swamp land to form the sued by President Harrv J, Mos- unanimously voted to organize a
selects the Troop Committee, who, The td.ISCuss.Ion of finances,. m new s t an d'mg con11111ttee . on l'lens pI'esellt Narberth Park. . teller, of Ardmore. TIle' session club and apply for a charter. A
m turn, select the scoutmasters." cOn ne\lOn 'i' I h
lt : t Ie si ree: pav l g which was appointed by President
h Mr. Loos was also a member of will be held in the Autocar Ath- second meeting on Tuesday night of
The letter was' in the nature cos t s, rQug It tort 1 tIe .act t at Griswold when the present Coun- the board of directors of the Y. M. letic Association building in Ard- this week completed organization.
of an appeal for financial assist- Ferguson ~ Fe~guson,.bUIlders of cil was organized. C. A., and after the death of that more Monday night. Twenty-one charter members,
ance. The itemized budget ap- the op~ratlOl~ 111 Menon on the Tl f I I organization, was interested in the At that time officers for the about equally divided between Nar-
pended to it shows that $720 will south. Side O! Rockland. avenue, C Ie. report 0 t le I- ighway us'e of tIle funds renlainl'ng, for a coming season will be elected and berth and Cynwyd, comprise the
be required to carr)' on the ac- contnbuted ,'I'
<'::800 to the 1I11plO' ' 'e omnl1ttee
- . indicated that good civI'c·pur!)ose. He ,v'as cllairillan of action taken on clubs seeking new club. The territory includes
ment ot that street progress IS being made on the con-
tivity of the boys this year. , ,. . . . f tIIeB orough storage the Recreation Board, and through I franchises in the leal:!'ue. ~
Usually Bala, Cynwyd, Merion, Narberth,
T.here is an item of $240 cover- T IlIS con tTl b utlo.n was. entire Iy!structlon 'ld'
I . I b I . his connections with the Y. M. C. A. this preliminary orl:!'anization Pencoyd, Barmouth, \Vest Mana-
1 t tl 1 Id 1 )til mg, w lIC 1 pro a Jly WIll be .~ ~
ng the mortgage interest on the \'0 U~l ary. as lelr I? ~ngs ay ready for occupancy in l\-Tarch. directorate was a big factor in the work is not done until late spring Junk, Faiview and vVynnewood.
property on which the scout cabin outSIde th.e ..BOIyugh. 1 hell' agree- This report also dealt in some de- improvement of the playground and but President :Mosteller wants The "classification" rule, the
IS located To heat and light it will ment to ~Olll .111 the cost on an tail with the situation which has in the erection of the new COll1lllUn- everything put in ship shape dur- backbone of Rotary membership,
take $30, while repairs to the ex- equal baSIS With Narberth prop- developed on Rockland avenue in ity building there out of Y. M. C. A. ing the winter months so all will permits but one member from each
tent of $150 are urgentlv required. erty o:v~lers was regarded by the connection with sidewalk bills, funds. be ready for an early start in the line of business. The survey shows
Last year a start ~\'as made at,ltt;l1'ltles as an unus.ual example and the Highway Committee was Until last year he served on the spring. that the present business sections
toward" transfonninO" the cabin 01 air play, as otherWIse Narbe~th Board of Trustees of the Narberth Ashland, one of the clubs in the will allow a maximum enrollment
111tO a tile and stu~co structure would have had to bear the entire CON~'INUED o:\' 'rHl~ THIRD PAGE Pr~sbyterian Church. A proficient six-club circuit of last year, has of 67 in the new body.
from one of wood, To complete violinist, he was a member of the announced its intention of drop- The charter members are: John
the alterations $200 will be need- POOR DIRECTOR SPEAKER I BIG NOVELTY FOR first violins of the Main Line 01'- ping out but all the, other regulars A, Miller, roofer; Howard F. Cot-
ed this year. It has been thought AT NARBERTH LEAGUE FIREMEN'S BANQUET chestraand a vice-president of that of last season are expected back. ter, g roc e l' ; Conrad A I b r e c h t.
most desirable to complete this _ body. These clubs are Narberth, Bala- n u r s e l' y man; Vvalter G'. Case;
work in the interest of the com- Women Hear Talk by Mrs. Speeches, Music~ Surprises Will I-Ie was born on Staten Island, Cynwyd, Ardmore Kaseys. Paoli elecrrieian; Dr. Car.l W. White,
fort, welfare and pride of the boys. Euphemia Dunn Feature Event. N. Y., the son of Mr. and :Mrs. and Berwyn. physician; Dr. E. S. Deubler, dairy
farmer; Fred vValzer, painter and
inted. which ",ill take $'.. ,~), \\,lll'le Good speeches will be heard at Alexander Loos.. H~ g~adua8ted
The -woodwork will have to be .
At the meeting of the Narberth The advisability of enlarging the
pa • 'j • • from Cornell Umverslty m 1 77 league to an eight-club circuit will decorator; Philip Atlee Livingston,
for miscellaneous items the bud- League of \Vomen Voters, held the dl11ner to be given to the N ar- and then worked as a reporter on be one of the things to come up publisher; Dr. Rayman M. Staley,
get provides the sum of $.'j;j.~ :\Ionday af.ternovn, Febrllary8, berth Fire Company on Thurs-" t11e'-Ne\\; York Tribune. -- for settlement. The Autocar, - of vererinarian; L. Stanley King-, drug-
Guiding Boys to Manhood. Mrs. Euphemia Dunn, one of the day evening, February, 25, of Mr. Loos was a member of the Ardmore, and the Preston A. A., gist; William H. Decker, plumber;
"The honor and privileg-e of as- Directors of the Poor for Mont- course. But there will be new and firm of Loos and Dilworth, oil of Bryn Mawr, both of which were Alvin E. Shull, lumber man; Guy
Croyle, highway construction; Ro-
sisting in training our boys of gomery County, was present and original entertainment features- merchants, 134 South Front street. Irepresented in the twilight lea§lue bert J. Boyd, banker; Charles B.
today to become the right kind ot 1 t f' . I '1 Before foundinO" his own firm he last summer, have already apphed
nlell I'n tIle ftlttll'e I'S here!)y e,'"- -, addressed the members, !!'ivinll ~ ~ [J en y! 0d mUSIC, '11" songs m w lIC 1I was connected l the tidewater for f
: > , -.
with l 'lIses 111
ranc 1 S atur day Aldred, meats, fruits, vegetables;
. tIe
tended to you," is the way the them some idea of the duties of every)o ~ WI . J?m, a:l,d a rea Oil Company. League. \Vayne, an old-time James E, Dolan, real estate; Dr.
Fathers' Association addresses the that officer, so that they would n(~velty 111 ,addltIOI!. 1 he com- He is survived by his widow, member of the league, is also Herbert "TaiteI' Bieber, protestant
clergyman; Frank P. Kromer, taxi
citizens of the Borough. be better able to decide whether n~lttee w<;>n t. tell Just what the Mrs. Jenny Beatty Loos, a son, Paul a.nxious to get bac~ and Brook- service; Joseph J. Skelton, Jr., coal
"In the little scout cabin at £lm- or not a trained social service IHg surpn~e IS to be-but tho~e R, and two daughters, Fanny H. hne ?quare Clu!) IS already to dealer ; James Carroll, cemetery
wood and Essex avenues," the \vorker was necessary in the field. who ar~ 111 the secret sa~ tIllS and Mrs. \Valter Dothard, all resi- \enter If room for It can be made. memorial builder; William H. Gillis,
letter continues, "a real, consis· The aPl)ointment of such a persoll alone Will be worth the' pnce of dents of Narberth public service man of the Philadel-
tent e ff0 rt I's!)emg . ma d e t 0 t ram . \\'a" l'econl111elldecl to tIle Poor the ticket. Better make your F<unera - .' I JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL NEWS phia
~ l'e."el'\'atl'oll at Ollce. I servIces were IIe11( at 2.30 _ Electric Co.
our boy~ to become good, honor· 13 I d' b' ~
able citizens. oarc, an IS ell1g sponsored, by The affair will be held in ,Elm yes,tcrday aftern.oon from the late' Interesting Notes From the Top of Officers chosen are: President,
the Montgomery County League Hall. Many residents, anxious reTslden~e. Bunal was made at the Hill Alvin E. Shull; vice-president, John
"A national program IS being of \Vomen Voters. v\ t t C t
. d h bIb I to render tribute to the outstand- 'es mll1s er eme ery. l'lle Classl'cal Clt1!) tilldel' tile A. Miller; secretary, Robert J.
carne out \V ere y t le 0)', ( ur- Those who attended the meet-
supervision of Miss Tyson, pre· Boyd; treasurer, William H. Deck-
C' •
ing his childhood and adolescent, I ing eJiiClency of our local com- QUOTA CARD PARTY
perl'ods, COllles tInder l'llf1uellces I1lg earned' a great , deal in regardd I)any, arc interesting themselves PI'esl'clellt Cooll'(lge has said: sen tecI aL a t'111 program on F n· . er; directors, Dr. E. S. Deubler,
· h 1 '1 . . t0 "IeItUlle reqtllre
to respon in the success of the banquet. I F b "']'1 fi t Howard F. Cotter and L. Stanley
Postmaster Patten has tickets "1 wish to give expression to my It ay, e Iruary i.l. . Ie rs L11l11~1- King; sergeant-at-arms, J. ]. Skel-
w h IC , W 11 e pen11lttll1g proper to the innumerable demands made
self-expression, regulate and guide tl . ffi Th . interest and sympathetic attitude to- )er on t le program was a attn ton. Jr.
hl'm to"rard better Inanhood." upon., 11S0 f0 tl Ie cer. e una11lmous on sale,. and as chairman of the pl ' a R oman sc h 00.I
°IJII110n mee t'mg was t Ilat ciltertalllnlellt .
conlll1lttee 1)I"Oml'ses \\'al'd tIle Leabo'lle of \Homell '\ ay representlllg
The weekly luncheon meeting will
T he letter was signed by £. P. such a worker was much neede-t. 'I I . I Voters," This was given by the Boys' Latin be held every Tuesday at the Cyn-
Dold, R. J. Nash and E. Ie Mon- u t lat t ley WIll purc lase a remark- Team from the eighth grade. Next
nington for the Fathers' Associa. Mrs. Dunn stated in this regard ahly enjoyable evening. To support this organization, in followed a play on the same order wyd Club dining room. The eve-
tion, and by the personnel of the that she would ask that the ap- which our President expressed an given by the Girls' Team.' After ning monthly meetings are sched-
JOintee be a wonlall, as t'lle mo"t AFTER DRUGSTORE COWBOYS l'llterest, a tqtlota is IJaid I)y s each e rival teams had presented uled for the first Tuesday, with the
T roop Committee, namely. C. I ~ h e
1\'1. Little, chairman: E. C. Gris- work was in connection with the· Seventeen of Narberth's youths League to the County League, their plays the audience voted ml annual meeting falling in April.
wold, F. A. Lanahali. vValton 11. outside relief in homes, where a were summoned to appear before who in turn support the State the merits of the two teams. It
'Ventz and 'Edwin T. \.Volf. woman's advice would be the Burgess Frye in Elm Hall Mon- League and they the 'National was decided that the Boys' Team MOLESTING HOUSES
There are at the present time most valuable. day night, charged with corner League. So it is therefore of the had done better work, and that Residents of the north side have
on the rolls of the two scout During the discourse Mrs. Dunn lounging. utmost importance that we meet their play found greater favor been annoyed, and in some cases
troops in the Borough the names stated that she had become well The arrests were made bv Offi- our quota, with the audience. Susan Reevs burglarized during the past month
of 4.5 boys. 'froop No.1 is in acquainted ,dth Narberth and cer Girvin, on the compl~int of The quota card party to be held then read a poem, a mixture of by a negro, claiming to be a coal
charge of F. 1'. VanAuken, scout- vicinity, having occasion, fre- someone who alleged that insult- in the Y. ,M. C. A. on Februarv 28, Latin and English, entitled, man.
master, while 1.' N, \\Tilson is quently, to -report on applications ing remarks had been passed at a is for the purpose of raisi~g a "Felis." The final number was The man rings the door bell.
scoutmaster of Troop No.2. for such aid as they are called woman going by. 'fhe arrests took part of this quota. Two tickets "The Slave Girl," presented by Finding no one apparently at
Joint meetings of the troops are upon to supply. This was sur- place at the corner adoining have been l11 aile d to each member. the Latin Club. This play, por- home he makes his way to the
prising to those l)resent and, as a Crane's drug store. It is hoped they will dispose of trayill([ Ronlall II'fe I'n the days cellar. If detected he has a glib
result of interest manifested, she 1'1Ie 0 ffen d ers were releaSe ' d t Ilem. c of -Caesar
and Cicero, was given story of a mistaken address to
COMMUNITY CLUB cited a case in our midst where "a with a warning by the burgess, If each member and hiend of in English. The play tells the tell.
___ little human kindness and a word who deClares that a repetition will the League will do. their bit, a big story of a slave girl who lives }\Joney and valuables were
Popular Meeting Next Tuesday With of encouragement would do a result in fines. part of the quota Will be the result. with a family of the Roman no- taken from the home of John C.
Fashion Show. world of good." Those present at ----------....;..-;---.-------....;..------__ bility. 'rhe adopted son of the Nash on vVynnedale road several
The \Vomen's Community Club once took measures to express
will hold its regular meetinO' in such interest and good-will.
L oweT M· S · W.It h an
eTlon UTpTlses
I family falls violently in love with
'her, This enrages the father, who
weeks ago, and a negro was dis-
covered in the house of Council-
the Y. M. C. A., at 2.ao P.bM., The chairman brought to the at- Easy V· t O R d F. threatens to sell the girl back
man John R Hall, of Sabine ave-
Tuesday, February 16. After the tention of the League the need of Ie OTy ver a nOT IOe . into slavery. At this point in the nue. A number of other houses
in that section have reported ap-
business session the afternoon supporting the election reform story an old woman, who had
parent attempts at robbery.
will be given over to Strawbridge bills. about to come before the Lower Merion accomplished the an exceedingly successful week for been the girl's guardian at an
& Clothier's Fashion Show. Miss Legislature, which have been ad- unexpected Tuesday night when 'it the Maroon and White passers. It earlier date, arrives 011 the scene KING'S DAUGHTERS' SUPPER
Stroh! has promised a real spring vocated by the League of Women journeyed to Wayne and toppled the ,,:as their third straight tri~mph in and gives a necklace to the lover.
Don't miss the King's Daugh-
showmg; the newest lines, ma- Voters throughout the State. A Radnor High basketball team' 33 to SIX days. Swarthmore High was This necklace, worn by the
terials and accessories straight motion was passed authorizing the 23 on its own floor. Radnor's bril- first downed 22 to 20 and Chester daughter of the family when she ters' supper, Thursday evening
February 18, 5.30 P. M., at· the
from Paris. This should insure sending of a telegram to both liant five early in the season van- was next scalped, 34 to 8. disappeared years before, dis-
Y. M. C. A.
a record attendance. Hon. Fletche'r "T. Stites and Ben- quished Norristown, which beat the One of the tightest games of the closes the fact that the slave girl Tickets, 50 cents each, from any
The Community Club wishes to jamin Ludlow, urging that they Marf?On and 'White a week ago, and season is' expected tonight when the is the long-lost daughter. The member of the King's Daughters,
remind the people of Narberth of support the election reform meas- Lower Merion's chances for victory Adam coach passers meet West marriage of the adopted son and or at the door. .
the emergency aid to be obtained ures. were regarded as slim prior to the ~hester, present third place holders the daughter follows, and all ends The menu follows: Mashed
through its Welfare Committee. fracas. m· the Class A Suburban League. Happily. ' potatoes, baked beans, macaroni
This committee has all sorts of FIRST MOVEMENT FEATURE The surprise was all the more This quintet gave Lower Merion a The cast of characters: and cheese, saur kraut, frank-
sick room appliances and comforts The feature number at the second agreeable by the easy manner in stiff battle last time they met and Egeria, the slave girl, Elizabeth furters, hot biscuits, ice cream
which may be. borrowed at any concert of the Main Line Orchestra which the Ardmore quintet drew it is looked to put up a still better Terry; Valeria, her mother, Ruth and cake, coffee.
time by applying- to Mrs. Dun- to be held on February 21 at the away from its opponent. At no fi~ht this evening when the contest Walker; Rufinus, her father, Ma-
stan Smith, 128 Woodside avenue, Ardmole 'fheatre will be the first time during the scrap did the-Wayne will be played on its own floor. deline Baughman; Aulus,' the The Women's Missionary Society
~arbert~ 338-J. Th?ug~. no ~ovement from the Italian Sym~ "Davids" seriously threaten. the in- Should West Chester vanquish the adopted son, Virginia Eyre; MeI- of the Lutheran' Church will hold
th arge IS made for thIS serVIce, phony by Mendelssohn. Adolph vaders. . The score at half tUIle ,was Ardmore five it will go into a tie issa, the old woman, ,Ernestine its monthly meeting at the home of
ose benefitted. ar~ usually glad Vogel, conductor,. has arranged ii 2I'tO., 10 favor of Lower Merion. for second place with the Maroon Hunt; Ajax, a slave, Emma Lentz. Mrs. Ripper, 405 Dudley avenue,
to make some gtUm return. program of attractive numbers. The victory came as a climax ,to and White. CONTIN11BD ON TBlD BllCOND PAOli next Tuesday at 2 P. M.
OUR'foWN •
brew Association. Mrs. George Abbott, Jr., of Tide CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS mDliilllliiJili·_eM"!!idmgnhl!!DII1I'l!nWlH"'''''IiIi''''liiili''iiliiilUiDD~IDlIIlIJIIIIIII1I1lIIllJilllliiJil_IIIII!DIIIII-nllliDlllllllIIIIlIJIlDIlq''''-_''"!DIID""'"iIIIIII-_1IIIUIII!
OUR TOWN 1 The girls are trying to find a Mills Farms, Salem, N. J., spent the Minimum, 30 cents. Prioe, 2 cents a ;
arge. room in which to hold their week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. foord. Three insertions for tlle price of
Care Gw·ded by
A Co-operative Co.rmnunity Journal meetmgs and for general .. use. Tobert, of Price avenue. two. Classified advertisements foill be
Owned by the. Narherth Clvle ABBoclatloD They want to furnish and decorate" --- .
ro~m ti~e
received by telephonc from sllbscribersl
and pUhllshed ever7 BaturdR7 at
Narberth, PL
this in for some special Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollar, of Nar-I \VANTED-Furnished apartment, 2 or
entertal11ments In March. If any- berth, held a card party and lunch- 3 rooms•.mnrried businei!S couple. Reilly I Experience
Philip Atlee Livingston I
one knows of such a room please eon on Saturday in honor of the. to "K," cnre of Our Town, P. O. Box 966, Ii!
Edilor and pullrllller c~mmunicate with the Camp Fire "Drako Club," of Philadelphia. The Nnrberth.
]. Richmond Magney GIrls at Narberth Junior High !guests were Mr. James Haines, Mr. 1 -G-A-R-A-G-E-f-o-r-r-el-It-,-r-ea-so-n-n-b-le-.-S-ou-t-h
AnocWte IIIdUor
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, (j)ne DolJar aDd School. Thomas McCaffrey, Miss Betty I Klirberth lIvenue. Phone Knrberth 1G42-J.
Fifty Cents per year In RdnDe- TI~e Scribbler's Club was en- Sheller, Miss ~uth Powell, Mr. and ROOl\( for rent. with or without board.
tertamed on 'Vednesday evening Mrs. Sundernllerer, Mr. and Mrs. Phone Xarberth 3!};j-R.
at the home of Beulah Chalfant McCaffrey and Mr. and Mrs. Hol- FOR SALE-Cpright mllhoglln~' pillno ;
in honor of Valentine's day. lar. in good condition ; Yer~' reasonable.
I Phone Karberth 1247·.J.
The Junior Dramatic Club's
l)rogram planned for Friday, Feb- SCOUTS SEND OPEN FOR RENT-Desil'lIble rooms in pri·
ruary 12, was postponed in order LETTER TO RESIDENTS \'ate home without board. Convenient to
that Lincol~l's anniversary might , . " , station. 1'. O. Box IH:~,
be appropr~ately. re~ognized. A CO~ rumED !. !W~! THE FmST PAGE
Enterecl 8S second-class matter. October pr~gra.m ot patriotIc s~)Ilgs and held regularly every Monday eve- 150 lIecessnr~' llroduet~ to est3lblished
15tb. 1914. at the Post Office at Narbf'rth.
Pennsylvania. under the act of Marcb 8. reCItations. commemoratIve of the nino- from 7.30 to 8.30 o'clock The u~ers.. Extracts, soap", tood !ll'oducts, etc.
T he Freshm~n dance, whiah the first of the year, of the ne,\ . (2·27-20) You may bring your prescriptions to us for
was the crown1l1g event of the policy of permitting the boys to _ . ' .
To the Editor of "Our Town": Y
ear for •
the ninth •
o-rad e, was h. eId se Iec.t f"10111 among t.1lelr
I . own Chester FOR SALE-1,·acre farm at LIonville,
count~". on lIew mllcadam rondo
filling with a feeling of absolute confi-
Our schools have been particular- ~m FrIday even1l1g 111 the audltor- number the one who is to con- S·rooUl house. Delco plant electric light dence. C~re guided by experience and
lum of the school. There were duct the rerrular meetino', This and bath. n!buurlance of fruit. J. T. Bar-
ly fortunate lately when the board several special numbers on the in itself is ;roving an :dded at. ~I~~'. 83 Sabine a\"enue. Phone N'lll'berth a stock of chemically pure Drugs guard
was able to get the acceptance of program. traction for the older scouts and _;I.~9·.J. (2-20-26) your trust in this store.
Col. Isadore Miller to fill the vacan-
cy made by the resignation of Mr.
Madeline Baughman,
IS ~e"eloping, in a marked d;gree, . ~OR S~~E-Buick roadstel'. good c?n-
selt-confidence and leadership dlt:on. $1,.). J. T, Barcln~", 33 Snbme I
Mr. Miller is a man of recognized
Elizabeth Terry. among the rank and file of scouts ,m'nue.
in both troops. I SALES:\IEN!
(2-20-26) CRANE'S
ability, recognized by his employer,
the P. R R, by the responsible posi- THE FIRESIDE Contributions toward the Bo\
Scout work for ] 926 can be mad~ The era of automatic oil heating is here!
The Busy Drug Store
tion he holds with that company. to the officers of the Fathers' As-' The oil burning industQ" offers grellter A t the Station
During the war, General Atter-I Mr. \V. J. Peebles, of lona ave- sociation, or to the members of ollportunities for the present lind future
bury made use of Col. Miller's abil- nue, has returned from a two the Troop Committee.
ity in the administration of the weeks' trip to JacksonviIle, Fla. - , I"
than. UU,\' other ~eld of endeavor.
e 111'1' the pIOneers and the lenders o~
'Phone 1620 We Deliver Any where
.' Th roug h t Ile co 1umns ot 'Our this great industry. A thoroughly proved _UliUlIllllllllllJlllIUUIEII1iIIIIIIII!Il1IIJ1ll1111J1J111I11ID11UJU1l1ntmllllm1lllDll1l1lIffiIllIlllDU1liliIUUllllllllillllliillDIlDIlmumammmullI1Um_mllntlOI11l11ll1li1lllUDIUBiIIMllilliII@lDiOlIOiHl
French railroads for war purposes. .
W. W. Atterbury would quite Mr. Ralph Megee, of Dudley 1 ?wn" prop.er aCknoWle.dgment"l'rOdnCt. ,with hundreds of satisfied IOClll ¥ " . - . . u ..... ..... ."...~ w
. . . . ft ft . .
uu. W
avenue, has returned from a trip Will be made to the donor al- u;;ers. El!(ht ~'erlrs on the nlltionnlmnrket.
naturally choose the best for his though no amount of any indivi- APllrO\"ed b~' th.e ,underwrit~rs lll?orllto~ie..~
own aids and it is a high compli- to Florida. dual co It il t' '11 b b l ' I find all nuthorlties gO\'ernlllg OII·burnmg
, 1_ r )U 101! WI e pU IS 1- in:'!nllatinn.
ment to our townsman to be chosen rr
l\Iiss Grace Pa r do was th e guest ed. E. K. l\Iollnln 0 toll ,vI'11 act as Du(' tn th" O\'('rwhelnllng ' demand for
to administer the finances of the •l ' )
French railroad under a man of At- ot honor at a dinner given Tues- secretary-treasurer of the Fathers' om equipment, w(' need more salesmen THIS IS TO THE LADY OF THE HOUSE
day evening by Mr. and Mrs. Association, while Edwin T. 'VoH on the )lain Line.
terbury's ability. V\T. A. Kelley, 301 Haverford ave- will occupy a similar position on We must h'1\'e high caliber men of un-
Our School Board chose Mr. nue. :Miss Pardo is returnin to the Troop Committee.
nf integrit~· who
tIlal(ln/: a perlllflnent are. desirou~
connectIon where
Miller to have charge of the finances
Altoona Hospital, where she has the retUl'n~ alld lldmncement will only be A Bank account is particularly valuable to the
of the School District and it is quite had charge of the operating room SH ER I FF SELLS I'mited b\' their nbilitv and effort. .
Floatel:,. need IIOt ~pp~y, .,
safe to say that they will be well for 12 years. She was nurse to the Housekeeper.
The house and lot of Ray \Veiss,
taken care of. It is also certain that I~te J. B. Di"en, lvIrs. Kelley's fonner garage ancl automobile deal- If ~'ou hve 011 th(' :\1'~\11 LlIle alld are It saves those petty annoyances so often concurrent
an executive of Mr. Miller's caliber sister. The 17ue"ts l'llcluded fI'I'ellds er in Narberth va \\' ellllllo~'e(1 nnd makmg a success in
~ L' ,~ S so l (asi l t W ed_l ~'our III'e8l'nt 11'01'1,. let us show vou the with the payment of your household bills-making
is an asset to the board and that he of Mrs. Kelley ancl Miss Pardo in nesday by .Shenff Fox in N orris- pos~ibilitie~ for a greater future i~ all in-
will have his own opinions on each addition to Miss :May Diven,' of town to satisfy a debt of $2403.io. dustry which i~ destined to be second only change, asking for a receipt, being sure you have the
subject presented to him for con- O,-erbrook, Nancym James and ,'V. C,. Alexander, Jr., attorney, se- to thn~ of the ?utomob.i1e.. . "cash on hand."
sideration as a member of our Francis Di"en, children of the late cured It at a bid of $300 .•~1I mfol'lnntlou recell'ed Will be kent III The little stub on your check-book will tell you
board. Mrs. Diven. .' Slrlct (·nnfidence.
:::l:::l'::m:!~'::!:.::l::::l":'l":~~'n:':~~:·,'l'::~'·:~~''!'~'':'~~·:'~'':'l''r:ln:l''::~'!::~':r:~'''''·.i Ph 0 Ill' 0 l' II' rite fn l' nJlIlOintmentwith plainly "how much" and "where" the money went;
As a proof of the executive abil- ....." "." ···"..• • "·..,, ,· "'··i!il )Jr. Brolllund. District )lanager. nt ~lIr-
ity of the new school directors in-
Mrs. Robert M. Towll. of
Th e m b~'l·th 1784. 01' Buclde~:-Scott, Inc" 717
l::l =";H'th Broad street. _Plnladelphin, Poplar
the neatly designed check, easily filled in and signed,
cluding Col. Miller, may be men- will be a pleasure to dispense. Payment by check'
Beachwood lane, is spendinO' a i:;l ShOO bl'tweeu 4 lind ') P, 1'1. Mondav nnd
tioned the innovation in Narberth ~ii! 'fue~day. is a reliable, dignified method of settling your
of placing the entire responsibility week in Atlanta, Georgia. 0 Most Popular . . Iui
obligations-and a sure pr09f that they have. been
for the choice of and results from
the teachers on the broad shoulders Wilmer G. Crowell, famed foot- Substitute...... I!!I,-----------'---- met.
?all player and referee, is laid up ~';
Hereafter he will choose the teach- 11~ the Medico-Chirurgical Hos-
of Prof. Wilson, the principal.
te solve your heating !ii TAXI SERVICE
pItal for. a!l operation on his hip. problems in these 'un-);,! P. F. DONAHUE
ers subject to the approval of the Residence, Station,
He was 1I1Jured some vears arro at ,; usual times is !::l
bring better results than the usual college, and last fall, ,,;hile re~ree- 1:'1 Rainey Wood Coke
board of directors. This may not Narberth 1731
H Baggage Called for and Delivered Narberth 1713-W THE NARBERTH NATIONAL BANK
custom, but it certainly should.
A. E. 'VOHLERT, 1;~11 ~~m~~l~~la~~h~flwR~~r~r~~~~ U
teatured, he ran after a fumbled
U We have had three
years' successful sales U
n 108 COXWAY AVENUE NARBERTH Open F1'iday evenings, 7 until 9
SCHOOL NEWS ball. A pi aver ran into him l::I to prove this to our" i::! rata - M~Ginle
U 218 N.13t..hS~ Phi a. ~
violen.tly, ~lislocatin.g the hip, and l'! selves; you can have n
CONTINUED FROM THE FIFTH PAGl'; res U It 1l1g 111 a senous1y 111 . t1 amed H i,.i its clean, well - sized .... n
condition which will probablv n S ove umps, ree rom ~.;~
t Iff Bell Keystone
Phone. SprucePhone.38-00 and 38-11'2 ~. ., ' ,......., " " " " ' ,......,"""""~-----.~ ..-----~
.". Raee 10-M
Coaches: Susan Reevs, Cath-
d . h' h
~I ;:~~:nto '~~ov~n ~ I
make an operation necessary. - U g s i .. i J':.i
erine Patton.
Stage l\lanagers: Vestus Spind- Me C. C. P. New"n,g was t,n- it e:: i:.·,::.. :.·'. ;;:., GARAnteed Roofs CLEARANCE·
After the play letters were d~red a surprise birthday party at ~
ler, Llewlyn Brooks.
:~d~ ~;~:~~~~u~I.rsJl:ha;I\~
'~ :f~:I:~'!~ :~ ~ ~k~~~~~'t
~r~.: :, .• B~:~~~~I~O. 'fi 2~~~~r~v~o~~;-1~ Sale of Lamps Ii
'awarded to the boys who earned
them on the soccer team, and to :.I"
the girls who earned them on the
hockey team. The boys who re- j::1 Phone, Narberth 375 Conlracior & Builder
ceived letters for soccer were:
Eugene Lane, captain; R. Cald-
well, E. Cunningham, E. Peters,
G. Torchiana, R Sigel, R. Young,
G. Burgess, H. Claypoole, R. Val-
lette, S. Thomas, C. Heckel, F.
Pugh, R. Banks. "-
The girls who were awarded Anthony Schmiedle, of Newark '
N. J.; :Miss Betty Hagen, 1\1r. and: PHONE, NARBERTH 1661·J
: ~~ ~~
letters for hockey were:
Eleanor Michaelsen, captain; Mrs. H. Seegen, Miss Ida Geist. '~~~,~._-,-,---,--,-,._ ... ,.---------_._-------,.---_: • ~ ~
Barbara Page, manager; R Cook, Mr. Fred Heune
P. Grant, H. vVohlert, A. Gregory, Powell, of Philadelphia; Miss Elva
E. Lentz, R. Hopkins, B. Piercy, NIiIler of Parkesburg. Pa., and Mr,
and Mr. Elwood •
Off i
K. Smith, A. 'Watson, B. Jones. Richard Ferry, of Woodbury, N. J.
On Tuesday afternoon, the
Mrs, Tames VV. Darville has re-
HEWIT'S ~ ..~
eighth and ninth grade girls met
for the second time in a volleyball turned from a, recent trip to New
game. The first and second in- York.
. nings of the game were won by
the ninth grade. Almira Gregory
was a fast worker for the ninth YE ODDITY SHOPPE 234 Haverford Avenue
Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers
'Phone, Narberth 1254 Ii Table, Floor, Bridge
grade; likewise Eleanor Michael-
sen. The last inning' of the game
was. won by the eighth grade, due
The Gift Shop of Narberth
For two weeks only is running
We Gall for and Deliver
1 and Boudoir Lamps 1
to Kathleen Herron's wonderful
service. She scored 13 points for
her team.
a cost-price sale of many
choice pieces to make room
for our new stock.
On 'Vednesday afternoon the
seventh grade boys played the Opcn Every Friday Eve. froll~ 7 to 9
ninth grade in a volleyball game.
ANNA CASE, America's Foremost Soprano
A~D~ORE ~HEATRE, ~ $1 and $2 Down ~ I
104 Forest Av~nue In Recital J':.i
The game was won by the ninth
grade, two games to nothing.
MARCH 7, AT 7.30 P. M.
The Camp Fire Girls are in the DIrection Mam Line Orchestra Association. Admis- ~ J':.i
midst ofa busy season. On Sat- sion by subscription only. $10.00 for season entitles
I I!
urday evening there will be a subscriber to two seats for following e'Vents:
ll!eeting of all the girls' orga.niza-
Orches~ra I and a year to pay
tlOns of Philadelphia. The Nar-
SD Mai:t Lione Concert with' Soloist---February
berth group was chosen to re-
present the Camp Fire Girls and
will give a 10 or 15 minute ;nter- oAIRI
ANNA CASE. "Intimate Recital"-March 7, 1926. .
Frt;lIch:Cook.Vogel. TriQ .with Soloist,-April 11, 1926.
e J':.i
tainment. :rhey are going to give MILKAND CREAM
'1"'~:::::::;~::f::';::'::"l92' ITHE COUNTIES GAS &ELECTRIC CO I
two comec!tes, ","Vild Nell, the Pet 758 LAN CASTER' AVE.
of the Cowboys," or "Her Final
Sacrific~:' and "The Alphabet
Tragedy." This "Frolic" will be
BRYN MAWR: ···JiQX·60:i, ARDMlnm,.PA.
!!5============================55=====e==::5:ii======"I,... ~,,,,,""~
Ardmore 17 .. Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 471
. " """"""",,,,,,,,...
held at the Young ';V01l1en's He- 'PHONE: BRYN MAWR. 882
. . . .
,. -"
GAS RANGE 217 Htn-erford Aloe. 215 J[averforll Ave. covered dish luncheon at 12.30 P. M.
to which all members and friends are
invited. All members are urged to
BaptIst Church of the Evangel.
Robert E. Keighton, minister.
remember to send or bring their Mite Services for Sunday, February 14:
The hair is in danger of Boxes to this meeting. 9.45 A. 1\L-Church School.
We will allow you $10 for your old coal, wood, becoming dull and Ius- The Best Substitutes for The regular business meeting will . 11..00 A. M. - Morning Worship.
treless in winter unless follow the luncheon. S~r1~lOn. :'Spelling Life V'lith f.our
oil or gas range, to apply on the purchase price it has special care and Anthracite Coal are- Thursday evening, choir rehearsal L s. Tins IS the ~econd of the Re-
attention. at 8 o'clock peated by Request sermons.
of a new Oven Heat Control Gas Range. S d · . F b " 7.00 P. M.-Young People's Serv-
We offer a regular O~ .un ay .evenu,1g, 'e ruary ~1, ~ ice in the Social Room of the Church.
Pocahontas Coal :t=:atnotlc Service WIll be .held at 7.40 7.30 P. l\I.-Union Service of the
course of
o clock, under. the ausplce~ of the Protestant Churches of Narberth held
Easy Term Payments and a year to pay Hot Oil Treatment Good-FellowshIp Clu~, at w~lch Sena- in the Lutheran Church. Our Church
For Furnaces tor Fletcher VI/. Stites Will be the unites
and Shampoo speaker . heartH)' not 0 nIy 111 . thOIS serVIce,.
'Phone lor Appointment-l!582'W The r'egular monthly meeting of the but 1Il the service for which it speaksl
Phone for a Representative
AT A SPECIAL PRICE Winifrede Coal Good-Fellowship Club will be held on \~~~npsd~f' ~erb:yu~rys 17:. T .
Tuesday, February 23, instead of "A . N~orm' al '-Cll 'st~ erEvice. . OPI~:
TI lyr sday 25 . D r. H ~ss. 0 f PIn'1 a de· I' "
Following Ian Service
this nPrayer xpenence; the
ELIZABETH WISLER Stove and Egg Size for plna, and Senator Stites a!e both on I' Quarterly Business !\Ieeting of the
THE COUNTIES GAS & ELECTRIC CO. Cor. Narberth & Haverford Av.
Furnaces. Nut Size for
Magazine and Hot-
the program for the evemng. .
The Church of Good-Fellowship has
a welcome for you at aU services.
Church will be held
Fir~t Church of Christ, Scientist.
Ardmore 17 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47 Water Heaters. The Presbyterian Church. \Vomen's Club Building, Ardmore
1'11Ol/c-Narbcrth 258?W avenue, Ardmore, Pa.
Rev. John Van Ness. minister. Sunday services, 11 A. 1\1.
Meetings for February 14: \Y d d
Anth1'acite Briquettes 9.30 A. l\I.-Bible School. A hearty . ~ nes ay evening testimonial
welcome for all. meet1l1g, 8 o'clock.
!III1111I111I1111111111111111111111111111111 III III 11I111111111111 II 11I1111I111I111111111I1111111111111I111I11111111111111111111I11111111111111111I11I1 II I1111I I!:
- §
11.00 A. M. _ Morning Worship. Reading room, 19 West Lancaster
--- ---
:: Dependable Quality Prompt Service For Furnaces, Small Brief sermon followed by the public avenue, open each week day, 10.30 to
• f new mem b ers an d t h e 4.30
-- Hot-Water Heater and
receptIOn 0
celebration of the Sacrament of the
ThP. M.b' f
e su ject 0 the Bible lesson ser-
mOil for February 14 is "Soul."
I re t ere nce to s h 0 vel ing side w a I ks ,
officially announced in a recent
-§ Curtice Bros. Blue Label Fancy Sound, black, glossy, genuine Old Reliable Red Ripe Large
Long Life for Your Clothes
issue ot "Our Town," the police
made a careful survey of all side-
:: Maine Corn Santa Clara Sunsweet Prunes :: walks in the Borough last Satur-
§ can lSc; 3 cans 50c 2 Ibs. for 25c can lSc; 3 cans 50c § day and Sunday when the .2-1-hour
§ Tapioca, Instantaneous pkg. 10c White Rock Water. pI. bot. 18c; dozen $2.10 §
---- The fact has been demonstrated that clothes that receive
the proper cleaning and pressing attention last longer than
the garments that are neglected.
It has also been demonstrated to the men and women of this
limit had expired. It was neces-
sary to warn sixteen property
borough that at this shop their clothes receive the proper owners that unless their walks
:: Kellogg's Pep
:: Cocoa, Hershey's
§ Park's Vanilla
pkg. Hc Canada Dry Ginger Ale, bot. lSc; dozen, $2.10 ::
1/2 -1b. can tSc Pure Olive Oil, Imported
2-oz. bot. 25c [Iodized Salt, Morton's
= qt. can $1.00
pkg. lOc §
and that we only make a fair profit from our were immediately cleaned they
woult! be sU1l11l1ol1ed before the
:: Dried Lima Beans
:: Quaker or Mother's Oats
lb. 15c Blue Label Catsup . .
pkg. 10c 1 Gulden's Mustard
2 bots. 2Sc ::
jar 13c ::
ADELIZZI BROS. Burgess and fined. It was not
necessary to issue any summonses,
CLEANERS-TAILORS-DYERS because the police warning proved
~ Libby Asparagus Tips large green can 35c Fancy York State Cooper Cheese lb. 38c § 102 Forest Ave. Narberth 2602 to be adequate. That was fortu-
:: Royal Jelatine Desserts, assorted .. 2 pkgs. 25c Pure Country Lard
3 cakes 20e
,:= I
'Eats? Sure. You can. depend
on chef Krauskop for that.
§,.~ /§ You don't need to be· a mem-
S· Fort Orange, 3 rolls 25c Large pkg. 23c can He ,'f:: berto attend this meeting. You
=.. , '.'.'= are ·all welcome.. Don't fotget the
§~s:~~~\·-:'~.:"S:'··"::"'~;·:~"~~.;:'1~l!:: ~~: .... ·'~:~··:i·:·~~~.'~~·.: ;~~.:::. ~.~~~~:.~~ ::';':.' -;·.:·,~,~·~~i :"'::::~'. #f:;';..:~.;" _-:Jf.~~~~~~:·:·'· .~;:~·:j"A·.';3~~MI'.;: •. '.', :.~:~~:~~:~·;~';l "l;~~:f~".~*r,;::;~} .:f~
::i'ili iiihii il ii.iilI.nlli lin.iIIIlIIIIUUII'1l1111111l i III i 1111I111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIiIiUI i 1I111111U1IIIIIii ililliii 11111 iI.i ii Ii'u;iIlli.i IiIiIii~<i uFr
: date. . .. " .
.,. PAGE FOUR -'.,'." ". :c,@tJR:'; TOWN ~'
~~. . r .. -' ..--. .'.. .
a. . . .
He held the boys pr~ctically spell-
bound during the half hour's discus-
"lfenlke . toU~ 0 S""'"
sion on tying knots. R. S. TOUHILL
"Bob" had large pieces of rope at
his disposal, with which de demon-
El let
eclrica ontrac or Worn-Brassy Parts of Your Car with
strated each step taken in tying the 501 S. Narberth Avenue Pure Silver. Reflectors, Lamps,
many varieties of knots a scout is . Radiator Shell
, LOOK LIKE NEW! To Buy In Philadelphia
required to tie in that particular B.tlmatu Fumlelle4
More Than 40 Come Regularly to t es.
t . Silver plates, worn·brassy bath room
; ••, ••_'--'-"_.,••~ ••-.-; fixtures, Sheffield Plate where copper
Library Reading Tables. He was highly complimented by ~ N. R. PEACOCK ~ shows, old spoons and forks. Buy a
Few of the people who hu~ry Scoutmasters VanAuke·n and Wil- _ Interior and Exterior Painting _ bottle of U-KAN-PLATE Polish TO- • When you can get in Narberth Radio Sets that are
in and out of the CommunIty son, as well as by the boys them- ~ WILL BE GLAD TO ESTIMATE ~ DAY from your local Dealer or De- guaranteed with service that is service ~
partment Store. $1.00 for half pint.
Library to exchange books re- selves. One of them expressed the - 407 Essex Avenue ~
alize how many of the best maga· concensus of opinion when he was ~ :Phone, Narbertll 2413'1 _ A. R. JUSTICE CO. One year's free service with every set we selJ.
zines are now available there reg- heard to remark: "Bob surely ~ -' 904 WALNUT ST. PHILA.
ularly on the reading tables. That knows his stuff!" Wedding GtTts in Silve" We have a set for every pocketbook.
is the reason, however, why every
chair about those tables is occu- Narberth 1683-W CUSTOM RADIO Large LIst of Main Une Bomes
Repairing Funds for 1st and 2d Mortgages Good sets from $49.50 complete with loud speaker
pied by intereste~ readers pract~ BYNESCO B. & L. Association Money
IF IT'S ANYTHING IN up to $3000.
cally all of the tnne that the ~I Installation and Service QuIck Settlements
brary is open. These two readmg RADIO
R. D. Smedley HURWITZ & THOMAS Our Prices are definitely lower than any reputable
tables by the way, are gifts of C.ROYSMITH 104 Dudley Avenue 2119 North 63rd St., below Overbrook house in Philadelphia.
Mrs. 'R. C. Jones, of Grayling Station. Overbrook 2405.
avenue and Mrs. R. C. 'Aungst, ABOUT IT 'Phone: Na1'berth 883-J
of Dudley avenue. Only Exclusive Dealer in Narberth, Merion, Wynne-
Most of the magazines are con- NlU'berth 2616
tributed to the Library, although VERL PUGH
Ardmore 163-J
New or Used All Makes Repahoed Valentines wood, BaJa-Cynwyd for Radio Corporation of Amer-
ica, Eagle Neutrodyne, Super-Zenith, Atwater Kent.
SEWING MACHINES Apex and Crosley.
some of them are procured by di- Elect1'ical Contractor (Phonc--]Jerlon 1458-M) at
reet subscription. Last year sev- LOUIS T. SCHOCH
eral requests were received for
Electrical Repairs and Appllanoos