B3 - International Catholic vs. NLRC, GR No. 72222
B3 - International Catholic vs. NLRC, GR No. 72222
B3 - International Catholic vs. NLRC, GR No. 72222
- ICMC maintains that private respondent is
not entitled to the award of salary for the unexpired
- ICMC is a non profit organization three-month portion of the probationary period
dedicated to refugee service at the Phils since her services were terminated during such
refugee processing center in bataan period when she failed to qualify as a regular
- Galang was hired as probationary cultural employee in accordance with the reasonable
orientation teacher on Jan 24, 1983 with standards prescribed by petitioner; that having been
a monthly salary of PHP 2,000.00 terminated on valid grounds during her
- 3 months after or on April 22, 1983, probationary period, or specifically on April 24,
1983, petitioner is not liable to private respondent
galang was informed orally and in
for services not rendered during the unexpired
writing that her services were terminated three-month period, otherwise, unjust enrichment
for her failure to meet the prescribed of her part would result; that under Article 282
standards of ICMC as reflected in the (now Article 281) of the Labor Code, if the
performance evaluation of her employer finds that the probationary employees
supervisors during the teacher evaluation does not meet the standards of employment set for
program she underwent along with other the position, the probationary employee may be
newly-hired personnel terminated at any time within the six-month period,
- Hence, this complaint without need of exhausting raid entire six-month
COMPLAINT FOR: illegal dismissal, unfair - A probationary employee, as understood
labor practice and unpaid wages under Article 282 (now Article 281) of the Labor
Code, is one who is on trial by an employer during
ISSUE: 1.) WON an employee who was which the employer determines whether or not he
terminated during the probationary period of her is qualified for permanent employment. A
probationary appointment is made to afford the
employment is entitled to her salary for the
employer an opportunity to observe the fitness of a
unexpired portion of her six month probationary probationer while at work, and to ascertain whether
employment. he will become a proper and efficient
employee. 9 The word "probationary", as used to
LABOR ARTIBER: describe the period of employment, implies the
purpose of the term or period, but not its length.
- Dismissed the complaint for illegal - As the law now stands, Article 281 of the
dismissal, moral and exemplary damages Labor Code gives ample authority to the employer
- Ordered to pay Galang 6,000 for the last to terminate a probationary employee for a just
3 months of the agreed employment cause or when he fails to qualify as a regular
(unexpired) employee in accordance with reasonable
standards made known by the employer to the
NLRC : Affirm LA’s decision employee at the time of his engagement. There is
nothing under Article 281 of the Labor Code that
SC DECISION: would preclude the employer from extending a
regular or a permanent appointment to an
- No illegal dismissal employee once the employer finds that the
- Complainant is not entitled to 6,000 employee is qualified for regular employment
even before the expiration of the probationary
period. Conversely, if the purpose sought by the
employer is neither attained nor attainable within
the said period, Article 281 of the Labor Code
does not likewise preclude the employer from
terminating the probationary employment on
justifiable causes as in the instant case.